narutosrighthand · 2 years
quick, explain why would you dream about this when you’re unconscious huh
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dylinski · 5 years
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apparently this must be shared with the world. here lies my ridiculous summary of the three maze runner movies. ye be warned.
the reason they’re in the maze in the movie is because the world ended and was “scorched” by the sun. then a virus appeared called the flare and it basically makes people rabid zombie-like things called cranks and wikced stands for “world in catastrophe: killzone experiment department” and their goal is to find a cure. everyone in the maze is a mix of immunes and non immunes and they’re in there to test them and find what makes them tick in order to create the cure. they escape at the end but in reality it was all part of the plan and when they’re rescued they’re just back in another facility with wicked “even though they say their not” there thomas finds out they’re taking the kids from the mazes and putting them in comas and draining them of blood and stuff to create cures.
right now they have a temporary fix for the flare from the immunes, but it has to be taken every couple months after you’ve been bitten or infected. so they need an endless supply of kids who are immune. and thomas is like yeah no i’m outie bitch and they escape or whatever and they run out into the scorch and face cranks and shit and they go to find the right arm who is the resistance against wicked and torturing the kids and when they get there they kind of explain this to thomas and everyone and brenda has gotten bit so the woman who leads the right arm is like ur immune bro gimmie ur blood and makes the cure and gives it to brenda and she’s all good but then teresa is like yah bitch yah and betrays everyone after telling thomas a sad story about her mom he’s like my heart, did you hear it shatter into a million pieces because yeah you just did that and then wicked shows up and kills almost everybody and takes minho and a bunch of others and shit
then in the next movie thomas has completely rolled out from being a dumbass bitch who is clueless af to the badass mofo who is also daddy and the whole movie is them trying to save minho right? in the last city which is controlled by wicked and we find out that the flare is airborne now so they’re desperate for a cure and it’s been six months since minho was taken but brenda is fine and hasn’t needed another dose.... hmmmm 🤔 then they go on an adventure to find the last city and they get there and gotta break in and shit and they’re helped by a familiar face who was unexpected (thomas beats the shit out of him first but ya know. mad boi) and they get in there and he stalks teresa then kidnaps her and they get in and now NEWT is infected so he wants to get some of that antiflare juice for his home boi and they in there and save all the kiddos and minho and before all that they have teresa take out their trackers and she’s like yo dudes y brenda not a crank yet and they’re like i dunno and she’s like *thinks hard* and puts some of thomas’ blood on a cloth when she takes the tracker out and shoves the cloth in her pocket
—-back to being in the last city—-
so they saved errybody but they get caught and run run run gun fight bad ass sexy mofo thomas mmmmm and then teresa is like i did this to save everyone to find the cure and thomas screams “THERE IS NO GODDAMN CURE” then they get separated and shit and she runs to her little lab and looks at his blood and is like holy fucking shit my dood. and then cut to thomas newt and minho stuck in a room and they bust out the window and jump out like 100 feet “YEET” and they run through the city but this dumass dude destroyed the walls and now people are rioting and it’s a hot mess. newt looks like death and is dying. he can’t run so minho runs to brenda since she has the cure so they can give it to newt but he’s like nah peace out and tries to kill himself cause he doesn’t want to be a crank and then thomas is like bro no i love you and then he does crank out and has a knife and they fight and then he accidently stabs newt in the mess and he dies right as brenda shows up with the serum and then dumbass teresa talks over the intercom for the whole ass city and tells thomas he need to come back to the facility because he’s the mother fucking cure HES THE FCUKING CURE GODDAMN IT HE CAN SAVE NEWT AND THE WORLD HOLY FUCK
he runs away from the body crying and runs into the facility and puts a gun up to crazy lady and is like “could i have saved him? could i have saved newt?” and she’s like bitch, you can save everyone (sorry for trying to kill you like 474747383838 times in the three movies my bad can u fix us?) and then BANG jansen pops up and kills the hoe and then knocks the shit out of thomas. he wakes up and is strapped to a chair and jansen is forcing teresa to make a dose of the cure cause ya know ya boi was secretly infected and then teresa is like no i love him so she vibe checks the bitch and they run off while the city is being destroyed and jansen tries to shoot teresa but then dumbass thomas yeets himself in front of her and gets fucking shot and they’re running around and some mofos have this tank with fucking rockets on them and shoot the fucking building so it’s falling down around them and then thomas kills jansen and they can’t get out cause ya know fire
so they go to the roof and kissy kissy cause they gon die but ayeee tommy’s friends show up in a weird hovercraft thing and he gets up there but oops, building collapses and teresa die bye and then thomas pass out cause ya know ya boi got shot (we ded ass thought he ded ded) and then he wakes up on this island and they like ayueeee paradise lol and obvi tommy is wrecked cause he just losing people left and right and for what? and they have the memorial shit for all the peeps they lost and he reads newts letter and little bitch baby tears and then he’s staring at the ocean and has the vile with “the cure” in is hand and he looks out to the sea and squints his eyes and looks like he bout to do some shit and then the end
@daisyxbuckley​ @parker-potter​ @bitch-banshee​
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allonsy-yesiwill · 5 years
Missing - Chapter 1 Emails
WC: too few to count, the emails are short but the chapters are longer.
