#Basic Shortcut Keys of Excel
Excel Shortcut Keys in Hindi PDF | Ms Excel Tips 2023
नमस्कार दोस्तों इस पोस्ट मे आज हम सीखेंगे की Excel Shortcut Keys in Hindi 2023 क्या है। दोस्तों यदि आप Ms-Excel सीखना चाहते हैं। या फिर Excel सीख रहे हैं। तो आज मे आप को Ms-Excel की कुछ Important 100+ Shortcut Keys Hindi मे बनाते वाला हु। जिसे आप आसानी से Used करके एक Expart Excel User बन सकते हैं। परन्तु Ms-Excel की All Shortcut Keys Hindi मे सीखने से पहले हम जानते हैं। की Ms Excel क्या…
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saininews · 11 months
All computer shortcut keys
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needtricks-blog · 1 year
Commonly Used Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys and VBA Code | Need Tricks
Microsoft Excel is a common tool that working category uses daily. There are multiple shortcut keys which helps you to perform faster. If you know the shortcut keys you can work faster and in more convenient way. (more…) “”
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 2 years
Professor Butler
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Character/Fandom: Austin Butler
Requested: You can thank the EFC for this lol
Prompt: Professor Butler, your music history teacher, wants to show you his Elvis collection. Can you take the heat? [ Fem!Reader ]
TW: A little degradation, bondage, basic bdsm stuff
Rating: Mature with a capital M     ||     Word Count: 5152
A/N: this is pure smut. i'm going to hell, but enjoy this while i burn for eternity xx
Read part two here!
🦋 mila
You absentmindedly twirl a lock of hair in your finger as your professor talks. Your eyes track his every movement, from his strong hands, to his crystal blue eyes, to the way he wears his dress shirt folded up to his elbows.
“A lot of people actually say that Elvis was a key moment of American history,” he says, leaning against his desk. “He inspired a massive cultural movement and helped to usher in what we know as rock’n’roll music.”
You bite your lip to keep a smile from spreading across your face. Just when you think Professor Butler’s music history class can't get any better, he dedicates an entire class to Elvis Presley, who you happen to love very much. In some ways, Professor Butler reminds you of the King. He has the same deep voice with almost a little southern twang to it. He's incredibly charismatic and everyone in your friend group has a major crush on him.
“But, as we know, Elvis was a man of many talents and interests,” Professor Butler has been glancing around the room and makes eye contact with you. You give him a small smile, and he returns it. “He was also a champion of blues, soul, and gospel. For example…”
Professor Butler reaches behind him to pull out his acoustic guitar. You sit upright in your seat. This has always been your favorite part of the class. Not only is Professor Butler an excellent guitar player and singer, but you also like to watch the way his fingers dance across the chords. He starts to play Elvis’ “Heartbreak Hotel,” and you smile. It's one of your favorites, and he sings it so well.
“So you can see how the song has elements of blues as well as rock’n’roll…” he continues, glancing at his wristwatch. “And it looks like we’re pretty much out of time today. I can hear you packing up in the back, so get outta here. Enjoy your weekends and please don’t forget the theory paper due next Tuesday. I don’t wanna have to hunt you down for it.”
Everyone finishes packing up and files out of the classroom. You hang back, packing as slowly as possible. You've been waiting weeks for an opportunity to talk to Professor Butler one-on-one. You know it's stupid to think that anything could happen between you, but you just want one conversation with him alone. And you want more than anything to impress him, to show him how seriously invested in the class you are. Once the last few people are staggering out for the weekend, you approach his desk. He's restacking some papers to put back into his briefcase.
“Hi Professor Butler,” you say, nervously clutching your stack of textbooks. Your professor looks up with a smile and takes his glasses off.
“What’s up, Y/N?” he asks.
“I was just wondering if I could ask you a question about the lesson from today?”
“Well you already have asked me a question,” he responds with a small smirk. You feel yourself go white. “But I’d love for you to ask me another one.”
You laugh nervously and watch the veins in his forearms flex as he tucks his hands into his pockets.
“I was just wondering, um, how did the public receive Elvis’ music? I know he was a little forward for his time, but I don’t quite understand why he was so controversial,” you ask.
“Well that’s a complicated issue,” he replies. “I could give you a short answer, but knowing about your deep interest in Elvis and music history I don’t think you would be very satisfied with my shortcut answer.”
Everything you do satisfies me, you think to yourself, but keep your mouth closed.
“If you want a real answer, we’d have to spend quite a bit of time talking. Now, I have a meeting in about twenty minutes, but we could reconnect later to discuss?” he suggests. “I wouldn’t be so bold as to assume you have no weekend plans, so we could shoot for next week sometime?”
“I don’t have any weekend plans,” you blurt out, even though it's completely inappropriate and also a lie.
“Oh, alright. Well,” he glances at his watch again. “My meeting ends around four o’clock. We could meet at five? I’m not sure how you feel about sushi, but there’s a place right next to campus?”
“I love sushi!” you reply, maybe a little too enthusiastically.
“Perfect. I’d better run off for my meeting, but I’ll see you later for some serious Elvis talk,” he says, grabbing his briefcase. He shoots you a finger gun and a wink on his way out of the classroom.
Once he's gone, you melt onto the nearest desk. What are you getting yourself into?
You have about two hours before you have to meet him again. Plenty of time to change your outfit and reapply your makeup. You take as much time as you can making sure everything looks right and change into your best clothes. Even though your roommate lends a hand with your hair and makeup, you still somehow run out the door a few minutes late.
You walk quickly along the sidewalk and when you turn the corner to the sushi place, he's already there. Promptly on time. He's wearing the same outfit as before — a light blue button-down, a tie, and black pants — but the top three buttons are unbuttoned, and the tie is significantly loosened.
“Professor Butler, I’m so sorry to be late,” you say.
“Not a problem at all,” he replies and holds the door open for you. “Ladies first.”
You feel a burning heat creep into your face when you enter the restaurant. You both order, but he refuses to let you pay for your own meal. You've reached forward with a credit card, but he brushes your hand back.
“This is a school outing, and it was my idea,” he says. “Please let me cover it.”
You just nod and mutter a quet thank you. Once you have your food, you sit outside and begin to eat together.
“So, Y/N, you clearly have a special interest in Elvis. I’d love to know how it started,” he says between bites.
You tell him all about your family, how your dad is a big fan and passed the interest down to you. You talk about which songs are your favorite and, gradually, you start to relax. He smiles and nods as you talk, even laughs a time or two.
“Well, that’s great to know that Elvis’ impact is still being felt. But to answer your question from earlier, it’s really multifaceted,” Professor Butler says. He's finished eating and leans back in his chair, spreading his legs. You shove sushi in your mouth to keep from screaming.
“The fact that he was so forward for his time is the biggest reason he caused a ruckus. Not only was his music different than what people were used to, but his whole image challenged the white nuclear family American dream. He wore transgressive clothes, makeup even. His songs were greatly influenced by African American artists, which many white southerners didn’t like. But one of the biggest transgressions, I think, was the way he moved his body. It was sexually charged, raw, and inappropriate. The girls loved it, and it scared the hell out of their parents. Sexual promiscuity was a major no-no in the mid-twentieth century, but Elvis was unlocking things.”
You pause eating and look up at your professor. His eyes are trained on you, holding your attention.
“What do you mean by that?” you push.
“Well, to be frank,” Professor Butler leans forward over the table, “he was unlocking a sexuality many people didn’t even know they had.”
Honestly, you feel your own sexuality being unlocked as Professor Butler’s mouth curls into a smirk.
“He was inviting people to be sexual and showing women what they could experience if they just let go of social norms. It terrified traditional parents who liked their daughters the way they were: chaste and devout.”
You’ve lost your appetite. For food, anyway.
“That’s fascinating,” is all you can squeeze out. You're dying inside and don't ever want this conversation to end.
“It really is,” he agree. “You know…ah, nevermind.”
He waves his hand dismissively.
“What?” you ask, dropping the formalities out of desperation to know.
“Well…I suppose it wouldn’t be appropriate, but I do have quite a collection of Elvis memorabilia that I think you would find very intriguing,” he replies. Your stomach drops. Is he…inviting you to his house?? “But I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“I would…actually love to see it, if that’s alright?” you say timidly. His eyes light up, and he nods.
“I’d love to show it off. You’re one of the only students I’ve ever had with as much interest in the King as me,” he says with a laugh. You smile and finish your last bite of sushi.
You gather up your things, and start on the way back to wherever it is he lives. As you walk down the street with the sun setting in the background, everything in you starts to scream.
What are you doing? You barely know this man and here you are going back to his apartment — an apartment that you have no idea how to even get to or get back from. As much as you can hear your parents scolding you for being irresponsible, so much of you still trusts him. So you go on walking, chatting about Elvis and other, more personal, things.
