#Be prepared for like 3 different colouring and line style changes up to like page 4 LOL
teamskycomic · 4 months
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Shaw’s 2021 Birthday Event (Prologue)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an event which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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Bzzt bzzt bzzt... CRASH...! BOOM!!
Even before I reach the entrance of Live House, a tremendous and ear-piercing sound from the front gives me a fright.
MC: What’s going on here...
Shaw: Renovation.
A voice suddenly drifts from behind me, and I whip my head around in surprise.
MC: Shaw, why do you appear and disappear like a shadow?!
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Shaw: You were the one who didn’t hear my footsteps. What’s up?
MC: Erm...
Actually, I didn’t make a trip here to look for Shaw. In fact, I deliberately wanted to avoid Shaw and do some scouting in secret.
Since he has caught me red-handed, I can only force out a laugh.
MC: Why is Live House suddenly undergoing renovations?
The degree at which I forcefully change the topic causes Shaw to arch his brows, but he doesn’t expose me.
Shaw: There was a water seepage in one of the walls recently. While it was being repaired, they decided to tidy the entire place, and shift the storage out.
MC: I see... so now that Live House is undergoing renovations, where will you be practising? The antique store?
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Shaw: ...
Shaw is glances at me, somewhat speechless.
Shaw: With the soundproofing of Westmoon Street, even a strum of the bass can be heard in the vicinity. People might think that I’m making a living as a street performer.
MC: Where will you go then...
Shaw: I’ll just practise at home.
MC: That house of yours doesn’t seem to have much soundproofing either... hey!
I suddenly feel an icy sensation on my head, and a hard object hits my temple.
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Shaw: It’d be soundproof with some fixing up. Take this.
MC: This is...?
Shaw: My house key. I’m heading off to do fieldwork with the Old Man this week. Someone will send foam materials in a few days. When the time comes, help me sign and accept them.
MC: That’s not a problem... when will you be back?
Shaw: It depends on the situation. The latest will be next week.
MC: He should be able to make it...
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Shaw: Make it for what?
MC: N-nothing much. Didn’t we agree that you’d take me skateboarding at the bowl next week? Did you forget? I’ve been preparing for it since a long time ago!
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When Shaw sees me brimming with spirit, the corners of his lips hook upwards.
Shaw: Relax, I didn’t forget. I’ve also been preparing to watch you tripping and falling over since a long time ago.
MC: Shaw!
I wave my fist at him angrily, quarrelling with Shaw as usual.
The key is gripped tightly in my palm, the cold and uneven metal edges fitting snugly against my skin.
My train of thought flashes back to the time when I visited Shaw’s home on the second day of the lunar New Year.
Shaw spends most of his time either in Live House or in the antique store. He seldom returns home.
That house... is a little bare.
Since Live House is undergoing renovations, perhaps I could implement my “secret plan” in a different location.
After all, there are only a few days till... his birthday.
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MC: Will hanging two balloons on the left make it a little more symmetrical? ...but it’d look slightly stiff if it’s symmetrical.
Just as I’m at a loss regarding how to better spruce up the room, my phone makes a soft sound.
The designs from the handicraft shop are here.
Title: Merchandise Order Confirmation
Sender: Augenstern Studio
Receiver: MC
Date: 16 June 2021 (Wednesday)
Dear Customer,
The embroidery patches that you wish to custom-make at our shop have been designed. Please confirm whether the designs meet your requirements. We will deliver it as soon as possible. Thank you for choosing us.
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Option 1: Lowest Note
Option 2: Carbonate Taste
Option 3: Ling
[Note] Shaws name in Chinese is Ling Xiao (凌肖), and “Ling” is his surname
Select the style that is to your liking. Once you’ve sent it to us, we will have it delivered as soon as possible.
After selecting the embroidery patch, I scroll to the trending section on the page.
MC: These stickers are so cool! I can even design the pattern myself. Which pattern would Shaw like...
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Option 1: Small heart
Option 2: Small lightning
Option 3: Small bunny
After placing my order and closing the payment page, I receive a call from Shaw.
Shaw: Have you received the soundproofing foam?
MC: I received it yesterday... it’s such a huge box!!
Shaw: Of course I need to do the soundproofing properly. Since you’ve received it, just place it near the door. I’ll handle it when I get back.
MC: Do you know the exact date you’d be back?
Shaw: Yup, this Sunday. The birthday plans you have for the following day won’t be delayed.
MC: ...!
How did he know? I did such a good job keeping it a secret!
After hearing my gasp, Shaw chuckles softly through the phone. When he speaks again, his voice carries with it a teasing lilt.
Shaw: Are you going to ask about how I knew?
MC: Not at all! Don’t let your imagination wander. I didn’t even plan to celebrate your birthday!
Shaw: Really? You really didn’t torment my house? You really didn’t prepare a pile of balloons, colourful ribbons, and leave presents all over the place?
MC: ...
Gripping my phone, I look at the balloons, colourful ribbons, and the presents I have yet to wrap in front of me, my face so warm that I can almost fry an egg on it.
The person on the other end of the line is still laughing. I can almost imagine his eyebrows arching underneath his fringe. 
I let out a forceful “hmph”, not wanting to give him a chance to make a joke out of me.
MC: Oh~ So this is why you gave me the key? Turns out that you were really looking forward to balloons, colourful ribbons and all sorts of presents?
Shaw: ...?
Hearing the other person choke, I recover some lost ground, and my mood turns great.
MC: Since you’re looking forward to it this much, I’ll reluctantly decorate the place for you then. I’ll definitely let Property Owner Shaw have an unforgettable birthday. When you check it, remember to give a positive evaluation.
Across the faint sound of electrical currents, Shaw very obviously clenches his jaw.
Shaw: ...very good. I’ll wait and see.
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Shaw’s Summer Solstice Date: here
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my-sherlock221b · 4 years
Supernatural Rewatch Ramblings: Wendigo
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The long line of the MoTW series in Supernatural starts off with the Woman in White which is fairly well- known legend/ myth in most countries.  Then we get this one next which claims origin from the Native American mythology.
Here is a review of the Wendigo episode with thoughts from me and @soulmates-for-real​
I have always wondered why they were not so inclusive or better at being inclusive as a show. Yes, they did have many women and people of colour in important and strong roles, both positive and negative (though they could have done so much better!). But they steered clear from some of the huge mythology lores like that from Native Americans, Hindu, Latin American cultures. This may have been a wise political strategy to avoid conflict and so they stuck to the Judeo- Christian core but still managed a rather radical take on it!
Spoiler alert:
*God was the final villain?! Who would have guessed? And that the angels were dicks, relentlessly, and demons were in fact ex-humans.*
So back to Wendigo.
What a monster the Wendigo is!! In later seasons when we got only angels and demons and some vampires etc the other monsters were monsters in and of themselves. Like they were born that way—needing to eat human pituitary glands or whatever.
But Woman in White and Wendigo, and even Dead in the Water, or the Shapeshifter --the monster was created by circumstances. Betrayal and infidelity leading to murder suicides, extreme starvation leading to cannibalism and eternal hunger.
Far more terrifying than someone who is born a ghoul perhaps.
So here we are in Wendigo, at the forest/camp site with these fake, charming, rather useless camp rangers who carry M&Ms (nice touch and throwback to E.T. !), don’t wear shorts ( which anyway seems like a weird thing to wear when there is grass and stuff—why would you want to expose your legs?!), can’t see bear traps ( Seriously Dean?! ).
Sam is still restless and bristling at Jess’s death, as well as angry at Dad. All those years of separation do not seem to have given him any peace in his relationship with his father. Now to add massive insult to his already injured sense of self—he has lost his girlfriend in exactly the same way as his father lost his wife—making them even more identical.
So he is cranky and unwilling to give in to any of Dean’s suggestions. He denies his own nightmares, refuses good advice and food and is generally misanthropic. While Dean on the other hand seems to be enjoying this like a happy jolly road trip. The monster is almost like a secondary priority now.
What is most important, (and this becomes even more obvious in a re-watch post finale)—what is THE most important thing is that Sammy is riding shotgun, is in front of his eyes and safe.
Miserable and bitchy but safe.
That allows Dean to dial back a bit and bring into focus what has always been, for him, the really important part of their lives—saving people. This is always more important to him that hunting things. So, when he finds out about someone’s brother being lost and the coordinates match what his dad has left, well there is no choice really.
They have to find a way to save him.
If they find Dad there, well, good, but that is suddenly not a priority for him at all. He turned up at Sam’s doorstep, and as we know from the finale, waited there for HOURS since he was unsure of his welcome, then broke in at 3 am or something like an idiot….but anyway…..all that was because Dad had been away on a hunting trip and hadn’t been home in a few days…blah blah blah.
The first contact Dean makes with Sam who left home to go to college is to recruit him to help find Dad—the same guy who told Sam that if he went away to stay away.
And then suddenly now that Sam is with him, finding Dad is like meh. If we find him somewhere by the wayside while you and I hunt monsters Sammy, then yeah sure, great.
If not…well….we have stuff to do you and I…saving people, hunting things. The family business. 
And John Winchester….well, what can I possibly say about him without taking up pages in ranting?! Why did he ditch the first monster? Why was he in SUCH a hurry to leave that he left his journal behind??
My theory of course is that he had to run away from the Woman in White since he had been unfaithful to Mary ( yes yes I know it had been YEARS at that point, but hello, this man made his life a crusade for revenge and sacrificed his kids’ lives also to that darkness, so…yes, being with Adam’s mother was an infidelity and you can’t change my mind on that !).
So naturally John was afraid he would be killed.
But still….he left coordinates for the next hunt in the journal and just ran off?!
The other question is what the hell is happening in motels across USA? Guys like these can just check- in on fake credit cards, leave a room full of satanic and serial killer-y documents, sometimes dead bodies, lots of salt at the door and windows, and just disappear without checking out….
Though the police do seem quite alert and swift in action in the Pilot compared to some of the laidback and clueless ones we see later.
What is most interesting is to see the character of season 1 Dean emerge.
He sass, he boss, he flirt, he lie, he charm, he fight, he save.
In fact, the very first time I saw Supernatural, it seemed that Dean occupied so much of the narrative space that I barely noticed Sam except as a foil to and a brother to Dean.
Now in the re-watch what is fascinating in retrospect is to watch Sam slide into ‘the life’ without a hiccup. He reads the journal, he figures out it’s a wendigo, he gets the civilians to cooperate, he also fights and saves.
And that look he gives Dean in the car?
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Well, those who missed the signs in Pilot and didn’t ship Wincest from day one, surely started doing it then!
This is also the first episode that gives a clear parallel to the Sam and Dean relationship through the B plot. When Haley says she MUST go to find her brother –Dean nods in instant understanding while Sam is pissed off at having to ‘babysit.’
We see this in many more episodes in the future, and what is fascinating is to see Sam gain insights into his brother with every such parallel. To recognize what being the big brother has meant to Dean and how much he has done and given and even suffered for that. We will discuss this in more detail in the next episode review! ( Dead in the Water)
The chemistry and ease, almost a fluid sense of flow between the two actors is unmistakable in this episode. Even as Sam is really being a bitch and Dean is being a jerk, there is a definite undercurrent of something holding them together. It may be all about revenge for Jess’s death and finding Dad for Sam, but he will still stick with Dean and want to protect him as fiercely as Dean wants to protect Sam.
Sheila O’Malley has given a detailed explanation for the acting styles of Jared and Jensen and what she said about Jared is spot on and brilliant. He does what she calls active listening.
It is amazing how once you realize that you notice it all the time.
The reason why Dean can manage such perfect comedic timing or non- verbal communication is because Sam is always ALWAYS tuned into him. Listening, watching, reacting, observing.
Once again, for those of you interested in the meta and more erudite and informed reviews that this one 😊 do read what Sheila O’Malley has written.
Here are some excerpts which will entice you!
“David Nutter, who directed the pilot, also directed episode 2, and there’s a new DP here, the phenomenally talented Serge Ladouceur, who is still shooting the show. If the DP for the pilot, Aaron Schneider, helped establish the dark mood and horror-movie feel of the series, then Ladouceur just helped deepen and strengthen that continuum. The look of the show has changed, by Season 9. I would say that it has a more glamorous look now, more colorful, while certainly still very dramatic (even melodramatic). Supernatural is (and has been) one of the best looking shows on television.”
“The ranger comes in to talk to them, and they pose as environmental studies majors at the university in Boulder. Sam says they are “working on a paper”, clearly improvising, and you can watch the glorious schtick of Jensen Ackles as he adjusts to the new information of who he is supposed to be pretending to be. God is in the details, people, and it’s the detailed scene work of both Ackles and Padalecki that keeps this show going. David Nutter referred to Jensen Ackles once as a “meticulous actor” in terms of his preparation for every scene, no matter how small, and it pays off. He knows what the fuck he is doing. So does Padalecki. I couldn’t give two shits about the demons. It’s that DYNAMIC that is so entertaining and watch-able.”
And here are some thoughts on the episode from @soulmates-for-real, my partner in crime for the rewatch 😊
Except the fact that Sam is quite secretive about his nightmares but his body language is quite open and his expressions easy to read. On the contrary, I saw Dean posturing a lot with other people, pouting, flirting, making eyes...trying to be all nonchalant. But when it comes to Sam we see a different Dean - the more antsy and angsty Sam gets, the more intensely Dean reacts to him and you can see Dean's concern shining through. Leading to Sam coming to some kind of resolution and giving Dean 'that look' at the end! 
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goldbasin54 · 4 years
Using Laser Teeth Whitening Trays For Figuring Out The Results.
One Size Fits All Treatments.
Cqc Record Holloway Dental Centre.
Rio Smile White Innovative Teeth Whitening Set.
Expert Teeth Whitening In Dorchester.
Specialist Teeth Whitening: What To Expect
Making use of a Activation spray on a distinctive clean you will give your teeth a brush. This will additionally foam up which assists the gel to go into the enamel of your teeth.
One Size Fits All Treatments.
P&G launches Crest Whitening Emulsions hydrogen peroxide leave-on teeth whitener - Cincinnati Business Courier
P&G launches Crest Whitening Emulsions hydrogen peroxide leave-on teeth whitener.
Posted: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Cqc Report Holloway Dental Centre.
A shade will certainly be utilized to check the shade of your teeth prior to as well as after your treatment. Whitening will be most effective on discoloured yellow teeth however does not work if bonding has been made use of or on tooth-coloured dental fillings.
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Rio Smile White Advanced Teeth Whitening Kit.
teeth whitening cambridgeshire and techniques that are offered all do function however they take months to reveal any kind of noticeable outcomes. On top of that, you must make a practice of regularly using these items. All that, as well as still there is no guarantee that your teeth will certainly be as white as you want them to be when you complete using the products. Your smile is not simply a fantastic expression that people have, it is also something that is just one of a kind as well as irreplaceable. When you meet individuals for the first time one of the initial things that they will see is your smile. If your smile occurs to be yellow-colored after that it makes your overall appearance plain. We are a warm friendly group within a mins walk from the community centre.
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Please finish the form below and among our remarkable team will certainly communicate to prepare your consultation. the shape of the instrument itself ensures the whole tooth surface is covered equally. This will guarantee your teeth attain the very best feasible color as well as remain brilliant. We likewise supplies remedies for lines as well as creases including dermal fillers, skin mini needling and also facial peels. We provide a Totally free quote and also UK style solution, get in touch today.
