[CN] Victor’s upcoming date!
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“I’m taking the reward for this game.”
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robloart · 10 days
I just have to say this bc I started following some tags that have brought discourse on to my dash but after that I'm gonna block as many discourse tags as I can.
This weird ass way that y'all approach fiction by trying to sus out what trauma other ppl have so u can make sure they're a "good person" by ur own personal and arbitrary standards is also just incentivizing ppl to invade other ppl privacy and contribute to the rising surveillance state we live in. You all just cops. And no fellow black ppl that does not undermine police brutality bc these are all connected issues. Not when the threat of police violence is the first tactics used against anyone who ppl think they hold moral high ground over. And also I'm black trying to call the cops on me contributes to the threat or racialized police violence which happens to me bc I don't care what fiction ppl read btw.
Y'all are putting children in harms way by making them think predators are just ppl on the internet who don't have the same DNI criteria as them. Y'all are putting them in harms way by applauding vigilantism and sending them into the sights of ppl y'all are entirely convinced are dangerous predators.
Be uncomfortable with whatever fiction u want big bruh no one cares but damn stop invading ppls privacy sheesh. Y'all are terrible ppl u can sit on ur high horse all u want but causing harm to real ppl is always evil and I'm specifically using the word evil since y'all love to use a christofascist framework to engage in fiction.
If fiction effects reality then conservatives are correct when they say that gay/trans character made their child gay or trans.
"There's nothing wrong with being gay or trans" u might say and ur right but they still aren't wrong by ur logic. And we all know if u give them an inch...
If fiction effects reality why aren't more ppl empathetic and understanding even tho children's programming has been that way for decades.
If fiction effects reality why havent cartoons like Tom and Jerry had kids throwing knives and skillets at each other?
If fiction effects reality ur favorite video game just caused another mass shooting.
No more "but the jaws movie, cats can drink milk, rabbits eat carrots" first of all absolutely none of that has to do with the fiction y'all are so up in arms I legit haven't seen anyone try to ban any of those properties so it doesn't belong in this conversation.
Second yes pls ignore all the nuance with the jaws movie like how ppl were already reasonably afraid of and misunderstood sharks it's why the movie did so well in the first place, or the very recent shark attacks that took place during that time, or beach vacations being presented as an affordable option for middle class families, or pools being left abandoned bc of desegregation. Nope none of that happened just the movie and that absolutely turned regular ppl into shark hunters out of now where. Yup!
Ppl know very little about animals. It's why Disney can fabricate information in a documentary and get away with it for years. That isn't fiction effecting reality thats a dangerous mix of both a trusted source of information intentionally spreading misinformation and ppl taking this information at face value something y'all shouldn't even be doing when u watch or engage with ANY MEDIA. Ppl being on average incurious about things they see on TV doesn't mean their morals are gonna suddenly change. Also PROPAGANDA ISNT FICTION. propaganda is the intentional spread of misinformation presented as fact with the intent of preying on ppl fears and prejudices. And it can come in all forms but it SHOULDNT be classed as fiction even when presented through fiction.
If fiction effects reality u can't like fictional serial killers or u apparently will be batting for the next ted bundy. So no more tojis self shippers.
If fiction effects reality all u Miguel lovers better be careful around an irl child abusers u might fall in love. Also the way y'all hate proshippers but are romanticisming a man through his interactions with a teenager is YIKES... OKAY
Also dark fiction isn't the only thing under attack any more. The more chronically online are definitely still yelling about lolisho or whatever but it's spread to the more average consumer and now ppl are attacking just regular old furries again. Which has given me whiplash to witness it's insane. Ppl are legit bullying furries again.
Not to mention the antis in the furry scenes whose entire logic is "if ur animal looks too much like an animal u must like animals"...okay...and something about animal genitalia also.
Everybody so creative!!! So many rules for how to make the most morally righteous fiction so everyone knows ur a good boy who says his prayers.
ALOT of y'all are still religiously programmed to believe ur bad thoughts are satanic. And anyone who has them must be demonic. It's scary how many religious wording y'all use.
Theres a reason why everytime one of y'all go on a tangent about how Japan is full of sick freaks the ppl applauding u are other teenagers and xenophobic white nationalists or teenagers on their way to be xenophobic white nationalists.
There's a reason why sasaki and Miyano got banned before any of the weird gross stuff y'all hate.
There's a reason why while y'all were applauding a furry porn site being blocked in Virginia and in that same anti-porn bill was anti trans sentiments.
There's a reason why payment processors are slowly making it impossible to monetize sex work but starting with all the gross fiction y'all hate and y'all are cheering but aren't realizing that payment processors ARE DICTATING WHAT U CAN AND CANT BUY WITH YOUR MONEY.
There is no amount of influencing a show can do to make someone into the pedophile, rapist, abusers y'all keep claiming ppl are. UNLESS they are already a pedophile abuser or a rapist which is ONLY known if the express the desire to harm real ppl or have already harmed real ppl. Also u can't bully a real pro contact pedophile into not being a pedophile btw!! They do not care, they usually commit multiple offense leave prison(if convicted) and DO IT AGAIN. there is usually no shame involved so no amount of "ew a PDF file 🤢🤮🤢🤮" is gonna stop a real predator like y'all are not only wasting ur breathe but also look really weird being scared to use the correct terms.
I say all this to say. I'm tryna make art and have fun here but Jesus following my fave tags has me inundated with discourse all of a sudden. Can y'all like TAG UR DISCORSE AS DISCOURSE so I can follow the tag but block ur crazy ramblings??? 😭 PLSSS TAG UR DISCOURSE I DONT WANNA SEE IT!!!!!
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 years
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“put you on something new” - part 1
The frat!Steve x jock!Bucky College AU by @the1918 and @howdoyousleep3
Read the introduction 
Steve feels like he’s riding the highest of highs.   
It’s a high that’s got him high-fiving random people, smacking others on the shoulder. It’s a high that has him turning his hat around backwards without even realizing it. It’s a high like he’d felt watching the conference championship game last year when their team caught a game-winning interception in double overtime. Every other noise out of his mouth is some sort of chuckle and there’s nothing stopping them, not when “Lucky Bucky” Barnes is his beer pong partner and definitely not when they just fucking crushed their competition and came out on top in the tournament.
Adding to his hype is the fact that Steve’s the one who put together this whole fucking kegger and tournament together, and he’s damn near certain his name should go up in the Theta Phi Hall of Fame for this night alone. 
When Clint had come by in French class on Thursday and told him that the Lucky Bucky — shining star of State’s football team — was planning to stop by their frat’s party Steve had damn near fallen out of his chair. 
