#Belle lies of p
katsukatzz · 2 months
Belle 💋
the og drawing was for an art trade but the person don't want me to post it so I'll just post the drawing part with Belle on it !
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I'm proud of how I drew her and she deserves more love !
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tiramisublues · 5 months
Hi do you think you could take some screenshots of Belle from Lies of P Largely doing the Pose she has in game Thanks
Hello! 🦋
I am happy someone requested for a Belle screenshot! She is indeed one of the underated NPCs from the game and i feel sad about her partner's/husband's death~
While she works for the military outside Krat and sent there for investigation, we definetley wonder which country she is hailed from.
This is the only best i can do since she only stationed in one area inside the hotel. ♡
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And oh-!!
If you have plans to cosplay or draw her, i shot a reference for you ♡
Belle seems like a cool character, i feel a big sister vibe from her. 。^‿^。
She indeed deserves more love!
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dailydoodlesofp · 4 months
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Contributing a "Who broke it?" animatic to this fandom
YouTube link
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sparrow-in-boots · 4 months
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more long-haired P for your consideration <3
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echosong971 · 4 months
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in honor of p's new drip <3
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onceupona-crossover · 4 months
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A romantic moodboard of Alice Liddell (American McGee's Alice Madness Returns) x Pinocchio (Lies of P). With the themes of blue butterflies, dark fairy tales and blades~
Requested by @frie-ice
– Mod Belle
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dvinaamesca · 3 months
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ash-arts-a-thing · 8 months
Specter Carlo AU Character notes, this is for things specific to Pinocchio, Carlo, and Romeo. Things like their game mechanics, how they interact, things they’d say or do. I should have everything in here, but should I have to I will just come back here and edit or add what I need to do I don’t make fifty posts with minor changes.
[Chapters 1-3] [Chapters 4&5] [Chapter 6]
Notes on Carlo:
* He cannot harm allies, since he is tied to Pinocchio by being summoned through the star fragment, anybody that he has deemed a friend or ally can’t be hurt by Carlo’s hands.
* He doesn’t have to worry about normal body functions, eating, drinking, sleeping, bathroom breaks, he doesn’t have to worry about any of it.
* He can interact with physical objects, but still cannot use said objects for harm against allies.
* His body works as if it’s an active projector of stars. Shooting stars can cross his body, arauras, galaxies, constilations, nebulas, they can all slide by his body as if you’re watching the sky move out a window.
* When not summoned he is not able to interact with objects, BUT he can still communicate with and watch Pinocchio.
* When not summoned, if Pinocchio happens to be looking at a reflective surface, Carlo can talk through the reflection. He’s almost like a shadow in that capacity.
* When he was alive he was dating Romeo, he never moved on even in death.
* Should Romeo be kept alive after the King of Puppets boss fight, Carlo stays permanently. Since Romeo would still be counted as an active boss Carlo wouldn’t vanish, should an event happen where Romeo was killed at any point after then Carlo would go too regardless of the circumstances.
* When talking through a reflection he is literally Pinocchio’s mimic, he can move and talk, but has none of the visual differences, such as his lack of freckles, brown eyes, outfit, etc.
* Carlo would act as a companion if Romeo is spared since he is permantly active, he will by default stay at the hotel unless Pinocchio drags him along with him.
* Whenever Pinocchio returns to the hotel Carlo will once again default to the hotel until asked to join again.
Note: if he has been made permanent he will have spots that he frequents just like the other characters.
These locations are:
1. He will be actively playing the piano, but only if Antonia is still in that room (this cannot happen if Romeo is playing a record).
2. He will sit on the stairs leading to the courtyard and will be reading, very high chance he’ll be reading ‘Pinocchio’.
3. Should Spring be on the couch next to where Alidoro stands, Carlo will sit on the couch with the cat in his lap.
4. In the courtyard practicing on target dummies.
5. Anywhere that avoids his father.
6. Has a 40% chance of being where Romeo is (except in Gepetto’s room).
* Carlo will appear as soon as the wish stone is used rather than only appearing once the arena is entered, he can be spoken to, but he will not move until the fight has started.
