#Berserker/Bersicker is a GOOD BOY
see-arcane · 2 years
Dracula: Go on, my child of the night, break the glass and send them running into frenzy, that I may take what is mine!
Berserker the Wolf, hating this: Shit shit shit, Mr. Bilder’s going to be so disappointed in me, shit 
Lucy, seeing a giant wolf smash in her window: Oh, God! A wolf! My dead mother! My drugged staff! I’m going to die! D:>
Berserker, a Good Boy Doing This Against His Will: I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I ALSO DON’T WANT TO BE DOING THIS D:>
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jorrmungandr · 2 years
You know, yesterday I remembered that the wolf one was one that escaped from the zoo, but it turns out that's not really accurate.
Dracula pulled a heist on the zoo. He stole that wolf, and it returned as soon as it was able to escape his clutches.
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batsandbeauty · 2 years
"...when I went over to Bersicker he let me stroke his ears same as ever."
Reblog to give Berserker the Good Boy a scritch behind the ears
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