#Shrunkyclunks au
Boxing Club AU Idea
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Shrunkyclunks au where Bucky runs an old-fashioned boxing club that freshly defrosted Steve visits to blow off steam.
(Thread fic originally posted here)
It's a wholesome place with a familiar, old Brooklyn vibe. There's a white cat that roams around and sleeps on the stack of unused punching bags, and the guy who runs it is unspeakably cute.
Steve tries to hold back his strength; SHIELD hasn't made an announcement about him yet, and he doesn't want to draw too much attention to himself. He's enjoying a place where he feels welcomed, one that doesn't feel a million miles away from the world he just woke up from.
The smells of leather, canvas, polished wood, and sweat are all familiar. He could be back at the barracks between missions if he closes his eyes. It could be his squad laughing and training outside the ring if he lets his ears gloss over the words they're saying.
To start with Bucky thinks this new blonde hunk must be on some hella steroids or something, after he rips into a punching bags and shreds it. Literally.
Steve is so embarrassed and fumbles his way through an apology, promising to pay to replace it.
Bucky's too impressed to be mad, this guy is strong and nothing like the dudebro steroid addled types that sometimes come into the gym to showoff. This guy seems genuine.
Bucky invests in some reinforced punching bags and studies Steve a little more the next time he comes by. He's strong, Bucky notices, but his form is terrible. It's clear he relies on his strength rather than good technique.
He offers to give Steve a few pointers and they spar lightly in the ring, Bucky demonstrating that skill is worth more than strength, as he manages to best Steve, once, twice three times. Steve is floored, literally, and so impressed it makes him dizzy.
Eventually he works up the courage to ask Bucky out, but before they make good on the promise, Steve's called in for the battle of New York.
Steve realises Bucky's coaching has massively improved his fighting and it saves his life a few times during the battle.
He also realises that for the first time since he woke up, he has something worth fighting for in the future, and he really doesn't want to die before telling Bucky how he feels.
Bucky's surprised, but not fazed when he sees Steve fighting on the news; he always knew there was something monumental about Steve.
And when Steve sheepishly turns up at his door a few days later asking if still wants to go for that drink—looking like he thinks Bucky might actually say no—Bucky just laughs fondly and calls him a punk, before assuring him that yes he definitely still does.
Bucky doesn't care that he's dating Captain America, it's Steve Rogers he's in love with.
The regulars at the club keep treating Steve exactly the way they always had, though maybe they do brag a little more whenever they land a particularly good punch.
Steve lets them, glad he's found friends that treat him like he's normal, and glad that with Bucky, the future finally starts to feel like home.
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 24 days
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Hi hello yes, it's a new fic!
This was written as a gift for the lovely @gloromeien as part of the @marveltrumpshate event. Thanks to @booksandabeer and tenmilestilts and @earthbornavenger for the heroic beta support.
I loved the prompt from @gloromeien and I also appreciate your patience as you waited nearly a year for it! (PS: Check out Gloromeien's great fics on ao3! Hi friend!)
Thanks for the super fun shrunkyclunks prompt featuring paramedic Bucky and Captain America Steve! This fic is a mix of Gloromeien’s fun ideas and the weird places my brain took it.
I really, really hope you like it!
Only the Good Die Young by ZenaidaMacroura for Gloromeien
Bucky Barnes is a paramedic who is doing pretty good. He’s got a good crew, a good family, and a good job. And then he meets Captain America. May contain: Awkward conversations, even more awkward conversations, people hiding to avoid said awkward conversations, descriptions of paramedics doing paramedic things, Steve Rogers running in a very tight shirt.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 4 months
A manswear blogger in twitter is talking about seat and bust adjustments in clothing. I can't stop but think about a stucky tailor shop au where Steve goes to get his trousers and jackets adjusted and getting all flustered. I mean Buck doesn't need even be the tailor. He can be a shop sitting friendly neighbour or smtn
spiritually, this ask feels connected to this gorgeous piece of fanart
and while we're here, on the topic, this art too 👀
Oh my god
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Oh. my. god.
