#BY THE WAY IT IS COMPLETELY FREE some of the cosmetics cost money BUT using the mod itself is 100% free
rmhashauthor · 1 year
hey!! this is chance and here’s week 5’s prompt. your oc suddenly gets transported to a mall. what store(s) would they go in? would they buy anything? what would they think? tell me about the experience.
Mmm interesting.
I'll be referring to my OC Lienfang, from the book I am currently releasing serially on Wattpad: The Dragon Prince's Consort.
Fang grew up extremely poor. Her parents did their best, but when her mother got hurt working in construction the company decided to terminate her instead of pay out the worker's comp. Her father got sick and through some underhanded bureaucratic nonsense the Federation denied him insurance benefits, so he slowly wasted away and died. Eventually Fang's mother also passed, leaving Fang alone and burdened with her parents' debt, which she tried to work off for years with no success. She just fell deeper and deeper into the pit, occasionally homeless and eventually moving to the Drassian Empire to try to start over, where she gets into trouble with a certain extremely wealthy young fella whose older brother is a complete dick.
Now that she's with Valen, the titular Dragon Prince, she's loaded. Just SOME of her clothes are worth millions, which Valen made sure of in the event that he can release her from her contract - that way she'll have more than enough stuff she can pawn for cash with plenty left over.
Before, Fang would have just gone into a mall to look around and maybe get warm. She might have had a few coins in her pocket, but probably not enough to buy a pack of gum, let alone food that isn't compressed protein rations and vitamin tablets. Now that she's Valen's concubine, though, there's literally NOTHING she can't afford to buy at least a hundred of. In the novel (I really need to get used to calling my 'stories' novels) Valen takes her to the highest of the high-end shopping avenues and takes her first to a master robe-maker and proceeds to spend about six million on Fang's wardrobe. To start. Gowns, stockings, leggings, tunics, riding kit, boots, underwear - he blows through cash like there's no end to it and Fang's head spins when he makes a guess at how much it all cost.
After that he takes her to a dozen other shops to buy her jewelry, shoes, combs, pins, soaps, creams, cosmetics, anything and everything a prince's concubine is expected to have and then some. It's so much stuff that it has to get shipped back to the palace compound (which by the way is the interior of a friggin' mountain, because DRAGONS) and an army of servants have to unpack it and put it all away. Fang is overwhelmed by the estimated price, though she accepts that in order to pull off the scheme she's cooked up with Valen she'll have to act like she deserves all of it. At the same time, it's not so hard to grow accustomed to warm socks that don't have holes in them, gowns and robes that fit properly and aren't patched dozens of times, and shoes that aren't so thin she can step on a penny and tell you what year it was minted.
It's only when the newness wears off the clothes and jewels that Fang starts wising up to the idea that it's not so much the stuff she enjoys or the comforts they bring, it's Valen's attention and apparent enjoyment of giving her things she's never had before. Brand-new shoes that no one else has ever worn? They're hers now. Silk and satin gowns trimmed with fur and silver thread? Made custom to fit her and only her. Rouge and makeup in colors Drass don't wear? Specially ordered for Fang. Valen's beyond wealthy - his dad's the goddamn Dragon Emperor - he can afford to spend 10-15 million on his new "girlfriend".
I figure lots of people have a princess fantasy, or at least a sugar daddy kink. I don't judge.
The Dragon Prince's Consort updates THURSDAYS on Wattpad, and it as well as my finished novel STARFISH are available to read absolutely for FREE because why not.
HOWEVER, if you do happen to have a dollar to spare, I also have a Ko-fi. I don't expect to make money off of these but it sure would be nice if I could afford some toast or a piece of cheese. *GASP* or a grilled cheese sandwich?!
You can follow me on Instagram for updates and short-form junk like mini-rants on romance tropes I love or hate, update announcements, very short snippets, dorky memes and pictures of my cat Nell. She is EXTREMELY cute and I love her VERY much, even if she is a brat 78% of the time.
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merunair · 11 months
Youtube is a dumb idiot platform run by greedy jerks and I'm smarter than Neal Mohan. Here's eleven entire ways youtube could make money to keep itself afloat without being anti-consumer
1- For every 1 hour of video uploaded by a single person, charge 1 USD. Data needs a physical place to be stored and that costs money, it is completely reasonable that the people using this service pay a small amount of money for it. That said, don't retroactively charge people for video already uploaded or change the fee itself. One and done. Have some integrity.
2- Actually talk to the creators and set up some sort of (actual) partner program among the larger million+ subscriber channels wherein Youtube representatives help facilitate sponsorships (and take a little bit of that money as a treat). That way there's an alternative to predatory MCNs and it solves the issue of people not being able to get in touch with youtube reps, because they will be working directly with youtube reps
3- Make the livestreaming function more accessible and visible (1-5% cut from all donations/subs/whatever they're called on there)
4- Kill youtube tv, movies, kids, and all things of a similar vein and make a singular secondary site dedicated to professionally-made content from studios with the option to either buy a subscription for unlimited access to the library or purchase digital copies in a one-time transaction (basically just make netflix 2 but good, you have the resources)
5- Remove embedded ads for any video under 20 minutes, remove midrolls altogether, raise the price advertisers have to pay for this limited real estate. A lot of people still do not use adblockers, they'll see these ads. You control the supply, so make the people demanding it pay instead of those of us innocent bystanders.
6- A single banner ad on the homepage that you charge advertisers out the nose for, make those little idiot marketing firms fight tooth and nail for even a brief second with it. If you're going to keep people from blocking ads then have this be the singular unblocked ad. Vet whoever wants to rent it thoroughly and keep it as a static image with no audio.
7- Kill content farms. Put in a daily upload limit and investigate channels that upload large amounts of content (especially similar content) frequently. Kill cocomelon and its ilk with hammers. Hell, I'll do that one for free.
8- Fire Neal Mohan and beat him over the head with a boogie board until he apologizes for the crypto bullshit. Likewise. If anyone utters 'web3', 'crypto', 'nft', 'ai art', or 'metaverse' in a non-ironic context, fire them. Then fold their salaries back into server costs.
9- Enforce rules fairly and fix the copyright system so people actually want to use your website. Throw in some quality-of-life changes to while you're feeling spicy. More customization for the actual aesthetics of a channel page would be cool
10- You can keep youtube premium but don't put website functionality behind a paywall, explicitly state that premium is for people who want to support the website, show them exactly where their money is going, and maybe add little bonuses like hats for your profile picture that are randomly unlocked as you watch youtube for premium subscribers only. This is exclusively cosmetic. You can even put out hats that match those special google banners and holidays and shit. Just something cute and nice as a 'hey thanks for supporting us'
11- Integrate the merchandise tab better in a NON-OBTRUSIVE WAY. Maybe have a function for larger channels to have an embedded shop page on their channel. Not the weird, clunky version of this that they have now
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pumpkinsfreebies · 2 months
Score Big on Savings: Exploring Free Product Samples and Giveaways
You're among the lucky ones if looking for new products in an affordable way. Many companies offer exciting opportunities to score free product samples and giveaways. From beauty products to food and household items, there's something for everyone. Let's explore the different ways you can snag these freebies.
In-Store Freebies:
Head to your favorite stores, particularly those focusing on groceries, cosmetics, and personal care. Keep an eye out for product demonstrations or kiosks. Here, you can chat with representatives, learn about new items, and often walk away with a free sample to try at home. Some stores might even have sample-sized products readily available for you to grab on your shopping trip.
Online Free Product Samples and Giveaways:
The internet is a vast resource for free product opportunities. Many brand websites have dedicated sections for free samples or offer them as part of promotional campaigns. Sign up for their email lists or newsletters to stay updated about these offers and be the first to know when free samples become available.
Several websites specialize in listing free product samples and giveaways. These sites compile offers from various brands, making it easy to discover new products you might be interested in. They act as a one-stop shop for freebie hunters, saving you time and effort in your search. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are also great hunting grounds. Follow your favorite brands – they often announce giveaways and free sample opportunities through these channels. Be sure to like and engage with their posts to stay in the loop.
Beyond Free Samples:
While free samples are fantastic, there are other ways to try products for free or at a discount:
Signup Offers: Many companies provide free samples or discounted products when you sign up for their loyalty programs or mailing lists. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement – you get to try a product for free, and the company gains a potential customer.
Sweepstakes and Contests: Feeling lucky? Participate in sweepstakes and contests hosted by brands or retailers. While winning isn't guaranteed, it's a chance to snag free products without any upfront cost.
