thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ELIAS- “Have you walked with the Devil, Tiberius?”
TIBERIUS- “I think you know the answer to that, Grandfather.”
ELIAS- “Well, listen to me then… the only way to change the course of events that are about to take place is to shake his hand, and tell him that you are better than him, and walk ahead of him.”
TIBERIUS- “I don’t understand, Grandfather.  Your riddles have always been difficult for me.”
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ELIAS- “Tiberius, this is no riddle.  You have been walking with him long enough.  It is time, you show him that he is not who he thinks he is, and that you are the Prince. You were destined for this, and he knows it, that is why he has tried for generations to stop it. Shake his hand, and tell him goodbye, Tiberius. Your grandfather, Prince Ulysses couldn’t, and wouldn’t. Your father had no power, and your mother is now also powerless, and your cousin, Joseph would be over taken by him.  Only you can do this. But there must be NO hesitation. Once you look him in the eye, and take his hand, it must be done. Regardless of who is there with you, and who may fall.”
TIBERIUS- “But how will I know----
ELIAS- “Who he is?  Oh, Tiberius, you will know, just as sure as you are standing here, you will know. When you look at pure evil in the eye, there will be no doubt in whose eyes you are looking into.”
TIBERIUS- “Very well, I understand now. But before I go, I can touch you Grandfather. The ring I now wear holds the power of healing----”
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ELIAS- “NO!!  You can not, Tiberius! Listen closely, again at what I say, there can be nothing...NOTHING gained by changing the course of one's life.  Do you understand?  It isn’t about the consequences of misusing our gifts, it is the power of nature that will ultimately win, regardless of what we do to try and change it. That is how you will win this battle Tiberius, because what the devil has done is changing the course of nature.  Once you take back that control, you win.  We all win.  And I do not want to stay here any longer, my time is over now and I will leave, as will Alex in time. You must focus on the task at hand. Do not be sidetracked, or caught off guard. Shake his hand, and take the control and walk away, turning your back to him. And don’t do as Job’s wife. Do not look back.  Do you completely understand now?”
TIBERIUS- “Yes, I do sir.”
ELIAS- “Very well, then go.  Now. Use those powers that I have heard others speak of and leave this place, and do what you were destined to do. And Tiberius, I have always loved you. These things that transpired had to be.”
With Elias’s words, Tiberius stood, kissed Elias on the forehead, then went to his grandfather’s window and simply vanished. Elias lowered his head upon the pillow, smiled and then passed from this life.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Eight years and now it is just referred to as...The Incident, because of Ulysses’ I desire to become realm master, or LORD of WITCHES as he called it.  He came back in the body of his own brother, Antoni Rocha, a prince of Selvadorada, and a powerful witch. Then after the War of the Witches, he returned in the body of his very own son, Neville Rocha, it was Neville’s body that came to the graduation party for me, and Joseph that to begin his plan to seat me as the realm master, then destroy me, and take the throne for himself.
The council met, and discussed how to finally defeat this monster, that seemed to live on in the bodies of those he had taken.
SIMON- “He controls their bodies, so we know his spirit is stronger than any witch, we have ever encountered.  We will have to look into the dark magics to conquer him, that is the only way.”
MILA- “I agree, Simon, this magic he uses is black magics, and the only way to defeat it is to use it against him.”
ALEX- “Tiberius and Joseph, should in no way be involved in this, especially Tiberius, as he is a descendant of this evil magic, and it could be dangerous to him.”
TIBERIUS- “But me being of his blood may be the only thing that can destroy it, Grandfather!! “
MILA- “No!  Ty. I agree with Alex, we can not take that chance.  He could kill you, then take your body, along with your gifts and powers, and he would be indestructible and we would have no way to defeat him then.”
TIBERIUS- “Mother, he can not kill me!! and grandmother said----
ALEX- “Ty, you are his ultimate goal.  He knows about you, and knows you are immortal, if he can control you and take over---”
TIBERIUS- “I will not let him, Grandfather!”
SIMON- “I am sorry Tiberius, but it was your grandmother that lead him back here and allowed him to return to her coven, even though she knew of the dangers. And he very well, could kill you. We do not know just what powers he possess”
MICHAEL- “I know a way we can end this.”
ELIAS- “No Michael, I will not allow it.  We do not know the effects of what it will do to you.”
MICHAEL- “It is the only way to stop him, father.  When Simon researched it, he linked it back to the old Rocha clan. It was created by them centuries ago, and now that it has all of the elements in place, it is the only thing we have to take him out.”
