#Bc as much as I love my OCs I hardly draw them like ever
coconut530 · 2 years
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mARTch 18: Indoors
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peachywander · 4 years
All asks
Holy shit, this will be so much fun B-) *cracks knuckles*
A - Your current OTP
Uhhh pff,,, skeleton dance I think?? I mean sure, skelley dance is always my current OTP, ngl. They're basically made for eachother, hell, even craig himself wore tshirts and stuff with wander hugging hater ifthisisn'tcannonthenidkwhatitis
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
To be honest,, wander x beza. I used to dislike every wander x girl ship bcs I see him as gae and nothing else. But I have a friend who does lots of art with them so I think it grew on me more and more with time?? Now I think they would look cute together, even if i'm still not super big on it.
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will
Wnder x domi. No comment, I despise it with all my heart 😂😂 Like I said earlier, I don't like most of wander x girl ships, and domi really hates wander. Sooo this ship simply doesn't make sense to me,, lmfao.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t
I think Twi x Flash from mlp. Yeah, I thought twi was cute when crushing on him in the 1st EG movie but they don't seem to have that chemistry I was hoping for. Plus I haven't seen any recent episodes of mlp in a long time, though I heard ppl say that he was mean to her once, if I remember well? Anyways, doesn't work so much for me.
E - Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Besides memes/ shitposts, not really. Check @gunxball if you want to see posts of mine back when I was into gumball 2 yrs ago (golly i miss those times)
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
Probably su (2016-2019) or kid vs kat (2011-2014)
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Why yes, of course I do. cosmo x wanda from fop. They were so adorbs together esp in the first 2 seasons. Don't like how they got so flanderized with time, their dynamic was absolutely destroyed, and my day was ruined when I found out.
H - Do you prefer characters from real action series or anime series
I don't watch either lolol
But I think anime.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
Dislike the fandom, not the show itself? Probably hzbin hotel. The show has a pretty neat concept and animation and it had such a big impact on my artstyle when I first watched it. But the fandom? Absolute hell. (pun intended)
From shipping wars, to pestering vivz, anything is possible. Glad I haven't actually interacted with that part of the fandom.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
Not a show but among us. Back in september/october last year, my tl was FILLED with among us, up and down. Made me a lil tired of it but once I tried playing that game, I couldn't stop. Also the owlhouse, fell in love with the artstyle and story.
K - How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom
I don't have a current fandom. Not feeling in the mood + school + inactivity bcs of school. So I'll say abt my latest fandom, which was animaney. Well, people were really nice, and they seemed to enjoy the reboot. Nothing more to say tbh,,
L - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for
Ummm I don't really like giving rqs to my fave artists, i don't wanna bother them haha
M - Your favorite fanart or fanartist
I don't know aaaa, prolly toonipi but she also draws ocs, not just fanart.
N - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor
Anything cute or sappy with skelleydance (NO nsfw)
O - Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you of
Lasers and feelings. Skellydance again. It matches sO well-
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
I used to have a skatepark AU ft. su chars but never put anything over here. I still have the sketches from 9th grade lmao.
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
To be completely honest, Amydot. Up until s3 they really gave me possible ship vibes. They interacted a lot, and peri discovered her metal powers thanks to amy. But after s3 they hardly ever interacted anymore (besides that one ep from s5 with the kindergarden). I was so dissapointed, but hey lapdot isn't so bad anyway, right?
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Back in 2014 I would have said chred from angry birds, definitely. Not many really shipped them, and when I saw some fanart of them on dA everyone would say "ew, gae". Well, 2014 everyone. I was always like "so?? i like that ship, what's the problem??"
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon
Uhmm, i headcanon darwin from tawog that he likes to yodel lol
T - If you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroships
I think my ships are 50-50, but here are some examples:
U - If you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoships
Same as T. Another examples:
V - Are you one of those fans who can’t watch anything without shipping
Lol no. Tbh, i'm not super big on shipping either. I only slighty like/dislike any ship i listed earlier (with the exception of skelleydance, i'm too in love with that ship)
W - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
wakko warner (animaney)
wander (woy)
fluttershy (mlp)
amethyst (su)
bubbles (ppg)
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
skelleydance (woy)
lumty (toh)
stevnnie (su)
Y - A fandom you’re in but have no ships from
kid cosmic (or maybe I do ship papa g w/ chuck), animaney, okko, gravity flls
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go
That one fan made episode from su called the smothering, it was so freaking amazing. It helped a lot in relieveing the pain of that big hiatus from 2017 (which was the biggest one, i literally turned into a skeleton waiting for new eps). Loved peri's needy personality, as well as lappy's playful one. It was so well written, like it could be perfectly fit as a role reversal episode in the main show.
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Sam & fall for the oc meme!
Thank you!!
Full Name: Sam Tewrick Gender and Sexuality: Cis man and (closeted) bi Pronouns: he/him Ethnicity/Species: halfling, white I think Dutch? Birthplace and Birthdate: Banholm, he's 22 Guilty Pleasures: All I can think of is any of his interactions with his bf Phobias: None, but he's scared of his magic, battle and death, fire, judgement, himself What They Would Be Famous For: Sam does become famous as one of the people to win the battle of Haladrin. He polymorphed as a dragon, picked up the dragon lords body and dropped it before their army, causing them to retreat. He then went on to join the government of Banholm where he campaigned for tighter restrictions on magic. What They Would Get Arrested For: Disturbing the peace, blazing it, faking being a noble OC You Ship Them With: his ex ex bf Filipe. Sam has a wife now too but that isn't the most ideal relationship. OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Conrade. Favorite Movie/Book Genre: He can't read.. Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: See above. Talents and/or Powers: He's a sorcerer. He has a lot of druid spells though. Uses a lot of evocation, like fire and lightening spells. Why Someone Might Love Them: As a character he's this goofy frat boy with SO MUCH trauma and repressed feelings, his life has been wild. He has an interesting character arc. As a person, he's flirty and fun a lot of the time, has fame and wealth ig. Why Someone Might Hate Them: He's a very flawed character, not a nice person (although he ended up being the groups moral compass bc the rest of the party was so much worse!). He becomes a politician who tries to make stricter controls on magic, esp ones like warlocks and sorcerers, this definitely made him some enemies. How They Change: Sam starts out as young and naive, trying desperately to ignore his past and his magic and just enjoy a possible bright future in a new place. His magic and being flung into adventuring don't allow this. His morals and worries are constantly challenged. Sam grows to find more confidence in himself but not in the most positive ways. He's constantly taught that he should find confidence in his powerful magic, and basically how it can be used to protect himself (by killing...). In the end this path is somewhat avoided as instead Sam focuses his magic on how to find and resurrect his old roommate and partymate (who he doesn't realise was a serial killer manipulating him!!!!). Sam ends up rather dissonantly finding strength in his own magic and himself, but using it to politically find ways to put restrictions on magic users. Why You Love Them: He was my first ever dnd character and he changed pretty rapidly from being a goofy roll to seduce character to one with a very serious backstory and arc. I adore him and the messed-up interactions with party members and events. My love of flawed characters can shine with him, but he's fairly sympathetic as well. It was very fun playing a character who's afraid of combat and doesn't want to adventure, I've taken these tropes again with Fall but Sam was the og.
 Full Name: Fall (he mentions his birth name in the pod eventually) Gender and Sexuality: genderqueer and questioning (bi and gray aro) Pronouns: he/they Ethnicity/Species: Tiefling, ethnicity facts will also be revealed in pod! Birthplace and Birthdate: Palas and they're 19. Guilty Pleasures: Read one (1) romance book and felt very guilty bc scandalous! And it’s hardly academic. Baking sweets, sees it as a waste of food but fun. Phobias: Claustrophobic (not too severe though), also have ptsd related to combat, death, and have anxiety esp about social situations, authority figures, and change and uncertainty. What They Would Be Famous For: They really don't want fame or limelight. Maybe they could be famous in Barovia if the party ends up dealing with Strahd. What They Would Get Arrested For: Stealing. Although they've been caught before they haven't been arrested yet (generally burst into tears and tell a sob story, or things go the Parriwimple route. OC You Ship Them With: I really can’t see them with anyone atm! OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Selwyn through business practises and such affecting the poor. Favorite Movie/Book Genre: The one romance book they read is their fave bc it’s the only book other than academic or children’s that he’s read. Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Philosophy books are so confusing. And science is so boring. Nonfiction sucks. Talents and/or Powers: He’s skilled in martial arts and can harness ki to use magical energy in his fighting. He can also do minor illusions and is training to be an acrobat and juggler. Why Someone Might Love Them: As a character, people all agree they’re very baby and must be protected, and also anti-capitalist haha. As a person, Fall isn’t generally well liked at all, but they can be protective and helpful to people they trust, can be quite silly, and empathise with anyone who’s gone through similar things to them (although their comforting skills could do with some work). Why Someone Might Hate Them: I worried a lot that they might be an annoying character, they’re whiny and self-deprecating and unwilling to engage in a lot of the plot/adventuring. This definitely irritates a lot of people Fall’s engaged with in his life which he’s come to accept/utilize at times. How They Change: I can’t get too much into this I’m afraid since they’re a podcast character! Check out Wyvernss and Weirdos Curse of Strahd side campaign. Why You Love Them: They’re a really fun character for me, I find them quite interesting with their persona that isn’t really a persona at all, and their kind of mean but kind of compassionate, and they draw off a lot of my own experiences with mental illness while also being so very different from me. It took a little bit to Get them but I really enjoy them now I have.
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corvidry · 4 years
Tell us about your gemsona
First of all, thank you for indulging me, this was unexpected.
Secondly, a cool fun fact about me is that I struggle to create anything that could be called any kind of -sona. I’m pretty indecisive when it comes to designs that are supposed to represent me. The closest I have is probably that little bird friend I draw on everything.  I did have a moonstone design that I called my gemsona for like 5 minutes but I ended up not liking it very much. The design was kinda neat but that’s about it.
But I did have some pearl OCs back in the day when I was writing this big old au. Jokes on me half that shit is canon now lol.  I’m actually in hell bc I I wrote down a ton of lore and worldbuilding stuff for that verse that I remember really well, but I wrote hardly anything about the OCs I put in that story. I don’t remember them super well which maybe means I ought to scrap and rewrite everything for the modern era.  Here is some things I remember. Sorry if it’s uninteresting as hell. 
Pearl OCs under the cut.
One (1) Big old tired looking reddish pearl
Unusually tall for a pearl. Very long. Highly desaturated color palette. Less “conventionally beautiful” than most other pearls by Homeworld standards purely because she wasn’t made against the existing standard. She is the only known pearl in existence who was made naturally and not born of artificial means, found by gems colonizing a planet that had a lot of water on the surface. White Diamond was so enamored by this strange and beautiful type of gem that she put resources toward discovering how to cultivate pearls artificially on Homeworld. Modern pearls look a little bit different from her, but the resemblance is undeniable.  This pearl goes by “Red” most of the time in my head, primarily bc she is my only reddish pearl and because I was writing with friends who were using “Nacre” as a name already. She is held in slightly higher regard than your average pearl. She has the tiniest bit more freedom than other pearls. She is also one of the few gems every single pearl ever made knows of, as her primary job is overseeing the creation and culturing of of new pearls. She takes great pride in her work and she is generally loved and revered by the pearls who were made in her image.
One edgelord troublemaker pearl who is basically a Tahetian Pearl but if you bought it from Hot Topic
jk jk she’s a pretty sincere gem but she understands the system she lives in and really only acts out in subtle ways where she is unlikely to be caught. She’s around average height for a pearl if not slightly taller and dons a monochromatic color palette. She’s fairly high contrast, mostly in that black to white spectrum. I can’t for the life of me recall what this pearl goes by, but she’s known by other pearls for being dangerous and for engaging in risky behaviors.  Well, risky by pearl standards.
I had originally written this pearl as having a relationship with our canon Crystal Gem Pearl early in their lives when they were brand new. They lived in the nursery where pearls are made waiting to be sold into service. She considered CG Pearl to be naive but found her eccentricities entertaining. One of the ways this pearl went about getting her kicks was in trying to goad CG pearl into breaking small rules with her. Rules about talking, about being too close to another, about being too social, and about being in the wrong place for a little too long, etc. Easier to do in a crowded understaffed pearl nursery than when the two of them would eventually graduate to actual service.  They got up to a decent amount of trouble even if one party was always straying toward reluctant.
Ultimately they would have a very sweet relationship and part into service to not see each other again for thousands of years. For this pearl it becomes really jarring to learn that the extremely timid, mild mannered, well behaved pearl that she knew would be the one who went on to start the rebellion against homeworld. All this while she--the notorious rule breaker--slipped easily into a life of total submission to the system.  They cross paths again by chance and she has a sort of crisis of identity when she realizes that she doesn’t know her friend anymore and neither of them turned out how she would have expected years ago. After years of falling complacent to the system, she begins seeking subtle methods of rebellion like she did years ago.
A little tiny peach/orangey pearl who is Illegal As Hell
This is a pearl who is both fortunate and unfortunate enough to live entirely outside the system that most pearls are subject to. She doesn’t have societal freedom for all the reasons every other pearl doesn’t, but she isn’t really beholden to her owner in the same way most pearls are. She and her “owner” have a strange arrangement, all things considered. This is because she is stolen and the gem she lives with isn’t exactly making her living above board. They have a sort of unspoken agreement that as long as she doesn’t turn her owner in and does what is needed to support their lifestyle, said owner does what she can to keep the pearl comfortable and largely invisible to the powers that be. This pearl may as well not exist on paper.
This pearl is extremely emotionally distant and largely doesn’t discuss her feelings, her past, or her thought process with anybody up to and including her owner. She’s extremely hard to know, even with gems she is close to.  Because of her position as an illegal pearl she has a lot of access to other gems on the edges of society who are deviant or otherwise live counter to the system.  I recall writing a bubbly love interest for her, well-groomed pearl who is extremely loved as a companion by her owner and how has a lot of freedom. It’s not that this particular pearl was any better than most people at getting the peach pearl to open up, rather, she is the kind of person who will stay interested in you even if you’re slow to open up. Because she has such a good relationship with her owner, she has a lot of insight into the unspoken aspects of peach pearl’s relationship with her totally-not-official illegal owner.
