#Batten Rouge
7violetmadness7 · 1 year
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No flirting, only treasure
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libbytwq · 6 months
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What if Prime characters met their og characters?
i enjoyed drawing these hehe
+ a bonus wholesome comic where tails meets nine :)
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its angst :')
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felix-krain · 6 months
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Feared and revered all over the Seas
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*Sighs* My girlie,,,
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I miss u,,,
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myymi · 8 months
“Look. Yer new here, I get it.” Sails grumbled, his mechanical arm resting on the hedgehog’s chest to force him to keep his distance, “But you need to learn our rules and fast.” He growled, eyes narrowing into a glare.
Sonic tried to keep his body from visibly wilting at the rejection. He wasn't used to being pushed away by his little brother, and it seemed to hurt worse the second time around.
Except they aren't his little brother, are they? Nine and Sails don't know him. They shouldn't trust him. But he needs them to. Sonic needs his brother(s?) to trust him to keep them safe, why won't they let him protect them?
That's his job, isn't it? He has to keep them safe from those who are hunting them or whatever awful thoughts are plaguing them. What good is protecting the world when he can't protect his world?
“Whaddya mean?” He decided to ask, firmly ignoring the way his voice wavered even after the fox in front of him raised a brow at it.
“I mean quit stickin’ yer nose where it don't belong.” Sonic tried to ignore the fact that only one of the pirate's ears folded down as he crossed his arms, shrinking into himself. “My tale ain't your business, so quit poking.”
“I didn't mean to offend you or anything,” Sonic said, raising his paws in surrender. He'd never want to push his brother to talk about something he didn't want to. Why didn't he just drop it? “I was just worried, y’know?”
“Don't worry over strangers, landlubber.” Sails warned, his metal arm retreating from the teens chest as he averted his gaze, “it'll only make things harder for ya.” He mumbled, almost too quiet for the other to hear.
“But you're not a stranger, Sails.” The older argued, watching the fox’s movements, “I know everything about you!”
“No, you don't.” The kit frowned, his fur bristling, “If ye did, ye wouldn't be here askin’ questions about a life that doesn't concern you.” Was the last thing he said before turning away from the hedgehog, quickly making his way to somewhere on the boat that wasn't near him.
Sonic's ears flattened against his head as he watched Sails walk away, his left paw holding his right arm in an absolute death grip. He groaned and ran his paws down his face.
This was his own fault.
He's always been one to preach about boundaries. He remembers he used to have to remind a 4 year old Tails quite often that sometimes people just didn't want to talk about or do certain things and that was okay.
So why didn't he keep his big, stupid mouth shut when he saw Sails start to pull away?
Sure, Sails wasn't technically Tails, but they had the same mannerisms. His tails twirling around themselves to appear as a single appendage, his eyes looking down to stare at his crossed arms, his fur proofing up, and his foot tapping against the ground were all signs that someone was pushing him too far. Sonic knew that, yet he wouldn't stop pushing.
Maybe it was the desperation to understand this two tailed fox. Because he wasn't his fox, but he was so close he might as well be his doppelganger. Yet the teenager didn't actually know him.
But he wanted to. He wanted to show the kit that he was the one the kid should trust. He wanted to prove to Sails that he was a free shoulder to lean on if he needed it.
A big brother who would always have his arms open, waiting to comfort the fox should he need it.
It was a need for the hedgehog. He so desperately needed his little brother to understand he was always here that he forgot that Sails wasn't his brother. Not in those blue eyes, anyway.
To Sails, Sonic was a stranger. He was just some guy they found on an island who begged to be let aboard their ship. They had only met a few hours ago.
He was, understandably, overwhelmed by the hedgehog. It seemed like the stranger knew almost everything about his life, except for one key detail; Sonic didn't exist in it.
And that's exactly what made Sonic keep pushing. He wasn't a part of Sails’ life, but he wanted to be. Because he knows what Tails’ life was like before meeting the hedgehog, and he needed to make sure Sails was safe.
Nine wasn't.
Mangey wasn't.
There had to be at least one variant of his little brother that was okay. The kid's safety couldn't only rely on Sonic, surely there had to be one of them that got off easy.
But he guesses that was just another assumption he was wrong about.
“Landlubber!” Sonic's ears twitched at that, swiveling around until they located the direction the shout came from. He turned around to see Batten flying above him.
“What’d ye say to Sails?” She asked, one hand resting on her hip as the other held the hilt of her sword. The bat nodded her head up towards the crow’s nest.
Squinting, Sonic could see Sails was leaning against the banister, his head hung low.
The hedgehog winced and rubbed the back of his neck, “I kinda pushed him about something I shouldn't have.” He admitted, ears folding down against his head. “Do you know how I can make that up to him?”
Batten’s frown deepened as she glanced up to the fox for a brief moment, “Don't do anything. He'll sort it out on his own.” She advised, lowering herself down to land beside the hedgehog. “And don't bring the topic back up again. Ever.”
“Noted.” Sonic tried to smile, but it was very obviously strained. He sighed and looked away from the fox, not wanting to be caught staring.
