thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Eight years and now it is just referred to as...The Incident, because of Ulysses’ I desire to become realm master, or LORD of WITCHES as he called it.  He came back in the body of his own brother, Antoni Rocha, a prince of Selvadorada, and a powerful witch. Then after the War of the Witches, he returned in the body of his very own son, Neville Rocha, it was Neville’s body that came to the graduation party for me, and Joseph that to begin his plan to seat me as the realm master, then destroy me, and take the throne for himself.
The council met, and discussed how to finally defeat this monster, that seemed to live on in the bodies of those he had taken.
SIMON- “He controls their bodies, so we know his spirit is stronger than any witch, we have ever encountered.  We will have to look into the dark magics to conquer him, that is the only way.”
MILA- “I agree, Simon, this magic he uses is black magics, and the only way to defeat it is to use it against him.”
ALEX- “Tiberius and Joseph, should in no way be involved in this, especially Tiberius, as he is a descendant of this evil magic, and it could be dangerous to him.”
TIBERIUS- “But me being of his blood may be the only thing that can destroy it, Grandfather!! “
MILA- “No!  Ty. I agree with Alex, we can not take that chance.  He could kill you, then take your body, along with your gifts and powers, and he would be indestructible and we would have no way to defeat him then.”
TIBERIUS- “Mother, he can not kill me!! and grandmother said----
ALEX- “Ty, you are his ultimate goal.  He knows about you, and knows you are immortal, if he can control you and take over---”
TIBERIUS- “I will not let him, Grandfather!”
SIMON- “I am sorry Tiberius, but it was your grandmother that lead him back here and allowed him to return to her coven, even though she knew of the dangers. And he very well, could kill you. We do not know just what powers he possess”
MICHAEL- “I know a way we can end this.”
ELIAS- “No Michael, I will not allow it.  We do not know the effects of what it will do to you.”
MICHAEL- “It is the only way to stop him, father.  When Simon researched it, he linked it back to the old Rocha clan. It was created by them centuries ago, and now that it has all of the elements in place, it is the only thing we have to take him out.”
MILA- “When you wore it before, Michael, it almost destroyed you, your spirit and your gifts.”
SIMON- “We do not know what the effects would have if we used this on Ulysses, being created by his ancestors, it very well could act as energy, and make him even stronger. I have to agree with your fathers Michael, we can not allow you to use that ring.”
TIBERIUS- “Then let me!!”
Elias, Simon, Mila and Alex in unison--- “NO!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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About that time Aniceta walks over to her son and grandson, and interjects into their conversation.
ANICETA- “Yes, Ty, it is somewhat weird that he has faded into the woodwork so to speak, and I can not seem to read his thoughts, and he has not been forthcoming at all about his whereabouts. It did concern me at first, but he has been back now almost six months.  He hasn’t done anything to give me any reason for concern.”
TIBERIUS- “I still think I would keep a close eye on him, from what you have told me about him, this could be a plan of some kind. Maybe when I come to the island next week, I can try and see if I can read his mind and just see what is going on in there. It would give you some more satisfaction and security that he is on the up and up.”
ANICETA- “So you are coming for the summer!?  I am delighted. I will make sure to have a room ready for you.”
SULLY- “It will be good to have you there, Ty.”
As they are talking, Michael is also having a conversation with his son, and Corbin Goth.
MICHAEL- “So, what are your plans for the summer, boys?”
CORBIN- “I wanted to go to Windenburg, but Joseph has decided to go to Selvadorada with Ty, so it looks like a summer in the tropics is our destination.”
JOSEPH- “I just thought being in a whole different culture would be enlightening, even if it is just for the summer.  Plus, Ty says it is beautiful there. Peaceful.”
MICHAEL- “I think you both will enjoy it, but maybe compromise and spend half the summer there, and the other half in Windenburg?”
 JOSEPH-“That’s an idea, maybe we will do that.”
CORBIN- “Oh so if your dad suggests it, it is something you would consider, but not when I suggested it.”
JOSEPH- “You never mentioned that, Corbin.”
CORBIN- “I thought you could read minds?  Hmmm, guess not.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Several Years Prior
Joseph and Tiberius’ parents discuss the future teachings of their sons….
BEBE- “I really had hoped that Joseph could remain here in Willow Creek until 7th or 8th grade before going to Alexandria for training.  He is just so young, and he doesn’t use his gifts inappropriately … not as of yet.”
MICHAEL- “I agree, we really want to wait as long as possible to send him there.  It is such a distance and I remember how hard it was for Mila and I to go there at such a young age. Totally separated from our fathers and our home.”
JULES- Regardless if Joseph goes now or later, Ty needs guidance soon, before he starts acting out.”