That’s mostly what I can think of right now. Pretty sure that story also had some interesting quartzes but I remember next to nothing about them. Again, I remember mostly lore and world building stuff so AU fans hit me up for gem lore I guess.  Not sure if this is even a little bit interesting but thanks for the ask :)
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sad-cowboys · 4 years
i am wondering, do u,,.,.,,,.,.,,,, still own pinidae by any chance, i still love her and claw even tho i hardly ever draw them :(
YES I DO she was one of the dragon ocs i kept bc i had too much attachment. her and claw own my heart even though it's been like a solid 3 years
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moretinyideas · 5 years
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hey! @andromeda-six is so cool and i have no self control so here are the three (so far) travellers i created for the game!! (the simple basics of course) i hope i get the characteristics right for the different species!!!
i moved all my OC’s over to a game oc specific side blog, @sunsetstories , so if you see this again on that blog it’s still me!
i used this picrew to do them bc i can’t draw!!
23 Years Old
Nickname is Bria
5 Foot 8 Inches (175cm, right?)
Very slender and quite pale, not to most muscular but she’s definitely not a weak link!
Naturally long (like waist length) and wavy sea-green hair — it’s quite thick and usually a mess when it’s down even when it’s up tbh — it kinda darkens to a dark ocean-blue colour the lower it gets
Bright hazel eyes that can look golden under certain lighting, they’re more almond shaped than round but she has a certain innocence that make her eyes look bigger than they are — a beauty mark right underneath the middle of her left eye
Tends to wear purple/red tones because the compliment her hair colour and skin tone! — likes lace and mesh that subtly shows off her skin
My Bubbly Bi Baby
She’s a naturally naive and curious girl! — can and WILL blush! help her out she’s helplessly flustered all the time.
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll
Possible LI: June or Aya
??? Years Old
Nicknames are Aly and Lest
5 Foot 5 Inches (like 167cm, right?)
Their skin is a pale pearlescent pastelish blue! (the picrew didn’t have the option) — they have a scar on the left side of their neck, what it’s from is anyone’s guess
Hair is cut short in a straight bob cut, naturally straight as a pin and quite thin, normally at least one peace is tucked behind their ear
Thin but kind eyes, the light blue colour seems to be a theme for their appearance — can ice over and become extremely harsh when they are angry, but that hardly ever happens (or does it?👀)
Likes to wear long warm and soft clothes — essentially winter jumpers — usually in dark tones like black or grey but can wear colours if they wish too!
My Pretty Pan Poly Person
Quite a reserved person, knows their place and tends to stray away from conflicts — not shy. Can’t help being kind to everyone, even if they’re not the kindest to them.
Looks like a cinnamon roll, can kill you
Possible LI: Ryona or Calderon
26 Years Old
Prefers her real name over a nickname
5 foot 7 inches (171cm)
Very tan skin, if she were born in 2019 she would be classed as a latina. Average height but still tends to be shorter than most people
Naturally black shoulder blade length hair that is usually styles in twin dutch braids. The texture is naturally quite curly and thick, tends to get in the way when she has it down — but she loves it very much!
Light chocolate brown eyes, very enticing when she has a pleasant expression though she’s hardly seen without a mask of annoyance — wears glasses, mainly for reading but she tends to keep them on all the time because they can help her vision
Doesn’t really have a style, like layers but also likes to keep herself viable for optimum movement, likes to keep her arms free and doesn’t really wear skirts.
My Sarcastic Straightie
Has high walls and doesn’t really trust easily, an epic flirt with men she thinks are either fun or a challenge – not afraid to look vulnerable but hates herself shortly after
Looks like she can kill you, can kill you but is secretly a cinnamon roll!
Possible LI: Bash or Damon
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pepprs · 6 years
[DONT RB] ok so there’s no way for me to talk abt this that isn’t gonna make me look like an absolute dumbass but im in the middle of a creative existential crisis and i rly need help figuring it out :•( this is gonna get SUPER LONG so im putting it under a readmore. thank u to anyone who reads this!!! and double thank u to anyone who can give some input / advice, i rly rly appreciate it. im sorry abt the length!
aight so for some background.... ive been drawing n writing poetry for abt 5 yrs now and both of those things r rly important to me. in school im an english major w a creative writing minor (for the poetry) and i work as a graphic designer (for the art) so ive been growing a lot as an artist and writer esp in the past 2 yrs and im kinda workin towards one or the other (or ideally both somehow!) as a career. one of the biggest dreams ive had since i started seriously pursuing both of these hobbies 5 yrs ago is to publish a book of poetry that i design / illustrate myself, and also to have a portfolio online where ppl can read all of my poetry and see all of my artwork (both professional / work stuff but also archives of all of my sketchbooks since those r rly important to me!!!) and maybe even make some sort of online shop where ppl can buy my art (stickers, keychains, etc!) and my poetry books!
that sounds pretty simple right? WRONG!!!!!! why? bc im a fucking idiot! and there are several dumb things i do that make this dream completely impossible for me to achieve! love that for me!
so for starters... ive been posting (almost) all of my art and ALL of my poetry online for all 5 yrs ive been creating it. that’s bad because:
ive hardly ever used my real name (which i would want to use for the book / shop / portfolio), it’s been under my usernames / aliases that go along w them (p*pe, pep, pea, etc and related usernames that shall not be mentioned) and i started going by my real first name only abt a yr ago, but still maintain those usernames for the most part in conjunction w my real name
my work has been primarily been posted to d*viantart and tumblr which aren’t exactly the most uh... professional places to do that. not that there rly are many i guess lmao but still
my online persona on these platforms is rly like. lax and loose which is Cool And Quirky when brought into a professional setting if it’s done right i guess.... but im just immature and unprofessional. i swear all the time, i shitpost constantly, im incessantly tmi? and that’s not even it like it’s just a whole mess!
SO there’s that whole set of problems and like im just concerned because... i stopped posting art online last yr for the most part and a lot of the old stuff that’s on dA (since that was rly where i did it most) is bad and not worth sharing like that anyways, so im not as worried abt that. but my poetry.... i still actively post that online in all my messiness and candidness here and like. it’s rly not that hard to find me? like if u copy a poem of mine and put it in google it’ll pull up my dA right away! and that’s like.... GOD i just am embarrassed for anyone irl to see that or for that to be connected with my irl / professional self in the future, but i don’t want to stop posting my work there (or here!!!!!) bc the community is so supportive and ive made some rly good connections / built a lot of traction over the 5 yrs ive been doing it. (PLUS for the online portfolio i wanna do specifically... i kinda want to post all of my art and poetry there, like everything ive ever done (specifically poetry, ive written almost 500 poems over the 5 yrs ive been doing it!), but i feel like that’s not rly the most professional thing to do and idk how to even gauge whether it is or not :-/)
but that’s not all!!!! because there’s another part to this and that is: the very nature of the content i produce is Not Good! for my art it’s not as much of a problem bc since I work as an artist rn a lot of what i make is professional, but for my personal art... a lot of that is either self portraits or my characters and a lot of my characters are like. animals. like specifically pepe (who is basically Me As A Cat).... i draw her constantly and so much of my best work is of her but it’s just like? embarrassing i guess for my ocs to take up so much of my portfolio and sketchbooks and stuff and share that. like i know everyone has characters and it’s not bad to do that and share that but i feel like ppl will judge me :-( so it’s made me rly hesitant to post stuff to my art ig for example bc i just don’t fucking know how to act, like it’s bad enough that i can’t type the way i want to and i have to type in proper caps n whatever instead bc irls i don’t know / trust as well follow me (including some ppl from work? Yikes?)....... but i feel like i can’t share my sketchbook stuff for example bc it’s all cats and my characters and visual shitposts and im uncomfy to share that bc like... im almost 20 and i don’t want ppl to think im immature or whatever? i kno i should feel like it’s my account and i can post wot i want but like. i fucking can’t bro i just can’t!!
and THEN.... my poetry. that’s the biggie bc like for my art? even tho im uncomfortable i don’t mind sharing that w ppl i know irl but for my POETRY.... it’s very easy to find like where i share that i guess? (the google thing i mentioned earlier but also its linked to my art on here and dA too... f) but i literally never actively share my writing w irl ppl unless im performing @ an open mic or workshopping in class bc im fucking terrified of the possibility of irl ppl finding my poetry. it’s almost ironic how public ive been w it online but how private i am abt it irl... it’s like im living a double life and it’s fucking terrible but it’s the only way i feel safe. bc like art is what i do for other ppl and also to destress and vent when i need a quick fix on my own time. but poetry.... that’s personal, it’s where i feel most like myself, it’s how i talk abt my life and ppl in it and make meaning of things and talk abt things authentically and Get Deep. and my literal worst nightmare is for ppl (who have the explicit ability to by virtue of Knowing Me) to read into it and Understand what im talking abt and have that power over me and see me differently for feeling the way i do or doing what i do. ive actually already been burned by this before after my mom read some work of mine that had been published irl (i don’t want to get too into it but basically i retroactively outed myself thru her reading that poem for what it was and it was Very Very Bad) and as paranoid abt it as i was before, it’s even worse now that it’s actually happened to me and could happen again at any time, esp if i decide to take my work further.
that manifests in a few ways too, like my writing is so cryptic and vague and very heavy on metaphors / symbolism and shit partially out of that deep fear and need to shield myself and my work. sometimes in spaces where i do feel comfy sharing, ppl have a hard time understanding my poetry unless i give context. online and on stage and in workshop ppl don’t rly know me outside of a context where the only thing we have in common is self expression thru poetry, so i don’t rly mind sharing more when it’s appropriate. but if i were to share my work as a book or w/e, ppl im close to (who maybe don’t always think like a poet / artist does bc they aren’t that) would want to buy it and read it and might ask abt what it means and i don’t even know what i would do in that situation. and if ppl were to read my work and see themselves / others in it, whether it is abt them or not, im scared it could genuinely damage relationships like it did with my mom.
SO UH.... idk where im going w this rly, i kno it’s long and rambly and melodramatic and im probably overthinking it and making a mountain out of a molehill and nobody even knows / cares abt me AND my work @ the same time enough to read That Deep into it. but it just fucking sucks that im so uncomfortable and insecure that i can’t comfortably fulfill literally the one single long term goal / life dream that i have. andthe thing that sucks is i can’t talk to Anybody abt this except like... my sister and brother bc they’re the only ppl i genuinely tell everything to, but they don’t have the knowledge and expertise abt art / poetry that like... my poetry prof does, for example. and my poetry prof is one of the best ppl ive ever met and the Only person ive ever met irl who respects and understands my poetry in the exact way i need someone to. she and i have been talking and she rly wants to help me publish my poetry bc she sees merit in my work and knows how bad i want to / how successful it’s been already, but i don’t know how to talk abt this to her bc im embarrassed to tell her abt posting online and being ashamed abt my muses and all that and it just!!! sucks so much bc i kinda want to publish my work @ least once before i graduate and do it semi regularly for the rest of my life? but there’s so much in my way and it’s just! FGGFHDGJGGGG
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Takara Yamada’s Hero Academia, Season 1 Episode 3 [Eijiro Kirishima/OC] [Female!Aizawa/Hizashi]
Just a warning, this might be the longest chapter yet. Just because I tried to fill in gaps between the last episode and the entrance exam ten months later, as Takara wasn’t involved with Izuku’s training. 
Takara Bio link: Here
Prologue : Here
Episode 1 link: Here
Epsiode 2 link: Here Anyway, hope you all enjoy! 
Quick taglist: @dailyojiromashirao, as usual. I love you, sweetie! Also, I’d like to tag @elite-guard-hardygal bc they are the SWEETEST ever and I really loved talking to them! If anyone else wants in on the taglist, please just let me know! 
For now, let’s get to the story!
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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The next few days, Kāsan and Otōsan didn’t let me out of their sight at all. That meant I did homework at Otōsan’s radio station until Kāsan picked me up, and I hardly saw Toshin-Oji at all. They were both mad I let myself get wrapped up in a villain attack without a license and even a plan beyond backing Izuku up. I was also featured on the news as a ‘brave young woman’ and ‘a real hero’, even being recognized on the street, which was always weird.
Regardless of how heroic my actions were, my parents said during one of their multiple lectures, it was reckless and could have gone badly. I’d accepted their words and explained that I’d just wanted to help my friend, but it didn’t help. By the time half a week had gone by, we’d all sat down and talked it out. I’d promised not to involve myself in any more heroics and they agreed to ease up a bit.
Now, I sat with Toshin-Oji and hummed as I wrote in definitions on a worksheet. “So...your parents were mad?” He asks. “About the sludge villain situation?” I nod glumly.
“Yeah, but at me, not you. They wouldn’t let me out of their sight!” I sigh and put the paper aside for the moment. “They didn’t like that I ran into such a dangerous situation head-first without thinking it through too much. They do appreciate my heroic attitude and willingness to help, though.” I muse.
“Well, they were worried you’d gotten hurt.” Toshinori points out. “As your adopted parents, they’re in charge of you. They must’ve been terrified when they heard what happened and were most likely keeping you in their sights because they wanted to keep you safe.” I blink. I hadn’t thought of it like that.
“Takara, it’s very admirable to want to be a hero, but you have to understand that, right now, there are a lot of situations you aren’t prepared for. While helping those who need it is what a hero does, you also have to consider your limits.” Toshinori eleborates. “Most likely, that’s what worried your parents so much; they were afraid you’d gotten involved in a situation beyond your limits.” I squirm. He was talking like Kāsan and Otōsan had.
“Yes, sir.” I mumble. He ruffles my hair.
“That being said, the way you handled yourself and your Quirk was outstanding!” He cheers. “I saw you ready to attack, but you held back, knowing it was illegal. That was smart thinking, finding what else you could do, instead.” I giggle.
“Thanks, Toshin-Oji.” I reply. He then stands.
“Now, I’m making rice and sausage for dinner. You like Yum-Yum sauce?” I nod eagerly.
“Yeah!” He laughs and begins making the rice.
“Alright. I’m gonna give you the recipe. It’s up to you to make it, okay?” I nod.
“Yessir!” I cheer and set to work. Toshin-Oji turned on Dad’s radio show, and I caught Dad replying to a few callers wanting his opinion on the villain situation I’d been involved in. It was still a hot topic, even half a week later, mainly because the city hadn’t seen any incidents like it since. And the fact that it was my Dad’s radio show and his daughter been involved in a dangerous situation.
