#Baby Nightsong
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Baby Nightsong poses by a carved pumpkin.
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softerhaze · 1 year
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hello.....yes im still in my bg3 hole...anyway, look at my fave evil little slut
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imreadydollparts · 8 months
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Starlight Baby Night Song
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playstationmademe · 1 year
Leviathan "Levi" Nightsong 🌙
Half-Elf 🌿 | Bard 🎶
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emosyzoth · 2 years
Anyways guys I was reminded I wanted to make smrhn Abt valentín reading this one book I have to vivi....
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jungle-angel · 8 months
The Face Sitter (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: A nice little vacation in the Florida Keys turns into an all out fuckfest for you and Bob
Warnings: Oral, face sitting etc., SMUT (NO MINORS ALLOWED)
Tagging: @floydsmuse and @attapullman another little piece for Bob Floyd Fucks Month (lol).
It was supposed to be a nice little vacation at the beach cottage in Islamorada, full of sunny palms, eighty degree weather and of course tons of margaritas on the beach as well as Bob's homemade Cheeseburgers In Paradise.
At least that's how it was the first day.
But now here you were in your shared bedroom in that funky little 1950s beach cottage, the windows open and the cool seabreeze making goosebumps prick on your skin while the chirpers and the waves sang their nightsongs.......sitting on Bob's face which was thoroughly buried in your puss.
"You.....you ok Bob?" you ask, trying to stifle the moan that was burning in your throat.
"Oh I'm in heaven baby," Bob chuckled, his voice muffled as he buried it further in.
Your eyes bugged a little as your hips rocked on his face, trying so hard not to sit on him with your whole weight, his arms hooked around your thighs to help keep you balanced. You were in heaven yourself at the feeling of his lips sucking at your folds, his tongue swirling around your clit and your entrance.
It was all a blur as your hips rocked a little faster, trying to ride out your high and to not press your weight on Bob's pretty little face. His moans were music to your ears as were yours to his, filling the entire room and not giving a damn if the neighbors heard or not.
It didn't take long at all for you to cum. Bob wriggled his way out, his face coated in a sheen of your slick and his hair messy with a loose curl clinging to his forehead.
"Oh baby you did AMAZING!" he laughed.
You groaned a little, laughing lazily as he curled up and pressed a kiss to your belly. "You look like you just ran a marathon," you laughed.
"I feel like it too," Bob chuckled. "Wanna go for a bath?"
"Absolutely," you answered. "I have a feeling that if we didn't you'd feel gross in the morning."
Bob wanted to kiss you, but with the amount of slick on his face, he didn't dare. He ran a hot bath and got in with you before you grabbed the washcloth and began washing his face with your tropical scented bodywash. You and Bob had both agreed that it hadn't been bad for your first time trying face-sitting.......and you couldn't wait to practice for the next round.
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piggiehspotluck · 4 months
Listen, as a 25 year old college student who loves Fallout…IVE STARTED A NEW FIC FOR THE FIRST TME SINCE HIGH SCHOOL ✨
It’s my baby so, like any good mother, PLEASE JUST GIVE IT A LOOKSIE.
THE AO3 LINK IS BELOW THE GIF (it’s one of my favorites 🥹) I HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE ✨💕
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ghostlynighty · 3 months
I just finished angell's interrogation!
spoilers below the cat!
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THEY WENT OUT ON A DATE KEKEHDHEJEKE I think it's very clear that chief rarely gets a break and them deciding to spend it with angell is so cute wtf emjehdidmdje
I really have no words, they are smitten by each other! I know that chief probably treats other sinners like this as well but idk, I feel like with angell it's a little more... intimate? A littl more deeper? Or maybe it's just me being delusional. Angell was so cute? But also poor baby, almost starved to death but now thanks to chief, she finally has that safe house again AND CHIEF WILL VISIT HER AGAIN AND MAYBE EVEN MORE IN THE FUTURE.
• Chief said they were always cleaning up the safehouse after the events of ditty nightsong, even when they had no idea if they would ever see Angell again.
• Those notes on the fridge, the food there and even instant and ready to eat meals because they knows Angell might give up on cooking.
