#Best Way to Buy Rental Property
naplesviberealty · 1 year
Naples Vibe Realty Suggesting Best Way to Buy Rental Property
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440mxs-wife · 7 months
The Country Doctor, Chapter 1: A Fresh Start
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Pairing: Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy x F!Reader (eventual). Other Characters are the usual suspects: Jim Kirk, Nyota Uhura. Spock, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov (to be introduced in later chapters.) OMC's Travis Myers and Miles Cooper.
Word Count: 4530
Warnings: Divorce, break-up, ruthless businessmen, mentions of infidelity, but mostly fluffy (for now)
Summary: Fresh off of his divorce, Dr. McCoy receives word that he has inherited a 5,000-acre farm and home in Logan, Montana. Finally, he has an opportunity for a clean slate and to start his own clinic out west and leave his ex-wife behind. Along the way, he'll meet a cast of unique characters, each with a place in his new small-town life. But there could be trouble ahead in the form of a powerful CEO hell-bent on acquiring Leonard's property by any means necessary.
A/N: This idea was posted by @hailbop1701, with a specific list of plot points/dialog to be included. I won't put the list here, because it'll give away too much. Not sure how many parts there'll be, but I hope you like where I take the story.
A/N 2: If you’ve been tagged here, it’s because you’ve interacted one or more times on a McCoy story of mine, or we’re moots. Whether you like or reblog, I am eternally grateful for your support. If anyone else would like to be tagged on any future Karl Urban character postings, or would rather leave the Crazy Train, please let me know. Thank you, and enjoy the show!
"Court is adjourned."
That was the declaration eight weeks ago, when Dr. Leonard H. McCoy sat at a table with his attorney in the Fulton County Courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia. The Honorable Judge Michael Simmons had just pounded his gavel on the bench to signify an end to the McCoy v. McCoy divorce proceedings. Unfortunately, his now-ex-wife, Jocelyn, had the better attorney, which resulted in a somewhat less-than-equitable division of their assets.
At least Leonard was able to keep his vintage pickup truck and the 4-bedroom, 2 bath, ranch-style home he had lived in with Jocelyn. She basically got everything else in the settlement, though, including most of the furniture. She didn't technically need the furniture, since she was moving in with her new boyfriend. However, he had a rental property that needed furnishings, so that's where they went.
Two weeks after the divorce was finalized, Leonard received correspondence from a law firm in Montana, with a request for his presence. The letter did not specify the reason for the request, and when he called the law office, no one was authorized to divulge any information. He didn't want to find himself on the wrong side of the law and besides, he was more than a little curious. Luckily, the law firm had a satellite office in Atlanta, so that's where he attended the meeting.
An hour or so after the meeting ended, a slightly dazed Leonard walked out of the attorney's office with a file folder and a property deed in his hand. The meeting was for the reading of the will for his distant uncle, Walter McCoy. Around 5,000 acres of land in Montana along with an old craftsman-style farmhouse were bequeathed to him to do with as he pleased. There were also various outbuildings on the property, such as a machine shed, a barn with a hay loft, and horse stables.
He had options. There was an Eastern conglomerate, NorthStar Corp, that was willing to pay a more than fair price to buy it from him, lock, stock, and barrel. With what they were offering, Leonard wouldn't have to worry about money for the foreseeable future, if ever. Or, he could make the break from Georgia and his ex-wife with her boy-toy to make a go of it in Logan, Montana. Although Leonard wanted to stay near his mother, Eleanora, he had to consider that this was his chance to start over somewhere else.
When he told his best friend, James T. Kirk, about his inheritance, Jim could hardly contain his excitement. He considered it to be the start to a great adventure and was more than willing to accompany Leonard.
Jim had no family ties to speak of, preferring to live a sort of nomadic existence. He even offered to take turns driving the moving truck the 1,900 or so miles to Montana. "Good music, good snacks, and good company are all we need to get us to our destination, Bones," Kirk told him with a wide grin.
The more Leonard thought about it, the more he warmed up to the idea of starting somewhere new. A place where he wouldn't have to worry about running into someone who knew about the divorce and wouldn't hesitate to share an opinion about it. So, with Jim's help, he cleared his house out of any remaining items, put them in storage, then contacted a realtor to list it for sale.
After only a few showings, a deal was quickly closed, with a $30,000.00 profit in his bank account to show for it. Leonard and Jim loaded up his remaining possessions into the moving van, hooked up a car trailer with Leonard's pickup truck on it, and headed west to Montana. The pair made a few stops along the way, renting a hotel room to rest for the night before hitting the road again the next morning.
The more miles Leonard put behind him, the more comfortable and free he felt with his decision. He wasn't too keen on leaving his mother behind, but she assured him that she would be fine, even encouraged him to take this leap. He made a note to send her a plane ticket so she could visit once he got settled.
Nearly four days and more than 1,900 miles later, Leonard turned into the gravel driveway that led to his new home. It was a charcoal gray with white trim craftsman-style farmhouse with a tall, red brick chimney on one side. The wooden wrap-around porch was accented with white, tapered columns, set on top of the slotted railing framing the area. He appreciated the large windows, which would bring in a good amount of natural light, as well as soft breezes on lazy summer days.
"Well? Is it everything you expected?" Jim asked.
"I didn't exactly know what to expect, Jim. I don't even remember either of my parents ever mentioning an 'Uncle Walter McCoy'. He isn't someone I knew well enough for him to leave me something like this, but I'll do my best to make the most of it. From what I've seen so far, though, at least the outside looks fine," Leonard replied.
"That's the spirit, Bones! Let's go have a look at the grounds, then inside the house. After that, we can start unloading your stuff," Jim grinned as he scrambled out of the truck.
Leonard stepped down from the driver's seat and closed the door. "Sure, Jim. Why not," he muttered to himself. He fished the house keys out of his pocket on his way up the porch steps. The front door was made of solid oak with a dark finish and leaded glass panels arranged in a geometric design. He inserted the key into the lock and tilted his head back. "Here goes nothin', I guess," he murmured, pushing the door open.
At just after 2:00pm, you stopped by the post office to retrieve your mail that had piled up over the last couple of days. Before you left, you strolled up to the counter to chat with your best friend, Nyota Uhura. Her shift was almost over, so she suggested the two of you meet for coffee and a snack at the Java Station Café on Main Street.
While you waited for her at the café, you thought about how you met her and what brought you back to Logan, Montana. Your now-ex-boyfriend, Travis Myers, had convinced you to move with him from Logan to Bozeman. He'd landed a lucrative position as in-house counsel for a large and powerful corporation. You found work at a tech company doing data entry work for a medical office. Not too terribly taxing nor was it what you wanted for a career, but it paid well.
Around the six-month mark of living together in the big city, Travis started coming home later and later in the evening. Missed date nights and other outings were becoming more frequent, with him coming to bed late and leaving before you woke up. Whenever you tried to talk to him about it, he always chalked it up to working late on a big case or project, so you let it go.
The last straw was when the two of you were supposed to meet a few of your friends for dinner. Since he was late picking you up from home, you asked one of them to drive you to the restaurant. From the lobby, you called Travis and told him to meet you there.
