#Best Time To Visit Tanzania
renatours · 16 days
Choosing the Perfect Time: Best Seasons to Experience Tanzania with Rena Tours
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The Best Time to Visit Tanzania depends largely on the type of activities you're interested in, as the country's diverse landscapes and climates offer unique experiences throughout the year.
For wildlife enthusiasts, the optimal time to visit is during the dry season, from late June to October. This period coincides with the Great Migration in the Serengeti, where millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other animals move in a spectacular mass across the plains. The dry season is also ideal for visiting the Ngorongoro Crater and other national parks, as animals gather around water sources, making them easier to spot. The weather is generally sunny and warm, with cooler nights, especially in higher altitudes.
If you’re planning to Climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the best times are during the dry seasons, either from late June to October or from January to early March. These months provide more stable weather conditions, making the ascent safer and more enjoyable.
Beach lovers should consider visiting Tanzania from December to March, when the weather is hot and humid, perfect for enjoying the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar and the mainland coast. This period is also excellent for diving and snorkeling, as the waters are clear and calm.
For bird watchers, the wet season from November to May is ideal. This period sees the arrival of migratory birds and lush landscapes, although it’s worth noting that some remote areas may be less accessible due to rainfall.
While Tanzania Safari Tours offers year-round attractions, the best times to visit for wildlife viewing are during the dry seasons, beach holidays are ideal from December to March, and bird watching is best during the rainy season. Rena Tours specializes in crafting personalized itineraries to maximize your experience based on these optimal times, ensuring you get the most out of your visit to Tanzania.
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April in Tanzania: Unveiling Nature's Splendor on Safari
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April in Tanzania, Tanzania transforms into a safari paradise as the short rains subside, giving rise to lush greenery that blankets the landscapes. It's a time of unparalleled beauty and wildlife spectacle, especially in the iconic Serengeti, where the Great Migration's river crossings unfold. Thousands of wildebeests and zebras brave crocodile-infested waters in a dramatic display of nature's raw power.
April is a unique time for birdwatchers, with many migratory birds making Tanzania their temporary home. With comfortable temperatures and expanding vegetation, a Safari in Tanzania in April offers an optimal setting for immersion into the country's natural grandness. Exploring the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater on Safari Vacations In Tanzania is a dream come true for wildlife enthusiasts.
Venturing beyond the Serengeti unveils the rugged beauty of Tanzania's southern circuit national parks. Katavi boasts vast buffalo herds and remote wilderness, ideal for those seeking a rugged adventure. Meanwhile, Ruaha's diverse ecosystems and remarkable wildlife encounters captivate explorers with its untamed landscapes.
April beckons adventurers with a promise of exploration and discovery, making it a strong contender for the Best Time to Visit Tanzania. Whether witnessing awe-inspiring wildlife events or delving into remote wilderness, April invites visitors to experience Tanzania's natural wonders in all their glory. Conservation Caravan Safaris offer an opportunity to engage in responsible tourism practices while enjoying the breathtaking landscapes and wildlife of Tanzania.
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galagoexpeditions · 5 months
Which Is The Best Time To Visit Tanzania For A Safari Adventure?
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Exploring on a safari adventure in Tanzania is a dream for many wildlife enthusiasts, and timing is key to ensuring a truly mesmerizing experience. The East African country boasts a diverse range of landscapes and ecosystems, making it crucial to pick the right season for your safari. Let's explore the Best Time To Visit Tanzania for an unforgettable safari adventure.
1. Dry Season (June to October):
The dry season is widely as the Best Time For Safari In Tanzania. Running from June to October, this period offers clear skies, low humidity, and sparse vegetation, making it easier to spot wildlife. The animals tend to gather around water sources, providing excellent opportunities for game viewing. The famous Serengeti National Park hosts the Great Migration during this season, where millions of wildebeest and other herbivores move in search of greener pastures, attracting predators in tow.
2. Shoulder Seasons (November and May):
The months of November and May mark the transitional periods between the wet and dry seasons. While there may be occasional rain, the landscapes are lush and green, and the crowds are thinner compared to the peak season. This can be an ideal time for budget-conscious travelers who want to avoid the high tourist volume. Wildlife is still abundant, and the scenery is stunning, making it a great compromise between the wet and dry seasons.
