#Betrayal at the House on the Hill
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Day 26: Mansion
Sooo my fam has been obsessed with playing a board game called “Betrayal at the house on the hill” where you explore this mansion and as more of the house is explored the chance for a haunt increases. Once a haunt starts different things can happen depending on the haunt, but it’s really fun and we love it. We also like joking about the characters. For example: whoever plays one of the kids will often go “IM A CHILD FIGHTING A MONSTER! Of COURSE I’m going to DIE!!!” Or if we have to fight the older characters “HE’S OLD! Just beat him up!” We also lay the little figures on their side when they die, which is very funny when there are like 3 dead just chilling in a room like “excuse me in just gonna take that from your body, oh boy another body! Gonna borrow that, sorry I bumped into your body…fucking move” *shoves the “corpse” into an adjacent room cause there’s no room on the tile*
It’s a beautiful game and I highly suggest it, that’s why I drew this!
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lesseratonin · 2 years
play betrayal at the house on the hill with me rn
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th3b4dk1dzz · 6 months
We interrupt this season of Dimension 20 to bring you Betrayal at the House on the Hill: Fantasy High edition
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 8 months
extremely niche post but I'd pay all my money for a Betrayal in Ankh-Morpork board game. The three levels could be buildings, the streets and the shades and the playable characters could all be members of the watch
one of the event/omen cards could be called SAUSAGEINNABUN and you have to roll to see if it gives you +1 health, has no effect, or straight-up kills you
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fanbynature · 5 months
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Board AF Legacy: Betrayal
characters posters: Carolyn Brawne
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pod-together · 21 days
Pod-Together Day 3 Reveals 2024
hiraeth and hwyl (Howl's Moving Castle - All Media Types, Howl Series - Diana Wynne Jones, Howl no Ugoku Shiro | Howl's Moving Castle, Piranesi - Susanna Clarke, Betrayal at House on the Hill) created and performed by AirgiodSLV, CompassRose, ellejabell, epaulettes, kitkat50311, mahons_ondine, minnabird, and sisi_rambles Summary: You find yourself looking at a door. It looks like an ordinary door, but you’re somehow certain that it isn’t. In theory, you could open the door…but something warns you off. You might not survive, if you pass through that door. You might no longer be you.
I Could Eat A Peach for Hours [text, audio] (Stranger Things (TV 2016)) written by ArtaxLivs, performed by rufusbear Summary: “Robin, it’s fucking obscene.” “You’re obscene,” she squawks. “I am but he’s so much worse,” Eddie insists. “He just, oh my god, all week Robin. All. Fucking. Week.” “I do not need to know about your weird food kinks,” Robin makes a face and then pretends to gag. “It’s not a fucking food kink, it’s a Steve’s mouth kink,” Eddie growls.
Lost and Found (Firefly (TV 2002)) written by Ballad_of_Firefly, performed by InterstellarBlue Summary: Looking up, the apology died in his throat. Familiar brown eyes stared down at him and for a moment, he forgot how to breathe. They looked exactly like River's. Gabriel Tam's eyes narrowed. "Simon."
born to go through trouble (The Odyssey - Homer, EPIC - Jorge Rivera-Herrans (Albums), Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) written by BubblesKat, performed by ShakespeareStoleMyURL Summary: Something is wrong. I don’t understand what happened. I swore I was dreaming when I awoke inside the horse in Troy, but I was immediately discovered and killed. Then, I woke up again in the exact same circumstances. -- or, Odysseus finds himself in a time loop, waking up inside the Trojan horse over and over and over
The shadow of our Light (Shadowhunters (TV)) written by HadrianPeverellBlack, performed by Hagar Summary: Alec's and Jace's relationship. 5 times they thought they weren't enough for the other, and the one time they realized they were enough
Who is the Maestro? (SEVENTEEN (Band)) written by halotolerant, performed by pezzax Summary: Warning. Critical power failure. Metronome is offline. Do you wish to try again? - Wonwoo versus the AI
Meditations II: A Simple Method for Reducing Mental Distractions and Courting the Elusive Muse, by Professor Pankratz (Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types) written by LenaLawlipop, performed by Chantress and Luninarie Summary: The rustling of wind and chirping of birds can be heard, it’s warm… Not obscenely so, only just enough to make your eyes very, very heavy. Distantly, you can hear the professor writing, chalk on blackboard marking the steady passing of time until your next break. Soon, however, the rhythmic tap of the chalk comes to a halt. Too soon, in fact. It’s not time for that break yet. "Alright, everyone, close your books. Unfortunately, the time has come again. Once more, I find myself wondering, why is everyone so quiet? Am I perchance teaching something useful, against my better judgement?"
