thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Alex was correct about Ty wanting to see his grandfather, Elias. When Tiberius left, Elias was strong and healthy, now he was frail and close to the end. The cancer had ravaged him, and the doctors are saying that it was just a matter of months. He requested to go home instead of staying in the hospital. Alex had called ahead to advise Mila and Jules that Tiberius would be there to see his grandfather…
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When Tiberius arrived at the Boedell House, his mother greeted him at the door.  Not much had changed about his childhood home, the furnishings were the same, the portraits of Thymian and Nico hung by the fireplace, and the fragrance of jasmine permeated the air.  Mila grabbed her son and held him in her arms.  Tiberius felt her spirit, and her love.
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MILA- “Tiberius, you look amazing, and such a man now. It is so good that you came, father asks about you often.  He is going to be delighted to see you.”
Jules was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, she and Ty’s eyes met at the same time.
JULES- “Hello Tiberius.” Jules didn’t even try to hide her disdain that he was in their home.
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TIBERIUS- “Well at least he will be delighted to see me, as I can tell my evil stepmother isn’t...and for the record Jules, this is actually my home.”
JULES- “I see some things haven’t changed, probably most things about you haven’t changed, but you are doing much better at reading a vampire mind.”
TIBERIUS- “It helps when there isn’t much of a mind there to read. Julie.”
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MILA- “Please...both of you, let’s not do this, Okay?  He is here to see his grandfather, and he will go-----
TIBERIUS- “Yes, I will go once I speak with Elias. No worries Jules.”
JULES- “He is upstairs in his room.  The nurse has prepared him for your visit.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Eight years and now it is just referred to as...The Incident, because of Ulysses’ I desire to become realm master, or LORD of WITCHES as he called it.  He came back in the body of his own brother, Antoni Rocha, a prince of Selvadorada, and a powerful witch. Then after the War of the Witches, he returned in the body of his very own son, Neville Rocha, it was Neville’s body that came to the graduation party for me, and Joseph that to begin his plan to seat me as the realm master, then destroy me, and take the throne for himself.
The council met, and discussed how to finally defeat this monster, that seemed to live on in the bodies of those he had taken.
SIMON- “He controls their bodies, so we know his spirit is stronger than any witch, we have ever encountered.  We will have to look into the dark magics to conquer him, that is the only way.”
MILA- “I agree, Simon, this magic he uses is black magics, and the only way to defeat it is to use it against him.”
ALEX- “Tiberius and Joseph, should in no way be involved in this, especially Tiberius, as he is a descendant of this evil magic, and it could be dangerous to him.”
TIBERIUS- “But me being of his blood may be the only thing that can destroy it, Grandfather!! “
MILA- “No!  Ty. I agree with Alex, we can not take that chance.  He could kill you, then take your body, along with your gifts and powers, and he would be indestructible and we would have no way to defeat him then.”
TIBERIUS- “Mother, he can not kill me!! and grandmother said----
ALEX- “Ty, you are his ultimate goal.  He knows about you, and knows you are immortal, if he can control you and take over---”
TIBERIUS- “I will not let him, Grandfather!”
SIMON- “I am sorry Tiberius, but it was your grandmother that lead him back here and allowed him to return to her coven, even though she knew of the dangers. And he very well, could kill you. We do not know just what powers he possess”
MICHAEL- “I know a way we can end this.”
ELIAS- “No Michael, I will not allow it.  We do not know the effects of what it will do to you.”
MICHAEL- “It is the only way to stop him, father.  When Simon researched it, he linked it back to the old Rocha clan. It was created by them centuries ago, and now that it has all of the elements in place, it is the only thing we have to take him out.”
MILA- “When you wore it before, Michael, it almost destroyed you, your spirit and your gifts.”
SIMON- “We do not know what the effects would have if we used this on Ulysses, being created by his ancestors, it very well could act as energy, and make him even stronger. I have to agree with your fathers Michael, we can not allow you to use that ring.”