“If you’re fuckin’ with me I swear to—”
“No, dude I’m so serious. He asked me for a pencil in Stats and then saw my Theta hat and was like, ‘Heard about your party, sounds killer. Maybe I’ll come by.’ Bro... bro. Lucky fucking Bucky might come to the party on Saturday. Rogers, if—!” 
“Yeah, Barton shit I know, shit!” 
The pressure had been on. Steve was a natural at throwing parties, knew the exact number of kegs needed for the approximate number of people expected. He knew how to delegate, knew how to keep the alcohol flowing, knew how to ensure people had a safe and fun time. He had not once felt the pressure of throwing a kegger until he heard Lucky Bucky had expressed even the slightest interest in showing up to one.
This had to be the best fucking party, needed to go down in history, to be talked about for years to come. And all of that had rested on Steve’s shoulders.
Good thing Steve’s shoulders are jacked as shit and he can bench a solid 240 pounds, metaphorical or not.
Steve had been kind of worried that Bucky would be a pompous dick, that he’d leave their party early or shit talk it on the way out, and that wasn’t something Steve needed. But as soon as Bucky had arrived with his own tight crew, greeted Steve with a handshake and pulled him in close and tight for a bro hug, it had suddenly felt like everything was going to work out just fine.
Steve has to ensure everything is just that though, is fine, so he’d taken it upon himself to be the one to give Bucky a tour, to make sure Bucky always had fresh jungle juice in his hand, to make sure he’s not bombarded and cornered by star-struck freshmen. Bucky is surprisingly kind, exudes confidence and smoothness and natural energy, giving randos high-fives and laughing at their stories and recapping memories he’s somehow involved in even though he just met these people. Steve gets along with Bucky well, or at least wants to think he does.
Because this is the Lucky Bucky, the very same that has throttled the ass of every wide receiver he’s ever come across since the day he started playing football, is the reason behind some of Steve’s most hyped college memories. Bucky can get test answers from anyone if he wants to, can get Professors to up his grade with one smile, can get all the pussy he wants with just one wink. To say that Steve is envious of Bucky is an understatement, but to say that this night and winning a beer pong tournament with Lucky Bucky has been the highlight of his young life is not an exaggeration. 
“Damn, you throw a kick-ass party, Steve,” Bucky says as he takes the fresh beer that Steve offers, the two of them taking a step outside to cool off. 
Steve’s never gotten a better compliment, can’t stop from reaching out and squeezing at Bucky’s shoulder, can’t stop his, “Shit, thanks, man.” 
The cool breeze feels amazing on his cheeks, sobers him up a little after a night of chugging the good victory beers, which taste infinitely better than the Coors Light in cheap solo cups. 
“M’glad you showed up, wasn’t sure if you would or not,” Steve says before he can stop himself, must be a little tipsier than he thought he was if it’s got him opening his mouth in such a way. Bucky smiles, lets out a little laugh before bringing his cup up to his lips to take a drink. Steve finds himself watching the way Bucky’s throat moves as he drinks, the way his lips look a little slick when he pulls his cup away from them. Yeah, Steve’s definitely tipsy. 
“Yeah, I’m glad too. The guys have been talking about these parties for a while, figured I’d come check it out myself now that the season is over.” 
Steve will never feel as good as he does in this moment ever again in his life. Even if Natasha Romanoff showed up, the one chick he’s never been able to get into bed with him, and showed him her tits that still would not top how he feels in this moment. 
Maybe Bucky would come back another time. Hell, maybe Bucky would want to hang out sometimes outside of a party such as this. That would be dope, would give Steve insane clout, would give him unfathomable access to girls and booze and the most incredible college experience he could ask for. 
He’s gotta get Bucky’s number. So they can hang. Like bros.
Bucky’s hair looks nice, long enough to be thrown up into a bun, one he tousled together after Round 2 of the tournament. Should he grow his hair out? Would more girls dig him more? Would Bucky want to hang out with him if he had soft hair like that? Steve should grow his hair out.
“Bruh, is that Lucky Bucky?”
Steve has a love-hate relationship with freshmen. He loves their pledges, enjoys that sense of mentorship that the fraternity provides him as a junior, but he hates how fucking stupid they can be sometimes. Steve’s always saying, “Just use your fuckin’ brain!”, wishing he could maybe smack them on the side of the head and this is one of those times. He’s about to step between the few guys encroaching on Bucky when the brunette is the one that speaks first. 
“Hey, Parker…how you doin’, baby?” 
Steve knows he’s tipsy, but now he thinks he must be smashed out of his mind. That’s the only thing that could explain the onslaught of confusion he experiences at far too rapid of a pace. He doesn’t miss the way Peter Parker’s head ducks with a blush, doesn’t miss the way Bucky licks his lip a little, smirks into the movement. Steve knows that look, knows that tone of voice; it’s the only thing that got Sharon Carter into bed with him. 
Parker stands at the back of the small group, nods dumbly in Bucky’s direction, doesn’t look up from the ground whatsoever. Steve’s never seen Parker so flustered, Steve always having to tell him to shut the hell up during meetings, and what the fuck is happening? The freshman mumbles something Steve misses and that’s probably because his head snapped in the direction of Bucky as soon as he heard the guy purr out “baby” at a frat dude. 
No one but Steve seems to notice the odd tension of the moment, of Bucky’s forwardness. Words are exchanged as well as some high-fives, but Steve isn’t listening to what transpires. He can’t stop replaying how you doin’, baby in his head, can’t stop seeing that smirk, can’t stop watching Bucky’s mouth as he talks. 
Plenty of dudes call other guys “baby”; that’s not weird. It’s not. And Steve isn’t a part of any sports teams aside from the flag football and disc golf groups they set up randomly throughout the year so who knows what goes on in the locker room or behind the scenes. Baby isn’t weird, Steve decides that in the moment, but what is weird is the way it sounded coming out of Bucky’s mouth. 
What’s really weird is the way Steve is reacting to the way it sounded coming out of Bucky’s mouth. The way his stomach turns and the way he feels his chest heave in order to take a steady breath or two, the way his palms feel clammy. 
The small group walks away then, some stumbling and more whispered hype, and Steve makes a mental note to figure out what the fuck was up with the moment he just witnessed by asking Peter later. 
“Kid sucked my dick in the showers last week. S’got a pretty mouth, had a lot of enthusiasm, wanted to swallow and everything”
Bucky just...says it. He just casually comes out and tells Steve, a dude he just met hours before, that another guy sucked him off in the showers. A guy. A guy gave Bucky a blowjob. Parker gave Lucky Bucky a suckjob in the shower. Steve is pretty sure he stands there like an idiot with his mouth open, gaping like a fish, and when Bucky looks over at him and laughs his transparency is confirmed. 
