#BT Kalen
sillyname30 · 2 months
I just listened to the latest episode of and that's what you really missed on Glee. That was an interesting episode. I really enjoyed listening to it.
Kalen Gorman did the bts interviews. I watch them before I listen to the recap episdodes. I don't remember Jenna doing a lot of them up to the end of sesaon 3. I remember Kevin though. Maybe I blocked Jenna out of my memory or I didn't see some of the videos.
Kalen would get the scripts and read through them and I figure out what the musical numbers were. Then she went to Zach to get to know which numbers where interesting.
Kalen could tell when people had a bad day. It wasn't a problem, because there were so many of them so she could talk to someone else. Cory was the one who always that yes. Maybe because he was older and had done more tv, he was able to appreciate it more.
If an episode was just about one or two characters Kalen would talk to the others about the storyline. But she realized soon that this wasn't fair to them. Jenna said she stopped reading the scripts at one point anyway.
Kalen was protective of the cast and made them look good in the interviews.
What was the feeling Glee leaves you with? Kalen: It was this beautiful moment in time. I got to go to a set full of amazing people. Not just you guys but the crew. I can't even say enough nice things about the crew because we were in their way and they never ever made us feel bad about anything. And they were phenomenal. But just to go and watch people sing and dance and watch you guys having fun at the side. It wasn't like a job, it was a family. It was the best job I ever had.
Kevin said she was a one person department for so long and then Mia came on to help as well.
I don't think it will happen, but Mia would be an interesting guest. Her experience was different than Kalen's. She came in later. She already knew some of them socially as Darren's girlfriend. And Mia had to deal with the hate of some of the fans who didn't want her on set and turned everything into something negative.
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kevinmchalenews · 2 months
Who could Kalen Gorman, BTS & Content Producer for Glee, always rely on for an interview on set? Cory of course 😂 The full convo with kalanafalana is out now - listen at the link in bio 🎙️✨ Thank you Kalen for joining us and for all the incredible Glee content over the years ❤️
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leeyanyanyaaan · 1 year
hi hi im starting a giant collection of playlists and id like any recommendations please!
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currently this is my jpop folder:
akiyama kiro
anzai kalen
asian kungfu generation
awesome city club
back number
bump of chicken
cody lee
co shu nie
fujii kaze
hoshino gen
indigo la end
kamiyama yoh
king gnu
kitani tatsuya
latu latu
man with a mission
mrs green apple
my first story
official hige dandism
one ok rock
onuma parsley
queen bee
ryokuoushoku shakai
saucy dog
sekai no owari
suda keina (balloon)
survive said the prophet
tani yuuki
yoasobi, ayase, ikuta lilas
yonezu kenshi
and this is what i have for kpop:
big naughty
eric nam
jeon somi
le sserafim
red velvet
stray kids
tomorrow x together
xdinary heroes
oof these are huge lists lmao.. im more versed in jpop, whereas all the playlists i have for kpop are for groups ive listened to a decent amount of times to remember a few songs, and for the most part they're all mainstream. i kinda wanna look into nct but rn i don't get the difference between all their units(?)
anyways, i'd love to get some recommendations, especially for kpop and anime song artists that i may have missed! even songs from other languages that have edm or chill vibes i'll also take! maybe opm too but i'll think about that for now XD
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affinityhq · 10 months
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the following characters have been accepted. please follow the affinity admin account within 24 hours .ᐟ
✦ kalen park ; who studies at the school of art & design. ( bts: kim taehyung )
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ajbrooks-writes · 4 years
WIP Re-Intro: For The Crown
Book One of the Blood Ties trilogy
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Heyo! Exactly what it says on the tin. A new and improved For The Crown with special edition features and up-to-date info! Also now with an official trilogy title: Blood Ties. Incredibly accurate.
Book One: For The Crown
Two young shapeshifters uncover generations of blood crimes as they attempt to change their own destiny. Masquerading amidst power plays and fickle allys, the prince and the pretender learn the meaning of family in a tale of love, loss, and the cost of challenging the stars.