TIBERIUS- “Then let me!!”
Elias, Simon, Mila and Alex in unison--- “NO!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Jules is in Tiberius’ room, cleaning and she finds the spell bowl under his bed. She smells what is left of the contents, and takes it to Mila….
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MILA- “There was definitely Witch Hazel, Diviner’s Sage and Vervain here, Jules. So do you think that he is casting spells of some kind?’
JULES- “I definitely think that, Mila and I can almost guarantee that he used some kind of mind compulsion on all of us.”
MILA- “Why haven’t we seen any outward signs that he has received vampiric gifts, Jules, this looks like it was just a simple spell? “
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JULES- “Mila, we saw it when he was born, don’t you remember when they took his blood sample and the prick healed almost instantaneously? And the time he fell and hit his head on the table when he first started walking.  Within three minutes the knot on his head was gone, and there was no bruising.  We have been given indications, we just refused to believe that HE knew. Tiberius is a very intelligent child. He knows a lot more than we realize. 
MILA- “So why do you think he just compelled us and not just use a spell?”
JULES- “I think he is trying to see if he can compel me, but I don’t think he is strong enough yet...but if he keeps playing with this, he will be and it just isn’t safe for us, or for him! Don’t you think it was quite unusual that you Michael and Bea had decided just last night  to send the boys to Alexandria in the fall, and then out of nowhere this morning at breakfast you told them they were going to be staying in Willow Creek for a few years and go to school here.”
MILA- “You really think he did this, Jules?”
JULES- “Mila, what other explanation could there be.”
MILA- “I think it is time to talk to him.”
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JULES- “Let me, he can not read my mind, me being a vampire. And I also think you need to talk to Michael and Bea, as I can almost bet that Joseph knows about all of this as well..”
MILA- “Okay, you talk to him and I will discuss this with Michael and Bebe...but I think it’s time we get him to Alexandria, Jules.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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As Tiberius entered the room, Mila was behind him. When he looked at the once strong and vibrant man that he knew as Elias Boedell, he felt a gnawing pain in his chest, and a lump in his throat, as he knew what was close. He barely recognized him.
ELIAS- “Mila, I want to talk to my grandson alone, please.”
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MILA- “Sure father, I will let you two visit.”  As she shut the door, Elias looked at Tiberius and tears were in his eyes.
ELIAS- “Tiberius, pull up a chair, come closer I want to look at your face. You look so much Like Michael, except the shape of your eyes are your fathers.”
TIBERIUS- “It isn’t nice to talk of the dead, Grandfather.”
ELIAS- “I will be there with them both soon enough, I will make my apologies.  But it isn’t the dead we need to discuss, it is those that remain living in this world.”
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TIBERIUS- “Yes, I suppose you are right. But time certainly has a way to keep us from doing that, as we think we have plenty of time for it, when in reality we don’t”
ELIAS- “No, we don’t but you certainly do, Tiberius. I know what Alex has done. I told him he must give you the ring.”
TIBERIUS- “Grandfather, I swear that I will not---
ELIAS- “Tiberius, don’t.  Do not make any promises that you may not be able to keep.  What needs to be done, HAS to be done, and many times when we do what has to be done, there are sacrifices, and casualties, such as in war.  This is a war, Tiberius.  Much like the war I tried to prevent when I went back in time. But ultimately, he still happened.  There is only one way to change fate.”
TIBERIUS- “If you know how to do that, please tell me.”
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ELIAS- “Have you walked with the Devil, Tiberius?”
TIBERIUS- “I think you know the answer to that, Grandfather.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Mila and Bebe were proud mothers. Both of their sons had graduated, and were now men. Both destined for great things. They had worked for weeks to prepare for this celebration.  A celebration for their sons. So many were here. Aniceta arrived from the island, with Tiberius father, Sully. The Goth’s, and even Mila’s cousin came with his husband. As Mila watched her brother hugging his son, she could see how proud Michael was of Joseph. Not only was this a celebration of them graduating, but their beginning of their work in the Realm. Tiberius was being groomed to replace her as the Realm Master, and Joseph as his Administrative Assistant, working to continue to bring cooperation throughout the realm and the world. The work her father, and her had begun. She knew once the time came for her to pass on the legacy, that they would honor the work of their ancestors.
