systimming · 2 years
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A stimboard for Basilio Dante with knife + gun stims!
- Mod Primarina + Mod Khonjin.
((Sources of gifs: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x ))
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Okay there they are lads Finished ehehehe I love him so bad
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purasangree · 8 months
Qué nubes tan bonitas papi!, que son?
Pues mira hija eso es:
Óxido de aluminio, arsénico, basilos y hongos, plomo, metilaluminio, trifluoruro de nitrógeno, pseudomonas, selenio, estroncio, bacterias desconocidas, sales de bario, cadmio, cromo, sales de litio, esporas de moho, Niquel, cesio radioactivo, particulas de entaño, dióxido de axufre, micotoxinas, titanato de bario, calcio, enterbacterias, mercurio, etc, etc, etc ...
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pspspspspspspsp rwby fans who play ark come out I know ur there. Come here and tell me what dinos you think team rwby would have, can be any dinos from any dlc. Heres my picks:
Ruby; Thyla, Yuty, Carno, Andrewsarchus, Managarmr, Mek, Griffin, Terror bird, Jerboa, Blood crystal wyvern, Sarco, Deinonychus, Tropeo, Otter, Roll rat, Dire wolf
Weiss; X-Argent, Tickle chicken (Theri), Ice wyvern, Snow owl, Jerboa, Ferox, Fenrir, Deinonychus, Raptor, Fjordhawk, Desmodus, Basilo, Allo, Maewing, Sino, Spino,
Blake: Saber, Velonasaur, Enforcer, Deinonychus, Lightning wyvern, Shadowmane, Equus, Dire bear, Thyla, Thorny dragon, Bloodstalker, Bary, Featherlight, Voidwyrm
Yang: Giga, Rex, Carch, Magmasaur, Phoenix, Fire wyvern, Rhynio, Desmodus, Andrewsarchus, Fjordhawk, whole pack of Raptors, Gasbags, Tuso, and I decided she can have an Acro and a Brachi too. as a treat. Modded dinos btw.
Non ark players just like, go check here on dododex I ain't addin all those pictures lol.
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Well...we are waiting.... Where is Basilo's nakey sprites...?
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zooterchet · 2 months
DC Comics (CIA Clandestine Unit)
Domestic Intelligence, Deputies Union.
SKI Sheriffs, Essex County.
Opposed, B'nai B'rith, Federal Republic of Germany.
FBI Mossad Detroit (DC Comics; Investor, Massachusetts State Police):
Batman Begins:
Ra's al-Ghul: Andrew Donson, "Dr. Landon DeVry".
Scarecrow: Pasquale Acosta, "Dr. Glen".
Carmine Falcone: John Gotti Jr., "Coolidge Foundation".
Victor Zsasz: Peter Tsaptsaris, "Peebo".
The Dark Knight:
The Joker: Ivan Tomasic, "Beowulf".
Harvey Dent: Matthew Lennox, "Mastershaykh".
The Dark Knight Rises:
Catwoman: Allison Haimes, "Pteryx".
Bane: Jeffrey Lange, "Dr. Leo".
Talia al-Ghul: Lauren Caplan, "Arianna".
Red Hood: Calvin Williams.
Oswald Cobblepot: Andrew Schuck.
Barbara Kean: Cherna Gast.
Cat: Alexandra Rhzanova.
Riddler: Michael Nguyen.
Scarecrow: Ivan Tomasic.
Carmine Falcone: Patrick O'Neill.
Fish Mooney: Jenna L. Williamson.
Azrael: Andrew Brooks.
Tabitha Galavan: Allison Haimes.
Solomon Grundy: Michael Charlebois.
Harvey Dent: Charles Winston.
Pamela Isley: Cassie-Leigh Stock.
Jervis Tetch: William Morgan.
Sofia Falcone: Aubrey Bennet.
Ra's al-Ghul: Philip Goslin.
The Executioner: Cam Hollopeter.
Basilo Carlo: Brian McManamon.
Hugo Strange: BD Wong.
Jerome Valeska: Joshua Moen.
Jeremiah Valeska: Evan Brooks.
Bane: Ryan Gregson.
Nyssa al Ghul: Ruba O'Neill.
Sal Maroni: Jeffrey Lange.
Victor Zsasz: Brian Monaghan.
Firefly: Jessica Bailey.
Ventriloquist: Ban Ki-Moon.
Lazlo Valentin: David "Chet" Charlebois.
Batman (2022):
Carmine Falcone: Anthony Parziale.
Oswald Cobblepot: Lyndon Byers.