Just before you said your goodbyes, you heard, "Come back to bed, baby, I'm cold" in a woman's voice. You were furious, demanding to know who the woman was and how long he had been seeing her. After first denying everything, he ultimately confessed it was his assistant and it had been going on for about six weeks. You felt your world collapsing around you at his admission. Dinner was forgotten while your friends drove you back to the apartment to pack up your belongings.
You couch-surfed for about a month before finding an apartment back in Logan, where you had previously lived with your parents. Because Travis paid for most of the expenses such as rent and utilities, you were able to save up quite a nest egg to cover your new living situation. However, you weren't sure how much longer your savings would hold out, so you decided to look for a job to make ends meet.
The bell above the door tinkled, and Nyota rushed over to your table. After a brief hug, you both sat down and waited for your server to appear and take your order. Uhura was practically vibrating with energy, which meant she had something exciting to share. A few minutes later, with your order submitted, she spilled her secret.
"You'll never guess what happened today!" she exclaimed. "Two men came in today to file a change of address card."
You snorted. "That sounds like something that happens every day around here, Nyota, not that interesting. You're nearly jumping out of your skin about this. What is so compelling about them that has you barely able to sit still long enough to tell me?"
Uhura made a face at you to show her displeasure. "If you can keep from insulting me, I'll tell you," she pouted. You held up your hands in surrender as her cue to continue. "They moved here from Georgia, and one of them has the most tantalizing Southern accent. They were both tall, one blond hair with striking blue eyes, and the other dark hair and hazel eyes. He seemed a little grumpy at first, but Blue Eyes was the more charming of the two," she explained.
"Did you get a look at their new address, the one here?" you asked.
"The one with dark hair listed his name as Dr. Leonard H. McCoy, and his address matched the one for Walter McCoy's place," she replied.
Now she had your attention. Every so often, you drove by the farm, wishing you lived there instead of your small, one-bedroom apartment. You had thoughts about what it would be like to buy the place one day so you could fix it up and return it to some of its old glory. You'd heard through the grapevine that the owner passed away a few months back. It was also mentioned that ownership would pass to his only other living relative.
"I've always thought about that place, what it looks like inside, how I would spruce it up. Wait a minute, did you say Doctor McCoy?" you squeaked.
"And her brain has finally caught up with her mouth," Uhura joked. "I was wondering when you'd catch on to that tidbit of information. That house has a separate office space, ideal for treating patients. Word travels fast in this town, and once folks get to know there's a doctor in town again, Dr. McCoy is bound to need help. You know, with paperwork or coordinating treatment of his patients. Know anyone with those kind of skills?" she grinned.
In addition to your data entry job, you had acquired some basic medical training. The town had a couple of paramedics within the Volunteer Fire Department for the more serious cases. For now, it was enough, but it would be nice for the vacancy to be filled, especially by a handsome doctor. "Hmm. Maybe I should head out that way, introduce myself, see if he needs any help." Beg him for a job, you silently added.
"That's the spirit! If you're done with your coffee, we should drive out there and check things out. You in?" she held out her hand for you to shake.
After draining the last of your cappuccino, you nodded and shook her hand. "I'm all in," you declared.
Leonard and Jim wandered the property, taking in the condition and contents of the outbuildings. Many of the machines and tools were left behind. They noted which items were and were not still functional, to determine what could be easily returned to service or sold for parts. The good news was, the buildings themselves were structurally sound, although at least in need of a new outer coat of paint.
As for the house itself, Leonard was pleased to find a side entrance that led to an office, set apart from the main house. It was perfect for starting his clinic, with a small area that could function as a waiting room, and enough space for a reception desk. He made a note to check in town for a secondhand store to pick up a desk, some chairs and other furnishings.
Jim joked and told him that all he needed now was a pretty receptionist who could also perform nursing duties. Leonard glared at him in response, reminding him that after the way divorce went, he wasn't at all interested in dating. "Just doctorin'," he affirmed. "Maybe fishin', if the winds are just right," he added with a smirk.
A tour of the home's interior revealed hardwood flooring in the bedrooms and living room, while ceramic tiles covered the floor in the eat-in kitchen. There was a separate dining room space between the kitchen and living room. The centerpiece of the living room was a fireplace made with gray bricks and had a dark wooden mantle above it.
Before his arrival, Leonard contacted the utilities and asked for them to be turned on and transferred into his name. That gave Leonard and Jim a chance to determine what worked and what needed repaired. For the most part, the electrical system was in good working order, except for a few outlets that may need replaced or updated.
The water situation was another story. At first, when Jim turned on the high-arching faucet in the kitchen, the white farmhouse sink reflected a light brownish tint to the water. The pedestal sink and clawfoot tub in the main bathroom, plus the sinks in the half-baths were the same shade of brown. However, the more they let the water run, the clearer it became, which helped ease their minds a bit.
Leonard walked back out to the porch to make a mental list of what he'd need to bring the old house back to life and working order. The hardwood floors were in good condition, though they could use a bit of polish applied to them. There were a few non-working electrical outlets that would need an electrician's expertise to chase down the problem. In the bedrooms, there were spots where the wallpaper was peeling away from the wall. Not exactly a fan of wallpaper, Leonard decided it would be better to tear it all down and paint instead.
Overall, the pluses outweighed the minuses, such as the updated appliances in the kitchen and quartz countertops. Leonard could definitely see himself cooking up a Sunday dinner of his mother's chicken and dumplings with a peach cobbler. As an avid reader, he also loved the built-in bookshelves to showcase his personal library of classics. And the side-door entrance to the office space provided a break between his professional life and his personal life.
Jim joined him out on the porch and gazed out over the mature trees that dotted the property. "So now that you've taken the grand tour, what do you think, Bones?"
Leonard thought for a moment before answering. "Think I'm gonna like it here. Let's start unloading the truck," he directed. "Good thing we hit those consignment shops on the way here, or you wouldn't have a bed to sleep in," he jested.
Jim was about to unlatch the door on the moving truck when he noticed a car turning into the driveway. "Welcoming Committee?" he wondered. Leonard shook his head and rolled his eyes while he walked over to stand next to Jim. They both watched as the car rolled to a stop near the front of the truck.
The drive to the McCoy place only took about twenty minutes, which you spent silently reviewing your qualifications. Uhura could tell you were worried about making a good impression, which she was sure you would. She told you not to worry about it, that you were the best candidate for the job, if Dr. McCoy was hiring. "What if he's not hiring, though?" you asked.
"Then we'll have to convince him that he'll need your help, being the only doc in town. There really is no way around it, he will require an assistant," she reasoned. Her response sounded logical, so you accepted it and kept driving out to meet your prospective employer.
Soon your car was pulling into the driveway, where a large moving truck was parked. Upon seeing the two men standing to one side, you had to admit that Uhura was right. They were both strikingly handsome men. The dark-aired man carried a stern look on his face and his arms were crossed over his chest. The blond seemed a little more easygoing, self-assured, bordering on cocky, as if he knew what a good-looking man he was.
As you exited your vehicle, the men had started walking in your direction. "You ladies lost or somethin'?" the dark-haired man drawled. Ohhhh, that accent was enough to make you weak in the knees, you thought. You held on to your open door for balance.
"Yeah, can we help you?" the blond man wondered with a smirk.