“What? Y’never suck a dick before, Rogers?” 
Steve can’t even stop the hysterical bubble of overcompensated laughter that escapes out his open mouth. It’s loud and such an extreme reaction that Steve can’t take back, makes his cheeks heat right back up. He shuffles on his feet, bounces on the balls of them a few times, has another round of giggles as he chugs the rest of his beer. 
“N-nah, I...fuck, yeah no I haven’t really—” Bucky saves him from this embarrassing shit storm of a spectacle but it doesn’t make Steve feel any more relieved. 
“No shit? With lips like those?” Bucky looks genuinely surprised but then his face morphs into something almost predatory, all teeth and glee and plans. 
“Well, that’s a goddamn cryin’ shame…”
You’re up, Lynne! Tag you’re it for Part 2!
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dweetwise · 4 years
ok lowkey. that spirit thing was mweh😘 how strange yet oddly interesting. if you dont mind doing something similar... could you ... maybe write something where Zarina befriends the Nurse? like the nurse is getting bullied by all the other survivors and Zarina is just like 'bruh why?'. this happened once in a match and i cant get it outta my head😤🤡 love LOVE your work. keep it up
[thanks anon ily 😳😳😳 hope this is ok! there’s a special place in my heart for baby nurses, they are so pure <3]
zarina never had to deal with op old nurse bless her
Zarina befriends the Nurse: ficlet
Hearing yet another wail from the Nurse echoing across the map, Zarina looks up from her generator into the misty grounds of the asylum. The match had surely been going on for nearly ten minutes already, and the teleporting killer had yet to down any of the survivors.
Finishing up the repairs on her generator, Zarina starts navigating towards the sound of the screeches. On her way, she doesn’t spot a single one of her teammates on any of the generators, and frowns in irritation that the killer had apparently decided to farm with the others without anyone deeming it necessary to inform her.
“Forgot about the new chick again, huh?” she mutters to herself, already having had some trouble fitting in with the rowdy group of survivors and their already established dynamic.
Zarina finally reaches what seems to be the center for the commotion, arriving at the shack where Feng, Nea and David are running around in circles with the killer teleporting through the structure, landing a hit on David who the girls then immediately begin patching up right in front of the killer’s face. Zarina huffs out an annoyed breath that her assumptions were correct, turning away from the spectacle and fully intending to go elsewhere and refuse to participate in the others’ dumb little game, when...
“Oi, over ‘ere ya cunt!” David taunts, causing Zarina to clench her fists and whip around, ready to give the asshole Brit a piece of her mind for insulting her--
Only to see the still injured David pointing his flashlight in the Nurse’s face, prolonging the killer’s already painful looking fatigue state. Zarina swallows her misdirected anger and takes a more thorough look at the events unfolding at the shack.
She sees Feng Min get right up in the killer’s face, doing her stupid butt dance,  while Nea chain blinds the killer with her own flashlight, rendering her useless for a few more seconds. The killer takes a wild swing in Nea’s direction, but the street artist sidesteps.
“Ooh, big swing!” Nea mocks, clicky-clicking her flashlight and moonwalking around the Nurse while the killer recovers from her miss. 
“Baby killer, baby killer!” Feng’s high-pitched laugh echoes through the area as the gamer feigns vaulting the shack window, causing the Nurse’s bonesaw to uselessly hit the wood with a dull ‘thunk’.
“Couldn’t hit a cow’s arse with that aim--” David taunts from the shack entrance, making the Nurse quickly blink to him. David dashes through the pallet, avoiding the hit and proceeds to throw down the piece of wood on the killer, flashlight at the ready and already pointing at the Nurse. “Baited ya, bitch!”
“She’s so boosted!” Nea laughs, moving into position to reset the pallet in the blinded killer’s face while Feng injects a healing syringe into David’s shoulder. When the Nurse finally recovers from the combination of the fatigue, stun and blinds, only to have the now upright pallet be slammed right back in her face, Zarina decides enough is enough.
“What the hell are you doing!?” Zarina demands, approaching the scene. “Hey Zarina! Look at this baby killer!” Feng says, obnoxiously spam-pointing at the stunned Nurse. “Shouldn’t you be doing gens?” “Don’t get yer knickers in a twist, we’re just horsin’ around,” David grunts, rolling his shoulder from the sting of the syringe needle. “But why, though?” Zarina asks, shooting a glare in Nea’s direction where the Swede is once again blinding the killer with her flashlight. “Haven’t you done enough?”  “No offense newbie, but maybe you should go find a gen and leave this to us, yeah?” Nea says, a cocky smirk on her lips.
That moment, the Nurse manages to get control over her movements and executes a precise teleport to an injured David, only to have the syringe take effect a split second before the hit and fully heal his wounds, merely causing him to get injured again. Zarina thinks she hears the Nurse groaning in defeat, and she doesn’t blame her. With Nea sprinting right back up to the killer, flashlight in hand, and Feng running after David ready to tank a hit, the Nurse readies another blink and, to everyone’s surprise, teleports away in the direction of the main building.
“LMAO she gave up!” Feng laughs, the sound grating on Zarina’s nerves, as she begins patching up David. “Let’s go after her!” Nea suggests. “NO!” Zarina yells, absolutely done with her fellow survivors’ bullshit against the clearly struggling killer. “You’ve already won! Don’t you have any empathy?” she scolds the trio. “Oh I’m sorry princess, is the taaxic flashlight against your wittle journalist’s ethics?” Nea mocks, fake pouting. “We’ve put of with ‘er shite for years, least she can do is take a couple pallets in tha face,” David grumbles. “Yeah you try versing a five blink Nurse with a mori and tell us how fair and balanced that is,” Feng says, hands on her hips. “Whatever, that’s your problem,” Zarina says, not about to entertain the trio about whatever grudges they seem to be holding. “Just do the fucking gens and leave.”
With that, Zarina makes her way to the main building, thankful that the others seem to stay behind, at least for now. She feels compelled to apologize to the killer on her so-called friends’ behalf, once again trusting her strong moral compass to guide her to the right decisions. Before long she finds the Nurse in one of the rooms on the second floor of the asylum, sitting on a windowsill with an old photo frame in her hands.
“Umm... miss killer? Excuse me?” Zarina makes her presence known, peering in through the door frame. “You didn’t have to intervene, girl,” the Nurse says with unexpected softness and clarity in her voice. She looks almost serene, ominous heartbeat gone, sitting primly in front of the window and torn dress flowing gently with a breeze from the derelict wall.
