lashouette · 5 months
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Racines de bardanes sautées aux quenelles de berce sauce curry #014
Nouvel essai avec les racines de bardane. une plante sauvages très répandu ! c'est la saison !
Cette de recette de Racines de bardanes sautées aux quenelles de berce sauce curry est un deuxième essais très concluant. Dans cette article vous aurez tous les détails pour essayer chez vous. Ingrédients 1 grosse racine de bardane 15 feuilles de berce 300 g de riz thaï Ail Huile d’olive 300 g de farine T80 pour les quenelles 100g de farine T80 pour la sauce Curry Sel Poivre Sauce…
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trashcanmando · 5 months
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repcomm but make it the 2003 genndy style
i think who's who is pretty obvious for the most part, but i also drew post-501st besany because i firmly believe she chops her hair off, gets a face scar in a bar fight that she started because someone insulted one of her brothers (probably fi), and gets armor (and an axe)
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mysticaltora8276 · 3 months
"So how do we justify what we are doing now? Breeding men without choice, and without freedom, to fight and die for us? When do the means justify the end? Where is our society heading? What are our ideals, and what are we without them? If we give in to expedience this way, where do we draw the line between ourselves and those we find unacceptably evil? I have no answer, Master. Do you?"
Padawan Bardan Jusik to the Jedi Council
Okay break down time
1. "So how do we justify what we are doing now? Breeding men without choice, and without freedom, to fight and die for us?" They didn't. The Sith instigated that........The Jedi know this. Jusik did you just ignore history? Or for that matter the entirity of Obi-Wan's mission. Oh right she hates Obi....
2. "When do the means justify the end? Where is our society heading? What are our ideals, and what are we without them? If we give in to expedience this way, where do we draw the line between ourselves and those we find unacceptably evil? I have no answer, Master. Do you?" Funny considering later on your fine with an abuser and someone who murders civilians for expediency.........Yeah shut up Jusik.
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lazerbang · 26 days
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super rough but i redrew a piece of fanart i did for bardan in 2016, because i love him (he's in green because he's my specialest guy and i say he can have colors)
original drawing below the cut aka evidence of why i'm fine posting this so rough lol, bc it's so much better than the original
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roseaesynstylae · 4 months
Star Wars: Republic Commando: Triple Zero, Chapter 2
"'I think your sergeant should be leaving all that to Coruscant Security,' said Captain Maze, who clearly didn't understand the situation well enough.
Typical ordinary ARC. Typical stubborn ARC."
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You are really one to talk about stubbornness. Not, to be honest, that Maze comes across as particularly stubborn in this situation.
Also, hi, Maze! You're one of the characters in this series that I like (that aren't problematic faves) and who isn't ruined.
"Maze squared up. 'Look, Null, I don't know who your sergeant thinks he is, but you obey a general when he --'
'I don't have time for this.' Ordo brought his fist up hard and without warning right under Maze's chin, knocking him against the wall. The man swore and didn't go down, so Ordo hit him again, this time in the nose -- always demoralizing enough to stop someone dead, but nothing seriously damaging, nothing to cause lasting pain. He would never harm a brother if he could help it. 'And I only take orders from Kal Skirata.'
Jusik and Ordo sprinted the rest of the way to the speeder to make up lost time.
'Ordo, you just flattened an ARC trooper.'
'He was delaying us.'
'But you hit him. Twice.'
'Not permanent harm done,' Ordo said, lifting his kama to slide over the pillion seat behind Jusik. He sealed his helmet. 'You can't convince Alpha ARCs of anything by rational argument. They're every bit as obtuse and impulsive as Fett, believe me.'"
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Okay. In order.
Maze immediately zoomed to the top of my RepComm characters' list. Who does Kal Skirata think he is?
Only taking orders from Kal Skirata is one of the Nulls' biggest flaws. This may be shocking, dear, but the man is not always right. In fact, as the series goes on, we will see that he is wrong about a lot of things.