Or, a guided meditation for focus, based on mantras.
have you worked out what we’re looking for (Men's Hockey RPF) written by polyabathtub, performed by cosmicanon Summary: Things high school biology teacher Leon Draisaitl does not appreciate: - Being pulled out of one of his sections of freshman biology for three weeks - So that he can co-teach a junior year health class with PE teacher Matthew Tkachuk - Who is always encouraging his students to do things other than their homework, and has an easy job that doesn’t require him to spend his entire life lesson planning and grading - He’s also so unfairly hot that it makes it hard for Leon to remember that he’s in the closet at work
Dispatch [text, audio] (The Goblin Emperor Series - Katherine Addison) written by sophiegaladheon, performed by dontneedaclassroom Summary: Emperor Varenechibel IV has been killed and Csevet has been tasked with delivering the most important letter of his career as a courier.
Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game: Episode 23 - Palmetto State Foxes (All For The Game - Nora Sakavic) created by Syr and Opalsong Summary: The sports podcast for people who don't like sports! Episode 23 focuses on Exy and the Palmetto State Foxes and the massive amounts of drama that happened this season. We didn't have to dig deep for this one folks; there was so much drama we didn't even get to it all.
So We Can Begin [text, audio] (Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy) written by wanderingjedihistorian, performed by kbirb, flowerparrish, and wanderingjedihistorian Summary: Bail and Breha are soulmates, but they each have two soulmarks meaning they have a third soulmate. When Bail meets Fox, he knows he's found their third. The war makes Fox and Breha getting to know each other difficult, but messages and holo recordings are easy enough to send.
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Betrayal at house on the hill is a board game where players "explore" a manor house by randomly selecting room tiles to add to the map. Eventually a "haunt" is triggered, and one player must turn traitor by siding with the ghosts/monsters attacking the others.
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vbartilucci · 3 months
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My current hyperfixation is board games. I just picked up Catan and all the expansions for fairly cheap, and while I was looking at various accessories (which are NOT cheap, but I bought some anyway), I saw a reference to another game called Betrayal at House on The Hill.
So I went down that rabbit hole and found out that it's a game that they've done a couple of licensed adaptations of it, including a Baldur's Gate version...and this Scooby Doo one.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna buy this, and maybe the original, just to make sure there's no rules differences.
Now all I need are friends, and a desire to spend prolonged periods of time around others.
(I suspect Atty at @netherworldpost is going to be interested in this one.)
I'm trying to recall another tile-card game I heard about that's based in a (mummy's) tomb? Ringing any bells?
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primerjohn · 14 days
The figures from Betrayal at House on the Hill were calling to me. The goal was the paint them quickly but still give them some love. It turned into an exercise in painting faces.
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hamable · 6 months
Waaaa!!!!!!! The room to room combat this episode reminds me a lot of the board game Betrayal at House on the Hill!!
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magicmalcolm · 3 months
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The Crossover We Needed, If Not The One We Deserved.
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ssstarlighttt · 14 days
i think we need more fics of characters playing board games personally
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soupy-girl · 11 months
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tdstoryarchive · 4 months
Character Bios 1-5
This is going to be a LONG read.
Character Bios
Book 1
Heather Granville
Age: 18
Height: 5'2''
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hobbies: Television, Shopping
Birthday: August 2nd.