“I know, it’s... I couldn’t just watch. I’m sorry about them, they’re--” “It’s fine. Truly. I understand,” she says, looking down at the photo again. “I haven’t exactly shown them mercy in the past, I would not expect them to act different.” “Are you... okay?” Zarina asks, cautiously approaching. The Nurse sighs. “This place, it... brings back memories I’d rather forget. I feel my focus slipping and my head is just not in it today.” “The others said you used to be more powerful--or p-perhaps just more ruthless, before...?” “I suppose that’s true,” the Nurse chuckles. “There was a time where I lost myself completely, the entity filling my mind with hatred. Now... I’m weaker, more often a disappointment to it, but... perhaps it’s for the best.” “Umm... not to point out the obvious, but--don’t you think it might help to take the bag off of your head so you could see better?” “You’d offer advice to me, an enemy? A rather peculiar survivor, you are,” the Nurse says, fondness in her voice. “As for the matter, I am able to see just fine, courtesy of the entity. Hiding my face is a choice, one of the few I still have. I--” her voice cracks. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up a touchy subject.” “What a curious one you are. Never give up that fire,” she says. “As for covering my head... he always loved seeing me smile,” she says, fondly stroking a finger over the picture, before handing the frame to Zarina, taking her completely off guard as she fumbles to grab the item.
In the frame is a picture of a happy couple on their wedding day, both smiling brightly and embracing each other. The man looks like a proper old-time gentleman, complete with a top hat and silly mustache. The woman is gorgeous, her pale skin and white gown a stark contrast to her fiery red hair and deep emerald green eyes.
“Is this you?” Zarina asks, slightly taken aback, reminded of the fact that the killers probably used to be normal people, just like her. “It was the happiest day of my life,” the Nurse says wistfully. “That was his favorite photo. He said it brought out my eyes, he--he loved my eyes, said they were a reflection of my soul, of our happiness. Which is why I can’t let anyone see my face.” “Because now you’re... unhappy?” Zarina asks, trying to understand. “Because I don’t want anyone to look into my eyes and see the madness that consumed me,” the Nurse whispers.
Zarina is at a loss for words, intrigued about the remorseful killer’s past but not wanting to pry further. She stares at the photo and tries to imagine how the cute, carefree woman in the picture could have ever turned into a bloodthirsty killer.
The sound of the exit gates being powered snaps her out of her thoughts, finally handing the frame back to its owner.
“Thanks for telling me all this,” Zarina says. “Can’t have been easy, what you’ve went through.” “I should be thanking you, for indulging a silly woman her tales,” the Nurse says. “Feel free to stop by, should you happen to wander into this realm from the campfire. I don’t often linger here, but... maybe it would not be so bad, had I company.” “You know, I might just take you up on that offer,” Zarina says, offering a small smile. The sound of a gate opening and the end game triggering reminds her that she’s on a time limit. “Shi--shoot, I’ve gotta run. See you around, uh... ms. Nurse?” “Please, call me Sally,” the killer says, primly bowing her head. “Zarina, was it? Do be careful out there. Your kindness might just be the end of you.” “Doesn’t sound so bad, as far as causes of death go,” Zarina quips, offering a cheeky grin before sprinting off the find the gate.
[sally is precious fight me. and lmao i didn’t even try to be subtle about who toxic nea is inspired by]
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So it’s swf and we were doing 4 Davids and I said, ‘you know with the way he stands with his fists clenched, he looks like a dude who talks with a thick Cockney accent, wears a woolen flat cap, and gets in pub brawls all the time’. And bruh was like, ‘what accent?’ so I quoted something from Prisoner of Azkaban and he was like, ‘oh, English, well I should hope so since he’s from Manchester and wasted his life at the bar after fucking up his privilege’. I never paid attention to David’s backstory because he wasn’t interesting enough to, so this was kind of hilarious even if I was partially wrong.
So commence the pretending to be a newb again!
Basic Survivor cosmetics. No Charms. No Teachable Perks. Only the kind you can get in any Bloodweb. Try to Survive. Somehow be the only one who Survived.
Again, if you’re going to use a build that requires you to slug Survivors so you get the most value out of your Perks, you should have already accepted the chances that someone might have Unbreakable. How you’re allowed to have a plan for your build, but Survivors aren’t, is fucking ridiculous. Either learn how to actually play something like DbD, or stick to Animal Crossing.
I had a Key. Everyone could see it’s whiteness easily. We’re all Healing around the Hatch when Felix comes up and helps out. Gets Healed up. Leaves. Literally with me waving him back, he ran away, and since the Killer was coming, I opened the Hatch and 3 of us Escaped. He didn’t make it out.
When the last Gen pops and the dull Totem you were working on starts glowing seconds before it breaks! So the Killer rage-quits because it seems like NO-ED was broken in 3 seconds! XD
Face-camping Leatherfaces really can’t handle if you outwit them. I had Borrowed Time on me because I just got saved and was going to save the person getting camped a few meters away. I rushed right in and he lets his revving chainsaw go. I take the hit but Borrowed Time saves me and he crashes into the wall by the Hook and throws a tantrum. I unHook Meg so she gets Borrowed Time while he’s revving up again, and then I Dead Hard away while she takes the hit because she had Borrowed Time, and you hear that metal sound of him slamming into the Hook and then going nuts! And then the screen goes black.
IstG, almost every time I’ve spawned into a match to find a Killer just standing still and doing nothing, I always watch everyone fuck around with them and then watch as the Killer fucks them up because they were waiting for their guard to be let down.
Somehow, every time I get the swamp map, I always spawn in the same fucking place!
Nothing apparently more insulting to a Huntress than treating their throws like shit. I did not rush to avoid any of his hatchets. I simply walked and he kept missing! He landing hits on everyone else though, just not me! 2 of the last Gens were right next to each other so he kept a hatchet up while another Claudette and I just split his attention between them while the Megs did the last Gen on the other side of the map. Calmly walking around a Gen when he throws a hatchet at you is fucking hilarious! I wasn’t wasting my Sprint Burst for that. Not when he might choose to commit and actually come at me for once. He had that one hatchet left and refused to move toward the school or shack to reload because we’d no doubt get some good progress in the time it took.
Michael with NO-ED and Blood Warden. Couldn’t get anyone even with a No Mither Survivor on the team. 1 Gen left and I’m Injured and Cleansing a Totem. Halfway through, Adrenaline pops and the Totem starts glowing! It breaks! However, the No Mither guy finally got downed and Hooked and one dude DCs and then the next DCs and No Mither doesn’t even wait after that, they just kill themselves on the Hook so they’re probably swf. It was a shame because I was next to the Hatch and had a Key for it too. We could have all still gotten out.
