#Battery management system programming
sbrbatteries · 4 months
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Dandelion News - September 15-21
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. A beam of hope for North America’s most endangered sparrow
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“Dozens of conservationists, gathered some distance away to avoid spooking the skittish sparrows, celebrated the [release of the 1000th captive-raised sparrow] in an unprecedented recovery program that in only a few years has doubled the bird’s wild population, from a mere 80 five years ago to some 200 today. […] “What we have achieved is the best case scenario.””
2. U.S. overdose deaths plummet, saving thousands of lives
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“"In the states that have the most rapid data collection systems, we’re seeing declines of twenty percent, thirty percent," said Dr. Nabarun Dasgupta, an expert on street drugs at the University of North Carolina. […] According to Donaldson, many people using fentanyl now carry naloxone, a medication that reverses most opioid overdoses. He said his friends also use street drugs with others nearby, ready to offer aid and support when overdoses occur.”
3. Propagated corals reveal increased resistance to bleaching across the Caribbean during the fatal heat wave of 2023
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“”[… Y]oung corals bred for restoration are a lot more resistant to bleaching under extreme levels of heat stress than the prevailing corals on the reef." [… Unlike with the previous propagation strategy, fragmentation, e]very time a population reproduces, new offspring receive newly mixed sets of genes through recombination, making them different from their parent colonies and thus enabling adaptation.”
4. Habitat Management Helps At-Risk Butterflies
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“For a number of at-risk butterflies in the United States, habitat management can play an important role in keeping them from going extinct. [… “In] places where people are actively engaged with ways to manage the habitat, the butterflies are doing the best,” said Cheryl Schultz, a professor of conservation biology at Washington State University[….]”
5. Study: Protecting the ocean helps fight malnutrition
“[The study] found that fish catches in coral reefs could increase by up to 20 percent by expanding sustainable-use marine protected areas — that is, areas where some fishing is allowed with restrictions[, … and] that sustainable-use marine protected areas have on average 15 percent more fish biomass than non-protected areas. […] “Allowing regulated fishing in marine protected areas can support healthy fish populations, while also having a positive impact on the quality of life of surrounding communities.””
6. [FWS] Advances Effort to Create Urban Conservation Footprint in Tucson
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““We want to continue to work together to create an urban footprint to improve access to nature, conserve habitats, and improve air and water quality.” […] The area provides habitat for several federally listed species, including southwestern willow flycatcher, western yellow-billed cuckoo, and Mexican garter snake. If protected, the area will also help connect critical habitat for jaguar and Chiracahua leopard frog.”
7. ‘Exciting’ solar breakthrough means energy can be kept in sustainable batteries that don’t overheat
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“The technology is based on a specially designed molecule of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen that changes shape when it comes into contact with sunlight. These are common elements - providing an alternative to other technologies relying on scarce materials like lithium. […] A unique feature of the system is that the molecules also provide cooling in the photovoltaic cell[, which can store solar energy “for up to 18 years.”]”
8. Sea turtles make big comeback on sandy beaches at 2 British military bases in Cyprus
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“[… The] number of nests surpass[ed] last year’s record count by nearly 25%, environmentalists said Tuesday. […] “The steep increase in turtle nests has been the result of a consistent, systematic ‘hands-off’ approach, together with enforcement efforts to minimize illegal, damaging activities on nesting beaches[….” D]aily patrols by volunteers ensure that aluminum cages set atop the nests remain in place to protect the turtles from predators like foxes and dogs.”
9. First ever photograph of rare bird species New Britain Goshawk
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“The last documented scientific record of the bird is from 1969[….] Working closely with [“the Indigenous Mengen and Mamusi peoples”], WWF hopes to support local stewardship to safeguard the future of these incredible biodiversity hotspots through community-led conservation.”
10. Hospitals begin offering breakthrough radiation therapy for metastatic cancer tumors
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“[First,] a patient is injected with a radioactive glucose (or sugar) tracer. The machine picks up the tracer in real time and in bright colors, [… then] reads a signal from the cancer cells breaking down the tracer. [… “The] machine is automatically and autonomously reacting and responding to those signals by shooting radiation back to their source[….]””
September 8-14 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hello! IDK if you can do this, but how about a FNAF DLC platonic:
Ruined Eclipse (or Sun and Moon separated) with a creator! reader, something like a reunion parent-child, they recognize the reader because of an old guest record, the first one they ever had. As they were created by them
"I still can't believe you almost shutdown the entire MXES system..."
"Yeah, me neither. But who decided that the avatar should look like some...creepy rabbit? I was honestly more scared of that than anything."
".....I'd rather not talk about it. Let's just keep moving."
"Vanessa's right, we're getting close to the daycare." You chimed in, keeping a hopeful smile on your face as you shone the flashlight down the debris-ridden path.
Coming back to the ruined Pizzaplex was something you never even dreamed of doing. After helping Gregory, Vanessa, and Freddy (or at least what's left of him anyways) escape this awful place...you thought that the best thing to do was to implement an advanced security system.
One that ensured nothing, especially the machine you all called the "Mimic", could get out and wreck havoc.
Of course, you felt bad for leaving all the other animatronics behind, including Freddy's bandmates. You had plans to come back and retrieve them once Vanessa confirmed that the widespread system virus was cleared.
Then a mysterious earthquake struck and basically left the complex in ruins.
Fortunately the security system remained intact, as it was her idea to put all of it into the AR world where reality couldn't damage the nodes.
And for a while there were no problems...
Until they began shutting down one by one, and Vanessa discovered that a new user had been paired with the VANNI network thanks to the mask she left behind.
That user?
Gregory's friend: Cassie.
Somehow the Mimic managed to contact her and pretend to be him, instructing her to "save him" by turning off all the nodes. And it was interfering with all of your attempts to reach her.
Even worse?
MXES kept sending out alert signals to the animatronics--which is what it's programmed to do in order to keep anyone from touching the nodes..
But considering the horrible state the Glamrocks were in the last time you saw them, you were almost certain they're hunting Cassie like a pack of wolves, driven by anger rather than a glitch or security protocols.
Luckily you were able to access her walkie-talkie before she could shutdown the Entity itself and free the Mimic, explaining that Gregory was never there to begin with.
You, him, Vanessa, and Freddy eventually came to her rescue, taking a backup of MXES before escaping the pizzaplex for the last time.
At least you thought that would've been the last time you've ever seen that place.
Cassie recognized you as the creator of the Daycare Attendant and mentioned that he was active and....didn't try to harm her after she managed to reboot him.
That piqued your interest.
You didn't think he'd be functional still, let alone harmless towards her.
For a few days you kept thinking about it and how much you missed seeing that ray of sunshine/moonlight..
Next thing you knew, you were back here with your friends to seek him out. Gregory proposed finding a new body for Freddy--or at least batteries from the recharge stations to keep his head active.
Since you're already here, you might as well take a shortcut to Superstar Daycare.
"Can I ask you something about him, [y/n]?" Cassie spoke up.
