#subject to minimum 2 Person booking.
silverislander · 1 year
the prof is giving us Another mile long discussion post that i cannot cover the nuance of and that i know will provoke argument
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#this shouldnt be a fucking discussion post. this should either be an irl conversation or an essay#bc if you ask an extremely controversial question... and mandate at least 2 replies from everyone... youre gonna get dogpiled#like. jesus fucking christ#also i just do not give a single shit abt this topic#'how much do historical fiction authors owe their readers the truth?' i dont CARE. i really dont care at all#its FICTION. i think theres very little you arent allowed to do. art is subjective and extremely open to new takes and concepts#and once we begin questioning what art has value i get real fucking worried#now there are definitely things I PERSONALLY think would be a dick move to do and things that would be morally objectionable!#there are things you could do in historical fiction that everyone SHOULD agree are morally objectionable!#theres also a point at which youre just writing pure fiction too bc its so far off from historical events#but there is NO GOOD RESPONSE TO THIS QUESTION#i cant even define a mandatory level of research or a minimum truth value™ bc history is already fucking biased#how would you even measure that!#this isnt a good discussion bc theres no real answer to come to#and im not saying all these posts need to have a Right Answer but dude. youve gotta realize this format SUCKS for this#bc it rewards disagreement instead of conversation#levi.txt#also if youre reading historical FICTION and getting pissed off that it isnt a perfect 1:1 real life depiction thats on you#if you read a book and think its all true without doing more work to prove that you deserve to fall for whatever its selling#you are not immune to propaganda etc etc
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wilwheaton · 1 year
The GOP wonders why young people (and others) don't want to vote for them. Some wise scribe assembled this list.
1.) Your Reagan-era “trickle-down economics” strategy of tax breaks for billionaires that you continue to employ to this day has widened the gap between rich and poor so much that most of them will never be able to own a home, much less earn a living wage.
2.) You refuse to increase the federal minimum wage, which is still $7.25 an hour (since 2009). Even if it had just kept up with inflation, it would be $27 now. You’re forcing people of all ages but especially young people to work multiple jobs just to afford basic necessities.
3.) You fundamentally oppose and want to kill democracy; have done everything in your power to restrict access to the ballot box, particularly in areas with demographics that tend to vote Democratic (like young people and POC). You staged a fucking coup the last time you lost.
4.) You have abused your disproportionate senate control over the last three decades to pack the courts with religious extremists and idealogues, including SCOTUS—which has rolled back rights for women in ways that do nothing but kill more women and children and expand poverty.
5.) You refuse to enact common sense gun control laws to curb mass shootings like universal background checks and banning assault weapons; subjecting their entire generation to school shootings and drills that are traumatizing in and of themselves. You are owned by the NRA.
6.) You are unequivocally against combatting climate change to the extent that it’s as if you’ve made it your personal mission to ensure they inherit a planet that is beyond the point of no return in terms of remaining habitable for the human race beyond the next few generations.
7.) You oppose all programs that provide assistance to those who need it most. Your governors refused to expand Medicaid even during A PANDEMIC. You are against free school lunches, despite it being the only meal that millions of children can count on to actually receive each day
8.) You are banning books, defunding libraries, barring subject matter, and whitewashing history even more in a fascistic attempt to keep them ignorant of the systemic racism that this nation was literally founded upon and continues to this day in every action your party takes.
9.) You oppose universal healthcare and are still trying to repeal the ACA and rip healthcare from tens of millions of Americans and replace it with nothing. You are against lowering the cost of insulin and prescription drugs that millions need simply to LIVE/FUNCTION in society.
10.) You embrace white nationalists, Neo-Nazis, and other groups that are defined by their intractable racism, xenophobia, bigotry, and intolerance. You conspired with these groups on January 6th to try to overthrow the U.S. government via domestic terrorism that KILLED PEOPLE.
11.) You oppose every bill aimed at making life better for our nation’s youth; from education to extracurricular and financial/nutritional assistance programs. You say you want to “protect the children” while you elect/nominate pedophiles and attack trans youth and drag queens.
12.) You pretend to be offended by “anti-semitism” while literally supporting, electing, and speaking at events organized by Nazis. You pretend to hate “cancel culture” despite the fact that you invented it and it’s basically all you do.
13.) Every word you utter is a lie. You are the party of treason, hypocrisy, crime, and authoritarianism. You want to entrench rule by your aging minority because you know that you have nothing to offer young voters and they will never support you for all these reasons and more.
14.) You’re so hostile to even the notion of helping us overcome the mountain of debt that millions of us are forced to take on just to pay for our post K-12 education that you are suing to try to prevent a small fraction of us from getting even $10,000 in loan forgiveness.
15.) You opened the floodgates of money into politics via Citizens United; allowing our entire system of government to become a cesspool of corruption, crime, and greed. You are supposed to represent the American people whose taxes pay your salary but instead cater to rich donors.
16.) You respond to elected representatives standing in solidarity with their constituents to protest the ONGOING SLAUGHTER of children in schools via shootings by EXPELLING THEM FROM OFFICE & respond to your lack of popularity among young people by trying to raise the voting age.
17.) You impeach Democratic presidents over lying about a BJ but refuse to impeach (then vote twice to acquit) a guy whose entire “administration” was an international crime syndicate being run out of the WH who incited an insurrection to have you killed.
18.) You steal Supreme Court seats from democrats to prevent the only black POTUS we’ve ever had from appointing one and invent fake precedents that you later ignore all to take fundamental rights from Americans; and even your “legitimate” appointments consist of people like THIS (sub-thread refuting CJ Roberts criticisms of people attacking SCOTUS' legitimacy).
19.) You support mass incarceration even for innocuous offenses or execution by cop for POC while doing nothing but protect rich white criminals who engage in such things as tax fraud, money laundering, sex trafficking, rape/sexual assault, falsifying business records, etc.
20.) You are the reason we can’t pass:—Universal background checks—An assault weapons ban—The ‘For the People/Freedom to vote’ Act or John Lewis Voting Rights Act—The ERA & Equality Act—The Climate Action Now Act—The (Stopping) Violence Against Women Act—SCOTUS expansion.
21.) You do not seek office to govern, represent, or serve the American people. You seek power solely for its own sake so you can impose your narrow-minded puritanical will on others at the expense of their most fundamental rights and freedoms like voting and bodily autonomy.
22.) Ok, last one. You are trying to eliminate social security and Medicare that tens of millions of our parents rely on and paid into their entire lives. And you did everything to maximize preventable deaths from COVID leaving millions of us in mourning.
Source: https://imgur.com/gallery/e8DBZLH
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ohnoitstbskyen · 5 days
Hi, I'm TBSkyen. I make videos on YouTube sometimes. This is my main tumblr blog, the "brand" blog as it were, where I maintain my Social Media Presence™ on this site.
I use the ironic ™ to signal my personal discomfort with the work of being a minor media personality even while I still do that work and make a living off it.
I have a sideblog called @tbposting, mostly for shitposts and reblogs, and in my opinion I have pretty darn good taste in reblogs, so you can follow that if you want. It's also where I'll do random personal posting, microblogging, etc.
This main blog is primarily for 1) answering asks, and 2) posting my Original Content™, usually my main channel videos, as well as the occasional longer essay or critique. Sometimes I'll reblog an interesting or useful thing, or boost a friend's work, but I try to keep the spam to a minimum.
About Me
I am a thirtysomething content creator whose primary expertise is character design.
I have a bachelor's degree in English, never finished my master's, did most of a bachelor's degree in history, and that's it. These are my academic qualifications, no more and no less.
My professional experience is primarily being a freelancer and self-employed creator. I spent the better part of a decade working as a commission artist, running webcomics, drawing fanart, and the occasional animation work and not safe for work commissions, and I have at this point a decade of experience and self-study in the subjects I cover. I have also done online community management for, god help me, almost twenty years, so that's a part of my skillset I'll never escape.
I do not have any particular professional creative industry experience, although given what I hear from my professional friends, sometimes that seems like a blessing.
Please maintain a critical distance when engaging with my work. I am a critic. My work is very rarely meant to be taken as authoritative or didactic, and when it is, I will make it clear in my writing. Just because I speak with confidence doesn't mean I am trying to assert objective truth.
TAGS (to follow, or filter)
#tbanswers is the tag for every single ask I answer on this blog
#tb reblog is the tag for reblogs
#tb essay is for the occasional longer essay or critical writing
#tbvideos is for my videos and Content™
#tb recommends is for the occasional recommendation of a video essay or other creator
Yes, I know the spaces are inconsistent. It's not on purpose, I just typed them in haphazardly when I started using them and it's stuck.
FAQ (before you ask)
Q: Will you ever do a video about ____ ? A: The answer to this question is almost universally "maybe someday, if I have time, and if I feel I have anything worthwhile to say." And the more realistic answer is "no, because I already have far too much on my plate and I have burned myself out too many times." In general, please don't ask me this question, I will most likely not answer it because I have given the same answer a thousand times, but I still feel guilty about not answering them.
Q: Will you continue your series of videos about ____ ? A: Yes! I will continue the let's plays I started, I will finish the Boss Designs series, I will do another What's the Deal With, I will do more shorts about the subjects I've got going on. The main obstacle is, again, my tendency to overload myself.
Q: Do you have a PO box? Can I send you something? A: Not yet, but I'm looking into it. It may be a while before I get it set up.
Q: Do you have merchandise? A: A little bit, yes, at tbskyen.redbubble.com.
Q: What's your opinion on [game/movie/comic/book/etc]? A: I struggle to answer very open, broad questions like this. Most things I have opinions about, I have multiple opinions, and different ones depending on the perspective and specific element in question. I'm much more likely to answer specific, bounded questions.
Q: Can I send you fanart? A: PLEASE. Askbox, tag me on bluesky, send it to my email! I love seeing every piece of it!
Q: Why do you never appear on camera? A: A forest witch cursed me to look not quite but ALMOST like Paul Giamatti in all photos and videos ever taken of me, and his laywers sent me a cease-and-desist.
Q: Are you gay/straight/bi/other? A: The decision I've made for myself, at least for this period of my life, is that privacy is precious, and once given up can never be reclaimed on the internet. I am open about being aromantic (not asexual), because it's a sometimes invisible and underdiscussed identity, and I know it would have helped me a lot to see someone speak about it when I was younger.
The rest of it is for me to know, and for you to speculate about, although preferably somewhere I can't see it. I accept that this is a part of being a Personality, but it still feels weird, y'know?
Q: Is it weird if I find your voice kinda hot? A: I've put a lot of work into developing this voice and making it nice to listen to, so that's not weird at all and I find it quite complimentary, thank you.
I generally don't mind people doing flirty/thirsty posting about or at me, just so long as we all understand that 1) you should never give a stranger like me information which could be used to harm you. Nicer-seeming YouTubers than me have turned out to be monsters.
And 2) it will never go beyond playful online flirtiness. I like to fluster my live chat, I'll flirt back in an ask or a post maybe, but I am not flirting with you, or inviting any kind of closer intimacy with you, the person I responded to.