Got some great custom matches and when it was my turn to play Killer, I did Impossible Skill Checks Doc. We’re loading in, and everyone was like, “Why did you pic the meat plant? I hate that map!” and I was like, “It’s small!” And then they realized who I was after loading in. Got a 3K and almost got the 4K if I wasn’t turned around. I didn’t run Huntress Lullaby because people tend to find my Totems fast and break them, so I just used Overcharge, and within a minute they all realized the build I was going for and were like FUCK! With the Skill Checks made smaller, the already small Skill Check for Overcharge is ridiculously impossible to hit and I love it! I was just following people and in a breathy, high-pitched, childish voice I would go, “Hi fwen!” “Come back, fwen!” “Let’s play, fwen!” They all hated it and begged me to stop! XD
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In another custom match, I decided to use Diversion and Red Herring because I don’t have them normally and I wanted to practice. So I kept tricking the dude into coming back to the same corner of the map with making the Gen explode and throwing pebbles! XD He finally caught on by the time there was 1 Gen left! I was hiding in a bush while he was obsessively checking Lockers, and i threw a pebble in the opposite direction, AND HE FELL FOR IT AGAIN!
In the last game, some people had to leave so the rest of us did a swf match and we got a palindrome of Offerings and a shit ton of pts as a result! The Killer was a stranger btw. 504% Bonus pts after the match!
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If you don’t know how to get points while playing stealthy, then you shouldn’t bother playing stealthy. How I, the Blendette, managed to never confront the Killer all match, but still get the most pts out of everyone at 25K, is beyond me. Don’t attack me claiming I’m useless when you following the Killer all match in hopes of getting Flashlight saves(that you failed at), only got you 9K pts.
Now that that half the entrances to the elementary school are blocked by breakable walls that seem to never get broken, it’s a lot easier to loop Killers inside. I looped a Blight in the school, without using a pallet, for 3 Gens. And then had to start using pallets which lasted for another Gen. I finally had to leave and go somewhere else but the moment we left the school he got a hit off on a Meg and decided to Chase her instead! 
This happened on the saloon map! It’s happened to me several times and I managed to get a pic for once! Also, this match Zarina and I worked together go Feng Min couldn’t get Hooked. I broke the Hook and Zarina took the hit so I had time. The Killer was pissed and tunneled me for the rest of the match!
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jq37 · 6 years
okay so I meant to send this on anon and I think I might have accidentally done so off but then I tried to cancel it and idk if it worked?? anyways! the point is, I’m the anon who doesn’t have dropout rn so! what’s the tea on the new ep? what did I miss? :)
**spoilers for arcade ambush**
Now, I know I use the word wild a lot, but don’t let that take away from the fact that this episode was truly wild.
Biz had such an interesting power set. He has the wings so he can fly, he has all the weird mesmerization type powers (I was picturing that old bager, badger, badger, mushroom video when he was multiplying himself to trip up Fig). Fighting him is like being stuck in Toon Town but in the worst possible way. Then there were the game cabinets sucking people into them and the ghosts possessing people and forcing them to flee. It was really a brutal fight.
(Sidenote, are we to believe that the ghosts that he raised were nerds who died in arcade? Morbid, if true. Also it would have to be a different arcade since that one was new.)
Anyway, this def was an ep full of frustration. They were constantly getting frightened and forced to run or trapped in games or whatever. It’s a good think Ally casted Guardian of Faith before the fight because they were, once again, a life saver. I was a little surprised the arcade game fights were one and done Box of Doom rolls but I guess there was a lot going on.
“Well I’ll just shoot him.” Riz getting a nat 1 trying to shoot Biz point blank was so painful. 
Riz: Hey guys, Biz is a bad guy./Adaine: Yeah, no duh! 
Everyone making the most mediocre rolls to check out the prizes in the prize cabinet. And Brennan just getting more and more like, “Come on y’all.” I wanted someone to pick up the sneakers. I felt like they were gonna be some kind of stealth bonus item.
Gorgug got a nat 20 charisma! My boy!
Oh, side note, they updated Adaine’s mini with her boss new jacket which is super dope.
Fig and Kristen actively antagonizing the corn god who’s saving their ass.
“Fucking nerd.” Adaine, who has been pretty savage the past few episodes.
Fabian who has never been denied anything in his life looking at the million credit sword: I’d like it.
Everyone being furious at Riz being stuck in the game but also impressed by the design of the set.
Gorgug calling his parents mid-fight! Which seems wild but actually is the SMARTEST THING ANY OF THESE LITERAL CHILDREN HAVE EVER DONE.
I feel like Brennan def read up on his philosophy quotes after the last fight because he was back in business this ep.
Cleric is an underrated class y’all. Ally is really rocking it.
What a bad time for Adaine to finally fail a panic attack roll. She’s had a really long run without them though.
I love that Lou always curses as Fabian by saying, “Christ,” completely ignoring that doesn’t make sense in this world, but like. That is what Fabian would say, you know?
Fabian getting stuck in DDR instead of Punch Out is personally offensive to him.
“Hell yeah I take a disengage”
Sidenote: Divination is a really cool ability.
Ugh, Riz. What a terrible time to fail an investigate check. HE GOT PALIMSESTED.
Aww at Lou giving Murph the, “Hang in there, buddy,” shoulder rub after that happened. 
Gorgug getting trapped in whack a gnome is MESSED UP. Also, the fact that whack a gnome is a game that exists in a world where gnomes also exist is SUPER MESSED UP.
Adaine: Fuck, I’m fucked! 
Fabian having to have a dance off in the middle of the fight.
The girls getting downloaded periodically throughout the fight was so freaking ominous. 
“I’m under the influence of two ghosts.”
Fabian and Adaine both terrified and running into each other and yelling like freaking Scooby Doo.
OK, while Fig was possessed, Brennan made her read a card that said “Wow. A lot of strong feelings to process here.” And I am told (but can’t confirm) that that’s a line that was said in ep 1? Maybe by the guidance counselor? And then it’s not resolved in this episode. So that seems important.
Emily upon hearing that Riz is stuck in the crystal: Piss in it.
“Do you have any clue about how to get out of here, I mean, clearly you don’t.”
What would Fabian do without that bike, man?
I love that Emily uses Kristen’s full name for no apparent reason half the time.
Kristen channeling the power of friendship to turn undead.
Gorgug is a bottomless pit of HP.
Ally: Is it good to get in the game?/Literally everyone else: NO.
