kino51 · 10 months
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Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow 2010
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electricgecko · 7 months
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courry30 · 6 months
Exposition au château de Barjac
‍ Laurent DELAUZUN Médiathèque Municipale Jean-Pierre CHABROL 30430 Barjac Horaires : mardi de 16 à 18 h             mercredi de 9 à 12 et de 14 à 18 h             vendredi de 9 à 12 h             samedi de 10 à 12 h Contact :           Tel : 04 66 24 56 56 Courriel : [email protected]
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antikorg · 6 months
Exposition au château de Barjac
‍ Laurent DELAUZUN Médiathèque Municipale Jean-Pierre CHABROL 30430 Barjac Horaires : mardi de 16 à 18 h             mercredi de 9 à 12 et de 14 à 18 h             vendredi de 9 à 12 h             samedi de 10 à 12 h Contact :           Tel : 04 66 24 56 56 Courriel : [email protected]
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toosvanholstein · 9 months
Van Vernietiging tot Creatie tot Verval op z'n Kiefers
De kunstenaarsziel en vernietiging in TOOS&ART: reflectie op Anselm Kiefer's gedurfde expressie en creatieve vernietiging en mijn eigen aarzelingen bij zoiets. Duik in de wereld van kunst en creativiteit. #AnselmKiefer #Kunstenaarsproces #MuseumVoorlinden
Staand voor het schilderij hierboven bedacht ik me ineens “wat ben ik toch eigenlijk een trut, waarom ben ik altijd zo voorzichtig, waarom is ‘t voor mij altijd zo moeilijk iets te vernietigen tijdens het schilderen terwijl ik weet dat het wringt”. Want als ik met een schilderij bezig ben, heb ik soms de neiging om eindeloos te blijven pielen rondom een bepaald stukje dat ik eigenlijk best al…
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oldtvlover · 2 years
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Well, tonight then the first part of The Man Who Lived At The Ritz from 1989. Cast: Perry King - Philip Weber Joss Ackland - Hermann Göring Leslie Caron - Coco Chanel Sophie Barjac - Martine Fauvet David McCallum - Charlie Ritz John Grillo - von Behr and many more Story: This is a pretty-darn-good World War II movie. The Germans take over the Ritz Hotel in Paris. Perry King has lived there for years (and, so, is allowed to stay). Later, he befriends Field Marshall Herman Goering; (after noticing that one of Goering's "valuable" paintings is a forgery), he gets hired as his art expert. Later, he gets pulled into the Resistance movement. At this point, the story gets dangerous for him (and continues to the end). Coco Chanel (Leslie Caron) becomes his close friend; he loves one of Coco's models. I enjoy David McCallum's role, as the weak-kneed son of the famed Ritz owner (who also gets involved in the Resistance). It's a long movie (over 3 hours), so it fully paints each of the characters, and fleshes out the plot. - by dennisg-6 on IMDB Thoughts: Well, Philip sets up in Paris in 1927 and with his uncle's last will, he's allowed to live at the Ritz for good. We start with 1940 when Germany has occupied France and the higher Nazis like Göring, Göbbels and all are out to steal the French art and its masterpieces for themselves. Philip tries to stay neutral but it gets worse when he falls in love with one of Ms Chanel's girls, Lily from Poland. She asks him for help to flee but he can't, yet as he finds her dead at the hand of the Nazis, he changes his mind slowly. When Göring asks him for his expertise, he begins to become involved more and more since he's an art student. Soon enough, the doors are wide open for the Resistance and he meets Martine again. 
