#Baby & Toddler Clothing
playingwithapparel · 10 months
Toddler Style: Our New Kylo & Co. Collection
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mercurytrinemoon · 5 months
Aries risings and eclipses: comebacks and rebrands
There's a few celebrities that caught my attention in the past couple of weeks and I felt the urge to look at their charts and talk about them a bit. What I've quickly realized is that… they're all Aries risings and we just went through a total eclipse in Aries and are still battling through a Mercury retrograde (also in Aries). So, this is an Aries rising-only astro news compilation.
During the recent Easter break I found myself having a Shakira moment, reminiscing on her old hits and belting out Underneath Your Clothes. I thought that's probably thanks to Mercury just stationing retrograde, which often makes people go back to old stuff. And then I thought… What if everyone's having a Shakira moment now?
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And this is when I realized suddenly she's everywhere: giving a surprise show at Times Square, being a guest on Hot Ones, giving a ton of new interviews that flood my YouTube recommend page. She just released a new album but seems like this is a huge reset for her and her name is, once again, on everyone's lips. Shakira is an Aries rising and an Aries Venus with nodes in her 1st and 7th axis - she's not quite an eclipse baby (although almost a Full Moon baby!) but nodes close to her axis may make her sensitive to eclipse seasons. Her ascendant ruler, Mars, is exalted in the 10th house in Capricorn, giving her a slow and steady rise to success and a grounded, solidified place in the public eye.
Interestingly, she received an MTV Vanguard award just last autumn at a time of her exact reverse nodal return, which already foreshadowed things for her.
Her new album was released on March 22nd this year, just a couple of days after Sun ingressed into Aries and a few days before the eclipse. What's important to note that she's also going through her Jupiter return in Taurus. Mercury retrograding in her 1st house makes people and the media reminisce on her career and what she achieved up to this point. Of course a planet retrograding in someone's 1st house can cause a hiccup of some sorts and that happened in her case as well - there was a small outrage surrounding her comments on the last year's Barbie movie and how she and her sons hated it.
Jojo Siwa
Switching lanes let's get to someone that is now talked about in the media excessively but for the wrong reasons and that is… Jojo Siwa. Now, I had to read up on her after I saw people poking fun at the way she's presenting herself but apparently, she was all rainbows and sunshines until she changed her color palette to black and is now calling herself edgy and groundbreaking. She was on Toddlers and Tiaras I believe… so you get the vibe.
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Siwa is a Taurus stellium (makes sense with the bows and glitter) with Aries rising, of course. Her ascendant ruler is right next to Neptune in the 11th house, which can bring potential problems when it comes to how she's being received by the public. The badazzledness of the sweet sweet Taurus is amped up by the flashy Jupiter in Leo (opposed by that Mars and squared by Mercury, certainly adding to the loudness of her personality and the, let's say, overall audacity).
The nodes are pretty significant for her as well, as her Sun is accompanied by the north node (really intensifying the Sun's radiant quality) and… she's actually an eclipse baby, being born in the middle of the eclipse season, only three days after a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio. So we have double the strength of having eclipses in her 1st-7th house axis, as well as being an eclipse child in general.
So the "rebranding" seems, well, on brand for her at this time. But again, Mercury retrograding in her 1st house seems to not serve her well, especially given she has it retrograde natally as well. Uranus being co-present in her sign, a bubbly Taurus, paired with Jupiter, which is still a pretty badazzled planet, didn't result in a true 180° switch that she aimed for. In turn we got a somewhat inflated (Jupiter) sense of self and a warped view of things.
But the plus side is that the current Jupiter transit also helped her gain popularity as her video for the new song passed 23 million views on YouTube. Talk about expansion!
Rihanna didn't make a comeback in the same sense Shakira did but she surely made people talk. The singer is allegedly an Aries rising but she also has quite an Aries planetary party with Moon, Venus and Jupiter there as well. And in a true Aries fashion, even if she's not necessarily doing much with her career at the moment, she made sure to remind everyone of herself, especially that she's also in her 1st house profection year so it's all about "ME!" - something an Aries loves.
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Rihanna made the headlines by doing a fashion spread for the Interview Magazine. And, to be more precise, by posing in a nun-inspired outfit. The cover photo made some people outraged, while others were sighing in awe. The news broke pretty much on the eclipse (the morning after I believe).
Rihanna dabbles in these high-fashion, obscure themes probably because of the mixture of her Pisces Sun (religious themes? She surely went all-in for the Catholic-themed MET Gala a few year back) and her Aries stellium in the 1st. The ram likes to shock and be bold and sexual but considering she also has Moon and Venus - two feminine planets - in the sign, makes her bold and daring in her fashion choices as well.