When your brain finally rebooted, you responded, "Actually, we were hoping to be of assistance to you, since you're new in town." At this, you introduced the two of you and learned that the blond was James T. Kirk, or "Jim" he offered with a waggle of his eyebrows. His grumpy companion with the dark hair was the Dr. Leonard H. McCoy who now owned the property.
"I think we can manage fine with just the two of us. Good day, la--" Leonard was interrupted by Jim, who pulled him aside.
"Wait a minute, Bones, let's not be too hasty. I mean, these are a couple of gorgeous women who showed up out of nowhere to see us," Jim pointed out. "It wouldn't hurt to hear what they had to say, now would it?"
Leonard pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in exasperation. He was here to be a physician, to take care of people who need help, not dip a toe in the dating pool. When he looked up, he noticed that Jim had left his side and was talking to Uhura, while you had stepped up in his place.
"Excuse me, Dr. McCoy? I understand that my friend and I just turned up unannounced on your doorstep, and you don't know anything about us. But this is a pretty small town, and I should tell you, it won't take long for people to learn that we have a new physician to replace old Doc Thomas. Therefore, I'm offering you my services. I have some basic medical training, and I used to do data entry for a medical company back in Bozeman," you explained.
"Bozeman? Why on earth would you ever leave there to live here? Not to say that what I've seen so far of Logan isn't simply charming," Leonard added with more than a hint of sarcasm.
"I'll be glad to share that little tidbit of information once we've gotten used to working together," you shot back. "By hiring me, you'll have a well-organized appointment calendar, along with accurate patient files. You'll also have someone who knows how to take and record vitals, which leaves you free to do the doctorin'. So, do we have a deal?" you asked, your hand outstretched.
Leonard took a moment to consider your offer, bold though it was. He had to concede that in a town of this size, word would get around about a new physician and spread like wildfire. He'd probably end up with a huge influx of patients. Even if it was only at first, he might become easily overwhelmed. Patient care was of the utmost importance to him, and if you could make things easier for him, who was he to reject such a proposition?
His lack of response translated to you as a decline of your offer of assistance. As you started to withdraw your hand, he quickly grabbed it and clasped it between his own. "Whoa, hold on there just a minute. All right, you have a deal, but we'll do this as a trial run. A three-month probationary period, take it or leave it," he bartered, fighting the urge to smile.
"Thank you, Dr. McCoy! Three months? That'll be more than enough time for you to decide you can't live without me! In-in the office, I mean," you clarified.
Leonard couldn't help but smile at your blunder. "All right, now that we have that settled, I hope you'll excuse me and Casanova over there with your friend. We have a lot to unload, and I'd like to sleep in my own bed tonight rather than the couch," he stated.
"We can help, if that's okay with you? With four sets of hands, we can be done in no time. Besides, I've always been kind of curious about what the inside of your house looks like," you admitted.
You are one interesting woman, Leonard thought to himself. "Okay, let's get started then. Once we get everything out of the truck, I'll take you on the nickel tour," he winked. He whistled to get Jim's and Uhura's attention, then opened up the back of the truck.
"There, I think that's the last of it," Leonard declared after he removed the final box from the moving truck and placed it on the lawn. He jumped up to grab the leather strap, then pulled down the rolling door until it was flush with the deck. He latched and locked the door, picked up the box, and brought it into his new home.
 Jim and Uhura had taken your car into town to pick up something for dinner, which left you alone with Leonard. During the unloading, you didn't get much of a chance to stop and look around. But now that most of the heavy lifting was done, you seized the opportunity to take in your surroundings.
You were so caught up in admiring the home's features that you didn't hear Dr. McCoy slide up next to you. "If you have your nickel, I'm ready to start the tour," he grinned. You dug in your pocket, which luckily contained the right coin for the price of your ticket. "Ready when you are, Dr. McCoy," you replied, handing over the 5 cents.
Video Conference Call -- Bozeman, Montana
Travis checked his watch to see that he had another ten minutes before his conference call was scheduled to start. He opened the blue file folder in front of him, which was sent from his employer regarding a property they wanted to acquire in Logan, Montana. He sat back in his chair as he thought about how you'd moved there after breaking up with him. Before he could stroll any further down Memory Lane, his alarm beeped to let him know it was time to start the call.
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," Travis greeted. He could see the CEO, Miles Cooper, at the head of the table, surrounded by other members of NorthStar Corp's Board of Executives.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Myers. I see you have the file in front of you, so let's begin. We understand that the principal owner of the McCoy property has passed away. As such, we want to move forward and make the new owner an offer to purchase the parcel of land and whatever's on it. The house, barn, stables--everything, down to the last shingle," Mr. Cooper explained.
"My source tells me that the new owner drove all the way from Atlanta, Georgia to check out the property. He is also a doctor, and the town has been without one since the last one died. In my opinion, this could present a problem. He may decide to stay and 'hang out his shingle', as it were," Travis pointed out.
Mr. Cooper leaned back in his chair and rested his steepled index fingers on his chin as he contemplated his next move. As he considered this new development, conversation buzzed around him among the other executives. According to one of the scientific reports he received, there were plenty of reasons for encouraging the good doctor to sell.
The report mentioned the discovery of several veins of copper and silver running beneath the surface. The financial gains from mining those resources would more than cover the initial investment paid to acquire the property. Whether the new owner was aware of these precious metals was unknown, but Cooper needed to act fast before the doctor learned of their existence.
With a wave of his hand, silence returned to the board room as Mr. Cooper had made a decision. "Mr. Myers, I suggest you do your best to convince Dr. McCoy to sell the property to us. I will have a new purchase offer drawn up that's more than fair, and you should strongly encourage him to accept it."
Travis carefully considered Mr. Cooper's words that carried the barest hint of a threat behind them. "Sir, I will present your offer; however, we should be prepared for him to turn it down and decide to become the town's doctor."
"You worry about getting a signature on that purchase agreement, Myers, and I will worry about whether or not a contingency plan will be needed. Before the previous owner's death, this was a working farm, right? Lots of tools, machinery? Farming is considered to be one of the most dangerous professions, you know. Accidents can and do happen. It would be unfortunate if an accident should befall the good Dr. McCoy," Mr. Cooper replied darkly.
There was no mistake in Mr. Cooper's intent this time. "Absolutely, sir. I will find a way to present your offer that will make it difficult if not impossible to decline it."
Mr. Cooper's eyes brightened and a smile graced his face. "Excellent, Myers, I knew I could count on you. I'll send that new offer over to you as soon as I have it and we'll go from there," he stated. "I appreciate your cooperation, Myers, I certainly won't forget it."
"And thank you, Sir. I welcome this opportunity, and I will not let you down," Travis concluded.
"Let us hope not, Myers. I'd hate for you to experience any....negative fallout, should you be unable to close this deal," Mr. Cooper remarked ominously before disconnecting the call.
Travis relaxed in his chair and began to formulate a plan in his mind. A sly grin crept across his face as he thought of the perfect way to get an inside look into the doctor's life.
Of course, it involved a trip to Logan and should he happen to run into you, so much the better. For him, anyway. Though there was a near 100% chance that you would want nothing to do with him. If that was the case, his plan may be a bust before it even gets started.