Summary: You walked away, taking a break but now you are missing
A/N: So I wrote this some time ago and just found it in my folder so it’s pretty much done. I am going to post the emails the way one would read emails newest to oldest Since it’s all drabble I am going to put everything together in one post, mostly because I hate clicking 
Warning: Angst, missing person
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Date: One Week Ago
Hi Y/N,
I just wanted to write and say hi. I know you will probably never see these but it’s the only way I can think of to talk to you. Sam and I are back in Oregon, we do have a possible lead as to where you might be, this is the best clue we had in months. With every ounce of my being, I hope it’s you.
Sammy and I just got into town and are calling it a night now that it’s 2 am. He’s doing good, better than me. I still carry so much guilt. This was my fault……I love you so much and would do anything to make it right.
Love you more than you will ever know.
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3 weeks ago
Hi Y/N,
I wish you were here….I wish I could just talk to you. There’s something going on with Mary and I am just lost. I remember hearing those reassuring words, “Everything was going to be okay.” Sure I knew that some of the time, actually most of the time they weren’t true but those words always made me feel safe.
Even after you left, I could pick the phone and feel that comfort from miles away. I want you to know every night before I fall asleep I say those words….everything is going to be okay Y/N, I will find you.
I am so sorry for the last email, I was drunk and sometimes it all hurts too much. I hope you can forgive me for my mistakes.
Missing you so much sweetheart!!!
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AN: Dean’s drunk ...so typos should be there 
3 weeks and 2 days ago
This is so much fcuking bullshit Y/N, tell me where you are NOW so I can COME. Why did you even leave, I, no one ever asked you to leave and one day you drop the bomb.
I don’t want to do this…..blah blah blah….depression….blah blah blah…….you just had to getaway.
I could have hleped you fix it all. I could have helped you, especially with that fucking dick ex of yours. Why didn’t you let me.
IF you were here right now I could give you a  hug and take in your coconut smell….oh how I would love to do that…I would never let you go. Never again….
But no, someone had to take a break from hunting.  At first I wanted nothing more than to be happy for you but with every day that goes by I wonder if you were running away from me.
I am fucking over it, there is going to be words. I hate you so much right now.
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5 weeks ago
Dear Katie,
It’s so weird and interesting how much these emails bring me peace. I know they are just sitting in an inbox somewhere that they will never be found but I still enjoy telling you about my day.
Today was a good one, no work just took care of baby. Sammy went for a run and did some looking for new cases and well…you too sweetheart. There are a few odd things happening in the Pacific NW and I know you were from Oregon so we are probably going to collect as much info as possible and start heading that way. I wish I could say my hopes were high but they aren’t….. I do have my fingers crossed.
My love for pie is still as undying as ever. I have found a place that makes a cherry pie almost as good as yours. I have to confess whenever I have a piece I close my eyes and think about my wonderful birthday memories of you making a pie as my gift. I am not sure if I ever told you this but that was my favorite birthday gift ever. And the memories those have kept me going for all of the months you have been gone.
Don’t worry I know I will find you and we can create more memories….hell maybe I can even help make a pie. Missing you more than you will ever know.
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7 weeks ago (4/1)
While this would make me so mad, I would also be so grateful if you appeared today and said happy April Fools. The moment this happens I promise I will not let go of you ever.
Love you
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9 weeks ago
My Dearest Y/N,
Things I wish I had done differently for you:
Been more supportive and understand when you had to go
Talked or texted every day after you left
Listen to you more so I could have known that you were hurting before and helped sooner
Beating the shit out of your ex…fucking dick
Given you more hugs
Sharing a first kiss
Done more of those little things you said life was really about like looked at that stars
Held you in my arms while you fell asleep
When I find you….and I will find you we are going to be doing all of this.
Love you
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11 weeks ago
Katie…..how come we can’t find you. What’s going on. I don’t understand. Even if you’re mad at me, tell me you are okay.
It’s been just over 3 months since Trina called said you were MIA. Trina let us into your home. My heart broke that day. I insisted on taking your clothes and any personal things that no one else wanted because I am going to find you!!!
Trina was so nice she boxed everything up and shipped it to us. We drove around Oregon and looked everywhere but you simply were not there.
I have all of your things in the bunker and your room is ready when we do find you. I wanted you to stay here even if its just for a while or we can get you on Trina’s travel plans where you are part-time here and part-time there. I want you to come home so badly, I miss you and just want to hold you in my arms.
Love you
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12 Weeks Ago (2/14)
Happy Valentine Day. I know that it’s probably not happy for you and I know it’s not for me but I wanted to tell you something.
With everything that has been happening, with you being missing. I can’t cover up my feelings anymore. I love you Y/N.
When you lived with us you made my heart skip a beat the way you would smile or sass me. When you left I was so mad at myself for not seeing your pain sooner and I didn’t want you to hurt anymore so I let you go without saying or doing anything.
You were in my thoughts every day after you left, I simply drank you into the corner of my mind while checking in on facebook to make sure you were staying safe. And I have to say you looked so happy, it even brought some joy to my heart.
When I find you my love, and I will find you. I won’t be wasting any more time. I am going to be there even if you don’t love me. I will still love you in whatever way you allow me. I wish you were here so that I could hold in my arms before drifting off to sleep.
Love you more than you will ever know.
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14 weeks ago
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16 weeks ago
So this person who says they are your good friend, Trina, called today and says you’re missing. Don’t worry, Sammy and I will find you. 
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18 Weeks ago (1/1)
I hope you are having a happy new year and that you didn’t drink too much last night!!! How is island life?
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19 weeks ago (12/25)
Merry Christmas!!! I know you are probably enjoying rum on the beach but I just wanted to say hi. 