“Well this is the place,” he finally says, and you stop in front of a beautiful apartment building. “Good evening, Tom.”
There is a literal doorman, glass windows, and orante architecture everywhere. Apparently Professor Butler is well-off. The step up from the sidewalk is rather large, and Professor Butler holds out his hand for you. You nervously take it, and he helps you up the step. But he pulls a little too forcefully, and you sort of slam into his chest.
“Oh…sorry,” you both mutter and then smile.
He's still holding onto your hand and hasn't let it go by the time you're loading into the elevator. A very small part of you hopes someone else will join you, but as the doors close you feel bolder than ever. You stand together, holding hands and not saying anything in the small space. You watch him hit the button for the 24th floor and know you have a few minutes at least. You stare straight ahead, not daring to look at him.
After a few seconds, you feel his eyes on you. His thumb softly rubs circles on your skin, and you don't know what to do. Just as you've gathered the courage to look over at him, the elevator beeps and the doors open. He leads you out and down the hallway to the penthouse apartment.
“The penthouse? Very nice,” you say.
“I got a good deal, fortunately,” he replies and opens the door to his apartment.
You cautiously step in and it hits you again how wrong everything you're doing is. You're standing in your professor’s apartment alone with him. He throws his keys into a dish and untucks his shirt.
“I would move all the Elvis stuff out here, but some of it really shouldn’t be touched,” he says, reaching up to rub the back of his neck. “I don’t suppose you would be comfortable enough to come into the bedroom and see it.”
You know the right answer. You know what you should say. And yet, you still give the wrong one.
“No, that’s fine.”
You glance around the living area as you make your way into the bedroom. The apartment is small but cozy, and the furniture looks incredibly soft.
Your mouth drops open when you step into the bedroom. He isn't kidding about his collection. There are tons of things there: mugs, posters, vinyls, stuffed animals. Anything you can think of. You go to step closer to it and notice something in your path. Professor Butler quickly moves to pick it up. It's a pair of underwear, and you bite your lip to keep from giggling.
“Excuse me,” he flushes. “Sorry about that…”
He clears his throat.
“But this is the collection. It’s a work in progress, obviously, but you get the idea.”
You walk up to it and peer over everything there. You resist the urge to touch some of the objects. For a moment, you forget that Professor Butler is even there. You gasp when you see something amazing.
“Is this one of the original RCA vinyls of ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ released in 1970?” you ask, whirling around. He's taken his shoes off and is walking toward you.
“Yep. Amazing, isn’t it?”
You nod, examining it.
“Do you wanna hear it?”
You turn around, and he's very close to you now. You just nod with a fading smile. He leans over you to grab the vinyl and gently places it on the record player nearby. In order to set the needle on it, he has to lean dangerously close to you. He's so near you that the scent of his cologne floods into your nose. You close your eyes for a moment, drinking him in. The record crackles and starts to play. As he's reaching his hand back, you find yourself staring up at him. For a precious moment, neither of you move. Finally, he cups your face.
“I’ve never met anyone like you,” he says. “I know you’re my student and it would be wildly inappropriate…but I want to kiss you so damn bad. I’ve wanted to kiss you every day since I first saw you.”
You're frozen in his touch.
“Then do it,” you whisper in a voice barely audible over the music. “Kiss me.”
He tilts your face up and captures your lips. He pulls back for only a second before you draw him back down to you. Your arms wind around his neck, and his fly to your waist. He traces your bottom lip with his tongue, and you let him in without a fight. As your tongues dance, he starts to walk you back until your legs hit the edge of the bed. His hands slide down your thighs and he hoists you up onto the sheets. You wrap your legs around his waist, and he moves to kiss your neck. He pushes you further onto the bed and lowers himself down, never breaking contact with your skin. His teeth bite and pull on your neck as his fingers dig into your waist. You're already heaving when he returns to your lips. You bite his bottom lip and pull it toward you. He groans deeply, and you whimper. You raise your neck up for another kiss, but he's already moving away from you.
He slides off the bed and rakes a hand through his hair while shaking his head.
“Austin,” you whisper, using his first name for the first time.
“We can’t do this…” he says. “It’s wrong.”
You feel your heart break into a million pieces. He sits on the edge of the bed.
“I won’t take advantage of you like this. This is all wrong,” he says, burying his head in his hands.
You cluthc at his wrists.
“No, no, please. I’m consenting,” you beg desperately. “Please don’t stop.”
You try to pry his hands away but aren't strong enough. He looks up at you.
“Are you a virgin?” he asks. You're shocked at his question.
“Is that…a problem? Is that why you stopped?”
“Answer the question,” he says.
He shakes his head.
“I’m not taking your virginity. This is completely my fault, but no one has to know about it. I’m sorry to put you in this position…but I think it might be best if you dropped my class.”
He starts to get up and pull his shoes back on.
“Please, take any of the Elvis stuff you want. I’ll walk you back to your dorm, and I’m sorry again,” he says, about to leave the room. You fly to your feet and grab his arm.
“Doesn’t it matter what I want?”
He stops in his tracks.
“You’re eighteen. You don’t know what you want.”
“You’re wrong,” you say forcefully. “I want you. I’ve wanted you since the day I walked into class and saw you there. And it’s not just because you’re incredibly sexy. I love your personality, I love your passion for music, I love your admiration for Elvis. Everything about you gives me butterflies.”
“Y/N, maybe if you were five years older it could be different. Maybe if you weren't a virgin it could be different. But I’m not going to ruin your first time. Someone your own age with more shared experiences should take that on.”
“Why? What makes you think I’d have any better time with someone my age? You think a college frat boy could respect me more than you could? You know what you’re doing, and I trust you with all my being. You’re the one I want to take me.”
He sits down on the couch and drops his head into his hands.
“Or…do you not want me?” you ask, the thought suddenly occurring to you. “You don’t want me, do you?”
He scoffs and shakes his head.
“Do you have any idea how hard this is for me? Do you know what I’ve been going through? I’ve never been more attracted to another human being. I’ve never felt a fire like this before. I’ve dreamt about fucking you until you can’t walk, but I’ve had to shove it all down because of who I am. Because I’m your superior, someone you should look up to.”
Your stomach churns with desire. You gently take his wrists in your hands and part them. He lets you do it this time. If he's still unsure, you’ll convince him. You swing one knee onto the couch and then the other until you're sitting on top of his lap. He doesn't fight you, and you're glad. You may be a virgin, but you’ve read and seen enough to know that what you're doing will work. You take his hands and place them on your ass, encouraging him to squeeze it. He doesn't, but he also doesn't remove his fingers. You lean down and press slow and seductive kisses to his cheeks, his jaw, his neck.
“I can still look up to you while you fuck me,” you whisper into his ear. You feel him twitch underneath you, and bite your lip. “Why don’t you tell me what you’ve dreamt, and I’ll make all your dreams come true?”
His head is thrown back on the couch, legs spread wide, eyes searching your figure. You wait a moment for him to say something. When he doesn't, your shoulders fall.
“Fine. I’ll just go then,” you reply sharply. But when you try to get up, he won't let you leave.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” he asks in a husky voice. You scoff.
“Make up your mind, Austin.”
“You don’t get to call me that. You’ll call me sir.”
Your stomach churns again, and you smile.
“Yes, sir.”
“That’s a good girl,” he says, sliding you off of him.
He drags you into the bedroom and forcefully pushes you onto the bed. He kneels by the edge and starts sliding off your shoes, kissing the tops of your feet. When both sneakers are off, he grabs onto your ankles and slides you to the edge of the bed. You grip onto his shirt, and he smirks. His fingers curl underneath your top and lift it up over your head.
“Stand up.”
You do as he asks, and he whips you around. His hand travels down your stomach and the other grasps at your breast through your shirt. His breath is hot on your neck, and you close your eyes. He bites the skin on your neck and pulls it, making you whimper. You lean your head so he can reach your neck better, but he pulls away, leaving you cold. He sits on the edge of the bed and leans back on his elbows.
“Take your clothes off,” he orders. “Slowly.”
You bite your lip and reach for the hem of your top. You pull it up over your head and let it slip off the end of your pointer finger. Then, you slowly unbutton your jeans. You turn your back toward him, slide your pants down your legs, and step out of them. You make sure to arch your back as you rise back up to stand. You slide the straps of your bra off your shoulders and then unclip the back and let it fall to the ground. Finally, you hook your fingers in the sides of your underwear and shimmy them off, flinging them somewhere in the room using your toe.
“Take your hair down for me,” he commands.