Specialist Teeth Whitening In Dorchester.
Does baking soda whiten teeth?
Baking soda has natural whitening properties and has been shown to be effective at removing stains on your teeth and whitening your smile. That's why it's a popular ingredient in many commercial toothpastes.
The outside layer of your tooth, known as enamel obtains covered by a very slim layer, called the pellicle coats which captures spots conveniently. Nevertheless, what we consume can likewise have an enduring effect on our teeth. Cigarette smoking, coffee, tea, red wine and cola can all contribute to tarnishing on our teeth.
one of the top teeth whitening dorset ='border: grey dotted 1px;padding: 10px;'>
Teeth Whitening with Braces: Best Options - Healthline
Teeth Whitening with Braces: Best Options.
Posted: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
You've completely prepared for all those complicated questions and also chose your best suit, currently be prepared to impress the interviewers with your great intense white smile. Whether for an unique event, such as your wedding, or just to enhance your day to day appearance, a bright white smile improves both your confidence and also your look. Our pleasant professionals will answer any concerns you have as well as help you select the best option for you. So why not book a consultation now with laser-bright-teeth in Manchester. After the 3 15 min periods, you will see a large enhancement in your teeth. After the treatment you will certainly be spoken to about the diet plan and also safety measures you require to take for the following 48 hours. A vitamin E teeth cream and gum tissue guard will certainly be related to ensure the utmost safety to your teeth as well as gum tissues.
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After the therapy is over, Dr Richard will give you with an overview which specifies that you must prevent any pigmented foods, merlot, black coffee and black tea. tab left as well as finish the on-line form, providing your details or those of the individual hosting the session if scheduling an event. As soon as submitted we will certainly call you within 1 day to validate your reservation.
One of the most usual include aging and intake of tarnishing compounds such as coffee, tea, colas, cigarette, red wine, and so on . Throughout tooth development, usage of tetracycline, particular prescription antibiotics or too much fluoride might also trigger tooth staining. The reason our teeth appear dull is since the teeth have picked up spots deep inside the dentine and also enamel. Discoloured teeth are the scourge of cigarette smokers, red wine, tea and also coffee enthusiasts and also some people that have had prescription antibiotics as a child.
Specialist Teeth Whitening: What To Expect
Generally whitening will produce significant renovations in the appearance of the majority of tarnished teeth yet there are some spots that do not respond to lightening. Discolorations that develop from the medicine Tetracycline might require lengthy bleaching, since it takes longer for the bleach to reach the dentin layer. As we mature our adult teeth often dim as changes occur in the mineral framework of the tooth and the enamel becomes much less permeable.
Our teeth may additionally be tarnished by microbial pigments, food, beverage and tobacco. While this is not the costliest treatment on the planet, it is much from being the least expensive choice. However, numerous, oral offices will allow clients to make installment payments which makes it much more cost effective. Sore periodontals from the gel-- This normally lasts only a short while after the treatment. This procedure is a non-invasive one that triggers no bleeding or even discomfort while the treatment is being done or after it has actually been finished. Beyond that, the look of face lines as well as creases is much less noticeable when people's eyes are attracted to white teeth.
Biolase - Consensus Indicates Potential 271.1% Upside - DirectorsTalk Interviews
Biolase - Consensus Indicates Potential 271.1% Upside.
Posted: Tue, 29 Dec 2020 09:57:45 GMT [source]
Provides Reviews News/Blog8 things every woman must understand about laser hair removal. News/Blog8 points every woman need to know about laser hair removal. Yorkshire Laser & Looks supply professional equipment and also complete training for laser tattoo removal, laser hair elimination, semi long-term make up as well as body piercing. We can likewise educate you on just how to carry out a carbon laser facial peel and also supply the called for equipment.
White Dental Appeal is now a globally leading teeth whitening brand name, renowned for offering top quality, ingenious as well as scientifically enhanced whitening items with 4 whitening gel toughness.
As well as having a devotion to creating top quality and dependable products, the White Dental Beauty objective is to aid methods supply a patient trip like nothing else.
Dental specialists will rightly expect a high standard from all their materials, including their teeth whitening gels.
Relying on the amount of sessions you want, it doesn't use up much time in all.
It can be used to award patients for finished treatments, inspiring them and improving their all-natural teeth tones together with or before restorative work.
Sustained by this, they have produced a specialized marketing assistance package to improve the client experience and also develop your experiment professional teeth whitening.
Your expert teeth whitening at the dental expert's workplace can be done over your lunch break.
By submitting this form you comprehend that your data is refined according to our privacy noticeWe never share your details with anybody. Your personal privacy is extremely vital as well as we make certain its maintained 100% private. Teeth can be slowly whitened in the comfort of the home with a custom-made fit tray system. Although routine cleaning as well as regular check outs to the hygienist can help to keep teeth clean and also remove surface area staining, they can not get rid of deeply embedded spots.
Even a change of just two or 3 tones will certainly make a considerable difference; the objective being to accomplish your private optimal whiteness while still looking all-natural. We offer a variety of orthodontic alternatives, including clear aligners and Invisalign dental braces. By submitting this type, you recognize your information obtains processed in conformity to our personal privacy notice. Just imagine your wedding pictures, the very best day of your life, sensational dresses as well as dashing fits, and your superstar smile in the middle of all of it.
To see our newest prices and special deals please see our fees page. Drury Lane Dental Treatment is just one of the best Laser Teeth Whitening oral techniques in London, we only use the current offered formulation of Laser Whitening items. We satisfaction ourselves on offering an inviting, unwinded and pleasant environment that places our customers secure. the huge majority of our people have actually experienced no sensitivity.
How can I make my teeth white in a week?
Using hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleach that can help to whiten stained teeth. For optimal whitening, a person can try brushing with a mix of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for 1–2 minutes twice a day for a week. They should only do this occasionally.
Several of our patients have actually had white spots on their teeth, caused by tetracyclines or after having actually dental braces gotten rid of, that we can easily deal with to decrease their appearance. Your Hygienist or Specialist will suggest you on which whitening system would certainly be best for you, and go over the level of whitening you want to. accomplish. A lot of clients may call for a brief top up annually, relying on their behaviors, yet a complete training course of whitening is more likely after approximately 18 months. Laser Whitening creates a lustrous smile, by making teeth smoother as well as shinier and handling level of sensitivity. Get ready for the summertime season with a stunning white new smile. This is a restricted time deal valid only up until the 1st of October. The procedure will not bleach Crowns, Caps, Vaneers or Fillings.
Ultrasonic Weight Loss & Radiofrequency 40k Cavitation is easy non invasive treatment which depends on soundwaves to supply a short-term toning as well as tightening result. Below at Smileright ™, we are totally devoted to making certain that you achieve that brilliant smile. We are dedicated as well as passionate concerning making you grin and also to allow you to grin with self-confidence. Our Oral Facility is located in Royal District of Kensington & Chelsea.
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decaffs · 5 years
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university note-taking 101 ~
one of the hardest things parts of adapting to life in university is finding a note-taking method that is efficient and easy for you and your learning style.
it took me 18 months at university, experimenting with different note-taking styles, to settle on a few that work best for me. i thought i’d share all of the different methods i tried and the pros/cons of each & hopefully it’ll help you land on some note-taking styles quicker than i did! :-))
SO...i’ll start by saying obviously not all note-taking techniques are going to be included in this post because i’m just one person and these are just the styles i’ve had personal experience with and not everyone will like or dislike the same methods, it will take a little bit of trial and error to find your perfect style :-))
i’m going to split the different methods into 3 separate sections (and i’ll highlight my personal favourites):
    ⇢ handwritten
    ⇢ ipad/tablet
    ⇢ macbok/laptop
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starting with what we all know and (kind of) love! we’ve spent the majority of our school education making handwritten notes for high school so it makes sense to start here.
1. basic handwritten notes
this type of note-taking is the most basic of all basic note-taking techniques and it’s probably what you’re used to. it involves any kind of paper - lined, squared, plained, whatever you fancy - and a single pen or pencil. 
all this involves is writing down everything important you think is being said or discussed by your lecturer or your classmates! there’s nothing fancy involved, it’s all about getting down the most important points.
- you’ve already been doing this for years
- no time wasted doodling or highlighting
- can be time consuming if you’re not a quick writer
- if you’re writing on loose paper, it’s super easy to lose
- not easy to work out what notes relate to what slides / what comments were being made
- you may end up trying to write down everything on the lecture slides - waste of time when you can view them at home and you might miss important adlib!
2. annotating print-outs (*fave*)
this is a technique i adopted in second year of university! all you have to do is print out your lecture slides beforehand and bring them along with you. you can write at the side of slides or right on top of them.
- less likely to repeat what is said on slides so you can spend time listening for the nuggets of gold from your lecturer
- having slides prepared before a lecture means you can read them and familiarise yourself with some content
- easy to know what notes relate to what specific slides
- super quick to make important and accurate notes!
- it can be expensive to buy a printer/ink or to use your university’s printing facilities
- again, you can easily lose loose paper if you’re not careful
- your lecture slides may not always be available beforehand
3. cornell note-taking
cornell note-taking is something you’re probably already aware for those who don’t know - it’s a note-taking system devised in the 40s by a cornell professor.
cornell notes have to look a particular way in order for them to work (see here) and they’re geared towards helping you pass your exams. 
you do your main note-taking in the right-hand box - these notes should be brief but include enough detail to act as a revision source. take these note in lectures or in classes and make sure to note down and highlight anything your lecturer emphasises.
use your left-hand column to write down potential exam questions you could be asked regarding the notes you’ve written on the right. these questions should act as test questions when you’re revising! 
finally, in the bottom box you should summarise the key points to take away from that page of notes.
- excellent note-taking method for exam revision
- can be super efficient once you’re used to the style
- can take a while to set up pages if you’re doing it by hand
- can take some time adapting to this new way of note-taking
- not a flexible note-taking system, no person wiggle room
handwritten notes general pros and cons:
- hand writing notes is the most reliable way to remember important information
- you can use personal abbreviations and symbols to make your note-taking quicker
- you might lose papers here and there meaning your notes are incomplete or totally make no sense anymore
- it can be time-consuming trying to decide what is the vital information and getting it down before the topic of discussion changes
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1. goodnotes for set reading annotations (app link here) (*fave*)
goodnotes is an app designed specifically for taking efficient and nice-to-look-at-notes! i personally use it for note-taking and annotating set readings at university.
i create a checklist on the first page of each module’s notebooks and write down each research paper or journal article i have to read so i don’t lose track. i then important PDFs straight into the notebook and annotate and highlight over the top of them.
- it’s super easy to have all of your reading notes and annotations in one place
- no risk of losing papers as everything is stored electronically
- the app uses icloud to sync your notes across all your devices make everything super accessible 
- you can quickly share your notes with anybody through email/airdrop/imessage/pretty much anything!
- you do have to pay for the app (but it’s cheaper than printing out all of your readings)
- can be difficult to navigate at first 
2. onenote for in-lecture notes
onenote is a microsoft app that lets you type and draw in one place! it works in a similar way to goodnotes.
i used onenote in first year to take in-lecture notes because it also allows for audio recording (DISCLAIMER: DO NOT RECORD YOUR LECTURES WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM YOUR UNIVERSITY AND LECTURERS) and it was super handy to have my notes and audio stored in the same file.
- super versatile and allows for many note-taking method in one app
- syncs across your devices (if you have onenote downloaded)
- allows you to collate different methods of note-taking in one place
- can be hard to organise your information! pages are blank and there’s no end to them, there’s also no grid for your items to snap to so it gets messy very quickly
- i’ve experienced personal issues with the syncing feature
ipad tablet/notes general pros and cons:
- tablets are generally really lightweight and easy to carry around - making them preferable over heavy notebooks or laptops
- having access to the internet makes note-taking super easy when you need to search terms or find photos
- you do have to make sure your tablet is fully charged if you’re taking it onto campus
- tablets can be super expensive
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now for my holy grail - taking notes on a macbook or (insert laptop of choice here)!
1. brief in-lecture notes (*fave*)
i use microsoft word or pages to take most of my in-lecture notes and i fleet between using my ipad and macbook - i’m sticking it in this section because 9/10 i’m using my macbook.
with these kind of notes i set myself a specific structure and carry that out through the whole module!
first i lay my title across the top of my document - i usually just use the title of the lecture / general lecture topic. I then use my first indentations for the titles of each individual slide and bullet points for important comments made about each slide i also note particularly interesting things written on the slides themselves!
i stick to one font and one size to avoid wasting time on formatting!
i usually print out these notes so i can annotate them with any research i’ve found so it helps with my finalised notes.
- super quick if you’re a fast typer
- easy to correct notes or go back and add more detail at a later date
- easy to share and sync between devices
- simple format makes it easy to follow and a good revision resource
- notes can look a little boring and uninviting
- not easy to use abbreviations or symbols because of autocorrect!
2. extensive revision notes (*fave*)
i also use my macbook to create my finalised notes that i use to write my essays and revise for exams.
these notes take more time to make because of the formatting but they’re super nice to look at and make a wonderful resource at the end.
for these notes i start by picking a colour scheme (usually one within microsoft word) and i stick with this colour scheme for a whole module. i allocate one colour to research names and dates, one colour to titles, one colour to highlight key information with. i also use a variety of fonts! i typically use 4 fonts: one for the title of the lecture, one for subheadings, one for researcher names and dates and one for the main body of text - the main body font is usually a standard Helvetica or Arial!
i really take time to flesh out these notes so they reflect all of my learning - lectures, seminars, set reading, extra reading and knowledge i already had! i print off the notes and stick them in a ring binder and this becomes my bible for the semester!
- really inviting to look at so it makes revision a bit more enjoyable
- gives you time to show off your knowledge and create an extensive revision resource
- easy to share with friends or lecturers to get feedback
- can take a while to make these notes
- if you’re printing, this can cost quite a bit!
3. mind-map notes
finally! mind-map notes.
i use SimpleMind Lite to create mind-maps as the last part of my learning. each lecture gets its own mind-map and the nodes represent the key themes within the lecture!
it’s super important you don’t just use slide titles for your nodes as your mind-map will get crowded easily and you won’t want to use it as a revision resource.
keep your branching-off nodes short and sweet - think of them as knowledge cues! by the end of your learning you should be able to look at a node and remember the information regarding that point. these cues are also easier to remember and jog your memory in exam settings.
- good to see information presented in a new way
- you can use bright colours to make it more exciting
- great way to prep for exams
- hard to print also your canvas within the app is endless
- can be hard to share with others
macbook/laptop notes general pros and cons:
- can help you create a wide variety of notes - from short and sweet to fleshed out and fuuuuull of all the detail in the world
- allows you to correct, add to and print off your notes however many times you’d like
- you do have to make sure your laptop is always charged / you always have a charger!
- laptops can be heavy and impractical to carry to university
- if you’re not saving to a cloud you could lose some of your work (don’t be silly like me, use an external hard drive or dropbox!!!)
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you made it!!! congrats :-))
hopefully i’ve given you a good idea of some of the note-taking methods you could use in university and you fancy trying a couple out!
if you have any questions or note-taking tips yourself, leave a message in the replies below.
decaffs x
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 2.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px 'Helvetica Neue'}
138 notes · View notes
freegamingtheme · 4 years
Free gaming theme
Free gaming theme, gaming blog, review games or online games WordPress themes make the gaming website! The portal theme game has everything for correct function. Visitors can easily register within the club game. The search box is moved-to-top button is employed to develop the comfort of your website. Users must newsletter, blog and twitter section displays the newest posts and tweets can get new game updates. All the weather summarized during a single internet site design offers visitors an immersive gaming experience.