After all of this don't tell me they're not in love! Okay okay maybe I am delusional, they're just so cute! Please don't hate me...
Anyways! I would say it was a pretty good ending after the happenings of the event, it gave both of them closure and even though chief was not successful on letting Angell stay, they know that Angell will always be there in the shadows beside them and they will see each other again. Also, Angell was so open and was very much okay to be shackled, which is rare.
Also Also, Angell wanting to see chief one last time before she dies really shows how much chief had changed her life and how much the chief means to her.
I probably have more to say but they're all there in the back of my mind cause I am so happy that we got that ending with angell, I LOVE HER.
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Summary:Y/N knows she’s just another hybrid that fell through the cracks a long time ago; nothing is special about her, except for her enchanting vocals. Fed up with her talent being exploited, she runs. A bad storm blows her into a tree, and the lives of seven idols who happen to be filming their downtime in the woods.
Word Count: 1.2k
rating: T for now
genre: romance | fluff | hurt/comfort
tags: idolverse | btsxreader| ot7xreader| hybrid!reader
It was funny that the only thing she had ever consistently liked about herself was her voice. It was exactly what got her into the mess that had become her life. Of course, at the time she had no way of knowing. No understanding of how unfair the world was for those like her. Hybrids. 
Early life before the lounge was a blur. Even her parents' faces had faded, lost to time now. But she remembered that they loved her. It was a feeling of fullness that she remembered quite well. Her mother would hum to her a tune so beautiful it made her throat tight and her chest full to bursting with emotion every time she heard it. What she wouldn’t give to live in that moment for the rest of her days, the vague memory of being wrapped up in loving arms and hummed and rocked. 
She had been small when she was separated from them, too young to understand at first. It was scary, yes. It was confusing, sure. But at the time, the stubborn kernel of belief that they would find her was absolute. 
Instead, she was put into a crowded, dark place. What she knew now to be a shipping container. She had been unlucky enough to be smuggled, one of thousands of hybrids who fell through the cracks. 
Trafficked illegally from her country of origin. Lots of other hybrids were there too, agitated, confused, despondent, crying. All the emotions were too much, so much to process for one little girl, lost and unsure of where her parents were. 
She sat pressed in a corner, hands covering her ears, and humming to herself. Over and over. It didn’t matter what happened around her, so long as she got to hum. It soothed her, and unbeknownst to her, it was soothing the others too. 
Soon people began to requesting her humming. When a baby cried. When someone was having a bad day. When the crate was too quiet, dark, and lonely. So she did. No one ever asked for anything more from her than that.
 In all the uncertainty that her fragile life had become, she had a purpose that helped her feel less helpless. When the humans would open the crate and slowly go around from cage to cage, tossing in rations, she got quiet, clammed up. For them, she couldn’t manage a hum if she wanted to.
Sometimes, they didn’t come to give them food. They came to take hybrids away. Sometimes one at a time. Sometimes in groups. But when they lifted the cages from the crate and dragged them out into the world beyond, they were never seen again. She couldn’t help but wonder when it would be her turn, because clearly it was a matter of time. She was young, but she understood that much.
Time slipped away, whether weeks or months or longer she wasn’t sure. The darkness was disorienting in the same way it was a comfort, thanks to her hybrid senses and bat’s nature. 
“You haven’t hummed in a while.” a voice had whispered to her from beyond the bars one day. 
“Huh?” Startled, she had sat up, blinking until her eyes adjusted and she saw an adult female hybrid, cradling a baby to her chest. She might have been some kind of big cat; since she had only been with her parents in their little community, she didn’t know much of other species so it was hard to tell. Her cub had been all but a newborn when she first noticed them. Now he was big enough to sit up a little and turn his head from side to side and look around. 
“I guess no one’s asked that of you. So many of us have already left…”
“Where do they go?” She’d asked naively, crawling closer and pressing against the bars.
The big cat’s face was pitying, “I don’t know,” she sighed. “I only pray it’s nowhere horrible. Silly as it is for me to say, I hope it’s somewhere they can find happiness. I hope that for you too, little one.” 