Elthian and Ryvaeryn are from very different worlds, tied together by a bloody past. They are each given a single chance to attain their goals, but to do so must navigate a court full of lies, a country full of secrets, and a foe determined to keep both in the past.
Stage: Complete Structural Overhaul Review
Estimated Length: 135k
Genre: New Adult high fantasy
Themes: found family, adventure, self-discovery, romance, challenging status quo, challenging destiny.
More info
Orphaned as an infant and raised by humans on the continent, Ryn has never known another shapeshifter. A bookbinder by trade, she masquerades as a scholar and runs to the island country of Mantha, where she meets our team, and her resolve is tested when she is discovered and has a choice: go home to safety or join the court and risk it all.
Growing up in the castle with his father, brother and best friend, Elthian has known he would be king since he was a child. A planner by passion, Elthian’s progressive ideas clash with his father’s traditional values, placing them increasingly at odds. When his father threatens to change his successor, Elthian must choose between sacrificing the crown for his values and work, or sacrificing his values for the crown and power.
Ryvaeryn and Elthian’s journeys intertwine as they work towards their goals. Among the trials of their individual paths, they realise their growing friendship might be more than that. Now they must weigh their loyalties and, when discovered, understand that one false step could tear them apart forever.
Read on to learn about some of the characters and the next two books! Also cool graphics.
Welcome to part two!
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Protagonist. Age 29, lion shapeshifter. Idealistic, compassionate, creative, naive. Elthian has a rocky past, but has landed on his feet with a father he idolises, an older half-brother he loves unconditionally, and a best friend he could not do without. His brother’s protection has left him naive to their father’s nature, but kept him from losing that idealism and compassion their father is so blatantly missing. Elthian’s biggest struggle is his own self-doubt, but his brother’s line “There are some things in this world you just can’t change.” kickstarts his determination to do exactly that. I love my son, but not make it easy.
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Protagonist. Age 26, tiger shapeshifter. Impulsive, defensive, determined, kind. Safe in seclusion with her long term girlfriend, Ryn gives it up to journey to Mantha and find others like her. She is quick to defend herself and slow to reason, and so desperately wants to know who she is and where she came from that she will risk everything to find answers. This is made difficult when she becomes to target of assassination. See her right eye pictures above? That may or may not emerge intact . I love her, and I forge her fortitude in fire.
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Secondary. Age 30, wolf shapeshifter. Quiet, perceptive, loyal. Joal spent half his childhood as a crown ward, becoming Elthian’s best and most loyal friend. His official role is Royal Historian and Heritage Law Consultant, and he lives at the castle. He is the first to realise Ryn isn’t a scholar. Joal isn’t ‘in touch’ with his emotions, which quickly creates a rift between him and Ryn. Joal has the largest role in Blood Ties after Ryn and Elthian.
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Secondary. Age 32, human. Optimistic, intuitive, honourable. Kalen is the ultimate best friend. He is a great hugger, great listener, and gentle soul. He left the army  to pursue music, specifically the flute. Kalen is aro-ace, and his and Skye’s QPR is the most precious and pure dynamic I have ever seen. He becomes close friends with Ryn, we call him K, and I would die for him.
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Tertiary. Age 35, lion shapeshifter. Discerning, protective, adventurous. Orrian paints himself as rebellious and unreliable, allowing him to pursue his interests in peace, and as a bonus giving his father frequent headaches. Orrian runs a shelter for homeless or orphaned boys and young men, mostly shapeshifters, and basically has a dozen adopted sons. He is also investigating his father, whom he loathes. Orrian has a much larger role in the next two books.
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Tertiary. Age 21, crane shapeshifter. Shy, observant, attentive. Skye is very close with Kalen, and Ryn first meets her in a courtyard where Skye is playing violin. She struggles with anxiety and  PTSD, and attempts to create a support network in this book, which unfortunately backfires. Skye’s role will change a lot over the trilogy as she develops and grows and discovers her strength.