3. Wet Season (March to May):
The wet season, also known as the "green season," occurs from March to May. While the rainfall can make some roads impassable and lead to temporary closures of certain areas, it's a magical time for bird enthusiasts and photographers. The vegetation is at its most vibrant, and many animals give birth during this period. Some lodges offer discounted rates, making it an attractive option for those seeking a more budget-friendly safari.
The Great Migration Show:
If witnessing one of the greatest natural spectacles on Earth is on your bucket list, plan your visit between June and September. This is when the Great Wildebeest Migration occurs in the Serengeti National Park, as millions of wildebeest and other animals cross the plains in search of fresh grazing land. The dramatic river crossings are a sight to behold and offer unparalleled opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers.
The Tanzania Safari Tours offerings are a year-round spectacle, each season unveiling different facets of its natural beauty. Join with Galago Expeditions and Plan your safari carefully with choosing the Best Time To Visit Tanzania for a safari adventure depends on your preferences and priorities., taking into account the unique features of each season, and get ready to explore on a journey filled with breathtaking wildlife encounters and unforgettable moments in the heart of East Africa.
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The Best Time to Embark on an Unforgettable Tanzanian Adventure
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Tanzania, a land of diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife, offers a magical experience for travellers seeking a memorable African adventure. Choosing the Best Time To Visit Tanzania is crucial to ensure you witness its natural wonders at their finest. In this guide, we'll explore the different seasons in Tanzania and help you discover the Best Time Of Year To Safari In Tanzania to plan your safari or climb the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro.
1. Dry Season (May to October)
The dry season is considered the best time to visit Tanzania, offering favorable conditions for wildlife safaris and outdoor activities. From May to October, the weather is generally dry and cool, providing comfortable temperatures during the day and chilly nights. This season marks the Great Migration in Serengeti, as millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other herbivores move in search of water and fresh grazing lands, attracting predators in their wake. Witnessing this incredible spectacle is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
The dry season also presents an excellent time for mountain climbing, particularly for ascending Mount Kilimanjaro. The clear skies offer breathtaking views, and the dry trails make the trek safer and more manageable. It's essential to book accommodations and tours well in advance, as this period attracts a considerable number of tourists.
2. Wet Season (November to April)
The wet season in Tanzania, from November to April, is characterized by occasional heavy rains. While this season might not be the ideal time for safari adventures, it brings its own unique charm to the country. The landscapes transform into lush greenery, and many animals give birth during this time, leading to an abundance of young wildlife.
In the southern and western parts of Tanzania, such as the Selous Game Reserve and Katavi National Park, the wet season offers fantastic opportunities for birdwatching, as migratory birds arrive in large numbers. Additionally, this period sees fewer tourists, providing a more exclusive and tranquil experience.
However, it's essential to note that some roads might become impassable due to flooding, and certain remote areas might be inaccessible during heavy rains. Despite this, the wet season can still be a rewarding time to visit Tanzania if you're interested in birdlife and can tolerate occasional showers.
3. Shoulder Seasons (April to May and November)
The transitional months of April to May and November are considered the shoulder seasons, marking the periods between the wet and dry seasons. During these months, tourism is at its lowest, and accommodations often offer discounted rates. While there is a higher chance of rainfall during these periods, it can vary from year to year. Travellers who prefer quieter experiences and are willing to take a bit of a risk with the weather might find these months suitable for your best Tanzania Experience.
Choosing the Best Time To Visit Tanzania largely depends on your preferences and interests. If you seek the thrill of witnessing the Great Migration and exploring Tanzania's wildlife in its natural habitats, the dry season is ideal. On the other hand, the wet season offers its own unique rewards for travellers seeking a more exclusive experience. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast or an adventurer set to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Safari Holidays promises an unforgettable journey in every season.
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The Best Time To Book Tanzania Safari Packages – Tips And Recommendations
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If you're planning a Tanzania Safari, it's essential to book at the right time to secure the best deals and ensure availability. The best time to book Tanzania safari packages is generally between six to twelve months before your intended travel date. This allows you to take advantage of early bird discounts and secure your preferred accommodation and activities.