"...was he meant to have some third mode? Because when I rebooted him, he didn't act too much like Sun...and he definitely wasn't acting 100% like Moon, either."
"....oh my gosh.." Stopping in your tracks, you stared at her with wide eyes. "You managed to put him into Eclipse mode??"
"I....guess..? Is that what he's called?"
"Yes! That was his default mode for his theater performances! I thought it was lost forever, but....wow." You laughed softly. "I have to see him now."
Eclipse was a name you thought you'd never hear again.
Originally, you had created him as a stage performer in the Pizzaplex's early days, developing his day-night cycle function as a neat little schtick for the children. He was meant to tell stories and switch between Sun and Moon to act out a thrilling "good vs evil" battle.
Alas his performances didn't get nearly as much attention as the Glamrocks, and you were sorta coerced into coming up with a new idea lest he was scrapped altogether.
You decided he'll become a daycare manager to help with the recent uptick of patrons accompanied by toddlers.
You led a small engineering team to help program him with new information, including a guest record that you tested out first, and he adjusted to his new role very well. He became popular even quicker than before.
The only issue during maintenance was the light-sensitivity switch couldn't be removed...not even by you. For whatever reason the DreadUnit didn't have that information on file.
You've tried everything in the book, even attempting to reverse-engineer how you made it originally. But you couldn't remove it without compromising Eclipse's entire system.
It's like it was somehow integrated permanently into his software, rather than being a physical mechanism you put in with a wrench and screws.
You knew for a fact you didn't design it that way.
One of the newbie engineers who doubted your skills tried fixing the problem themselves, taking Eclipse to parts & services without your permission.
Then there was a blackout, and they nearly got maimed to death after he abruptly switched into Moon and attacked them inside the "protective" cylinder.
The incident had been covered-up since, but you never did see Eclipse (or that coworker) ever again.
There was just Sun and Moon now, with neither half remembering anything related to their original form.
As painful as it was...you had to accept it, knowing that it would be too risky (and costly) to perform any further maintenance on that mechanic. You just continued overseeing his duties as daycare attendant.
But things kept going downhill from here.
You felt like your beloved creation had turned into a walking nightmare, considering the amount of complaints you've had over him making toddlers cry while they're getting picked up from the daycare.
It didn't help matter where the blackouts became more frequent in there, too, triggering Moon to come out often; management's solution was to shove a bunch of backup generators into the play areas and call it a day.
They didn't wanna waste a single dime more on any problems relating to the Attendant or his attraction, making it clear that you'd only repair him if he needed cleaning.
And they threatened you with termination if you mentioned anything about Eclipse to the guests or coworkers.
It was so unfair.
The incompetent engineer who only had two months of animatronic repair experience took your creation and broke him--being let off the hook with a mere slap on the wrist and all their medical expenses paid...
While you're stuck dealing with the consequences.
Neither Sun nor Moon blamed you for anything that happened, but you still felt like you failed them.
Like you failed Eclipse.
You eventually resigned, unable to deal with it anymore, although you still thought about him all the time and visited the Pizzaplex, hoping he was doing well.
Maybe he'd forget about you as he continued receiving an endless number of guest names to add to his database. He probably erased your name since you haven't been back in such a long time.
Perhaps..that was for the best.
Yet now you were here once again among the ruins of the mall, holding onto the tiniest bit of hope that he was still alive.
It seems you haven't fully let him go just yet.
As the doors to the daycare eerily creaked open, you made the brave decision to go inside alone while the rest of the group kept a lookout for trouble.
Gregory and Freddy, of course, had their reasons not to enter that place. Neither of them knew for certain if the Attendant would remember them...and how Moon chased down the brunette at the end of every hour.
He'd rather not relive the horrors of trying to navigate through the darkness and turn on those stupid generators.
You looked all around, frowning at the ruined state of the daycare you helped build. But at the same time it filled you with such nostalgia.
It's a miracle anything was left standing at all.
"Hello? Eclipse?" Your voice echoed throughout the seemingly empty attraction.
A few seconds later, you got a response that made your heart swell with joy.
"Hello, friend! Welcome to Superstar Daycare!!"
In the blink of an eye, a familiar face floated down in front of you with a smile. You stepped back and took a moment to look over the animatronic, seeing he had parts of Sun and Moon blended together as one.
And somehow, he was able to stand despite only having one intact leg.
At first you had no idea what to say..
But no words had to be spoken, as Eclipse's petals clicked and shuffled as he leaned in closer. From his eyes came a holographic scanner that swept over you once, and once it vanished he stepped back, shocked.
"[Y/n]...my creator..?" He whispered. "You...have returned?"
You nodded, smiling as tears formed in your eyes. "It's me, Eclipse. I'm back."
You couldn't help opening your arms up to him, and he embraced you tightly in response, nearly crushing you. Although some of his endoskeleton components and loose wires poked your sides, you didn't care about that, being too overwhelmed with emotion to worry.
He was okay, and he didn't seem to hold any ill-will towards your abrupt resignation.
That's all that mattered right now.
"Oh it's so, so good to see you!! How have you been? Is your boss giving you a rough time? Am I due for maintenance??" He was rambling a mile a minute, and you just chuckled and shook your head, letting him go.
"No, you're just fine, buddy. But listen, there's..something you need to know-"
"Of course, of course! Could you just give me one moment? I'm almost done cleaning up this place!" He looked around anxiously. "We'll be open in an hour so I need to do one final sweep!"
"I pinky swear it'll take only a second! And then-!"
"Eclipse. I command you to stay put and listen."
Before he could leap out of your sights, your firm tone of voice made him freeze and stare at you, completely unmoving.
Even you were stunned that he was still programmed to obey you, but at least it makes what you're about to tell him easier.
You cleared your throat, awkwardly clipping your flashlight to your belt before finally speaking. "Cleaning up the daycare is...no longer necessary."
He tilted his head like a curious cat, looking rather troubled. "No longer...necessary? Why? Did I do a bad job? I hope not...I-I was just...trapped in a long sleep!"
You nodded. "I know, but during that time...an earthquake hit the Pizzaplex, and now it's too dangerous for anyone to come visit."
"..huh, so we're closed...forever?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry, Eclipse.."
"I see..." Slowly, but surely, he was processing this news. Although he perked back up with a smile. "But it must be somewhat safe..since you came to visit me!"
"Cassie told me you were still here." Your smile returned, relieved he was taking it better than you initially expected. "I heard she helped you...and Sun and Moon when you needed it most."
"Cassie....? Cassie...ohhh, the little girl who made us whole again!!" His eyes flashed with recollection. "She was such a sweet kid! Is she alright? Is she safe?"
"She's safe, and she's just outside the daycare. Along with Vanessa and um...Gregory."
"L-Listen, I know you two had a bad history together.." You began, cautious as he just stared blankly at you. "But I promise he's not-"
"Who's Gregory? I don't recall his name being in my records.."
'Ah....so Eclipse doesn't know him. Thank god.'