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Tertiary. Age 24. human. Sarcastic, charming, realist. Corri meets Ryn early in town, and they become friends quickly. She loves to have a good time, and encourages Ryn to do the same. If the cellars are stocked, right? Corri has a brief, secret fling with Joal in this book. She also frequently makes time to spend with the children at the castle - much better company than nobles.
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Tertiary. Age 64, lion shapeshifter. Assertive, determined, commanding. Parthian rules with iron, currently with his third wife. He pushed Orrian to abdicate, and has spent the last decades grooming Elthian to be a more worthy successor. Parthian is struggling under the weight of (subjectively) poor past choices. His sons take more from him than they’d like.
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Side. Age 34, human. Calming, authentic, passionate. Lowe and Ryn were together for three years, and lived together for most of that. She knows Ryn’s aspirations, fears and hopes and supports her move to Mantha. Lowe will have a larger role in the next two books, but will crop up a few times in this one, too.
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Side. Age 9, shapeshifter. Shy, curious, adventurous. Pab is an orphan, and has lived at the castle her entire life. She is friends with Corri, and becomes a loyal friend of Ryn’s after a vandalism mishap. Pab will climb literally anything. She scales two storeys of old stone to break into Ryn’s room. Ryn and Pab’s bond strengthens over the trilogy, and we learn more about her family later on.
The World:
For The Crown takes place primarily in Mantha, an island country about the size of France. It has several smaller ilsands scattered around it., and across a strait is a mainland spanning an area close to that of Russia, which is where Ryn is from. Skye and Joal are from the North and South islands around Mantha respectively..During this book, the court travels around the country to various estates, under the guise of a ‘royal tour’, in which Parthian speaks to the leaders and the people and try to assure them that the monarchy has their best interest’s at heart. It gives Elthian the opportunity to find the progressive among them, and Ryn the opprtunity to explore different libraries and estates, including a ruined city, searching for answers.
Mantha is a feudal society originally settled by shapeshifters, which Parthian encourages, because they are easier to control. The continent, all humans, is meanwhile approaching an early industrial age; they have a direct democracy, with all the people having a voice. Mantha works with alchemy, whereas the continent works with technology. They have minimal overlap, but for trade and transport, things like air travel crosses their cultures.
This means I can have steampunk airships flying over my feudal farmland. The dream.
If you would like to know anything else about their culture, feel free to shoot an ask my way!
Rest of the trilogy:
For The King
After the bittersweet end to For The Crown, Ryn and Elthian try to recover the trust of the Manthan people as Elthian begins a shaky rule. But when the new king is kidnapped, it’s up to Ryn, Orrian, Kalen and Joal to race across the continent to save him, finding help from old friends along the way. Meanwhile, in a deep underground prison, Elthian meets new allies and foes as his captors attempt to break him, and he plans a daring escape or three. For The King is significantly darker, and ready to be drafted. You can read this wip intro here.
For The Country
Following a narrow escape, Ryn, Elthian, their new allies and remaining friends journey back to Mantha only to discover it has been overrun! With Elthian’s confidence shattered and Ryn struggling to stay afloat, For The Country has them and their team racing to rally their people against an approaching enemy while they battle fire, uprising, discord and disease. In the conclusion of this epic fantasy, everyone comes together for the battle that will decide Mantha’s future.
Final comments:
Can’t believe I managed, finally, to finish this intro.
I’m going to try and participate more in wip and OC related things, and post more about my story when life allows. I hope you enjoyed it, congrats on getting to the end, and have a great day!
