#Bahá’í fast
theleseroftwoweevils · 9 months
EDIT: Sorry I accidently made the last only be able to drink option a second older! just imagine it says all!!
I've gotten mixed answers on this so
I've been wondering since I've gotten so many mixed answers, please reblog for sample size btw!! it's hard to find Bahá’ís!
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bahainorge · 7 months
Fastetid: "Menneskets åndelighet øker"
«Faste er årsak til at mennesket blir vekket.  Hjertet blir ømt,  og menneskets åndelighet øker,” sier ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. I 19 dager, til og med 19. mars, faster bahá’íer over hele verden.
Her er noen tips til videoer og artikler som forteller om bahá’í-faste som rent praktisk handler om å takke nei til mat og drikke mellom soloppgang og solnedgang, eller mellom 06 til 18.
Den amerikanske musikeren Colby Jeffers fra Arizona, er en av de mange som synes det har noe for seg å faste. Han har laget en musikkvideo du kan se her. På hjemmesiden sin sier han at «Jeg tror på kraften til positiv endring, og behovet for å fremme kjærlighet, enhet, rettferdighet og fred i alt vi gjør! Jeg er medlem av bahá’í-troen så jeg tror på menneskehetens enhet og søker å fremme åndelig forvandling i alle mine bestrebelser.»
Andre videoer:
En kort video-presentasjon om fasten med Sophie.
Komikeren Jordan Raj: My 19 Days of Fasting.
Fast in a Day – Bahai Fast Film
Medisinsk forskning om bahá’í-faste.  Baha'i Blog Interviews Dr. Daniela
Artikkel om faste: “Nå faster vi”. Intervju: - Faste gir meg glede og innsikt Intervju: − En effektiv treningsarena for viljestyrke
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divinum-pacis · 5 years
Baha’i Beliefs: The Life of the Spirit
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Baha’u’llah’s Revelation affirms that the purpose of our lives is to know God and to attain His presence. Our true identity is our rational soul, whose free will and powers of understanding enable us to continually better ourselves and our society. Walking a path of service to God and to humanity gives life meaning and prepares us for the moment the soul separates from the body and continues on its eternal journey towards its Maker.
Four topics are examined in this section. Under each heading, there is a collection of pages, articles, selections from the Bahá’í writings, and further resources, that explore each of the topics in depth.
The Human Soul
Every human being possesses an immortal, rational soul that passes through this world for a brief time and continues for eternity to advance towards God. Our life’s purpose is to progress spiritually by serving our fellow human beings. In doing so, we acquire the divine qualities we will need in the life to come.
Acts of devotion such as prayer, meditation, fasting, pilgrimage, and service to others are inherent to religious life. Through them, individuals and communities are able to continually reinforce the unique bond that exists between God and humanity.
A Life of Generous Giving
Just as a candle’s purpose is to provide light, the human soul was created to give generously. We fulfill our highest purpose in a life of service in which, with humility and detachment, we offer our time, energy, knowledge, and financial resources.
Character and Conduct
The cultivation of spiritual qualities in this world is inseparable from an ongoing refinement of our conduct in which our actions increasingly come to reflect the nobility and integrity with which every human being is endowed. Such spiritual qualities are not acquired through focusing on the self; they are developed in service to others.