Coupons and Rebates: Look for coupons and rebates that can significantly reduce the price of a product. If the savings cover the entire cost, it's essentially like getting the product for free!
Tips for Finding the Best Free Product Samples and Giveaways:
With so many freebies available, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Focus on samples for products you're genuinely interested in trying. Don't waste your time and space on things you'll never use. Before signing up for anything, understand the terms and conditions associated with a free sample offer. There might be shipping fees or requirements to complete surveys. Finding the best freebies requires some effort. Check various websites and resources regularly to increase your chances of scoring great deals. Persistence is key – the more you look, the more freebies you'll find! Free product samples and giveaways are a fantastic way to explore new products, discover hidden gems, and save money.
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mconsent · 5 months
Steps in Improving Dental Treatment Plan Acceptance Rates | mConsent
Getting patients to accept and move forward with recommended dental treatment plans is one of the most challenging yet crucial elements in running a successful, growing dental practice.
Far too often, patients decline or put off necessary treatments due to cost concerns, lack of perceived value, poor presentation of treatment plans, misunderstandings, and more. Dentists leave money on the table while patients fail to get the dental care they need.  
With some strategic changes to your approach, you can significantly boost your dental treatment plan acceptance rates. This article outlines key steps for improving patient communication, increasing treatment plan acceptance, and overcoming the common obstacles dentists face.
Step 1: Build Rapport and Trust From the First Interaction
The foundation for later treatment plan acceptance is built from a patient’s very first impression of your practice. From the initial phone call or website visit, identify opportunities to establish rapport and trust through excellent customer service. Train your team to:
Use friendly, welcoming language when answering calls and emails
Come across as caring experts ready to help prospects find solutions
Listen closely to understand each patient’s unique needs and insurance situation  
Make the scheduling process quick and hassle-free
When speaking with potential new patients, focus the conversation on understanding their dental issues, goals, and any hesitations they have about seeing a dentist. Avoid jumping into a sales pitch about your practice. Show you are listening to build comfort and familiarity.
Display your dental expertise and empathy throughout consultations. Make patients feel heard and put at ease discussing any dental anxieties with you. Earn their confidence in your skills and concern for their well-being.  
Strong first impressions pave the way for treatment plan acceptance by building rapport and positioning your practice as a trusted partner in oral health.
Step 2: Set the Stage with Comprehensive Exams
Thorough initial exams allow you to fully evaluate a new patient’s oral health and educate them on your findings in a strategic manner. Some tips:
Perform comprehensive assessments using intraoral cameras, x-rays, and advanced diagnostic tools
Identify all necessary treatment and clearly document conditions, risks if untreated, treatment options and costs in charts  
Gauge the patient’s priorities and goals during the exam to understand motivations
Raise only 1-2 top concerns so patients don't feel overwhelmed early on
Complete diagnostics equip you to properly stage treatment plans across multiple appointments based on what you know the patient cares most about addressing first. You also avoid surprises down the road by uncovering all needs upfront.
During the exam, focus on building value by warning patients of risks, answering questions transparently, and easing anxieties. Thorough diagnostics paired with patient education sets the right foundation to motivate patients to accept their treatment plans.
Step 3: Present Treatment as an Investment in Overall Health  
When presenting planned treatments, emphasize how procedures will improve the patient's overall health, quality of life and appearance - not just their teeth. Tie into bigger picture motivations like:
Living pain-free 
Eating foods they love  
Improving nutritional intake
Sleeping better without discomfort
Boosting confidence with a brighter smile 
Reducing risks of associated medical conditions
Illustrate how declining treatment can worsen issues or lead to more invasive, costly interventions later. Appeal to emotional desires like maintaining an active lifestyle or looking their best. 
Discuss dental health as one piece of total body wellness. When patients view treatment plans as an investment in their broader wellbeing rather than just cosmetic fixes, they are more likely to move forward.
Step 4: Offer Multiple Treatment Plan Options
Rather than presenting a single treatment plan, provide patients with different prioritized options at different price points. For example:
Option 1: Addresses only the most pressing needs, and puts other issues on a watch/wait approach to manage costs.
Option 2: Treats top 2-3 priorities in a phased schedule over several appointments.
Option 3: Comprehensive plan to take care of all identified needs for complete health and aesthetics.
This tiered approach makes treatment feel more customized and affordable. Patients choose the option aligning best to their budget and priorities vs. feeling boxed into a large, intimidating upfront cost.
Clearly outline what each option includes, the phase-based schedule, and financing available. Offer pros and cons of each path to guide patients toward the optimal choice. Providing good/better/best alternatives boosts plan acceptance.
Step 5: Utilize Visual Aids and Demonstrations 
Show don’t just tell. Use visuals like charts, photos and videos to illustrate a patient’s specific oral health issues and the improvements achievable through treatment. 
For example, show images of plaque buildup, gum recession, and cavities pointing out unhealthy areas. Then demonstrate virtually how fillings, periodontal treatments, and other interventions will remediate these problems.  
Visuals make it real and personal for patients. Seeing risk areas in their own mouth and their smile’s transformation potential motivates patients to want these results.
Other impactful demonstrations include:
Cracked tooth test illustrating how fractures worsen without treatment
Gum disease risk tool calculating a patient’s likelihood of developing more severe periodontitis 
Smile imaging software previewing how veneers, whitening, or orthodontics dramatically improve smile aesthetics
Visual aids demonstrate the value of dental treatments in a tangible way that resonates with patients.
Step 6: Review Financing and Payment Options
Cost is often the biggest deterrent to accepting treatment plans. Be proactive in discussing financial options:
Accept most insurances and clearly explain coverages 
Offer reasonable payment plans allowing patients to finance costs interest-free over 6-12 months
Inform patients of discounts if paying with cash or credit 
Highlight any savings on packaged or phased treatment vs. addressing later 
Remind patients of flex spending and HSA dollars to allocate
Providing multiple payment methods and generous financing eases patient worries about affording treatment upfront. Many will accept ideal dental care when presented with easy budget-friendly options.
Have your dental financial coordinator meet with patients to review specifics. Make the process smooth and manageable. Reducing financial friction encourages treatment plan acceptance.
Step 7: Follow Up Proactively After the Appointment
Don’t leave treatment plan decisions solely to patients once they leave your office. Schedule follow-ups to address concerns, remind of benefits, and motivate action: 
Call patients within 2 days of presenting plans to answer questions. Urge them to move forward with optimal options.
Mail handwritten notes reiterating why you recommend specific treatment and health advantages
Send email reminders on payment options and upcoming appointment dates to schedule
Use text messages and postcards to prompt patients who delay scheduling
Proactive outreach shows you truly care about patient wellbeing, not just sales. Nurturing patients through education and encouragement converts more treatment plans than leaving patients to decide on their own. 
Step 8: Train the Entire Dental Team on Consultation Skills
Treatment plan acceptance relies on the entire team's ability to communicate value, not just the dentist. Train your dental staff to:
Warmly engage patients in conversation during visits to strengthen rapport 
Use plain language explaining clinical findings, treatment benefits, and financial options
Listen attentively to identify and address patient concerns 
Project enthusiasm and confidence in recommended treatment plans
Follow up consistently with appointment reminders and patient nurturing
When all staff radiate positivity and reinforce your recommendations, patients feel fully supported throughout the process. A highly trained team boosts conversion.
Role play consultations focusing on objection handling and value communication. Record live consults for feedback. Have team members shadow successful treatment plan presentations.
Ongoing skills development ensures patients have a consistent excellent experience at each touchpoint. Every team member influences treatment acceptance.
Step 9: Motivate Patients with Positive Messaging
Avoid language that sows doubt or makes treatment sound optional. Use positive affirming phrases:
“This option will help you...” vs “You may want to consider...” 
“Let’s get you scheduled” vs “Call if you decide to move forward”
“When is most convenient?” vs “If you want to schedule...”
Present treatment as the best path vs. a choice. Be confident and direct. Patients follow your lead and recommended action steps when presented firmly.
Share enthusiastic testimonials and before/after photos of how previous patients benefited from the same treatments. People are motivated when they hear peers happily touting results.
Your language, tone and stories should guide patients to say “yes!” without hesitation.
Step 10: Measure and Optimize Your Approach
To accelerate improvement, diligently track treatment acceptance metrics over time:
Calculate consultation conversion rates by provider and procedure  
Break down acceptance by new vs. existing patients 
Identify reasons for patient declination through surveys and feedback
Link conversion rates to types of presentation aids used
Assess performance by dental insurance coverage 
Compare acceptance across payment options
Analyzing this data identifies strengths to expand and problem areas to address through additional team training, patient nurturing adjustments, or stronger financial solutions.