For The Crown tag list:
 @trigwrites @jessicacaseyauthor @mfackenthal @mushwrites @b-works-074  @gardeningourmet @apocalyvse @jcckwrites @writingisdivinetorture  @purpleshadows1989 @thatwritergirlsblog @betwixtofficial @pen-in-hand @whynotwriting @bookish-actor @sunlight-and-starskies @jcckwrites @half-explored @watermelons-writings @purpleshadows1989 @crazycoffeemermaid​ @summerflowers
Blood Ties taglist:
@whisperswritings @stand-inthe-rain @fantasy-shadows @halrose @romanticatheart-posts @hopefulmoonobject @angelolytle @albarnesauthor @fantasy-penman @ofinscriptions @jynecca @venomouspen @k-nazario​ @raenawrites @s-n-o-w-p-i-e-r-c-e-r​ @the-starlight-chills​ @crazycoffeemermaid​ @ardawyn​ @bookish-actor​ @waterfallofinkandpages​ @the-writister​ @thewriteblrarchives​
(if you would like to be added or removed from the Blood Ties tag list, please let me know. Also if I’ve missed anyone I’m really sorry, could you let me know please thank youx)
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mlobsters · 3 years
hannibal s2e10 naka-choko commentary with bryan fuller and caroline dhavernas (captions by me) on the sexy weird stag man fivesome
While we were going for it, his mask fell off. He was on top of me and it was all weird. And then boom! And then I see this little sweaty face underneath. It was so funny! - Caroline Dhavernas
(stag man is kalen davidson)
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aramajapan · 4 years
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Yamashita Tomohisa, Kalen Anzai, IZ*ONE, and More Perform on Buzz Rhythm 02 for July 17
This weeks guests were BTS, Yamashita Tomohisa, IZ*ONE, Kalen Anzai, and NOISEMAKER. BTS – Stay Gold Yamashita Tomohisa – Nights Cold IZ*ONE – Gensou Nikki (Secret Story of the Swan) Kalen Anzai – Bokura wa Tsuyoku Nareru. NOISEMAKER – Better Days
Read more on aramajapan.com
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darrencrissarmy · 7 years
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
At some point later in the show, Kalen who did the Glee bts videos before Mia took over responded to someone on twitter that Chris and Darren were work friends. This ruffled a lot of feathers. Originally, the "Darren I need a cigarette now" bts video for Original Song was taken as evidence that Chris was totally game and even flirting with his costar, and they started to grumble when it didn't really continue beyond the Klaine skit on the second tour. 1/
2/ Incidentally, the Klaine tour skit solidified the CCers into a tinhat Klaine group. So when the "flirty" interaction didn't continue beyond the Glee tour, CCers were ready with a theory that something "suspicious" was going on. While the more dedicated Klainers were grumbling just because they were disappointed in their expectations of bts stuff etc. But by S3, Chris couldn't go on twitter - or give an interview for that matter - without being asked what it was like to kiss Darren,
3/ was Darren a good kisser, was Darren gay, etc. I'm pretty sure he expected people to get the cigarette and Klaine skit jokes as just jokes and move on - but instead he got more and more Klaine and Darren tweets which got more and more obsessive. People were tweeting at him why wasn't he tweeting Darren, why there were no videos and pics - did he hate him, etc., and I think at that point he decided to cut his losses.
Thank you for the history- I always felt that it played out like this but I never laid it out so well.  I wasn’t following the bs so closely then, so I didn’t know the exact events that triggered the change in Chris’s level of fun.  I know the kiss is a big deal since they still talk about it. 
I can’t get past The Wedding BTS -which Chris had to be forced to do- where he lays out his feelings on the Kragen, the complaints about them not taking photos together, the difficulty they had dealing with Twitter and other social media. It’s obvious he had little love for Klaine by that point. He’s always been more proud of Kurt  and Kurt’s experience and how the audience reacted to that than he was of being part of a super couple. He’s so over it all and the ccers just love that interview.  
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kpopviralblog · 6 years
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TWICE states BTS paved the way for K-Pop’s success in America on ‘OMK: Let’s KCON with Kalen!’
TWICE states BTS paved the way for success in America.
