durotoswrites · 6 months
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My Cliff redraw for 2024
Here are 2021 and 2022 respectively
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myreia · 1 month
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✦ B O T A N I S T
The mountains above Idyllshire have not changed since she saw them last. It was here that she took her first clipping, unprompted and on a whim, desperate to take some memory of the rolling hills home with her to Ishgard. Though she could not voice it at the time, the Dravanian Hinterlands reminded her of her missing Scions, friends who, at the time, could have very well been dead. The plant died a sad death in her inn room, but her efforts to keep it alive sparked a casual interest in botany. She is stubborn, after all. If one plant dies, then she will ensure than ten more live. —level 90 compendium
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miartesuanimacion · 10 months
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Bestiafuuu Navideño 🎄❤️
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BTNB Alt. Pride Flag
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BTNB (BTN), BTX (B2X) or B2NB (B2N): transitioning from binary to neutral, neutrois, or non-binary.
This is the green counterpart to the other BTNB flags. Can be used as a general transneutral flag.
[transcript: 7 stripes equally sized and colored with cyan, light green, green, darker green, green, lighter green, and pink. end i.d.]
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allycryz · 2 years
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unpleasant dreams everyone....
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roegadynroost · 1 year
FFXIVwrite 2023 - 10 Fondness
It had been a day like many others for Thyn'a Sindyrl. A return to Gridania after a long stretch of time on the road with the scions. She caught an airship from one side of the great continent to her shaded home in the Shroud. The air was cooler than it had been on her last visit, a sign of the seasons change. It was not as cold as she would have liked, but then again, few places had been as cool as the chilly little valley she called home in her youth. Still, she dressed a little warmer for her visit, a handsome loose white smock belted over her favorite pale blue leathers. 
Thyn'a had finished up the most pressing of her business already, She'd made sure all was in order with her retainers finances. She gave them a generous tip for their services, and when she made to say her goodbyes Faustigent refused to let her go before she'd let him buy her a drink at the Carline Canopy. She was very happy to catch up with the amorous Elezen. He listened to her stories with great interest, and told a few of his own from his retainer escapades. 
Before Thyn'a knew it, it was noon and Faustigent was shooing her off to go enjoy her leave. She was always happy to see him she couldn't deny, but she couldn't lie to herself that his presence at times could be cloying. Her social energy was running a tad low. It would be nice to get a chance to disengage for a short while, which is why she loved Gridania to begin with. 
Thyn'a greeted Gontrant with the warmest smile she could muster. He had a fierce face that might leave some to think he was a grouchy old man, but she found the enthusiasm he had for inspiring and encouraging Adventures to take up work to be energizing. A quick peek at the leves for the day gave her a fine choice of tasks and she accepted  a couple of them with vigor, waving goodbye as she made to away.
Thyn'a was taking a break from champion work but she did not wish to be idle for her entire trip. She wouldn't go far, just out to Central Shroud to do some gathering while she decompressed from the days hustle and bustle. Going out and getting her hands dirty in the loamy soils always calmed her.
The first of the days quests was filling an order of Latex that Frondale's Phrontistery placed with the Greatloam Growery and emphasized that the product must be of the utmost purity. Not that she would ever deliver anything of subpar quality, but Thyn'a made a mental note anyways. While tapping for latex was one of the first things she learned from the Botanist's guild, it was always a time intensive task, but she filled the pots calmly and carefully. 
The sun had dipped quite a bit lower by the time she set out to deliver the lot to Miruaule to be transported. The charming Elezen woman attempted to get Thyn'a to accept more work, but she declined, set on finishing her last task before retiring for the night. She thanked her and accepted her payment. The gil wasn't a lot, but she would never turn her nose up at it. It was honest work.
Thyn'a's next task took her to the banks of the West Vein where she would be taking on a job for the Seedseers themselves, and it was of the utmost importance. After the destruction the Calamity waged on the Twelveswood, there had been an effort at reforestation. Her job today was to help said effort by collecting samples from the new growth. The specimens would then be studied by the Growery.