I can see this so well in my mind, and goddamn, this is such a good idea, too! We've all seen Steve Rogers--and Chris Evans by proxy--and we all fucking know he needs clothes to be custom fitted, so, of course, Bucky would have to step in. It's only fitting.
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Every universe, they find each other and take care.
Why wouldn't tailor Bucky make sure Captain America Steve is well-fitted, thus, well taken care of?
I imagine that the whole situation would spring out of the teasing relationship that exists between Natasha and Steve. The first person to ask Steve if he knows how to dress himself is Nat--she asks if he wants some tips to blend in to the background, as she's become so adept to, yet allowing him to choose his own clothes rather than being chosen for him. She cracks a smile when suggesting he stay out of the sizes he used to wear or don't, that's pretty fitting for the modern century, too. Natasha will readily workout with Steve; the contrast in their focus while fighting makes it actually challenging, besides, it's refreshing, too, to have someone look at her and not underestimate her based on her size. It's during those workouts where Natasha suggests, teasing while blowing a sweaty tendril of hair out of her face noisily, multi-tasking as always, that they get matching sports bras. Before he's used to the comments, Steve sputters, but eventually, he laughs them off--he's still working on controlling his blush, though.
He doesn't... it's not, they're not... no.
He doesn't need a bra. It's not like it's uncomfortable. Natasha asks if he's sure it's not uncomfortable once, still grinning like a shark, pleased with their dynamic--her teasing and his batting back once he has his feet underneath himself--because she knows how tight clothes get. Then, Nat tugs at the collar of his clinging shirt, "I don't dress in clothes that tight unless it's for a special occasion."
"Oh, special?" Steve raises an eyebrow at her.
"Yeah," she responds, her mouth twisted, "like when I'm bagging targets."
"Lucky them," he huffs out a laugh.
She's already distracted by the opening their conversation has given her, still sparring, "mmm-hmm."
Commets and jests aside, Steve doesn't stop dressing himself in such tight clothes. Maybe Natasha's clothes or women's clothes generally are built differently, but Steve doesn't find it uncomfortable. Not within himself. Sometimes, he gets stares that drag on too long, sending a weird feeling through his tummy, maybe more than discomfort, but he rationalizes that it's sooner the onlookers recognition of Captain America walking the streets and less barely-restrained-attraction.
Steve's wordrobe full of tight clothes doesn't change, everything off-the-rack *tries very hard not to make a joke about Steve's rack* until Natasha corners him after another gala, doing her version of begging to just get some clothes that fucking fit.
Basically, she stares him down until he folds like a house of cards. Rolling his eyes but snatching the business card, she's pointing at him like a gun out of her hands and promising he'll make an appointment for himself.
If he doesn't appoint himself, Natasha will, and she'll go with him, and she will list off each and every painful detail in plain clarity to the tailor with Steve there, in the room, standing on that little pedestal under lights and in front of full mirrors, to blush up a storm...
The strain of his shirts across his shoulders, thinning the fabric to near transparency. The screaming of the seams of his underarms, suffering from his biceps. His boob gaps with those little diamonds of pale skin or undershirt showing through that just don't go away, he can't escape them, his chest is just too big. The atrocious extra, wrinkling, loose fabric of his shirts where they bunch up around his ballerina waist, never concealed no matter how desperately he tries to stuff the extra fabric into his jeans, belted tightly. His belts! He can't ever seem to find belts that don't have all this extra length to them, his waist with just the opposite problems to his shoulders, chest, and arms. The line of his lower body always seems to be a little cut off, his pants understandably too short when facing up to those mile long legs. His ass doesn't fit in his too short pants, nor do his thighs! That has to change.
He needs some change.
He looks fucking great, he does, Natasha is not challenged by other people's interest in Steve when matchmaking, she is challenged by Steve's interest in others and she... she would just like to see some confidence in her friend. The easiest, fastest way to feeling like a whole new human, she knows, is fashion.
A tailor.