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22 weeks ago 
Sammy tells me you are going to Oregon soon, any chance of you swinging by to say hi to us? 
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anthonyed · 5 years
so i got this college going neighbour kid who’s been having a - what appears to be - trouble in paradise with his girlfriend over the skype for a few weeks now and how i know it? good question. he’s FCUKING loud. that’s how i know. which means, he got on my nerves finally because whilst option a) is a rude “shut the fucking fuck up!”, option b) which is to get inspired from it seems quite fine by my measure so here we go. the tenses here are fucked up, fair warning.
stevetony - loud neighbour au
when steve saw the advert he thought, “fucking finally” because that was his one way ticket to signing himself out of that purgatory filled with 99% art school goers. were all creative people that loud and vibrant to the point of blinding? hell if he knew cause he so wasn’t staying to find about it. 20 minutes long phone call after, he’s out of the building
-and into a hell hole it appears.
for 2 months, it was blissfully fine. not always he’s in peace but he was fine. he can excuse the friday, saturday and some part of sunday out of his weekly calendar or calm and tranquility. maybe steve was odd or maybe it was the added 5 years to his life from the militray service, he doesn’t altogether feel the ‘college vibe’ as the rest of the tenants put it.
he’s on the third floor of the four floored building. he doesn’t all of those who lived there, but he’s seen some. he knows the guys living on the same floor as his; sam and bucky. good chaps. also gay. for a boy who grew up catholic his entire life with minimal exposure to the outer world save for the still bigoted military, it was riveting
steve shares his with a guy called rhodey. also a vet which was comforting. 3 years of active service under the air force apparently. why he quit? steve doesn’t know; rhodey didn’t tell, steve didn’t ask. it was something he learnt from the his 4 months in VA before he left abruptly. maybe he still got issues, but he can handle them. maybe... whatever.
rhodey goes to mit, has a pretty tame routine apart from his friday party nights. but they were never a bother because rhodey usually ended up staying the night away. steve is left alone, he is absolutely fine.
well until 3 weeks ago when it started with a door slam and angry stomping and sure it happened sometimes - steve groaned, cursed at the ceiling and he let it pass. he has some temper issues, so what? - but this time, sometimes became every time. 
then it bled into muffled yelling at the wake of dawn and then - bam! - all the fucking damn time!
now, steve has never seen who lived above his and rhodey’s but he heard from bucky that they guy lived alone. a mit fellow and something about him being genius/young/filthy rich - anyway,
“hey rhodey, you know who lives above us?” 
rhodey looked at him from his bowl of cereal for supper, steve thought the way rhodey beamed at him gave a bad ‘vibe’ - as far as his understanding of the word went, “yeah! it’s tony. why’d you ask?”
steve took a moment to digest that. rhodey appeared to know this tony fellow and if his reaction gave away anything at all, it’s that rhodey was fond of this tony - whoever that loud bastard is - which means, if steve was gonna vent his frustration out about a certain loud neighbour (read: tony) it was never gonna stay only between rhodey and steve and also, there was a high chance rhodey will try to placate steve. which wasn’t what steve wanted at that time, at least.
so he said, “nah. just curious who’s making all those ... rattle. up there.” he hid his stiff smile behind his coffee cup
good ol rhodey, still saw past that facade, “aww man. sorry bout tones. he’s been having some issues with his ... urm something.”
nice save, rhodes. steve thinks. externally, he washes his empty cup, bid a chiao and retired to his room to face another night of grovelling teen drama over his head. all those fuck yous and do you really think *muffle muffle*, what the hell *muffle* and just “URGH!”
when he finally burst, it had been a particularly grovelling day for steve to begin with. he woke up choking with taste of rubbles on his tongue and the sound of john screaming in pain from the bomb that went off at his face. then he had to come across someone getting beat up in front of mario’s for being a ‘paki’. steve lost it there.
and that echoed throughout his wednesday all the way to his empty apartment where he was just settling to meditate some shit out of his mind when the asshole above him started another yelling match with his boyfriend, ty. 
to his credit, he tried to suppress it but then the shouting grew louder until that tony guy started chanting ‘fuck you’ at the top of his lung over possibly his still talking boyfriend. steve lost it.
he marched into the kitchen, pulled out the broom from behind their refrigerator and he stood directly beneath the source of his headache before he jabbed the end of the broom at the wall above. he waited for the yelling to cease before inhaling a lungful and shouting with his captain voice to “SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU FUCKHEAD!”
when rhodey came home that day, he found steve in the kitchen with his coffee. he started his own cereal supper and finished it in comfortable silence which was when he finally noticed the difference. he looked up and then down at steve. he looked up again and he goes, “huh” and he shrugged like all was well before entering the shower
the yelling didn’t restart the next day or the day after next or the day after that even. steve felt horribly guilty but he refused to, which was a whole other gnarly feeling to feel on its own. he felt at peace; four days out of seven for calm and tranquility and yet it was weirdly offsetting. he reigned it all on his anger burst and on one fine sunday evening, he set to ring on the doorbell of the apartment above him.
the door opened after three rings and a familiarly whispered loud ‘coming!” which made steve bit the inside of his cheek from grinning. then he looked up and it’s big brown eyes and scrawny limbs but wow! olive skin and what a really beautiful? handsome? pretty. face. wow.
“hi.” steve exhaled, like someone sucker punched his solar plexus and stole his breath away. big brown eyes blinked. steve mimicked, then shook his head like a shaggy dog, “sorry. hi. hey, i’m uh- i actually live below you - i mean your apartment -
and all the while, through his embarrassing stumbles and fails and restarts and new beginnings, tony - who steve later learned, was tony stark of the stark industries, not that he gave two fucks about - listened to him so damned attentively, steve couldn’t help but tagged him as his love of his fucked up life.