Of course, despite Mom advising against it (villains might try to hurt her to get to us, she said), Dad couldn’t resist telling people for long that he and his wife had adopted me and as such I was sometimes brought up on the show.
“Well, listeners, I’ll say this; my little girl showed amazing initiative, but could have easily gotten hurt, and the boy would have likely been injured, too. Luckily, she was able to defend herself and the boy as best she could and the situation didn’t get out of hand, but it scares me to think what might’ve happened if All Might hadn’t been there.” I blush. It was reassuring that, once Dad had calmed down, he was proud of what I’d done, despite being terrified of the unknowns. I knew Mom felt the same way, deep down.
“You best believe that little girl will be a great hero one day.” The caller muses. Dad chuckles.
“I couldn’t disagree there, my friend. She’ll be one of the best. Now, unfortunately, we’re out of time, but call again sometime, okay?” Dad replies and the man thanks Dad before hanging up. The next few callers are actually commenting on All Might’s punch changing the weather briefly. After all, there’s only so many times Dad can essentially repeat himself before he stops answering that type of question. I frown.
“Did you really change the weather?” I ask. Toshin-Oji chuckles.
“Yeah. My smash swirled the clouds closer and somehow that made it rain for a few seconds.” He explains. I grin.
“That’s so cool!” I cheer. He grins.
“Thank you.” A comfortable silence settled over us as I resumed making the sauce. Soon enough, we were seated and eating.
“...Mom said you were going to be teaching at UA.” I note, to resume conversation. Toshin-Oji nods as he finishes his bite.
“Yes. I can’t spend as much time as All Might anymore, and this is as good a way as any to ease out of the spotlight somewhat.” I nod.
“I’d say so.”
“Speaking of UA, are you going to take the entrance exam in February?” He asks. I nod.
“Yup! I’m graduating middle school this year, and Mom and Dad both work there now, so it’ll be easier for everyone.” Toshin-Oji smiles.
“There’s nothing wrong with that, but if you don’t want to, I’m sure they’d let you go to a different- -” I shook my head. Shinso didn’t say much, to anyone, but I liked to think we were growing closer as this last year of middle school progressed. And, as his friend, I had to be there to support him and make sure he didn’t have to put up with the ‘brainwashing villain’ thing anymore.
“No!” I interject. “I want to go to UA. There are a lot of kids from my class that are going to try out for the top school. My friend, Shinso, wants so badly to be a hero, but he’s always treated like a villain because he can brainwash people. I feel really bad because there’s not much I can do to change their minds. They always think he’s got me under his spell or something, so I want to be there to encourage him and help him prove to the world that he can be an awesome hero. And it’s where Mom, Dad, and you went, so it’s gotta be the best, right?” He chuckles.
“You sound like that young man.” He says. “Young Midoriya’s always rambling about wanting to be a hero and wanting to make it to the top.” I raise a brow.
“You’ve talked to him?” I ask. Toshin-Oji nods.
“I’ve come up with a plan to help him get in shape for my Quirk before the entrance exam, actually.” My eyes go wide.
“Yeah. I admire the kid’s spirit and ideals. He’ll make a great successor.” I smile. I’d given it some thought and I’ve decided I don’t care about the spotlight. If I got it, great. If not, too bad. As such, I wouldn’t be a good successor for him.
Whatever gave Toshin-Oji that amazing power, I didn’t want to ruin it. It deserved the spotlight, so let Izuku have it.
“So, how are you getting him ready?” I ask.
“He’s cleaning Dagoba Municipal Park.” I nearly choke on the bite of food in my mouth.
“Wait, what?!” I’d passed it numerous times and it was just a gross pile of trash now.
“Yeah. He’s a hard-worker. He can do it. I planned out a routine for him and everything. He’ll be done by the exam.” I suddenly realize that I need to start practicing myself. Maybe get better with earth before February. Yeah. That’s it! I’d practice in my spare time and try to get a lot better so I can fight even without water. Of course, I should look up hand-to-hand routines, too. Never know what’ll be on the exam. “Hey, Takara!” Toshin-Oi cries, drawing me back to reality.
“You gonna finish your food?” I nod, resuming my meal.
“Yeah.” I’d go to Dagoba and maybe help Izuku a little. Not much, but whatever I can do, I’ll do. Maybe I’ll try to freshen up the sand or something, make it look like it used to. I had to get used to bigger formations, anyway, if I stood a chance at UA. Determined, I finished my food, helped clean up, and wrote in the last few definitions before the time Dad was picking me up. Then, I got in an hour or so of TV time with Toshin-Oji before Dad rang the doorbell continuously. I sprang up and all but wrenched the door open to make it stop.
“Hey there, Tik-Tak!” I roll my eyes at the nickname, but leap into his arms.
“Hi, dad!” I squeal, letting him kiss my cheeks repeatedly before returning a single one to his cheek. “How was work?” He chuckles, putting me down and ruffling my hair as we walk into the apartment.
“What? You didn’t turn on the radio?” He asks with mock hurt
“Of course I did! We didn’t catch all of your show, though.” I reply.
“That’s alright.” Dad replies. I hug him again.
“I did hear the part about the sludge villain.” I murmur. “Thanks, dad.” He hugs me back, scooping me up and plopping me in his lap when he sits down.
“I meant every word, Tik-Tak.” He then looks at Toshin-Oji. “Sorry about not letting you see her.” He apologizes meekly. “We felt it best not to let her out of our sight til we cooled down a bit.” Toshin-Oji smiles, hands up.
“I respect that. It was probably best, really. I sometimes can’t help getting involved in things I probably shouldn’t.”
“Yeah. I do the same thing sometimes.” Dad replies, bouncing me slightly. “It’s just that Shota and I panicked a little when we saw our kid on the news, in the middle of a fire and a villain situation. Can’t tell yah how relieved we were when you showed up.” Toshin-Oji smiles, putting a hand on the back of his neck.
“I should’ve leapt into action the moment I arrived, but I hesitated. The kids didn’t.” I sigh.
“All I did was put out some of the fire and try to protect Izuku.” I point out. “I probably could’ve done more. I might’ve even been able to get the hostage out, if I’d used my Quirk on the villain.” Dad wraps me in a hug.
“And that would’ve gotten you, and most likely us, in serious trouble, young lady.” I knew that, but it didn’t make it any better. “That’s why I’m so proud that you restrained yourself to the legal limits on what you could do, Takara.” He says genuinely. “But you have to understand; as your parents, when we saw you in danger, your mother and I were so afraid we’d be too late and something would happen to you.” I nod meekly, not up to a verbal response. He then goes to stand and I get off his lap quickly. “But enough about that; it’s your mom’s debut anniversary and I cut the show a little short so I’d be able to surprise her with dinner and a nice cat-themed chocolate cake for afterwards. She’ll be back in two hours. You up for it, Tik-Tak?” I grin, nodding with determination.
“Let’s do it!” We wave goodbye to Toshin-Oji and Dad drives home as fast, but still safe, as possible.
The door opening is our cue. We know better than to jump out at her, so we sit on the couch (using the sound of the TV as cover) and pretend we’ve been there as she approaches. “Hi, Kāsan!” I cheer.
“Hi, Musume.” She replies happily as I get up to hug her. “You father behave himself?” She teases, knowing we can be a little crazy around the house sometimes without supervision. I nod.
“Yeah. I kept him in line.” She smiles as Dad walks over, playing it as cool as ever. All that’s left is to suggest dinner and head into the kitchen. We hadn’t done much decorating, just a hand-made ‘Happy Debut Anniversary’ banner, but still we turned off the lights.
“Oi!” He protests with mock offense. “I resemble that remark, thank you very much, young lady!” He drops the facade and grins at Mom, kissing her soundly in greeting. “Have a good patrol, Tsuma?” He asks, hugging her. It was a pet name he’s been calling her for years now.
“I did, Otto.” She replies, smiling. Dad nods, slowly ending the hug.
“Well, hope you’re hungry, cus Tik-Tak and I are about to eat the house.” He cries, clutching his stomach over-dramatically. Mom tsks at him as she walks toward the kitchen. Dad winks at me and we follow.
“You’re so over dramatic, love.” She scolds fondly, shaking her head. He grins.
“I know, but you love me.” He wraps his arm around her shoulders and pecks her temple.
“I do- -wait..” She takes in the banner for a split second before Dad spins her around.
“Happy debut anniversary!” Dad exclaims, plopping her down. She genuinely laughs, a rare treat.
“You’re amazing, Otto!” She says, kissing him again. “You remembered the day of my debut.”
“Of course! It’s also the day I knew I was in love with you for real. You took that gang out single-handedly before I got there!” I hug Mom as she tries (fails) to hold back her emotions, snuggling into Dad’s chest.
“It’s also the day you proposed after just a month of dating.” She adds, chuckling. I’d heard the story before and grin every time. They were too cute!
“Well, when you know, you know!” Dad protests happily. “I knew I wanted to marry you and, for some reason, you said yes!”
“I said ‘fine, Hizashi’ because your screaming had nearly deafened me and I wanted you to stop talking. I then played along with the wedding cus it seemed easier than refusing at the time.” It was Mom’s ultimate tease, but Dad knew she was teasing, so it was a bit of a draw. Still, she liked to poke him with that every once in a while.
“Well, it was spur of the moment, but then you said ‘fine’ and I was in too deep to pull out, so I rolled with it.” He replies petulantly. It was his usual response. They then laugh and ladle out soba. I grabbed a bowl and two rice balls and we ate in comfortable silence while watching some movie on the TV, Dad nuzzling against Mom and Mom reciprocating.
All in all, a perfect evening.
“You’re up early, Musume. Where are you going?” Mom asks two days later, sipping her before-work coffee. I grin.
“Running!” I reply.
“Yeah! I wanna start getting in shape for the entrance exam.” I explain. She smiles.
“Alright then. Don’t go more than thirty minutes, alright? You need to get your body used to exercise.” I nod, tying my shoes.
“Yes, ma’am!”
Turns out, running is no joke! When I get back, Mom and Dad were gone and I am shaking and almost regretting starting this. Maybe thirty minutes was a little much for just starting out. But that’s the price I’m willing to pay to be ready to knock everyone’s socks off at the entrance exam! 
I go through some stretches and drink chocolate milk as suggested and let my breath catch up with me before I go to the garden. I then do some more stretching while making different formations like rods, blocks, and walls. Keeping them maintained while stretching, I hope, will end up making me better at multitasking in a fight. I had no idea what was waiting on the exam, but I knew I wanted to be ready.
Unfortunately, I felt a draw on my energy pretty quickly, but doggedly kept trying.
After ten months of exhausting training, as well as trying to get a handle on my earth Quirk, it was the morning of the exam. Of course, Mom and Dad were able to drive me. I walked with them, knees shaking as I stepped through the gate. “It’s so...big!” I breathe in awe.
“And you’ll be a student, after today, Tik-Tak.” Dad replies, clapping my back with a solid ‘thunk’ and ruffling my hair. I chuckle.
“That’s provided I pass the exam.” I point out. Dad waves absently.
“It’s a piece of cake, really. You just gotta beat some bots. That’s it!” I pale.
“Kara, you’ll do fine.” Mom assures me. It was rare she used her nickname for me, so I can’t help smiling.
“Right!” I had to start thinking positively, or I’d never get through this! I happen to spot my school’s group and jog over, waving goodbye to my parents. One of the teachers and kind of an aunt of mine, Nemuri, or Midnight, was passing out test cards to everyone with numbers for assigned seats and the battle center we were going to. I happened to be in A. I look over and notice Shinso. I walk over as we head into the testing hall to take the written exam. “Hey.”
“Hey. Good luck, yeah?” I nod. 
“Yeah!” We find our seats and within minutes, we begin. It was harder than I thought, but I had a decent grasp of the material discussed and finished soon enough. Ectoplasm, another teacher here, was using his multiplying Quirk to proctor the test. I passed my answer sheet to him when I was finished and waited at my desk. Shinso was done minutes later and we smile at each other and I try to think of formations that could help in the physical exam coming up. When Ectoplasm dismisses us, we head as he directed to an auditorium and find our seats.
“What’s up UA candidates?” Dad calls as upbeat music plays in the background. I smile. He was going full-on DJ mode. I wonder where Mom is. “Thanks for tunin’ in to me, your school DJ!” The lights around the outside of the ring came on and Dad was revealed. “C’mon and lemme hear yah!” I was too embarrassed to start a response, and no one else did, so echoing silence filled the room. “Keeping it mellow, I see.” Dad chuckles. I feel bad for him, a little. “That’s fine. Let me get straight to the main show.” Maybe if he acted more like a teacher and less like a radio host, he’d get more of a response, but I suppose it’s also just Dad’s personality. He was too hyper for nervous students. “Let’s talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down, okay? Are you ready?!” He calls in a sing-song voice and I nearly reply, but catch myself. I’d single myself out if I did. People weren’t likely to join me and I can hear Izuku going geek-mode at Dad and smile. “Like your application says, today you rockin’ boys and girls will be conducting ten-minute mock battles against faux villains in super suburban settings! After I drop the mic here, you’ll head to your specified battle centers, sound good?” Still no response. “Okay?” He presses. Finally, I roll my eyes. If someone didn’t reply soon, he’d go nuts.
“Got it!” I call back. Dad beams up at me.
“Thanks, listener friend!” I was grateful he didn’t go further as he gets back to explaining. “Okay, okay, let’s check out yer targets!” On-screen, pixelated models appear for each type of robot, with labels ‘1P’, ‘2P’, or 3P’ on them. “There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You’ll gain points depending on the level of difficulty, so choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by shredding these villains like a mid-song guitar solo. Buuut, check it!” He continues, pointing a finger into the crowd to emphasize his point, shaking it back and forth. “Let’s make sure we’re keeping things heroic; attacking fellow candidates is a UA no-no, yah dig?” About five rows in front of me, a student stands up.
“Excuse me, sir, but I have a question.” He calls. A single bulb is turned on to illuminate a young man with black-blue hair (undercut barely visible from the angle I saw him from) and tan school uniform on.
“Hit me!” Dad replies eagerly.