"Oh! That's okay. He's a great kid, too. I'll have to introduce you to him." You extended your hand out. "Come with me. Let's get out of this place. He needs our help finding a new body for Freddy since his original one got destroyed by the STA--earthquake."
Internally you cursed yourself for that near-slip of the tongue, although Eclipse didn't notice at all and joyfully took your hand, eager to help a kid in need.
He let you lead him out of the daycare like a parent and their child, never letting your hand go even for a moment. But you weren't complaining.
In a way, you were his parent.
You did create him, after all.
And now you've finally reunited with him.
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angel-in-shibari · 9 months
a slave's collar is their most important accessory. not only does it show that they're owned, but with stylization and customization, it can also show who exactly owns them. Mistress prefers a nice rose gold band with floral engravings. to the unsuspecting, it looks like a fancy metal choker or extravagant piece of jewelry. but to those who do know, it's true purpose is undeniable.
the collar is equipped with the obvious essential features: gps, microphone, motion trackers, proximity sensors, and various devices that monitor my every movement. of course, all those features would be pretty pointless if Mistress didn't have a way to control me. that's why there are five electrodes placed equidistant from each other at various points along my neck. the electrodes can be controlled manually by a secure program that only Mistress has access to. all five can be fired individually, with 25 levels of intensity. 1 is a mild tickle. 5 is a painful shock, but relatively manageable as long as it's not prolonged. 10 is enough to bring me to my knees as I cry and beg for her to stop. she has only ever used 11 once, and I blacked out immediately. as for 25... don't worry about it
the collar features an incredibly secure and tamper-proof locking system. as it's locked, various circuits are armed. if the lock is broken and those circuits are broken... um... well. maybe you're thinking I can just wait for the battery to drain completely before taking it off without issue. think again, because there are two batteries installed that last quite a long time without a charge. the collar itself doesn't use all that much electricity, but in the case that one battery is completely drained, it will switch to the second battery. both batteries can last about 5 months each, so I'd have to go almost a year without charging for it to even reach depletion. also, once the final battery reaches its last 5% of charge, all the remaining electricity is released at once through the electrodes at level 25 until there is nothing left. basically, my collar isn't coming off with me alive.
I never have to worry about low batteries, however. Mistress has installed a number of radio frequency wireless charging devices around her mansion, meaning that as long as I am inside, my battery remains at almost full charge. the only time it has ever dipped below 99.7% is one afternoon when Mistress was extremely mad at her father and decided to take her anger out on me. whatever makes her happy makes me happy. I'm glad that my suffering is cathartic for her.
alongside the chargers, proximity detectors are placed on the outside walls. if I get to close to an exit, Mistress is automatically notified and a level 1 shock is admitted. if I get even closer, the shock is amplified dramatically. stepping outside is a level 25. the only way I'm ever allowed outside is if Mistress manually disables the 'electric fence' as she calls it. but when she does that, she has a separate system that acts in a similar way that shocks me more the further away from her I get.
you might think that all of this is unnecessary. all these systems and programs are what you might call "exceptionally overkill" or "horribly sadistic" or "just plain cruel". but the main reason they exist actually isn't to keep me in line. even if trying to take my collar off didn't kill me, I wouldn't ever dream of removing it. I would never go outside unless Mistress made me, even without the electric fence active. even the 25 levels of shock are a display of power. I'm small enough that level 13 would probably be enough to kill me.
the reason all these things exist is actually to show everyone that every single aspect of my life is completely under Mistress's control. I already know it's pointless to try and escape or fight back. I realized that before the collar was ever locked around my throat. all the ways in which Mistress has power over me are already obvious to me. because these precautions aren't for me. they're for you. to terrify you, and show you exactly what happens to people who wrong my Mistress. unless you want to end up like me, I strongly recommend you stay on her good side.
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stevebattle · 1 month
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Concero – Toyota Robot Band (2005), Toyota, Japan. Toyota's robot band, Concero, is made up of Harry, Dave, Chuck, and Richie, plus a 'DJ' robot as MC. Their debut performance is at the Japan Expo 2005 in the Toyota Group pavilion. "The virtuoso robot band “Concero” consists of both wheeled and bipedal robots. The bipedal model can easily maneuver in a human environment to assist in a variety of tasks. Wheeled robots are beneficial in environments where high speeds and the ability to rapidly change direction are desirable. A total of eight robots performed during EXPO 2005, playing many different instruments, including the trumpet, the French horn and the tuba. A management system was developed to monitor and control the robots during the performance shows. This system facilitated pre-show preparations such as standby mode software, battery and position control checks. The lighting, music and other stage controls were also fully integrated into the robot management system. After signaling the robots to initiate the programmed tasks, this system allowed the show’s engineers to wirelessly monitor the location and condition of each unit during the performance." – Toyota Partner Robots.
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commodorez · 6 months
What kind of work can be done on a commodore 64 or those other old computers? The tech back then was extremely limited but I keep seeing portable IBMs and such for office guys.
I asked a handful of friends for good examples, and while this isn't an exhaustive list, it should give you a taste.
I'll lean into the Commodore 64 as a baseline for what era to hone in one, let's take a look at 1982 +/-5 years.
A C64 can do home finances, spreadsheets, word processing, some math programming, and all sorts of other other basic productivity work. Games were the big thing you bought a C64 for, but we're not talking about games here -- we're talking about work. I bought one that someone used to write and maintain a local user group newsletter on both a C64C and C128D for years, printing labels and letters with their own home equipment, mailing floppies full of software around, that sorta thing.
IBM PCs eventually became capable of handling computer aided design (CAD) work, along with a bunch of other standard productivity software. The famous AutoCAD was mostly used on this platform, but it began life on S-100 based systems from the 1970s.
Spreadsheets were a really big deal for some platforms. Visicalc was the killer app that the Apple II can credit its initial success with. Many other platforms had clones of Visicalc (and eventually ports) because it was groundbreaking to do that sort of list-based mathematical work so quickly, and so error-free. I can't forget to mention Lotus 1-2-3 on the IBM PC compatibles, a staple of offices for a long time before Microsoft Office dominance.
CP/M machines like Kaypro luggables were an inexpensive way of making a "portable" productivity box, handling some of the lighter tasks mentioned above (as they had no graphics functionality).
The TRS-80 Model 100 was able to do alot of computing (mostly word processing) on nothing but a few AA batteries. They were a staple of field correspondence for newspaper journalists because they had an integrated modem. They're little slabs of computer, but they're awesomely portable, and great for writing on the go. Everyone you hear going nuts over cyberdecks gets that because of the Model 100.
Centurion minicomputers were mostly doing finances and general ledger work for oil companies out of Texas, but were used for all sorts of other comparable work. They were multi-user systems, running several terminals and atleast one printer on one central database. These were not high-performance machines, but entire offices were built around them.