“and that was how, i met your father.” he closes the album 20 years later. harley’s moan of ‘nooo’ and peter’s delighted giggle filled his now home which he shares with his then loud asshole neighbour; tony. 
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plush-anon · 5 years
I finally saw the Endgame spoilers clip
*rubbing my grubby little hands together bc I love a good roast*
Welp, if it’s a roast you want, a roast you shall receive!
(Note: I think I spoke vaguely enough about everything big in the Clips below NOT to warrant an outright Spoilers tag, so I’m leaving it with just an Endgame Leaks tag and a ‘Read More’ line. Message me if you’ve a.) seen the Clips/gone scrolling for more info in the Spoilers tag and b.) think it’s more spoilery than I try to vague it to be, and I’ll tag it post haste)
Christ Almighty, the Clips just make everything look like an enormous MESS.
Thor looks just... awful. In every scene. LITERALLY EVERY SCENE HE’S IN IN THESE SPOILERIFIC CLIPS, HE LOOKS TERRIBLE. There isn’t a single one where he doesn’t look like a mess. Everyone else gets a glow-up (new hair, tattoos, freshly shaved) and looks put together in general (which is admittedly baffling - really, EVERYONE looks good in the face of mass genocide and failure to stop it from occurring?) but Thor decided to whip out his Big Lebowski cosplay at their big ‘save the world’ get-together... why??? (seriously Thor, was a shower too much to ask for?)
Now, if we’d had ANY inclination that anyone else looked rough aside from Tony and Nebula a la the stuck-in-space teaser trailers we saw originally, that would be one thing. Everyone there lost a loved one, everyone there has probably had to come to terms with the fact that they FAILED TO STOP THANOS when they were all right freakin’ there! NO ONE SHOULD LOOK 100% OKAY HERE. Show me dishevelment, poor coping mechanisms, show them having to struggle for weeks (maybe even MONTHS) after the events.
But nope! They are ALL in perfect health according to the trailers we’ve seen before. Even Tony, after nearly dying in space multiple times, just takes a bath and appears to be in fine health after getting back (with some bags under the eyes). Everyone’s perfectly fine, except for Thor (and maaaaaybe Hawkeye, who looks to have gone full-on Frank Miller Batman in his quest for vengeance, but still had time to get a mullet and some sweet sleeve tats in between!).
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This is a MASSIVE problem with the MCU as a whole, and has been for a while: their repeated attempts to gloss over and sweep consequences of mental trauma and illness away under the rug until it suits them for plot convenience or for comedy. You see this in the Thor sequels a LOT (Selvig being institutionalized for comedy after being possessed, Loki being kept in literal solitary confinement for roughly 2 years, Valkyrie’s PTSD and alcoholism played for laughs, mocking Loki’s suicide attempt from Thor 1 and the actual death he survived in Thor 2, ALL of Odin’s outright dickishness as a parent a la narcissistic parenting, Hela being imprisoned in isolation for literal CENTURIES), as well as anything to do with Tony Stark and his thought process (everything he does is pretty much as a result of the trauma he endures, and everyone in the Avengers just??? doesn’t recognize it??? and attacks him for it without going ‘hey, maybe he’s got PTSD’ or something???? what the hell, man). GOTG does a MUCH better job of it with Rocket and Nebula, but Mantis is left woefully unrealized (thought they do touch upon it briefly, and handle it with relative seriousness). 
Either way, Thor concerns me a LOT, because he is the king of a very small group of Asgardian refugees (and given the scene that shows in the Clips, as well as the appearance of another Thor character later on, we KNOW there were multiple survivors), trying to find a new life on Midgard in the face of not one, not two, but THREE fcuking tragedies - the destruction of Asgard, Thanos’ attack on their ship, and the Snap. Why is he the way he is, in the location he’s in (which actually appears to be the apartment from Team Thor’s mockumentary)? He is the only semblance of leadership left for these people who have lost everything and he’s Like That. Where is a Thor stressed and fretting over being fully responsible for once in his life over the lives of his people, over what little remains of his kingdom? Where is a Thor struggling with guilt as he tries to build a new life for his people, struggling with rule and politics and trade? WHERE IS HE??? Bc right now, all I see is Chris Hemsworth auditioning for the remake of The Big Lebowski, having wandered onto the Avengers set instead of his audition location by mistake -_-
The scenes with Steve leave me absolutely baffled (and some of them just ooze cheese, and not in a great way), because how in the fcuk do we get to those?? His scenes feel the most disjointed here, bc they all have a similar vibe to his personality in Whedon’s Avenger movies. Kind of the ‘Boy Scout’ presentation, which is particularly odd in the aftermath of the Russo Fools’ two Cap movies and Infinity Fcuk Up, which made him more serious, less - bright? I can’t think of a good word for it rn. This is particularly highlighted in his big ‘save the world’ speech we hear - it feels kind of like an ‘okay team, time to save the world!’ speech, instead of something more serious. Is it to try to bring everyone’s hopes up? What else is missing here that we’re not seeing? Why does he feel like he’s back to this persona in light of all that’s happened? Is it to highlight how good and awesome he is in order to {SPOILER REDACTED} like we see in that final sequence? (Also, the imagery for SPOILER REDACTED, while meant to be badass and awesome, feels... kind of awkward, IMHO. Which is weird, bc I thought it would be more amazing and awesome. IDK, maybe I’m just super jaded with the MCU by now).