Thyn'a was to gather from the plants along the west bank, specifically mistletoe and ash saplings. She started in the north and worked her way south along the river, past Bentbranch and to where the West Vein joined the East Vein, widening and flowing off to the Mirror. The sun's glow was waning as she collected and tagged the last of her spoils, but it cast everything in the most beautiful orange light that added to the magical feel of the place.
The delivery point for this lot was the Bentbranch levemete named Tierney, Thyn'a could spy the building from her spot. She decided that the samples would hold up long enough for her to take a moment to just breathe and take in the twilit moment. Before long her gloves, boots, and pack had been shed, and she was descending the rocks down to the gently flowing waters.
Feet submerged in the cool stream, Thyn'a sat and listened to the sounds of the Black Shroud. The leaves rustling above, the water flowing all around her. The aether pulsed from everything, soothing away the tightness in her shoulders. She watched fireflies dance in the distance, and the nearby water sprites swirled elegantly about the river. It was tranquility brought alive.
She stayed like that in the twilight for was seemed like forever, an uninterrupted moment of peace. The sun was still making its steady descent in the distance, but not yet gone. And Thyn'a wondered if she might just turn in those samples quickly and then come back to this spot to enjoy herself. 
The ears atop her head swiveled and flicked. In the distance Thyn'a heard what she surmised was a chocobo as it trotted over the bridge into Bentbranch. She could not see it from where she sat, the rocks blocking her view but it didn't matter. She just wanted to enjoy her moment a little bit longer.
Honeyrust had taken on a late afternoon job for the Greatloam Growery. It was last minute, but it was simple enough and he had finished his retainer tasks for the day so he'd figured he would try and get in a bit of extra work for a bit of extra gil. Working for his current patron he was allotted more time than he expected, and he wanted to make the most of it.
Wanting to get back within the city walls before dusk, Honeyrust hurried to the Chocobokeep and gathered up Biscuits, his clients loyal steed, and left through Blue Badger Gate. Though it was getting late he still allowed himself the pleasure of taking the scenic route, the call of the forest at eventide was too much for him to resist enjoying, even if these boughs were not the ones that bore him.
The trip was short, ten minutes by Honeyrust's measure, to get to the Bentbranch stables where he left Biscuits with a tasty treat. Someone had planted a patch of Krakka roots in the Growery thinking they were carrots, and when the mix-up was discovered the bitter roots had been given out to any one that wanted them. They were not very palatable to most, but chocobo loved them, so he grabbed one for his feathered friend.
Honeyrust knew just where to go, he'd gathered here before. The order called for lavender and carnations. There was something in the note about it being needed for a ceremony at the Sanctum of the Twelve in the morning, but he was to just gather it and take it to a levemete to be delivered by someone else. So he followed the dirt path to the river where his memory recalled seeing the plants before.
There at the foot of a great tree was a patch of lush vegetation, glimmering in the sunset glow. Honeyrust already had his sickle out as he waded through the grass, movements careful and practiced as to not crush the greenery, his eyes sharply observing. He had just spotted a bit of lavender when something further yet caught his gaze.
There along the bank of the river was a backpack, next to it a pair of neatly placed gloves. They looked much like the ones he used for his botany work, and he wondered if one of his colleagues might have forgotten their things out in the woods. Keen ears twitched atop Honeyrust's head as he forsook his task to get a closer look at the abandoned gear, but the only sound was that of the forest, the rushing of the water and him moving through the brush.
Honeyrust crept closer to the edge, more and more of the river coming into view with every step. A few harmless water sprites floated along the other shore of the river, but still there was not yet anyone in sight until he was right upon the bag. There down below, a pair of familiar ears perked at the sound of his boots shuffling through the leaf-litter, and his eyes widened as they met a mirroring pair.
"Thyn'a?" Came Honeyrust's inquisitive timbre, a smile taking his lips and excitement brightening his eyes. 
