thedalatribune · 2 years
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© Paolo Dala
The Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku is about soaking up nature with all your senses. Whereas hiking is usually about reaching a destination, and a nature walk would take an inquisitive look at plants and animals, forest therapy encourages participants to engage slowly and deliberately with nature. Guided forest-bathing sessions typically include deep breathing exercises, suggestions for aspects of nature to focus on, and invitations to share what you’ve noticed.
This mindful approach to nature has interesting health benefits. Research studies in Japan and Italy have shown forest bathing lowers blood pressure, heart rate, and concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol. It increases sleep duration and boosts the number of natural killer cells, a type of white blood cell that fights infected or tumor cells. There are theories as to why it works, but science has yet to prove them.
Kelly Dinardo A Skeptic Tries Forest Bathing
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theolddalatribune · 3 years
Hands: Gestures
Hands: Gestures by Paolo Dala
The hands which  beckon, embrace, soothe, and comfort us. Bid us farewell.
Steve McCurry
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Star Banquet
Welcome to a Party Lounge and lavish Banquet hall in Gurgaon, always ensures high quality and service you desire and deserve. Special occasions like Wedding, Pre Wedding / Post Wedding functions, Birthday Parties or special affairs with Family, most certainly a special and exclusive venue. One of the most happening places in NCR 
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weepforzutara · 7 years
when you’re reading a perfectly fine fic and don’t want to give it up but the author is a poor historian so you end up calling out corrections to basic canon material like it’s jeopardy as you go
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benjimatorarts · 3 years
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Was in the mood for wholesomeness.
This is pre canon AOR or even before the skeksis group was form yet. SO they’re young partners to best friends to gasps lovers??
Ayuk set up a “maybe date- I mean friend date -no homo right?” as a surprise to Ekt. Ayuk not usually this nervous, especially around Ekt. They’re very comforable with each other, best friends. But nervous that this could change their relationship for the worst. He’s wearing his most expensive shirt (Zok’s choice for this event) and made Ekt’s favorite childhood dessert.
Ekt’s side of things, he already loves Ayuk. Oh but why Ayuk has to be so slow. They already know each other! Ekt’s just want to be in his arms! Get marry! Make Banguets! Eat all the finest food and wear the finest clothing in the land!
And the last piece is just the aftermath of their date. Oh look they both snore in their sleep. They are great with eachother...
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tubbobonsai · 3 years
ill ramble reactions to red banguet in the tags of this post dont mind me
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jeannereames · 4 years
Hi i have a follow up question to your latest ask. I tried looking through your asks if you had answered something similar but only found a post about your book which is also good but not exactly what i was looking for haha. Anyway, so I was wondering what sources we have showing or referencing the historical alexanders relationship to achilles? And maybe his mothers too. Is it just in later authors works? Is it based on lost sources from alexanders time? Are there coins or anything? Thanks (:
TL;DR version: we don’t have anything from Alexander’s own day that firmly connects him to Achilles. His coins all show Herakles, and then later himself “Heraklized.”
IF the armor in Tomb II at Vergina is his (e.g., it’s his half-brother Arrhidaios in there, not Philip II), then we may have an artistic reference on the magnificent shield recovered and reconstructed via archaeological magic. The shield’s central boss shows Achilles killing Penthesileia. Is that the “Shield of Achilles” Alexander supposedly picked up at Troy, and then carried in battle like a standard? Maybe. But, either way, it’s a reference to Achilles.
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Otherwise, Achilles just doesn’t show up in Macedonian artwork. As he was supposedly from Epiros next door west, that may not be a big surprise, whereas Herakles (who’s all over the place) was believed to be the ancestor of the Argead clan. Alexander’s claim to Achilles came through Mommy, Olympias.
So virtually ALL our references to Alex and Achilles are from literary sources. And those are also ALL later. Which brings us to our source problem….
The sources for Alexander are a regular Gordion Knot. We’re gonna get into the weeds here. Stay with me. And you may want to bookmark this for yourself if you need a handy (if saucy) later reference on the Alexander sources.