BEBE- “Look at them, Mila! Who would have thought when they were disobeying us, and making potions in their bedroom, that this day would come, and we would be so proud of them.”
MILA- “Yes, time does have a way of changing things. And Joseph has Colin, and Ty has Lena.  Soon we will be having weddings right here in this yard.”
BEBE- “And then grandchildren!”
MILA- “Well, you may have grandchildren, but Ty is not able----”
BEBE- “Science can assist them in that now, Mila.  Trust me, I see grandchildren in your future.”
MILA- “You’ve been married to a witch so long, you are starting to sound like one! Right now, I guess we need to worry about that cake, we should go and bring it out. We can talk about grandchildren, when it happens!”
On the other side of the yard, Sully is reacquainting himself with his son. It had been at least four years since the last time he saw him face to face….
SULLY- “So are you going to take a break before returning to Alexandria?”
TIBERIUS- “Maybe just the summer.  I thought maybe I could come and stay with you and Aniceta for the summer, what do you think?”
SULLY- “We would love to have you, it has been a while since you have been on the island.  A lot has changed since your Grandfather relinquished control and left the island.”
TIBERIUS- “Has anyone heard from him?  Do you know where he is?”
SULLY- “Actually he is back on the island, but it’s like he is a different person, Ty. He says very little and is not involved in any of the coven business at all. He took another room at the coven house and we see him very little if at all”
TIBERIUS-”Don’t you think that sounds a little odd.  I mean that is not him at all. Did he say where he went, and what he was doing?”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Several Years Prior
Joseph and Tiberius’ parents discuss the future teachings of their sons….
BEBE- “I really had hoped that Joseph could remain here in Willow Creek until 7th or 8th grade before going to Alexandria for training.  He is just so young, and he doesn’t use his gifts inappropriately … not as of yet.”
MICHAEL- “I agree, we really want to wait as long as possible to send him there.  It is such a distance and I remember how hard it was for Mila and I to go there at such a young age. Totally separated from our fathers and our home.”
JULES- Regardless if Joseph goes now or later, Ty needs guidance soon, before he starts acting out.”
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MILA- “I completely agree too, but we believe that Ty would be better off under the teachings of Simon and the teachers at Alexandria.  I mean there is just so much they can teach them that we can’t.”
BEBE- “I understand that the school in Alexandria is more for the supernatural, and magic teachings. If neither of the boys are not misusing their gifts, why send them there now at this point. We can continue their teaching here of the basics, and once they are older, then I would feel more comfortable sending Joseph.  Until then I want him here.”
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MICHAEL- “Bebe, we need to protect him as well.  And Tiberius too. It’s not what we want, but what they are going to need.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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25 Years Earlier….
MILA- “He is perfect, Jules.
JULES- “Yes, he is. So what are they doing now?”
MILA- “Just getting his vitals, taking blood samples, measuring and weighing. All normal.”
NURSE- “She was perfect too, never seen an easier delivery.
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Sully enters the Hospital room, where his newborn son and Mila are, along with Jules.
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JULES- “I will go out and let you two have this time.”
SULLY- “Thank you Jules.
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SULLY -” How are you Mila?”
MILA- “Fine.”
DOCTOR- “Hmmm that is odd…”
JULES- “What?”
DOCTOR- “I drew a little blood from him for a blood sample and it is already closed over.”
