#Best canvas gym bag
kodiakleather · 4 days
Kodiak Leather Everyday Carry Leather Bag
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Everyday carry leather bag  combines form and function perfectly for every day carrying. Kodiak Leather designed this extremely hard-wearing bag using only the finest full-grain leathers, allowing you to carry as much as you need without sacrificing a clean, rugged timelessness that makes you stay perfectly in control and organized on the go.
Shop Now! https://kodiakleather.com/ 
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majordemonblockparty · 2 months
girl!sam winchester would have such hot meangirl jock energy and I don't think we talk about that enough.
like, she's crazy fit from all the training john makes his girls do. she'd be running five miles before school anyway; at least this way she gets to do it with somebody other than her definitely-not-a-morning-person sister. her coach dead-ass asks at tryouts why she isn't going out for cross-country, too. sam never has a issue when the team has their thrice-weekly sessions in the weight room, just does her reps and moves on. sure, she's maybe a little more aggressive on the field than is generally called for, but so what? winchester's a go-getter, and the best midfield anchor in the district.
sam winchester with her drugstore lipgloss and her dollar general powder fresh deodorant in her dad's old canvas gym bag, which most of the girls think is "retro" and "funky". sam winchester with a prewrap headband to corral her bangs and a braid hanging halfway down her back. (it's in sharp contrast to dean's hair, which is never past her shoulders in the winter and never past her chin in the summer; dean, who buzzed her own hair and then sam's down to the scalp when they were six and ten, respectively, and then told a baffled john that it was so monsters couldn't grab ahold of them by their pigtails. I had to do sammy's too, daddy, 'cause she doesn't know enough to protect herself. meanwhile sam sat on the bathroom floor with fistfuls of dark hair in her hands, asking john through her sniffles if he could put it back, please, she doesn't like what dee did to her hair. john told their school they'd gotten lice and he'd panicked. sam fights every haircut after that with shrieks and tears for six straight years.)
sam winchester whose teammates make fun of her weird lesbo sister, the one who's usually sitting in the stands with her cigarettes and walkman and stolen library copy of the complete works of vonnegut, or else parked in the stupid old car, staring at them while they scrimmage. dean winchester, who wears ratty men's clothes from the salvation army (they're not, sam never corrects; they're just hand-me-downs from their dad) and is bombing out in trig.
anyways: sam winchester with more of the hot mean girl energy that jared padalecki exuded in the early 00's.
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lunaroserites · 5 months
Art and Ice - Ground Rules
Pairing: Eventual Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Characters: Natasha, Wanda, Pietro, Loki, Bucky, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, a lot of the avengers cast is mentioned.
Summery: Bucky and Doodle spend some quality time together.
This might a 2 or 3 parter (it's gonna be more because cannot help myself). College AU, our boy Bucky is on the hockey team, and reader is an art major (because I love that trope and couldn't help myself)
Warnings: Not beta'd! All mistakes are my own. Friends fluff, swearing, mentions of college students being college students. Bit of friendly harmless flirting between friends. Bucky is a playboy. Flirting. Mentions of not eating or drinking for a hours (ADHD Brain)
Word Court: 2859
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! ❤️
Please do not repost, translate or otherwise copy my work elsewhere, without my express permission, thank you! Lunaroserites on tumblr and ao3
Catch up here: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 ❤️
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You didn’t see Barnes the next day, which wasn’t surprising, it was Friday night after a win so celebration extended into the start of the weekend. Saturday was much the same, you toiled away in the art room in front of a large sketch pad trying to get something together while your canvas dried. 
You also had a small piece you were working on for a gallery wall you were doing for a local gallery that was happening once the semester ended. So your plate was full and adding the insistent nagging from your brain to find Barnes, your patience was wearing thin. 
You threw the paint brush at the sink, it sailed in a smooth arche before clattering in the paint covered sink. You ran your hands over your face and groaned as you leaned forward, elbows planted in the table. Your mind is running amuck and making you lose patience. 
“Doodle,” the new brush you were holding snapped in your tense grip as you looked up, startled. Barnes was standing at the door holding a bag that smelled delicious and your stomach growled. You may have forgotten to take a break and eat. 
“Barnes,” you said, your tone tense. His eyebrow quirked up as he walked in and placed the bag down a few feet away. 
“Are you okay,” your hand kinda hurt from snapping the brush a moment ago, and your head was killing you with a raging headache. Which might be because you haven’t eaten in a while or because you were thirsty. You took a deep breath and nodded. 
“Yeah, just a little stressed,” you answered. The smell of the food in the bag makes your mouth water and your stomach twist in an uncomfortable way. “What can I do for you?” 
“You weren’t at practice all weekend. Nat said you were hauled up in the art room,” he said nonchalantly, you just stared at him. “And I figured I would stop by and check on my favourite girl,” he said confidently, and you rolled your eyes in response. Your stomach decided that moment was the best time to make its presence known and grumbled loudly. Your cheeks immediately darkened in embarrassment. 
“And she said you most likely didn’t eat,” the look on his face caught you off guard, he had a look of genuine concern etched on his features. “She knows you well,” he mused, his tongue poked between his teeth as he winked at you. You leaned back against your chair and extended your hand and gestured to the chair across from you, prompting him to sit. He took a seat across from you and smiled. “I hope you like burgers,” he said as he pulled the bag over. 
“I don’t mind them, are they from Gus’s?” You asked, he nodded. 
“I wasn’t sure what you drank so I got water,” he added, pulling a couple water bottles out of his gym bag. You smiled and chuckled a little at how thoughtful he was being. 
“Waters fine,” you accepted the bottle and cracked it open and drank half it one go. He eyed you suspiciously and you gulped down hard. “I get lost in what I’m doing and sometimes forget to eat or drink,” you mumbled under his intense gaze. 
“That’s not healthy,” he muttered, pulling out a burger and handing it to you. You accepted and opened it up, taking a bite and biting back the moan you almost let out. 
“I know, but when I’m in the zone. I just don’t realise how much time passes,” you said softly, he nodded and you two ate the food in a comfortable silence. 
“Thank you,” you said as you threw out the garbage and sat back down. 
“No problem, can’t let ya starve,” he chuckled and rubbed his chin in his hand. “What’s ya working on?” He asked and looked at the few pieces shattered behind you and a shadow box a few feet away from you. 
“Uh, a project for an art exhibit once schools out,” you answered. 
“Mind if I work on some homework? It’s quieter here than my house,” you raised an eyebrow at him, that was unexpected. “What?” he asked. 
“Nothing, don’t mind me,” you said as you looked down to work on the piece for the shadow box. Your eyes drifted up every now and then as you observed him working on what looked to be some kind of science homework. 
His eyes wandered over your frame every now and then as he took in your look of complete concentration as you worked with a small piece of clay. He couldn’t help but appreciate the dedication you had toward your craft. 
“What are you working on?” You asked after some time. 
“Science homework,” he gave you a cheeky smile. You gave him a deadpan expression. “It’s space stuff,” he answered. 
“What about space stuff?” You asked, genuine curiosity laced your tone. 
“I’m learning about stars,” he tilted the book he was reading, it was open to a diagram of a star. 
“Oh neat!” You took a closer look at the diagrams and then looked back at him. He was rubbing his neck with a sheepish look on his face. “I did a project a couple years ago on Saturn,” you pulled your phone out and showed him a picture. 
“Wow, you did a fantastic job,” he took your phone for a moment to get a closer look at it. “Wait, that looks familiar,” he looked up at you again. “That looks like the one in the observatory.”
“That’s because it is,” you chuckled. His eyes widened a little and his smile broadened. 
“I made out with a girl right next to it,” he chuckled and your smile dropped and you busied yourself with another piece of clay. 
“That’s great,” you forced out through the firm line your mouth was now set in. 
“Why do you do that?” He asked suddenly, noticing your immediate change in demeanour. You looked up and your eyes narrowed at him. 
“Do what?” 
“That? Get all closed off when I say something you don’t like,” he asked. 
“Because I really didn’t need to know you made out with a girl next to my art piece,” you stated. “I was told if I have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” 
“I’m not a child, I can handle criticism,” he defended. 
“That’s not the point. Have you ever once sat down and just chatted with a girl without the expectation of sex afterwards?” You asked, your tone very genuine. He sat back in his chair and looked anywhere but your face. 
“No. Not in a long time,” his answer caught you guard. You were expecting some snide comment or a lie. When you looked at his face, he looked completely sincere. You took a deep breath knowing the answer to the question you were about to ask. 
“Is that why you’re here now?” You didn’t recognize the voice that asked the question. It was soft and meek, nothing like your usual cadence. He didn’t answer right away, and based on the look on his face he didn’t really know what to say or how to answer. 
“Honestly,” he took a deep breath and looked at his hands. “Probably. Maybe. I don’t know. At first definitely. The first time I spoke to you it was. But I don’t know,” his rambling gave away how honest he was being. “I still want to,” he paused, “to still sleep with you. I also want to hang out with you. And get to know you.” 
You couldn’t help the slight upturn of your lip as you released a long inhale, “thank you for being honest.” 
“I might be a prick. But at least I’m an honest one,” he tried to joke. His smile dropped when you didn’t laugh. “So where does that leave us now?” 
“I don’t know Barnes. I don’t want to sleep with you. But I don’t want you to take that as a challenge to get me to sleep with you. If you truly want to be friends, and we get to know one another with no ulterior motives, then we can do that,” you didn’t want to sugar coat it. You also didn’t have the balls to admit you had a tiny crush on him because that would go straight to his dick and this conversation would be pointless. 
“Well to start you could start calling me Bucky, Barnes is so detached,” he gave you a small smile. 
“Well that was the point,” you chuckled. “But okay, Bucky.” His smile grew larger and he pumped his fist in the air. 
“I’m still calling you Doodle though,” he said, his tone serious as he stared at you. 
“That’s fine, I guess,” you chuckled while rolling your eyes at him. 
“So how much of my piece is finished?” He asked, you couldn’t help but laugh and pointed over your shoulder to the large canvas behind you. “That’s empty.” 
“I know. I have to get some practice sketches  done first before I paint on the big canvas,” you decided to not mention the two you ruined.
“Can I see the practice sketches?” He asked hopefully. 
“Sure,” you relented and passed the sketch pad over and watched him look at it. 
“How do you do that?” He asked, passing it back a moment later. 
“Draw?” You raised an eyebrow at him. He nodded. “I just do, it takes a lot of practice and effort. I could ask the same of you, how do you skate so effortlessly?” 
He smiled for a moment before answering, “I guess it’s the same. I just get on the ice and go. The moment I lace my skates up and I hit the ice everything else just fades away, it’s just me, my stick and the puck.” 
“For me, I pick up the pen, or brush and just start somewhere and get lost in it. It’s me, the brush and the canvas,” you finished. 
“Hey,” he was serious now, that caught your attention fully as you looked at him, “I wanted to apologise for what I said the other day…”
“Bucky,” you reached out and placed your smaller hand on his gently as you cut him off, “stop, it’s okay. We both said things that weren’t very nice. For what it’s worth.” You looked into his eyes sincerely, “I’m sorry too. It’s behind us now.” 
He smiled and nodded, “okay Doodle.” 
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That conversation was the catalyst to your developing and lively friendship with Bucky, when the team wasn’t travelling for the away games over the next week he would sit in the art room and do his homework while you worked on the art projects you had due. 
It was Thursday night, Bucky was just getting to the art studio after practice when he saw you hunched over your sketch pad, your hands in your hair and you were sniffling. He entered and quickly threw his gym bag down and came around the table and crouched down next to you. He placed his hand on your forearm, trying not to startle you too much. You jumped anyway since you didn’t hear him come in, you were too wrapped up in your own thoughts to notice anything else.
“Doodle,” he said softly. “Everything okay?” You shook your head and slumped into his chest, that caught him off guard, he quickly wrapped his arms around you and hugged you back as you cried into his chest. As quickly as you collapsed into him you pulled back and shook your head. 
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out and placed your head in your hands. Bucky was a little stunned at how quickly your demeanour changed. 
“It's okay,” he stood and took his usual seat across from you. “Wanna talk about it?” You let out an exaggerated sigh and sniffled loudly. 
“My art professor is a bitch,” you groaned. “And I have a bunch more projects due and she’s just awful. If I didn’t need this course to graduate I would have dropped it.” You pressed your cheek against the table and closed your eyes. 
“What did she do?” Bucky asked.
