thechildverse · 2 years
What to Expect When You're Expecting: A Guide To Newborn Care in the First Weeks of Life
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Parenting in the first few weeks can be overwhelming, but it's also enriching. After all, how many people get to experience the joy of holding their new baby for the first time? Fortunately, most newborns are pretty laid-back about the whole thing. They're captivated by the sights and sounds of their new world and won't move much until they crawl around. That said, you should know a few things about raising a newborn that will make your life as a parent a little bit easier.
Be prepared for lots of crying and sleeping
Newborns cry when they're hungry, and they cry when they're tired. They also sleep a lot. In fact, the World Health Organization recommends that 0–3 months of age get 14–17 hours and 4–11 months of age get 12–16 hours of good quality sleep, including naps. Fortunately, newborns cry for a reason. They're communicating what they need, and you don't need a degree in child development to decipher the signals. If a newborn is crying, try holding them, feeding them, and keeping them as calm and close to you as possible. If they're still crying after you've tried everything, call your doctor and ask for advice. Don't let it go past the first day.
Be patient with your baby's development
Newborns can't do much and don't know what they can't do yet. Newborns can't lift their heads off the ground, they can't hold their bottles, and they can't really respond when their parents talk to them. This is normal, and it's okay to wait a few weeks until they get stronger and more coordinated. In the meantime, there are things you can do to make things easier for everyone. When you feed your baby, place them on their backs, and keep them still to prevent them from choking. When diaper changes are necessary, use a clean washcloth to protect your baby from bacteria. When you need to get your newborn out of bed or a car seat, make sure you always have two hands available to prevent injury.
Stay hydrated — but not too much!
Newborns lose a lot of fluids through urination and feeding, so most doctors recommend keeping them hydrated by feeding them water-based formula or breast milk. At the same time, all that peeing and feeding can lead to a build-up of minerals in their system and increase their risk of developing a build-up of electrolytes. To avoid this, you can also give your baby electrolyte-fortified formula. In any case, ensure there's not too much water in your baby's system, as this can lead to a potentially dangerous condition called water intoxication. Water intoxication occurs when your baby consumes too much water, which dilutes its sodium levels and causes swelling in the brain and other organs. Talk to your doctor or paediatrician if you're concerned about water intoxication. They can test your baby's sodium levels and recommend an appropriate amount of water in their diet.
Feed your baby often and keep an eye out for colic
Newborns eat often and are usually really good at letting you know when they're hungry. That said, colicky babies cry a lot, even when full. If your newborn cries a lot without having eaten recently, and you've tried everything you can think of to calm them down, talk to your doctor. The crying could be caused by colic, a sensitive gut, or an allergy. If your doctor suspects colic, they may recommend colic drops to calm your newborn and show them that crying is pointless. If your doctor diagnoses a sensitive gut or an allergy, they can suggest the proper treatment. Once your newborn has been fed and calmed down, it's crucial to burp them to release the air that's been trapped in their system by the feeding process. Burping your baby helps them stay healthy and get the most out of their feedings.
When to call in professional help
No matter how many parenting books you've read, there will come a point when you need professional advice. If your newborn has trouble feeding and gaining weight, if their crying is non-stop, if their poop is green, or if they seem generally unwell, call your doctor. These signs can indicate a more serious problem that only a doctor can help you with. If your newborn needs to be seen, don't wait until the next day or take a chance at a walk-in clinic. Make an appointment and bring them in as soon as you realise they need help. Premature babies, twins, and babies with special needs often need to be seen as soon as possible.
Wrapping up: Is being a mum really worth it?
Baby care is a roller coaster of emotions, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Newborns are easier to care for than people think, and most of them are happy to just eat, sleep, and be loved by their parents. Just remember to keep hydrated, give your baby plenty of love, and don't hesitate to call your doctor if you need help. Newborns are worth it, and mum-hood is a time of wonder, joy, and love you'll never forget.https://thechildverse.com/what-to-expect-when-youre-expecting-a-guide-to-newborn-care-in-the-first-weeks-of-life/ Read the full article
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jewishgir · 2 months
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"he loves Zim so much."
