#Biblical Subjects
bottegapowerpoint · 5 months
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Horace Vernet, Judah and Tamar
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msclaritea · 5 months
History Time.
I'm not saying I'm completely there yet on some of his personal views, but the historical research done by this channel is unparalleled. This is part of a series, of approximately 9 videos (One of controversy, available on the channel's website)
Up to individuals if they want to watch the entire series. I recommend it. But get ready, because we have all been lied to, in the most abominable way.
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cosmicyam · 5 months
jenny can't catch a break but luckily i know someone who'll treat her right (me)
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all-hail-trudos · 8 months
This is your friendly reminder that the Proverbs 31 woman was actually amazing.
This woman ran a household and a business. Not her husband's business, her own. And apparently did extremely well at both those things. We know she was an excellent manager, because she saw to her servants' needs as well as her family's. We also know she was an excellent and successful entrepeneur who actively worked alongside her servants to make her business grow. We even know what kind of businesses she ran: She was a weaver and a vintner.
We know she's a weaver because the scriptures specifically describe her working with wool and flax, which is the raw material for linen, and turning it into fabric that she sells at a healthy profit and uses to clothe her entire household. From the NRSV-CE:
"[13] She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands."
"[19] She puts her hands to the distaff, and her hands hold the spindle."
"[21] She is not afraid for her household when it snows, for all her household are clothed in crimson. [22] She makes herself coverings; her clothing is fine linen and purple."
"[24] She makes linen garments and sells them; she supplies the merchant with sashes."
That last bit in verse 22 about purple is significant, because it's almost certainly talking about royal purple, which was the single most expensive dye in the ancient world. This is, unequivocally, a statement of wealth. Enormous wealth. She's not so much running a business as a business empire.
Again, this is specifically her business, not her husband's, as evidenced in the same verse that talks about her being a vintner. From the NRSV-CE again:
"[16] She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard."
Or, to spell it out explicitly, we'll quote the NIV (which I normally dislike for reasons):
"[16] She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard."
We also know that she's a good manager who works alongside her servants, rather than sitting back and requiring them to do the work for her. More to the point, she's the hardest worker in the business and at home, as evidenced in the verses above, and in verses 15, 17, and 25 (Again in the NRSV-CE):
"[15] She rises while it is still night and provides food for her household and tasks for her servant-girls."
"[17] She girds herself with strength, and makes her arms strong."
"[25] Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come."
Important sidenote: If the repeated emphasis on her strength is anything to go by, this lady was swole.
The Proverbs 31 woman is a subject that's been talked to death by Christians. Most of the time they downplay her feats and accomplishments, which is honestly a shame. It's my strong opinion that she deserves to be remembered as a legend. Also the modern Church could benefit from celebrating women's excellence in general. Christ is glorified when we honour His whole body, not just the parts we're comfortable with.
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impossible-rat-babies · 2 months
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i love dawntrail sidequests
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nejackdaw · 3 months
Okay I haven't talked about Judas OR the Judas album in a while so I'm going to share this analysis I finally placed and I'm losing my mind about
In the song Field of Blood (song 5,) the chorus ends with a line I've never quite been able to find a suitable conclusion about. Right. (Putting my rambling under a read more, the screenshots make this long)
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Oh, okay, "what is my god," he's having a crisis of faith. Why is God so cruel as to order Jesus be killed (reminder that the album is a mix of biblical and Gnostic canon, where Jesus asked Judas to be the one to betray him.)
If we move two tracks ahead in the album to Death is Just a Kiss Away, right before the last chorus we have these lines:
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Which is insane! Because this part is actually saying "you have two gods, God and Jesus" (sun and moon, as I'll get to) "and no matter which you choose" (obeying the kill command or refusing to kill Jesus) "you're going to piss everyone off"! Okay now I know, "but where did you get sun and moon/God and Jesus" and HERE I TELL YOU:
Jesus is CONSTANTLY referred to with constellation imagery! (There's a whole song about it!) The Gospel of Judas includes the quotes (from Jesus) "Judas, your star has led you astray" and "the star that leads the way is your star." The album takes this and RUNS with it. Makes Jesus Judas's guiding star. There is SO MUCH night/star symbolism going on here, mostly in Constellation, but also from A World Where we Belong:
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SO BASICALLY: considering that Jesus is heavily referred to with night sky imagery and they're literally both referred to as "two moons aligned," it isn't unreasonable to conclude that the line from Just a Kiss Away is in fact talking about God/Jesus. WHICH MEANS
When Judas is about to hang himself and he pleadingly asks "what is my god?"