Additionally, booking in advance gives you plenty of time to research and plan your trip, ensuring that you get the most out of your safari experience. However, if you're flexible with your travel dates, you may be able to find last-minute deals during the low season. Regardless of when you book your Tanzania Safari Packages, be sure to choose a reputable tour operator like African Scenic Safaris and prioritize responsible tourism practices to make the most of your adventure.
 To know more visit this blog @
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safarideal · 2 years
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wildvoyager01 · 14 days
Exploring Tanzania's Wildlife Paradise During the Kenya Migration Season
Every year, Tanzania's vast plains become the stage for one of nature's most dramatic events: the Kenya Migration Season. This awe-inspiring spectacle sees millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other wildlife traverse the Serengeti in search of greener pastures, making it a prime time to witness the raw beauty of Africa's wildlife. Join us on a journey through Tanzania's wildlife paradise during this remarkable season.
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1. The Great Migration:
The Kenya Migration Season is a phenomenon like no other, as over two million wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles move in a circular pattern between Tanzania's Serengeti and Kenya's Maasai Mara. Witnessing this mass movement of animals is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that showcases the true power of nature.
2. Prime Wildlife Viewing:
During the Kenya Migration Season, Tanzania's national parks and reserves, especially the Serengeti, offer unparalleled opportunities for wildlife viewing. The herds attract predators such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs, providing visitors with the chance to witness thrilling predator-prey interactions.
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3. Bird-Watching Paradise:
A part of the iconic mammals, Tanzania's Kenya Migration Season is also a paradise for bird watchers. The wetlands and grasslands teem with a variety of bird species, making it a haven for bird enthusiasts looking to spot rare and colorful species.
4. Serengeti Hot Air Balloon Safaris:
One of the best ways to experience the Kenya Migration Season is from the sky. Hot air balloon safaris over the Serengeti offer a bird's-eye view of the vast herds below, as well as panoramic vistas of the savannah and its inhabitants.
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5. Cultural Experiences:
Tanzania's wildlife is not the only attraction during the Kenya Migration Season. Visitors can also immerse themselves in the rich Maasai culture by visiting local villages and participating in traditional ceremonies, providing a deeper understanding of the region's heritage.
Contact To Wild Voyager (Best Trip Planner)
6. Sustainable Tourism Practices:
As the Kenya Migration Season attracts a large number of tourists, it is crucial to practice sustainable tourism to protect the fragile ecosystem. Responsible tour operators ensure that visitors leave only footprints and contribute to the conservation of Tanzania's wildlife.
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7. Accommodation Options:
Tanzania offers a range of accommodation options, from luxury lodges to tented camps, ensuring that visitors can experience the Kenya Migration Season in comfort and style. Many lodges and camps are located within or near national parks, providing easy access to wildlife.
8. Conservation Efforts:
Tanzania has made significant efforts to conserve its wildlife and habitats, particularly during the Kenya Migration Season. Conservation initiatives, such as anti-poaching patrols and community-based conservation projects, play a crucial role in preserving the natural environment for future generations to enjoy.
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9. Photography Opportunities:
The Kenya Migration Season is a paradise for photographers, offering stunning landscapes and close-up shots of wildlife. Whether you're a professional photographer or a novice, Tanzania's wildlife paradise provides endless opportunities to capture breathtaking moments.
10. Off-the-Beaten-Path Adventures:
While the Kenya Migration Season attracts a large number of tourists, there are still plenty of opportunities to explore off-the-beaten-path areas. Guided walking safaris and night drives offer a different perspective of Tanzania's wildlife, away from the crowds.
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11. Climate and Weather:
The Kenya Migration Season in Tanzania Experience occurs during the dry season, from June to October when the weather is cooler and drier. This makes it an ideal time to visit, as wildlife congregates around water sources, making them easier to spot.
12. Planning Your Visit:
To make the most of your Kenya Migration Season experience in Tanzania, it's essential to plan. Book your accommodation and safari tours well in advance, as this is a popular time to visit. Consider combining your safari with other activities, such as hot air balloon safaris or cultural tours, to enhance your experience.