Think of me like a comedian doing crowd-work at a show - you can chat to me in the bar after the show, but when I asked you what you do for work I wasn't looking for a personal connection, I was doing my work as an entertainer. Please no sending me nudes, or propositions, or confession letters in my email inbox. We are strangers, and I am always performing a persona in public.
178 notes · View notes
study-diaries · 6 months
Math Tips
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(Pictures are not mine)
Well, let me tell you, we all have this love-hate relationship with this subject, right? The worst part is that when you don't know what the heck is going on, so, as a girl who studied maths (2 Volumes/textbooks) on her own during the year she was homeschooled, here are some tips and tricks that I did to get an A+ in my math finals!
Get your syllabus together
In the beginning I had no damn idea what was going on and it was just confusing. I had to do the first thing I did was taken my index/table of contents and mark the chapters which i knew very well and the ones I had no clue about. And then i arranged them with the marking scheme, like which one carries the most marks etc etc and study accordingly.
Complete lessons/chapters that you already know
When you finish off the things you already know then that's gonna give you the confidence you need even if you know only 1-2 chapters, learn it throughout and make sure that you'll get the answer no matter how twisted the sum is. If you're doubtful about the whole textbook like any normal person.... Start with the easy ones. (I know there are literally really no "easy" chapters, spare me)
Harder chapters need hard work
Most chapters like Trigonometry proofs, Geometry proofs, Algebra, Graphs, Mensuration and Calculus etc need more than minimum effort but here's a trick, what is the common thing in this? Yes, they're all formulae and theorem based which goes to my next point. These chapters are completely based on how much you've understood your basics.
Formulae and theorem cheatsheets
Make a list of all formulae and the theorem used in the book, write them chapter wise and no printouts or digital notes. Take a paper and write it down, no excuses. It helps you while you're practicing, revising and in the last minute review, it helped me damn much. Remember, maths is a sport. The basic formulae must come to you like reflexes.
YouTube is your best friend.
For every single chapter, go and watch the basics and how a sum is done step by step. A recommendation for this is Organic Chemistry Tutor who literally is one of the reasons i passed. He has videos from basic geometry, trigonometry, statistics to calculus. Search for your own YouTubers and be clear with concepts.
Math is fully memorization
Memorize formulae and theorems with the back of your hand, you should be able to recall them within seconds. Be thorough.
Memorize basic math values (if calculator isn't allowed)
Do this if you have a majority of chapters like Statistics, Mensuration, Profit/loss calculation etc, where large numbers are concerned. Memorize the first 10 square, cube, decimal and multiplication values. It may be dry but there are literally songs available for these things, I'm serious, i learnt the first 10 cube roots by listening to Senorita xD Search for rhymes and they'll definitely be many!!
Work it out!!!!!!
Can't stress this enough, atleast 30-40 mins is the minimum for maths. I'm serious, work out each sum, don't ever think it's a waste, you'll see the results. Practice makes perfect. Work out every single sum, from examples to exercise ones cause let's be honest, our examiners love to take problems from every nook and cranny of the book.
Whiteboard method
So, I made this up and it actually works, if you have a whiteboard or anything else, once you completed a chapter, take a random page and whatever sums you have on those two pages, you need to complete within a given time limit. It helps you to identify your weak points and where the hell you're losing both time and effort and not to mention that it gives you confidence boost up.
Hope this helps :))
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bitchesgetriches · 6 months
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Repairing Our Busted-Ass World
On poverty:
Starting from nothing
How To Start at Rock Bottom: Welfare Programs and the Social Safety Net 
How to Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
Ask the Bitches: “Is It Too Late to Get My Financial Shit Together?“
Understanding why people are poor
It’s More Expensive to Be Poor Than to Be Rich
Why Are Poor People Poor and Rich People Rich?
On Financial Discipline, Generational Poverty, and Marshmallows
Bitchtastic Book Review: Hand to Mouth by Linda Tirado
Is Gentrification Just Artisanal, Small-Batch Displacement of the Poor?
Coronavirus Reveals America’s Pre-existing Conditions, Part 1: Healthcare, Housing, and Labor Rights
Developing compassion for poor people
The Latte Factor, Poor Shaming, and Economic Compassion
Ask the Bitches: “How Do I Stop Myself from Judging Homeless People?“
The Subjectivity of Wealth, Or: Don’t Tell Me What’s Expensive
A Little Princess: Intersectional Feminist Masterpiece?
If You Can’t Afford to Tip 20%, You Can’t Afford to Dine Out
Correcting income inequality
1 Easy Way All Allies Can Help Close the Gender and Racial Pay Gap
One Reason Women Make Less Money? They’re Afraid of Being Raped and Killed.
Raising the Minimum Wage Would Make All Our Lives Better
Are Unions Good or Bad?
On intersectional social issues:
Reproductive rights
On Pulling Weeds and Fighting Back: How (and Why) to Protect Abortion Rights
How To Get an Abortion 
Blood Money: Menstrual Products for Surviving Your Period While Poor
You Don’t Have to Have Kids
Gender equality
1 Easy Way All Allies Can Help Close the Gender and Racial Pay Gap 
The Pink Tax, Or: How I Learned to Love Smelling Like “Bearglove”
Our Single Best Piece of Advice for Women (and Men) on International Women’s Day
Bitchtastic Book Review: The Feminist Financial Handbook by Brynne Conroy
Sexual Harassment: How to Identify and Fight It in the Workplace 
Queer issues
Queer Finance 101: Ten Ways That Sexual and Gender Identity Affect Finances
Leaving Home before 18: A Practical Guide for Cast-Offs, Runaways, and Everybody in Between
Racial justice
The Financial Advantages of Being White
Woke at Work: How to Inject Your Values into Your Boring, Lame-Ass Job
The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander: A Bitchtastic Book Review
Something Is Wrong in Personal Finance. Here’s How To Make It More Inclusive.
The Biggest Threat to Black Wealth Is White Terrorism
Coronavirus Reveals America’s Pre-existing Conditions, Part 2: Racial and Gender Inequality 
10 Rad Black Money Experts to Follow Right the Hell Now 
Youth issues
What We Talk About When We Talk About Student Loans
The Ugly Truth About Unpaid Internships
Ask the Bitches: “I Just Turned 18 and My Parents Are Kicking Me Out. How Do I Brace Myself?”
Identifying and combatting abuse
When Money is the Weapon: Understanding Intimate Partner Financial Abuse
Are You Working on the Next Fyre Festival?: Identifying a Toxic Workplace
Ask the Bitches: “How Do I Say ‘No’ When a Loved One Asks for Money… Again?”
Ask the Bitches: I Was Guilted Into Caring for a Sick, Abusive Parent. Now What?
On mental health:
Understanding mental health issues
How Mental Health Affects Your Finances
Stop Recommending Therapy Like It’s a Magic Bean That’ll Grow Me a Beanstalk to Neurotypicaltown
Bitchtastic Book Review: Kurt Vonnegut’s Galapagos and Your Big Brain
Ask the Bitches: “How Do I Protect My Own Mental Health While Still Helping Others?”
Coping with mental health issues
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Self-Care
My 25 Secrets to Successfully Working from Home with ADHD 
Our Master List of 100% Free Mental Health Self-Care Tactics 
On saving the planet:
Changing the system
Don’t Boo, Vote: If You Don’t Vote, No One Can Hear You Scream
Ethical Consumption: How to Pollute the Planet and Exploit Labor Slightly Less
The Anti-Consumerist Gift Guide: I Have No Gift to Bring, Pa Rum Pa Pum Pum
Season 1, Episode 4: “Capitalism Is Working for Me. So How Could I Hate It?”
Coronavirus Reveals America’s Pre-existing Conditions, Part 1: Healthcare, Housing, and Labor Rights 
Coronavirus Reveals America’s Pre-existing Conditions, Part 2: Racial and Gender Inequality 
Shopping smarter
You Deserve Cheap Toilet Paper, You Beautiful Fucking Moon Goddess
You Are above Bottled Water, You Elegant Land Mermaid
Fast Fashion: Why It’s Fucking up the World and How To Avoid It
You Deserve Cheap, Fake Jewelry… Just Like Coco Chanel
6 Proven Tactics for Avoiding Emotional Impulse Spending
Join the Bitches on Patreon
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yelena-bellova · 3 months
Let me first say that I hold absolutely zero hate for any community, any minority, any gender. While I know it would be convenient for whoever disagrees with this post if I were a hateful, racist, homophobic asshole, that’s not the case. I also bear no ill will towards Masali Baduza. These are my opinions that no one else has to agree with.
I don’t like the Michaela/Michael change.
1: It’s a direct f-you to the book fans.
I have read only one Bridgerton book and didn’t get into the show till 2022 but I have known for a long time that Francesca and Michael are one of the most popular couples. I’ve known WHWW is tied with AOFAG for the most popular book. I know that Michael Stirling is a sacred name in this fandom. People have been waiting years to laugh at him, to be charmed by him, to swoon over him for years.
And now…he’s never going to exist.
Imagine if a queer character were made heterosexual. The community would be screaming. It’s not the gender politics influencing people’s emotions on the subject, it’s losing a character as they were written. We trust those who adapt literature to stay on the basic path of the story with the usual minor changes. Michaela having the same general vibes as Michael is not the same thing. This creative choice is relegating WHWW essentially to just general inspiration.
2: Jess Brownell comments while discussing the change were bad.
“I know for people who love the book When He Was Wicked that Michael Stirling is one of their favorite characters. I understand that people are going to have feelings about the fact that this character won’t appear exactly as they expected.”
“I would also just say that the book still stands. Michael Stirling still exists in book world.”
So…that’s it? Go read the book? That’s supposed to be enough? I’ll say it again, FANS HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR MICHAEL FOR YEARS. They deserve more than “lol sad for you. Go read the book!” As the show runner for a popular adaption, it’s a poor answer.
Jess also included comments about how she related as a queer woman to Francesca feeling different from her family in WHWW. Ok, great! By all means, write a personal queer storyline for your show. Please do not take a beloved character and erase them because you felt a certain way reading the book.
The fans are the only reason why the show is so popular. While no creative team should let the fans dictate every move they make, it’s very clear they ignored them entirely when it came to the love for Francesca’s story. Going this much against what the fans have 100% reasonably expected is a move that kills successful shows.
3: It’s poor representation.
Genderbending a role is the absolute laziest way to bring representation to a project. Rather than craft a new character, studios take pre-written material and give it to a woman, a POC, someone disabled or someone from the LGBTQ community to appease those asking for representation. In this case, the amount of changes they will have to make for Francesca’s storyline will create more work than it would have taken to just create a new character with their own story. The entire basis of Francesca’s season requires a male lead.
If you want representation, if you want the audience see themselves in the characters, WORK FOR IT. Don’t put forth the least effort possible and upcycle a pre-existing story. As a member of multiple of the aforementioned communities, I don’t want the bare minimum when it comes to feeling represented.
Not to mention that Francesca is one of the strangest choices of characters to make queer. Whether or not they tried, the Bridgerton writers created two brilliant opportunities for LGBTQ representation with Benedict and Eloise. Both have been theorized about (and Benedict was confirmed this season) for years and they could have written both/either a full queer storyline and it would have made total sense. Fans would have loved it! Francesca’s sexuality being changed from the book feels forced.
