#So here’s an Aakil
coconut530 · 1 year
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mARTch 18: Indoors
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ut-versotale · 1 year
A Trip Down Nostalgia Lane
This AU's been in existence for so long, and the most current iteration is so wildly different from the rest. As such, I felt it'd be kinda cool to show you guys how the AU's progressed over the years. I don't think it's too big of a problem to reveal what the initial plans were for each iteration, what I liked and didn't like, and my thought process behind forgoing the old ones
If you don't particularly care for all that, here's the iterations' major characters lined up. (Iteration 4 I only have revealed Asriel and Undyne, so the rest I've designed so far are silhouetted)
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Iteration 0.5
Oh boy, where to begin with this one...?
I number it "0.5" and not "1" because there were only two parts that never even officially released on this Tumblr blog. I did upload Part 1 for an April Fool's joke a while ago. But really, it was only ever present on the TS!Underswap Discord server over half a decade ago.
To put it bluntly, Versotale at this point was just a reskinned Undertale roleswap AU. The personalities, while I tried to keep them intact, were not the main driving force. As such:
Asriel is a silent protagonist (And not in a cool clever way like Kris; I mean just straight-up silent)
The only difference with Undyne as a narrator was noting that Frisk was a human at the first save point
Flowey had a more formal speech pattern but was otherwise barely affected despite carrying Chara's consciousness. They weren't even named Asthana yet.
Frisk... well, I can give my past self this, he certainly made an effort to differentiate Frisk from Toriel. I can't say he did a GOOD job at that, but they certainly were different. Awkward dialogue, though, and not much sense behind why they were the mayor of the Ruins at 13 years old
Overall, you can 100% tell I made this as a young teen. Awkward dialogue, barely any effort put into the concept, unoriginal...
It's pretty easy to see why I forewent this version of the AU. Only two parts were ever made. I must thank @beethovenus who gave me a lot of very helpful critiques, such as giving Asriel a voice and making original sprites rather than using sprite edits, as well as encouraging me to make this Tumblr blog for it. Thus, brings us to what I'd like to consider the first PROPER attempt at this AU...
Iteration 1
Ah, this one... this ALSO lasted only two parts. Can't remember why. But I made a lot more headway on this one. Quality aside, I am happy that I had the guts to try and make original sprites of my own back then, even if they aren't particularly good compared to now.
This was where I really attempted to make the characters act noticeably different. Though there were still quite a lot of problems, some that would even persist all the way up until Iteration 4.
I wanted to give Asriel a combination of his regular and Flowey personalities. A cool idea on paper, but the lore doesn't support him acting like that well enough. Thus, I refer to this version of him as Sassriel. This was one of those problems that persisted up until Iteration 3.
Undyne having this snarky back-and-forth with Sassriel. Again, cool idea on paper, but it is not supported by her personality in Undertale, nor the altered circumstances in VT Iteration 1. Also, with Undyne being a disembodied consciousness, it means she's merely an observer of the story and not an active participant, meaning her dialogue got very boring very fast. Undyne in canon was always an active character, so putting her in a role that basically FORCED her to be a passive character was maybe one of the worst decisions I could've made that lasted way too long, all the way until Iteration 4.
You'll notice a whole bunch of characters that never actually saw the light of day in the comic. In the bottom row, starting from left to right, there would have been Pepper (Who DID have a design but I've lost it), Donavan, Dr. Aakil, Lily, and Queen Alice. There's not much to say about them story-wise since I mainly just got the designs down, and you can probably guess what the plot was gonna be like given this was the early days of the AU where it was still very much following the Undertale formula. I think the only UNIQUE things I should mention are that Aakil's version of the amalgamates would've been cyborgs.
Iteration 2
This is the one that's lasted the longest (so far), managing to push its way into the Cold West. I tried to break out of the Undertale formula a tiny bit with this one, to varying degrees of success. There's not much history I can recall or find with this iteration, but I suppose I can give a character rundown of the ones you never saw, ironically enough all positioned on the bottom row again.
Donavan... not very unique compared to Undyne. The main gimmick that separated him from her, I think, was that he had gloves designed by Aakil that were soul-powered.
