megarobosensei19 · 5 years
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYAKyCJdK-0) 2 + 2=4 - 3 = 1  That’s QUICK MATHS.  Who doesn’t know that?   How is this kid supposed be a student but here he is found repeating the same lines?    Any other families in Florida have children that they’re grieving over?  
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX3OBqnP4T4)
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
OFFICIAL VIDEO W.A.R (We Are Redeemed) Zaydok the Godhop MC
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
Insights on God, faith, music, purpose and more. 
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
YouTube put the kibosh on our dear brother in Christ's main channel A Call For An Uprising.  Let them know that they can't snatch people’s Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression away!   The sleeping masses are beginning to wake up, and the Devil's running scared trying stop the truth from being spread.  This censorship against Christians has gotten way out of hand!  
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
(TRACKSTARZ)  God’s is still doing the miraculous.  Listen to the testimony of a former lesbian, and get informed about how the church can impact the LBGT community with the Gospel of Jesus.  
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZwcXvgsJBY)
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjhRZD03NaA)
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOpuSPVNjls)   This a dope interview.  Lots of sound Biblical teaching from this brother.  Praise God for sending His Son, Jesus Christ into to save us sinners!
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
RT Animation, Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams bring the thunder to another rocking intro song. RWBY vol 5.  The melodies and visuals are outstanding.  
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sovl8oxif3Q)    These entertainers love to parade their demonic worship in front of our children.  Raise your voices and get mad at the devil.   All of these Illuminati puppets have nowhere to run.  The Lord Jesus Christ is going to ruin their “high end” stores and merchandise when He  returns in fury to judge the whole world.  Don’t listen to this garbage being regurgitated by these no talent actors.  The occult has no power over a real blood washed believer in Jesus name.  They can flash the horns, and mock all they want.  We know that their “act”  is really deceptive practices, placing spiritual bondage on the unbelieving and the cowardly.   Would any real servant of the Most High God call this song/video art?  Unplug yourselves from the matrix.   Make sure to remove yourself from every profane practice.  All idolaters and witches/warlocks will be dealt with severely in the day of Jesus Christ.   Our God will have the final say.  Until these lowlifes repent, they will never find peace. I heard it said,  “All money does after they zip you the plastic is buy you a nice suit to go along with the casket”.   Come alive in Jesus name.    Babylon is fallen!!  And her works will be totally destroyed!    Talent and notoriety mean nothing, eternity with God, the Father is infinitely better.  Pray for these worldly entertainers like Chris Brown,  because they wittingly proclaim their filthiness with every breath. The LORD God, strong and mighty is not impressed with the proud in heart..  He will not share His glory with another.  Every idol will be cast down, His sword is prepared for the day of vengeance.   But, His faithfulness endures to all generations. Call on HIs name and He will save you.   
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW1dPE9FjQc)
Who are these celebrities identifying with?  What’s up with all of the tattoos?  
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srmMtPlTXWc)   The men and women at Trackstarz review Lecrae’s album. “All Things Work Together”.  Hear  the good the bad and  the indifferent.  What did you think of the album?  Where is CHH going?  Can this record  be considered as the CHH equivalent of “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill”?   What are your thoughts on Lecrae’s stance on justice, social reforms and change within the music industry?    
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyJ7HfL14sI)   These guys are just having fun.  So, what’s the problem?  Shout out to Waffle House for those tasty waffles.  All glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for these two brothers.  Magic & Bird the album by Andy Mineo and Wordsplayed available everywhere.  The visual effects are dope.  And the song lyrics are too.
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
NF is back with Perception.  Unleashing nothing but heat.  Cop it!  Check out his video from Outcast  Album in stores everywhere
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megarobosensei19 · 7 years
Wake up people!  This was all planned from the start.  Do your research.   Why is it that we can't agree on anything anymore? Unhealthy race relations?  Yeah right...  The NFL is the biggest scapegoat. They're in league with the billionaire elites who will stop at nothing to see you and me divided.  They've forced this political mumbo jumbo and used the idolatry of sports to desensitize us.  People's priorities are out of whack.  Thus the Devil is having a field day.   Do you honestly believe that reciting the national anthem or the U.S. pledge of allegiance brings us closer to peace and unity?    These players are getting paid millions of dollars to continue the charade.    Sports and politics were never meant to be the top talk of the day.  
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