Especially after the way things ended between you discovering his infidelity. For that reason alone, it was likely your walls of protection against him and his crap were nearly guaranteed to be sky-high. But it was a chance he was willing to take, because he did not want to disappoint his client. Something told him that with a failure of this magnitude, Mr. Cooper was capable of making his life a living hell.
Tags: @marvelouslytrekking @spacedancer1701 @anna-phora @hailbop1701 @writercole @lassie-bird @never--doubt @phoenixisred @wayward-dreamer @erindiggory @strangesgirls @dumpsterhippie @genevablog26 @lokis-deares @medicatemedrmccoy @rooweighton @mamamercurymist @d-doki-doki @malmeansbad @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @ghosttrekkie @noforkingclue @bellestalesoffiction
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prokyon · 25 days
UPDATE: I moved house!
I am so exhausted, and sore, and I don't have internet yet...
But I am in my forever home and I am finally able to look after my mum better to manage her stress and health. We're no longer living in a place with mould and biohazard carpets and shitty plumbing (punintended). Even though the new house still has work to be done, it's livable and comfortable. I'm not living in the middle of a renovation zone or a health hazard and it feels safer already.
I will still be travelling a lot to do minor fixes and clean the rental house before our lease is up to make sure we get our bond money back. We're probably going to have to fight for it anyway. That real estate is extremely hostile to us, and our health, and has ignored dangerous issues brought up not only by us but professionals who inspected the property. We've only ever gotten them to action repairs for things that will unequivocally get them in trouble with the law, while they pretend the other law-breaking problems don't exist.
The location was amazing and the house had great construction, but the real estate has actively inhibited maintenance at every step of the way and are allowing a good house to rot. I am so ready to be done with it all and I am so lucky I got the chance to buy at the price I did.
I am 26 and the new place is the 14th house I've lived in. I've had to move, on average, more frequently than every two years my entire life. Only four of those moves were initiated by us and none were because we were at fault. There are many studies that say moving stress is life-shortening and the conditions that cause and accompany it are inhumane. Renters in Queensland have almost no rights (until 2023/2024) and our legal avenues have been overseen by people who side with landlords as the default. Until this/last year, you could be evicted "without grounds" and with very short notice. Many landlords/real estates conduct illegal evictions without notice or without grounds and get away with it because the time, money, and stress put into a legal battle destroys the victims. Every renter has a story like that happening to them.
I like to think that maybe I am getting lucky with this opportunity to make up for the rest of my life, but that would mean these things happen for a reason. They don't. They happen because bad people and bad systems constantly enforce and reinforce this statistically-probable hell for poor people. I just got dealt a good hand for once and I'm gonna try my best to snowball my wins and keep the momentum going.
TLDR: Moved house. No internet. I'm sorry I haven't gotten to my DMs yet. Things should be sorted by the end of September. My cat is settling in at the new place.
Stay safe everyone <3
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lunarsilkscreen · 2 months
Troubleshooting Chart of Housing Prices
I watched a [Wired] video article that tries it's very best, but ends up sounding like an AI generated rehashing of talking points the author doesn't really care about.
So, How did I come to my conclusion in the [Homeless for Profit] article?
If we're looking at a problem like "Cost of Housing" we need to first look at what the actual problem is;
People cannot afford permanent stable housing. Permanent *here* I'm defining as "Indefinite". Where most other places define "Permanent" as roughly a year or two.
What this means is I exclude "Rentals" on purpose, because *by that definition* renting is *NOT* a permanent solution.
#edit; I had to clarify the following section from previous version.#
This forms the basis of "Rent to Own, not Own to Rent".
Why? Because a landlord typically won't allow indefinite stay AND program that help pay rent are temporary, and once the funding runs out; the landlord has to decide if they'll rely on the renter's ability to continue paying or not.
Not only that; Renter's Rights and Squatter's rights afford a renter the ability to own the property after a certain timeframe of continuous rent and home improvements ALONGSIDE eviction protections which landlords do their best to ensure that a renter has no right to invoke by purposefully limiting their stay.
Because excessive rental properties, and properties that continually rotate out occupants in order to pay for a landlord's bills *and* not be used for permanent housing increasing cost of homes, loans, AND rent.
It's effectively a legalized Ponzi Scheme. Where somebody with adequate credit can take a loan to buy a property to rent, using the other end of these programs intended to support the homeless, and then pay off their loan, and keep the equity that the renter paid for.
The idea is either they sell it again, not at the same price mind you; but at whatever the current market price is.
And if you've been watching housing prices; they're going up. Even when there's a literal crisis. (ESPECIALLY WHEN)
The Wired article, and many like it; talk about "Luxury Development" and "Condos for rent" which places the onus of blame square on Millenials for "Not wanting cheaper houses".
Keep in mind; there are no cheaper houses. The blanket price is relative. The same price in rural Alabama as New York City.
And the property in Rural Alabama may as well be considered luxury in comparison.
This is what people are complaining about.
And why the idea of "Rent to Own" is gaining traction. The idea being; if you're going to rent a property; the equity being built up should be going to the person footing the bill.
The argument is always "Well the Owner is taking a Risk by taking the loan". The Risk is the lose of the property they purchased with that loan. Nothing else.
If they stopped paying, they'd loose the house, and get to keep all the rent.
So who is taking the risk?
You could say a home developer... Who spent money to build a property, and so they're taking a Risk by renting it...
But keep in mind; they're renting competitively. They're getting the same payment without needing to worry about a loan.
The risk they took was building the property; and all they need to do is sell it, and invest it into some blue chip stock with dividends.
You'd get much better returns that way. With the same "Risk". Seriously.
And that's where we're at. Right there, the cause of Supply dwindling, and Demand increasing, because *some people* don't want to really work a technical trade.
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Your Guide to Securing Luxury Properties for Sale in Dubai
Securing luxury properties for sale in Dubai requires careful planning and a thorough understanding of the market. This blog provides a comprehensive guide to help you secure the best luxury properties in Dubai.
For more information on real estate, visit Dubai Real Estate.
Why Invest in Luxury Properties in Dubai?
High ROI: Dubai's luxury real estate market offers high returns on investment due to its desirability and robust demand.
Tax Benefits: Dubai offers a tax-free environment, making it an attractive destination for real estate investment.
World-Class Amenities: Luxury properties in Dubai come with world-class amenities, including private pools, gyms, and concierge services.
Prime Locations: Many luxury properties are located in prime areas, offering stunning views and easy access to key attractions.
Security: Dubai is known for its safety and security, providing peace of mind for property owners.
For property purchase options, explore Buy Residential Properties in Dubai.
Steps to Securing Luxury Properties in Dubai
Determine Your Budget: Establishing a clear budget is the first step. Consider all costs, including property price, taxes, maintenance, and any additional fees.
Research the Market: Understand the current market trends, prices, and types of luxury properties available. This will help you make informed decisions.
Choose the Right Location: Prime locations for luxury properties in Dubai include Palm Jumeirah, Downtown Dubai, Emirates Hills, Dubai Marina, and Jumeirah Beach Residence.
Hire a Real Estate Agent: A reputable real estate agent can provide valuable insights, show you suitable properties, and handle negotiations.
Visit Properties: Schedule visits to potential properties to assess their condition, amenities, and overall appeal.