Set clear goals and benchmarks. Regularly test new communication techniques and presentation tools. Continuously refine your processes to see acceptance rates climb higher.
Improving treatment plan acceptance takes an ongoing commitment to optimization using metrics.
Improve Dental Treatment Plan Acceptance Today
By following these best practices for enhancing patient communication, building treatment value, easing financial barriers, and nurturing consistently, your dental team can dramatically increase treatment plan acceptance rates and practice production.
The biggest obstacles—cost concerns, misunderstandings, perceived lack of need—can be overcome through a patient-focused consultative approach and effective follow-up strategies such as via mConsent's Treatment Plan Reminder System.  
Commit today to improving your treatment plan acceptance rate using steps that are proven to work. Your patients will benefit from improved dental health, and your practice will thrive as more recommended treatment is completed.
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lawrencecashforcars · 5 months
Cash for Junk Cars: Turning Your Clunker into Cash
Do you have an old, unused car taking up space in your garage or driveway? Want cash for cars in Topeka Kansas? Instead of letting it collect dust, consider turning your clunker into cash by selling it for junk.
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What Qualifies as a Junk Car?
First things first, let's define what qualifies as a junk car. Typically, a car is considered junk if it meets one or more of the following criteria:
Extensive Damage: If your car has been in a severe accident and the cost of repairs exceeds its market value, it may be deemed a junk car.
Mechanical Issues: Cars with significant mechanical problems that make them unsafe or impractical to drive may qualify as junk.
Age and Condition: Older vehicles with high mileage, rust, or other cosmetic issues may be classified as junk, especially if they're no longer roadworthy.
Salvage Title: Cars that have been declared a total loss by insurance companies and issued a salvage title are often considered junk cars.
If your car meets any of these criteria and is no longer worth repairing or using, selling it for cash can be a smart move.
Finding Reputable Buyers
Once you've determined that your car qualifies as junk, the next step is to find reputable buyers who are willing to purchase it for cash. Here are some avenues to explore:
Junkyards and Salvage Yards: Local junkyards or salvage yards are often interested in buying junk cars for parts or scrap metal. Do some research to find reputable and licensed establishments in your area.
Online Platforms: There are online platforms and services that specialize in buying junk cars. These platforms can connect you with buyers who are willing to offer competitive prices.
Auto Recycling Centers: Some auto recycling centers purchase junk cars for recycling purposes. They may offer environmentally friendly disposal options while providing cash for your car.
Scrap Metal Dealers: If your car is no longer viable for parts but has valuable metal components, scrap metal dealers may be interested in buying it for recycling purposes.
The Selling Process
Once you've found a reputable buyer, the selling process typically involves the following steps:
Get Quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple buyers to compare offers and ensure you're getting a fair price.
Negotiate: Don't hesitate to negotiate with buyers to get the best deal possible.
Arrange Pickup or Delivery: Coordinate with the buyer to arrange for the pickup or delivery of your junk car. Some buyers may offer towing services at no extra cost.
Complete Paperwork: Ensure that all necessary paperwork, such as the title and bill of sale, is completed and transferred to the buyer to finalize the sale.
Selling your junk car for cash is a practical way to free up space, earn some money, and responsibly dispose of an old vehicle. Give Cash for Cars Lawrence a call now if you want quick Cash for Cars in Topeka Kansas. We can be reached at +1 785-764-2689! 
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paypant · 6 months
Tada Review: How It Works, How Much It Pays
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With the countless numbers of cashback and reward apps, it can be difficult to differentiate between legit and scam apps. If you're curious about how legit the Tada app is, here's a review that covers all you need to know about the app. What is Tada Cashback? Tada Cashback is a free application that compensates users with cashback for any online and in-store purchases made via its app. It also offers coupons, promo codes, and deals that reduce expenses.
Tada Review
Tada is owned by Prodege - popularly known as ShopAtHome. It also knows other popular and well-known cashback apps like Swagbucks, InboxDollars, and MyPoint. Owned by one of the largest online incentives firms, Tada provides top-notch and legitimate cashback and rewards services. Tada offers numerous opportunities for its users to earn cashback. It provides rewards to users on every purchase. Its incentive covers both online and in-store trades. Users can earn a $10 signup bonus and up to $50 for completing surveys. Although the app offers tons of benefits, its customer service chat window is a letdown. Nevertheless, Tada is a great website for anyone trying to make passive income through cashback. Shop Tada is affiliated with tons of retail stores. Hence, you can shop at your favorite store and enjoy promo deals via the Tada app. Tada is well-known for offering lower prices than goods sold at other stores. Its affiliation with multiple brands and stores enables it to negotiate lower prices on your behalf. Save Tada enables its users to save money and cut down on costs when shopping for items. Coupons, discount codes, and cashback offers - Tada has it all. Once you download and register on the app, shop for items via the app to receive discounts and vouchers. Reward Tada offers cash incentives to users who make use of its coupons, discount codes, and cashback services. For every reward-eligible activity you perform, you will receive points that can be redeemed for gift cards or cash via PayPal.
Tada Cashback, How It Works
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To get started with Tada Cashback, download the app and register. Once your registration process is complete, navigate to the "All Store" menu/option to view all available cashback deals. The "All Store" menu will redirect you to the number of available coupons and an alphabetical list of all retailers affiliated with Tada. You can also view cashback rewards associated with each purchase you make. Not all listed stores on the Tada app offer Cashback rewards; hence, the Tada app lets you know which purchase you make is eligible for rewards. If you cannot go through the list of stores affiliated with Tada, use the search menu to find your favorite store. Another Interesting Article: 30 Best Cashback Rebate Sites Tada Digital Rewards You must accumulate at least $10 in your account to cash out your Tada balance. Once you reach its minimum threshold, you can exchange your earnings for gift cards, PayPal cash, or physical check via the mail. Tada offers popular gift cards like Amazon, Starbucks, Target, etc.
Ways To Earn Money On Tada App
Here are some of the ways to earn money on the Tada application: Coupons Tada offers incentives to users who print and utilize its paper coupons. You can print up to fifty coupons daily from the Tada coupon section. Tada pays $0.01 for each coupon you print out. It also pays $0.10 when you redeem the coupons. Using the Tada coupon service lets you save between $1 and $4 for every purchase you make on groceries, cosmetics, or household items. Tada Extension If you prefer shopping directly from your favorite online store, you can install the Tada plugin/extension that monitors your online purchases with your phone. Suppose you don't have the Tada app but want to make money, install the Tada extension. In that case, this extension monitors your online purchases and rewards you with cashback when you shop in any of its affiliated stores. Once installed on your device, the Tada extension will notify you and add a promo code to your shopping cart if there are cashback offers available from a particular merchant. Magic Receipts
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Magic receipt is a feature included in most of the money-making applications owned by Prodege. This feature enables you to receive retroactive cashback when you upload pictures of your online or in-store purchase receipt. It also offers rewards when you print your coupons or make purchases via the Tada app. The Magic Receipt feature is limited to some products. It only allows you to earn money from uploading receipts from your groceries, food, and drinks receipts.
How To Earn Cashback On Tada
If you shop at any of the hundreds of stores that partner with Tada, you will receive cashback rewards. Some retail stores affiliated with Tada include Target, Walmart, Home Depot, and more. The process of earning is simple and straightforward. All you have to do is make a purchase via the Tada app or install the Tada extension that monitors all your online purchases. Once you complete a Tada purchase, you will receive 1% to 15% cashback. Scanning Receipts Scanning or uploading purchase receipts is another way to earn on Tada. You can earn a reward for every in-store purchase you make with any of Tada's partner stores. However, the receipt must be uploaded within 30 days of the purchase. Sometimes, you can connect your loyalty card to avoid uploading your receipt for every purchase.
Tada Rewards
Tada allows its users to cash out once they accumulate up to $10 worth of points. It has one of the highest minimum withdrawal amounts for cashback apps. When you upload a purchase receipt or make a purchase via the app, you will receive points as a reward - these points can be exchanged for PayPal cash or gift card of any kind.
Pros Of The Tada App
- It is supported by Prodege - a reputable money-making company. - Very user-friendly - Offers a substantial bonus - It enables users to convert points to cash via PayPal
Cons of the Tada App
- Most users complain of bugs that prevent the app from tracking receipts and purchases. - It has a high minimum withdrawal amount. - Eligibility criteria for the bonus are strict - You must spend $25 within 30 days of signing up to enjoy the signup bonus. - The cashback shopping rates were substantially lower than those of competitors.