I’m not sure how much the asker already knows, but let me lay out some basics for everyone, including common terminology. You can probably suss out a lot from context, but just to be clear:
“Primary” evidence means documents and materials from the time period under consideration, and “secondary” evidence means modern authors assembling/editing and writing about those sources. When we look at the ancient world, primary evidence refers to documents (writings, including inscriptions), artwork (vases, sculptures, mosaics, etc.), and material evidence (e.g., “stuff” unearthed by archaeologists).
Obviously, only a fraction of what once existed has survived. Sometimes we know of writings that are no longer “extant.” Extant means a document we still have, or at least have most of. We hear about a lot more via “testamonia” and “fragmenta.” Testamonia are mention of a document (or author) found in another document. And fragmenta are pieces of a lost work (typically) embedded as quotes in somebody else’s work. Unfortunately, ancient authors don’t always admit where they get their information. “Citing” wasn’t a thing, back then.
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Now, that out of the way, let’s take a look at Alexander sources in particular.
We have 5 extant histories/biographies for Alexander, more than virtually any other ancient figure. That’s great!
Problem. Not a single one was written by anyone who knew him, saw him, or even lived when he did. Two of them aren’t even in Greek; they’re in Latin. I’ve listed them below from earliest to latest, with approximate dates, and a bit of info about the author. (While I prefer Greek transliterations, I’m using the most common spelling of the names for familiarity.)
Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, specifically books 16 (Philip), 17 (Alexander), 18-20 (Successors). As “world histories,” they do talk about events in other places, including Syracuse, Athens, Sparta, and Rome. As his name suggests, Diodorus was from Sicily, and died c. 30 BCE, just as the Roman Republic was morphing into Empire. We have only books 1-5 and 11-20 of a total of 40. Books 18-20 are incomplete (fragments).
THIS IS OUR EARLIEST EXTANT SOURCE: a guy who lived in the first century BCE and was born almost 300 years after Philip of Macedon.
Let that sink in a moment.
Curtius Rufus, Historiae Alexandri Magni, is the better known of our two Latin histories. The author is a mystery, which complicates dating it. He lived under the empire, while the Parthians existed. A consul suffectus in late 43 CE (Claudius) has been proposed as him, but speculation abounds he might have used a nom de plume—not unlike a fanfiction author. 😊 The best study of Curtius’s work is by Elizabeth Baynam. He probably belongs to the first century, just a little earlier than Plutarch, and his work bears all the hallmarks of the Latin Silver Age.
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Plutarch of Chaironeia wrote a lot, including his collection, Lives of Famous Greeks and Romans, which includes Alexander (as well as some Successors) + a massive number of essays collected under the general title Moralia. These include The Fortune of Alexander the Great, and Sayings of Kings and Commanders. Plutarch was a Dionysian priest from central Greece (Boeotia) who lived in the late first century CE, and died c. 120…that’s when HADRIAN was emperor. He belongs to a group of writers typically called the Second Sophistic.
Arrian of Nicomedia, The Anabasis and Indica, written in two different dialects of Greek (Attic and Ionic); he also wrote some philosophic stuff. We know a decent amount about him. He was an Asian Greek from modern Bithynia (the home province of Hadrian’s boyfriend Antinoos), a military man, a senator, a friend of Hadrian, a consul suffectus, and later, an archon of Athens, but most famously, governor (legate) of Cappadocia under Hadrian. He died in Athens c. 160 CE. He liked to call himself the New Xenophon and naming his work on Alexander the Anabasis (after Xenophon’s famous history) is pointed. Although Greek, he was strongly Romanized.
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Justin, wrote an epitome of Pompeius Trogus’s expansive Liber Historiarum Philippicarum, which was a history of the Macedonian kingdom, written when Augustus was Empror. An “epitome” is a digest, or shortened version. Trogus’s work was 44 books. Justin’s is much, much smaller, but it’s not a true digest in that he collected what he considered the more interesting titbits rather than trying to summarize the whole thing. We do not know when he lived, precisely, and dates have been thrown out from shortly after Pompeius Trogus all the way to 390 CE! His Latin matches the second century or perhaps early third. This one doesn’t have a Loeb edition, so get the translation by John Yardley with Waldemar Heckel’s commentary on Justin.