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MILA- “I completely agree too, but we believe that Ty would be better off under the teachings of Simon and the teachers at Alexandria.  I mean there is just so much they can teach them that we can’t.”
BEBE- “I understand that the school in Alexandria is more for the supernatural, and magic teachings. If neither of the boys are not misusing their gifts, why send them there now at this point. We can continue their teaching here of the basics, and once they are older, then I would feel more comfortable sending Joseph.  Until then I want him here.”
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MICHAEL- “Bebe, we need to protect him as well.  And Tiberius too. It’s not what we want, but what they are going to need.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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MICHAEL- “You bought this ring from Saffie Boedell??!!”
POPPY- “Not sure. I only knew her as Saffie. She said the ring had lost it’s power because its owner was dead...her husband... but someone in the future was going to need it, and I would know who he was. So she sold it to me for 50 simoleons. She is long gone by now I am sure.”
MICHAEL- “Yeah, that she is...thanks Mr. Vernon.”
POPPY- “Anytime, but I am not reading your religious pamphlets, I have no use for any organized religion, so take your propaganda and go now!!”
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ZELDA - “Hi, Mr. Vernon, it is time for your physical therapy.”
MICHAEL - Could you give us just a few more minutes, Miss, this is important.”
HAROLD- “I told you two that I don’t need your propaganda, and I need to go with this pretty woman.  She gives me therapy every day at 1:00″
ZELDA- “I can come back later, if you wish.”
HAROLD- “No, I’m done with these people.  They just want to take my money for their cause. Let’s go...”
JULES- “I think he is finished, Michael. we should go before he gets upset.”
MICHAEL- I just have one---
HAROLD- “Son, it is in your best interest to listen to your wife. I said I was going to therapy. You should take care of that problem you got with that ring.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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MICHAEL- “You say she was a witch?”
POPPY- “Oh, yes definitely. I just loved the ring, she was just going to give it to me, but I told her I had to give her something for it.. I knew it was magical. But she told me to not tell anyone, and keep it until...well you came along.”
MICHAEL- “You recall her name?”
POPPY- “Sarah...no, was it Sassie?  Hmmm, such a pretty girl, she was pregnant then, so sad her husband died before she had her baby...what was her name???”
JULES- “Was she the girl that lived in the penthouse in San Myshuno, Poppy?”
POPPY- “Yeah, that pretty little blonde, an up and coming artist...what was her name?? ….SAFFIE!! Yes, that was it Saffie.”
MICHAEL- “You bought this off of Saffie Boedell???”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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JULES- “Poppy, you didn’t have to get up...it’s good to see you today.”
HAROLD- “Princess, I have been waiting since I got up this morning. You said you would be here at 10, it’s after lunch already!”
JULES- “I know, Poppy, I am sorry, some things came up.  Come on over here and sit down and talk with us.  I brought someone with me today to visit with you.  Remember Michael?”
HAROLD- “Yeah, that witch I gave the ring to?”
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MICHAEL - “Hi, Mr. Vernon.  Good to see you.”
HAROLD- “What was your name again, kid? Mitchell?”
MICHAEL- “Michael, Michael Boedell.”
HAROLD- “Do you know Vanetta here?  She is single, maybe you could ask her out.”
VANETTA- “Now, Harold, remember I told you I was engaged.  I am getting married next month. So you better stop trying to set me up with every guy that comes in here.  Rodney would not like that!”
HAROLD- “The more the merrier I say, right Mitchell?”
MICHAEL- “Right...so Mr. Vernon remember that ring you gave me back when were were in Strangerville?”
JULES- “You know dad, that costume jewelry.
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HAROLD- “Jules, that was NOT costume jewelry. It has magics. And of course I remember giving it to him. He was supposed to have it.  And why are you calling me dad, Princess, our dad died ages ago. I am beginning to think you are the one that needs to be in here!”
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Poppy looks at the ring and immediately his eyes widen and it is evident that he may not remember Michael, but he remembers the ring…
POPPY- “That thing!! Thank goodness I gave it to you. It was nothing but bad luck for me. “
MICHAEL- “Yeah, I am kind of going through that now as well. Listen, Mr. Vernon, do you remember where you got this ring?”
POPPY- “I paid for it!! No one gave it to me!”
JULES- “We understand that Poppy, who did you buy it off of?”
POPPY- “Way back, in the 80’s? Some cute little witch, she was living in the apartment building that I was living in, and I set up a table of stuff to sell. She was looking at some things I had, and then I asked her about the ring.  She said it was her late husband’s.  He had recently got killed in some kind of hit and run accident or something. She said I needed to hold on to it and give to a young boy when I get older. She told me he would be a witch named Michael.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Michael and Jules made their way over to the retirement center, where Harold “Poppy” has settled in quite nicely.