* Carlo will have unique dialogue for each boss while in battle.
* Carlo will grunt when exerting himself or when hit, he will occasionally laugh and it will be boardering on unhinged.
* Carlo will have a chance to prompt Pinocchio to heal himself if his health falls below half or to use a ampoule should Pinocchio aquire a status ailment.
These prompts are: (Truth / Lie)
1. “Heal yourself, idiot.” / “Hey, heal yourself!”
2. “Pay attention! Heal yourself!” / “Eyes up, use a cell if you can!”
3. “If you die I’m not sticking around, literally, keep your health up!” / “Think of yourself for once and heal!”
4. (Break) “You idiot, watch it! You can’t heal properly now!” / “Careful, it’ll be harder to get a full heal like that!”
5. (Corruption) “If you get corrupted like the rest of them I’ll take you out myself.” / “Watch it, don’t end up like the rest of those mindless puppets.”
6. (Decay) “If your weapon breaks I’m not giving you mine.” / “I don’t have a spare weapon on me, just so you know!”
7. (Disruption) “You stupid puppet! Watch out for your heart!” / “Hey, hey! It’s messing with your ergo, watch it!”
8. (Electric Shock) “Wow, the puppet got hurt by blitz, shocking!” / “Remember, you’re a puppet, blitz won’t be good for you!”
9. (Overheat) “Hahaha! Looks like you’re burning up!” / “Oil and fire don’t mix! Put that out, quick!”
10. (Shock) “Oh quit complaining, puppets don’t get tired.” / “You look exhausted, give yourself a moment to catch your breath.”
* In a lies playthough Carlo will compliment Pinocchio on perfect blocks, parry’s, dodges, or hits that stagger. In a truth playthrough he will mock and taunt Pinocchio, stating he could do just as good if not better
These prompts are: (Truth / Lies)
1. “Tch. I could’ve done better.” / “Couldn’t have done it better myself.”
2. “I’m surprised you were able to pull that off, honestly.” / “Ha! I knew you could do it!”
3. “Come on, break their weapon already, puppet!” / “Their weapon is bound to break soon!”
4. “You call that a hit?!” / “Yeah! Set ‘em off balance!”
5. “Yeah, I can do that too, you aren’t special.” / “Haha! You’re something else, you know that?!”
Notes on Pinocchio:
* His personality remains largely unchanged from the canon game, he is kind, sweet, and a gentleman. That being said, he still gets some traits from Carlo, who will teach him to think of himself and his self worth more often, rather than Pinocchio running off the needs of everybody else 24/7.
* Depending on what playthrough has been done up to that point, he will either spare or kill Romeo, which will either strengthen the bond between him and Carlo or tear a rift further between them. Truth he dies, lie he lives.
* He is aware that Carlo can and is watching him at all times, but only after first catching him in a reflection.
* Should it be a truth playthrough Pinocchio will never speak, nor emote in any capacity, he will be the very definition of an emotionless, mindless puppet. This ensures that Carlo cannot get attached in any capacity.
* Should it be lies he will gradually speak more, though still not often, Gemini will do 90% of the talking for him, but Pinocchio will emote and gesticulate to communicate. This ensures that Carlo will be more willing to talk and attach himself to Pinocchio.
* Romeo’s fate will be the ultimate factor for Carlo feelings towards Pinocchio. Up to this point in a lie playthrough he would have already had minor doubts, but the catalyst for his change in perception towards Pinocchio will be this choice.
* He will also come to see Carlo as his brother.
Notes on Romeo:
* Still very much in love with Carlo, he too has not moved on.
* If spared he will stay at the hotel, where he will gradually be repaired by Gepetto over the course of the game.
* Romeo will remain at the hotel if spared, he is too damaged to leave the hotel, he could cause either Pinocchio or Carlo to be hurt.
Note: should Romeo be spared, he will remain at the hotel and have locations where he will frequent like the other characters.