Legal Considerations: Ensure all legal aspects are covered, including property registration, contracts, and compliance with local regulations.
Financing Options: Explore mortgage financing options to determine the best way to finance your purchase.
Make an Offer: Once you find the perfect property, make a competitive offer. Your agent can help negotiate the best terms.
Finalize the Purchase: Complete the necessary paperwork, pay the required fees, and finalize the purchase.
For mortgage financing options, visit Commercial Mortgage Loan in Dubai.
Popular Areas for Luxury Properties
Palm Jumeirah: Known for its iconic palm-shaped island, Palm Jumeirah offers luxurious villas and apartments with stunning views.
Downtown Dubai: Home to the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall, Downtown Dubai offers upscale living in the city's heart.
Emirates Hills: Often referred to as the "Beverly Hills of Dubai," Emirates Hills features luxurious villas with golf course views.
Dubai Marina: Known for its vibrant nightlife and waterfront properties, Dubai Marina is a popular choice for luxury living.
Jumeirah Beach Residence (JBR): This beachfront community offers a mix of luxury apartments and penthouses with stunning sea views.
For rental property management services, visit Rent Your Property in Dubai.
Tips for Securing Luxury Properties
Set a Budget: Determine your budget before you start looking at properties. This will help narrow down your options and prevent overspending.
Research the Market: Understand the current market trends and property values in the areas you're interested in.
Work with a Realtor: A reputable realtor with experience in the luxury market can help you find the best properties and negotiate the best deals.
Inspect the Property: Ensure the property is in good condition and meets your standards. Consider hiring a professional inspector.
Consider Future Value: Think about the property's potential for appreciation and its resale value.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Apartments in Dubai.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Sophia, an investor from the UK who decided to invest in a luxury penthouse in Downtown Dubai. With the help of a local realtor, Sophia found a stunning property that met all her requirements. The realtor guided her through the buying process, ensuring all legalities were handled smoothly. Today, Sophia enjoys a high return on her investment, with the penthouse's value appreciating significantly.
Future Trends in Dubai's Luxury Real Estate Market
Sustainable Living: There is a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable luxury properties.
Smart Homes: Properties equipped with smart home technology are becoming increasingly popular.
Wellness Amenities: Luxury properties are now offering wellness-focused amenities such as spas, gyms, and yoga studios.
Flexible Spaces: There is a trend towards properties with flexible living spaces that can be adapted to different needs.
Branded Residences: Collaborations with luxury brands to create branded residences are on the rise.
Securing luxury properties for sale in Dubai requires careful planning and a thorough understanding of the market. By following the steps outlined in this guide and working with a reputable realtor, you can find and secure the perfect luxury property in Dubai. For more resources and expert advice, visit Dubai Real Estate.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Oh dang, apparently tumblr tip feature lets you leave comments! Also as I reply to this, let it be known that I deeply appreciate every tip, subscriber, and birthday present this month. Because, while I know things will pan out in time, those are the little things helping me out with unexpected expenses like the wheelchair, or frankly getting myself some cheap doordash the other night when I realized I didn't have anything I could make without getting up. So every little bit literally brightens my day and thanks.
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So yeah, absolutely.
Listen, I've learned how to make things flex in almost any situation. It really depends what scale you want to work with. I can give advice on everything from how to hitchhike the US returning stolen eyedrops to more standard methods of pursuing stability. Let's start with the latter.
So rule of thumb, the larger and more liberal or progressive your city is, the better your experiences with this will be. I'll add things for more small town and rural people later on. But for the city folk:
Always google your community resources, and don't only check the main city site. Don't be shy about googling "rental assistance [town]", "[utility assistance] town", whatever. Usually there's more than the default government programs around, same as there being community foodbanks and the like. There may be more resources in your backyard than you know.
Even if you yourself are not homeless actively, it doesn't hurt to go down to homeless centers, specifically ones geared towards rehabilitation and recovery housing programs, because they often have pamphlets of resources on where to get free medical, free meals, and so on. For example Portland Oregon down by SAFES and the Rescue Mission hands out little decently thick booklets with piles of resources that teach you to beat your feet for 8 free meals/snacks a day. And that's not even brushing on dental vans, and medical resources even for homeless LGBTQ people needing support on hormones or other issues. It's the best place to look for resources.
Learn to cook basics. Rice and beans is your friend, and very flexible with the right veggie blends, seasonings, and occasional meat thrown in. You can live off a crock pot with several varied meals a week this way. Add in learning to bake your own bread. It cuts your sugar intake considerably, you WILL notice weight loss in a good way, it tastes way the fuck better than store shit, and if you add that, some noodles and butter and garlic to your pantry, you actually have a decent rotating menu where you can keep an EXTREMELY low food budget, if you're in some position you don't have food stamps accessible.
While I always, ALWAYS suggest going to a doctor in any and every situation, and this is purely nonprofessional "this saved my ass" advice, fish antibiotics work in place of human antibiotics in emergencies. You can get Amoxicillin, Penecillin, and several other things on most pet sites or at pet stores if you can't cover copays and this that and the other or just flat Can Not Access Or Get To Assistance. Still immediately seek professional treatment when you can, but if you've got an emergency abcess and no healthcare, this WILL save your ass, literally.
Ignore boomers. Avocados are your friend. They're like 68/cents each in my area of the US at least and have great fatty content. Beans will cover your protein, avocados will cover your fat. Use one avocado with a scoop from a big gallon tub of ice cream and mix in your favorite fruit, easily kept frozen in bulk in the fridge, in a blender. Congratulations you have a semi spoil semi diet shake thing for cheap as hell in multiple servings and a bunch of vitamins and shit. If you're in a region where avocados ARE expensive, then find another base with similar properties. Hell, bananas ain't a bad answer.
Literally this is the diet I have been pouring weight off with. I cut out soda, I stopped buying snack cakes and the like, I started making my own bread. H leaned heavily on rice and beans, noodles for carbs on occasion to break it up, and various small experiments to shake it up while cruising with smoothies by day. It don't cost jack shit in the long run and its. Like. Good for you???
If you have the space, by zoning or rural location, invest in a chicken coop, or at least the parts to build one yourself. There's DIY guides all over the internet. Have the joy of raising a couple chickies inside then putting them out and you have eggs for life. Get a few chickens per people and you'll have eggs coming out your ears. You'll be trying to give eggs away to friends. Sell eggs. I don't care. Eggs. Throw them scraps and they shit out food for you. It's magic.
Don't be afraid about using a little indoor grow space. While I don't expect you to go Pot Farmer like Some People, it doesn't hurt to set up a raised indoor grower and just PLANT some of what you use most, because if you take care of it right within a few months you'll have all you ever need. There's cheap basic grow lights or you can just put them up near windows that match the lighting cycle of the given plant.
There's probably others I'm not thinking of. But here's what I came up with top of my head, hope this helps someone.
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notebooknebula · 1 year
From Veteran To Real Estate Millionaire: Gervon Simon with Jay Conner
Key Takeaways:
Funding your deals without using your own money
How to Become a Millionaire in three years
Perfecting the BRRR method: Buy, Rehab, Renovate, Refinance
How to find real estate deals before your competition does: be a realtor
Veterans can get multiple VA loans,
Lessons learned: Have a margin and learn to say no—nothing ever goes according to your budget plan.