“After class she decided to tell me she doesn’t know why I bother trying, and that the school was foolish to offer, a no talent, wannabe one of the only full ride scholarships offered for the arts,” you were crying again. You had spent years honing your craft, and fought tooth and nail for the scholarship that allowed you to attend school here. 
“She’s probably just jealous,” you laughed at that, Nat had said the same thing when you texted her earlier about what happened. 
“I have an appointment with the head of the department tomorrow afternoon. This isn’t the first time she’s been awful to me,” you didn’t see his fist clench and the momentary anger flash across his face as you said that. 
“I wouldn’t listen to her Doodle,” Bucky reached across the table and patted your arm gently. “Your art is awesome, and you’re incredibly talented,” he finished. You smiled against the table and lifted your head up to send him a thankful look.
“Thanks Bucky, that means a lot,” you sighed and whipped your eyes with the back of your hand and rolled your shoulders. “I got some stuff done on your portrait,” you said, your voice still a little coarse, but you felt a lot better. His face lit and his full attention was on the covered canvas behind you. You stood and pulled the cover off and showed him, you had some of the out lining done, the positioning and scale perfect. You felt very proud of it so far. 
“Holy shit Doodle,” Bucky stood and got closer to admire the outlining. “You know, once this is done, you should get them to let you display it in the sports annex,” he had a smug tone as he said this. You chuckled and rolled your eyes. 
“Maybe if you bat your eyelashes at the department head, and ask him really nicely, he’ll let me,” you bumped your hip into his and smirked up at him. He smiled down at you and the softness in his eye made your heart skip a beat, you quickly cleared your throat and moved from him to grab a pencil. 
“I’m going to work my homework, and stay out of your way,” Bucky said softly as he moved from your side to sit down again. You smiled looking down at your feet before you started to do some more outlining. 
His eyes would shift from his homework every so often and they would rove over your body. He knew he didn’t have a shot in hell at getting you to agree to sleeping with him, you made that clear and he was really trying to make sure he kept that at the forefront of his mind when he was around you because he really did want to be friends with you.
But those leggings you wore hugged the curve of your ass so perfectly it was making it difficult. He felt his mouth dry out a little as he watched you rock from side to side as you drew on the canvas, and he involuntarily let a low whistle when you stretched up and exposed some of the soft skin of your back. 
You immediately turned and looked at him with a raised brow and squinted at him, full judgement. “Barnes,” you were warning him, he raised his hands up in surrender. 
“Not my fault you look amazing, it's a crime,” he defended himself with a cocky tone. You couldn’t stop the blush that crawled up your neck and on to your cheeks. 
“You’re insufferable,” you groaned, turning your back to him again, the blush still strong on your cheeks. He laughed loudly, before going back to his homework. You couldn’t keep the little smile off your face, you knew he used that line on countless girls, and it was probably a line he used often to get in their pants, but damn he was such a smooth talker, and he said all the right things in the right tones. You hated that you longed for his compliments. 
It was quiet for a while longer, just the sounds of pencils on paper and canvas filling the air.   
“Hey Doodle,” you hummed in response, not wanting to look away. “There is a final game just before playoffs, it's here, do you think you’ll come?” 
“I thought Nat said you guys were done with the home games now,” you still didn’t look at him, trying to make sure your scale was correct. 
“This one isn’t a regular season game, but I think you’ll really enjoy it,” he was being incredibly cryptic about whatever it is. You turned now, and raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Then what is it?” You asked as you eyed him. 
“Surprise, but I promise you’ll love it,” he sounded so earnest that you couldn’t help but believe him. 
“Okay,” I chuckled. “I’ll go,” you relented, trying to hide your genuine excitement. 
Taglist: @vicmc624, @calwitch, @learisa, @aaqua-tofana
Feel free to send me a message if you have a request or would like more, or would like to be added to the tag list ❤️
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bradshawsbaby · 6 months
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to wake you.” With Harrison? Pretty please? 🙏🏼
Harrison Knott, the man that you are! I’ve actually never written for him before, so I hope I did him justice!
Your lips curved into the faintest of smiles as you felt a kiss ghost across your temple, convinced you were having a lovely dream. But when you felt another kiss brush against your cheek, you started to stir, realizing that the warm, sturdy body hovering above yours was more fact than fantasy.
Blinking the sleep out of your eyes, you lifted your head off the pillow, groggy and confused, especially when you glanced at the clock on your bedside table and registered the fact that it wasn’t even 6am.
“Harrison?” you mumbled with a yawn, barely able to keep your eyes open as you laid your head back down and curled up under the blankets.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” he whispered, his voice low and tinged with a bit of his own sleepiness. “Just didn’t want to leave without giving you a kiss goodbye,” he chuckled sheepishly, one of his large hands coming to rest on your back.
“Leave?” you demanded, your eyes flying open this time. You sat up immediately and pointed out the window, where the canvas of the sky was just being painted with strokes of purple, pink, orange, and yellow. “The sun’s barely up,” you told him with a pout.
“I know,” he laughed, leaning forward to peck your lips. “But right now’s the best time to hit the beach before the tourists show up.”
It was only then that you realized your boyfriend was wearing nothing more than a pair of board shorts, the gym bag where he kept his wetsuit sitting next to the bedroom door.
“Don’t go,” you protested, pushing the covers back so you could lean forward and wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. “Stay here. With me,” you grinned, pressing a lingering kiss to his lips for emphasis.
“I thought you wanted to sleep in,” he laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist and lowering you onto your back, stretching his massive frame out on top of you. “Hm?” he teased, dropping soft, open-mouthed kisses on your neck.
“I believe my exact words were, ‘I want to stay in bed all morning,’” you corrected him with a smirk. “Didn’t specify what we’d be doing.”
“Oh?” He lifted his head, gazing down at you with an arched brow.
“You can go surfing tomorrow,” you whispered, reaching for the drawstrings of his board shorts.
His breath hitched as he leaned down, brushing his nose against yours. “Staying in suddenly sounds like a really good idea.”
late night prompts
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menonlywrestling · 4 months
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Tape Traders.
In the 80s and 90s, Pro Wrestling tape trading was very popular amongst fans. The more obscure, hard to find tapes would fetch big money, but mostly the more well known traders liked to hold on to the rarest items, for bragging rights.
One such tape, known only as 'Danny's Destruction' took on practically mythical status. Many people suggested it didn't even exist. Every trader coveted a copy of this tape.
The tape was said to feature a private underground match, filmed in a basement, featuring a hot young Pro called Danny Da Costa (23), who was facing off against an older wrestler known as Hangman Hennessey (60).
Apparently, young Danny took such a severe, prolonged pro beat down that he didn't wrestle again for six months, or ever, depending on who you spoke to. Everyone wanted to see this tape.
FFW to 2001, when a copy of the video was anonymously uploaded to an underground pro wrestling message board. The grainy vhs quality video was titled 'Danny's Destruction - Three hours of pro ring torture'
The video begins with footage of the younger HUNG wrestler already in the ring, hopping from foot to foot, stretching and pulling on the ropes, ready for action. While young Danny started off well, with some good back and forth, he eventually succumbed to the Hangman's continued attacks on Danny's right arm. Hangman then methodically puts Danny in every conceivable pro wrestling hold. No one had ever seen a 20 minute camel clutch applied, or a 30 minute Boston, before. The postings were brutal, as were the relentless standing elbow and knee drops. Focussed attacks on Da Costas arm continued. Hennessey looks to be in his element. He was getting on a bit and his best wrestling days were behind him. He seems to be relishing the opportunity to actually dominate in the ring again. The handful of men watching were enjoying every second, as they sat ringside on battered old sofas and armchairs, drinking and smoking. So turned on by all the moans, groans and the sound of bodies hitting the canvas. Some of them are also in pro gear and masks.
Around the two hour mark, exhausted Danny has clearly given up submitting, he knows the onslaught wont stop either way. Hennessey then tears Danny's singlet off and tosses it to the group, leaving him in just his pro boots. We see him spit into his palm and rub it onto his now raging hard cock, spit on Danny's hole then enter him. Hennessey fucks poor Danny for a solid 45 mins, seemingly enjoying hurting the younger man even more. Such stamina! When he eventually shoots his load deep into the younger man ass, with a massive groan, the men cheer.
It isn't the end for Danny though. Hennessey, still hard, put his trunks back on, scoops Danny over this shoulders and applies an absolutely brutal torture rack and parades Danny around the ring, one hand round his throat and the other squeezing his thick cock. Danny's body is limp now and it looks like he's going to be broken in half hes being bent so much. Like a power lifter, Hennessey hoists his victim above his head, then drops Danny into an over the knee back breaker. Again brutally bending him so much he looks ready to snap in two. He begins to start jerking Danny's cock, as he tightens the grip on his throat.
After a while he pushes Danny off his knee and leaves the ring. Is that it? Where has he gone? Is it over? During this the camera stays focussed on Danny, as he holds his throat, before panning to his ass and hard cock.
We then see Hennessey re enter the ring carrying a gym bag, from this he produces a long, thick chain with a leather collar on the end of it, and holds it above his head. The men cheer. Danny struggles as the older man tries to attach it round his neck. He knows whats coming. Several forearm smashes daze Danny, and its eventually strapped on.
Danny is tossed over the top ring rope and 'hung', with Hennessey still in the ring, pulling hard on the chain that's wrapped round his wrist. I guess this is why he's called The Hangman.
Some of the men take photos of a bloody Danny struggling, with one man even sucking Danny's dick as he squirms on the end of the chain. One man signals to Hennessey that Danny is out, and he lets go of the chain. Danny slumps to the floor.
The camera cuts to sometime after the fight has finished. Everyone is now in the ring and we see one masked man with the chain round his throat, sucking Hennessey off. One man is fucking Danny's ass, while another rubs his cock over Danny's bloody face, before fucking his mouth, and another sucks Danny's cock.
The video ends with a shot of Hennessey with a really stiff, tight sleeper on Danny, who is being forced to jerk off, until he cums on his hairy belly, while the men jeer in the background. Danny is eventually KOed again.
I hope it was worth the $50 Danny.
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treatbuckywkisses · 1 year
Blood Sweat and Tears
Boxer!Bucky × Reader
Summary: In which Bucky has a questionable hobby
Warnings: 18+ (it's my blog so fuck off that's why) Cursing
Word Count: 984 (i can only write so much you guys)
A/N: okayyy this has been sitting with me for the absolute longest time ever! it's currently after 1am here, and ive been completely mia for way too long, sooo I'm deciding to post this right now😭 there is no way in hell I could be doing any of this without any of my sweet friends on here but I want to especially shout out @sweetdreamsbuck and @writing-for-marvel for inspiring me and encouraging me through this🥹 i love you guys so much and I can never thank you enough for all you've done for me since i joined this place<3 (yall already know the moodboard was made by me)
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God you hate time. You hate looking at the clock, what feels like every five minutes, only to find it's been maybe two at the most. Especially on days like today; the days Bucky fought.
Your stomach aches thinking about him being in the ring later.
He is such an incredible boxer, one of the best in the city actually. But that knowledge did very little to ease your nerves about his hobby.
You've seen what he can do, and you love watching him practice. The way every muscle in his body flexes when he throws a hit, sweat running down every inch and crevice, flying off him like rain drops. The sounds he makes when he lifts weights and the pants he lets out when he hits a punching bag—everything about it - about him is mesmerizing.
You loved it just as much as you hated it. You knew Bucky could handle himself, especially in the ring, but you worried anyway. You always worry. Anything could happen up there and you couldn't stand the thought of him being seriously injured. Your over-thinking got the better of you and nothing could make you feel better. Nothing except seeing him yourself after the fight.
Most fight days, you're torn–constant anxiety looming over you. You think only the worst first, every little (and not so little) way he could be hurt. The bad outcomes are endless if you really let yourself think about them. Bucky never lets you get too far down that rabbit hole though, always reminding you he loves what he does and that helps him to be the best.
Interrupting your thoughts, Bucky starts coming down a hallway–which you know leads to the locker room. Where he's been hiding and getting himself ready for tonight; doing some warm-ups and wrapping his knuckles, and whatever else his pre-fight routine entails.
When he steps in the light of the gym people immediately start to cheer for him and he breaks out in a grin, his nose scrunching up in the most adorable way, raising his gloved fist in the air.
He really does love this. And you'd never underestimate how much he does again. You only had the one time, you were just upset really, but after a broken nose, mild concussion and many scrapes and bruises, you'd say you were allowed to be. Even after all that you'll never forget what he had told you when you asked him why he chooses to do this to himself.