How Does Tada Earn Money?
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Tada is free to use and has no signup or hidden costs. So how does it earn money? Tada is a sizable affiliate marketing platform that generates revenue by linking customers like you with its affiliated merchants. It receives a commission each time a user registers or purchases something via its app. So, each time you purchase via Tada, the app will receive a commission from its partner store. Part of this commission will be given to you as a reward.
Which Receipt App Pays The Most?
There are tons of receipt apps that offer similar services as Tada. Most of these apps pay more and offer better services than Tada. Which receipt app pays the most? Rakuten! Rakuten is a well-known platform that offers Cashback services and lets you receive rewards for uploading photos of your purchase receipt. It is affiliated with over 2,500 stores, including electronic stores, clothing, games, athletic goods, and more. To get started with Rakuten, install its Chrome extension or create an account on the Rakuten application. Once you shop via the app, you will receive cash rewards via cheque or PayPal. Rakuten offers up to 40% cashback on each purchase. It also provides a referral bonus when you refer others to the app.
Swagbucks Review
Swagbucks is an app that offers similar services as Tada. Users on this app can earn rewards by completely quick online tasks such as watching videos, surfing the web, participating in online surveys, and more. Swagbucks offers rewards to users in points, also known as SBs. Once you accumulate enough points, you can exchange them for money or gift cards. You can transfer Swagbucks points into your PayPal account as cash or convert them to gift cards for stores like Amazon, Caffè Nero, and Tesco. Swagbucks lets its users donate points to charity organizations such as Unicef, the Wounded Warrior Project, The Humane Society, and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Download the app and sign up with your email address to start earning on Swagbucks. Membership is free, so you can participate in any of its money-making activities to earn points. Another Interesting Article: Swagbucks Review: Here’s How To Earn $1000
Final Words
Overall, Tada is a trustworthy platform to earn money. However, it is not a get-rich-quick scheme. You can only earn passive income with the app, not a huge sum. It is legit, safe, and recommendable if you plan to earn through cashback.
Frequently Asked Questions On Tada
Where Can I Sell My Receipts Tada, Rakuten, and Coupon.com are some of the best apps to sell receipts to. Simply scan your purchase receipts on any of the apps and wait for approval. Can I Earn Money By Watching Videos Yes! You can earn money by watching videos. Sites like Swagbucks and InboxDollars reward users for watching ads and videos on their sites. Rewards are in cash or gift cards for Amazon, Target, and Walmart. Is Tada a Legit App? Yes! The Tada app is legit and not a Ponzi scheme. Users can access discounts, coupons, and cashback rewards once they complete tasks on the app. Read the full article
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tattooremovalmelbourne · 11 months
Tattooed Confidence: The Psychological Impact of Cosmetic Ink
Lately, tattooing has gone beyond its ordinary limits and found a way to empowerment, especially through cosmetic tattooing. Cosmetic tattooing, also known as micro pigmentation, has become an intense type of self-expression and freedom for our body and mind. This creative practice gives people the ability not only to accentuate their natural beauty but also to strengthen their assurance and faith in themselves. By concealing flaws, saving time and money, introducing choices, and having hypoallergenic makeup options, cosmetic ink is currently being used as a commanding tool for remodeling one's idea about oneself plus enhancing personal power. This is why many people have lately started taking up the Cosmetic Tattoo Course.
How Cosmetic Tattoo Empowers Human Beings?
Cosmetic tattooing moves beyond traditional beauty improvements, completely empowering people of all types. It provides:
Enhanced Self-Esteem
Whether caused by physical hurt, scarring, or medical conditions affecting the way one looks, cosmetic tattoos can be life-changing. These treatments, like enhancing eyebrows, lips, and eyeliner, give individuals more assurance and a sense of fitting in.
Time and Cost Savings
Every day, having to apply makeup again and again can be very time-consuming as well as costly. Cosmetic tattoos provide an easy yet budget-friendly solution, helping you reclaim your valuable time while cutting down on expenses at the same time. The freedom from the expenses and time-consuming rituals of traditional makeup gives people more opportunities to concentrate on what is essential in their lives.
Empowerment Through Choice
Having free will when it comes to cosmetic tattoos is one of its fundamental features. People have an opportunity to opt for subtle refinement or striking change, which helps them feel secure with who they are and be in control of how others perceive them. This sense of independence not only builds up conviction but also serves as a daily reminder that everyone can define their own story, consequently facilitating stronger self-beliefs and expressions. Similarly, enrolling yourself in a cosmetic tattoo course is also an empowering option, especially for those who want to learn the skills of the art. Valentine Artistry is one such recommended place where you can learn and grow yourself as a cosmetic tattoo artist.
Freedom from Allergies
Traditional makeup can irritate or cause allergies for some people. But cosmetic tattoos, since they're hypoallergenic, provide a great solution and liberation to those who have had problems with cosmetics in the past. This freedom not only helps them be more comfortable physically, but it also boosts their emotional well-being - allowing them to express themselves confidently through the way they look.
Boosting Confidence in Unique Ways
Melbourne Cosmetic Tattoo gives folks from all backgrounds a superb confidence! For example, breast cancer survivors can especially benefit by having areola tattooing done after mastectomy – thus getting back their self-confidence while enjoying a natural-looking aesthetic again. Similarly, people dealing with hair loss find strength through scalp micropigmentation, which replicates the look of a full head of hair.
Conclusion Being able to witness how popular this art continues to expand every day makes us realize it has depths beyond looking nice. These transformations offer true power into one's life, whether big or small, making one feel accepted and ready to conquer whatever lies ahead. If you want to learn all of these by yourself, you can definitely take up the Cosmetic Tattoo Course Melbourne and become a qualified cosmetic tattoo artist.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Disney Dreamlight Valley’s favorite robot is getting a dapper upgrade
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The enormous variety of customising possibilities that Disney Dreamlight Valley offers me is one of my favourite aspects of the simulation game. I can decorate my Valley with a variety of furniture decorated with pumpkins, if I want to. I adore how Dreamlight Valley allows us to be ourselves, and I really value how this applies to other in-game characters. This new dapper WALL-E we can buy is long overdue and downright charming, especially with all of the different upgrade possibilities for other Valley residents. The iconic little guy’s new available style has been dubbed by Disney as the Dapper Dream Style, and it isn’t hard to see why. From his cute checkered coat to his little tie, I love everything about this fancy version of WALL-E. The Dapper Dream Style is coming to Dreamlight Valley as a part of the new Remembering update‘s addition of purchasable Dream Bundles. Unfortunately, this does mean that the robot dressed in his Sunday best is out of reach behind a paywall. Right now, the Dapper Dream Style bundle costs 4,000 Moonstones. If you choose to pay for the Dapper Dream Style bundle, you will receive WALL-E’s upgraded skin as well as a brand new questline to accompany it. All of his dialogue is overhauled for the upgrade, meaning that each conversation between you and him or other Valley residents will be different than what you have previously encountered. Your own character will also get a matching set of expensive clothes to match WALL-E’s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FG7-9Us1mI If you’d rather not pay, you can enter Dreamlight Valley’s contest here for a chance to win the bundle for free. Personally, I can’t say I’m too happy to bear witness to more microtransactions popping up in my favorite games, but I’m also infatuated with cute cosmetics so I’ll more than likely drop some cash on the dapper lil’ guy. I hope Gameloft steers clear of these sorts of additions in the future, though, since so many other good creative outlets of mine are plagued by constant methods of quick money grabs. I wholeheartedly love Dreamlight Valley, but the recent focus on currency in-game bought with real money and the items that are locked behind said currency has been a bit exhausting. Dreamlight Valley is one of those games I open up to relax in, hoping to unwind after a long day of work and other stressful real-life things. It’s not a space I want to further worry in. I am at least grateful that Dreamlight Valley offers a way to earn Moonstones that does not involve real money, but rather the completion of in-game tasks. If you also love tending to your land in Disney Dreamlight Valley, you may be interested in checking out some of our favorite farming games to lose all of your worries within. You can also browse through a few of the best sandbox games for a similarly chill gameplay experience in which you can also let your creativity soar. Read the full article
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ashwanillc · 2 years
Why You Should Start Planning Your Own Private Label Cosmetics Line
If you're interested in setting up your own PRIVATE LABEL COSMETICS line, there are several different ways to get started. You might be able to begin by using a designer’s ready-made vision, or you could take a DIY approach and create your own unique packaging specifications. In this article, Ashwani Will help you as  a Private Label Cosmetic Manufacturers in Dubai
What are the benefits of creating a private-label cosmetics line?