Steve is going to see a tailor.
One highly recommended and researched by Natasha. Apparently, according to his website (which Steve gets from his card), this tailor normally works with women and women's garments but isn't above making exceptions.
Steve doesn't want to be a bother, but... Nat assures him that he'll be fine. He's curvy enough, more than. This is all out of the goodness of her heart, after all. She just can't stand to see the pain his clothes are in! And if he won't be set up with a nice girl, boy, or whoever for an off-the-books encounter, then she damn will set him up with a professional. Not that kind. Not yet? Who's to say what she'll get Steve into...
Despite how having Natasha with him would help ease his anxieties (and hurt, just mildly hurt, because he would like to retain some of his dignity if possible, thank you very much, Nat, if she were here, he would stick his tongue out at her), Steve makes his appointment and attends it alone.
Alone with this fucking tailor.
This tailor that looks like he might as well have been made by a fucking sculptor. He makes art through fashion but, Jesus Christ, he is also art. When Steve first meets him--led to the back of a warm, pleasantly-cramped storefront by a welcoming, peppy assistent--he is struck dumb by the tailors beauty. He fumbles his words when reaching for a handshake. As it turns out, he doesn't need Natasha here to embarrass himself. Great!
This guy.
His face.
Pale gold skin with bone structure that will actually haunt Steve until he etches it onto paper. Eyes the most entrancing color--blue, grey, nearly silver. Lips pink and soft-looking, shadowed by a beard trimmed down to the prettiest stubble. The bridge of his nose looks like a statue smoothed by one of the ancient masters. And shiny, wavy hair styled into something that's half collected behind his head in a knot and half falling effortlessly over his shoulders. He looks every bit put together, his hair done, his face shimmering with what might be subtle makeup, but if it's not, then he's just the worst kind of perfect human being, his clothes immaculate, fitted ideally, accessorized beautifuly, and--
The way he talks. He's so confident and in his element, but so nice too. Sweet and caring.
The way he looks at Steve, like he's a person, like he's interesting, listening, but also calculating, already planning what he can do for him, how he can flatter him, how, how, how--
That's the fucking question.
How is this guy real?
He wants to hear what Steve has come in for, but based on how he nods along, he doesn't need Steve to say any of it. He already knows. He's that damn good.
After Steve's done, his unsure words stalling out in a stutter, Bucky jumps in immediately, rattling off tailor jargon for what he can do for him. Bust adjustments for the gaps in his buttoned shirts. Underarm adjustments to help his arms fit better in his shirts. Other seam stretching when it can be done to try and fit his arms more, too. Seat adjustments for all his pants from casual jeans to formal slacks. Waist suppression on all his shirts, suit jackets, and maybe even a few of his less formal jackets. Letting out hems on the pants that can be saved. Forming new, custom patterns for all of the above where the existing clothes Steve already has just can't be altered to the extent they're looking for.
After they get to know each other, after Steve comes back again and again, bringing armfuls of clothes with him each time, plus slowly taking more clothes from Bucky's place of work, too, new custom clothes that fit impressively perfectly, Bucky notices something else that should be altered in Steve's wardrobe.
Steve becomes Bucky's most regular client. It seems like they don't go a week, at most, without seeing each other. So, it's natural that Bucky would begin to notice things about Steve. Habits. Bucky is a damn good tailor, and he's learned to pick up on body language to know when a client is having issues that they might not even be aware of. Steve has a habit of--when he thinks no one is looking as he sits waiting for Bucky to be ready for him--of adjusting himself. Sure, whatever, your dick and balls get bunched up in your underwear and pants sometimes. It's normal. It happens. And you gotta do what you gotta do when your dick isn't happy. Normally, Bucky wouldn't think twice about it. But...
Steve does it a lot.
Now, Bucky has a very good spatial memory. A memory that's aided by plenty of opportunities to be close to Steve's body with a fair number of those opportunities being at Steve's feet. Measuring the inseams of his pants, shorts, or what have you, hemming or unhemming his pants, finding the circumference of his muscular thighs, adjusting the fit of the seat of his pants, all very professional. Steve likes to talk, though, so a lot of the time Bucky is down there, and he's looking up at Steve and...
