#Best AME courses in Mumbai
srbachchan · 10 months
DAY 5665
Jalsa, Mumbai Aug 21/22, 2023 Mon/Tue 1:43 AM
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In grace and in gratitude for the affection and love for the PR exercises conducted by the ever efficient Ef .. you have made me very proud and very grateful for all that you have done individually for the film
a film that has resounded with one and all .. in compliments and extraordinary accolades for its content and its performances .. very rarely does one get to see the merits of a film expressed without any criticism .. just incredible affection for the story direction and the play out by the artists ..
the messages of those that have encountered the glory of the film have been so so admirable and filled with a terminology that has not been seen or read before ..
'the best actor of this generation' to the 'most underrated genius ' have been some of the millions that have been sent to me .. and I regret of course at not being able to respond to each of them individually , but you know as well as I do that they have been read noticed and hugely appreciated ..
for a Father it is the most cherished moment to be in the company of them that shower their praise for the Son .. and to be given the emotion that rides above every other emotion ..
Abhishek has ever kept his humble self about .. appreciated the love and praise , but also kept his balance about .. in an era when every effort is made to be visible at all places, he has allowed his work to speak rather than scream from roof-tops and alleyways ..
man shall never be able to add to his dignity by standing on it .. no one but no one can make you feel inferior without your consent ..
one is often referred to as the 'chip of the old 'block' .. gone is that time and feel .. its actually the 'block' itself ..
hurray !
jai ho !!
जय हो जय हो जय हो !!
जी हाँ हिज़ूर मैं लिखता हूँ; मैं पुत्र की प्रशंसा में लिथता हूँ '
ये बात मैंने पहले भी कही थी, ये बात मैं आज फिर कहता हूँ ,
मेरे बेटे, बेटे होने से मेरे उत्तराधिकारी नहीं होंगे,
जो मेरे उत्तराधिकारी होंगे वो मेरे बेटे होंगे
जी हाँ हिज़ूर मैं लिखता हूँ, मैं पुत्र की प्रशंसा में लिथता हूँ '
मैं अपने उत्तराधिकारी की प्रशंसा में लिखता हूँ
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with love and regard and more ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
Good and evil ghost girl by ... Tumblr
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Vishnu x Reader
Summary- She just wanted to go to the temple. Vishnu took one look at her and well... Plans changed.
Vishnu's Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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She walked down the stairs of Vishnu's larger than necessary house, her pallu flowing with the wind and anklets tinkling as she walked down the stairs. She looked beautiful; a gajra weaved into her hair, adorning the finest jhumkas Mumbai had to offer. And the necklace Vishnu hand-made especially for her. It was safe to say she felt good as she made her way downstairs, a pooja thali in hand.
"Go & keep an eye on her," Vishnu announced to his men before he even saw her. Now, she knew her fiance was protective and possessive, especially since his line of work wasn't exactly the safest, but she wasn't about to be followed around like a spoiled princess. "I'll be fine, Vishu. I'm only going to the temple." She giggled, rolling her eyes as you walked towards the door. 
He looked up and for several moments just stared at her retreating figure with his mouth open, almost like he was in a trance. "You're not going." He declared once he recovered. He walked up to her, taking the thali out of her hands and pulled her towards him.
"Oof" She huffed out a laugh, as she collided into his chest, "And pray tell, why?" She asked, encircling her arms around his neck.
"Isn't it obvious?" He asked, as he pulled her closer, "You go out looking so divine, like the incarnation of the very goddess you pray to, naturally people will fall in love. Can you imagine the amount of men I will have to take care of? Only I'm allowed to be in love with you, jaan, only me. So no, in the best interests of the public and your lover, you're not going anywhere."  
She looked up into his eyes as one of her hands travelled down to his chest, "Oh? And where am I supposed to pray then Mr. Lover?" She lightly asked, indulging him as her other hand played with the hairs at the nape of his neck. He looks pensive for a moment then asks you, "Can you wait a week, jaan?" Confusion was clear on her face and evident in her voice as she asked, "Wait for what, Vishu?"
Vishnu grinned down at her, "Don't you trust your Vishu, Beloved?" He replied, "Just wait for a week, Jaan, please?" He asked. She was still confused but she nodded nonetheless. Quite curious to know what's cooking in that handsome head of his.
He grins at her again then picks up his phone and calls someone, his eyes never straying from hers for too long.
"Get the best architect in India. Within an hour. I want a temple made near the house; of all the gods my beloved wishes to pray to. It would do you well to not make her wait for more than a week."
The fic that started it all! Of course, I updated it a bit, but still one of my favourites. What do we think?
@mad-who-ra @vijayasena @kanha-sakhi @nerdreader @athena-roy @warnermeadowsgirl @celestesinsight @sabii5 @bxby-luna
If you wanna be tagged and you will be added to the list!
Enjoy ❤️
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Starting off my birthday month by giving y'all some ✨ pain ✨
This whole fic is based on one angsty movie dialogue and Thule Malec......so you know double pain 😊
"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we were ordinary?" Magnus asked, staring at the ceiling.
They were still lazing in bed even though it was already mid-morning. The previous few mornings had been spent like this, wrapped in sheets and talking about the most random things, until one of them got hungry enough to get up and make breakfast (or in Magnus’s case, summon it). No one knew they were back from vacation already and neither Alec nor Magnus was in any hurry to tell them.
"Ordinary? Like if we were mundanes?" Alec asked.
"Yeah, because I do".
This piqued Alec’s curiosity. "And what do we do in our ordinary lives?" he asked. 
"You do a regular, boring 9-5 job, I wait for you to come home and give me attention”. 
Alec chuckled. “What else?”
Magnus turned towards him and raised himself slightly. “On the weekends we do laundry and taxes. Maybe host a barbecue once in a while".
“And who does the grilling?”
“You of course,” Magnus replied sunnily. “Or maybe Jace or any of our other friends. But not Isabelle”.
“Not Isabelle,” Alec agreed. "Do we still live in New York?"
"We could live wherever,” Magnus said. “New York, London, Florence, Mumbai, Tokyo, anywhere. Any special preferences?"
Alec shook his head. "Any place is fine as long as it’s you I wake up next to. Whichever city, whichever country, whichever universe".
Magnus smiled. “Alexander Gideon Lightwood, you will be the death of me,” he said and kissed him for a long time.
The memory felt like a lifetime ago. Alec wished he could go back to that time when life was so simple and the only thing he had to worry about was how to keep Izzy and Jace away from trouble or how to get the glitter out of literally every surface in the house.
But the world as he had known had changed completely. Sebastian Morgenstern turned it into his playground. Demons roamed freely, mundane numbers were dwindling and Shadowhunters were either Turned or killed or barely managed to escape. There was personal loss too - his mother was missing, his sister was dead and his parabatai was worse than dead.
His sister had died killing Sebastian and his parabatai’s very soul had been corrupted by him.
And then there was Magnus, on his knees in front of him, begging to be killed. 
“You have to do this Alexander,” Magnus pleaded. “There is no other way”.
“There has to be another way. Tessa and Ragnor are still searching, they could find something that….they could find something”.
“Even if they do, it will be too late,” Magnus said. “I don’t have any more time left”.
It was true. The blight had started affecting warlocks all over the world. One by one they were all falling ill and no cure had worked. Magnus, being an Eldest curse, was affected the most.
Alec kneeled so he could be at eye level with him. Magnus was beyond exhausted. His bones were jutting out and his usually beautiful face was pale and sunken.
Magnus clasped Alec’s hand. “Alec, my brave archer boy, I know I am asking a lot from you but I can’t see myself turning into a monster,” he said, tears welling up in his eyes. “For centuries I have kept my humanity intact, trying my best to not let my father’s blood taint the good in me, trying to not give in to evil”. He shut his eyes as if in pain and whispered “I can’t fail now”.
A teardrop rolled and fell on Alec’s hand. “Look at me Magnus,” he said and lifted Magnus’s chin. “Look at me and listen to me, you are kindness, strength, humanity, and patience all wrapped up in one person. All your life you have helped people and saved lives. Even if they didn't deserve any of it. You are not evil. You never will be”
“I wish it was true Alexander. I wish that was my reality right now. But when this illness takes over my body, everything you said about me will vanish. I won’t be part human anymore and I would rather die than lose my humanity”.
Alec knew that. Magnus’s humanity had made Magnus what he was today. It was what Alec had fallen in love with first. So how could he see it leave his body? How could he deny him his last wish?
“Is this what you really want?” Alec asked in a small voice.
“Yes I do,” Magnus said. “You know why it has to be you right?”
“I know,” Alec replied. “I just wish we had more time”
“I wish that too. Maybe it's possible in another universe”.
“Maybe in another universe, we have a different life, a happier one”.
“Like the one we talked about a few months ago?”
“Yeah, like that one,” Alec replied softly.
Magnus closed his eyes and touched his forehead to Alec’s. He pulled away after a few minutes and whispered “You have to do it now before anyone else comes”.
Alec nodded and slowly retrieved a knife from inside his jacket. With his other hand, he gently touched Magnus’s face. “Just so you know, in another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you”.
Magnus smiled and kissed him with all the passion and love he could muster. Tears flowed down his face, mingling with their kisses. He gasped as the knife went in but didn’t move away. 
They stayed like that in each other's arms until Magnus’s breaths became shallow. Alec pulled away and gently lowered him to the ground. Blood seeped from the wound and darkened the soil around him. Magnus opened his mouth to say something but he started sputtering and reddish-black blood spilled out. Alec made a move to shush him but Magnus stopped him. “Alexander Lightwood…. it has been an honor being loved by you,” he said finally and went still.
Alec closed his eyes in pain and let the tears fall. He wanted to do more than that. He wanted to scream, shout, break something, bring Magnus back but nothing would work. He had lost everything and everyone he once held dear. The only thing he was left with now was grief and pain.
Once upon a time, Alec had dreamed of changing the world so the people he cared about could live and love freely. But what was the point now if they were all gone? What kind of world would he fight for? And for whom?