Now onto the second part. Since it's the same story, I only add my thoughts here: Philip becomes more and more involved with the Resistance and by helping Göring and his art, he finds out that someone close to him has to be a double agent. He first suspects Coco but as it turns out it's their mutual friend Armand who also plays tennis. However, Armand invites Philip to his castle where they could talk, yet Philip notices a statue which was in Göring's hands and is now in Armand's. The man wants to kill him but Philip turns the table around and has to flee. Being on the run, he has hunted by the Gestapo and Göring is disappointed. During a nightly chase, involving a motorcycle, Philip and Martine, who the Gestapo followed, they decide to jump into the Seine. Martine remains saved while Philip lets himself caught and in a cell, Göring lets his anger take over. Well, soon Mr Weber should be transported away but Göbbels steps in and let the man transfer to him, yet still Philip manages to escape and for some years helps the Resistance, along with Martine. However, when France is freed in August 1944 he's back at the Ritz, in his room - and Martine and celebrates the victory over Nazi Germany.
Be lucky if you can find a trailer online. Otherwise there are DVDs or downloads possible.
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nataci · 2 years
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schibborasso · 6 months
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Anselm Kiefer Mohn und Gedächtnis (für Paul Celan) Wim Wenders Anselm im Rauschen der Zeit, 2023 Der Filmemacher Wim Wenders beleuchtet Leben und Werk des Künstlers Anselm Kiefer. Dabei verschmelzen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart genauso wie die Grenze zwischen Film und Malerei und der Zuschauer taucht vollständig in die Welt Kiefers ein. Als einer der wichtigsten zeitgenössischen Künstler Deutschlands hat sich Anselm Kiefer besonders mit dem Nationalsozialismus und dem Holocaust auseinandergesetzt und lebt und arbeitet heute auf einem riesigen Anwesen im französischen Barjac.
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havaforever · 11 months
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ANSELM - Réalisateur de films qui ont marqué leur époque (Les Ailes du désir, Paris Texas…), Wim Wenders produit aussi des documentaires, qui possèdent néanmoins l’ampleur artistique d’un film tant son style et sa personnalité les imprègnent.
Après le très réussi Pina (2011), consacré à la chorégraphe Pina Bausch, voici Anselm dédié au peintre et sculpteur Anselm Kiefer, et toujours en 3D. Les Parisiens et ceux qui se sont déplacés expressément pour l'évènement, ont pu voir son impressionnante œuvre au Grand Palais éphémère en décembre 2021, ses tableaux géants incrustés de matières, d’objets, de matériaux, diffusant une force hypnotique.
Avec Anselm on rentre dans le processus créatif et dans l’histoire de ce géant de l’art d’aujourd’hui, à travers ses différents ateliers en Allemagne puis en France (Barjac, Croissy), ce dernier si vaste qu’il s’y déplace en vélo ! À travers aussi les personnalités qui ont compté pour lui, notamment le poète Paul Celan et le plasticien Joseph Beuys.
Après des polémiques dans son pays natal (accusé de fascisme parce qu’il reprend les grands personnages utilisés par les nazis, il refuse la pose antifasciste), il commence à connaître le succès aux États-Unis, puis dans le monde, notamment en France. Incarné dans certaines scènes reconstituées par un enfant ou un jeune adulte, on le suit jusqu’à aujourd’hui en plein travail.
NOTE 15/20 - Tout en pudeur et en simplicité, le film de Wim Wenders laisse un doux sentiment poétique qui retrace anachroniquement le travail de cet artiste du temps. On visite le film comme une exposition. Performance de l’artiste à l’œuvre, contemplation et mouvement à rythme humain.
Un superbe moment de cinéma sur un créateur incontournable de notre époque.