"Oh" Thyn'a remarked and sat a little straighter as she recognized him, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise. She was perched on a rock near the bottom, her bare feet in the water. "Honeyrust! I thought you a diremite strayed too far north for a moment. Hello my friend!" A well-worn pair of boots was next to her, socks carefully stored with them away from the rushing water. She stood and made to grab them in one hand before scaling the rocks to get back up.
For a quick moment a pang of guilt shot through him. He'd seemingly come across her taking a moment to relax. The guilt evaporated however when he saw the look of equal excitement on her face. He shook the feeling, tucking his sickle away and then reaching out a hand to help her as she made her way up. She looked surprised at the offer of his assistance for just a fraction of a second, but she did not try to press on by herself, her larger hand tentatively reaching up to grasp his as she stepped up the rest of the way.
"Bet it's not every day someone gets to look down on you?" The quip was leaving Honeyrust's mouth before he could think about it, thankfully it earned him a lovely chuckle from her, a rich and mirthful sound delighting his ears as he watched her shoulders shake. 
"No, it's not." Thyn'a said simply, her eyes crinkling as her grin widened yet still. "Those that do dare look down on me oft find themselves cut down a size or so, best be careful to not get too use to it." the words themselves might have been threatening, but her tone had no bite, no warning, no coldness to it. 
Even still, Honeyrust's following chuckle may have held the tiniest tinge of fear.
Thyn'a let go of his hand and Honeyrust watched curiously as she shuffled over to her bag carefully depositing her boots next to it, as neatly as ever. She settled on the ground next to it legs dangling over the side. Looking up to him she never lost her smile and she motioned to the spot open beside her. She looked to not be in any hurry to quit this reunion.
Honeyrust didn't feel like he was in any hurry either, and he coolly took a seat, one leg dangling like hers, the other bent for him to prop an arm on. She returned her attention to the water once more, seemingly pleased as they settled into silence. It didn't seem that today Thyn'a was keen on stirring up conversation, though she was as warm a presence as ever. Honeyrust was equally happy with enjoying the ambiance with her quietly until a thought crossed his mind. 
"Sorry about the other day." Honeyrust began, recalling the day a week or so ago that he'd seen her at the harvest for All Saints' Wake at the Greatloam Growery. "I wanted to catch up, but if I didn't get back to it I'm sure Sandre would have keeled over without me."
"Mmm" Thyn'a gave him a side glance, the sound that escaped her was soft and thoughtful, and her eyes seemed the slightest bit befuddled. Honeyrust's eyes held hers, trying to decipher the confusion, but as quickly as it was there, it was gone, replaced the with soft warmth that she often wore in her expressions when they spoke.
"Don't worry about it. The old man always needs all the help he can get." Thyn'a replied finally a playful lit to her voice. "We'll have all the time to catch up now, and there's no place I'd rather be my friend." 
Honeyrust for a moment wondered if Thyn'a was just being polite, but as he watched her he thought better of it. She'd never given him cause to believe she was anything less than honest. Even after he'd quit the guild and avoided her, she'd only continue to seek him out and shared her adventures with him as if naught had changed.
"What brings you out into this part of the woods then?" Honeyrust asked, nodding to her pack and gloves. "Doing menial botany work? That's not something I'd expected of a warrior such as yourself." He knew she was a master botanist and didn't expect she'd be out doing, well, whatever would bring her to this part of the forest.
"My work is of the utmost importance today." Thyn'a beamed. "I was gathering samples for the Seedseers of the new growth planted after the Calamity, for some folks at the Growery to study." There was not a hint of sarcasm in her tone that Honeyrust could glimpse.
Their conversation continued on. Thyn'a recounted her day and her upcoming work with the Adventurer's guild for All Saint's Wake. Of course Honey asked of her adventuring as well, and he listened with excitement. She also asked after his well being, and he was able to tell her about his work as a retainer. She was seemingly ecstatic at the news and even listened with interest as he told her of all the things he was learning as a Botanist. 