"Well.. I like it. I like the way it makes me feel, you know? It's freeing in a sense, like how some people meditate? When I'm up there, it's like nothing out of that ring matters just for a moment, and I don't have anything to worry or think about. It's just me, and it feels good. It's exhilarating. It's like this good insane feeling I can't really describe, but I love it. I can't imagine not doing it." He spoke with so much emotion that you almost forgot about his many injuries that night.
You can't help but smile at the sight of him, no matter how many times you see his introduction. He's wearing his robe, a livid blue-gray color with 'Barnes' in black across his upper back. It's a shiny material–not a glittery one, and he's got his hood up on his head.
He hoists himself up on the platform and splits some of the ropes to duck between and step over, and finally he's on the canvas mat.
His hood is off now and you can tell he's scanning the room for you. A smile of endearment is on your face and it only grows bigger when he finds you and shoots you a wink.
Buckys opponent for todays match enters as he did previously. Once they're introduced to the gym, they bump gloved fists for a show of good sportsmanship before they start.
When Bucky's up on the platform he’s the only thing in the world that matters. Your eyes never leave him for a moment. He's enchanting.
Once the fight begins though, a slight grimace stays on your face. Your brows are furrowed and your lips are parted the smallest bit, hands grasping and fidgeting with his dog tags that dangle from around your neck. You wear them for Bucky on fight days, "safe keeping," he said once.
When he fights, you don't watch quite the same way as when he's practicing. Your focus is on holding your breath every time a hit is thrown his way. It's a sigh of relief when he dodges or blocks but a distressed sigh when he takes the hit with all the force it's been given to him.
Bucky is damn good at what he does but you can't help but fret. You're not always sitting but you're at the edge of your seat for the whole match watching Bucky and whoever he's fighting dance around the ring. You can never tell how long the matches last, supposedly it's different each fight with each opponent, but to you they were all the same.
You felt like time wasn't moving and like it was speeding around you at the same time. This could be torture if Bucky didn't look so good. Truthfully though, sometimes you didn't even pay attention. You only found yourself thinking about what nasty cuts you'd be cleaning up and how many bruises he would have later, staining his skin for weeks at a time.
You shiver at your own thoughts and blink your focus back on Bucky in time to see him land a punch on his opponent. A soft smile makes its way onto your face as you admire the pure and genuine excitement on Bucky’s beautiful face when he's announced the winner of the match. And come on, how could you argue with that?
He makes the worry worth it.
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Boxing Club AU Idea
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Shrunkyclunks au where Bucky runs an old-fashioned boxing club that freshly defrosted Steve visits to blow off steam.
(Thread fic originally posted here)
It's a wholesome place with a familiar, old Brooklyn vibe. There's a white cat that roams around and sleeps on the stack of unused punching bags, and the guy who runs it is unspeakably cute.
Steve tries to hold back his strength; SHIELD hasn't made an announcement about him yet, and he doesn't want to draw too much attention to himself. He's enjoying a place where he feels welcomed, one that doesn't feel a million miles away from the world he just woke up from.
The smells of leather, canvas, polished wood, and sweat are all familiar. He could be back at the barracks between missions if he closes his eyes. It could be his squad laughing and training outside the ring if he lets his ears gloss over the words they're saying.
To start with Bucky thinks this new blonde hunk must be on some hella steroids or something, after he rips into a punching bags and shreds it. Literally.
Steve is so embarrassed and fumbles his way through an apology, promising to pay to replace it.
Bucky's too impressed to be mad, this guy is strong and nothing like the dudebro steroid addled types that sometimes come into the gym to showoff. This guy seems genuine.
Bucky invests in some reinforced punching bags and studies Steve a little more the next time he comes by. He's strong, Bucky notices, but his form is terrible. It's clear he relies on his strength rather than good technique.
He offers to give Steve a few pointers and they spar lightly in the ring, Bucky demonstrating that skill is worth more than strength, as he manages to best Steve, once, twice three times. Steve is floored, literally, and so impressed it makes him dizzy.
Eventually he works up the courage to ask Bucky out, but before they make good on the promise, Steve's called in for the battle of New York.
Steve realises Bucky's coaching has massively improved his fighting and it saves his life a few times during the battle.
He also realises that for the first time since he woke up, he has something worth fighting for in the future, and he really doesn't want to die before telling Bucky how he feels.
Bucky's surprised, but not fazed when he sees Steve fighting on the news; he always knew there was something monumental about Steve.
And when Steve sheepishly turns up at his door a few days later asking if still wants to go for that drink—looking like he thinks Bucky might actually say no—Bucky just laughs fondly and calls him a punk, before assuring him that yes he definitely still does.
Bucky doesn't care that he's dating Captain America, it's Steve Rogers he's in love with.
The regulars at the club keep treating Steve exactly the way they always had, though maybe they do brag a little more whenever they land a particularly good punch.
Steve lets them, glad he's found friends that treat him like he's normal, and glad that with Bucky, the future finally starts to feel like home.
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What A Time To Be Alive
I just need someone to hold me, even though you don't even know me
Summary: The prompt was: Modern AU where Lucien is a tiktoker who posts POVs and Elain always wants to duet them to be the love interest he’s talking to but she doesn’t bc how could he ever be interested in a girl like her… UNTIL SHE DOES
Note: Big thanks AND dedicated to @ablogofbipanic who thought she could give me unwritable prompts. I'll write anything.
Read on AO3
Elain Archeron recognized that deck. Recognized the parking lot below and, when the camera zoomed out for a moment, recognized the white coup sitting in a patch of hot California sun. That was her apartment complex broadcast to an audience of one point two million people. 
And her upstairs neighbor filming another tiktok. 
Jackinthefox. Everyone thought his name read Jack, but Elain knew his name was actually Lucien Vanserra given how often his mail was shoved into her slot. Mostly junk coupled with the occasional energy bill. Lucien, with his sun kissed, golden brown skin and auburn hair that fell past his shoulders. She’d caught him in the basement gym once, lifting weights in a shirt so loose she could see all the carved muscle just beneath. 
She’d started working out at night to avoid him. 
It seemed Elain couldn’t avoid him on tiktok, though. No matter how quickly she swiped through his videos on her feed, they always came back. Look at me, they seemed to demand. Look at how handsome I am.
Yeah, yeah. Lucien was absurdly good looking, a fact he must have been well aware of. To his credit, he didn’t react to the thirst comments people left for him like other tiktokkers. And he always kept his shirt on, which honestly was a crime. If the women following him learned what lurked beneath, they’d riot. 
Lucien did dance, occasionally, though always to 90’s boybands—Elain liked those videos best, not that she’d ever admit it. What Lucien did, primarily, were POV’s to popular television shows. Usually the Office, though he did a fair amount of New Girl, too. And women practically lined up to duet him, hoping to be the Jim to his Pam. 
While Lucien had exploded in popularity during quarantine, Elain had a more modest following of ten thousand people following her for her aesthetic baking videos. And while Elain had a good time baking bread in cute aprons in front of her window, what she secretly wanted was to duet Lucien back.
She didn’t have the guts. What was worse, she thought, was duetting him, being ignored, and having to give him his mail when it was inevitably put in her box again. He’d know she had a crush on him and probably laugh behind her back.
Or maybe not—but Elain didn’t dare risk it. Not when she had one of the last affordable and nice units left in California. Close to the beach, within walking distance of her favorite grocery store…and with the hot, upstairs neighbor. 
It was hot that day, which made going to the store a miserable venture. Elain was making lemon bars and had run out of nearly everything. If there was a hell, surely it was hauling massive canvas bags of flour, sugar, and lemons in the California heat. By the time she reached her building, Elain was drenched in sweat. In the distance, she could hear the screaming laughter of children in the pool, and the smell of chlorine blew in on a rubber and asphalt scented breeze. 
She just wanted to get inside the cold building, to park herself naked in front of a fan, and stay there until winter arrived.
Elain went to yank open the glass door and drag herself up the flight of stairs to her unit. She fumbled with the metal handle, hot beneath the sun and her sweaty fingers.
“I’ve got it,” called a familiar, masculine voice. Honeyed and deep, rich and warm like the day she was so desperate to flee, Lucien Vanserra must have had one of the nicest voices she’d ever heard. A moment later he’d wedged his towering frame in the door so she could slip past. Lucien’s russet colored eyes slid to the bags hanging from her shoulders.
“Want help?” he asked, reaching for one of the straps.
Elain tried to protest— “No, I’ve got it—”
But he’d already taken two bags in one hand like it was nothing to him. He reached for the other two and suddenly Elain was freed of her obligations. She knew he saw how she exhaled with relief, a smile quirking over his full lips. Lucien was in another loose tanktop and basketball shorts. 
Like herself, Lucien was slick with sweat, which made her feel a little better. They were both disgusting, which somehow put them on equal footing. 
“What are you baking today?” he asked with a sidelong glance. Elain’s eyebrows shot skyward. She followed him up the purple carpeted steps, a relic from some mythical time period in which purple carpet made sense. Though, it did add a certain charm to the otherwise beige, fingerprint stained walls. 
“What do you know about my baking?” Elain asked, hoping she sounded appropriately flirty and not breathless with wonder. 
“I know that I tried those cranberry bars you posted last week and they turned out like shit.”
“That sounds like user error,” she replied, trying so hard not to grin. He watched her videos? Elain could have died. 
“Oh, if definitely was,” he said cheerfully, keeping easy pace with her. “They tasted good, though. What are you making today?”
She swore those eyes of his looked hungry. “Lemon bars.”
Still, he grinned. “Can’t wait to fuck those up, too.”
She could have invited him in. As they reached the landing and her door a mere three steps away, Elain could have asked Lucien to help her bake. Lord knew he would have looked great on camera, even if no one ever saw her face on tiktok. They had to follow her on instagram for that. Still, Lucien’s hands were big and broad and her mostly female audience probably would have liked seeing them as much as Elain liked watching him hold her groceries. 
She didn’t invite him in. The words got tangled in her throat, jumbled so when she dug her keys out of her pocket, she heard herself say, “Well…thank you for the help.” “Anytime,” Lucien replied smoothly, handing her the bags without complaint. He didn’t look around her to try and get a glimpse of her apartment, nor did he offer to come in and help. Elain appreciated that so much, though it was truly a low bar in terms of not being pushy.
“Catch you around,” he said with a wink, turning back for the steps. Elain admired the shifting muscles of his back for a moment—just until he rounded the corner. His thundering steps seemed to clear her head, if only a little.
He was just being neighborly. Friendly.
He watched her videos. 
The first thing she did the second she got inside was whip out her phone. And sure enough, buried in her notifications, was Lucien Vanserra quietly liking months of baking videos. How many had he made? All those months of agonizing about dueting him while he was liking all her videos and making her recipes…Elain felt giddy.
She felt like pulling out her ring light, after showering and carefully applying her make up, and dueting his latest video.
New Girl.
Elain loved New Girl.
Flopped on his couch, phone on the coffee table, Lucien replayed the afternoon in his mind. He’d been looking for an excuse to talk to Elain for the better part of a year. Ever since her sourdough video popped up on his for you page. He’d been in a dark place then—a new transplant to California for grad school, lonely and now quarantined before he’d had the chance to make new friends. Lucien had never felt so isolated in his life. His whole life was on the east coast, and even if he’d wanted to drop out and go home, there were no flights to take him.
He sure as shit wasn’t making that drive, either. So Lucien did what everyone else did, and began mindlessly scrolling tiktok. He’d recognized the kitchen those delicate hands worked in, and though it made him feel a little creepy, he’d followed the link in her bio to her instagram page only to find the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in his entire life living directly beneath him.
Lucien had tried to stage several run-ins with her. At the gym, in the parking lot, even at the pool though it was closed. Elain had never taken the bait. In fact, she barely looked at him at all. Lucien supposed, with a face as beautiful as hers, he simply didn’t register. That didn’t stop him from trying.
And when he couldn’t make conversation with her in person, Lucien turned back to the internet. He ordered a ring light off amazon and made his first video, hoping she’d see it like he’d seen hers. He’d heard her watching New Girl through the vents so he knew she liked it. 
After a year, though, Lucien was starting to think it was time to give up on Elain Archeron. Maybe she had a boyfriend. Maybe he wasn’t her type. Hell, maybe she didn’t even like men. They were still in lockdown, still only supposed to go out for essentials, and maybe Elain didn’t want to risk getting sick on his account.