Valencia... a new character who was meant to be an expanded version of Napstablook's role. Fun fact: Valencia's hooded trenchcoat design there was originally Pepper's Iteration 1 design.
Everyone else was... about what you'd expect.
Looking back on this version, I am... honestly very embarrassed by how badly I butchered the Cold West. I wanted to do so many cool things, like a bounty on Asriel's head and all. But my God... Spade and Pepper sucked so much. Especially Pepper. For characters who at this point were meant to be this AU's replacement of Sans and Papyrus... what poor substitutes.
And honestly, I think that's why I scrapped this one; because I hated the Cold West and how I did it. It felt rushed, awkwardly-written, bad characterization, horrifically-bad puzzles, etc. Thus, Iteration 3 was made.
Iteration 3: Hybrid
I nicknamed this short-lived one "Hybrid" for multiple reasons.
It's where Deltarune became an extremely prevalent influence in Versotale's universe. So no longer is Versotale just an Undertale AU, it can also be considered a Deltarune AU as well.
Many characters could be considered hybrids at this point. Asriel and Undyne shared determination and a body. And, more interestingly, the Mettaton role also shared a body with Mettaton. More about that in a bit
When I was making Part 10-B of Iteration 2, Iteration 3 was meant to flow naturally into it, effectively replacing all of what had came beforehand. That never worked out.
Ultimately, I abandoned this version because it just simply wasn't doing it for me. By this point, the project was beginning to feel stale and boring. Despite my attempts to make a new unique storyline, it just kinda... felt like it was still following in Undertale's footsteps far too much. I mean, you've got the protagonist kid, an old fallen member of their species, the double-crossing flower, a mentor who's lived in a secluded area all their life, a chef who wants to join the guard, a tough grizzled guard captain, a morally-dubious scientist, a celebrity, a monarch... you see how I became dislliusioned with the quality of what was supposed to be my "Unique Undertale storyline." The most unique thing at this point WAS probably Spade. But still, many elements of this version of the story were very fleshed-out. I tried to turn Pepper into a character who wasn't just a bargain-bin Papyrus clone, I had come up with a more unique Hotland area, and it probably could've turned out really nice.
I think the thing I genuinely really liked from this old version was that Shella (This iteration's celebrity character) actually was also possessed by Mettaton. There was this huge backstory thing where the scientist character had monster dust and was injecting humans with it, and since Mettaton was a ghost, his consciousness became attached to Shella's and served as her sort of "assistant." He gave her all the tips and confidence to become famous and gave Mettaton the opportunity to indirectly entertain humans like he always wanted. While a cool idea on paper, having... well, essentially Mettaton technically in the same place as canon Undertale again just felt cheap and lazy. Not to mention it only continued my disillusionment with my "unique story" being far too similar to Undertale for comfort.
But the Surface shenanigans this iteration... man, for as weird as Gaster being king was, I had such a cool thing planned for all the Ebottobia characters. It's something I wanna carry over into Iteration 4 to a certain extent.
Iteration 4: "King Asriel"
This one's really freaking cool. Going back to the drawing board completely, the story resembles almost nothing like Undertale's, with the sole exception of the main premise: People underground, free them from imprisonment through peace or violence.
I'm so proud of these ideas so far, you have no idea. The new Ruins area I'm excited for, the new Cold West feels like an actual proper flowing storyline now, the other areas have way more uniqueness, the characters feel like their own characters with their own stories now (Even the ones that appear in canon), the plot feels completely different... I think you all are really going to like it
That's all. Just felt like taking a trip down memory lane and share some ideas and designs the public never got to see.
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furiouslywriting · 3 years
Fantasy name prompts (part ?????)
I missed searching for fun names so here's another list!
Aakil (Hindi, meaning 'intelligent')
Baxlee (English, meaning 'bakers meadow')
Kahlo (German, unisex)
Keeva (Hebrew, meaning 'to protect')
Abia (Arabic, meaning 'great')
Mahira (Arabic, meaning 'skilled')
Bahia (Spanish, meaning 'bay')
Benna (Latin, meaning 'blessed')
Kadija (Arabic)
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shadathebookworm · 3 years
Day 5: Throne
Using the prompt list from @oc-growth-and-development
I am back with yet another ‘new’ wip. I say ‘new’ because I came up with it several years ago, I’ve just never posted anything from it. So *drumroll* here is the excerpt.