These locations are:
1. Leaning on the wall next to the record player, if this is the case he will have already put a random record from Pinocchio’s collection on (this cannot happen if Carlo is playing piano).
2. In Gepetto’s room, he will be behind the Organ upgrading station and he will now have his own chair there so Gepetto can work on him.
3. Behind Eugénie’s work station, he will be admiring the display of cat figurines.
4. In Venigni’s corner, he can be found using the machine next to the legion arm upgrade station.
5. Has a 40% chance to be wherever Carlo is (unless he is in Gepetto’s room).
* He will have a cool down timer and item counter, like the Gold Coin fruit tree, should you return to him he will give you random throwable and/or consumables items. He does not state where he was able to aquire them if asked.
* Talking to him can yield a (bad) joke if prompted. He will always find his own jokes funny.
* Romeo can be asked to sing, he is much better at singing and acting than he is at jokes.
Other Hotel Krat Members Thoughts on Carlo and Romeo:
Sophia: They were friends in the past and they’re friends now, she sees Carlo and Pinocchio as her younger brothers.
Gepetto: Claims to love his son, but that’s up in the air. He’s been emotionally neglectful towards him in the past.
Antonia: Carlo and Pinocchio are like grandsons to her. They’re both polite and courteous towards her, if she asked Carlo wouldn’t hesitate to help her with something while Pinocchio was out. Carlo will often play the piano for her if she is in the room to listen.
Eugénie: Indifferent towards him, she thinks he is polite enough, but feels Carlo puts on a front so people will think he’s charming.
Venigni: Could be seen as Carlo and Pinocchio’s eccentric uncle. He loves Carlo’s mischivious tendencies, but sometimes thinks he goes to far with them and won’t hesitate to tell him in an effort to reign Carlo back in.
Gemini: Hesitant at first to trust him, but once Carlo actually starts opening up they tease eachother ceaselessly. They’re often heard throwing light hearted insults at each other.
Polendina: Grateful that Carlo doesn’t hesitate to assist or entertain Antonia when he isn’t able to. He doesn’t often mesh well with Carlo’s personality, but as long as he’s nice to Antonia then he’s good in Polendina’s book.
Pulcinella: He is always ready to welcome Carlo as he does Pinocchio. Like Polendina with Antonia, he’s happy that Carlo gets along so well Venigni. Though isn’t always fond of the things Carlo will get into around the hotel.
Belle: They tolerate each other at best, at worst they’re almost getting into physical altercations. At least they would be if Carlo could actually fight her, but he sure does try.
Sophia: They’re pretty good friends. Romeo has a habit of running poetry past her, claiming he only wants the best for Carlo. They often talk about books and theatre.
Gepetto: The only reason he does repairs on Romeo is because of the linger threat of Romeo’s knowledge on him. He hopes he’ll be able to somehow keep Romeo from spilling anything.
Antonia: Thinks he is quite the gentleman. Loves to listen to him sing or recite parts of plays, usually alongside an unwilling and hesitant Carlo.
Eugénie: Besties. Romeo loves hearing her talking about her weapon expertise and he especially loves hearing about her cat collection.
Venigni: Constantly running outfit ideas past him, claiming that he would look perfect in this vest or these pants. Should the day ever come when Romeo could properly wear something over all the rough edges and pipes then Venigni would practically make him a model.
Gemini: They tell each other (bad) jokes non stop. It’s horrible, but it’s great they get along so well. Though Carlo probably wouldn’t agree with how many horrible puns he’s heard.
Polendina: Likes hearing about all the plays and shows that would go on at the opera house. He’s a big theatre man, Romeo says if things ever get back to normal he would be happy to have him and Antonia at the theatre for one of his shows.
Pulcinella: Romeo is very interested in the things that Pinocchio will bring back and if he happens to leave said things behind then Romeo will listen to Pulcinella talk about whatever it is for hours. Pulcinella loves his curiosity, and especially loves that him and Venigni can feel Carlo in so easily if need be.