On a new segment on ‘The Ellen Degeneres Show’ called, ‘OMK: Let's KCON with Kalen!’,  where Kalen Allen heads to KCON LA 2018 to explore K-Pop, K-Beauty and the Korean culture.
Kalen explored KCON LA 2018 by learning the choreography to ‘Fake Love’ with Kevin Nguyen, gets a makeover from beauty guru Irene Kim and has a special interview with TWICE alongside f(x)’s Amber.
In an interview with TWICE and f(x)’s Amber, Kalen asks the girl group, “So how does it feel to now have K-Pop reach global status?” TWICE later replied with commending BTS on their success to help other groups to reach new audiences in the industry.
Other K-Pop idols and Korean celebrities like Shinhwa, KARD, Ailee, Seo Taji, PSY, Tablo, Drunken Tiger JK, Jay Park, Jessi, and Jessica Jung. have thanked BTS for helping the K-Pop industry be able to break out such as in the United States.
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A semi-old fart and her fandom pet peeves...
1) Over-tagging. Say, for example, your post concerns one character and/or the actor who plays him/her/them. It makes sense to tag the character (if the post is about the character). It makes sense to tag the actor (if the post is about another project that the actor is involved in that is not the character they are most known for). It makes sense to tag the project associated with the post. If the post is about one specific character and/or one specific actor from a show, there is no need to tag every single actor and character from the show.
For example, if you are making a post about Chris Colfer meeting your little nephew who comes to one of his book signings dressed up as Kurt Hummel, it makes sense to tag Chris's name, the title of Chris's book, and Kurt Hummel (because the little kid is dressed like Kurt). You don't need to tag Lea Michele, Darren Criss, Naya Rivera, etc. unless they are in the picture as well. It's not going to get you more notes on tumblr, it's going to get your post blocked because people are sick of seeing unrelated posts in the tags for their favorites. People who have certain characters/actors blacklisted through Tumblr Savior or XKit might also miss out on your perfectly innocent post because you tagged that actor even though they aren’t in the picture. For example, say there is someone who is a big fan of Chris and Kurt, but they have Naya’s name blacklisted because she’s most famous for playing Santana, and the fan found Santana’s treatment of Kurt objectionable and gets sad whenever they see her face. If you tag the whole cast, that person is not going to see your precious nephew meeting Chris because your post got lost in their blacklist. The same thing goes for characters who are played by multiple people. Davey Jacobs is my favorite character in Newsies. If you're making a gifset of all the actors who played him, it makes sense to tag "Davey Jacobs" and the names of all the actors who played him in the various iterations of the movie/show. If your gifset or post exclusively features/discusses Ben Fankhauser and/or his particular portrayal of Davey, you do not need to tag Jeremy (Greenbaum), Jacob or Stephen in the post.
2) Tagging multiple characters/actors/ships in a controversial post just to get a rise out of people. There is a bit of an overlap with the overtagging here as the offenders tend to be the same. My examples here are the "Marvin discourse" in Falsettos and the identity discourse in Newsies. Marvin is written as gay and is referred to by other characters in the show as "homosexual." He divorces his wife because he wants to be with a man (who, technically, he was already with if Trina's account in "I'm Breaking Down" is correct). However, the character description on a few different character breakdown sites claims he is bisexual. These sites are not "gospel" and are generally not written by the creators of the projects themselves. While sexuality can certainly be fluid, Marvin's marriage to a woman and successful conception of a child seems to be a result of closeted behavior rather than bisexuality. The majority of the Falsettos fandom seems to accept that Marvin is gay, but occasionally there will be someone who INSISTS he's bi (not that there's anything wrong with being bisexual) and fills EVERY SINGLE FALSETTOS-RELATED TAG with it for attention.