The benefits of creating a private-label cosmetics line are many and varied, but all center around one key point: control. When you create your own line of cosmetics, you are in control of every aspect of the product, from formulation to packaging to distribution. This means that you can create a product that is exactly what you want it to be, without any compromises.
In addition to having complete control over your product, private-label cosmetics also offer a number of other advantages. For instance, because you are not beholden to any outside suppliers or manufacturers, you can save a significant amount of money on production costs. Additionally, private-label brands often enjoy higher margins than their mass-market counterparts, giving you the opportunity to earn more profit per unit sold.
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Finally, by launching your own Private Labeling For Cosmetics in Dubai, you will be able to build a strong and loyal customer base that appreciates your dedication to quality and uniqueness. In today's highly competitive beauty market, this is an invaluable asset.
How do you start your own private labeling business in Dubai?
There are many benefits to starting your own private labeling business in Dubai. For one, Dubai is a tax-free haven, which means you can keep more of your profits. Additionally, there is no limit to the growth potential of your business in Dubai. The city is home to a growing number of high-net-worth individuals and businesses, which presents a great opportunity for private labelers.
If you're interested in starting your own private labeling business in Dubai, here are a few tips to get you started:
1. Choose Your Products
The first step is to choose the products you want to sell. There are many factors to consider when making this decision, including your target market and what kind of products they would be interested in. Keep in mind that private label products can be anything from cosmetics to food and beverage items.
2. Find a Manufacturer
Once you've decided on the products you want to sell, the next step is to find a manufacturer who can produce them for you. There are many manufacturers based in Dubai, so it's important to do your research and find one that's reputable and has experience producing private label products.
3. Create Your Packaging
Now it's time to start thinking about packaging for your products. This is an important step because your packaging will play a big role in how customers perceive your brand. Make sure your packaging is eye-catching and reflects the quality of your products.
What are some suggestions for choosing a company to produce your line?
When it comes to choosing a company to produce your private-label cosmetics line, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you'll want to find a company that has experience in the cosmetics industry and is familiar with the manufacturing process. You'll also want to make sure they're able to create high-quality products that meet your standards.
In addition, you'll want to find a company that's willing to work with you to create a custom formula for your products. They should be able to provide you with a range of options to choose from, so you can find the perfect match for your needs. Lastly, you'll want to make sure they offer competitive pricing and have a good reputation in the industry.
For getting more information visit the website now: https://ashwanillc.com/
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gemwire · 2 years
How to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite (#October 1, 2022)
How to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite – Item Shop codes (#October 1, 2022): Fortnite has a wide variety of awesome cosmetics that are often unlocked with in-game currency, or player can purchase them outright with real money. Outfits like a “Picnic Bomber” outfit can be unlocked during special occasions such as holidays, while other outfits sometimes cost V-Bucks which are bought with money.
Determining what you want from Fortnite is important to understand. One goal of most players is growing their collection of skins. Collecting v buck and other rewards by playing fortnite can be done a few ways, but there are various methods that have proven inefficient to some people.
Even if you are financially comfortable, there is no reason to refuse free V-Bucks – the ultimate goal for most Fortnite players. They are used as currency to purchase special skins in the game, so players compete to collect them.
You may have to spend money if you’re looking for a number of cosmetic items. Here are some tips for earning free V-Bucks in Fortnite.
What Are V-Bucks In Fortnite Battle Royale
V-bucks are a virtual currency in Fortnite (registered trademarks) that players can use to purchase items and costumes. They’re also used to purchase in-game benefits from epic games, such as increased health, unlock new weapons and ammo capacity.
Unlike other games where players can only earn rewards by completing challenges or killing enemies, Fortnite players can also earn free v-bucks by playing the game. This means that anyone, regardless of their experience or skill level, can get involved and try to win more v bucks and other reward.
How To Earn Free V Bucks, Skins, eMotes & Other Reward
Stay away from sketchy websites
Searching “free V-Bucks” on Google will lead players to many shady websites and videos that tell players to download software or enter their login information. You can find many, many websites telling you how to get free V-Bucks online, but there are a few things they won’t tell you.
There’s no Fortnite hack that guarantees you free V-Bucks, and those who download viruses or use credit card numbers to get game resources will be caught eventually. Be careful while on your search for free V-Bucks since your account is more important than collecting in-game resources.
Join Tournaments To Earn v Bucks & New Skins
For players interested in competitive gameplay, the arena mode of Fortnite allows them to compete at an equal level. For ranking gamers, the arena mode is exciting and rewarding, but there are other ways to play the game for either v bucks or battle pass.
Competitive players can win V-Bucks or cash prizes at various tournaments, but there are some downsides to consider. If you win a tournament competition and the outcome is delayed, it could take days before you see the rewards on your fortnite account.
Epic Games website hosts ingame tournaments, but there are also various third party tournaments that you can find. Make sure to read all of the terms before signing up with a new tournament since getting disqualified for not reading the rules first would really be a waste of your time.
Stay up to date with free v bucks redeem codes
Epic games releases Fortnite v bucks redeem codes to reward players. These codes might be given out during big events, such as E3, and when they’re redeemed they can be used to redeem the games’ rewards.
You can check working fortnite redeem codes for all season by checking this link. With Fortnite codes you can earn v bucks, battle pass, spins, pets and some other gifts.
Here are the steps to redeem item shop codes To claim fortnite battle royale and save the world rewards.
Visit the official Fortnite page and log in with your epic games account.
Click on your profile picture in the top right and then “Redeem Code” in the dropdown menu.
Enter the code in the provided field.
Open Fortnite to confirm you received the item.
You will be rewarded on your account.
Here are some of the working Fortnite Codes which you can claim to be redeemed from redemption center.
UGMI-FL6A-QGXZ-TTPC Free V Bucks Reward Codes
XTGL-9DKO-SDBV-FDDZ Free V-Bucks Redeem Code
XTGL-9DKO-SD9D-CWML Free VBuck Gift Card Code
SDKY-7LKM-UTGL-LHTU VBucks Reward Redeem Code
SDKY-7LKM-ULMF-ZKOT VBucks Codes Redeem
TDSM-4KUP-2HKL-NKXZ V-Bucks Card Codes
Use a refund token
Fortnite account get three refund tokens which can be used to get V-Bucks by returning items that you don’t want. You can spent these tokens to buy new skins or use them for other rewards.
You can use V-Bucks tokens as a subscription. If you buy them, you’ll be able to save some of your money by paying monthly. You can also use them to get your V-Bucks back if you don’t enjoy the skin that you bought.
Epic Games instituted this refund system to avoid players abusing the system. If it wasn’t put in place, most people would purchase a skin, wear it for a few days and receive a refund. This is hurting Epic Games revenue stream.
Unlock the V-Bucks rewards in your battle pass
With Fortnite, you can choose to purchase a battle pass or unlock each tier individually by watching videos or playing the game. This will allow you to earn back your investment in the battle pass and then some, with custom rewards like V-Buck items unlocked immediately.
Starting with your first battle pass purchase, you will be able to save up additional earned VBucks for other cosmetics that you may also like.
Buy V-Bucks in bulk
The bigger V-Bucks packages reward players with more bonus V-Bucks, and once you start purchasing enough V-Bucks in bulk, you’ll get more V-Bucks for your investment.
Check out promotional deals
Epic Games sometimes makes deals with various companies, offering free in-game content when you buy a product. For example, if you buy a certain film on iTunes, you could get an exclusive theme for Fortnite.
This isn’t entirely free as you will need to purchase the product or service first. But if that’s what you need anyway, it’s not a bad deal if there’s some in-game extras involved.
Frequently Asked Questions
#faqsu-faq-list { background: #F0F4F8; border-radius: 5px; padding: 15px; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single { background: #fff; padding: 15px 15px 20px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #d1d8dd, 0px 0px 40px #ffffff; border-radius: 5px; margin-bottom: 1rem; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question { border-bottom: 1px solid #F0F4F8; padding-bottom: 0.825rem; margin-bottom: 0.825rem; position: relative; padding-right: 40px; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question:after { content: "?"; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; width: 30px; line-height: 30px; text-align: center; color: #c6d0db; background: #F0F4F8; border-radius: 40px; font-size: 20px; }
What can you buy with V-Bucks in Fortnite?