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13. The Magic of Tanzania's Wildlife Paradise:
The Kenya Migration Season in Tanzania is a magical time when the plains come alive with the sights and sounds of millions of animals on the move. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply seeking adventure, Tanzania's wildlife paradise offers something truly special during this remarkable season.
Conclusion :
Exploring Tanzania's wildlife paradise during the Kenya Migration Season is an experience like no other. From witnessing the Great Migration to immersing yourself in Maasai culture, Tanzania offers a wealth of experiences that will leave you in awe of the natural world. So pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime in Tanzania's wildlife paradise.
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The Kenya Migration Season in Tanzania is a testament to the beauty and diversity of Africa's wildlife. By exploring Tanzania's wildlife paradise during this remarkable season, visitors can witness nature at its most raw and untamed, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Read More - Best Time to Visit Masai Mara
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wildvoyager02 · 21 days
Planning Your Safari: The Best Times to Explore Masai Mara
Embark on the ultimate African adventure by planning your safari to Masai Mara at the perfect time. Discover the best times to explore this iconic destination, known for its stunning wildlife and breathtaking landscapes. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast or a nature lover, Masai Mara offers an unforgettable experience year-round. The best times to visit Masai Mara are during the Great Migration, typically from July to October, when millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other animals cross the Mara River in search of greener pastures. This spectacle is a must-see for any safari-goer. 
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yhakenyatravel · 2 years
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gadaboutsafaris · 2 years
Best time to visit Serengeti?
Africa has many wild places, but there are few countries that has the combination of wild animals and wilderness that Tanzania offers. However, the seasons in Tanzania are quite different. So when is the best time to visit Serengeti?
If your main goal is to witness huge quantities of animals, then the simplest time of the year to do this is between June and October, which is the dry season in Tanzania. This is specifically true in case of Selous in Southern Tanzania, Katavi in western Tanzania and also Mahale mountains on Lake Tanganyika, though in June and early July the chimps can still be high above the mountains.
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The Ngorongoro Crater Highlands can still be full of flowers in June and July but be ready for changeable temperatures. It may frequently be cold with low cloud through these months in Northern Tanzania, which works as a dry season refuge for wild life from the whole Maasai Steppe, is at its best for game between late July and October. However, it is always great for elephant and in the season between Decembers to May has an amazing birdlife. To visit, you have to contact the best tour companies in Tanzania.
Most people have a tendency to neglect the green season months in Western and Southern Tanzania, but between December and the end of February can be an excellent time. Selous may become quite humid by January and February, which makes it less good for the longer walking safaris but everything is green and there are many young animals and migrant bird species that you will notice. In Ruaha, the bush may have closed making game viewing less simple in some areas but there is still good game around. The water levels will have commenced rising in Katavi and you might not face such major concentrations of animals, but as long as you don’t rush things, there is much more gracious season to be there through the best tour operator Africa and there is enough to see.
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renatours · 29 days
Best Time to Visit Tanzania: Choosing Between Dry and Rainy Seasons
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The Best Time To Visit Tanzania is during the long dry season, spanning from July to September. These months offer excellent weather conditions for various activities such as safaris, witnessing the Great Migration, and enjoying beach holidays in Zanzibar.
The Dry Season in Tanzania ensures clear skies, minimal rainfall, and comfortable temperatures, creating ideal conditions for outdoor adventures. However, it’s essential to note that these months coincide with peak travel season, resulting in higher rates and increased tourist traffic at popular destinations.
For travellers seeking a quieter Tanzania safari experience and lower rates, the short rainy season from the end of October to December can be an excellent alternative. During this period, the landscapes are lush and green following the rains, and wildlife sightings can still be rewarding. Although there may be occasional showers, they are typically brief and do not significantly impact travel plans.
In conclusion, whether you prefer the bustling atmosphere of the dry season or the quieter ambiance of the short rainy season, Tanzania Safari Tour offers unforgettable experiences year-round.
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Best Time To Visit Tanzania for Wildlife Safari: A Complete Guide
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Tanzania, a land of breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife, offers a unique adventure year-round. However, choosing the right time to visit can enhance your experience. The Best Time To Visit Tanzania largely depends on your interests and the type of safari or vacation you desire.