Subjects were developed for the sport website. The gaming WordPress themes will appreciate the straightforward navigation of impressive images and sites . the newest game is displayed within the header slider. Popular games are placed during a large banner. the remainder of the games are classified. you'll jump across different from one category with the assistance of the navigation tab of the sport WordPress template. The layout style may be a plane fashion. Button text is certainly drawing attention to them are often of red color.
Multi purpose Gaming WordPress Themes. It’s absolutely great for your clan or team page, game blog, game news, html5 games, lifestyle, broadcats, twitch streams. Also for players stats, reviews, table top, interviews, community, gameplay, clan, team, console, shooting,PC games, action, acrade, survival, action-adventure, adventure, role play, 4X game, strategy, tactical role play, simulation, wargame, vehicle and life simulation, sport, race, MMO, casual, mobile, party, logic, parlor game , parlor game , educational, christian.
Gecko may be a WordPress theme for gaming, news and entertainment content. Its clean, modern and powerful contrast design is ideal for your gaming site. this subject includes all the required pages of a successful gaming website like About, Team, FAQ, Pricing Plans, Testimonials, Games, Galleries, News, Contacts, etc. So this theme is certain to offer your gaming business a lift .
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Blackfyre gives you the facility to make huge gaming communities. Users can create clans and challenge one another , keeping track of matches, sharing content and far more!
Escapium Escape Room Game
Escapium may be a WordPress theme intended for real-world companies, games of reflection and reflection, but also can be used for all event-based sites. The reserved part was made on the plug-in Reserved – Appointment for the WordPress plugin and it's already included within the thematic package.
PixieFreak is that the ultimate solution for electronic sports teams, tournament organizers and every one gaming enthusiasts. The theme is meant to supply several options, to enable a good range of various features. you'll use the theme to line up your eSports team’s website, game, information portal or to arrange a tournament. If you’re really hooked in to e-sports, you’re liberal to use all of those options directly . The structure of the theme gives you maximum flexibility. With PixieFreak, you'll easily hide, show or rearrange sections. you'll change the design , the colours and lots of other things. most significantly , you are doing not need development skills. Everything are often through with the straightforward PixiePanel given the theme itself.
Raider Spirit
Raider Spirit may be a stylish, modern and responsive two-tone WordPress Club Paintball Club theme. it's designed for the paintball club, the strikeball club, the airsoft and therefore the community. It also works for a strikeball company, a game, a company, a corporation , etc. With the complete compatibility of WooCommerce, you'll create a web store of clothing and equipment. Raider Spirit is right for paintball, strikeball, airsoft, lazertag, hardball and other para-military games. you'll open the WooCommerce online store and sell sportswear, special equipment and equipment like trainers , accessories, player jerseys and t-shirts for all: amateurs or professionals, children or adults beginners or veterans.
Powered by the changing layout and elements of the sport , Entropia has exactly what you would like to make sublimity game theme! Its amazing features, stunning interior and interior pages and memorable shortcodes make Entropia an ideal choice for esports and every one game and animation studios. Get Entropia today and make a strong games and sports website.
Exit Game Real-Life Room Escape
Exit Game may be a new WordPress theme that is an internet site for a hall escape, a game of quests, a puzzle room and other entertainment activities for family and friends. This adventure are often booked via the Booked Appointment plug-in with which the theme is compatible. Exit Game comes with a page of rooms, a blog page (of various styles), a booking page, reviews, a gallery, a FAQ, etc.
Arcane Gaming Community Theme
Arcane gives you the facility to make massive game communities. Users can create teams and tournaments, challenge one another , watch matches, share content and more.
Jumbo may be a WordPress theme for Flash and HTML5 mobile games, which allows you to run a totally functional responsive gaming site. Jumbo comes with features such as: amazing sharing buttons, a strong review system, last offers, hot, popular, several ad placements, integrated translator and more. beat a light-weight and straightforward to use.
Gamez is responsive WordPress theme designed for games, film and music review site. Easy to put in and writing simplified interface with much option allows you to write beautiful magazine and make money by placing affiliate links.
DW Gamez
DW Gamez may be a clean layout, great design for magazines, cool effects and animations, beat DW Gamez. This theme will make a powerful online magazine. Designed for the games magazine, but this WordPress theme is completely flexible and may be tuned into any website you would like .
NewsGamer may be a professional WordPress template for game magazines, newspaper publishers, magazines or advanced blogs. This theme may be a great option to create a gorgeous & Powerful Website!
WordPress Theme created with passion and bloggers in mind. we might wish to blog for creative gaming, gamers bloggers, designers et al. clear to you and present the aesthetic and nice theme. Ruby is visually appealing and functional. it's fully reacted and it's nice on all devices to a bigger resolution and retina display and other people .
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Games Zone
This game WordPress theme is to supply support all this, someone are often within the game a blog or magazine, because this thing is packed using the good features and management options, so you'll add a filter reviews, games , ratings, and far more you can! Many of the small print of the styling options Color Picker look and feel of your website during a user-defined management area which will help, also the very best level. At an equivalent time, we (Google fonts are integrated with WordPress theme game) means advertising options to monetize embedded fonts, you've got not forgotten about changing your internet site . We even have the newest topics from appearing in our good customer feedback, also because the guys already conversant in our short code should mention the inclusion in our calendar of events.
Game Addict
Game Addict may be a word press themes and games for family game. It allows you to make and manage clan wars including different maps, teams and games.
Horizon – game WordPress theme may be a theme for gaming, news and entertainment content. Made using the newest CSS3, it gives you a sleek, eye-catching online magazine, blog, gaming or the likelihood to make a private project site.
Gameleon is that the perfect solution for WordPress theme game magazines, newspapers, editing, publishing, reviewing, or gaming sites.
Game world WordPress Theme
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Video Gaming
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Gaming Mag
Gaming Mag may be a child free gaming WordPress theme with creative design and powerful features allowing you to write down articles and blog posts with ease. It uses SEO best practices, responsive HTML5, and additionally , it's fast, simple and straightforward to use. Use the customizer to feature your own background, layout, site width, etc.
The game may be a free game modern WordPress Theme If you set the heart beat of your life and you're keen on to deliver your business or personal theme to subsequent track, you would like to echo this sentiment design. Here may be a free WordPress theme specially selected for lovers of technology and games. It’s the power to interact our customers with a beautiful set of private or professional roles and functions of the superb theme Foundation.
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adazhang-221257 · 4 years
Week 9
Watch episodes 1 and 2 of the series ‘The Genius of Photography’:
Episodes 1 FIXING THE SHADOWS questions
1. What year was photography ‘invented’?
2. Who were the key people (one English, one French)?
French: Louis Daguerre
English: Henry Fox Talbot
3. What is the main difference between the two systems?
Daguerre fixed the image to a smooth, mirror-like metal plate. He made disposable(one-off) images. When viewing Daguerre's work, the light was reflected through the image. The light ranges from bright white, which is definitely reflected, to deep black. The biggest drawback is the inability to replicate the original photo. Daguerre is trying to open up a huge market, most personally.
Talbot presented the image on paper, and the way to get the image was from up-side-down to normal look after exposure. Talbot wanted to satisfy people their own desires
4. What do they suggest was the unintended consequence of photography?
The photographs were no longer random, because of how they are cropped, they became intentional.
Photographs revealed the details of the world and told us what should be focused on.
The consequence of the born of photography symbolized the coming new era. It changed the world and the way people understood the world. We entered the world of information and images.
5. What is Edward Muybridge famous for doing?
Motion study
The anatomy and the frozen moment which was interested Muybridge once when he was doing an experiment on the horses.
6. What was the first method of popular sharing of photographs?
The introduction of the card. It was small and easy to be posted.
7. What method did photographers first use in order to claim photography as art?
They instinctively turned to oil paintings for inspiration and confidence. Photographers followed the painters' path to create their work.
8. What company did George Eastman start?
The Eastman Kodak Company.
9. What did he invent (three things)?
The film
Kodak camera
Brownie camera 
10. What year was the $1 Brownie camera released?
11. How old was Jacque Henry Lartigue when he was making his family photo albums?
12. What were photographic artists doing when snapshots become popular?
They were making differences with vernacular photography.
They tried to make photography as a branch of fine arts, they were doing imitations of drawing and paint makings. The pictorialists were looking at the past, they retreated in terms of the art style and contents. There were no cars or machines or poor people in pictorial pictures.
13. What did Edward Steichen take up during WWII?
Started aerial photograph, precision and sharpness are the main purposes, rather than arty vagaries.
Episodes 2 DOCUMENT FOR ARTISTS questions:
1. What was Karl Blossfeldt’s book from 1925?
Art Forms in Nature
2. What form of recording was he using?
Use the encyclopedic form to record the world typologies. On the shiny commercial paper.
3. Who was the first person to do this?
Anna Atkins
4. What are some of the things Bernd and Hilla Becher photographed?
Blast furnace
Water towers
Some bizarre creatures of industry
5. What did August Sander try to create a typology of in Germany in the 1920s?
Human typology
"The Face of the Times" in 1929
What Sander wanted to speak behind his photos are the chaotic conditions of Germany in the 1920s. 
6. What does Alexander Rodchenko believe about photography?
The camera is the tool of the new man and artist.
He used the camera to serve political reality and serve the people.
7. What did he try to change?
Changed the Belly Button Photography, tried to tell people about a different way of photographing the world. He was photographing the new society.
8. What magazine did he start?
USSR en construction
9. What technique did he use in the magazine?
10. What was Eugene Atget doing in Paris?
Documented the city ancient core from back street to shop front.
In the 1920s, he created the unique typology of the old Paris.
Towards the end of his life, he started to capture the undocumentary possibilities of photography. His photos then became to document the different range of reality.
11. What was Man Ray interested in exploring?
Ray was into the area of unreal. He interested in dreams, desires and the mediums unconscious mind.
12. What process did he discover?
13. What is the famous photo Man Ray took of a Marcel Duchamp work?
The Large Glass
14. What famous exhibition happened in Stuttgart in 1929?
Film and Photo Show.
15. How did Stalin ‘remove his enemies from history’?
Using black ink on the faces.
16. Who brought Eugene Atget’s negatives to the USA?
Berenice Abbott
17. What organisation did Walker Evans work for in the 1930s before he was sacked in 1937?
The Farm Security Agency.
18. What did he photograph when working for them? 
To portray the government positively.
The wife of a sharecropper in 1936
19. What did Bill Brandt photograph during WWII?
A new type of social disorderAir-raid shelters and Londoners
Planning for the second series
My general intention for this series still focuses on the idea of showing both the tradition and modernity within the food, examining how food can speak about different cultures. 
The tradition of drinking tea is one of the popular cultures of China over the centuries. In terms of showing the traditional side of my work, I think tea itself is already a good medium to speak about its own culture. Tea has a sense of tranquillity, and it indicates the length of history. In order to show the modernity, I decide to use some modern books and flowers as decorations in the backdrops and supported with modern colours of lighting and composition. For me, books are also the representation of the sense of serenity, so I think tea and books will be a great combination. 
Reading while having a cup of tea has already started a long time ago in history, until now, in today's society, people also like to brew a pot of tea and read a few pages of a book in their quiet and leisure time. I think this series of photos can reflect people’s modern lifestyle, like what they would do to relax, as well as portraying the peacefulness of that moment.
Planning and preparation
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Research on techniques
1. Christina Leopold
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I like the texture and beauty of the food in the foreground. Rather than using the plain backdrops, it is a good idea to include some other relevant objects to construct the photo.
The spoon works as a leading line in this picture. Leopold uses a spoon to lead our eyes to view from the front of the focal point to the rest of the objects.
The colour of the food on the plate corresponds to the colour of the waffle on the background, building up the connection and communication in between.
2. Nikolay Osmachiko 
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The dark yellow-toned lighting helps a lot with creating the traditional atmosphere. The lighting comes from the top and leaves the shadows formed on the wooden table. The use of lighting lightens up the foreground and makes the teacups look clearly. It also puts the background into darkness and creates this profound depth for viewers.
The act of pouring the tea adds interesting elements and meanings to the photo as well as generating a sense of tradition. 
3. Suzy Hazelwood
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The combination of books and tea creates a sense of serenity and leisure. I think having this combination in the photos is a great choice. 
My thought for the second series is to include some books to build up the atmosphere and meaning of the photos, I think it is a good idea to look at how other commercial photographers have done with the books in their photos. I think having the book opened would generate the feeling that someone is reading it.
Contact sheets
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I found that lighting and composition are a bit hard to control due to the limited tools and space, so in the first few shots I was trying to get the good lighting and the right direction of where it should come from. 
I especially like IMG 0175 as the depth of field is created and the patterns on the cup are clearly shown.
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In this contact sheet, I have taken most of the photos from the top angle. I think this angle is successful as it highlights the composition and geometric patterns formed by the props. Also, by including the hand within the pictures allows the photos to be more eye-catching.
I was also testing the lighting and background in this contact sheet. I thought it would be good to use some wooden materials to be the backdrop, however, that didn't turn out as I expected. And I also don't think that natural lighting can be helpful neither.
While I was doing the second series, I was also thinking about the final presentation of my work. At the moment, I was thinking about making a web layout to promote food culture. So the style of this series would be generally similar to the previous one, such as using the same lighting, composition, colour and so on. For now, I decided to name this series "Culture - Tea".
Continuing with a similar style, this series was also taken against a pure black background. Normally, when photographing the idea of drinking tea or reading a book, the common thought is to include furniture in the backdrops to generate warm feelings. However, I would like to go against the common thoughts and portray them in my own style. I think it magnifies the content of the subject and the beauty of food. Although it may look plain as there is not much information shown, it produces another mysterious atmosphere that makes people wonder. The simplicity allows the audience to feel a more tranquil atmosphere and pay more attention to the relationship drawn between those subjects. 
Geometric shapes appear naturally in black backgrounds. They are made of the vague outline of the flowers, the arrangement of the book and the plate. Taking from the top angle creates an opportunity to portray these geometric lines more directly. The uses of colours and lighting are similar to the previous series. 
Books play a big role in portraying this group of photos, they not only make the picture hierarchical and structured but more importantly, they elevate the meaning of the pictures. From my perspective, tea and books have a lot in common. They can both demonstrate the idea of tradition and modernity as they both contain a long history.
Portraying the movement is the primary goal that I am aiming to achieve in this group of photos, as well as trying to show the combination of stillness and movement. So I photographed the interaction between the hand and the object to find that sense of motion. In my planning, I have thought about photographing the idea of pouring water, however, due to the limited space, I have not found a way to carry it out. So I photographed the steam of the tea instead, which I think also turned out quite well.
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I'm not sure if the size of the cup is okay in this photo as it might seem to be a bit big. I chose this one because I like the depth of field and the patterns on the cup, helping the audience see and feel the sense of tradition clearly. The flowers in both the foreground and back are also making connections with the patterns on the cups.
My favourite part is the steam, and it looks more stand-out against a black background. I think it's a good way to show the movement and it makes the picture look more vivid, rather than just a still life. While I was adjusting the photo, I didn't make the steam too obvious as I still wanted the teacup to be the main focal point.