4: It cancels out the depth of John and Francesca’s relationship.
To spend a whole season building up John and Francesca’s love story only to end it with laying groundwork for another relationship is…so bad.
John spent the season putting in effort to come out of his shell for Francesca. He is the first person outside her family she’s comfortable enough to connect with. They find something in one another that cannot be duplicated. With Francesca utterly flustered by another person after JUST MARRYING John is a disservice to both of them. It takes away so much of the relationship’s meaning if Francesca now has an eye, even fleetingly, on someone else. Not to mention her face after kissing him? That is so far from book Francesca’s devotion and love for her husband. By initiating Francesca’s draw to Michaela, especially through the foreshadowing of Violet’s speech leading up to their meeting, the show has made John a present afterthought.
Let me finish with this…
It is NOT homophobic to dislike the change.
It is NOT racist to dislike the change.
It is NOT misogynistic to dislike the change.
Unless someone is spewing direct and discriminatory hate, they are simply a disappointed fan. 99% of the comments I’ve seen are people saying yes to queer storylines, yes to representation in Bridgerton itself, but begging not to dismantle another storyline to bring those things forth.
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icarustypicalfall · 11 months
★ new series ★ p1
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ello :)
let's get straight to the point, we all hate those intros of twenty pages. Note that what works for me and others may not work for you, and by those advices I am simply helping you, not obliging you to do them. 🫶🏻
why would we accept an 80% when we can get an 90% working hard is tough and boring but it pays off 🫶🏻
Many people walk in class not knowing what it is about. But that's completely understandable, since many forget or neglect studying at home. You should know what your last lesson was about, and have a sum up and notes aside to remember.
★ Write down on the book, paper, sticky note what you studied in that class, so next time you wouldn't have to go through multiple pages and know exactly the key points.
I see you scoffing there, but it's actually proved that loving the subject makes studying it easier. I know some subjects are difficult and boring and it's impossible to love it; that's all right. It's not an obligation, nor a rule.
You need to love the subject to succeed in it. Dive in it, link it with things that interest you.
Don't bring yourself down by comparing to other people. You might be better than them in a specific subject that they are probably struggling in it. Which is extremely common. Instead, say that what others are capable of learning and understanding, you are capable of as well. Positive comparison that brings the best in you and pushes you to do best.
★Mutual help, helping them and letting them help you will make a huge difference; you can gain a friend and be better in a subject :)
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About Teachers\ Professors, they were a student too. Hating them wouldn't make any difference. Instead, try to know your teacher.
This person will guide you for at least a year. You need to know them, and I don't mean by this pull a Sherlock Holmes on them.
★Look at what your teachers love, hate, their charachter, their beliefs. This usually helps in knowing what they'll aim in in an exam, what they'll expect from you in class, how often they'll ask you questions, etc...
★Knowing the minimum about them will prevent you from giving a bad impression.
(Eg) If you know that your teacher's dead husband name is Jo, don't use the name Jo ever in your essays. EVER. (there is some exceptions where they hate their partner so they probably wouldn't mind)
(This is me being silly but still names in essays\essays in general are extremely important, they'll show how dedicated or how seriously you are taking the subject)
★Being polite will give a good impression ★If they like a specific thing, don't try to hate or argue about it. Let them be.
★They are humans, be nice to those people for the love of god.
You are addicted don't deny that. I got you.
*Stay Free* is an application that can help you use your phone less. It's super easy and helpful.
★Put your phone in don't disturb mode or simply turn off the notifications till you finish studying.
★Keep it out of reach and don't use it between breaks.
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Teachers won't put everything on the board, you need to take notes in class. It's up to you how to, just make it clear and pretty.
★Scribble down and when you are home review the whole lesson and your notes and rewrite them neetly.
An organized desk will make you less stressed, limit the distractions, help you focus.
★ Keep the stuff you need close to not lose attention.
Everyone is different, if you can focus while listening to Metal, you're a hero and I admire you.
Calm music helps in reliving the stress and with the flow of informations.
★Music with lyrics can be distracting sometimes, I'd personally advise listening to Lofi, Jazz, nature noises (becah waves, rain, violin with rain, thunder, birds..)
There are plenty of episodes on Spotify\Youtube to help you focus.
9- WHY IT IS 4 AM?!
Waking up early is better when it comes to studying. You can focues better, less noise, less distractions.
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To get better grades, you'll need to study, lots. But studying smartly will take a few moments. And including it in your daily habits will give better effects.
★keep a reminder for the same time everyday, reread your notes\ flashcards
★If you can't stay focused for an hour straight, divide the study session to x minutes in the morning and x minutes in the evening\night.
★Keep a list\planner\ app to track your daily tasks and to not forget them.
Studying in the library is superior, no further explanation.
You can't study if you don't have a goal. What motives you to get up everyday and study for hours? This goal is important, it'll push you into studying when you're unmotivated. Achieving it is what you work for, so keep it up.
★if you're lost, don't have a goal..
think of small stuff. Picture your dream life, write it down and stick it to your wall
books, lots of books, everywhere.
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The best apps I use for organizing:
Forest: helps you focus for x minutes
Notein: notes\reminders\to do list
School Planner: The best one out there, litterly the best
Flashcards: makes easy flashcards and quizzes
Dictionary for every language you are studying
Google translate: Not very accurate but you can download the languages and then translate offline
Text Snap: makes from the notes a pdf\ written text a scanned text taht i can edit on my phone
Notion: No clue how it works but still lots of stuff to use
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(credits to owners of pics)
hope those help i have no clue what i wrote
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
do u care to elaborate on why tlt would be worse as a visual adaptation? the issue that comes to my mind would be that the unreliable narration and the sense that the main character has no clue what is going on would be way harder to get across on film, but i'm curious if there would be other problems
sure! also sorry this ended up being rlly long lmao.
the unreliable narrator part of the books is a big reason why I think the series would be worse as a visual adaption. overall, GtN as a standalone would probably adapt okay, but you would still lose Gideon's unreliable narration and all of her gorgeous & funny prose. NtN would probably be just okay as well, but again you would still lose her subjective narrative voice and the specific way she perceives the world. like..... at their best, a visual adaption (animated or live action) of NtN or GtN would still be less-than the book because both are stories that so heavily rely on their specific narrator's internal subjective experience.
and that's not even getting started on HtN -- I have no idea how one would adapt HtN into a 3rd person narration in any way without drastically changing it. and in changing the format, you lose the backbone of the story (Gideon Telling Harrow a story about herself), and you lose the disorientation of Harrow's lobotomy. you lose the viewer experience of confusion/self doubt/etc that just makes HtN what it is. I just can't see a visual adaptation succeeding without making massive sacrifices that I just don't think are worth it. like.... these books are good because of things that don't translate to video. video isn't the pinnacle of media. if something was designed to be a book/audiobook and it does an amazing job as that, I just do not see any reason to sacrifice a bunch of what made it good just to see it on a screen.
Secondly, I do not think a visual adaption would be able to retain fidelity to the source material, because everyone in tlt is gross all of the time. I love fan artists having fun with the designs but IMO that's not the same as an official adaption. like, not only is necromancy gross, a lot of the characters are described with traits what would probably not survive the transition to camera or animation. Such as: bloodsweat, Harrow being a wet rat constantly covered in vomit or blood or both, Silas looking jaundice/like mayo, Issac & Jeannemary looking like they are going through all the terrible parts of puberty etc. Gideon has a pimple problem and a crooked smile and Ianthe is gross and constantly wearing clothing that absolutely does not fit her. Mercymorn has a resting bitchface, G1deon looks like a skeleton with skin, etc etc. Anime or arcane-style animation would probably be better, at least with stuff like necromantic gore and bloodsweat, but they would probably still end up being like. conventionally attractive! idk maybe this is more of a personal preference but it's kind of important to me that they are not.
I have 3 personal exceptions:
Stage musical adaption. I think a stage musical could capture the drama, the emotion, and the camp needed. for GtN at least, but maybe even beyond. everyone is seen from a minimum of 50 feet away so they can use exaggerated makeup and really lean into all the ugly. practical effects for necromancy, musical numbers for the marta/cam duel and initial gideon/harrow fight.... palamades' explosion happening offstage as gideon stands frozen in the middle, her and us helpless and unable to do anything but wait. massive puppets for the lab 2/final boss construct. dramatic lighting to signify eye change/lyctorhood.... gideon falls on a rail and then everything goes totally black. silence, or maybe crying. harrow screams gideon's name. then lights up on gideon standing behind harrow, holding the sword together, under a narrow beam light. it could be good. and i think a stage musical could bring in enough of a meta-level awareness to make up for the lack of narration. for example, when she's trying to do her big speech, ianthe keeps trying to sing a song but the music refuses to start for her. & before lyctorhood, she stands literally in corona's spotlight shadow. gideon makes harrow out to be this big scary witch but she is just very tiny under a big spotlight. "dulcinea" could have her face covered on stage until the reveal, leaving the audience to realize they were had. while a stage musical would lose some parts, it could enhance the story in its own way. GtN but to the left. it could be fun. i have put a lot of thought into this.
a comedy short film, shot rom com style (or animated like a shoujo), of Ianthe's POV of HtN.
a comedy short film, shot like the office/parks and recreation, of Ianthe's POV of Antioch
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vikings-til-valhalla · 9 months
One of my best friends felt stupid for being a slow reader. Having been there multiple times myself, and battling those types of thoughts on a daily basis for my whole life as well, I decided to write this to her:
You're not alone in that... In school, my teachers would all constantly say, "You should be able to read one page per minute!" Or something like that, it may have been 1 page per 30 seconds for all I remember. But it took me, regardless of the size, regardless of the number of words, minimum 2 minutes per page, sometimes even more. Taking any test that was timed and required me to read, I was panicked knowing I'd never finish the text in time to answer the questions. And that was often the case. I felt like a failure, stupid, and it was reflected in test scores. I'd get the answers right! But I didn't have the time to finish them all, and that's where I got penalized. However, when I took an untimed test for literacy comprehension, I was told I had a college reading level while in middle school. I didn't believe them. I was literally failing English classes left and right. Then, for college, there was another untimed test for the same thing. I scored so high that they literally did not have classes that could challenge me, and just threw me into the hardest English course they had even though I was determined to not need it. I aced those courses for 2 years straight with A+ in both, because rather than focusing on how fast someone can read and answer questions, it focused on how well you understood the texts as a whole. My one professor gave me 105% because she was so impressed. So all that to basically say, regardless of how slow you read, no matter how many times you have to reread the text to understand it fully, as long as you understand it that's what matters, and shows how intelligent you are. Schools pressure you to be fast at everything because in the working world, time and money are one in the same. You have to cut corners and make the top dollar or else corporations see you as a failure. And what is traditional schooling in America but a pipeline to the working capitalism world??
