#Bayverse Lockdown
mechstims · 3 months
Hiiii it's me again teehee, can I get a Bayverse Lockdown stim board pls? He's my baby daddy #11
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Bayverse Lockdown
oh gosh i hope this is okay T-T bayverse is a bit of a struggle for me >w>"
X X X | X X X | X X X
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wolpertinger-prince · 7 months
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Bully him
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I really need to rewatch AoE because of the cool dinobot designs, but also the creatures we see on Lockdown's ship especially the ones that remind me of Wargs — those seem to be Lockdown's hellhounds when he's focused on someone else
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Bayverse drift, crosshairs, Optimus prime, and lockdown
Reaction to their gn cybertonian s/o, who's shorter n smaller than them, just easily carrying him??
He's injured or something so reader just.. picks him up with ease and I'm honestly very interested of what the darling's reaction would be
Yes, yes, yes, and yes! I love Bayverse so much, it far too good for this earth. Also, I took Crosshairs out, simply because I just can not write for ever and i feel like no matter what way I go I fuck up his personality. Anyways, hope this is what you were looking for! Enjoy :)
Pairings: Bayverse! Drift x Reader, Optimus Prime x Reader, Lockdown x Reader
Warnings: Lockdowns a little spicy but nothing to NSFW,
Drift is up against a building, holding his side as he attempts to stop whatever bleeding is happening. The rest of the autobots were off fighting, except for you. Your small frame, being seen from across the road behind that building. You were on your hands and knees, optics scanning the sky for cons, and then your helm peeking from around the corner, he watched as you got up a bit, it looked like you were about to sprint and you did. When it looked safe, you ran across the road, servos covering your helm as you made your way to him. 
“Hey Handsome!” 
You said, a smile on your face as you scanned him, servos moving him to take over the process. He watched as your medical training kicked in, you were not a fight, no you were never a fighter. He remembers asking why you didn’t have a weapon. You soft laugh reaching his audials as you put your servos up in front of you, while saying something about medical equipment being your weapons. He remembers this moment why you're trying to stop him from dying. 
“We gotta get you out of here,” 
You grabbed his servo and placed it over the work you did, patches over the wound.
“Hold here, I’mma pick you up” 
You went into position, hands in the spots to pick up the mech. You watched as his optics grew wide. You picked him up, like it was nothing and started walking away. 
“Alright Handsome, I need you to keep talking to me. Can't have you fall asleep on me.” 
He knew you were right, but he was too stunned to speak after you just casually picked him up, and started walking like it was nothing. 
It had been a while, you had him back at a safe distance and with the other team members. You were almost done fixing him up, your optics focused on his wound, but his optics were on you. You covered the wound and smiled at him. 
“Ya gonna stare all day, Handsome?” 
You watched his optics look away, before he spoke. 
“No, I just wasn’t expecting you to be able to pick me up.” 
You laughed, you servos on your hips. 
“It’s not that hard to pick up a mech.” 
His shock was funny to you, you’ve never seen him this surprised before and it was in fact funny. 
Optimus Prime 
He’d fallen, the fight not lasting long for the bot. As for your small servos are already making their way over Prime’s wounds and trying to find a nice spot to grab for easy lifting. 
“What are you doin!” 
Prime’s voice loud over your helm and the sound of gunfire and occasional shouting from both sides. 
“I’ve gotta get you outta here.” 
Your servos grabbing at his plating, and practically throwing him over your shoulder. He was originally trying to stop you from moving him, but you easily lifted him into the air. Servos held him close to you as you moved swiftly back towards Ratchet. His movement stopped, when  you moved to put him down, his blue optics stared into you. His face mask was still on, but you could tell by the way he stared, he was shocked. Your small frame build, able to carry him like he was a small child. You simply smile on your face, as you lean in to kiss his forehead. 
“Can’t have you dying on us now Optimus.” 
You looked up at him with an evil stare, of course he’d attack your height the second you two got into it. He stared down at you as if he could easily handle you, and that was far more upsetting than him calling you short or small or petite. 
“Something upset you?” 
You just squint your eyes, your servos formed in fist. He was also so, you can’t do anything but medic things, you're weak. He was starting to get on your fucking nerves, and it was showing. You turned away from him, and walked away. 
“Don’t wanna talk anymore, what happened to that fighting spirit?” 
He was mocking you, his helm turned upwards as he watched you walk, walk your pretty little frame a good distance away before you threw him the bird. 
“I have a saying, I don’t care.” 
That might have been the first time you thought you just man handle the neutral mech, His rude words about you being weak, and not worry of your power. It wasn’t until after the humans let Prime get away that you finally had enough. The human long gone, your servo came up to push his helm away. A grunt in return from your actions, he didn’t have time to register your actions, as you were already grabbing at his waist. Picking him up over your shoulder and throwing him towards the wall of the ship, a short distance away, he was shocked, optics scanning your face plating as he thought. Your helm still turned up to the mech. 
“Say something one more time, Lockdown!” 