You follow his direction, removing the hair tie and letting your locks fall against your face. When you're done, he stands up and approaches you. His eyes search your body up and down. His hand reaches to stroke your side, and with the other he gently pinches your nipple. He leans down, brushing your hair away from your ear.
“You asked for this,” he says raspily in your ear. “You want me to fuck you? You want to make my dreams reality? Fine. You’re not going to any college parties this weekend because you won’t be able to walk when I’m finished with you.”
You shudder with a combination of fear and delight. He walks a circle around you, trailing his fingers over your skin so lightly that it tickles.
“Now you’re a good student, aren’t you, baby girl?” he asks.
“Yes, what?” he hisses.
“Yes, sir.”
“If you forget again, I’ll have to punish you."
You make a mental note to forget.
“Get on the bed, on your back.”
You do as he comamnds, laying flat. He kneels over you and pulls off his tie, exposing his neck even more to you. He gathers your hands over your head and ties them to one of the bedposts with the tie. When he's finished, he grabs your face by your jaw and lifts you to him.
“Welcome to sex education,” he says. “You want an A in my class, you do what I say. Is that understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl. You keep your mouth shut till I tell you otherwise,” he says gruffly. “Or I’ll have to punish you.”
You bite your lip and writhe underneath him. He pulls your hips forward, and you gasp. Your arms, still tied to the bedpost, stretch out. He moves your head to the side and starts to assault your neck with kisses, licks, and bites. His hand moves to your breast, and he grabs onto the nipple, twisting it in his fingers. You buck your hips but keep your mouth shut.
After a few minutes, he moves down to suck on your nipple while he plays with the other one. His mouth is hot and wet on you as his tongue swirls around your nerves. It's getting harder and harder for you to stay quiet, but you suck in deep breaths. He starts to kiss down your stomach, his hands gripping your waist, fingers digging into the skin. He kisses all the way down to your stomach and stops. He stands and looks at your closed legs.
“Open your legs for me, good girl,” he says. You do what he tells you to, and he massages the inside of your thighs. You wriggle and whimper, but he shakes his head. “Keep your mouth shut.”
You clamp your lips together and clench your jaw. He reaches down and drags one finger up your folds. You shudder and arch your back.
“Yeah, you like that, don’t you. I know you do.”
He does it again, and you whimper again. He shakes his head.
“Now look what you’ve done,” he growls. “I told you not to open your mouth, bad girl. You know what happens when you break the rules. Flip around.”
You scramble up and flip around. He guides you, pushing your head down onto the bed and pulling your hips and ass up into the air. He gently brushes his hands over your ass cheeks and then squeezes them, almost too hard. You bite your lip.
“What a pretty ass you got here…” he muttered, and you're just getting comfortable when you feel him slap you on the ass. Hard. You can't help it, a moan leaves your body. “Did I tell you you could moan like that?”
“No, sir.”
“That’s what I thought.
Just as you're relaxing, he slaps you again. You jump a little but pleasure shocks through you.
“That’s a good girl. A good student,” he says, massaging the places he’d slapped you.
You feel the bed shift as he climbs onto it and spreads your ass cheeks. He drags his tongue up your folds, and you melt into the bed. He inserts a finger and starts to pump it in and out of your wet folds. Your hips begin to move, even though it hurts. After a few minutes, the pain is mostly gone and waves of pleasure replace it. He adds another finger and starts to pump faster and harder. You moan, and he slaps your ass. You bite everything you could to stay quiet — the sheets, your lip, your arm. His tongue returns to dance circles on your clit. Your hips rock back and forth, faster and faster. Suddenly, he stops, and you gasp. He leans down over your shoulder, holding his palm on your pussy. You try to wiggle for friction, but he won't let you.
“Tell me what you want,” he says breathlessly.
“I want…” you moan and pant, unable to catch your breath.
“Tell me what you want, or you’re not getting it. Do you want me to stop?”
And he does stop for a moment. Your hands try to fly to his and make him keep going, but they're still tied tightly to the bedpost. You graon.
“No! No, don’t stop,” you shout. “I want you inside me, Professor Butler. I want you to fuck me.”
Those are the key words. He flips you back around and pulls you toward him roughly. He unties your hands from the post, and you desperately scurry toward him to help unbutton his shirt. He pulls it over his head, but you're already unzipping his pants. His hands grab yours.
“Slow down. We’re taking it nice and slow. You can only have me when I decide.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Do it slowly.”
You obey, slowly unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. You grab onto his underwear and look up at him like a baby animal, waiting for permission. He nods, and you slowly take them down his legs. His member springs to life, and you are speechless. Sure, you’ve seen dicks before, but none that you want more than Professor Butler’s. You're inspired by boldness, and take it in your hand. You're about to put your lips to it, but he grabs you by the hair and pulls you away as gently as possible.
“No,” is all he says. “Get back on the bed.”
You nod and climb up. As you're doing so, he grabs a condom out of the drawer and puts it on. Once he's also on the bed, he hungrily attacks your neck again. You wrap your arms around his waist, trying to pull him down to you, but he resists. He returns to your lips, kissing you violently. You grip at his back, wanting his dick inside you more than anything. He manuevers it to your entrance and drags the tip up and down your folds, teasing you. You wriggle and writhe underneath his touch. He pulls back but his voice is shaky.
“Tell me how badly you want it,” he says gruffly. “How bad do you want this dick?”
You convulse and dig your nails into his back.
“Uh-uh-uh, use your words, baby girl."
“Fuck, I want it so bad, Professor Butler. I want it so bad,” you mutter, your legs shaking with desire.
“You’ll have to do better than that,” he growls. “Beg.”
“Please, sir,” you whimper.
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me, sir,” you choke out.
He wastes no time, gently sliding into you. You shut your eyes tightly and grasp at his hair.
“Shh, I know it hurts, baby girl,” he says softly. “Be a good girl and it’ll feel better in a minute.”
He gently rubs your side and kisses you. You start to get relaxed and the pain does go away a little. Just as it fades, he begins to slide in and out of you. It takes you a minute to catch up with the feelings but eventually you start moving your hips in rhythm with his.
“That’s a good girl,” he says, grunting. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
You bite your lip, trying not to moan. He speeds up a little, his breath ragged. You're drawing blood on his back, you know it. But he deserves it for not letting you scream.
“Oh, you wanna scream don’t you, good girl?” he asks, as if he had read your thoughts.
“Yes, sir,” you moan out.
“Talk for me,” he says, and you open up. Moans, groans, and other noises fly out of you. Austin starts to breathily moan along with you. “You’re gonna make me cum, good girl.”
You moan louder, feeling a massive wave of pleasure rising.
“Talk for me, baby. Tell everyone who fucked you for the first time.”
That's all you need. You crash down and scream out his name. He keeps pumping in and out of you all the way through your orgasm, finishing himself off. He finally slides out of you, both of you breathing heavily. He falls to the bed alongside you as each of you tries to catch your breath. After a few minutes, he rolls over.
“Are you okay?” he asks. “I didn’t hurt you too bad, did I?”
“No, just a little,” you respond. “Will I be able to walk tomorrow?”
“Not a chance. But you won’t have to. You can stay with me. I’ll take care of you.”
You smile.
“You won’t look back and regret this, will you?” he asks, concern suddenly crossing his face. “That you let me be your first.”
“How could I regret that?” you ask. “You were perfect. Everything I could have asked for.”
You pull him down for a kiss. He scoops you up and tucks you both under the covers for a post-sex nap.
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**If you notice any triggers or grammatical errors that I missed, please let me know! :)
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halfagone · 6 months
Oooo different anon but
Please do share you spreadsheets tricks! I only use spreadsheets if I have to make a table (because somehow it's easier to copy paste it from there instead of making one in documents...) but it seems like a such an useful tool that I don't have motivation to learn how to use :/
Hello! And I'll try my best! Some of these may seem more basic, but they can do absolute wonders for organization. Now this is a long post, with screenshots!, so buckle up your seatbelts.
All screenshots will be from Google Sheets. I do have and use Excel on occasion, and some of these items can be found on that program as well, although it may be placed elsewhere. Please note, too, that all examples are done on a PC device. For mobile phones or tablets, some of these keyboard shortcuts might not work the same and may require a little more finagling to get right.
I'll start with making something called a "Header Row". Basically it's how you name your columns so you know what should be in each.
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This is just an example spreadsheet, but it'll work lol. (If you don't know how to highlight those four cells, select A1, hold Shift key and use the Right Arrow key [->] until you have highlighted all the results you want for your Header Row.)
From here, you go to View on the panel and select/hover over Freeze, where you can then select "1 row". This should freeze your selected row. So no matter how far down you scroll, or how much information you have recorded, you'll always know what's supposed to be listed there.