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I think this one is a good example of showing the benefits of shooting from the top angle. It highlights the composition of objects, and the geometric lines formed on the background. The angle enhances the coordination of the image, allowing the audience to see the radiated pattern on the plate.
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This is a typical picture of the hand interacting with the food. The hand reaches in from the left corner, forming a diagonal line that connects with the edge of the book. The book is placed open on the table with the tea on the top, showing the movement of reading the book. The overall picture shows a sense of tranquillity and leisure, and the gesture of hands enhances the meaning of the photo.
Feedback for moving on
Taking photos of the abstract forms of tea or books. I think I can take some close-ups to show the details of each small part. I'm not sure if I'm going to abstract the item in the next shot, at the moment I prefer a simple close-up shot, but I'm going to try it and see what it looks like.
Rather than looking for something new to take pictures of, I would like to use what I have got already in these two series and develop them. I will mainly focus on showing the details of each element by doing close-ups. I think these new photos can also be used to build up each series.
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mckelvie · 7 years
Comic Book Page Technical Specifications
This is a post for comic book artists preparing their pages for their publisher or colourist. I'm aware that many pros still don't know some of this stuff, often because the bigger publishers have production teams who will take the incorrectly sized or shaped pages and adjust them before passing on to colourists or for print. However, this a) is giving more work to people that you can easily do yourself and b) reduces the amount of control you have over how your work is printed. It makes sense to provide files that will present your work in the best way possible.
So, the basics of a digital page file:
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A standard US comic book page size is 6.875 by 10.438 inches bleed, 6.625 by 10.187 inches trim, with a live image area of around 6 by 9.5 inches. The DPI depends on your publisher, but the higher the better. 600dpi is standard at DC, Image and Dark Horse, Marvel prints at 400dpi (or did when I worked for them – if that's changed, someone please let me know). What do those terms mean?
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TRIM: This is the final page size of the printed publication. The paper isn't cut to size before printing, it's done afterwards. Now, with mass produced offset printing, pages are trimmed at speed and in batches. This means that the trim on the digital file isn't EXACTLY where the trim will be in real life. Closely compare two copies of the same comic, where art extends to the edge of the page. You will more than likely see that they're not cut at exactly the same part of the artwork. This means that, when you're providing art that extends to the edges of the pages, say with a cover, it's not good enough to have art that just goes to the edge of the final printed page. The cut will more than likely not land exactly where you've drawn to. This is why we need the...
BLEED: The bleed is the area of art that extends beyond the final trimmed comic page. To compensate for shifts in the cutting process, it is 0.125 inches around the entire page. You’ll note in the image above that panel 3 extends past the edges of the trim to the bleed, so that it reaches the edges of where the page is cut.
LIVE AREA: This is the area of the page where it is safe to assume that wherever the trim cuts fall, everything inside this area will be safely on the printed page. Now, modern printing presses are MUCH better at this than in the past, so it's not as much of a worry as it once was. But all lettering, for example, should ideally fall within this area, at least 0.25 inches away from the trim.
DPI: Dots Per Inch. This is the “resolution” of a printed comic book page. Literally how many dots (pixels on screen) of ink there are in each inch of page. A DPI of 600 means there are 600 pixels across or down in every inch of printed paper. It's worth noting that if you're zoomed into 100% in Photoshop or whichever art program you're using, this will look massive on most screens. That's because your screen probably isn't 600dpi – at most, in modern screens, it's 300dpi, so your art will look about twice as big as printed at 100%. This is very important to note. Print requires MUCH higher resolution than screen. Your 72dpi image that looks great on your computer will print like blurry crap.
If your linework is aliased – meaning it's pure black and white pixels, with no grey edges – 600dpi is essential to print smoothly, with no jaggies (the visible square pixelated effect). If you use anti-aliased lines then 300 to 400dpi is OK, but still, the higher the better. This also applies to more painterly styles. I personally don't use anti-aliased lines when inking, for sharper images, and it can be easier for the colourist, but that's down to personal preference.
For digital artists, it's probably easiest to set up your page dimensions for the canvas you work on, so you don't have to do anything afterwards. Manga Studio/Clip Studio only goes to two digits after the decimal, so after drawing a page in MS and exporting it, it must be correctly sized in Photoshop using Canvas Size. For traditional artists, the standard board is 150% bigger than the printed page. An easy way to make the art the right size before you change the Canvas Size to the exact inch size in Photoshop is to scan at 400dpi, then use Image Size with “resample” unchecked to change the DPI to 600. This keeps the number of pixels in the scan the same, but tells the computer that they will print in a smaller space.
It's worth noting that many artists don't like to scan at this low a resolution, and prefer to scan at a much higher res then reduce the image size in Photoshop, to better control the quality of the scan.
File format: Pages should NOT be provided as jpegs or PDFs. Both these formats compress the artwork to reduce file size (PDFs can be set not to, but it can make the file size enormous). What this means is that the art is degraded, with artefacts appearing especially around the edges of big blocks of colour. JPEGs are fine for the web, as they reduce the file size for quicker downloading, but are not at all suitable for print. If you've got a painterly style, and your jpeg quality is set to maximum, you can juuuust about skirt this, but it's not preferable. Especially if they're not CMYK (see below).
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Printers do often use PDFs for printing, but that is the final product, NOT the page you're providing for your colourist. If in doubt there, talk to your printer or publisher.
Your pages should be provided as CMYK files (Image>Mode in Photoshop). CMYK is the format used for offset printing, with each letter representing one of the four colours of ink used in the process. RGB is the format for screen work, with each letter representing the three colours of light used to make any screen colour. This is worth noting when you colour your own work too – some people colour in RGB because there are more effects available in Photoshop, but always have a CMYK preview window open so they can monitor how it will look when it is switched to CMYK for print. If you send off a RGB colour file, prepare to be disappointed in how it will print – inks just aren't capable of recreating some of the colours that a screen can support.
If you can – this is easy for people who work digitally, less so for traditional artists – separate out linework that you want coloured or have a special effect – rain, lightning, reflections, speed lines, explosions etc. This can be done either by having the lines a different colour in the file, or saving them as layers. Layers will increase the file size, but your colourist will be very grateful that you made their life easier.
The best format for providing linework is TIFF. When saving as a TIFF, check the “LZW compression” box. This will usually MASSIVELY reduce the file size, without affecting the quality of the image whatsoever. For “byte order”, select Macintosh. Why? I dunno, possibly because the publishing industry used to rely on Macs so heavily.
So, there you have it. It's all very easy once you grasp it, but you'd be surprised how many people haven't learned these specifications. Doing so will make the lives of your whole team easier – the colourist, the letterer, the production team – and your work will print beautifully.
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joomtechsolutions · 4 years
WordPress Tutorial: How do I become a 2021 WordPress developer?
One of the great things about WordPress is how easily it scales along with your skills. You can pick up the platform and build a successful site with no technical knowledge. However, as you get more relaxed, you may start wondering how to become a WordPress developer.
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With WordPress being the most common content management system, users will still be searching for developers to help improve their websites. By becoming a WordPress creator, you can monetize your work or distribute it for free.
In this article, we'll describe exactly what a WordPress developer is doing and all the details you need to become a WordPress developer in 2021. Then we'll explore six important steps that you need to take to become both a WordPress expert and a proficient platform developer.
What a WordPress Developer Does:
Types of WordPress Developers :
How to Become a WordPress Developer in 2021?
Here is a WordPress developer's top five creations:
What do you need to know about being a WordPress developer?
What a WordPress Developer Does:
A WordPress developer is a specialist who deals with the simple coding and technology of the WordPress website, improves WordPress itself, or creates completely new products. Typically, WordPress developers execute all or more of the following tasks:
Create and customize plugins and themes.
Developing WordPress Core Code and Troubleshooting (that is, the actual software of WordPress).
Work closely with clients to help develop and design their WordPress websites.
Ensure the client websites are managed effectively.
Improve the functionality of the WordPress website.
In order to do these things properly, the professional developer must also be a WordPress specialist. In other words, they should provide a clear knowledge of each aspect of the platform, as well as the different programming languages required to run it (which we will discuss in greater detail further on).
Before we get to the topic of how to become a WordPress developer, let's talk first about exactly why you may want to do so.
WordPress Developer Types
In fact, the word WordPress developer is really large. There are various kinds of WordPress developers and WordPress is a content management system that can have a number of different moving parts and components working together.
Core Developer – The core developer is someone who currently works on the WordPress core software. These developers go through the code and render or propose a series of modifications to the WordPress core that impact WordPress as a whole.
Types of WordPress Developers :
In fact, the word WordPress developer is really large. There are various kinds of WordPress developers and WordPress is a content management system that can have a number of different moving parts and components working together.
Core Developer – The core developer is someone who currently works on the WordPress core software. These developers go through the code and render or suggest a series of modifications to the WordPress core that impact WordPress as a whole.
Theme Developer – Theme Developers are creating WordPress templates for WordPress websites. This helps users to design their WordPress blogs with an unique look and feel and pick the colours, theme and design of all their WordPress posts and pages.
Plugin Developer – Plugin Developers are creating WordPress plugins for the website. Plugins are programs that can improve and add features to the WordPress website.
WordPress developers are essential to the success of WordPress, since without WordPress developers there will be no plugins or themes. Besides WordPress developers being essential to the WordPress process, you need to love WordPress. Job just sounds like job if you don't enjoy what you're doing, and if you love WordPress, you must make a living creation for it.
There are many technical challenges of WordPress, and developers take the time to solve the difficulties of creating aesthetically appealing and interactive WordPress websites. As WordPress already covers tens of millions of websites, a lot of money needs to be made and shared by WordPress.
From e-commerce stores to service-based websites, WordPress websites are required, and salaries for WordPress developers are also attractive.
A large number of WordPress developers appear to be freelance. You should teach yourself how to create WordPress, then work for yourself, set your own schedule, be your own boss, and work from anywhere. There is a lot of flexibility to become a WordPress developer.
How to Become a WordPress Developer in 2021?
So you're going to be a WordPress creator. Where are you starting? WordPress occupies nearly 80 million websites and that number is rising all the time. Also, website owners are still searching for WordPress developers to develop their websites.
There are six basic steps to becoming a WordPress developer. It all begins with understanding the basics of WordPress and applying those skills. Also, choose a developer expertise to work on, realize that you're going to run into issues, and support a WordPress group.
1) Understand the skills needed
You need to learn the basics of WordPress, and then your ability on the content management site is limitless. WordPress developers can do this by learning HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL and more. Knowing at least one of these languages is going to be very useful.
2) Learn what you can about WordPress
There's almost a wide range of WordPress courses you can take online, including topics like how to upload and configure plugins and themes, the various types of plugins, and how all aspects of the WordPress website function together.
3) Choose the Area of Development that You Want to Focus on
There are various types of WordPress developers, so it's important to choose the one you want to work on and become a specialist. People tend to want the best, and if you're the best to create plugins or themes, you'll always have work to do.
WordPress is a flexible platform that needs a lot of technical knowledge. The trick to success is being a WordPress expert in one section, instead of being all right in all areas of WordPress. WordPress developers work hard and have a lot of obstacles to tackle, so choosing one region and overcoming it would lead to WordPress success.
4) Prepare for a challenges
It's still difficult to work with apps. You will run into problems that will cause problems with the display and functionality of your websites. This can lead to website downtime, code glitches, and even major server crashes. There are skills to learn how to try to avoid bugs or to fix problems more quickly, but security issues are still a problem.
Security and having hacked websites or stolen information is a big part of the ownership of a website in the modern era. There are steps that you can take to prevent this from happening and make your website as secure as possible. Also, it's vital to back up all your records, so you don't lose hours and hours of work.
5) Create  an Environment for Plugin Development
Practice by doing so. Once you've learned plugin or theme creation, you can use what you've learned through testing and troubleshooting to make the most of your success. Working on live websites can produce bad results, so it's better to test in a more managed environment to avoid causing new problems.
If you want to get some experience developing on a live site, don't plan on paying for web hosting. It's not too costly and there are a lot of hosting reviews and consulting sites where you can get licensed, discounted hosting for $5-$8 per month.
6) Connect With A WordPress Community
Connections with other WordPress users are of high significance to success. WordPress has millions of websites, so millions of users are behind these websites. A group of WordPress users will provide project development and assistance, as well as create a forum for WordPress developments and community outreach.
These skills and steps of WordPress learning are indispensable to becoming a developer of WordPress. In addition, there is no set time limit for being a WordPress developer. It's never too late to discover anything new.
Here is a WordPress developer's top five creations:
There are main 5 types of extensions creating by WordPress Developers as below -
1. Themes
To summer up, themes define a WordPress website layout and style. The overall look and feel of the site is responsible. A theme for WordPress is the combination of several elements such as HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, and others.
With over 31,000 options available, space still remains to display the high demand for your creation. In addition, it can be a great way to raise your name as a developer to develop a free theme for the WordPress repository.
The current trend among developers is to create a responsive WordPress theme. WordPress site with responsive themes looks good on every device, including mobile phones, tablets, monitor or large screens with the fluid workflows for grid systems, imaging usage and CSS media queries.
Themes can be created from scratch or starting themes like OceanWP, Divi or Astra can be used. In essence they are blank linen or themes that you can improvise and develop with minimal lines and basic elements.
2. Plugins
The WordPress plugin directory currently has over 54,000 plugins. It's by far the most popular and widely used WordPress feature. Take advantage of the opportunity to contribute to the pool as well.
Plugins allow you to change the way WordPress behaves without touching the core code. Users can also add many of the new features to their website with little or no programming experience.
When creating a plugin, PHP hooks are heavily used. It's a technique that allows an application to automatically execute a function or class. Hooks are divided into two categories: action and filter. To make a working plugin, you'll need to master both of them.
While many popular plugins, such as WooCommerce, Yoast SEO, and Google Analytics Dashboard, are built with complex programming and hooks, there are a wide range of simple WordPress plugins, such as Search & Filter and Easy Google Fonts, that are extremely useful.
3. Widgets
Widgets are web components that are typically added to websites in order to provide additional content and functionality. They can be used to quickly access specific pages or parts of a website and provide a shortcut to a specific feature.
The default widgets in WordPress can be arranged via the dashboard by going to appearance -> widgets. Third-party widgets can also be obtained by installing plugins such as Simple Page Sidebars or Ninja Forms.
Making WordPress widgets, like creating a plugin, requires a working knowledge of PHP. Start by going to your current theme's functions.php file, then placing together the widget using the functions provided by the WP Widget class.
A custom widget is frequently the best way to create a function that you can't find anywhere else. This is especially true if you want to make a WordPress theme or plugin.
4. WordPress websites in their entirety
Designing and developing a complete WordPress site involves combining themes, plugins, widgets, and custom codes (SASS, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP) to create a one-of-a-kind website specific to the needs of a client (or yourself).
Despite the availability of website builders such as Website Builder, Wix, and Squarespace, the market demand for hiring a WordPress developer to create a custom website keeps rising.
However, designing an entire website needs more than just technical skills such as writing lines of code—you need to be innovative, know the core principle of UI/UX architecture, and use quality tools such as quick and stable WordPress hosting.
5. Web Applications via Rest API
The web application is a functional, dynamic web page that operates via a web server and can be viewed via a web browser. This application runs well on every operating system or computer, as long as the browser is compatible.