"Can't convince Alpha ARCs of anything by rational argument?' I think that applies to you.
In conclusion, Ordo, prove yourself better than your father and learn to be quiet.
(I want to like Ordo. Like, a lot. But he isn't making a great first impression.)
"'General, do you remember being taken from your parents?'"
Before I say anything else, I will direct this to Ordo: SHUT UP. I AM TRYING TO LIKE YOU. YOU ARE NOT HELPING.
Okay, first, that is really insensitive. Even putting aside the Jedi-Bashing, you don't just say that to someone. It isn't a question that will make him come to terms with himself (although in this series...), it's a question that makes you look like an asshole.
"Taken?" Taken implies kidnapping. Taken implies stealing. I will be dissecting this in a future chapter (which also involves Ordo), but for now, I will just say this.
I swear, I am going to tattoo this on Kal Skirata's forehead so he has to see it whenever he looks in the mirror.
Jedi-Bashing: 5
"'No, I remember being taken from my family. Just being taken. Not my family though.'
'And what makes you so attached to us?' Ordo chose his words carefully, knowing precisely what attachment meant to a Jedi. He knew the answer anyway. 'And doesn't that worry you?'
Jusik paused for a moment and then turned with an anxious smile. Jedi weren't supposed to feel powerful emotions like vengeance or love or hate. Ordo could now see that conflict on the boy's face daily."
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*Deep, deep, deep breaths*
Now that I've had my first proper rage, I will merely say a few edifying comments.
Attachment is not love.
Attachment in Star Wars is not a good thing.
There needs to be a flashing neon sign saying the above in every Star Wars writer's office.
I don't believe I need to say anything else.
Jedi-Bashing: 8
Shut the Fuck Up, Kal Ordo: 2
"'Save your sympathy for the troopers,' Ordo said. 'Nobody uses us.'"
No one uses them, either. Not the way you put it anyway. Go ahead, tell Rex or Cody or Wolffe they're being used.
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I dare you.
"'I'll be cautious,' Jusik said, meshing his fingers in front of him to do that little Jedi bow that Ordo found fascinating. Sometimes Jusik was one of the boys, and sometimes he was ancient, wisely sober, another creature entirely."
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Jedi-Bashing: 10
"'Fifteen dead.' Skirata clearly didn't care about civilian casualties, traffic disruption, or structural damage."
If it was anyone else, any other writer, any other book, I wouldn't be too bothered by this. But given Kal Skirata's track record...
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Jedi-Bashing: 8
Mando-Shilling: 1
It's a Man's World: 1
Shut the Fuck Up, Kal: 2
Deltas, Move Out: 0
Mird, My Beloved: 0
Is This The Bad Batch?: 2
Main Post
This is the second chapter, people. Second chapter, and I've raged like the Hulk and wanted to strangle a character I literally just met (something that usually only happens with Kal Skirata). I'm trying to be fair and give everyone a fair shake, but this... Maybe it'll get better.
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stardustloki · 2 years
The war would be over very quickly in a republic commando/Coruscant guard crossover because the second he heard about the corries being mistreated by Palpatine, Ordo would have just straight up killed the chancellor with Jusik as his getaway driver. The next thing a very confused Fox knows is that he and his men have all been adopted by a very angry mando called Skirata. He doesn't know what happened but his evil boss is dead and he can now get more than 3 hours sleep a night so he's cool with it.
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wombatttttt · 8 days
Do you have thoughts and/or headcanons about Arligan Zey you would like to share? 👀👀👀
I have a lot of thoughts/hcs, but for now, sticking to my most canon-related ones:
Basics: I think he’s around 49 years old, 6’4, and built like a truck. I imagined he’s pretty clean cut at the beginning of the war and stops caring by the end of it since his hair is described as “shaggy” in 501st. Krad did a really great little comic with Zey and Bardan way back when I was RPing Ordo on tumblr. (circa 2015, wow!) But I'm imagining him younger than that now.