I've met dyslexic people who published bestselling books. I've heard of authors who failed all of K-12 schooling and published well known books by the dozen. And I myself am a very slow reader who struggled all through school, failed most every class for being slow enough that I couldn't finish any tests, but I've been given untimed tests and proved to be highly intelligent in every subject, several languages, countless forms of comprehension, and I published 2 books by the age of 23.
But I am VERY slow at all of that. It takes me hours at a time to solve a small math problem. It takes me weeks to read a children's book. I usually have to hear something twice or more to understand it, unless I have subtitles to read so I can back up what my mind processes hearing, with something visual.
It doesn't matter how slow or fast you are. Intelligence is intelligence regardless. Capitalism just makes it seem like speed is the end all be all of everything, because if you're slow, you're not doing it right/well enough, and you're not making enough profit for anyone to value you.
What's important to remember is to value yourself and what you've accomplished, no matter how long you took to do it, how many tries it took to succeed, or who approves of the things you achieved besides yourself. Your best is good enough, you are good enough, and your worth is not determined by production quotas of any sort in any capacity. Worth is inherent, and also built upon at your own pace by accomplishing things within your personal scope.
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vintagelacerosette · 4 months
Weekly Tag game (Catch up)
Forgive meee I am late but I had the other one in my drafts & I hadn't be able to finish it off yet 😅
I was tagged by these sweethearts 💖💕💖
Jessica @guinguin1984 Julia @blue-disco-lights Deanna @deedala Georgia @iansw0rld
Face @burninface Jaclyn @crossmydna Evie @energievie
Bri @y0itsbri Lyle Lyle crocodile @kiinard Macy @heymacy
Mel @gardenerian Sarah @sleepyheadgallavich Julissa @heymrspatel
Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Kat @mybrainismelted Ling @lingy910y
Name: Shermyn
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (or you): Sydney in the western part  
Ok, so this week we are going to snoop into your google search. Type in each phrase and tell us what the first suggestion is that google gives you!
What is the best way to….rule? (hehe nice maybe my Leo tendencies 🤣🦁
This is what I saw on Quora
1) Become a community organizer · 2) Learn to speak eloquently · 3) Tell people what they want to hear · 4) Sell your soul to the Devil · 5) ...
Where can I…. watch Saltburn? (it's on my watch list haha) Amazon Prime
How old is…. Taylor Swift? (i didn't search this but i guess she's top result) 34
How long does it take… to get to mars? (wow a fun one) Now quoting NASA, "If jt all goes well, you'll get to the Red Planet in about seven ot eight months." ♂️🔴
How many… states in Australia? Six states 🇦🇺
Who set the record for…. the highest jump? Javier Sotomayor good job my dude 👏
When did….michael jackson die? 25 june 2009 (woah I started 1st year of high school then)
What does it feel like to… to be in love? (ummm ive never searched that but damn a pointed search 😭😭😭) Reddit says "when you wake up thinking of that person & go to bed thinking of them"
Can you…go parasailing in sydney? (So me bc i missed out when i was in the Philippines 🥲) You can't anymore booo 👎
Why do… i sweat so much? Google says could he nerves that trigger it.
Is there a way… to save karlach? I really wanna play Baldur's gate 3 what's gonna happen to her?? I love her?? 🥺
How old do you have to be… to work? (boooo i don't wanna work but i want money 😩) In NSW minimum age for full time work is 17
Where do the… kardashians live? (i don't care) Malibu
What is the best time to… to go to fiji? (aaayee holiday??) June to September
And to finish us off…. What comes up when you type in Shameless? shameless last episode date
11 April 2021 I needed it for my gallacrafts 🥹
Name: Myn
Age: 27
Astrological sign: Leo ♌️
Upon which continent do you reside: Stralia 🦘
tell us how you're feeling right now using 3-5 emojis: 🥶💸🤔🤫🤗
whats your favorite flavor of gum? Juicy fruit but the flavour never lasts long
whats the last movie you watched? Anastasia for my nieces first viewing 😆 It mostly became a sing-a-long with my big sis ���
what was your worst subject in high school? Maybe science?
whats the job you stayed at for the shortest period of time? Working for a weekend event at a convention centre for the active wear brand Lorna Jane. I got lost on the 1st day & didn't get paid for that 15 min 😅
whats your favorite thing to do at an amusement park? Try all the interesting foods 😋
what condiments go on top of the perfect hot dog (meat or plant-based)? BBQ sauce & caramelised onions 🌰
cincinnati chili, thoughts? Never heard of it!
do you sleep with a plushie? No my plushies are on a shelf bc I can get kicked out of my room every 2nd weekend bc my sister & her family takes it over haha. But worth it to have my baby niece over 🥰
how do you feel about thunderstorms? No strong emotions. It's cool when boom
what's the last animal you touched? My dog Roxy 🐕 ❤️
grab the nearest item with words on it that ISNT a book and tell me the final word: Tulip on this korean dry shampoo I'm trying 🌷
have you ever forgotten to do an assignment until the night before its due? Oh I was organised at knowing darw but procrastinated the hell out of the assignment until the due date. Then trying to finish the night before 😅 I found an old diary entry calling myself a dumb bitch for doing that to myself & saying to never do it again (she did) 😭
Not tagging anyone bc LATE but if you wanna play consider yourself tagged! 🩷🐇
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whatevermywpis · 1 year
𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓭 𝓲𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓼
﹒⪩⪨﹒ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕖: 𝟘-𝟙﹒⪩⪨﹒
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞: 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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You jolted awake unable to recognize your surroundings, your eyes flash through the halls of endless books and readers burying themselves in their stories, you were at... a library?
Just a few hours ago you were playing the 21st character route belonging to a heavily criticized game called 'Project Fairytale', famous for its absurd and tedious gameplay that takes a minimum of two years to finish all routes, which was estimated by its creator. Not only that but the game forces you to play in order from easy to hard in least to favourite.
Judging by the Victorian-style clothing you wore and the dusty counter you were behind you played the tragic side character number 23, (Y/n) (L/n), yes they had your exact name for some reason. Playing the neutral stance in most stories of neither helping nor harming the protagonist, (Y/n) was the fan favourite brutally honest, cute librarian, of their town. Appearing in act 3 route for through name in 'Burning Kingdom of Roses' character Deuce Spade, act 2 route 1 suggests the protagonist to a book in 'Trading seas of the Count' character Floyd Leech, act 7 route 5 being carried and kidnapped by Rook Hunt in the 'Poison love' character Epel Felmier, and act 4 route 8 when Silver kisses their forehead in 'Sleeping Kingdom' character Lilia Vanrouge.
"(Y/n)-chan~!! How's my favourite librarian-" "You lost one of my books again." The love interest in front of you was Cater Diamond and judging by his appearance, (Y/n) seems to be still in the Rose Kingdom right now. "What are you talking ab-" "A kid came walking into my library one day saying you dropped this book and didn't know how to contact you so he returned the book for you."
Cater Diamond, who would like to be called Cater only, was from a family of five and is currently a commoner due to his father giving up on the nobility status of duke during a family conflict. Now he's working and living like a commoner without any care, however, that would have been much easier telling how far you are in the story if there wasn't the fact Cater always dressed like a commoner when in and out of the dukedom.
Closing in on the subject there's a total of four found duke families and the royal family, all five love interests lived a very interesting lifestyle of rags to riches type. Making them at most a bit relatable to the audiences, but also have their own charms and style in characteristic.
" (Y/n) I can explain-" "ah, I'm only forgiving you because I'm not in the mood to get angry." Cater was a playful person, even when he was fully aware of the fact people are looking at him with pity. "I'm not in the mood to deal with you today, next time I will hit you and make you pay."
" It must have been hard for you, especially knowing that Deuce's mom died." Cater gave you a pitiful smile, you hated this gut-wrenching feeling of pain and despair. "Looks like Deuce is an orphan now, he's such a good kid though and his mom was a really lovely woman."
"It... can't be helped, maybe it was best for her to rest after her eventful life." Despite being side characters, people who play such roles have stories that are left untold, only those closest to them would know.
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Deuce's mother whose name you don't even know died before the story started through an illness she had after giving birth to Deuce, her story wasn't very pretty. Born as an orphan, she worked her way into becoming a maid for the House of Spade, it should have been fine, she could have lived a happy life after 3 or 4 years yet she was assigned to be the heir's personal maid. That was when she met him, oh foolish woman she fell for his lies and deceits, living under the guise that she would marry him yet when she told him she was pregnant reality hit her. Days and nights she ran with her unborn child, and at the end she came to your father's library, a girl barely nineteen coming to her eighth month of pregnancy.
"Please! I'm begging you to help me and my child!"  She said holding your father's hands. Her tears soaked the thin dress she wore, (Y/n) was two, but even they knew how bad it had come if this was the result.
"Calm down miss, I'll help you... after all, I know what it's like having to raise a child." Your father... no their father took in the pitiful woman.
After giving birth to her child, she disappeared and the librarian continue to live with his child before she left a promise was made to repay the old librarian. Yet when she returned to fulfil it...
"(Y/n)~ (Y/n)!! Are you daydreaming again?" You were startled, how much time had passed? "Sheesh, I knew you had a bad habit of spacing out but really?"
"Sorry Cater... You shouldn't be wasting time here with me. Your sisters would be mad if they knew." Whatever happened in the past should have stayed in the past, reminding it only brings unwanted memories.
"So mean~ you're younger than me and yet you're such a granny." A mischievous glint appeared on his face. "Take care (Y/n), it's obvious you're also hurting."
It's obvious you were a good actor, Cater didn't even notice the difference between you and the original (Y/n), or maybe he did but brushed it off, the original (Y/n) was cold and mysterious but not unpredictable. It was obvious (Y/n) didn't have such a bad childhood despite not having a mother, with the death of their father however things did change for the better it for the worse. You know their story but, what was your story?
