#ben 10 uaf is sexist
thyfggfy · 4 months
Me after creating a mental list of my favourite characters from certain medias :.... I may have a type
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Female characters that constantly have to prove themselves cuz no one believes in them and there is always someone who surpasses them get behind me.
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Clarification about Ben 10 UAF
The essay “Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Force is misogynist and anti-feminist, and here’s the proof” was not written by me. Its authorship is of Alex Pan, a journalist. My name is Christiane Amelia Neves, feminist, student, and a former Ben 10 fan. “Former” due to the damage Dwayne McDuffie and his sexist, misogynist friend Matt Wayne did to the saga.
I was informed by a nice profile that a blog here on Tumblr is questioning the essay. As I’m not the author, I cannot be offended by someone questioning it. However, as a woman and feminist, I regret there are women who supports TV shows that degrade women. I understand that Ben 10 marked our childhoods, but it’s exactly because I love the ORIGINAL series that I hope for the saga maintains its quality. Unfortunately, McDuffie and Wayne stuffed UAF with misogyny and gender violence. The essay points the misogynist cases, the episodes they happen, and makes comparisions with similar situations in real life. For instance, Kevin beating Gwen and getting unpunished because he was under the influence of “energy” is similar to an alcoholic/drug addicted husband who beats his wife and alleges he cannot be punnished. Alcohol, drugs, and energy addiction are not excuses for beating women. The misogynists hide their hate behind addictions to get unpunished. Ultimate Alien praises this kind of men, and many fans, instead of criticizing it, defend the misogynist message spread by the series.
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It is sad that some women, in the name of the love for a saga, deny their own sex and put themselves against women rights. Real Ben 10 women fans should take ORIGINAL Gwen as an example of women empowerement and protest against the changes made by McDuffie and Wayne. Do you really think being beaten by men is what women deserves? Do you think beauty gives men permission to beat women? If so, I recommend a movie called “Beauty and the Beast” (Disney, 1991), so you can learn a lot about what beauty means and how women deserves to be treated.
I deeply regret when I see women putting themselves against women and alonside misogynists. Feminism exists to protect women from violence and prejudice. I don’t hate men, I know that there are good men and bad man, as there are good women and bad women. But some of the bad men likes to victimize themselves online to convince some women to stand against feminism, so they can keep sexism and misogyny alive (as they did in a post in the Brazilian version of Ben 10 Wikia). Feminism is not about hating men, it is about fighting for women to be respected.
Ben 10 UAF is indeed a sexist, misogynist universe. Matt Wayne loves treating Gwen like trash in the episodes he writes. It is very common a writter or director to get revenge from characters or actresses he dislikes. Wayne hates the empowered Gwen from the original series and made her a weak rogue’s girlfriend to spread his misogynist values that “women must be below men.” He did it for Gwen to be below Kevin and Ben, as the original saga has feminist values and put Ben and Gwen alongside in importance. The team McDuffie made for UAF is mainly male, and there are many misogynist figures (like Wayne). Even women, as Charlotte Fullerton, are obligated to write sexist episodes.
I know Cartoon Network poses as a “progressive” enterprise. If it is so, it should apologize with women imediately. I know the U.S.A. are taking fight against misogyny seriously, and soon I will see UAF being “cancelled” for its misogynist message. Feminism will keep existing to help women, independently if some women sells themselves for a fake respect from misogynists. And I, as a true feminist, will keep denouncing sexism and misogyny. Alex Pan did very well in denouncing it on the essay. Congrats to Alex Pan!!!!
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whatudottu · 2 years
Thinking aloud here but, originally in OS Ben 10 - thanks to the trio set up - there was already a present tri-colour theme of green (Ben, of course), blue (Gwen in both clothes and mana) and red (Grandpa Max, again with clothes but also to the plumber badge which appears as a red dot on a blue grey uniform). Over in UAF though, the red shifts to being a pink and instead of Kevin running along with the replacement colour, Gwen picks up pink and Kevin takes her blue. And over in OV, we no longer have a trio to make a tri-colour theme, and instead have green and blue for Ben and Rook.
Bringing this up, I want to kind of tie two ideas together, that being to keep Gwen blue and have Kevin be red, and for Omniverse to add on to the buddy cop duo with a red of their own, the ironically named Kai Green.
For a kids show - whether or not Ben 10 was revolutionary in doing this or was one of a few - having a female main character be coded as very specifically blue instead of pink, and not even contrasting with the main male character, was certainly very notable and actually pretty cool. UAF pivoting to return to the pink, even so much as turning Gwen’s style to be red in AF season 3 and the entirety of UA, essentially changed what she had been for 4 seasons of the original series. She didn’t even get pinned with the colour red, and while Ben kept up with the green - going... 10 fold if you ask me - Gwen got a new colour for this new trio.