MILA- “When you wore it before, Michael, it almost destroyed you, your spirit and your gifts.”
SIMON- “We do not know what the effects would have if we used this on Ulysses, being created by his ancestors, it very well could act as energy, and make him even stronger. I have to agree with your fathers Michael, we can not allow you to use that ring.”
TIBERIUS- “Then let me!!”
Elias, Simon, Mila and Alex in unison--- “NO!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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As Tiberius entered the room, Mila was behind him. When he looked at the once strong and vibrant man that he knew as Elias Boedell, he felt a gnawing pain in his chest, and a lump in his throat, as he knew what was close. He barely recognized him.
ELIAS- “Mila, I want to talk to my grandson alone, please.”
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MILA- “Sure father, I will let you two visit.”  As she shut the door, Elias looked at Tiberius and tears were in his eyes.
ELIAS- “Tiberius, pull up a chair, come closer I want to look at your face. You look so much Like Michael, except the shape of your eyes are your fathers.”
TIBERIUS- “It isn’t nice to talk of the dead, Grandfather.”
ELIAS- “I will be there with them both soon enough, I will make my apologies.  But it isn’t the dead we need to discuss, it is those that remain living in this world.”
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TIBERIUS- “Yes, I suppose you are right. But time certainly has a way to keep us from doing that, as we think we have plenty of time for it, when in reality we don’t”
ELIAS- “No, we don’t but you certainly do, Tiberius. I know what Alex has done. I told him he must give you the ring.”
TIBERIUS- “Grandfather, I swear that I will not---
ELIAS- “Tiberius, don’t.  Do not make any promises that you may not be able to keep.  What needs to be done, HAS to be done, and many times when we do what has to be done, there are sacrifices, and casualties, such as in war.  This is a war, Tiberius.  Much like the war I tried to prevent when I went back in time. But ultimately, he still happened.  There is only one way to change fate.”
TIBERIUS- “If you know how to do that, please tell me.”
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ELIAS- “Have you walked with the Devil, Tiberius?”
TIBERIUS- “I think you know the answer to that, Grandfather.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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JULES- “You feeling okay, you seem like your anxious?”
MILA- “Anxious isn’t the word for it. I am almost six months pregnant, and my entire body feels like it is electrified, I am constantly hungry and I think I have slept a total of 8 hours in the last three days. Dante says it is because I am pregnant, but I don’t think it’s just that, Jules.  Yes, Anxious in the fourth degree.”
JULES- “What does your doctor say?”
MILA- “She is oblivious. All she says is that the baby is growing and is healthy. Okay, that’s fine, but what about me!? Something is just not right Jules.”
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JULES- “Maybe we should get a second opinion. Maybe check with Bebe, isn’t she a doctor?”
MILA- “Nurse practitioner, but yeah maybe a second opinion would be a good idea.  I will give her a call.
Elias comes out side and joins conversation
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ELIAS- “So how is my grandchild doing today?”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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The next morning.  Aniceta arrived late the night before, and they are all having breakfast together. Aniceta is asking about Elias’s wife, and history….
ELIAS- “I know one thing, having a set of twins was a handful, if my mother wasn’t around to help, I am not sure what I would have done.”
ANICETA- “So your mother was non magical?”
ELIAS- “Mother was non magical, yes.  However, she had many gifts. Father was the only one that had the gift of magics. But his mother---”
ANICETA- “Oh, yes, we all knew of Vada Boedell. Even on our Island, she was talked about. Unfortunately my father did not abide by her teachings and ways. He used his gifts for his own purposes...but he thought he was doing right.”
ELIAS- “So your father is the coven master there on the island?”
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ANICETA- “Yes, but we refer to our leaders in a royal fashion, as is our custom..  He is the Prince Warlock, meaning he is the leader of of coven. He is very powerful...which is why I wanted to talk to you Mila.”
MILA- “Powerful, in magics or how?”
ANICETA- “Oh yes in magics, but not powerful in morales or proper use of those magics. My father is greedy, and materialistic. Everything he does, he does to make his life comfortable. He is a prince in the true form of the word. Lavish lifestyle, best of the best, and all accumulated by magics and manipulation. I am concerned for the child you carry.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ELIAS- “I do not believe that is going to be an issue, Aniceta.  Our teachings are very strong against using our gifts for our own purposes, as the consequences are too great.”
ANICETA- “And I agree with that, Master Boedell, 100%, but many times traits are passed down from generation to generation. My father, Ulysses has traits that are not of this world, I do believe. In our country there are two kinds of magic, as there are within your world. Good, and dark. But we also have another magic in our country. We called it Dragão… a magic of natural elements, using wind, earth and most of all fire. Not only is this powerful magic but it is also very rare, and it is passed down genetically. My father has abilities to control these elements, and usually not used in a good way.”