There was no doubt from the moment I was born that I was to grow up and become, at the least the Coven Master of Willow Creek.  And everyone assumed that I would move right into the role of Realm Master.  I mean I was the son of Mila Boedell, who had become a powerful witch, and a very diplomatic leader within both the witch community and in human society. Under her short reign, the covens were stronger than they had ever been, they were united and worked through all of their communities hand in hand building schools, and hospitals. Grandfather Alex’s brother was even the Mayor for several years. And a handful of people knew the powers I had even at birth.  
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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MILA- “Well, first of all, this was something that I certainly was not counting on, and I know you were in the same frame of mind. But, it happened, and to be honest, I am quite excited about having a child. Not that I think I am going to be the world's greatest mother, but I have a lot of people supporting us, as it takes a village, right?”
SULLY- “Definitely, go on….”
MILA- “I do not want to co-parent with you Sully. It is not an option. I really want nothing to do with you, but this is your child, and from my own experiences of growing up with only one parent, It’s not the best for a child. I want you to be able to have a relationship with him or her.”
SULLY- “Thank you, and I would like that, very much.”
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MILA- “But, again, this child will be my sole responsibility and custody. As long as you are consistent in their life, and consistent in my ways of parenting them, I will not have any issues with you being a part of their childhood.  I think for the most part you are a good person, somewhat reckless and self absorbed, but a good nonetheless.”
SULLY- “Thank you, I appreciate you saying that. I am working on it daily, trust me.”
MILA- “Chances are this child is going to have gifts and abilities. Probably more than I can help them with.  So once they come of an age where their gifts become active, I want them to be trained and watched closely on how to use them and respect them.  In the same manner that my father and my brother and I were.”
SULLY- “I agree with that wholeheartedly. I see mother has discussed my family heritage, then?”
MILA- “Yes, and all the more reason to keep this child within the confines of the proper teachings and education of their gifts. I know this may not seem fair, but in all fairness this is not about either of us, this is about the well being and growth of our son or daughter.  So if you are in line with this, I have no issues with you being involved.”
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SULLY- “I couldn’t agree more with everything you have just said, Mila. I am not cut out to be a parent.  A dad, that I think I can handle, but the day to day work that it takes...well let’s just say it takes all I have to take care of myself. So yes.  I will abide by these rules or guidelines as they may be. I want to be a dad, and I want them to know who i am and that I can be there for them, support them, love them, and hopefully be the role model that they need for a father.”
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Mila looked at him in almost disbelief.  Could this be the same man she knew just five months earlier?  What has happened to him?  As she read his mind, she knew that this was not an act or farce.  He truly meant what he said.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ANICETA- “Mila, it is so good to see you. Why haven’t you been around lately?”
MILA- “Sorry, Miss Rocha, but Sully and I, well it just wouldn’t work out.”
ANICETA- “I am sure that would have been the case from the beginning. But you could come and see me, Sully left town a few days ago.  Moved to Oasis Springs with that Erica girl...you know the news reporter?”
MILA- “Oh, is that right?  Well good for them.”
ANICETA- “So are you doing okay?”
MILA- “Yes, I am doing fine.  I am actually leaving to move back to Willow Creek tomorrow. My dad’s are excited about us moving back home.”
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ANICETA- “I certainly do hate to hear that, but good for you.  So when is the baby due?”
MILA- “Baby? What baby?”
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ANICETA- “Your baby….”
MILA- “I am not having a baby!!  Why on earth would you think that?”
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ANICETA- “Oh sweetheart, trust me, There were a lot of things my father took from me when he stripped me of my powers, but I know when someone is with child, and you are definitely with child.”
MILA- “I think you are mistaken, there is no way I could be pregnant. I think you got it wrong, Miss Rocha...but I am glad I got to see you before we left. Good luck to you, and maybe we will see each other again someday.”
ANICETA- “You know we will honey. I mean you are carrying my grandchild, so I will definitely look you up soon….Plus there are some things you need to know about my family. I mean this baby will have our DNA, for sure!”
Jules looks at Mila and Mila just puts her hand on her stomach….
