#Ben Quadinaros
luke-shywalker · 4 months
I don't know if this counts for anything but my father and I watched a YouTube video heavily featuring Ben Quadrinaros today
BEN QUADINAROOOOOOOOS #SaveBenQuadinaros1999 #BenQuadinarosDeservedBetter
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iftadwascool · 9 months
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sw5w · 11 months
Oh My, Space Travel Sounds Rather Perilous
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:54:20
The orange colored podracer engines on the left sort of resemble the secondary thrusters on Mawhonic’s pod, but a different configuration. The one on top seems to have an angled fin coming off of it. (Photos from Star Wars Chronicles: the Prequels)
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vikintor · 2 months
Ben Quadinaros
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askbensolo · 4 months
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Weird? He’s psychotic! Tell me why he practically started crying when the BB unit rolled underneath my coffee table too fast and accidentally beheaded itself. The head’s a magnet! It’s designed to come off.
But you’re right, he does seem like a nice dude…it just seems like he’s nicer to the droid than anyone else.
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Well, okay, hoity-toity. Like I have time to grind my own beans every morning. You probably hate my Corellian press too, huh? Sure, there’s little grits at the bottom of my mug, but I don’t care. I like the raw, earthy experience. Coarse, rough and invigorating.
Anyway, Armitage works at…Spacebucks. So I don’t know why he’s such a caf snob.
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Wha… Who’s Hux? Oh wait, you must mean Armitage. Armitage…“Arkanis”. Riiiiiight.
Well, he thinks I’m “Ben Quadinaros” now, so I won’t ask if he doesn’t. Though I wish I’d had the foresight to realize I might spend the next year pretending to somehow have Toong ancestry.
…Wait. Are you guys voting on my future roommate…based on…how funny it would be??
Is my suffering amusing to you???
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whompthatsucker1981 · 2 months
constantly typing and deleting posts about the yonic character design of podracer ben quadinaros
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bumpscosity · 1 year
ben quadinaros is genuinely the worst character design in all of star wars
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umwmun-blog · 7 months
Antilles Academy Wins F zero galactic cup!
Wedge him self would sub in as the Pod Racer for the Antilles Academy during the F zero galactic cup on Taris. Wedge would be the Red Rancor racer Ben Quadinaros jr. by 0.5 seconds.
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in other news
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"Battle of the Mid-Rim". The New Republic faces the 7th fleet within the Mid-Rim. The full might of the New Republic and Imperial Remnant forces facing off in a series of titanic, fast paced battles. Despite pleas to both Luke Skywalker and the Coalition of Free Worlds to reinforce them, neither can arrived. Supported by an unknown force, the 7th Fleet is able to prevail against the New Republic, forcing the New Republic into a retreat. While the New Republic fights for it's life, decisions that may change the course of the galaxy occur. Separatist Betrayal!
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Following the resumption of active civil war, the Coalition of Free Worlds does not support the New Republic in the Mid-Rim, instead pushing directly towards Coruscant to deliver a knockout blow against their rivals. The newly formed "Galacitc Liberation Army and Navy" arrives over Coruscant, placing themselves in orbit. In a dark and striking move, the commanders, Ryder Azadi and Admiral Ackbar, give the order for GLN ships to bombard the capitol world of Coruscant, to destroy the Core once and for all. However this action does not go as planned. The forces of the GLN, while detesting the New Republic government, still considered the New Republic as friends against the Empire and brothers in arms. Refusing the order, fights break out in the GLN fleet as Calrissian's battle droids attempt to carry out the order, while the organic forces against all odds fight to prevent the deaths of billions. The soldiers of the GLN are successful in capturing Calrissian and forcing him to disarm the battle droids, taking control of the GLN fleet and arresting their nominal leadership. Just as this happens however, the 7th Fleet drops out of hyperspace. The recovering GLN and the broken New Republic fleet rally for a desperate defense of Coruscant.