In addition, information and stories about Alexander can be found scattered in other ancient sources, notably:
Athenaeus of Naucratus (Greece), Supper Party (Deipnosophistae), which is a weird collection of stories about famous people and food, told at a fictional dinner banguet. It’s long, and fairly entertaining reading, if you’re interested in Greek (and Roman) dining customs. Athenaeus lived in the late 2nd/early 3rd century CE, so he’s even later than most of our historians. Athenaeus used a lot of now-missing sources.
Polyaenus, Strategems. Military handbook from another late author—2nd century CE—but he’s of special interest as he’s Macedonian, our sole extant ancient source from a Macedonian, but keep in mind 500+ years passed between Alexander’s day and his. The Strategems is broken down by leader, which include Archelaus, Philip, and Alexander, plus some of the Successors, too. Until recently, there wasn’t a really good translation (the last was done in the 1800s), but it was finally updated by Krentz and Wheeler for Ares Press.
In addition, he’s mentioned in passing by sources from Strabo to Pliny the Elder to Aelian.
This gives you a good idea of what we do have, and the nature of our problem. It may also help explain what I (or other historians) mean when we talk about the danger of “Romanizing,” even with Greek authors. By the time any of them were writing, even Diodorus, Rome dominated the Mediterranean, and most of them really knew only the imperial period.
Besides the obvious problem of the distance in time, some also had axes to grind. Plutarch is probably the most obvious, as he admits he’s not writing history, but this new thing (he invented) called “Lives” (e.g., biography). More to the point, he’s writing moral tales. Ergo, his bio of Alex is really a long discourse in the old saw, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Likewise, Curtius had a lesson about the evils of Roman imperial debauchery, especially as influenced by Eastern Ways pulling good men away from Roman discipline and clemency.
So what about our now-missing historians who were used by the guys above, and lived closer to ATG’s time? Some of the more important include:
The Ephemerides, or Royal Journal: a daily account of the king’s activities similar to other Ancient Near Eastern traditions, kept by Eumenes, Alexander’s personal secretary. You’ll see them referred to chiefly when talking about Alexander’s last days, as they (supposedly) give an account of his deterioration and death. But they may (and probably were) “doctored” later. Ed Anson has an article about them: important reading.
Callisthenes, Aristotle’s nephew, the official Royal Historian…at least until he got himself in trouble with the Page’s Conspiracy and ATG had him executed (or caged, accounts differ). His history was noted even in antiquity for being flowery and effusive, despite his personal claims to be a philosopher and pretense of austerity. If Alexander wanted a Homer, it wasn’t Callisthenes. Among his failings, he attempted to write about ATG’s battles…badly (so Polybius). Still, this was the official record up till Baktria, used by all the historians still extant. Don’t confuse it with Pseudo-Callisthenes which is the chief source of the Alexander Romance.
Marsyas: Macedonian literati who went to school with the prince, and not only wrote about his childhood (his Education of Alexander was modeled on Xenophon’s Education of Cyrus) and career, but also wrote a work about Macedonian customs that I’d simply LOVE to have. If I could ask for one work from antiquity to be discovered tomorrow, that would be it.
Ptolemy I, of Egypt: Alexander’s general, the guy who stole his body and stole Egypt too in the Successor wars that followed. He was one of Arrian’s main sources when writing his histories. Despite Arrian’s declaration that Ptolemy could be trusted because it would be bad for a king to lie, we can’t trust him. Among other things, he set out to smear the name of his Successor-era rival Perdikkas, and also, apparently, made himself sound more important than he really was. 😉
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Nearchus of Crete/Amphipolis, Alexander’s chief admiral and a player in the later Successor wars, wrote an account of his naval trip from India, et al., used chiefly by Arrian.
Aristobulus of Cassandreia: Arrian’s other chief source, he was an engineer, architect, and friend of the king; his main problem seems to have been a tendency to whitewash or explain away critiques of Alexander. It’s Aristobulus who claims ATG didn’t drink heavily, just sat long over his wine for the conversation (uh…I’m sure Kleitos agrees with that). It’s also from him that we get the alternative story that Alexander didn’t cut the Gordion Knot, just pulled the pin out of the yoke and untied it from inside (he didn’t cheat!). Hmmm.