Billie Eilish
The last person I want to talk about is… Billie Eilish. I know, I KNOW, you may think "but she's a Pisces rising!". Well Billie somewhat went through a different kind of rebrand and it's that her birth certificate has just been obtained and according to the new info, she is, in fact an Aries rising.
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The confusion might be there although if, like me, you see a massive Pisces influence in her, her "new" ascendant ruler is Mars… in Pisces! A corrected birth time is a big deal already, especially given the eclipse and Mercury retrograde - both helped "refresh" her astrological persona and "status" as an Aries ascendant. But that is not all, as on the day of the eclipse Billie announced a brand new album that she will debut on May 17th.
EDIT: Billie is also an eclipse baby! Born just 4 days after a Solar Eclipse. So this is even more fitting.
What's great about this date is that Mars will already be in Aries, probably making her a lot more active. Also, that is only one day before Jupiter cazimi and Venus conjunct Uranus - a great time to release new things into the world. Interestingly, Venus and Uranus will conjoin just a couple of degrees away from Billie's lot of fortune in Taurus. I truly love when astrology is doing its thing.
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pokemoncaretips · 1 year
hi! do you have any general advice for the toxel line?
The toxel line. A difficult pokemon to start with, but fairly worth the effort involved.
General notes: The toxel line is very high need, particularly at the start of its life. Though many disparage it as being "selfish" the toxel is. Well. A baby. It's small, vulnerable and relies on others to look after it. Of course it yelps for attention.
General care: Toxel have a reputation for throwing tantrums when frustrated, and the best practice is to remove them from the situation and take them somewhere else to calm down.
Toxel have poisonous skin, and like to be carried, especially when tired. You'll need gloves and an apron when handling this pokemon. They're also electric typing, and can administer small jolts when startled.
They're fairly easy to feed, and have strong immune systems, allowing them to filter out impurities from their food and water. You might try and feed them only good food, but they have a reputation for sneaking off and putting whatever they can find in their mouths. Just try and keep a balanced diet and lock up anything really poisonous behind a child lock. There's only so much you can do and they're determined little guys.
Toxel are as close as any pokemon can get to human toddlers. Good luck.
Toxtricity is when things get interesting. A fairly difficult combination of electricity and poison already makes them tough to care for, and then there's the matter of the two variants. It can be very hard to determine what your toxel is going to evolve into. Try and keep an eye on its personality, which seems to have an impact. If your toxel bold, loud and in your face? It's likely to be the amped version. Is it quiet, nervous and prone to clinging to your leg around strangers? It may be the low key version.
The amped version is a lot to handle. Like a mankey, it doesn't like eye contact much, and can get aggressive. It's also much louder. The organs on a toxtricitys chest generate sound when struck, and they're one of the rare pokemon that make music. The amped version is loud and striking, and has been compared to the electric guitar.
The low key version is less aggressive, but also prouder and prone to showing off and grandstanding. The sounds it makes are comparable to a bass guitar.
With their love of music, toxtricity are often used by underground punk bands as back up players. I've yet to meet one that didn't adore this, and it's an excellent form of enrichment and socializing.
Toxel aren't as unpleasant as people make them out to be, but you will have your hands full. Care rating: Red
Training: Taking it to something like Little Cup when it's a toxel is a very good idea, as the adult forms can be difficult to train. Starting it young makes your life so much easier, and can also help wear it out so you can get some sleep. If trained with care and patience, they can be pretty good battlers, but have a slight tendency to be somewhat self absorbed, so I don't recommend them for service pokemon.
Listening to music is something many of them love, so using their favourite band as a training reward is a pretty good idea. They're smart pokemon, and quickly make the connection between doing well on training sessions and getting to listen to their favourite punk band.
Even so, they're not the easiest pokemon to train. Training rating: Orange
Safety: Oof. Poison and electricity. Two tricky types in one.
The toxel is part poison type, and as suggested in the care section should be handled with gloves. The poison isn't strong, but it causes tingling and numbness on contact. If you come into contact, was it off quickly with warm water and a gentle soap. A single layer of clothing can prevent this, however.
When they evolve things become harder. Their shocks become much. much stronger. Rubber matting on the floor is essential to help ground shocks. With their poison skin and ability to generate up to 15 000 volts (the highest amount recorded in lab testing) this pokemon is for healthy, experienced trainers only. Safety rating: Red
Overall ranking. Though its reputation as selfish and attention seeking is a little overhyped, there's no denying this pokemon is a tough one to care for. With a strong personality and a dangerous type combination, you really need to know what you're doing.
But it's rather fun to hear them having a little jam session together.