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Next we have something called "Conditional Formatting". This can be really useful if for filtering data. In this example, I changed the spreadsheet to have various cells with "Yes" or "No", to show what it can do.
Once you've selected the cells/rows/columns you want, choose Format, then Conditional Formatting.
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From there, it should give you a panel on the right side of your screen that looks a little something like this:
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You can do a lot with this! You can even adjust the range here if you realize you picked the wrong ones or changed your mind for any other reason. But to format it, you need to choose the rule. Here is some examples that they offer you:
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In this case, I am going to choose the Text Contains rule. From there, I pick what the text should say. I even get to pick and choose my colors. So at the end it'll look like this:
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My spreadsheet will reflect this rule as well.
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You can also add as many rules as you want! Just use that "+ Add another rule" at the bottom there and repeat the process.
Now this next one is among my personal favorites: Dropdown menus!
This can also cover something called "Data validation", but I won't bore you with that explanation just yet.
Go back to that Insert tab and you'll see Dropdown further down the list. (Smart Chip functions in a very similar way, but it's works better for collaborative projects or scheduling needs.) We'll get to Checkbox in the next round.
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When you click on Dropdown, you'll get this window:
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Much like with Conditional Formatting, Dropdown allows you to customize what your options are and how they're colored. I'll use some basic examples for you to get an idea.
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And of course you can add or delete as many options as you need.
So when we go back to our spreadsheet, it'll look a little something like this:
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Checkbox is fairly simple, and doesn't allow much for customization. But if you go back to the Insert tab and click on that option, you can get a little something like this:
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A nice little checklist if you need it!
A simple trick to filling more cells is actually fairly easy. You see that little blue dot on the bottom right corner?
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If you're using a formula, you can just double click that dot and it'll usually just fill in all the cells for you! And if you're not using a formula, dragging works just fine. You can also use the Insert Row/Column/Cell option by right clicking with your mouse, or referring to the Insert tab on the top panel.
If you want to make your cells/rows/columns stand out a little more, might I recommend Borders?
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They give you a lot of options for what it'll look like. For this example, I'll use the fourth option of the first row. That'll make it look a little something like this:
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And hmm... I don't like how they're leaning to the left. Let's fix that too.
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And maybe a few more cosmetic changes...
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And BOOM! It already looks a lot different! At just a glance now you can tell what goes where based on colors alone! You can also customize colors if you don't like the basic ones, but I think I'll leave that mystery to you. ;)
I hope this gave you a good head's start! And don't worry if it feels overwhelming at first. I know I forgot a lot of tricks and tips (and a good number of keyboard shortcuts) when I went a long time between using spreadsheets. You're free to refer to this guide any time you want or need to, and if you have questions, I'll try my best to help!
Classes have always taught me this: never feel embarrassed to look something up. There are websites like Github or Stack Overflow for paid professionals to get help and advice. We should be allowed to do the same.
Now that I have sufficiently buried you in information, I hope you have a wonderful new year!
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digilibtech · 11 months
Mastering Excel Basics: 10 Essential Tips for Spreadsheet Success
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I. Introduction
In this section, you will introduce the blog post by emphasizing the importance of Excel in various aspects of life and work. You will highlight the significance of mastering the basics of Excel for efficient usage of spreadsheets. This will set the tone for the rest of the blog post. II. Tip 1: Navigating the Excel Interface
This section will guide readers on navigating the Excel interface effectively. It will explain the key elements of the Excel interface, such as the ribbon, menus, and toolbars. You will provide tips on customizing the interface based on individual preferences, improving productivity while working with Excel. III. Tip 2: Creating and Formatting Cells
In this section, you will explain the process of creating and formatting cells in Excel. You will cover essential aspects such as adjusting column width, merging cells, and applying borders. This will help readers make their spreadsheets visually appealing and organized. IV. Tip 3: Working with Formulas and Functions
This section will introduce readers to the concept of formulas and functions in Excel. You will explain basic mathematical operations, referencing cells, and using common functions like SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT. Practical examples and shortcuts will be shared to simplify the creation of formulas. V. Tip 4: Sorting and Filtering Data
Here, you will demonstrate how to sort data in ascending or descending order in Excel. Additionally, you will explain the benefits of filtering data to focus on specific information. Tips on applying multiple criteria and using advanced filtering options will be provided. VI. Tip 5: Data Validation and Error Handling
This section will discuss the importance of data validation in Excel to ensure accurate data entry. You will share techniques for setting validation rules and creating custom error messages. Furthermore, insights on handling errors, such as using error checking and the IFERROR function, will be provided. VII. Tip 6: Working with Worksheets and Workbooks
In this section, you will guide readers on managing multiple worksheets within an Excel workbook. Techniques for rearranging, renaming, and grouping worksheets will be explained. Additionally, tips on linking data between worksheets and workbooks for efficient data management will be shared. VIII. Tip 7: Using Charts and Graphs
This section will highlight the power of visualizing data with charts and graphs in Excel. Readers will be walked through the process of creating various chart types, such as bar graphs, line charts, and pie charts. Suggestions for customizing and formatting charts to effectively convey information will be offered. IX. Tip 8: Applying Basic Analysis Tools
Here, you will introduce readers to basic analysis tools in Excel, including sorting, filtering, and conditional formatting. The benefits of using these tools to gain insights from data will be discussed. Practical examples of analyzing data using these features will be provided. X. Tip 9: Enhancing Productivity with Shortcuts
In this section, you will share a selection of useful keyboard shortcuts in Excel to streamline common tasks. Time-saving shortcuts for navigation, formatting, and formula entry will be highlighted. Readers will be encouraged to practice and incorporate these shortcuts into their workflow. XI. Tip 10: Troubleshooting Common Issues
This section will address common issues that users may encounter while working in Excel. Troubleshooting tips for issues like formula errors, data inconsistencies, and printing problems will be provided. Resources and recommendations for further assistance will also be given.
Microsoft Excel Basics Microsoft Excel is a powerful and versatile tool that provides numerous benefits for individuals and organizations across various industries. This conclusion highlights the fundamental aspects of Microsoft Excel and its importance in everyday tasks. Firstly, Excel serves as a comprehensive spreadsheet program that allows users to organize and analyze data efficiently. Its wide range of functions, formulas, and formatting options enable users to perform complex calculations, create visually appealing charts and graphs, and manipulate data with ease.
Excel’s intuitive interface and user-friendly features make it accessible to users of all skill levels. Secondly, Excel enhances productivity and saves time by automating repetitive tasks through the use of macros and advanced formulas. It enables users to create templates and apply them to new data sets, thereby streamlining workflows and reducing errors. Additionally, Excel facilitates collaboration and data sharing by providing options for data import/export, real-time co-authoring, and integration with other Microsoft Office applications. Moreover, Excel is a valuable tool for financial analysis, budgeting, and forecasting. It enables individuals and businesses to track expenses, manage budgets, and generate accurate financial reports. Excel’s built-in financial functions and tools make it an indispensable asset for finance professionals, enabling them to make informed decisions based on reliable data. Furthermore, Excel is widely used in various industries such as finance, accounting, marketing, and project management. Its versatility allows it to adapt to different business needs, making it a universal tool for data manipulation and analysis. Proficiency in Excel is often a prerequisite for many job positions, and acquiring Excel skills can significantly enhance one’s employability
In this article, we’ll cover the fundamental capabilities in the Lace, which is what the primary menu bar in Succeed is called. Things in the lace contain gatherings of symbols that carry out comparable roles. These incorporate :
File Home Insert Page Layout Formulas Data Review View
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The Record menu is the furthest left thing in the Succeed strip. The Record strip things empower you to perform document the executives capabilities, including open, save, close, and print. You likewise utilize the Document menu to import from outside sources into Succeed, alongside choices that permit you to change Succeed itself.
Expert Tip: The Document menu doesn’t show up as a lace in Succeed for Macintosh. All things being equal, the Document menu shows up in the Application Menu Bar.
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The Home menu is the second menu in the Succeed menu bar. The Home lace things incorporate choices for arranging textual style, variety, restrictive designing, channel, number sort, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. This multitude of capabilities help one in performing different viable computations.
Expert Tip: Attempt the Configuration Painter. It permits you to duplicate the designing starting with one cell then onto the next, which can be an incredible efficient device.
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As the name recommends, the Supplement menu assists you with embedding different choices and things into a Succeed calculation sheet. You can embed different things going from turn table to picture, cut craftsmanship, shapes, screen shots, diagrams and charts, text box, header and footer, images, condition, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
Expert Tip: You can likewise embed hyperlinks and even guides utilizing the Supplement menu.