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mynameisjessamyn · 6 years
I was raised in the Bahá’í faith by very devout parents. I never did any inquiry about my beliefs. I believed what I was told to believe. When I finally let myself inquire beyond what I was told to believe, I found that I was very skeptical of Faith. And as I accepted my skepticism, I gave myself permission to release Faith. Releasing Faith felt like taking off a belt after a decadent meal. Like loosening a neck tie after a long day of work. It was seductive and scary and it made me feel naughty in a way that I liked and perhaps even in a way that I needed. (Maybe this exploration is a necessary step for any and all who were born into a religion.) I have spent years wandering through the wilderness of life holding tight to the cord of skepticism, almost fearful of faith. As I’ve wandered, the practice of yoga has granted space to see and feel The Light- the divine light that emanates from every soul. And somehow, perhaps by the grace of god, I have continued to find my way to The Fast every year. I show up on the doorstep like the prodigal child, carrying heavy baggage with thorns in my side. And, with each year that passes, The Fast provides clarity and cleansing beyond measure. This year feels different somehow. I may be in the wilderness but I’m not scared to be here. Skepticism brought me to The Light and The Light has gently guided me back to Faith. Life is fucking nuts. So much love to my global Bahá’í family on the first morning of our fast. Especially if you are struggling or if faith feels hard to come by. I see you, I feel you, I am you, I love you. (at Durham County, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BugfxYahtrL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fiaky6n3yofd
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coralandpearls · 6 years
There are two different things which often the friends mix with the other. One is the commandment of Bahá’u’lláh and the other is encouragement. If we break His commandments, of course punishment will be the result; and the punishment is not the events which take place in life and we say that this is the punishment. These are very wrong conclusions and usually are made by the friends without having any authority in the Writings. Bahá’u’lláh ordains prayer, fasting etc. Now suppose a Bahá’í does not pray nor does he fast. We must not think a certain calamity will befall him. Suppose his house falls down. If someone says that this event took place in his life because he does not say his prayer, this is absolutely wrong. There is no relationship between the two. The punishment of the one who does not pray is his deprivation and loss of confidence and assurance. This is the result of such disobedience to this rule. Punishment is of the same nature as the act we do.
Hand of the Cause Mr. Faizi, as quoted in The Unforgettable Hands of the Cause by Micheal Woodward
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elikamahony · 6 years
✨Beautiful quotation about the Bahá’í Fast from Abdu’l-Bahá. . . . #bahaifast #bahai #fasting #bahaifasting #bahaifastingperiod #fastingquotes #meditationsforthefast #musicforthefast #elikamahonymusic #meditation #bahaifast #bahaiquote #bahaimusic #bahaiinspiredmusic #bahaifastquote #rejuvenating #bahaifastingmonth #prayers #spiritualawakening https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu0s45AAmOj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nt8hz93gwvqm
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#23 The Länd in Haifa
13.04.2022. Morgens ging unser Wecker ziemlich früh, da wir nach Haifa (nördlich von Tel Aviv) gefahren sind. Willi, ein Freund von Jana, macht in Haifa ein FSJ, wir haben ihn zusammen besucht, den Tag mit ihm verbracht und sogar in seiner WG geschlafen.
Mit Bus, Zug, Bus sind wir dann also nach Haifa zu Willi gefahren.
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Wir haben unsere Sachen in seiner WG abgestellt, haben eine Roomtour bekommen (er hat eine Dachterrasse mit einer ziemlich schönen Aussicht) und sind dann auch schon losgegangen.
Es folgt wieder eine Liste an Sehenswürdigkeiten, um langweilige Beschreibungen zu vermeiden:
Über den Markt laufen und dort ein paar Leckereien kaufen
Bahá’í Gärten (zumindest im kostenlosen Teil :D)
German Colony
Am Meer eine Vesper-Pause machen
Mit der Seilbahn auf den Mount Carmel fahren
An einem schönen Aussichtspunkt verweilen und reden (und einen kurzen Power Nap machen, weil ich so müde war)
In einem Café ein erfrischendes Getränk trinken und Eis essen
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Außerdem hat uns Willi noch gezeigt, wo er genau arbeitet. Weil wir alle ziemlich kaputt waren vom vielen Laufen, sind wir in Willis WG gegangen und haben uns ein wenig ausgeruht, bevor wir uns auf Nahrungssuche gemacht haben. Jana und ich wollten unbedingt Shakshuka probieren – ich hatte das bis dato tatsächlich noch gar nicht probiert. Beim dritten Restaurant waren wir dann endlich erfolgreich. Die beiden Restaurants, bei denen wir zuvor waren, haben es leider nicht mehr angeboten, weil man Shakshuka hier eigentlich eher zum Frühstück isst. Die lange Suche hat sich aber gelohnt! Wir haben uns zwei Varianten bestellt, einmal das klassische Shakshuka (also nur Eier in Tomatensauce) und einmal Shakshuka mit zusätzlich Feta und Aubergine – beides sehr, sehr lecker. Dazu gab es Brot und wir haben uns noch eine Portion Pommes bestellt.
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Als wir wieder in Willis WG waren, sind wir ziemlich zügig ins Bett gegangen, weil wir alle ziemlich tot waren und unser Wecker am nächsten morgen wieder früh geklingelt hat.