He's just a man.
Just a weak man with the most attractive man he's ever fucking seen in his whole life on his step riser, calling his eyes up, past the crotch of his pants... sometimes he looks. He tries not to. But. He has. He does.
And when he connects how often he catches Steve adjusting himself to how much time he's spent forming a spacial awareness of Steve's body, Bucky knows what adjustment needs to be made to his clothes that they have yet to tackle. Steve, sweet guy, must be too shy to bring it forward. It's perhaps similar to saying, hey, none of my pants fit because my ass is superhuman-ly pert and round and you could bounce quarters off of it, but at the same time, it is much more... intimate... to say, hey, my dick doesn't fit in my pants, either. Could we do something about that, maybe?
Bucky shivers, trying not to think about why and failing miserably... is it too long? Too thick? Both? God, his balls probably don't help, do they? Bucky might be weak at the knees, thinking of his whole package, but especially heavy, heavy balls, fuck, what he wouldn't give to get on his knees and rub his face against them, all that musky vitality, such a big boy, and--
Bucky is so unprofessional.
Jesus Christ.
What is wrong with him?
Steve just needs a gusset! He's done that a million times without fantasizing about his clients' bodies. It's just different now. Why now?! Bucky knows why...
It's fucking different because Steve is so nice, so shy yet, so witty and sassy when he wants to be, he smells so good, and his hands are delightfully warm when Bucky accidentally missteps and almost falls, but no matter, Steve's lightning fast reflexes will always be there to catch him. It's different because Bucky has a big, fat crush on the one, the only Captain America back from the dead, who's bursting out of all his clothes with his stupid, perfect sculpted body, always obscene no matter what Bucky puts him in, loose or tight clothing. Always genuine, no matter what Bucky throws at him, even if he does get a little embarrassed.
Bucky is so fucked.
Steve is so fucked, too, matching Bucky's idioticness. Steve's head is so full of Bucky that he can't think of anything else. Anyone else. He scrounges up every piece of stupid clothing he has to be altered, just as an excuse to be around Bucky. He sweats through his shirts, peering down at Bucky from his place on that little step-stool, riser-thing, whatever fancy name Bucky had for it, and tries not to think about the position out of context. And, worst of all, he has to fight for his life to block out the sense memory of Bucky's hands on his body through his clothes when he's alone and drifting. He can't think about his tailor when he's jerking off, he just can't! That's so bad!
Steve is so fucked.
...if only they could figure out some other way of being fucked. Together.
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riricitaa · 5 months
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a shrunkyclunks au where Bucky is a S.H.I.E.L.D agent who was part of the avengers because of his skills, problem is, he always worked alone and didn't like this whole team initiative thing to begin with, he's just doing it because he caredabout the safety of the world. now with this new mission he had to work with Captain America and he hated every second of it!!
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oh-i-swear-writes · 9 months
That’s What You Get for Waking Up in Vegas
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An Avengers fundraising event in Las Vegas takes a left turn, and Captain America wakes up with a brand new spouse and no way to get a divorce. Coupled with Tony Stark's current obsession with reality dating shows, obviously nothing can go wrong, right?
So me and the lovely @fsbc-librarian did a thing. This is it. This is the thing. We hope you enjoy ❤️
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sarahowritesostucky · 9 months
Modern Stucky and Howlies AU
The Fic:
What if when Steve came out of the ice, all the Howlies were still alive and living together in one retirement old folk's home? And Steve, having no connections with anybody in the modern world, spent tons of his free time visiting them and playing poker, sneaking them liquor, and just generally creating a headache for the semi-amused retirement home staff?
And Bucky is the care worker who grows to have a crush on Steve.
(**Bonus points if you name the Nursing Home "Shady Acres Care Home" , like where Loki stuck his father in Thor: Ragnarok)
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steevbuckk · 9 months
help to make the season bright by @its-tortle
[Shrunkyclunks, 20 542 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
“ Fuck,” he proclaims out loud.