In Fortnite, you can buy items such as weapons, gear, and buildings with V-Bucks. You can also use V-Bucks to buy cosmetic items that will change the look of your character. Some of the most popular items that you can buy with V-Bucks are cosmetics and accessories.
Do Fortnite V-Bucks generators work?
There are a lot of Fortnite V-Bucks generator out there, but most of them are scams. Do not waste your time or money on these generators. Instead, use fortnite v bucks codes which are freely available to use and they are legal too. Beware of Fortnite Hacks And V Bucks Generator online tools as they can lead yout account ban too.
Here is everything you need to know about obtaining free V-Bucks. Check out our Articles section for more tips and tricks. Visit Gem Wire For more exciting posts.
The post How to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite (#October 1, 2022) appeared first on Gemwire. source https://gemwire.gg/en/how-to-get-free-v-bucks-in-fortnite-2/
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
HEY BY THE WAY if you're terrified of mojang's new chat report system that just rolled out, let me introduce you to essential :] it's a cosmetics mod for minecraft (requires forge or farbic to install) that has a lot of neat features, one of those being a messaging system! it uses the minecraft font with a texting layout. it'll also save all of your messages unlike minecraft which will refresh when you close and reopen the game. it also allows for you to send messages anywhere, even if you're on different servers, singleplayer worlds, or haven't even left the title screen yet
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you can also make group chats :0 haven't tested that out yet since as of now i've just got two people added on it KJHFJKDSG
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it also allows you to invite people you know to servers with you OR singleplayer worlds!
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if you're using forge, it's available in a few versions from 1.8.9 up to 1.18.2. if you have fabric, you can get it in 1.16.5 up to 1.19 as of me making this post. no 1.19.1 yet, but i'd imagine with everything going on there probably will be one. the 1.19 update just recently came out, i'm not sure which versions they plan to support
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mconsent · 6 months
Steps in Improving Dental Treatment Plan Acceptance Rates | mConsent
Getting patients to accept and move forward with recommended dental treatment plans is one of the most challenging yet crucial elements in running a successful, growing dental practice.
Far too often, patients decline or put off necessary treatments due to cost concerns, lack of perceived value, poor presentation of treatment plans, misunderstandings, and more. Dentists leave money on the table while patients fail to get the dental care they need.  
With some strategic changes to your approach, you can significantly boost your dental treatment plan acceptance rates. This article outlines key steps for improving patient communication, increasing treatment plan acceptance, and overcoming the common obstacles dentists face.
Step 1: Build Rapport and Trust From the First Interaction
The foundation for later treatment plan acceptance is built from a patient’s very first impression of your practice. From the initial phone call or website visit, identify opportunities to establish rapport and trust through excellent customer service. Train your team to:
Use friendly, welcoming language when answering calls and emails
Come across as caring experts ready to help prospects find solutions
Listen closely to understand each patient’s unique needs and insurance situation  
Make the scheduling process quick and hassle-free
When speaking with potential new patients, focus the conversation on understanding their dental issues, goals, and any hesitations they have about seeing a dentist. Avoid jumping into a sales pitch about your practice. Show you are listening to build comfort and familiarity.
Display your dental expertise and empathy throughout consultations. Make patients feel heard and put at ease discussing any dental anxieties with you. Earn their confidence in your skills and concern for their well-being.  
Strong first impressions pave the way for treatment plan acceptance by building rapport and positioning your practice as a trusted partner in oral health.
Step 2: Set the Stage with Comprehensive Exams
Thorough initial exams allow you to fully evaluate a new patient’s oral health and educate them on your findings in a strategic manner. Some tips:
Perform comprehensive assessments using intraoral cameras, x-rays, and advanced diagnostic tools
Identify all necessary treatment and clearly document conditions, risks if untreated, treatment options and costs in charts  
Gauge the patient’s priorities and goals during the exam to understand motivations
Raise only 1-2 top concerns so patients don't feel overwhelmed early on
Complete diagnostics equip you to properly stage treatment plans across multiple appointments based on what you know the patient cares most about addressing first. You also avoid surprises down the road by uncovering all needs upfront.
During the exam, focus on building value by warning patients of risks, answering questions transparently, and easing anxieties. Thorough diagnostics paired with patient education sets the right foundation to motivate patients to accept their treatment plans.
Step 3: Present Treatment as an Investment in Overall Health  
When presenting planned treatments, emphasize how procedures will improve the patient's overall health, quality of life and appearance - not just their teeth. Tie into bigger picture motivations like:
Living pain-free 
Eating foods they love  
Improving nutritional intake
Sleeping better without discomfort
Boosting confidence with a brighter smile 
Reducing risks of associated medical conditions
Illustrate how declining treatment can worsen issues or lead to more invasive, costly interventions later. Appeal to emotional desires like maintaining an active lifestyle or looking their best. 
Discuss dental health as one piece of total body wellness. When patients view treatment plans as an investment in their broader wellbeing rather than just cosmetic fixes, they are more likely to move forward.
Step 4: Offer Multiple Treatment Plan Options
Rather than presenting a single treatment plan, provide patients with different prioritized options at different price points. For example:
Option 1: Addresses only the most pressing needs, and puts other issues on a watch/wait approach to manage costs.
Option 2: Treats top 2-3 priorities in a phased schedule over several appointments.
Option 3: Comprehensive plan to take care of all identified needs for complete health and aesthetics.
This tiered approach makes treatment feel more customized and affordable. Patients choose the option aligning best to their budget and priorities vs. feeling boxed into a large, intimidating upfront cost.
Clearly outline what each option includes, the phase-based schedule, and financing available. Offer pros and cons of each path to guide patients toward the optimal choice. Providing good/better/best alternatives boosts plan acceptance.
Step 5: Utilize Visual Aids and Demonstrations 
Show don’t just tell. Use visuals like charts, photos and videos to illustrate a patient’s specific oral health issues and the improvements achievable through treatment. 
For example, show images of plaque buildup, gum recession, and cavities pointing out unhealthy areas. Then demonstrate virtually how fillings, periodontal treatments, and other interventions will remediate these problems.  
Visuals make it real and personal for patients. Seeing risk areas in their own mouth and their smile’s transformation potential motivates patients to want these results.
Other impactful demonstrations include:
Cracked tooth test illustrating how fractures worsen without treatment
Gum disease risk tool calculating a patient’s likelihood of developing more severe periodontitis 
Smile imaging software previewing how veneers, whitening, or orthodontics dramatically improve smile aesthetics
Visual aids demonstrate the value of dental treatments in a tangible way that resonates with patients.
Step 6: Review Financing and Payment Options
Cost is often the biggest deterrent to accepting treatment plans. Be proactive in discussing financial options:
Accept most insurances and clearly explain coverages 
Offer reasonable payment plans allowing patients to finance costs interest-free over 6-12 months
Inform patients of discounts if paying with cash or credit 
Highlight any savings on packaged or phased treatment vs. addressing later 
Remind patients of flex spending and HSA dollars to allocate
Providing multiple payment methods and generous financing eases patient worries about affording treatment upfront. Many will accept ideal dental care when presented with easy budget-friendly options.
Have your dental financial coordinator meet with patients to review specifics. Make the process smooth and manageable. Reducing financial friction encourages treatment plan acceptance.
Step 7: Follow Up Proactively After the Appointment
Don’t leave treatment plan decisions solely to patients once they leave your office. Schedule follow-ups to address concerns, remind of benefits, and motivate action: 
Call patients within 2 days of presenting plans to answer questions. Urge them to move forward with optimal options.
Mail handwritten notes reiterating why you recommend specific treatment and health advantages
Send email reminders on payment options and upcoming appointment dates to schedule
Use text messages and postcards to prompt patients who delay scheduling
Proactive outreach shows you truly care about patient wellbeing, not just sales. Nurturing patients through education and encouragement converts more treatment plans than leaving patients to decide on their own. 
Step 8: Train the Entire Dental Team on Consultation Skills
Treatment plan acceptance relies on the entire team's ability to communicate value, not just the dentist. Train your dental staff to:
Warmly engage patients in conversation during visits to strengthen rapport 
Use plain language explaining clinical findings, treatment benefits, and financial options
Listen attentively to identify and address patient concerns 
Project enthusiasm and confidence in recommended treatment plans
Follow up consistently with appointment reminders and patient nurturing
When all staff radiate positivity and reinforce your recommendations, patients feel fully supported throughout the process. A highly trained team boosts conversion.
Role play consultations focusing on objection handling and value communication. Record live consults for feedback. Have team members shadow successful treatment plan presentations.