Haifa kann man machen, muss man aber nicht
Ich liebe Bananenchips
Seilbahn in Haifa lohnt sich
Jana hat ein bisschen Höhenangst, hat die Seilbahnfahrt aber sehr gut überstanden #proudofyou
Abends Shakshuka zu finden war ganz schön schwierig. Nicht aufgeben hat sich aber gelohnt.
Shakshuka schmeckt echt sehr lecker!
Jana spricht Shakshuka (fast) immer falsch aus
Willi war ein sehr guter Tour Guide
Auch wenn du es nicht denkst: immer eincremen (Tipp von Jana, die Sonnenbrand bekommen hat - obwohl ich ihr bestimmt gesagt hab, dass sie sich eincremen soll)
Wer nicht hören will, muss wohl fühlen
Kostenlose Übernachtungen sind bestes Leben
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lightofhome · 3 years
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✨💡The 19-Day period of the fast has started today for Bahá’ís all around the world - what a perfect time to devote to prayer, spirituality, awakening and full presence! “Fasting is essentially a period of meditation and prayer, of spiritual recuperation, during which the believer must strive to make the necessary readjustments in his inner life, and to refresh and reinvigorate the spiritual forces latent in his soul” - Shoghi Effendi Happy fasting! 😊 #bahaifast #fasting #bahai #35mmfilm #drakensberg https://www.instagram.com/p/Cal9gO1Dw6E/?utm_medium=tumblr
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befriendedstranger · 5 years
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Day 6 of the Bahá’í Fast “These are, O my God, the days whereon Thou didst enjoin Thy servants to observe the fast. With it Thou didst adorn the preamble of the Book of Thy Laws revealed unto Thy creatures, and didst deck forth the Repositories of Thy commandments in the sight of all who are in Thy heaven and all who are on Thy earth. Thou hast endowed every hour of these days with a special virtue, inscrutable to all except Thee, Whose knowledge embraceth all created things. Thou hast, also, assigned unto every soul a portion of this virtue in accordance with the Tablet of Thy decree and the Scriptures of Thine irrevocable judgment. Every leaf of these Books and Scriptures Thou hast, moreover, allotted to each one of the peoples and kindreds of the earth. For Thine ardent lovers Thou hast, according to Thy decree, reserved, at each daybreak, the cup of Thy remembrance, O Thou Who art the Ruler of rulers!” ~ Bahá'u'lláh, Prayers and Meditations (p.143) #fast #bahai #bahaifast #prayer #meditation #daffodils #dawn #morning #yellow #flowers #flowersofinstagram (at Arlington, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ZJo-Glszy/?igshid=6o09hcqngx2y
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waptug · 6 years
Bahá’í Calendar Begins (1844)
Bahá’í Calendar Begins (1844)
Bahá’í Calendar Begins (1844)
Enjoy some interesting content from our friends at TheFreeDictionary.Com Founded in Iran in the mid-19th century by Baha’ Ullah, Bahá’í is a religion based on the unity of all faiths. Adherents pray daily, fast 19 days a year, and follow a strict ethical code. Because of the religion’s 19 initial disciples, the number 19 is …
Bahá’í Calendar Begins (1844) Read More »
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dmcblue · 6 years
Since it is the Bahá’í Fast, here is a poem I wrote about fasting a few years ago.
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bahainorge · 1 year
Bahá'í-samfunnet gratulerer Nobelprisvinneren
Det Internasjonale Bahá’í-samfunnet gratulerer Narges Mohammadi hjertelig med Nobels fredspris.
I en pressemelding fra Det Internasjonale Bahá’í-samfunnets kontor i New York slås det fast at Narges Mohammadi “er en iransk menneskerettighets- og kvinnerettighetsaktivist par excellence”. Hennes første arrestasjon av iranske myndigheter skjedde i 1998; siden den gang har hun blitt arrestert 13 ganger, dømt fem ganger og risikerer fengselsstraff på til sammen 31 års fengsel samt 154 piskeslag.
Nobelkomiteen anerkjente Narges Mohammadi for "hennes kamp mot kvinneundertrykkelsen i Iran og hennes kamp for å fremme menneskerettigheter og frihet for alle." Baha'i-samfunnet, hvis medlemmer selv har blitt forfulgt i 44 år under Den islamske republikken, er også forpliktet til disse verdiene. Alle kvinnelige menneskerettighetsforkjempere i Iran blir også hedret av denne prisen.