Page Layout
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Once more, the name recommends the assortment of capabilities on the Page Format menu. You’ll see numerous choices for arranging pages for survey and printing — including page size, edges, tones and text styles, etc. You can likewise tweak cell level and width on the Page Design menu.
Expert Tip: You can add a foundation to an assortment of cells — or even your whole bookkeeping sheet. Simply click Foundation and select the picture you need to utilize.
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The Recipes menu is where you track down all the calculating choices. Succeed accompanies heaps of equations including monetary, intelligent, text, date and time, query and reference, and math and geometry.
Expert Tip: You can name cells or scopes of cells – this can make it more straightforward to modify your recipes.
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The Information menu likewise contains numerous significant capabilities in Succeed, incorporating imports and associations with data sets. You likewise access the sort, channel, eliminate copies, information approval, solidification, bunch, ungroup, and subtotal capabilities on the Information menu.
Expert Tip: Utilize the Information Approval capability to guarantee consistency in cells.
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Prior in this article, we referenced Succeed’s capacity to team up on calculation sheets. The Survey menu is where a significant number of those errands happen. You can offer remarks in cells for your associates, check spelling, track changes, and even limit authorization involving things in the Audit menu.
Expert Tip: Utilize the Offer Exercise manual connect to impart to your associates!
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On the View menu, you tweak the manner in which accounting sheets show up on your screen. Choices incorporate showing matrix lines between cells, flipping the recipe bar and headings, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. This menu additionally gives you choices to view and record macros, also — macros let you record normal advances you perform so you don’t need to rehash exactly the same things again and again!
Expert Tip: Utilize the Freeze Top Line or Freeze First Segment, and they will wait while you look at endlessly pages of numbers.
Conclusion In the concluding section, you will recap the 10 essential tips for mastering Excel basics. Readers will be encouraged to apply these tips to improve their spreadsheet skills and achieve success. The importance of continuous learning and exploration of advanced Excel features will be emphasized. By explaining each outline in detail, the blog post will provide valuable insights and practical guidance to readers looking to master Excel basics and succeed with their spreadsheets.
Microsoft Excel is an essential tool for data management, analysis, and productivity improvement. Its diverse range of features, ease of use, and widespread applicability make it an indispensable asset for individuals and organizations alike. By mastering the basics of Excel, users can unlock its full potential and gain a competitive edge in the digital age.
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gooddogbestfriend · 2 years
i think we need training computers to force people to learn how to fuck around and find out how to just. work a computer. my housemate asked me how to select columns a and c without b in excel. have you never accidentally ctrl+clicked something? someone on my fb asked to borrow a certain type of mouse because their usb port broke and they need the mouse to select things to transfer to the new computer. pal you can shift + arrow key and tab/enter to do everything you need to do in that situation! no mouse required! and this isn't even alt+shift+5 to strikethrough text in docs, or ctrl+shift+8 for bulleted lists. I get not knowing those niche shortcuts. that other stuff is basic computer navigation to me! if you don't know ctrl+shift+t opens up recently closed tabs, this post is about you
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lgchyunjin · 2 years
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[ ISTJ ] Logisticians pride themselves on their integrity. People with this personality type mean what they say, and when they commit to doing something, they make sure to follow through. People with this personality type believe that there is a right way to proceed in any situation – and that anyone who pretends otherwise is probably trying to bend the rules to suit their own purposes. Logisticians have a deep respect for structure and tradition, and they are often drawn to organizations, workplaces, and educational settings that offer clear hierarchies and expectations.
that after three long years ( happy three years as of a few weeks from now, since he was basically bore from the birth of lgc, even though he was gone for a year... hyunjin’s mbti remains the exact SAME!? shocked does not begin to describe mun’s feelings. it’s been difficult to grasp with him because he was so hardworking & he reached his goals, then chose to prioritize one goal (graduating) and now regrets that he could not have done both. but we are happy that he’s graduated university, it was one of the things that bothered him to all hell & back in the day, but now he’s not accomplished yet and he doesn’t know if he will quite be able to reach the standards that he’s set for himself ( aka being an actor, wanting to get good roles, so he just keeps blabbing about how he doesn’t care, how he will be fine being the extra, it’s going to be alright, i didn’t want it anyway. but it’s his way of shielding himself from the reality that he is afraid that he will never reach the end goal that he wants. to do something he finds worthy of his own standards and expectations. ) he’s always been hard on himself, and he has very high expectations, and he wants to succeed at it all. hyunjin doesn’t like any shortcuts, he’s a hard worker, and honestly, his dream job is probably still being an actuary at a firm. that hasn’t changed since august of 2019. 
[ 3: THE ACHIEVER ] Enneagram type: The Success-Oriented, Pragmatic Type: Adaptable, Excelling, Driven, and Image-Conscious. Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious and highly driven for advancement. They are diplomatic and poised, but can also be overly concerned with their image and what others think of them. They typically have problems with workaholism and competitiveness. At their Best: self-accepting, authentic, everything they seem to be—role models who inspire others.  - Basic Fear: Of being worthless - Basic Desire: To feel valuable and worthwhile Key Motivations: Want to be affirmed, to distinguish themselves from others, to have attention, to be admired, and to impress others. Thus, while they are the primary type in the Feeling Center, Threes, interestingly, are not known as “feeling” people; rather, they are people of action and achievement. It is as if they “put their feelings in a box” so that they can get ahead with what they want to achieve. Threes have come to believe that emotions get in the way of their performance, so they substitute thinking and practical action for feelings.
added all the information possible without being obnoxious, but this enneagram feels very accurate to hyunjin’s personality. type #1 was a very millimeter behind in the running, but the achiever title hits the hammer on the head. hyunjin has always been driven by success, and always wants to better himself, to reach the peak of the mountain. where he is currently in life, it’s not really possible since he’s starting from the bottom as a new actor wannabe, and he’s feeling the brunt of it. aka he is literally at the bottom of the barrel, and it’s taking everything in him not to lose himself. however, what he doesn’t know is - he’s already at that point. he feels worthless, and hyunjin’s doing his best not to come across that way, but it’s hard not to be negative. he’s always been pretty raw about his emotions, so it’s no surprise if he comes across rather tactless or rude in the meantime, because he’s more concerned about himself rather than others (with a few exceptions!) & he’s very good at running away from confrontation when it comes to the truth about what he’s going through, and what’s in his head. his thoughts are his biggest enemy, and once he gets a bit steadier (if at all), if more comfortable with himself and where he’s at, hyunjin will be more collected and get back to being himself. i hope. eventually. 
[ LION ] Your daemon would take the form of a lion! You are an authoritative and courageous individual who has a large sense of dignity. More so than others with wild cat daemons, those with lions are drawn towards leading causes and have a natural brash and self-assured nature. They are proud and just people, whose confidence makes their tempers flare when challenged. 
it goes into much more detail, and hyunjin’s definitely not there ( and is much more an ‘up and coming’ lion so. he’s a baby. he’s kovu. he’s teen simba. hakuna matata. ) hyunjin doesn’t necessarily want to be a leader, but is assertive, has his opinions, and will state them. even now when he’s not at the peak performance, hyunjin is still quite confident in his demeanour, and even if that isn’t true at this time, it’s possible to envision that one day, he would be. it’s difficult to say how he will grow into his daemon, but i can envision him decades from now, enjoying what he has gotten and given to life, and being in an authoritative position, regardless of which career he follows. currently, he’s a bit wobbly in the knees and everyone who is close to him probably has to suffer the consequences of a wavering hyunjin right now. bless you all. 
what did the muse & mun get from this? turns out, he didn’t change as much as i thought he did. i legitimately thought that when i brought hyunjin after playing him for so long ( happy 350 posts ! ) that he was completely revamped. i rewrote his background, i thought i changed up his personality a bit, to fit the new narrative, but it turns out, at the base of everything, he’s the same boy that i brought in, for the most part, but grown and back to being the miserable self he was prior to debuting. and now he’s at the point in his life where he’s lacking the most confidence because as woohee just questioned in a thread, is acting what he really wants to do? or did he make an incorrectly calculated decision for himself? or is it that he doesn’t think he can get to the point where he’d be happy as an actor? what does hyunjin want from life? that’s a constant question he’s always had and it has to be respected this time around in his life and journey, because a miserable hyunjin is definitely not a kind hyunjin. the most pleasant hyunjin would be one that is self-assured in his job, and where he is in life, and not doubting himself. ( i’m sorry i took that away from you but look at this..... journey we’re on! ) either way, this was worthwhile doing and i sincerely think that everyone should take the time to do open event 005. [ also his hogwarts house i got from the quiz was slytherin and burned ravenclaw secondary or something, but i’m still convinced he’s a ravenclaw so i am not going to face that head on right now. ] 
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rayhan25842 · 8 days
Master Your Edits: Ultimate Tips and Tricks for Video Editing
Are you looking to become a video editor but don’t know where to start? Video editing is an essential skill in today's digital world, whether you're creating content for social media, marketing, or personal projects. Mastering video editing can elevate your content and make it stand out. In this blog post, we’ll cover the ultimate tips and tricks to help you become a video editor. From selecting the right software to advanced techniques, we’ve got you covered.