Kevin, though lacking in clothing colour for quite a significant portion of his appearance pre-UAF, did very distinctly evoke the colour red thanks in due part to his amalgam Kevin 11 form. Even though a lot of his energy absorption powers were blue, more associated with electricity, the big red bruiser was very much the appearance of Kevin before UAF came around. Perhaps it would’ve been cool to have a carry over, a matter absorbing Kevin - just a tad afraid to fully commit to energy or DNA absorption especially - having the remaining heat and fire of a pyronite, coating himself in metals and rocks as if they were melting upon his form. Of course, Kevin 11 was more than just the hot red of Fourarms and Heatblast, but before blue jeans Kevin came along that was the colour I thought about.
Perhaps round 2 of an RGB trio may have interfered with the red of Albedo, but consider that maybe pink is not a colour entirely abandoned. The Highbreed have very many purple design elements, that in their technology and even in their facial appearance, framed by the white of their bodies and the yellow of the DNAliens. And what colour, might one say, is akin to purple but can also be the complimentary colour of a darker green?
Am I making Albedo pink? Well fricking sure I am. And, as an added bonus, it matches with the idea - more explored in Omniverse - of albinism, like white rabbits with the distinct pink eyes, even if humans (not that Albedo is a human) would have blue or hazel eyes. Pink also serves as a contrast to purple, a notable colour in defining evil in Ben 10, in such a way that it is not as intense a colour; it is a warm colour and it is a lighter colour, but the relationship that red and purple have with magenta can’t help make me connect pink with violet.
That way, the cast can keep up the RGB throughout UAF, and maybe leave room for orange and yellow villains or allies to sneak their way in. Captain Nemesis after all is very orange and, considering that Kevin is now red, the warm coloured connection and red-based association between these characters has a lot more relation to ‘not appearing as they seem’.
Moving over to Omniverse, a lot of arguments (that aren’t racist and sexist takes that cracker omnicron and her pathetic little meow meow spread like a cancer) about BenKai is mostly how forced and relatively out of the blue the relationship seems, and whether or not you’re a fan of it or not, the easiest solution to this is by continuing the trend of trios into OV. Kai Green, daughter of Wes Green, is another plumber’s grandchild like Ben himself. Since I haven’t seen Omniverse in a hot while, it seems that between her and her grandfather, Kai’s relationship to the plumbers appears to be related to the mystical investigation and safe keeping side of the plumbers, connected directly to what was mentioned in OS and in that one episode with the underground molerat cows.
Aside from generally having a connection and reason to be working alongside Ben, hero of the galaxy and grandson of the greatest plumber alive, and Rook, rookie hah i see what they did there plumber assigned to Ben Tennyson as a partner, Kai stands as the replacement of Gwen in knowledge of legends and artifacts more closely related to tall tales told to children to keep them from wandering the night alone. And the funniest thing about this, with the adjustment made from UAF, Kai get’s the red of Kevin while Rook gets the blue of Gwen.
And here’s a little connection I made while writing this, the colours reflect the meaning of both the classic trio and the teen trio. Rook reflects the blue of the original Gwen, a character that Ben absolutely could not get along with in the slightest until trials and tribulations told him otherwise. And now with Kai, her red reflects the blue of the teen Kevin, a character that Ben has history with that was less than pleasant, and tying it back to the original trio, has connections with Grandpa Max himself through not only herself but through Max’s old partner Wes Green, her very own grandpa.
So, with the existence of a trio (and preferably writers that don’t treat it’s characters like shit) Rook is not the only braincell of the Ben dynamic, and now if there’s going to be any form of relationship that is formed between Kai and Ben, this is the situation to do it in. That’s also a big if, but whatever...
This has been me with disconnected thoughts about the RGB tri-colour and um... I talked about this a lot longer than I thought that I would to be perfectly honest with you.
Um, well... okay :)
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fuckyeahcharmcaster · 5 years
Me: I really enjoy the childish rivalry between Kevin and Charmcaster that is turning into something of a frenemy dynamic by “Roundabout”, and am interested to see it progress alongside their personal developments and possibly be a factor in Kevin’s alleged spin-off.
Some fans online: OMG, Charmcaster magically took control of Kevin against his will and then hurt his feelings in “Which Watch”! Die, bitch! How dare she hurt our baby like that!?
Me: ......................Really? Still?
Nobody (I hope) will argue that Charm hasn’t done bad things; she’s a villain, after all. But hating her for the specific crime of hurting the feelings of Kevin - a career bully who insults others every chance he gets - and taking control of him against his will - after which he goes on to take control of Glitch, a sentient being, against its will twice - while pretending Kevin is an innocent little lamb is asinine. The whole point of that episode, and their dynamic in general, is to highlight their similarity to each other, and to Ben and Gwen (their hated foes). And that’s not my interpretation, that’s per Word of God. Ben 10 may have been rebooted, but I see the sexist double standard of judgement among fans when it comes to Kevin and Charmcaster hasn’t changed (I blame UAF, and it just makes me hate that series even more).
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Denouncing Sexist Profiles Online
Canadian artist Tommy Jando is a partner of our movement against misogyny. He is always posting truth about people who defends misogyny and sexism online. Now he is denouncing sexist profiles, like the ones who attacked Alex Pan and Daydee Kostah.
See his work here: https://www.deviantart.com/tommyjando
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