Catwoman: Kara Williamson Daignault.
Riddler: Christophe Stevens.
Joker: HJ Carver.
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gingericywolf · 2 months
Ark with friends shaeningans
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We set out to do the brood, but then I kept grabbing the wrong artifacts(yes i'm dumb)
We had some fun with the magmasaur and then we had to log out.
Unfortunately ark crashes when I log out so I have to make sure to wait around 30 minutes to not lose any progress, so. Had to make sure my friend didn't log of in the wilderness and to bring him back to base and on the bed
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Tamed a 140 basilo in the easiest way
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Then found another 140 and a 150 and tamed them, but they are all males
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Therizino breeding. This is the only colors batch. The stat one is in progress, but Why am I only getting Greeens. And all on the same region. I"m not even mad of the greens i just wish it was on different regions! So I could at least make one full green theri. I already decided i will go with the pink stripes for my main one and combining them with the light blue body and cyan stripe.
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spidvrbatz · 3 months
opposums are so cool!! theyve got a lot of weird things they can do!
mhm! most creatures that come to mind with dinos are actually dinos but the flying and water creatures are too geneticly not a like to be dinos. mhm pretty sure basilos are concidered prehistoric mammals? could be wrong sorry.
ooo ravens are the coolest!!!! love ravens an crows! really like just pretending am a snow leopard cub and watching stuff about them. theyre v v cute! think cub is a v cute nickname too! dunno just cutes sorry
Ooo can u tell me some other cool things they can do? Basilos being aquatic mammals makes a lotta sense since things like humpback whales n stuff are descended from them! Cub is a cute name! Are there any cool facts about snow leopards that you’ve learned?
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// pt - dni: nsfw accounts //
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My Series is gonna be switch to dA side account only for my series
Since my series is coming to an end very soon with two pairings, I'm going to keep it ongoing if it needs to be supported by only my true fans, close folks, and close friends.
The server group upon my series had kicked off a few members, despite the fact that they did not notice what my series was. It would be the best side for now as it is, for no trouble, and so on, to prevent anything that was too much.
I have one favorite pairing of mine from my series instead of only those... but Basilo and Daisy. I believe they meant each other and it deserved to see more art photos about them.
If it means something to you by my female folks and true fans of mine meant something for you, I will see what I can do to keep my series alive. The only thing I miss about it is the real romantic and lite romantic of the OC of mine pairing their love interest instead of explicit non-sense and bedroom scene; soo yea...
I have a few folks who are into my series, and it means a lot to me that they think they like it and that it is sexy. I will try my best to keep my series alive, but it will take some time.
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newsofthenight · 10 months
New Sauce of Confusion As Kraft Heinz Spokesperson Mixes Up Bonus and Layoff Announcements
In a press conference that left both journalists and employees with jaws dropping and P.R. reps scrambling, Kraft Heinz spokesperson, Sandy Basilo, managed to mix up her speech notes, leading to a roller coaster of emotions as she announced bonuses for executives and layoffs for employees in the same press conference. As Basilo stood at the podium, messily flipping through her notes, she…
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sweetagnostis · 1 year
What do you think of little boys in ballet? I tried asking someone on here and they said because there are usually no boys changing rooms at childrens' ballet schools "the little boys would stare!" - and then tried to claim "none of these think should stop little boys from doinf ballet" - which i pointed out is proven a lie by her "little boys would stare" stuff. It reminded me of what happened with Take Our Daughters to Work Day - the Ms.Foundation that started it *wanted* to start a day in parallel for sons' but - as demonstrated in this NYT article where girls on a TYDTW day see a Take Our Sons Home Day as a way of tormenting boys - https://www.nytimes.com/1995/04/29/opinion/editorial-notebook-a-day-for-daughters.html - guys knew that the Ms. Foundation didn't mean it when they said feminism wants to liberate little boys as well as little girls from gender roles. Not really. So a son's day never got off the ground. I grew up in the 1980s with a congenital defect - most of the adults in power or their proteges had been trained during the eugenics/forced sterilization of the disabled period and were against "mainstreaming" people like me - they said one thing when people could see them - and did horrible things to me and others who were effectively their helpless playthings.
There's, um, a lot to unpack here, so I'll just focus mainly on your question, my thoughts on boys in ballet: (To clarify, I'm not a ballet dancer myself, I work in the office for a ballet company.)