“I want to go home.” she revealed. “I want my mama and papa back.” “I know, little one.” the older hybrid soothed. “I know.” Moving herself closer to the front of her cage as well, she offered a soft smile. “Would you like to learn a new song?”
Unable to sate her curiosity, the tiny young hybrid had agreed.
It was the first song she could remember learning by heart that had words. And from the minute she opened her mouth and sang it, everything changed. There was a power in singing, a light even in the darkness, and a beauty even in the ugliness all around them. 
The woman, she’d learned, was a tiger. Her name was Eun-Sook, and her baby was Junseo. And they she grew to love them. Eun-Sook talked to her in the gloom, teaching her how to spell words and explaining things she didn’t know. And whether Junseo was babbling or crying, her singing could always calm him down, even when his own mother’s couldn’t. That was when Eun-Sook told her she had a very special gift that she should always try and hold onto. 
The next day, the humans came again, and just like they sometimes did, they came to take someone away. She never thought it would be Eun-Sook. She cried and shook, reaching futilely through the bars. “It’s alright,” the tiger said softly. “Keep singing. And remember that even if we are not human, we will always be people.”
That was the last time she saw her, and for a while, the last time she sang. Although it was what Eun-Sook had wanted, she found it hard. Her reason to sing was gone. Then on a day when she missed the tiger and her cub terribly, she found the words of the song slipping out unbidden, right as the humans came in to deliver meals to the remaining hybrids. 
He was confused at first, looking around to determine where the small voice was coming from. She was afraid, having never let the humans so much as hear her hum before, but she kept it up, trying to be brave for Eun-Sook and Junseo. For her parents, too. She didn’t stop even when the man came and stopped directly in front of her cage, or when they made eye contact. She only stopped when the song ended and she had no more notes to carry. He studied her, saying nothing, but his face was full of surprise and…excitement?
The next time hybrids were unloaded, she was among them. After so long without sunlight, the bright, clear day was blinding. She cowered in her cage, hands pressed over her eyes, hearing voices discussing things in a language she couldn’t understand.
She had no way of knowing it yet, but her voice had changed her fate, though only slightly. She was still to be kept captive, a caged songbird. 
Some might consider her lucky. Of all the places she could have ended up, she ended up with him. Gao Hàoyú, owner of Kǒngquè, soon to be one of the most visited lounges in Beijing.
A/N: prologue for the new story that won the poll. Boys will be appearing next chapter 🤗
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optiwashere · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
Holy shit, it's actually on a Wednesday this time?
I really wanted to do one of these this week since I've gone a bit rabid on a few WIPs.
I'll post a little bit about each of those WIPs later, some snippets and a blurb about why I'm so excited. But first! Folks to tag! Since I'm so excited for these, I'm gonna tag a lot this time.
If you have anything you want to share WIP writing-wise, please do... @quitefair @bottombatch @siyurikspakvariisis @causticcontemplation @jasminethetransvampire @underworldobsessed @assarivanguard @amorficzna @funwithnix @askweisswolf @linka-from-captain-planet @tief4tief
If you don't want to do this, or have nothing you want to share, feel free to ignore. If anyone else wants to do this, please feel free to consider yourself tagged. Now, onto my obsessions.
WIP 1: New chapter of Nightsongs
After spending some chapters in a kind of angst zone after the relatively light (relatively) first 4-5 chapters, this next chapter is going to be a kind of upswing. There's lots left to do with the AU, so I'm expecting to chug along and write more and more as time permits.
This AU is a lot for me to handle, especially after having so many chapters ready to post and then... falling way behind on writing the chapters afterwards. But it's fanfiction, and we're having fun here. So, who cares? The game's fandom heyday is already over, so at this point I'm just writing whatever feels best to me.
This chapter is mostly done, I think. I'm giving it a few days/a week to sit before I go back to edit it with fresher eyes. Also, we return to Ash's POV!