“Våre gratulasjoner er dempet av tristhet over at Ms. Mohammadi forblir fengslet i Evin fengsel”, sier pressemeldingen. Baha'i International Community har tidligere oppfordret til å løslate henne. “Vi er forferdet over at denne oppfordringen – sammen med vår oppfordring om full anerkjennelse av rettighetene til alle iranere, inkludert baha’ier og medlemmer av andre minoriteter – forblir ignorert av iranske myndigheter.”
To baha’i-kvinner som også er urettmessig fengslet i Evin, Mahvash Sabet og Fariba Kamalabadi, vil i det minste kunne feire prisen sammen med Ms. Mohammadi i fengselet. Den nye nobelprisvinneren har mange ganger bedt om løslatelse av Sabet og Kamalabadi, samvittighetsfanger og medfanger, både nå og da alle tre ble fengslet i løpet av det foregående tiåret. Mohammadi lot også stemmen sin høre i den nylige Our Story Is One-kampanjen til minne om henrettelsen av 10 baha’i-kvinner i Shiraz i 1983 og støttet iranske kvinners søken etter likestilling og menneskerettigheter.
“Vi håper at Narges Mohammadi – og alle iranere – vil hente styrke fra dette øyeblikket og fortsette sin innsats for likhet og rettferdighet i Iran,” uttrykker Det Internasjonale Baha’í-samfunnet.
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sahar009 · 6 years
The Interplay Between Hope and Despair: Helping Hope Win
The Interplay Between Hope and Despair: Helping Hope Win
After what happened in February 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, I wrote a series of posts about school shootings.  It came right before a pre-planned hiatus, just in time for the Bahá’í Fast.  I had intended to start blogging again right after the Bahá’í New Year (21 March), but I found myself unable to pull together the thousands of thoughts zipping by in my…
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bahaimartin · 7 years
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#bahai “These are, O my God, the days whereon Thou didst enjoin Thy servants to observe the fast. With it Thou didst adorn the preamble of the Book of Thy Laws revealed unto Thy creatures, and didst deck forth the Repositories of Thy commandments in the sight of all who are in Thy heaven and all who are on Thy earth. Thou hast endowed every hour of these days with a special virtue, inscrutable to all except Thee, Whose knowledge embraceth all created things. Thou hast, also, assigned unto every soul a portion of this virtue in accordance with the Tablet of Thy decree and the Scriptures of Thine irrevocable judgment. Every leaf of these Books and Scriptures Thou hast, moreover, allotted to each one of the peoples and kindreds of the earth.” Bahá’í Prayers: A Selection of Prayers Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Author: Various Source: US Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1991 edition, Page: 247 (en Lovers Beach Cabo San Lucas Mexico)
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britishdeepstate · 7 years
Who is Abdullah Cevdet?
Who is Abdullah Cevdet?
Abdullah Cevdet was possibly the most ardent supporter of Darwinism and its promulgation in the Empire. Although religious when he was young, he was introduced to materialist-Darwinist ideology at the Medical School. During those days, biologic materialism was spreading fast among the medical students, and affected Cevdet as well. With his articles, he tried to prove his erroneous idea that ‘biologic materialism would in time take the place of religion’.
Cevdet was also one of the founders of the ‘Society of the Friends of England’. During the years when Istanbul was under occupation, he informed on many patriots involved in the independence movement and led to their arrest by the British. He also played a significant role in the Society for the Rise of Kurdistan, which worked closely with the British authorities. Abdullah Cevdet maintained that Kurdish people should have seceded from the Ottoman Empire, and is therefore usually considered as one of the architects of the idea of ‘autonomy for the Southeastern Anatolia’. He was manipulated by the British deep state for its plans to divide the Ottoman Empire and create conflict between Kurds and Turks.
It was Abdullah Cevdet who started the practice of giving license to women to work as prostitutes in brothels. About the Battle of Gallipoli, he shockingly said, ‘civilization came to our doorstep, but we turned it back’.(SOURCE)
During his education at the medical school, following the advice of Ibrahim Temo and acting together with Hikmet Emin of Konya, İshak Sükuti of Diyarbakır and Mehmet Reşid of Caucasus, Abdullah Cevdet founded the Committee of Ottoman Union, which would later transform into the Committee of Union and Progress. In 1908, he translated and published Reinhart Dozy’s two-volume book entitled Essai sur l’Histoire de l’Islamisme in Egypt, which was then under the control of the British evolutionist Lord Cromer. This book, which was full of slanders about our religion and our beloved Prophet (pbuh), caused a huge uproar in the Ottoman society [our beloved Prophet (pbuh) is above such slanders]. In the articles he wrote in the early 1900s, he maintained that the Ottoman Empire should be ruled by the British and claimed that Britain had the world’s most civil and honest government.(SOURCE)
Journalist and publisher Zekeriya Sertel said that Abdullah Cevdet was a British spy and he once informed on Sertel and his friends due to a meeting they had.