With Newsies, there's a strong contingent of people who headcanon the less-developed background newsies (and sometimes the lead newsies and their friends and siblings) as LGBT. I haven't seen the movie in probably 20 years (I thought it was boring which is why I had no intention of seeing it live until one of my dearest friends booked the tour) so the characters in the movie-verse might have done something that was very clearly gay that I missed when I was in sixth grade, but I didn't catch anything particularly "gay" in the stage version although if the writers had gone the Jack/Crutchie route I could sort of understand it based on their interactions. That being said, unless someone is blatantly making stuff up or ripping Katherine or Sarah apart for the tiniest little flaw to blow a hole in Jack/Katherine or Jack/Sarah to justify why they ship Jack/Davey or Jack/Crutchie or Jack/Race or whatever, headcanoning characters as gay really isn't hurting anyone. If some gay kid in the middle of nowhere sees a lot of himself in Crutchie and wants to imagine a world where Crutchie is EXACTLY like him (well, apart from being born in a different century), it's not a bad thing.
I'm younger than most film-Newsies fans but I'm a lot older than most stage-Newsies fans. I was well into my twenties before I joined ANY fandom, and while there are characters I share some similarities with, I can enjoy them and identify with them without needing them to be exactly like me and filling holes in their descriptions with my personal identity traits or with traits I know the actor behind them has but that haven't been specified for their character. That being said, I know that there are other people who do feel more connected to a character they like if they see the character's canon struggles through the lens of a not-necessarily-canon identity (in the case of gender/sexuality/ethnicity) or diagnosis (in terms of a mental illness or developmental disorder). Like, OK, yeah, MOST of the newsboys in 1899 New York were probably cishet neurotypical males and a lot of them were white-passing if not outright white. The thing is, people KNOW that. Posting that and then tagging every single character and actor in the show, even if it's historically accurate, is just going to make you look like a dick (because these are literally just FICTIONAL CHARACTERS and you're screaming "MINE, NOT YOURS!" in people's faces), whereas the people who have headcanons of Jack as mixed race or Davey as autistic or Spot as transgender aren't posting their headcanons to be dicks. That being said, I don't know how many people (I'd wager most, but not all) of the people who headcanon characters with not-explicitly-canon identities actually belong to the identity communities themselves. I don't think it's wrong for a gay autistic trans kid to see Spot Conlon and go "ooh, what if he was gay and autistic and trans like me?" but if it's a straight neurotypical person (and by a straight person, I mean, an actual straight person, not someone who is questioning or closeted gay/lesbian/bi/pan) going "ALL YOUR FAVES ARE GAY! AND TRANS! AND AUTISTIC!" and tagging every single fandom they are in, it reads as a little fetishistic but that's just me.
3) "Rares" blogs posting pictures that aren't rares. If an actor posts an in-costume selfie with his castmates to his instagram during the process of creating a show or after the show is finished, it's not a "rare," even if the first time YOU'VE particularly seen it is two years after the show goes off the air and five years after he posted it. The same goes for someone who is involved in the project from a production aspect (like, for example, Joaquin or Kalen from Glee). A rare would be something that a friend-of-a-celebrity or a fan posted on a public social media account (like Twitter or Instagram) of the celebrity at a party or involved in something they did before their "big break." For example, I think if someone were to be like "hey, oh crap, I just remembered I went to see NLT years ago and I have a selfie with Kevin McHale when he was a teenager that I've never posted," THAT would be a rare. If someone posted a picture of Darren from his study abroad in Italy, that would be a rare. Posting a picture from the Glee set that's been tweeted or Instagrammed (sometimes multiple times) by the actors themselves is not "posting a rare."