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xia0ming56 · 10 months
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Ummmmm doomstrange anyone?
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iamprchung · 6 months
Just in time for Easter: The Dead Horse that is Biblical X-Files Simile
I need to vehemently preface this post by stating that I'm not an overly religious person. But unfortunately, a rewatch of 'Requiem' once again stirred up my dabbling in theology... Yes, yes, you're about to bear witness to an audacious deployment of simile and metaphor.
You're welcome to keep scrolling. 😁
Behold, the infamous "Last Supper" scene in 'Requiem.' Albeit, we have here only eight out of twelve persons present. However, it's been recognized, that two characters here are placed in the positions held by specific apostles in Leonardo di Vinci's "Last Supper."
Reminder: You're welcome to keep scrolling. 😆
Hey, I didn't start this, I'm just sticking my nose in to renew a haggard subject... 🤔😆 The author, Michelle Bush, apparently explored this in her book Myth-X. And of course, a perusing of Wikipedia led me down the rabbit hole... *See "Themes" in the wiki article.
Do I need to add a spoiler alert here? I'm not sure, so I'm doing it anyway. If you haven't seen 'Requiem' - get caught up! The rest of us are waiting on you. 🤣 (j/k!)
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These two characters would be Walter Skinner, in the position of Simon Peter (St. Peter, Cephas) and Dana Scully, in the position of Judas - right there I'm like "meh, what?" and it's a real stretch.
However, the simile between Skinner and Simon Peter (Saint Peter, Cephas) is interesting.
The comparisons highlight how the relationships between Simon Peter and Jesus and between Walter Skinner and Fox Mulder share themes of authority, support, challenge, redemption, and moral guidance, despite belonging to vastly different narratives and contexts.
Authority Figures: Both Simon Peter and Walter Skinner hold positions of authority in their respective contexts. Simon Peter is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, chosen as a leader among them. Walter Skinner is an FBI Assistant Director, overseeing Mulder's work in The X-Files.
Supportive Figures: Both Peter and Skinner often provide support and guidance to the central character, Mulder. Peter supports Jesus throughout his ministry, serving as a confidant and disciple. Similarly, Skinner supports Mulder's investigations, often backing him up against bureaucratic obstacles.
Challenges and Tests: Both relationships face challenges and tests. Peter's faith in Jesus is tested multiple times, notably when he denies knowing Jesus three times before his crucifixion. Skinner faces professional and personal challenges in supporting Mulder's unorthodox investigations, often clashing with higher authorities in the FBI.
Complex Dynamics: The dynamics between Peter and Jesus and between Skinner and Mulder are multifaceted. There are moments of trust, conflict, loyalty, and doubt in both relationships, reflecting the complexities of human interaction.
Redemption Themes: Both Peter and Skinner experience arcs of redemption or growth. Peter, despite his initial denial of Jesus, becomes a central figure in the early Christian church, demonstrating repentance and devotion. Skinner evolves from a skeptical and authoritarian figure to someone who trusts and supports Mulder's pursuit of the truth, showing growth in his character over the series.
Moral Guidance: Both Peter and Skinner offer moral guidance to the central character. Peter advises Jesus and the other disciples on matters of faith and conduct. Skinner provides counsel to Mulder, often cautioning him against recklessness and urging him to consider the consequences of his actions.
Now this business about Scully being compared to, of all biblical figures, Judas!
While drawing parallels between Judas and Scully might seem unconventional at first glance, exploring the complexities of their relationships and character dynamics can offer fresh insights into their respective narratives and themes.
Betrayal: Judas is infamous for his act of betrayal, which involved identifying Jesus to the religious authorities with a kiss, leading to Jesus's arrest and subsequent crucifixion.
Critical: Judas is sometimes portrayed as critical or skeptical of Jesus's actions or teachings. In the Gospel of John, for example, Judas questions Jesus's decision to allow a woman to anoint him with expensive perfume.
Complexity: Like many biblical figures, Judas is a complex character. His motivations and actions are subject to interpretation and debate among scholars and theologians. Some argue that his betrayal was part of God's plan for salvation, while others view it as a result of his own moral failings.
The conclusion drawn from the analysis of "Requiem" and the comparisons between the characters is that the episode explores themes of sacrifice, betrayal, and the consequences of individual actions within the context of The X-Files narrative.
Overall, "Requiem" and the comparisons drawn between characters such as Scully, Mulder, and Skinner offer insights into the moral dilemmas, sacrifices, and consequences inherent in the pursuit of truth and the exploration of existential themes within The X-Files universe.