Carol Danvers’ scenes are actually pretty on point. She gets to be a badass in her fighting scenes and gets an awesome new look that pretty much only functions to further cement her Lesbian Status. The only way she would be more obviously a Lesbian is if her suit were in the colors of (one of) the Lesbian Pride flags and a Cyndi Lauper song was playing in the background (or maybe Joan Jett).
Hulk/Bruce Banner... I don’t even know how they’re going to swing this. Like, at all. I’m particularly baffled bc given how some of the scenes appear to be set early in the film, it resolves extremely quickly to get to that point, and after all the drama of Hulk not coming out in Infinity Fcuk Up, I just - who the fcuk knows at this point. Also, that one scene with the {SPOILER REDACTED} could be effective depending on how they set it up, but then... why exactly is he the one in the scene with the {SPOILER REDACTED} and not Carol or Thor, due to Obvious Plot Reasons?
Finally, Peter Parker. He’s adorable in his scenes, ‘nuff said.
Now, after seeing these scenes, I am left EXTREMELY CONCERNED for this movie’s tone. Granted, it was only 5 minutes of footage for a 3 hour movie. Quite clearly, there is a LOT we aren’t seeing. All the same though, it feels extremely disjointed. I know they’re trying to pull away from the dark and grim ending of Infinity War, but these clips make it all feel a little too casual, a little too ‘let’s go beat the bad guy!’ as opposed to ‘we have suffered a great failure and a great tragedy - as heroes, we MUST work to undo this for the sake of those we have lost, and everyone left alive who has lost the people they loved’. Idk, that may just be me on this one.
But you know the worst part of all of THIS? The worst part is that this is probably what we’re going to get on the release date. This isn’t a trailer Marvel released with deleted live-action scenes featuring minimal to no CGI, or sections clumsily edited over with explosion effects - this was a slew of scenes with a TON of special effects fully rendered in painstaking detail, recorded with a phone on its side in what looks like a movie theater, with foreign subtitles on the screen (I honestly don’t recognize the alphabet, but it might be Middle Eastern). That CGI is expensive and time-consuming as all hell to do, and considering how many of these scenes had it? Either they wasted a shit-ton of money on scenes they didn’t use (seriously, a number of them have Rocket in them, or Hulk - those aren’t the easiest characters to render, I would imagine), or these are in the movie, end of story.
Not to mention, TPTB clamped down on these Clips HARD - like, IMMEDIATELY - as opposed to the process behind deleting Reddit comments. The fast and heavy response from Marvel and the Russo Fools, COMPLETE WITH OFFICIAL TWEET LETTER, along with a Chris Evans tweet not to Spoil the Shit, was to chastise the ones who did (which is somewhat warranted here, given how extreme the security on leaks for Endgame have been).
This response, combined with the quality of the clips, and some of the plot threads that actually seem to be mentioned/referenced in the Lego sets, leads me to believe it’s real.
And I’m not really impressed.
On the flipside, I’m actually kind of relieved, knowing what I’m going into when I walk into the theater opening weekend. I’m not going to be completely shocked and horrified by what I see. This works well in breaking the ice, and also eases some of my anxiety on what to expect (bc I have had a LOT of it for this movie).
The downside to this is that at the end of the day, this is what 22 films ultimately amounted to. Something that feels a little too glib, a little too rushed. Something that doesn’t feel like it’s doing right by the characters who were left, and the characters we love (at least, not in full).
I understand that this is an insurmountable task - to bring to film, with limited time, a satisfying conclusion to so many characters. To arrange hundreds of people within thousands of hours on a set budget to bring this massive story, building for over ten years now, to a close that will resonate and sate with as many fans as possible. But I read fanfiction that does just that with less time, fewer moments, no budget - hell, there are 10k oneshots that rewrote Infinity Fcuk to make sense and treat the characters with the respect that they’ve earned over 20+ films.
This? Doesn’t feel like those.
I will happily admit, I am guesstimating a LOT here, based off of what essentially amounts to 3% of the movie (slightly more, depending on how long the credits are sans post-credit scenes, but still roughly 3%). There is a LOT that is missing, which could fill in these gaps successfully and make this whole post look completely pointless. If it does that, I will gleefully concede that it fooled us on this one. Maybe all of these scenes really ARE hoaxes (even if they were painstakingly subtitled in a foreign language and shown on a movie theater-size screen, but I digress).
But the framing of the scenes looks like it was meant to showcase what the movie would be as a whole, in terms of tone and what to expect. And from that, I’m not excited, or overjoyed. I’m just tired.
And I cannot WAIT for this all to be over, bc I’m fcuking exhausted just watching 5 minutes. Lord knows what 182 of them will leave me like in the end.
*peers up at massive unending ranty analysis post* ...ah. Well then. that happened again. Ah well. Hope you had fun reading my nonsense brain goop, kiddos.
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hahanoiwont · 6 years
Do you think there’s some sort of a background between Deceit and Patton, considering Patton seems to lie to the other Sides quite a bit about his own feelings (although he also stated in Moving On that lying is wrong)?