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The Galactic Liberation fleet and the New Republic fleets set aside their differences to fight the Empire one last time. The battle is fierce, but the 7th Fleet begins to prevail. All hope seems lost, however at the last minute Wedge Antilles arrives with Luke Skywalker and the "Outbound Flight" star squadrons. Luke breaks through the 7th Fleet's screens and boards Pellaeon's flagship. There, Luke offers Pellaeon mercy, however Pellaeon is killed by none other than his sister, Leia Organa, a new Sith Lord.
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Luke refuses to join the Dark Side, and the two duel on the bridge of Pellaeon's flagship. Luke wins, however Leia escapes with the help of the true leader of the 7th Fleet, Grand Admiral Thrawn.
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Thrawn leads the 7th Fleet back into retreat, where a new Imperial Remnant government is born from the Unknown Regions, birthing a new Sith Empire under a council led by Thrawn and Leia Organa. All the while, chaos unfolds in Coruscant, with Hera Syndulla seizing power. This plan is foiled by none other than Mas Amedda, who leads a popular revolt to take back control of the Senate. Mas Amedda is killed in this battle, however Coruscant is saved from military dictatorship. Mon Mothma becomes effective leader of the Republic in the wake of these events, given emergency powers by the Senate. This emergency power allows the new Universal Species Rights to be passed. However with a failure to reform the Senate representation, it becomes visible that the New Republic may be doomed to oligarchy and power struggles for the forseeable future. Lando, Azadi and Ackbar are all placed under arrest by the Coalition of Free Worlds for treason. Han Solo, a leader of the GLN mutiny, becomes leader of the CFW while the government restructures.
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altcntrlmp · 9 months
Star Wars Racer Arcade
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Racer Arcade features four tracks: Tatooine Bantha Tracks (Easy), Etti IV Smuggler's Cove (Normal), Malastare Pixelito Challenge (Hard), which has four laps, and Tatooine Boonta Eve Classic (Expert), which has three laps. Four Podracer pilots are playable: Anakin Skywalker, Ben Quadinaros, Gasgano and Sebulba. 
The player controls the podracer via two handheld throttle controls, similar to how pods are controlled in the film. Unlike the home console video game Star Wars Episode I: Racer, the player's podracer is indestructible, although it can suffer slowdown from collision damage, and it is possible, yet difficult, to destroy opposing podracers.
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jonijo2001 · 1 year
i would bare ben quadinaros’s children
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luke-shywalker · 5 months
Kiss marry kill: Ben Kenobi, Ben Solo, and Ben ✨QUADINAROS✨
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tallon-underworld · 2 years
My sister just said “We are all Ben Quadinaros in the great podrace of life”, and man do I feel that
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sw5w · 7 months
Ben Quadinaros' Frustration
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Complete Podrace Grid Sequence 06:37
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billfrancois · 3 years
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Happy Star Wars day! I drew Ben Quadinaros, the beloved fan favorite character from Episode 1! I hope he gets his own spin off series someday...
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askbensolo · 4 months
Sorry I haven’t posted much this week. It’s been a liiittle crazy. I gave both Armitage and Poe tours of the apartment this week (Armitage on Monday, Poe yesterday).
I thought I hated them when I was just messaging them. Oh, buddy, I had no idea.
Let’s start with Armitage. Listen: my mother raised me right. I tried to be nice, even though every previous interaction I’d had with him had proven that he was not. I opened the door and put on a smile and said, “Hey!” Bro looks past me and sees my holopad propped up on the dining table, where I’d been watching the livestream of the Senate hearing on arms control on Coruscant. Unfortunately, it was paused right on a close-up of my mom.
This dude cannot be normal. Imagine. You walk into a stranger’s home, see an image of a senator you’re maybe not so fond of, and go “Tch. Senator Organa… I’m convinced she was only voted in out of pity. Everyone loves the Alderaanian princess, but she’s really rather far from qualified.”