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MILA- “That is what I am afraid of
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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JULES- “You feeling okay, you seem like your anxious?”
MILA- “Anxious isn’t the word for it. I am almost six months pregnant, and my entire body feels like it is electrified, I am constantly hungry and I think I have slept a total of 8 hours in the last three days. Dante says it is because I am pregnant, but I don’t think it’s just that, Jules.  Yes, Anxious in the fourth degree.”
JULES- “What does your doctor say?”
MILA- “She is oblivious. All she says is that the baby is growing and is healthy. Okay, that’s fine, but what about me!? Something is just not right Jules.”
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JULES- “Maybe we should get a second opinion. Maybe check with Bebe, isn’t she a doctor?”
MILA- “Nurse practitioner, but yeah maybe a second opinion would be a good idea.  I will give her a call.
Elias comes out side and joins conversation
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ELIAS- “So how is my grandchild doing today?”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Mila is waiting at the cafe for Sully.  She looks around the cafe and does not recognize him as he walks to the table.
SULLY- “Sorry I am late, I had trouble finding this place. Willow Creek is not Strangerville, not a one horse town so to speak.”
MILA- “Sully??”
SULLY- “Were you expecting someone else?”
MILA- “Oh… uh no, sorry, just didn’t recognize you.”
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SULLY- “Well being clean and sober does have an effect on one’s appearance.  Plus I am trying to look a little more...normal. May I sit?”
MILA- “Oh...yes of course.”
SULLY- “So how are you feeling? Mother said that you were experiencing a lot of anxiety, I hope I haven’t added to that.”
MILA- “Yes, it is weird, I suppose just hormones, but no, meeting you has not made me more anxious. I decided a long time ago, how I was going to handle this conversation.”
SULLY- “Okay then, let me hear it then.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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JOHN- “Are we going to take her to the lab Boss?”
RUPERT- “Once her friend arrives, yes, but we need to do the injection now...Dr. Boedell?”
DANTE- “I can not do this, not to my own niece, this is crazy. It could kill her!”
RUPERT- “That is why you need to make perfectly sure that you give her the correct dosage, Doctor.”
DANTE- “I am NOT doing this…”
RUPERT begins to compel him and within seconds, Dante goes to the desk and grabs the syringe and heads over to where Mila is trapped in the machine,
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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A COUPLE DAYS LATER~ Jules and Mila @ Breakfast
JULES- “So is Alex is doing this magical scan today?
MILA- “Yes, and I am honestly looking forward to it.  I mean, my doctor, and Bebe both have said that I have nothing to be concerned about, but seeing that I am a witch and chances are this child will be magical as well, this scan should hopefully alleviate all my concerns.”
JULES- “I agree. Once Alex give you a clean bill of magical health, you can stop worrying. So have you heard anymore from Sully since your visit the other day?”
MILA- “Yes, he has text me a few times just checking up on me. I expressed to him my concerns I was having and how I was feeling. Jules it is uncanny how different he is.  I am not sure what happened to him in San Myshuno, but whatever it was certainly changed him for the good.”
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JULES- “I shouldn’t have anything to worry about should I?”
MILA- “Oh HELL no, right now a relationship is not anything I need, you know that.  We have talked about it. And when and if I do, it certainly will not be with him!!  You are my person, Jules, but right now just isn’t the time.  I promise.”
JULES- “I was just kidding, and I know how you feel, and I respect your choice right now. Creating life inside your body takes enough toll on you. Just know I am here for you.”
MILA- “I do think this has been good for us.  I mean we are together every day, and we have learnt a lot about each other. I am sorry you are still in the basement though…”
JULES- “It’s not bad at all, trust me I have lived in much worse places in my 70 odd years. I am going to go see Poppy today, and I think I am going to get my haircut….maybe it is time I get rid of this 1970’s haircut and do something a little different, what do you think?”
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MILA- “Yeah, I think that would be good. And maybe get rid of those 1970’s glasses too??”