Lae’zel walked into Ash’s back office without a word on the seventh day and Ash nodded her way without looking up. Papers sat in strewn piles all over the desk, a handful of old incident reports and assessments that still needed working for Wulbren’s accountants. The absolute worst part of the job remained for the year – paperwork – and Ash intended to get them caught up in the hours that remained of her day. It was a useful, meaningful task. It gave her something else to think about. Anything other than green eyes. “We should talk,” Lae’zel said, sitting down without being offered one of the folding chairs in front of the desk. “Aren’t we doing that?” Ash scanned the paper in front of her and quickly jotted down her signature. [...] “You begin working on a van,” Lae’zel said matter-of-factly, counting off on her fingers as she spoke. “You talk to a pretty girl. You suddenly work more often on that van. Then, you disappear inside yourself and act bitter all day because suddenly the girl no longer shows up. There is more to it than you say.” “I think this might be the first time you’ve spoken more than five words to me, you know that?” Ash chuckled. “Am I that obvious?”
WIP 2: New chapter of Blades in the Night
The need to write more plot for this has been burrowing in my skull for a long time. I initially stopped myself from writing too much of it because I wanted to do Nightsongs first in its entirety before getting to this, but I think I'm just too impatient for that.
I also love the fact that this fic turned from a simple PWP one-shot into this much more expansive, plotty story that's now pretty important for what I want to do with my babies post-canon. Something about that makes me smile.
Plus, you know how I've been lamenting my inability to write happy endings for certain characters?
Either way, this isn't really complete, but the hardest part is complete and now I just have to start connecting the dots and filling in the blanks. I'd say it's about a third done?
The room filled with the same aura of a distant gaze leveled their way that Shadowheart had felt back in the cloister. Asheera had made an oath to protect Shadowheart then, and the flooding of a dense, real presence had nearly swallowed her whole in the cloister's barracks. A weight of importance sunk down on her shoulders there in Hobb's Hovel as well. A smell like molten metal cooling lilted in the air with a lingering, acrid tang. It tasted of blood in Shadowheart's mouth, as if the forging was tainted with some other foul presence in the mixture. [...] Little could have compared better to that feeling of a weight lifted from her shoulders. Worry disappeared and gave way to earnest joy in Shadowheart, and she thrived on it. She hadn't felt such keen happiness since she'd been so readily accepted into Asheera's family by her parents.
WIP 3: Gauntlet of Shar fic
Wow, I know! I've been talking about writing this fic for so long that it's almost become a sort of mythical never-to-be-slain beast for me. I'm not normally someone that talks about my ideas too often, I just write them before they can flee me.
I tend to also get in my own head about what I "should" be writing in the first place. Frankly, I'm getting kinda tired of writing so many ships, though fear not - I'll still have ideas that can only work with ships that aren't Shadowheart/Asheera. It's just that, for a while, I want to focus back on my loves.
This fic is one of those that I've wanted to finish for months. I know that at this point in the fandom's life cycle, I'm pretty much writing just for the dedicated, lovely folks that still read my stuff and I'm extremely happy to have y'all around! Maybe this will make Light Casts a Shadow ring a little more true for some, maybe it will be just another fic that I post, who knows.
Also, one thing I'm planning on experimenting with for this fic is alternate endings for Fun. This is a fic where the ending hinges on choices that Shadowheart makes in the game, so it's only fitting that I explore what would happen if she made those other choices.
But anywho, enough blabbing. Excerpt time!
Those touches and more, Asheera cherished. She watched in silence as Shadowheart turned her devotions to each of those tasks. Perhaps it was the nature of clerics to give themselves entirely to seemingly mundane tasks much the same Asheera felt compelled to consider her oaths in nearly every conversation, battle, or even moments like Shadowheart carefully buckling a cuisse to her leg with straps of leather at the backs of Asheera's knees. Fingertips trailed against her clothed skin, and Shadowheart stood up once more. "There," she said, "all's taken care of, then. Tell me, how's my handiwork? Be honest. I can handle the criticism." Asheera brought her balled fist to her chest in an arm curl. She flexed the elbow out and tested her shoulders, knees, ankles, and hips for motion. None of the plates caught on one another, and none of the straps across her hands, arms, knees, or chest restricted her. "Perfect," Asheera said at last. "Marvelous work." Shadowheart offered a quick smile. "I'll take a Gondian's compliment on such things any day." "Can't say I would've done a better job." "Ah, there's the honesty I was waiting for. Truly, where would you be without me?"