MICHAEL- “So has he gotten worse since coming here?”
JULES- “Somewhat,  the doctor said the change of his surroundings and routine is a probable cause of it, but once he gets used to it here, and the new routine we should see a little improvement. But he will never get better, just progressively worse.”
MICHAEL- “So they still believe you are his daughter, right?”
JULES- “Yes, which for him he also believes that as well.”
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As they enter the common area of the home, Jules sees him at the table playing chess with one of the staff. His day nurse, Vanetta Holmes meets them as they come towards where Harold is sitting.
VANETTA- “Hello Miss Vernon, good to see you.  Your dad has been talking about your visit all morning.”
JULES- “Good, so he remembered I was coming today.”
VANETTA- “I put it on his calendar on his day board, but he keeps referring to you as his sister. Just so you know.”
JULES- “That’s fine, he done that off and on when we lived in Strangerville too.”
VANETTA- “Okay, did he also talk about vampires killing people there?”
JULES- “Oh, yeah, he loved watching the vampire shows, and I think he got reality confused with the TV.”
VANETTA- “oh... okay, that explains a lot then.  Enjoy your visit, today.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Michael and Jules head back out to the car to leave, and as Michael looks at the ring, Jules senses something…
JULES- “So you think it was fate that you have this ring now don’t you?”
MICHAEL- “I certainly do not think that it is a coincidence that I have my great great great grandfather’s ring..what are the odds of that? And how the hell did Saffie Boedell even know about me, and why did she tell Poppy to give it to me?  This is even more bizarre than I imagined.”
JULES- “Maybe she saw something in the future...I mean you come from a long line of powerful witches, remember?...
MICHAEL- “I guess it could be, but why? Did she know I was going to need it to save Mila?  Or is there something else we don’t know?”
JULES- “Well if anyone can figure it out, it’s your dad, Alex.”
MICHAEL- “And if not him, I am sure Simon has some answers.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ALEX- “If I am not mistaken that ring is called the Navratna Ring, meaning nine gems. This ring is a combination of 9 strong and powerful gemstones.  We know that each gemstone has a power and property, for example Moon Stone is used to control anger, yellow sapphire is for prosperity, money etc, so a combination of 9 stones makes the ring very strong and powerful....However, each of the gemstones must be energized to work effectively.  Once all nine gems are “activated” this ring will do almost anything for the wearer. It will protect you from any type of accidents, problem and at the same time can even change your destiny. It can make you stronger and more powerful, as well as the gifts that you were born with. It can attract others to you and they will listen to you, as well as become infatuated by you, almost to the point of obsession. Black Magics will have no effect on you and if anyone tries to harm you or hurt those that you love they can be punished...or destroyed.”
MICHAEL- “So it really wasn’t me or my powers that destroyed Rupert?”
ALEX- “Well, yes and no. You had this power, but in very limited and weaker form, the ring intensified that power apparently. So when Rupert attacked Mila, it automatically was “energized” and destroyed that thing that was attacking the one you love.”
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MICHAEL- “Then GET IT OFF ME!!  I don’t want it.  And how in the hell did Jules’s brother get this ring??”
ALEX- “In order to get it off, I am going to have to do some research.  It is going to take a spell to remove it from you. How he got it, is a mystery. From what i recall when i read of this ring, it is ancient and was created by a witch in the days after the witch trials in Europesims. At that time it only had three gemstones, and over time other gemstones were added, and then it was lost. No one knowing where it was.  That isn’t an issue now, we have it.  Once I can remove it from your finger, then we can secure it at the Alexandria house so that no one can gain access to it.”
MICHAEL- “So what do I do until we can get it off?  And is it the cause of why I am feeling the way that I am?”
ALEX- “Yes, very likely the reason. It intensifies your emotions as well as your powers. What we can do is try and decrease your own innate abilities, which in turn would decrease the power the ring has on them. Simon is the only one that I know that would be able to cast that spell without doing harm to you or your true gifts.”
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MICHAEL- “Well it certainly sounds like a trip to Alexandria is my my future...and soon!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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RUPERT- “He is right, I gave her my blood, well not really my blood, but serum made from my tainted vampire blood, and in a few minutes she is going to wake up, and transition into a Vampire/Witch hybrid.  Hopefully the most powerful one we could even imagine!”
MICHAEL- “You crazy bastard!!!  
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Michael screams and raises his hands, his anger intensifies the magics within him and he suddenly throws all power that his has into Rupert, His scream becomes louder and louder and his power becomes stronger and stronger. Rupert stands there, seemingly frozen and unable to move then all of a sudden he explodes!!!!  