JULES- “I was thinking the same thing. So you sure you don’t need me with you during this scan with your dad?”
MILA- “I am sure. He said it would be better if it was just the two of us, and there has to be complete silence as he does the spell. It shouldn't take long, then I can meet you at the hair salon, maybe it’s time I cut my hair too...something a little shorter and easier to take care of.  I mean I am going to need easy and quick once this baby arrives.”
JULES- “So will Alex be able to tell the child’s gender?”
MILA- “It’s not that type of scan, Jules. Mystical only. But I am having an ultrasound next week, and I think I am going to find out if it’s a boy or girl.”
JULES- “You mean witch or warlock…”
MILA- “Enough...Okay I am heading to Alex’s study… Tell Poppy I said hello.”
JULES- “He has no idea who I am, and I am sure he has completely forgotten about you. But I will!”
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MILA- “Okay, I will meet you at the salon.”
JULES- “See you then, and stop worrying, everything is going to be fine.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Mila starts to cast the spell over the area where less than 24 hours earlier, Jaylen was killed. Michael is on watch out….
MICHAEL- “You almost ready?”
MILA- “Almost, just keep your eyes peeled for anyone coming this way.”
MICHAEL- “I got you Sis…
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She begins casting the spell and almost immediately she begins to see what had transpired the night before. She now knows that it was vampire that attacked Jaylen... 
But just as she was trying to see if she recognized the vampire, she hears Michael yelling her name.  The spell is broken and the mist dissipates and the boy she met earlier, Nathan is holding Michael.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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The next morning.  Aniceta arrived late the night before, and they are all having breakfast together. Aniceta is asking about Elias’s wife, and history….
ELIAS- “I know one thing, having a set of twins was a handful, if my mother wasn’t around to help, I am not sure what I would have done.”
ANICETA- “So your mother was non magical?”
ELIAS- “Mother was non magical, yes.  However, she had many gifts. Father was the only one that had the gift of magics. But his mother---”
ANICETA- “Oh, yes, we all knew of Vada Boedell. Even on our Island, she was talked about. Unfortunately my father did not abide by her teachings and ways. He used his gifts for his own purposes...but he thought he was doing right.”
ELIAS- “So your father is the coven master there on the island?”
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ANICETA- “Yes, but we refer to our leaders in a royal fashion, as is our custom..  He is the Prince Warlock, meaning he is the leader of of coven. He is very powerful...which is why I wanted to talk to you Mila.”
MILA- “Powerful, in magics or how?”
ANICETA- “Oh yes in magics, but not powerful in morales or proper use of those magics. My father is greedy, and materialistic. Everything he does, he does to make his life comfortable. He is a prince in the true form of the word. Lavish lifestyle, best of the best, and all accumulated by magics and manipulation. I am concerned for the child you carry.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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DANTE- “From all the blood tests and everything I can see, It looks like this serum didn’t work on you, Mila.”
MILA- “I told you I was fine. Can we get the hell out of here now and get you home. I need to call Darien and tell him you are safe.”
JULES- “I don’t understand this, Dr. Boedell. We saw what happened to the witch that you did this to before. He became a frenzied psychopath vampire...why does it seem that Mila hasn’t been affected at all?”
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DANTE- “Rupert may not have injected enough of the serum, but Mila is alive, I mean really alive, not like vampire alive, and there are no traces of vampire serum in her system. No fangs, no evidence of anything.”
MILA- “I TOLD YOU ALL THAT!!  Can we go home now?”
DANTE- “Yeah I suppose, we just need to keep an eye on you for the next three days or so to make sure this is not just taking it’s time.”
MILA- “I think that my powers were just too strong for the serum, Dante. It probably worked like natural antibodies and killed off the effects of the serum.”
DANTE- “Let’s hope you are right.  But there is something else, Mila... let’s get the others and get out of here and we can talk.”
MICHAEL- “Yeah, I think you are right.  Okay, let’s all just go home.
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