“On the print-out, you’ve listed 4 types of villains, not 3.” I roll my eyes as the guy points out what he means on the sheet. Great. A stick-in-the-mud perfectionist. “All due respect, but if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful.” I bite my lip, irritated. I’m sure Dad would have explained that other type of robot soon enough, if this guy had been patient. However, Dad listens attentively, nonplussed at the insult to his workplace. “We are exemplary students, and we expect the best from Japan’s most notable school. A mistake like this won’t do.” He then turns and points behind him to Izuku. “Additionally, you with the unkempt hair; you’ve been muttering this entire time. Stop that.” He demands tersely. Izuku looks mortified and Shinso has to put his foot on mine to stop me rising. “If you can’t bother to take this seriously, then leave. You’re distracting the rest of us.” Izuku claps his hands to his mouth and offers an embarrassed, muffled ‘sorry’ as the student then turns back to Dad to hear his reply.
“Alright, alright, Examinee number 7111.” Dad replies, waving his hands up and down as if to calm the student down, then gives him a thumbs up. “Thanks for calling in with your request.” On-screen, the final robot appears with the label ‘0P’ above it. “The fourth villain type is worth 0 points, so that guy’s just an obstacle we’ll be throwing in your way. There’s one in every battle center, kind of a hurdle for you to avoid. It’s not that it can’t be beat, but there’s...kinda no point.” I don’t think Dad’s saying everything there is about that robot, but keep my mouth shut. “I recommend my listeners try to avoid it and stay focused on the ones topping the charts!” The student bows.
“Thank you very much. Please, continue.” He says, sitting down again to a few murmurs about this new development. Dad raises his arms and silence falls.
“That’s all I got for you today, so I’ll sign off with a little present; a sample of our school motto. As General Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down, ‘A true hero is one who overcomes life’s misfortunes’. Now that’s a tasty soundbyte. You ready to go beyond?” I can’t help the hype I feel at the prospect of testing myself in the battle center as Dad finishes with a ‘let’s hear a Plus Ultra!’. I can’t help shouting it out and, surprisingly, a few others join in. “Good luck out there!” With that, Dad steps off the stage. We stand and make our way out of the auditorium.
This was it. Just a short bus ride, and the physical exam would begin! My knees shake so bad, I might end up knocking them together.
How would I do? What would I do?!
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olliebax · 6 years
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hello hello its me bee, bringing you my Trash Daughter !!!! ngl .... it has been Ages since i’ve played an oc but ik this rp is really lovely and accepting when it comes to ocs so !! i’m giving it a spin bear with me while i figure her out 
PHILIPPINE STINDEL —— Well, if it isn’t OLIVIA BAXTER, the RAVENCLAW superstar. For those of you who don’t know HER, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re CREATIVE and FACETIOUS, but they can also seem pretty CYNICAL and AIMLESS. Sometimes people call them the LAYABOUT. Sure, they’re a HALFBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them. 
pinterest !! 
first off, nobody calls her olivia except for her mother. ollie, bax, and baxter are all pretty common nicknames
ollie grew up without a lot of money -- she was born to a muggle mother who worked at the local grocery store and a wizard father who bailed on them when ollie was six 
she and her mother don’t get along very well --- ollie absolutely adored her father when she was little and when he left, she blamed her mother
it didn’t help that her mother was hardly ever home, always working nights and overtime shifts to provide for her family now that she was the only one doing so
of course, now ollie understands it isn’t her mother’s fault, but there’s still a rift between them that can’t easily be fixed
she grew up roughhousing with the neighbourhood boys, sneaking cigarettes in the mcdonalds parking lot and skinning her knees trying to skateboard
she went to a school full of kids like hers --- born to single parent working class families, with little ambition or regard for rules
the teachers were underpaid and overworked, and didn’t have high expectations for their students
so ollie never tried cause she never thought she’d be anything great. she skipped class to hang out down by the old train tracks (much to her mother’s chagrin) and mouthed off when she was there
ollie knew she was a witch --- she’d seen her father doing magic when she was young and although she longed to do that someday, it still kind of came as a surprise when her hogwarts letter came
it was so far from what her life had been so far, so out of the ordinary when she was as ordinary as they came 
it was an even bigger surprise when she was sorted into ravenclaw cause she’d never been the Smart Kid, and she didn’t understand why the hat thought ravenclaw would suit her
she was surrounded by kids who loved school and who’d always loved school and who strove to do well, and tbh she just didn’t want to compete with them so she never tried 
she’d rather not try than try and fail 
so you may be asking why is she sorted into ravenclaw?? WELL ya girl loves art
she doesn’t really think of it as a talent or a calling or anything like that because she doesn’t think it can be used for anything useful but she’s been drawing and sketching and painting ever since she was young
does little cartoons and doodles in class instead of taking notes
as for personality:
ollie is pretty aimless and apathetic most of the time bc she just never thought it would make a difference if she actually tried for once 
lives in the moment rather than thinking about the future
she can be pretty snarky sometimes but like never in a too mean spirited way
she’s v realistic and down to earth to a point where it’s almost cynical --- like she thinks her own talents for art are useless bc they won’t make her a lot of money
tells it like it is
stubborn as fuck 
doesn’t like change
not a lot of people realize this but she’s pretty empathetic ?? like she comes across as uncaring and blasé but she can also be really soft esp around kids 
wanted connections:
squad: idk people who also slack off and skip class and get high behind the greenhouses?? but also she’d genuinely be fond of these people & dead loyal to them
someone who’s trying to get her to shape up? idk lmao
a friend who actually isnt a fuck up and ollie’s rly protective over them and doesnt want to be a bad influence on them lol
enemies!!! people who just rub her the wrong way, or people who have an issue with her blood status, i dont care
a skinny love connection where they’ve been friends for ages and trust each other with everything and yknow pretend not to be jealous when the other gets a new partner? that pls
honestly anything idk we can brainstorm if none of these fit
just plot w me
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slippeddee · 6 years
Hey Dee! Totally relate to ur post regarding art community - I feel the same all the time. The thing is, fandom is fickle, what it likes/dislikes is highly dependent on trends. For example, silly fanart of an recently released movie is bound to get more attention than well-drawn highly skilled fanart of an 1950s classic film - no matter how good the later is. Just wanna say you're not alone, and ppl who see the true values of you would appreciate your works (like me, your secret fan ;) love u
hey Anon, sorry it took me so damn long to answer your message. I wasn’t even able to reply until now bc I simply didn’t know WHAT to say...I was thinking about your words a lot and about the whole situation. tbh I wouldn’t say it’s about fanart or original art. The community is just different than before. I hardly ever was in a fandom, let alone have been drawing for it. I never really felt the urge to bond with other fans. Sometimes I was, but not so much. I always had a lot of OCs and a original comic people liked. I don’t know if you know my situation, but I loved the community before my break. I felt supported, understood. I was a part. It felt like everyone was in the same boat. Then there was a time I had burn-out-issues. I never went to a specialist bc I thought I was Superman and didn’t think I needed one but I’m to 99,99% sure it was burn out. I cut myself off of the art community, from friends, I hadn’t explained my situation to everyone so I don’t know if they understood back then. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. I did other things and three years ago after a long time of being away I decided to come back. I missed the community, my friends, the happyness I felt drawing and being in contact with them. it was a hard decision bc it was connected to other things like job, school, life, etc. It took me so long to make this step and I feel like hardly anyone is interested in what I am creating. The community changed. It’s not as warm as before. it’s colder, not as honest as before, people are different. I am different. I think I developed into another direction. I can’t relate to the community and I think the community can’t relate to me. It’s making me extremely sad bc it has been everything to me for a long time and now it feels like a passing thing in my life. It’s hard for me to grasp all of that and I feel lost. The only thing I can do is find myself a platform I relate more to, another community and just create whatever I want to create, regardless of communities or what people want to say. I think my path is taking me somewhere else and I am happy that I have some friends who support me nonetheless. thank you, anon, for still supporting me and appreciating my work. I couldn’t be more grateful.
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franeridart · 7 years
I mean, the idea is nice, but I don't think Bakugou and Todoroki are friends? I mean, at most I think the tolerate each other, I don't think they really enjoy each other presence
I admit to my laziness-driven mistake, more than “friendship” I should have said “relationship that’s definitely a friendship but neither of the involved parts seems to have realized just yet”. Friendship was just shorter, tho
I dunno if you follow the manga, but Bakugou and Todoroki are definitely on friendly terms - since the beginning of the training camp arc you hardly ever see one without the other around, and no interaction since has had them actually fighting. Most of their scenes together are made of Bakugou being the usual shit he likes to be and Todoroki using the occasion to master his sass skills, that’s true, but I wouldn’t say that changes the fact that they coexist in a definitely peaceful way (as far as the word peaceful can be used to describe Bakugou, of course) - they make fun of each other with minimal recoil, can fight as a team seamlessly, actually listen to one another even when they don’t agree, while some might argue that it was only to make up for a personal failure Todoroki was, with Kirishima, the one to propose the rescue plan, and in most recent times Todoroki has been treating Bakugou exactly as he would any other friend (and if the way Bakugou acts with Sero and Kaminari is anything to go by, he’s been treating Todoroki as a friend too, I’d say)
Someone in the tags mentioned that Todoroki would probably be more annoyed with Bakugou, but I gotta disagree there too - the fun thing about these two’s relationship is exactly that they’re (literally) like fire and ice. Bakugou yells and insults as he does, Todoroki answers as if they’re having a perfectly civil conversation - it’s super amusing to me? It’s why I love that relationship a lot haha I wouldn’t put Todoroki between Bakugou’s group or Bakugou in Todoroki’s, that’s for sure, but they do have a friendly rivalry going on. Compared to the relationships they both have with a big part of the class, I’d say that the one they share is closer to a friendship than anything else.
(of course from there to having them just chill and talk is a leap, but considering how similar they are in their different types of social awkwardness, I don’t think it’s too farfetched? well, I’ve had Bakugou chill with Jirou and they hardly ever interacted, this was definitely closer to canon than that lol)
Anon said:Bruhh like, the episode this week killed me, but seeing your update with bakugou and deku sparring just threw me over the edge- I WANT THEM TO TALK AND BE FRIENDS ALREADY! LIKE OMFG I NEED MORE DEVELOPEMENT SO THEY CAN HAVE A HEALTHY AND STABLE FRIENDSHIP/RIVALRY. (Like I know the pacing is actually fine and that the narrative is leading to this, but I’m so impatient sometimes) At least you have filled some of the void these two have left in my heart. Beautiful work as always
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dunno if you’re up to date with the manga, but as far as healthy rivalry goes I’d say we’re there, anon! I’m sure next time they’ll properly interact there’ll be a noticeable shift in the mood! Now, if only Horikoshi had them interact already…………. SIGH
Anon said:your art brighten my life a bit
;O; I’m glad!!! Thank you!!!!
Anon said:me @ the manga: more! baku & mina! interactions! btw your art today (and always lmao) was A++++ so cute also i live for todo and baku friendship
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yeah Bakugou doesn’t seem to interact much with the girls in the class, does he? #sob tho Mina’s def the one that engages with him the most! And that makes me happy!!!! I hope we’ll get to see more of them in the future aaaaahhhhhhhhh orz
Anon said:uwaah i love the way you draw todoroki so much! i loved the platonic todobaku art too (i may or may not ship them.. just putting that out there). you have this talent for portraying relationships between characters so well?! i love the way you have them interact in all your art (i’m a huge fan of the bokuroteru art for the same reasons !!!!!!), i can’t wait to see what you post next!
AAAHHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Baku and Todo have a delicate balance in their relationship I was definitely scared to get wrong, but I’m happy you liked how I went about it!!!!
What if I told you that those are actually his cats and he isn’t smuggling anything, tho 👀👀👀👀
Anon said:your Shinsou keeps giving me life bless your soul and your cow
;O; thank you!!!! I’m glad you liked him!!!!!!!!!! My cow is very grateful too lol
Anon said:I’m in love with all of your bakushima art yessss
And I am in love with you loving it, anon!!!!
Anon said:fran, do you watch Voltron ? i want to watch it but i don’t know what to start with. Is there a difference between Voltron : Legendary Defender and Voltron ? can i just start watching from Voltron Legendary Defender ? Thanks for your help.
I’ve watched the first season lmao one day… I’ll catch up to it…… anyway Legedary Defenders is a reboot, so you don’t need to wacth anything else unless you want to! It’s a standalone~
Anon said:I only have tumblr to view your art tbh,, I love your BakuKiriKami so much o h m y go D
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a compliment oh my god ;O; thank you so much!!!
Anon said:Fran, i had a thought. You know how people say Bakugou quirk is villainous , don’t you think Monoma quirk pretty villainous too ? like he can copy other people quirk and maybe he can still use the past quirk that he’s already copy. Like it’s really hard too fight the person with same power don’t you think ?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm people don’t think that Bakugou’s quirk is villainous, tho? They think his personality is, not his quirk - as of now the only quirk that’s considered villainous by the canon is Shinsou’s! And that’s only by kids, too - pro heroes saw him and decided he would make a perfect hero! Anyway, as far as Monoma goes I don’t think he’d be considerable villainous, both for quirk and personality - he’s a weird kid, but Horikoshi did say he’s a nice one. Kids might have used to find his quirk annoying or unfair, but villainous is a bit too harsh of a word? Well, he seems to be well integrated in class 1B, so even if he used to have that sort of problem he for sure doesn’t now haha
Anon said:ASHGHGFK I love your oc’s in that most recent picture, can we hear more about them please?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you ask me questions about them I’ll be more than happy to answer them!!!!!!! :O
Anon said:hi fran!!! i do really admire your draws bc your style is so cute and unique, espescially when you come with the kiribakus x3 anyway, about the new bnha episodes, do you have any opinion about dabi??