Heather has always been perfect-perfect petite, perfectly blonde, perfectly polite. Perfect perfect perfect. If even the teeniest , tiniest thing in her life isn't perfect, it gives Heather a headache. Sometimes her headaches get so bad it feels like something is trying to dig its way out of her skull. But even that doesn't wipe the perfect smile off her face.
Heather knows Flash and Professor Longfellow from school. Heather's greatest fear is that she actually isn't perfect.
Darrin "Flash" Williams
Age: 20
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 188 lbs.
Hobbies: Track, Music, Shakespearean Literature
Birthday: June 6th
Flash isn't the most original name for someone as fast as Darrin. But he likes it. It's comfortable and it fits him, just like his favorite pair of track shoes. Darrin lives to run and runs to live. When he's not running, Darrin feels like there's something coming for him...something Not Good. Even when he runs, the wind sometimes whispers in his ears, and he swears he can hear the Not Good Thing coming up behind him-fast. No wonder he's the star of the track team.
He's known Madame Zostra for his entire life. After all, he's her nephew. Zoe's his little cousin, but he's only met her a couple times. Darrin's greatest fear is that he's going to get caught by that Not Good Thing.
Zoe Ingstrom
Age: 8
Height: 3'9"
Weight: 49 lbs.
Hobbies: Dolls, Music
Birthday: November 5th
Zoe likes to play in her room with her dolls. Each doll has its own name,family,history,pets and everything else a doll needs to be happy. Zoe helps her dolls get mad at each other and hit. Not that daddies should ever hit mommies. That doesn't happen. Least ways, you're not supposed to talk about it when it does. So, Zoe plays with her dolls.
Flash is Zoe's cousin, but she doesn't know him real well. Zoe's mom goes to Madame Zostra for tarot card readings. Zoe likes playing with her dolls under the table there. Zoe's family sometimes goes camping with Brandon's family. But Zoe doesn't like it, so she mostly stays in the tent and plays with her dolls. Zoe's greatest fear is of the boogeyman...whoever he is.
Madame Zostra
Age: 37
Height: 5'0"
Weight:160 lbs
Hobbies: Astrology, Cooking, Baseball
Birthday: December 10th
Madame Zostra, or "Belladina"(as her mother named her), has been a tarot card reader and tea-leaf reader since college. She started out working part time of an occult bookstore, but now she has her own home astrology business. Although Madame Zostra reads tarot cards for a living, she won't read her own cards. She is terrified that she'll see her own death in the cards, something she can't bear to think about.
Flash is her nephew, and she never fails to buy him birthday and Christmas gifts. Zoe's mother comes to Madame Zostra for tarot card readings. Madame Zostra is terrified of death...particularly her own.
Brandon Jaspers
Age: 12
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 109 lbs.
Hobbies: Computers, Camping, Hockey.
Birthday: May 21st
Brandon loves computers and camping. He takes his new laptop with him wherever he goes. That way he can program AND camp at the same time. Cool. Brandon never liked playing with regular toys, action figures, or that kind of thing. In fact, he hates puppets. He had a clown puppet when he was little, and some mornings when he woke up, he'd find it had moved closer to him. Once it even had a kitchen knife in its hand. Brandon's pretty sure his big brother, Chris, was messing with him. But he still hates puppets.
Brandon sometimes sees Zoe's family when they go camping. Zoe usually hides in the tent with her dolls, though. Yuck! Brandon delivers the newspaper to Professor Longfellow(in his freaky house). Brandon's greatest fear is of puppets, particularly clown puppets.
Professor Longfellow
Age: 57
Height: 5'11"
Weight:153 lbs.
Hobbies: Gaelic Music, Drama, Fine Wines
Birthday: July 27th
Professor John Longfellow is very proud of his aristocratic roots. His family used to have money... at least until his father lost it all on gambling and alcohol. The professor still lives with his aging mother in the rundown Victorian that used to be the finest house in town. His father disappeared one day. Ran out. His mother has a rather large life insurance policy, but of course, he doesn't want to collect on it any time soon, so no matter how nice the money would be.