Belle: She hates him and doesn’t make a secret of it, it’s also the reason her and Carlo don’t get along. Thought Romeo will still try to be polite and civil towards her, she only meets him with scorn. She could never trust a puppet and that isn’t about to change. The only reason she doesn’t dislike Pinocchio is because she is unaware he is one.
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lunavagans · 7 months
Just found out that there was someone called Charlotte Corday irl, a figure during the french revolution, and I‘m not too into lop lore yet, but like. She was the daughter of a minor noble family, part of the revolution and sympathizing with the more moderate groups and she murdered someone she believed to be responsible for the september massacres, which is how she got the nickname ‚Angel of Assassination‘. I don‘t exactly see any parallels between her and the Cordays from the game though? Their motivations for killing were different? But could it be that she was the inspo for at least the names?
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mpsideadump · 5 months
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sketches for fem!P and her dress!
made for my fanfic “A Real Girl”!
To clarify about the long hair, the fic takes place post-Rise of P ending.
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i still need to decide if the specter is just. literally the incarnation of the wishing star. or carlo
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sxugaryx · 7 months
Melancholy (Fanfic)
One shot 💛
Pinocchio has always been quiet ever since he woke up.
He is a good listener, when others talk to him, he listens and if someone ever asks a question, he nods or makes other gestures to indicate what he is feeling. He can count with his hands the number of times he has spoken because he is good a listening.
Listening to what he is told to do.
He does it without question, of course, others mean well, specially his father, and Pinocchio is the only one that can help all of them.
Pinocchio stays quiet when he listens, and he has a faint smile on his face but it’s not a real smile, he just doesn’t want to worry anyone else.
He doesn’t want to bother them.
So he does what he is told and returns to share that he succeeded, they tell him that he is a good boy and they thank him.
And then they send him back outside to do other errands.
Outside where he gets hurt, he gets burned, and electrocuted, where the petrifaction monster throws acid at him, he gets poisoned.
But he returns with a faint smile on his face and shows everyone that he did what he was told.
They thank him again, they always look at his faint smile, but they never look at his eyes.
Eyes filled with sorrow.
One day while outside, Pinocchio feels tired and sits down, but he feels like he can’t get back up, he buries his face in his knees and grabs his legs for comfort. Gemini asks what’s wrong but he stays quiet, Pinocchio always stays quiet.
Tears start running down his face, he doesn’t feel well, but he can’t explain why, no one is hurting him, and he can’t understand why he doesn’t feel well.
It starts to rain but he doesn’t get back up to look for refuge, he stays there and cries because at least the rain covers his tears
Sometimes after others are done talking to him, Pinocchio just stands there and stares for a few seconds, he can tell that they wonder why he does that but they just dismiss it as a fun quirk.
He stands there and wants to say something but he can’t.
He wants to say that he isn’t feeling well, that something is wrong but the words can’t come out of his mouth.
He wants to ask for help but he can’t.
So he just stares, until he realizes he is making others uncomfortable with his staring so he leaves again.
As Pinocchio keeps wandering around the barren swamp, he finds himself on top of one of the small towers so that he can destroy some of the enemies that hurt him and prevent him from advancing.
When he is done, Pinocchio stares for a few minutes at the horizon, he is close to the edge and he looks down for a moment and for a moment, he feels something strange.
He feels the urge to jump.
He looks away and walks in the opposite direction, Pinocchio doesn’t feel well but he has to continue
He has to do what he was told.
Pinocchio is next to his father, who thanks him for doing what he asked of him and calls him a good boy.
Once again, Pinocchio stares at his father for a few moments, the father he loves so much, so dearly.
His father repairs him when he is hurt, Pinocchio wants to speak up and tell his father that he isn’t feeling well, that something hurts
His chest hurts.
But he can’t say it, and Pinocchio can’t do it.
He can’t do this anymore.
“I love you father”
That’s what he says instead, he has always loved his father but this is the first time he has been able to say it. He can tell that his father didn’t expect him to say that but he calls him a good boy and tells him that he is precious to him.