It was one of the quickest decisions Alec had made in his life. He curled his fingers around the hilt of the knife embedded in Magnus’s body and pulled it free. He thought of his family one last time, of Clary who died trying to save the world, of Tessa, Ragnor, and Catarina who were desperately searching for a cure. He thought of Magnus, the man who made him come alive with one look, who made him feel deserving of love.
A world without Magnus in it was not a world worth living in. With that thought in mind, Alec plunged the knife into his chest. It stung at first but it was okay. This pain was better compared to the pain of living. He laid down next to Magnus, clasped his hand, and closed his eyes. At least in death, they could be together.
The last thing he saw was a vision of two boys standing in front of a door. One was a toddler, barely 2 or 3 years old, with blue skin and tiny white horns jutting out of his head. The other one was slightly older with unruly curly hair and a solemn expression on his face. The boys looked like they were waiting for someone. He heard them call out, then the image faded and darkness took over as if signaling the end.
taglist : @dandeliononthemoon @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @ninacarstairss @vierss-herondale @elettralightwood @gayforcarstairsgirls @rinadragomir @magnus-the-maqnificent @carelessflower @dustandducks @wildesummerchild @potato-jem @the-ethereal-aura @literallytypogod
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so there's no hindi version of phoenix wright but it absolutely SHOULD exist because it would be so good listen-
(i am fully "localising" this because if the english and french versions of the game were allowed to then so am i, dammit)
it would take place in some big city in india, probably mumbai so that the steel samurai stuff can be connected to bollywood
the last time i was in mumbai i literally saw a japanese temple like down the road from my grandparents' building so the japanese influences aren't even that out of place. it's a big city okay, it could totally work
kurain village can be a "gaon" (village) somewhere in the maharastrian countryside. the fey manor even feels a lot like the big family houses you get out in gaon, though with a lot more japanese influence of course
the thought of pearl calling maya "maya didi" is melting my heart omg ("didi" means "big sister" but you can also use it on people who aren't literally your sister)
maya can still be called maya, it's a common name in india
and morgan would get so mad whenever phoenix doesn't call maya "maya-ji" ("ji" is a respectful suffix like "-sama" in japanese). he'd be like SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND, WHY TF WOULD I CALL HER "MAYA-JI"
edgeworth and gumshoe would have THE jai dixit and ali bhai dynamic from dhoom. without the motorbikes, of course. gumshoe would call people "yaar" instead of "pal" (it means the same thing).
larry is circuit. i don't know how else to put that. if you understand then you understand and if you don't, you don't.
speaking of, furio tigre would ABSOLUTELY refer to himself with the pronoun "apun" (a first-person pronoun often used by mafia-type characters) and call people "mamu" ("sucker")
OH AND WOCKY WOULD TOO. wocky would speak in the most munnabhai slang you ever heard. he would also mix english, hindi, marathi, gujarati, punjabi and bengali all in the same sentence. nigh incomprehensible.
lotta hart... while it makes sense to make her from south india, i feel like they get negatively stereotyped enough as is and they deserve better. so you know what? she can be gujju. lotta is from surat now and she talks like it. she's got that "hurati" accent. morgan fey hears her with her પાણી instead of पानी and ગોળી instead of गोली and is immediately like "get out >:("
wendy oldbag being one of those desi grannies is absolutely brilliant lmao
sister bikini being a desi auntie is even better
me and my brother have been calling hindi manfred von karma "manoj karma" for funsies so i've decided to keep it (the word "karma" is of indian origin so it works perfectly)
i haven't come up with pun names for people yet but phoenix, apollo and athena can keep their english first names. seriously, in mumbai you see places with those names all the time. especially apollo. it is inescapable.
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^see? i was DYING. anyways
khura'in, being likely in the himalayas somewhere near bhutan (based on their climate and culture), would still be a few hours' plane journey from mumbai so it still works. a lot of the khura'inese characters can keep their same names too, eg "nahyuta sahdmadhi" already sounds very very sanskrit to my ears (sanskrit is the south asian equivalent of what latin is in europe). and also have you seen how he dresses because it's clearly a sherwani (indian/pakistani formal clothing) and amara's idle animation is clearly inspired by art of hindu deities and rafya's middle name is literally padma and oh my god there is so much shared cultural influence they are CLEARLY countries that border each other
(the "kh" sound strongly present in the khura'inese language is also giving me south asian vibes...)
me and my brother already joke about how shah rukh khan would totally make a great mr reus/roger retinz. LISTEN okay he absolutely would. he's got that villain swag.
you don't even need to change the other guy's real name ("manov mistree") because that already sounds like an indian name. do you know how common the surname "mistry" is in some parts?? do you know how many gazillions of people i personally know who have names that sound exactly like that??? and roger retinz is the ratings rajah. RAJAH (king). i've already been headcanoning him as desi since the first time i played aa6. anyway shah rukh khan character vibes
(but then again amir khan has literally played an evil magician in a bollywood movie before, so he could pull it off too i think...)
hindi has informal ("tu"), medium ("tum") and formal ("aap") second-person pronouns. you could have SO MUCH FUN with those. franziska would call literally everyone "tu" to assert dominance while edgeworth would call literally everyone "aap" to keep them distant. siblings amirite
franziska referring to miles as "mera chhota bhai" is actually killing me oh my god. that's her chhota bhai you guys skjdhkjfhldjssdrgse
feenie calling dahlia "dollie" works really well because i have like seven relatives with the nickname "dollie" so i'm presuming it must be common
oh yes, and mumbai does occasionally get earthquakes so the DL-6 incident still makes sense
india also has an active space programme so the UR-1 incident does too
and there's a monsoon season with storms so the SL-9 incident does as well ahahhahahhaa this is sO GOOD (okay in all fairness the monsoon season is not in february, when the case takes place... whatever whatever it's FINE i can make it work somehow)
you can use three scripts for the one translation -- english romanisation (for NRIs like me who suck at hindi...), the devanagari script commonly used to write hindi, and the urdu script so that urdu speakers can play too (for the most part the languages are mutually intelligible, you wouldn't need to change the dialogue at all, only the writing system)
if anyone out there is better at hindi than i am and wants to make a fan translation please do, it would be so iconic
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anjaliiiiiii · 8 months
Aadvika stood yet again in front of her bathroom mirror, trying to wipe the blood off her upper arm. Her eyes bloodshot, her lips chapped from constantly biting them, to prevent herself from letting the noise of her cries reach to her friend's room.
"You don't deserved to be loved!" their words rang in her ear, bringing back the pain that she has been trying to bury deep in her heart. 
'But were they wrong?' she thought, sniffling lightly. 'No one has ever loved me truly and those who truly love me are now getting tired of me, I am becoming a burden to them.'
She scrubbed her arms harshly, fresh tears springing back to her eyes. She was tired. Tired of being rejected, tired of not being loved and tired of just existing now. Is there any reason left for her stay alive? Everyone has given up on her, it will be about time that her best friend and her sister give up on her, then what? What reason does she have to stay in this cruel, cold and ruthless world?
Thinking of best friend, she knew she has to tell everything to Aditi. After the meet in cafe, Aadvika booked the earliest flight to Mumbai and came back. Her early arrival and blank look on her face was enough for Aditi to know what has occured, hence she did not question her and let Aadvika give herself some time but later or sooner she will question her.
'What will I tell her?' Aadvika thought. 'That I got rejected before I could even confess? Or that life has slapped me with reality again?'
Aadvika looked up at the mirror. She looked like a mess.
"Fuck you Shubman." she croaked. God does enjoy teasing her. As soon as the words left her mouth, her phone started ringing with an unknown number. SHUBMAN GILL, truecaller flashed his name.
Aadvika frowned. 'Why is he calling me?' She hesitated for a moment, debating whether to pick his phone up or not. 
'It's not like it can get any worse.' she thought as she picked up his phone.
"Hello." she cringed at her cracked voice.
"Hi." he replied his voice as bad her.
"Shubman?" Aadvika tried to confirm.
"Yeah, it's me." he lightly laughed. "Should I be offended that you have still not saved my number?"
"Who cares if you are offended or not," she sassed. Shubman chuckled at her words.
"Why is your voice cracking?" she questioned as she got out of the bathroom. "Smoking or crying?"
"Could ask you the same?" Shubman said as he took a sip of his champagne.
"Why did you call me Shubman?" she asked as she slid open the glass door and stood against the balcony railing.
"Here I thought we were becoming friends." 
"No we are not." Aadvika sharply said. "We are just two people who have happened to have sex in the past, that's all."
"Calm down, woman." he said in a tired voice. "No need to get angry."
"Why have you called me Shubman?" she asked again.
"I don't know." he confessed. "I just wanted to talk to someone who will understand me, someone who will not judge me."
"So you want me to be your therapist?" Aadvika questioned.
"You're quiet smart." he commented.
"Shubman, don't beat around the bush." 
"Will you listen to me if I rant about my miserable life?" his voice almost sounded like he was begging her to say yes.
"I--okay." she gave in.
"Sara wants give our relationship another chance." Aadvika closed her eyes in annoyance.
'As if my day my wasn't already bad.' she thought.
"And do you want to give it another chance?"
"God no!" he exclaimed. "How can I be in a relationship with her, when I don't love her anymore. The sole reason why I started drifting away from her during our relationship was because I stopped loving her. Something that she knows."
"Did you ever love her?" Aadvika couldn't help ask.
"Of course." he defended himself. 
"No you did not." she pointed out. "You never fall out of love Shubman."
"What do you mean?" he asked, not quiet understanding the meaning of her words.
"You can never stop loving someone. Love only increases, either as affection or as pain. What you felt with Sara was nothing but attraction."
"I--I--maybe you are right." he agreed to her. "Maybe it wasn't love but what do I do now? How do I say no to her now?"
"Don't give her false hopes Shubman and don't put yourself in a situation, where you are forced to pretend to be someone you are not. The longer you drag this out, more painful it will be for both of you." Shubman was surprised at her words.
"How are you so smart and mature?" he genuinely asked. Aadvika smiled bitterly at his words.
