thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Jules is in Tiberius’ room, cleaning and she finds the spell bowl under his bed. She smells what is left of the contents, and takes it to Mila….
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MILA- “There was definitely Witch Hazel, Diviner’s Sage and Vervain here, Jules. So do you think that he is casting spells of some kind?’
JULES- “I definitely think that, Mila and I can almost guarantee that he used some kind of mind compulsion on all of us.”
MILA- “Why haven’t we seen any outward signs that he has received vampiric gifts, Jules, this looks like it was just a simple spell? “
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JULES- “Mila, we saw it when he was born, don’t you remember when they took his blood sample and the prick healed almost instantaneously? And the time he fell and hit his head on the table when he first started walking.  Within three minutes the knot on his head was gone, and there was no bruising.  We have been given indications, we just refused to believe that HE knew. Tiberius is a very intelligent child. He knows a lot more than we realize. 
MILA- “So why do you think he just compelled us and not just use a spell?”
JULES- “I think he is trying to see if he can compel me, but I don’t think he is strong enough yet...but if he keeps playing with this, he will be and it just isn’t safe for us, or for him! Don’t you think it was quite unusual that you Michael and Bea had decided just last night  to send the boys to Alexandria in the fall, and then out of nowhere this morning at breakfast you told them they were going to be staying in Willow Creek for a few years and go to school here.”
MILA- “You really think he did this, Jules?”
JULES- “Mila, what other explanation could there be.”
MILA- “I think it is time to talk to him.”
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JULES- “Let me, he can not read my mind, me being a vampire. And I also think you need to talk to Michael and Bea, as I can almost bet that Joseph knows about all of this as well..”
MILA- “Okay, you talk to him and I will discuss this with Michael and Bebe...but I think it’s time we get him to Alexandria, Jules.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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MICHAEL- “You bought this ring from Saffie Boedell??!!”
POPPY- “Not sure. I only knew her as Saffie. She said the ring had lost it’s power because its owner was dead...her husband... but someone in the future was going to need it, and I would know who he was. So she sold it to me for 50 simoleons. She is long gone by now I am sure.”
MICHAEL- “Yeah, that she is...thanks Mr. Vernon.”
POPPY- “Anytime, but I am not reading your religious pamphlets, I have no use for any organized religion, so take your propaganda and go now!!”
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ZELDA - “Hi, Mr. Vernon, it is time for your physical therapy.”
MICHAEL - Could you give us just a few more minutes, Miss, this is important.”
HAROLD- “I told you two that I don’t need your propaganda, and I need to go with this pretty woman.  She gives me therapy every day at 1:00″
ZELDA- “I can come back later, if you wish.”
HAROLD- “No, I’m done with these people.  They just want to take my money for their cause. Let’s go...”
JULES- “I think he is finished, Michael. we should go before he gets upset.”
MICHAEL- I just have one---
HAROLD- “Son, it is in your best interest to listen to your wife. I said I was going to therapy. You should take care of that problem you got with that ring.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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MICHAEL- “You say she was a witch?”
POPPY- “Oh, yes definitely. I just loved the ring, she was just going to give it to me, but I told her I had to give her something for it.. I knew it was magical. But she told me to not tell anyone, and keep it until...well you came along.”
MICHAEL- “You recall her name?”
POPPY- “Sarah...no, was it Sassie?  Hmmm, such a pretty girl, she was pregnant then, so sad her husband died before she had her baby...what was her name???”
JULES- “Was she the girl that lived in the penthouse in San Myshuno, Poppy?”
POPPY- “Yeah, that pretty little blonde, an up and coming artist...what was her name?? ….SAFFIE!! Yes, that was it Saffie.”
MICHAEL- “You bought this off of Saffie Boedell???”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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JULES- “Poppy, you didn’t have to get up...it’s good to see you today.”
HAROLD- “Princess, I have been waiting since I got up this morning. You said you would be here at 10, it’s after lunch already!”
JULES- “I know, Poppy, I am sorry, some things came up.  Come on over here and sit down and talk with us.  I brought someone with me today to visit with you.  Remember Michael?”
HAROLD- “Yeah, that witch I gave the ring to?”
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MICHAEL - “Hi, Mr. Vernon.  Good to see you.”
HAROLD- “What was your name again, kid? Mitchell?”
MICHAEL- “Michael, Michael Boedell.”
HAROLD- “Do you know Vanetta here?  She is single, maybe you could ask her out.”
VANETTA- “Now, Harold, remember I told you I was engaged.  I am getting married next month. So you better stop trying to set me up with every guy that comes in here.  Rodney would not like that!”
HAROLD- “The more the merrier I say, right Mitchell?”
