msclaritea · 5 months
History Time.
I'm not saying I'm completely there yet on some of his personal views, but the historical research done by this channel is unparalleled. This is part of a series, of approximately 9 videos (One of controversy, available on the channel's website)
Up to individuals if they want to watch the entire series. I recommend it. But get ready, because we have all been lied to, in the most abominable way.
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rw7771 · 1 year
Watch "Truthunedited" on YouTube
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anchoredwithhisword · 8 months
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vectorman64 · 2 years
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eli-kittim · 2 years
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A Critical Review of the “TruthUnedited” YouTube Channel Which Teaches a Heretical Christian Doctrine
By Bible Researcher & Author Eli Kittim 🎓
What is the Truthunedited Platform?
Although the practical side of this YouTube channel appears to have a semblance of Christianity, the theology is definitely Judaic!
This YouTube channel is called “Truthunedited” and it also has an affiliated website: Truthunedited.com. These platforms are apparently run by the host, Mr. Ron Charles. Unfortunately, I could not find anything about his qualifications. This is a very popular YouTube channel that has 604k subscribers.
Their website seems to advertise books by the Restored Church of God (RCG), an offshoot of the teachings and doctrines of Herbert W. Armstrong who was the leader of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG). The RCG is a cult which,
denies the Trinity, says that God is a
composition of two beings … that being
born again means being resurrected from
flesh to spirit, that the earth was re-
created, that people will not go to hell and
will be annihilated, that Christians do not go
to heaven, … that the Holy Spirit is a force.”
——- Wiki
I skimmed through some of the videos that he’s put forth and they seem quite disturbing. For example, one of the videos refers to Easter as a goddess, which is based on the discredited 19th century book “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop. The actual word Easter in Greek is “Pascha” (Πάσχα), from the Jewish “Passover” (aka Pesach). So, in trying to discredit Easter as a pagan holiday, his argument is irrelevant to the original Hebrew festival because he’s arguing only from the English translation, the so-called Month of Ēostre', which is historically a so-called “Paschal month" that corresponds to April.
In another video (“What is the true name of our creator & messiah?”), Mr. Ron Charles differentiates between the creator and the messiah, even though Hebrews 1.2 & John 1.1-3 tell us explicitly that Jesus is in fact the creator! Mr. Charles admits that he is part of the Hebrew Roots movement——which is a Jewish religious movement that advocates adherence to the Torah and the Law of Moses——something that Paul criticized vehemently. More on that later. He writes: “I want to discuss why I prefer using the Hebrew name of our creator and the Hebrew name of our Messiah.” But the messiah **Is** the creator! Why distinguish between the creator and the messiah? Well, because that is a Hebrew, not a Christian, position.
A Critical Review of the Truthunedited Video: “This is How a Believer Should Live in These Last Days”
While viewing this channel, I saw some other heretical videos as well but I would like to limit the discussion to one particular video which I listened to from start to finish, namely, a recent YouTube video entitled “This is How a Believer Should Live in These Last Days.”
The content of this video is quite shocking! As a case in point, what does the host mean by saying that he praises “Yah”? Is he a Hebrew convert? Because in the New Testament the name Yah is never mentioned, not even once! According to the New Testament, we must ONLY praise **Jesus**:
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is
no other name under heaven given to
mankind by which we must be saved.
——- Acts 4.12 NIV
Yet, in this entire video, Mr. Charles mentions the actual name of the God-incarnate-messiah “Jesus” only once, and that in passing, as a pejorative translation. And yet, the original Greek name of the Messiah is Iésous, the correct English translation of which is Jesus.
Moreover, Mr. Ron Charles keeps talking about his personal relationship with the Father. He never once mentions his personal relationship with the Son. As a matter of fact, when he refers to God’s Son, who’s coequal with the Father, he simply calls him by the vague term “messiah.” Mr. Charles claims to come from the Hebrew Roots Movement. But, as far as the Jews are concerned, the messiah is NOT Jesus. For example, a majority of the Jewish Chabad community believe that Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the deceased seventh Rebbe of the Chabad-Lubavitch dynasty, is the Jewish messiah. Is that who he’s referring to? Different religions have different messiahs. For instance, in Islam there is Imam Husayn and the Twelfth Imám (Shí’ih), and the Promised Qá’im in the Bábí Faith. There is also the Buddha Maitreya-Amitabha, the Shah Bahrám (Zoroastrianism), and the Avatar Kalki (Hinduism). These are different messiahs that are associated with different belief systems. To the Rastafari religion, it is Haile Selassie I from Ethiopia. So, which of these messiahs is he referring to? And if he’s a Christian, why doesn’t he mention the name of Jesus Christ, which is the name above all other names?