Lucien had sworn he was going to give up. His titkok had blown up by that point—surely she must have seen him at least once. Must have realized he was her neighbor. She could have liked one of his videos if she’d wanted, and she hadn’t.
All that changed with a little ding of his phone. Lucien reached for it, replaying walking her up to her apartment. She’d looked so good, with her golden brown curls stuck to her sweaty forehead, and how the heat had caused the yellow of her strappy sundress to conform to her tan skin. Lucien had forced his eyes forward and his mind anywhere but how she might look beneath him, just as sweat soaked and flushed. How those little, panting breaths might feel against his neck and fuck he had been so close to asking if she wanted help baking before he’d retreated, half hard just from the nearness of her.
He needed to think about something else. Lucien picked up his phone, illuminated in the last pinky rays of daylight pouring through the sliding glass of his balcony doors. Flipping open his phone, Lucien’s heart leapt into his throat.
Areyoubreadyforit dueted your video!
Lucien’s hands all but shook as he watched. She’d changed into a pretty blue top—or dress, he couldn’t tell—and lipsynced through the words, talking to him. Gorgeous, like always, bright eyed and confessing her pretend feelings for him through the medium of a POV video. 
Be cool, he told himself even as he slipped on his shoes. Don’t do anything stupid.
Famous last words as Lucien went outside into the dry heat for the escape ladder that would take him straight down to the parking lot.
Or her deck, a floor below. 
This is charming, he told himself, well aware he was skirting the line of crazed upstairs stalker. Why not go down the hall and knock on her front door? It was too late—the minute his feet hit the wood, Elain Archeron looked up from the kitchen. Her eyes went wide when she saw him, cheeks covered in a light dusting of flour. 
Lucien raised his hand and mouthed, hey.
Elain came to the door, wiping her hands on a pretty pink and white dotted apron. “Hey,” she said, clearly surprised. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” he lied. What Lucien really wanted to say was I like you, but that felt too much given he was standing on her deck like a maniac all because she’d dueted one video. “I ah—I came to see if you wanted any help. With your bars, I mean.”
“Oh,” she murmured, her eyes sweeping over his body. He’d showered after the gym, and still he felt self conscious as he pressed a hand to his stomach through the white fabric of his shirt. “I was actually about to make dinner.”
Lucien’s stomach fell for only a moment as Elain added, “Do you like chicken?”
“I love chicken,” he replied, unwilling to admit he would have eaten trash if she offered it. “Anything to watch the famous Elain Archeron cook.”
Pink stained her cheeks. “Hardly. I think it’s you who is famous, right?”
Lucien followed her into her apartment. The set up was the same—a living room that opened into a kitchen, and a hall that he knew would lead to both a bedroom and a bathroom. Every night, she laid just beneath him. 
Maybe tonight, too, if he was lucky. That seemed distinctly like pushing things and yet Lucien still hoped as he closed the door behind him. 
“Hardly,” he said, flashing her a smile. She didn’t realize all those followers were merely a monument to his crush on her. Elain glanced over her shoulder, still in the blue dress from the video. 
“I guess you saw my duet?” 
Her blush was so pretty. Lucien could do nothing but follow after her and try and keep his jaw off the floor. Did she know? Did Elain have any clue the effect she had on him merely by existing? That he wanted to wipe the flour off her face with his tongue? 
“It was cute,” he said, bracing his elbows against the counter so he could watch. She wasn’t lying about the chicken—she was currently tying twine around an entire bird she’d seasoned rather nicely. “What took you so long?”
She scoffed. “It was the first interesting video you’d made all year.”
So she had seen them. Lucien’s heart was pounding in his chest. Oh god, oh god, oh god— “Tell me what interests you so I can better curate your experience.”
“I liked the Backstreet Boys videos,” she said, the pretty menace.
“Yeah? And if I make them again, are you going to dance with me?”
Her whole face was flaming red. Elain ducked, sliding her pan into the oven as she said, “I don’t know the steps.”
“I can teach you.” Fuck, Lucien could teach her anything she wanted to know—the steps to cheesy 90’s boy band music, how he liked to be kissed— 
“I’ll bet you could,” she replied, those eyes cutting right through him. “Did you come down here to hit on me?”
“That depends,” Lucien grinned back, letting his gaze slide to her mouth. “Do you find it charming or creepy?”
Elain angled her chin as she contemplated. “Charming,” she declared with a pretty smile. Fuck Lucien had to fist his hands at his sides to keep himself casual and in place. 
Leaned against the laminate counter, Lucien didn’t dare let his eyes drift below her neck though he fucking wanted to really look at her. 
“Does it count as a date if you do all the cooking?”
Elain exhaled a puff of air. “Do you want this to be a date?”
God, Lucien wanted nothing else. He offered her what he prayed was a roguish smile. “Yeah, actually.”
She hesitated. “For…for content?”
“Because I’ve had a pathetic crush on you ever since I moved in,” he replied easily. There was no way in hell he was going to let her think his interest was about titkok fame. One day Lucien would be a lawyer, his tiktoks a blurry memory—his hobby when the world had shut down and nothing more. He had no interest in being an influencer or an actor. 
His interest was standing directly in front of him wearing a blue sundress and smeared in flour. 
“Oh,” she murmured, her face pink again. “I guess this could be a date. I do have some wine I got from Costco.”
“My favorite,” he lied—again, Lucien would have drank sewer water if she was offering. “I can plan the next date, make it more romantic.”
“Next date?” she teased, pulling out two wine glasses. “You’re awfully confident.”
Lucien only shrugged, at a loss for words. “Hedging my bets.”
Elain offered him a glass of red and when Lucien took a drink, he could hear his older brothers sneering words in his head—grape drink—Eris called anything under one hundred dollars that.
The alcohol took some of the edge off his nerves. Elain was closer than she’d ever been willingly, standing in front of him with that glass pressed to her lips. Lucien wanted to be it, wanted to know what it felt like to have her touch him like that. 
“That’s awfully bold,” she said, her voice light and breathless. Fuck fuck fuck.
Lucien set his glass to her nice, round table before he dared a step closer. She was so much shorter than him, would have to lean up on her tiptoes to kiss him if she wanted. God how he hoped she wanted to. 
“Isn’t the saying fortune favors the bold?” he murmured, brushing a curl from her cheek. Her skin was so soft, so warm beneath his fingertips. “Maybe it’ll favor me, too.”
Elain looked up through dark, thick lashes. “That was corny.”
He cocked his head as she dared a step toward him and oh my god, this was happening. Lucien didn’t dare breathe when she angled her chin, her thick cascade of hair falling down her shoulders. Eyes bright with invitation. All he had to do was not fuck this up. Just one kiss, which was more than he’d had for an entire year, despite wanting her that long. 
“All that matters is that my corny line worked,” he replied, reaching for her cheek. Lucien threaded his fingers through her hair before lowering himself to her. She surged upward, meeting him in the middle for what he thought was the most perfect first kiss in the history of first kisses. She smelled like rosemary and tasted like sugared lemon. Her mouth was soft, her fingers curling against his biceps as she reached for something to steady herself.
It was over far too quickly. Lucien wanted to yank her against him. To haul her up on the table and declare she was the only meal he was interested in. Already, his body was far tighter than he would have liked—all the blood he needed to form sentences was currently rushing to his cock. 
Elain smiled as she lowered herself back to the ground. “So uh…dinner?”
Lucien’s eyes nearly rolled back into his skull at the breathless way she said those words.
“I’m yours to command,” he said stupidly. “Tell me where you want me.”
He didn’t miss how her eyes darted toward the hall. He’d go, if she told him to. Lucien would lay flat on the bed and let her do every depraved thing she was thinking of—he’d thank her for it, even. Lucien didn’t care what it was, as long as they were both naked and— “Bread?” she was saying, though she, too, sounded far away.
“Yeah,” he replied, praying she didn’t look down at his shorts. “Whatever you want.”
Whatever you want. 
What she wanted was for Lucien Vanserra to take off his shirt and let her lick the line between his abs straight to his— “How is this?” he asked, pulling out a loaf pan of bread he’d been working on.
“It’s good,” she lied. It was sagging in the middle, but not a bad first try given they were both distracted. It had been one polite kiss. One kiss. 
One kiss where he’d cupped her whole face in the palm of his hands. Now she knew he smelled like sunshine and woodsy smoke and how his arms felt beneath her fingers. It was too much knowledge for her small kitchen and her overactive imagination. Lucien was being perfectly polite, unaware that Elain was trying to figure out how to get him into her bedroom. 
Did she just ask? Did she say, hey Lucien, do you want to have sex with me—
What happened if he said no? Elain didn’t think she could stand the rejection after that kiss. She wouldn't just have to move out of her building, but the whole state if she wanted to escape him. While she carved the chicken, Lucien refilled their wine glasses and set the table, glancing over at her surreptitiously. Likely wondering why she was acting so strange. 
Lucien had a talent for keeping the conversation going which Elain immensely appreciated. She didn’t have to think about what to say—not when he so effortlessly had a comeback for everything she said. He maintained eye contact and somehow managed to be funny and laid back and charming.
She should have sent him home. He was dangerous. Elain had the distinct feeling that a man like Lucien Vanserra could very easily ruin her life. Which was why, when dinner was over and a third glass of wine seemed ruinous, Elain meant to say, You should probably go home.
But what she actually said was, “Do you want to stay and watch a movie?”
Lucien’s eyes gleamed. “Of course.”
God, he knew. He knew what she was trying to do when he slid off his tennis shoes and padded to the couch, one strong arm slung over the back of the white sofa. “Something scary,” he told her when she began scrolling, so close her arm was brushing his chest.
“Subtle,” she joked, daring to look up at him. That was a mistake. Lucien’s expression seemed to burn, lips parted as though that were the only way for him to get in enough oxygen. She felt the same—worse, maybe, when his fingers gripped her chin gently, tilting her face toward him.
“I wasn’t trying to be subtle,” he said, his mouth brushing hers. “In fact, I’d like to be a lot less subtle. Skip the movie and ask me to stay with you tonight.”
“What about the second date?” she asked, afraid if she slept with him, he’d go back to ignoring her.
“We’ll start when we wake up. I was thinking a picnic,” he panted, his thick, long hair forming a curtain around them. 
“You’re just saying that so I’ll invite you into the bedroom.”
Lucien smiled, his eyes fluttering shut. “You have no idea, Elain. Absolutely no idea how long I’ve been trying to get your attention.”
“How long?” she challenged, wondering why she was still dragging this out. All she wanted was to kiss him again. Longer, this time. Long enough all her good sense evaporated beneath the heat of his body. 
“When did I create that account, again?” he asked. She opened her mouth to call him a liar and Lucien pressed his advantage. This kiss was not like before. There was no hesitance, not tentative, polite pressing of the lips. Lucien knew he had her—or, perhaps he was afraid she’d come to her senses and he needed to take what he could before that happened.
All Elain knew was one moment she’d been about to speak and the next his mouth was slanted against her own. One of his arms wrapped around her, pulling her into his lap before Elain could protest.
As if she would have. Elain was too quick to straddle his waist, well aware she was in a dress and the only thing keeping her from being fully bare against him was a thin strip of cotton already wet from the kiss before. Not that Lucien seemed to be faring much better given the moment she was seated against him, she could feel his own erection poking up through his shorts. 
Good, she thought with delight. Arms wrapped around his neck, Elain kissed him like she, too, was never going to get another shot at him. His tongue swept into her mouth, pulling the most embarrassing, unexpected moan from her throat.
Beneath her, Lucien seemed to buck unintentionally. He held her tighter, pushing her against him until his straining cock was lined up with her perfectly. It was experimental, to roll her hips against his shorts. Just to see what would happen if she did. 
Lucien groaned. Loud and sweet, right into her mouth, fingers digging into the fabric of her dress in an attempt to get her to do it again. It had been so long since Elain had kissed anyone—even before quarantine and the pandemic, Elain hadn’t been with anyone since she’d broken up with her ex. 
It was good, the taste of him in her mouth and his hands on her body. Knowing he wanted her, had wanted her maybe as long as she’d wanted him. That they were in this little hell together, desperate and needy. Elain arched again, rubbing herself against the hard slap of his body until Lucien pulled his mouth off her.
“Elain, Elain have mercy. Please,” he panted, sweeping his thumbs over her cheeks as he gulped down air. “You’re going to make me come if you keep that up.”
She didn’t believe him, rolling against his erection again. Lucien threw his head back, moaning while his back arched up off the couch. He was so absurdly hot, so ridiculously sexy. She yanked at his shirt, lifting it over his chest and throwing it to the floor.