MICHAEL- “Right...so Mr. Vernon remember that ring you gave me back when were were in Strangerville?”
JULES- “You know dad, that costume jewelry.
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HAROLD- “Jules, that was NOT costume jewelry. It has magics. And of course I remember giving it to him. He was supposed to have it.  And why are you calling me dad, Princess, our dad died ages ago. I am beginning to think you are the one that needs to be in here!”
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Poppy looks at the ring and immediately his eyes widen and it is evident that he may not remember Michael, but he remembers the ring…
POPPY- “That thing!! Thank goodness I gave it to you. It was nothing but bad luck for me. “
MICHAEL- “Yeah, I am kind of going through that now as well. Listen, Mr. Vernon, do you remember where you got this ring?”
POPPY- “I paid for it!! No one gave it to me!”
JULES- “We understand that Poppy, who did you buy it off of?”
POPPY- “Way back, in the 80’s? Some cute little witch, she was living in the apartment building that I was living in, and I set up a table of stuff to sell. She was looking at some things I had, and then I asked her about the ring.  She said it was her late husband’s.  He had recently got killed in some kind of hit and run accident or something. She said I needed to hold on to it and give to a young boy when I get older. She told me he would be a witch named Michael.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Michael and Jules made their way over to the retirement center, where Harold “Poppy” has settled in quite nicely.
MICHAEL- “So has he gotten worse since coming here?”
JULES- “Somewhat,  the doctor said the change of his surroundings and routine is a probable cause of it, but once he gets used to it here, and the new routine we should see a little improvement. But he will never get better, just progressively worse.”
MICHAEL- “So they still believe you are his daughter, right?”
JULES- “Yes, which for him he also believes that as well.”
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As they enter the common area of the home, Jules sees him at the table playing chess with one of the staff. His day nurse, Vanetta Holmes meets them as they come towards where Harold is sitting.
VANETTA- “Hello Miss Vernon, good to see you.  Your dad has been talking about your visit all morning.”
JULES- “Good, so he remembered I was coming today.”
VANETTA- “I put it on his calendar on his day board, but he keeps referring to you as his sister. Just so you know.”
JULES- “That’s fine, he done that off and on when we lived in Strangerville too.”
VANETTA- “Okay, did he also talk about vampires killing people there?”
JULES- “Oh, yeah, he loved watching the vampire shows, and I think he got reality confused with the TV.”
VANETTA- “oh... okay, that explains a lot then.  Enjoy your visit, today.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Michael and Jules head back out to the car to leave, and as Michael looks at the ring, Jules senses something…
JULES- “So you think it was fate that you have this ring now don’t you?”
MICHAEL- “I certainly do not think that it is a coincidence that I have my great great great grandfather’s ring..what are the odds of that? And how the hell did Saffie Boedell even know about me, and why did she tell Poppy to give it to me?  This is even more bizarre than I imagined.”
JULES- “Maybe she saw something in the future...I mean you come from a long line of powerful witches, remember?...
MICHAEL- “I guess it could be, but why? Did she know I was going to need it to save Mila?  Or is there something else we don’t know?”
JULES- “Well if anyone can figure it out, it’s your dad, Alex.”
MICHAEL- “And if not him, I am sure Simon has some answers.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ALEX- “If I am not mistaken that ring is called the Navratna Ring, meaning nine gems. This ring is a combination of 9 strong and powerful gemstones.  We know that each gemstone has a power and property, for example Moon Stone is used to control anger, yellow sapphire is for prosperity, money etc, so a combination of 9 stones makes the ring very strong and powerful....However, each of the gemstones must be energized to work effectively.  Once all nine gems are “activated” this ring will do almost anything for the wearer. It will protect you from any type of accidents, problem and at the same time can even change your destiny. It can make you stronger and more powerful, as well as the gifts that you were born with. It can attract others to you and they will listen to you, as well as become infatuated by you, almost to the point of obsession. Black Magics will have no effect on you and if anyone tries to harm you or hurt those that you love they can be punished...or destroyed.”
MICHAEL- “So it really wasn’t me or my powers that destroyed Rupert?”
ALEX- “Well, yes and no. You had this power, but in very limited and weaker form, the ring intensified that power apparently. So when Rupert attacked Mila, it automatically was “energized” and destroyed that thing that was attacking the one you love.”
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MICHAEL- “Then GET IT OFF ME!!  I don’t want it.  And how in the hell did Jules’s brother get this ring??”
ALEX- “In order to get it off, I am going to have to do some research.  It is going to take a spell to remove it from you. How he got it, is a mystery. From what i recall when i read of this ring, it is ancient and was created by a witch in the days after the witch trials in Europesims. At that time it only had three gemstones, and over time other gemstones were added, and then it was lost. No one knowing where it was.  That isn’t an issue now, we have it.  Once I can remove it from your finger, then we can secure it at the Alexandria house so that no one can gain access to it.”