He discusses the cultural deception that is going on and “the marketing of Satan,” but his misleading approach to Jesus Christ and the New Testament is equally dangerous and deceptive because it not only mixes Christianity with Judaism, but it also destroys the New Testament from within by radically changing its terminology, it’s theology, and even the name of it’s God. If we don’t even know who we are praying to, why bother to pray at all? I don’t know enough about his soteriological views because I haven’t listened to any of his other videos, except one. I don’t know what salvation means to him. But given that he is part of the Hebrew Roots Movement, I suspect he thinks that we have to follow the laws of Moses, observe the sabbaths, etc. But Paul urges us to do the exact opposite (cf. Acts 16.31):
all are justified freely by his [God’s] grace
through the redemption that came by Christ
Jesus. ——- Rom 3.24
Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the
truth and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me.’ ——- John 14.6
In the New Testament, is the Messiah’s Name Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic? Is it Ἰησοῦς or Yeshua?
In the video that we’re discussing, the host keeps repeating the name Yahusha. But who is Yahusha, anyway? Can he show us where that name is mentioned in the Greek New Testament as Jesus’ name? Answer: nowhere! The host mentions the name of Jesus only once, in passing, by erroneously stating that his name is “Yahusha, who in English is translated to Jesus.” In order to confirm this translation, please give us chapter and verse in the New Testament where Yahusha is written as the name of Jesus. This so-called “evidence” doesn’t exist. The New Testament only mentions the name Ἰησοῦς, which in English is translated as Jesus, not Yahusha (see the original Greek New Testament: Matthew 1.16; 3.13, 15-16; 4.1, 7, 10, 17; 7.28; 8.4, 10, 13, 14, 18, 20, 22; 9.2, 4, etc.). And I’m only partially citing the gospel of Matthew. There are many more references. Besides, there are three more gospels, the book of Acts, the epistles, and the Book of Revelation. The name Iesous (Jesus) is mentioned nearly 1,000 times in the New Testament. The Greek text never once refers to Jesus as Yahusha or Yeshua!
If Jesus’ name was in fact the Hebrew Yeshua, why didn’t the New Testament transliterate it as Yeshua? By contrast, the name “Ἰησοῦς” is not annotated as a transliteration, even though Hebraic transliterations are typically explained in the New Testament one way or another. For example:
1) In Mark 11.9, hosanna (ὡσαννὰ) is
2) ελωι ελωι λεμα σαβαχθανι is explained in
Mark 15.34; Matthew 27.46.
3) Talitha cum is explained in Mark 5.41.
4) In John 20.16, "Rabbouni” is explained.
5) In Romans 8.15, Abba is explained.
6) In Matthew 1.23, the name “Immanuel” is
The Aramaisms that exist in the Greek New Testament are typically explained or defined. For example, in Matthew 27.46, we read:
Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? (which means
‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken
By contrast, the name ΙΗΣΟΥΣ (Jesus) is *never* *ever* explained as an *aramaism,* nor defined as an Aramaic or Hebrew name. If what Mr. Charles says is true, why doesn’t the New Testament indicate that the name “Jesus” is the transliteration of Yeshua? You would think that a name as important as Jesus would necessitate such an explanation. The fact that there isn’t any indicates that the Greek name Iēsous is not a transliteration from the Late Biblical Hebrew Yēšūaʿ (Yeshūa):
The English name Jesus derives from the
Late Latin name Iesus, which transliterates
the Koine Greek name Ἰησοῦς Iēsoûs.
——- Wiki
By contrast:
The name יֵשׁוּעַ, Yeshua ([is] transliterated in
the English Old Testament as Jeshua).