“Don’t you think you were a little harsh?” Zeki asked once they were all gathered alone together.
“Harsh?” Althea asked, an eyebrow raised. “I think I would have been well within my rights to be harsher.”
“You told the prince that he ranked below you and to watch himself,” Zeki reminded her.
“Well, she wasn’t wrong,” Saffi piped up. “She does outrank him.”
“And it doesn’t do her or us any favors to allow anyone to disrespect her in the slightest,” Veda said, looking around at them. “Don’t forget the situation we’re in here.”
“Exactly,” Aakilah disagreed. “It doesn’t hurt to be gracious in our situation.”
Aakil nodded in agreement with his twin. “We are guests here, we can’t forget that.”
The room broke into disagreement as they all debated what should’ve been done.
“Enough,” Althea said, her voice only slightly raised. They all fell silent immediately. “I’m not here to pull any punches. Veda’s right; we should remember the situation we’re in. What got us here. Who got us here.” She looked around at all of them. “I did not regain my crown and throne to allow anyone here to make light of me. They need to remember that they are dealing with a queen, not a princess. And if-when-they forget, I will remind them. And I will make certain they are careful to never forget again.”
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iamazadkhan · 2 years
A full Guide to Hindu Baby Boy Names and Meaning
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Introduction While choosing a modern name (Hindu Baby Boy Names and Meaning) for your baby is exciting, it's important to consider the meaning of the word you chose. This is because a child's name has the potential to affect his or her personality. As a result, many people consider variables such as the child's stars, ancestors' names, and even the deities they worship. Here in this piece of writing, we are going to share a number of good Hindu Baby Boy Names and Meaning or best newborn boy names with appropriate meaning to assist you in your search.
Hindu Baby Boy Names and Meaning
The name can be traditional, but not overly so, and new, but it must be timeless. It's not easy to pick the perfect name for your baby boy or girl. So, if you're looking for a name for your son, we've compiled a list of Hindu Baby Names with Meaning— both traditional and modern — for you to choose from this year. Names Meanings Aarav - Peaceful; Sound; Shout Baadal - Cloud Chahit- Love of Heart Daakshit- Lord Shiva Daanish- To be clever; Full of knowledge and wisdom; Merciful; Intelligence; Consciousness Gagan- The sky Ihaan- Leader, Pioneer Aahan- First ray of light, dawn, sunrise Parth- Ruler, star Aakil- Intelligent, smart Hindu Names Can't settle on a name for your baby? Take a look at our list of exclusive Indian Baby Boy Names Meaning, which includes both traditional and modern Hindu names. Names Meanings Kiaan- Ancient or king Mahir - Expert Nadin- Lord of rivers Onir- Shining Viaan- Full of life and energy Ivan- Leader, royal or regal Reyansh- Ray of light Aryan- Noble Ishaan- It is another name for Lord Shiva, and means ‘the sun’ and ‘harbinger of wealth’ Ridhaan- Searcher
Hindu Baby Names 2021
So, if you're about to embark on the journey of parenthood and still can't think of a unique name for your child, here's a list of Hindu Baby Names that might come in handy:
Hindu Baby Boy Names
Names Meanings Daksh- Precious son Simar- Meaning ‘God’s favorite’ Adwait- The word itself means unique, making this one of the most unique Hindu baby boy names Yash- Fame Zian- Self-peace Dhvan- Humming Nehal- Handsome Aahir- Dazzling Vihan- Dawn Laksh- Destination So, your little one has arrived or is on its way. The subject of discussions between the expecting parents and their extended family is deciding on the perfect name for their baby girl or boy. Here is a list of Lovely Hindu Baby Boy Names. It would be easier to choice from them. Names Meanings Rahi- Traveller Neel- Another name for Shiva, it also means passionate Aahva- Beloved Aadiv - Delicate Aarav- Wisdom Aadvik- Unique Aakav- To develop Ashvik- Blessed and victorious Atiksh - Wise Aastik- Who has the faith on God