For wildlife enthusiasts, the dry season from June to October is ideal. During this period, the animals gather around water sources, making it easier to spot them in the popular national parks like Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. The Great Migration, where millions of wildebeest and zebras move across the Serengeti, occurs from June to September.
If you're a bird lover, the Tanzania Wet Season from November to May is the best time to visit. The landscapes are lush, and migratory birds flock to the country. This is also the calving season for wildebeest, providing a different yet equally fascinating wildlife experience.
For those seeking a beach holiday, the Tanzanian coastline, including Zanzibar, is best enjoyed during the dry months from June to October. Crystal-clear waters and sunny days create a perfect tropical paradise.
Keep in mind that prices may vary depending on the season, with the dry season being peak tourist season. However, visiting during the shoulder seasons of March to May and November to mid-December can offer a balance between good weather and fewer crowds.
In conclusion, Tanzania's beauty is timeless, but the Best Time To Visit Tanzania depends on your preferences. Whether you long for wildlife encounters, vibrant birdlife, or a serene beach escape, planning your Tanzania Safari Vacations according to Tanzania's seasonal variations ensures an unforgettable experience.
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flash-exchange · 11 months
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My, my, could that be that Clavis has caused some trouble again? Read on to find out!
Now, the real question is... Who else sent us postcards? Are there any connections between them? What misadventures befell them? Well, there's only one way to find out -- stay tuned!
Best wishes from the crew of IFE.
Transcriptions below the cut.
My sweetest darling,
I can almost imagine your face when you see this “postcard”, and the smile that appears on it the moment you realise I was the one who sent it. Haha, you did not expect that, did you? But rest assured, wherever I go, the only woman I think about is you. I am a gentleman, after all, and I have some heads to investigate here.
To think that you can fly now! Isn’t that delightful! Although, I must say, the flight was a bit dull. I had to entertain myself by thinking about what my brothers may be doing, ah.
Yes. I’ve lost them at the “airport”. Unthinkable, isn’t it? Hahaha, I hope their trips went as planned.
Forever yours,
Clavis Lelouch
As per my promise, I, Yves Kloss, the Fifth Prince of Rhodolite, have sent you a postcard. Under normal circumstances, it would be unthinkable for a man of my standing to go out of his way to message a commoner… So you better be happy and save it!!
Although… It isn’t from Egypt, like I told you it would be… Argh, it’s all Clavis’ fault! He lost us all on purpose! Knowing my luck, I probably ended up the furthest away from all of them…
But it’s my brothers who are missing out! I’ve been having a great time in Japan! Everybody has been very polite to me so far. Tokyo is quite bustling, but I found a nice café to rest at. They asked me to work there and surely, their dessert menu could be improved… Do you think I’d also have to wear a maid uniform if I accepted?
Have fun holidays! That’s an order from the Fifth Prince himself!!
Yves Kloss
Dear Little Rabbit,
How do you like your holidays? I must say, I felt offended on your behalf when I’ve learnt the Rhodolitian Princes left you behind. It is rather inconsiderate of them to enjoy their time while you’re lonely and defenseless, no? I shudder thinking about all the things that could happen were you to lose your way back home… Just thinking, of course. 
Is the work hard on you? I can’t imagine your bookshop being particularly busy now that everybody endeavours to travel. Nonetheless, performing the same tasks, locked inside until this lovely weather is all but gone, does seem exhausting. I personally wouldn’t be able to stand it.
You’d think I’ve forgotten, but I never forget about my dear friends: thank you for your book recommendations. I did grow fond of the authors you’ve mentioned. It so happens that soon they shall visit the Royal Palace of Obsidian, so I intend to meet them personally. Should I tell them a word from you? Such opportunities are quite hard to come by, but as your ally, I’d gladly fulfil any requests you may make.
Your faithful friend,
You won’t believe where I am, but first things first: have you heard from Yves? I’ve lost him at the second airport. You’d think it’d be loud enough there for me to read the guide, but… You can tell what happened from there on. 
That aside, you never told me how beautiful the sky is from up close! Although flying itself is so-so, the food’s like something Clavis could come up with. I ended up in Tanzania. This really is a different world, isn’t it? I don’t exactly know the local languages, but everybody’s been real nice. They even offered to take me on a trip.