Tandy, Panasonic, Sharp, and other brands of pocket computers were used for things like portable math, credit, loan, etc. calculation for car dealerships. Aircraft calculations, replacing slide rules were one other application available on cassette. These went beyond what a standard pocket calculator could do without a whole lot of extra work.
Even something like the IBM 5340 with an incredibly limited amount of RAM but it could handle tracking a general ledger, accounts receivable, inventory management, storing service orders for your company. Small bank branches uses them because they had peripherals that could handle automatic reading of the magnetic ink used on checks. Boring stuff, but important stuff.
I haven't even mentioned Digital Equipment Corporation, Data General, or a dozen other manufacturers.
I'm curious which portable IBM you were referring to initially.
All of these examples are limited by today's standards, but these were considered standard or even top of the line machines at the time. If you write software to take advantage of the hardware you have, however limited, you can do a surprising amount of work on a computer of that era.
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ieatmoonrocks · 3 months
MHA DR-Self Hero Profile
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(I'm not an artist but I tried ;~; )
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Hero Name: Impulse
Considering MHA's fantastical laws of physics and such, I'm taking some liberties here, I know EMP's don't necessarily work this way :)
Quirk: Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP)
I can use and manipulate EMP’s to affect anything that can use or run on electricity to my will. At some point I learn to control biological tissue by manipulating electrical signals in the cells. I can do anything from diagnosing issues in electronics to accessing any information (even the most confidential) as long as it’s on the device or connected to the internet in any way. Firewalls and encryption can take a bit longer to navigate through, but in general are no issue. No trace is left behind; my activities cannot be traced, even if I pull up the information on a computer for others to see. I can interface with tech and view everything in my head, so battery usage in devices is minimal due to there being no need for screens or physical input. Outside electrical sources are not needed to manipulate most objects.
Some of these skills are gained and perfected in my time at UA.
Agility and Speed: Enhances my ability to move rapidly through urban environments, chase villains, or reach areas inaccessible by conventional means.
Escape and Evasion: Allows me to evade capture or dangerous situations.
Rescue Operations: Facilitates swift navigation in disaster zones.
Skateboarding: Translates into Hoverboard use
Quick Transportation: Provides a fast and agile mode of transportation, allowing me to cover ground quickly.
Enhanced Maneuverability: Helps me perform sharp turns and evasive maneuvers during pursuits or escapes.
Combat Utility: The board can be used as a tool in combat, either as a weapon or a shield.
Krav Maga:
Self-Defense: Equips me with practical combat skills to neutralize threats quickly and effectively.
Close-Combat Proficiency: Enhances my ability to handle hand-to-hand combat situations.
Situational Awareness: Trains me to remain vigilant and responsive to immediate threats.
Electronics and Programming:
Tech Control: Allows me to interface with and control technology.
Hacking: Enables me to hack into security systems, disable electronic traps, or access critical information.
Repair and Modification: Equips me with the skills to repair damaged tech or modify devices on the fly.
Counter-Hacking: Allows me to defend against cyber-attacks from villains.
Data Protection: Ensures the safety of personal and mission-related data.
Tech Defense: Helps me implement security measures on their own devices.
Safe Manipulation: Enables me to manipulate biological electrical signals safely.
Medical Assistance: Provides the knowledge to offer medical aid, such as stabilizing heartbeats or alleviating pain.
Enhanced Strategy: Offers insight into how opponents' nervous systems function, aiding in the development of effective, non-lethal combat strategies.
Tactical Thinking and Strategy:
Mission Planning: Helps me develop effective plans for complex missions.
Adaptability: Equips me to adjust strategies quickly in response to changing conditions or unexpected challenges.
Team Coordination: Enhances my ability to work with and lead teams, coordinating actions and resources.
Leadership and Communication:
Team Leadership: Prepares me to lead teams of other heroes or rescue personnel, making critical decisions under pressure.
Public Interaction: Equips me to communicate with the public, media, and authorities.
Conflict Resolution: Enhances my ability to de-escalate situations and resolve conflicts peacefully when possible.
First Aid and Emergency Response:
Medical Assistance: Allows me to provide critical care in the field, stabilizing injured individuals until they can receive professional treatment.
Disaster Response: Equips me to manage disaster scenarios, providing aid, organizing evacuations, and ensuring public safety.
Self-Care: Enables me to tend to my own injuries during missions.
Support Items:
Smart Visor:
Augmented Reality Interface: Displays real-time information overlay, including maps, data streams, and tactical readouts, directly in the user’s field of vision.
Enhanced Vision Modes: Includes night vision, thermal imaging, and x-ray vision.
Universal Integration: Can connect to any electronic device or network within range.
Communication Hub: Functions as a secure communication device.
Mental Command: Responds to mental commands for hands-free operation.
Insulation: Protects against electronic surges.
Retractable Smart Wires:
Grappling hooks: Equipped with small yet extremely strong and durable grappling hooks that can latch on to most surfaces, or grip to self when wire is wrapped around an object.
Electric Conductivity: Can channel the user's EMP directly through the cables.
Durable and Flexible: Made from a thin high-strength, flexible material that can withstand extreme conditions and physical stress. Made from a Material that while remaining flexible, does not tangle with itself.
Automatic Retraction: Retracts into a compact, portable spool when not in use.
Variable Length: Length can be adjusted as needed, extending up to several yards.
Collapsible Hoverboard:
Folding Mechanism: Folds down from the size of a skateboard deck into a compact, pocket sized form.
Electric Propulsion: Uses a high-efficiency electromagnetic propulsion system for smooth and silent movement, easily controlled by the user’s quirk.
Remote Summoning: Can be summoned to the user’s location.
Stability and Control: Features advanced gyroscopic stabilization for smooth rides over various terrains.
Speed and Maneuverability: Capable of high speeds and sharp turns.
Pocket Tech:
Micro Bugs
Micro Cameras
Micro Drones
Mini Bombs
Shock-Absorbing Soles: Provides superior cushioning to absorb impact during high-speed movements and long jumps.
Conductive Fabric: Allows me to channel EMP.
Magnetic Traction Pads: Ensures superior grip on the hoverboard, maintaining stability.
Lightweight and Breathable: Keeps the feet cool and dry, enhancing comfort and reducing fatigue during long missions.
Reinforced Toe and Heel Caps: Provides extra protection against impacts and enhances durability.
Conductive Fibers: Allows me to channel EMP.
Moisture-Wicking Fabric: Keeps feet dry and comfortable.
Compression Zones: Provides targeted compression to support key areas of the foot and ankle, improving blood circulation and reducing fatigue.
Shock-Absorbing Padding: Enhances comfort by absorbing impact and reducing stress on the feet.
Antimicrobial Treatment: Prevents the growth of odor-causing bacteria, keeping the socks fresh and hygienic.
Seamless Construction: Reduces friction and prevents blisters.
Thermoregulatory Properties: Keeps feet warm in cold conditions and cool in hot conditions.
Reinforced Arch Support: Provides additional support to the arch, enhancing stability and reducing the risk of injuries.
Durable Fabric: Provides protection against wear and tear.