I was so pissed I almost couldn’t talk. “What the—wh—why do you think she’s not qualified?! She has years of political experience, and she fought on the ground. She’s done so much volunteer and charity work, and she actually understands the issues she talks about on the floor, and—”
Armitage looked taken aback, but also like he was scrutinizing me. I shut my mouth.
“…What did you say your last name was?” he asked suspiciously, his tone clipped.
‘Cause, see, when I’m first meeting someone, I don’t usually tell them who I am am. I’m just Ben. I like being my own person. And then maybe after they pass the vibe check I can be like, “oh, yeah, I’m Ben Solo, but I’m also just a chill dude, please treat me normal haha.” But, yeah—that’s why Armitage didn’t know who I was.
You know when you’re talking to a stranger and you’re like, “Oh. No. We are not getting into this, because I’m never gonna see you again”? That was me in that moment. I was like, yeah, there’s no way I’m rooming with this snooty bag of tauntaun flatulence for a year.
“Quadinaros,” I said. It was the first name I thought of. I hoped Armitage didn’t know his podracers.
He looked like he wasn’t buying it.
“Well, what’s your last name?” I blurted in a stupid retort. Like a “your mom” kind of thing. Usually, that doesn’t work. Surprisingly, it caught him off guard.
“…Arkanis,” he replied, with less confidence than one would usually declare his own name with.
I showed him the apartment like I promised (and believe me, the comment about my mom was not the last rude thing he said while he was there), but in my head I knew I was picking Poe.
That is…until yesterday, when I had Poe over to tour.
I was actually genuinely excited to greet Poe at the door, because he was my ticket to not rooming with Armitage…but the smile melted right off my face when I beheld the sight before me.
This guy is. De-kriffing-ranged.
You know those, like, baby holders you buckle onto your chest? Well, get this. Homie was wearing one of those…but his BB droid was in it. And those models are hefty. They may be all round, and relatively small compared to your average R2 unit, but they’re still like…I don’t know, the height of your knee? And made of metal, obviously.
My jaw dropped at the sight of this absolute madman. I just stood there staring at him.
“So, uh.” Poe cleared his throat, as if he didn’t have forty pounds of droid buckled to his body. “Who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?”
I snapped out of it. “Sorry. Uh. Here. Come in.”
Once inside, he put his droid down on the floor, and I was reminded that choosing Poe meant also getting a pet, basically. “Weeeeoooooo!” said the BB unit, and started rolling all over the place.
Forty pounds of droid rolled over my foot. “Ow!”
“Sorry!” said Poe. “He’s just a little excitable. Aren’t ya, buddy?”
So I gave them the tour. And I really don’t have the energy to recount that endeavor, so here’s a list of some (just some) of Poe’s demands:
the droid’s charging dock needs to be in our bedroom near the window, even though the window is on my side of the bedroom
we need to put down rubber mats over the carpet so it’s easier for the droid to roll around
we need to ask management to install an accessibility ramp at the doorstep so the droid can roll in and out
it would be great if I could play with the droid when Poe’s not around, since the droid needs daily stimulation
After a while I kind of stopped listening. I thought to myself, Is this real life? Are astromechs not just flight navigation equipment? Is this would-be pilot who doesn’t even own a starship asking me to play with his droid like it’s his son?
I couldn’t have been more relieved to finally show Poe and his droid out the door. And then I ran into my room and flopped on my bed face-down and screamed into the mattress.
If only it wasn’t so late into the year. It’s impossible to find roommates right now. I’m lucky to have two options, as horrible as both options are.
I almost thought about moving back in with Mom and Dad. But…then I thought about my job, and Wednesday nights at the cantina with the guys, and quiet Sunday walks along the lake, and lazy Saturday museum-crawls with my ink pen and paper notebook…compared to how living at home just transforms me back into a sixteen-year-old, and I was like…no. No. I’m not leaving Naboo.
Anyway…so that’s my week. At least Fannie’s coming over tomorrow and I can temporarily forget next year’s gonna be hell.
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darthjudgee109 · 2 years
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Ben Quadinaros definetely won the Boonta Eve classic.
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