Abdullah Cevdet, citing the relationship of British imperialism with Spain, said:
‘since it is going to be inevitable to be incorporated by spheres of influence that great states are trying to create, it will be expedient to choose British among the options’.(SOURCE)
Furthermore, he propagandized the Bahá’í faith supported by the British (the Kurdistan newspaper was being printed in a Bahá’í printing house supported by certain circles in Cairo).
Who is Abdullah Cevdet? BritishDeepState.net
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: The 65 Symbols on US Military Tombstones
Arlington National Cemetery (photo by the author for Hyperallergic)
On today’s Memorial Day in the United States, the tombstones honoring those who died while in the military service will be decorated with flags throughout the country, particularly in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Although the lines of marble and granite headstones appear uniform, overwhelmingly carved with Christian crosses, look closer and you might spot an atomic whirl circling an “A” for atheist, an infinity symbol, or a Shinto torii gate. In recent years, the freedom of religious expression for soldiers and their families in choosing an “emblem of belief” for their monuments has majorly expanded, but not without some lawsuits.
Recent additions to the “emblems of belief” available from the National Cemetery Administration (screenshot by the author for Hyperallergic)
The National Cemetery Administration’s list of 65 available emblems was last updated in January of this year, with the Druid Awen showing three beams of light radiating from three points. Just a decade earlier, in 2007, the Wiccan Pentacle was approved only after a lawsuit by the national ACLU and the ACLU of Washington that followed Wiccan family and clergy requests that had been refused since the mid-1990s. Anyone can request a new emblem, although the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs states they cannot include “social, cultural, ethnic, civic, fraternal, trade, commercial, political, professional or military emblems” as well as nothing explicit or “pandering in nature.”
For every new emblem, whether the floral pomegranate (#59) or the indigenous Medicine Wheel (#48), there are loved ones who rallied for giving their deceased a burial that best reflected their lives. For instance as John Brownlee reported for Fast Company, the Hammer of Thor approved in 2013 came through the mother of a Marine Corps sergeant who wanted to honor their Odinist family. In 2015, Deena Prichep reported for NPR on a dancing sandhill crane that’s now the 57th emblem. Linda Campbell, an Air Force and National Guard veteran, wanted an emblem to celebrate her wife Nancy Lynchild, and they petitioned for the bird as a “beautiful symbol of wisdom and protection and a happy marriage.” NPR reported at the time that since the approval of the sandhill crane, 300 had been requested.
These emblems tell a narrative beyond the name and rank on the headstone. People of all faiths, or lack thereof, have served in the armed forces, given their lives, and come to be remembered in these places, and that story is there to read in the stone.
Atheist emblem on the headstone of Richard P. Mason (photo by John C. Hamer/Flickr)
Islamic crescent and star on the headstone of Ayman Abdelrahman Taha at Arlington National Cemetery (photo by John C. Hamer/Flickr)
The Latin Christian cross, the most popular “emblem of belief” at Arlington National Cemetery. A United Methodist cross is visible in the background (photo by Sammy Six/Flickr)
The Wiccan Pentacle on the headstone for Abraham M Kooiman at Arlington National Cemetery (photo by John C. Hamer/Wikimedia)
Community of Christ emblem on the headstone of Cecilia Marie Donelson (photo by John C. Hamer/Flickr)
The Star of David on a headstone in Arlington National Cemetery (photo by Narith5/Flickr)
The Episcopal Cross on a headstone in Arlington National Cemetery (photo by James Dickey/Flickr)
United Church of Religious Science emblem on the headstone of Melvin D. Kutzer (photo by John C. Hamer/Flickr)
Bahá’í nine-pointed star on the headstone of Y. L. Eddie Chen (photo by John C. Hamer/Flickr)
The post The 65 Symbols on US Military Tombstones appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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