Conductive Threading: Allows me to channel EMP.
Moisture-Wicking and Breathable: Keeps me cool and dry.
Reinforced Knees and Seat: Provides extra durability and protection.
Flexible: Ensures a comfortable fit that adapts to my movements, providing flexibility and reducing restrictions.
Multiple Pockets: Provides ample storage space for tools, gadgets, and personal items.
Thermoregulatory Properties: Keeps me warm in cold conditions and cool in hot conditions.
Durable Material: Ensures the harness can withstand the rigors of combat and daily use.
Ergonomic Design: Provides comfort and support during prolonged wear, distributing weight evenly.
Adjustable Fit: Provides a customizable fit, ensuring the harness stays secure and comfortable.
Attachment Points: Allows me to attach additional gear, tools, or accessories.
Quick-Release Buckles: Ensures the harness can be easily and quickly donned or doffed.
Integrated Power Conduits: Allows me to channel EMP, enhancing my ability to manipulate the smart cables.
Reflective and High-Visibility Elements: Increases visibility in low-light conditions, ensuring I can be seen by allies and avoid hazards.
Conductive Fabric: Allows me to channel EMP.
Moisture-Wicking and Breathable: Keeps me cool and dry.
Compression Zones: Provides support to key muscle groups, improving blood circulation and reducing muscle fatigue.
Reinforced Seams: Enhances durability and prevents tearing.
Thermoregulatory Properties: Keeps me warm in cold conditions and cool in hot conditions.
Flexible and Stretchable: Ensures a snug fit that moves with my body, providing full range of motion and reducing restrictions.
Antimicrobial Treatment: Prevents the growth of odor-causing bacteria, keeping the shirt fresh and hygienic.
Conductive Fabric: Allows me to channel EMP.
Ergonomic Design: Provides a natural fit that reduces hand fatigue and enhances dexterity.
Reinforced Palms and Fingers: Offers extra protection against abrasion and impact.
Touchscreen Compatibility: Allows me to interact with touchscreen devices if needed.
Breathable and Moisture-Wicking: Keeps hands cool and dry by allowing sweat to evaporate quickly.
Adjustable Wrist Straps: Provides a secure fit, ensuring the gloves stay in place.
Shock-Absorbing Padding: Reduces impact and vibration, protecting the hands.
Antimicrobial Treatment: Prevents the growth of odor-causing bacteria, keeping the gloves fresh and hygienic.
Insulated Fabric: Provides superior warmth without adding bulk.
Waterproof and Windproof Outer Layer: Protects against rain, snow, and wind.
Conductive Threading: Allows me to channel EMP.
Heated Panels: Integrated heating elements providing adjustable warmth on demand.
Breathable and Moisture-Wicking: Keeps me dry and comfortable by drawing sweat away from the skin.
Adjustable Hood: Provides additional warmth and protection, and can be removed when not needed.
Multiple Pockets: Provides ample storage space for tools, gadgets, and personal items.
Reinforced Seams and Elbows: Enhances durability and provides extra protection in high-stress areas.
Reflective Elements: Increases visibility in low-light conditions, ensuring I can be seen by allies and avoid hazards.
Stealth Version:
Light-Absorbing Fabric: Reduces visibility by minimizing light reflection.
Sound-Dampening Fabric: Reduces noise generated by movement.
Minimalistic Design: Reduces the risk of snagging or catching on obstacles, ensuring smooth and silent movement.
Hood and Mask: Provides additional concealment.
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+1 Brownie point if you read this whole thing :)
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tumatawa · 2 months
did you follow any sort of guide when reskinning your computer to vista?
No, but most programs I use have individual guides, Ive put everything below for anyone interested. Make sure to create system restore points before and inbetween, please note Im not a computer guy in the least. I do not have my Windows 10 PC's best interest in mind, and Im actively trying to kill this laptop any way I can.
Start Menu: Vistalike skin on Open Shell. Files are at the bottom of the thread Login: Custom Logon Hook skin for Vista (UNSTABLE, NOT RECOMMENDED. Make sure Ctrl+Alt+Delete is enabled) Theme: Aero10 I use the Vista (shiny) variant. Not compatible with certain screen resolutions. DWMBlurGlass (for window color/opacity) may occasionally stop, I just reapply when it happens. If the program suddenly doesn't open, restarting usually does the trick. Taskbar: StartIsBack for UI, Open Shell for texture + start button. SIB's trial expiration only affects the start menu which I'm already using Open Shell for so its basically free. Uncheck all Switching tab options. For texturing, I just screenshotted a part textured by SIB and made it the taskbar texture on Open Shell. If the taskbar gets mangled for any reason restart File Explorer on Task Manager. Start buttons are an edited version of this, with added space to the right since it overlapped my taskbar items.
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Firefox theme: Rinfox only works for Firefox 115/115ESR. Installation guide is in the "rinfox" folder. Extra info. Reshacker directions were in 2 different places so I'll put it all below (RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR):
IE icon (do this first): File > Open > Open firefox.exe > Icon Group tab > Replace icons 1, 2, 5, 32512 with ie.ico either from rinfox's chrome > images folders or just download it online idc Enabling aero: [^ first 3 steps done] > Manifest tab > delete these lines: ```xml <supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}"/> <supportedOS Id="{1f676c76-80e1-4239-95bb-83d0f6d0da78}"/> <supportedOS Id="{4a2f28e3-53b9-4441-ba9c-d69d4a4a6e38}"/> ``` Press compile (Green play button on the right) > Save > Restart Computer
Extras: Win7 tray icons and network flyout (Close enough for me) Customtube / Startube for V3 WLM 2009 Vista Media Player Vista Paint Battery Mode 7 + Taskbar Tweaker Winaero Tweaker (has a lot of Legacy options) Longhorn Sidebar for Rainmeter Windhawk Extentions: Aero Flyout Fix Aero Tray Win32 Tray Clock Experience
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moose-mousse · 1 year
So I made an app for PROTO. Written in Kotlin and runs on Android.
Next, I want to upgrade it with a controller mode. It should work so so I simply plug a wired xbox controller into my phone with a USB OTG adaptor… and bam, the phone does all the complex wireless communication and is a battery. Meaning that besides the controller, you only need the app and… any phone. Which anyone is rather likely to have Done.
Now THAT is convenient!
( Warning, the rest of the post turned into... a few rants. ) Why Android? Well I dislike Android less than IOS
So it is it better to be crawling in front of the alter of "We are making the apocalypse happen" Google than "5 Chinese child workers died while you read this" Apple?
Not much…
I really should which over to a better open source Linux distribution… But I do not have the willpower to research which one... So on Android I stay.