——- Wiki
Conflating the Hebrew name of Joshua with Jesus Christ is confusing for various reasons:
In Nehemiah 8:17 this name refers to
Joshua son of Nun, the successor of Moses,
as leader of the Israelites. ——- Wiki
According to the Book of Numbers verse
13:16, the name of Joshua, the son of Nun
was originally Hosheaʿ (הוֹשֵעַ), and the
name Yehoshuaʿ (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ) is usually spelled
the same but with a yod added at the
beginning. ——- Wiki
So what do we call the messiah of the New Testament? Joshua son of Nun, Hoshea, Yəhōšūaʿ, Yeshua, or whatever other Hebrew name we could think of?
New Testament Misquotes and Hebrew Interpolations
Mr. Ron Charles, the host of this video, misquotes Paul as supposedly saying that “this is the Will of Elohim & Yahusha for you.” But Paul does not mention either Elohim or Yahusha in his letters. Why is he putting words in Paul’s mouth that Paul never said? This is misleading because he’s colouring the Greek New Testament with foreign elements from the Hebrew Roots movement. If he’s going to refer to the New Testament, it’s appropriate that he uses the original Greek words of the text. Hebrew is appropriate only for the Old Testament.
He further misquotes Ephesians 5.17. The text reads “Lord,” not master. Ephesians 5.17 uses the Greek term “kurios” to mean “Lord.” We are not talking about kung-fu, platonic philosophy, or Buddhism where there’s a master-disciple relationship. We’re talking about reverence to almighty God. The only appropriate translations are “Lord” or “God.” None of the credible Bible translations quote kurios as master. I’m not sure which Bible version he’s using. He also misquotes Romans 12.11, 19, and Philippians 3.1. The word is Κυρίῳ (Lord), not Yahuah! Furthermore, in Philippians 3.14, the words are God (θεοῦ, not Elohim), and Christ Jesus (Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ, not Messiah Yahuah). In Philippians 3.20, the words are Lord Jesus Christ (κύριον Ἰησοῦν Χριστόν), not “master Yahusha the messiah.” This is a way of belittling the name of Jesus by not mentioning his name *properly* or *reverently* and not referring to him in a manner worthy of the name that is above all names. That name is actually Ἰησοῦs (i.e. Jesus) in the Greek New Testament. It is not a Hebrew name derived from the Old Testament or from Pharisaical Judaism.
Mr. Charles then misquotes James 1.27 and mentions a “Pure and undefiled religion before Elohim and the father.” And if the Father is not Elohim, then who is Elohim? In the New Testament, neither Jesus nor the Father is ever called Elohim. Mr. Ron Charles doesn’t seem to be familiar with textual criticism, the Greek New Testament, or with Christian theology.
He then misquotes 2 Corinthians 5.20 by using the vague term “messiah”——a term that means different things to different people——and also by mentioning Elohim who, once again, is never mentioned in the New Testament. Here is the phrase in the original Greek (2 Corinthians 5.20 SBLGNT):
ὑπὲρ Χριστοῦ οὖν πρεσβεύομεν ὡς τοῦ
θεοῦ παρακαλοῦντος δι’ ἡμῶν · δεόμεθα
ὑπὲρ Χριστοῦ, καταλλάγητε τῷ θεῷ.
As you can see, the Greek words that Paul uses are Christ (Χριστοῦ) and God (θεῷ), not messiah or Elohim. That’s why Jesus is known as Jesus Christ, whom he never mentions, except once as a pejorative or pagan translation. Yet he claims that “we are representatives of the gospel.” But if he identifies with the New Testament, why is his theology derived from the Old Testament? I also noticed that his relationship is not with the Son, but rather with the Father, because he keeps saying that he had some issues that the father had to help him work through.
What is more, he keeps praising this unknown and obscure messiah without once revealing what his true name is: the name that is above all other names, mind you. This New Testament name stands far above the other Old Testament names (such as Elohim and Yahweh) because we are not supposed to call on these names for salvation. So, which name do we call upon for salvation? We are to call on the name of Jesus (Acts 4.12)!