Baby Boy Names
If you're looking for a Hindu baby boy name, we have compiled a list that will provide you with a wide range of choices regarding baby boy names. Names Meanings Bhuv - Sky Bodhi - Awakening Charvik- Intelligent Dasya - Gift of God Daiwik - Divine Darsh - Competent Gian- Master of knowledge Idhant- Luminous Kabir- Saint Kahaan- Lord Krishna, universe
Baby Name Meanings
Here we are sharing several good names to assist the would-be parents in their searches. Have a look at the following list and select the best one with Baby Name Meanings. Names Meanings Kiyansh- With all qualities Krishav - Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva Luv- Son of Lord Rama Manan- To reflect Naksh- Moon Nimit- Destiny Nirved - Gift by god Pranit- Humble Pahal- Beginning Pranay- Romance
Indian Baby Boy Names
Every parent strives to give their child the best name possible, one that carries significance. Not only should the name have a perfect sense, but it should also sound fantastic. So here we are suggesting few Good Indian Baby Boy Names. Names Meanings Rachit - Invention Reeyansh- First ray of sunlight Ridit- World known Rishit- Learned Rushil- Charming Sadhil- Perfect Sarthak- Well done Shivansh- A portion of Lord Shiva Taarush- Conqueror Takh- Lord Ganesha
Boy Names
We've compiled a list of the best boy names to help you narrow down your options. If you're looking for a special and new name for your Indian boy, look no further than our list of the top Indian baby boy names meaning. Names Meanings Viransh- strong Viraj- resplendent Ved- sacred knowledge Yug- era Yuvaan- full of life Zayan- beautifier Zuber- pure Aabheer- A cow herd Aadarsh- It is a variant of Adarsh and means 'ideal' or 'perfect' Aadavan- In Sanskrit, it means 'the sun'. It is also the name of Vishnu
Baby Name Hindu
It's now easy to find a lucky baby boy name by the list beneath. We have an up-to-date list of Baby Boys Name Hindu. Please go through the list and select the best one accordingly. Names Meanings Aadesh- It is a Hindi word meaning instruction or guideline Aadhan- Be first Aadhinath- It means '˜first' Aadhith- It means 'first' Aadhunik- It means new or latest Aadidev- The first god Aadimoolan- Being Extreme, Dominant or supreme Aadipta- Sanskrit meaning Blazing up, Set on fire, splendid, brilliant etc... Aaditey - Relating to God of sun, Son of Aditi; Crown flower plant Aaditya- Sun
Indian Boy Names
Are you searching for Indian boy names? Here you can find a full list of Indian Hindu Boy Names and their meanings. Names Meanings Aagam- Coming, arrival Aaghosh- means to embrace Aagneya- Son of the fire Aashish- Blessing, Blessing of God Aalok- In Sanskrit, it means 'enlightenment or light of divinity'. Aamil- One who is invaluable Aamod- Pleasure Aanand- Joy Bandev- God of nature Bankim- Crescent; Lord Krishna; Curved
Hindu Babies’ Name
Finding a special and fitting Indian boy name for a newborn baby has never been easier! We've compiled a list of the Best Newborn Baby Names to help you narrow down your options based on your preferences and requirements. Names Meanings Bhagyesh- Lord of luck Bhairab- Formidable; Another name for Lord Shiva; One who vanquishes fear Bharat- Descended from Bharat; Universal monarch; Clever; Race; A demigod and brother of Lord Ram; Fire; One who fulfils all desires Bhavik- A devotee of God; Devout; Worthy; Happy Bhavneet- Moral of the world Bheru- Friend Bhesaj- Lord Vishnu; The healer; Who cures the disease of birth and death cycles Chand- Sincere wish; The Moon; To shine Chandan- Sandalwood; Auspicious; Perfumed Chetan- Intelligence; Perception; Spirit of life; Vigour; Life
Baby Names Hindi