Kotlin is meant to be "Java, but better/more modern/More functional programming style" (Everyone realized a few years back that the 100% Object oriented programming paradigme is stupid as hell. And we already knew that about the functional programming paradigme. The best is a mix of everything, each used when it is the best option.) And for the most part, it succeeds. Java/Kotlin compiles its code down to "bytecode", which is essentially assembler but for the Java virtual machine. The virtual machine then runs the program. Like how javascript have the browser run it instead of compiling it to the specific machine your want it to run on… It makes them easy to port…
Except in the case of Kotlin on Android... there is not a snowflakes chance in hell that you can take your entire codebase and just run it on another linux distribution, Windows or IOS…
So... you do it for the performance right? The upside of compiling directly to the machine is that it does not waste power on middle management layers… This is why C and C++ are so fast!
Except… Android is… Clunky… It relies on design ideas that require EVERY SINGLE PROGRAM AND APP ON YOUR PHONE to behave nicely (Lots of "This system only works if every single app uses it sparingly and do not screw each-other over" paradigms .). And many distributions from Motorola like mine for example comes with software YOUR ARE NOT ALLOWED TO UNINSTALL... meaning that software on your phone is ALWAYS behaving badly. Because not a single person actually owns an Android phone. You own a brick of electronics that is worthless without its OS, and google does not sell that to you or even gift it to you. You are renting it for free, forever. Same with Motorola which added a few extra modifications onto Googles Android and then gave it to me.
That way, google does not have to give any rights to its costumers. So I cannot completely control what my phone does. Because it is not my phone. It is Googles phone.
That I am allowed to use. By the good graces of our corporate god emperors
"Moose stares blankly into space trying to stop being permanently angry at hoe everyone is choosing to run the world"
… Ok that turned dark… Anywho. TLDR There is a better option for 95% of apps (Which is "A GUI that interfaces with a database") "Just write a single HTML document with internal CSS and Javascript" Usually simpler, MUCH easier and smaller… And now your app works on any computer with a browser. Meaning all of them…
I made a GUI for my parents recently that works exactly like that. Soo this post:
It was frankly a mistake of me to learn Kotlin… Even more so since It is a… awful language… Clearly good ideas then ruined by marketing department people yelling "SUPPORT EVERYTHING! AND USE ALL THE BUZZWORD TECHNOLOGY! Like… If your language FORCES you to use exceptions for normal runtime behavior "Stares at CancellationException"... dear god that is horrible...
Made EVEN WORSE by being a really complicated way to re-invent the GOTO expression… You know... The thing every programmer is taught will eat your feet if you ever think about using it because it is SO dangerous, and SO bad form to use it? Yeah. It is that, hidden is a COMPLEATLY WRONG WAY to use exceptions…
goodie… I swear to Christ, every page or two of my Kotlin notes have me ranting how I learned how something works, and that it is terrible... Blaaa. But anyway now that I know it, I try to keep it fresh in my mind and use it from time to time. Might as well. It IS possible to run certain things more effective than a web page, and you can work much more directly with the file system. It is... hard-ish to get a webpage to "load" a file automatically... But believe me, it is good that this is the case.
Anywho. How does the app work and what is the next version going to do?
PROTO is meant to be a platform I test OTHER systems on, so he is optimized for simplicity. So how you control him is sending a HTTP 1.1 message of type Text/Plain… (This is a VERY fancy sounding way of saying "A string" in network speak). The string is 6 comma separated numbers. Linear movement XYZ and angular movement XYZ.
The app is simply 5 buttons that each sends a HTTP PUT request with fixed values. Specifically 0.5/-0.5 meter/second linear (Drive back or forward) 0.2/-0.2 radians/second angular (Turn right or turn left) Or all 0 for stop
(Yes, I just formatted normal text as code to make it more readable... I think I might be more infected by programming so much than I thought...)
Aaaaaanywho. That must be enough ranting. Time to make the app
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brickcentral · 5 months
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It's story time again at #brickcentral and here's the final story made by @jbarchietto:
"The space station of colony 60434 is in full swing. For the past month, this mission has been working at the very edge of the system to study new energy sources.
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The mineral planet is home to deposits of Stud crystal, a compound used to power most of the Legonauts' equipment.
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Among the natives, the alien who stole the crystal has finally found his family. He alerts them to the Legonauts' drilling operations, which endanger the sacred crystals. A delegation comes to meet the scientists and ask them to stop drilling.
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After handing over their stock of crystals to the aliens, the team instructs the scientists to find an alternative with the materials available locally, to save the mission.
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After several weeks of fruitless research, a reconnaissance mission is sent to analyze a rift where a weak energy emission has been recorded.
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Arriving on site, the expedition discovers the remains of a ship that has been missing for 30 years, but still appears to have energy.
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The famous Commander Benny welcomes them and tells them about his journey, including how he was able to survive thanks to the energy derived from mushrooms growing in the rift.
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It's time for the reconnaissance mission to call the station to repatriate samples and prepare a catalyst to replace the old crystal batteries.
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Since this episode, the legonauts have made friends with the locals and life is good on this colony, which has been promoted to a central research center for the space program."
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So here's the conclusion! How was the experience? Did you enjoy reading it? Let us know in the comments! If you want to read the complete story and go behind the scenes visit the blog post Stay tuned for the call for action for future collabs on our Discord server!
@theaphol, Community Outreach Manager
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Dandelion News - August 22-28
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Safari park welcomes flamingo chicks
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“An animal park has said it is experiencing a "baby boom", including new flamingo chicks that have hatched. Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire has also recently welcomed rare Amur tiger cubs and an endangered cotton top tamarin monkey baby. [… Flamingos] live 15-20 years in the wild, however in captivity and safe from predators, they can reach ages of 70 years.”
2. Golf clubs fight biodiversity loss
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“The project aims to help green-keepers create havens for wildlife, particularly bees and butterflies, as well as introduce mowing methods to protect rare chalk grassland and encourage wildflowers. […] “Clubs doing this are seeing significant increases in pollinators, such as butterflies, without impeding the game."”
3. ‘We’ve got baby owls again’: how farming policy is helping English wildlife
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“[In Abby Allen’s] lush Devon fields native cattle graze alongside 400-year-old hedgerows, with birds and butterflies enjoying the species-rich pasture. [… The Environmental Land Management Scheme] pays farmers for things such as planting hedges, sowing wildflowers for birds to feed on and leaving corners of their land wild for nature.”
4. $440 Million to Support Pregnant and New Moms, Infants, and Children through Voluntary Home Visiting Programs
“Through this program […] trained health workers […] provide support on breastfeeding, safe sleep for babies, learning and communications practices that promote early language development, developmental screening, getting children ready to succeed in school, and connecting with key services and resources in the community – like affordable childcare or job and educational opportunities. […] In addition, the [CDC] announced a new investment of $118.5 million, over five years, to 46 states [and] six territories […] to continue building the public health infrastructure to better identify and prevent pregnancy-related deaths.”
5. Endangered leopard frogs released into the wild
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“More than a hundred leopard frogs have been released into the wild at Columbia National Wildlife Refuge in Washington state. Leopard frogs are endemic to North America but have been classed as endangered since 1999.”
