#Balthus is a golden deer
krazieka2 · 1 year
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Lysithea Hair Swap! ft the golden deer
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calamari-inari · 2 months
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Happy 5th Anniversary! ❤️💙💛💜
A whole timeskip come and gone... 🥺
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fe3h-academyrp · 2 months
POV: You’re watching our Yuri interact with his classmates
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That's right! He has none. Want to change that? Apply today!!
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aegirmoon · 5 months
Golden Deer won the poll!
Here's my list of classes I plan on doing for each unit:
Claude: All classes except Armor Knight, Fortress Knight, Brawler, Grappler, Great Knight, War Master
Lorenz: All Classes (he's the only unit that's in his palette, there's Bernadetta but because she's female her classes don't overlap with his)
Raphael: Fighter, Brigand, Warrior, Armor Knight, Fortress Knight, Brawler, Grappler, Great Knight, War Master, War Monk (might do Holy Knight too as a joke)
Ignatz: Myrmidon, Fighter, Mercenary, Thief, Archer, Brigand, Brawler, Hero, Swordmaster, Assassin, Warrior, Grappler, Sniper, Trickster, War Master (I included some Axe and Brawl classes because I usually make him a War Master in my playthroughs)
Lysithea: Myrmidon, Monk, Mercenary, Thief, Mage, Priest, Swordmaster, Assassin, Warlock, Bishop, All DLC classes, Gremory, Mortal Savant, Holy Knight, Dark Knight, Falcon Knight
Marianne: Myrmidon, Soldier, Monk, Mercenary, Thief, Cavalier, Pegasus Knight, Mage, Priest, Swordmaster, Assassin, Paladin, Warlock, Bishop, All DLC classes, Falcon Knight, Mortal Savant, Holy Knight, Dark Knight, Gremory
Hilda: Soldier, Fighter, Armor Knight, Brigand, Cavalier, Pegasus Knight, Warrior, Wyvern Rider, Paladin, Fortress Knight, Falcon Knight, Wyvern Lord, Great Knight (might do reason classes too because she has Bolting)
Leonie: All Classes (she's the only female unit in the yellow palette so she can have all class colors with no overlap)
Will do Balthus as a bonus since he's from the Leicester Alliance. He'll get a lot of classes too.
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squeaky-potat · 1 year
for the drawing requests, I would love to see Balthus & Holst - in their Three Hopes appearances of course! (i know those outfits are crazy detailed, so simplify as you need to!) thank you so much if you decide to pick it up!!
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Thank you anon for your request! I enjoyed drawing these silly BFFLs.
These 2 are up to some shenanigans and causing headaches for Claude. 🦌
I’m still taking requests! If you’re interested in requesting a drawing in this style, please see my pinned post. ✍️
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few3hd · 2 years
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Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Special Character Interaction: Training
Holst & Balthus
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fe3h-polls · 12 days
FE3H Poll 53
Which one of the Ashen Wolves would be the most disastrous date? Suggested by Anonymous. thank you!
Golden Deer | Blue Lions | Black Eagles | Garreg Mach
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I think Three Houses' students of each house fit Persona a lot.
Blue Lions and Persona 3 (specialized team)
Golden Deer and Persona 4 (literally just normal ass people who got dragged into some mess and decided 'aight lets do this'.)
Black Eagles and Persona 5 (rebels)
You could argue the Ashen Wolves also fit in the games (Constance in p5 as she is from Adrestia, Yuri and Hapi in p3 due to their relations to the kingdom and Balthus in p4 because he was born in Leicester)
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slimeclimbtime · 10 months
mortal kombat x fe3h?
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these are definitely some questionable placements, but this is what role i feel like these characters would suit if they were in fe3h! i also did my best to try and balance them out a bit in terms of numbers
black eagles are ambitious and have strong moral compasses, with ashrah, mileena, rain, and bi-han all being characters with goals and strong convictions. as to who would be the edelgard of these four, i have no idea, but the closest i could say would be bi-han (which would be ironic, considering the association BE has with fire)
blue lions are more noble and righteous, with a hefty dose of trauma somewhere in there. everyone in this list is on the more collected and calm side, but can show terrifying vengeance and anger if driven to it, especially raiden and kitana. geras would be a bit more of a mercedes, while scorpion could perfectly suit the dimitri role (and thus, make the bi-han kuai liang rivalry even worse, which is perfect!)