We are sure that you will enjoy the following list of Baby Names Hindi and will find a name that is right for your little guy. Names Meanings Daipayan- Who is born in an island Daivat - Luck; Powerful; Divinity; Heart of the God Dakshin- South direction; Clever; Competent; Talented; Sincere Daljeet- The conqueror of forces; Victorious army Damanjeet- Victory over suppression Dana- Learned; Intelligent; Grain; Wise; Another name for God Jabaar- Giant or almighty. Jagadeep- Light of the world Jagannat- Lord of the world Jagatjeet- Victorious of the world Are you looking for a unique name for your baby? Hindu baby names can be found in abundance in the Vedas and the Purans, which you can use for your newborn prince. Here is a list of Appropriate Baby Names in Hindi. Names Meanings Maalin- One who makes garlands; Wearing a garland; Crowned; Gardener Maanav- Man; Youth; Relating to Manu; Humankind; Human being; Pearl; Treasure human being Maanik- Ruby; Valued; Honoured; Gem Madhumay- Consisting of Honey Madhuwant- Sweet like Honey Naasik- Pious; Devotee Nabeel- Noble; Generous Nabhan- Noble; Outstanding Saadhik- Winner; Pious; Proficient Saadhin- Achievement; Work
Indian Hindu baby names
A proper name will not only add meaning to your baby’s life, but also shape his future. From A to Z, we've compiled a detailed list of special Indian Hindu baby names and names influenced by Hindu mythology. Names Meanings Saagar- Sea; Ocean Saahil- Sea shore; Guide; Shore; Bank Saahith- Bounded Piyan- Guitar Raagav- Lord of God, Lord Ram, Ragavender God Pomesh- Success Raahil- One who shows the way; Traveler; Path guider
New born baby name
Have you recently welcomed your little prince charming into your life and are looking for some unique Hindu baby boy names for him? If you really want to give him a special Indian new-born baby name, take a look at our list of the baby boy names and choose the best one for him. Names Meanings Saaket- Lord Krishna; Having the same intention Poojan- The ceremony of worshiping Raajan- King; Royal Saalan- One of the Kauravas Poojith- Worshipped Rabnit- God is regulator Saamant- Bordering; Leader; Universal whole; Near; Omnipresent If you're still searching for a special, interesting and meaningful name for your new-born, check out our list of the top baby boy names, complete with meanings, to help you choose the best name for your infant. Names Meanings Saavan- The fifth month of the Hindu year; One who offers a sacrifice to God; Rain during monsoon season Pooran- Complete; Successors; Momento; Abundant Rachit- Invention Arijit- Who has defeated the enemies Radhav- Lord Krishna, Beloved of Radha Sampat- Prosperous; Wealth; Fortune; Success; Welfare Pooranjot- Perfect light Rasaraj- Mercury Rajat- Silver or courage
Hindu boy names
The challenge of naming your little bundle of joy is probably the most perplexing because there are so many choices! Here are few good options on Hindu boy names to help you. Names Meanings Samrat- Emperor; Universal; Ruler Porush- Powerful Rasbhagat- Elixir of lord's light Samreet- Fighter of love and truth Praakrit- Nature; Handsome; Natural Rasdeep- One who cherishes the elixir of naam Rajdeep- Best of kings Samurah- Name of a distinguished Sahabi (RA) Pourab- East From your relatives, friends, and family, you might have got a slew of ideas, or as they claim, top baby boy names. And that would have left you in a state of bewilderment. Here is a list of baby name in Hindu that can be helpful to clear your confusion. Names Meanings Rajendra- King Rajendra Moha- King Samvid- Knowledge Prabal- Coral; Strong; Powerful Rajit- Decorated; An object that gives light, And never stops doing so Rajiv- Achiever; Blue Lotus Sanantan- Brave lion Taahir- Pure; Chaste; Clean; Modest; Holy Taaj- Crown; The Taj Mahal Tadbir- An effort; From Zafarnama
Hindu names for boys
It's time to give your little angel a name. In India, regardless of society, a child's name would be a cornerstone for the future. So select the most significant Hindu names for boys from the below list. Names Meanings Sandeep- A lighted lamp; Brilliant; Ablaze Prabanjan- Air Tagore- Gyani (Knowledgeable) Naabhak- Belonging to the Sky Yaachan- Prayer; Entreaty Sanjaan- Creator Prabas- Lustrous; Rebel Star Talav- Flute; Musician Yaadbir- The brave who remembers God Prabhat- Dawn, Morning; Brilliant
Best baby boy names