He wasn't used to leaving Tails alone. When the fox was upset he would always bring him a gift to make up for whatever it was he did.
But maybe it's time to stop treating these two tailed foxes like they're his little brother. It never seemed to work out in his favor.
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Sonic Prime as text posts Part 10
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avocados-of-law · 9 months
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Four versions, one bat
Knuckles Amy Tails Big Sonic Shadow Eggman
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sonicreferencephotos · 8 months
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Batten Rouge; Sonic Prime
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I love the little thing I noticed in prime fanworks that each of the foxes get to have their own "sonic" either before or after the show. For example I recal a few people headcanoning that Batten was the one closest to Sails and the one that originally took him under her wing (pun intended), Thorn discovered and cared for Mangey (until the whole debacle) and Nine that got undoomed by the narrative grew an unlikely bond with Ren
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ceemi · 5 months
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art that got finished a few days ago that i forgot abt lmao
background was drawn by @passionartx but i edited it a lil lol
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libbys-braincell-loss · 6 months
can i just say that i love how each alt version of characters in Sonic Prime represent each of their og characters distinguished traits, but all in ways so they have slightly distinct personalities
Nine: technological genius and insecure scared child
Mangey: brave and lives his friends to death
Sails: loyal, and smart
Renegade Knucks: loyal and caring but also defensive
Gnarly: quick to jump to conclusions
Dread: loves shiny things and wants to protect them so much to the point he fights anyone he deems a threat, even his close friends; but he does have a fun side
Rusty Rose: someone you absolutely do not want to mess with
Thorn Rose: loves nature and will protect it with her life, also feisty and fights for what she believes is right
Black Rose: loyal to her friends and a fantastic leader
Rebel: knows what she wants and will do what she needs to do to get it
Prim: one sided and takes what she wants
Batten: loyal and has a golden heart, but also isnt afraid of causing bloodshed
New Yolk Big: good heart and friendly
Hangry Cat: hungry boy
Catfish: scared
(even tho, each alt version of big isnt really all that different)
Mr. Dr. Eggman: the ruler and overlord Eggman wants to be
Dr. Babbles: his rage and cruelty as well as being a sore loser
Dr. Done It: genuine concern for Sonic and his friends at times, and thinking he knows what hes doing
Dr. Deep: arrogance
Dr. Don't: overconfidence, and technical genius
I love the thought put into each version of the characters, instead of it just being "pirate knuckles" or "jungle amy", they have names and are theyre own characters
They may have ended up Sonics friends in the end, but that doesnt mean they are the same characters
I love this show, wish i got into it sooner
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000marie198 · 8 months
Do you think if the Shatterverse variants ever see Sonic again, they'll be slightly more protective of him? Like hovering around him almost constantly and assuring his safety without telling him and not letting him hit the ground if he falls etc.
The last time they saw him, he was weak and faded and dying. Never again.
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snow-white-shadow · 2 years
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She may be called Rusty Rose, but in this scene she really shines 😆
(From Sonic Prime - 1x8 - There's No Arrgh In Team)
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eisenbrave · 2 years
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No Place for fishing
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drylagooned · 1 year
i do like that in every shatterverse rouge raises to the surface as group leader. even batten, after only approximately 5 minutes of dread being gone, appears to have taken over as captain. queen of my heart and also of every universe
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myymi · 8 months
Batten couldn't stop the gasp she let out as she tried to ignore the wet feeling in her eyes.
She knew that kid had an explosive side to him, but she never thought it would've ended like that.
The bat was ready to fly straight over to the crater Sails' bomb had left, but a big, purple paw on her chest stopped her.
She turned to find Catfish looking at her sadly. His large ears were folded against his head as he numbly shook his head, turning around to return to the task at hand.
Batten glanced between the cat and crater, fighting with herself on what to choose.
She hesitantly flew after Catfish, quickly swiping at her eyes. She knew she didn't show it in the best way, but she loved that kid. She had practically raised him on her own before they stumbled upon Dread, Black Rose, and Catfish.
She didn't think losing him would ever really impact her. Losing people never had before. But despite it all, tears continued to gather no matter how many times she wiped them away.
She was more attached to Sails than she even realized. But it didn't matter anymore, did it?
Sails was gone.
Batten would never get to give him another flying lesson ever again. She'd never get to snatch away his sea dog when he stopped paying attention to it just to end up giving him her own one anyway.
She wouldn't get to have another quick spar with him, having to learn how to work around his gizmo. She wouldn't be able to sit on the mast to watch over him after he curled up for a nap in the crow’s nest.
They were all little things, but it was their little things. It was things she enjoyed doing with that little fox, one of the few highlights in their otherwise boring, repetitive lives.
But now they were gone and Batten’s world grew darker. Her cheerful sunrays the kit gave her were now blocked out by the cloud of dread that settled over her body at the realization she lost what was probably the most important thing to her.
She couldn't even remember the last time she had cried.
Batten lost Sails. And it felt like a piece of her died with him.
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