Unlike the website, the web application has a more practical role to play. Though websites are mostly static, the web application performs interactively. Any of the most popular web applications you've seen before are Gmail, Google Docs and Facebook.
WordPress has merged the main files with the separate REST API since 2015. This networking architecture acts like a bridge connecting the WordPress core to every working application on a web server.
By mastering the core concepts in the REST API, you can build a working web application using WordPress.
What do you need to know about being a WordPress developer?
The WordPress core is built using traditional web coding languages—PHP and MYSQL. The front end design is a collection of HTML and CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX.
Take a closer look at each of them:
The implementation of a valid Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML) is needed for a smooth user interface. It means that your pages best fit in whatever web browser you choose. If your code is not accurate, the browsers can mistake your code and show portions of your website incorrectly.
HTML5 is the newest version of this markup language. It has some major advantages over its predecessor (HTML4), such as video and audio support, JavaScript compatibility, and lots of new features such as footer, header, track, summary, etc.
Valid HTML is written using the proper syntax, the formula that corresponds to the overall layout of the text, the order of the HTML elements, the nested elements and the formatting attributes.
The structure should always start with the DOCTYPE declaration, the opening <html> tags, then the header section with the document metadata, such as the title of each page or body section, and finally the closing </html> tag.
In general, HTML is divided into three elements—flow, metadata, and phrasing. Each of them has different application model rules for what is permissible within it.
For example, paragraph tags which have phrasing content (inline) within them, such as <b>(bold), <i>(italics), <a>(links), etc. However, it is not permitted to include flow elements (blocks) such as <ul>, <div>, or <footer>.
How to use the appropriate HTML tags, structures, and layouts can be challenging at first. Luckily, you can download an HTML cheat sheet to help you build a fully functioning line of codes, and then run it through the W3C HTML Validator  to see the output.
2. CSS
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) will not style the page and its contents. Determines how the HTML elements are shown on the screen. This stylesheet language allows you to easily make major style changes to the entire site.
CSS features a feature called Media Queries, which allows you to define how each a part of a page behaves on the precise screen size. This feature is one among the foremost important parts of making a responsive website — an internet site adapts supported the visitor’s device.
CSS also has its own syntax, much as other languages. There are only two elements to the syntax: the selector and the declaration block. Selector block is employed to pick the a part of HTML you would like to style, while the declaration block defines the design you employ for every selected part.
Currently, CSS3 is that the most renewed Cascading sheet available. because the successor of CSS2.1, CSS3 comes with tons of latest perks, including new layouts, flexible grid, more text effects, and multiple-column layout.
In addition, to get a better understanding of this language, you can learn about the basics of CSS with the help of W3Schools..
3. PHP
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) may be a powerful scripting language for web development. It works by performing tasks within the server, then remit requests within the sort of HTML. In other words, PHP takes care of the back-end, and HTML is employed to present the results of the script after the tasks are completed.
The WordPress core is made on PHP along side MySQL. PHP is extremely flexible to use since it’s compatible with most servers and runs on most operating systems.
It has plenty of features. the foremost common ones you'll use are:
Variables — store information like strings of text or numbers.
Arrays — collect the knowledge that's assigned to a variable.
Functions — complete tasks and provides results which may be used later. The result are often assigned to a variable.
Conditionals — define that if 1 == 1 is true, the runtime will do an action, and if 1 == 1 is fake , it'll run a special response.
Comparison operators — compare values with each other. there's a difference between =, ==, and ===. They affect the results of conditional statements.
If you propose to use PHP to create Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), the knowledge of PHP classes is required. The classes allow you to neatly group variables and functions that are associated with one another in one place.
The information of PHP classes are often accessed through the WordPress codex page about Class Reference/WP Object Cache. you can learn about the basics of PHP from W3Schools..
4. MySQL
MySQL may be a database used to store all the knowledge a few WordPress site. the data inside the database is retrieved dynamically using PHP. the particular content of each page and post on a WordPress website is stored here.
WordPress provides a group of PHP functions to securely interact with the WordPress database and run it through the suitable function. Some functions use standard SQL statements, while others use arrays of data .
On the WordPress Developer Codex list, the SQL functions are described - by wpdb class, which is a database.
5. JavaScript
JavaScript is a web scripting language for the development of a website.
You can modify and manipulate the content's behaviour on a website.. for instance , once you want to point out a running text only after a user presses a button, you'll use JavaScript to accomplish that.
This language can turn the static HTML into an interactive website . you'll embed the script into a page’s HTML file, and it’ll work automatically when the page is accessed. Also, it's full integration with CSS files.
JavaScript relies on the online browser to perform the functions. It can’t run outside the browser environment unless you employ Node.js, a program explicitly designed to bring the language into broader use, like management , mobile application, and robotics programming.
Learning JavaScript may be a must for any WordPress developer. For more information, check the Using Javascript WordPress codex page.
6. jQuery
jQuery is a popular library for JavaScript. This program simplifies the way you utilize JavaScript for manipulating or changing an internet page by allowing you to chain multiple functions directly . The code are going to be “cleaner” and easier to read.
Learning about jQuery will save you plenty of your time once you got to create a huge JavaScript coding. The library provides various features to ease the method , like hiding a selected a part of HTML elements, creating animation, manipulating CSS, and creating a sliding effect on HTML.
Luckily, jQuery has an approved development learning center. This platform allows you to find out the way to use jQuery core functions also as its practical use, like helping you designing UI/UX or creating mobile applications. JQuery Learning Platform
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique that enables you to send or receive data without fully reloading a page. this suggests you modify the content of the page without reloading it.
For example, if you would like to make a live search where the result appears below the search box, you'll use AJAX to send the search data to the search script, return the result, and display it without refreshing the whole page.
WordPress makes use of AJAX within the admin control panel. for example, when users write posts, the WordPress system uses AJAX to auto-save drafts without you noticing. That way, the danger of information loss during the writing process are often significantly cut.
A developer can use either JavaScript or jQuery to run AJAX. But, it’s recommended to use jQuery since it’s more simple and easy .
Utilizing Ajax is useful to create a webpage more interactive and responsive. to find out more about this system , you'll want to seem at the WordPress codex entry on AJAX.
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Question Answer Website
wisdom and Knowledge are procured only if you have a desire to recognise something, and also the aspiration could basically accomplished while you openly asks inquiries, and resolving such type of thoughts operates clearly once the synergy of your industry experts actually works.
Next to nothing are usually superior to a web system in which all queries on the information seeking aspirants can be solved. We have elicited the finest WordPress themes that will enable you to get your job done if you are planning to launch yourself on the world wide web and start a forum where all the questions can be answered.
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These Wordpress blogs designs can be used by finance and banking market place, i . t . field, technical support providers, business approach outsourcing work and other other belonging to the related tremendous amount.
If you are planning to provide a Question Answer Website for your audience, then go through to this collection of WordPress themes.
You can actually pick out one of the underneath-talked about themes or templates to construct the new site.
Also explore the here write-up for question reply online community effort stock portfolio
Greatest No cost & Paid out Issue Best solution Discussion board Wordpress platforms Plug-ings
1. ForumEngine
It really is a wonderful topic which will help to help with making discussion boards without having any computer programming talents and technical practical knowledge. It actually is supplemented with fashionable settings and modified receptive functionality like made to order forum skin, Gravatars, vast tongue possible choices, an effective entrance-final and returning-conclude. The topic offers to start off your argument forums on Wp hosted website.
You can find a articles or blog posts category portion relating to the homepage of the style, exactly where the query and reply discussion can take position. You will discover a “Statistics” department within the web site for the style just where any individuals, the amount of threads you may have and the total number of replies might be mentioned, exploring the concept further, you will discover a “category” segment just where every one of your community forum categorizations are usually demonstrated.
Crucial attributes:
•It gives you quickly investigation preview at the header which assists you to look for quite easily replies.
•Features tacky thread which allows an individual to stick or pin a article at the top of the screen.
•Delivers easy purchaser enrollment and account module
•It provides whole studies. You can view threads, replies and member statistics instantly.
•Provides each ability to frequently accept or refuse matters which have been not of your respective visitors matter.
•Establish participants as being a moderator who helps you to preserve gentle, big-top notch discussions.
•Has personal room space from where the user can all functions strongly related to their released threads.
•Gives individual suspending solution.
2. QAEngine
QAEngine can be described as finished discussion forum operation integrated WordPress concept which provides people to get their message boards deal with lowest projects. It offers its focused community forum framework while offering basic user interface. Despite this, furthermore, it grants good-monitored product handled using the again-terminate administrative solar panel.
The online community contains division which demonstrates array of thoughts with their replies, you will express exactly what your most recently released blogposts and additionally you could clearly show a few categories, tags, badges and users on the sidebar with the theme. You can filtration your end results that you might want your customers to observe. The web template has survey location explaining array of polls each web site.
Important Attributes:
•Simple and optimized UX
•Permits the operator to look into and find out systematically with tags and category
•Delivers Badge and stage program that helps to cultivate a private make
•It provides are located alert for brand new interactions and content, and many others.
3. Understanding Starting point
It is an very good Word press Idea for wiki and data bottom level webpages. The theme finest backs up your customers by giving special attributes. You could add bbPress plug-in to this motif. bbPress plugin gives you simplicity ofuse and integration, net principles, and velocity.
The topic contains a explore nightclub where by all important records could very well be searched, all suitable gadgets can be distributed to your web blog visitors thanks to this topic. You may offer you web links to numerous articles subjecting your QA workout session may be distributed to your website surfers who wishes to acquire, share and gain practical knowledge.
Key Elements:
•It can be well receptive i.e. constructed in Bebo Bootstrap, HTML5 & CSS3
•Features comprehensive localization help and has .po and .mo documents
•It has got four facial skin colours
•Provides a couple of varieties of submit style works with: , and video recordingImage and Standard
•A few Home-pageFaqs and Templates, contact (with ajax structured contact form) and completely full-width web page Design (with no need of sidebar).
•Son or daughter Theme and XML import data file added
•Many different shortcodes.
4. HelpGuru
HelpGuru is definitely a self-services support Word press information basic concept. It truly is accompanied by way of clean, functional and responsive model that is certainly helpful in branding profile. It offers an exceptional framework for construction an enjoyable knowledgebase web-site.
The HelpGuru boasts a hunt bar vicinity where every one of your content articles and QA subjects could be explored. The web template is guaranteed accompanied by a 3 line attribute area at which academic topics and news may be discussed. You possibly can show your preferred blog posts and helpful info could be displayed by way of this excellent Wp Topic.
Main Functions:
•Advanced dwell customizer help support, regulation colorings and word
•Help you to get evaluations on publications that provides room space for change for the better
•Features drop and drag article and category getting
•Language translation well prepared po/mo computer files added
•Can include toddler idea
CSS3 and •HTML5 assist
You can ask Me can be described as responsive Wp topic with an exceptional control panel. It will be retina ready and has a straightforward design and layout. The concept is usually a very personalized web template for QAndA internet websites and also has unending colors remedies. Request Me has an array of users methods.
The design of AskMe is frameworked with different webpage templates for instance a sign in post in which a surfer can make an account against your webpage, some tab as a recently available subject, a short while ago reply to, most answer with zero answer for the simplicity of clients to browse through your site content material. Also, it promotes RTL feature so your guests coming from the district like Arabic could also utilize a web site.
Important Functionality:
•Features infinite sidebars and colors
•3 Headers design Gentle and dimly lit
•A number of Website Page layout
•33 website designs with personalization option
•19 customizable widgets
•Made to order qualifications image, colors and custom structure
5. Powerful Q&A
Refined QAndA ensure your web site appearances attractive and appealing which consists of larger range functionality. Effective Q&A boasts custom made join and sign in internet pages for visitors in order that each individual owner comes with an particular person user profile.
The primary aspect from the style is boss board that allows you to present payment an associate your internet site, and yes it has a split community for marketing your regular membership projects, ajax based mostly look for board that delivers quickly and even more comfortable search engine results into the person.
Primary Includes:
•Join Up is equipped with re-Captcha spam option
•Inquiry askers have the ability to choose the best the right answers and like them.
•Provides the user to review on any topic, remedy or remark that they come to feel is not relevant with the site.
•Members can monitor their site’s search engine ranking.
6. Help and support Workspace
Encouragement Office can be described as sensitive expertise basic Wordpress blogs idea. You can easily provides and personalize very good service for ones owner. It now let your web page conform conveniently to your display capacity which provides your online visitors an amazing surfing knowledge.
The topic offers AJAX dwell investigation function to supply instant the right answers strategy on your shoppers, also an incorporated bbPress plugin which enables to generate important friendships considering the consumers, occur your business services and features having an astounding font great icon in a trio of line element space.
Critical Capabilities:
•It is really totally suitable for BBPress which assists to develop partnership on your people
•Get AJAX stay query feature which makes a contribution to receiving prompt answers
•Supplies one particular article for FAQs
•Perfectly suitable for Search engine optimization plug-ins like Yoast Seo optimization
•Includes translation
•Excellent Help From An Professional Creator
•Features 3 Custom Widgets (Most recently released Reports And Famous Articles, Alerts and Toggles Tabs & Accordions)
•Multilevel Computer animated Navigation
7. Flatbase
Flatbase is usually a professional and clean topic that offers a whole homepage design template for one understanding bottom level web site. It creates your web sites glimpse fashionable and modern. It includes a Understanding Bottom, FAQs, Message boards with bbPress integration and generates much more fantastic attributes.
The event of Flatbase comes with various qualities a finish all in one solution for working on your own support services web page. The style is thoroughly compatible with WPML with PO And MO data indicates there is no want to share any expressions translator wordpress tool an integrated vernacular switcher is predefined.
Main Elements:
•Own know-how bottom that will help owners look for solutions.
•Strengths area discussion board by bbPress which is ideal for clients communication and interaction
•Has AJAX established exist research that will help your consumer to gain replies speedy.
•Comprehensive model options and features
•Review your modification while using live life customizer
•Translate your style by utilizing Poedit
•Search engine optimized and clean up programming
•completely reactive Wordpress platforms concept
8. Guide book
Guidebook can be a visible Wordpress platforms topic. It provides a lot of realistic and useful elements, and also a extraordinary layout that could very easily enlighten your likely customers and employers. The topic is built-in with .po and .mo computer files which offers to focus on substantial demographic.
An effective administrative solar panel of Hands-on idea let you customise your online community blog as you would like, it enables you to personalize header design type, Google and bing font icon will help you to present many aspect and features from your guidance project, a separate area with parallax prior experience consequence where you can display screen internet site level among them volume of constructions and happy clients, return to very best switch for easy navigation.
Important Includes:
•AJAX dependent live seek out highlight may help anyone to gain explanations rapid
•Entirely customizable
•100 % Reactive
•Features two footers and headers format
•Offers to like and dislike a post with sociable conveying talent
•Toddler Design Like-minded
•Wonderful SEO Built-In
•Demonstration XML data file integrated
9. Easy Q&A
Prompt Q&A is really a personalized Wp theme that offers to make any Wordpress blogs weblog as a highly effective question and answer location. The system functions very best with Word press 4.4.2.
Instant Q&A WordPress theme is a thriving option for creating a customer support based website, an integrated user login & signup page template, one customer can make multiple accounts also they can generate their own password, users can also change their password in future, a forget password module for your site member to retrieve password if they forget.