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skubri30 · 1 year
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Deux pins seulement : problème de planification
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courry30 · 12 days
Biblio Atelier de Cèze Cévennes
Bébés lecteurs 2024 – 2025  Vendredi   de 10h à 11h  Dans les bibliothèques de 6 mois à 3 ans  St Jean-de-Maruéjols – 04 66 54 21 14  13 Sept – 8 Nov – 10 Janv – 14 Mars – 16 Mai  Meyrannes – 04 66 24 58 26  20 Sept – 15 Nov – 17 Janv – 21 Mars – 23 Mai  Barjac – 04 66 24 56 56  11 Oct – 13 Déc – 14 Fév – 11 Avril – 13 Juin  Molières-sur-Cèze – 04 66 24 05 06  18 Oct – 20 Déc – 21 Fév – 18…
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antikorg · 8 months
les soirs d'Ile poétique, 28 janvier, 7 février et 23 février
Voici, les rendez-vous de la librairie Île poétique à venir. Chaque mois a lieu la soirée “rencontre et lecture”, une heure pas plus, pour partager des lectures, des romans, des essais, des bandes-dessinées … Nous échangeons librement sur des livres lus, ou à découvrir, lire des extraits, faire des propositions de lectures futures… Dimanche 28 Janvier, à Villeneuve de Berg chez Serge Perrot,…
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toosvanholstein · 1 year
De Kunstgoeroe die Venetië verliet voor  Wijnegem
Een zeer verrassende kunstparel in het Vlaamse Wijnegem op een oud destilleerdersterrein. Zo kun je Axel Vervoordt's kunsthabitat daar wel noemen. Eerst deze TOOS&ART aflevering lezen en bekijken en dan gaan! #kunst #art #expo
“Ik moet toegeven, ik wou van kinds af aan rijk zijn. Niet om te bezitten, maar om veel te kunnen doen”. Nee, geen uitspraak van mij maar eentje van Axel Vervoordt. Ken je die naam? Misschien wel, minder misschien niet, vermoed ik. In het laatste geval moet je echt eens richting Wijnegem,  even ten oosten van Antwerpen. Naar Vervoordt’s unieke en gratis toegankelijke kunsthabitat. in het midden…
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Anselm - Wim Wenders
A 3-D documentary film directed by Wim Wenders
This immersive film, shot in 3-D by director of photography by Franz Lustig, captures the German artist Anselm Kiefer in the latter stages of his long career. Wenders is able to look back throughout Kiefer’s life using Kiefer’s own son as a stand in for himself during sequences set in the 1970s. Wender’s grand nephew portrays Kiefer as a young boy, during the early 1950s. 
Kiefer was born in 1945, just missing World War Two. His upbringing during the rubble and rebuild of his native country was about resurrecting a new nation (and nations) through that era. The destruction of this period can be seen throughout the oeuvre of Kiefer’s artistic work, as a way of depicting the horrors of this time and perhaps as a kind of nostalgia for Kiefer’s youth. 
The film becomes a biographical portrait of sorts, an excavation of Kiefer’s work and the influences behind it. There are shots of Kiefer as a child, a young artist, and finally as his current self, lying on the ground contemplating the cosmos, surrounded by sunflowers, living and dead. 
As with his near contemporary Gerhard Richter, Kiefer’s oeuvre lays bare the ahistorical neglect of the recent past in post-war Germany. The German psyche directed itself to the future while never having a thorough discussion of the nation’s complicity in Hitler’s war machine and the Holocaust. A part of Kiefer’s early body of work consisted of photographs of Kiefer, dressed in his father’s Wehrmacht uniform, giving the Nazi salute in various European locations. This shocking gesture provided all sides the opportunity to question Kiefer’s motivations.
The film displays how Kiefer works at scale, with his immense paintings as he moves them through his current warehouse studio outside Paris. HIs old studio in Barjac, France, is now the home of his Eschaton Foundation, dedicated to the vastness of his art project. 5-6 story building-esque sculptures are strewn throughout the many acres of the landscape; tunnels, stairways, and decaying structures have been created for the viewer to walk through in the labyrinths of Kiefer’s mind. 
The 3-D component is wonderfully deployed, a true use of the technology to showcase the nature of Kiefer’s sculptures and artworks. The viewer takes in the dimensions of the works as the camera moves around them. Whichever way one sees the film (2-D is also available and conceivably will be the default presentation once it moves to streaming and home viewing), one will see both a filmmaker (Wenders) and an artist (Kiefer) entering their twilight years but still conjuring essential art.