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yesyourstalker · 1 year
Mahi: welcome to rock- oh
Warabi: is that a baby?! What the fuck!!
Mahi: yeah, that's Phoebe.
Phoebe: BUBBLES!!
Warabi: this is normal??
Mahi: yeah her mom drops her off sometimes to do shit.... she just wonders around the story most of the time. ...... She usually just destroys the clothes I folded
Phoebe: ANO!!
Neta: is that my favorite customer?!! Phoebe!!.. hi baby!!! Sweet little pretty girl!
Phoebe: GREENMAN!!
Neta: Yes it's the green man! come here, you've gotten so big you're getting heavy. Oh ok baby that's my tentacles. We don't pull people's tentacles ok?
Phoebe: ANO!!
Neta: you want to play the keyboard?? Ok Sweetie..... awwww.
(30 minutes of a toddler banging on keys and screaming in a microphone)
Warabi: that was..... Terrible. Really cute but so terrible.
Mahi: you'll get used to it trust me
Neta: awww...... You are so precious....... so much like Cirrina when she was young...........*sniff*..... do I want another baby?........no.....no one is fine.
Phoebe: PURPLE!!! Tha tha purple!
Neta: purple?..... Oh no you can't touch that sweetie... that's not. I can get one off the wall
Neta: ok.... ok sit here.....if she falls you two are fired!........let me get the key.......and a amp.
Mahi: I can't touch the bass but this random ass baby can?!
Neta: watch your language around her...... also it's not like she's holding the damn- uh holding the thing! she just wants to play with the strings. Isn't that right sweetie? Warabi pick her up
Phoebe: PURPLE!
Warabi: ok.
Neta: why are you holding her like that? She's a baby she's not dangerous.
Warabi: I haven't held a lot of children in my life. Okay. what if she throws up or worse!!
Neta: for Cod's sake. Give her to me I hope you don't have kids... Take the bass.
Warabi: trust me I'm not planning on it
Mahi: what!! He can hold the bass!??!
Neta: yea...... it's Warabi....if he breaks it I'm not responsible he is. ikkan yells at him......... if you break it he yells at me. You get what I'm saying?
Mahi: and if the baby breaks it?
Neta: mahi be fuc- be for real! She's not going to break it......... see she's just plucking the strings..... you like the bass baby girl?
Phoebe: BABABBAB!!
Mahi: her hand was in her mouth! She touched it with her spit hand!
Neta: mahi..... come on.... it's just a bass............that belongs to the love of my life and is a symbol of our unwavering love and trust... it's not that big of a deal ok
Mahi: if it's not that big of a deal then I'm allowed to hold it
Neta: mahi be honest........ are you jealous
Mahi: It's not jealousy. It's the principal!!
Neta: and what the fuck are you going to do!? You don't know how to fucking play!
Phoebe: FUK!!!!
Neta: oh baby no! see what you did mahi!
Mahi: I didn't do that, you did..... heheheh
Phoebe: fuk! Fuk fuk...
Warabi: hahahahahah...
Neta: *sigh*.... If her mom says anything tell her that some random pucks were saying it around and I kicked them out. Ok
Mahi: okay...... Let me hold the bass first
Neta: ....................................... Fine..... You're a bigger baby than her
Mahi: nice.
Mahi belongs to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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kidswearpk · 1 year
kids clothing brands
Discover a wide selection of kids' dresses and clothes at our online store. Don't miss out on kids' clothing sales and explore top kids' clothing brands in Pakistan. From girls' tights to boys' t-shirts, leggings for girls, and stylish tops, we have everything you need for your little ones. Find adorable baby clothes online in Pakistan, including baby girl frocks and lawn dresses. Dress your baby boy in trendy polo shirts and clothing, perfect for babies and toddlers. Shop now for the latest styles and outfits for your kids and enjoy convenient online shopping in Pakistan.
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vintagevoyage · 1 year
ROSELLA LILAC Cotton Bloomers Hand-Embroidered Lace Outfit&Hair Accessories SALE SALE SALE
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Vintage Voyage is the name of tradition, history, and art. It is an apparel company trying to spread a little bit of love and comfort with its carefully crafted dress for toddlers. Our toddler's dresses are made in the UK for the UK! We ensure that all the cotton is imported from farms that follow the GMPs to ensure top-quality products. You really can't go wrong! If you're looking for the most adorable baby boy and Baby Boy and Girl Clothing, Spanish hand-smocked dresses, Baby Girl Rompers, Toddler Girls, and Boys Clothing that will make your little one feel like a total princess or prince; then Vintage Voyage is where it's at. With an endless variety of colors to choose from in addition to all those cute Baby Girl Pyjama Sets, we know they'll love sleeping in too.