Major Features:
•Turnkey Question & Provide answers to blog answer
•Made to order Join with operator-provided security passwords
•Associate Report Internet pages
•Gravatar Integration
•One-of-a-kind Remedy articles for Resolving Problems
•Star Evaluation Strategy the place associates make guidelines for answering and asking issues
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Question Answer Website
Knowledge and wisdom are procured only if you find a fascination to know some thing, additionally, the want could merely be fulfilled once you requests problems, and giving an answer to this sort of problems functions good the moment the synergy of a authorities runs.
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Major Capabilities:
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humaniores · 7 years
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the ultimate guide to surviving and thriving in school | by meliaora
since i’m beginning college this september, i wanted to share my ultimate guide to surviving and thriving in school this academic year. in my GCSE’s, i received three 9s (A**s), five A*s and one B. i used to help fellow students in their studies and i thought i might help any students approaching a new year at school and wanting to succeed. i know the studyblr community is all about sharing advice, so i thought i’d create my own comprehensive guide to becoming the best student you can be this autumn! strap in, folks: this is going to be a long one! 
1. PREPARING FOR SCHOOL during summertime, it’s important to take the opportunity to rest up and have fun before the new school year. however, you should also set aside time to complete any preparatory tasks set either by your teachers or yourself. always get this out of the way first so you can enjoy your summer fully and not worry about getting things done in the last week of august. for example, if you need a new uniform, go shopping in the weeks after you break up as the lines will be shorter. watch out for back to school offers on stationery and never procrastinate your summer homework. my advice is always read at least one of the books on your ‘further reading’ lists - these will come in handy especially in the english and humanities subjects when writing essays. summer homework should help introduce you into what your classes will be like come autumn and are a chance to show off what you already know, so do a fair amount of research and try your best!
2. PACKING YOUR BAG it may not seem like it, but being fully equipped can really affect how well you do in your studies. if you don’t have something as simple as lunch money, a sanitary pad or a red pen, your day might not be as productive as it should be. here’s a short list of things i’d recommend to keep handy in your bag:
composition books for the day’s classes
bullet journal / school planner
pencil case / pen case
reading book / library book
sanitary pads / tampons*
travelcard *
lunch money *
lip balm
tissues *
medication, for allergies and pain relief
prescribed glasses *
scissors & tape
it’s also key to have the right stationery in your pencil case. i know it’s tempting to buy out the entirety of the nearest stationery shop, but really, you only need to get what you know you’ll need. personally, i keep the following with me:
black pen (two if it’s exam season)
red pen for underlining / important notes
green pen for self assessments
ruler (15cm)
a highlighter *
a pencil
a rubber
a sharpener
maths equipment *
index notes *
for both lists, i’ve added a * for any items i think depend on the student. if you don’t have allergies, tissues aren’t a priority. if you walk to school, a travelcard is naturally out of the question. so tailor the list to your personal needs, and you’ll be sure to be equipped for anything school throws your way!
3. MORNING ROUTINE it’s important to start every morning off right, and this includes weekends. try not to press snooze on your alarm - this will make it harder to get up and out of bed. if it helps, try to put your phone or alarm clock on the other side of the room: by the time you’ve gotten out of bed to stop it, you might as well get up anyway. open up your curtains wide and open the windows if it’s nice outside. drink a cold glass of water and stretch a bit. make sure to always eat something before you start the day - it doesn’t have to be a ‘proper’ breakfast like cereal or toast, but it should be enough to get you through to lunchtime. 
once you’ve eaten, wash your face, brush your teeth and brush your hair. even on days when you plan on taking a break and just watching netflix, you should do these little things to get alert and feel happy to start the day. if it’s a school day, get dressed and leave home early - punctuality is key and allows time for you to organise yourself before your first class. if it’s a rest day, plan out what you want to get done and get set on your tasks; sometimes the tasks can be as simple as relax for an hour or listen to music, or you could choose to get an assignment done and read 50 pages of a novel. it’s up to you, but you should always try to start right away. use the 5 second rule - count down from 5 and start after 1. counting down means you can’t procrastinate the task any further and 5 seconds is so quick, you’ll get started in no time.
4. ORGANISATION one thing i find incredibly important is organisation. whether you’re a bit messy and never know when class is or you’re already quite on top of things - organising your life even better will always improve your performance and the way you view the school experience. the key to getting everything in order is making sure each item and activity has a time and a place.
let’s start with places. you’ll need to know where all of your textbooks and exercise books are when you pack your bag, so keep them all together - in a drawer, on a shelf, by your bed, it doesn’t matter. just make sure they have a designated area and return to it. all of your homework and notes that don’t go into your exercise book should stay in a file. i personally keep one folder at home for each subject and then transfer the necessary sheets into the one binder i keep in my bag when i need them. this way i can free up space in my bag - though this technique is for those with sharp memories (and the daring).
then, of course, it is important that each task and event has a time. this is really the most important part of organising in my opinion, because time management is a skill that you will need up to university and beyond. first, you need to set a timetable - make a physical copy if you want to! i prefer having a reference to stick up on my wall (and it’s really fun to colour code each class and activity). fill in all your classes and extracurriculars, then fill in the times it takes you to travel, get ready in the mornings and prepare for school in the evenings. when that is done, fill in the gaps! you don’t need to be too specific; i classify mine quite simply into breaks, rests, study periods and exercise. so long as you designate appropriate times to valuable activities, you should be fine!
you also need a journal or planner of some kind. i swear by my bullet journal, but apps such as ‘school planner’ on android are an actual godsend. this is where you will jot down deadlines, tasks, events and exams. apps are really good for this because they will automatically sync everything onto one calendar, but the good old fashioned paper planner is wonderful too - it really depends on your style! every evening you should be able to glance at your planner, pick your outfit and pack your bag, all ready for the next day.
5. FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL whether you’re off at a new school or this is your last year, every september is an opportunity to change your approach to education. my biggest piece of advice is to be someone you’re happy and comfortable with. you may want to reinvent yourself completely - and that’s fine - but don’t strive to be something you’re not. if you’re quiet and comtemplative, there is no pressure to be the loudest one in class; the same goes the other way around. you’ll probably be much happier being yourself, and people will definitely love you for who you are.
having said this, you can always use september as a fresh start if you were unhappy with your past years in education. the best way to get off on the right foot is to be prepared, punctual and positive: have all of the materials required, always be early and try to keep a positive outlook on anything you’re asked to do. this way all of your teachers will know that you want to do well in their classes and you will attract others who also value their success this year. if you remember this approach during your first week (even if it is really scary!), you’ll begin your year perfectly.
6. SCHOOL LIFE before we get into the real study tips, we should quickly touch upon the other aspects of life at school: 
friendship - this is something that a lot of people struggle with at school. not necessarily making friends; everyone finds friends eventually. what people often find difficult is making the right friends. i’ve known a lot of people who want to do well but their friends don’t, so they find it holds them back. or they might really like their friends but have disagreements or fights that make them stress out and lose concentration. the fact is, finding friends who you can love and rely on is an important part of school life and you will experience problems with them. but don’t let this deter you! your real friends will stick with you through the good and the bad, and when worst comes to worst, you might split up. but that’s a part of growing up. if you outgrow someone - that’s fine. if you want a different type of friendship (or relationship), that’s fine too. do what is best for yourself and you’ll never go wrong.
extracurriculars - oftentimes an optional choice for students but vital nonetheless. if this is your final exam year and you’ll need all the time you can get, i wouldn’t stress over any clubs or classes besides booster sessions. however, if that’s not the case, i would seriously recommend taking an extracurricular for the first term at least. not only are they great for university applications, they will help relieve the stress of schoolwork and serve as a fast-track to making friends when you don’t know that many people. you could take something that links to your chosen subjects or aspirations, or just try something new. if you aren’t sure about commitment, take a club or class that only lasts a set number of weeks or just one term. that way you can drop it when the time is up without disappointing any teachers or peers. however, if you pick something you know you’ll really enjoy, you’ll hopefully keep the club all the way until summer! 
finally, teachers - the worst part of school for some and the best for others. i really have only one piece of advice: make friends with your teachers! not only will this help you when you’re struggling with an assignment or do poorly in an exam, a teacher can be one of the kindest and most interesting people you’ll meet at school. i’ve always had good relationships with my teachers and i have had no regrets. you can tall about the subject further or just get support with personal issues - sometimes, my teachers have honestly saved my life. so try to get to know your teachers and keep your mind open. you never know what you might learn!
7. IN CLASS okay, now we get to the real studying tips! when in class, it's important to transfer all the important information being discussed or presented into your book. this doesn't necessarily have to be exhaustive - if you write in length about one point, you'll miss out on the rest of the learning! instead, try to make brief but understandable notes using abbreviations or symbols; bullet pointing under different headers can help to separate ideas clearly. some teachers will pause to let you take down what is on their slides, but others will continue. try to prepare for the latter by writing as they talk. keep your class notes as minimalist as possible: this is where you are most information-based, so time spent on making them pretty is time wasted. most importantly, self assess any quizzes or written work - if you don't know where you went wrong, you can't grow.
during class, your teacher might hand out materials that they want you to read. if it helps, highlight all the key terminology and phrases as you go along (i find this especially helpful when reading rather large blocks of text). look up any words you don't understand, or if there isn't a dictionary, discuss it with a peer before asking the teacher. when reading, try to figure out the purpose of being given the text. is it simply information your teacher wants you to learn? do they want you to form an opinion, or analyse the author's opinions? sometimes they might want you to complete a task or talk about it with a partner. always try to understand what you are supposed to learn from what you are doing, or else you are just following instructions blindly.
class discussions are always my favourite part of any lesson. challenge yourself to participate - a lot of exam spec. calls for a clear opinion on the material and you can gain this from listening to and debating with other students. get into the habit of engaging with your classmates because they might approach the work in a way you haven't. this applies to the STEM subjects too; sometimes you might disagree on what the right answer is, or they might show you another way to work something out. it's very possible that they know something you don't, so take advantage of that! the only way to learn is to interact, so get involved.
8. STUDYING AT HOME ok, time to study. open your curtains, clear your workspace and lay out your equipment. try and keep a glass of water or another healthy drink of your choice on your desk for you to sip as you work. set your pomodoro timer or listen to some background noise - the 'tide' app and 'noisli' website work well for both - and turn to a fresh page. then get started…
the first step of learning at home is doing your homework. this could be prep work for your next lesson, reading or just a task set by your teacher to complete by a certain deadline. whatever it is, make sure it's recorded in your planner or on your phone, including any details and due dates. then, whenever you get study time, attempt it straight away. my theory is that waiting until a later date means you don't get any time to relax properly, and also leaves you unable to seek help if you don't understand or something is wrong. doing it right away gets rid of so much anxiety and allows you to get the well needed rest you deserve, rather than wasting time worrying about what is due when. when it comes to tasks, present your work neatly and treat it like classwork that is going to be marked. many people don't take homework seriously, but it can demonstrate to your teacher what you know and what you are struggling with. and always, always, get any readings done. not online summaries - the actual book. the teacher will know, trust me.
the next step is to start studying. this is going over your classwork at home, reading outside of your material or creating revision notes. you should try to read over your classwork at least once a week to make sure you remember what you've learnt and clear up any issues with understanding. once you know you understand what is taught in class, you could look into the work on a deeper level: in the sciences, this might mean learning the concept in more detail; in the humanities, it could mean reading about context. whenever you feel like you've learnt all that you have to - and want to - learn, you should start to revise. revision is more helpful at the end of a module because you will be able to fully summarise the information. at the beginning, you will probably want to work through each individual lesson and this is too much to read through and revise from effectively. for one subject, i turned 2 years worth of learning into a 4 or 5 page booklet that i revised from, and i was able to get full marks in the exam. essentially, studying really comes down to you, but you have to tailor it to your needs and abilities - and the subject you're doing. i'll talk more about that later.
9. DREAM TEAM / STUDY BUDDY before i talk about exams, i thought i might mention 'dream teams' and 'study buddies'. at my school, a motivational speaker came and talked to us about the value of having a team of people around you who can ensure you keep up with school and work hard. these will usually be people in your classes who you might check up with from time to time to make sure that you are all completing assignments and staying on top of things. i actually took this advice and it was genuinely helpful during exam time - we would meet up some weekends at the library and tutor one another, working through different subjects depending on who was best at what. eventually, we'd even stop other people distracting people in our dream teams in class because we were genuinely wanting one another to succeed. however, finding a whole team of people who can meet up regularly could prove very difficult. this is why you might decide to have a study buddy instead. they serve the same role as a dream team but you can talk to or meet up with them more since it's only the two of you. you might not even see each other most of the time - my study buddy goes to a different school and studies different subjects. but so long as you keep each other going and genuinely want them to do well too, you should both really succeed.
10. EXAM TIME aah! exams! this is obviously the part most people worry about and usually where most people want advice. when it comes to exam revision, you have to figure out what makes you work best. this means you need to know what types of learning are effective for you. if you prefer to watch videos or see what is going on for yourself, you're a visual learner. or you might need to do experiments and make models if you're more hands-on. it doesn't matter if you remember information in a less conventional way; what does matter is that you are able to find out what way that is.
then you need to base your revision based off of what subject you are doing and what type of exam it is. if it's an oral exam, there is no use practising essay writing; if it's an art exam, you might not need to stack up on flashcards. once you've matched everything up - subject, exam and technique - here are some methods i'd recommend using to revise.
a) flashcards have a lot of information to remember? does the subject involve a bunch of specific details or topics, for example, a science like chem or bio? then flashcards are the right choice for you! get your revision guide, textbook or class notes together and read through them. jot down only the most important parts - cut out any filler words or sentences that you know you don't need to understand the concepts. do this for each chapter and then use these to make your flashcards. split up all your cards so that you have an equal amount of cards per chapter. then for each chapter, use one side of a card for each topic. (note: you may need a lot of flashcards if there are many topics, but try not to use more than a side a topic. be short and simple - this is the point!) once you have finished, collect them all together in order and read through them whenever you need to jog your memory. try to test yourself on any parts you don't remember after you read through. these are really helpful for reminding yourself of content before attempting past papers! an online alternative like quizlet is also super helpful for quotes if you studying subjects like english, as you can look over them on the way to and from school with ease.
b) timelines, mindmaps & posters if you study a subject where lots of information is centred around certain themes or ideas, a mindmap or poster might be the best technique to use. it is also really helpful for people who learn visually. to make a timeline, draw a line down the centre of your paper and pick a start and end point - in subjects like history, they usually provide these in the spec. then write down all the events that happened in the timeframe, connecting each one to the line so it meets it at the correct year. you could even colour-code events into groups (like social, political and economic events) so you can make connections at a glance. a mindmap can be made by writing the theme or topic in the centre of the page, then creating branches for each sub-topic. each sub-topic usually extends out even further, with three or more branches being connected. once this is done, you could link bits of information using coloured pens or highlighters. finally, a poster is usually about one particular sub-topic that you could go into detail about. it could include pictures, diagrams, fancy headers - you name it! this is more of a creative task, so if you like art, you might prefer this type of revision.
c) post-it notes a shorter and simpler method is to use post-it notes. these are best for small bites of information - key words, quotes, etc. write down a bunch of post-it notes and stick them all over your room (or better yet, your house - with everyone else's permission) in places that you frequent often. you'll see the note and likely read it without thinking, helping jog your memory through repetition. could be very helpful in the language subjects if you need to know items and rooms! my friend has german parents so they labelled different household items in german so she could practise for her exam - why not try it too?