A pigeon on the sidewalk across the street flutters away.
Another voice cuts through the cold. “You okay?”
Bucky looks up to see a silhouette on the fire escape two floors above him. Clearly, he had been swearing louder than he intended to.
The figure is clearly male, and built like a fucking brick house, but the light behind him makes any other features vague and indistinguishable.
“Uh, yeah,” Bucky says dumbly. “I just- I forgot my keys.”
“I’ll let you in.”
The silhouette disappears from view.
Bucky steps forward to retrieve his groceries from the steps of the building, and has just picked up the last can of cat food when the door opens. He looks up to meet the man who saved him from hypothermia.
And what a man it is.
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more fics
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darthbloodorange · 2 months
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When Captain America took down the HYDRA-infested SHIELD, Bucky found himself in need of a new job. He decided to apply for a support position on the Avengers, figuring the Avengers could use a sniper watching their backs.
He had no idea that the majority of the support he'd be providing would be cuddling Captain America and watching movies with him… Bucky isn't complaining, though.
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For the: ✦ @sweetspicybingo H/C Bingo - Cuddling & Snuggling [C2] {Sample Card 3: Comfort, No Hurt}
Word count: N/a - Moodboard Title: Cuddling Captain America Rating: Gen Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairings: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers Warnings: None Major Tags: Canon AU, Fluff, Getting Together, Cuddling & Snuggling, Couch Cuddles, Movie Night, Sweaters, Food, SHIELD Agent Bucky Barnes, Avenger Bucky Barnes, Short-Haired Bucky Barnes, Shrunkyclunks ~ Summery: When Captain America took down the HYDRA-infested SHIELD, Bucky found himself in need of a new job. He decided to apply for a support position on the Avengers, figuring the Avengers could use a sniper watching their backs.
He had no idea that the majority of the support he'd be providing would be cuddling Captain America and watching movies with him… Bucky isn't complaining, though.
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dontcallmebree · 1 year
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Royalty is about Loyalty by dontcallmebree
Major Tags: Established Relationship, Mob AU, Shrunkyclunks
Summary: They’re coming up on Rita’s 78th when she calls Steve in for one of their private meetings. What those two could possibly get up to, Bucky’s got no clue; Steve and Rita could very well be shooting the shit over some tea and a couple smokes every time they tuck themselves away for an hour or two. Six years into being married in and nearly twice as long at Steve’s side, and Bucky still isn’t quite privy to all of the Brooklyn Irish’s many secrets.
In this installment of Do The Things You Never Showed Nobody, a couple of (not-so-old) marrieds try to deal with change and face the music. Read now on AO3!
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stuckytoyoulikeglue · 6 months
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Bucky the Blogging Barista
Bucky is a blogging barista. 
Steve is a sexy as sin superhero. 
Bucky may or may not have a crush, but you can't prove anything. 
At least, not unless you read his blog, which Cap obviously doesn't, right?
[Rating: E, Words: 39,278, Chapters: 18]
Now complete!
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msilverstar · 7 months
Author: @zenaidamacrouras1 Date: 29 Dec 2023 Chapters: 1/1 (4941 words)  Fandom: Captain America (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Engineer Bucky Barnes, Strangers to Lovers, Flirting, New Year's Eve, Really good cheese, Excellent Strawberries, Strawberries are harmed in this story, Bathrooms are disrespected, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, or who knows maybe the bathroom liked it, hookup, New Year's Kiss, New Years Bathroom Hookup Series: Part 5 of Stucky Ficlets - Writing Challenges and Bingos Summary:
Bucky fully intends for his date to this ridiculous required masquerade ball on New Year's Eve to be the cheese platter. Things work out different than he planned.
Bookmarker's Notes:
Cute shrunkyclunks AU, mostly very hot porn!