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motherindia411 · 1 year
Buy T Shirts Shorts Set online Nightsuit Shorts Set Online India- MamaandPeaches
T-Shirts & Shorts Set For Your Babies Fashion is always changing, not just for adults but also for kids. We know that millennial parents want their young children to follow the latest fashion trends. That's why MAMA & Peaches has created a line of clothing for babies, filled with plenty of love and comfort. Every baby girl and boy should have a nice pair of shorts in their closets since summers without shorts are like mornings without sunshine. Comfort combined with elegance is our priority when we think about Shorts and T-shirt sets. The Baby boy short and t-shirt set is an excellent option for summer clothing, as we understand comfort and fashion are crucial for baby clothes. Your youngster should be dressed in a unique, adorable baby boy t-shirt combo with vibrant colours and patterns. Baby boy T-shirt & Shorts sets can also be combined with other t-shirts and shorts at your home, owing to their design and colour compatibility. Purchase these infant apparel, ideal for children's daily wear, in a variety of designs in India. There are so many different types of sets, like a pair of white shorts and colourful t-shirts. White shorts can keep your baby cool and comfortable, and the colourful top will add an element of flair to the whole outfit. You can add some cute ballerinas and a headband to complete the look. You may have a gorgeous outfit planned for your child for everyday casual and formal trips thanks to the outstanding designs and trends in baby shorts and t-shirt sets. These baby outfits are suitable for youngsters between the ages of 0 and 6 months, 6 and 12 months, and 12 and 18 months. MAMA & Peaches has a great collection of T-shirt short set baby online India. Whether you are looking for a t-shirt and shorts set for baby girl or boy, you can find them in different designs, patterns and colours at Mama and Peaches. They are perfectly suitable for casual wear as well as for special occasions. These unisex toddler shorts and t-shirt sets let your kid play and move around without any worry. With boy dress shorts with t-shirts, moms don't need to worry about the comfort of their kids. Baby boy t-shirts with short, adjustable waists are the ideal option for growing kids. Have these baby boy shorts on so you can easily adjust the waist of the bottoms. This undoubtedly extends the period that a t-shirt short set baby may be worn. If you look for a t-shirt short set baby online, you can find the top-quality and trendiest styles on Mama and Peaches. The most popular summer attire that is fashionable, cosy, and adorable, capable of getting the attention of others where your child goes. Consider the original ideas that might improve the ensemble's appearance and elevate it above a simple casual look. Visit Mama and Peaches to find adorable t-shirts and shorts sets for your little boy or girl. We have created the prettiest sets that might inspire you with creative style options for your little girl. A little creativity with style and the latest trends will give you several ideas of how to style these t-shirts and shorts sets for different occasions. Buy T-shirt shorts set baby from Mama and Peaches and build their appealing wardrobe.
READ MORE...Online Shop for Baby Clothing, Nursery, Furniture, Gear & Gifts- Mama and Peaches
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homesmithsae · 2 years
Some Incredible Ways of Using a Plastic Laundry Basket
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Plastic laundry baskets are just functional and useful items that you either keep your clean or dirty clothes for storage. It receives attention only on your laundry day. Otherwise, it has its overlooked presence tucked in a corner in the laundry room or bathroom. With a little bit of brains and creativity, there are some amazing ways to transform laundry baskets into items of show and other utilities and we are here to tell you how exactly you can do that. Get ready for some interesting ways that could change the way you have been using laundry baskets so far:
​1) Alternative Storage Solution
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​A plastic laundry basket is a durable and spacious storage item. Why limit it to only laundry? Use it for storing kitchen supplies, toys, cleaners and gardening tools. To amp-up your laundry room organization, use a single basket for a neat arrangement of all laundry supplies like detergents, bleach, etc. If the basket has a hanging feature, put the chemicals cleaners in one place and hang them up high so kids cannot reach them. The baskets are breathable for air circulation and are pitted with ventilation holes. So they can be used for poolside baskets as well. It can be used for keeping wet towels, pool toys, rafts, floaters, etc. Since they are made of plastic, there’s no risk of them getting damaged from being wet. It can be taken along for a similar purpose on beach days to keep toys, umbrellas, towels, sunscreen, bottles, etc. Don’t restrict your basket to only laundry purposes!
​2) Make Wonders for the Kids
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No, we are not talking only about storing your kids’ toys. There are other ways to use the plastic laundry basket.
Use it as a baby cot instead of investing in the fancy and overpriced baby cots available in the market. This is a great option for newborns sleeping half of the day in a swaddle. Soften up the base with baby blankets and towels. The basket is handy, portable and spacious enough for a newborn baby.