Hebrew Roots Beliefs
In case you’re not familiar with the Hebrew Roots Movement, here are some of their beliefs:
Hebrew Roots followers believe that sin is
breaking the Torah (cf. 1 John 3:4), all of the
purity laws such as dietary restrictions and
sabbath keeping are in the Torah, thus it is
sinful to not keep the sabbath and to eat
forbidden animals, among other social and
religious observance laws. ——- Wiki
Unlike the New Testament that does away with the works of the law (legalism) in favor of grace, the Hebrew Roots followers believe in observing the Law of Moses and the Torah:
Old Testament/Torah Laws and the
teachings of the New Testament are to be
obeyed by both Jews and Gentiles in the
community of believers. (See Numbers
15:15–16 for the explanation). ——- Wiki
But these “Hebrew Roots” beliefs are the exact opposite of what the Greek New Testament teaches. In fact, this is precisely the charge that Paul brought against Judaizers in Galatians. Paul says in Galatians 2.16:
know that a person is not justified by the
works of the law, but by faith in Jesus
Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in
Christ Jesus that we may be justified by
faith in Christ and not by the works of the
law, because by the works of the law no one
will be justified.
In Galatians 2.21, Paul says:
I do not set aside the grace of God, for if
righteousness could be gained through the
law, Christ died for nothing!
In Galatians 3.11, Paul repeats the justification of faith teaching through grace:
Clearly no one who relies on the law is
justified before God, because ‘the righteous
will live by faith.’
It’s also found in many other places, including Romans 3.20:
Therefore no one will be declared righteous
in God’s sight by the works of the law.
It doesn’t get any clearer than that. We are not to observe the law. We are saved by faith in Jesus Christ alone! In fact, the entire New Testament can be summed up as the revelation of the person and work of Jesus Christ (Ιησούς Χριστός).
Alas, even as he ends his video, Mr. Ron Charles keeps talking about Elohim, while repeating the ambiguous and enigmatic term “messiah” over and over again. He also keeps mentioning “Yah” nonstop. But who is “Yah” in the New Testament? He is never mentioned. In fact, Mr. Charles ends the video by saying “praise yah.” Really? Not Jesus? And he is supposedly a Christian who identifies with the Gospel of the New Testament? I don’t think so. This is clearly a heretical Jewish theology that radically deviates from, and corrupts the truths of, Christianity!
See my essay:
“Yahweh is Never Once Mentioned in the New Testament”
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megarobosensei19 · 5 years
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walterleejr · 6 years
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Regrann from @truthunedited - ⚠️ #warning #love #world #redefine #accept #false #religion #doctrine #truth #truthunedited #bible #holybible #scripture #wordofgod #god #elohim #yhwh #yahweh #jesus #jesuschrist #yahshua #yahshuahamashiach #holyspirit #ruachhakodesh #dailybread - #regrann
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pugzman3 · 2 years
This is Part 1 of a 6 part series done by TruthUnedited on youtube. This is a great series that goes into the history of the sources and meanings of all the symbols we see being flashed by elites and entertainers, as well as the ones we have been seeing all of our life.
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sweaty-metagross · 5 years
A new vid from TRUTHUNEDITED on symbols. Highly recommend watching the whole series of symbols explained
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dgubruno · 5 years
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christianmenatwork · 2 years
Random Thoughts-Selah79-CMAW175
  Some random unrelated thoughts today.
Links to last Torah Talk
  Dress well, Goodwill
Treasure your wife, greatest asset next to your Heavenly Father, much more important than your work and your career.
Don't treat her the same way you do your co-workers.  What do I mean by that?  Well, I'm not saying you should treat your co-workers badly, of course.  As we've often said on this podcast, a huge part of our calling in the workplace is simply to love our co-workers.  I'm talking more about the common mission.  At work, you all share a common mission which is dictated by your employer, unless you run your own small business, but even then you should be setting a mission for your business.  There's an expectation for performance and mutual contribution in the workplace.  Marriage is a very different relationship and we need to learn to transition well between the two.  Our wife is not a partner in getting things done.  She's a treasure for us to love and support unconditionally.
As I've mentioned in the past, one of my favorite Youtube Channels is TruthUnedited, run by Ron Charles.  They're always good.  They come out every Friday night around 8pm and my wife and I look forward to them.
Two weeks ago he had a message about how more and more we are dividing up in our society into 2 groups and in greater and greater conflict with each other.  We should not participate in these conflicts or choose one of these 2 groups.  A big part of that is stepping out of the political debates.  There was a time not too long ago, as recent as 2 years ago, when I would not have been open to that message.  Now I realize that what he's saying is true and that jumping into one of these sides and engaging in these arguments and conflicts is a distraction and giving into the Devil's schemes.  We instead need to be focused on our heavenly Father, spending time with Him and in His word, and loving the people in our lives well, and as much as possible being at peace with everyone.  This does NOT mean compromising our beliefs.  It does mean stepping out the judge's seat and trusting God with changing the hearts of others.