On one hand, yes, Patton lies a lot. Mostly about himself. But on the other hand, I’d say an even stronger point is their interaction–Patton’s immediate reaction to Deceit is really interesting to me (and the contrast between the two is delicious). When Deceit is in his place, potentially doing fuckin anything to Thomas or the other, Patton dismisses him completely. “Oh, you’re in my spot,” and then an immediate expectation that Deceit will move to accommodate him. He isn’t intimidated at all. (putting in a readmore bc apparenly i have shit to say like hodam)
Compare this to the other sides–while Deceit had something over them in that they didn’t know where Patton was and he presumably did, there was also an inherent wariness in them. Virgil we can discount because there’s a history there (as outlined in these posts), so his wariness may be resentment or hostility, but Logan especially seems to acknowledge Deceit as a legitimate threat. Possibly this is because Logan’s influence hinges on his ability to articulate himself–Patton influences Thomas to do things that are right for him anyway, Thomas turns to Roman on his own, and Virgil has more sway over Thomas than he would prefer sometimes–and Deceit can counter Logan pretty decisively, which makes sense. If you’re in denial, logic isn’t gonna break you out of that. You need to face the root of the issue, namely, the fear (eh? eeeh?) or the strong emotions (lookin at you Patton) that render you incapable of facing the truth. Interestingly, Patton, who denies a lot of his negative feelings, could encourage this behavior in Thomas, but he doesn’t. He spends like 60% of his screentime inviting Thomas and the other sides to openly share their emotions, positive or negative. He flips Deceit the bird and walks backwards into sharing town.
However, he himself still lies. I think this is why Deceit felt comfortable faking him (as well as convenience, if you want to do something immoral and get away with it you’re gonna get way more leeway imitating Morality than, say, Virgil, who is usually convinced to change his mind, or Roman, who is almost always being reined in by the others and Thomas). But Patton is also completely unafraid of Deceit. Why is this?
His confidence says to me that he’s conflicted with Deceit before and come out firmly on top. Not in a particularly violent way–he doesn’t give the impression of anger or resentment, just firm dismissal. “you aren’t wanted here and you don’t belong” type of vibe. I think Patton’s probably had several firm, open discussions with Deceit. If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say it’s something like:
Patton: Gee I’m totally not sad at all today!Patton: //goes to his room or other area, happens to be aloneDeceit, appearing out of nowhere: fcuking liar,, you are a god damned liar, muahahahahaPatton: hm. you see. I am putting aside my issues to deal with later like an adult bc I love the people around me. let me know where I lost you, I think it was around ‘like an adult’? bc I know you didn’t follow past ‘I love the people around me’Deceit: fuck you, you are a hypocritePatton: hm. perish
Given that Patton seems to have already confronted all he has to worry about there. Deceit really doesn’t have a hold on him despite the many lies (at the very least lies of omission) he tells, and I think that’s gotta be because he conceptualizes his type of lying as firmly different from Deceit’s; namely, selfish lying vs. selfless lying. The strength of this belief says to me that he’s thought about it before pretty extensively, come to a decision, and he isn’t taking opinions on the issue, least of all Deceit’s.
His line about Deceit being a self-protective instinct does imply some amount of respect for the necessity of having him around, but I think pending further information we can jot that down as Patton appreciating all parts of Thomas, even the ones he doesn’t really care for personally. Still, it’s important to note that Patton doesn’t seem to hate Deceit. He disdains him, perhaps, or scorns him, and has zero respect for him as a potential villain (contrast this with his initial relationship with Virgil, who he was actually afraid of for a few vids and then immediately adopted), but he doesn’t waste energy on actively disliking him.
Of course, all possible interpretations have their own fascinating implications to consider. What do y’all think? Does Patton have any relation to Deceit, and if so, what?
My other meta:
The sides’ unique powers
Sleeping headcanons
Virgil and Lying/Presentation
follow up on that
and another
My fanfiction:
concept: superhero au
concept: Virgil is terrible/probably the best at helping people
Space (All I Think About is You and Me)
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daccys-blog · 7 years
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hello angels ! wink wink. i'm kit, i'm nineteen and i ( never fcuking learned how to read ) use them/they pronouns. to keep it short, i can be really shit at ims or blast u w/ mssgs .... there is no in between and i'm srry ! also, i have discord so if anyone wants to plot or chat on there .... BTSLetMeKnow.mp3 ..... anyway, i've been highkey in love with harry styles for like six years and i'm also very into anime and even more into kpop ! talk 2 me abt bts ? pls. 
to learn all about the muse i'll be playing ( i won't promise this intro is any good .... but when have i ever been good @ intros fhsidguh ), pls continue under the cut ! 
Is that [ HARRY STYLES ]? Nope, that’s [ DACEY WARD ], the [ TWENTY-THREE ] year old human who is [ A PART OF ] the resistance. [ HE ] works as a [ REVEREND ]. People say that [ HE ] is pretty [ + MAGNANIMOUS ] but can be [ - BROODING ]. ( kit / them/they / mdt )
so ! joining this rp is a pretty Big Deal for me bc i get to play ward in a universe where he makes absolute sense. also for the first time. thank u. although the plot has made things challenging in regards to his beliefs, it's honestly so fresh and he can brood Even More ? thank u. anyway .... i'm kinda just jumping into this without a specific format in mind .... just hope i find it along the way ! n hope i don't make it all confusing fhiusdhfg whatever happens after ur finished reading this .... my ims r open and i am up 4 explaining anything necessary to make a plot/connection w/ our charas. 
ward was born on feb 1st, 1994 ( yes this is harry's exact birthday fsdghuih thEY'RE BOTH AQUARIUS ?? MIGHT AS WELL ) 
two hours after his birth, he was handed to an endless system of foster care , being removed from foster home to foster home and waiting to be processed into a new , unknown family . as his age increased , his chances of adoption decreased , and by the age of twelve he convinced himself into forgetting about the idea of having parents , and siblings , and a house where he didn't feel like a stranger .