4) This sort of could be combined with number 1, but it's more about Instagram/Twitter than Tumblr. It's one thing to make a cool edit of a character or an actor and tag them in it. Like, for example, Stephanie Styles and Drew Gehling were just in a stage production of Roman Holiday. Photoshopping their faces onto the film actors' bodies on the movie poster is a cool edit and I'm sure they would love to be tagged in something like that. Maybe you drew a picture of Brittana from Glee having a picnic and giving each other flowers; there's nothing wrong with tagging Heather and Naya in that. Maybe you identify a lot with Evan Hansen and make an "Evan Hansen aesthetic post" and want Ben Platt to see. Whatever, that's fine. What is overkill is when people literally just post screenshots from a TV show/movie/Broadway bootleg or steal pictures from actors' Instagrams or OTHER PEOPLE'S EDITS and have a completely unrelated caption like "uggggggggh I have so much math homework" or "my stepdad is being a dick and says I can't go see (insert movie here)" and tag the actors just because they happen to be in the picture. Sometimes people look in the actor tags on Instagram for news on their fave that might not be announced yet (for example, someone else from a project an actor is working on tagging them in a BTS picture) but it gets swamped under the same screenshot of the Newsies seizing the day or Klaine kissing or Andrew Rannells standing over Christian Borle with what appears to be a boner or Ben Cook doing the splits while Josh Burrage makes a goofy face in the background OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Sometimes a fan is having a hard time and all they want is to be noticed by their favorite cast member of a show, but their friends' post petitioning the actor to wish them a happy birthday is swamped under 900 notifications of the same unedited screenshot. I have a friend who will sometimes post an old Newsies photo and go on an unrelated rant underneath, but she doesn't tag the actors or the show, so it's fine. If you didn't make the edit, don't post the edit (like, even if you credit whoever made it, someone else might steal it from you and they won't). If you HAVE to post a picture from a show with an unrelated caption, don't tag the actors. It's annoying as hell, and I suspect it contributes a lot to why a lot of them pull away from Instagram.
5) Roleplay blogs clogging up the tags, and then people creating blogs specifically to ADVERTISE their roleplay blogs when they know the actual blogs themselves are getting blocked. Also, FACEBOOK ROLEPLAYS. Facebook won't even let a lot of trans people change their name without a shit load of documentation, but it seems fine with people pretending to be fictional characters and celebrities and changing their FB handles to (insert first name) (insert embarrassing RPF ship portmanteau). Facebook is for real people and businesses, and I can SORT of see making a FB profile for a baby or a pet to have a place where only certain people can access photos and information (since most people have FB but not everyone has Instagram). Also, some of the roleplay scenarios people have are seriously fucked up and racist/ableist/both. YIKES.
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ortonzhang-blog · 6 years
▲TWICE感谢防弹少年团。(图/翻摄自TWICE、BTS Facebook)
《艾伦秀》主持人Kalen Allen之前参加美国告示牌颁奖典礼,亲眼见识到防弹少年团的魅力,3个月后造访位于洛杉矶的KCON演唱会,这回则是首次见到大势女团TWICE,问对方「BTS之前才作客《艾伦秀》,对于KPOP传到全世界感觉如何?」
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kepoinus · 6 years
TWICE Ucapkan Terimakasih Pada BTS Karena Sudah Membukakan Jalan Untuk Artis K-Pop di Amerika
TWICE Ucapkan Terimakasih Pada BTS Karena Sudah Membukakan Jalan Untuk Artis K-Pop di Amerika
Anggota TWICE mengucapkan rasa terimakasih mereka kepada Bangtan Boys yang sudah membukakan jalan kepada artis-artis K-Pop di pasar Amerika Serikat.
Baru-baru ini program ‘The Ellen Show’ menayangkan liputan ‘KCON 2018’ di Los Angeles yang dibawakan oleh Kalen Allen.
Dalam liputan tersebut, Kalen Allen berkesempatan untuk mewawancarai anggota…
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ajbrooks-writes · 4 years
Last Line Tag!
Thanks for the tag @keen2meecha !! Did I go back to find it because I finally wrote something? You bet!
Chapter One of my rewrite of Blood Ties: For The Crown. (Re-intro coming soon)
"Good to meet you, Ryn. Now, come have a drink with me; you can tell me all about why you're out here without proof you exist."
- my boy, Kalen.
Tagging: @stand-inthe-rain @writingqueensworld @mistowrites @rhiannonleewriting @nonbinarywritxer @girlwhowritesthings no obligation :)
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