"Life didn't give me much of a choice." Aadvika was a like a mystery to Shubman. She was an open book, a book that had nothing but blank pages in it but if you look more closely you could see the traces of words written in her tears.
"Did you watch the match today?" he asked, trying to divert his thoughts from her.
"Good, we lost the match and are now out of the tournament."
"Oh." was all she could say. 
"Yeah and it's pretty much my fault." she could feel the pain and regret in his voice. "I let all this mess get to me which in the end impacted my game."
"You couldn't have been that bad." she tried to comfort him.
"I got out at nine runs." he retorted. Aadvika bit her lip, thinking of what to say now.
"We are out of the tournament now and it's all my fault." 
"It was not your fault Shubman. You are a team of eleven players, you are not the only one who has to play well for the team to win the match."
"Are you implying that my team has also played terrible?" he asked in disbelief.
"Maybe." she shrugged.
"Your words are not helping Aadvi." he said.
"I never said they will." Aadvike sassily answered. "The team played bad, hence lost. You don't have to put yourself through all of that pain. You will have many more tournaments this year to prove yourself."
"You are right." he agreed. "But how do you I even concerntrate on my game when my personal life is so messed up."
"I am not the kind of person who says that dating ruins your career but in your case Shubman, your personal life is ruining your future. These hook ups, girlfriends, they are diverting you from your goal." Shubman chugged on his drink, trying to swallow her hard hitting words along with the drink.
"So what do you want me to do?" he shot back. "Stay single for the rest of my life."
"Maybe just maybe, for now focus on your game, you have your whole life left to romance and use that tone with me again, I'll cut the call." Aadvika warned.
"Sorry." he grumbled.
"Look Shubman," Aadvika began, her patience now thinning. "Your family has sacrificed a lot for you to be where you are, if not for yourself, try to work hard, just for them. They deserve to see you suceed." 
"I know." Shubman said, regreting his actions as he thought of his family.
"What I don't get is how can you even put yourself situation like this when you clearly know the difference between right and wrong," 
"Enough about me," he changed the topic. "Tell me Aadvi, how are you?"
"I--I am fine." she said with a lot of difficulty. When did lying become difficult for her?
"The cut on your arms beg to differ." he said as he remembered the scars on her arms.
"Why do you care?" she retorted. 
"I don't know." he truly said. "But why do you do it to yourself Aadvi? Is that pain worth those scars? What kind of happiness do you get from that pain?" Aadvika bit the inside of her cheek, trying to think of an answer.
"I don't any pleasure from hurting myself." 
"Then why do it to yourself?" he questioned again.
"You won't understand Shubman." she solemnly said, her tone making it very clear that she doesn't want to discuss further on the topic.
"I will understand Aadvi. You just have to tell me."
"I thought I was the one playing therapist today." Shubman laughed at her words.
"One can't defeat you in words, can they?" Aadvika smiled a bit.
"No, they can't." 
"Okay, how about you tell me a secret of yours." Shubman offered. "I have laid my emotions bare in front of you, it'll be only fair if I know something about as well."
"I didn't ask you to call me and lay your emotions bare." she mimicked him. "Also I have already laid myself bare, what more do you want?"
"I am serious, Aadvi." 
"Fine." Aadvika sighed, thinking of a secret that will not give much information about her. "Do you know Priyanka Chopra?"
"The whole world knows her,"
"She's my maternal cousin." Shubman spat out his drink. "You what?!"
"She is my mum's first cousin's daughter." Aadvika explained. 
"Now I know get where you get those looks from." Aadvika blushed at his comment.
"It was really nice talking to you Aadvi. I have never felt so light." Aadvika smiled.
"I'm glad that I could be of help." 
"Can I call you again Aadvi?" he asked, anxiously waiting for her answer.
'Say no!' her mind screamed. 'More he calls, more hurt you will be. Just say no! You are not his therapist or anything of his to begin with.'
'But you did feel good after talking to him.' her heart reminded. 'He doesn't have to like you back for you to have feelings for him. Sometimes only one person's love is more than enough to last a lifetime.'
"Yes you can." Aadvika answered. Shubman grinned widely.
"I love you Aadvi, I really do." he said, making her heart jump at his words. "You are the best friend, one could ask for."
Aadvika tightly gripped the railing, trying to keep her emotions under control. 
"We are not friends yet Shubman." she joked. "We are just to strangers who--"
"--had sex. I know, I know." he completed her sentence. "Aadvika?"
"Please don't hurt yourself." he begged. 
"Goodnight Shubman." she sternly said. Shubman knew that she is too stubborn to listen to him.
"Goodnight Aadvi." 
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ronaldofandom · 2 years
Chapter 2 is up, folks. I died again looking at Tarak's Japan pics, so of course, they had to feature in this modern AU.
Summary: This is Bheem*reader. This Bheem continues to be a mix of our Bheem and Daya, but he's more our Bheem here :)
No warnings in this chapter. Smut in chapter 3, I promise. This fic was intended to be one-shot out & out smut, but this man is so beautiful that feelings invariably come into the picture.
Chapter 2 - (Link to Chapter 1, Chapter 3)
Riya tried hard not to think about Bheem during the next two days. ‘Tried’ is the keyword here. The party would come up invariably in any conversation with Ambika and her colleagues. People were making plans for the Alibaug trip - of how they will chill endlessly after a few grueling weeks at work. Every mention of these subjects took her mind straight to that alluring man. She still couldn’t believe she had said yes to going after knowing him for just a few hours. She had multiple anxious moments over the next 2 days where she almost felt like backing out, stopping herself right before making the call. But she kept repeating to herself what he had told her - a little spontaneity never killed anyone. She was allowed to have fun, and she was going to break free of her inhibitions to do just that.
Every time she tried to focus on work, though, to quickly get through stuff before the long weekend, his face popped up in her head. And his body. Damn, he was hot as hell. And he knew it. The air of confidence and charm he had was a function of this self-awareness. He hadn’t hit on her or do anything to make her feel that he was interested. She had felt some ‘almost there’ moments, but after reflecting on them, she was convinced that they were all in her head. Her brain chided herself many times - reminding her that she was only in Mumbai till the next weekend and would return to another hectic project after that. There was no time for such things. At best, she could take the weekend off and have some fun. And see him one last time, prompted her heart. But she clamped down on the thought and buried herself in work.
Bheem also couldn’t help himself but think about her a bit. When he told Ram that Riya was coming for the trip, the look on his face was priceless. Bheem couldn’t understand how Ram still managed to doubt him, regarding anything related to women, after seeing him in action practically all their lives. But this would wipe off his smugness once and for all, and Bheem would always rub it in his face. Truth be told, it had been a fairly smooth ride so far. The plan had worked seamlessly, even better than expected. Bheem had known from the start that Riya was different. The things she would find attractive would be different as well. That’s why he had stayed away from his usual tricks. He had a fairly clear idea of what would work with her, and he was looking forward to actioning it.
The plan was to meet at the docks at 10 am on Friday. Everyone reached before time, including Riya. She had a couple more anxious moments in the morning while she was getting ready to leave, but Ambika had dropped by to pick her up, and it was all cool after that. Her eyes scanned the small group to look for him, but she couldn’t find him anywhere. Her heart dropped - what if he couldn’t make it for some reason, but the rest decided to go along anyway? Before she got more distraught, she spotted him a little ahead of the group. He was talking to the captain & shaking his hand. Her mood uplifted immediately. His styling was on point again - brown shades, blue t-shirt (fitted, highlighting his broad chest & shoulders, much to her dismay), and grey cargo shorts. With a backpack hanging lazily on one shoulder. Her heart rate increased, and she took a few quick deep breaths to calm down. At that very instant, he looked in her direction. Their eyes met. He waved at her casually, and she waved back a little too enthusiastically. Man, he was even more beautiful in daylight. Even from a distance. There was a swag in how he walked and talked - even the staff at the docks seemed charmed by him.
They proceeded to the yacht, with Bheem leading the way. Riya followed the group and was the last one in the line. As she was about to board, the waves got a bit rough, and the steps started shaking a bit too much for her liking. She stepped back instantly, working up the courage to try again.
‘Give me your hand.’ She recognized the voice before she looked up at him.
‘Actually, give me your backpack first.’ She handed it to him wordlessly, and he tossed it behind himself on the luggage rack.
‘Now, just give me your hands. And don’t look down.’ He extended his hands towards her, and she placed hers in his. He wrapped her right hand along the side rail of the yacht and lightly pulled on her left hand, helping her come onboard.
‘Thank you.’ She smiled at him. He returned the smile and led her to the upper deck, where others had already started frolicking around. With everyone onboard, the yacht was on its way, and they all cheered as the captain steered the yacht out of the docks towards the open sea.
‘Umm, Bheem, why isn’t anyone wearing a life jacket?’ He was silent for a few seconds, looking at her strangely.
‘Well, that’s a good question. We typically wear it on commercial boats but have never done that on a yacht. They are all under the seats, though.’
She looked around sheepishly, not convinced by the explanation.
‘Hey, it will all be fine as we move away from the shore. Usually, the waves at the shore are shaky. But listen, if you want, pls go ahead and wear one. Here, let me pull one out for you.’ He bent down to pick one up from under the seat and handed it to her. She deliberated for a few seconds - the others would surely laugh at her being the only one wearing a life jacket, but she will not be able to be at peace if she didn’t wear one - and won’t be able to enjoy the journey. To hell with them, she thought as she hooked the jacket around herself.
‘Well, someone said she was a water baby. What was that about, huh?’ He teased her, and they both started laughing.
‘I do love water. From a distance, though. I don’t even know how to swim. I just jump around in knee-deep water, and that’s about it. But I do love admiring it from a distance. I love the sound of waves, especially at night and early morning. I love the white foam they make as they crash into each other. Their movement is so calming and peaceful. It shows you how insignificant you are vs. the depth & strength of nature. It never ceases to amaze me.’ He heard her out intently, admiring her train of thought.
‘You know what, you have convinced me. I will wear one too.’ He bent down to pick another one. Riya reached out and quickly grabbed his arm, then realized what she had done and snatched her hand away.