d) past papers it is always a good idea to try past papers as part of revision. not only does it help you get used to the formula of the paper, you can test your knowledge and skills so you know what you need to strengthen as part of your studying. you will probably attempt past papers in class buy definitely do them at home also. this technique is pretty straight-forward, but i still have a couple tips to make sure you get something out of it. first of all, practise it within the time limit. if you run out of time, draw a line under your work or swap pen colours, then complete the paper when you find the time. unless you get used to the timings, your time management in the actual exam will fail you and you won't show your full potential. secondly, mark harshly. if you aren't sure if you deserved that mark, don't give it a tick or a half mark. scrutinise your work so that you know the minimum grade you could get if you keep working at your level; it's better to mark under than over. finally, always try your very best. i knew too many people who would give 50% and claim they'd "actually try" in the real exams: this will not work out! don't be afraid to try your best and fail - this is how you get better. if you don't try your best and you do poorly, you'll never know if your best is good enough to pass.
e) summaries this technique is somewhat similar to flashcards, but for those who prefer notes that stay together so you can revise whole topics really quickly. divide everything into topics again, as you did for the flashcards, but this time, choose the key trigger words that make up each section. essentially, it's like making bullet point notes but even more minimalist - use words, acronyms, symbols, anything to explain bits of information in the smallest space possible. write everything down from each topic in this way - you should be left with a booklet of a few pages that will trigger your memory of the details. this is for when you really know the content though - beware if you haven't fully learnt it!
f) revision guide naturally, you should use your revision guide to study for your exams. however, you could also misuse them in revision, which could easily waste your time and effort. don't just simply read through your revision guide - not only will you probably fall asleep, you probably won't retain most of the information. try to engage with the text - highlight keywords and phrases (only important ones - don't highlight the whole book) or underline important passages in red pen. when you highlight certain words, you will automatically read them when you see the page, making your revision much quicker. when you underline sentences in a bright colour like red, you're forced to actually read the text and understand it instead of skimming absent-mindedly. complete the activities in your revision guides and try to get any revision workbooks available too. active revision is the best revision. when you've finished a session, write down everything you can remember about what you've read, then compare it to the actual content. whatever you've forgotten, revise next time.
g) videos need more visual revision techniques? videos can be really helpful if you can't really grasp a concept. there are channels on youtube like crash course that provide educational content that might tie into your course. type in the topic you're studying and voila - loads of videos that can explain it for you. pick ones that you know you can access mentally - sometimes a university-level lecture on derivatives isn't actually going to help you more than a 5 minute video with diagrams and bright graphics. don't bother watching something too hard or too easy - click off as soon as you know it isn't right. if you do find a good video, try to engage with it as much as possible - take notes, test yourself, etc. you never know, you might learn something new to use in your exam!
h) quote competitions this is a bit of an unusual one but it's one i liked the most before my english exams. once you have learnt the key quotes from your text, challenge a friend to a quote competition. you start by giving a quotation and they have to respond with a different one. keep going until someone repeats a quotation, says one incorrectly or simply runs out. these can go on for quite long if you have both revised well - me and my friend would practise while lining up for the exams and neither of us would lose by the time we had to go inside. you can also up the ante a little by adding extra rules: make them say the scene or chapter, the speaker or the context. this is a nice competitive way to check your knowledge and a good way to show off your memory of 'macbeth' or 'the great gatsby', if that's something you'd like to do.
i) teaching someone else my last tip is, in my opinion, my best tip: teach someone else! find someone that either knows nothing about it or doesn't understand it yet and explain it to them. this doesn't even have to be someone who can understand you - tell your phone, your dog, your baby sister… it doesn't matter! your teachers only know the material so well because they have to understand it well enough to explain it to someone else. so become a teacher yourself! i ended up teaching a lot of peers in all of my subjects; i even set up a temporary revision booster for classmates about 'macbeth' because i'd studied shakespeare for so long. it's good for your cv, it's good for the people you help and it's good for you, because that way you are making sure you understand and remember the material while you do the same for them. anyway, who knows when you might need help? when you've been revising well enough according to a regular timetable, you will be 100% ready to ace all your tests. breathe regularly before your exam, smile and tell yourself that you will do amazingly - this is proven to improve your performance - then walk in and take your seat. while in the exam, work quickly and neatly, thoroughly read through and attempt all questions, then check your work at the end. so long as you know the content, the skills and the timings, you should be able to really succeed. and if you feel like you're lacking confidence, know that everyone here online believes in you and wants you to do well.
CLOSING THOUGHTS doing well at school is a big task and it can be a lot to undertake even though it comes with a large reward. if you're struggling, then talk to someone about it. a friend, a teacher, a guardian - anyone who will listen. you may think that you can't do it because of this illness or that problem, etc. etc., but trust me, you can. it's not going to be easy; "if it was easy," eric thomas once remarked, "everyone would do it." let me let you in on a little secret: during my time at school i was in and out of hospital, had to bury a close friend and once had a year-long attendance of around 80-something percent. i had a really difficult time, especially in my final year when i took my exams. but i walked away with amazing results and that was because of one thing - i wanted to do it and i knew i could. so if you don't feel that way yet, i'll do it for you. i want you to do it and i know you can. so good luck this year, and i hope you all tell me about your amazing results in the summer!
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opixpk-blog · 5 years
Henna - Wedding WordPress Theme
https://opix.pk/blog/henna-wedding-wordpress-theme/ Henna - Wedding WordPress Theme https://opix.pk/blog/henna-wedding-wordpress-theme/ Opix.pk LIVE PREVIEWBUY FOR $59 The Henna is most complete WordPress Theme for weddings and wedding planner businesses. A Responsive WordPress Theme specially developed for The Wedding Day. It is perfect for your wedding event. It comes with RSVP Form, Countdown, Vendor list and many more… For most of the people wedding is a very special day. But organizing a wedding celebration can be stressful. Help people enjoy their dream wedding and be their favorite wedding planner! Designed in an elegant manner, Henna is a stylish event theme, made for every wedding planner and event planner. It is packed with a beautiful set of wedding templates and has all for an unforgettable wedding celebration. Created with care, Henna will make sure your website visitors will find absolutely everything for their white wedding, including a wedding invitation designed especially for them. Henna is a powerful tool to help your brand grow even more. With amazing features that are simple and easy to use. Build any wedding site style without code knowledge. One Click Demo Content Import One of the most useful features that a WordPress theme can have. You will love to start the website development process at the same starting point as the wonderful theme demo pages, so you can quickly design the website of your dreams. You can fully use our carefully created demo content to start with a ready-to-go site with 1-click only! Visual Composer for WordPress (Page Builder) The drag-and-drop Visual Composer ($46 value) page builder for WordPress will save you tons of time working on your site content. Now you’ll be able to create complex layouts within minutes! This Page Builder can be used on your site front-end to make your work easier. All you need to do is drag and drop the content and see the result immediately. Responsive We know responsivity is important once we live in a mobile world. It’s absolutely essential that your website be as accessible as necessary on all devices. However, we felt that responsive design was something else we wanted to make even better for you. Even better for the web. Make sure our theme is fully responsive! Unlimited Colors – the Henna comes with unlimited colors so you can change the design of your site and put the colors of your company in a few seconds. Quite easy and due to its flexibility of use you can always change it and leave it in the best way for you. Custom Widgets It’s simple to include your About Us, Videos or Mailing List into your theme with custom widgets. Simply drag and drop them wherever you desire, input your user information, and you’re ready to go! Add Custom Styles No need to wallow through lines of code just to add your own custom CSS. We’ve embedded a custom CSS field in the Theme Options panel to make your life easier. Revolution Slider Slider Revolution is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Scene or even a whole Front Page, the visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time! You gain this plugin ($26 value) for free purchasing the Henna WordPress theme. Posts Slider You can build an amazing posts-slider from regular WordPress posts. All you have to do is set up one slide and Slider Revolution does all the work! There are literally millions of layout combinations. Typography The web is first and foremost a typographic medium. Because of that, we wanted to ensure that the level of control over your site’s typography was unparalleled in any other WordPress theme on the market. We’ve not only included over 800 free Google Fonts to use in your theme. We do more! Parallax Background for Rows Add parallax style background to Visual Composer rows. Combine Design Options and parallax background to create even more advanced layouts. Video Background Insert YouTube videos into row backgrounds to create dynamic and visually appealing effects. Combine YouTube video background with Visual Composer parallax effect. Features Henna WordPress Theme has great tools for you build any website style without code knowledge. See some of Henna theme elements –– Advanced WooCommerce support –– GDPR Compliance –– Advanced but easy-to-use admin panels –– 3 Different Menu Layout with many combination options –– Classic Dropdown, Mega Column and Mega Menu options –– Custom Menu options –– Hundreds of Font Type Icons –– Flexible Layouts –– Amazing Sliders –– Use our demo layouts or create your own visually different experience using page builder and feature-rich backend. –– Built-on WhiteBoard Framework –– Buil-in Ajax Theme Options Panel ( VAFPRESS ) –– 30+ Tailor made Visual Composer components –– Retina Optimized –– 100% Fluid Responsive – Fits any device perfectly –– Tested on real devices –– Advanced Admin Panel / Individual Page Options –– Custom designed “Coming Soon (preparing) & Maintenance Mode” –– CSS3 3D & 2D Entrance Animations (Animate CSS) –– Social Network Links –– Clean & Well Commented Code –– Customizable Background; Color, Image, Video, Parallax –– Advanced Typography –– Google Fonts – 600+ Font families available –– Custom Designed Page Templates –– Update notifications via WordPress Dashboard –– Quick & Easy Installation & Real one click setup, Theme Data with Preset Menus, Posts, Widgets, Sliders, Pages, etc. is included –– Custom CSS Ready –– Child theme Included –– HTML5 & CSS3 –– Customizable color options for Google Maps –– Intuitive Grid Layout & Easy to use –– Easy Customization With Variable Content Sections –– Customers Support (Ticket System) & Online Documentation –– Clean, Elegant, Modern Pixel Perfect Design can be used for any type of website –– SEO Ready –– Localizable with translation files –– Various Post Formats –– RGBA Color Picker with transparency function –– Colourable SVG Separators –– Unlimited Page/Homepage variations –– Customizable Contact Forms with Contact Form 7 support –– Custom 404 Error Page –– Unlimited Sidebar Support –– Custom Page Titles – provides ability to add different page title contents in to the pages. –– Full-Screen Background Slider –– Live Drag & Drop Page Builder – Visual Composer Worth $46 – included for FREE –– Revolution Slider – Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin – Worth $26 – included for FREE –– Booked – Appointment Booking for WordPress – Worth $49 – included for FREE –– Includes Full-Screen Video Background (YouTube, Vimeo and Self Hosted) Video Function –– Includes Full-Screen Background Google Map Function –– DummyData Included. Easy Install with a Step by Step Guide that even WordPress Beginners can follow http://doc.freevision.me/henna –– Cross Browser Compatibility –– Extensive Documentation –– And Much More! Check out the live preview! IMPORTANT NOTE: All presented, demonstrated layouts has been prepared for only show you visually how capable of and what can you do with it in different industries. Some of used images in previews such as slider images, thumbnail, all conceptual images or videos NOT INCLUDED in the package due to copyright issues. If you’d like to buy stock materials that used on demo site please contact us. Used stock image ID list will be provided separately. Update Log Version 1.0 (17 April 2019) Source
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latishathayer-blog · 6 years
Patio Designing Suggestions
The details may contrast through nation, but country design at its heart is actually a free, http://beautylook18.info/ calming, organic look. One receives a peek of the imaginary nature of the principle contacted colour when our company find the red round of sun beaming in the early morning hours of the time. When developing website page, there may be actually opportunities when you wish to modify the standard website page hyperlink colour to a shade that will certainly match your internet site style.
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Sepia supplies a warmer, softer substitute to white colored and dark, one that lots of professional photographers like to trying out for its mild procedure of individuals in portraits, still enabling the freelance photographer to focus on the shapes as well as lines of a human number, as well as out any disruptive shades. This web page is appearing tough like youngsters can not pack colors in this but you may view that the majority of the shade is actually loaded with black earlier. With that said claimed, mint could still be actually an appreciated break from the colors of black, white colored and blue that have transmitted Google.com's combination so far. The pigmentation of the red-winged parrot is actually fairly one-of-a-kind with the crimson red idea on the segments as well as bright environment-friendly physical body and head. The anomaly is additionally in a genetics responsible for the pigment melanin, this moment in the eye of the eyes
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And also if you possess a white colored leather sofa in your sitting room where everything else is white colored in colour after that nothing can easily trump the awesome appeal your sitting room is tied to task. Being obligated to pay to the received attribute of colour eyesight insufficiencies, researchers were able to examine the colour eyesight of making it through loved one to sustain their instance that Pugh possibly had a severe red-green colour deficiency. The skin was pinched and also dreadful, a chilly perspiration got on the temple, and the eyelids were decreased so regarding cover the large dark eyes. This different colors combination is actually called an Akin - the blue as well as greenish colors seem next to one another on the colour steering wheel. Unless typically specified, the tiny monochrome images I have displayed on this webpage are all my own modifications of pictures coming from Dessert Posting (under the CC BY-SA 3.0 certificate). • Incorporate life to a typically silent space through deciding on warm and comfortable shades of red, yellowish as well as pink. Location skin layer screening prior to use of hair dye is actually particularly essential if you have actually previously experienced a reaction to hair different colors, possess other allergies, or cope with a lasting skin problem such as eczema or even psoriasis. The colour of the vegetation which is environment-friendly also exemplifies the opposition of Irish people to English invaders that were leading the Gaelic way of life.
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Pale honey-yellow to dark brown in colour and measures 3-20cm in diameter. The Dutch researchers fed computer mice a diet along with added caramel coloring III for a month and afterwards evaluated their immune system reaction to Trichinella spiralis, a germ that creates the health condition trichinosis. Nonetheless, the different colors you view on your artboard aren't essentially the colours that will show up in a web internet browser on somebody else unit. Early contusions seem black and blue, yet the yellowing may change to eco-friendly or even yellow within a handful of times. If redecoration is actually prepared for an irreversible residence or even urban area central home along with two or even three rooms, possibly the wisest choice will be to have shades of the exact same colors however along with different strength utilized for each and every space.
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klkettle · 6 years
On editing or “It’s how organised you are that scares me.”
Let’s talk about the process of editing… 
  Some people love it. Some people loathe it. 
I’ll certainly not profess to be an expert, but after two decades of committed creative writing and subsequent editing, I think I can finally say, with confidence, I have found my flow !
I thought I’d share some tips on what works for me, some are of my own making, some I learned from being a Project Manager by trade (organising work and simplifying it is my other passion), and some I picked up along the way. Where I can, I will cite references or people from whom I have learned.
1) Plan your objectives
Depending where you are in your writing journey you will have different goals. Let’s say you’ve just finished your first (few) draft(s), well I would suggest your main goal is to find out what the real story is that you are telling. Two quotes I always remember,
“Let your first draft be S***" 
The esteemable Hemmingway* (I’d add, even if you think it isn’t, assume it is and make it better.)
"The first draft is you telling yourself the story." 
Terry Pratchett.
Let’s say you’re past the first (few) draft(s) and you know what story you are telling, your goal may be to find out what story your characters want to tell, or to make sure you’re not repeating yourself, or that the pace is perfect for the genre in which you are writing. 