Ongoing skills development ensures patients have a consistent excellent experience at each touchpoint. Every team member influences treatment acceptance.
Step 9: Motivate Patients with Positive Messaging
Avoid language that sows doubt or makes treatment sound optional. Use positive affirming phrases:
“This option will help you...” vs “You may want to consider...” 
“Let’s get you scheduled” vs “Call if you decide to move forward”
“When is most convenient?” vs “If you want to schedule...”
Present treatment as the best path vs. a choice. Be confident and direct. Patients follow your lead and recommended action steps when presented firmly.
Share enthusiastic testimonials and before/after photos of how previous patients benefited from the same treatments. People are motivated when they hear peers happily touting results.
Your language, tone and stories should guide patients to say “yes!” without hesitation.
Step 10: Measure and Optimize Your Approach
To accelerate improvement, diligently track treatment acceptance metrics over time:
Calculate consultation conversion rates by provider and procedure  
Break down acceptance by new vs. existing patients 
Identify reasons for patient declination through surveys and feedback
Link conversion rates to types of presentation aids used
Assess performance by dental insurance coverage 
Compare acceptance across payment options
Analyzing this data identifies strengths to expand and problem areas to address through additional team training, patient nurturing adjustments, or stronger financial solutions.
Set clear goals and benchmarks. Regularly test new communication techniques and presentation tools. Continuously refine your processes to see acceptance rates climb higher.
Improving treatment plan acceptance takes an ongoing commitment to optimization using metrics.
Improve Dental Treatment Plan Acceptance Today
By following these best practices for enhancing patient communication, building treatment value, easing financial barriers, and nurturing consistently, your dental team can dramatically increase treatment plan acceptance rates and practice production.
The biggest obstacles—cost concerns, misunderstandings, perceived lack of need—can be overcome through a patient-focused consultative approach and effective follow-up strategies such as via mConsent's Treatment Plan Reminder System.  
Commit today to improving your treatment plan acceptance rate using steps that are proven to work. Your patients will benefit from improved dental health, and your practice will thrive as more recommended treatment is completed.
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paypant · 10 months
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urban-homesteading · 3 years
Hey do you know what kind of tools I should buy if I want to move into a house? It won't have a yard yet, but fingers crossed for the future. Thank you!
Congratulations on the new house! Since you said that there's no yard yet, I'm going to focus only on tools I use inside my house and ignore gardening and lawn maintenance.
What tools should you have around your house?
So here's a pretty simple list that will cover most minor problems you will encounter.
Cordless power drill
Screwdriver set (grab one with the ten basic sockets)
Drill set
Adjustable wrench
Level (bubble works, but I upgraded to laser and it makes life so much simpler)
Tape measurer
Utility knife
Extension cord
Step stool
Spare batteries
Toolbox (or even a cardboard box, just make sure you have somewhere to return your tools or they will escape to the four winds)
So how to acquire these tools while maintaining zero waste?
1) Start with your research
If you are completely unfamiliar with tool brands and the features available on tools, do a little research. Visit the websites for Sears, The Home Depot, Lowe's, Menards, True Value, Ace Hardware or any retailer that sells tools, and take a look at their new selections. Most websites organize tools in a straightforward way so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Head to a local store to get a firsthand look – many tools will be on display and out of the box so you can actually pick them up. You'll see the most-recent models, from low-end to top-of-the-line. Make notes on the prices and available features (especially relating to safety). This is your base from which to work when evaluating prices.
The next step is to look at online auction sites, such as eBay, to get an idea of prices for used tools. This gets a bit tricky because you'll need to really look at the age and condition of the tools as described by the seller. But again, make notes for a range of features and prices. Don't try to list everything you see – just make a list of price ranges for the tools, with notes on the variances in relation to brand. For example, for circular saws that range in price from $30 to $60, jot down what separates the bottom-priced tool from the top.
Head over to pawnshops as well. Pawnshops only buy items they know they can turn around and sell, so they won't have tools that don't work (everything they purchase is tested), and a pawnshop won't carry poor-quality brands. Also, the prices will accurately reflect the current value of tools in the marketplace. Make sure you visit operations that are members of the National Pawnbrokers Association, as these businesses abide by a code of ethics established by the association.
2) Name Does Matter (For the more expensive tools)
Now that you have an idea of what you'll expect to pay, it's time to consider how you'll evaluate and decide what to buy.
It used to be that if a name brand was good, it was good.  But I have found that the ‘good’ name brands have been sold so many times that most manufacturers are coasting on their reputation and they are the same quality as the ‘cheap’ tools.  Even worse, manufacturers will have different quality tools that are sold by different stores.  For example, a DeWalt power drill sold at a Home Depot will be better quality than a DeWalt Power Drill sold at Walmart because DeWalt will have two different manufacturing plants and they will send the lower quality ones to Walmart, since Walmart demands that DeWalt sell them to them at a cheaper cost or else they won’t buy from them at all.
My personal rule of thumb is buy cheap for the first one, then if you use it so long or so much that it needs replaced, buy expensive quality the second time.  This prevents you from spending hundreds on tools you’re only going to use a couple of times.
3) Where To Buy
You can start your shopping by revisiting some of the places you accessed when doing your research. Clearly you'll save money on shipping if you go to a local operation or an individual. Remember to test and examine tools closely no matter where you shop.
Pawnshops As mentioned earlier, pawnshops are a good bet for buying tools. You're going to find better-known brands that are probably on the higher end of the quality and price spectrum. Although, you're going to have little to no negotiating room on price compared to if you were buying from an individual.
Thrift Stores A thrift store may be a little less reliable for quality, and you'll probably find a lot less availability, especially at a thrift store that obtains its wares through donation. However, those that aren't donation-based aren't going to want to develop a bad reputation by selling inferior items.
Live Auctions Check local notices for potential auctions in your area. You may have a good chance of finding quality tools, but “auction fever” may set in, and you could wind up overpaying if you are bid up. These may be a good source for large equipment.
Garage Sales You could score the best deal at a garage sale, as the seller may be less likely to know the value of the tools being sold. Sellers will also be more open to price negotiation, and you can offer a bundle price for several items. Quality is going to be your biggest concern, so look these tools over really well.
Flea Markets These are similar to garage sales when it comes to negotiating, but the seller at a flea market will probably be more knowledgeable on price. Some flea market vendors have access to surplus or closeout suppliers, so you could see a potential mix of newer and older tools that haven't sold well at retail.
Classifieds Search online or newspaper classifieds under the equipment and tools categories. You may see a set or combination of tools listed as one price, which can be a good deal. As with garage sales, look these tools over carefully.
Online Websites offering tools are almost too numerous to mention, but eBay is certainly one that comes to mind. Check the seller ratings and reviews when shopping on auction sites. You'll also want to take a look at Amazon, which offers a lot of items, both new and used. Overstock.com, for example, has surplus items and may be a good source for refurbished items. You can often get limited warranties.
Retail Speaking of refurbished items, you may do well by looking at the clearance aisles at hardware stores and home centers. Sometimes they will heavily discount tools that have been returned. Check the reason for the return because it can be merely cosmetic.
4) Be an Inspector
On corded power tools, examine the electrical and basic mechanics of the tool. Aside from plugging it in and turning it on, thoroughly inspect the cord. Look for any visible defects, such as a crimp (what looks like a big dent), or if the cord is bent at a severe angle. A thick wad of electrical tape will be a big tip-off that something might not be right. Also take a look at where the cord meets the tool to see if it's heavily worn or loose. Closely examine the prongs of the plug. A slight bend on one of the prongs isn't a big deal, but if the metal looks heavily worn at the bend, it may be close to failure. And don't forget to check out the switch to see if it is loose or cracked.
Cordless tools present their own challenge. If you've ever looked at the price of replacement batteries, you know they can be quite pricey. Some are very expensive in relation to the cost of a new tool and can be as much as half or more of the cost of a new tool. Plus, it's hard to tell if the battery will hold its charge for any length of time. Sure, it may work fine in the short time you test it, but it's difficult to determine if it will hold a charge for longer than a few minutes. Only opt for cordless tools that you know are at most a couple of years old. Refurbished units are your best bet here.
With both corded and cordless power tools, be sure all the parts and guards are there. It's a bonus if the case and operating manual are included (although you may be able to find a copy of the manual on a tool manufacturer's website). You can easily find replacement accessories, such as saw blades, for many tools because the standards for accessory sizes are pretty consistent.
While you can't exactly take a small screwdriver and dismantle a power tool to look at its inner workings, you can search for a few telltale signs that all may not be well. Be prepared to use all five senses.