Use non-aerated ones as a baby bath. When it’s the first time for your little one to step into the big tub, you can use the basket for laundry as a small bath for the toddler to get comfortable within the bigger tub. It can provide space for toys and the kid to comfortably settle in for a bath.
Did you know that the laundry bucket can become a sports accessory? Use it as a goal for field hockey when your kids are playing outside. It can also be used as a basketball hoop. Fill it up with balls or balloons and make an attractive place for your kids to dunk.
Make your own ball pit at home. A laundry basket is spacious enough to fill it up with balls and make it a fun dive for your toddler.
​3) Gardening Ideas with your Plastic Laundry Basket
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The baskets are well ventilated and so they can be used as perfect containers for plants. Here are some ways to use them apart from just storing your gardening tools:
The plastic baskets can be used for container gardening. If you have some old laundry baskets lying around, instead of disposing them, consider using them as a part of your gardening. It can give protection and yield beautiful plants and produce like potatoes, tomatoes, herbs, etc. With it, you can make great use of a limited garden space.
Try getting creative and use the basket as a DIY planter. You can look up creative ideas and even simple items like burlap and a rope tie can transform your laundry basket into an expensive-looking planter. You can also consider gifting such a planter to a friend or your mom.
Use the basket as a colander to strain your fresh produce. As they have large holes for aeration, these baskets can be easily used as a strainer.
​4) Find Quirky Ways to Creatively Use the Plastic Laundry Storage
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Use some creative hacks to make the laundry bucket transform into a fun object. Transform it into a sailor boat or a pull cart for your kids. It will involve a wee little effort but it will be fun and involve the kids as well in making it. You can turn the bucket into a stand. Use a nice fabric to cover up the body and if you’re good at stitching give it some nice needlework and embroidery.
Before using a laundry bucket for any other purpose remember to wash it to get rid of the lingering smell of dirty clothes. If you’re looking for a new laundry basket, you can find a variety to choose from at Homesmiths.
Source : https://www.homesmiths.ae/blog/post/some-incredible-ways-of-using-a-plastic-laundry-basket
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youinmyhoodnowson · 4 years
The Different Styles of Girls Clothing
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From the age of eight to thirteen, girls' clothing is an important part of my life. I have been lucky enough to live in a household where boys go to the bathroom to take their baths and leave the girls alone to play. So I am used to the feminine smells of girls clothing. They can also smell much better when they are properly cleaned. Here are some facts on girl's clothes that I have learned over the years:
Most Italian girls clothing is pleated. The pleats come in different colors and designs, but the most common color is mocha. The piccolina design is another common design used by Italian designers. This design is very attractive and gives a very nice look to any outfit. piccolina means 'mocha' in Italian.
Disney and pals are some of the biggest theme like characters in girls clothing brands. The majority of the clothing lines from Disney, such as the Disney princess outfits, are pleated with lace on the bodice and on the skirt. They sometimes use stripes or other designs to make them more adorable.
Some other popular Italian girls clothing brands include the following: A Pea in the Pod dress, Baby Gap, Chanel, D&G, Everland, Hanes, JCPenney, and Legian. Most of these companies produce summer dresses and baby gap dresses. There are many baby gap dresses available that are suitable for little girls who still have a growing belly. Read more at Limeapple - created for girls
Italian designers also use flower prints and patterns to create beautiful princess outfits. Some of the more popular flower patterns include the hibiscus flower, daisy, sunflowers, tulips and many others. These flower prints are often paired with angel wings to create princess outfits. Sometimes flowers are printed on t-shirts. Boy wonder costumes may also contain animal print designs.
Some designers have created special designs that feature cartoon characters. These include Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse, Spongebob Squarepants, and Scooby-Doo. They use their cartoons to create girl clothing brands that appeal to girls of all ages. Some baby girl outfits come with a matching hat or a bib. These types of clothes can be worn as long as they are not worn with boy clothing.
Baby dolls are another popular Italian girls clothing brand. These cute outfits are often made of a stretch material that is comfortable for babies as they grow. Most of the outfits feature short skirts and baby doll-like dresses. The Italian designers also create outfits that are suitable for toddlers or little grown women.
The above mentioned are some of the more popular Italian clothing lines. Other popular clothing options include Disney princess wear, which includes outfits for both boys and girls ranging from newborns to adolescents. The price of such clothing ranges from the inexpensive to the more expensive.
Many companies also create girl's outfits that feature jeans. This has become popular with moms who want to spend time with their little girls while shopping or taking a walk. It can also be used when a family is going to a sleep over and does not want their daughter to get dressed. Any outfit can be made into a baby doll look, especially if it is knitted or made from fabrics that have a fluffy texture.