MICHAEL- “So what do I do until we can get it off?  And is it the cause of why I am feeling the way that I am?”
ALEX- “Yes, very likely the reason. It intensifies your emotions as well as your powers. What we can do is try and decrease your own innate abilities, which in turn would decrease the power the ring has on them. Simon is the only one that I know that would be able to cast that spell without doing harm to you or your true gifts.”
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MICHAEL- “Well it certainly sounds like a trip to Alexandria is my my future...and soon!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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RUPERT- “He is right, I gave her my blood, well not really my blood, but serum made from my tainted vampire blood, and in a few minutes she is going to wake up, and transition into a Vampire/Witch hybrid.  Hopefully the most powerful one we could even imagine!”
MICHAEL- “You crazy bastard!!!  
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Michael screams and raises his hands, his anger intensifies the magics within him and he suddenly throws all power that his has into Rupert, His scream becomes louder and louder and his power becomes stronger and stronger. Rupert stands there, seemingly frozen and unable to move then all of a sudden he explodes!!!!  
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John and Nathan go to  try and run out of the room, and Michael stops them by slamming the door shut.
ERWIN- “WHOA!!  I thought you said she was the powerful one...he just exploded an ancient vampire into thousands of pieces….!!  So COOL!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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MILA- “Well, first of all, this was something that I certainly was not counting on, and I know you were in the same frame of mind. But, it happened, and to be honest, I am quite excited about having a child. Not that I think I am going to be the world's greatest mother, but I have a lot of people supporting us, as it takes a village, right?”
SULLY- “Definitely, go on….”
MILA- “I do not want to co-parent with you Sully. It is not an option. I really want nothing to do with you, but this is your child, and from my own experiences of growing up with only one parent, It’s not the best for a child. I want you to be able to have a relationship with him or her.”
SULLY- “Thank you, and I would like that, very much.”
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MILA- “But, again, this child will be my sole responsibility and custody. As long as you are consistent in their life, and consistent in my ways of parenting them, I will not have any issues with you being a part of their childhood.  I think for the most part you are a good person, somewhat reckless and self absorbed, but a good nonetheless.”
SULLY- “Thank you, I appreciate you saying that. I am working on it daily, trust me.”
MILA- “Chances are this child is going to have gifts and abilities. Probably more than I can help them with.  So once they come of an age where their gifts become active, I want them to be trained and watched closely on how to use them and respect them.  In the same manner that my father and my brother and I were.”
SULLY- “I agree with that wholeheartedly. I see mother has discussed my family heritage, then?”
MILA- “Yes, and all the more reason to keep this child within the confines of the proper teachings and education of their gifts. I know this may not seem fair, but in all fairness this is not about either of us, this is about the well being and growth of our son or daughter.  So if you are in line with this, I have no issues with you being involved.”
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SULLY- “I couldn’t agree more with everything you have just said, Mila. I am not cut out to be a parent.  A dad, that I think I can handle, but the day to day work that it takes...well let’s just say it takes all I have to take care of myself. So yes.  I will abide by these rules or guidelines as they may be. I want to be a dad, and I want them to know who i am and that I can be there for them, support them, love them, and hopefully be the role model that they need for a father.”
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Mila looked at him in almost disbelief.  Could this be the same man she knew just five months earlier?  What has happened to him?  As she read his mind, she knew that this was not an act or farce.  He truly meant what he said.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ANICETA- “Mila, it is so good to see you. Why haven’t you been around lately?”
MILA- “Sorry, Miss Rocha, but Sully and I, well it just wouldn’t work out.”
ANICETA- “I am sure that would have been the case from the beginning. But you could come and see me, Sully left town a few days ago.  Moved to Oasis Springs with that Erica girl...you know the news reporter?”
MILA- “Oh, is that right?  Well good for them.”
ANICETA- “So are you doing okay?”
MILA- “Yes, I am doing fine.  I am actually leaving to move back to Willow Creek tomorrow. My dad’s are excited about us moving back home.”
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ANICETA- “I certainly do hate to hear that, but good for you.  So when is the baby due?”
MILA- “Baby? What baby?”
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ANICETA- “Your baby….”
MILA- “I am not having a baby!!  Why on earth would you think that?”
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ANICETA- “Oh sweetheart, trust me, There were a lot of things my father took from me when he stripped me of my powers, but I know when someone is with child, and you are definitely with child.”
MILA- “I think you are mistaken, there is no way I could be pregnant. I think you got it wrong, Miss Rocha...but I am glad I got to see you before we left. Good luck to you, and maybe we will see each other again someday.”