I will see you soon,
Hahaha, lions ARE fast.
I’m fine.
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rizwanlal · 3 months
Certainly! Here's a list of some of the world's best places to visit:
1. **Paris, France**: Known as the City of Love, Paris is famous for iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral.
2. **Rome, Italy**: Home to ancient ruins like the Colosseum and the Roman Forum, as well as Vatican City and St. Peter's Basilica.
3. **Kyoto, Japan**: Rich in history and culture, Kyoto is filled with beautiful temples, traditional tea houses, and stunning gardens.
4. **New York City, USA**: The Big Apple offers a mix of culture, art, food, and entertainment, with attractions like Times Square, Central Park, and the Statue of Liberty.
5. **Machu Picchu, Peru**: This ancient Incan city nestled in the Andes Mountains offers breathtaking views and a glimpse into the region's rich history.
6. **Santorini, Greece**: Famous for its white-washed buildings with blue domes, stunning sunsets, and crystal-clear waters, Santorini is a picturesque island paradise.
7. **Great Barrier Reef, Australia**: One of the world's most spectacular natural wonders, the Great Barrier Reef is a haven for snorkelers and divers.
8. **Serengeti National Park, Tanzania**: Known for its vast plains and diverse wildlife, including the Big Five, the Serengeti offers unforgettable safari experiences.
9. **Marrakech, Morocco**: With its bustling medinas, vibrant souks, and stunning architecture, Marrakech is a feast for the senses.
10. **Iguazu Falls, Argentina/Brazil**: This awe-inspiring natural wonder consists of 275 individual waterfalls and spans the border between Argentina and Brazil.
11. **Dubai, UAE**: A modern marvel with skyscrapers, luxury shopping, and desert adventures, Dubai is a city of contrasts.
12. **Banff National Park, Canada**: Majestic mountain landscapes, turquoise lakes, and abundant wildlife make Banff a must-visit destination for nature lovers.
13. **Bora Bora, French Polynesia**: Famous for its overwater bungalows and pristine beaches, Bora Bora is the ultimate tropical getaway.
14. **Angkor Wat, Cambodia**: The largest religious monument in the world, Angkor Wat is a stunning example of Khmer architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage site.
15. **Rio de Janeiro, Brazil**: Known for its lively carnival, iconic beaches like Copacabana and Ipanema, and the towering Christ the Redeemer statue overlooking the city.
These are just a few of the countless amazing places to visit around the world, each offering its own unique charm and experiences.
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The Best Time To Visit Tanzania In Various Seasons Of 2023/2024
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Tanzania is a year-round destination, But The Best Time To Visit Tanzania depends on your priorities and interests. The high season is generally from June to October when the weather is dry, and wildlife viewing is at its best. However, this is also the busiest and most expensive time of year.
The shoulder seasons from January to March and November to mid-December offer fewer crowds, lower prices, and excellent bird watching opportunities. The low season from April to May is the rainy season, but it is a beautiful time to visit for lush green landscapes and fewer tourists.
If you want to witness the Great Wildebeest Migration, plan your trip between December and July. For the best beach weather, visit Zanzibar from June to October, but keep in mind that this is peak season, and accommodation may be pricier. In summary, the best time to visit Tanzania depends on your preferences, budget, and what you want to experience. Consider the pros and cons of each season before planning your trip to get the most out of your Tanzanian adventure.
To know more visit this blog @ https://africanscenicsafaris.com/blog/what-are-the-things-included-in-your-tanzania-safa
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Guardian Angel
June 1 & 2, 2024
We love our itinerary, but the reality is that with the three countries we chose, there’s non-trivial travel between them. We packed up and had our last, relaxing breakfast at Anjajavy. Rather than tipping guides as we went, we singled out the guides who led most of our activities and gave them individual tips the night before. It was so nice that as we hung out for a bit in the lodge waiting for our transport the the airstrip, each guide came over, thanked us, chatted a bit and urged us to come back and/or tell our friends to come visit. There’s a bit of an air of concern for the travel industry here, on which the locals depend so much!