"̸̡̪͍̀̎͌̊͂̍̾̄͝͠M̴̞̈́̅̈́̔̒͛͘͘͝o̷̠̭͌͌̈́̆̈̋͛́̚͘m̷̻͇̮̫̾̀̓̓̃̓̍͠͝?̵̺̰̘̙̯̔̅͊̿̅͆"̷̤̬͚̘̰͕̓̌ ̴̦̀́̾̈́́̆͗.̵̠̏̈ ̷̡̭͉̱̽̀̇͑̿̽̒̃̇͘.̴̳̖̙̳͖̼̌̈́̀̓ ̷͇͚̲̱̫̪̺̐̈͒̂͑̓̾͘͜͜͠"̵̰̩̼͓̒̕W̵̦̝͇͍̍̿h̷̯̩̞͓̩͖̀̕͜͜ẙ̵̺̝̪̕ ̷̲̳͍̤̪͑͐͒̒̃̉͘̕̚͠c̸̝̼̘̥̬̦̼͎̭̪͌ą̴̗̻͋̉n̴͚̎'̶̡̬͔̺͉̹̪̰̥́̈́̎̇̌̊͠͠͠ͅt̴̼̯̝̲̰̞̹̽̉̉͝ ̷̖͔̪͆̉̇̌̑͘ͅy̵̧̢̯̩͍̩̓͂̿̾̌͛̃̊́͘ͅͅo̷̧̞̙͇͇̫͎͍̫͗̋ų̷̧̱͈͍̰͕̤̖̓̒͛͂̅̈̅̐̓̍͜ ̸̨̣͍̥̝̝̩͉͗͝ͅb̷̞̄́̈̈́e̸͎̣̮̞̭̙͖̤̼͆̌̔͝ ̷̡̨̛̰̠̠͙̋͂̍̌̎̍n̷̢̛̠̳̬̪̩̜̠͓̩͛̃̿̈͊̈́͆́o̵̠̝̼͎̔̌̐̄͑̾́͒͠ŗ̷̩̖̬̹͔̌̉̍͑͐̎m̶͙̖̪͙̥̮͔̆̈́͒̅̔̀̕̚ạ̸̢̺͉͉̠̝̞̼̤̀ḻ̵̝̜͑̈́̐̎̉̚̕?̸̭̚!̵̨̥̲̙͍̹̩̥̼̱͘ ̴̨͍̬̄́̓I̸̤͎͚̓̈́̒̌̚ ̶̺̼͙͚͉͊̋̍̃̚͜ǩ̵̮̦̘̦̭̞͙n̷̨̛̮̯̫̯̎͐̐̑̍̊̐o̴͓̤̪͕̝̻̣͌̏͜͜͠ŵ̶̼̠̲̝̻̪͕̍̇̾͝͠ ̵̨̡͇̰̝̬͚̗̀̐̆͂̓̾͋̈̕͠y̴̘̰̪̟̐̀͜ǫ̵̻̝̳̳̼̘̝̂̓̏̎̒̇̑̽̆̈́͜ͅṵ̵̡͉̤͎͓̲̣̊͊̈͂͒̎̽͐̓͜͠'̵̼̺͕̠̪̟̟͗̇̕r̸̗̹̺̣̭̝̫̝̩̫̓͊́͐̓ë̴̻̳͎̳͙͍̱͖̼́̀̾͘͜͝ ̷̛̤͛̉͊̅̈́̾ǹ̶̯̪̳̈́̔̀͠o̷͔͍͓̫̤͕̰̊t̴̞̱̱̹̀̽̍͗̇́̍̃͠͠ ̴̨̢̱̲̠͙̖̖͈̳̋͛͌͆̎ş̴̣̥͚̲̘̦̎̇̑̒̅̏͋́̍̕o̷̢̬̹͖̦̬͂̀̌̆̆m̵͚͚̞̩̳͓̲͎̎͐̀̈́̒͒͆͘ͅe̴͔̠̙͙͉̗̔͋̈́̅͊̽̎͜ ̸̞͍͖̪̠́̋̈́͂͆̑̇̕͠m̸̳͕͊̇̌̌̆͘͘e̸̛̖̗̣̽̈͆̆̚n̸̡̪̹̱͎̳͇̣̘̪̍t̸̤́ä̴͇͎̺̙̰͉̕l̶̳̮͎̣̈́̈́̑͆̈́̏l̷̡̢͈͙̹̮̅͒̏̂y̷̨̱̱͇̻̩͈͔̙͛ ̷̡͙̺̠̭̠̭̂̿̋͑s̶̨̰̹̊͝ͅḯ̸̧̦͓̗̞̺̼͖c̶̩͇̟̻̫̩̊̾͆̕͜k̴̫̙̫̽͒ ̶̛̻͉̎̐̊͗̈͒̊͜͝c̸̨̛̜̤̲̣͙̥̩͍̰̋̀̓̍̏́̇̆̋h̵̞̳̩̭̩̟͕̺̼͈̆͂͑̈́̆̑̏̈́͝ì̸͍l̷̨̨͖͉͓̳̮̬͚̀͆̀̑̾̈́͠d̷̜͈̪͋̀̈́́̿͛͠͝!̶͖͕̅̉͋̕͠ͅ!̷̲̦́͒̈̅͛͌͐̃͝͝"̷̛̪̦̓̆̆̈́̌͂͜͝ ̵̳̻͚̺̬̆͝.̸̧̰̮̦̼͍͓͈̎͑̀̐̇̈́̃͛͐ ̶̰̠̞̠̪̥̇̃̂̐̋͐̕.̶̧͚͚̖͉͖̼͉̈̊̇̉͊̆̾͝ ̵̢̨̦̫̟͎̬͕͇̹͋͐͊̈́.̶̛̪̭͇͔͚̲͎̟̗̒͒̅͛̆̃ ̷̧̭͎̹̙̫̖͍̠͒͒͛̾͝͠.̷̡̫̻̈́͗̎̕ ̵̧̞͉̖̯̥̲̉.̸͕̯̩̗͌͛̑̈́͒̅̈͘͘ ̴̡̡̡̮̈́̊̿̇̈́̕̕"̴̢͔͓̙̣̗̯͇͈̜͛̊̇̌̿̀Ị̸̜͙͔̾̋͝ ̴̢̿̐̃̀̓̒͘͝͠ͅw̶̩̱͚͕͂̔͌̽̄͠i̸̜̙̻͋̊̿̉̃͝s̷̡͓̹̲̑͐̎͌̒̍̋̅̚ͅh̵͙̤̫̤̩̗̯̻̭̓ͅę̷̨̟̠̝̭̖̗̫̩͗̋̽́̀̿̕d̶̛̠̫̪̗̳̝͌̌̔̃͜ ̵̭͙͉͚̪̿̄̓̾Ȋ̸̟̞̾̂ ̶̝̜͕̲̝̞̥͉̘́̓̅͐̌͘͜͠d̷̻̳̏̈́í̵̞̭̈́̈́̔̂̚͠d̴̲͚͎̹̙͇͐̾̽n̷̛̞͖̙̯̳̱̆̒̔̂̊͠'̶̧̭̬͍͇̯͚͐̎̋̒̒̑̓̾ṯ̴̩̬̱̲̤͖͖͎́́̏̏̎̔̄̆ ̶̩̥͙̱̝̠̞̟̫̙̊̌͑̂̓͑̔́̈́h̸͙̭̄̋̅̄͐̋͆̌͝a̴͕͋̏͜v̸̮̬̖̻̠̥̩͂̏͂͋͊̋͑͠͠ę̷̧̮͈̜̲̿̓́̃͜͠ ̷̠̭̺̠̘̲̫̾̚͜y̷͍͓̠̬̜͙̲͎̻͂͛͒ớ̸̧͖̖̞̠̳̝̾̀̄̄̔̓̃͐u̷̟̖͎̞̐͛̇̒̿!̶̢̖̗̙̙́̍̇̀̎̂͐ ̵̛̞͎͖̈́̑̈́̽͊̓̾̃̿ͅǏ̷̘̺͉͖̞͆́̌̿̚͜͜͝ ̵̢̨͓̟̳̥̘̫̞͆͒͠c̸̖̩͔͓̠̼̰̗͔̦̔̄̆͐̃͑̽̄o̵̪̭͓̩̔́͑̈̉̌͛͜͠ͅu̷͇̲͋̾͌͒l̴̨̢̼̹̙̖̩̓̐̓̒͝͠ͅd̵͚̑͆̃̈̇̈ ̷̡̮̰̈́̌̽̚ͅh̸͔̆a̵̧̢̘̳̰̠̦̾͋̆ͅṿ̴̝̆͆̽̎̍e̴̢͆͊͝ ̸̡̧̟̱̞͖̳̤͖̄̓͆l̴͈͌͗͘ě̴̟̌́͛̅͛͘͠f̸̪̘̫̒̓͜t̶̤̤̲̞̹̆͗̅̀̋̿̕͝͝ͅ ̸̡̦̠̱͖̮̮̘͐̋̅̇h̷̘̪͆̈́͛͐̓̔͗i̷͙̰͎̳̣͍̣̰̻̅͆̀͌͌͑̄̈́̈́͜m̵͔̳̹̪̊̇̆̔̕,̴̢̧̥̝̭̂̐̈́͗̉̿͋̒ ̶̧̡̖̏̀̅͌I̶̲͖̟͖̺̺̋͐͒͑̕ ̶̨̭͓̩͇̣̣̰̠̼͆c̶̢̛̲̯̞̮̖̩̖͆̈́̇͛͒̎̏̕ọ̸̆̾͆̊̀̃͒͌ǔ̷̧̧͕͖͔͇͚̈́̂̾̈́̑̃l̵̢̞̤͇͓̻͉̠̤͉͊̌̐d̸̯̩͓͚̲͇̣̯͗́̀̅ ̶̡̛͚͕̣̽̌̓̄̾̔͆͋̊ĥ̶̨̧̟̻̃̏̽̓̿á̷̧͚̟͖̰̆̑̅̄̾̉̚͠v̷͈̹͙̼̹͙̦̝͋͌̌̅͋̆̋͑͌ͅͅę̷͇̺̱̤̲̲̾ͅ ̵̳̩̜̳͇̟̻̌̄̅̈̂̇d̷̺͈̹̼́͊̎̀̅̄̏͠ͅọ̷͚̓̽̀̕ǹ̶͚͎̼͇̭̣̮̫͐͜ͅé̵̡̫̥̩̜̜͇̈́̓͂̀͂̆̈́̕ ̵̡̟̤̳͔̼̲̠̖̖͒͐̋̉͝͠s̷͙̗̎̉̊̈̕͜o̵͕̺͓̲͔̘̺̥̟͒̑̈́̍́̌͑͝ ̵̼̥̲̼͕̲̺̈̉͊́̀͛̉̇͛͠m̵͔̍̒̽͂̑̄u̴̲̩̝͍̘̿̐̉͂̀ĉ̴̰̬͔̯̞̱̝́͊̆̎̑̄͛̈́͠h̸̨̟̣͊̈͝ ̵̛̬͇̙̞̭̪̗͚̳̹́͋̆͠b̴̩̺̣̗͔͆̔̏̉͂̋̽̓é̸̡̪͓͎̹̱̻͙͌̒͘ţ̸̦̹̰̻̝̺̺͔̟̇̊̑̅͊̾̕͝t̸̝̠̝̱̱͍͍͈͉̿̋̄̒̃̏̕ę̷̛̜̘̖̥̮͎̯̣͑͗̓͌r̸̡̡̰̎̓̏̑̔!̸̧̳̥͇̥̺͍̙͓̚̕!̴̧̢̛̬̠̠̠͈͈́͒́̔̔͑̒̚̕"̷͕̱̑͆̐̒
"Yahoo~ Librarian (Y/n)? What are you spacing out for?" A menace appeared to bring you back from the dream.
Ace Trappola, the famous prankster and troublemaker of the Trappola house, to put it lightly the Trappola house was the most chill of the four houses and genuinely doesn't care what happens. Ace was nobly born and his parents were happy, he's not the heir but that also meant he can just enjoy life without that much burden. However, this also meant he was made to cause trouble, so he just sneaks out of the dukedom and hangs out with the commoners, not entirely relatable but he was still lovable in his own way.
"Who are you-" "Again?! This is our tenth meeting (Y/n)!!" Ace fumes pouting at your indifference.