Chares of Mytilene, Alexander’s chamberlain, wrote a 10-book history of Alexander that focused largely on his personal affairs. Boy, wouldn’t that be a fun read? Arrian uses him sometimes, as does Plutarch, et al. Chares is one of the chief sources on the Proskenysis Affair.
Cleitarchus, History of Alexander. Probably the best-known ancient “pop history” of Alexander, but given the ancient equivalent of 2-stars even by historians of his time. His father was a historian too, but apparently, he got more ambition than ability, and was accused of flat making up shit. He lived at Ptolemy’s court later, we think, and a recent fragment tells us he was a tutor. His date is in dispute as late 4th or middle 3rd, and he probably never actually met Alexander. Kleitarchos’s account was used heavily by Plutarch, Curtius, Diodorus, and Pompeius Trogus (Justin’s source). Even Arrian uses him occasionally.
Onesicritus, a Cynic philosopher who studied under Diogenes and later traveled with Alexander. Despite that, his reputation for honesty was even worse than Kleitarchos; Lysimakhos famously called him out publicly, and Strabo considered him a joke. It’s from Onesicritus we hear about Alexander’s sexual servicing of the Amazon Queen to give her a daughter (that’s what Lysimakhos made fun of him for: “Where was I when that happened?”).
These are the main ancient sources you’ll see mentioned, although parts of Alexander’s life are covered in smaller essays, e.g., On the Death (and Funeral) of Alexander and Hephaistion by Euphippus, which is unashamedly hostile to both men. All our fragments from Euphippos come from Athenaeus’s Supper Party, mentioned above.
We also have the Alexander Romance, but that’s a whole ‘nother kettle of fish and not my bailiwick. I refer folks to the work by Richard Stoneman.
There you go! Your handy-dandy potted summary of the ancient authors. To learn more about them, please see Lionel Pearson’s The Lost Historians of Alexander the Great, Scholar’s Press, 1983. There have been articles and material about them in other commentaries and sources, but Pearson remains useful, if somewhat dated, simply for collecting it all in one place, including mention of some minor sources I didn’t cover here.
Finally, I’m including a flowchart I’ve made for my ATG class that lists all the known sources (including several not discussed above); it is copyrighted to me, but may be used for educational purposes. Yes, yes, it really is as crazy as this chart makes it look. And keep in mind, some dependencies are speculative rather than internally confirmed. E.g., as I mentioned earlier, not all ancient sources say what/who they consulted because, againg, citing wasn’t a thing, back then.
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MT. ULAP: BENGUET (01/20/19)
I felt the need to blog about this since this is my first legit hike experience. Special mention to The Boyfriend and Friends for being patient with me throughout the whole adventure!
Around 5pm, I arrived at Clyde's crib to wait for Hans before we finally go to our meeting place, Greenfield District near Shang. While waiting for Hans, my boyf taught me how to play Pusoy Dos and that included my frustration because I always lost to him lol. Hans arrived around 7:30 and we decided to go to the meeting place to meet Jobab and have dinner first. So everything started from our departure place, around 11pm.
If I were to be asked, the only bad thing about the whole experience was the fact that we didn't have a comfy trip. The van was packed and sitting at the first row with three TALL GUYS made our trip a little less tolerable. I felt bad for Jobab and Hans that's why I was looking after them the whole time (of course aside from my boyf) lol.
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We arrived at Banguet around 4 in the morning, and me and Clyde was wearing our couple hike long sleeves yieeeeeezzzz (just to signal dem ladies, back off! He's already taken haha). After getting simple instructions from our guides, we started our hike. Here's a pic of me and my boyf starting off.
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First few meters of walk and I already felt like my heart is going to pump out anytime sooner! It has been a long time since I've worked out and had a morning run as my exercise and it feels like everything came back to the starting point. Reality knocks me out and first few mins of this trail made me realize that I need to force myself to begin living healthy again.
After about 30 mins, we decided to rest and take a look at how the mountains made me grow some excitement on what more to expect for the next few hours. I was starting to sweat already but was confident with my waterproof make up so I asked my boyf to take a picture with me lol.