It’s literally nowhere in the books but I feel like Zey deserves to be kinda handsome. That’s my little headcanon treat.
Since he’s a big guy, I think he has a massive lightsaber (SHHHH WITH THE JOKES I KNOW HOW THAT SOUNDS) and wields it with a greatsword style that I am manifesting into lightsaber combat existence.
I have soooo many thoughts about his relationships with Bardan, Etain, Kal, and Maze (and Vau) but they all could probably go in their own separate posts. I really like the 'shssh don't let dad know' energy Zey brings to the story, and the fact that he's only seen through the rest of the cast's perspectives and they all have different takes on him. He gives me professor vibes in the beginning and then someone who's at the end of his fucking rope by the end of it. And I'm obsessed with the fact that Maze saves him and sneaks him to Kyrimorut. A lot of the Skirata gang have mixed feelings about him, but Maze (and Bardan) make the call to save/help him and I just think that's neat.
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Force sensitivity in mandalorians isn’t uncommon but you don’t just magically get it
Kad/venku skirata the son of etain and dar was born with it like his mother but he had limited training so he wasn’t as attuned in it
Jusik was trained by the Jedi and became mandalorian later on so he has much more of an affinity to the force with his force healing
Their are more force sensitives most likely in mandalorian society but keep it to themselves being a secretive culture
You can’t just magically have the force that isn’t how it works in actual lore
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mrbubblyurchin · 4 months
Just finished True Colors
What the heck.
Just to recap:
I ain’t ready for this.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Hey!! Love you writing!! I was wondering if you could write any bardan jusik stories???
Brand New Day
Summary: A chance meeting between you and a handsome blonde Mandalorian in a skeevy bar so far from the core that you might as well be in a new galaxy, leads to something new. And exciting.
Pairing: Bardan Jusik/Skirata x F!Reader
Word Count: 969
Warnings: Some suggestive comments, but nothing overt
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, I've never written him before, and I'm not sure what his personality is, but I really like the confident man that I wrote here, so I hope it's accurate.
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You cringe as the owner of the bar turns the music up several more notches, as if making the music louder will make it sound like anything other than nails on a chalkboard. Still, you know that asking him to turn down the music is an exercise in futility.
You might have a knack for pulling off the impossible, but some fights even you aren’t willing to fight.
The bartender places a closed bottle in front of you and you pick up up, drop some credits on the bar, and move to a table farther away from the speakers. No need to give yourself a migraine on top of the hangover that you’re going to be nursing in the morning after all.
You’re a delivery pilot.
You’re a smuggler. Since the end of the Clone Wars you’ve taken to running odd jobs for the Hutts and other crime cartels, and, to be frank, you’re getting tired of it.
It’s only a matter of time before you say the wrong thing (you’ve never been good at holding your tongue, after all) and the cartels put a price on your head.
In truth, you’re trapped between a rock and a hard place. 
And, for the first time in your life, you wish that you had someone who would be willing to put their neck on the line to help you.
But you’ve burned just about every bridge you’ve ever had.
You pull your hair out of the tail and comb your fingers through the knots, before dropping the elastic onto the table and twisting open the bottle. You’re about to bring the bottle to your lips when the door to the bar opens, and a Mandalorian walks in.
Slowly, you lower the bottle back to the table.
You’re not the only one who’s noticed him, everyone has taken notice of the man.
You watch as he removes his helmet and a small smile lifts your lips. He’s blond and his hair is pulled into a knot at the back of his head. Even with the armor, you’re able to tell that he’s a very broad man. 
Plus, you have a thing for men in armor.
His gaze sweeps the bar, and then his gaze locks with yours. A slow smile pulls up the corner of his lips, and he keeps his gaze on you as he heads to the bar.
You watch as he gets a bottle from the bartender and drops some credits on the bar, and you watch, with a growing grin, as he crosses the bar and drops into a chair next to you.
He sets his drink on the table next to yours, and shifts so his knee is pressed against yours. He rests his elbow on the table and leans in towards you, an easy smirk on his handsome face, “Well now,” He murmurs, “What’s a pretty thing like you doing in a shit hole like this?”