The flight was one of the bigger little planes with the honeymooners sharing the space with us; same pilot who got us to Anjajavy in the tiny plane. On arrival, we were met by an airport escort who drove us the five minutes to the international terminal. We passed by men bringing their zebus to market and a group of dressed up folks at a church for a wedding. It’s quite limited on who can enter the terminal, so he dropped us off in front, assuring us there’s a restaurant inside. Alas, we were unable to check in yet, so were relegated to siting on a concrete block. At one point we tried to go to check in and the guard said they’re not checking in our flight yet. Jill pointed out that this board shows that indeed checking in has started and he annoyedly said no, not checking in yet. Needless to say, we went back to our concrete block. In need of water, Seb went to the little sundry shop where they wouldn’t take USD or a credit card for such a small amount. So she stood in line for currency exchange which would not change less than $5.00. That came out to 22,200 Malagasy Ariary, which got us water, crackers and chocolate. What else would we get with money we would not be able to use after leaving Madagascar?
After we could finally check in (not particularly streamlined), we arrived in a new, quite modern terminal. We had a bite at the restaurant and hung out until we boarded. While waiting, a young woman who works for the company that designed the airport asked us to complete a survey. It was a good way to pass time, although we probably were not the best targets. This flight was less comfortable and more crowded than the others we’ve had, but on arrival it seemed that most folks were connecting, so getting through immigration and customs was easy and quick.
Then, we hit our first big snag of the trip. We kept looking for our normal “Bobbin X2” sign and none was to be seen. We emerged street-side where 10-15 folks were waiting with signs. Still nothing for us. Did we miss him/her? What to do? After a few minutes, we started looking up POCs on our spiffy TravelKey app from Mike. We’ve not needed such numbers, but knew they were there. Jill tried calling Nomad Tanzania on WhatsApp (trickier than one would think) and finally raised them. We tried calling the Emakoko (our hotel for the night) and it was all a bit confusing. Jill tried to re-enter the airport to see if we’d missed our contact but she couldn’t get back in. At that point, Ruth, our guardian angel and a Raddison Blu rep, approached and took charge. She made calls, while we tried, as well. Turns out Bush & Beyond was in charge of us, whose number we didn’t have, but Ruth did. Yay. Her friend, Purity, is the airport B&B rep. Hurrah. Not only did we not have B&B’s contact info, but they hod incorrect info for our arrival. They expected us on a KLM flight (we think the flight we’re leaving on in 7 days) at almost midnight. Yikes! Thank goodness for Ruth! Purity reportedly ran across the parking lot, arranged a vehicle on the spot to take us to the entrance of Nairobi National Park, where the Emakoko driver/guide, Jackson, picked us up. It all took a few hours. If we had to have a mess up, this was the place to have it, but given Sarah has a wicked cold, it was exhausting.
Jackson drove us across the park with views to the lights of Nairobi in the distance and planes coming in overhead. The park at night seemed quite flat, but as we approached the Emakoko, the road went bumpily down into a valley, across a little bridge and to the other side.. The Emakoko is lovely! We both wished we weren’t so tuckered, but passed on a late dinner and the hotel sent soup and bread up to the room. Seb ate and colllapsed. Jill FT’ed her mom and putzed on the pad for a while before going to sleep. It was a good night’s sleep, even if short and briefly disturbed (for Jill) by creatures having a party on the roof.
In the morning, we could better appreciate the beautiful room, balcony overlooking the valley, and when coffee was delivered at 6:00 AM before our 6:30 game drive, it was pure heaven. Tempted to roll over, Seb rallied. Just as we were finalizing our packs for the morning, the power went off. No problem! There was just enough light to see the last few things we needed to pack up or stash in a locked duffel (our security SOP). We headed out to the lobby… then problem! We were in one of the upper five rooms, up a huge cliff and accessible by a funicular. With the power off, the funicular did not work. So, we took the steep steps next to the track. Jackson was ready for us when we got to the lounge. When told him about taking the steps, he seemed a little surprised and admitted to an alternate path, much longer with a shallower incline. Off we went to look for wildlife, hoping the power to be restored in the meantime.