Section 1: Getting Started with Video Editing
Choosing the Right Software
The first step to become a video editor is selecting the right software. Popular options include Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolve. Consider your budget, the platform you use, and the specific features you need. Adobe Premiere Pro is known for its versatility and wide range of tools, while Final Cut Pro is optimized for Mac users and offers a seamless user experience. DaVinci Resolve is an excellent choice for color correction and grading, making it ideal for those focused on achieving a cinematic look.
Setting Up Your Workspace
To become a video editor, it's crucial to have an organized workspace. Arrange your digital workspace efficiently by customizing your editing software’s interface to suit your workflow. Consider investing in dual monitors to keep your timeline and preview window separate. Use keyboard shortcuts to speed up your editing process and reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks.
Section 2: Mastering the Basics
Importing and Organizing Footage
Effective organization is key when you aim to become a video editor. Import your footage into your editing software and organize it into bins or folders based on scenes, dates, or types of shots. Label your clips and use markers to identify important moments. This organization will save you time and streamline your editing process.
Basic Editing Techniques
Understanding basic editing techniques is essential to become a video editor. Start with cutting and trimming clips to remove unwanted sections and create a smooth flow. Use transitions sparingly to maintain a professional look. Adjust audio levels to ensure clarity and balance between dialogue, music, and sound effects.
Section 3: Enhancing Your Edits
Color Correction and Grading
Color correction and grading are vital skills for anyone wanting to become a video editor. Color correction involves adjusting the colors in your footage to make them look natural and consistent. Follow these steps for basic color correction:
Color grading, on the other hand, is about creating a specific mood or style. Experiment with LUTs (Look-Up Tables) and manual adjustments to achieve your desired look.
Adding Effects and Graphics
To truly become a video editor, you need to know how to add effects and graphics. Visual effects can enhance your story, but use them judiciously to avoid overwhelming your audience. Incorporate motion graphics and animations to highlight key points or add visual interest. Always ensure that text and titles are readable and match the overall style of your video.
Section 4: Advanced Editing Techniques
Multi-Camera Editing
For those who want to become a video editor at an advanced level, multi-camera editing is a valuable technique. This involves synchronizing footage from multiple cameras to provide different angles and perspectives. Follow these steps for multi-camera editing:
Advanced Audio Editing
Audio quality is as important as visual quality when you aim to become a video editor. Use audio editing tools to remove background noise, adjust volume levels, and add sound effects. Sync your audio with your video to ensure that dialogue and actions match perfectly. Incorporate music thoughtfully to enhance the emotional impact of your video.
Working with 4K and 8K Footage
Editing high-resolution footage requires special considerations. To become a video editor capable of handling 4K and 8K footage, ensure your hardware is powerful enough to process large files. Optimize your workflow by using proxies—lower-resolution copies of your footage—for smoother editing. Export the final product in high resolution to maintain quality.
Section 5: Exporting and Sharing Your Video
Choosing the Right Export Settings
Understanding export settings is crucial for anyone looking to become a video editor. Common formats include MP4, MOV, and AVI. Choose settings that balance quality and file size based on your intended platform. For example, use a higher bitrate for YouTube to ensure crisp video quality.
Optimizing for Different Platforms
To effectively become a video editor, you must tailor your exports for different platforms. Each platform has its own requirements and recommendations:
Mastering video editing takes time and practice, but with the right tips and tricks, anyone can become a video editor. From selecting the appropriate software to mastering advanced techniques, each step brings you closer to creating professional-quality videos. Apply these strategies to your next project and watch your editing skills soar. Happy editing!
Additional Sections (Optional)
Case Studies/Examples
Showcase examples of successful video editing projects. Highlight what made the editing effective and how the tips mentioned in this post were applied.
Reader Submissions
Invite readers to share their own video editing tips and experiences in the comments. This can create a community of learning and support.
References and Further Reading
These resources will help you continue your journey to become a video editor.
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avisionins · 10 days
My Advanced SBI Journey with Avision Institute Banking Coaching
Preparing for the State Bank of India (SBI) exams can be a challenging yet rewarding journey. With the right guidance and resources, success is within reach. My experience with the best SBI PO coaching in Kolkata, Avision Institute Banking Coaching played a crucial role in shaping my preparation and helping me achieve my goals. Here's how I built my strategy and advanced through the SBI exam process.
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The SBI exams are highly competitive, requiring a well-structured and disciplined approach to preparation. Enrolling in Avision Institute Banking Coaching was a game-changer for me. Their expert guidance, comprehensive study materials, and effective teaching methods provided the perfect environment for my preparation.
Build Subject-wise Preparation
One of the key strategies I learned at Avision Institute was the importance of subject-wise preparation. Breaking down the syllabus into manageable sections allowed me to focus on each subject individually. Here's how I did it:
Quantitative Aptitude: I dedicated specific days to mastering quantitative aptitude, focusing on understanding basic concepts and practicing a variety of problems. The institute's study materials were incredibly helpful in providing a wide range of practice questions.
Reasoning Ability: For reasoning, I followed a structured approach, starting with simple puzzles and gradually moving to complex ones. Regular practice helped me improve my logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
English Language: Enhancing my vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills was essential. Avision Institute provided excellent resources and mock tests that helped me improve my accuracy and speed in the English section.
General Awareness: Staying updated with current affairs and banking knowledge was crucial. I made it a habit to read newspapers and use the institute's monthly GK capsules to stay informed.
Increase Practice
Practice makes perfect, and this couldn't be truer for SBI exam preparation. Avision Institute is the top coaching for SBI PO that emphasizes the importance of regular practice through mock tests and practice papers. These practice sessions helped me:
Identify Weak Areas: Regular tests helped me pinpoint my weak areas, allowing me to focus on improving them.
Improve Speed and Accuracy: Timed practice sessions improved my speed and accuracy, crucial for the actual exam.
Build Confidence: Frequent practice boosted my confidence, reducing exam-day anxiety.
Learn Shortcuts
Learning shortcuts and tricks was another significant aspect of my preparation at Avision Institute. The experienced faculty taught us various techniques to solve problems quickly and accurately. These shortcuts were especially useful for:
Quantitative Aptitude: Simplifying complex calculations and saving valuable time during the exam.
Reasoning Ability: Quickly solving puzzles and logical questions using strategic approaches.
Revise with Short Tutorials
Revision is an essential part of exam preparation. Avision Institute provided short tutorials and revision notes that made it easier to quickly review important topics. These tutorials were helpful in:
Reinforcing Concepts: Revisiting key concepts and formulas to ensure they were fresh in my mind.
Quick Review: Efficiently reviewing large amounts of information in a short time.
Avoid Guess Work
One crucial tip I learned at Avision Institute was to avoid guesswork. Negative marking in the SBI exams can significantly impact your score. To minimize guesswork, I focused on:
Understanding Questions: Carefully reading and understanding each question before attempting to answer.
Skipping Uncertain Questions: If I was unsure about a question, I chose to skip it rather than risk a wrong answer.
My journey with Avision Institute which is the best SBI PO coaching in Kolkata that helping me prepare for the SBI exams. Their structured approach, expert guidance, and comprehensive resources enabled me to build a strong foundation, practice effectively, learn useful shortcuts, revise efficiently, and avoid guesswork. With their support, I was able to navigate the challenging path to success in the SBI exams. If you're aspiring to crack the SBI exams, I highly recommend Avision Institute for a guided and effective preparation journey.
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Mind Mapping Tools Comparison: Unleash Your Brainstorming Power
In today's information age, our minds are constantly bombarded with ideas, tasks, and details. It can be overwhelming to keep track of everything and make sense of the connections between them. This is where mind mapping comes in.
Mind mapping is a visual brainstorming technique that helps you organize information hierarchically. It uses a central topic or idea, branching out with subtopics and details connected by lines or arrows. This visual representation allows you to see the big picture, identify relationships, and spark new ideas.
But with so many mind mapping tools available, choosing the right one can be daunting. This article will compare some of the most popular mind mapping tools, analyzing their features, pros, cons, and pricing to help you find the perfect fit for your needs.
Criteria for Choosing a Mind Mapping Tool
Before diving into specific tools, consider these key factors to guide your selection:
Features: What functionalities are essential for you? Do you need basic mind mapping, or do you require advanced features like collaboration, task management, or multimedia integration?