“Maybe I want you to come,” she replied, hands gliding down the muscular planes of his body. 
Lucien’s dark eyes fell on her and in one smooth, fluid motion, he had them both on their feet.
Well, he was on his feet. She was in his arms while he strode purposefully through her apartment to her bedroom.
“How do you know where I sleep?” she asked when he tossed her to the rosy duvet. 
He angled his head toward the ceiling. “Same layout. How many nights have you laid just below me, touching that pretty pussy of yours, Elain?”
“Almost as many as I’ve touched myself thinking about you,” she dared to reply. Lucien doubled over, hands gripping the edge of the bed frame to steady himself. She gestured toward her nightstand, determined that her night with Lucien would live up to how she’d imagined it. “Would you like to see?”
He groaned again. “Yes. Show me.”
Elain sat up, eyes never leaving Lucien’s face as she reached behind her for the zipper. She had to stand to shimmy out of her dress, noting how white his knuckles were. He was clearly holding to the wood for dear life, which made stripping all the more fun. The wine helped with her nerves, leaving her own hands steady as she removed her bra and then so, so slowly, pulled her underwear to her ankles.
“Fucking christ,” he whispered, breathing through his nose like a wild, near feral animal. 
“Don’t move,” she reminded him as she laid herself back out on the bed. She’d get herself mostly there, she told herself. Spreading apart her thighs, Elain let Lucien see her fully unclothed just like she’d imagined.
“What’s in the drawer?” he asked when she raked her nails lightly over her parted legs.
“Things that vibrate. Do I need one?” she asked him, thinking she likely did.
“Not tonight,” he whispered, his gaze fully on her pussy. “I have other ideas.”
Elain’s fingers slid through the wetness coating her skin and Lucien whimpered. “What ideas?” she asked, rubbing slow circles over her clit. In truth, she rarely touched herself like this, preferring the ease of vibrating toys. It was fun to tease him, though. To see his obvious want written all over his face. To see the straining bulge in his shorts. 
Lucien, as if reading her mind, yanked them off over his hips, kicking them onto the floor without looking. It was Elain’s turn to whimper at the sight of his large, thick cock now held in his equally large hand. 
He pumped himself once, unaware of the thrill of arousal that spiked through her. She understood how a little grinding could bring him so close to the edge. If he kept stroking himself, she was likely to come, too. The sight of his muscular body, how his cock seemed big despite his hands, how hungry his eyes were was all too much. 
“What ideas, Lucien?” she asked again, still drawing lazy circles around that swollen nub of flesh. Lucien came closer and closer still, until he was at the side of the bed. Lifting his body onto the mattress with one powerful thigh, straddling her stomach so his cock nestled between her bare breasts.
“Fuck, Elain,” he whispered, thrusting up between the valley of skin. She pressed them together, using her fingers still sticky from her own arousal to tease the slick head of his erection. 
Their eyes met. “Do you have a condom, Lucien?”
He groaned. That was a no.
“Upstairs,” he said, thrusting again and again, slowly, clearly doing so for the view. She could have scooted a few inches and found his cock in her mouth. It was so tempting, and yet the moment she began to readjust herself, Lucien was swinging his body off of hers and throwing his shorts back on.
“Don’t move,” he ordered, his voice ragged.
A second later, he was gone. No shirt, no shoes. Her door slammed shut as he raced back upstairs. Elain heard him thudding inelegantly overhead, heard his door slam, and then a second later he was back.
“Hard to fucking run like this,” he panted, ripping his shorts off again. Elain reached for him, wanting to kiss him as he tossed several foiled packets to the bed but Lucien fell to his knees loud enough the people below her likely heard, grabbed her by the knees, and dragged her right to the edge.
Without preamble, his mouth was on her and Elain understood why he’d said no to the vibrating toys. “Oh, god,” she moaned, the sound echoed by his own appreciative groan. Elain had to clap a hand over her mouth to keep herself silent even as she pressed her thighs around her face, ankles crossed behind his head. 
Lucien’s tongue was far better than her fingers, than any toy she could possibly own. Lucien licked with expert, unyielding precision and when one of his fingers slid into her body, Elain was wrecked. Grinding into him with shameless abandon. She’d never been so easy like this, so unconcerned about being sexy versus just chasing pleasure. 
Lucien pumped one, and then two, before finally working a third finger into her. Stretching her open to take him, she knew, though in truth Elain didn’t care so long as he kept rubbing that spot just inside her body and kept licking her clit. 
Elain couldn’t remember the last time a man had gotten her off. Had one ever? Graysen hadn’t, which had necessitated the toys. She could use them while he fucked her, which Gray had preferred. And Elain didn’t mind that—really, she didn’t—but sometimes a little effort would have been nice. 
Maybe it was unfair to compare her ex to Lucien, but Gray had never eaten her out like this. There was a desperation to Lucien, like he needed to do this perfectly—like he’d never see her again and this was his only chance.
If he always ate pussy like this, he could see her whenever he wanted. 
There was nothing elegant about the way she came. Clamped tight around his fingers, riding his face as she split apart, her body arching so hard off the bed she heard her spine crack. Elain scrambled back, gulping down air while Lucien licked himself clean of her before chasing her up the bed.
Their mouths collided, messy and rough in a clash of teeth and tongues. She could feel him between her legs, torturing himself by rubbing the head of his cock through her slick arousal. All she had to do was spread herself a little wider and he’d be inside her. She wanted him in her, wanted to know what it was like to share a body, to have him. 
Elain shoved him, ignoring that the taste of her pussy was now in her own mouth.
“My turn,” she whispered. 
He was dreaming. That was the only thing that made sense to him because otherwise he was living in a reality in which Elain Archeron was naked. Naked and pushing him to the bed, where he was also naked and hanging on a razors edge. A condom was going to do absolutely nothing to save him. The second he was buried in her, he knew it was all over. Lucien had been too close on the couch just kissing her.
Usually, going down on his partner tempered some of his arousal. With Elain, it has only made things worse. Flat on his back while Elain and licked and sucked her way down his chest, Lucien knew he was ruined.
He felt her reach across the bed, searching for one of the condoms he’d hastily grabbed. It was optimistic to take a handful and yet he’d gotten this far, hadn’t he? Why not hope he’d get to fuck her the entirety of the night. That maybe he hadn’t brought enough, even, and would make another trip upstairs. 
Maybe this time he’d bring her with him, just so he could go down on her in his own bed, too. Lucien was certain his sheets could be improved by her pussy smeared across the fabric. For now, Lucien was happy to watch Elain settle between his legs and rip the corner of the gold foil packet.
Lucien gathered up her hair. “You’re so fucking pretty, baby,” he whispered, thinking he ought to say something appreciative. Thank you for fucking me, I might be in love with you now didn’t seem like the right thing. 
Elain looked up at him just as her fingers curled around the base of his cock. Did he think he was somehow owning this experience? That he was exuding confidence? Lucien practically whimpered at her touch, his hips arching off the bed.
She smiled. “Do you taste as good as you look?” she asked in that sweet voice of hers. God, she had been sent to kill him.
What a way to go.
“Find out,” he said in a voice that was decidedly not his. Whoever that man was, he sounded like he had a modicum of control, which Lucien absolutely no longer possessed. Maybe it would be smart to come, he rationalized. Maybe he should have taken a minute upstairs and finished himself and come back with the kind of stamina women boasted about.
Maybe— “Holy shit,” he choked, gripping her hair tight without meaning to. Elain sucked him into her mouth, unnoticed as he agonized over what to do next. The sight was obscene, her pink lips wrapped around the skin of his throbbing erection. She slid nearly half way before she gagged, widening her jaw to take in a breath of air. Lucien nearly came from the sight of her tongue peeking from her lips, of her hand gripping him so tight she must have felt his erratic, pounding heart. 
“Baby,” he tried, unsure what he was even trying to accomplish. Lucien could die happy at the sight of Elain’s bobbing head, of her soft, wet mouth working over him with the kind of enthusiasm he had only once dreamed of. “It’s too much.”
That was true, at least. His whole body was so tight, was buzzing with anticipation. He was buzzing, practically electric. 
“You’re going to make me come,” he whispered, trying one last time to get her off him. It hadn’t been a minute and she was going to laugh and call all her friends and tell them how quickly he’d come in her mouth.
Elain hummed, pulling him back to the present. “Come,” she said. A trail of her own saliva connected those swollen lips to his cock and fuck he almost did. He quite liked her telling him what to do, now that he thought about it. Elain took him back in her mouth, squeezed her fingers tight. One, two—
Lucien came with a rough gasp of air. She’d ripped that orgasm out of him and when he jerked his ups upward, unable to avoid the instinctual desperation to bury himself deeper, Elain let him pour himself into her throat. 
Lucien groaned again when Elain wiped her chin with the back of her hand. 
“I think that makes us even,” she said primly, sitting up on her heels.
He gaped for a second, still leaking come onto his stomach. Was she serious? 
“Get on your hands and knees,” he growled. It was the only thing he could think to say that wasn’t thank you, I love you— which, again, seemed like the wrong thing to tell her. 
“Are you going to spank me?” she teased, though Elain did exactly as he asked. Lucien’s eyes rolled upward at the sight of her heart shaped ass wiggling right in front of him. 
He ignored the condom she’d begun to open, unsure if it was safe to use it. It took three seconds to roll it over his erection and another to bring his palm stinging against her ass cheek.
Elain gasped. She hadn’t expected him to do that. Lucien hadn’t either, but she’d put the idea in his head and Lucien couldn’t resist. 
“Are you going to be my good girl?” he asked her. Say yes, say yes, say yes—
“What if I’m not?” she replied. Lucien didn’t know, though he lined himself him up that pretty, wet pussy of hers and pushed himself in an inch. The soft, warm heat of her body nearly made him come again.
He was so fucked. “My good girl gets to come on my cock. And my bad girl gets her ass spanked until she’s raw.”
Elain didn’t hesitate. “I’m your good girl.”
Fuck fuck fuck fuck— Lucien buried himself inside her with a mighty stroke, using her hip to pull her back roughly. Elain moaned, squeezed so tight around him she might have been his own skin. For the first time in his life, Lucien thanked God for the condom. It was the only thing that kept him from becoming a mindless, rutting animal behind her. 
“Are you going to come for me?” he asked, slowly pulling himself out. Lucien would remember this moment until he died. On his death bed, thinking not of a life well lived, but his hands on Elain Archeron’s ass, spreading her apart while his cock vanished into her perfect pussy. 
“Make me,” she replied, half challenge, half plea. Maybe he should have asked for one of the toys in her bedside table, just to ensure his success. This was fine, he told himself. He’d put her on his back if he had to, and if that failed, he’d just go back down on her.
Actually, that seemed like an incredible idea. He nearly proposed it when Elain moaned, shifting to her forearms and changing the angle. Lucien gasped, suddenly deeper than he’d been before. Fuuuuuuuuuuck. 
“Do you like that?” he asked. It was a genuine question. He thrust again, the head of his cock brushing against something distinctly soft. He knew that spot—he’d had his fingers on it not five minutes before.
“Yes,” she panted. Perfect, he told himself. Keep his strokes steady and deep and he’d have her shaking around him in no time.
Though, just to be sure, Lucien snaked a hand around them for her clit. That made her moan, made her pulse around him which Lucien liked more than he’d ever admit. 
“You’re so fucking hot,” he said, unsure what he was even saying. His mind was repeating out a rhythm—stroke, rub, stroke, rub, stroke, rub— 
“My good girl takes my cock so well,” he continued, babbling out words as he tried to hold back his own desperate need to come. Again. It seemed important to call her his good girl, to plant that seed in her head so when they woke in the morning and he bypassed all the social niceties to ask her to be his girlfriend, it seemed normal.
Natural, even. 
Elain had her face buried in her pillows, her hands pulling at her sheets until she’d pulled the corners off.
“Come for me, baby,” Lucien ordered, praying she would. He wasn’t above begging if he had to. “Come on my cock, let me see—”
She was loud enough to disturb the neighbors, not that Lucien cared. The sound speared straight into his balls, breathless and high pitched and needy.
His name, he realized. She’d screamed his name like that.
“Fuck, Elain—”
He couldn’t get another word out, not when his own orgasm ripped through him. Lucien couldn’t think, his eyes blurred black at the edges. When he did manage to look around, his eyes landed on the clock.