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nocturnalcharm · 2 months
Taking Care of You (Dame Aylin x Fem!Tav x Isobel)
𐙚 prompt: (Act 2 Spoilers*) After Dame Aylin kills Lorroakan, Isobel and Tav take care of her. 𐙚 cw: poly relationship?, normal bg3 violence, 𐙚 a/n: smut will be in part 2! i haven’t had a lot of time to write so i wanted to get something out there! thank u for ur patience
18+ blog!! you are responsible for your own media consumption. if any of the above makes you uncomfortable, do not proceed.
“Aylin!” You rushed back to camp, headed straight for Isobel and Aylin.
While they were resting, you and some others went out to explore Baldur’s Gate while you had the chance. You wanted to do some shopping, stocking up on potions and such, when you found a big store called ‘Sorcerous Sundries’.
“What’s wrong, dear?” Aylin immediately looked worried.
You could tell by her voice how anxious she was due to your tone and frazzled nature. You didn’t want her or Isobel to get too upset by what you had to say, so you tried to calm down before continuing. “I was at this store, and there was this wizard named Lorroakan. Um... Do you know him?”
“What happened? Did he hurt you?” She rushed over to you, grabbing your hands, giving your body a onceover, checking you for injuries.
“No. He, um.. He said he knows you.” They both could tell that there was more than you were letting on.
“Sweetheart.” Isobel said, seriously. “What do you mean?”
“He wants to.. trap you.” You turn to Aylin. “Trap the Nightsong. And use your powers to keep himself immortal.. We need to stay clear of his shop.”
“Stay away? Dame Aylin will do more than stay away!” She turns, grabbing her glaive. Her wings spread, perked up at the thought of a fight.
“We will kill him!” Isobel's voice growls.
“No!” Aylin interjects. “No. I will kill him. You two will stay here. I will not have either of you getting injured.”
“No, please, let’s just ignore him! I didn’t tell you this so you would go kill him. I told you so we could be sure to stay away from him.” You cried out. “He is crazy! If he knows where you are, or if you fight him and lose—”
Aylin grabs your shoulders. Her eyes meet yours. “I will not fail. You two will stay here, and I will go with the others.”
You look over at Isobel, trying to decipher what she thinks. She looks defeated, knowing that Aylin won’t stand down.
“But what if—” You try again.
“Love, I will not fail.”
You paused, waiting to see if she’d change her mind, but to no avail. “Fine. Just.. please be safe.”
“Please.” Isobel emphasizes, handing her helmet over.
Aylin kisses you, then Isobel, before sliding her helmet on and disappearing from camp.
Hours later, the party still hadn’t returned. The sky went from a baby blue, to a dark midnight, only worrying you and Isobel more.
“I hate this.” Isobel rants, pacing around the camp. “It’s been hours and we don’t know if she’s okay. If any of them are okay!”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.” You picked at your fingers, nervously.
“Don't blame yourself, Sweetheart. You’re not the evil, psychotic wizard after the one we love.” She tries to joke, attempting to lighten the mood.
Just as she does, you hear rustling in the woods behind you. “Aylin!” You call out, hopeful.
“Yes.” She finally comes into view from the campfire at your feet. You and Isobel rush over to her, embracing her in a tight hug.
“Are you okay? Are you injured?” It was your turn to check her for wounds. “You’re bleeding.”
“No, my love. It’s not my blood. It’s his.” Her voice was… off.
“Is he dead?” Isobel asks, wearily.
Aylin nods. She walks over to a log, sitting on it, staring at the campfire in a daze.
“Are you okay?” You question, and she stays silent.
“Sweetheart?” Isobel places a hand on her shoulder, and again, she is quiet, unmoving.
You and Isobel look at each other, brows furrowed in anxiety. “Don’t worry.” She finally speaks up again. “We’ll take care of you.”
She walks over to your tent, grabbing a healing potion and making her drink it until it was gone. You also stroll to the tent, grabbing some water and fruit to help her settle her stomach, that was probably in knots.