coincidentally , the year after that he was placed into a long-term home , with a family of three other foster kids and a couple in their forties who had children that had already married and moved away - they needed the money , but that didn't mean they treated ward and the other children like emotionally neglected pets . 
these foster parents taught him the word of the lord . ward had grown up around so many people , each with different opinions and views towards angels , that he hadn't formed an opinion of his own . he just felt pain from the suffering of others , and that was enough to breed hesitance when agreeing to the way angels were captured and held against their will . in one occasion , when he was twelve and hadn't been moved to his long-term home , he shared his views about disliking the way angels were treated ( because in the words of a twelve year old: "it's not their fault they were born that way" ) , and his foster dad at that time ( who had been sharing his own opinions regarding angels which entirely contradicted ward's feelings ) beat him with a broom stick to ' knock some sense into him ' . this is what resulted in ward being moved out of that home . 
he quickly learned that his new foster parents would never do something like that , though . a huge part of him was relieved to learn that they were part of the resistance although he didn't know what it was at that time . 
he didn't share their beliefs right away , though ... it was one thing to be glad about not being beat with a broom because he disliked the way angels were treated , and another thing to accept god into his life . so he didn't , for years . 
as far as he was aware , god was gone . this is what they taught in history classes . he knew that there were groups of people which still believed that god would come back , but there was never much room for thought about them . 
instead , he became an unruly teenager with massive abandonment issues . in his own quiet way he would be defiant of authority and his foster parents , thinking he owed nothing to the world because nothing owned him . nothing really owned him . not like a parent would . nothing like a real parent . 
in his rebellious years , ward experienced a taste of utterly wild youth , until the cancer was detected . he didn't tell anyone about the pain because a part of him wanted it to be a sickness . a part of him wanted to die . a part of him wanted to see what else there was , or wasn't . a part of him always felt like it was living in darkness , anyway . 
he was rushed to the hospital after collapsing down the flight of stairs in his house , effectively fracturing a wrist along the way . after hours of waiting for test results , the news was broken that he had bone cancer in his lower right leg -- right below his kneecap . in the end ward didn't know what to do with the information . he was both terrified and trying to convince himself that it's what he wanted . he was eighteen , about to turn nineteen . 
his foster parents offered the support they could . it wasn't their obligation to pay for ward's hospital bills , or to make sure he was receiving the right treatment , or to make sure he was fine at all , but they took a bit of the burden upon themselves and tried their best to give him mental and emotional support by using the lord's word . 
it was determined that he'd receive almost immediate surgery to remove the cancer before it spread any further -- and through this process ward thought he reached the lowest low with his mental health , but he hadn't been told the surgery had failed yet . that came months after . 
the pain subsided for a while , just for a few months , and then it grew unexpectedly . on his next long stay at the hospital , he was scheduled for an amputation . this was both a period of a total darkness and the appearance of a blazing light . it was when he lost a part of his body but gained a powerful part of his soul when he opened his heart to god . 
after his surgery , ward began recovery and got fitted with an artificial leg . it felt like a beginning , more than anything . in a way he felt like accepting god into his life was almost like being reborn , and he had to learn to walk again . 
when he left the hospital , his entire focus went to studying the word of the lord . his faith grew everyday , praying to god and having the hope that he was listening , praying for his return -- learning what true desire meant . 
his plans to fuck pursuing an education were replaced by the drive to get into a college and major in bible studies . he had the support from his denominational committee to become a reverend for the church he had been occasionally attending during his long term stay at his foster home to indulge his foster parents , but more recently visited several times a week to pray and attend sermons . 
the church was about to close its doors due to the pastor falling ill and unable to tend to it -- there weren't many believers who could fill up the spot , and the church did close for three years while ward studied and did all of the requirements , until a new pastor had it reopened at the nick of time for ward , who right after started working there as a reverend under the guidance of his new pastor . 
nowadays you can find him in the church , giving studies on the different teachings of the bible and occasionally given the opportunity to deliver sunday sermons . 
i wanted to include a section for his beliefs since they are a massive part of his life !!
ward has faith that god did not forsake the angels , or humans , and that he will come back . he prays everyday for his return , having the faith that he is listening .
he tries not to question god for the things that have happened , but sometimes he gets a desperate feeling in his chest that has him crying out ' why ? ' . the angels .... rlly haunt him .  he prays a ton for them , but he also can't help but wonder why they fell ... why god left . why would he allow the angels to suffer as much as they have ? as much as they are suffering 
it ... really fucks him up so bad . he often has breakdowns about it . there are two opposite sides playing tug of war inside of him -- one of them is the one that's winning most of the time , the one that doesn't dare question god , and the other side is one who only has small victories but tugs with the force of tidal waves that literally leave him shaking -- the secret side that contemplates whether god is good . 
it burns him a li ve haha a 
although that secret side of him exists , it's something he also prays about . he doesn't want to question god , or have his faith waver , but goddamn ... it's tough when he sees all of the shit the angels are put through ... it really hurts his heart so much . 
that being said , he is not hostile at all toward angels . or thinks he is above them in any way form or shape . he actually worships angels , and hopes for their safety above all else . that is why he is a part of the resistance and would not hesitate to help an angel , in whatever form . he believes they are god's perfect creations that have been tainted by human sins . 