And he tells him to be careful while outside.
Pinocchio walks away, he finds a small table, and puts Gemini in; Gemini is asking him what he is doing but Pinocchio doesn’t respond, he just gently touches Gemini’s cage before leaving him there. Pinocchio walks away from his best friend and goes upstairs, leaving for somewhere else.
Everything is quiet inside Hotel Krat, extremely quiet, everyone too consumed in their own thoughts, trying to distract themselves from the situation they are facing.
Everyone is startled when they hear a loud piercing crash, it comes from outside the hotel walls, at the exit to Elysion Boulevard. They go to investigate, it’s odd, clearly something is wrong.
Geppetto walks downstairs and makes his way to where the loud crash was heard and his heart sinks, he becomes pale, he starts to shake.
His son is lying on the ground.
His son jumped.
Geppetto repairs his son with the help of Venigni, technically he could have done it himself, but he couldn’t, he couldn’t stop crying and shaking, Venigni had to be there for him, to help him pull himself together.
He is a horrible father, he is the worst father in the world.
He lost Carlo and he almost lost Pinocchio.
Pinocchio is unconscious, lying in one of the beds of the Hotel, his father staying next to his side. The others come to check on Pinnochio from time to time, and they try to reassure Geppetto that this isn’t his fault.
But it is his fault, he should have been a better father.
Although the truth is that Geppetto isn’t the only one blaming himself, everyone else is blaming themselves as well, because they all finally realized that Pinocchio was crying for help and they didn’t pay enough attention.
They didn’t see how much pain he was in.
But for Geppetto is different, this is his son, the son who keeps neglecting, the son he uses as a tool, the son who loves him unconditionally.
The son he made to replace Carlo.
He was trying to force his son to be Carlo, no, he was forcing his son to be Carlo. Geppetto was forcing his son to be someone he wasn’t.
He sees now that Pinocchio also knew that, he just pretended he didn’t notice.
Pinocchio had to leave and face the dangers outside and Geppetto as his father never even bothered to ask how that made him feel.
When Pinocchio opened his eyes, he could feel his entire body aching, he was in pain, and everything hurt so much.
But the pain in his chest was worse, the pain that he has felt for a long time and it simply doesn’t go away.
His father sees him wake up and he starts to cry, he apologizes over and over to him.
Pinocchio feels worse, he made his father cry, what kind of son makes his father cry?
He isn’t a good boy, he is a bad boy.
Pinocchio is quiet and he is scared, everything is too much for him, he grabs the blankets off the bed and covers himself with them, hiding himself. He is shaking, he doesn’t want to be here.
He wants to disappear, he wants to stop being a bother to others. But he can’t, so he just hides because he can’t face them.
He can still hear his father apologizing and crying.
Why is his father apologizing? He doesn’t understand.
He doesn’t understand anything, the world around him just confuses him, and he doesn’t understand his emotions.
But why would he understand? He is just a stupid puppet, he just had to do what he was told and he couldn’t even do that.
“I’m sorry” Pinocchio finally manages to speak up.
Pinocchio is sitting on the bed, crying, and Geppetto knows that his son is apologizing because he thinks he is making everything worse for others.
Geppetto sits down on the bed next to his son and hugs him, Pinocchio hugs him back tightly, not wanting to let go of his father.
“No, Pinocchio, I’m sorry”
Geppetto is crying, he almost lost his precious boy but he has to stop feeling sorry for himself, he has to be a better father.
“The only thing I’ve ever done is hurt you”
Pinocchio stays quiet, he is crying while listening to his father.
“I’ve used you and I wanted you to be Carlo”
Geppetto knows that he was selfish and that he was an idiot, he wanted his family back, he wanted his son back and he was too blind to see that he already had a family, that he already had a son.
He just makes the same mistakes, he neglected Carlo and he neglected Pinocchio.
“But aren't Carlo and you never will be”
That puppet, the one that holds Carlo’s Ergo. Geppetto knows that he was to destroy the heart and that he should give his son the peace he deserves.