There are also a lot of Italian girls clothing lines that cater to infants and babies. In the past, Italian designers have focused their attention on clothing that can be worn by infants when they are only a few weeks old. Now, they are focusing on larger sizes. These clothes are also made in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and patterns.
There is a lot of variety in the prices of girls clothing. The prices are often lower than those for adult clothing. Most designer labels produce clothing for infants as well as clothing for girls.
You can find all types of girls clothing lines both online and in local stores near you. When you shop online, you will likely find the biggest selection and lowest prices. When you shop in a local store, you can sometimes find good deals and sales. Make sure that you shop for your daughter's wardrobe from a reputable store that offers good customer service. You may also want to check with the Better Business Bureau to make sure that your daughter's clothing is being sold safely.
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kyaranflowers · 4 years
How to Buy Affordable Clothing for Girls
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Every girl aspires to have a great collection of girl's clothing. She would love to have everything in vibrant colors, attractive designs and comfortable sizes. However, the fashion industry has created lots of styles, brands and trends which are available at different price tags. Therefore it is very difficult to find perfect girls clothing that fit properly. But there are some ways by which you can get good quality clothes at affordable prices. Read more at tween clothes
Many girls' clothing stores offer their products through online wholesale directory. Through these directories, girls can access different sellers and wholesalers at one place. They can compare the products offered by different sellers and make an informed decision. Girls can select a seller who offers best quality products at reasonable wholesale prices. Some girls clothing wholesalers also provide special discounts and offers on different clothes.
There are plenty of manufacturers who offer girls clothing at wholesale prices. The manufacturers use the girls clothing material to make a variety of clothes for different seasons. These clothes offer a variety of sizes, styles and designs to suit different age groups. These manufacturers also offer discounts and offers on their clothes. You can easily shop branded clothes from these manufacturers.
Most of the manufacturers offer their products with different discounts and offer, so that customers can save money and purchase branded clothes at low prices. Some manufacturers also provide cash back option to their customers. You can easily purchase branded clothes from these cash back shops.
You can find lots of wholesale supplier on the internet. These websites offer different wholesale clothes, at wholesale prices. You should check the legitimacy of these suppliers before buying clothes from them. Most of these suppliers offer girls clothing at cheap and affordable wholesale prices. You can easily find and choose the best supplier by doing proper research on the internet.
Online market is flooded with different kinds of girls clothing. You should find the best girl's clothing at cheap prices. Some of the most popular girls' clothing include tank tops, dresses, jeans, shorts, skirts, blouses and caps. Girls clothing can be bought from various online stores at reasonable and affordable prices. You should compare the prices of different sites to buy the clothes at your desired prices.
It is important for every woman to have a wardrobe of girls clothes, as it can offer variety in fashion. The clothes can be used during the summer season to wear to the office. It is important to buy women's clothes from reputed stores to avoid any problems.
Internet offers amazing shopping experience to the buyers. You can easily shop for girls clothing in the comfort of your home. You will get best deals and discounts on different types of women's clothing.
Some of the top brands include Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Dolce and Gabana, Jovani, Marks & Spencer, D&G, L Brands, Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein. Many top brands offer great fashion and design like Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Dolce and Gabana etc. These companies invest a lot of money in making good quality products. They are also giving huge discounts on girls' clothing.
Women's fashion is gaining importance day by day. You can find many women who are wearing designer girls clothes. The price of girls clothes is also very competitively. Thus you should buy any type of girls clothing, at the lowest price to get a good discount.
Girl's clothing can be found in a variety of colors. You should choose the color according to your personality. If you want to buy some girl clothes for special occasion, pink would be a good choice. Girls clothing should be comfortable and easy to move in. You can find girls' clothing in many colors and styles like blue, black, grey, red and many more.
You can find girls' clothing in different sizes. For babies, you should buy stretchable clothes. However for toddlers and small children you should buy regular size clothes. It is very important to buy branded girls clothing. Branded products always have good quality.