He's a nice dude, and honestly, you always hoped that there were more people with lives like him, he's a genuinely good person maybe causing too many problems and troubles but he'll be alright.
"Yeah yeah, you're not that much of a regular Ace. If I had a madol for the number of people who know me and I remember their names... I'd have a meal. Which isn't a lot but it's still strange that it happened." That gave Ace the brain cell workout, honestly Ace is a fun one to tease when playing the game.
"Ah you don't make sense sometimes, I guess it's a side effect from being you, huh?" You should be mad but then again you pity Ace for having one brain cell.
"Haha very funny, what are you here for Ace Trap-" "Shhhh!!! You shouldn't say my last name so openly idiot!!" Says the person who casually gives their name away.
"I'm here to give you these." He said pushing a bag of sweets into your arms, high quality too. "Heard you and your errand boy lost an important boy so I thought I'd give something to cheer you guys up."
"How caring. I can buy my sweets just fine." You shoved the bag of sweets back to him, not so fun fact, Ace at some point had started stealing and you're just worried he'll get you in jail.
"Hmph, I guess you didn't need such lowly stuff-" "Ace you know I would never take advantage of your status as a noble." This was the main problem with Ace, he's the type to get close to someone and then not notice how he gets easily taken advantage of.
"Idiot... I'm meaning it, Deuce has been having a hard time no? Just do it for him will you?"
Not waiting for your answer Ace ran away leaving the high quality at your counter as you could only shake your head unknowingly smiling at the gift. In the story and before Ace and Deuce were always a pair, just like Cater and Trey, all connected to the librarian who was later on killed by a few jealous noble daughters, the only person who had no connection to the librarian was his royal highness and future king Riddle Roseheart.
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The life of a librarian wasn't too hard to handle, arranging borrowed books, cleaning up messes, keeping it quiet, and shushing people was your favourite thing to do since you have so much power in your domain plus you can take home any book you wanted. How are you making money? Simple, you charge a fee for borrowing books, and thank the past librarian for making this method, besides the fee is affordable by standard and the library was technically private and owned by you.
Then everyone's favourite time came, closing time, quickly ushering the readers out you clean up the rest of the remnants and went home for the day. You could have gone straight home, but there was one place you wanted to visit that was so legendary in the game it became a thing in real life. Yes, you were talking about the Clover house's bakery, a bit classy and expensive but who cares the art used for the pastries was beautifully delicious.
"Outta the way!"
"Hey, I've been waiting all afternoon!"
"I worked months for their most famous sweets, back off!!"
You encountered a problem, it was a long line of bloodthirsty customers, well according to the game the pastries here were so good people no matter rich or poor would gather just to buy everything.
"Large crowd, huh?" Someone said behind you, turning around your eyes widen at the sight of Trey Clover, in the shabbiest disguise, how did you tell it was him? That Clover mark wasn't covered up properly that's what.
"Lord Cl-" "Shhh! I don't wanna startle the crowd." He said pulling you to an alleyway.
"You need to stop calling me by honorifics (Y/n), how did you know it was me?" Big bro vibes, Trey had some big bro vibes.
"You should work on covering that stigma up." You pointed at the light mark that looked like a clover.
A stigma is a marking that appears on the body of the four house's heir and current duke, there's no actual way of knowing who's going to be the heir since it's like a lottery and depending on the number of children that were born it's an often occurrence that your own might not be your heir and instead is your niece or nephew. Once the other stigma starts showing up that's when the story starts, even the crown prince has a stigma.
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" I guess I just have to be careful next time, hah... others don't seem to notice it though." Trey smiled touching the not-so-hidden mark.
"Hold on let me check if I brought any make-up." It's funny how there's a lot of make-up found when you looked around the library, people do be throwing money around. "Found it. Just stand still..."
"That... tickles a bit." He giggled as you applied the powder lightly, the mark wasn't that visible but you just had to make sure.
When a stigma appears it is meant to symbolize change or succession, in this case, the current duke had two choices, either to peacefully let the marked heir succeed or convince the chosen heir to convince the marked heir for the rightful position. We all know what happens when a battle for succession happens, lots of interesting scenes happen, and the most memorable is when Deuce's stigma appears. Due to most of the circumstances, those who are involved with the stigma, by involving you mean know of which heir was going to be next, often die or are locked away from the prying eyes of society.
"You don't come here that often (Y/n)-chan, where are you planning on getting any pastries." You walked away deciding not to buy any, were you seriously going to wait another two years to buy? Hell nah.
"Well, I've been discouraged enough to say I'm not buying any." Trey laughed, he knew (Y/n) was the type to give up once something seemed intimidating.
"Here, I wasn't planning to eat them but the bakers just insisted that I have some." If it wasn't obvious his visit and appearance were to sneak out and check on the bakery.
Trey Clover's parents had a really good ending when they formed their relationship, but the twist was that Trey's father was technically a baker and a commoner too so there was some bad blood between Trey's mother and her parents but seeing how he came out safe to say things worked out. Except for when the stigma appears, mostly because Trey's reputation for having a commoner father wasn't the best look for him.
Trey was mostly bullied for being half noble and half commoner despite being a part of the four houses, so when he received the mark Trey used it as an excuse to avoid people even more, abusing the power an heir has over others. He runs away from his home to the bakeries almost any and every time, his parents do make sure he doesn't get hurt every time he gets home.
"I don't think I should-" "No, really have some. You looked like you needed some with how pale you are." He doesn't deserve hate from the NPCs, that's why his fan base is so big.
"Well, I can't receive it, besides I was planning to buy some ingredients for dinner soon." The air seems to be a bit chilly.
"My... deepest condolences to him.." if you hadn't noticed by this point, all love interests are often connected and know each other one way or another.
"Don't be... it's Deuce we're talking about so it's best you tell him that instead of me." There was no way of knowing how much trouble things will bring you now that you've been acquainted with most of the love interests in the Kingdom of Roses.
"Now bring this home with you!!" "No!"
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"That stubborn a-" You lost and took the bag of pastries, well at least dessert is set.
The one thing about ingredients is the pricing which is either your bargain and release all that stress from the day or you're forced to buy expensive things that are scams. Thank god you helped that old lady on her market trip every weekend.
"50!" "20!" "40!" "20!" "25! And that is my last offer you thwat!" Just another day at the market.
"Fish on sale! Fish on sale! Half price 'cause it's closing time." Sadly you hate making certain fish food.
"Oi take a look over here vegetables! You'll never find something fresher than this!" Well, at least the prices were negotiable.
Yeah, nothing particular for a night market but who cares, for a librarian you were loaded, at least that title of baron helped in some aspect. Now you wouldn't just choose to buy at this place for no reason, that's because in the game.
"Thief! I caught a thief stealing mah trinkets." That familiar thick Western accent was definitely signalling you were in the right place.
"Let me go! You got the wrong person, I didn't touch anything it was your so-" "Shut up you noisy brat! You and that little rat can explain it to the guards when they arrive!"
To explain the situation of why and what we fast forward in time to the story 'The beautiful count and his deathly poison' and more specifically route 6 Act 5 'Spring Festival' where the introduction of two assassins known as the 'white deaths' appears. Not that they played a huge role but you were down for some heirs to inherit the Library and title once you run into trouble just so a certain main lead steals the deal to that place after your untimely death.
Those two assassins were originally from the Rose kingdom with the names of Lily and James, sadly they died at the hands of Rook, in order to prevent that and to find a good heir you pick out the outstanding assassins for their quick eyes and carefulness, after all as side characters you hardly ever get a good ending.
"Now now, there's no need to act like that everyone. I'll pay for the damages~" perks of being able to live comfortably? Money.
"Sir/Lady you don't know what you're getting into! These two are thieves and street rats!" How... boring, you really don't give a damn about it, Deuce was probably still mourning and you got to cheer that boy up.
"Ya da ya da, look I get it but they're my servants~ and it's my duty to punish them not you." An awkward silence filled the air, and the two "thieves" looked at you confused but seemed to play along, well anything to save their skin ain't it?
"W-well in that case-" "They're just checking for some good stuff, in case you haven't noticed since they are under my protection and work under me you really don't have the authority over them." You might have broken character a bit with how you were acting.
'Please stay in the Character module, the prologue is far from complete Player. This is your first warning.'
"Now may I have them back?" Restrictions are restrictions, that is why you were going to face a punishment soon after the scene ends.
"...Scram ya rats! Don't go touching things like that again." The two were quickly released as you threw the stall owner three silver coins, which was the equivalent of 30 madols.
The two assassins quietly followed you throughout the market, though they didn't say anything you could tell they were quite grateful for saving their skin earlier. Now it was true that they tried to steal but could you blame starving children for falling into temptation? As much of a cold person (Y/n) was there was also a limit to how they could get, that's because the original (Y/n) used to take care of people like this, up until the point of their father's death.
"Um... M-miss/sir...?" The girl asked pulling your clothing.
"Hm?" You were almost reaching home, looks like they did decide to follow you.
"Why would you save us? You should have just ignored us." The boy said pulling his sister's hand away from your clothing."
"For kids from the street you two are much more educated than you look~ well if I said I'm looking for helpers would you believe me?" You coldly said as a painful feeling struck your heart, the system couldn't pick a better time.
"No." The boy was James, at least that's what he was called after death and by the second assassin his sister Lily.
"Then why would you follow me? I could just be doing a good deed by helping you. There's no need for you to follow me like that." They had no place to go back to, well you didn't wanna take advantage of that fact, it was... disgusting of you to use people's weakness against them.
"Because you... don't look like the type of person to do so." Really, they were weird for children, but then again you were just as weird weren't you?
"Think what you wanna think~ the one thing I can promise you though." You looked into their fierce orange eyes. "If you agree to follow me you won't have to get in trouble again anytime soon."
So I'm the end you came back to your home with food and two adopted children, man did you just succeed in life by finding random kids for heirs and now won't have to worry until the story starts.
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Did you really think you wouldn't meet any more trouble? You forgot about Deuce, Deuce Spade to be exact but right now he hasn't been taken in by the Spades yet so back to calling him Deuce.
"Deuce! I'm home!" You shouted.
You lived by yourself, well not exactly yourself since there was also Deuce but you were a noble so that meant you also had another mansion! Under your name... 'you' sold it through the day 'you' became the head librarian, some things just didn't stay for long. 'You' took Deuce and his mom into your care as 'your' servants, however since her passing there's only you and Deuce left.
The house was quiet, the kids stared in awe probably because of its structure, you had the same look when playing Deuce's route though the place was pretty much broken down in his route. Footsteps rushed from the stairs and then came to Deuce, his swollen eyes stared at yours then afterwards noticed the kids holding your hands.
"Your home... (Y/n) why did you bring these kids home?" Although he was still mourning Deuce had put up a front to ensure that he could stay strong in front of you.
"I thought you could use a helping hand, besides they're only a year younger than you." Taking your grocery bags, Deuce started to stare at the kids for a little longer.
"Actually we're 13, you don't look that old to call us kids" Between the two James was definitely the brasher one.
"Well you two have fun, me and Deuce have something to talk about. Oh and please don't burn the drawing room, that's the only place you can't destroy other than my room and Deuce's." The kids were definitely shocked you allowed it to happen but still went and explore the place.