There’s nothing like being out on a game drive early in the morning. Solitude, except for animals starting their days. Fresh air and a clear view as far as the eye can see. The Nairobi National Park was just as exhilarating, but different. It was cold… not what we have had in Namibia and Madagascar (but similar to our 2018 experience). As it is a public park, we began have lot’s of companions on the road. Sometimes it helps with more eyes to spot animals, but sometimes the groups of other cars just create a less than ideal environment for optimal viewing.
We did have a successful drive, seeing rhinos (both white and black), giraffes (even two young males necking), Thompson’s gazelles, impalas, a hartebeast, a big buffalo blocking the road, and a secretary bird. At one point, we came across several other vehicles surrounding someone’s dinner (a kill), with that someone nowhere in sight. Jackson thought it belonged to a cheetah, but the poor hungry cat was waiting for vehicles to leave before returning to his/her meal. Not ever wanting to get in the way of nature, we proceeded on the drive.
After a couple hours, we decided it was time to get back to the lodge. Our stomachs were rumbling and a little time to rest before heading back to the airport was appealing. We were so happy to see lights shining from the lodge as we drove up. Yay… hot coffee and a working funicular. We had few more wildlife sightings before the end of our stay at Emakoko. We found rock hyraxes on the funicular track and the path to the room, then baboons and vervet monkeys on our balcony roused Jill from a catnap, who then woke Seb to see the commotion.
The trip to the airport was easy on a Sunday morning, mostly highway, but then through some local streets with shanties and shops constructed of corrugated metal. Jackson helped us check-in, then a young man with Safarilink took us through emigration and security, delivering us to a small waiting area, with instructions that he would be back to get us when it was time to board. The waiting area got quite busy and we, unfortunately witnessed our first, and hopefully only, example of the ugly American. Three couples, clearly traveling together, were in the waiting room with us. Each time someone from an air service came to collect passengers, they accosted the person about when they would be able to board. When Safarilink came to get us, this group stood in the doorway blocking our way as the air service rep was beckoning us to follow. There was such a sense of entitlement and “me first.”
This first flight of the day, on which we were two of four passengers, landed in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, which required the whole immigration process to enter the country. We were expecting to handle this ourselves, but found a “Bobbin X2” waiting for us plane-side as we disembarked. It was a lucky break, since he told us how to fill in the immigration form, then led us to the line for on-line visas, which we both had, specifically for seniors, children and special needs (do we look old? Well, maybe since make-up did not make the cut for this trip.) Somehow with all of our diligence in getting details in order before the trip, Sarah’s visa had an incorrect date (note to Seb: work on your proof-reading skills). While Jill and airport helper waited in Tanzania, Sarah bounced amongst a few more lines to get a new visa. All in all it was pretty quick, just a $100 mistake for a new visa. Our airport helper ushered us out of the international airport and through the national airport (including numerous security screenings) to check in for our flight to the Lake Manyara airstrip. Since we were the only ones on the flight, we boarded as soon as we were all reassembled from the last security check, and took off 20 minutes early for the short 30 minute flight.
On arrival, we met Anaeli, our guide driver for at least the first two legs in Tanzania. If first impressions are anything, we knew we’d be in for a great five days. The drive to Entamanu Ngorongoro Lodge was two hours. The first hour we spent getting to know Anaeli and passing through various sized towns and villages. Nearing arrival to the Ngorongoro Crater National Park, Anaeli asked Jill to roll up her window a bit on account of the baboon activity at the park entrance. Sure enough, while Anaeli paid our entrance fees, bands of baboons entertained us through the car window.
The remaining hour was on rocky dirt roads, passing Maasai villages, brightly adorned folks returning to their villages on foot, Maasai farmers returning their livestock to safe quarters and glimpses of the crater. At one point we stopped at an overlook for our first official view. From there we continued to climb and Anaeli pointed out the flat-topped acacia trees at a distance as the location of our lodge. We knew we were finally close when we entered the acacia forest. Of course, arrival was marked by 8-10 staff standing in front waving, then helping us with bags.
Standard camp arrival took place, covering safety and any other lodge-specific topics. After a quick orientation to our bungalow, we headed back to the living room/lounge for a glass of wine, where we chatted with Peter, an Africa travel specialist from London. After dinner, we retreated back to our bungalow and both promptly crashed, getting woefully behind in blogging.
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