Professor Longfellow knows Flash and Heather from the university. Brandon is his paperboy. The professors greatest fear is that he will lose everything he has, proving to everyone that he's no better than his deadbeat father.
Character Bios:
Book 2
Vivian Lopez
Age: 42
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 142 Ibs
Hobbies: Old Movies, Horses
Birthday: January 11th
Vivian's perfect day is to get up late, have coffee and donuts, and then ride one of her horses all day. Unfortunately, she doesn't get to spend too many days like that since she's so busy trying to keep her little used bookstore from going under. Some days she get so frustrated she just feels like burning the place down, or maybe just burning down the little shed out back... or the school. But she never do anything like that. Still, sometimes she has nightmares about striking the match...
Vivian is a friend of Heather's mother, Sarah. She also knows and Father Rhinehardt as customers at her little bookstore, Something Written. For extra money, Vivian has been babysitting Missy Dubourde at least once a month for the past few years. Vivian's greatest fear is of fire... and her fascination with it.
Peter Akimoto
Age: 13
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 98 Ibs
Hobbies: Basketball, Bugs
Birthday: September 3rd
Peter's two favorite places in the world are the basketball court and under his house. He likes the basketball pole court because that's where he can play his favorite game and he likes being under the house because it's a great place to hunt for bugs, plus it's a good place to avoid his five older brothers. Sure all brothers pick on their younger siblings, but Peter's brothers really pick on him. So what's a few broken bones within family? Peter loves Bugs and wants to be an entomologist when he grows up. An entomologist to never has to speak to his brothers.
Peter earns extra money taking care of Professor Longfellow's yard (and finding cool bugs - bonus!). he knows Missy rom school. She likes to do pretend medical exams on him and check out his real broken bones, but she doesn't like it when he shows her his bug collection. Peter's greatest fear is that he'll get trapped somewhere and never be able to escape.
Jenny LeClerc
Age: 21
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 142 Ibs.
Hobbies: Soccer, Reading
Birthday: March 4th
Jenny is a quiet girl. She loves soccer, but sometime she's too shy to cooperate with her teammates the way she should. Jenny's greatest pleasure is curling up alone in a tiny place reading a gigantic book - the older the book, the better. The books help keep her from dwelling on her mother's disappearance, that day fourteen years ago when Mom went to the store and never came back, leaving Jenny alone. Alone forever.
Jenny's only real friend is Caitlyn, Heather's older sister. Jenny also knows Ox since she grew up with only a few doors away from him on Mulberry Lane. And Jenny knows Madame Zostra from the library, a place they both adore. Jenny's greatest fears being trapped in a crowd or lost out in the open.
Ox Bellows
Age: 23
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 288 Ibs
Hobbies: Shiny Objects, Football
Birthday: October 18th
Ox bellows was always a big kid. Never got beaten up. Always did the beating up... but only when he had to do it. (Well, except for that one time.) Ox doesn't like to think about that, but the blood and screams creep into his dreams on cold, lonely nights. His greatest fear is of the dark.
Ox has known Jenny since they were kids growing up on Mulberry Lane. He met Professor Longfellow at Greenwich University. Ox has known Father Rhinehardt all his life. He's been confessing his sins to the priest since he was small (except for that one sin he doesn't like to talk about).
Father Rhinehardt
Age: 62
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 185 Ibs
Hobbies: Gardening, Fencing, Religion
Birthday: April 29th
Father Rhinehardt was born in München, Germany (or Munich, as Americans call it). He moved with his family to America when he was 15... and then he got beaten up for the next three years. Father Rhinehardt turned to religion for the reasons why people treated him so badly. Eventually, he entered Seminary and became a priest. Since that day, long ago, many people have confessed their sins to him. But there is one man who haunts him, every few years, a stranger who sits in the confessional and whispers of murder and madness. In recent years, Father Rhinehardt has found he's starting to agree with the madman's arguments. Blood, pain, death - they are all a part of life, of God's plan, are they not?