Don’t let your emotions decide—the math should make the decision.
Advice for new investors: partner in some way or form, especially with someone who knows what they’re doing.
Don’t wait to buy real estate. The number way to be on the winning side is by owning properties.
Gervon Simon is the founder of GQ Home Team, a real estate company that buys/sells homes.
Within just 12 months in business, in 2021, they sold 61 homes worth over $30M.
On the side, he has also stepped into real estate development, and since 2020, he has flipped 10 properties.
Gervon is a military veteran who attended The United States Military Academy at West Point, from 2013 to 2017, where he played football and graduated with a degree in business management.
During Gervon's time serving as an officer in the Army, he had to gain the trust of many different kinds of individuals to be effective at his job.
Today, he draws upon this experience when he works with his real estate clients, and he is dedicated to being transparent, honest, and encouraging each step of the way.
Gervon has had the opportunity to work with several clients in a variety of circumstances, whether the clients were purchasing their first home, selling their home due to hard times, or relocating from across the country for a military move.
He faced many different situations and challenges, and each time he’s been able to empower his clients to accomplish their goals. In addition to helping his clients with their real estate endeavors,
Gervon also invests in real estate on his own, and in 2018 he purchased his first 2 rental properties.
0:01 – Get Ready To Be Plugged Into The Money
0:17 – Today’s guests: Gervon Simon
2:13 – How Gervon Simon Gets Started In The Real Estate Business
5:51 – How Do You Fund Your Deals Without Using Your Own Money
7:10 – Jay’s Free Private Money Guide: https://www.JayConner.com/MoneyGuide
8:31 – How To Become A Millionaire In A Span Of 3 Years
11:37 – Perfecting the BRRRR Method
14:06 – How To Find the Best Real Estate Deals Before Your Competition Does
16:25 – Veterans Can Get Multiple VA Loans
19:03 – Gervon Simon’s Early Struggles And Lessons Learned On His Real Estate Business
21:53 – Best Advice For Brand New Real Estate Investors
25:47 – Connect with Gervon Simon: https://www.TheGQHomeTeam.com
26:01 – Team Website – https://www.GQHomeTeamWA.com
26:29 – Parting Comments from Gervon Simon: Don’t Wait To Buy Real Estate. The Number One Way Of Being A Part Of The Winning Side Is Own Real Estate And Collect Assets.
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reymallari · 2 years
What Is Assignment of Contract in Real Estate?
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Investors who target homeowners directly through marketing and collaboration typically fare best in the real estate market. There are several ways investors can make money when negotiating with sellers. 
Wholesaling real estate is an excellent option for real estate investors who don't have a lot of resources to put into a single property! You can get your feet wet in real estate investing through wholesale, which requires no initial investment.
An individual who signs a contract with a seller to buy an off-market property and then locates a buyer willing to pay more for the contract is known as a real estate wholesaler. The difference is profit for the wholesaler. Selling a contract to a wholesaler before the wholesaler buys the property is called an assignment of contract.
What Exactly is an Assignment of a Contract?
Assigning a contract means passing on responsibilities from one party to another. A common practice in the real estate industry is for an investor to reach an agreement with a homeowner and then sell the contract to another party. The investor is compensated with an assignment fee for their services.
You might have already encountered something that resembles a contract assignment. Assigning a mortgage from one lender to another is an example of an assignment of mortgage, in which the original lender transfers its obligations under the mortgage contract to a new lender.
Does an Assignment of the Contract Require Your Own Money?
No! You can make a profit in real estate wholesaling without risking your own money by using an assignment of contract. Wholesalers can save money on driving for dollars and direct mail by compiling a quality list of leads, often for foreclosed properties.
What is the Distinction Between a Double Closing and an Assignment of a Contract?
Double-closing in real estate is two transactions with the seller and buyer instead of one, like an assignment of a contract. A wholesaler engages in double closing when they buy a property under their name and then resell it within 30 days without making any improvements. 
A wholesaler can avoid disclosing their profit to the retail vendor and the end consumer by engaging in a double closing. The investor will need to put up their cash to close the first phase of this real estate transaction.
In What Ways Can You Find a Buyer For Your Contract?
It may seem challenging to find people willing to buy your real estate contracts, but many investors and businesspeople are looking for their next opportunity. 
Attending local REI meetups and exchanging business cards with active investors is a significant first step in building a buyers list. Utilizing social media to promote your business is another option.
As you navigate the streets in search of cash, watch for "For Rent" signs. If you can find a way to contact these homeowners, you could inquire whether they would be interested in increasing the number of rental properties they offer.
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How You Can Use AI To Make Travel More Affordable and Accessible
Traveling can be such a hassle. Who wants to stand in airport security lines, hope their flight is on time, and have to worry about your schedule while you're on vacation? Thanks to the power of AI, these hassles might be eliminated (or at least minimized) soon. In this article, we'll look at all the ways AI solutions are changing the face of travel. 
First, what exactly is AI? For our purposes, artificial intelligence (AI) can be defined as "...the simulation of human intelligence by machines, especially computer systems" [1]. Use cases for AI include natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision. Don't worry if these terms and phrases are a bit foreign to you; you won't need to be an expert on AI to harness its powers for yourself.  Here are some uses AI may have to make travel more accessible and affordable for those on a budget.  
Nix The Tour Guides:  Buying an expensive tour package not in your budget? Why not let AI help design your itinerary? Roam Around is a simple web-based tool powered by ChatGPT [2]. All you need to do is navigate to roamaround.io and enter the city you'd like to visit and how much time you have there [2]. ChatGPT will then generate an easy-to-read itinerary for you [2].  
For instance, the AI software suggests spending time at the Colosseum and traversing the historic neighborhood of Tivoli for a hypothetical five-day expedition to Rome. Arguably even cooler, the names of key sites are hyperlinked to pages that provide budget tours of the corresponding area. No tour guide needed!  
Time Your Purchases:   If you're one of those people constantly checking flights to grab the best prices, AI has got you covered. Hopper is a travel booking app that uses artificial intelligence to predict flight prices [3]. Hopper looks at historical price changes and predicts when prices are likely to increase or decrease based on past data [3]. The app can save you up to 40% on travel costs [3]. It works for hotels, rental cars, and flight costs, likely your biggest three expenses when you travel [3]. Hopper even plants two free trees when you travel to offset the carbon footprint from your travel [3]. Friendly for the planet and your wallet! 
Do Your Homework with Chatbots:  Sure, you could research all the data you need to plan your trip. However, that could take hours and add stress to your vacation. Why not let AI pull the info you need for you? The Kayak app contains a chatbot that can grab information at the click of a button [4]. The bot will give you details on flights, rental cars, and itinerary options and give you some activities to try [4]. It can also help you budget, as you can specify things like "Get me a flight from New York City to London for under $150" or ask where you can go with $300 this weekend [4].  
Know Before You Go:   We've all been there: you see a luxurious-looking property with gorgeous photos, only to book something that's nothing like what you were promised. Tools like Magpie use something called sentiment analysis to scope out emerging trends and adjust their search algorithms accordingly [5]. In other words, it combs through data like reviews to determine whether they're positive, negative, or neutral and uses that data to rank reviews. Destinations with worse reviews should get knocked to the bottom, saving you time and money when it comes to searching. After all, there's no better way to get destination info than from someone who's already been there.  