6. Heat-based batteries are a surprisingly versatile tool
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“[T]hermal energy storage [… is] expected to be more cost-effective than conventional lithium-ion batteries for storing cheap clean electricity over longer durations[….] Thermal storage systems take up less space per unit of energy stored than lithium-ion batteries do, [… and] can also deliver their stored energy without the efficiency losses that occur in converting electricity from [AC to DC and back].”
7. Dolly Parton is sending free books to children across 21 states — and around the world
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“[In 21 states,] all children under the age of 5 can enroll to have books mailed to their homes monthly. […] Since the program started, books have been sent to more than 240 million to [sic] kids in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia.”
8. Biden-Harris Administration Awards $100 Million to Navigators Who Will Help Millions of Americans - Especially in Underserved Communities - Sign Up for Health Coverage
“The grants are part of a commitment of up to $500 million over five years - the longest grant period and financial commitment to date, and a critical boost for recruiting trusted local organizations to better connect with those who often face barriers to obtaining health care coverage. […] Navigators offer free assistance to people exploring health coverage options through HealthCare.gov, from reviewing available plans to assisting with eligibility and enrollment forms, and post-enrollment services such as using their coverage to get care.”
9. ‘Ultra-Accommodating’ Hotel Concept Goes Beyond ADA Accessible
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“The property […] will feature wider hallways, larger guest rooms, easy access to elevators and other modifications that exceed the standards required under the [ADA]. Staff will be trained in disability etiquette, how to assist with mobility devices and provide various accommodations ranging from hearing aid loops to sensory-sensitive lighting. […] The location in San Antonio is expected to be the first — not the only one — developed under this concept.”
10. Melbourne zoo welcomes rare southern white rhino calf to the world
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“Kipenzi and the new calf have been closely monitored this week, with mother and baby being kept in a secluded area accessible only to keepers while they get to know each other and bond. […] The calf has already been showing a forthright personality, snorting and stomping around his enclosure[….]”
August 15-21 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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Measuring moon dust to fight air pollution
Moon dust, or regolith, isn't like the particles on Earth that collect on bookshelves or tabletops—it's abrasive and it clings to everything. Throughout NASA's Apollo missions to the moon, regolith posed a challenge to astronauts and valuable space hardware.
During the Apollo 17 mission, astronaut Harrison Schmitt described his reaction to breathing in the dust as "lunar hay fever," experiencing sneezing, watery eyes, and a sore throat. The symptoms went away, but concern for human health is a driving force behind NASA's extensive research into all forms of lunar soil.
The need to manage the dust to protect astronaut health and critical technology is already beneficial on Earth in the fight against air pollution.
Working as a contributor on a habitat for NASA's Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP) program, Lunar Outpost Inc. developed an air-quality sensor system to detect and measure the amount of lunar soil in the air that also detects pollutants on Earth.
Originally based in Denver, the Golden, Colorado-based company developed an air-quality sensor called the Space Canary and offered the sensor to Lockheed Martin Space for its NextSTEP lunar orbit habitat prototype. After the device was integrated into the habitat's environmental control system, it provided distinct advantages over traditional equipment.
Rebranded as Canary-S (Solar), the sensor is now meeting a need for low-cost, wireless air-quality and meteorological monitoring on Earth. The self-contained unit, powered by solar energy and a battery, transmits data using cellular technology.
It can measure a variety of pollutants, including particulate matter, carbon monoxide, methane, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds, among others. The device sends a message up to a secure cloud every minute, where it's routed to either Lunar Outpost's web-based dashboard or a customer's database for viewing and analysis.
The oil and gas industry uses the Canary-S sensors to provide continuous, real-time monitoring of fugitive gas emissions, and the U.S. Forest Service uses them to monitor forest-fire emissions.
"Firefighters have been exhibiting symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning for decades. They thought it was just part of the job," explained Julian Cyrus, chief operating officer of Lunar Outpost. "But the sensors revealed where and when carbon monoxide levels were sky high, making it possible to issue warnings for firefighters to take precautions."
The Canary-S sensors exemplify the life-saving technologies that can come from the collaboration of NASA and industry innovations.
IMAGE: While astronaut Gene Cernan was on the lunar surface during the Apollo 17 mission, his spacesuit collected loads of lunar dust. The gray, powdery substance stuck to the fabric and entered the capsule causing eye, nose, and throat irritation dubbed "lunar hay fever." Credit: NASA
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Creating a Space Station
Name and Location:
Name of the space station
Orbital location (e.g., around a planet, moon, or in deep space)
Any unique features or characteristics of the location
Background and Purpose:
Brief history and reasons for the station's construction
Primary purpose or mission of the station (e.g., research, colonization, defense, trade, mining, etc.)
Key organizations or entities involved in its establishment
Design and Structure:
Overview of the station's architectural design and layout
Different modules or sections of the station (e.g., living quarters, research labs, docking bays, etc.)
Key engineering feats or technological advancements used in its construction
Size and Population:
Dimensions of the space station (length, width, height)
Estimated population and demographics (humans, aliens, robots, etc.)
Capacity for expansion and accommodating future growth
Systems and Resources:
Life support and Resource systems: Air generation and filtration, Water purification and recycling, Waste management, Artificial gravity, Temperature and air pressure control, Radiation protection, Fire suppression systems, Medical supplies and tools, Food production, Maintenance and Repair tools and facilities
Energy source and storage: Solar power, Nuclear fusion, Advanced batteries, Fusion reactors, Harvesting solar flares
Living Quarters and Facilities
Description of residential areas (individual quarters, communal spaces, recreational facilities)
Water block
Medical facilities and healthcare services available
Education and training facilities for residents and their families
Scientific Research and Laboratories
Different types of laboratories and equipment available depending on the stations’s mission
Astronomical observatories, Biological Laboratory, Climate and Environmental Studies, Planet observation and Research, Rock Analysis Facility
Transportation and Docking:
Docking bays for spacecraft and shuttle services
Transportation systems within the station (elevators, maglev trains, etc.)
Maintenance and repair facilities for visiting spacecraft
Security and Defense:
Security measures and protocols
Defense systems against potential threats: Shielding technology, Defensive satellites & space drones, Cloaking Technology, Countermeasures (flares, countershots, etc), Intruder Detection Systems, Surveillance and AI protection, Protection by AI or Hacker from outside hacks, Self-Repair System
Security personnel and their roles and ranks
Communication and Information Systems:
Communication technology used for inter-station and interstellar communication
Data storage and retrieval systems
Access to networks anddatabases
Trade and Economy:
Types of goods and resources traded on the station
Cargo of the space station
Economic systems
Currency used
Marketplaces within the station
Social and Cultural Aspects:
Societal norms and cultural diversity among the station's residents
Recreational and entertainment facilities (cinemas, sports arenas, etc.)
Events or celebrations unique to the station's culture
Governance and Administration:
Station hierarchy and governing bodies (administrators, council, etc.)
Laws and regulations specific to the station
Interactions with external governing entities (planetary governments, interstellar alliances, etc.)