He could finally see why you were a part of the Decepticons, that brute strength of yours. He wasn’t surprised, you were small, it looked like you could barely hold your own against a normal sized bot, but you just manhandled him like you were Optimus Prime himself, he had no reason to be shocked, he pushed you to this moment. This moment of upsetness, he saw how upset he has you, and it lit something within him, something you’ll see in just a few clicks. 
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star-serpent · 2 months
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shockwaves-tits · 11 months
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An art dump but it's mostly tfa
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bloodlusttheberserker · 6 months
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I really adored that last ask! 🥺 Thank you so much!
I have another Bayverse scenario involving Ratchet and sparklings for you. What if Lockdown had a sparkling and he abandoned it, only for Ratchet to find it? Knowing it's Lockdown's, what would he do? This is assuming he and Lockdown have some sort of history, because in AOE Ratchet recognized Lockdown.
Ratchet would immediately take the sparkling under his care. He doesn't care that they are Lockdown's sparkling, they are innocent and need to be cared for.
He never wants to see a sparkling be abandoned, he shudders at the thought. However, he is glad he could care for the little one instead. He thanks Primus every day that he was the one to find them.
He honestly doesn't think Lockdown is capable of caring for the sparkling.
If Lockdown had kept them, Ratchet would have been worried for the little one's safety, he doesn't think Lockdown would be able to treat them properly, and would have seriously affected their life and growth.
But now that he had the sparkling, Ratchet was going to give them a good and happy life.
He would never tell Lockdown he has them. He will protect the sparkling and raise them as his own. He will let the sparkling call him sire, and he won't tell them the truth.
Ratchet is usually on the side of being truthful, but he never wants Lockdown in the sparklings life. So, if he has to lie and keep it secret then he will.
He won't treat the sparkling differently because they were Lockdown's. The moment he picked them up, they became his and he will love and dote on them as if he did sire them.
If he already had a family he would bring the sparkling home and declare them as the new member of the family. He would do everything he could to make it an easy transition and help his family come around to loving the sparkling as well.
If he was alone, he would definitely care for them. He would take them with him wherever he went and keep them protected.
He'd give them a name he would have used for his own sparklings, and as they grow he teaches them. He even teaches them how to be a medic. He doesn't mind if they don't want to be a medic, they can be whatever they want to be. But at least they would know what to do in case they or another bot got injured.
He'd also do his best to keep them far away from Lockdown. If rumors spread of Lockdown being in the area, Ratchet would take the sparkling away to avoid Lockdown seeing them.
He knows for a fact if Lockdown ever did see his sparkling alive and with him, Ratchet would try to scare Lockdown off. He would fight Lockdown if he had to if it meant he would get to keep the sparkling.
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metalmusingmoments · 1 year
Part 2/3 - 👏🏻 👏🏻 Part 1 below. 😘
Optimus is fighting some sparkless creature spawned from humans who understand so little about their planet. It’s viscous in it’s attacks. He’s landing his hits but it doesn’t matter. The creature is patching up any damage he creates with this nano technology.
A sharp pain rips through his shoulder as he realizes another enemy has entered the battle. As he turns he sees the large ship that seems to have just materialized out of no where, but too late does he realize the new comers face is transforming into a very large sniper.
The blast he takes to the chest is paralyzing. Tessa is screaming from inside the car he has landed on, as she begs him to get up and fight. For not the first time he feels like he’s experiencing deja vu. He’s picturing Y/N face streaked with tears as they plead with him to get up after the Fallen had stolen the Matrix.
“I can’t. Get out of here” he groans as he struggles to move his limbs. As the enemy reaches his side he does not know who he is or what faction he belongs to.
“I feel sorry for you Prime. Your allegiance to these humans…” he trails off with a smirk “well their loyalty is fragile. But no matter, that’s not why I’m here.” He rises with a confidence born of success. “Your creators want you back”. With a hand gesture a ship moves forward and a net is deployed insnaring himself and the vehicle containing Tessa.
He is helpless as he sees and hears Cade screaming for his daughter to break the glass to escape, but they are rising too high in the air and she is too weak.
“Cade! Warn the Autobots!” He shouts as they ascend further as Tessa cries for her father not to leave her.
Optimus is being dragged through the ship on his back trying to gather his surroundings.
The pain he’s feeling in his chest from the shot is fading but he still can not move any of his limbs, and he can barely swivel his helm left to right. He knows this place but doesn’t. Lockdown shortly confirms his suspicions. A once grand ship for the knights of Cybertron turned prison. Just another thing of his past gone. Disgraced.
There’s something or someone in a cage next to an open one, but he can’t properly see who or what.
“…but I ’ve collected all the knights. But you!” Lockdown mercilessly takes his now transformed hooked hand and digs it into Optimus’s leg; dragging him closer to the cage. A large claw darts out as Lockdown slams his leg up to meet it. The claw only drags him in further, then up as he dangles there like some prize.
“The creators want to sweep the chess board clean.” Lockdown says hitting a button on the outside of the cage. He turns to leave as sharp pieces of metal protrude from the wall insuring Optimus won’t make any sudden escapes.
“I’m slave to no one.” He grounds out tired of this game. He no longer cares for Lockdown’s riddles.
Lockdown stops his departure to look over shoulder and smirk down at Optimus. He turns around fully and strides back up to the cage.