“Pinocchio you are my son and I love you no matter what, I love you and want us to be a family a real family”
Not the pretend family he had in his head.
His son is slowly recovering, everyone at the hotel comes to give him comfort and for a moment, Geppetto excuses himself, saying he’ll be back soon.
He opened the box.
He hesitates to grab the heart.
He can’t do it.
But the puppet touches his hand.
Carlo touches his hand.
Carlo takes his father’s hand to his heart.
Because he wants to be at peace.
Both of them use their hands to crush the heart, the Ergo floating in the air for a few seconds before finally disappearing.
Geppetto is hugging his son, both are next to the stargazer.
The puppets have stopped attacking, the others don’t understand why but they are all happy about it.
It’s going to be hard to explain that the frenzy was all his fault but he is prepared to face the consequences for that.
But for now, the petrification disease monsters are still at large and Simon must be stopped.
Meaning that his son has to go back outside now that he feels better, but Geppetto doesn’t want to let him go.
“Son please be careful, if you start feeling bad, if you start feeling sad please come back so I can be there for you,” Geppetto says as he kisses his son's forehead.
Pinocchio smiles at his father, this time, it’s a genuine smile.
Because for the first time, he is happy. Actually happy and not a front put as to not worry others.
Not to say that his last feelings have vanished, but he finally feels safe, he finally feels truly loved and wanted.
Pinocchio looks at the stargazer, Sophia is staring at him, she tells him to be safe and that she will always be there for him. That she will protect him from anything, even if it is his own dark thoughts.
Before he leaves everyone else gives him reassuring words as well.
Pinocchio kneels down and Antonia gives him a big hug, telling him that he is a good boy and that he will never be a bother to any of them. She might not be his mother but she sees him as a son.
As soon as he stands up Venigni also gives him a big hug, saying that he loves him and wants what’s best for him. That his uncle Venigni is always there to lend him a hand.
Eugéne almost doesn’t want to stop hugging him, but she eventually stops and tells him that she sees him as a brother and that he can always count on her.
Polendina and Pulcinella tell him that if something happens, he can always confide in them.
Belle is there too, she tells him that he is strong and that no matter what he faces, he can overcome it, but that doesn’t mean he has to overcome it alone. That it’s not weak to ask for help.
Alidoro isn’t one to be sentimental but he knows that the boy is in a lot of pain, so he tells Pinocchio not to forget that he isn’t alone in this.
Pinocchio activates the stargazer and is now outside, before he can even take another step Gemini speaks up.
“Buddy, I’m your best friend, don’t be scared to talk to me, I will always be by your side, literally, so just touch my lamp if you feel a little sad, or whatever you are feeling, I’m here for you the bad and the good times”
Pinocchio can feel a few tears running down his face but they aren’t tears of sadness.
They are tears of happiness
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hobbydrawer · 2 years
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I need Bloodborne 2/Bloodborne PC so I can have P mod in Bloodborne and Hunter in LoP. Blank chat template: here
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irrec · 5 months
Liability | Lorde
"You're a little much for me You're a liability You're a little much for me" So they pull back, make other plans I understand, I'm a liability Get you wild, make you leave
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rrogueamendiares · 1 year
anyway lies of p is very good imo. i don't have particularly high standards so idk if my opinion counts lmao but man... i suck so bad at this kind of games i tried to get past the first boss at least 6 times and i died after 2 seconds every time aaaa
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sonsofks · 9 months
Neowiz Se Regocija con el Éxito Sobresaliente de "Lies of P" y un Tráiler de Elogios que Despierta Emociones
La Aclamación de Crítica y Fans Llega con el Tráiler de Lies of P NEOWIZ, un destacado desarrollador y editor de juegos a nivel global, está celebrando el exitoso lanzamiento de uno de los videojuegos más esperados de 2023, Lies of P, con un tráiler lleno de elogios. La singular interpretación del cuento de hadas “Las Aventuras de Pinocho” de Carlo Collodi, combinada con las innovadoras…
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