Platform: Do you prefer a web-based tool accessible from any device, a desktop application, or a mobile app for on-the-go brainstorming?
Collaboration: Will you be working on mind maps with others? If so, real-time collaboration features are crucial.
Pricing: Free options are available, but they may have limited features. Consider paid plans with more functionality and storage if needed.
Ease of Use: The tool should be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing you to focus on brainstorming and not wrestling with complex interfaces.
Top Mind Mapping Tools Compared
Now, let's explore some of the leading mind mapping tools:
1. Coggle
Pros: Free for up to 3 private mind maps, user-friendly interface, clean and uncluttered workspace, great keyboard shortcuts, allows exporting mind maps as PDFs, images, or text files.
Cons: Limited features in the free version, web-based only (no desktop app), limited customization options.
Pricing: Free for up to 3 private mind maps, with paid plans starting at $5 per month for unlimited private mind maps and additional features.
Best for: Beginners, occasional users, individual brainstorming.
2. MindMeister
Pros: Excellent collaboration features, real-time editing, intuitive interface, drag-and-drop functionality, mobile apps available, free plan with limited features.
Cons: Limited free plan, some advanced features require paid plans.
Pricing: Free plan with limited features, with paid plans starting at $4.99 per month for individual use and $13.99 per month for teams.
Best for: Brainstorming with teams, project planning, real-time collaboration.
3. Ayoa
Pros: Modern and visually appealing interface, mind mapping integrated with other project management tools (tasks, chat, etc.), focus mode for distraction-free brainstorming, free plan with basic features.
Cons: Limited free plan compared to some competitors, may feel overwhelming for simple mind mapping needs.
Pricing: Free plan with limited features, with paid plans starting at $10 per user per month.
Best for: Project management teams looking for integrated mind mapping, visual thinkers who appreciate a clean design.
4. MindNode
Pros: Designed specifically for Mac and iOS users, known for its sleek interface and ease of use, excellent for quick brainstorming sessions, offers mind map themes and stickers for customization.
Cons: Limited features compared to some PC-based tools, only available for Apple devices.
Pricing: Free trial available, paid plans start at $2.99 per month for individual use and $9.99 per month for teams.
Best for: Apple users who prioritize a simple and elegant user experience for individual brainstorming.
5. XMind
Pros: Powerful and feature-rich tool for advanced users, offers various mind map layouts (e.g., fishbone charts, org charts), allows embedding multimedia content, free plan with basic features.
Cons: Steeper learning curve compared to some beginner-friendly tools, free plan has limitations.
Pricing: Free plan with limited features, with paid plans starting at $59.90 per year for individuals and $129.90 per year for teams.
Best for: Advanced users who require robust features and customization options for complex mind maps.
Additional Options to Consider:
Miro: An online whiteboard tool with mind mapping capabilities, ideal for visual collaboration and brainstorming sessions
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98edits · 2 months
The Best Free CAD Software for Beginners
Choosing the best free CAD software for beginners involves considering ease of use, features, and compatibility with your design goals. Tinkercad is an excellent option for newcomers, offering a user-friendly interface and intuitive tools for 3D modeling and prototyping. Another popular choice is FreeCAD, which provides a comprehensive set of parametric modeling tools suitable for mechanical design projects. For those interested in architectural design, Sweet Home 3D enables beginners to create floor plans and 3D home models with simplicity. Fusion 360 by Autodesk offers a free version for hobbyists and startups, combining CAD, CAM, and CAE tools into a single platform. These programs provide accessible entry points into CAD, allowing beginners to learn fundamental concepts while creating practical designs. Exploring these options can help aspiring designers and hobbyists find the best free CAD software that aligns with their interests and learning objectives.
Understanding Free CAD Software
Explore what free CAD software is and why it's a valuable resource for beginners, hobbyists, and small businesses. Learn about the features and limitations of free CAD tools compared to paid versions.
Key Features of Free CAD Software
Dive into the essential features offered by popular free CAD programs, such as Tinkercad, FreeCAD, Sweet Home 3D, and Fusion 360 (free for hobbyists). Highlight tools for 2D drafting, 3D modeling, parametric design, rendering, and more.
Choosing The Right Free CAD Software
Discuss criteria for selecting the best free CAD software based on your needs and project requirements. Consider factors like ease of use, compatibility with your operating system, specific design capabilities (e.g., architectural, mechanical), and community support.
Getting Started with Free CAD Software
Provide a step-by-step guide for beginners on how to download, install, and navigate a selected free CAD program. Include basic tutorials on creating simple designs, using essential tools, and exploring interface options.
Exploring Design Applications 
Showcase practical applications of free CAD software, such as creating 3D models for 3D printing, designing furniture layouts for interior spaces, prototyping mechanical parts, or visualizing architectural concepts. Highlight real-world projects and examples.
Tips and Tricks for Efficient CAD Design
Share expert tips to enhance productivity and creativity when using free CAD software. Cover topics like keyboard shortcuts, best practices for organizing projects, leveraging libraries of pre-made components, and optimizing designs for performance.
Advantages and Limitations of Free CAD Software
Compare the benefits and drawbacks of using free CAD tools versus paid software. Discuss issues like limited feature sets, slower performance with complex projects, and potential constraints on commercial use.
In conclusion, choosing the best free CAD software for beginners depends on individual preferences, project requirements, and learning objectives. Tinkercad stands out for its simplicity and suitability for 3D modeling and prototyping, making it ideal for hobbyists and students. FreeCAD offers a more advanced platform with parametric modeling capabilities, suitable for mechanical design projects. Sweet Home 3D caters to those interested in architectural design, providing intuitive tools for creating floor plans and home models. Fusion 360, although more comprehensive, offers a free version for hobbyists and startups, combining CAD, CAM, and CAE tools. Ultimately, the best choice depends on the specific needs and interests of the user, and exploring different options can lead to valuable learning experiences in CAD design.
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edcater · 3 months
Code Like a Pro: Python Mastery for Absolute Beginners
Learning Python can seem like a daunting task, especially if you're an absolute beginner. However, fear not! In this article, we'll break down the best way to learn Python in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. By the end, you'll be coding like a pro, even if you've never written a single line of code before.
1. Understanding Python Basics
The first step in mastering Python is to understand its basics. Python is a programming language known for its readability and simplicity. Start by grasping fundamental concepts like variables, data types, and basic operations. Don't rush through this phase; a strong foundation is crucial.
2. Online Tutorials and Interactive Platforms
Thanks to the internet, there are countless online tutorials and interactive platforms that cater to Python beginners. These platforms make learning Python engaging and fun, allowing you to practice coding in a supportive environment.
3. Books for Python Beginners
If you prefer a more traditional approach, consider picking up a beginner-friendly Python book. Books like "Python Crash Course" by Eric Matthes or "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart are excellent choices. They are designed to make learning Python accessible, even if you've never programmed before.
4. Joining Python Communities
Learning Python becomes more enjoyable when you're part of a community. Join online forums and groups like Stack Overflow, Reddit's r/learnpython, or Python Discord channels. Engaging with a community provides opportunities to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from others who are also on their Python learning journey.
5. Hands-On Coding Projects
One of the best ways to solidify your python programming beginner skills is by working on hands-on projects. Choose projects that align with your interests, whether it's building a simple website, creating a game, or automating a task. Practical experience is invaluable, and it helps you apply what you've learned in real-world scenarios.
6. Practice Regularly
Consistency is key when learning Python or any programming language. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to practice coding. Whether it's solving coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode or working on your own projects, regular practice helps reinforce your understanding of Python concepts.
7. Utilize Python Documentation
The Python documentation is a goldmine of information. As you progress in your learning journey, get comfortable using the official Python documentation. It provides in-depth explanations of Python's features, libraries, and modules. Learning to navigate and understand documentation is a crucial skill for any programmer.
8. Attend Python Meetups and Workshops
In-person or virtual meetups and workshops offer excellent opportunities to connect with fellow learners and experienced developers. Attend local Python meetups or online workshops to network, share knowledge, and gain insights from professionals. Learning from others' experiences can provide valuable perspectives and shortcuts in your Python learning journey.
9. Stay Curious and Keep Learning
Python is a versatile language, and there's always something new to explore. Stay curious and keep learning by exploring advanced topics like web development, machine learning, or data science. Continuously challenging yourself with new concepts ensures that you not only become proficient in Python but also stay updated with the latest developments in the programming world.
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rayhan25842 · 8 days
Transform Your Videos with Jaw-Dropping Editing Techniques
In today's digital landscape, captivating visuals are essential for grabbing and holding an audience's attention. Video editing is the key to transforming raw footage into compelling stories that resonate with viewers. Whether you're just starting out or looking to hone your skills, this comprehensive guide will help you become a video editor capable of creating stunning content. We'll delve into essential techniques, advanced methods, practical tips, and more to enhance your video editing prowess.