“A tasty walk?”
The philosophers going, “Verily,” to Fig’s base playing and then her moonwalking away.
Siobhan immediately irl cringing at being called a lovely lady by Biz.
Penny’s scene with Riz in the palimpsest was like legitimately touching. 
But again, Murph gets the nat 20 at the most story appropriate time! Just like last week.
OK, so the girls’ downloads are getting sent to the AV room in Aguefort. Not necessarily suspicious considering that Biz is involved, but interesting to note.
Gorgug pulling an Odysseus and cranking his tunes to ignore the games. 
Also his, “Sup nerd?” to Biz.
Kristen absolutely crushed this fight y’all. She basically got out without a scratch. 
Siobhan saying sick like Brennan is hilarious to me.
Gorgug being so mad at Biz’s pronunciation of meme.
“Hot topic nerds hate AV club nerds.”
Nothing bothers Emily more than not being able to take an action.
The gang actively mocking and taping Biz as he tries to mesmerize them.
Aww man Murph failing that roll before Penny was downloaded. Heartbreaking. 
Everyone visibly recoiling every time Biz talked.
Zac reminding Brennan about advantage and then him picking up every dice he owns. “LIE NEXT TIME DUDE!” He has a cool ass shock of white hair now though. Like, not good but kinda rad.
I feel like Ally has gotten really comfortable with the game mechanics as we’ve gone on. 
Kristen hugging Gorgug to protect him is such an adorable image. 
“I’m still full health because God exists!”
Shoutout to the SFX guys. They were especially on point this ep.
“Can I just use mage hand to plug the machine out?”
Kristen as Fig getting is her ass kicked by the doppelganger Figs: KISS ONE OF THEM.
The guardian that killed Biz throwing down his cig like a true French philosopher. 
Kristen was the MVP of the fight but Fabian was the MVP of the episode y’all. Like I said, all that promo yelling was either gonna be a TPK or the raddest thing ever and it was option 2! 
Shoutout to Siobahn for getting Lou that advantage roll because that saved his ass.
Lou just pretending to get up and leave because game over y’all.
Brennan starting to just narrate assuming failure. 
Zac being like, “Well at least try.”
Lou doing them 1 by 1 for the drama of it all, just like Fabian would want it.
Getting a ten first, exactly half of what he needed.
Then the absolute CHAOS that erupted from the table at the 20. By this point, I was pretty sure he was gonna get it because that shot from the trailer hadn’t happened yet and it was near the end of the episode but DAMN it was satisfying. Moments like this are what MAKE RPGs.
Being showered with gold coins sounds extremely painful but that’s beside the point here. 
Fabian coming back and lying that he was fighting ghosts outside and everyone totally buying and being like thanks for having our backs man.
I love how much Fig loves her two dad situation now. 
Emily and Ally evil mischievous smiling at each other when Emily requests to kill Biz.
Everyone Else: NO.
Brennan: He’s dead, bruh.
Ally like Grinch smiles when Brennan announces that Biz is dead.
“Would she be able to casually get him out of a palimpsest?”
“I still have these handcuffs.”/”Where’d you get those?”/”Uh, nevermind.”
Every time this group has to interrogate someone they escalate all the way immediately.
 But MAN Riz was doing some serious drug cartel interrogation on Biz, shooting off fingers and stuff!
Adaine REFUSING to feel bad about bullying Biz (she’s right and she should say it).
“If I were to have a morsel such as yourself stuck in a palimpsest–” IMMEDIATELY slapped by every party member. Bro, you GOTTA stop perving on Adaine IN FRONT OF HER.
Brennan full on RPing unconsious Biz.
“I’m not a bad guy.”/”YES YOU ARE!”
“Fucking Aelwen again!” Same, girl.
OK, so Biz has false memories of coming up with this idea, but what does that mean exactly? Was he manipulated Inception style or actually forced? Because I come up with bad ideas every day. Doesn’t mean I act on them.
“Blow your fuking nose!”
“You see his dick glows for a second.”
Nice of Adaine to ask for permission to do her brain jitsu, even though she didn’t have to and she had all the extenuating circumstances in the world to just break in.
Biz speaking to Penelope on the regular. Hmm.
Siobhan/Adane’s look when Biz says, “I’m cool too.”
So his memory was cut out the day before the Hudol party. Interesting. 
Adaine getting a clear threat on her family’s life: THEY CAN BURN MY FUCKING HOUSE DOWN I DON’T GIVE A SHIT.
So two things:
1) Siobhan keeps getting KILLER end lines.
2) I threw a lot of plot info at the bottom without analyzing it because I’m going to look at that and the promo in another post (prob tomorrow) so stay tuned! 
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DnD hype
Last night's game was so fucking good, I can't even begin to describe. I fucking love this DM so goddamn much. I'm going to throw this story out there. Maybe someone gets some entertainment out of this.
Note: Our party consists of 2 wizards (myself included), 1 Rogue, 1 monk, 1 warlock. All around level 15-17.
SO we've been going after this pirate bitch for a while, knocking out her officers one by one. Today was Niall 'Silver Teeth' Bryce's turn. What we knew about him is that he has a big fucking ship, like his ship makes ours look like a raft. Tons of Ballista and has three, I repeat three Arcane cannons. These fuckers are like having a nuking wizard on your ship with a range 500+ feet. Not only that, he has some sort of device that creates magical fog. Obscuring his ship, but they can see through it without any problems. AKA, head on attack is not an option. >Engaging Navy seal mode. We decided to use our ship as bait to lure out the bastard but to avoid scuffles with little chicken shit pirates we made a big deal out of acquiring an arcane canon for ourselves. Parading it around the city like a bunch of wankers, bragging we were gonna take down Niall etc. etc. it was of course a fake but we made it seem real by doing test shots in the bay using magic. Tons of offers from merchants to buy it so it seemed it worked.
Anyway setting sail to fuck up some pirates. It took a few days but we found the enemy ship called ‘The Silent Night’. A heavy bank of fog rolled in from nowhere. Our captain shitting himself and turning the ship around and sailing away as fast as he could. We jumped off the ship. The other wizard poly-morphed into a killer whale and dragged us to the enemy ship. Striking from the rear (giggling ensues from 30+ year olds). We used a magic salve to create a hole in the hull, turning wood into a weird gel that we could pass through but would let water through. The hole is a tight squeeze, that's what she said(more giggling from 30+ year olds).
Ok, we're onboard the ship now. Found 4 intelligent zombie guards, guarding 4 barely alive humans. Monk + Rogue killed the fuck out of those guards in 1 round. Freed prisoners, turns out the captain has been feeding on them. *Vampire senses are tingling*. Gotta disable the fog machine to feed the captain some sweet solar vitamin D(eez nutz). Trying to teleport the prisoners to our base using a home-brew item, which takes 10 minutes.