golden deer are full of lighter-hearted characters, but everyone knows when to get serious, especially tanya who's the clear outlier of these four. everyone here is clever in some way or form, especially johnny. i would say the claude of this group would be either smoke or kung lao, as both can make jokes but also think up of plans on the down low. also being the neutral party between the brothers would extra suck
ashen wolves are outcasts and those that have been driven to the shadows for numerous reasons. everyone here is either radicalized such as havik and nitara or shunned by an outside group like baraka and reptile, making them the perfect group of wolves. would definitely say reptile is probably the (unlikely) leader of this group, as he shares a lot of similarities with yuri and is a kind soul at heart
church of seiros is essentially just the outworld entourage. as the church of seiros in fe3h is full of a wide variety of characters, there's a pretty colorful cast here as well. li mei would make a great seteth to sindel's rhea role as the archbishop, and shang tsung would be a formidable tomas or jeritza, as part of well, the real enemy along with shao and reiko
kenshi being byleth is definitely the weirdest pick here but hear me out. dude with a magic sword who gets blessings from spirits? along with a darker backstory of working for a neutral/bad party? that sounds an awful lot like a byleth to me. kenshi losing his sight could be part of the story and him getting it back with sento with the help of liu kang could be his awakening
liu kang being sothis is pretty self-explanatory i feel. i almost made geras sothis bc time associations, but liu kang doesn't really fit anywhere else, and he WAS a keeper of time, so i mean... either way, him being close with kenshi would be pretty canon too
some extra notes (with fe3h spoilers; exercise caution):
- ashrah is more of a representative of petra, being an outsider compared to the other three characters, and as someone whose ambition is more self-centered - while bi-han wouldn't be noob saibot, he would probably have some of his traits as part of his trauma on being experimented on by shang tsung. this would estrang him from kuai liang entirely and wipe his memory of being his brother - speaking of brotherhood, the dagger that's so important to the dimi-edel storyline would definitely be the ice dagger that bi-han attacks kuai liang with in mk1. i would say it stays frozen forever and is held by magic in order to not to be noticeable as ice and give away the whole story - raiden was definitely not put into blue lions because of his thunder magic i swear he wasn't nope ahahhaahaha just a funny coincidence - kung lao and lorenz are awfully similar in demeanor which is rather hilarious. tanya would also make a great lysithea, being the serious one that isn't taken very seriously - while reptile would be a great yuri, baraka and havik are both more akin to balthus in form while nitara is closer to hapi. also would love the idea of reptile triple-crossing his three house members in cindered shadows - reiko would 100% be aelfric, being the simp he is for shao. alternatively, he'd also be cyril in that sense, even tho sindel is rhea - fuck gender-locked classes, li mei would 100% be a wyvern lord - scanning amiibo and seeing the double byleths could actually just show two liu kangs, one from when hes not keeper of time and one from when he is canon classes? (assuming no gender locked bc fuck gender locked classes IM STILL MAD ABOUT THIS. that and ignoring final classes for the house leaders + byleth):
ashrah - swordmaster
mileena - assassin
rain - dark flier
bi-han - war monk
kitana - falcon knight
raiden - mortal savant
kuai liang - assassin
geras - gremory
johnny cage - grappler
kung lao - sniper
smoke - bow knight
tanya - holy knight
baraka - grappler
reptile - hero
havik - wyvern lord
nitara - valkyrie
li mei - wyvern lord
sindel - well technically she only has her personal class so uhhhh
shang tsung - also has his own personal class
shao - dark knight
reiko - grappler
kenshi - has his own personal class, but otherwise would be a swordmaster
liu kang - non-playable (we were ROBBED)
okay imma stop yabbering bc im gonna just keep on going for too long
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malsfefanfics · 15 days
OC Profile: Davi
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Art by @cringeyvanillamilk, edited to icon size by me.
"We're not exactly sure where he came from, but he's become a fine member of the monastery. Davi has the heart of a knight, but he has a laid back side as well. I get the feeling he keeps us all at arms length, though. I wish to know him better. He seems particularly awkward around Felix, Dedue, and is actively avoiding Seteth and Flayn." -- Dimitri about Davi.
Full name: Davi Valerio Nicknames: Dava (by children), Vi, Brat (by Graham, affectionate) Birthday: 19th of the Pegasus Moon, 1164 Age: 21 (Pre-Timeskip), 26 (Post-Timeskip) Crest: [REDACTED] Family: Unnamed mother (deceased), unnamed father (deceased), Rui (twin brother, deceased), unnamed grandfather (deceased), Graham Govain (Adoptive Guardian), Chliodna Govain (Adoptive Guardian) Nationality: Duscur Titles: Crepuscular Commander, Warrior of the Mind Voice Claim: Jonah Scott (Legoshi from Beastars)
Interests: Weapons training, the Opera, Religious Studies Likes: Horses, Choir Practice, Training, Dancing Dislikes: Most of Faerghus, Crests, Heroes Relics
Favorite Meals: Onion Gratin Soup, Grilled Herring, Fruit and Herring Tart Liked Meals: Saghert and Cream, Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Derdriu-Style Fried Pheasant, Disliked Meals: Garreg Mach Meat Pie, Country-Style Red Turnip Plate, Gautier Cheese Gratin
Tea Preferences: Chamomile, Cinnamon Blend, Almyran Pine Needles
Liked Gifts: Fishing Float, Exotic Spices, Floral Adornment, Book of Sheet Music Disliked Gifts: The History of Fodlan, Legends of Chivalry, Book of Crest Designs,
Lost Items:
Strange Book of Music: A notebook filled with unfinished sheet music. The lyrics are in a language you don't recognize.