MILA- “You think this child could be gifted with these types of elemental magics?”
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ANICETA- “Yes, it is possible, and he would need to be trained on how to use them properly.  They are very powerful magics, and should only be used in extreme circumstances.”
ELIAS- “The School in Alexandria is very diverse and has many types of education in the way of all magics. So if this child is blessed with elemental gifts, we will see that he learns the proper use of them.”
ANICETA- “There is one more thing, Mila. It is about Sully.”
ELIAS- “What about him?”
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ANICETA- “He knows you are with child. His child...and he is insisting on coming here to talk to you. I wanted to give you a heads up. Sully is finally in a good place for once, and I think he honestly wants to be part of this child’s life, but I am apprehensive.  He has went through episodes before when he was clean, but they didn’t last long.  I hope this is different. I found a place here in Willow Creek until the baby comes.  I hope that is okay.  I just thought it would be better if he was not here in the same house as you.”
MILA- “I agree, and I hope he has changed, Aniceta, because if not, I will see to that he will not have any access to this child.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ELIAS- “Twins!? Laurel, I am excited, but reluctant, I mean with your diabetes we were advised to not try for children. What does the doctor say?”
LAUREL- “She said that there is a higher risk for me and the babies, but they can monitor me weekly, and can even set up for a cesarean birth early in case any complications arise. I really think this is a blessing, Eli. Twins!  I mean what are the chances?”
ELIAS- “Sweetheart, like I said I am excited too, and I would love for us to have children, but I’m a little scared--- for you to be honest. My premonitions are not good about this.”
LAUREL- “If you think we should terminate---
ELIAS- “No, I mean, I don’t know. This is a blessing, but at what cost? It’s like a catch 22. I love you more than anything, and I would love for us to have children together. Like I said my gifts are at high alert.”
LAUREL- “I understand, and your gift of premonition has been right many many times, but there have been times that we have change the course of events which in turn changes the outcome, right. With the doctor monitoring me closely, I really think we can overcome anything that may put me or the babies at risk.”
ELIAS- “You really want this, don’t you?”
LAUREL- “More than anything, Eli.”
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ELIAS- “Okay, then, but at any time there is a problem---
LAUREL- “I know.”
ELIAS- “Okay, then, I guess we are going to be parents then!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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After she had done everything humanly possible, Dr. Wallace called Eli in for a conference.
DR. WALLACE- “Eli, Laurel is fighting, but we can not get her stabilized. Unfortunately, I am not sure that she is going to come out of this, her liver and kidneys have shut down. I am sorry. We did everything we could do throughout this entire pregnancy to keep this from happening, but we just do not know how the body is going to react.  Especially when the babies went into pre labor.  It was like a shock to her entire system..”
ELIAS- “We both knew of the risks, Dr., but everything seemed to be going just fine.”
DR. WALLACE- “Yes, and we thought so too, but like I said when the body decided to send her into labor early, things escalated. It was completely out of our control.”
Elias was lost, he knew this was going to be the outcome. He had the premonition, and tried to warn Laurel, but this is what she wanted. Her children.  And now it looked as though she was not going to be here to raise them. He broke down.
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DR.  WALLACE- “I am sorry, Eli, truly I am. I was so hoping for a different outcome.  I know how much having these babies meant to Laurel. To both of you.”
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ELIAS- “Can I see her?  can I see my wife?”
DR. WALLACE- “Yes, of course. We have taken off all the life support, as her Living Will directed, as they are no longer sustaining her at this point.  You can have all the time you need, Eli....”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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The entire pregnancy was going amazingly well. Laurel’s glucose levels were under control, and little or no swelling was occurring. They were almost positive that everything was going to be fine, but 3 weeks before her scheduled cesarean, the babies decided they were not going to wait…. When Laurel’s water broke, and her vision began to get cloudy, and dizziness ensued, Elizabeth and Eli rushed her to the hospital.
ELIAS- “My wife is in premature labor, her water broke and now she is having symptoms that—
RECEPTIONIST- “Okay, I have called back to the delivery room, they are going to send someone out immediately. Just remain calm, they have everything under control.
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LAUREL- “I’m worried, Eli, this is not good.”
ELIZABETH- “They are going to be fine, Laurel. You are far enough along that they should be fine, and the doctor knows what they are doing.”