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John and Nathan go to  try and run out of the room, and Michael stops them by slamming the door shut.
ERWIN- “WHOA!!  I thought you said she was the powerful one...he just exploded an ancient vampire into thousands of pieces….!!  So COOL!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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MICHAEL- “Where is Mila?”
JULES- “Over at the coven house with Alex. Why, what’s up?”
MICHAEL- “Are you busy?”
JULES- “No, not really, is everything okay?”
MICHAEL- “Yeah it, will be. I need to see your brother?”
JULES- “Poppy?? Why? I was heading over there before my hair appointment.”
MICHAEL- “Alex is doing some research on this ring, that I can not get off, and I thought seeing how your brother gave it to me, he may be able to shed some light on it, and about who he got it from.”
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JULES- “I doubt he can help you, Michael. His memory is going fast, but I guess it worth a try, come on you can ride with me.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Mila starts to cast the spell over the area where less than 24 hours earlier, Jaylen was killed. Michael is on watch out….
MICHAEL- “You almost ready?”
MILA- “Almost, just keep your eyes peeled for anyone coming this way.”
MICHAEL- “I got you Sis…
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She begins casting the spell and almost immediately she begins to see what had transpired the night before. She now knows that it was vampire that attacked Jaylen... 
But just as she was trying to see if she recognized the vampire, she hears Michael yelling her name.  The spell is broken and the mist dissipates and the boy she met earlier, Nathan is holding Michael.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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DANTE- “From all the blood tests and everything I can see, It looks like this serum didn’t work on you, Mila.”
MILA- “I told you I was fine. Can we get the hell out of here now and get you home. I need to call Darien and tell him you are safe.”
JULES- “I don’t understand this, Dr. Boedell. We saw what happened to the witch that you did this to before. He became a frenzied psychopath vampire...why does it seem that Mila hasn’t been affected at all?”
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DANTE- “Rupert may not have injected enough of the serum, but Mila is alive, I mean really alive, not like vampire alive, and there are no traces of vampire serum in her system. No fangs, no evidence of anything.”
MILA- “I TOLD YOU ALL THAT!!  Can we go home now?”
DANTE- “Yeah I suppose, we just need to keep an eye on you for the next three days or so to make sure this is not just taking it’s time.”
MILA- “I think that my powers were just too strong for the serum, Dante. It probably worked like natural antibodies and killed off the effects of the serum.”
DANTE- “Let’s hope you are right.  But there is something else, Mila... let’s get the others and get out of here and we can talk.”
MICHAEL- “Yeah, I think you are right.  Okay, let’s all just go home.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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MILA- “Okay, once I cast the spell, I need you to make sure no one interrupts me. I should be able to see exactly what happened here, but I can’t be interrupted.
MICHAEL- Are you sure this is going to work?”
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MILA- “Of course it will, Michael. You have on the necklace right?
MICHAEL- Yeah, and you are good?”
MILA- I put a protection spell on myself, so yes, I should be good, but while I am doing this re-visitation spell, the protection spell is weakened, this is why I can not be interrupted.”
MILA- “Okay then, let’s do this.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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MICHAEL- “Jaylen’s mother was a mess.  It was horrible, Mila. I wish now I would not have went over there.”
MILA- “I could not imagine what she is going through.”
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MICHAEL- “Honestly, tell me the truth, Mila, do you think a vampire did this?”
MILA- “How about you come out with me to the crime scene and we can find out….”
MICHAEL- “Are you sure it’s safe?”
MILA- “100%, if this was the work of a vampire, they can’t do anything to us. Right?  You have the necklace, and I can cast a protection spell.  We will be fine.  I want to know for sure, what really happened, and this is the only way to know for sure.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Meanwhile as the sun began to move behind the mountains of Strangerville, Michael has teleport-ed himself to Jules’ trailer...
POPPY- Hey boy, where did you come from?”
MICHAEL- “Hello sir, sorry, but I was looking for Jules is she home?”
POPPY- “Jules?  I don’t know any Jules...oh wait yes, you mean Princess, yeah...I mean no she is not home. She just left here with some red-headed boy, said they need to stop the vampires.”
MICHAEL- “Yeah...we do!  They have my sister.”
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POPPY- “Well, I know where they stay, and I bet that is where the princess went. You know that crash site just over on the old Pries farm?”
MICHAEL- “Yes, sir, I do, so they are out there, right out in the open?”
POPPY- “Oh, no, there is an old bunker underneath that plane that old man Pries built years ago, all them nasty vampires are inside there. I could have told Princess this weeks ago, but she never asked.”
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