You laugh and lean in towards him, “Shouldn’t that be my line? What’s the saying…of all of the bars in all of the galaxy—”
“Maybe, but you’re the pretty one,” He tugs off his glove and offers you his bare hand, “Bardan Skirata of Mandalore.”
You take his hand and offer him your name in turn.
Bardan flips your hand and lightly brings your knuckles to his lips, “Mesh’la,” His tone sounds reverent, as though he’s talking about a precious gem, rather than you.
Your stomach flips with flustered excitement, “Well, I’m afraid I don’t speak mando’a, Bardan. But whatever you just said sounds like a compliment.”
“Oh, it was.” Bardan releases your hand and leans back in his seat, his body still angled towards you, “If you’d like, I can compliment you in basic.” There’s amusement on his face, “Should I compare you to the stars in the skies, or would you prefer I stick with more terrestrial comparisons?”
You laugh again, “Please, I’m hardly worth all that.”
“Oh, I disagree.”
You rest your chin on the palm of your hand, a small smile on your lips, “Well, I’m not going to stop you if you want to inflate my ego,”
He leans in so your faces are only inches apart, “Well, my brothers have taught me the best ways to woo a woman,”
You grin at him, “I have a proposition,”
You slide your chair closer to him to lightly hook your fingers around the collar of his armor and brush your knuckles against the stubble of his jaw, “I’ve found myself in need of…skilled assistance,” You murmur as you lean in even more, “I’ve found myself in a spot of trouble, you see.”
“Hm, and what do I get out of it?”
“The pleasure of my company, and more, if you play your cards right.”
Bardan chuckles and lightly brushes his fingers against your jaw, “That’s a good start, I suppose. What else?”
“I suppose I can pay you,” You add with an explosive sigh.
He laughs, “That’ll help, I suppose.”
“Great, we can talk details—”
Bardan leans in and catches your lips in a quick kiss, though he breaks it as quickly as he starts it, “How about we talk details in the morning? I have better alcohol in my ship.” He offers, temptingly.
You hum, consideringly.
“I also have a king-size bed and manacles that’ll fit your pretty wrists.”
You grin at him and push your bottle into the middle of the table, “Well, how can I refuse that offer, will you make me breakfast in the morning too.”
“Well, I am a gentleman after all.”
“Not too much of a gentleman, I hope.” You tease.
“You’ll just have to see, won’t you,” Bardan winks at you, and then pulls on his glove and his helmet, before offering you his hand.
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trashcanmando · 9 months
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a zero explanation republic commando doodle dump, enjoy
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
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Fi lived, bitch.
Would have called it "Besany and Bardan wanted to be petty bitches at that one medical droid who wanted to take Fi off life support" but that's too long.
This is my @starwars-arttrade-2023 piece for @wackylurker! Dear beloved mutual. I started making it while you weren't yet sure if Fi would live or not. I'm not sure what went on through my head but I decided I needed to make this. It's no Star Wars Mona Lisa, and honestly I'm not even sure it's what you would now want. But. It was funny at the time, okay!
I do have an alternate version under the cut hehe.
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medical droid blogging ig xoxo sdlfkj idk it was funny at the time okay!
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roseaesynstylae · 5 months
Star Wars: Republic Commando: Hard Contact, Chapter 2
"Clone personnel have free will, even if they do follow orders. If they couldn't think for themselves, we'd be better off with droids -- and they're a lot cheaper, too. They have to be able to respond to situations we can't imagine. Will that change them in ways we can't predict? Perhaps. But they have to be mentally equipped to win wars. Now thaw these men out. They have a job to do.
-- Jedi Master Arligan Zey, intelligence officer"
I'm going to add any of these...I'm not sure what these extracts at the beginning of the chapters are properly called, but I'll add them whenever they're interesting.