4 Minutes in, another guard comes down. I Vortex Warp him into a prison cell with our monk and walled off the exit with Wall of Force. In hindsight, I should've just poly-morphed him but I just love Vortex Warp. Anyway, stupid undead guard was able to ring the alarm and chaos ensued. Quickly hustled prisoners into a Rope Trick room (bye 250 gp for the scroll). After a stampede of footsteps above us we heard the heavy footsteps of our ominous BBEG nearing.
A gruff orc voice calling out to us to come up for a little chat. Awkward silence ensues. My wizard being socially inept: 'we like the damp darkness down here, please come down, we're friendly :>'. This man is supposed to run a mage academy. Needless to say, the captain did not come down. Instead Daddy DM started describing, from the stairs a massive pile of corpses started coming down, forming a shapeless moving pile of bodies. A la World War Z. Bruh wtf, anyway that's Initiative.
People getting swarmed by these weird zombie golem ooze things. Zombies bodies flying around, landing on top of people. Chaos all around. Our Rogue, who for some reason, went to the other side of the ship alone and gets attacked by Captain Silverteeth. Warlock does warlock stuff and summons an aberration to fuck with the zombie-blobs. Monk does what monks do, punch shit. Rogue doing tons of damage because I cast Foresight on her earlier. The other wizard casts Sunburst on Captain vampire. Blinding him and the zombie-blobs. Royally pissing off the captain making him flee upstairs and sends down his wizard to deal with us. Enemy wizard tries to use Anti-magic field on casters of our group before going back up again. Lol, we don't care and walk through unscathed.
I chase after him and send him downstairs next to the our Monk for a beating with Vortex Warp + Portent, because fuck you I'm a Divination Wizard. Next turn enemy wizard GTFO with dimension door before monk can fuck him up.
After a round of dealing damage. Captain Vampy is getting frustrated and tries to attack me, grappling me, trying to give me hickeys and suck my blood. Remembering I'm an annoying shit. I cast shield and teleport 15ft away (Dragon-Touched Focus (Stirring) - Gem variant).Captain's blood pressure is visibly rising and flees to a higher level of the ship. Following him with the rest of the group slowly making their way up. Smashing zombie heads and zombie-blobs, we find the fog device thing. I disable it with dispel magic and an 18 from portent, because again, fuck you I'm a Divination wizard.
I get surrounded by a few enemies as the rest of the group catches up. I use Steel Wind strike to get out of the spot, teleporting around with it + the before mentioned magic item. Tons of damage all around and the search continues. After searching every room on the ship except the room the captain and the wizard were actually in, the ass beating continued. The captain had healed up while we searched. *scratch record* Hold on, you can't do that!
A few rounds of being an annoying little shit, teleporting around, counterspelling any spell the wizard tried to cast. The monk punching the fuck out of both of them. Me placing the captain in time-out (wall of force). Unfortunately the wizard disintegrated the wall the following round, but at least I pissed off the captain more.
The rest finally caught up. The rogue shot the enemy wizard, piercing his rag-dolling body to the wall behind him. Finally the monk roundhouse kicked the captain through the door outside, exposing him to sunlight and turning him into ash. Leaving only his silver teeth behind.
0 notes
((And here’s the third one.))
After the second trial, things were looking down. Two good gijinkas had just been killed, and Zeke had been left alone. But fortunately the Third Zone opened up, a large cavernous area filled with many strange areas and hidden secrets, like a mirror cave which whispered prophecy before dumping you back at the start. Ayaka and 21 find the Odd Keystone embedded in a crystal cave, which allows them to summon and speak to the ghosts of their dead friends. Meanwhile, Sasha and Zeke nearly crash into a large locked door at the end of the cave in a minecart. Ayaka, Hanami and Lucy continue to develop their relationship. Sasha gets a mysterious radio from the Monomono Machine.
However, this free time is interrupted by a brand new motive. Monoursa summons everyone to the dining hall, ranting about how he’d love to shoot a horror movie, and that the park would be the perfect place if it weren’t for all the sunshine. So to counteract this, he shoots a Moongeist Beam at the barrier, plunging the park into perpetual midnight. This alarms Kyokubo, the only grass type, but Monoursa promises there will be one source of light. The group goes searching for the new area, revealing the second part of the Third Zone, an area with a massive lava pit.
Chika enters the mirror cave and receives some troubling messages about Nightmares and a Boogeyman. Juurou Yadokari (Slowbro) and Takehiko Saito (Absol) enter Nona’s room with the radio, and have a very cryptic conversation with something communicating through the radio. Sasha and Chika get into a fight due to the strange properties of the Arena and its “Fighting Spirit”.
However, noticing a lack of activity, Monoursa organizes an event, a sort of tower defense game around the fortress in the lava area. The defense team prevents the offense team from reaching the tower, and the winners each get a free hit on Monoursa. The offense team won, but the game was chaos and in the end, Lucy had another seizure. She was taken to her room, where 21 accidentally fired a gun he got from the armory. This led Lucy to hit Sasha with her Foul Play, which hurt his chest. The two rambled to eachother for awhile after that. But while that was going on, Chika accidentally cut through Juurou’s braid, cutting off their Shelder, Lil Bruh. This incapacitated Juurou for awhile.
However, that horrible night went away, revealing an even worse surprise. Two gijinkas were found dead, Chika Utsonomiya and Sango Suda (Slugma). However, that wasn’t the end, as Chika’s pet Lil Bruh was found shattered in the garbage. (I’m using a link instead of an image because of the eye/tongue horror.)
However, that wasn’t all, as Monoursa summoned the kids to the volcano, trying to fish something from the lava. Hanami managed to push him into the lava, but he managed to throw the mysterious stone inside him long enough for it to warp away, and a new one came back. Finally, they fished the thing in the lava, revealing it to be another corpse, the skeleton of John Yamada (4B 848). Then of course, the investigation began. 
Getting to the trial, it was difficult to figure out. At first people weren’t sure who killed who, and was split on the idea of one or multiple killers. It was eventually determined there was one killer. This is how they did it.
They fed off of Chika and Sango’s dreams, giving them nightmares. Then, when they slept together, they used yawn to put them to sleep and smother them both with a pillow. Lil Bruh attacked them, trying to latch back on, whereupon they smashed them to pieces with a helmet and dumped them in the garbage. Wanting to further hide their scheme, they found John on the tower, and pushed him off of it. John’s skeletal leg broke off, and they dragged his dead or dying body to the lava, broke the guard wall with weapons from the armory, and shoved him in. They then used Chika’s skates to frame her, and confuse those looking for them. With these clues, and the fact they could no longer say the name of their once-beloved pet anymore, the killer was revealed to be Juurou Hamasaki (Slowpoke). 