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! anddddddd not yet, actually? All I can say about him is that I love his design and that he seems really promising and interesting, also seems to have a brain which, A+, but as of now he hasn’t done enough for me to have a proper opinion about him! The only league of villains members I have an opinion about are Toga and Twice, actually haha
#fran answers#fun fact! i wasn't kidding when i said i love todo and bakus relationship#not in a 'what could be' way#i mean as it is right this moment#how it was and how it evolved and how it became#every interaction they have is gold to me#todoroki is one of the characters that knows best how to interact with bakugou#and i dont even think he does it purposefully it's just how he naturally is#they don't mix AT ALL but in this specific case#it ends up meaning that they can coexist without much problems#which is great!#while the squad rolls with bakugou's moods and enhances them#turns them into fun times and pushes back when bakugou goes too far#while the squad actively BETTERS bakugou while egging him on and making him MORE#todoroki is the ice wall to meet bakugou's outbursts#i don't think they necessarily better each other#i hardly think they /care/ for each others emotional wellbeing at the moment#but they can withstand each other and they can be themselves with each other#they don't try to make each other better but they don't try to change each other either#i guess you might say it's a standstill#but it makes for a different sort of openess and authenticity in their interactions#it gives off a really comfortable vibe#well#ive tried to explain why i love that relationship as much as i do many many times and i never quite managed to#so i can't make it any clearer than this#but i enjoy them#i hope i'll see more of them in the near future#*nudges horikoshi* /bring bakugou back already you fiend/#anonymous
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historic-homosexual · 5 years
Pls pls pls do all the oc questions!!
jokes on you I was already doing that and planned on just putting it out there but now I can use this as an excuse,,hah someone wants to know thisI’m sorry for how long some parts got, I noticed how much I wrote on Célestin and tried to keep it down from then but that didn’t completely work,,,And actually I dare/tag you to do these too. I know that ain’t normal proceedure w ask memes but I do a thing called what I want
1. Your first OC ever?
I think my first oc was your typical mary sue, named Angel, whom I used for basically every fandom I got in then. I’ve since reworked her because I couldn’t leave her the mess she was lmao
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Not really, tho I have to admit I have some that I’m especially fond of, but that’s still like half of my ocs
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Not a full character but a friend of mine made the design for Charlie years ago
4. A character you rarely talk about?Sadly that’d also be a couple of em, for example Eleonore or Otávio or my monster ocs
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
That’s a difficult one…Brist is pretty worked out and good so maybe him, or Eligos bc I’m proud of their design
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
I’d never noticed it before this but Seth and Elijah oh geez
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?I have a bunch of ocs that are part of my own work, which I refer to as ‘Golden Empire’
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I privately rp w @spokoystviye, namely our ocs Regulus and Adelais. We used to do Gregory and Jason too but ever since we worked on the time it plays in that’s stopped lmao.
So Regulus it is: Regulus Whitlock, living in France during the French Revolution. He’s originally from England, where he grew up the son of a Blacksmith. Regulus is exceptionally tall for the time he lived in, very soft hearted and believes in “dressing like a gentleman,behave like a bastard”. Most part of his life he works as a Blacksmith from his shop, that he took over from his father after the man died. Regulus took on a ‘side job’ as a hunter, smart, a good shot and with a great need to help people. But he’s of too good nature, ending up taking in a Vampire of all things, despite better judgement, not able to leave the woman to her death.
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9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I don’t think I could give an oc to a random person, that is one that I’ve worked w a lot. Just making a design and such for the purpose of giving it away in the first place would be fine
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
Gerwyn is relatively complicated to draw solely because his base design is full body armor lmao. Besides him maybe Susanna and Nathanael since their design is hard to make it look accurate especially without colouring it
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11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Seth, definitely, he’s the most positive and sweet of all my Ocs
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
Both @bruhchantite and @spokoystviye have ocs I love, like Bruhs Arcana Oc Nien, whom I like a lot, and Leander has Adelais who’s a sweet baby deserving protection [also Adelean is hot shit]
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? There are quite a few I’d say lmao
But most of them I’d consider more violent than troublemaker, so Jonathan probably (whos still violent but who was a troublemaker even before that)
14. Tragic Backstory
Gregory and Annora have a tragic backstory as well but I’m gonna go w Célestin rnTw: Rape, Abuse, Homophobia
Célestin Villeneuve grew up in France to very religious parents with strict views.  Célestins mother had unhappily carried out Célestin, having gotten pregnant at a very young age. Both her and her husband being strong believers, they considered abortion a sin and kept the child. Her own parents threated it like a shameful secret, making their daughter and her boyfriend marry, despite them being 16 at the time. They moved to the next town, where they were unknown and had everyone belive that they were both adults, their child concieved properly, after marriage and willingly.
Not having finished their education properly, Célestins father lied in order to get a job, his wife mroe than willing to keep up his tales, in fear of being ridiculed by the community. Appearance and what others thought of them became the most important thing to Célestins mother early on, drilled into her by her own parents.Célestins father craved to be popular and keep his image in the town.
They were active in church and his father insisted on going to every sunday mass, prayers before lunch and his child confessing his sins to him.Punishment often consisted of simple bread and cheese and water for meals, a swat ont he back of his head if it was particularly bad in his parents eyes.
Célestin had always been a perfect child, smart and following his parents wishes, sitting in church, firm in prayer.He considered his parents treatment right, and, as he kept from sin, was confident it would never get any worse.However, he was gravely mistaken.As he got older, Célestins parents would get worse in their punishment, afraid their child would sully their image, as they themselves had, with the early pregnancy.
Things reached a peak when Célestin discovered he was gay. Knowing it to be a sin, he told his mother, asking her for help to free him of this condition, telling her he’d accept the punishiment if it’d only make him right in God’s eyes again.
His mother was shocked, less so because of her sons sexuality, but more so because she had seen the violence raging in her husband and was well aware that he would no longer keep the punishment to a few slaps.Talking to her husband that night, when Célestin was asleep, she attempted to sway her husband, who was as she had expected, beyong angered.
He however knew of her fear for being casdt out of the community and explained that not punishing and correcting such behaviour would result in Célestin believing it was normal and flaunting it around for everyone to see. Riddled by fear, Célestins mother accepted her husbands preposition as what would happen to her son.
While Célestin had expected punishment, nothing would have prepared him for what would come for him as his father would drag him out to the field each day anew, whipping him until his back was bleeding. His wife was fobidden to tend to her sons wounds and was often standing by staring into nothing while her son begged for forgiveness.
Célestin learned how to poorly tend to his own injuries, some getting infected at the lack of proper treatment. To his own shock no beating did help to cure him as he had desperately hoped to happen to stop the violent treatment. Unsure where to turn, and why God would have him suffer like this, despite all attempts and prayer, Célestin went to the church to confess and ask a pastor for help.The man was shocked and appalled at what he heard and even more so at the fact that Célestin was under the impression that this was right.
For the first time Célestin was told that he was treated terribly, and that he had done nothing to deserve this. He went away with odd feelings in his mind and the first seeds of doubt. Attempting to help, the pastor went to talk to Célestins parents a few days later, when Célestin himself was in school, trying to sway them in their ways, telling them that they surely had to know that he had to report such behaviour.
When Célestin returned from school, he found his mother crying adn his father angrier than hed ever been. They’d not taken the pastors warning to take their son away to their heart, seeing their fault in their actions but instead saw nothing but the ridicule they were about to face, as well as the authorities coming up. Célestins father feared to loose his job, and face, more than he feared for his sons life. He beat Célestin again before dragging him into his parents room, where a middle aged woman was waiting that was known throught the town for offering any kind of intercourse for the right money.
Saying that there was only one way to truly fix him, Célestins father forced his son to have sex with the prostitute, watching with a belt in hand to make sure the intercourse was actually carried out. During it he would often ask his son if he was still filthy, wanting to do this with ofther men and woulod generally insult and hummiliate him. Whenever his son would answer with crying or begging his father to stop this, he would simply pay the woman for yet another round.
When it was finally over, Célestin was left laying in his parents bed, listening as his parents were having dinner in the kitchen.Filled with shame he declined everything when the authorities came knocking at their door the next day, nodding of his fathers claim that he had made it all up.
The pastor attempted to speak to Célestin but when he asked to see the boy the evening, he and Célestins parents found his room empty.Célestin had ran away.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
Gosh I love it I wish I could do it more. I feel if u actually have some else to chat ocs with it leads to ur oc getting more and more fleshed out
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
I think Helva would take the cake on that one
17. Any OC OTPs?
Regulus/Adelais, Caspian/Nadia, Hunter/Piper and Araan/Dorian,,,,If I can be honest, I hardly have the amount of Oc ships as I would lmao,,,my ocs do function on their own but there are so I’d just love to ship lmao
18. Any OC crackships?
Not really any, I shortly thought about just taking a random oc from u/Leander and pairing them randomly w one of mine for the laughs of it.But then I felt it would maybe be inapropriate to do that lmaoo
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
While all my Ocs mean a lot to me I chose Brist for this because he’d the first Oc I made for a game, fallout new vegas, which I love a lot. He pretty much develpoed all by himself while I was playing, and is really fleshed out now. I’m super fond of him somehow.Here are a couple of things about him:
Brist was born 2225, the son of  caravaneers, somewhere on their travels and therefore does not know where exactly he was born. Deciding that raising a child at such young age while traveling would not work well, they settled near the ruins of Ashton and Hopeville, where a small community was build.Brist spend his childhood in the Divide and soon began traveling alongside his father, keeping the community flourishing as the only connection between it and the rest of the land. When the Divide and the road paved by Brist came to attention of the NCR, they cooperated to protect the supply line and keep it open for other traders. With that done and his home taken care of, Brist left the Divide to travel further, exploring New California as a drifter.  
Brist came to enjoy the life of a Drifter, occasionally taking small jobs and living from day to day up until returning to the divide a last time, making a delivery that would cause his home to be destructed.Not knowing of what had happened, Brist returned into the Mojave desert, further traveling New California before joining the Mojave Express.2281 he was hired to deliver another important package, once more without knowledge of what it would cause, and was shot in the head by Benny in Goodsprings.
He doesn’t sleep too much, and he’s not at all picky about where. He prefers having some sort of mattress but if he’s tired and there’s none he’ll sleep on the floor.
Brist is an Courier and Explorer at heart, determined to finish his jobs, power through them. Even if that might result in physical pain or poisoning. Brist has the constant need to be on his feet all the time, traveling, looking around or doing things for people and he often does not sleep, eat, shower or talk during these travels. Sometimes he’s so focused on the road ahead that he misses the explosive traps right in front of him.
He notices that he is doing this, and he can sometimes be heard muttering to himself how he’ll see a doctor in the next town and so on, but those good intentions always get lost along the way. Brist hates missing traps and such, but he doesn’t quite see that those thigns could easily be avoided if he’d be more careful.
He is suffering from Radiation Poisoning, he could easily be treated for it at the early stages but he literally does not care enough to see a doctor or get some RadAway. He keeps delaying it in favour of missions and traveling and stuff
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Charlie sings, more for herself actually, than for anyone else but she’s quite good at it. She’s constantly humming when she’d focusing on something and sometimes doesnt even notice when she starts singing along to songs. She simply loves music a lot and lets herself be taken along by the songs. Has no real preference for genre but she likes happy go lucky songs most
21. Your most artistic OC
Richard aka Dick. He’s at tattoo artist and leaves cool little doodles everywhere. Especially great with colours. The most colorful the better
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
There aren’t really any, since my ocs arent popular or anything. Someone did sometimes, but it was more forcing their ideas or their own thoughts w their own ocs on mine,,,
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Gregory, as you see below has changed quite a bit. While the overall design is the same, now he looks  as nasty as I imagine him to be, a lot less soft.Character-wise my ocs didn’t change drastically
Only the fact, in Gregory’s case, that he got more fleshed out, and the time he lives in changed, to the 50sI’m trying to not write to many long things here lmao.Especially since just u and Leander will read this and Leander knows himst and Regulus already.
Dr Gregory Thomas Landon was born 1911 to Sybill and Raphael Landon. While the first world war almost went by without having any impact on the family, Raphael was pulled into war when America joined in 1917 and died in combat.
With her husband gone and her son just 6 years old, Sybill took a job as a secretary to make sure of her and her sons survival.Sybill had grown up the youngest child (of those who had survived) out of 5, always too smart and abitious for a woman in her time. Her father was Doctor and she would often sneak into his office room to look through notes and books on human anatomy and patient records.She had written down what she believed could be links between illnesses,behaviour and anatomy, finding the greatest interest in the still very new field of psychology. Of course her father wanted to hear nothing of it, Sybills oldest brother being the one ment to inherit their fathers office and place as a doctor.
But Sybill had never stopped being interested in psychology, following the work of Edward Titchner, whod brought psychological studies to America, as well as the rise of ‘structuralism’ ,as close as possible.Unlike Titchner, who excluded the study of children, Sybill wondered if it was the childs mind that should be studied to find the roots of all things. Perhaps it was bitterness above all that drove her to the treatment of her son in the following years. Sybill had lived her life knowing that she had no possibility whatsever to porperly study psychology and work on her theories. But hearing about Margaret Washburn, the woman that had been able to become a psychologist, Sbyill turned anger and disappointment to her son, whom she viewed as the reason she had to stay at home and be a mother isntead of trying to achieve what Ms Washburn had.
Quickly she realized however that she did not need a title or be thought by a Doctor to test her theories, deciding to conduct them on her son, who had kept her from fullfilling her dream. While Gregory was not the perfect research object, already six years and not a infant, who Sybill believed to be the ideal stage, she attempted to see if continous infliction of pain would change her sons behaviour.
She was especially curious if such pain inflicted on the brain would influence Gregorys personality, perhaps causing of curing misbehaviours and such. Gregory would grow up very intelligent but withdrawn, hardly finding kinship with people his age, spending his time reading. Like his mother before him he became interested in the human mind and, unlike Sybill, was able to study, earning him a Doctorate in both psychology and psychiatry
While he remained living with his mother he would sometimes roam the university campus, especially after long nights of studying, observing the people around.
It was there that he, at age 19, that he met a young woman that had been wandering around, lost and visibly pregnant. Seeing her caused a deep shock in Gregory as she resembled his mother in looks like no other woman he’d even seen before. Unbeknowns to his mother, Gregory had suffered great damage from her treatment of him, which had lead to violent thoughts and great apathy. Had the girl not approached him, she would have lived but she decided to ask him for help, ending in her death.
This remained the only unplanned murder commited by the Doctor, who hid her body, laying awake at night, working out what to do with her. He had carefully opened her up, not focused on her death as much as on causing her pain for as long as possible, but as he hadn’t been very ecperienced yet he had made quite a mess. The young woman would turn to the first in a row of women that caused Gregory to perfect his work and disposal of the bodies.
World War Two brought a sudden end to the Doctors murder streak. Age 30 when America entered the War he was pulled into it as a medic, despite not being properly trained as a Doctor 
However his talents that he had perfected during his murders had been of great use during the war that had only led to Gregory becoming even more cold to death and gore. Returning from the War he was offered a position at a instiution, as the need for Psychologists arose.