‘I know you are wearing it, so others don’t make fun of me. You don’t have to do that. It’s fine. I can handle them.’ She strung the words together after her little faux pas.
‘I have no idea what you are talking about. I am wearing this because safety should come first. Always.’ He grinned at her and put on the jacket. It blocked the view of his rippling muscles, but nonetheless, the gesture warmed her heart.
‘Thank you.’ She smiled at him. That devilish smirk of his made its appearance again.
‘It’s been 5 mins, and you have said your favorite word, thanks, thrice.’
‘Oh, I didn’t know you were keeping count.’ She said teasingly. Honestly - she had no idea where that came from. Bheem was silent for a few seconds, the smirk still plastered on his face. He looked her up and down and let his eyes linger on her thin jumpsuit.
‘You would like that, wouldn’t you?’ Again leaving the suggestion hanging in the air, he strutted off to the larger group. She was left rooted to the spot, staring at his back - wondering what had just happened. Did she just flirt with him? And did he flirt back? Before she could torture herself with her thoughts any further, Ambika half-dragged her to the larger group, and the loud music started streaming from the speakers. They drank. They danced. They laughed. They all had a great time. 2 hours went by in a jiffy, and they reached the farmhouse.
It was an exquisite property. The interiors again had a blend of modern trends and antique classiness. The big garden and private beach added immense grandeur and tranquility. This was a perfect getaway place. Ambika led her to the room they were sharing together - she had called dibs on this one since she first visited this property. The rest of the folks also settled into the other bedrooms. As she unpacked, her eyes kept scanning the corridor to see which room belonged to Bheem. But he was nowhere to be found. Finally, she asked her friend.
‘Ambika - I know the 5 people from work who are with us. Who are the other 4?’
‘They are all Bheem bhaiya’s friends. I have met them at some of his parties, and we all come here at least once in a few months.’
‘Hmm, and the two girls in the black and red dress, who are they?’
‘The girl in the red dress is Sita. She is Ram bhaiya’s girlfriend. Such a sweetheart she is - you would love her. I still don’t understand how she ever fell for Ram bhaiya.’ Ambika giggled, making sure to not say it out loud.
Riya persisted. ‘I see. Would love to meet Sita when we go down for lunch……And..the one in the black dress, is that..Bheem’s girlfriend?’
Ambika stopped fiddling with her suitcase and looked suspiciously at her. ‘And why are you asking me that?’
‘I am just curious.’ Riya added while pretending to continue unpacking. ‘Just the way they were talking and joking around on the yacht, they seemed to be quite close. So I figured they maybe together.’ She shrugged.
‘Sweetheart, that’s how most women are around Bheem bhaiya. Always vying for his attention. And to answer your question - no, they are not together. But honestly, I believe they did date at some point, though bhaiya never admits it. Actually, I have never seen him with a steady girlfriend. But that doesn’t mean he ever lacks female attention if you get my drift.’ Ambika rolled her eyes at the thought and got back to unpacking.
Riya acted normal, but she was unsettled. The idea of an ex-girlfriend with them bothered her. The realization that it was bothering her actually bothered her even more. She had to get a grip on her thoughts - coz she was treading closer and closer to a dangerous path. You still don’t know where his room is, her heart prompted. She stoically ignored the thought - asking Ambika was out of the question; it would have made her even more suspicious. Plus, why the hell did she need to know that? She was only here to have a good weekend getaway in her last few days in Mumbai. That’s it. No time or mind space for anything else.
The lunch was as unhealthy as it could get. No one cared - these were meant to be cheat days. He was nowhere to be seen, though. She looked around, eyes scanning all corners of the house. She figured he may have crashed after the journey and was yet to wake up. Or maybe he’s with her, the ex-girlfriend, in her bedroom - her treacherous heart poked again. Since that girl wasn’t with them either. The feast in front of them didn’t seem so alluring anymore. She excused herself and walked out to the garden overlooking the sea. Seating herself under the shade, she lied back on the sunbed, shut her eyes, and enjoyed the song of the waves. It was so soothing, actually calming her unsettled senses.
‘Back to wave watching, are we?’ She jumped at the sound of his voice, not expecting to have him around.
‘Umm yeah - I anyway feel so full after the lunch, so wanted to get out here and get some fresh air.’
‘Great idea. There is nothing like the sea breeze.’ He laid down on the adjacent sunbed and sipped his beer.
‘Hmmm.’ They were both silent for a few seconds. ‘You missed lunch - there is still some left inside. You should go eat something. Drinking on an empty stomach will give you cramps.’
‘I didn’t miss lunch. I ate - in fact, I hogged a lot. I was with Aanya - so couldn’t join you guys for lunch.’ He added the last line, carefully scanning her face for her reaction.
Aanya. That must be the name of the girl in the black dress, then. Well, good for her. And good for him. Whatever. Why was he telling her anyway? And why was he sitting here with her? He should be inside with his friends. In fact, she wanted him to leave that very instant. She couldn’t care lesser. Her face was telling another story, though.
‘Aanya is the 5-year-old daughter of the housekeepers who maintain this house. I always spend time with her when I come here. She likes all colorful & shiny things - from toys to crayons to spray paints to confetti - I always bring her some. She knows that. So she jumped on me the moment I came in, and we ended up having lunch together. The menu was all her favorite things, by the way. I always order those - so she could have a feast whenever I am here.’
Riya, who was on an emotional roller coaster at the moment, was spellbound. She was touched by what he had just described. Imagining him bonding with that kid brought a smile to her face. Even 5-year-old girls are not immune to his charm, her heart nudged again.
‘That’s very sweet of you, Bheem.’
‘Thanks. And yes - I can say thanks too.’ She was full beaming at him by this point, getting lost in his irresistible smile. The shape of his face was so pleasing. Perfect eyebrows, bushy eyelashes, and those deep brown eyes - anyone could drown in those eyes. Many would love to; many must have already - her brain tried this time. She didn’t pay any heed to either her heart or brain - his beauty was too distracting. She loved how his nose scrunched when he laughed. And that smile always made his eyes twinkle - sometimes with naughtiness, sometimes with warmth, and sometimes with amusement. And his beard - she had never seen a thicker, more perfectly aligned beard than his. Even his mustache was so sexy. And this was coming from a person who had so far hated facial hair in men. The idea of being kissed by someone with facial hair disgusted her. But now, looking at him, the idea of him kiss…..
‘BHEEM, YOU ASS, WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?’ Some of his friends came running outside. Damn them and their horrific timing, she thought. They dragged him inside, and she had to follow grudgingly before someone tried to drag her too. The next few hours went by in a blur - with lots of booze, dancing, and more food. They had eaten enough for 3 days already.
Ambika and a few other girls had planned to visit the local market in the evening. And Riya had agreed to tag along. But now, she didn’t want to. She didn’t acknowledge why. However, she had no reason to offer to Ambika, and she rarely took no for an answer. So she went with them and picked some stuff for her folks and friends back in Delhi. The plan for the night was to party on the porch overlooking the beach. They weren’t going out, but the girls got dressed up anyway. The guys remained in their casual attire. Riya had carried an evening gown, too, in case they stepped out to a club. But she decided to wear it tonight. She wanted to look her best. You want to look sexy and knock his pants off - her heart offered. She didn’t counter it this time. This metallic gown was her favorite - she had only worn it once in London, never in India. But she put that on today and immediately got rave compliments from the girls. Their compliments were not what she was after, though.
The group got together on the porch, and the music started blaring on the speakers. And the booze started flowing freely. They danced to everything - English pop, Kpop, Indian movie songs, and Punjabi blockbusters. The heels were off after a few minutes, and everyone just let their hair down. Watching Bheem dance was surreal for her - his energy, his finesse, his knowledge of multiple dance forms, his grace, and his overall amazingness was on full display as he danced. Riya was enthralled - was there anything this man couldn’t do? She doubted it. He was literally the life of the party. The center of attention. Everyone wanted a piece of him. And he gave it gladly - making everyone feel special.
Well, everyone other than her, that is. He hadn’t come to her all night. He hadn’t looked at her or said anything about her dress; not a single word. Her cheerful mood had started turning sour. She was already down 3 glasses of wine, but even those couldn’t brighten her sullen mood. The sea looked so appealing from the porch, the sound of waves still audible in between the loud music. Deciding that she had had enough, she sneaked out of the party and made her way down to the private beach. It was dimly lit - the only light coming from the house behind. But after a point, the moonlight was enough. The cold sand felt lovely below her feet, almost massaging them after the vigorous dancing. She sat close to the shore and played one of her favorite songs - ‘Main tenu samjhawan ki.’ There is a reason you have picked this song, said her cruel heart.
She didn’t know how long she sat there, but half her playlist was over, so it must have been at least 30 mins. She picked another one of her comfort songs - ‘Raatan lambiyaan.’
‘I love this song too.’ She heard the booming voice first (which sounded quite drunk like hers) and then the footsteps. Her heart skipped a beat, but she admonished it - reminding it that she was supposed to be pissed with this man. And she was, she really was. When she didn’t respond, he just sat down next to her, shoulders nearly touching, and started humming the song. What in the living hell was that? He sang too? With the voice of a nightingale? This was plain unfair. This was just too much. Once the song ended and she switched off the music player on her phone, he handed her a glass of red wine. He had carried that along with a bottle of beer for himself. Chalo, he had noticed something, that red wine was her drink of choice.
She was in no mood to say no to alcohol, so she gladly accepted, and they fell back into silence. He broke that after a minute.
‘What are you doing here? Tired already from all the dancing?’ He lightly nudged her arms with his elbow.
‘There wasn’t anything else for me to do there.’ She responded cryptically. He didn’t probe further.
‘And what about you? What are YOU doing here?’ She retorted, maybe a bit too harshly.
‘Maybe I was missing the sound of the waves too, amongst other things.’
Oh, that bloody jerk. He still managed to jolt her out of her indifference with such suggestive statements. She had noticed that about him - of saying stuff yet getting away with it. Wanting to have his cake and eat it too. God damn him. She wasn’t going to have any of it anymore.