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i feel weird about the fact that im not reblogging as much as the new 196 people and im not even a new user 🧍you people are doing the website better than me and i feel bad about it
also i crave the interaction everyone is getting from this,, i jsut want attention 🥺
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hollowslantern · 1 year
"The Mentalist"? more like "The" "Mental" "List" I have about all the reasons this show suck! 🤣
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cop shows are like "dammit! we would have caught babyeater mike by now if people didn't have rights,"
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labtechkarin · 1 year
It's funny watching the x-files as a kid and being so focused on the supernatural aspect of the show vs growing up and rewatching it as a horny teenager vs growing up and going "oh my god you guys are bad cops and kind of assholes".
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thebayerfamily · 1 year
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LO's Simple Breakfast. 👶🏻 Cheesy Egg Roll, Pomelo and Rice #instacook #instarecipe #mikeeecooks #babyfood #babyledweaning #babyleadweaningideas #babyeats #babyfoodideas #babyfoodrecipes https://www.instagram.com/p/CmEvrz_PsDe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wowpets9999 · 2 years
🎅baby eating reaction , 😍funniest baby videos , 😎cute baby shorts #shorts
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moons-of-dewclan · 5 months
1. Kits can also die from getting eaten from shrews. Apparently it was in the game but a lot more distressing (detailed?), so it got removed, then added again with more vague writing. Kits RLLY get the short end of the stick when it comes to deaths
2. Random question, but if you were to add any feature to Clangen what would you want added?
OH THAT'S SAD.. i'm not TOOOoo sensitive in regards to descriptions of violent stuff in xenofiction in particular bc YOU KNOW. NATURE, BRUTAL OOGH. but damn.. graphic babyeating LKASNDK IT'S A BIT MUCH ooo what would i want added.. THAT'S HARD, bc the game has so much that's so clearly tailored towards fans of the books/games/content. i think maybe more other-clan interactions? ESPECIALLYYYYY THE GATHERINGS. they're vaguely mentioned here and there, but i think it would be cool to put them in a bit more detail? (this is my fault for not researching ahead of time, but it took me forever to even begin thinking about gatherings bc it took a while for it to pop up in the game text. so i had to retroactively make a reason that Lyre wasn't attending them for a long while) ANNND and for them to have a small options of reactions and flavour texts regarding them that could effect your reputation with the clans. 'Fallowclan comments snidely about Dewclan taking in rogues lately..' 'Cypressclan accuses Dewclan of hunting on their land.' and you can like.. 'antagonize, ignore, etc' LIKE IN PATROLS STUFF LIKE THAT that would be very fun..
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Welcome to Fire Emblem Fates! Which kingdom will you choose?
Hoshido, the land of sunshine, happiness, insanely delicious food (For free!), and finally, the nicest ruler in the world who would likely spend her free time building soup kitchens for orphaned kittens.
The Babyeaters
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cykelops · 2 years
the most insidious thing copaganda has ever done for us is convince you that lawyers and specially defense attorneys are the bad guys and are always looking for loop holes and technicalities and those silly human rights violations cops might commit in the honest and good pursuit of Justice just to let babyeater mcmurderpants back on the street !
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lisandyk-baby-eating · 10 months
power on
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duchessofferia · 1 year
My swag levels rarely rise above Average but at least I’ve never dressed up in party city gear to make tiktoks about how Miss Jane Seymour, Literal Babyeater coerced poor Henry VIII into committing his first wifemurder
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dragonomatopoeia · 9 months
in my ideal world where comics could actually depict coherent ideological arguments without resorting to 'babyeater mike made some points but he has also exploded the entire city and eats babies' i would love it if instead of relitigating batman's no-kill code we could watch an ideological stand-off between Steph and Jason. i think it would be much more interesting to see them articulate and defend their approaches to one another while contrasting that against their very similar backgrounds and histories.
also I think jeff my best friend jeff should be there. steph and jason would remind him of a lot of his students and i think as someone who turned down an invitation to the justice league with the explicit aim of focusing on his own community and attempting to do good by the people who depend on him, he'd have a lot to add as a mentor figure.
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totemmetot · 1 year
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all my besties are babyeaters
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dumbasssportsboys · 4 months
i really hate that team of babyeaters
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