However Gregory saw no great interest in treating shell shocked patients for too long, he instead chose to focus on the psychiatric field, working in an asylum from then on. Gregory is, while extremely smart, speaking four languages and being a Doctor, unable to form any bonds with people.
He’s terribly arrogant and aware of his intelligence, viewing it as a superiority to other people. He suffers from antisocial personality disorder/ psychopathy and is addicted to nictotine.
He’s a very cleanly person, almost to a point of it being an obsession. He smells of Nicotine, Disinfectant and a neutral perfume.
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24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Oh geez, well I’d rather meet an oc of mine thats like, one of the chill ones. Maybe someone about my age.
Someone like Friedrich or Violet. It’d be easiest to talk to them, and I know they are super nice. Meeting Brist, Araan or Caspian would be cool too tho, so many stories and questions there
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
There used to be the joke that Friedrich is basically a tall, muscular version of me. Funnily enough I now have the chin beard as well, and I’ve discovered that I’m as much of a nerd and work focused person as he is. Still while we share some similarities, we’re p different still lmao
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
Not really, only changed things to be more accurate and stuff but that aint against my will or anything
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? Nope
28. Your most dangerous OC?
There are a couple, such as Cenric (being a crazy, megalomanic, narcisstic, manic Emperor), Gregory and Jonathan (literal serial killers), Crya (cannibalistic monster) and Eligos (p much does body disposal). 
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
Eddy and Dick, they would tell each other because they’d go together lmao. Paula would want to and just before going there she’d chicken out of it
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? Quinn, he’s tall and grown up but he loves small and cute things
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Friedrich II:Would have a super cool layout that he coded himself, and would offer the theme for people to use, as well as giving people tips on how to easily do cool things w their themes.
His icon would’ve been fairytale themed for a while until he posts his first selfie for pride month, then it’s a picture of him with a pride flag. He’d reblog peoples art of fairytales, and he’d especially love peoples new interpretations of them
Would reblog thing about rats and post pictures of his own rats with cute captions. Reblogs peoples selfies during pride and other pride days ( like trans day of visibility n such), always adding super nice things in the tags.
He posts his first selfie during pride and it gets quite the reblogs and people asking to see more (half of them are thirsting after his body) Declines the request to post full topless pictures because he says that his blog is sfw and he doesnt want to mix fairtales, rats and codes with nudes.
He would have a nsfw blog tho,,,hes horny He’d give it to those over 18 that’d ask, reblogging gifs and stuff there and yeah thats where he posts topless pictures.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
I’d like to say Brist because that would be funny as hell and he would actually explore everything, pretty unfazed by what is going on. But honestly Annora is already living a horror game pretty much, that is with loosing her parents, fighting for survival,being used by the revolution group as a ‘chosen one’, and especially because she has to encounter the wandering twins, which are creepy as heck. She’s a fighter against will but she pulls through and shes careful enough not to do something stupid.
33. Your shyest OC?
That’d be sweet, pure Charlie
34. Do you have any twin characters?
Oh yes, Eddy and Dick; Jae-Eun and Jae-Hyeok; Nathanael and Susanna
35. Any sibling characters?
There’s a lot coming your way
Cenric and his younger sister Annora
Sadira and her older brother Arshad
Gregory actually has a halfbrother that’s not really developed, named Maximilian 
Charlie and her younger sister Paula
Olivia and her older brother Bill
Arthur and his younger brother Jonathan
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
The above mentioned Adelais who belongs to Leander, is let’s say semi-paired w Regulus
Established girlfriends Sadira (who’s my oc) and Elizaveta (who is his)
Violet (mine) and Cole (his) sweet young love
And an AU Version of my oc Echo is the ex of Ninas OC Crem
Charlie used to be w the oc Amy of a friend but idk if that’s still a thing
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
There are a few, like Myka, Viida, Amodis,Brist, Rovhen and Araan but I think I’ll go with Cyra
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Cyra, or ‘Venus Cyra’ is not as developed as some others here so not to worry about too long of a text,,,,I hope
Cyra is meant to exist around the 50s funnily enough, just like Gregory, which I really didn’t intend lmaoShe is,a s the question suggests, not quite human, despite maintaining a relaticely human appearance for most of the time. Cyra lives in a house in the fictional Bloomstreet, which has been declared haunted decades ago because of a man living inside of it that took great joy in messing with his neighbours.
Crya believes herself to have lived in the house all of her life, with no memory as to how she got to come there and why she can’t leave it.In truth it’s told that she moved in with her grandmother when Cyra was just a baby, having lost her parents. If you were to believe the whispers and legends the old woman was very poor, hardly able to keep the small house for her and her granddaughter.
She would wear the same old clothes she had arrived in, the young girl wearing a worn out dress with a pale blue bow. Legends say that they were so poor that the grandmother couldn’t afford to buy much more than bread and water.
A police man came to their door one day because the old woman hadn’t been able to pay for her house anymore. Desperate, it’s said that she hit the man across the head as he had bend down to say hello to Cyra, who looked famished and sick at that point.
Not sure what to do with the body and knowing that her granddaughter needed more than bread to survive and grow, she went to butcher the man and cook him into stew for herself and her granddaughter to eat. As she saw that Cyra became more healthy and stronger at the meat consumption, the old woman, desperate and hopeful to keep her beloved granddaughter alive, fully turned to cannibalism.
It’s said that the grandmother died a couple of years later of old age but legends have it that she is still in the house as well, a half dead monster. Cyra, having eaten human flesh all her life is said to have turned into a wendigo like creature,fully turning into a gruesome beast during the nights, to feed on the flesh of people that dare to enter the haunted house.
She is called Venus in some tales because a man claimed to have seen her one day, watering the roses in the lawn of the house, more beautiful than anything he had seen all his life, calling her ‘a sight like the goddess Venus herself’
Cyra isn’t fully aware of these legends, but she is aware of her monsterous nature, that she is unable to control. She believes she was cursed to stay in this house, a monster taking her place during night, leaving her with the remains of peoiple and the ravaging craving for human flesh.
She loved taxidermy and moths, and tending to flowers.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
Irina is a professional ballet dancer so I’d say she’s the best out of my Ocs
39. Introduce any character you want
Alright, because I’ve tought about them recently, I’ll cheat a bit and introduce two ocs: Susanna and Nathanael, whom I mentioned somewhere above briefly as ‘The Wandering Twins’
They are part of my Golden Empire universe and are the heads of one of the groups that build after the collapse of most of what we know of the Earth.
They play a part in Annoras journey to find her brother as both a danger to avoid/defeat, as well as potential allies. Susanna and Nathanael are twins that are both about 1,90m tall and are constantly veiled, having stapled veils to their faces and necks.
That adds to their ghostly,creepy appearance. You could describe their group as a cult,as it is religiously motivated and their followers are devoted to Susanna and Nathanael, who they call ‘Mother’ and ‘The Priest’
That could come fromt he fact that Susanna wears the traditional headwear of a nun, while Nathanael looks somewhat like a Priest and carries a bible around. Christianity is considered an old and outdated religion in the times that GE plays in, practiced by a very small amount of people before the collapse. It’s generally thought of as outdated and outlandish, with stories too wild to be real.
However some of the old text have been recovered or been carried on over generations by those that remain firm believers in the Christian God. Susanna and Nathanael were raised by such a family and spread their belief to vulnerble and scared people after the collapse that latch onto it as a form of explanation easily.
The Twins view the collapse as a sort of apocalypse brought by God to punish Humanity for their sins, they believe that they must attone and suffer now as Earth was made their purgatory. If one is firm in belief and enough suffering is done, so they say, Heaven will open up and they will be taken by God to heaven, forgiven and able to forget the horrors they went through on Earth.
They expect that suffering to be done by their followers, who all walk barefoot, some of them having blinded themself in order to see nothing but God in their lifes. Susanna and Nathanael as well as their group wander in order to spread their message, taking in new followers if they prove their faith by stripping themselves of their footwear and walking through the ruins of cities with them until their feet bleed.
Only if they are willing to shed blood for their sins will they be taken on and be bathed and baptized in a river and dressed in simple gowns.It is considered the highest honour to be veiled just like Susanna and Nathanael. They seem to be able to appear out of nowhere and have a settlement in the woods that they return to.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
I love developing oc things w my friends, its always a lot of fun and I wish I could do that more. Especially nice was cosplaying Gregory and Jason w Leander,,,cosplaying ocs is rad af, would love to do that again
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
Yeee, mostly you and Leander actually, but a couple of others too. Let me see if I can show u a favourite oc art from u and from Leander
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@bruhchantite listen,,,this is so fucking cute, I love seeing our kids all together. All art of them is always so happy and positive. I love every piece u did of em but this one especially bc,,,bringing star wars into it??Power move
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@spokoystviye okay listen you made soo many great pieces but this one,,,this one idk maybe its because I love Brist so much but,, this is simple yet amazing. I love the small light play u got in here and just how u drew Brist,,,thats me boy!!!
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
Cenric, I’d say. He thinks of himself as a god after all. I think he’d like the imagery of it all
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Oh geez well,, I generally make my ocs older than me, like most of them are in their late 30s/40s, I have more ocs heading 60s than I have heading 20 lmao. My ocs are more often male than any other gender and more likely to be lgbt than straight. I like nice and clean looks, Leander can tell a great deal about how much I care for a clean look lmao. Most of my ocs have their life in order, and most of them are on the taller side
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
I put thought into my characters,so I think that makes them interesting and fun. And I try very hard to havbe them make sense and be time/lore appropriate.
45. A character you no longer use?
I did drop some Ocs a bit ago that never got much work and that I didn’t think interesting enough to work on. Sadly enough I don’t do as much w my ocs as I’d like to generally.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Nope, I’m generally kind to my characters lmao
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
both Nina and Leander did and I think it’s v sweet hell yeah
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
Charlie and Caspian, truly good and pure, and positive
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Seth would definitely love memes. So would Kylan but he’d like the really weird ones best. Eddy and Dick would constantly send memes to each other, effectively annoying everyone else. Paula would like memes when they are already outdated
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Generally special universe oc seem to be more interesting than like,,basic universe ones but I wannt quickly talk abour my OC WilliamI love him okay? He’s from Russia, where he grew up in a tightly knit family. He’s a childrens Doctor and was married to Nahia, who’s an ER Doctor. They met in med school and got along super well, they both were used to the whole early marriage idea and marrying someone you like so they did just that. They both always wanted to have children and kid. It’s very important for them to be there for thgeir child despite their jobs. William is such a dad, he loves his child so much, he’d do anything for em. He and Nahia are best friends, even after the divorce, which happened after long talks because they had noticed that something was off. It led to William confessing that he thinks he might be gay and they ended up divorcing because it turns out yes he is. William probably would’ve stayed w Nahia, also for their childs sake but she wouldn’t hear anything of it. He’s a very kind man, calm and I love the thought of him being able to explore who he is even at his age. He’d be so new to everything,,sobs,,angel
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arctic-urpo · 7 years
nemossubmarine replied to your post: Ceri: 4, 5, 20, 34, 42, and F!!
Why is it so hard for him to talk about platonic love? :O Is it bc love has too strong connotations to romance for him or bc he doesn’t have ppl to platonically love?
He doesn’t really have experience of platonic love, or at least he doesn’t think he does. He’s been so obsessed with romantic love and then doubting people that he has never really thought about it in the few, short friendships he has had. They were just a mix of trust-mistrust until they broke off. And any kind of affection towards him ends up with the thoughts of “they might have a crush on me!!!11!!” and/or “they’re trying to fool me and use me!!!!”
nemossubmarine replied to your post: Ocs: Ceri - 1,2,5 and Phelan - 8,10,11; Creator: A...
Poor Ceri, he makes me sad. :( Does he (mis)trust Salal any differently than others bc of what Salal is and how he got there? || And Phelan deserves all the happiness and video game nights with Jeannot, I demand that. Must happen, yes please. :D
He makes me sad, too. He’s been alone way too long... And with Salal, he is still as paranoid about being left but, I think somewhat the fact that he’s a demon comforts him of the paranoia of being used and/or abused. Just, his expectations are a lot different. He is still deathly afraid that Salal will leave him too, though.
And yes! Phelan deserves those nights tbh, and Jeannot is good at video games so they would have a lot of fun. They already watch movies and tv series and anime together, why not have Jeannot play while Phelan watches. I feel like that kind of interaction is something Phelan really needs (.... now I wanna draw this, so I guess it’ll happen at some point, haha)
nemossubmarine replied to your post: Kendrick: 5, 30, 31, 34 & B?
Kendrick is such a babe. The sweetest lil cinnamon roll. ;A; You gotta stop this, or I’ll start feeling bad about killing ppl and putting you in tight spots. I got teary-eyed when you said he regrets not being able to save Bard…. Well, enough about that. :D *stamps with spoiler-marks cos Bard is still the mysteryman, even when a corpse*
Kendrick is a very good boi <3 And yeah, he definitely regrets that one, especially considering how unfriendly they were to him before that. He kind of realized at the point he lit on fire that there was no stopping it, but he still tried to stop the fire to give himself a peace of mind that at least he tried. But, yeah, he’s a responsible boy, perhaps way too much so.
nemossubmarine replied to your post: Cyrus: 2, 16, 37, 40 & B? :3
I was gonna ask if there’s a reason why he is v much against the children being involved in adult-problems, but you might not tell me the actual reason, if he has hundreds of backstories :DDD (lil meta this) He sounds like a fun character and a total sweetheart, I hope you have fun time playing him! <3
Well, yes it was a spoiler territory since other players might read my blog but I told you that in person so ;> And yeah!! He should be fun to play, since he has a never-serious attitude going on it should certainly be cheery and fun to play as him~
nemossubmarine replied to your post: Jeannot: 7, 22 & E?
Aw, Jeannot is such a dear: I want to scoop him up and take him away and give him video games. :(( Is there ever moments he gets jealous about ppl Phelan spends time with?
He’d appreciate the games, he loves to play games :’’> And there are some moments, since while most friends Phelan considers equally close, there are some he is somewhat closer to and even spends time with outside of his usual schedule that he meets people at.