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playingwithapparel · 2 years
Kylo & Co
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firstly, nobody's business is your business expect your own. therefore, recant from these people's business and focus on improving your morals and decent respect towards others. most "pro-life" protesters who will fight for a clump of cells, unfortunately, will not lift a finger to help the hundreds of thousands of living children today.
many of these children are living in detention camps, where, sadly, many of them pass away. hundreds of thousands of immigrant children are sitting in cages, (yes, actual cages) as well as other inexcusable conditions, waiting to hear what the "land of the free" will bring to them.
not only are they in separated from their families and left to care for themselves, they are also in disturbingly disgusting conditions "'Children as young as 7 and 8, many of them wearing clothes caked with snot and tears, are caring for infants they’ve just met,' the lawyers said. 'Toddlers without diapers are relieving themselves in their pants. Teenage mothers are wearing clothes stained with breast milk. Most of the young detainees have not been able to shower or wash their clothes since they arrived at the facility, those who visited said. They have no access to toothbrushes, toothpaste or soap.'" New York Times, Dickerson, 2019)
Hundreds of thousands of children are facing these unpardonable states. According to a quote from the Associate Press in 2018, "By December 17, 2018, 14,314 children the federal government had 'placed most of the 14,300 migrant toddlers, children and teens in its care in detention centers and residential facilities packed with hundreds, or thousands, of children.'" therefore, before you start fighting for something that doesn't even have a developed brain yet, why don't you focus on helping the children who are literally dying before they're ten years old.
what if an abortion is the only way to guarantee the mother's well-being? to some women, pregnancy and or birth can be extremely detrimental, or in some cases, even fatal. "Approximately 800 women in the US die each year during pregnancy and within 42 days after delivery. The estimated maternal mortality rate was 26.4 per 100 000 live births in 2015."(JAMA Network, Anita Slomski, 2019)
why give birth to a child who will be miserable who the mother/parents/anyone else involved who knows that this child will not be given a decent way of life? you do not know their situation. you do not know how the conception was brought up. "Almost 3 million women in the U.S. experienced RRP (rape-related pregnancy) during their lifetime." (CDC) why should a woman be forced to have her rapist's child? some of these women, most are teenagers and young adults. as stated by AJOG.org, "The national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged twelve to fourty-five) among adult women an estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year." a twelve year old, not even a teen yet, could be raped and became pregnant, and you would not have any right to obtain any knowledge of it.
are you going to have to carry the mother's mental, physical, and emotional health?
raising a child is exhausting, mentally, physically, and emotionally. according to the Cleveland Clinc, "As many as 50 to 75 percent of new mothers experience the “baby blues” after delivery. Up to 15 percent of these women will develop a more severe and longer-lasting depression, called postpartum depression, after delivery."
are you going to pay child support? are you going to spend your money for this child's education, food, clothing, etc? According the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service, "On any given day, over 437,000 children are living in the U.S. foster care system and the number has been rising. Over 125,000 of these children are eligible for adoption and they will wait, on average, four years for an adoptive family." if you're actually "pro-life", why don't you do something to help these mothers, instead of yelling at them that they are murderers. mothers (or soon-to-be mothers) already feel extreme guilt from abortions, don't make their lives any harder.
if an abortion happens, it's for a reason. no one goes into a clinic smiling and cheering. pro-life is "pro-life" until someone tells them that they have to do something other than yelling and protesting.
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teatimewithlennon · 5 years
I Know The Way There [John Lennon] - Part 2
~~Lydia makes her way to her dad's cafe to help out when he gives her a good piece of advice~~
Part One
Song Inspo
Word Count: 1298
{Also, the cafe name came from my friend Brandon, he wanted me to tell y’all.}
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One of the great parts of living in such a big, weird, city is that you don't look that crazy taking a bus in full glam-rock clothes at 9 am. You do still get weird looks from old ladies, but it's not too bad.
I do realize that I could just jump to the places I need to go to, but there are a few problems with it.
1) It's not exactly the most conspicuous thing to just pop out of nowhere in the middle of a crowded city 2) It does quite a number on the body to do multiple times in a row And finally...
3) You don't get the lovely experience of little kids asking to touch your jacket spikes.
So I tend to just take the bus when I need to go somewhere. Driving in Seattle is a nightmare and I don't even have a license. You'd think with the ability to time travel I could find the time to go get my license, but honestly, the real problem isn't time. It's the lack of ability to pass a driver's test. My dad always gets on my ass about it.
Henry Tyler is a great man and an even better father. He and my mother always tried to give me the best in life. Even if they didn't mean to have me, they cherished me with every fiber of their being. See, my parents never tried to have kids; when my mother was younger she had been told she could probably never have kids due to an illness she had. My parents were fairly old when they had me and had already settled down into a life without kids. They owned a cafe, had a cute little apartment, and they thought their dogs were enough; having never considered adopting. But, like many things in life, something unexpected happened and my mother had me. While both my parents were excited, my dad was ecstatic; something he'd never thought he'd feel about a child.
Even more unexpected was that I'd have the abilities I do. They were extremely freak at first; when I started teleporting as a toddler. In the beginning, they thought I was just moving around the house really fast until they found me in very strange places. Like inside the dryer, or on top of the bookcases. My mother believed it to be a gift from the universe, that I was a gift from the universe. She relished every second she had with me.