Aylin downs the health potion in one go, followed by the water, then takes a few bites from an apple. While she eats, you and Isobel rub her back gently, and stroke her hair, just wanting her to know you two are here for her. She normally didn’t act like this after a fight; It was odd. She didn’t seem to have any physical injuries at all, so the only conclusion was that the fight hurt her mentally.
You were unsure of how to comfort her, as that was never a strong suit of yours. You let Isobel take the lead, and you followed her actions. Isobel could tell you feel guilty, as if this was your fault, but it wasn’t. And that’s not what mattered right now. This was about Aylin, and you couldn’t let your self-pitying get in the way of taking care of the one you love.
“Why don’t we go to the lake? The water is warm, it’ll ease your muscles and help you relax. You can clean up, get that blood off of you” Isobel offered.
“That sounds nice.” Aylin finally spoke up.
You quickly grabbed three sets of camp clothes, and a few other things you thought you might need, and headed out to the lake. It was secluded, with only one entrance to the water. Other than that, the edges were covered with tall trees, dripped in vines and moss, and berry bushes. You knew you wouldn’t be bothered by others.
Once you arrived, Isobel started to help Aylin undress, removing her armor for her. She handed the pieces off to you, and you gently set them down on a tree stump a few feet away.
Once she was bare, you and Isobel also undressed. With one of you on each side, you took her hands and walked with her into the lake. As you sunk deeper into the water, you could feel Aylin’s body ease in the tepid water.
After minutes of silence, just filled with the sound of water and rustling trees, you finally asked Aylin if she wanted to talk about what happened.
“No. I’m fine. I just feel… different. I should be happy, killing a man who wanted to imprison the Nightsong yet again, but I’m not happy. At least, I don’t think I am. I feel numb.”
“You might be in shock.” Isobel suggests.
“I’m sure that’s what it is. After a bit of time, this feeling will go away and I’ll be back to normal.”
You rubbed her arms, in a comforting way, but also in an attempt to rid her body of Lorroakan’s blood. Isobel left the lake, only to return with an empty bottle. She filled it with water and poured it down the back of Aylin’s head, to wash away the red stains that were in her blonde hair.
Aylin had a slight smile across her face now, since she was safe with the women she loved; Her smile looked quite genuine. “I’m ready to head back, now.”
Once you were all back to the tent, dried off and cozy, you offered to give Aylin a massage to relax her even further, and she accepted. While you kneaded her aching limbs, Aylin let soft moans slip through her lips. Piquing your interest, you massaged her body deeper, wanting to draw out the moans even more.
Aylin laughed slightly, “You’re doing that on purpose, now. Aren't you?”
You smiled, “I just like to hear you. It lets me know you’re enjoying yourself.”
“I can enjoy myself in other ways, too.” She winked.
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prettiepalette · 7 months
vintage + my little ponies database
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hi my name is the reading pony and i'm going to be the main alter for this tumblr! other alters will post their art themselves or ask me to post it for them! we'll always say whos fronting in the tags. a dreamlist (dreamies) database of vintage little pony merchandise and ponies manufacturered during generation 1 (1982 - 1995) ✩࿐࿔ each completed page contains an digital photo edit of the ponies that I've created, as well as research and information I've found online about the ponies.
this list is constantly being updated! your patience is appreciated <3
Baby Bouncy Baby Brightbow Baby Chuck e Cheese Baby Cuddles Baby Diamond Baby Gametime Baby Heart Throb Baby Honeycomb Baby Hushabye Baby LicketySplit Baby Lofty Baby Moon dancer Baby Nightsong Baby Starbow Baby Stargaze Baby Sugar cake Baby Sundance Baby Tiddley Winks (Brazil) Blue Nightcap Blueberry Baskets Bright Night Bright Night Newborn So Soft Cotton Candy Daffodil Galaxy Goldilocks Honeysuckle Kiss n Make Up Locket Love Petal Love Token Loving Family Apple Delight Melody Painting Time Ringlets Scribbles Sniffles & Snookums Star Gleamer Starlight Strawberry Scoops Sundance Sweet Clover Sweet Notes Sweet Sundrop Sweetheart Vanilla Treat Yum Yum and my non-pony content: Rainbow Brite Carebears Strawberry Shortcake Lalaloopsy Furbies Tamagotchi Garfield Dolls - Decora Girls, Novi Stars etc.