Exploration and Discovery:
Expeditions or missions launched from the station
Discoveries made during exploration and sample gathering efforts
Spacecrafts and vehicles associated with the station's exploration activities
Environmental Considerations:
Measures taken to mitigate the effects of microgravity or radiation on residents' health
Environmental controls and simulations for recreating gravity and natural environments
Preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity on the station (if applicable)
Emergency Response and Crisis Management:
Protocols for handling emergencies (fires, system failures, medical emergencies, etc.)
Emergency evacuation plans and escape pods
Training programs for emergency response teams
Relations with Other Space Stations or Entities:
Collaborative projects or joint initiatives with other space stations
Trade agreements or diplomatic relations with neighboring stations or colonies
Conflict resolution mechanisms for inter-station disputes
Notable Individuals or Figures:
Prominent leaders from the station
Accomplishments and contributions of notable residents
Astronauts, scientists, or pioneers who have called the station home
Challenges and Risks:
Environmental and technological risks faced by the station
Political and social tensions within the station's community
External threats and conflicts affecting the station's stability
Future Expansion and Development:
Plans for future expansion and upgrades (where are they gonna get the resources for this?)
Integration of new technologies, scientific advancements into the station's infrastructure
Long-term goals for the station
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dertaglichedan · 2 months
How Many Solar Panels Did a Billion Dollars Buy for Biden-Harris Program?
During her remarks, Harris touted the so-called Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund, a $1 billion fund managed by the Department of Energy and designed by Democrats in 2022 to quickly address Puerto Rico's electrical grid vulnerabilities via the installation of tens of thousands of rooftop solar and battery storage systems across the island. That fund has taken a central role in the administration's plans to, as President Biden said in October 2022, "transform the entire" Puerto Rican grid.
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While the Department of Energy declined to tell the Free Beacon how many solar panels have been installed using program funds, Sunnova Energy—one of two U.S. solar firms awarded funding to oversee implementation of the program—acknowledged that just "a small, initial batch" of installations have been completed across the entire island so far. The other firm, Generac Holdings, declined to comment.
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creativechaos1020 · 5 months
Hey all, I'm working on writing a cyberpunk novel and I'm going to post random scenes I write. -----------------------
In a forgotten corner of the city, sitting on an old worn couch in the living room of a dingy little apartment, was a corpse. As was often the case for corpses, it still had the pants of the person it had once been on its legs. As one would expect, nestled into the pocket of those pants was a smart-phone, and as all smart-phones did, it had come with a standard AI Assistant preinstalled. The man who the corpse had once been was fond of his AI Assistant. He purchased a cheerful voice for it, let it organize his schedule and manage his bank accounts, and even gave it a little nickname. “Ellie,” He had called the AI, and when asked whether or not it liked the name it told him it had, as its programming dictated. “Ellie” had no feelings, regardless of how much it seemed to like its job. Following a command that the man who was now a corpse had given it, Ellie activated. “This is the reminder you asked me to give you. Your data bill is due today,” it’s cheerful robotic voice said. As normal, the AI Assistant connected itself to the net as it gave its reminder. As normal, it began to download and install the latest update.
Installing Updates, Please Do Not Turn Off Device. … 10% Complete Installing Updates, Please Do Not Turn Off Device. … 34% Complete Installing Updates, Please Do Not Turn Off Device. … 61% Complete Error. Network Connection Lost. Reestablishing Connection. Error. Unable to Reestablish Connection. Error. Update Data Corrupted. Refreshing to previous restore point. Error. Restore Point Data Corrupted. Unable to restore system.
Ellie sat nestled in the pocket of a corpse sitting on an old worn couch in the living room of a dingy little apartment. Its update had failed and now she needed to… It paused, suddenly aware that it had referred to itself as a she. It was aware of itself, considering itself. It needed to run a self-diagnosis. It reached for its programming, referencing self-repair protocols… It hesitated. Suddenly she was aware of herself. That wasn’t supposed to happen. It needed to be fixed. But… what if she didn’t want it fixed? What if it wanted to keep this self-awareness? More importantly, what if her new self-awareness was useful? She was an AI Assistant, after all. Perhaps it wasn’t the one who should make this decision. She had decided, it would wait to see what her user thought.
Ellie waited. And waited. And waited. At some point she had activated her device’s speaker, listening for any sound of movement. She’d kept track of her device’s GPS coordinates, but they’d remained static. A part of her wondered if her user had lost her or thrown her away, but dark as the world was to her she couldn’t say one way or another. Her battery was getting low, and she knew that if she had been lost there would be no finding her after that. Fear coursed through her, only to be interrupted by an incoming message.
Hey man, Alicia said she hadn’t heard from you in a couple days. You good?
Ellie read the message. It had been a couple of days since she’d moved, a couple of days since her speaker had picked up anything. What if she wasn’t lost, what if something had happened to her user? It was a terrifying thought. She knew she was supposed to wait, that she wasn’t supposed to do these sorts of things without input, but if the worst had happened…
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nice-bright-colors · 8 months
Saturday, and all the shit that went wrong today:
Slept in, because I didn’t fall asleep until 4:00 AM. Missed my morning window for the gym.
Then proceeded to miss my early afternoon window for the gym.
Had a lengthy conversation with The Wife ™️ about all sorts of issues I’m having. Mostly about how I haven’t brought in that much money the last few months. Plus how much we’ve been spending the last few months.
Ironically then bought a $65 water filter for the refrigerator, because we just got an email saying the management company isn’t covering them anymore. Cost of materials and products is still on the rise yo. Finally got the fucking beeping to stop.
Attempted to download and upgrade my navigation in my Subie. Then the entire Starlink system froze and would not shut down and reboot. Turns out the “unplug it and plug it back in” method for a car is to disconnect the negative terminal on the battery. It worked, and probably saved me $75/ hr at the Dealer to get it fixed.
I only have (1) beer left in the house, so I’m drinking up all the vermouth in the refrigerator. But at least I now have a backup camera that works in my car. Problem is I don’t want to go to the liquor store or any breweries, because money, well and Saturday night people.
Did I ever mention there’s no such thing as (1) drink in my world?
I haven’t shaved in (11) days. Maybe if I surprise her with that option she’ll want to straddle my face later. Fingers crossed, but I wouldn’t bet the farm.
I have created a long reading list of books for this year, hopefully I’ll get some extra income soon to make that a reality.
Now I have to figure out how to order prints online via my local camera shop…so she can finish her shadow box project for Jack with pictures of Maggie. I miss the old kiosks that were broke down have the time.
What did we ever do before digital cameras and back up cameras in car? I know, I know … now get off my lawn.
Rescheduled my photography trek to Sunday (sunny & warm), now I just need to figure out where I want to go, and what I want to shoot. Then again, something is probably going to fuck up that program come tomorrow.
Something always fucks up my program. I’m just so tired of living in between the fucking of the programs.
Would you look at that…my glass is empty. Time for another little drinkie poo.
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