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metalbvcky · 2 years
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My Heart Is Open (I'm Letting You In)
So this took no time at all 😆 It practically wrote itself, and by the end of the weekend, I had 2k worth of fluffy crack! I just knew it would be perfect to wait and post on Valentine's Day 💞💞
Inspired by this ask post that @buckycuddlebuddy sent to @musette22!
All Caps Bingo — N5: Sharing A Bed @allcapsbingo Stucky Bingo Round 4 — I5: AU Shrunkyclunks @stuckybingo Bucky Barnes Flash Bingo — Crack @buckybarnesbingo
Pairing: Steve/Bucky Rating: Teen+ Word/Chapter Count: 2,866 (1/1) Tags: Post-Avengers (2012), Shrunkyclunks, Coffee Shop AU, Fluff, Crack Treated Seriously, Drunk Steve, Modern Bucky, (see full list of tags on AO3)
☕ Summary 🚪
Working as a barista at a busy coffee shop in Brooklyn never failed to wipe Bucky out. He only wanted to crash into his bed and sleep for the next twelve hours, but unfortunately, he didn't get either of those things. At least not immediately.
Instead, he found himself fumbling with the knob to his apartment. The damn thing wouldn't budge at all, not even with a hard shove. He cursed and grunted, but mostly cursed because whatever reason made him sign a lease for this shitty complex.
“This is fun,” a deep voice rumbled behind him, words slurring. “Bein’ locked out together.”
Two things hit Bucky at once.
One, his neighbor was drunk.
Two, his neighbor was Captain America.
And eventually three— when his door became the victim of a drunken super soldier just trying to help him get inside.
Read on AO3
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 1 year
THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER OF THIS FIC. This is a gif of me instead of a gif of the chapter.
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Unpredictable Synchronicity, Chapter (fucking) 30
In this chapter, I have written what I am reasonably certain is the sexiest scene ever written. I mark in the author's notes what I think that is. Your mileage may vary.
Thanks to @burberrycanary and @booksandabeer and TenMileStilts for HEROIC AND UNWAVERING BETA to end all Beta I truly, thanks. In particular for making the relationship so much healthier than it was in my first draft. I am sad not to be working on a fic with you all, someone else write something stat so I can talk to you in the comments.
I was looking for a cannoli gif to share and found this one:
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Maybe this one is better:
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Also, it's a fill for "Love is Love" the @allcapsbingo All Caps Bingo Monthly Mission for June.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 months
has anyone done a post about steve waking up to current time and has to deal with the enshittification of the internet, imagine the modern shrunkyclunks scenario where bucky lightheartedly jokes about another girl asking him to look at her nudes unprompted on twitter and steve goes, huh?? and then poor bucky has to explain this phenomenon to him because mostly steve has been sequestered off from experiencing this with his fancy starkphone and military-grade security features
like what do you mean searching something online will only bring you ads? what are porn bots?? why is this image have six fingers??? steve is on an official mission to punch the someone (the multiple someones) who's making it hard for the common folk to just exist digitally, *cracks knuckles* starting with that guy who stole tesla's name lol
Oooh, no, there's nothing exactly like that that I am aware of. That's really interesting, though! And not to be too blatantly self-promotional, but some of those feelings about Steve finding the weird [affectionate] parts of the internet is in my new fic, "Money Magic." So, you might check that out 👀
I don't know about dealing with pornbots or suspicious fishing scams, but I feel like Steve would have opinions about AI generated "art." And I would kill to hear him rant about how--once Bucky educates him on how it works and once Steve does his own research because while, yes, it's new to him, he is a smart cookie--it's stealing from artists who are too often already struggling and harming the environment with the sheer amount of water needed for these things and so much more.
I would love to hear Steve rant about so much of modern life 💀💀
And, hey, if you're volunteering to make to the post 👀 I would read the HELL out of that (no pressure, though)
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riricitaa · 5 months
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a mission gone wrong, only because Steve had to make a choice: civillians or Bucky A sequel to this shrunkyclunks au
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muensterfucker · 1 year
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werewolf shrunkyclunks anybody…?
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