Virtual Vacations?  Got more of a staycation in mind? AI can help with that too. Virtual Reality or VR is a technology that simulates an immersive 3D world all around you. AI can create "physically and emotionally immersive travel that is unique to each user [5]." After AI chooses a site for you according to your needs, you can enjoy an immersive experience through companies like First Airlines [5]. This includes first-class service with four-course meals and virtual sightseeing [5]. If you're a "try before you buy" type of person, these immersive experiences can help you learn about a destination inside and out without ever having to physically go there. You can also search YouTube for 3D travel experiences you can view inside Google Cardboard and other VR headsets if you own one.  
These are just some of the ways AI is making travel more affordable, convenient, and accessible. With the advent of the internet and modern solutions such as chatbots, ChatGPT, virtual reality headsets, and artificial intelligence apps, it's easier than ever to find stays and times that work for you and your budget. You don't have to dent your bank account (or even leave your living room) to see the world, and much of it can be organized and planned out for you. As these tools and solutions evolve, it's possible they will further democratize the travel experience, making the same cultural expeditions more readily available to everyone.  
Burns, Ed, and Nicole Laskowski. "What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?: Definition from TechTarget." Edited by Linda Tucci, Enterprise AI, TechTarget, 24 Feb. 2023, techtarget.com/searchenterpriseai/definition/AI-Artificial-Intelligence. 2. Patkar, Mihir. "5 Free Travel Planning AI and Chatgpt Apps to Get an Instant Itinerary." MUO, 19 Feb. 2023, makeuseof.com/free-travel-planning-ai-chatgpt-apps/ 3. Germán. "Ai Travel Apps You Can Use Right Now (That Are Not Chatgpt) [2023]." AirLapse, 20 Feb. 2023, airlapse.net/blog/ai-travel-apps 4.Bulanov, Alexandr. "How Machine Learning and AI Can Improve Travel Services." Medium, Towards Data Science, 26 Feb. 2019, https://towardsdatascience.com/how-machine-learning-and-ai-can-improve-travel-services-3fc8a88664c4 5."5 Ways AI Will Revolutionize Travel." CATALYST, CATALYST, 15 Feb. 2023, catalyst.cm/stories-new/2023/2/14/5-ways-ai-will-revolutionize-travel
This article is also available to purchase on Constant Content here: https://www.constant-content.com/MoreDetails/1912373-Ways_Ai_is_Making_Travel_More_Accessible_and_Affordable.htm. Once purchased, you can change the byline and use it for your own blog or website. 
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aeternusfoundation · 2 years
How Crypto Tokens are evolving world
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The emergence of cryptocurrency has brought a new wave of innovation to the world of finance. One of the most promising developments in this space is the use of crypto tokens, which are digital assets that can represent various types of value. These tokens have the potential to revolutionize the way we transact, invest, and even govern. In this blog, we will explore the ways in which crypto tokens, such as the ATRNO token, are evolving the world.
What are Crypto Tokens? Crypto tokens are digital assets that are built on top of a blockchain. They can represent a variety of things, such as a unit of value, ownership in an asset, or access to a particular service. These tokens are usually created through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or a Security Token Offering (STO), which is a crowdfunding mechanism that allows people to invest in a project by purchasing tokens. Crypto Tokens and Investment Crypto tokens have created a new way for people to invest in projects and startups. With ICOs and STOs, investors can purchase tokens that represent ownership in a project. This allows for a more democratic approach to investment, where anyone with an internet connection can participate, rather than just the wealthy or well-connected. In addition, crypto tokens can be traded on secondary markets, providing liquidity to investors. ATRNO Token and the Best ICO One example of a promising crypto token is the ATRNO token, which was launched through an ICO. ATRNO is a platform that aims to disrupt the traditional real estate market by making it more accessible and affordable. The ATRNO token represents ownership in properties that are purchased through the platform. This allows investors to own a portion of a property, rather than having to buy an entire property themselves. The ATRNO platform also provides tools for property management, such as rental and maintenance services. The ATRNO ICO was considered one of the best ICOs of its time. This is a testament to the potential of crypto tokens to attract investment and disrupt traditional markets. Crypto Tokens and Governance
Another way in which crypto tokens are evolving the world is through their potential to revolutionize governance. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are organizations that are governed by smart contracts and crypto tokens. In a DAO, decisions are made through a voting process, where each token holder has a vote. This allows for a more democratic approach to governance, where decisions are made by the community rather than a centralized authority. Conclusion Crypto tokens are a promising development in the world of finance, investment, and governance. They have the potential to democratize access to investment, disrupt traditional markets, and revolutionize governance. The ATRNO token is just one example of a successful ICO that has the potential to change the real estate market. As more projects are launched using crypto tokens, we can expect to see even more innovation and disruption in the years to come.
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naplesviberealty · 2 years
Best Real Estate And Best Property Management - Naples Vibe Realty
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Naples Vibe Realty has extensive expertise in real estate as well as property management, They have minimal charges which makes them the best asset management provider in USA. Contact our sales experts to discuss your requirement. Click on the link for details: https://naplesviberealty.com/about-us/
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nurealtyadvisors · 2 years
Investing in commercial real estate: how to go about it?
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As an individual, several solutions are available to you for investing your capital. Among the solutions available, real estate is known to be one of the most secure and stable. Within real estate investment, two main categories are to be distinguished: residential real estate and professional real estate. The first refers to all real estate intended for housing (apartment, loft, house, etc.). The second designates all the premises intended for the practice of professional activity. Among the premises for professionals it is commercial premises that attract individuals for capital investment. But how do you get started in commercial real estate investing?
How to invest in commercial real estate?
The first method for investing in commercial real estate is to invest in institutional real estate or private funds specializing in real estate investment. They are accessible via asset investments, such as when setting up a life insurance contract.
The second method is to invest directly in commercial real estate, that is to say, to buy commercial premises as one would an apartment or a house. This second method is, however, restrictive in the types of property in which to invest. Indeed, not all business premises are open to individuals for investment due to the minimum amount to be collected, which generally represents several hundred million euros.
Thus, commercial premises are certainly the best alternative when one wishes to invest in professional real estate. However, this type of property is not managed in the same way as residential premises, and this requires precise and specialized knowledge.
investing in commercial real estate- what to know
Investing in commercial real estate does not work the same way as residential real estate. For example, what determines the value of a commercial space is not its surface area but the rental profitability that may result from it. Thus, it may happen that commercial premises perfectly located in the city center in a busy street will sell for more than a much larger premise located on the outskirts of the city center.
The simple fact explains that commercial premises' profitability is, on average, twice that of residential premises. However, the capital gain in commercial real estate is generally lower than in residential real estate. It is thus a question of thinking well about its investment. However, commercial real estate offers many advantages over residential real estate.
Investing in commercial real estate- what are the advantages?
As mentioned earlier, the first advantage of investing in commercial real estate is the profitability of the investment. Indeed, on average residential real estate as reached profitability ranging from 3 to 5%. For commercial real estate, this profitability is generally 7%, to reach, in the best case, almost 10%.