Your baby boy will grow up to be a handsome adult, and the name will become a term of endearment for the parents. The name will also have various meanings and interpretations, which will influence the child's personality. So take an influential from the best baby boy names given bellow. Names Meanings Prabhbir- God's brave warrior Naamchetan- Aware of naam Yash Raj- Victory; Glory; Fame; Success Prabhchet- Absorbed in God; Remembering the Lord by heart Yashameet- Fame Naarayan- Lord Vishnu; Refuge of man Yashdip- Success; The light of glory Prabhjit- Love of God; God victorious; God's triumph Yashjeet- Glorious victory Taksh- King Bharat's son; Eyes like a Pigeon; Chopping; To make from wood
Hindu child names
There are a plenty of modern Hindu child names to choose from, making what can be a challenging task much easier for parents. Here are a variety of choices to choose from, along with their definitions, to keep you occupied and assist you in making your decision. Names Meanings Nabarun- Morning Sun Prabhmeet- Friend of God Yug- Era or age Yudit- Natkhat (Naughty) Nabeeh- Noble; Famous; Eminent; Outstanding Prabhoot- Large quantity Yukt- Prosperous; Yoked; United; Attentive; Skilful; Clever; Proper Yuvraj- Prince; Heir apparent; Young Takdeer- Of great fortune; Destiny; Fortune; Luck Prabhrang- One who is colored by Lord's Love Read: Healthy Tips for Kids Skin: How to feel Energetic- Fresh in the Morning Also Read: 10 Balanced Eating Rules That You Can Forget About Absolutely https://youtu.be/oD_XMMaOzLc Conclusion There are countless names to choose from. Hopefully, the above selection of the Hindu Baby Boy Names and Meaning would be a good help at your searches regarding baby boy names. Choose the best name according to the meaning and that suits best with your family and believes. Read the full article
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ganglylimbs · 7 years
So I’m currently working on an original story. Here’s a small part from ch. 5. 
Brief summary:  The King decides to take a break from adventuring and political turmoil when one of his Guards, Oever (his adviser and not so secret crush), asks to explore the Wilderness; a previously unexplored area that sits between his kingdom and the next. He takes his Guards along for the ride, friends of his that have been protecting him for most of his life, and the six of them expect a pretty relaxing trip. 
Then they get sidetracked.   
Oever stopped him with a hand to his shoulder. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine. Just the wound acting up. Should be good as new with a couple hours rest.” Jarrod replied, shaking off the hand. 
Oever nodded, letting the other go. Though he watched him till Jarrod disappeared up the stairs before going to find the others.
It seems like Limpstein had made good on his word. When Oever found them, Aakil was well on his way into his beer while Sceck, Liam, and Caelan were laughing about something. As soon as they saw Oever sit down, they quieted. For a second. Then they burst out laughing again.
“I-I-Is it true?” Sceck asked, through his giggles. “Is it true that Jarrod was offered a consort for the night?”
“It seems our host is most eager to please.” Oever replied, gravely.
That just caused them to laugh harder. Oever smiled, glad to see everyone getting along. “Has anyone said anything?”
Aakil set down his drink, shaking his head. His hair moved gracefully with him. “No. The waitress seemed impressed that we even saw an Orc, much less fought one.”
“Something had to have gotten their attention recently then.” Oever said. He racked his brains, thinking. “But what?”
“Not just anything.” Liam added. “It must be something big if they’re willing to wait this long before making their move.”
“Why would they attack a random family of travelers?” Sceck brought up. “Us, I can understand. We have finely crafted weapons and the King. Not to mention gold. But what did the travelers have? Toys? Wood? Food? What would Orcs need with that?”
Liam made a face but before Oever could ask, Aakil spoke over him. “Maybe gathering supplies?”