Hey! I'm starting to open up commissions again! Support me via Kofi https://ko-fi.com/prettiepalette
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ex-textura · 8 months
Your post about your OCs quest names got me thinking...
If they were companions what would be their likes and dislikes, how would a player gain their approval? 💜
Okay I know I've been holding onto this for So Long but I've been Thinking™️ and that's not my forté.
Wall of text incoming because I've been writing this on my phone and. Formatting is a lot of work..
× Auric's approval would be difficult for a chaotic aligned character to get I think. He'd approve of kindness, following the rules, defending the weak. He'd love saving Mirkon and Arabella. He'd disapprove of taking the idol for Mol though. He'd probably also approve of you drinking Jaheira's truth wine. If you could recruit his sister, he'd approve of every kind action toward her, but he'd disapprove of flirting with her. Also letting Astarion bite you. He never could trust him. Also talking to him about music or poetry would get huge approval boosts. He's a big romantic.
× Naught's approval is a bit more all over the place and probably harder to get in general just because they don't really feel very strongly about anything until later in the game. But being kind to animals is a big approval, while doing the opposite is gonna make him hate you. Especially with birds. They'd approve of being outwardly flirtatious and forward with your intentions. They'd definitely approve of licking the damn spider. And throwing dung at the goblin outside the camp. Also, even though they can't read and aren't really inclined to, taking any opportunity to show off your smarts, teach him something new would be like a full +10. They like nerds. If you can be snarky with Nine-Fingers Keen, too, he'd approve of that.
× Ciaran approves of being nice. Helping the helpless. Saving people. All the big heroics. Play music with Alfira. Motivate the tiefling kids. Tell him you trust him.Do Not Do Not do the murder tribunal. Don't let Shadowheart kill Nightsong. Don't let Astarion ascend. Under no circumstances side with the goblins or he'll just leave. Generally everything Astarion dislikes in act 1 will be a Ciaran approval. He'd also approve of petting every single animal in the entire game. All of them. They're so soft please pet the babies.
× Jinx. Likes. Chaos. Steal the idol, why not. Throw some dung around. Play music with Alfira. Tease Mattis with the ring trick. Drink the truth wine and play truth or dare. Let the weird ox do its thing. Send him up on stage at the circus. Mess with Akabi and cheat at the wheel game. Pet the animals. Lick the spider. Get sent to jail. Break out of jail. Let Volo pick your brain. Any opportunity to say something weird or off-putting will probably get an approval, if only cause he'd think it's funny. But also talking about magic, poking at magic, anything that involves appreciating the gift that is magic - for good or ill. Jinx is also kind so not necessarily self-sacrificing acts of kindness but helping people, doing the right thing, general Good Boy approvals. Disapprovals are less common but outright cruelty is generally where he draws the line.
× Amaris approves of knowledge, and follows the tenets of their goddess. Read the book of dead gods, the necromancy of thay (sure it's evil but think of the knowledge contained within!), anything you can get your hands on. Open the chest at the Selûne shrine in the owlbear cave. Protect Isobel. Let Astarion feed on you (vampires may be undead but they are still children of Selûne's light and deserve protection if they seek it, and do no harm. And Astarion is trying okay? Kinda. It's enough.) Ask questions always, exhaust that dialogue tree! Agree to save the tieflings and the gnomes over and over again. And Barcus. Do Not let Shadowheart kill the Nightsong. Do not convince the nurses and Malus to kill themselves, do that with your own hands. Don't try to convince them to use the tadpoles. Don't speak ill of the gods. Except Shar. Speaking against Shar will always net big approvals. And again, the usual "Karlach/Wyll/Gale approves" from helping people apply to them as well. Let them talk about Selûne, and home, and their best friend Morridah. Take them to Sorcerous Sundries. Be a little kinky.