The second advantage of commercial real estate is the type of lease put in place, or rather its duration. Indeed, it is not a question here of a 2-year lease on average as for residential premises, but of 9 years- a significant duration that ensures significant stability for the owner.
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mikaelhastrup · 2 years
In real estate, what kinds of technology are used?
Real estate technology is a broad term for the tools used to look for, buy, sell, and manage properties. Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and virtual reality are some of these tools. Historically, transactions, underwriting, and asset management are ready to be changed by property development technologies that help teams make important decisions quickly and accurately.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is very important in the real estate industry. It helps businesses streamline their processes and give better service to their customers. AI can look at transaction data and predict how the market will move in the future. It can also be used to help real estate agents find the best homes for buyers and improve their marketing.
It can also be used to make faster and more accurate property documents and land records. It can also be used to make it easier to handle rental payments and maintenance requests. AI is also used to improve the safety of business buildings. It can let building managers and property owners know about possible threats to their properties. It can also keep track of renter activity and late payments to prevent problems in the future.
Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that can automate tasks and make smart suggestions. This technology is used by a lot of businesses because it helps them analyze data more quickly and accurately. Machine learning can be used to find patterns in a lot of data and spot trends that people might not be able to see. It is also used to guess what will happen in the future.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of smart devices that can talk to each other in real time. It can be used for many things, like making the customer experience better and cutting down on operational costs. IoT sensors can be used by property management companies to find problems with infrastructure and other risks. This can help them cut costs and make more money in the long run.
IoT can also make buildings safer by letting security cameras and other systems be watched. The information gathered can be sent to emergency workers to help them respond to a situation as soon as possible. IoT is also good because it can save energy, which is a big plus. Smart lighting systems can be set up to only turn on lights when they are needed. This means that lights don't have to be on all the time in an entire building or floor. This could cut energy costs by a lot.
Blockchain is a system that records transactions in a way that can't be changed and is safe. It also makes it easier to share information and makes fraud less likely. Blockchain is being used by real estate companies to improve how they market, search for, buy, sell, and invest in properties. Some are even using it to turn real estate assets into tokens to make them more liquid.
Blockchain is a decentralized ledger system that stores information in blocks of data that are stamped with the time and linked together. It can be used to record all kinds of transactions and data in a way that can't be changed, such as the title, deed, land registry, details about co-ownership, and more.
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flatettesrealty · 2 years
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s1ncerelyalexis · 2 years
How to break into real estate with the least amount of money possible
I always thought to get involved in real estate, you either needed a real estate license or a ton of capital for investment properties. I knew acquiring a real estate license would require more school, which I am not the best at. And being a college student, I did not have the capital for any investments. The only thing I did know was that I wanted to be in the real estate space, and that was when I came across real estate wholesale. 
What exactly is real estate wholesale? It is essentially drop shipping properties and very minimal capital is required for this business model. You acquire leads from the state tax records. Usually these leads are going to be people who have missed payments on their mortgage or utility payments. With that being said, no, these are not going to be the attractive properties you see on Selling Sunset. You then reach out to the homeowners on the list. You could either cold call, or send SMS blasts. The most efficient and effective way for first contact with these homeowners is SMS blast. After you have vetted them over texts, it is now time to pick up the phone and negotiate a price for their property. You offer them an all cash, as is offer. This entire transaction will be handled off the market, so the seller would not have to pay commission fees or closing costs. 
Once you have gotten the property under contract, you have a due diligence period. During this period, you find the actual end buyer for the property and mark up the price so the end buyer is buying for more than what you got under contract for. The buyer will set up an inspection and you coordinate it with the seller. Once the inspection is cleared, you are able to move on and collect the difference at the closing table. 
Let me break down a scenario so it makes sense:
1. I found a motivated seller through SMS blasts 
2. I negotiated a price for $150k cash with the seller 
3. I ran comps on the property and found that similar properties were selling for $165k in the area 
4. I marketed the property to hedge fund buyers and got an offer for $160k 
5. An inspection took place and came back clear 
6. We were clear to close and I got to collect the $10k difference.
So how did I find this space and what was my journey like? One of my close friends introduced me to Beni Fwelo, a real estate mogul. He offered me a job at his company as a disposition agent. My role was to market to buyers. Any time our acquisitions team got a property under contract, I had 9 business days to market to buyers. I was also in charge of setting up the inspection. This part can get tricky because the buyer could always come back and price cut their initial offer due to things the inspection revealed. After they would reduce their offer, it would affect our initial spread, so I would have to convince the seller to come down on their price. My position requires a lot of persuasion. I would have to persuade the sellers to take a price cut. I got so good at persuading and getting sellers to agree to my terms that I was promoted to the director of the disposition department.  
I plan on using real estate wholesale to fund my real estate investment opportunities. My strategy is to keep wholesaling until I have the capital to invest in fix n flips. Use the capital from fix n flips to invest in rental properties. Then use my rental properties to eventually invest in apartment buildings. This is the exact plan Beni Fwelo implemented, and modeling greatness with a mentor can get you there in half the amount of time it would usually take. All this goes to say, there is not one path to getting involved in real estate. There are so many avenues available at your disposal, it just takes getting to know the right information and the right people.
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accountsnextgen · 2 hours
Mortgage Broking for Investment Property Buyers in Australia - Accounts NextGen
Investing in property is a strategic way to build long-term wealth in Australia. However, navigating the complexities of securing a mortgage for an investment property can be daunting. That's where professional mortgage broking services come in. At Accounts NextGen, we specialize in helping investors find the best mortgage deals that align with their financial goals.
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Why Choose Mortgage Broking for Investment Properties?
Securing a mortgage for an investment property differs from buying a home for personal use. Factors such as interest rates, loan terms, and lender requirements vary. A skilled mortgage broker can provide tailored advice, guiding you through the process to maximize your investment returns.
Here are some benefits of using mortgage broking services:
Access to Multiple Lenders: Mortgage brokers have access to a wide range of lenders, giving you more options.
Expert Financial Guidance: Brokers understand market trends and can recommend the best loan products for investment purposes.
Time-Saving Process: A broker handles the legwork, negotiating with lenders and managing paperwork, so you can focus on your investment.
Key Considerations for Investment Property Mortgages
When purchasing an investment property, it’s crucial to consider several factors that may influence your mortgage:
Interest Rates: Investment property loans often come with higher interest rates compared to residential mortgages.
Loan-to-Value Ratio (LVR): Lenders typically require a higher deposit for investment properties, usually 20% or more.
Rental Income: Many lenders will take your potential rental income into account, which can improve your borrowing capacity.
Fixed vs Variable Loans: Choosing between fixed and variable loans can affect your long-term costs. A broker can help determine which option suits your investment strategy.
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How Accounts NextGen Can Help You
At Accounts NextGen, we work closely with investors to secure competitive mortgage deals tailored to their financial plans. Our team of experienced brokers understands the intricacies of investment property loans, and we make the process straightforward by:
Assessing your financial situation
Comparing loan options from various lenders
Providing personalized recommendations
Managing loan applications and negotiations
Ready to Invest? Get Started with Accounts NextGen
If you’re ready to explore your investment property mortgage options, get in touch with Accounts NextGen. Our mortgage brokers are dedicated to helping you achieve your property investment goals, ensuring you receive expert guidance every step of the way.
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