A fondness lit her two-toned eyes as she looked at him. It was easy for Honeyrust to loose track of time as they continued to trade stories well after the sun had disappeared. When he realized the time he began to worry that he wouldn't be able fulfill his order in the dark. 
"Worry not my friend. What is it that you need? I'm sure between the two of us we can get it done in no time." Thyn'a managed to calm him long enough for him to give her the information she needed to get gathering. 
"Carnations and lavender." Honeyrust spoke, unsure of her suggestion. He stood still, watching as she went about putting her socks shoes and gloves back on, followed by her backpack. Only then did she pull out her sickle and get straight to work.
In the darkness Honeyrust began to feel a pang of fear at the thought of something waiting a lurking in the shadows, a great fiend waiting for the perfect moment to devour them when their backs were turned. However, as Thyn'a's voice rang out again, warm and clear, he found her own ease contagious. She continuing their conversation, picking up on where they left off as they'd never stopped.
"I'm sorry, it's so easy for me to loose track of time out here, and I seldom feel as at ease anywhere as I do here." Thyn'a apologized to Honeyrust as she tied off her fifth and final bouquet of carnations, gathering them into one arm as they made to return to Bentbranch. He had looked so genuinely worried for a moment she could feel the concern rolling off of him. 
"I should be the one apologizing. I didn't pay attention to the time and now you're having to waste yours helping me." The guilt in Honeyrust's voice was heartbreaking. 
"Banish the thought Honey, spending time with my friends is never a waste." Thyn'a reassured him. "We seldom know what life has in store for today, or tomorrow, and I like to not take for granted my chances to enjoy someones presence. No matter how busy or tired I get." Though she found it easy to share stories of adventure, at times she found it hard to be eloquent when speaking on her feelings. She hoped her words would be enough to placate him though.
"...Thank you, Thyn'a" Honeyrust's tense shoulders sagged as he seemed to accept her words. Thyn'a was relieved.
They gathered Biscuits up, the chocobo Honeyrust had come on. He told her the steed was his patron's. Thyn'a couldn't resist giving him a treat and a pat as they secured the flowers to his pack. Then she was untying her own feathered friend Aiseidin. She only stopped once more to deliver the samples to the levemete, and then she escorted Honeyrust back to Gridania proper.
Thyn'a stayed with Honeyrust to deliver the flowers and then escorted him to West Shore Pier where she finally wished him a good evening.
"Thank you very much Thyn'a." Honeyrust smiled at her, his earlier trepidation seemingly melted away.
"Of course!" Thyn'a said as she lingered at the top of the stairs leading down to the water. She would be staying in the city tonight, at her room in the Carline Canopy. It was less travel time and she was hoping to meet with one of the investigators for the Adventurer's Guild bright and early to begin planning their operations for All Saint's Wake. 
"I hope that you won't be a stranger Honey! I'll be in the city till about a week following the festival." Thyn'a added, smiling hopefully as she looked down at him. "If you'd like, and if your work allows for it, don't hesitate to call on me for anything at all. Whether that be a need of assistance or perhaps tea and good conversation?" 
Honeyrust had stopped on the other side of the gate. He seemed tired from the busy day, but still he did not hurry down to the boats. He smiled and nodded to her.
"I think I'd be fond of that."
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mrslittletall · 1 year
Yesterday I played Harvest Moon Back to Nature and for the first time in the dozens of hours I played this game, I saw a feral dog! I never had seen one before, so when I came back to my farm at around 7 PM from the mountains and saw the beast, I thought my game was glitching and was really startled! Then I noticed it is a feral dog. I tried to hit it with my axe, but my stamina ran out. It then ran around and scared my single chicken in the fenced area. My own dog was doing nothing to try and get rid of the feral dog... In the end I decided to put my chicken into the coop. The next day the dog was gone and I could put it outside again. Wild how I can find new things in this game even after the many hours I played it in my childhood.