 I think a lot of his jealousy is tied to feeling inferior, since he thinks he doesn’t offer a lot to Phelan in return (even though that’s not actually true). But luckily Phelan is very much attached to Jeannot so the jealousy tends to go away. Later on Jeannot can probably even talk to Phelan about it, but right now he lives with it until it passes.
nemossubmarine replied to your post: Phelan: 8, 14 & E?
I think the animal question is very telling of sorta his situation as a kid. Did he ever encounter stray animals or outdoorsy cats? How would he react to them? I was wondering, since he has been told how to deal with household animals, but the mangy dog or a cat missing an eye is hardly the same as a well-groomed showroom pet.
Not a lot, and even if he did saw them he’d keep away since they might be carrying viruses etc so he had better keep away since getting sick was bad in many ways. In general he kept away from animals that were dirty too, since due to how he was raised and also kind of due to his personality he’s a bit vain and doesn’t want to get dirty. And also, they might be dangerous. 
nemossubmarine replied to your post: Phelan with multiples of 5?
I just realized that Phelan and Konsta speak kinda similarly, at least to people they don't know; business ppl, new nobility? :D Seeing those two talk would be interesting, y'know, both trying to be as amiable as possible. Anyway, Phelan's an absolute doll, and I love him.
I feel like it’d would be a very interesting conversation, indeed. Both of them being polite while not liking to talk about themselves... It might stay as a really superficial, polite conversation or if they did share interests they might talk about those. Since they’re both kind of the intellectual type :’>
nemossubmarine replied to your post: Uncommon questions for ocs: Jeannot Raines - 8...
In Jeannot's defense, mooses (meese? :DDD) are super-terrifying. So huge. :O I find Phelan's relationship with his father very interesting, I hope he can find some peace about it someday. I'm happy that these two are getting attention they deserve and that they make you happy. :)) <3
They are terrifying. He doesn’t much like horses either, unless he’s been reassured a thousand times that it’s a calm horse. And yeah, it’s a very complicated relationship... But, part of the plot of the comic are these problems so hopefully they get some resolution at least ;> But ahh, thank you <3 I’m just so glad ppl care about them ;v;
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racingtoaredlight · 5 years
The degenerate’s guide to college football TV watch ‘em ups, 2019 season, week 11
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I typed “Bama LSU” into tumblr’s gif search and this was the only result. I take it as a representation of my flawless technique as a writer.
Let’s see if I have the heart or interest to write anything worthwhile below. I’ve probably already done the best work possible in this world. FBSchedules and Vegas Insider are supporting this post materially, unwitting yet they be.
Saturday, November 9
Matchup                                          Time (ET)                     TV/Mobile
Vanderbilt at 10 Florida                  12:00pm                         ESPN
This doesn’t belong on television. This is not the kind of thing people should waste their lives on and I mean that for the players and coaches.
4 Penn State at 17 Minnesota         12:00pm                         ABC
Gophers +6.5 is an absolutely sure thing. It’s either that or there is no god. You can only choose one.
WKU at Arkansas                             12:00pm                       SECN
Have you guys followed the whole Deadspin saga from the last few weeks? My favorite part was that Maidment guy that set the whole cycle in motion and then had to write a bunch of shitty content himself to make the site look sort of normal after everybody quit. I laughed heartily at his horrible writing but I can’t help feeling I’m that kind of brainless dummy clacking away at a company laptop to produce as little impact as possible with my unoriginal words. Anyway, enjoy this version of the Petrino Bowl.
UMass at Army                                  12:00pm                       CBSSN
Army is favored by 34.5. Army is fucking awful. It’s insane that UMass has a win over an FBS team this season. Once you get blown out by UConn, people forget all about your big win over Akron. Anyway, take UMass to cover because, as many are saying, Army is fucking awful.
Purdue at Northwestern                    12:00pm                       BTN
As today’s contemporary children are quite fond of saying, it’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.
Texas Tech at West Virginia              12:00pm                      ESPN2
Long gone are the days of Holgo and... the guy that coaches the Cardinals now. They both used shitty seasons to get better money this year. So now Texas Tech vs. West Virginia is just bland gruel hardly fit for a shithead on his couch.
Maryland at 1 Ohio State                   12:00pm                       FOX
We’re into the BCS rankings part of the season so now Ohio State is ranked #1, which I mostly agree with. I still hope they lose way more often than not but I’m sort of ambivalent here. Last year Maryland fucked up and blew a great chance to upset Ohio State and I watched it with friends who are not football degenerates a day or two after our friend’s funeral. On that note, Ohio State -44 is a strong recommend.
Florida State at Boston College        12:00pm                      ACCN
A week ago I would not have guessed FSU could fuck themselves so thoroughly against Miami that they’d be playing with an interim head coach this week. The rumor mill for the permanent hire in Tallahassee is hilarious: Nick Saban, Urban Meyer, Bob Stoops, Jim Leavitt and Deion Sanders. The nicest thing I saw about Deion’s resume was that he was the OC for a high school in Texas a few years ago. I don’t think that was his sham unaccredited school. That school was in Florida, wasn’t it? That’s quite the resume to put up against the other four. Coach Deion is a dream we can all have.
East Carolina at 25 SMU                     12:00pm                     ESPNU
Condolences to SMU as Memphis didn’t continually shoot themselves in the dick like they normally do in high profile games. This should be a good bounceback game but the action on the line (moving 3 points towards ECU) tells me people didn’t really think that much of SMU in the first place.
12 Baylor at TCU                                  12:00pm                        FS1
I honestly don’t have any sort of read on whether Baylor’s 8-0 record is because they’re back to being good or if they’ve just feasted on mostly shitty teams. Which I guess is all they ever did under Briles, anyway. Well, TCU sucks this year so I’m not really excited to check in on this one unless there’s an exciting finish like TCU is driving with under a minute to score their 10th TD of the day before time expires to seal the shutout.
Georgia Tech at Virginia                       12:30pm                       RSN
For as long as I live, I will only ever think of the 1990 game between these two whenever they match up.
Air Force at New Mexico                    Postponed
This game is postponed due to the death of UNM defensive end, Nahje Flowers. R.I.P.
UTSA at Old Dominion                          2:00pm                        ESPN3
South Alabama at Texas State              3:00pm                        ESPN3
Charlotte at UTEP                                   3:00pm                       ESPN+
Stanford at Colorado                              3:00pm                     Pac-12N
19 Wake Forest at Virginia Tech            3:30pm                       ACCN
If VPISU hadn’t fucked it at the end against Notre Dame last week they’d probably be ranked ahead of Wake Forest. After Wake Forest loses this week, the boys from VPI might actually jump over them, anyway.
USC at Arizona State                               3:30pm                        ABC
Now this is more like it! I don’t mean this game is interesting for watchin’ ‘em up or gambling, but the part where both teams are unranked and struggling. USC just hired a new AD from Cincinnati and he... knows Urban Meyer? Or the draw of being from UC will be just too much for Urban to resist? Or Urban picked the guy himself as a condition of considering coaching in the Coliseum? Still seems less than done to me but I’m still holding out hope that Urban Meyer never coaches again and his family leaves him.
Louisville at Miami (FL)                            3:30pm                      ESPN2
Still fading The U for now. The 9 sacks and the easy win over FSU were nice but FSU hasn’t had a good offensive line since Jameis Winston won the Heisman and things are in a bit of disarray there. Louisville is a better team than most people realize and they’ll run straight at Miami instead of whatever the FSU gameplan was last week. Things may have turned a corner in Coral Gables but I’m inclined to believe the biggest leap they made last week was beating up on a familiar foe who is very down in the dumps and ready to quit at a moment’s notice.
UAB at Southern Miss                               3:30pm                       NFLN
UAB failed us big time last week and now they’re a road underdog. I didn’t realize the Favres had crawled back to being decent. I don’t have a take on the line but this is probably the best game that’s been stuck on NFL Network so far this year.
Georgia Southern at Troy                          3:30pm                      ESPN+
Each year I struggle to remember which one is Georgia Southern and which one is Georgia State and each year I fail to attempt to fix that.
UConn at 20 Cincinnati                              3:30pm                    CBSSN
UC on UC - it’s gonna be a bloodbath! The Ohesians are only favored by 34 against the sad huskies. That seems like a slap in the face to any reasonably well prepared football program, let alone a top 25 one.
Illinois at Michigan State                            3:30pm                       FS1
Illinois is a half game up on Sparty right now and rumors are flying that D’antonio is gonna retire after the season. Now, let’s go kill Tom Izzo. Michigan State is favored by 14.5 in this game and, seriously, can they even score that much in one game? Take the Illini and know that you’re on the side of good even if your bets don’t come through.
2 LSU at 3 Alabama                                     3:30pm                     CBS
Weeks of press for this GAME OF THE CENTURY OF THIS YEAR THIS WEEK and then the BCS poll comes out and it isn’t even a real 1 v. 2 matchup. That’s funny. I keep waiting for something to go wildly wrong with LSU but also feel like Bama being favored by a touchdown seems off, especially if Tua is at less than full operational capacity.
16 Kansas State at Texas                            3:30pm                   ESPN
I’ve thought Texas was overrated all year and look at them now. Favored by 7 at home against a better team. Even unrated Texas is somehow still overrated.
18 Iowa at 13 Wisconsin                              4:00pm                    FOX
This has all the makings of a great all-time eyerake. Wisconsin -9 seems absolutely insane but so does Wisconsin #13.
New Mexico State at Mississippi                4:00pm                   SECN
A classic rivalry game.
North Texas at Louisiana Tech                    4:00pm              Facebook
A spirited game between the 096ers and the Karl Malone Got His 13-Year Old Cousin Pregnant While He Was In School Heres always gets the blood pumping.
Georgia State at ULM                                    5:00pm               ESPN+
ESPN+ games don’t count as watch ‘em ups. Does anybody in the comments actually pay for this shit? It seems insane. $8/month for access to 30 For 30 that you effectively already have and the + is the absolute worst filth college sports can throw at you.
FIU at Florida Atlantic                                   6:00pm              Stadium
Really have no idea what to tell you. I think I understand both of these teams and then I’m proven wrong week after week. I’m rooting for FIU if that helps.
Appalachian State at South Carolina           7:00pm             ESPN2
South Carolina is favored by 5.5. That’s more than the homefield bump. Does App State run the same offense as Georgia where the QB isn’t allowed to throw past the line of scrimmage and running backs are encouraged to run straight into the backs of their offensive linemen?
Missouri at 6 Georgia                                     7:00pm              ESPN
Hey, speaking of Georgia! They don’t get nearly enough credit for being the worst team in America to watch for entertainment purposes. It’s like Kirby Smart is trying to take all of the late career criticism that Mark Richt faced at UGA and The U and reach the same end point by the time he’s coached four season in Athens.
Utah State at Fresno State                             7:00pm            CBSSN
Jordan Love. I just don’t know. He’s like a more careless version of Josh Allen. Is somebody really going to draft that in the first round? He has a year of eligibility left. I don’t know if he’s due to graduate in time but if he could find his way to Missouri that might really benefit both parties.
Washington State at California                       7:00pm           Pac-12N
A fine specimen of Pac-12 After Dark but only like 8% of the country can even watch it legally.
15 Notre Dame at Duke                                    7:30pm            ACCN
On a positive note, whatever happens in this game we can all laugh at the losers.
Liberty at BYU                                                   7:30pm          ESPNU
Bergie’s Watch ‘Em Of The Year!
Tennessee at Kentucky                                    7:30pm           SECN
Let’s go whiskey!
5 Clemson at NC State                                      7:30pm            ABC
Clemson is outside looking in at the CFP! Panic! They’ll be #3 next week!
Iowa State at 9 Oklahoma                                 8:00pm           FOX
In the parlance of our times, Iowa State is a messy bitch who loves drama. Will the Sooners get bailed out if things are tight at the end? Absolutely. But I would still put a dime or even a quarter on the Cyclones to keep it closer than 14.5.
Wyoming at 22 Boise State                              10:15pm          ESPN
I think if I surveyed the commenterate here they mostly hate Boise State and that tells me you’re a bunch of idiots. A nothing program rising like they did without a Phil Knight or an oil magnate backing them and they play their home games at night on blue turf? How do you joyless pricks live with your humorless brains? I fucking love MWC football and I love the blue turf. This is a great game. Long live the Potatoes.
 Nevada at San Diego State                               10:30pm         ESPN2
The real late night games are all MWC this week and that is fucking beautiful. Just look at this. SDSU was ranked last week but then we switched over to CFP rankings and those pricks couldn’t just give us one more group of five school. Nuhvaddduh is OK this year and SDSU isn’t quite rolling up the rushing yards they have for the past five years so maybe this will be entertaining even beyond the pretty laundry?
San Jose State at Hawaii                                 11:00pm    Spectrum Sports
I don’t actually know what Spectrum Sports is now that I think about it. This is, on paper, a pretty even matchup. If you want to keep yourself occupied into the early morning hours, SJSU at +7 seems a decent value in these here puffy, darkened eyes.
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the-healing-hero · 6 years
A few questionnaire things bc I felt like it!!