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After an hour of ups and downs, we finally reached our first peak. I had to admit, I was already tired that time because as described by our tour guide, that was the longest peak trail. But I was still happy and excited specially because it's my first time to be on top of a mountain. So we grabbed the chance to take pictures while we were still energetic. And I almost forgot, I put all credits to these three guys I'm with, for making the girls and gays look at me with jealousy. Being surrounded and guided by three good looking guys isn't really a big deal, really (with sarcasm). 😂
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Going to the second peak was more challenging. There were slopes already and our guide warned me to practice my balance because there will be more slopes on our way. When we finally reached our 2nd peak, we were given a chance to rest for a couple of hours because of the picture-taking waiting time. Clyde, Jobab, Hans and me had more time to bond and share stories while waiting. Here's a picture of us and our group at the second peak.
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Reaching the third peak was the most challenging part for me. Factors affecting includes: first, I was already tired and I can literally feel how fast my heart beats angrily; second, the whole third part was composed mainly of uphill traces and I can feel how the gravity battles with my weight, it was pulling me down and even my light weighted bag felt so heavy against my back; third, I'm having problems with breathing already so I kept on pausing and begging Clyde to give me another minute of rest.
But that didn't stop me from trying to drag myself to the 3rd peak, and I can say that everything paid off when we were already at the top of Mt. Ulap, dancing with the clouds.
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After the third peak comes the HARDEST PART, it was difficult going down the mountains with just a pair of shoes I needed to pray over and wish that won't slide off the rocks and kill me in a matter of seconds. Now, I had to admit, this part is the highlight of my whole adventure. I was at the point of my life where I already gave up taking precautions and watching every step I make because I just want it to be done already. As promised tho, here's a special shoutout to my boyfriend who never left me throughout the whole hike. Love, thank you for holding my hand and making me feel secured just whenever I feel like I'm about to give up already. You just proved that I can no longer have a better boyfriend because I already have the BEST, and that's you. I love you, Clyde Lim (ayan ha, wish granted 😌). Enough with the triple cheese, here's a pic of me, my hagardo look, and my boyfriend. I'm not even shy to post this haggard picture because why not? I SURVIVED MT. ULAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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That ends my whole adventure with The Boyfriend and Friends at Mt. Ulap. If I were to be asked about my realizations after that trip? It is...I'm not gonna climb any mountain again. HAHA kidding! It was a fun experience and I thank Clyde for bringing me into a portion of his world, and have a taste of it. I was able to reflect and relax throughout the whole hiking experience. Here's the true realization, for me, it was not just about climbing the mountain and surviving the challenge, it was more of the bonding and new ties that I've created, and of course, the people I've been with behind the freak and fright. To all of them, thank you guys for being patient with me! 😊 Gonna end this blog with my finale pose (credits to my poging photographer/boyfriend).
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thedalatribune · 9 months
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© Paolo Dala
Northern Coffee
I'm always trying to refill the family's local coffee supply when I visit Baguio City... The brews from the north are one the country's finest brews.
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here-the-story · 5 years
Are you famished?
Mad with hunger?
Overthinking, contemplating
Playing attention and
Pretending you're cheating
Your own desires and
Woeful hopes and dreams
Chewing away
The seconds and the minutes
A banguet that last for hours
Turns into days and even weeks
Up until the last crumb
It was all devoured
And there was nothing left
But a single guest
Empty plates surrounding him
But he never sat at the dinner table
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moments777 · 2 years
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CHRISTmas vs Commercialism
I hope your holidays are absolutely magnificent. I hope you don't stop at the view of commercialism of Christmas but LOOK BEYONG AND SEE THE LIFE OF CHRIST IN THE MOMENT. IN THE HOUR and THE YEAR? I hope you see God's abundance. Perhaps in the gifts you receive, the gifts given, or the banguet of food set before you. I hope you see GOD'S FORGIVENESS, grace and mercy in the apology extended to you from an offender. The smile given just to you because an overworked person behind the counter noticed you had been standing in line a long time, or the touch of someone's hand to say "thanks". I HOPE YOU SEE BEYOND THE COMMERCIALISM TO THE HEART OF GOD IN HIS TENDERNESS when you felt little arms thrown around your neck from a child who loves you very much.
I hope you see through the COMMERCIALISM. Commercialism as defined by Webster: to manage on a business basis for profit.