This past Friday's message was about the seven letters to the churches in Revelation and the lessons for the church today, which is all of us who claim to be believers in Yahusha, or Jesus.  It's important to assess where we are at and whether we are compromising, lost our love for Yahuah, luke-warm, or even dead, and if so to make it a priority to make changes in our lives.
  Started going to Rec center
Joe took time to show me new set of exercises, no pay 
  As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:10-11 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage?search=1%20Peter%204:10-11&version=ESV
  What 10 letter word starts with G A S? - Automobile
  Check out this episode!
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msclaritea · 3 months
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Stargate is a 1994 science fiction action-adventure film directed and co-written by Roland Emmerich. The film is the first entry in the Stargate media franchise and stars Kurt Russell, James Spader, Jaye Davidson, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, and Viveca Lindfors. The plot centers on the titular "Stargate", an ancient ring-shaped device that creates a wormhole, enabling travel to a similar device elsewhere in the universe. The central plot explores the theory of extraterrestrial beings having an influence upon human civilization.
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Less than Zero is a 1987 American drama film directed by Marek Kanievska, loosely based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Bret Easton Ellis. The film stars Andrew McCarthy as Clay, a college freshman returning home for Christmas to spend time with his ex-girlfriend Blair (Jami Gertz) and his friend Julian (Robert Downey Jr.), both of whom have become drug addicts. The film presents a look at the culture of wealthy, decadent youth in Los Angeles.
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Key Takeaways:
– James Spader recollects his time working with Robert Downey Jr. during ‘Less Than Zero'.
– The co-star noticed how Downey Jr.'s destructive lifestyle influenced his performance.
– Spader admired Downey Jr.'s turnaround when they next met on the set of Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Globally acclaimed actor Robert Downey Jr. is widely acknowledged for his phenomenal roles in the Hollywood film industry. Within his illustrious career, his portrayal of Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), starting with Iron Man, stands out. However, even successful journeys have challenging beginnings. For Robert Downey Jr., his journey was marred by a period of drug abuse and legal troubles.
James Spader, co-star of Robert Downey Jr. in the 1987 drama ‘Less Than Zero', recently shed some light on his experience working with Downey Jr. during these testing times. Spader elucidates upon the heartbreaking moment he observed Downey Jr., a talented actor, struggling with destructive habits on the set of ‘Less Than Zero'. His concern for his co-star was compounded by the character Downey Jr. played – an addict.
“I'm gonna go drain the snake,” Downey Jr. would often mumble to himself during filming, leaving his co-star and others on set perplexed.
Downey Jr.'s character in ‘Less Than Zero' is often viewed as a mirror reflection of the actor's tumultuous past, with real-life drug abuse issues being mirrored on-screen. An actor of Downey Jr.'s caliber and his involvement borderline signaled a cry for help that resonated with his audience. This deep connection between his life's challenges and his screen roles turned Downey Jr. into Hollywood's dark horse at that time.
Spader retold his experience about Downey Jr.'s deplorable state during the filming of ‘Less Than Zero', “I found him heartbreaking in ‘Less Than Zero,' and I found him heartbreaking at the time.”
RDJ's physical deterioration, evidenced by patches of dead skin, only made the situation look grim.
However, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. Downey Jr. made a remarkable turnaround with his life and career. His subsequent meeting with Spader on the set of Avengers: Age of Ultron as a changed person would have been a proud moment for the Blacklist actor. His journey from self-destruction to being one of the biggest stars in Hollywood is nothing short of inspirational.
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In the film, the Avengers fight Ultron (Spader)—an artificial intelligence created by Tony Stark (Downey) and Bruce Banner (Ruffalo)—who plans to bring about world peace by causing human extinction.
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I don't need to say ONE WORD. The crap loads of Predictive Programming from just three projects says it all. I mean... besides milking it for more sympathy, why keep bringing up RDJ's past drug use? It's pretty humiliating, but also must have a purpose.
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anchoredwithhisword · 8 months
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vectorman64 · 2 years
Learning how to say our father name.......@Truthunedited
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alertsministry · 3 years
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ipbchigi · 5 years
Source: Truthunedited | Reblogged by GL Jones for The CHIGI Family
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