‘Are you sure you don’t want to go back? Your ex-girlfriend may be waiting for you.’ She was past the point of diplomatic articulation.
‘My WHAT? I don’t have any ex-girlfriends here. Rather, I don’t have ex-girlfriends. Period.’ This made her turn to him sharply.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Riya, I don’t do girlfriends. I don’t date. I do go on some casual dates, but none of that is serious. And I have never hidden that about me. I have never indicated or implied otherwise to anyone. I have always been very upfront about it. To every girl I have sle…been with. Commitment is not for me; I am not cut out for that. I have never had a serious relationship in my life, and I am not looking for one either.’
It took her a few minutes to process all this, especially in her drunken state. He had basically just admitted to casually sleeping around with multiple women. And that it was all he had to offer - nothing more. She couldn’t put a finger on how she felt about it. It’s not like she had imagined or wanted any kind of future with him, but this admission was still hard-hitting. What she loved about it, though, was the fact that he was open and honest about it - not leading anyone (read: her) along. That would have been the worst. But why? Why was he like that? She couldn’t not ask, so she did.
‘Thank you for sharing that with me. May I ask why, though?’
‘There is no sob story or past experience behind it.’ He smiled at her. ‘It’s not like my heart got broken, and since then, I swore off commitment. Nope. I have just always been like this. It’s my way of life. It works for me. I am happy this way. I don’t think I can handle relationships or exclusive commitment - so I just stay away from it.’
‘But someday you will have to commit, right?’
‘Maybe. And maybe not. Who knows. We will see what happens in the future. Even if that day has to come in the distant, DISTANT future, it’s not gonna happen at least for the next 5 years, till I am 35. That I know for sure.’
‘Have you seen that movie - He’s not that into you?’
‘Damnit, I knew you would be into chick flicks.’ She laughed and smacked him lightly on his arm.
‘Say chick flick again, and I will throw this wine at you.’
‘Okay, okay. And yes, I have seen that movie. And I already know what you are going to say. That the bartender guy was exactly like this - clear rules of no commitment - unless he fell head over heels in love. But Riya, you forget the essence of the movie. What happened to him was the exception, not the rule.’ He sounded quite proud of himself for being able to make that connection. That jerk. She wanted to really smack him in the face for beating her at a rom-com logic.
But she also wanted to grab that face and kiss it senseless. Even after what he had just told her. There was no point in denying it any further. She wanted him. Desperately. She wanted him to want her too. Desperately. So much that she could cry right now.
‘Why don’t you tell me the real reason why you left the party?’ His question was met with silence. She hadn’t expected him to ask that. Her palms started sweating, and she toyed with the hem of her dress.
He couldn’t stop looking at her. She was breathtaking tonight. The fitted metallic dress made her look drop-dead gorgeous. Of course, he had noticed it the moment she had walked down the stairs. Her long brown tresses, which had always been in a bun, flowed freely today, falling on her slender back, almost down to her waist. Oh yes, he had noticed. All men would have noticed.
‘I was tired. Everyone was busy. You were busy dancing and…and…’
‘And I didn’t come to you? That’s it, right? That’s the reason?’ She didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to admit it out loud.
‘Well, why didn’t you come to me? Why didn’t you ask me to dance with you?’ She didn’t know the answer to that. Maybe coz she didn’t know how he would react. But again, she couldn’t admit that out loud, and his question was met with another long silence.
‘Tell me what you want right now.’ It was like his voice was dipped in honey, yet was so deep. Not wanting to deny herself anymore, she looked straight at him.
‘Dance with me.’ Her voice sounded stable, but her heart was doing somersaults in her chest. Her fingers fidgeted with the edges of her dress as she waited for his answer. He stood up after a few seconds and extended his hand to her. She took it, and he pulled her up, holding her close. His other arm curled around her waist, and she forgot to breathe. Her hand, which he wasn’t holding to his side, came to rest on his shoulder - his muscly, hard, broad shoulder. The faint music from the party and the echo of the waves had created a unique combination. He swayed them back and forth, bodies moving in unison. She could hear Beyoncé’s Halo playing in the background:
Remember those walls I built,
Baby they are tumbling down,
They didn’t even put up a fight,
They didn’t even make a sound.
He twirled her and dipped her to the side, holding the position for a few seconds and gazing into her eyes. She submitted fully - letting him maneuver her body however he liked.
Everywhere I am looking now,
I am surrounded by your embrace.
After a few minutes, both his hands came around her waist, and hers went around his shoulders. Rocking slowly now, they gazed into each other’s eyes, foreheads nearly pressed together. She had never felt this vulnerable and exposed. His eyes seemed to be able to peak into her soul - it was as if nothing was hidden from them; as if she was naked and bare in front of them. A full-body shiver ran down her spine as she visualized what she had just thought. He was holding her gently and gentlemanly - too gentlemanly for her liking. If she didn’t go for what she wanted right now, she would cry endlessly from the regret. She would rather walk into the water than return to her room and end the night here.
It’s like I have been awakened,
Every rule I had you breaking,
It’s the risk that I am taking.
‘Tell me what you want right now.’ His voice jolted her back to her senses. ‘Tell me, I will give it to you.’
This was it. This was the moment. It was now or never. She didn’t have the heart to deny herself.
‘Take me to your room.’ She whispered.
‘And, then what?’ He wanted her to say it out loud. She whimpered helplessly but carried on.
‘Take me to your room. And then…just…take me, Bheem. Please, I want you.’ He pulled her into his chest, foreheads pressed together.
‘Even after everything I just told you? You still want this, want me?’ He whispered into her ear, making her weak-kneed. She managed to find her voice after a few seconds.
‘I want you. I NEED you. Tonight.’
She didn’t know whether it was the wine or the setting, or just her deep pent-up desire for him, which made her say these words out loud. But she did, and she didn’t even regret it. One of his hands traveled up her waist to grab the back of her neck. He made her look straight into his eyes and then dove down to capture her lips. She felt like she had died and gone to heaven since this was definitely an unearthly sensation. Finally getting her heart’s desire, she moved her hands into his hair, rummaging through his perfect locks. That spurred him on - the kiss because rougher and deeper, almost bruising, knocking the wind out of her chest.
He lifted her with one arm around her waist and her legs wrapped around him. The man had just lifted her with one arm like she was a featherweight. Which she was not; at all. This display of his strength turned her on even more, and her hands wandered to his back, his arms, whatever she could find and grab. Would he use his strength in bed as well? Would he just hold her down and ravish her? Her throat went dry, and her thoughts became incoherent.
She did see, though, that he was carrying her around the porch, not straight to the house, and she looked at him quizzically.
‘I stay in the outhouse, next to the pool, not in the main house. So, no one will be able to hear your screams and moans, sweetheart. I am going to rock your world tonight. I will keep taking you until you beg and plead with me to stop. Until I am convinced that you can take no more.’ He whispered menacingly as she shuddered in his arms.
Phew! The smut hasn't even come yet and I am already drained. Would love to know what you thought of this :)
Last part is coming soon, promise!
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niketankmogha · 10 months
What is Keyword?
(Niketank Mogha)
You came on this article to know What is Keyword. so lets start, If you only take information from the internet, then you would hardly know that What is Keyword? But if you are a blogger or digital marketer and want to make your career in the field of digital marketing, then you must have heard the word Keyword and You need to know about What is Keyword? (Niketank Mogha)
You may have seen many videos, read articles in which keywords have been mentioned. But if you have not yet understood What is Keyword. are, what are the types of keywords and what is keyword research, then after reading this article all your doubts will be cleared.
In this article, I have given you complete information about What is Keyword in very simple words, I am sure that after reading this article till the end, all the doubts related to your keywords are going to be removed, so definitely read this article till the end.
(Niketank Mogha)
So let’s start this wonderful article first of all.
What is Keyword?
To get information from the Internet, the same words that a user uses to find information or to access information are called keywords.
The way of searching information of every internet user is different. Means every user searches for information on the Internet using different types of words. A keyword is formed when the same word is searched thousands of times.
Now you have a clean, simple, short and point to point defination of What is Keyword and you have understood very well that What is Keyword. 
Types of Keywords?
Now you know What is Keyword. so now I will tell you types of Keyword. There are many types of keywords. There are some given below:
1)Fresh Keyword:
Fresh Keywords are keywords that are searched a lot for some time, meaning keywords related to trending topics come under the category of fresh keywords. Fresh keywords are not searched for a long time, they are searched for only a few time periods.
2) Ever Green Keyword:
The most frequently searched keywords are Ever Green Keywords. These keyword categories have been searched in the past, are being searched currently, and will continue to be searched. Ever Green Keyword continues to have a high search volume.
For Example: How to make money online, How to start business etc
3) Area Targeting Keyword:
Area Targeting Keyword are such keywords in which any one area is targeted.
For example – keywords like Delhi Metro Root, Website Designing Course in Delhi, Data Entry Jobs in Mumbai, Jobs in Delhi, SSC course in Mumbai, Digital Marketing course in Delhi etc. are called Aria Targeting Keyword.
If you do your business in any one area or write about any one area, then Area Targeting Keyword can be very beneficial for you.
4) Customer Targeting Keyword:
Client Targeting Such keywords include those that directly target a certain buyer. A few examples are the Best Laptop Bag for Men, Best Shoes for Men, Best Cricket Bat for U-16 Boy, Sleepers for Women, Sunglasses for Women and Best Cricket Kit Bag for Men.
5) Product Targeting Keyword
Product Targeting Keyword are keywords that target a particular product. Like – keywords like Boat Watch For Man, Micromax Smartphone, Apple Phones, Samsung Tablets etc.
6) LSI Keyword (Latent Semantic Indexing)
LSI Keyword are those keywords which are related to our Main Keyword. The main reason for using LSI keywords in our articles is that our articles rank on these keywords as well, and we get good traffic. We also call these keywords as secondary keywords. LSI keywords are very important in the ranking of articles. That’s why these keywords should always be used in the article.