ELIAS- “I just hope the doctor is here in the hospital….”
The doctor was, and Laurel was rushed back into surgery.  Her blood pressure had dropped and she was experiencing preeclampsia,  this meant that the babies needed to be delivered right away.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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LAUREL- “Alex!!  I am so glad you made it!”
ALEX- “Congrats, Laurel.  You look beautiful.”
LAUREL- “I can not stop smiling!  I am Mrs. Elias Boedell! The happiest day of my life!”
ALEX- “And I am happy for both of you....
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ALANA- “So have you heard anything from Emma?”
ALEX- “No, but she is in Oasis Springs with her aunt. Father did a locator spell to make sure she made it there okay.”
ELIAS- “In time, Alex she will understand and thank you for not marrying her.”
ALEX- “Maybe, but let’s celebrate you two!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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The day finally arrived, Elias James Boedell and Laurel Cassandra Evans soon will become husband and wife. No one had heard from Alex, so Elias didn’t know if he would even show up for the wedding. Emma had contacted Laurel and apologized to her for not being able to be there for her special day.  Of course Laurel was not upset with her, and told her she completely understood.
Bebe was excited to be the flower girl, or as she called it, Little Bride.
BEBE- “Mama, Little Bride ready can we go?”
ALANA- “In just a moment sweetheart, Uncle Elias needs to get in his place, and then you can walk up to him.”
BEBE- “Aunt Laurel was bootiefull”
ALANA- “Yes, she certainly is...
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RYDER- “Look at her Alana...just think in a few years she really will be the bride, walking up the aisle to meet her own partner.”
ALANA- “That’s a long long time from now Ryder.”
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BEBE- “Unlce Lias...Laurel is bootiefull!”
ELIAS- “I know, and she is going to be my wife very soon!”
RYDER- “Okay, Bebe, shhh, here she comes...”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Simon began the process and began to call upon the ghosts of the past to rescind their gifts. And as he began the spell, Eli could feel the presence of the powers fading from him. Simon continued with the spell, and began to clear Elias’s mind of the memories of the reality he was from, and replace them with memories of this altered reality. As he continued the spell, Eli became almost frozen as he stood there, unable to move or have any consciousness, but remained on his feet.  In a matter of minutes, the transition was complete, and Eli was now Elias Boedell, of this altered reality, minus the extra powers.  
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ELIAS- “Alex! You made it!”
ALEX- “It’s my best friends wedding. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t show up at all.”
ELIAS- “Thanks for coming, it means a lot!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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LAUREL- “l am the happiest woman alive right now, Eli” ELIAS- “ Mrs. Boedell, you have made me pretty happy as well…”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Of course things had changed dramatically, however, Eli was not aware of how things used to be, so this was just another day, and each day was new and filled with coven work, and his law firm.  Wedding preparations and life in general.  As was the routine, he and Alex had a gym day once a week.  The worked out together and discussed their week prior and talked about realm and coven business, but this week, Alex seem preoccupied….
ELIAS- “You okay, Alex, you seem like you are off somewhere else today.”
ALEX- “Just a lot going on I suppose.”
Elias knew he was being blown off, but Alex and he had been best friends for years, and he knew when things were just not right.
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ELIAS- “I am going to tell you something you told me a long time ago...Sometime it helps to talk about things Alex.  I’m just saying.”
ALEX- “I know, but it’s just something I need to deal with.  Eli, do you ever get the feeling that there are some things in our life that happens because it is fate, and it is just meant to be, and other things happen because of our own self will?”
ELIAS- “Sure, everything we do in life affects our future. And our fate is going to happen regardless, sometimes we do things that just take it longer to happen.  What’s up?”
ALEX- “It’s Emma. I mean it’s really me, not Emma.  She is great, I know that, but to be honest Eli, I do not think this is the way my life should be.  I mean, with her.  I know in time that I will be going to Alexandria to work with the realm, either as a teacher, or on the counsel.  She is wanting a family, and a simple life here in Willow Creek.  I just am not feeling that Eli, and I am not sure what to do.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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After a two week honeymoon in Selvadorada, Laurel and Eli were glad to finally be home...
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ELIAS- “Laurel, these last few weeks have been amazing.  I wish we could just not have to go back to work tomorrow.”
LAUREL- “Trust me, I certainly don’t. But we do have to be adults.  We can not just lay in bed for the rest of our lives...
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ELIAS- “No, but we do have one more night of our honeymoon....
LAUREL- “You are insatiable, Eli Boedell!”
ELIAS- “Is that a no then?”
LAUREL- “No, of course not!”
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