“All this species mixing with species…” Lockdown pauses as he kneels down to get in Optimus’s face. His hand suddenly darting out and painfully grasping him by the helm.
“It upsets the cosmic balance.” He sneers “the creators, they don’t like it. They built you to do what you were told. Not frolic about playing at nice with these humans.” Lockdown’s hand tightens on his helm and drags him closer. “Not pledging yourself to one either” the smirk is back now as he pushes Optimus back into the cage metal grazing his sides.
“Y/N L/N. I’m good at my job Prime. It was an easy mark.” Lockdown says closing the door.
“What did you do to them?!” A deep rage takes hold of him. Optimus struggles not caring for the metal now fully biting into him.
A scoff leaves Lockdown as he turns away from him.
“I did what I do best.”
The rage intensifies as a knife drags into his spark.
“I’ll kill you” Optimus mutters. “I’ll rip your spark out.” He says getting steadily louder. “I will send you back in pieces from which your master sent you. DO YOU HEAR ME?!” His vocals constrict under the volume of which he’s now shouting.
Lockdown’s laughter echos through the ship as Optimus’s screams rattle it.
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hoe-days · 9 months
Rewatching the Bayverse movies and I still hate this ugly bitch
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Ngl the humans in these movies piss me off so much
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wineaunt420 · 2 months
Would I get castrated if I said that I enjoyed Movie lockdown?
I don't like the choices made for his design but they aren't the worst, its no tfa lockdown but its still neat
If they had kept him faceless with just that green mask thing that would have been so fucking cool. His gun face was also fucking awesome.
But what would have been even cooler was if they kept the rotf lockdown toy design concept (Which is a surprisingly hard to get ahold of toy btw like, damn)
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majachee · 3 months
Lockdown 👉👈
Haha. Tucks hair behind ear. Using both TFA and Bayverse for this one cuz lol
He's cool, but underutilized. He's a good character foil for Prowl in TFA, and he makes a p funny trophy husband (pun intended) for characters like Swindle.
Dont really have a fave (exclusively) non-romantic OTP because I think his character in TFA can work with all sorts of characters and dynamics, but like... I guess? Canonically??? Prowl?? Not saying I don't also see them in a romantic lense, cuz I can see the appeal there, but like... based on what canon has given us... shrugs.
Enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, enemies to enemies, lovers to divorced lovers with lingering feelings and trapped in a will-they-wont-they scenario... All seems fun to me.
Unpopular opinion is that he's the best written Bayverse villain. Or rather, he was, before the comics ruined his backstory. The comics made him a sadistic Decepticon who became a bounty hunter for... fun? I guess? But I much prefer the cold, third-party individual who holds bias against both armies for destroying their planet, and holding similar disdain for other warmongering, greedy species like humans.
They shouldnt have killed him off. That was lame. The 5th movie was lame. For TFA they shouldve kept him around for more episodes.
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stinger-shot · 10 months
OFC HEADCANNONS ARE YUMMYY!! UDZAL IS LIKE, HES TALL, HES A BIG BULKY (jesus christ hes strong) HE KINDA HAS wait i have this copied somewhere OK HERE WE GO tall mech, green eyes showing he was a Mercenary, metal/armor was a matte black, mixed with darker greys, spikes on the side of his arms and behind my legs, clawed hands, and he is quite stealthy and quiet AND HIS ALT MODE IS THAT BEAUTIFUL B2 SPIRIT BOMBER
Udzal [oc] X [AOE] Lockdown
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Disclaimer - 16+ only, Suggestive
❥Udzal is the top of the relationship. Lockdown is bottom.
❥Lockdown secretly likes the power dynamic of him being topped by his hunk of a man!
❥Also Lockdown loves to touch the spikes on the sides of Udzal's arms finds them attractive in a way? And especially Udzal's main spike. *wink wink*
❥Udzal has definitely "borrowed" some of the chains Lockdown has in his ship, for some interfacing... Lockdown did complain about it but it was forgotten about after a while.
❥Lockdown has been top once. And that ended well..
❥Lockdown couldn't walk for three weeks.. thanks Udzal.
[ Sorry for this taking a few days! I got a bit busy with life and stuff so i could only post random stuff for a bit. But anyway.. here's the headcannons of Udzal and Lockdown! Sorry that it was rushed.. and maybe a little off character? But im not super familiar with AOE Lockdown. Thanks for being my first request!
I'll also happily make a part 2! Just because this was a bit short. ]
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velvetblackjack · 2 years
Ayo! I really like your art about transformers movies!! It's okay to ask for a lockdown draw?
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
I've never seen TLK, only seen it referenced in fanart. Does Megatron really turn into a dragon?
No, there's a different guy (probably Skylynx) who's a dragon and there are other dragons (the knights??) But he himself? I don't think so
Admittedly i didn't like a lot of The Last Knight as it was pretty human centric and imo focused on the wrong things, but there's a few gems in there like Primus seemingly being a Quintesson as Quintessa, baby dinobots, and some interesting character designs (out of all five movies i still think TLK Mehatron has the best design. Dude was fucking glorious and not even a big deal because he's been fucked up so many times in bayverse)
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