He felt like he’d been fucking her for hours. He’d managed twenty solid minutes. She’d come both times, though, which felt like a win all the same.
Lucien discarded the condom gingerly in the bathroom trash, giving her a moment to process what had happened alone. If she wanted him to leave, he’d go though he might also get on his knees and beg. That was a very real possibility, too. 
When he padded back into the dark room, Elain was under the blankets. The corner was flopped to the side in what he hoped was invitation. She smiled when she saw him, pulling him toward her without a word. Lucien tumbled into the bed, gathering her into his arms. Her hair smelled like honey, her body like sweat and to his relief, Elain was naked beneath the covers. 
“Let's make lemon bars in the morning,” he whispered. Elain twisted to look at him. It was clear she expected him to take off. 
“Okay,” she agreed, her brown eyes wide and shining. “And then what?”
“We have our picnic, don’t we?” Lucien didn’t mention he fully intended to fuck her in the grass. That could be a fun little surprise for later, after he’d convinced her to put on another one of those strappy little sundresses. 
Elain burrowed her head in the crook of his arm. “Good.”
“I’m not done with you, you know,” he said, though in truth he could use some water and a thirty minute nap. 
“I know you’re not, Lucien,” she said, trailing her finger over his stomach. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Neither was he. 
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anotherwvba · 6 months
Learning on the Job pt. 4
As the day wore on, fighters and hopefuls came in and out of the WVBA Gym. It was a veritable symphony of thuds, grunts, cheers, and gripes. In the center ring, Gemma was now sparring alternately with Skye and Mika under the watchful eyes of Coach Maxwell and Dudley Bruce. Glass Joe was on the treadmill trying to warn people away from a napping trainee, while Disco Kid and Cutie Hondo were showing new signee Jon Adamski around the gym and introducing him to people with varying degrees of success.
Meanwhile, in a corner of the gym, Razor Sharp was on the speed bag. She was a force of nature. She danced around the bag, keeping its rhythm flowing for strikes from all angles. She had the flair and showmanship of a star. From all around the gym, eyes fell on her and the bag. She knew and she loved it.
As Razor drew stares and gazes with her incredible bag work, Luna Doll approached a neighboring speed bag, ready to start her own workout. Luna was as precise and quick on the speed bag as she is with a controller, something viewers of her streams knew all too well. But as focused as she was, Luna found herself stealing glances of Razor’s performance on the bag next to her.
Taking a quick break, Razor took a moment to hydrate and grabbed her water bottle. Most of those watching her went back to their own training at that point, but Luna caught a glimpse of the bottle, the word RAZOR boldly emblazoned across it.
“Yo,” Luna stopped her bag as she spoke, “you’re Razor Sharp, ain’t ya’?” Her tone was friendly and warm, as usual, but had a touch of challenge to it, like she was putting her quarter down on the arcade machine to call ‘next’.
Razor turned, sizing Luna up with a smile, “That’s me, girl! Philly’s finest in the flesh.” Her brash and braggadocious nature came through, but certainly good-natured. “And you’re Luna Doll, the stream queen herself. Loved your ‘Shadow Hearts’ playthrough. Pretty cool stuff.”
“Thanks! I can’t believe you watch,” Luna’s face lit up at the recognition. “You know, I gotta tell you, debuting against each other? It’s like a dream. I’ve seen you in action before and you’re amazing! It’s like you were born for this… which kinda makes sense. B-T-W, big fan of your dad.”
A mischievous quality came through Razor’s grin, “Appreciate it. Our fight’s gonna be lit, something really special. For me, anyway. Kinda like a good public workout.”
“Excuse me?” That comment hit Luna like a game over screen and her friendly expression darkened. “What do you mean by ‘public workout’?”
Razor’s confidence never wavered, her smile securely in place. “Means you’ve never had a fight, not a real one. I step into the ring, I’m not like your influencer friends. They playing tag. I’m starching chicks. You ain’t ready for what I’m bringing.”
Pride and determination overcame Luna. Her eyes flared, but she held her temper in check. “Just ‘cause I fought influencers before I came here doesn’t mean I don’t take this seriously. Those fights were real. We weren’t playing games. We were trying to put each other on the canvas. So, you best not sleep on me, girl!”
“Hey, chill,” Razor shrugged and put her hands up. “Ain’t saying you didn’t scrap. I’ve seen what you’ve done. It’s cool and all and it took a lotta guts. But this? Me? This is the big leagues, baby, and, like you said, I was born for this. You ain’t built for a beatdown, giving or receiving.”
Luna heard the challenge in Razor’s voice and smiled. It wasn’t out of amusement, though. It was ‘game on’. She stepped a little closer toward Razor, “We’ll see, Razor. But I’mma tell you right now, you treat me like anything other than another pro and I’m gonna flip the script on you, Baby Sands.”
Closing the distance between them to mere inches, Razor’s smile broadened, her voice dropped. She was loving this. “Let’s keep this 100, aight? You best be ready to catch a beating, girl. I’mma send a message to the whole damn Circuit and that message is gonna be you, out like a light, flat on your back.”
“Oh, girlfriend,” Luna met Razor’s gaze with her own, her smile bright, too. Unfazed and unflinching. “Stay cocky. Keep underestimating me. ‘Cause I can’t wait to prove you wrong. Just one thing… don’t blink, baby. You do and you’ll wake up on your ass wondering what happened.”
And there it was. Challenge laid out and accepted. Bring your best or pay the price when the bell rings. Luna turned back to her bag, finding her rhythm driven by a newfound purchase. Razor moved on to the heavy bags to continue her own training, but just couldn’t help herself as she called back loudly over her shoulder, the whole gym hearing her.
“Hey, Hitmaker! By the time I’m done whooping your ass, you gonna wish you stuck to boxing with TikTokers and Twitch streamers. It’s a lot safer than stepping to me, baby!”
Luna’s response was a barely there smile and words only loud enough for herself to hear, drowned out by the rhythmic sounds of her speed bag. “Game on, Baby Sands… game on!”
Star Mika is an OC belonging to @cyrah-is-cool101 and is used with permission. Jon Adamski is an OC belonging to @punchout-ispunched and is used with permission.
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wh0dunit · 4 months
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⁽ ʷⁱᵗⁿᵉˢˢ ⁱⁿᵗᵉʳᵛⁱᵉʷ ⁾ . . . * featuring @ofsoul ( raven )
lavender, lilac, mauve, mulberry.  over half of the tubes of paint in the shopping bag are some sort or shade of her preferred color. but she's got a variety in the other four! and the world can always use more pops of purple. the flimsy plastic bags hanging off her arms strain with their rainbow of contents ( little did she know that all that extra gym time would pay off in the mundane, too ).
" so my mom told me about this thing where you take white sheets . . . " steph does her best to describe the enormity of her chosen canvas with a wide sweep of her hands, the bags rattling and stretching. " and you throw paint all over it. supposed to work out your stress or somethin'. "
grin turns sheepish and gaze wanders elsewhere. she's hardly a wallflower that wilts at first sight of direct inquiries, but this feels reflective of weakness. a roundabout admission to imperfection. " but it's no fun alone, you know? "
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workoutequipmentau · 1 year
A Complete Guide to Using Punching Bag at Home
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Training with a punching bag is an excellent way to lower stress. On the other hand, hitting the punching bag keeps your cardiovascular health in check. For every home gym enthusiast, punching bags have found their way.
Here, we highlight the advantage, types and some helpful tips about buying punching bag. 
The Benefits of Punching Bags
The benefits of punching bags are numerous and include:
Improves strength and coordination. Punching a bag is an excellent way to burn calories, increase muscle tone and build endurance. As you continue to punch the bag, your arms will get stronger while your core becomes more defined.
Increases focus and concentration. Punching a bag requires intense focus on the movements involved in striking it correctly so that you don't injure yourself or break anything else around you (like windows). This can help improve both mental acuity as well as physical strength over time by forcing you into situations where only one thing matters--hitting that sucker!
Types of Punching Bags
There are a few different types of punching bags, each with its own purpose.
Hanging bags are suspended from the ceiling and can be adjusted to different heights. They're great for practicing punches and kicks, as well as developing balance and coordination.
Freestanding bags are designed to stand on their own without being attached to any other equipment or surfaces. These can be used for cardio workouts or strength training exercises such as squats or lunges--and they're also great for shadowboxing!
Speed bags are small targets that require fast reflexes (and lots of stamina) when you hit them with your fists or feet. It's important not only how quickly you hit them but also how accurately: You'll want each strike to land squarely in order for this type of exercise to work its magic!
Choosing the Right Punching Bag
There are a few things to consider when buying a punching bag. The first is size, which should be determined by your height and weight. The second is material--you want something that can take the punishment you'll be dishing out. Quality and price are also important factors, but they're less critical than the other two considerations. If you're looking for a heavy bag that won't move around much when you hit it, go with something made of leather or canvas; these materials are durable enough to withstand repeated blows without breaking down too quickly (although leather does require some maintenance). If cost is more important than durability for your needs, synthetic materials like vinyl may be better suited for your needs since they tend not last quite as long as real leather or canvas but still offer plenty of protection against impact damage
Getting Started with Punching Bags
Find a suitable location. You'll want to pick a spot that's free from clutter and other hazards, so it's best to choose an area that has plenty of room around it.
Choose the right gloves. If you're going to be using your punching bag regularly, it's worth investing in some high-quality boxing gloves that provide protection for both hands while still allowing for proper form when striking the bag (you can find these at most sporting goods stores).
Warm up and stretch before starting--this will help prevent injury while getting ready for practice!
Start slowly by practicing basic punches: jabbing straight forward with either hand; cross punching with one arm while simultaneously blocking with another; hooking punches (curving inward toward the body) using either hand; uppercuts (lifting arms upward into position before striking).
Advanced Punching Bag Training
Advanced Punching Bag Training As you become more experienced with your punching bag, you can begin to incorporate more advanced techniques into your routine. Here are some examples:
Combination punches - These involve throwing multiple punches in quick succession. They're great for building speed and power, as well as improving coordination between both hands. Some common combinations include: left jab-right cross; right hook-left uppercut; left hook-right uppercut (also called "the four knuckle shuffle").
Power punches - These are aimed at landing one powerful strike on an opponent rather than several quick ones like combination punches do. They're useful for building strength in specific muscles needed for fighting situations such as boxing matches or street fights where there isn't time for multiple strikes before moving on to another target area on an opponent's body (such as their face). Examples include: straight right hands; overhand rights; hooks from either side of the body (left or right).
Safety Tips for Punching Bags
To ensure a safe and effective workout, follow these tips:
Wear the right gear. Make sure that you're wearing gloves and wraps on your hands before hitting the bag.
Use proper form. Punching bags are designed to absorb impact, so make sure that each punch lands squarely in the center of its target area (usually around chest level). If you're having trouble with accuracy or power output, try focusing on footwork instead of just throwing punches wildly at random angles--this will help improve both accuracy and speed over time!
Don't overdo it! If you feel any pain in your joints during training sessions with punching bags then stop immediately; this could indicate an injury such as tendonitis or bursitis which can be serious if not treated properly by a doctor immediately after diagnosis occurs."
Benefits of Punching Bags for Self-Defense
One of the most important benefits of punching bags is that they improve reflexes. As you practice your moves, your body will learn to respond quickly and efficiently. This can be especially helpful if you're ever attacked in real life; if you've practiced enough, the movements will come naturally to you when it comes time to defend yourself or someone else. Another benefit of punching bags is that they increase confidence by helping people feel more powerful than before they started training with them--and there's nothing like hitting something hard enough for it to move backward! As an added bonus, this feeling may also translate into other areas of life: if someone feels confident enough after working out at home with a heavy bag (or even just swinging around some light ones), then maybe he'll feel more confident about taking on new challenges outside his comfort zone as well?
Tips for Improving Your Punching Bag Workouts
Punching bags are a great way to improve your punching technique and build muscle strength. However, if you want to get the most out of your workouts, there are some things that you should keep in mind:
Vary your routine. Punching bags can be used for a wide variety of different exercises including kicks and punches from various angles as well as combinations. It's important to vary these types of movements so that each punch is performed correctly with proper form and technique.
Focus on technique over speed when working out with a bag because this will help ensure that each hit lands properly without causing injury or pain on either side (yours or theirs).
Increase resistance by adding weight plates around their base or hanging them higher off the ground if possible - this will increase both strength building ability while also forcing greater focus during training sessions due to increased difficulty levels!
Common Mistakes with Punching Bags
There are a few common mistakes that people make with punching bags.