Whatever it may be, if you plan you goals for your draft you will keep on track, neither get blinded by the confidence demon nor the ego angel.
So… when I edit I have a plan, I have  goals, I work out where my edit is in the journey and (critically)  how long it will take me to deliver to my plan. It helps me stay on track when life and emotions and exhaustion get in the way.
Well this is where I get super nerdy. At one point I used Microsoft project plan, but these days I generally set myself a word/chapter target based on a personally set deadline, and how much/day edit I think it will take to reach that goal. For example
In my recent Micro Edit (more on that later) I 
set myself a 6 chapter a day annotation target
set a 2 week manuscript ‘update’ target (because I have found I get more analytical if i step away from my machine and add notes in later)
This means I aim to do a full edit ( not redraft, that’s different) in a month.
with 61 chapters I aimed to be finished annotating in 10 days
with 14 day window to work through my notes on my MS.
And yes, by some miracle…I’m on target despite a full time job, and a day off. Making a plan meant I could make time, track progress and stay on track. I worked out it took me 1 hour to annotate. Meaning I needed 6 hours annotation time a day. So once I knew how long it would take I knuckled down. I got up early, did 2 chapters before work, one during my work day (commute, lunch, tea-breaks) and 3 in the evening. I no longer use MPP or Gantt Charts for my book work - but I do have a fab schedule in my bullet diary. Easy? No. Worth it? Hell yes. 
Key: The colours are the number of chapters I did a day, as you can see my efficiency improved near the end, whether due to the pace of the book/length of chapters, or because I became a bit like a #boss… I’ll let you decide when you read the book. I originally planned to do this by Word Count (as per the right bar, but found I was working through faster if I focussed on it chapter by chapter - left bar).
Now, admittedly, I’m behind on the 'update’ part of the plan which is where my third quote comes in - one I use daily at work,
“No battle plan survives contact with the enemy,”
said by the incredibly named  Helmuth von Moltke the Elder
This means that when you throw reality at a plan, no plan will remain the same. I have adapted. I have given myself a week 'slip’ to handle the fact that life got in the way, and I have put extra time into catching up to make the difference.
At each stage I check
If I am on plan, not only to time, but also against my goals.
Has the objective of my edit changed yes/no ?
If so, is that okay? Am I getting out of the plan what I expected yes/no (in Project Management speak we call this 'Benefits Realisation’)?
If not, have I the right goals or should I change them? More about goal setting and definition/assessment perhaps in a later post - if you’re interested put it in the comments below.
2) Get off the machine
I'd say this is the biggest lesson I have learned. In the 21st Century it is so hard to step away from the machines that occupy our space. As I write this there are 3 in my vicinity: my laptop, phone and TV. Focus and concentration is critical, especially for a creative mind. Printing is an expensive business but worth it. I print my manuscript:
A5 size
10pt bottom margin,
double spaced,
single sided.
On each page I have a key around the edge. I then go through each page hard copy with a lamy pen, a selection of highlighters, and coloured pencils. It allows me to see things in my writing I had never seen before. 
 3) Macro Edit - Foolscap/Book-Map/Story Grid
I love a good spreadsheet. Seriously, it’s an addiction. My book has over 5 XLS docs alone. But I did a great 4 day ‘macro’ edit in my notebook. Macro because I am interested in the arching themes, plot, characters, pace and style. 
My last Macro edit I focused on the ‘global story’ or ‘foolscap’ method from Shaun Coyne purely because I left my computer cable behind. 
It was eyeopening, and helped me fix a persistent problem with my story by using the External and Internal value measures, and McKee, to work out (after my first draft I have to add) what are the values at stake and do they change enough and effectively in each act. 
4) Micro Edit
For me a micro edit isn’t the same as a line edit. A line edit is part of a micro edit. A micro edit is about each page. It is about checking word by word, line by line, to make sure you are reading your work and applying a critical mind to every sentence. 
I check on whatever my editor has pointed out is lacking. And generally I focus on
Gesture (is there enough, not just face, body, character through gesture and body language)
Line (grammar, structure, spelling, structure, voice, style)
Action (is there ‘something happening’ on every page, plot moving forward and in the direction necessary, not just talking wallpaper!)
Dialogue (is it realistic, showing character, motive, conflict and action)
Motivation (is the motive, real or misguided, clear for each character)
Senses (see below)
Place (is it clear where we are, and which direction the reader should be ‘looking’)
World (is the world and the way it works clear, and how am I showing it, how is info passed into the plot)
(see the letters on the grid above as a key)
I note alongside with checks and any comments or thoughts, against each letter on each page. The letters act as a prompt to remind myself to analyse, and I use colours on the page to show where I am using each. Along the bottom I list the senses:
Again I note if I have used them, what words chosen, are they the right words, do they also convey character, action, place etc. Am I missing the senses altogether, or perhaps one critical one, or even, am I over using.
5) Don’t tell yourself it’s the last edit
It won’t be, not until it’s on a shelf, or in someone’s hand. Even then, you won’t think it’s done. Creative works are never finished, they are always abandoned. Prepare and expect and anticipate the joy of editing, sharpen your pencils! 
“Let me not think of my work only as a stepping stone to something else, and if it is, let me become fascinated by the shape of the stone.”
Ze Frank
All of this is what led my work colleague to say, “It’s just how organised you are that scares me.” And my father to add, “I didn’t realise how much work went into a book!”
And on that note, I have work to do, and a plan milestone to meet. Clearly I am procrastinating by writing this blog. Stop distracting me…. shoo. 
 EDIT - 2 years later
6) The leave it alone and write something else edit
After going through the above process at least twice more I eventually couldn't edit anymore. I put my MS in a drawer for over a year and wrote something else.
When I came back to the MS - having been longlisted (and eventually becoming a finalist) for the SCBWI Undiscovered Voices 2018 - needing to edit it I applied the same process as above, but this time the book seemed completely new.
It seemed like the 'S***y first draft' and editing was the easiest thing in the world!
 *Hemmingway quote is apocryphal: https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/09/20/draft
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gokinjeespot · 6 years
off the rack #1217
Monday, June 18, 2018
 My brother-in-law George and I went fishing yesterday. Something interesting always happens when we are together. I time arriving at the lake at twilight so we're driving there when it's still dark. One year we saw lights in the bush off of the off ramp to Almonte and a young woman sitting on the barrier crying. We stopped to see if she was okay. She wasn't injured but was pretty shaken up. This was before everybody had a cell phone so George stayed with her while I drove all the way back to Stittsville to find a pay phone. I got the OPP and told them where the off ramp was. I drove back and we waited until an officer arrived and then we continued on our trip. George said she dumped a whole bottle of perfume on herself probably to hide the smell of booze. Please don't drink and drive. So yesterday we're cruising down the 417 with my cruise control set at 105 KPH and we pass an OPP cruiser. Next thing we knew he was behind us with his roof lights going. I pull over thinking I was going to hit with a speeding ticket and when he got up to us he asked why we were driving without the headlights on. Y'see, I had just bought a 2018 Honda CR-V and one of the features is that you can set the headlights on AUTO and the car will turn them on and off as needed. I thought that the switch was set to AUTO. What must have happened was that the last time I parked I automatically turned off the headlights and forgot I did that. The CR-V's dashboard lights up when you start it so I assumed that the outside lights were on too. The headlights were on because I could see that they lit up the road but the tail lights were off. It took several minutes for the officer to check my credentials but he accepted my lame excuse and wished us luck on our fishing trip. We did have a good outing too. We caught 23 fish between us.
 Strangers in Paradise XXV #4 - Terry Moore (story & art). I don't know what Katchoo is looking for in this back story but I am hooked.
 Weapon X #19 - Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente (writers) Yildiray Cinar (art) Frank D'Armata (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Sabretooth's in Charge conclusion. The cover of this issue should have a spoiler alert on it. Weapon X does not join S.I.C.K.L.E. here but maybe next issue as they try to help out their new friend Omega Red.
 Batman #48 - Tom King (writer) Mikel Janin (art) June Chung (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). The Best Man part 1. Tom and Mikel's version of the Joker is a very scary homicidal maniac. I get that Batman doesn't kill but seeing what the Joker did in the church, Batman actually being an eye witness to a murder, and Batman doesn't just snap his scrawny neck when he has a chance, I don't get that. Maybe the Cat will act differently when she joins the fray. I hope so.
 Death or Glory #2 - Rick Remender (writer) Bengal (art & colours) Rus Wooton (letters). I love the art but the gruesome story about human trafficking is hard to take. Glory is a relatable hero and her heart is in the right place. I hope she keeps it there.
 Man of Steel #3 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Ryan Sook (art) & Jason Fabok (art page 16) Wade von Grawbadger (inks pages 12 - 13, 15) Alex Sinclair (colours) Josh Reed (letters). The big bad guy Rogol Zaar has a hate on for Krypton and he does major damage physically and emotionally to Superman when he hits Earth. I notice that he looks like Jonah Hex's ugly brother. He's got an axe to grind and he's going to use Kal and Kara. The teaser mystery of what happened to Lois and Jon is what's keeping me reading.
 Hunt for Wolverine: The Adamantium Agenda #2 - Tom Taylor (writer) R. B. Silva (pencils) Adriano Di Benedetto (inks) Guru-eFX (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Our heroes go undercover in a black market auction in a submarine. What can go wrong? They should have brought a bucket of Flex Seal.
 Doctor Strange #391 - Mark Waid (writer) Jesus Saiz (art & colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Sorcerer Supreme of the Galaxy part 1. It's a new number 1 with a new creative team and they are starting from scratch. Stephen Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts is powerless. He's lost all of his magic so he goes to Tony Stark for help. This leads to a space trip, hence the title of this story arc. I have a feeling we'll be hearing "I am Groot" soon. I actually like this new direction mostly because the writing is more mature and not in the "there's swearing" sense. The art is awesome too. I'm going to follow along to see if Doc Strange gets his mojo back.
 Plastic Man #1 - Gail Simone (writer) Adriana Melo (art) Kelly Fitzpatrick (colours) Simon Bowland (letters). This is great. The writing is stellar and the art is gorgeous. I wasn't a big fan of DC's super hero comic books when I started collecting but I loved their oddball books like The Inferior Five and Plastic Man. Plas is like a human ball of silly putty who can transform into any crazy shape. This updated version is wang. If they throw in Woozy Winks, it would be more wang. Deadpool fans would like this too.
 The Magic Order #1 - Mark Millar (writer) Olivier Coipel (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Peter Doherty (letters). Man, this is so good. Mark Millar introduces a dysfunctional family of magicians coping with the murder of one of their fellow magic wielders by another faction of magic wielders. It's good magicians versus evil magicians. I am so happy to see Olivier Coipel's art on the racks again. I recommend this to all you Harry Potter fans out there.
 Astonishing X-Men #12 - Charles Soule (writer) Gerardo Sandoval (art) Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). A Man Called X finale. What? The Shadow King isn't dead? Chuck is helplessly watching his precious X-Men fall into despair as the evil villain prepares to take over the world. I was disappointed that there wasn't a clever twist thrown in to defeat the bad guy, just Chuck rallying to save the day. The point of this story was to resurrect Charles Xavier as the man called X. A new creative team takes over starting next issue and I wish Matthew Rosenberg (writer) and Greg Land (artist) well. There's no one on this X-team that I'm a big fan of so I'm going to bench this one.
 Detective Comics #982 - Michael Moreci (writer) Sebastian Fiumara (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Clem Robins (letters). This is a spooky one shot story pitting Batman against the disenfranchised of Gotham City and their spiritual leader Deacon Blackfire. He's a ghost dontcha know. The whole issue feels like a fever dream
 Kick-Ass #5 - Mark Millar (writer) John Romita Jr. (pencils) Peter Steigerwald (digital inks & colours) John Workman (letters). This penultimate issue has another uh-oh moment for our hero. It really doesn't look like she's going to get out of her situation alive. We'll find out in next issue's conclusion, but I'm banking on more bad guys getting killed no matter what happens.
 Thor #707 - Jason Aaron (writer) continues his stalwart efforts chronicling the adventures of the mighty Thor. The Odinson is back as the star of this book and Marvel celebrates his return by giving this issue a number 1. I like using the legacy numbering though. There are two stories in this $5.99 US issue.
 "God of Thunder Reborn" with Mike del Mundo (art) Marco D'Alfonso (colour assists) and VC's Joe Sabino (letters) catches you up with all you need to know to follow along with what's going on after Jane Foster relinquished the mantle of the Mighty Thor. Jane even makes an appearance and I like how she has recovered. One thing I like about Jason's writing is that he smoothes out the thees and thous to make the Asgardian dialogue less archaic. The change in art from Russell Dauterman's fine line work to Mike del Mundo's painted style took some getting used to but I think he suits the manly change to this book. What's a Thor reboot without the god of Mischief? He's not the only god returning either.
 "The Grace of Thor" with Christian Ward (art) and Joe Sabino (letters) takes us far into the future in a Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy type story starring All-Father Thor and his three granddaughters. Something is amiss with the universe and Thor goes off to see what's what. There's a big surprise on the last page and it's going to be torture to wait for Thor #711 (#5) to find out what happens next. It's going to be a super big gulp of an issue, trust me.
 Batgirl vs. Riddler #1 - Tim Seeley (writer) Minkyu Jung (pencils) Jose Marzan Jr. (inks) Otto Schmidt (epilogue art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). Prelude to the Wedding part 3. I loved this classic Riddler story where he leaves riddles for Batgirl to solve in order to save lives. The epilogue doesn't lead into the next duel but does reveal another guest to the wedding.
 X-Men Red #5 - Tom Taylor (writer) Mahmud Asrar (art) Rain Beredo (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This issue did me in. the story is going along just fine with the red team righting wrongs and protecting fellow mutants. Even X-23 and Gabby appear, albeit briefly. Then Namor shows up in his cool new costume (I can imagine Cosplayer getting giddy) and Jean says something noble and then we cut to twenty years from now where major characters are dead. So did the red team efforts fail? The last page by Ed Brisson (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (art) Erick Arciniega (colours) and VC's Cory Petit (letters) is the "Countdown to Extinction" teaser, which sounds like another big threat that will eliminate all mutants. It wasn't that long ago that the Terrigen mists almost wiped out mutantkind. I was talking to Rob McLennan recently about the X-books and why we haven't been wowed by them. We are both long time fans and my opinion is that none of the current writers know what else to do with these characters given the "world that fears and hates them" theme of the X-Men. I love these heroes but the team dynamic isn't doing it for me anymore. Plus Nightcrawler has a goatee now. This X-team is eliminated off my "to read" list.
 Marvel 2 in One Annual #1 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Declan Shelvey (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Letterer not credited. They used the extra long $4.99 US annual format to tell a fuller story featuring Victor Von Doom, the Infamous Iron Man, helping out Ben and Johnny. Victor knows the truth about their missing family and friends and is trying to find out why Ben is hiding it from Johnny. I really like how Chip is keeping the changes that Brian Michael Bendis made to Doctor Doom. He's still super arrogant and self confident but he has some compassion now. I thought the flashback scene with Reed and Victor at the end of Secret War was very enlightening.
 Domino #3 - Gail Simone (writer) David Baldeon with Anthony Piper (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Domino decides she needs help to deal with her nemesis Topaz. The guy she goes to is one of my all time favourite Marvel heroes. No, it's not Spider-Man. He might call her Grasshopper.
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