ANICETA- “You know we will honey. I mean you are carrying my grandchild, so I will definitely look you up soon….Plus there are some things you need to know about my family. I mean this baby will have our DNA, for sure!”
Jules looks at Mila and Mila just puts her hand on her stomach….
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MILA- “That is what I am afraid of
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ERWIN- “You are so smart, Jules.”
JULES- “No, I’ve just been around for 71 years, I’ve seen a lot of things...evil things.  IF this mastermind vampire is who I think it is, this is something he would be doing.  Creating a whole generation of super vampire witches.  Come on let’s go…”
ERWIN- “Go where?”
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JULES- “To get Mila and Michael, I want you to tell them what you told me, so they will believe you. We have to stop this Erwin!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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MICHAEL- “Where is Mila?”
JULES- “Over at the coven house with Alex. Why, what’s up?”
MICHAEL- “Are you busy?”
JULES- “No, not really, is everything okay?”
MICHAEL- “Yeah it, will be. I need to see your brother?”
JULES- “Poppy?? Why? I was heading over there before my hair appointment.”
MICHAEL- “Alex is doing some research on this ring, that I can not get off, and I thought seeing how your brother gave it to me, he may be able to shed some light on it, and about who he got it from.”
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JULES- “I doubt he can help you, Michael. His memory is going fast, but I guess it worth a try, come on you can ride with me.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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JULES- “You feeling okay, you seem like your anxious?”
MILA- “Anxious isn’t the word for it. I am almost six months pregnant, and my entire body feels like it is electrified, I am constantly hungry and I think I have slept a total of 8 hours in the last three days. Dante says it is because I am pregnant, but I don’t think it’s just that, Jules.  Yes, Anxious in the fourth degree.”
JULES- “What does your doctor say?”
MILA- “She is oblivious. All she says is that the baby is growing and is healthy. Okay, that’s fine, but what about me!? Something is just not right Jules.”
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JULES- “Maybe we should get a second opinion. Maybe check with Bebe, isn’t she a doctor?”
MILA- “Nurse practitioner, but yeah maybe a second opinion would be a good idea.  I will give her a call.
Elias comes out side and joins conversation
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ELIAS- “So how is my grandchild doing today?”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Mila is waiting at the cafe for Sully.  She looks around the cafe and does not recognize him as he walks to the table.
SULLY- “Sorry I am late, I had trouble finding this place. Willow Creek is not Strangerville, not a one horse town so to speak.”
MILA- “Sully??”
SULLY- “Were you expecting someone else?”
MILA- “Oh… uh no, sorry, just didn’t recognize you.”
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SULLY- “Well being clean and sober does have an effect on one’s appearance.  Plus I am trying to look a little more...normal. May I sit?”
MILA- “Oh...yes of course.”
SULLY- “So how are you feeling? Mother said that you were experiencing a lot of anxiety, I hope I haven’t added to that.”
MILA- “Yes, it is weird, I suppose just hormones, but no, meeting you has not made me more anxious. I decided a long time ago, how I was going to handle this conversation.”
SULLY- “Okay then, let me hear it then.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Darien and Timothy are staying at a hotel in San Myshuno.  Darien is watching TV while Timothy is showering. News comes on and Erica Collura is reporting from Strangerville
TV- “We have Erica Collura from WTSV out of Strangerville reporting on yet another bizarre new story from this bizarre town, that recently had a problem of alien plant infestation, now it seems something even worse has arrived in this town so aptly name...Erica, what is going on….
ERICA- “Hello Tony, yes, it seems that Strangerville is yet again being bombarded with the strange and supernatural… early yesterday morning the body of a young local girl, 19 year old, Jaylen Rivers was found near an abandoned Motel 6 just north of town off of the main highway that leads to the strange little town, nestled in the valley.  Law enforcement officials, and even the mayor have reported that young Miss Rivers, who recently graduated High School, was walking home about dusk night before last and was attacked by a wild animal, possibly a coyote. Her body was found this morning, mauled, yet very little blood was found at the scene….
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DARIEN- “TIMOTHY!!!  Get in here, you have to see this!”
Timothy comes into the room with a towel on and watches the news report…
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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JOHN- “Are we going to take her to the lab Boss?”
RUPERT- “Once her friend arrives, yes, but we need to do the injection now...Dr. Boedell?”
DANTE- “I can not do this, not to my own niece, this is crazy. It could kill her!”
RUPERT- “That is why you need to make perfectly sure that you give her the correct dosage, Doctor.”
DANTE- “I am NOT doing this…”
RUPERT begins to compel him and within seconds, Dante goes to the desk and grabs the syringe and heads over to where Mila is trapped in the machine,
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