I'm not sure who you spoke to, but the company I work for (which encompasses both a ballet school and a professional ballet company) has always had separate changing areas for boys and girls. So that's never been an issue! I've never personally heard of a mixed gender changing room anywhere really, my theater experiences has always taken pains to make sure boys and girls have separate areas. And in the 7+ years I've worked for this company there's never been an issue of inappropriate behavior from male students/dancers towards female students/dancers or vice versa, and trust me as the sole customer service person I WOULD get that angry parent call/email if anything of that nature had ever happened!
For general thoughts, we LOVE our male students and dancers of all ages! The directors of the ballet company i work for (which encompasses both a professional ballet company and a ballet school) very actively work expand our boys dance program and fight back against stereotypes that ballet is only for girls or that there's something wrong with boys studying dance. We may not have nearly as many male dancers in our school as female dancers, but we have male students ages 4 to 18ish and they are all good students, most of the older boys are incredibly dedicated and have been there at least as long as I have.
Men have been in ballet as long as there has been ballet, and any ballet company worth its salt wants and needs male dancers. I'm not sure of your classical ballet knowledge, but without men in dance, who would portray the Nutcracker prince? The brave Prince Desire of The Sleeping Beauty? The dashing Basilo of Don Quixote? And many, many other famous male ballet roles.
While there are shared elements, ballet, for better or worse, has a strict gender binary: women dance on pointe, and men have their own separate ballet technique training that typically leans more into athletic jumps, weight training, and partnering technique. When performing partnering technique in ballet the male dancer really needs to be in good physical shape and know what they're doing, as the safety of the female dancer often depends on the male dancer.
If I can yank a few examples from Bing Images:
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Pas de Deux from The Nutcracker
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Rose Adagio from The Sleeping Beauty - it might not look it but is a famously difficult sequence for the female dancer, and she really relies on the hold she has with her male partners to keep her pointe. (That handhold typically becomes a death grip by the end of the sequence, lol.)
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Grand Pas from Don Quixote.
All of this takes YEARS of training to master, so the earlier a dancer starts training, the better! Many dancers can start as young as 3 years old, but some dancers I know started studying later. We do have a dedicated men's program where men's technique is taught in boys-only classes, but there are classes where boys and girls train together, partnering obviously for older students but there are other classes where boys and girls are combined.
For the record, I'm in favor the idea of breaking down the ballet gender binary between men and women's technique, but that's a whole separate rant, haha.
Complaints about gender binary aside, I'd never ever say that boys shouldn't study ballet. It's as athletic as any sport and has physical and mental benefits. Saying "boys shouldn't study ballet" would be like saying "girls shouldn't play sports" - a terrible and incorrect baseless assumption.
I'm friends with our principal male dancer, and he told me about how studying dance literally changed the trajectory of his life: he did a dance camp in the summer as a teenager, auditioned for and was accepted into a prestigious men's dance study program, and this led to opportunities to allow him to become the first person in his family to get a passport as he'd received a scholarship to study in the United States, where he has gone on to dance and choreograph across the nation. He is a wonderful dancer, reliable and safe for partnering technique, an emerging choreographer, a teacher in our men's program, and nothing but kind and respectful to everyone around him, even to little old me in the office. :) And while he's the dancer I'm closest to, he's by no means an exception.
So, uh, TL;DR: boys and men in ballet = good.
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jualtanamantelang · 2 years
Menyehatkan!!, WA 0813-5812-3335, Jual Bibit Daun Basil Malang!!
WA 0813-5812-3335 (informasi pemasaran)
tanaman basil,pohon basil,tanaman basil adalah,tumbuhan basil,pokok kemangi dan selasih.
Manfaat & Khasiat Basil bagi Kesehatan Manusia Melindungi hati Daun basil memiliki kandungan flavonoid (vivenin dan orientin). Kandungan tersebut memiliki fungsi sebagai antioksidan yang dapat melindungi hati.
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Anti bakteri Kandungan minya atsiri, atau sitronelol, citral, eugenol, linalool, terpinol dan limonene pada daun basil memiliki fungsi melawan bakteri yang masuk kedalam tubuh.
Menjaga DNA Daun basil memiliki kandungan flavonoid. Ternyata flavonoid mempunyai manfaat menjaga tidak mudah rusaknya DNA, sehingga dapat menjaga sel dari kerusakan.
Melindungi mata Kandungan Vitamin A, betakaroten, cryptoxhantin, zeaxhantin dan lutein pada daun basil memuliki efek melindungi mata terutapa dari paparan langsung sinar ultraviolet.
Membantu pembekuan darah Kandungan vitamin K dari daun basil memiliki manfaat dalam membantu proses pembekuan darah (penghentian perdarahan) pada luka-luka kecil.