But did I really need to go into any of that? We all already knew this, but maybe just didn't see the not so subtle imagery and allusion.
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jacketpotatoo · 7 months
Trust me when I’m done with all my uni essays I WILL be writing long tlt meta about the book of John (the bible) and how it relates to Jod and the themes of love in the books.
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rowanthestrange · 8 months
Looked up the name Pelageya cus even though I’m basically out of room to add anything, thought it was worth checking the meaning of her name, which took me to the wikipedia disambiguation page which linked to the saint of her name and
Pelagia's story is attributed to James[4][5] or Jacob[6][5] (Latin: Jacobus), deacon of the church of Heliopolis (modern Baalbek).[7] He states that Margarita was the "foremost actress" and a prominent harlot in Antioch. …
She had two of her slaves trail Nonnus to his residence and then wrote him on wax tablets, calling herself "sinful" and a "servant of the devil" but seeking mercy from God, who "came down to earth not for the sake of the righteous but to save sinners".[5] …
The archbishop was informed and sent the deaconess Romana to clothe her in the baptismal gown. Nonnus took her confession and baptized "Margarita" under her birth name Pelagia, with Romana serving as her godmother. …
The night before it came time to remove her baptismal gown, she stole out in the dark wearing one of Nonnus's chitons. She headed for Jerusalem, where she built a cell on the Mount of Olives. She lived there for three or four years, disguising herself as a male recluse and eunuch under the name Pelagius.[5] She then died, apparently as a result of extreme asceticism, which had emaciated her to the point she could no longer be recognized. -Wikipedia
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socksandbuttons · 1 year
Eventually ill remember to share my traditional doodles from my sketchbook again cause um
I just wfound the cutest lunar in there
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lavandula-ipsum · 6 months
Yul Brynner's Ramses walked so Austin butler's Feyd Rautha could run
Happy Holy week
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about-suffering · 1 year
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Judith in the Tent of Holofernes, c. 1622 Johann Liss (c. 1595 - 1631)
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I've decided to draw The Biblically Accurate Angel of Mischief again after she's been lingering in my mind for too long.
After I finished the sketch and saw a lot of empty space I thought, "why not insert Raven at her initial form of the Biblically Accurate Angel?"
And so I did! And I feel happy about the result!
Poor Raven really doesn't like being in her initial form, and the final form will mostly mean that she'll lose control and potentially harm someone. It's a power she's too young to control.
Fun fact, The Biblically Accurate Angel Of Mischief Raven doesn't really use her wings a lot. She mostly uses them to lift herself off the ground or to maneuver herself, the rest she just floats in the air.
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sexypinkon · 1 year
Eden's Apple - Interpretation and ire in the works of Stuart Hahn
Medulla Art Gallery featured a talk with the Artist Stuart Hahn on Wednesday eight August twenty twenty-three. It started tentatively and ended boisterously with interviewer Natasha Ramnauth steering the conversation into territory raised by a guest about the carnivalesque. That was provoking enough, but there was a much more niggling issue that caught my attention as Mr Hahn spoke about his work.
As an avid admirer of his prolific collections over the decades I was alerted when yet again I heard him mention that he could not show nudity in public. At prior shows he had said those exact words to the audience.
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Stuart Hahn - The Fall of Man
In Jamaica,the Laura Facey bronze sculpture Redemption Song is met with all the respect it deserves in a declared homophonic island. No one is deeming the public work indecent or homocentric. I found myself wondering why and how Mr Hahn has been dealing with this no man’s land quite literally for so many decades?
What does Mr Hahn have to be apologizing and hiding for? Is Stuart Hahn a maverick where nudity and male at that is concerned?
The short answer is no.
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Stuart Hahn - The Fall of Man
He is preceded by the likes of Boscoe Holder and Hugh Stollmeyer. It is curious, but not fully necessary to know that those names represent men who were homosexual or bisexual. This is to be included only because of the fact that sexual history has been hard fought particularly in ultra religious spaces like Trinidad and Tobago.
Is Mr Hahn exploiting the form by showing explicit sexual acts? No.
In fact Mr Hahn only uses naked imagery in contexts where they are called for.
But instead of being caught up with his exceptional skills as a draftsman of the anatomy it is easy for the media to continue to hound his use of drawing what I can only call the subversive penis. Vaginas and breasts hold neutral ground.
Meanwhile it seems that the erect, semi-erect and inert penis causes great consternation.