  ❥⚬R͟e͟a͟l͟ N͟a͟m͟e͟: Not tellin ❥⚬A͟g͟e͟: 20 ❥⚬R͟a͟c͟e͟: white ❥⚬N͟a͟t͟i͟o͟n͟a͟l͟i͟t͟y: Finnish ❥⚬R͟e͟l͟i͟g͟i͟o͟n͟: Agnostic  ❥⚬S͟t͟a͟t͟u͟s͟: Taken ❥⚬B͟i͟r͟t͟h͟d͟a͟y͟: March 14 ❥⚬Z͟o͟d͟i͟a͟c͟: Pisces ❥⚬H͟a͟i͟r͟ C͟o͟l͟o͟r͟: Dark Brown ❥⚬E͟y͟e͟ C͟o͟l͟o͟r͟: Blue + hazel ❥⚬H͟a͟v͟e͟ T͟a͟t͟t͟o͟o͟s͟?: Not yet ❥⚬P͟i͟e͟r͟c͟i͟n͟g͟s͟?: Earrings ❥⚬W͟e͟a͟r͟ G͟l͟a͟s͟s͟e͟s͟?: I have reading glasses I never wear... → Dσ Yσυ. . . ❥⚬W͟r͟i͟t͟e͟?: No outside of roleplay and character related things ❥⚬R͟o͟l͟e͟p͟l͟a͟y͟?: Hell yes ❥⚬S͟i͟n͟g͟?: At times ❥⚬D͟r͟a͟w͟?: A whole lot! ❥⚬E͟d͟i͟t͟?: Depends on what you mean, sometimes- ❥⚬E͟x͟e͟r͟c͟i͟s͟e͟?: Rarely ❥⚬P͟l͟a͟y͟ S͟p͟o͟r͟t͟s͟?: Nope ❥⚬D͟a͟n͟c͟e͟?: I do a bit of just dance every once a while ❥⚬R͟e͟a͟d͟?: Yup ❥⚬W͟o͟r͟k͟?: Yes! ❥⚬B͟l͟o͟g͟?:  Nope ❥⚬D͟r͟i͟n͟k͟?: Nope ❥⚬C͟o͟o͟k͟?: Ye! ❥⚬B͟a͟k͟e͟?: Yess! ❥⚬P͟l͟a͟y͟ a͟n͟ I͟n͟s͟t͟r͟u͟m͟e͟n͟t͟?: Nope, I used to play piano and guitar once upon a time → Fανσяιтє . . . ❥⚬C͟o͟l͟o͟r͟?: Turquoise ❥⚬A͟n͟i͟m͟a͟l͟?: Cats ❥⚬B͟o͟o͟k͟?: Hannibal books ❥⚬M͟o͟v͟i͟e͟?: Deadpool, Kingsmen ❥⚬A͟n͟i͟m͟e͟?: Blue Exorcist, Attack on Titan, Gangsta... ❥⚬T͟V͟ S͟h͟o͟w͟?: Master Chef, Hell’s Kitchen, Master Ink, etc ❥⚬C͟h͟a͟r͟a͟c͟t͟e͟r͟?: Hahaha OHHHH so many. Like. Too many.  ❥⚬A͟r͟t͟i͟s͟t͟?: No one favourite. ❥⚬S͟o͟n͟g͟?: Changes too much ❥⚬S͟i͟n͟g͟e͟r͟?: I’m currently super into Dodie ❥⚬B͟a͟n͟d͟?: Coldplay, Roar.... ❥⚬M͟a͟n͟g͟a͟?: Blue Exorcist, Gansta, Attack on Titan etc... ❥⚬A͟c͟t͟o͟r͟?: Matthew G. Gubler ❥⚬S͟u͟b͟j͟e͟c͟t͟?: Art ❥⚬S͟c͟e͟n͟t͟?: Pastries and food in general ❥⚬F͟o͟o͟d͟?: Salmon ❥⚬D͟r͟i͟n͟k͟?: Mnt Dew and hot chocolate ❥⚬Q͟u͟o͟t͟e͟?: Too deep for me → Rσмαи¢є~ ❥⚬S͟e͟x͟u͟a͟l͟i͟t͟y͟?: Pan ❥⚬C͟r͟u͟s͟h͟i͟n͟g͟?: Crushing hardcore on my boyfriend and about 800 fictional dudes ‘w’ ❥⚬B͟f͟/ G͟f͟: Yes got me boy Dan! ❥⚬E͟v͟e͟r͟ G͟e͟t͟ M͟a͟r͟r͟i͟e͟d͟?: If my partner wants then why not ❥⚬D͟i͟v͟o͟r͟ce?: Never... no.... ❥⚬I͟r͟l͟ o͟r͟ O͟n͟l͟i͟n͟e͟?: Both soon aaa → Tнιѕ Oя Tнαт ❥⚬T͟e͟a͟ o͟r͟ C͟o͟f͟f͟e͟e͟?: Tea ❥⚬W͟i͟i͟ o͟r͟ X͟b͟o͟x͟?: Xbox, do love the Wii too tho ❥⚬H͟a͟r͟r͟y͟ P͟o͟t͟t͟e͟r͟ o͟r͟ P͟e͟r͟c͟y͟ J͟a͟c͟k͟s͟o͟n͟?: Harry potter!  ❥⚬F͟l͟o͟w͟e͟r͟s͟ o͟r͟ C͟h͟o͟c͟o͟l͟a͟t͟e͟s͟?: Chocolate ❥⚬M͟o͟n͟e͟y͟ o͟r͟ P͟r͟e͟s͟e͟n͟t͟s͟?: Money ❥⚬G͟a͟m͟e͟ B͟o͟y͟ o͟r͟ D͟S͟?: DS ❥⚬D͟e͟s͟k͟t͟o͟p͟ o͟r͟ L͟a͟p͟t͟o͟p͟?: Laptop ❥⚬C͟o͟u͟n͟t͟r͟y͟ o͟r͟ J͟a͟z͟z͟?: Uh country. Jazz. Both ❥⚬E͟a͟r͟b͟u͟d͟s͟ o͟r͟ H͟e͟a͟d͟p͟h͟o͟n͟e͟s͟?: Either goes ❥⚬T͟r͟u͟m͟p͟ o͟r͟ H͟i͟l͟l͟a͟r͟y͟?: Both arrreeee bad ❥⚬D͟o͟g͟ o͟r͟ C͟a͟t͟?: Cat, but I love dogs too... ❥⚬S͟o͟d͟a͟ o͟r͟ J͟u͟i͟c͟e͟?: Soda ❥⚬H͟o͟t͟ T͟o͟p͟i͟c͟ o͟r͟ A͟e͟r͟o͟p͟o͟s͟t͟a͟l͟e͟?: Wtf is aeropostale. Something cheap and durable ❥⚬P͟u͟b͟l͟i͟c͟ o͟r͟ P͟r͟i͟v͟a͟t͟e͟ S͟c͟h͟o͟o͟l͟?: Public ❥⚬B͟a͟c͟o͟n͟ o͟r͟ S͟a͟u͟s͟a͟g͟e͟?: Bacon! ❥⚬M͟u͟f͟f͟i͟n͟ o͟r͟ S͟c͟o͟n͟e͟?: Muffins ❥⚬S͟l͟e͟e͟p͟ o͟r͟ N͟e͟x͟t͟ E͟p͟i͟s͟o͟d͟e͟?: Sleep during next episode
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This one has questions about my boyf Dan ‘w’
Where did you first meet?
Omegle. Shameful I know
When exactly did you first meet?
About 2 years ago!
What was your first impression of them?
Hell yes someone wants to cater to my weird interests of writing oc/canon roleplays
When did you start liking them?
It was a good few months in to our talks... I noticed he really cared about me outside of our writing too and we were kinda flirty and stuff? Also he’s cute so like.
When did you start going out?
March 26th last year, kinda. I had to wait for a bit though to get used to the idea ‘w’
How was with your first kiss with them like?
I hope it’ll be great, we’ll have it soon~
Are they your first boyfriend/girlfriend? If not, then which?
Nop. He’s my, uh...4th or so boyfriend??
Are you their first boyfriend/girlfriend? If not, then which?
No I don’t think I am
About Them
How much older/younger are they compared to you?
2 years older I believe!!
Hair colour?
Red... perf...
Eye colour?
Blue like the sky ‘w’
Softest ever
Astrological sign?
Skin colour?
I’ll not say in case he dont want me to ‘w’
Non religious
Ya and they’re cute as all hell!!!
Not that I know of omg
Chest hair?
Scars? Where?
I don’t know I’ve never asked? ‘3′
He’s super intelligent and great!!!
In a good way yes~
Oh yes, very
He’s so affectionate, like a cute dog....
Yes in a good, nice way <3
At times, not always tho!
A lil quiet but it’s hardly a problem anyhow~
Such a sweet shy boy
Party animal/Stay at home kind?
Stay at home kind. watch movies and be cute kind
Not really, neither am I!
He should draw more he’s so good at it tbh...
Practical or more of the dreamy type?
A lil bit of both! More on the dreamy side I’d say
Their Skills
Can they cook or bake?
He can cook very well, I’m not so sure if he bakes a lot? ‘w’
Can they repair/fix things?
Hm, maybe some things? We’ve never talked
Can they dance?
No but that isn’t a problem. I’ll teach him ;3c
Can they sing?
They say no but I can’t say anything about dah!
Can they draw?
Can they play any instrument?
Not that I know of
Can they write well?
Hells yes!!!!
Can they make you laugh?
All the time <3
Can they make others laugh?
I believe!
What is their talent if they have found it?
He has many! Even if he denies them. Most of all he’s the best boyfriend ever
Are they good at science and math?
I haven’t asked. Better than me most likely.
Things You Like About Them
What do you like about the things they say?
He always talks so kindly about so many things.... it’s so nice to talk to him about anything.
What do you like about the things they do?
He does everything the best he can all the time, he’s great!
What do you like about the things they do FOR YOU?
Aaaa he makes me feel so loved and good every day and he’s always here for me when I need him to be...
What part of their face do you like the most?
Cute perfect eyes!!!!
What part of their body do you like the most?
All. He’s my red panda bear
What part of their personality do you like the most?
Again, that he’s so soft and gentle!! He makes sure to always take others’ feelings into accord and adjust as need be. He’s funny and silly and wonderful
What do you most admire about them?
Patience and strength to go on even during bad times
What part of them attracts you the most?
Just him...
Do you know what attracts them to you?
I don’t know omg idk how i netted such a perfect boy. its magic probably.
Random Quirks
Are they a pet lover?
Animal lover?
Are they environmental-friendly?
What are their views on political issues?
Wow we don’t talk politics. Similar to mine
Are they racist?
Are they a vegetarian?
Do they drink?
Not really nope
Absolutely nope
At times, less than me
Sleep around?
Ew no
Abuse drugs?
Are they hairy?
Right amount of fluffy
Do they donate to beggars?
I haven’t asked. likely no.
Are they neat/messy?
More neat than messy!
Their love life
Are they a romantic? Self-professed or closet?
Self professed hopeless romantic
Are they sentimental?
How did they woo you?
Softness, kindness, caringness... also the incredible cute
Do they give you flowers?
Not yet nope
Do they lavish you with gifts?
I’ve been promised some and gotten a cute lil fox ‘w’
Do they pay for your meals/tickets/etc?
Prob would if we were in the same place because he’s a gentleman!
Are they okay with confessing their love for you in public?
I’d think so, subtly tho, nobody likes too much public affection!
Do they express their love for you in words or actions?
Both <3
Things you don’t like about them (though you accept their faults)
He lives far away that donut
Any habits of them that you dislike?
There’s some but nothing I can’t cope with. Because I got like. 6000 negative quirks how could I complain
Any part of their appearance that you dislike?
Any part of their character that you dislike?
Your feelings for them
So..how long have you two been together?
1 year and 1 month and a lil extra
Do you truly love them?
Yes very much!
Do they truly love you?
I hope so omg
Can you envision marrying them?
If he wants to I don’t see why not ‘Y’
0 notes
denimbxy · 7 years
Bon and Levi for all
sweats so much....mmmm i’ll do bon, and do levi with drawn parts later . o.
1. their voice: It’s loud as she always wants your attention, and it’s bright and cheery just like her personality. She def has like....a soprano voice range.
2. their smile: It’s as if her smile is her natural expression to have. Most of the time, it’s open mouthed and shining as if you just told her the funniest joke in the world. 
3. their greatest achievement: watching out and seeing her brother grow up and do great things himself.
4. their insecurities: She doesn’t have many, and not a lot of it has to do with her body. But she does feel rather...uncomfortable when she goes to parties her brother invites her to, and she speaks to actors, directors, writers, models and photographers, and she tells them that she waitresses. But she’d never admit that’s her insecurity. She loves that job.
5. their shortcomings: She can be very impatient at points and hypocritical when it comes to feelings 
6. how they deal with grief: she gives herself a day to grieve before she forces herself to take a deep breath and jump right back into her normal routine. A lot of the time it’s just... ignore it or push it aside til the pain disappears. 
7. how they like to dress: She’s big on feminine clothing, with dresses and skirts, and hardly ever wears pants. Because of her brother being a model, she likes reading up on fashion trends and being up to date. 
8. what they like to eat: She’s a vegetarian and constantly indulges herself with junk food when she’s out with friends. She’s a treat yo self kinda gal
9. their theme: Uhh probably 50s looking gal? She also has that southern belle kind of accent 
10. their fashion sense: eeehh kinda already answered, but she’s high on the trend, but also a lot of the time dresses “safely” and doesn’t dress that uniquely. 
11. their family life: she has a witch mother who found and adopted her after being abandoned, and a big brother who was also found and adopted. They’re a close family, and her brother is practically her best friend. Even when they lost their mother, she and her brother only had good thoughts and memories of her.
12. their romantic life: she doesn’t focus on it a lot, and actually believes that if she stays single, she wouldn’t really mind. But now she has a gross crush on a bad werewolf boi and she hates it bc god feelings...
13. their embarrassing memory from years ago: her first week of work where she spilt food and drinks almost every day and she thinks “wow...how did my boss NOT fire me”
14. how they react to burning their tongue on food: she’s inhaling sharply and making a puckered face before reaching for her water. “owwie”
15. how they react to a brainfreeze: she’s pinching the bridge of her nose because it affects that part, and she’s just groaning til it goes away. Then she’s diving right back into whatever she’s drinking/eating. 
16. their dreams: she never remembers them, except for this series of dreams where she dreamt about a boy and dating and falling for a boy and the dreams lasted for a month. And she was almost like “DO I NEED TO FIND THIS BOY??? IS THIS FATE TELLING ME SOMETHING”
17. their ambitions: doesn’t have many, but wants to be a good person and do a good deed at least once a day
18. how they sleep: she has two pillows. One is under her head, hugged with one arm, and another pillow is between her legs. She always sleeps on her sides. 
19. how they react to betrayal: You see a flash of shock and genuine hurt in her eyes before it disappears and she just frowns, and responds with confronting that person. She wants answers.
20. how they react to a mystery love letter: she’s making sure it’s actually to her, before she’s smiling at the letter, giggling and reading it over and over. 
21. how they react to pain: She makes sound. Like, even if it’s the smallest bit of pain, she’s yelping and drawing away
22. what they’re like on two hours of sleep: barely functioning and goes straight to the coffee pot because god this is going to be a long day...
23. how they act when they’re sick: she’s working through it, and buys herself supplies for the long run. Like...you’d have to push her into bed or else she’s buying herself tea, tissues, and heading to work. 
24. what motivates them: her friends and family
25. why you enjoy them: she’s just a sweet gal and often the voice of reason when the other ocs are messy ;v;
0 notes