Incorrect form: You should be using the proper technique when you punch, otherwise it will be hard to get any benefit from your workout. If you're not sure how to do this, ask a trainer or watch some videos online.
Not wearing gloves: You should always wear gloves when working out with punching bags because they help protect your hands and prevent injuries like calluses or blisters that can make it difficult for you later on down the road if left untreated.
Not warming up: Warming up before working out is very important because it helps loosen up muscles so they don't get injured during exercise (which would mean no more boxing!). Make sure not only that you stretch but also perform some light cardio exercises like jumping jacks or running in place for 5 minutes before starting anything else! This helps get blood flowing through those tissues so they're ready for action when needed later on down the road too.
Punching bags are a great way to improve your strength, coordination and endurance. They can also help you develop self-defense skills. With the right equipment and proper technique, punching bags can help you reach your fitness goals.
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kodiakleather · 6 days
Best Canvas Gym Bag
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Looking for the best canvas gym bag? Choose one that combines durability, style, and spaciousness. Canvas gym bags are perfect for the gym, offering a sturdy yet fashionable option for carrying your gear. Look for water-resistant fabric and multiple compartments for organization and easy access.
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reviewnearme00 · 6 hours
Buy Top Bags For Travel at the Best Price Online
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Traveling is an exhilarating experience but can also be daunting, especially when packing and choosing the right travel bags. The right bag not only enhances your travel experience but also ensures that your belongings are secure and easily accessible. 
In this article, we’ll delve into the various types of top bags for travel available, tips for selecting the best ones, and how to find them at the best prices online.
Why Buy Bags For Travel Online?
Traveling has become an integral part of modern life, whether for business, leisure, or adventure. One of the most essential aspects of preparing for any trip is selecting the right travel bag. The market is flooded with options, making it crucial to understand what suits your needs best. 
Buying travel bags online offers several advantages
Convenience: Shop from the comfort of your home without the hassle of crowds.
Wider Selection: Online retailers often have a more extensive inventory than physical stores.
Price Comparisons: Easily compare prices across different platforms to find the best deal.
Customer Reviews: Access reviews from other buyers to gauge the quality and functionality of the bags.
Types of Top Bags For Travel 
Suitcases are perhaps the most common type of travel bag. They come in various sizes, from carry-ons to large checked bags. Suitcases are ideal for travelers who prefer organization and structure. They often feature compartments, wheels for easy maneuverability, and handles for comfortable carrying.
Key Features of Suitcases:
Wheels: Spinner wheels offer 360-degree movement, while two-wheeled designs can be more stable.
Expandable Compartments: Some suitcases can expand to provide extra space.
Locking Mechanisms: TSA-approved locks ensure your belongings are secure.
Backpacks are perfect for travelers who value mobility and convenience. They are versatile and can be used for day trips or as carry-ons. Many modern travel backpacks come with features like padded laptop compartments and hydration reservoirs.
Key Features of Backpacks:
Ergonomic Design: Padded straps and back panels for comfort during long hikes.
Multiple Compartments: Helps keep items organized.
Water Resistance: Essential for outdoor adventures.
Duffle Bags
Duffle bags are known for their spacious interiors and lightweight design. They are ideal for short trips, gym visits, or carry-on luggage. Their flexible shape allows them to fit into tight spaces, making them a favorite among travelers.
Key Features of Duffle Bags:
Versatile Use: Suitable for various activities, from travel to sports.
Easy to Pack: Can be stuffed into larger bags when not in use.
Durable Materials: Often made from canvas or nylon for longevity.
Tote Bags
Tote bags are stylish and functional, making them great for day trips or as personal items on flights. They are typically open at the top, offering easy access to your belongings.
Key Features of Tote Bags:
Lightweight: Easy to carry around.
Fashionable: Available in various designs and colors.
Eco-Friendly Options: Many brands offer sustainable materials.
Garment Bags
Garment bags are designed to keep your clothes wrinkle-free during travel. They are particularly useful for business travelers or anyone attending formal events.
Key Features of Garment Bags-
Hanging Design: Allows clothes to be hung rather than folded.
Pockets for Accessories: Keep ties, shoes, and other items organized.
Compact Storage: Many can be folded for easy transport.
Factors to Consider When Buying Travel Bags
When selecting a travel bag, several factors should be taken into account to ensure you make the best choice.
Size and Capacity
Consider how much you need to pack. A carry-on or small suitcase may suffice if you're going on a short trip. For longer journeys, a larger suitcase or duffle bag may be necessary.
Material and Durability
The material of the bag affects its durability and weight. Common materials include nylon, polyester, and leather. Nylon is lightweight and water-resistant, while leather offers elegance but can be heavier.
Keep an eye on the weight of the bag itself. Lightweight bags allow you to pack more without exceeding airline weight limits.
Features and Functionality
Look for features that enhance usability, such as-
Multiple pockets for organization.
Adjustable straps for comfort.
Waterproof compartments for wet items.
Style and Design
Your travel bag should reflect your style. Whether you prefer a sleek, professional look or a vibrant, casual design, there are lots of options for everyone.
Tips For Finding The Best Prices of The Bags For Travel
Finding the best deals on travel bags requires a bit of strategy. 
Here are some tips to help you save money-
Seasonal Sales and Discounts
Take advantage of seasonal sales, such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and end-of-season clearances. Many retailers offer significant discounts during these times.
Price Comparison Websites
Use websites to compare prices across various retailers. This can help you find the best deal quickly.
Coupons and Promo Codes
Before making a purchase, search for coupons or promo codes online. Websites often have current deals that can save you money.
Loyalty Programs
Join loyalty programs offered by retailers. These programs often provide exclusive discounts, early access to sales, and points that can be redeemed for future purchases.
Finding the Best Prices on ImplyCart
Finding the best prices for travel bags on ImplyCart involves strategic shopping. 
Here are some tips to help you save money-
Seasonal Sales and Promotions
Take advantage of seasonal sales, such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and end-of-season clearances. They often highlights these promotions, making it easier to find discounted bags.
Price Comparison Tools
Use price-comparison features to ensure you are getting the best deal. This tool allows you to see prices from various retailers side by side.
Utilizing Coupons and Discounts
Before checking out, search for coupons or promo codes that can be applied to your purchase. Websites often list current discounts.
Loyalty Programs and Rewards
Join loyalty programs offered by retailers featured. These programs often provide exclusive discounts, early access to sales, and points that can be redeemed for future purchases.
Choosing the right travel bag can significantly enhance your travel experience. By understanding the different types of top bags for travel available, considering essential factors, and knowing where to find the best prices online, you can make an informed decision that suits your needs. 
Whether you're embarking on a weekend getaway or a long-term adventure, investing in a quality travel bag will ensure your belongings are secure, organized, and easily accessible. Happy travels!
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worldbestblogs1 · 4 days
What Are the Best Tote Bags for Women in 2024?
Tote bags have become an essential accessory for women, blending both functionality and fashion. Whether you're heading to work, hitting the gym, or enjoying a weekend getaway, the perfect tote bag can complement your outfit while providing ample storage. But with so many options available, which ones stand out in 2024? Let’s explore the best tote bags for women this year, focusing on styles, practicality, and emerging trends.
Why Tote Bags Are a Must-Have for Women in 2024
Tote bags have evolved from simple carry-alls to statement pieces. Their versatility makes them perfect for various occasions. Whether you're looking for something stylish, spacious, or sustainable, there’s a tote bag that fits your needs.
With new designs and materials hitting the market, finding the right tote bags for women can be overwhelming. The best tote bags offer a balance of fashion, durability, and utility, ensuring they stay trendy while meeting your everyday needs.
What to Look for in a Tote Bag
Before diving into the best tote bags for women, it's essential to know what factors to consider. Here’s a quick checklist:
Size: Depending on how much you need to carry, choose a tote with the appropriate size.
Material: Leather, canvas, and nylon are popular choices, each offering different levels of durability and style.
Compartments: A tote with pockets can help keep your items organized.
Strap Length: Make sure the straps are comfortable, especially if you plan to carry the bag for extended periods.
Design: From minimalist styles to bold patterns, the design should reflect your personal taste.
Best Tote Bags for Women in 2024
1. Cuyana Classic Structured Leather Tote
Cuyana is known for its high-quality, minimalist designs, and the Classic Structured Leather Tote is no exception. Made from Italian leather, this tote is both stylish and durable. It has a sleek design that works well for professional settings, while the spacious interior can fit a laptop and other daily essentials.
The Cuyana tote stands out because of its sustainability. The brand encourages "fewer, better things," making it an excellent choice for women looking for long-lasting tote bags for women.
2. Everlane The Day Market Tote
Everlane’s The Day Market Tote is a fan favorite. Crafted from premium leather, it has a structured yet relaxed look. The tote's large size makes it ideal for women who need to carry multiple items, from laptops to gym clothes. It’s versatile enough to transition from the office to casual outings.
One of the biggest advantages of this tote is its simplicity. With no flashy details or embellishments, it complements any outfit, ensuring it's one of the most practical tote bags for women.
3. Madewell Medium Transport Tote
Madewell’s Medium Transport Tote is a perfect blend of style and functionality. Made from sturdy leather, it features a roomy interior and an external pocket for easy access to essentials like your phone or keys. The tote also comes with a detachable shoulder strap, allowing you to switch between carrying it by hand or over the shoulder.
For women who appreciate timeless design, this is one of the best tote bags for women. It’s versatile, durable, and comes in various colors to match your wardrobe.
4. Longchamp Le Pliage Tote
The Longchamp Le Pliage Tote is an iconic piece. This lightweight, foldable tote has been a favorite for years and continues to be popular in 2024. Made from water-resistant nylon with leather trim, it’s perfect for travel, daily commutes, or weekend getaways.
The tote’s durability and easy-to-clean material make it one of the best tote bags for women on the go. Plus, it comes in a variety of colors and sizes, allowing you to choose the perfect one for your needs.
5. Dagne Dover Signature Legend Tote
The Dagne Dover Signature Legend Tote is designed with organization in mind. This neoprene tote is packed with pockets and compartments to keep everything from your laptop to your water bottle neatly organized. The water-resistant fabric makes it ideal for rainy days or gym trips.
This tote is perfect for working women who need to carry multiple items and keep them organized. With its stylish design and functional features, it’s undoubtedly one of the top tote bags for women in 2024.
6. Tory Burch Perry Triple-Compartment Tote
Tory Burch is known for creating luxurious yet practical bags, and the Perry Triple-Compartment Tote is no exception. This bag features three spacious compartments, making it easy to organize your belongings. Made from high-quality leather, it’s available in various colors, ensuring you can find one that fits your style.
The combination of practicality and elegance makes this tote one of the most sought-after tote bags for women this year. It's perfect for both professional and personal use.
7. L.L. Bean Boat and Tote
For a more casual, rugged option, the L.L. Bean Boat and Tote is a fantastic choice. Originally designed for hauling ice, this canvas tote is incredibly sturdy and durable. It’s perfect for beach trips, grocery runs, or casual outings.
The tote’s simple design and affordable price make it one of the best budget-friendly tote bags for women in 2024. Plus, it comes in various sizes and colors, allowing you to customize your look.
8. Goyard Saint Louis Tote
The Goyard Saint Louis Tote is a luxury option for those who want to make a statement. Known for its distinctive pattern and lightweight design, this tote is both fashionable and functional. The bag’s unstructured shape allows it to hold a variety of items while still looking chic.
While it’s on the pricier side, the Goyard tote’s iconic status and timeless design make it one of the most coveted tote bags for women in 2024.
9. Rothy's The Essential Tote
Rothy’s is known for its sustainable practices, and The Essential Tote is a perfect example. Made from recycled plastic bottles, this eco-friendly tote is both stylish and durable. It’s available in a range of colors and features a spacious interior with pockets for organization.
The tote’s lightweight design and sustainability make it a popular choice for eco-conscious consumers, earning it a spot on the list of best tote bags for women.
10. Mansur Gavriel Everyday Soft Tote
Mansur Gavriel’s Everyday Soft Tote is perfect for women who prefer a minimalistic yet elegant design. Made from high-quality leather, this tote is soft, lightweight, and spacious enough to carry your daily essentials. It features a simple, sleek design that works well for both casual and formal occasions.
The craftsmanship and timeless appeal of this bag make it one of the top tote bags for women who value quality and style.