Take at look at the motor vent area of the tool (which looks like little slits in the housing). Ideally, you want this to be free of any sort of dirt, grime or buildup – a tall order for a used tool, but a good indication of how well it has been maintained. While inspecting this area, look for any burn marks or smoke trails (take a peek at the switch area as well). These would be clear indications that there's been an electrical problem. But just in case the evidence of a fire has been cleaned up, give the vent area the old sniff test for odor of smoke.
Keep the focus on this area and turn on the tool. You don't want to see smoke or sparks emitting from the housing. Notice how the tool feels in your hand while it's running. Look for intermittent operation or jerkiness. Yes, a power tool will vibrate in your hand, but you should be able to control it. If it feels like the tool could jump right out of your hand, there could be issues. Listen to the tool. Is it making erratic sounds or grating noises? Think back to other tools of the same type you're inspecting. Does the used tool sound significantly different?
You can look for specific things such as the movement of the blade in a circular saw or table saw. With the tool off and unplugged, move the blade around to see if there is a significant wobble to its motion. An old blade may be the culprit, but the arbor (the metal rod on which the blade is attached to the saw) may be bent. It would be difficult to replace and not worth purchasing the tool.
These tools will be a pretty good head start and will enable you to repair most minor work around your home.  
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vivi-the-sky-kid · 3 years
Hi I never want to hear another vet complain about traveling spirits or the fact that TGC is trying to figure out a way to bring back seasonal ultimate gifts without the vets acting like whiny babies
Because you know what? Those vets got the far easier, cheaper, and faster deal
I did the math
(I did not include taxes)
An adventure pass for any given season costs roughly 10 USD. If you pre-order, you get 10 extra candles on top of the 20 any pass holder gets when the season starts (gifted passes get the 20, but not the extra 10). Not only that, a player with an adventure pass gets an extra candle per day (6 compared to the free-to-play's 5 daily, and originally that was only 3 for f2p!). So adventure pass holders are already getting more out of the season, as, if they play daily, they end up with far more candles bring converted at the end. Then there's the matter of half the season's rewards being locked behind the pass, meaning they're getting twice as much out of the season as an f2p, to say nothing of the Ultimate Gifts
So roughly 10 USD for twice as much reward as an f2p, with at least 20 weeks of exclusive use of certain cosmetics and emotes. I say at least because, as we all know, traveling spirits only show up once the season after their own has ended, and have a random chance of any given spirit showing up at all. So already, they get roughly 5 months minimum of getting to feel "special" over having a look some of the other players don't have
Remember how an adventure pass costs 10 USD? Having gone over the total candle costs for Lightseekers and Belonging (the only two seasons that have had all their spirits return as traveling spirits so far), I can tell you right now that a pass holder from those two seasons got such a cheaper deal that it's quite frankly outrageous
(Note that these prices do not include the equivalent candle costs for the hearts needed)
The total candle cost for Lightseekers has been 780 candles. For Belonging, it's 790 candles. Do you know how many candles you can buy at most in any one purchase?
It's 190 (150 plus the bonus 40 for choosing that pack). This pack costs about 50 USD
That's over 200 USD for the full season's worth of cosmetics, minus the Ultimate Gifts
A full run of all six realms takes at least 2 hours, for about 20 candles a day (24 if the non-seasonal daily quests are available)
Again, a pass holder gets 6 seasonal candles a day. One from the four candle clumps scattered about the daily quests realm, 4 from the quests, and 1 bonus each day from the statue at Home. Aside from a few quests (cough free a manta cough), it's laughably easy to complete those four quests. They also get 20 or 30 extra candles right at the start. It rarely takes more than 10 minutes to get all six of those candles each day. Right off the bat, they're getting far more for far less money and time
For Belonging alone, if you wanted to not spend any money whatsoever on the traveling spirits, you would need to do a full run for 40 days, and then never spend any of your candles until the spirits showed up. At least 80 hours total, for over 200 USD worth of cosmetics, and you have to hope you get lucky enough to see every spirit
A pass holder from Belonging would only have to spend around 10 minutes a day for 43 days to get all the cosmetics and emotes, plus the ultimate gift. That's a little over 7 hours of total time spent
This doesn't include all the extra candles a pass holder has at the end, which get converted into regular candles and add more value to having an adventure pass, but you know what? I'm not gonna go into that. I've talked enough about this
For my proposal on how to implement purchasing ultimate gifts please go here
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watanabes-cum-dump · 3 years
A guide to farming dorm coins in PGR
So obviously when I say farming you’d think that this means make the dorms a complete clutter fuck of a mess and get your construct chibis to live in those conditions. 
Of course, I don’t condone that because I’m not a monster and if you actually do that... please read this guide and stop chibi abuse. 
 So, here’s my guide to farming dorm coins and having your dorms still look nice
Now you may be wondering “Why do I want to farm dorm coins?” well the answer is simple: 
Basically dorm coins let you buy coating blueprints in bundles of 5, once accumulate 25 of those you can buy one coating sketch, which is the currency used to unlock a skin. 
Skins will range from 90 coating sketches for a gray feathers skin, which let’s be honest, you don’t want because they’re kinda ugly. Chances are the ones that you want are special skins that cost 110 coating sketches. That is a lot of farming
Now, if you’re impatient and have some money to spare you can buy these skins, but if you’re a free to play/just buy the monthly pass then obviously you don’t want to whale for these skins no matter how pretty they are, but you still want that really cool skin for Kamui Bastian. But it’s expensive. 
Well, that’s what I’m here for. To help you maximize your dorms so that you can buy that really cool skin for your waifu/husbando. 
So, onto the actual guide
Constructs will have preferences which are indicated by little symbols next to their chibi portrait. 
Red = Beauty
Yellow = Comfort
Blue = Utility 
The dorms will tally how many of these points you have based on what furniture you have, I think there’s a cap for it but idk what it is.
Constructs will only have two stats, a main one and a sub. Your priority should be to max out both of those and the easiest way to do that is to group constructs with the same stats in the dame dorm and choose your decor accordingly. 
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(like this) 
Once you’ve got that settled it’s a good idea to rename your dorms so that you don’t have to constantly check the members tab when you’re making furniture
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The thing about the dorms is that there’s a very small character limit for when you name your dorms. So it’s easier to just use shorter terms like I have.
Also you want to make sure to put your main stat and substat in the dorm name, again so that you don’t have to check or take any actual notes down. 
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As for actually crafting decor, just click the build tab and it’ll show you this. It lets you select what kind of decor you want to craft. All of the decor you craft in the same category will most likely look the same save for the colours which will correspond to the stat you gave the decor. 
And yeah, basically the decor looks the same but has different points for the stats. The default decor and the ones you buy in the decor shop will usually have the stats with even points (for example the default closet and bed have 100 points for all three stats) you don’t want that because you really only want two stats
Getting that other stat you don’t want is inevitable but you want to focus which stats you want so you do have to craft some of your decor. It’s not a bad idea to add some of the normal decor with even stats since you still want your dorm to look nice. Just make sure to craft a good amount of decor with your desired stat first. 
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As you can see in the above picture, I have furniture with mostly comfort stats because they’re mostly yellow. I also have some other even furniture because I like my dorms to look nice. 
Oh yeah incase you’re lost and don’t get why we need the stats of the respective constructs, it’s because during dorm events a construct’s mood can affect what they give you. A construct will be in a better mood if you have their respective stat, and when they’re a good mood they have a bigger chance of giving you a dorm coin. 
As for over all dorm tips there is one trick that I constantly abuse to have my dorm look nice and provide me with the stats I need. 
Basically what I do is that I craft a bed and a closet with the stat I need, then I place the bed up against one of the walls and have the closet act as a wall blocking the bed off. If I need to I will usually get a nice looking shelf to hide the closet. 
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This is what it’ll look like and I’ll usually have this or some variation of it in my dorm. 
PGR dorms don’t really have a limit to how much stuff you can put in them, I think it’s really all dependant on if you reach the max cap for the stats which takes a lot because the cap is in the thousands and most furniture will only have the numbers up to 100 points. 
I know that the dorms don’t look as nice as they could if you just decorated all of them, but this is a good way to balance utility and the looks. 
Personally what I’m doing is trying to unlock all of the current dorms (up to six) and have them be for farming, since in a future update it’ll add a second floor with six more dorms which I will use for mostly decoration and letting my constructs chill. 
Long story short: yes the stats matter and no you don’t have to make an ugly ass farming room in order to get your dorm coins. 
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