regarding other aspects of his life, though: ward repents for allowing god into his life only until he needed it and not when he was at his doorstep . he repents for all of the sins he's committed in the past and for the sins he continues to commit . he no longer drinks , smokes , or parties . he also doesn't get tattoos anymore unless they're connected to god or religion , and even then , he has only gotten a small tattoos of crosses on his chest and another cross on his right hand . 
although ward is welcoming of other people and relationships , especially in a church setting ... he can also be hesitant . he will give advice and try to guide anyone who seeks his help with the word of god , and he will listen to people's troubles and be with them in times of need ... but he doesn't do this himself . he keeps it all pent inside and really only speaks to god about what's going on inside of him . 
he has a very long past of abandonment and trust issues that it's almost like an instinct to close himself away but he's trying to heal those parts of himself . just needs some time and all the faith he can have !
with that being said , if you meet him outside of the church , he can come off as very withdrawn , especially in a mundane setting . he tends to be soft spoken and serious , though he's also got some wild in him that loves to laugh and have a good time . you just kinda have to figure out how to get to it . 
it's not really easy getting to know him . he's very private about his personal life and it's very rare when he opens up about something personal , unless he's talking to his pastor .
he doesn't really talk about his experience with cancer either . it was a really tough time in his life that he hasn't healed from and part of him probably never will . the only times when he openly talks about it is when he's retelling his experience of how he let god into his life .
also ! he uses a wooden cane . at first he needed it during his recovery , because it made standing up so much easier and he didn't have to lean on people or tables or chairs . then, he decided to keep the cane with him at all times after one occasion in which he supported himself on a glass table as he stood up and the glass broke and fell on his foot ........ but thank god it fell on his prosthetic foot because that would've hurt like a bitch .
so now his cane is like .... an extension of himself . kind of like how people can't leave their house without their phones , except more important to him . 
he also never mentions it unless someone asks why he uses it . he'll just say he has some leg problems , and if they continue to ask , he'll wonder why they're being nosy and reluctantly say he's got a prosthetic leg . talking to people about it or easily saying he has a prosthetic leg just doesn't come to him . 
going into a new topic, ward doesn't really have a sexual preference , and he doesn't have many sexual tendencies . or romantic ones . he's very unconcerned about a love life in general right now . the closest he gets to experiencing romantic love is when he's performing a wedding ceremony . he has dated in the past though , especially during his teenage years , but he hasn't been in a relationship for a few years now . 
he doesn't tend to go by dacey . there's no real reason why ... he was just called ward as a child by teachers and some foster parents so it stuck around . he introduces himself as ward but doesn't really mind being called dacey ... just throws him off a bit at first , he's not used to it . 
so ! i think i'm gonna leave it off there !! this entire post was pure word vomit fhiusdhf but if you have any plots/connections in mind don't hesitate to hmu , i'll be very excited about them . i'm sorry for the massive mess this was fhdsui but i'm rlly excited to get rolling !! see u on the dash/ims my friens
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Some bumblebee/spike and rumble/spike/frenzy headcanons? :-D go fcuking nuts!
you have unleashed the monster in me
- This is the most trust-filled relationship you could get. They both trust each other to a point it’s almost gross, and are aware of it. Spike and Bee are best friends as much as they are boyfriends.
- At first, it doesn’t really seem to be a romantic relationship to them. While, to everyone else, it looks like they’re the cutest fucking couple this side of the desert. Bumblebee and Spike are also extremely oblivious to the way the other feels, despite obvious, cartoonish slip-ups here and there. (romantic pet names, mabel-style quite “hahaha i love you so much” “What?” “I didn’t say anything haha silly”) 
- Once it’s officially established, though, it’s a breath of fresh air. Kisses and hugs become more prominent, there’s a lot of happy moments of “Jeez, you’re wonderful!”, and Spike being a worrywart over Bee 24/7. Though Bee does call out Spike’s shit on this because he’s brought Soundwave into the base like 16 times.
- Bumblebee is like a protective bear. He’s definitely larger than Spike(the boy reaches around mid-chest of the ‘bot) and by natural instinct believes he’s the Big Guy of the relationship. Which, he kind of is, but don’t tell Spike that.
- Every time they hug the others swear that angels start singing and halos appear over their heads.
- Hellish.
- At first, it starts as boredom. The Autobots’ local human friend seemed like a good target to cure such boredom, and as such, began the slow descent. 
- They’re like highschool jocks. Shoving Spike around and making fun of him, flicking his forehead, throwing his stuff to the ground, threatening his life, etc. Spike gives them the reactions they want, they poke fun at him for a bit longer, and then leave. Exactly a week later, they’re back doing the same thing, but it’s much more playful.
- Spike is getting picked up and swung around lightly, sandwiched in random headlocks, and followed around while the twins make offhanded(and obvious) comments on him and his “cute aft”. Spike is rightfully confused and terrified.
- It gets to a point where he’s being bothered almost daily. But now the twins are bringing gifts. Flowers uprooted from the ground(”Hey, these looked cool, but I got bored with them. Here you go.”), random shiny objects(”Don’t humans like these things? You do like shiny things, right?”), and the occasional well-thought gift. (”I remembered that we ripped your bag the other day, and that humans apparently need those for things, so we stol–” “Got you a new one. You’re welcome, loser.”)
- Spike is flat-out lost. Until a fateful Saturday family night, the twins are outside his window, blaring “Hooked on a Feeling” on a boombox that looks suspiciously like Soundwave. Oh, and they’re also asking him out on a date. There’s that too.
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