Daya tahan tubuh Tanaman basilo memiliki kandungan vitamin C. Melindungi jantung Kandungan kalium dari basil memiliki fungsi menjaga irama detak jantung, termasuk komponen cairan darah yang membutuhkan fungsi dari kandungan magnesium, mangan dan tembaga.
Mengurangi nyeri sendi Kandungan Eugenol pada tanaman basil dapat mengurangi nyeri sendi terutama akibat penyakit rematik dan osteoartritis.
Anti radang memeiliki manfaat anti radang guna mencegah radang pada permukaan kuli, mulut, tenggorokan, saluran cerna dan saluran napas.
Bisa langsung hubungi no admin nya yaa…
📲 0813-5812-3335 https://wa.me/6281358123335-
Dan bisa langsung ke lokasi kami di : Jl. Phospat no 31, Pandean 2 , Purwantoro, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia https://g.page/griya-mint-malang?gm
Atau Bisa Klik Di Shopee https://shopee.co.id/product/375800954/3990560007?smtt=0.375820531-1631863477.9
Terimakasih dan happy shooping
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Retepa walks by, having caught him at the corner of her eye. Her face turns a shade darker and her eyes avert to the ground. She was hoping for this, as she pulls a book out from a pile in her arms. It's a transmutation book, filled with notes from her own mentor. She doesn't say anything as she awkwardly shuffles away.
There was a quite noise of confusion, as Basilo raised an eyebrow. He didn't even turn his head, only making note of the book that the other had slide beside him. He was a bit suspicious, as the last he had see this particular troll, she'd bumped into him and made him drop all of his things, glasses included. However, Basilo does take a moment from his research to call out to Retepa.
"Hey- What are you doing? What is this even for?"
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purasangree · 9 months
Qué nubes tan bonitas papi!, que son?
Pues mira hija eso es:
Óxido de aluminio, arsénico, basilos y hongos, plomo, metilaluminio, trifluoruro de nitrógeno, pseudomonas, selenio, estroncio, bacterias desconocidas, sales de bario, cadmio, cromo, sales de litio, esporas de moho, Niquel, cesio radioactivo, particulas de entaño, dióxido de axufre, micotoxinas, titanato de bario, calcio, enterbacterias, mercurio, etc, etc, etc ...
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ok no more ark. spent the entire time after that breeding basilos it was really boring
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zooterchet · 3 months
NSA Writer's Craft ("Spiral")
Batman Begins:
Ra's al-Ghul: Andrew Donson, "Dr. Landon DeVry". Scarecrow: Pasquale Acosta, "Dr. Glen". Carmine Falcone: John Gotti Jr., "Coolidge Foundation". Victor Zsasz: Peter Tsaptsaris, "Peebo".
The Dark Knight:
The Joker: Ivan Tomasic, "Beowulf". Harvey Dent: Matthew Lennox, "Mastershaykh".
The Dark Knight Rises:
Catwoman: Allison Haimes, "Pteryx". Bane: Jeffrey Lange, "Dr. Leo". Talia al-Ghul: Lauren Caplan, "Arianna".
Red Hood: Calvin Williams. Oswald Cobblepot: Andrew Schuck. Barbara Kean: Cherna Gast. Cat: Alexandra Rhzanova. Riddler: Michael Nguyen. Scarecrow: Ivan Tomasic. Carmine Falcone: Patrick O'Neill. Fish Mooney: Jenna L. Williamson. Azrael: Andrew Brooks. Tabitha Galavan: Allison Haimes. Solomon Grundy: Michael Charlebois. Harvey Dent: Charles Winston. Pamela Isley: Cassie-Leigh Stock. Johnny Depp: William Morgan. Sofia Falcone: Aubrey Bennet. Ra's al-Ghul: Philip Goslin. The Executioner: Cam Hollopeter. Basilo Carlo: Brian McManamon. Hugo Strange: BD Wong. Jerome Valeska: Joshua Moen. Jeremiah Valeska: Evan Brooks. Bane: Ryan Gregson. Nyssa al Ghul: Ruba O'Neill. Sal Maroni: Jeffrey Lange. Victor Zsasz: Brian Monaghan. Firefly: Jessica Bailey. Ventriloquist: Ban Ki-Moon. Lazlo Valentin: David "Chet" Charlebois.
Batman (2022):
Carmine Falcone: Anthony Parziale. Oswald Cobblepot: Lyndon Byers. Catwoman: Kara Williamson Daignault. Riddler: Christophe Stevens. Joker: HJ Carver.
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