For example you are writing an article on “What is Computer”. So this will be your focus keywords. You can add more details in your article like Computer History, Types of Computer, Old Generation Computer vs Today’s Generation computer so these words are related to your main keyword. You can use these keywords in your article to gain more traffic as a related keyowords on your post or website. (What is Digital Marketing?)
What is Keyword Research?
After reading the article till here, you must have understood that What is Keyword, now know what is Keyword Research. Because a blogger should have knowledge about keyword research
Keyword research is very important for a blogger. When you write your article on any topic, first you have to do keyword research in a good way. You have to see how many people search the keyword you have selected, how much competition is there and how much CPC you are getting on that keyword.
When you write articles by researching keywords well, then only traffic comes to your blog, and when there is traffic on your blog, then only you can earn money from blogging.
If you work on keywords that people do not search, then no matter how hard you work on the blog, traffic will not come to your blog. Understand that writing articles without keyword research is like shooting in the dark.
You will find many free keyword research tools on the internet, with the help of which you can do keyword research for your blog. Like – Ubersuggest, Wordtracker etc.
Types of keywords based on keyword research
Whenever we do keyword research, we find 3 types of keywords –
1 – Short Tale Keywords
Such keywords in which 1 to 3 words are used are called Short Tale Keyword. Search volume is very high in short tail keywords and competition is also very high in these keywords.
If you are new in the field of blogging then you should not work on short tail keywords. Because working on short tail keywords will take a lot of time for your website to rank.
Example – Mobile Phone, Samsung Phone, Samsung Galaxy, Samsung Smart Phone, Biryani Recipe All such keywords are called Short Tale Keywords.
2 – Mid Tale Keyword (Niketank Mogha)
Mid Tale Keywords are the keywords that use three to five words. Both Search Volume and Competition are lower for these keywords than for Short Tale Keywords.
Examples are the Top 5 Best Samsung Phones, Smart Phones Under 5000, and Biryani Kaise Banate hai. Mid Tale Keyword is the name given to this kind of keyword.
3 – Long Tale Keyword
Long-tail keywords are those that contain more than five words. Long Tale Keyword has a lower search volume, but its benefit is that it has very little competition. Your post will rank higher if you focus on long-tail keywords. New bloggers might benefit from using long-tail keywords.
Examples are the Samsung Galaxy Note III Price in India and the Best Smart Phone Under 5000 in India. All of these are long-tailed keywords.
How to do Keyword Research.
Steps to do Keyword Research. (Niketank Mogha)
Step 1: First, you need to define your target audience
Prior to beginning your keyword research, it’s critical to establish your objectives and pinpoint your target market. Establish the goal of your website or content and be aware of your target audience. To create a complete keyword strategy that appeals to your audience, take into account their demographics, interests, and pain concerns.
Step 2: Brainstorm Seed Keywords (Niketank Mogha)
Create a list of the seed keywords associated with your company, sector, or subject. These are the key words that best characterise your offerings in terms of goods, services, or content. Consider the terms or phrases that members of your audience may use to obtain information about your services if you put yourself in their position. Find out what’s hot right now by using resources like Google Trends, industry forums, and social media.
Step 3: Expand Your Keyword List (Niketank Mogha)
When you have your seed keywords, you may now generate related keywords to grow your list. To help you with this procedure, a number of tools are available. Popular options that offer helpful information on search traffic, competition, and associated keywords include Google’s Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz Keyword Explorer. To catch a larger range of search queries, aim for a healthy blend of long-tail keywords (particular, longer phrases) and short-tail keywords (broader, shorter phrases).
Step 4: Analyze Keyword Metrics (Niketank Mogha)
As soon as you have a complete list of keywords, it’s critical to examine their metrics to ascertain their potential worth. Search volume and keyword difficulty should be your primary focus. In contrast to keyword difficulty, which measures the amount of competition for a certain phrase, search volume shows how frequently a keyword is searched. Targeting keywords that have a strong return on investment (ROI) in terms of traffic and ranking potential requires striking a balance between high search volume and reasonable keyword difficulty.
Step 5: Evaluate Competitor Strategies
To learn more about the keyword tactics of your niche’s top rivals, analyse their websites and top rankings. Determine the keywords they are aiming for and how they use them in their material. You may improve your own approach and find new keyword chances with the aid of our study. Competitor analysis capabilities are available in tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs, and they give useful information on keyword rankings, backlinks, and content gaps.
Step 6: Refine and Prioritize Your Keyword List
Based on the insights gained from your keyword analysis and competitor research, it’s time to refine and prioritize your keyword list. Weed out irrelevant or low-value keywords and focus on those that align with your goals, have decent search volume, and offer a reasonable chance of ranking. Group keywords into relevant themes or topics to facilitate content planning and organization.
Step 7: Create High-Quality Content
Armed with your refined keyword list, start creating high-quality content that aligns with your keywords and provides value to your audience. Incorporate keywords naturally into your titles, headings, body text, and meta tags. However, ensure that your content remains informative, engaging, and readable for human readers rather than solely focusing on search engines. Remember, quality content that meets the user intent is more likely to rank well and attract organic traffic.
Conclusion: In the Keyword research is an ongoing process, you need for continuous monitoring, analysis, and adaptation. By understanding your audience, search and identify relevant keywords, and creating high-quality content for your audience to get more traffic on your blog or website.
After reading this article, whatever doubts you have about What is Keyword, they must have gone away and you must have understood that Keyword Kya Hota Hai and how important they are to improve the ranking of any website. Hello friends, you must have liked this article written by me. In the end, you are requested to share this article with your friends on social media.
(Niketank Mogha)
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nfenvs3000w23 · 1 year
Unit 1: The Great Outdoors
While the definition varies from person to person, nature can be described as the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations. Everyone has individualized experiences that help cultivate their bond with nature, depending on where they were raised to how "outdoorsy" they were as children. My relationship with nature has been a fascinating expedition due to the diverse environments I have lived in throughout my life.
Growing up in Mumbai, I have felt connected to nature and being outdoors from a young age. I have early memories of visiting the park near my house every week and playing in the sun for hours. Although, as I got older (before moving), I saw fewer and fewer of those green spaces that I loved. India's rich biodiversity and diverse ecological landscapes have been under tremendous pressure from its accelerated economic growth. In turn, it leaves little space for people to appreciate or even discover nature amidst its busy streets in recent times. Moving to Canada was quite an eye-opener, and quite honestly, I was shocked by the amount of green space in this country. As a child, I was mesmerized because it almost felt like there was a park at every intersection you turned (practically non-existent in Mumbai). My relationship with nature started to develop around that time because I found comfort in being in the presence of nature. I began to appreciate the outdoors due to its comfort, inspiration and beauty.
I'm currently a 4th-year landscape architecture student and am very passionate in learning about planning, designing, managing, and nurturing built and natural environments. However, the concept of landscape architecture being beneficial to the environment is only sometimes valid. Inherently it seeks to mould and fabricate the natural order of things to be more palatable to humans. The emphasis on creating an anthropogenic sphere is not the best course of action. Ideally, nature that does not hurt anyone should be respected and remain untouched. In many ways, landscape architecture seeks to exert human control over nature, which can be very harmful. For example, if there are plans to turn an area with mass forestry into a parked forest. This new space might be more accessible and inviting to humans, but this creates the possibility of environmental damage and could hurt the biosphere, natural flora, and fauna of an ecosystem. However, this only applies to areas with mass untouched natural reserves. On the other hand, in already urbanized areas, landscape architecture is an excellent tool to bring back the biological roots into a human-centric space.
My program has driven me to examine nature much differently than I did as a child, as I now look at it through the lens of a designer. However, nature can be a magical thing and in itself provide a "sense of place" for people looking for peace and tranquillity. For me, spending time outside in the sun and gardening have been some of my favourite moments in the last few years. My connection with nature has been an ever-changing development. At the moment, my relationship with nature can be described in one word: GROWTH. In nature, there’s no such thing as a monoculture. Plants grow together harmoniously, forging beneficial relationships to help them develop; likewise, I continuously learn and relish the natural environment as each day comes. Mimicking nature, we as a society work together in harmony, which makes us stronger.
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5487
Jalsa, Mumbai                Feb 23,  2023               Thu 7:57 PM
Birthday- EF - Dr Manoj Mehta Friday, 24 February .. love and grace on this special day .. from the Ef .. ❤️
At times it goes back to time .. a used to conundrum .. once set on it difficult to change .. but change is the dribble these days .. change or suffer be left behind .. so I did the pass over .. went to the latest in speed .. it is the most relevant in the today of todays .. some fascination but came back to the tried and tested .. and am doing rather well .. rather be the well of the change .. 
a day of clearing .. clearing the post and much that has lain devoid of any need or character .. tough to part , but parting has ever been the needed tough .. so let it bleed in its hemisphere of its presence, and delivered off the limits in space ..
the space .. the space .. the much needed ingredient in the lives of those that collect the affection of the mass and more .. to store them is never a problem so long as it is known that it became the part and parcel of the store within .. within .. the heart and the soul .. that little cubicle residing in us the space within .. the best in all conditions .. it weathers every storm .. every joy and lingers on till it is time to part in departure .. or some say remains till the departure has matured .. 
no one has been able to justify it with fact though ... yet !
so yes on the issue of the ‘give’ and the comments read .. there shall of course be effort to deliver and see what can be done in an efficient manner .. and in the discipline of the giving .. 
we give to the most for the need of the most .. we give to to the MAKER .. and there is ever wonder whether he is the needy too .. the giving though here is the reverence and obeisance to the Almighty .. that give is the excess .. 
and a remind of the maker of films and he that produced them in the Southern .. who whatever he made in his project would part with half of it to the deity of his belief  .. he carried his earnings in the fold of his spread lower wear , the cloth that covered him in the styled wear of the south and offered it to the LORD .. a believer of immense faith and trust and affection .. 
so .. so .. so ..
so me goes .. and goes for the while ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sobhaaltusgurgaon · 16 days
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Dwarka Expressway, a very promising destination for celebrated real estate developers and a premium niche of investors. People who wish to upgrade their standard of living are choosing this particular destination to dwell on permanent basis. 