When I get to me stop, I swing myself out of my seat and off the bus, making quick pace down the street.
The Ballard neighborhood is much prettier than Seattle proper. I mean, nothing against downtown, but I hate towering buildings and the smell of piss everywhere. Also, this is where I grew up. The area is full of breweries and therefore, hipsters. It's a quaint area and looking out over the water from the locks is a real sight to behold.
As I turn around the corner my dad's cafe comes into view. The building is brick and very old as is most of the Ballard area. There are two metal tables out front on either side of the door with beautiful white and yellow striped umbrellas. At one table sits a couple enjoying an early morning cup of coffee before heading off to start their days. On the glass in the front of the cafe is a cute drawing of a coffee mug with the words, "Terrains De Repos" printed in cursive.
I push open the door and am greeted with the smell of freshly ground coffee and baked goods. Slow music plays softly in the background.
"Dad!" I call out, "I'm here to help set up for tonight."
The morning sun shines through the glass onto the checkered floor tiles. In the front windows of the shop, on either side, are counters with four bar stools. On the right wall is an old sofa with colorful pillows set out. Next to it is a couple of comfy armchairs. The coffee table in front is covered in old copies of Rolling Stone. Across from this sitting area is another, this one with several bean bag chairs on top of a bright orange rug from the 70s. Against the brick wall is a record player with several wood cartons of vinyl under it.
Moving further back into the cafe there is an elevated platform on the left wall. On it, there is a small music setup, with two guitars, one electric, and the other acoustic; as well as a couple of amps and a microphone. There are a few tables against the wall opposite the makeshift stage. The walls are covered in old photos and posters. Some from my parents' escapades and some from my own.
Then, there's the counter. It stretches across the back wall ending just before a hallway. Half of it has a pastry case full of wonderful goodies. There sits a vintage cash register on one end. Next to the register is a tip jar labeled "LSD Fund" and a bell. Behind the counter are all of the coffee machines and other accouterments of the trade. On the Back wall is a photo of my mom smiling brightly.
Just as I reach to ring the bell on the counter, my dad comes out from behind the bead curtain leading to the kitchen.
"Hey there kiddo," He says with a smile, "Didn't think you'd be here so early."
"Well, I got in earlier than I thought I would," I hop onto the counter.
"You sure don't look like it. You doing okay?" He asks with that fatherly concern of his.
"I'm fine. Just a little hungover is all." I say with a sigh.
"The 80s will do that to a person," He starts pouring a cup of tea for me. "but to me, this seems like more than a hangover. I can see it in your eyes pumpkin."
"I'm just having a hard time finding inspiration for my music." He hands me my cup and I look into the brown liquid.
"You've never had that problem before." He looks concerned, "Has something changed?"
"It's just- It's that I've been all sorts of wonderful places. I keep going to all these places hoping that I'll find something that drives me to make real music. I've met so many people, but no one has made me really feel something authentic." I look up from my cup of tea, "I want to have something like you did with mom. I've realized I'm nowhere near that. And for some reason, I can't see it in the future."
"Maybe your love isn't waiting for you in your future, maybe your love is somewhere unexpected." His eyes are soft when I meet them.
"I just don't know how that would work. If it's someone in the past, wouldn't they already be here?" I ask
"How would I know, you're the time wizard." He shrugs at me. Walking over to put a recond on. "This one goes out to a one Miss Tyler."
I hop off the counter and skip over to him as the iconic beginning song of Rubber Soul starts to play. And as those first notes play I start to dance, and my dad sings the opening to me.
"Asked a girl what she wanted to be She said, 'baby, can't you see I want to be famous, a star on the screen But you can do something in-between'"
When the chorus builds I grab the microphone of the stage and sing back to him.
"Baby, you can drive my car Yes, I'm gonna be a star Baby, you can drive my car And maybe I'll love you"
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your-atozhome · 6 years
MLC - Rubber Duckies & Wash Cloth Puppet Bundle Product Review Terry Cloth Bath Mitt Green Frog Puppet Shipping Weight 2.88 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
MLC – Rubber Duckies & Wash Cloth Puppet Bundle Product Review Terry Cloth Bath Mitt Green Frog Puppet Shipping Weight 2.88 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
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Terry Cloth Bath Mitt Green Frog Puppet and Three Rubber Duckies Bundle
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MLC – Rubber Duckies & Wash Cloth Puppet Bundle Products Description : Why not make bath time fun with rubber duckies and a hand bright green puppet! This soft Frog Terry Cloth wash cloth will make every bath a fun time while duckies swim to join your little one for…
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maziedclark-blog · 6 years
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licoriceismyworld · 4 years
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