Tote Bag Trends in 2024
When selecting the best tote bags for women, it's important to consider emerging trends for 2024. Here are a few:
Sustainable Materials: More brands are focusing on eco-friendly materials like recycled fabrics and vegan leather.
Bold Colors and Patterns: While neutral tones remain popular, 2024 sees a rise in bold colors and patterns, making your tote bag a statement piece.
Multi-functional Designs: Women are looking for bags that serve multiple purposes, such as totes with removable pouches or laptop compartments.
Personalization: Customization options like monograms or unique designs are gaining popularity, allowing women to add a personal touch to their tote bags.
Finding the best tote bags for women in 2024 requires balancing style, functionality, and durability. From classic leather options to eco-friendly designs, there’s a perfect tote for every occasion and style preference.
Whether you're looking for a luxury option like the Goyard Saint Louis Tote or a budget-friendly alternative like the L.L. Bean Boat and Tote, the key is choosing a bag that fits your lifestyle. Pay attention to size, material, and compartments to ensure you find a tote bag that meets your needs while staying fashionable.
Remember, a well-chosen tote bag is not just an accessory—it’s an essential part of your daily routine. With the right tote, you can stay organized, look stylish, and feel confident, no matter where your day takes you.
So, explore the wide range of tote bags for women in 2024 and pick the one that suits you best!
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lussteetshirts · 6 days
Why Every Woman Needs a Best Quality Tote Bag
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When it comes to essential accessories, few items rival the versatility and practicality of a tote bag. Over the years, tote bags have transitioned from simple carry-alls to stylish, multi-purpose accessories that every woman should have in her wardrobe. Whether you're running errands, heading to the office, or packing for a weekend getaway, the best quality tote bags for women offer an unbeatable combination of style, functionality, and durability. In this article, we’ll explore why tote bags are such an indispensable item and what to look for when choosing the best quality tote bags for women.
1. Unmatched Versatility
The beauty of a tote bag lies in its incredible versatility. Unlike many other bag styles, which are often limited to specific occasions, a well-made tote can transition seamlessly between work, travel, and everyday life.
Work: For professional women, a tote bag is the perfect companion for a day at the office. Its spacious design allows you to carry essentials like a laptop, documents, notebooks, and even your lunch. Many high-quality tote bags are designed with organized compartments to keep your items secure and accessible, making it easy to stay productive throughout the day.
Travel: Whether you're taking a short weekend trip or a longer vacation, a tote bag is an excellent travel companion. Its generous size allows you to pack essentials such as toiletries, a change of clothes, and even a tablet or book. Plus, the open-top design of many totes makes it easy to access items quickly, which is a bonus when you're on the go.
Everyday Use: From grocery shopping to casual outings, a tote bag is the go-to option for everyday activities. Its spacious design accommodates everything you need while still leaving room for any last-minute items. A sturdy, stylish tote will become your go-to accessory, whether you’re grabbing coffee with friends or tackling your daily to-do list.
2. Ample Storage Capacity
One of the key reasons every woman needs a tote bag is its ample storage capacity. Unlike smaller purses or clutches, which limit what you can carry, a tote bag provides enough space to hold a wide variety of items.
The best quality tote bags for women are specifically designed to be roomy without feeling bulky. This makes them perfect for those who need to carry a lot of items without sacrificing style. Whether it's your laptop, makeup bag, snacks, or even gym clothes, a tote bag has room for it all.
For moms, a tote bag can double as a diaper bag, making it easy to carry baby essentials like bottles, diapers, and wipes. For students, it’s the perfect alternative to a backpack, comfortably holding textbooks, stationery, and even a tablet or laptop.
3. Stylish and Timeless
Fashion trends come and go, but tote bags have remained a timeless staple in women's fashion for decades. The best quality tote bags for women are designed with both functionality and style in mind, ensuring they look just as good as they perform.
Many tote bags are crafted from high-quality materials such as leather, canvas, or durable synthetic fabrics, giving them a chic and polished appearance. Tote bags come in a variety of colors and styles, making it easy to find one that complements your personal fashion sense. Whether you prefer a minimalist, monochrome design or a bold, colorful statement piece, there’s a tote bag out there for you.
Leather Tote Bags: A leather tote bag offers a polished, sophisticated look that’s perfect for both professional and casual settings. Leather totes are known for their durability and can last for years with proper care. They can easily be paired with both office wear and weekend outfits, making them a versatile addition to your wardrobe.
Canvas Tote Bags: Canvas tote bags are popular for their durability and casual style. They're perfect for everyday use, from running errands to going to the beach. Canvas is a sturdy material that can handle heavy loads, making it a great choice for those who need a reliable bag for their daily activities.
4. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Options
With the growing focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices, tote bags have become a symbol of conscious consumerism. Many women are opting for reusable tote bags as an alternative to single-use plastic bags, helping to reduce their environmental footprint. The best quality tote bags for women are not only durable and stylish, but many are also made from sustainable materials like organic cotton, recycled plastic, or responsibly sourced leather.
Eco-conscious consumers can choose from a wide variety of sustainable tote bags that don’t compromise on quality or style. By investing in a high-quality, eco-friendly tote bag, you’re not only making a smart fashion choice, but also contributing to a more sustainable future.
5. Durability: Built to Last
When you invest in the best quality tote bags for women, you're not just purchasing a fashion accessory — you're investing in a bag that will stand the test of time. High-quality materials like leather, canvas, or sturdy synthetic fabrics ensure that tote bags are built to last, even with daily use.
Unlike cheaper alternatives that wear out quickly, premium tote bags are designed to handle the demands of modern life. Many come with reinforced straps, strong stitching, and durable hardware, ensuring they can carry heavy loads without falling apart. This durability makes them a smart long-term investment, saving you money in the long run.
6. Organizational Features
A common misconception about tote bags is that they lack structure and organization. While some tote bags have a simple, open design, many of the best quality tote bags for women include thoughtful organizational features. These features make it easier to keep your items secure and easily accessible, so you're not rummaging through your bag trying to find your keys or phone.
Look for tote bags with internal pockets, zippered compartments, and dividers to help keep your belongings organized. Some tote bags even include padded compartments for laptops or tablets, making them ideal for professionals who need to carry tech essentials on the go.
7. A Bag for Every Occasion
Finally, tote bags are ideal for any occasion. Their adaptable design means they can complement a wide range of outfits and settings. Whether you're going for a casual day out, attending a business meeting, or heading to the gym, there’s a tote bag that fits the occasion.
For those who enjoy switching up their style frequently, tote bags offer the perfect balance of function and fashion. You can own multiple tote bags for different purposes, such as a sleek leather tote for work, a durable canvas tote for errands, and a trendy printed tote for social outings.
Every woman needs a tote bag for its unmatched versatility, practicality, and timeless style. The best quality tote bags for women provide ample storage space, making them ideal for work, travel, and daily activities. With durable materials, stylish designs, and a variety of eco-friendly options, tote bags are a must-have accessory in every woman's wardrobe. Whether you’re looking for an elegant leather tote or a sturdy canvas bag, a high-quality tote will elevate your style while meeting your everyday needs. So, next time you're in search of the perfect bag, remember that the tote bag offers endless possibilities.
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penandpaper25 · 11 days
Are Duffel Bags Better Than Suitcases - A Comparison
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Duffel bags in Sri Lanka are large, cylindrical bags typically made of cloth, canvas, or other durable materials. It usually has a top closure with a zipper and can be carried by hand or over the shoulder using a pair of handles or a strap. Such hand luggage prices can vary according to brand and materials, as well as features.
Common Uses of a Duffel Bag:
Travel: Duffel bags are popular for short trips or as carry-on luggage because they are spacious and flexible, making them easy to pack and stow in overhead compartments.
Gym or Sports: Many people use duffel bags to carry workout clothes, shoes, and other gym essentials. Athletes also use them to transport sports gear.
Outdoor Activities: Duffel bags are ideal for camping, hiking, or other outdoor adventures because they can hold a lot of gear and are usually made from tough, weather-resistant materials.
Military Use: The term "duffel bag" originally comes from a town in Belgium where the fabric used to make the bags was first produced. They were widely used by the military to carry soldiers' belongings due to their durability and capacity.
Everyday Use: Some people use smaller duffel bags for everyday activities like going to the office, school, or as an alternative to a backpack.
Duffel Bag Vs Suitcase: A comparison
When choosing between a duffel bag and a suitcase, the best option depends on the nature of your travel, the amount of gear you need to carry, and personal preferences. Here is a comparison to help you decide:
Duffel Bag:
Easy to carry, especially with a shoulder strap or as a backpack-style duffel.
Lightweight and can be carried over the shoulder, across the body, or by hand. You can add or repair straps, handles etc through suppliers of luggage accessories in Sri Lanka.
Can be more comfortable to carry over short distances or in crowded places.
Usually comes with wheels and a retractable handle, making it easier to roll over long distances.
Ideal for navigating through airports or on smooth surfaces.
Not as convenient on uneven terrain or in crowded spaces where lifting is required.
Capacity and Flexibility
Duffel Bag:
Typically, more flexible in terms of packing; it can be stuffed full, accommodating odd-shaped items.
Larger duffel bags can hold more than similarly sized suitcases due to their flexible structure.
Easier to fit into tight spaces, such as car trunks or overhead compartments.
Rigid structure provides more protection for your belongings, especially fragile items.
Often has organised compartments, making it easier to separate and organise clothes, shoes, and accessories.
Limited flexibility when it comes to overpacking; once it is full, there is little room to expand.
Duffel Bag:
Made from tough materials like canvas or nylon, they are generally durable but may not offer much protection against impact.
Less protection from the elements (rain, snow) unless made from water-resistant materials.
Hard-shell suitcases offer excellent protection against impacts, water, and rough handling.
Soft-shell suitcases are durable but might not protect against severe impacts as well as hard-shell options.
Style and Use Cases
Duffel Bag:
Casual and versatile, ideal for weekend trips, gym visits, or outdoor adventures.
Great for travellers who prefer a more relaxed, less structured packing style.
Suitable for trips where mobility and flexibility are important.
More formal and professional, better suited for business trips, longer vacations, or when travelling with delicate items.
Suitable for travellers who prefer structured packing and the security of hard-shell protection.
Often required for longer trips where more items and organisation are needed.
Duffel Bag:
Easy to store when not in use, as it can be folded or compressed to take up less space.
Ideal for people with limited storage space at home.
Takes up more storage space when not in use due to its rigid structure.
Some suitcases are designed to nest inside one another, reducing storage space, but they still remain bulkier than duffel bags.
Duffel Bag:
Generally, less expensive than suitcases, although high-end brands and specialty duffel bags can be pricey.
A good option if you are looking for a budget-friendly travel solution.
Often more expensive, especially hard-shell and branded suitcases.
The price reflects durability, security features, and sometimes, brand prestige.
Are duffel bags better than suitcases?
Whether duffel bags are better than suitcases depends on what you prioritise in your travel gear. Each has its own strengths, and the "better" option will vary based on your specific needs. Here is a breakdown to help you decide:
When Duffel Bags Might Be Better:
Flexibility: Duffel bags are generally more flexible in terms of packing and can be squeezed into tight spaces, making them ideal for situations where space is limited, like in a car trunk or an overhead bin on a plane, and they make great travelling luggage bags in Sri Lanka.
Portability: They are lightweight and easy to carry, especially if you need to move quickly or navigate crowded areas. Many duffel bags come with shoulder straps or backpack-style straps for easier transport.
Versatility: Duffel bags can be used for various activities beyond travel, such as going to the gym, sports practice, or camping. Their casual style also makes them a good all-around bag.
Storage: Duffel bags are easier to store when not in use, as they can be folded or rolled up, taking up minimal space.
Quick Packing: If you are in a hurry and need to pack quickly without worrying about organisation, a duffel bag allows you to throw everything in without much fuss.
When Suitcases Might Be Better:
Organisation: Suitcases often have compartments, pockets, and straps that help keep your belongings organised and in place. This is especially useful for longer trips or when you need to separate different items.
Protection: Hard-shell suitcases provide superior protection for fragile items and are better suited for air travel where your luggage might be handled roughly. Soft-shell suitcases also offer some protection, though not as much as hard-shells.
Ease of Transport: Suitcases with wheels and a retractable handle are easier to manoeuvre over long distances, especially in airports, hotels, or urban areas with smooth surfaces.
Professional Appearance: If you are travelling for business or need a more formal appearance, a suitcase can offer a more polished and professional look.
Whether a duffel bag is better than a suitcase depends on your travel style and the specific circumstances of your trip.
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