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1. Understanding the Basics of Video Editing
To become a video editor, it’s crucial to understand the basics. Video editing involves arranging, modifying, and enhancing video clips to produce a cohesive and visually appealing final product. Key principles include:
Pacing: The rhythm and flow of your video, crucial for maintaining viewer interest.
Continuity: Ensuring seamless transitions between scenes to maintain narrative coherence.
Rhythm: Aligning visual and audio elements to create an engaging experience.
Start with user-friendly software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve. These tools are powerful enough for professionals but accessible to beginners.
2. Advanced Editing Techniques
Once you’re comfortable with the basics, delve into advanced techniques to elevate your editing skills:
Transitions and Effects: Use cuts, fades, and wipes to enhance storytelling. Creative transitions can add a professional touch.
Color Grading and Correction: Adjust colors to set the mood and improve visual appeal. Tools like DaVinci Resolve are excellent for this.
Motion Graphics and Animations: Incorporate elements like lower-thirds, title cards, and animated infographics to enrich your videos.
Mastering these techniques is essential if you aim to excel in video editing.
3. Audio Enhancements
High-quality audio is as important as stunning visuals. Here’s how to enhance your audio:
Audio Synchronization: Ensure your audio matches the video for a seamless viewing experience.
Noise Reduction: Use software to clean up background noise and improve clarity.
Sound Effects and Background Music: Add layers of audio to enhance mood and engagement.
Effective audio editing can significantly boost the overall quality of your videos, a crucial skill for any video editor.
4. Creative Editing Tips
Experimentation is key to discovering your unique style. Here are some creative tips:
Different Styles and Formats: Try slow motion for dramatic effect or time-lapse to show the passage of time.
Text Overlays and Titles: Use these to highlight key information or add a professional touch.
Special Effects: Experiment with green screen effects, split screens, and other visual tricks to add flair.
These creative touches can set you apart as a video editor known for unique and engaging videos.
5. Practical Tips for Efficient Editing
Efficiency is crucial, especially when working on tight deadlines. Here are some tips:
Organize Your Footage: Label and categorize your files for easy access.
Keyboard Shortcuts: Learn shortcuts to speed up your workflow.
Time Management: Plan your editing sessions and set realistic deadlines to stay on track.
Efficient editing not only saves time but also enhances the quality of your work, helping you become a sought-after video editor.
6. Case Studies and Examples
Analyzing successful examples can provide valuable insights. Here’s how:
Professional Edits: Study how top editors structure their videos, use transitions, and pace their narratives.
Breakdown Techniques: Analyze popular videos to see how different editing techniques contribute to the overall effect.
Draw Inspiration: Use these case studies to inspire your projects and push your creative boundaries.
Learning from others is a powerful way to advance your skills and become a video editor who consistently produces high-quality work.
7. Tools and Resources
Having the right tools and resources is essential for any video editor:
Software Recommendations: Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve.
Online Tutorials and Courses: Platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn Learning, and Coursera offer extensive tutorials.
Communities and Forums: Join forums like Reddit's r/VideoEditing and Creative Cow to connect with fellow editors and seek advice.
These resources will support your learning journey and help you stay updated with the latest trends and techniques in video editing.
In summary, becoming a video editor involves mastering both basic and advanced techniques, enhancing audio quality, experimenting with creative touches, and learning from successful examples. By applying these principles and continuously practicing, you can transform your videos into jaw-dropping visual stories. Embrace the journey and unleash your creativity to become a video editor capable of captivating any audience.
Call to Action
Ready to transform your videos? Share your edited videos or experiences with us in the comments. Subscribe for more tips and tutorials, and stay tuned for upcoming articles on advanced video editing techniques and tools. Let’s continue this journey together and become video editors who make a mark in the digital world.
Additional Resources
For further learning, check out these recommended readings and tutorials. Download our cheat sheets and guides for quick reference. For personalized advice or collaboration opportunities, contact us directly. Together, we can achieve your goal to become a video editor.
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digitalaakash656 · 4 months
Introduction to MS Excel: Essential Tips for Beginners
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Are you a student or a professional looking to enhance your spreadsheet skills? Look no further than Microsoft Excel, a powerful tool that can simplify your data management and analysis tasks. In this Beginner's Excel Tutorial, we'll explore some basic Excel techniques that will set you on the path to becoming a proficient user.
Understanding the Excel Interface
Let's start with the basics. When you open Excel, you'll be greeted with a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns. Each intersection of a row and a column is called a cell, and it is where you can enter and manipulate your data. The ribbon at the top of the screen contains various tabs, each dedicated to a specific set of tools.
Entering Data
To input data into Excel, simply click on the desired cell and start typing. You can enter numbers, text, or a combination of both. Press Enter to move to the next cell below or use the arrow keys to navigate. If you make a mistake, don't worry! You can edit the content of a cell by double-clicking on it.
Basic Formulas
Excel's real power lies in its ability to perform calculations. Formulas are expressions that perform operations on the data in your spreadsheet. The most basic formula involves using arithmetic operators such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/). For instance, to add the contents of two cells, use the formula =A1+B1, assuming A1 and B1 are the cells you want to add.
Auto fill Feature
Save time and effort by utilizing Excel's Autofill feature. If you have a series of numbers or a pattern, enter the first few and then drag the small square at the bottom right corner of the selected cell to fill the rest automatically. This feature is handy for creating numbered lists, dates, or any sequential pattern.
Cell Formatting
Make your spreadsheet visually appealing and easy to read by formatting cells. You can change the font, font size, color, and even apply borders to cells. Excel also allows you to format numbers, dates, and currency to suit your preferences or the requirements of your data.
Sorting and Filtering
Efficiently organize your data by sorting and filtering. Highlight the range of cells you want to organize, go to the "Data" tab, and choose the desired sorting or filtering option. This is particularly useful when working with large datasets, allowing you to focus on specific information.
Charts and Graphs
Excel makes it simple to represent your data visually through charts and graphs. Highlight the data you want to visualize, go to the "Insert" tab, and choose the type of chart that best suits your data. Whether it's a pie chart, bar graph, or line chart, Excel has you covered.
Saving and Sharing
Once you've created your masterpiece, don't forget to save your work. Click on the floppy disk icon (or use the shortcut Ctrl + S) to save your spreadsheet. You can also share your Excel file with others by clicking on the "Share" option, allowing multiple users to collaborate on the same document.
This brief Beginner's Excel Tutorial covers the fundamental skills you need to get started with Microsoft Excel. As you become more comfortable with these basic techniques, you'll be ready to explore more advanced features and functionalities. Excel is a versatile tool that can be an asset in various fields, so embrace the learning process and watch your spreadsheet skills grow
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allenbalif · 4 months
Excel Skills In 4 Min
To improve your Excel skills in just 4 minutes, here's a quick guide:
Navigation Shortcuts:
Use the arrow keys to navigate cells quickly.
Press Ctrl + Home to go to cell A1.
Ctrl + Arrow keys jumps to the edge of data.
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keys selects data.
Basic Formulas:
SUM: =SUM(A1:A10) adds up numbers in cells A1 to A10.
AVERAGE: =AVERAGE(A1:A10) calculates the average.
MAX/MIN: =MAX(A1:A10) finds the maximum value; =MIN(A1:A10) finds the minimum.
Ctrl + B for bold, Ctrl + I for italics, Ctrl + U for underline.
Ctrl + Shift + "+" to insert cells, Ctrl + "-" to delete cells.
Ctrl + 1 opens the Format Cells dialog for advanced formatting.
Data Manipulation:
Sort: Select data, then go to Data tab > Sort & Filter.
Filter: Go to Data tab > Filter to add filter buttons to your headers.
Freeze Panes: Go to View tab > Freeze Panes to keep rows/columns visible while scrolling.
Conditional Formatting:
Highlight cells based on certain conditions to make patterns stand out.
Select data, go to Home tab > Conditional Formatting.
Select data, then go to Insert tab > Charts to create visual representations.
Choose from various chart types like column, line, pie, etc.
Keyboard Shortcuts:
Ctrl + C for copy, Ctrl + V for paste, Ctrl + X for cut.
Ctrl + Z for undo, Ctrl + Y for redo.
F2 to edit the active cell directly.
Quick Analysis Tool:
Select a range of data, then click on the Quick Analysis tool at the bottom right to see options for formatting, charts, totals, and more.
Practice these regularly, and your Excel skills will improve significantly in no time. Remember, the more you use Excel, the more proficient you'll become.
Watch Now:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrgbF9jhsc0
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