#Ben Tennyson is a women aggressor
Clarification about Ben 10 UAF
The essay “Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Force is misogynist and anti-feminist, and here’s the proof” was not written by me. Its authorship is of Alex Pan, a journalist. My name is Christiane Amelia Neves, feminist, student, and a former Ben 10 fan. “Former” due to the damage Dwayne McDuffie and his sexist, misogynist friend Matt Wayne did to the saga.
I was informed by a nice profile that a blog here on Tumblr is questioning the essay. As I’m not the author, I cannot be offended by someone questioning it. However, as a woman and feminist, I regret there are women who supports TV shows that degrade women. I understand that Ben 10 marked our childhoods, but it’s exactly because I love the ORIGINAL series that I hope for the saga maintains its quality. Unfortunately, McDuffie and Wayne stuffed UAF with misogyny and gender violence. The essay points the misogynist cases, the episodes they happen, and makes comparisions with similar situations in real life. For instance, Kevin beating Gwen and getting unpunished because he was under the influence of “energy” is similar to an alcoholic/drug addicted husband who beats his wife and alleges he cannot be punnished. Alcohol, drugs, and energy addiction are not excuses for beating women. The misogynists hide their hate behind addictions to get unpunished. Ultimate Alien praises this kind of men, and many fans, instead of criticizing it, defend the misogynist message spread by the series.
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It is sad that some women, in the name of the love for a saga, deny their own sex and put themselves against women rights. Real Ben 10 women fans should take ORIGINAL Gwen as an example of women empowerement and protest against the changes made by McDuffie and Wayne. Do you really think being beaten by men is what women deserves? Do you think beauty gives men permission to beat women? If so, I recommend a movie called “Beauty and the Beast” (Disney, 1991), so you can learn a lot about what beauty means and how women deserves to be treated.
I deeply regret when I see women putting themselves against women and alonside misogynists. Feminism exists to protect women from violence and prejudice. I don’t hate men, I know that there are good men and bad man, as there are good women and bad women. But some of the bad men likes to victimize themselves online to convince some women to stand against feminism, so they can keep sexism and misogyny alive (as they did in a post in the Brazilian version of Ben 10 Wikia). Feminism is not about hating men, it is about fighting for women to be respected.
Ben 10 UAF is indeed a sexist, misogynist universe. Matt Wayne loves treating Gwen like trash in the episodes he writes. It is very common a writter or director to get revenge from characters or actresses he dislikes. Wayne hates the empowered Gwen from the original series and made her a weak rogue’s girlfriend to spread his misogynist values that “women must be below men.” He did it for Gwen to be below Kevin and Ben, as the original saga has feminist values and put Ben and Gwen alongside in importance. The team McDuffie made for UAF is mainly male, and there are many misogynist figures (like Wayne). Even women, as Charlotte Fullerton, are obligated to write sexist episodes.
I know Cartoon Network poses as a “progressive” enterprise. If it is so, it should apologize with women imediately. I know the U.S.A. are taking fight against misogyny seriously, and soon I will see UAF being “cancelled” for its misogynist message. Feminism will keep existing to help women, independently if some women sells themselves for a fake respect from misogynists. And I, as a true feminist, will keep denouncing sexism and misogyny. Alex Pan did very well in denouncing it on the essay. Congrats to Alex Pan!!!!
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