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nectaric · 7 days
@nightsongs asked: Amphitrite is trying to contain her glee, but has difficulty taming the bright smile on her face. "I'm pregnant," she says to Poseidon. "We're having a baby!"
poseidon's jaw went slack, brain short-circuiting for several moments. it was the kind of news that gave a shock to the system, rocking through him like the tidal waves his trident summoned. only, as he fully processed what amphitrite was suggesting, his temporary stupor disappeared to be replaced by a smile as bright as a thousand suns.
"you're kidding!" poseidon cried. "you're- you're not kidding. you're serious? amphi, oh my gods! really? you really mean it? that's--"
poseidon exploded with excitement, unsure what to do with himself or his hands. he finally settled on grabbing his wife by the waist, pulling her close, and planting an ecstatic kiss to her mouth. "i love it when you make me a daddy. this is amazing news!"
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amaranthsynthesis · 10 months
1 and 30 for Durge ask meme ~ LordGoretash
love the signature on the anonymous asks I always get a kick out of this
(questions from here)
What circumstances led to your Dark Urge becoming their Class/Subclass?
Ballard's first 'urge', the foster family slaughter we get the flashback of, is from when he was six or seven years old. He was literally just a baby, and he was kind of a difficult kid--he didn't learn to speak for a long time (he knew, he just did not want to, so no one figured out he could for ages) and he did not, as few children do, have a lot of coping mechanisms to his name. He threw a lot of tantrums, and one of them ended up with a body count of like a dozen, since no one was really anticipating the whole 'murderous child of Bhaal' thing to be an issue for another few years at least. A lot of noncombatants, but not entirely servants or slaves--a few actual ranking house members and soldiers were among the dead as well.
The matron mother had her thoughts about how Ballard's training was going to go, but the plans were adjusted and escalated rapidly. Since the issue, as far as she could determine, was one of self-control, Ballard needed training in a class that was focused on discipline. Self-regulation and meditation would help make sure he (and everyone around him) survived long enough to enact Bhaal's world-ending plans. So she had a monk brought in, an older tiefling woman from the surface they had some trade with, and she organized Ballard's training. She could not remain in the underdark permanently, and her weeks teaching Ballard were punctuated by months away where she left him 'homework' and forms to study in her absence, but the training itself as well as the solitude suited Ballard well and he grew into it easily. He struggled still with his temper, and was only trained with his fists and a staff for a decade or so, but it made his life immensely less stressful.
His teacher was a monk of the Open Hand, but she pegged him for the Way of Shadows basically immediately. Between his home environment and his quiet, watchful nature, it made a great deal of sense--though the tiefling wasn't made aware that her pupil was Bhaalspawn, and that the skills of an assassin would prove invaluable.
30. What are your Dark Urge’s intentions/goals after the end of the game?
This is a great question because I, Finn, do not know. My PC struggles with Act 3 and I am a bit overwhelmed by all of the content, so I've not finished a playthrough or made firm decisions about the end of Ballard's personal storyline! So disclaimer, all of the below is speculation and therefor subject to change.
Ballard wants to help solve his friends problems. From his perspective, this involves most of them seizing the power that was used to hurt them in the past so that it cannot be used to do so again. He's supportive of Gale using the crown, and Astarion using the ritual, and though Shadowheart did not end up killing the Nightsong he SUPER thinks they should just kill everyone in the House of Grief so they can't come after he later. He's currently in contention with Wyll about rescuing his father from the Iron Throne, with Karlach about allying with Gortash again, and with Lae'zel because he can't decide if he mistrusts the Emperor or Orpheus more and will not commit to raiding Raphael's. Shit's not going like.... great.
Ballard is torn in a hundred directions and doesn't know how the absolute crisis is going to turn out. He can't decide what he wants, if he is trying to redeem or better himself, if he should return to the purpose he was created for or reject his father entirely, if his new friends or old allies outweigh one another. If asked what he intends to do after, I don't think he'd have an answer. If asked what he hopes might come after... Ballard would still not have an answer, probably, but he hopes very dearly that he will not be alone in the end.
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ithinkthiswasabadidea · 8 months
First round of combat against Balthazar in the Nightsong's Prison and a big guy HOCKED Gale off into the abyss like he was an apple core 😭😭😭
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