Commercial: producing artistic work of low standards for quick market success.
Commercialism affects more than just Christmas. It also affects the way we perceive life. What happens if we are unable to see beyond the commercialism of life? We will than see life promoted on a basis for profit, meaning how can I benefit from life? What can I get out of life in order to be successful? How can I make myself safe, secure, and profitable? Notice all the "I's". The commercialism of life through "artistic glitz" is producing a low standard quick gratification.
The desire of commercialism is to keep you on the "glitz" until you purchase the project.
God's desire is that we look through the commercialism of life and see the reality of how God intended us to experience life, to live life, and see life.
How is the "glitz" of the commercialism of life keeping you from experiencing the reality of God's life? How is the "glitz" keeping you from experiencing God's tender heart, His forgiveness and His love?
God is always faithful and by looking through the commercialism of life we can we see the GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD,......STILL EXISTS.
Have wonderful Merry CHRISTmas!
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lavidadeasia · 3 years
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pangolines. Tienen grandes escamas, que cubren la mayor parte de su cuerpo. Se encuentran en las zonas tropicales de Asia y de África.[cita requerida]
Los pangolines asiáticos se caracterizan por tener pabellones auditivos externos y escamas debajo de la cola. Su nombre proviene del vocablo malayo pengguling, que se traduce por "rodillo". El primer estudio anatómico reunificado y comparado entre los pangolines de África y de Asia lo realizó Francis Banguet en 1935
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Cardfight vanguard au class 77b-5
Part 5
Sonia Nevermind: Class 77b, Ultimate Princess
Clan: Royal Paladin, Nation: United Sanctuary
Grade 0
Stv - Dreaming Jewel Knight Tiffany 4 Ardent Jewel Knight Polli (heal) 4 Jewel Knight Noble Stinger (critical) 4 Jewel Knight Sacred Unicorn (draw) 4 Straight Jewel Knight Bartram (critical)
Grade 1
3 Flashing Jewel Knight Iseult (perfect guard) 4 Heat Wind Jewel Knight Cymbeline 2 Jewel Knight Sabremy 4 Stinging Jewel Knight Shellie 1 Summoning Jewel Knight Gloria (quintet wall)
Grade 2
4 Fellowship Jewel Knight Tracie 4 Jewel Knight Swordmy 3 Linking Jewel Knight Tilda
Grade 3
4 Prevail Jewel Knight Yvain 4 Pure Heart Jewel Knight Ashlei (break ride)
Grade 4
4 Climax Jewel Knight Lord Evangeline 2 Great Sage of Contradiction Jirron 2 Holy Beast Divine Maskkgal (g guardian) 4 Holy Dragon Saint Blow Dragon 2 Shrouded Divine Knight Gablade 2 Vivid Sacred Staff Andragius (g guardian)
Okay, if you know Sonia's character, than this is way too fitting. As a European Monarchy child, she probably looks up to knights as stong and brave warriors, and since she loves anime (from what I understand), she probably would jump at the chance of building a deck based off of one of the most popular ones (Sailor Moon). When asked how she made the connection, she'd say something like "the gems that the jewel knights use remind me of the crystals the sailor soldiers use to transform"
The Jewel Knights, like other Royal Paladin decks focus on calling units from the deck, and powering up allies, but the Jewel Knights also need 3 other rearguards to be on the field to get their effects off.
Gundham Tanaka: Class 77b, Ultimate Breeder
Clan: Dark Irregulars, Nation: Dark Zone
Grade 0
Stv - Amon's Follower Barmaid Grace 4 Amon's Follower Abysm Lust (heal) 4 Amon's Follower Grausam (critical) 4 Dark Knight of Nightmareland (critical) 4 Hysteric Shirley (draw)
Grade 1
4 Amon's Follower Hateful Cyclone 4 Amon's Follower Hell's Deal 2 Amon's Follower Phu Geenlin 2 Amon's Follower Vlad Specula (perfect guard) 2 Amon's Vallation Bufstare (quintet wall)
Grade 2
4 Amon's Follower Audios Thunder 4 Amon's Follower Hell's Draw 3 Amon's Follower Hell's Nail
Grade 3
2 Amon's Leader Astaroth 3 Demon World Marquis Amon 3 King of Masks Dantarian (break ride)
Grade 4
4 Amon's Red Eye Forneus 3 Amon's Talon Marchocias 1 Casket of Absolute Zero Rutland Betray 2 False Dark Wings Agrat bat Mahlat (g guardian) 2 Medical Studies of Extinction Vincent (g guardian) 4 One who Splits Darkness Bledermaus
Okay, I know what you're asking "why is an animal breeder using a deck of demons and misfits" he does have a great nature deck focused around the Hammuske series, but the Amon deck is his real deck, using the demons of Dark Zone to conquer Cray is definitely on Gundham's mind when he built his deck.