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papymoto · 8 months
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earaercircular · 9 months
Public works – Gard-based companies on the path to decarbonisation
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Public works companies in Gard are committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, as part of the national low carbon strategy. They should benefit from public investments linked to the decarbonization of transport and energy.
How can we achieve a 40% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030, then achieve carbon neutrality in 2050, as part of the national low carbon strategy? Public Works in Gard[1] is working on it. Two companies were highlighted on December 11 in Nîmes for having already reduced their greenhouse gas emissions by 40%. Pellet, based in Barjac[2], specializing in quarries and public works, installed solar panels in 2017. It has been using organic fuels since 2022 and has set up a waste sorting centre, we read in Midi Libre. Another example highlighted: Valette, based in Alès[3] and specialized in the design and execution of electrical network and equipment works, has installed photovoltaic shade structures.
More generally, several actions are planned with members of the Regional Federation of Public Works (FRTP) in the Gard: “reducing the carbon impacts of the materials used and emissions due to fuel consumption, strengthening the circular economy loop , support CSR initiatives, limit the impact of construction sites on biodiversity, and support innovation,” explains Christophe Ruas, president of the Gard delegation of the Occitanie Public Works Federation[4].
“A flood of investments”
Public works activity in France represents 3.5% of greenhouse gas emissions. “But 50% of emissions are linked to the use of transport infrastructure,” explained Olivier Giorgiucci, president of FRTP Occitanie, during his speech at the TP Regional Conference in November in La Grande-Motte. “We build roads, bridges, we maintain roads, structures, networks… This heritage is largely a public domain. For the future, these communities must commit to respecting a public policy to reduce greenhouse gases. The pressure will increase, it is inevitable. If we want to achieve this, we must simply transform our infrastructures, and therefore decarbonize them,” he explained. “This implies a flood of investments: tramway, cycle paths, buses with a high level of services, offshore wind turbine projects, hydrogen production… Infrastructure must also adapt to climate change, by adapting it to the increasing scarcity of water resources, flooding and marine submersion. And these investments do not only concern major works, far from it,” he insisted.
Hubert Vialatte, Travaux publics : les entreprises gardoises sur la voie de la décarbonation, in: Les Echos, 22-12-2023 ; https://www.lesechos.fr/pme-regions/occitanie/travaux-publics-les-entreprises-gardoises-sur-la-voie-de-la-decarbonation-2043051
[1] Gard is a department in Southern France, located in the region of Occitanie. It had a population of 748,437 as of 2019; its prefecture is Nîmes. The department is named after the river Gardon. In recent decades of the 21st century, local administration and French speakers have returned to the original Occitan name of the river, Gard. It is part of a revival of Occitan culture.
[2] SAS Pellet is a renowned public works company, operating in the North of Gard (30) and South of Ardèche (07) sectors. With its expertise and experience, our company offers a wide range of services and products for meet the needs of individuals and professionals. Whether for road construction, landscaping, or the installation of sanitation networks, the Pellet company implements tailor-made solutions, adapted to the requirements of each project. Our qualified and passionate team is committed to providing quality work, respecting deadlines and current standards. https://sas-pellet.fr/une.entreprise.de.travaux.publics.familiale-361900-2-1-19.php
[3] Located in Alès, our company specializes in the design and construction of electrical network and equipment work. Strongly anchored in the region since its creation in 1969, the VALETTE company plays an essential role in regional planning and contributes to the development of the local economy. We work on behalf of communities, private companies and individuals in the Languedoc region and particularly in Gard (30). Our know-how is divided into 3 main activities:Electrical networks, Roads and Miscellaneous Networks, Lighting. https://www.valette-ete.fr/qui-sommes-nous/
[4] A professional organization dedicated to the development of the Profession, FRTP Occitanie represents Public Works companies of all sizes, specialties in the Occitanie region. Public Works offers 18 professions, great development opportunities, rewarding remuneration and projects useful to society, the environment and the economy. https://www.frtpoccitanie.fr/#
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