“But for what?”
“That’s what we need to find out. I’ll talk to Limpstein. Aakil? Can you and Sceck talk to people around here? Liam, maybe look around the town. Tell us what you see? Caelan, you talk to the guards stationed here.”
The four of them nodded and then set off. Oever drowned the rest of his drink before going to find Limpstein.
The gnome was behind the bar, apparently boasting to patrons that he had the King staying at his inn. Oever gave a quiet little cough, getting Limpstein’s attention. He practically glowed as he ran over to see what Oever wanted.
“I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?” Oever jerked his head to side where there was a space without any customers.
“Sure! Sure! Of course, anything for one of the King’s men.”
They settled in the corner, Oever practically towering over Limpstein. “I was wondering if you have heard any of any travelers coming through here getting attacked by Orcs.”
Limpstein frowned. “No. No Orcs. They’ve been chased away from here seasons ago. It’s too guarded. Now out to the East, there you get attacked. But not here.”
Oever sighed, rubbing his eyes. “I was afraid you would say that. You see, we’ve been attacked twice on our way here.”
Limpstein’s eyes widened. “No.”
Oever nodded. “Yes. And now we’re trying to figure out why that is. Like you, we thought there were no Orcs anywhere around here. Can you think of anything that might attract them?”
Limpstein thought about it. “Not to my knowledge…we have no mines. The most we offer is food and travel.”
“Did anything change around here recently? Maybe a rich person moved here to open a store or…?”
Limpstein hesitated. Oever saw the way his mouth opened slightly. “Anything at all would be useful.” He pressed.
“It’s nothing, really.”
“Todd, please. We need all the information we can get.”
Limpstein sighed. “About two weeks ago, one of the Holitan boys went into the woods, just a bit south of here. He was gone for about two days and when he got back, refused to tell anyone where he was. The most he mentioned was that he found a place he liked to practice sword play.”
“But you think he’s lying?” Oever guessed.
Limpstein looked around before leaning closer. “The boy would come here, late into the night, and request one of my girls. Every time he showed up, he looked sweaty and wild. His eyes were always unfocused.”
“Did he get violent with the girls?”
Limpstein vehemently shook his head. “No! I take care of my people. I would never sell again to him if he got violent. But the girls did mention that,” Limpstein licked his lips and looked around again. He leaned in closer, looking suddenly ashamed. “They would mention that he was a very…passionate lover. They said it was the best sex they ever had.”
Oever snorted, leaning back. “And this wasn’t just to keep him coming back?”
“No, they would mention this after he had left. It could be a way to spark jealousy or get others to take him but they seemed sincere.”  
“Did you notice anything else strange about him? Any other rumors?”
“There does seem to be change about him. He used to always hang around in the alley down the way, next to the Jameston’s outpost. Him and a group of boys. Drinking and harassing anyone who goes down that way. Now he mostly keeps to himself. Spends a lot of his time in the forest. It might be a good change for him, keeps him out of trouble. Other than that, everything seems to be normal. Babies getting born and people dying and business coming and going.”
“And nothing seems to be off about the deaths?”
“Not that I can tell but you would need to talk to the Gravedigger about that. He’ll know what’s normal or not when concerning death.”
Oever nodded, already digging into his pocket. “I may take that advice. Thank you for your time. Here are a few gold coins.”
“Oh no, no, no. I couldn’t take this!” Limpstein refused.
Oever smiled, wide. “Then how about I buy another ale?”
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coconut530 · 6 months
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Merry Christmas, whatever you celebrate, or normal day! Here’s my OCs enjoying gifts they gave the other :) (shh it’s not 12/26 yet shhh)
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ut-versotale · 5 years
600+ Followers = Character Design Reveal Strawpoll
Hey, a little while ago, VT has officially passed the 600 follower mark! So, I’ve decided; why not celebrate this by granting people a look at a character’s design?
So, here I have a strawpoll, and whichever character has the most votes will get their VT design revealed! The options are: Undyne (Who has a new clothing design), Donavan, Dr. Aakil, Lily, and Queen Alice. I’ll check back on the poll tomorrow to see which character wins!
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