We all reel daily as we read and hear of barbarically cruel murders. Yet, the penis in art is being ‘held’ as too unpalatable for sensitive constitutions.
Is there a connection between crime and the male body?
This may be an absurd question, but Mr Hahn’s work and legacy might hinge on the fact that a sense of being out of touch with the body is an important marker for all of us. An automatic fear or distaste to observe classical art in a caribbeanesque context narrows the lens.
Mr Hahn was born in Nevis of a St. Kittitian mother and Trinbagonian father. Of Caucasian heritage in a mostly brown land, a child of colonialism in San Fernando and a gay man in the Caribbean space during Black Power and Oil Money is dizzying enough. It makes one want to tear off one’s skin.
Nudity and the drawing of skin titillates. It is peeling back layers and finding oneself in private territory. Art has lauded nakedness for centuries, so, to now grapple on an island with what it means - is curious to me particularly when a few years ago Trinidad and Tobago was given the dubious honor of being in the top ten of users of porn sites in the world.
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Stuart Hahn - The Murder of Abel
Mr Hahn’s Biblical, Classical Literature, Indian Mythology and local Folkloric pieces do far more than occasionally dabble in nudity. By focusing on the trite, everything that his work demonstrates gets shunted to the side. Mr Hahn’s work connects the complex past with the continuously confusing present. He shows great discipline when drawing and rendering the form with prisma color pencils and pen and ink when paint is so much faster - his almost religious penitence in lauding his characters with wings, togas and ropes of hair - yes there is homo eroticism in the work.
However, homo simply means man. I will not go down the prickly path of Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. I also will not convince anyone of changing their sensitivities or sensibilities. I write to place Mr Hahn’s work where it needs to be. He is neither a pornographer nor a sensationalist.
That is so clear in societies great love of Derek Walcott's TiJean and his Brothers the children’s book and his innovative approach to the Black Madonna and Child way before it was fashionable to do so. As a white, Caribbean gay man making Art in Trinidad and Tobago and causing debate makes Stuart Hahn’s career an important marker in Art history - one that we all take for granted. We speak fluidly about Impressionism or Abstraction. But what of Stuart Hahn’s drawings? I suggest that as we look at Art in Trinidad and Tobago, we begin to observe what is before our very own eyes:that we respect and honor ours in the same way that we have finally given Pan the attention deserved.
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eriny3s · 1 year
@stygicniron asked: forgive me ,  i didn’t know . @ meg?
the  young  prince  says  he  did  not  know  ,  and  megaera  has  to  refrain  from  dragging  her  hands  down  her  face  .  she  is  here  on  business  ,  not  pleasure  ,  and  it  is  the  sight  of  the  youngest  of  lord  hades'  children  that  has  her  remembering  why  she  often  stayed  away  and  communicated  via  letter  .  she  is  so  easily  frustrated  here  ,  wrenched  off  her  focus  points  like  an  unruly  kitten  by  scarred  hands  she  has  bitten  many  times  .  
hades  does  not  control  her  and  her  sisters  but  she  still  has  to  be  respectful  .  so  there  is  a  reason  alecto  came  with  her  ,  leaving  tisiphone  to  her  own  devices  elsewhere  in  the  capital  .  at  least  tisiphone  won't  get  into  too  much  trouble  .  
but  it  was  alecto's  CONFIDENCE  that  sparked  a  question  in  the  child  ,  asking  why  she  seemed  so  ...  at  home  ,  in  lord  hades'  estate  .  why  the  second  of  the  erinyes  did  not  bat  an  eye  ,  seemed  to  know  what  corridors  to  pay  attention  to  regardless  of  direction  from  the  servants  .  megaera  had  not  anticipated  him  to  be  so  observant  ,  and  alecto  had  taken  exception  to  the  question  ,  and  promptly  disappeared  in  a  supernatural  burst  of  speed  ,  nearly  teleporting  ahead  to  the  meeting  room  .  
megaera  had  remarked  that  young  nico  had  offended  the  second  fury  ,  and  thus  comes  the  apology  .  
if  only  it  were  that  simple  .  
❛  you  would  not  be  expected  to  know  ,  young  one  ,  ❜  she  murmurs  in  her  naturally  husky  voice  ,  golden  eyes  focused  down  upon  the  prince  of  the  estate  .  ❛  but  it  would  be  a  good  lesson  to  learn  .  if  you  have  such  suspicions  ,  bring  them  to  your  FATHER  —  not  the  suspicious  party  .  especially  not  one  much  ,  much  older  than  you  .  ❜
the  youth  of  today  —  it  is  always  something  .
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