For the last of the card boys, Deuce Spade had a sad fate, his mom went through all that and in the end left him at the age of 16 and 'you' became his temporary guardian until he reaches 19. Throughout this time he got into lots of trouble with drunks and guilds all around him, and the real trouble starts when he got his stigma.
After receiving the stigma the House of Spade immediately looked for him after an outsider witness claimed to see it on a boy similar to the current duke his 'father'. Deuce of course had no choice but to part with the librarian who took care of him and his mother. The death of the said librarian was ultimately warranted with this choice, and after a while of torture and humiliation, Deuce received the librarian's head as a warning if he ever decided to go against the House of Spade.
You weren't dying today, oh well you just have to hide Deuce long enough then, it's not like you could decide for him but if you were to choose you'd like to live.
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"Why are we cooking again...?" Deuce said confusingly whisking some eggs.
"You didn't think we were just gonna sit down and talk, did you?" You asked while frying some onions, thank god the kitchen still had some useful utilities, you would have starved if they didn't.
"You... don't seem like the person to do this... and I've never seen you cook." It's true that the real (Y/n) would never but you were a foodie, food is life, food is love, and you would make use of all those recipe books lying to waste.
"Well, I did say we'd talk, besides I never joined your cooking session with your mom." You really need to stop being up to this boy's momma since he looked like he was gonna break down again.
"R-right, Mom really liked making food. I guess cooking does really bring back a few memories of her." A bittersweet smile graced his face, no wonder he was a love interest.
"I never really understood how she was able to love a child that wasn't hers. It's just sad to see how loving had hurt her so much." You were kind of jealous of (Y/n), how they didn't even need to do much and yet they're loved and cared for by all these people.
"Loving didn't really hurt her you know? Loving my bastard of a dad was the wrong move though." Deuce might have never been his dad, but from his story, you could tell how much he resented the man. " But loving me, and you. She might not say it out loud but it probably was one of the best things she did, I think."
"Hm, I guess it wouldn't hurt to think like that." You don't know her, yet you were grateful that she had taken care of (Y/n) and Deuce up until now, so now it's your turn to protect them.
"I miss her... I miss her so much..." Deuce broke down.
"Me too... but you wouldn't want her to see you like this for too long, it's good to let it out sometimes but you have to understand that there's a point where you have to move on." Not every breakdown is about screaming and crying out your heart, it could just be you holding yourself and thinking why, how did it happen?
So you ended up making too much food, at least Lily and James had a big appetite, but more than half of the food you made was gone. Deuce needed a little bit of talking but other than that he was good, he still clings to you like how he would to the original (f/l).
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In (Y/n)'s bedroom you took note of a few things that weren't originally in the story, first was how many useful books they had in their room as if they had prepared it for a long time, second was the countless papers and materials relating to moon studies in their room.
Moon study was just basically learning of the moon cycle but in this world, the moon was an important element in rituals, so from that fact you deduct that (Y/n) was trying to perform so type of spell. You're not sure what type of spell it was but when you took a good look at yourself in the mirror, you noticed a moon-shaped stigma above your belly button, which looked exactly like a moon tattoo you got at the same place.
You were wondering, what if (Y/n) was trying to perform a body switch spell and it resulted in this, you were dead in the real world and you knew that because you J̵̟̺̗͍̫̺̤̙̗̅͑̅̅̂̉̕u̴̼̯͛̆͠m̷̻̦͇̝̺͚̟͂̂̾͛̍̀̓̉̕̚͜ͅp̷͕͆ė̸̗̌̒̏̇͊͋͝͝͠d̴͉̩̭̣͓̖̲̈́̉͜͜ so there's no way (Y/n) could transfer to your body so how?
'Player, are you ready for your punishment?'
A systematic voice was heard behind your back, and looking behind you saw the blue screen with those words in bold. You nearly forgot about it. Excruciating pain, memories, nightmares, and the torture that took a toll on your body. That was 'punishment'.
"..." The moon looked so pretty to you, maybe it was because you had the best view in the entire house. Burn marks are present around your body as the day slowly ends.
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Morning came, it was gloomy and well raining, in contrast to the beautiful blue moon from the night before the skies of the next morning rained hard. Well, you would have some difficulties going to the library in weather like this one but you like the rain so who cares.
"It's raining cats and dogs today, I wonder if we should even go and open up the library today?" Deuce was giving you the 'go and I'll break your neck look' while the kids were looking like 'What's a library?'
"Don't even think about it, besides we have things to clean today now that your home and don't have an excuse to go out." Yes, rain day was cleaning day, as much as you loved the rain it also came with cleaning.
Bang bang.
"Who the fu-" "Language!" You carefully walked to the door holding a butter knife in your hand, don't ask where you got it.
Swinging the door open you found a passed-out person with reddish hair, lying at your front door, an injury on their back, and lots of scratches.
"Deuce get the first aid kit and some towels!! Someone's definitely going to meet Death in a few hours!!"
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vro0m · 6 months
Lee McKenzie I believe wrote in her book about seb. A lot of women, myself included had to grow and unlearn some internalized misogyny (I hate that this is even sounding like I’m defending a white man, I’m not even his fan lmao but I think it’s a very nuanced conversation) it’s a whole learning process. it’s another reason why I think a certain driver lost a portion of early dts fans. they fawned over the carefree personality. but that was a different time. many appearances on controversial podcasts and same carefree gimmick especially post covid just isn’t as appealing.
I’ve had my own personal judgements about the entire rebrand of Vettel but idk imo it’s a bit unfair to hold him to his actions of a different time (based on how Lee described him. and I say different time also because of course one person being okay with it doesn’t mean it’s okay for everyone ) and give grace to the forever ignorant (I’m not saying you in particular are). I hate how this is sounding lol. of course I’m not for having him as the poster boy of activism in f1 esp when he quite recently said some fucked up stuff about the Middle East but that’s besides that. 20 powerful men, atm 1 ally, and based on the reactions on social it seems like a lot of people are also tired of it always being him cuz he’s not a saint, he’s not supposed to be. I can understand why people are thirsty for seb to come back. Of course it’s not a fix to the inherent problem but everyone is just tired of the general silence and ignorance.
I agree it's a nuanced thing and I felt like I've been nuanced about it in my previous posts about the subject but maybe not enough?
So to clarify, like I said in my first post on the matter "I don't doubt he's changed since then". I just wouldn't use him as the poster child for women's inclusion in the sport, and like previous anon said it's a bit weird to be like "Seb, come save the women!" overall, but especially due to his past behaviors. I do think it's possible to both let people learn from their mistakes and still hold them accountable for them.
I also just felt it necessary to remind maybe specifically the newcomers that he's not a saint and he should be held to the same standard all the others are being held to (or at least should be held to) because I'm getting a bit tired of the sanctification of these men doing the bare minimum myself, just because the others are not even doing that.
The next nuance is the fact that I simultaneously don't think we can expect actual or radical activism from them because like I've sometimes said on this blog these are employees doing a job, first of all, so they can't just do and say whatever they want in what is essentially their workplace + as you say, and I fully agree, learning takes time. But again it really wasn't that long ago he was misbehaving in the paddock and if I was able to learn about this shit as a teenager then so can they. It's also not the same thing doing activism and. You know. Just not harassing people. Like there's doing good things (which is hard tbh) and there's not doing bad things (pretty easy).
Anyway if I'm gonna hold the others accountable despite all that or because of all that, which I do, I'm gonna hold him accountable as well. All in all I wasn't saying Seb is trash or more trash than any of the others. I'm just saying calling on him to come save the women of F1 is 1) weird 2) ill-suited 3) fucking weird.
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OC in 15
I was tagged by @illarian-rambling ! Thank you so much!
This will be the only tag game I get to tonight unforunately. Its late and I am tired, but I'll get to more tomorrow! I'll be doing this post about Akard aka the King of Kings from the first three books of my WIP. 1. " I did not come to this city to hear a greasy merchant babble about why they thought it appropriate to waste my time."
2. “No, I have done what is fair. You have saved my life and proven yourself to be a loyal, brave, and skilled warrior. What I have done is just the bare minimum of what honor entails.’
3. “My duty? I have no duty to the Fapacha. I am a king of Kishetal, and no Kishite king can be a servant. The Fapacha knew my uncle as a brother, but here you call me boy, yet I am far greater a king than my uncle ever was. I owe your Fapacha nothing except my gratitude.”
4. "Do not compare yourself to me, boy. I am a king, son of a king. Both you and I were born of Apunian mothers, but your father was a mere sailor, don’t think I have forgotten your heritage, Knoshic bastard, you may paint yourself as an Apunian noble, but you are no better than a commoner who slept, and preened his ways into silk and linen. I am a king, and you are in my city. Act accordingly.”
5. "It seems obvious that incompetents rule this city. As recompense for your wasting my time, I will be taking this city and your heads."
6. “There is no need for bloodshed. A date is not worth a life, whether it strikes a king or a beggar. I am sure this man has a reason for his grievance with me, and as with all he is welcome to seek my audience so that I may do right by him and all those who call me king.”
7. "Tonight, Zenit, I want you to dine with me again. And we will discuss a place for you to live, a place worthy of you. I can’t stand to see you in this musty snake den."
8. “Well, we can talk about campaigns and strategy all we want. I don’t think it will do any good until we can make sure that the people of this city trust and support me.”
9. “I may not be able to give them rain or fertility, but I can give them fortune. And I can give them justice.”
10. “War and winter, they’re tiring. My skin. Zatar. That girl. All of it.”
11. “You are right to kill me, and I know that I am hypocritical for asking this, but please, don’t hurt my son.”
12. "What Kishite king cares so much for your lives that they would rush to condemn me, and who would have the might to do so?"
13. "I wiped away the corruption and vanity that both of our fathers tainted the city with.
14. "I am sorry for what happened to this person. What was his name?’
15. "You subject my people to slavery and poverty despite my requests that you return them. Do not try to deny it, I decided to take a little tour of your lovely city before coming to speak with you. I saw the beggars and I saw the markets."
Tagging @mk-writes-stuff , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling , @elizaellwrites and whoever else is interested!
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
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On poverty:
Starting from nothing
How To Start at Rock Bottom: Welfare Programs and the Social Safety Net
How to Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
Ask the Bitches: “Is It Too Late to Get My Financial Shit Together?“
Understanding why people are poor
It’s More Expensive to Be Poor Than to Be Rich
Why Are Poor People Poor and Rich People Rich?
On Financial Discipline, Generational Poverty, and Marshmallows
Bitchtastic Book Review: Hand to Mouth by Linda Tirado
Is Gentrification Just Artisanal, Small-Batch Displacement of the Poor?
Coronavirus Reveals America’s Pre-existing Conditions, Part 1: Healthcare, Housing, and Labor Rights
Developing compassion for poor people
The Latte Factor, Poor Shaming, and Economic Compassion
Ask the Bitches: “How Do I Stop Myself from Judging Homeless People?“
The Subjectivity of Wealth, Or: Don’t Tell Me What’s Expensive
A Little Princess: Intersectional Feminist Masterpiece?