Zey's comment about the clones reminds me of the line from Andor. "We're cheaper than droids, and easier to replace." The difference here is that while clones are more expensive and harder to replace than droids, they're superior.
And yes, Master Zey, it did change them in unexpected ways.
"It didn't feel so bad to be revived after stasis. He was still a commando. They hadn't reconditioned. That meant -- that meant he'd performed to expected standards at Geonosis. He'd done well. He felt positive."
The implication that "under-performing" clones are brainwashed, at best, is one of the Traviss's additions that I genuinely like, emphasizing the cold detachment of the Kaminoans before they become prominent in the series. It's also just a terrifying idea.
"Darman was careful not to stare -- even though any eye movement was disguised by his helmet -- because Jedi knew things without having to see. His instructors had told him so. Jedi were omniscient, omnipotent, and to be obeyed at all times."
And here we see the official beginning of the Jedi-Bashing count. It's subtler here, but it keeps popping up in ways that are unmistakable in the context of the series' attitude toward the Jedi Order. In multiple cases, such as this one, lines that wouldn't make me bat an eye in a different book, (or more accurately, a different author), but make me grit my teeth here.
The way this specific paragraph is written is very similar to how I'd write a passage from the POV of a character who thinks the antagonist is a good person, or is brainwashed, but I want to make it clear what's really going on. Only in this case, it isn't portraying, say, a Sith cult, but the Jedi Order, which is devoted to helping others, enforcing justice, and studying the Force.
Jedi-Bashing: 1
"'This is your unit of four, then? A squad?' He seemed to be recalling a hurried lesson. 'Almost like a family?'"
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This might be a stretch, but I'm not cutting this series an iota of slack when it comes to the Jedi Order. The implication here seems to be "Oh look, the Jedi have no idea what a family is! It's so unnatural and wrong, not like the good, wholesome Mandalorians!" Am I being petty? Maybe. Does Kal Skirata ranting about baby-stealers get really fucking old really fucking fast? Definitely.
Jedi-Bashing: 2
"'My squad called me Atin," the wounded commando said.
Niner glanced at Fi but said nothing. Atin was Mandalorian for 'stubborn.'"
Okay, this bit is just funny.
"Darman -- a soldier able to withstand every privation in the field, and whose greatest fear was to whither from age rather than die in combat -- felt inexplicably uncomfortable at the idea of a Jedi having failings."
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Jedi-Bashing: 3
"Etain was neither a natural warrior nor a great charmer, but she was aware of her talent for spotting opportunities. It made up for a lot."
In this book, at least, I really like Etain. She's a good audience surrogate and her headspace is easier to get into than the other three narrators.
Jedi-Bashing: 3
Di'kut Count: 1
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lizajane2 · 5 months
I love the Jedi, believe me, I do but what they became near the end is a tragedy. And THIS conversation between Mij and Jusik explains what I've been thinking in very short sentences:
Jusik: "The Masters at the Academy told me that I thought too much and asked too many questions."
Mij: "Well, that's what any secret cabal that doesn't like its authority to be questioned would say."
Mij: "Do your old buddies think you're lost to the dark side now?"
Jusik: "Probably. I just wish they'd stop worrying about light and dark, and learn the difference between right and wrong instead."
Anyone can look me in the eyes and say, "The Jedi were good, they were trying to keep the peace," while that's true, it's also a fact that they did some pretty fucked up shit and lost their way. Don't get me started about what they did to Quinlan and tried to have him killed because it was their fault he walked the path of the dark side. How they thought it would be a good idea to fake Obi-Wan's death KNOWING how emotional Anakin was, that he'd feel betrayed. And to me, that is what cemented his future in becoming Darth Vader.
They were wrong on many things, if anything they were their own worst enemy and brought upon their own downfall. Because you're telling me Grand Jedi Master Yoda, a wise and powerful force user, couldn't sense that Palpatine was evil, but he could sense that Qui-Gon's previous apprentice was clouded by the dark side? Okay...
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mandalorianhistorian · 9 months
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Poor lad
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