Traditional Kilt: A garment fit for a warrior. An elaborately weaved design colors it like the twilight.
Suppression Charm: A charm meant to suppress magic power. You remember seeing something similar in a Crestology book.
Starting Class: Commoner Preferred Class Path: Soldier/Monk --> Cavalier/Mage/Dark Mage/Priest --> Paladin/Wyvern Rider/Bishop/Dark Bishop/Warlock --> Wyvern Lord/Dark Knight/Holy Knight Strength: Lance Weakness: Heavy Armor Budding Talent: Faith Personal Skill: Merciful Pantheon - Increases nearby allies critical hit rates by 5% when their health is less than half.
Weapons Starting Levels:
Sword: C Lance: B Axe: E Bow: D Brawling: E Reason: D Faith: D+ Authority: C Heavy Armor: E Riding: D Flying: D
Base Stats:
HP: 30 Str: 12 Mag: 6 Dex: 7 Spd: 7 Lck: 6 Def: 8 Res: 8 Cha: 10
Learned Faith Spells: Heal (D) Nosferatu (D+) Recover (C), Seraphim (B), Aura (A) Learned Reason Spells: Thunder (D), Thoron (C), Bolganone (B), Excalibur (A), Agnea’s Arrow (A)
Recruit Requirements for Canon-Compliance AUs: 
Blue Lions: must complete the Paralogues "War for the Weak" and "An Ocean View", and have B or higher in Lances, Reason, and Riding
Golden Deer: must complete the Paralogues "Dividing the World" and "An Ocean View", and have C or higher in Faith and Flying
Black Eagles: must complete "True Chivalry" and "An Ocean View", have a B in Axes and Heavy Armor.
Black Eagles (Silver Snow): Must also have completed Ashen Wolves Paralogues and have a B in Swords and Authority
Potential Supports:
Ingrid (up to B)
Lorenz (Up to B)
Hilda (Up to B)
Raphael (Up to B)
Ignatz (Up to B)
Hanneman (Up to B)
Crit Quotes:
By the grace of the gods!
Ashes to ashes, as they say.
This is my vengeance!
You are not much of a challenge.
My mentor calls.
You're in my way!
You shall regret crossing blades with me!
God of War, guide me!
You are a disgrace!
Defeat Quotes:
Apologies, friends. I must fall back.
This is too much. We must retreat.
I....I won't die here....not now....
Ah...so this is what Rui felt that day...
I'm sorry, Graham. I failed....
Don't weep....I....made my choice....
Skill Level Increase Quotes:
This will aide my people well.
This blessing will serve me well.
Blessings by the God of Wisdom.
Now this is curious.
Insightful. Thank you.
Level Up Quotes:
To grow is part of life.
Blessed by the God of War.
I know I can do better.
The Gods are testing me.
Gift Quotes:
Liked Gifts: You found something truly magnificent. I am grateful.
Neutral Gifts: This is delightful.
Disliked Gifts: Perhaps you should take your curses elsewhere.
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raxistaicho · 1 month
I'm glad you asked!
Here's the number of same-sex endings that are either implied or explicitly romantic for the non-lords (and this includes Byleth ships):
Black Eagles
Dorothea: 4
Linhardt: 2
Caspar: 2
Ferdinand: 1
Hubert: 1
Petra: 1
Bernadetta: 1
Blue Lions:
Mercedes: 3
Felix: 2
Dedue: 2
Ashe: 2
Sylvain: 1
Annette: 1
Golden Deer:
Marianne, Hilda, Leonie, Lysithera: 1
Catherine: 1
Rhea: 1
Shamir: 2
Sothis: 1
Constance: 3
Yuri: 2
Balthus: 1
Hapi: 1
Jeritza: 1
For whatever reason, Catherine and Rhea's ending together is technically not a paired ending.
Anyone not listed either has no romantic-leaning same-sex paired ending, or have strictly platonic ones.