If You Can’t Afford to Tip 20%, You Can’t Afford to Dine Out
Correcting income inequality
1 Easy Way All Allies Can Help Close the Gender and Racial Pay Gap
One Reason Women Make Less Money? They’re Afraid of Being Raped and Killed.
Raising the Minimum Wage Would Make All Our Lives Better
Are Unions Good or Bad?
On intersectional social issues:
Reproductive rights
On Pulling Weeds and Fighting Back: How (and Why) to Protect Abortion Rights
How To Get an Abortion
Blood Money: Menstrual Products for Surviving Your Period While Poor
You Don’t Have to Have Kids
Gender equality
1 Easy Way All Allies Can Help Close the Gender and Racial Pay Gap
The Pink Tax, Or: How I Learned to Love Smelling Like “Bearglove”
Our Single Best Piece of Advice for Women (and Men) on International Women’s Day
Bitchtastic Book Review: The Feminist Financial Handbook by Brynne Conroy
Sexual Harassment: How to Identify and Fight It in the Workplace
Queer issues
Queer Finance 101: Ten Ways That Sexual and Gender Identity Affect Finances
Leaving Home before 18: A Practical Guide for Cast-Offs, Runaways, and Everybody in Between
Racial justice
The Financial Advantages of Being White
Woke at Work: How to Inject Your Values into Your Boring, Lame-Ass Job
The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander: A Bitchtastic Book Review
Something Is Wrong in Personal Finance. Here’s How To Make It More Inclusive.
The Biggest Threat to Black Wealth Is White Terrorism
Coronavirus Reveals America’s Pre-existing Conditions, Part 2: Racial and Gender Inequality
10 Rad Black Money Experts to Follow Right the Hell Now
Youth issues
What We Talk About When We Talk About Student Loans
The Ugly Truth About Unpaid Internships
Ask the Bitches: “I Just Turned 18 and My Parents Are Kicking Me Out. How Do I Brace Myself?”
Identifying and combatting abuse
When Money is the Weapon: Understanding Intimate Partner Financial Abuse
Are You Working on the Next Fyre Festival?: Identifying a Toxic Workplace
Ask the Bitches: “How Do I Say ‘No’ When a Loved One Asks for Money… Again?”
Ask the Bitches: I Was Guilted Into Caring for a Sick, Abusive Parent. Now What?
On mental health:
Understanding mental health issues
How Mental Health Affects Your Finances
Stop Recommending Therapy Like It’s a Magic Bean That’ll Grow Me a Beanstalk to Neurotypicaltown
Bitchtastic Book Review: Kurt Vonnegut’s Galapagos and Your Big Brain
Ask the Bitches: “How Do I Protect My Own Mental Health While Still Helping Others?”
Coping with mental health issues
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Self-Care
My 25 Secrets to Successfully Working from Home with ADHD
Our Master List of 100% Free Mental Health Self-Care Tactics
On saving the planet:
Changing the system
Don’t Boo, Vote: If You Don’t Vote, No One Can Hear You Scream
Ethical Consumption: How to Pollute the Planet and Exploit Labor Slightly Less
The Anti-Consumerist Gift Guide: I Have No Gift to Bring, Pa Rum Pa Pum Pum
Season 1, Episode 4: “Capitalism Is Working for Me. So How Could I Hate It?”
Coronavirus Reveals America’s Pre-existing Conditions, Part 1: Healthcare, Housing, and Labor Rights
Coronavirus Reveals America’s Pre-existing Conditions, Part 2: Racial and Gender Inequality
Shopping smarter
You Deserve Cheap Toilet Paper, You Beautiful Fucking Moon Goddess
You Are above Bottled Water, You Elegant Land Mermaid
Fast Fashion: Why It’s Fucking up the World and How To Avoid It
You Deserve Cheap, Fake Jewelry… Just Like Coco Chanel
6 Proven Tactics for Avoiding Emotional Impulse Spending
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Unfinished, Ugly, Overpriced
Genuine answer for the autistic anon and a discussion point for general commentary. Feel free to disagree and post your own thoughts on this, I feel like it’s important. While this may vary and we aren’t a bjd hive-mind, there are some basic minimum quality standards for artisan-made resin dolls, things that we have just kind of come to expect in the hobby, and many of the recent artist dolls that have been posted about here are posted because they don’t meet it. A lot of us don’t judge the doll worthy of its price and classification if it doesn’t meet these standards. Can you make what you want, how you want and charge what you want and ignore what anyone else thinks? Sure, but that might not be your best option if your goal is to continue to make and sell dolls. It’s not that big of a hobby and you need to appeal to a minimum number of actual paying customers to continue to meet your casting minimums and business expenses.
‘Ugly’ is subjective, a doll can be ugly to me and be wonderful to someone else but some degree of symmetry, a certain level of detail and evidence of artistic merit is usually expected for a doll over $100 not to just be considered ‘ugly’. ‘Finished’ is also subjective - many companies have refined their body sculpts and re-released them to look better and pose better, a few do it compulsively enough that it’s confusing to sort out all the versions even - but each version usually meets what we have come to expect as some kind of ‘finished’ state at the time of release, a range of motion, a refinement of the parts inside and out, consistent sizing within a proportional aesthetic, a good fit for the parts where they meet and few to no defects in the resin or overall design that could cause problems later. ‘Expense’ is another thing that is subjective, but price expectation is usually tied to both doll quality and skill of the maker, and in a more complex way, to rarity at release time or later. It’s true there have been a few utter potatoes that have held their value but those are exceptions. For me, since my doll gang has a really wide price range - basically if you can’t produce something that matches my aesthetic preference on a quality level that is consistent with other similarly sized dolls within your price range, I give the doll (and often the doll maker) a miss.
Another thing I’ve noticed is that the in past, doll critique in some circles has been both more blunt and more honest. When I started painting dolls, I received more helpful feedback in my own work and improved faster than I would have otherwise with only likes and nice comments. Now it feels like there’s more expectation to just say something nice and encouraging when someone posts a WIP and the actual critique areas are forgotten. I believe that part of the difference also is that some of the digital sculptors today don’t have a basic art background and they aren’t asking for and receiving valid constructive critique and re-printing & refining their dolls accordingly before casting, especially to work on the joints. But I also do know of at least 2 doll sculptors who will nearly throw a tantrum if they post a digital WIP asking for critique and don’t get praise, so no one bothers to give them any good critique anymore. Yet they expect to charge competitive prices for doll preorders that IMO do not meet the quality standards that merit the price they are asking.I mean yeah it's cool to make a doll that is inspired from book, video games, anime etc but I think this should stay a personal project, not something that you want to sell in several quantities.
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 6 months
IETM for Beginners A Quick Guide to IETM Code and Pixels
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IETM: Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
Training Aids to Defence Client
If you are a supplier of defence then along with the system/equipment you also need to provide Training Aids
(CBT) — Computer-Based Training
Charts and Bloups
Video Film
Training Work Modules
Manuals Hard Copies
Evolution of Documentation in Defence
Before — Hardcopies and PDFs in DVDs (Upto 2015)
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What is the meaning of the IETM?
Manual: Manual means any literature organized or written in a prescribed manner to guide the user.
TechnicalManual: This means the literature is technical, like user manuals, maintenance manuals etc. Hard copy
Electronic Technical Manual: This means the manual is available in the form of an electronic version which simply means digital format or softcopy. It can be a PDF file or a database-driven software application.
Interactive Electronic Technical Manual:
Let us first understand the meaning of Interactive. The meaning of interactive is two people or things influencing each other.
Allowing a two-way flow of information between an electronic device /computer and a user; responding to a user’s input.
Involving the actions or input of a user. Especially
It means when the Electronic User manuals Interact and respond with the user, that is you, it will become an Interactive Electronic Technical manual.
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Interactive Features
Hot Spots
Text hotspot
Image hotspot
User wise bookmarks
Linear navigation
Non-liner navigation
Page Search
Global search
Best matched
Content tree
Related topics
User wise bookmarks
The documents and pages are many hence, for easy and fast accessibility complete content is converted and stored as a database.
Whenever the user wants some information, IETM software produces the information in a fraction of a second.
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Use or Purpose of the IETM?
The purpose of the Manual is to give information related to the equipment to the end user for quick reference.
All the technicality is written in detail so that when an issue arises, the user can refer to the manual, as every time OEM or technical person or subject matter expert might not be available on the spot to resolve the issue.
If the manual has 10 pages users can refer easily.
But any system used by the defence will have multiple manuals and thousands of page counts and many times a user has to cross-refer between manuals, intra-manual and inter-manual to resolve the issue.
Referring to 10- 15 hard-copy or even soft-copy books simultaneously will be difficult and time-consuming.
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How to access the IETM ?
IETM is a web-based application like our bank software or any other web application. The graphic user interface will be provided to use IETM through which users can interact and get the desired data.
Like all other standard software, Unauthorized users cannot access the IETM. IETM is a Login - login-based application. Only users having valid Login credentials can access the software.
Based on the user log credentials data will be provided to the user.
IETM has 2 types of Users and one Administrator
If the operator logs in, the user gets all the content related to operator use, similarly if the maintainer logs in only maintenance-related content is visible for that user.
Ideally, all the content is available for both users, because the purpose of the IETM is to refer to the manual to fix the issue.
Administrators can create users who can see the user’s navigation and log-in history and interact with the users using user dashboards through Annotations.
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What Inputs are Needed? (From OEM to Create IETM)
All the softcopies of user manuals to be converted to IETM.
All images Videos, and drawings to be integrated into IETM.
Subject matter expert to resolve technical clarifications
Table of contents/tree structure.
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Minimum Hardware Requirements?
NO High-end hardware or servers are required to run IETM.
However, if more concurrent users, then a good configuration server with good LAN connectivity must be ensured.
i3 with 8 GB RAM systems is the minimum configuration required for the server or for Node.
BASED DB (Manuals are covered in the Database)
User Manual and Installation Manual
Standards — compliance
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Costing of IETM: (Interactive Electronic Technical Manual)
Level of IETM, is it Level 3 or Level 4
Cost will be based on the number of pages that are to be converted
The vendor calculates the cost per page. And a fixed cost of IETM viewer software
If you want to create IETM by yourself self then you also need to buy IETM authoring software.
What are these Levels?
Level — 1 is any PDF file
Level — 2 is a PDF file with hyperlinks from the table of contents to the body etc.
Level — 3 is an HTML application. More hyperlinks, simple search, a content tree having log a screen with a hardcoded username and password and supplied in the format of EXE so that Windows can easily open
Level — 4 is Software plus Content/manuals converted as Database
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Regarding Level — 5, rest assured, till 2028 it will be Level — 4 only. As of now, there is nothing practically called Level — 5. Few are calling virtual reality and Augmented reality and Artificial intelligence Level — 5.
Pulling data from many user inputs and analyzing and giving results are done in Level — 5. IETM software cannot pull the data from various real-time points as No OEM will give the real-time information to third-party software directly. Yes, if the information is available offline, then that information can be imported into IETM and can be used as a reference.
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