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The removal of Lil Bruh, which had been causing them to lose their intelligence and cruel cunning (a reverse of what usually happens when slowpokes evolve) reverted them back to their old self, The Boogeyman. They were insulting, angry, and rude when found out, however they accepted their death. They wanted to get out to kill their family for sticking Lil Bruh on them, but now that they were caught, that was the end of that. Thus they were correctly voted on and sent to their execution.
Their punishment was Devil in a Sunday Hat. Juurou sits at the top of a tower, handily fighting their way through hoards of protesters in Monoursa masks as they bust down their door. However, Juurou’s victory is short lived when they’re cornered by three protesters in a Slugma, Spinda and Poliwhirl hood. These protesters bring Juurou out into the street, and restrain them in a guillotine shaped like Lil Bruh. Juurou shouts and hurls insults, but can’t do anything to stop the blade from coming down and beheading them.
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Thus the third trial ended, with a horrible body count. But still, though the night had ended, the game continued onwards.
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It’s really sad when Red Rank Killers are so bad that they have to face camp just to get a Kill. If you do this, don’t go messaging the Survivors for not bothering to get the save because - as a result of your own actions - you got next to no points. You chose to stand in place for 2 mins while a team of 3 ppl with the help of Prove Thyself and Kindred, finished the last 3 Gens.
I refuse to give a tunneling Killer an easier time. I refuse to not make a fool of them. I will not pity you for getting run around when you made the choice to focus one person the whole match. Whatever happens is what you’ve got coming to you. So if all 5 Gens get done in 2 minutes because you wouldn’t even take a second to hit someone in the Gens you pass mid-Chase, that’s on you.
Got a Rank 1 Huntress who sucked. Not only did she need NO-ED to get a down, but she face-camped the person on the Hook, despite having an Ebony Mori. And then demanded to know why everyone just killed themselves on the Hook, thereby denying her a precious Mori that was apparently a big loss for her. It was her only Mori Offering and us denying her the Kill was ‘rude’.
So we swf Sabo “B” Squad where we all had pimped out Toolboxes, Breakdown, Breakout, Boil Over, and Borrowed Time just in case. The four Bs. It was so beautiful, holy shit! We just picked the corner furthest from the Basement and if getting Chased, would go over there. Getting Hooked on each of the Hooks nearest that corner, and then them being broken for 3 minutes giving us time to wiggle out as the Killer would have to walk toward Hooks much further away! XD 
Killer: ur toxic! Me: got hatch after u tunneled me fr all 5 Gens is toxic? Killer: u shouldn’t teabag over hatch! Me: so u can B toxic but I can’t? Killer: Tunneling is a real strat the devs say so! get gud! Me: Says the dude who couldn’t get even 1 Kill after tunneling. *suddenly I’m blocked*
So I full on Blendetted for a match on the saloon map and Legion was dumb enough to look away after downing me, to go a few meters over and break a pallet I stunned him with. Big mistake. I crawled away and blended into the bushes perfectly, so he’s circling this small corner of the map, looking for me in the bushes, and I’m steadily crawling through the bushes, away from that corner, and once far enough away, I use Unbreakable to get myself off the ground. I had on iron Will, so I made no sound as I Healed myself up. In that time, 4 Gens popped and Legion finally realizes he should gtfo before the last Gen gets finished! We all still Escaped!
Huntress tunneled me after I was unHooked because I led her on a 3 Gen Chase and she was salty. However, the idiot didn’t pay attention and got trapped in the hole on the side of those hills. So I got to wiggle off and then I teabagged her. And since she was out of Iridescent Hatchets to throw, she had nothing to do but watch us all Heal up in front of her. The twat rage-quit before everyone was Healed up and sent me this long, swear-riddled message about how I ‘need to learn how to have fun’ and need to ‘get out of my mom’s basement’. Like, bitch, I had fun making fun of the instant karma you got for being a tunneling piece of shit, and you’re out here dedicating a lot of time and effort to using your controller to send insults to people on PS4, over a video game. Like I’m not going to report you using the N-word? I was in another match when the long messages came through, that’s how pathetic this twit was. Paragraphs all typed out with a PS4 controller. The obsession.
Got another Huntress(the Huntresses today are terrible) who needed NO-ED and slugged the last 2 ppl & stood over us, nodding like she was good. We waited out the entire Engame Collapse just to piss her off since she wouldn’t pick anyone up. She sends me this salty message about how I ‘should have taken the L and DC’d’. She got the least amount of points(4K+) cuz 2 ppl Escaped & she refused to Hook the last 2. Meaning she got no Hooks all match. & somehow this is my fault because she chose to play like a fucking idiot.
If anyone’s wondering why I tend to be chosen for hate messages, I’ve noticed it’s only in matches where I came out with the most pts out of the Survivors. I’m assuming that’s the reason since it’s the only other common denominator between all the hate messages I get. Usually an accusation of being in a swf group is added in there as well.
Ran into the same swf group 3 matches in a row! First match only 2 of us got out. Second match 3 of us, and the last match we got the 4-man Escape!
I’ve come to the conclusion that Pyramid Head is the worst Killer in terms of getting value out of him since I’ve never faced a single one who could actually play him without his 3 Perks. If Pyramid Head if so dependent on his own perks, that’s not good. Or maybe, players are so dependent on his Perks and simply can’t play him for shit. It’s so easy to outplay them and it shouldn’t be. I see a PH and I roll my eyes because I know what Perks are coming, which removes the scare factor and makes matches against him boring af.
And with the Blight coming out tomorrow, I do have concerns over people overusing his Perks.
So many fucking Legions! IstG, Legion was the most hated Killer like a year ago, so why does everyone and their brother want to be Legion these days?
Killer who apparently doesn’t know how Franklin’s Demise works, bragging after the game about making me ‘lose my Key’ and calling me a bad Survivor for needing it. “Bruh, FD only works w basic attacks. I still got the Key fr the challenge.” He never replied. Probably cuz he made himself look like a dumbass.
I’ve gotten 3 Hatch Escapes today! Not just me alone either. I always managed to get someone else out with me!
Only reason I like the Meat Plant is because Claudette blends in so well in this room on the bottom floor.
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This Totem was so glowy I saw it from outside the room and far down the hall!
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I was trying to moonwalk on it.
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