Kinda funny how Mercedes and Constance are most-queer of their respective groups. I've said it before as a joke, but there definitely seems to be something in the water in Adrestia, roflmao.
I'm honestly surprised Sylvain's only got 1 in Houses, I guess Hopes changed my perception of him?
Thanks for going through the trouble of listing all this info!
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krazieka2 · 1 year
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albwreckt · 6 months
As you are going about your business at Garreg Mach, something draws your attention. Situated by the crossroads between Abyss and the surface world is a stall of sorts, which is strange, because people normally aren't allowed to peddle there.
But upon closer inspection, the man behind it is no merchant. He introduces himself to you as The Lucrative King of Grappling, and directs you to the sign above his head. 'Crown The King,' it says, in hastily-scratched letters (one of which you think is backwards?).
He goes on to explain that he is offering a special service: the easiest 500 gold of your life. All you need to do is hire him for the low, low price of 1000g, and he will assist you in completing one of the church's missions. Then, when 1500g is given to the both of you as a reward, you'll have made your money!
His offer seems skeptical, but do you really have it in you to say no? He's got an inviting smile and a massive rack of six-pack abs. You can trust this guy, he'll be worth your money... Right?
OOC: Hi everyone! This is my wanted plots for Balthus. He is open to any and all prompts from the mission board, provided your muse can fulfill two stipulations: his up-front, non-refundable 1000g hiring fee, and that your muse is a Golden Deer for any prompts requiring one (no, his past enrollment does not count).
Beyond that, the world is our oyster here. Shoot me a DM either here or on discord @ kazdels, or ping me in the #plotting channel if you'd like to thread! I'm also open to smaller ask interactions of your muse and Baltie at his stand, which can lead into a thread or simply end there.
As a side note, all the gold gained (and lost) from this scheme or otherwise will be tracked on Balthus' gold tracker! More on that in his pinned post.
Anyways, thanks for reading if you've made it this far, and hopefully we can thread!
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fe3h-academyrp · 1 month
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Want to play Dress To Impress with these characters? Well, once a week, Sylvain, Balthus and Flayn always play (despite what Seteth says and wants), with the addition of Bernadetta dropping by from time to time, and Ferdinand & Lorenz recently staring out their fashion journey.
The Officers Academy has a few spots open still, so check the masterlist and apply today before they’re gone!!
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nightshadedawn · 26 days
Obsidian Sea Part 3: Supports
I thought about putting them in separate posts, but have since decided against it. Honestly, love these characters. I'll do a bit of a breakdown of the rules I made for supports, and then the rules I broke.
Rules: 1. I could not repeat character from the Ashen Wolves DLC except for house leaders. Which means Bernadetta, Mercedes, Dorthea, Ingrind, Lysithea, Hilda, Ferdinand, Linhardt, and Ashe were out of the question. 2. Every character had to have a house where they "fit" best. I.e., had the most supports. (Yuri + Constance = Empire, Hapi = Kingdom, Balthus = Alliance) 3. Outside of the main four, I had to add another already established character or two to fill out Jeritza and Anna's places. (adding supports 'cause Anna not having any is weird) 4. No more than one faction leader to a character's supports. 5. A leader does not get a support with another leader. 6. Do not use the same leader supports as the Ashen Wolves counterparts. (Jeralt-Yuri, Beatrice-Balthus, Sophie-Constance, Niklaus-Hapi)
As I said, I did break some of these. They were more guidelines and what I observed through the examination of the Ashen Wolves mechanics. I did what I did for story purposes and what felt true to the characters. Each character also had personal rules, like Sophie's only explicitly romantic supports were with women and Jeralt doesn't have any romantic supports with anyone who was a student during the academy part of the game.
Rules I Broke: 1. Fitting in a specific house. (Jeralt doesn't have a "house" as much as he fits with the church, seeing as he's a Knight of Seiros. Most of his supports are with adults of the church, which filled out the roster nicely due to the lack in the Cindered Shadows DLC) 2. No more than one leader. (Niklaus had Yuri and Dimitri because I felt they were necessary. They both just made sense. Dimitri for Niklaus' story and Yuri as the only real viable one for NIklaus among the Ashen Wolves) 3. No leader/leader supports. (Jeralt gets a support with Edelgard because she would absolutely go and question him and attempt to get answers and unravel the fraught history between him and Rhea for leverage.)
Now then, onto the summaries. I will say that I am generally pleased to have been able to use these characters, even if it disappoints me to realize just how few Golden Deer characters were utilized in Cindered Shadows. Despite the fact I can only post 30 pictures, so I'll have to put the ladies in a separate post.
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few3hd · 2 years
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Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Special Character Interaction: Training
Hilda & Balthus
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