Today, I am going to discuss the residential development that is a part of Dwarka Expressway. To all those who want to be relocated to a ravishing destination that is designed very thoughtfully, taking people’s aspirations under consideration. 
As we move ahead, let us explore the reasons for choosing this destination on a long term basis. This will give investors and home buyers, a heads-up!!
To all those who wish to nestle in an evolved and progressive region, Dwarka Expressway serves as the most appropriate choice. 
Let us one by one go through some great pointers as to why you should consider investing in this city!!
For millennials, living in the household sector, enclosing Dwarka Expressway is one of the best choices, whether it is to earn ROI and inherit a cream-of-the-crop residential abode. 
Dwarka Expressway is a clean and green location, with abundant form of greenery, truly offering you to admire the beauty of Mother Nature. Living here gives you a very unique perspective towards living a rich life.
The infrastructural evolution of the Dwarka Expressway is an incredible feature as you will appreciate a very relaxed lifestyle. Hospitals, schools, colleges, strong network of roads, retail outlets, shopping malls, district parks, pharmacies, etc. are situated very close to the residential projects. 
Dwarka Expressway is a 29 km long expressway, initiating from Shiv Murti and ending in Kherki Dhaula. There are some spectacular milestones, accessible in a very short span of time, i.e. 10-30 minutes. 
Dwarka Sector-21
Indira Gandhi International Airport 
New Delhi Railway Station 
Vasant Kunj 
Vasant Vihar 
Golf Course Extension Road
Golf Course Road
Southern Peripheral Road
National Highway-8
Delhi-Mumbai Expressway 
New Gurgaon
Sohna Road
Central Peripheral Road
DLF Cyber City is one of the best examples that I can present in this article if I have to quote on the great level of connectivity this region shares with amazing employment hubs. 
DLF Cyber Hub is a highly social destination where you can witness spectacular theatres, clubs, pubs, internationally-themed restaurants, gaming arcades, open-air theatres, retail showrooms, and much more. 
I am sure that you must be aware of the incredible recognition Gurgaon has gained, resulting in attracting numerous millennials for investment. Now, I would like to specifically highlight one key developer’s upcoming launch in a very renowned locality of Gurgaon.
Sobha Limited, a grand realty developer is coming up with its new creation, known as Sobha Altus. This quintessential developer is spread over 10.5 acres of land parcel, inclusive of 3 sky-high towers and 293 lavish apartments. 
In addition to this, Sobha Altus Gurgaon is filled with grand amenities and services. Have a good look at them to acquire the true essence of aristocracy. 
Clubhouse (46080 sq.ft.)
2 Banquet Halls 
Steam & Sauna 
Yoga Lawn 
Party Lawn 
Guest Suites 
Swimming Pool
Pool Deck 
Pool Side Cabanas
Kids’ Pool
Indoor Game Lounge ‘Co-Working Spaces 
Massage Room
Pool Plaza
Table Tennis
Among the list that I have drawn out, in terms of several interesting amenities, Sobha Altus is a blessing in disguise for those who want to relish the true beauty of luxuriant living. 
The dynamic combination of Dwarka Expressway with a quintessential project like Sobha Altus Sector 106 Gurgaon is all that one needs to inculcate in order to grab a sumptuous living. 
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gurgaoncityfloors · 25 days
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Gurgaon is the perfect choice for all those who dreams of nestling in a heavenly ambience, ideal to inherit a royal ambience along with leading a highly joyous lifestyle. 
This city has blossomed as the one-stop destination for millennials as there are innumerable exotic advancements, unwaveringly attracting the attention of various individuals. 
Innumerable prospective investors and home buyers have invested in several residential and commercial developments of this city. What makes investing in this city worthwhile is the fact that an extraordinary level of progress that has been witnessed here. 
In this article, I am going to brief you all with respect to an upcoming residential project that will set a major benchmark amidst investors from the entire India. 
In Gurgaon, millennials find an idealistic standard of living as here, they obtain a safe space where they find lots of splendid options that directs them to a dreamlike lifestyle. 
Godrej Properties is launching a garden-fresh residential development, known as Godrej Vriksha. I am sure you must have already understood the essence of this development, i.e. plentiful greenery with elements of regality. 
This project is being developed on 15 acres of site area where 6 sky-scraping towers will take place. A total of 610 luxurious residences with configurations of 3, 3.5, and 4.5 BHK will be offered to every investor. 
This quintessential project is soon going to be positioned in Sector-103, Gurgaon which is a very reputable area of Dwarka Expressway. There are lots more to be explored with respect to distinguished features of this development, in detail which I will explain in my upcoming articles. 
However, I will be specifically talking more about the location in which Godrej Vriksha is going to be launched. This is due to the reason that Godrej Vriksha Gurgaon is going to be inaugurated in a very demanding region. 
Dwarka Expressway, a highly progressive expressway, one of its kind in India is all set to become the top destination in terms of affluent amenities and serenity at its best.
Dwarka Expressway contains abundance of greenery and fresh ambience and inheriting such a tremendous neighbourhood is every home buyer’s ultimate dream. The connectivity offered here is exceptionally amazing, offering residents with utmost ease and comfort. 
Here are some great names of some very elite destinations of Delhi and Gurgaon, such as:
Golf Course Extension Road 
Golf Course Road
Southern Peripheral Road
National Highway-8
Delhi-Mumbai Expressway 
Sohna Road
New Gurgaon
Gurgaon Railway Station
Indira Gandhi International Airport
New Delhi Railway Station
India International Convention and Expo Centre
Dwarka Sector-21
Shiv Murti 
Dwarka Expressway is a unique area, offering residents, lots of unique amenities and services to be explored. Thus, residents can find their lives, enriched with aristocratic elements and accessibility to all basic utilities. 
This location is enclosed with an amazing level of green spaces along with affluent social destinations. Therefore residents can rejuvenate themselves as they can access all great places to enjoy in proximity. 
If you aspire to live in a prosperous ambience, Dwarka Expressway and Godrej Vriksha serve as a dynamic combination. Therefore, by residing here, potential investors obtain a grand opportunity to become permanent members of a thriving residential project. 
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sujaltyagi0001 · 1 month
Special Vada Pav In Mumbai
Special Vada Pav In Mumbai
There are few street foods that are as synonymous with Mumbai as the humble vada pav. And what’s not to love about the comforting combination of spicy deep-fried potato patties, dipped in besan (gram flour) batter before frying, and sandwiched between soft, white pav? This is typically served with dry garlic chutney and a fried green chilli or two to amp up the heat. In fact, the vada pav’s humble origins are said to be traced to the city’s many mills in Central Mumbai where workers would enjoy a cheap and quick meal out of it. From then on, it’s become a go-to street food snack for many.Special Vada Pav In Mumbai. peoples from delhi will never like vada pav because its spiceless
We’ve reached out to Mumbai’s top foodies for their suggestions on where to head for some of the best vada pav in the city.
Ashok Vada Pav, near Kirti College, Dadar
“I really like the vada pav at Ashok (Kashinath Dhuru Marg, Dadar West. Call 99205 55113) for the simple fact that it’s got the perfect textural crunch and spiciness from the vada itself, not to forget the generous heap of besan choora, along with fried green chillies and chutney.” Hussain Shahzad, executive chef, The Bombay strong  Canteen and O PedroSpecial Vada Pav In Mumbai
“I am a Prabhadevi girl at heart and my best childhood memories were eating vada pav from Ashok Vada Pav outside Kirti College. It has my loyalty and remains my favourite place for this snack. I always get extra choora which sets this apart from the others. And of course, their chutney is something else!” Pooja Dhingra, pastry chef and founder, Le 15 Patisserie
Aram Vada Pav, Capitol Cinema, VT
“I have to admit, I’m not the biggest fan of vada pav, but I do love a good vada. And one place that does a superb job is Shree Krishna Batatawada (Radha Niwas, 7, Chhabildas Road, Dadar West. Call 7506549577) outside Chhabildas School in Dadar. Apart from that, I would say Aram (Capital Cinema Building, 126, Dr Dadabhai Naoroji Road, Azad Maidan, Fort. Call 22073947) is a great pick for a quality vada pav. Served with a side of dry garlic chutney or sweet chutney, the quality has been consistent over the years.” Kunal Vijayakar, broadcaster, actor, YouTuber and food writer vada pav is and emotion for mumbaikers its a love .
Mumbai, the bustling metropolis of India, is renowned for its street food scene, and one iconic snack that captures the essence of the city is vada pav. Here are some places in Mumbai known for serving special and delicious vada pav:
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vervveacademy · 1 month
Best Aviation Training Institute in India: Paving the Way for Future Aviators
India is home to several renowned aviation training institutes that offer comprehensive courses and programs to aspiring pilots, cabin crew, aircraft maintenance engineers, and aviation management professionals. These institutes are known for their state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and industry-relevant curriculum. Here's a closer look at some of the best aviation training institutes in India:
1. Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi (IGRUA):
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IGRUA is one of the premier aviation training institutes in India, located in Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh. It offers a range of courses, including the Commercial Pilot License (CPL) program, Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME) course, and a course in helicopter training. IGRUA is known for its rigorous training standards and excellent placement opportunities.
2. Indian Aviation Academy (IAA):
IAA is a Best Aviation Training Institute in India under the Airports Authority of India (AAI) that offers courses in airport management, aviation security, and air traffic control. Located in New Delhi, IAA is known for its world-class infrastructure and experienced faculty.
3. National Institute of Aviation Management and Research (NIAMAR):
NIAMAR, located in Mumbai, offers courses in aviation management, airport operations, and aviation safety. It is known for its industry-focused curriculum and strong industry partnerships, which provide students with valuable exposure to the aviation sector.
4. Ahmedabad Aviation and Aeronautics Ltd. (AAA):
AAA is a leading aviation training institute in Gujarat, offering courses in pilot training, aircraft maintenance engineering, and cabin crew training. With its modern facilities and experienced faculty, AAA is a preferred choice for aspiring aviation professionals in western India.
5. Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy (RGAA):
RGAA, located in Hyderabad, offers courses in pilot training, aircraft maintenance engineering, and aviation management. It is known for its advanced flight simulators and training aircraft, which provide students with hands-on experience in a controlled environment.
6. Bombay Flying Club (BFC):
BFC, established in 1928, is one of the oldest and most prestigious flying clubs in India. Located in Mumbai, BFC offers courses in pilot training and aircraft maintenance engineering. It is known for its rich aviation heritage and high training standards.
7. Madhya Pradesh Flying Club (MPFC):
MPFC, located in Indore, offers courses in pilot training and aircraft maintenance engineering. It is known for its picturesque training location and experienced faculty.
Choosing the best aviation training institute in India depends on various factors, including the course offerings, faculty expertise, infrastructure, and placement opportunities. Prospective students should thoroughly research each institute and consider their individual career goals and aspirations before making a decision.
For more info. Visit us:
BBA Airline and Airport Management Course
Airport Management Course One Year in India
Ground Staff Training Course in India
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sportsgr8 · 2 months
IPL 2024: ‘The Impact Player Rule Changes Things A Fair Bit For Bowlers’ Feels Mitchell Starc
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The Impact Player: Kolkata Knight Riders pacer Mitchell Starc feels ‘Impact Player rule changes things a fair bit’ for the bowler in the IPL 2024 after the star pacer claimed a four-fer to guide Kolkata Knight Riders to 24-runs victory over Mumbai at Wankhede Stadium after 12 years. The Australian pacer entered the tournament with a weight of expectations on his shoulders, having been the most expensive pick ever at an IPL auction. However, his performance on the field didn't quite match the anticipation initially. Starc had just seven wickets and an economy of 11.78 in his first eight outings, and had conceded more than 50 three times. On Friday, he bounced back with 4 for 33 in Kolkata Knight Riders' 24-run win over Mumbai Indians, and said the Impact Player rule has made things easy a bit for the bowlers. “The Impact Player rule changes things a fair bit," Starc said at the press conference. "Everyone gets to bat a lot deeper having a batting and a bowling XI. There's a lot made of that rule throughout the tournament and there's been a lot of high scores, which is the nature of the wickets and the grounds we play on here. When you have batters and batting allrounders come in at Nos. 8 or 9, it's a long batting line-up.” “There's no fear in the powerplay when all you have to do is to clear the infield and score runs. Certainly, there has been some really good batting, don't get me wrong, it's not just the rules that play a part there. There's been some fantastic scoring, some fantastic partnerships and some individual brilliance with the bat,” he added. With a stellar performance against MI on Friday night, Starc not only silenced his critics but also showcased his resilience and determination. His four-wicket haul played a pivotal role in Kolkata Knight Riders' victory, proving his worth in the team. Reflecting on his turnaround, Starc emphasized the importance of adapting to the conditions and strategizing accordingly. "I haven't changed too much," he said. "It's about assessing conditions after the first innings. We certainly spoke about it and the batters that came off throughout that first innings mentioned the wicket and the lengths that were the hardest to face. That created the bowling plans for us. “As T20 cricket doesn't always go the way you want it to go, and of course I wanted to go a bit better at the start. But I am not the only bowler going for runs. It is what it is. The fact that we sit second and are building towards the more important games at the back end and are playing some good cricket, hopefully I can be a part of it too.” Looking ahead, Starc remained unfazed by the impending T20 World Cup, expressing confidence in his ability to manage his workload effectively. With his focus firmly set on contributing to KKR's success in the IPL, he viewed the tournament as valuable preparation for the international stage. It's T20 cricket, it's not as demanding as Test match cricket," he said. "Physically it is not a problem and it's fantastic lead-in to play here in the best T20 league in the world. You're playing some high-quality cricket leading into the World Cup, a lot of players at this tournament are going to be at the World Cup. "In that regard, it's a great thing to see and test your skills. In terms of length of time, that's part and parcel of international cricket. My main focus is to play in Lucknow in two days' time. The World Cup is next month - at this moment, it's trying to help KKR win the tournament.” Starc expects the T20 World Cup to provide a more even contest between bat and ball, unlike the IPL where totals of over 200 have been commonplace. “There's no Impact Player rule , so whether that affects the scores is yet to be seen. I think it probably will. People talk about the balance of the team when you can't just bring someone in. Your allrounders come back into play. Captains have to think a bit tactically, too, when you have just 11 players. It's been interesting to experience it first-hand in the IPL.” Amidst his individual achievements, Starc commended the camaraderie within the KKR camp, particularly highlighting the young fast bowlers in the squad. Harshit Rana played all games before his one-match suspension and has taken 11 wickets at an economy of 9.78. Vaibhav Arora has picked up nine wickets in six outings at 9.42. Despite his experience, he approached his interactions with humility, aiming to lead by example and foster a supportive environment within the team. "I am a bit more experienced and a bit older, at the same time I haven't played a lot of T20 cricket," Starc said of his interactions with them. " working off each other in a way. "I am certainly not there to tell people what to do, I am happy to answer questions if they have or look to lead more by example at training and get my work in. We are a pretty good group, the whole group of players and staff is awesome to be around. "I would like to think I am approachable, so happy to train with the boys. I was training with Harshit Rana the other night, made him run extra which he wasn't happy about (laughs). But no, it's a great group and a lot of time we have a lot of fun.” Read the full article
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Chapter 1: My Shiva: How we met
A time came when I thought I should be moving out of my comfortable bed, making a life for myself. I came to Mumbai from Kolkata. I had some savings from the previous startup. I bought a small boutique store in the suburbs. I bought a tiny 2BHK, all investments. I created my page on all social media platforms, hoping to promote it online. I knew I needed enough to survive a year without any profit.
But the expenses were too much for me. I was almost on the verge of calling my parents and telling them "Yes Baba. You were right. I failed again. Can you give me some money?". But I didn't. I pushed myself. Posted a roommate ad on my social media page. I heard the rents in Mumbai were high. The guy who has rented the place next to mine pays 35000 monthly for a similar 2BHK. It would not hurt to make 15000 per month by renting out the spare room.
I was new to the city. The city truly had its charm. Of course it was not Kolkata. But now when I think of it, the only thing that binds me to Kolkata were my people. My parents, my brother, my friends. I had no one in this strange city. One night, as I was scrolling through my timeline on Facebook, I saw Nids. She was my classmate in school. It was a picture of her standing on a clearway at Marine drive while I could see the waves crashing behind her.
A week later I received a reply from Nids. She wrote, "Hi Sree. I am in town. Come by. This is my number. Ping me. Let me share with you my address". My days were busy. But I was free in the evening. Most evenings were spent reading, cooking, chores and more chores. I hadn't met anyone familiar in years. I was excited, but hoped the address was close by. Though trains were an easy transport throughout the city, I was not familiar with trains. I would need a cab or an auto.
Almost immediately, she sent me her address. It was 15km from my apartment. Now, you should know something about women. We have stages of dilemma, especially when you have not dressed up in a while. First, everything should match. If you have not waxed your legs, you can't risk a short dress. If you have a heel you want to wear, you will have to get a bag and dress that matches it. Second, lack of motivation. So much energy goes in trying out clothes with shoes, in changing and changing till you find a perfect one for the occasion, but by then you are exhausted. Third, when you see a woman in her boxy tshirt and jeans, you should know that she could not succeed in getting a match. She wore the most comfortable clothes she could muster at the moment.
But I was motivated. After a year, I was finally meeting a friend, someone familiar. I didn't have to try hard to look good. She was a friend. She had seen me in two pony tails in school. Anything I wear would be better than that. And so I did. I wore my own brand, though my clothes had not yet become my brand. I have hardly sold 100 pieces since I opened my boutique. But it was one of my best. I wore a beige pant, paired it with a white short top, a grey blazer and a rose gold chain neckpiece to match all. I wore my rose gold watch and a brown pump heel. I was ready. I tied my hair in a knot. Applied lipstick blush and eyeliner, I was ready.
I was at the door. She texted that she would be on the 3rd floor. The door of her apartment was intricately designed in wood with a frosted glass panelling on the sides. I heard the door knob click from inside and as it opened, I saw a girl standing at the door. "Yes. Who do you want?" She said. I was startled. I thought I was meeting her alone. But I could clearly see this was a party. There were 10 people inside all seated around a small coffee table.
"Hi! I am Sneha. I am here to meet Nids, sorry Nidhi Sharma. She invited me"
Just then, from behind the door, a head peeped out.
"Hi Sree! Come in. It has been a long time"
She came forward and gave me a tight hug. Yes that's Nidhi, my childhood friend Nids. I remember we often discussed our life plans when we were young. I used to tell her, "Please. If you ever get married, don't invite me. I can't bear to have veg food at a friend's wedding." And sometimes " You know how I want to die? At the age of 80, on the laps of my husband with my forehead lined with sindoor and my grandchildren by my side. I would be smiling to them, a sign that I have lived my life to the fullest." On seeing her after so long all those memories came rushing back.
She took my hand and we entered her parlor. She introduced me to her guests. "Guys, meet Sree. I call her Sree. She is Sneha. She was my best friend in school." I took a place on the sofa. I placed my bag on the side, awkwardly. I was not expecting a bunch of strangers.
"Hi! Would you like a drink?" said one of her friends
"Yes. But I have to work tomorrow. So, I would like a glass of juice, please." But as I said this, I could hear my head telling me "Shut up!"
She chuckled. I wanted a place to dig a hole and bury myself out of embarrassment. Just then Nidhi came to my aid. "Riddhima, stop. She does not drink. Here. This is my favourite mocktail punch. Nothing fancy. Just some soda, fruits and cold drink". She was holding a glass with some transparent drink. I could see slices of pomegranate, apple and lemon beneath.
"Thank you." I took the glass.
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"Come on. Give it a try"
I took a sip. It tasted like Sprite with fruits. Not bad.
"Guys, let's play. This is Game Night. We should play. Teams decided yet?" It was a man. He had a long canvas stand in his embrace. He set it down and smiled at his audience. That's when I saw him. My Shiva!
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yolacricket · 2 months
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