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reap-the-game · 2 years
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Gathering glam for the boy
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bandhyukoh · 1 year
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230419 Hyunjae with Bongjeingan @ BTN Radio's "Mellow 21 with Lee Won Seok"
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marcomarcu · 2 years
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Ready for the shoot 🎥🎬 Fitting 👍🏻Rolle : Anselm Brautkleider Verkäufer 💙 #marcomarcu #film #filmset#lovestory #brautkleider #btn #marcomarcupotsdam #marcomarcufashion #marcomarcugermany #designer #fashiondesigner #schauspieler #berlintagundnacht #scriptreading #selfie #selfietime #ilovemyjob #setlife🎬 #filmpool #filmisnotdead #greyhair #greyhairdontcare #sexymale#viejo #over40 #🎬🎥 (hier: Schöneberg, Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpHyGfVtCVC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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durotoswrites · 8 months
The Shy Newcomer Update
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Cover art by the amazing @acediee
It feels so good to share another chapter with y'all again. Thank you so much for your patience. I really want to allow myself to work on more creative endeavors this year, and that includes more updates to this story.
Chapter 128: Insecurities
Summary: Mary receives a phone call from an old friend, and Claire bumps into a potential new friend?
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Archive of Our Own
Snippet underneath the cut! 💖
“Hey!” she called out.
The man stood up with a start, mumbling under his breath. He turned toward her. “Yes? Can I help you?” He had the look of one who was being distracted from something very important and pressing, and she could see his patience wearing thin.
“That’s my house you’re taking photos of!”
“Ah, so you’re the one that’s living here now, then.” He put his hands on his hips and stared at the farmhouse a little too comfortably, Claire thought. “It’s definitely a change from last year, I’ll give you that. I can see you replaced some rotting wood. But I’ll have you know the textures of the old wood were amazing to get close-ups of!”
“Why are you here?” she asked directly, unsure of how else to address the issue.
He turned toward her, half indignant. “Why, I’m taking my yearly contracted photos. Would you want to be in any of these shots? I have a few poses in mind that would be absolutely charming!” He walked around her, as if scrutinizing a work of art.
“No thank you!” Claire didn’t mean to raise her voice.
He stepped back from her, scandalized. “Farmers… The old man never wanted to be in the shot, either, if I remember what my father told me correctly.”
“Why is this the first I am hearing about photographs?”
The man turned back toward his equipment, leisurely wiping the lens of his camera. “It sounds like a potential miscommunication from Town Hall.”
“Town Hall?” she parroted, allowing her hands to fall limp at her sides.
“Well, namely, Thomas.” Judging from the smirk he wore, Claire assumed he thought he was dropping a pretty big name. “Although I suppose most people know him as Mayor Schulte.”
Literally no one calls him that.
Claire held her tongue.
“Mineral Town has a lot of historical sites and landmarks. Their Visitor’s Bureau likes to keep their documents and photographs of the sights fresh.”
“Visitor’s Bureau?”
“That would be Thomas, again, my dear.” He continued his wiping.
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madurapost · 8 days
OJK Siap Periksa BTN, Skandal Kredit atau Miskomunikasi?
NASIONAL, MaduraPost – Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Perilaku Pelaku Usaha Jasa Keuangan, Edukasi dan Pelindungan Konsumen Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Jawa Timur, Indrawan, angkat bicara soal sengkarut kasus pengkreditan di BTN. Indrawan menilai, jika BTN berada dalam posisi yang benar, mereka tidak seharusnya merasa khawatir dengan sorotan OJK maupun para investor mengenai kenaikan suku bunga…
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keypropertisentul · 1 month
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tyounginurherart · 1 month
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kritoo · 3 months
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Doodled a lil mockup promo poster of Oscar (i really got inspired to develop this story further recently)
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sethhamilton57 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 2021 Tom Brady Panini Playoff Football Behind The Numbers Blue -TBR.
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