Anyway, the focus of the deck is to spread around Demon World Marquis Amon's cont skill (+1000 power for every card in the soul) to other units (as you can see with Barmaid Grace and King of Masks Dantarian).
Kazuichi Sounds: Class 77b, Ultimate Mechanic
Clan: Nova Grappler, Nation: Star Gate
Grade 0
Stv - Extreme Battler Victhead 4 Arago Blauenergie (heal) 4 Extreme Battler Kachiwall (stand) 4 Extreme Battler Break-pass (critical) 4 Orchis Blaukreuzer (draw)
Grade 1
4 Extreme Battler Banguet 4 Extreme Battler Baryon (perfect guard) 2 Extreme Battler Jerohawk 4 Extreme Battler Malyaki
Grade 2
4 Extreme Battler Golshachi 3 Extreme Battler Ninjaad 4 Extreme Battler Sever-temper
Grade 3
4 Exxcessive Battler Victor 4 Zubat Battler Victor
Grade 4
1 Fang Dragon King Fist Driger 3 Favorite Champ Victor 4 Meteokaiser Bustered 2 Meteokaiser Dogantitan (g guardian) 2 Meteokaiser Unior (g guardian) 4 Winning Champ Victor
Kazuichi's Deck focuses on Nova Grappler's Rush Keyword: when a unit stands due to a card effect, it can use the effects that are listed as Rush (power bonuses mostly), he can also stand his vanguard up with Victor or Bustered.
As a mechanic, he deals with repairing machines, and he'd get a kick off of using giant robots to beat his opponents down every now and again (he can't beat Gundham no matter how hard he tries btw).
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chefserkanayyildiz · 4 years
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Kazanan 2 kişiye görselde görmüş olduğunuz kitapları hediye ediyoruz ❤️ -Çekilişe katılmak için; - @chef.mete.aydinoglu @chefserkanayyildiz hesapı takip etmek. - Yoruma 5 arkadaşınızı etiketlemek.( Unutmayın ki ne kadar çok kişiyi etiketlerseniz şansınız o kadar artacaktır.) Çekiliş şartları bu kadar. Herkese iyi şanslar dilerim 🎉 Çekiliş 28 Şubat Cuma günü sona erecektir. #chef #şef #aşçı #mutfak #tbt #lezzet #tat #yemek #yemeksunumu #restarount #cafe #otel #hotel #istanbul #maltepe #kahve #cahve #cook #mutfaksanatı #gastronomi #banguet #sokak #kasap #nusret #gastromia #avm #hilton #meteaydinoglu #hamburger @favorimekanlar @favori.lezzetler @mimi_ciftligi @facebook @instagram (Istanbul, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8y_NMQp9z8/?igshid=1e76xbo000owz
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shalominfotech-blog · 5 years
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Guru Inn with its central location and newly branded premium luxurious serviced apartments to serve visitors in Tiruchirapalli. It is well known landmark in Trichy offers Quality that is consistent at a price that just right.
Guru Inn is located in the heart of the city with host of amenities, well furnished with modern furniture’s and fitting and luxurious facilities for both Businessmen & leisure travellers.
Guru Inn is just 1km from Central Bus Terminal, (7 Km) from trichy International Airport, 1.5 km from Trichy Railway Station.
Guru Inn with additional comfort we do have Banguet hall with separate Dinning facility which can accommodate around 150-200 Pax. Cuisine Food of Both Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian of best taste will be served, as per your expectation.
To enjoy the Best Service of Hospitality please visit us http://guruinn.in/.
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minutead · 6 years
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