Father Rhinehardt is familiar with Vivian nd Madame Zostra from seeing them at the Something Written bookstore. He knows Ox rom hearing him confess his petty sins. He also knows Missy rom her appearances the Sunday school. More than anything, Father Reinhardt fears going mad.
Missy Dubourde
Age: 9
Height: 4'2"
Weight: 62 Ibs.
Hobbies: Swimming, Medicine
Birthday: February 14th
Missy can't remember wanting to be anything except for a doctor. Her favorite gift ever in the whole wide world was her first doctors kit. She practices medicine on anyone who will let her. She even cuts up dead frogs and stuff she finds in her yard. But sometimes that gets bad, and she dreams of dead frogs hip hopping into her bed at night and smothering her. Then she screams.
Missy knows Peter (and his gross bug collection) from school she knows Father Rhinehardt from Sunday school (he talks funny and smells like chocolate.) Missy lives in the same neighborhood as Brandon. He delivers her family's paper, but she doesn't really know him. (She thinks he's cute though.) Missy's greatest fear is of dead things coming back to life and hunting her.
Character Bios:
Book 3
Stephanie Richter
Age: 40
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 125 Ibs
Hobbies: Photography, Cooking, Filmmaking
Birthday: January 12th
Stephanie is an amateur filmmaker, who particularly enjoys cutting her teeth on creating short documentaries that she uploads online. She believes a film about the House on the Hill and its history might be her shot at a proper career. She is close friends with her neighbor Sammy Angler after she helped him record his magic act at the school talent show. Brttani "Beat Box" Bowen is a fan of Stephanie's cooking and often brings her home-grown tomatoes for lasagna.
Sammy Angler
Age: 9
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 65 Ibs
Hobbies: Magic Tricks, Video Games
Birthday: September 18th
Sammy gained his fascination with magic when a stage magician entertained him for his sixth birthday. The following year, he got his own magic set and has since become quite skilled. His filmmaker neighbor, Stephanie Richter, recorded his performance at the school talent show and he has recently become fixated on improving the set for his stage. What could give a more mystical atmosphere than a relic from the House on the Hill? Oliver Swift occasionally tutors Sammy in Math, which Sammy hates.
Oliver Swift
Age: 33
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 162 Ibs
Hobbies: Philosophy, Running
Birthday: July 3rd
Oliver is fast, but he believes that you should never run unless you're running away from something. A loner by nature, he studies philosophy to try to find the nature of humanity and understand why people are so insufferable. Dr. Dan has been treating Oliver's anemia since he was a child.
Isa Valencia
Age: 11
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 89 Ibs
Hobbies: Music, Blogging
Birthday: March 30th
Isa is considered a rather odd kid, with a fascination for the supernatural. She owns 8 collections of Poe and likes to discuss electronic and depressing music with local DJ Brittani "Beat Box" Bowen. During the day, she can often be seen in Anita Hernandez's tea shop. During the evening, she watches Bros vs. Ghosts and other paranormal shows.
Brittani "Beat Box" Bowen
Age: 22
Height: 5'6
Weight: 140 Ibs
Hobbies: Deejaying, Dancing, Gardening
Birthday: December 1st
A fan of Dungeon Synth, Brittani is a DJ known for throwing impromptu house parties. She enjoys discussing electronic music with Isa Valencia, who listens to Brittani's music in her spare time. Since graduating high school, Brittani has been searching for more unconventional and exciting places to host her dance parties and is scouting the House as a potential venue. While tending to her garden, Brittani always puts the extra tomatoes aside to give to her culinary-inclined neighbor, Stephanie Richter.
Father Leung
Age: 71
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 140 Ibs
Hobbies: Church, Watercolor, Comic Books
Birthday: November 17th
A no-nonsense priest with a backbone made of steel. He has an extensive knowledge of ancient religions, and a history of banishing a demon or two back in his day. He's been trying to quit smoking for the last two years, so he's a little cranky. Anita attends a weekly watercolor class at Warren's church.
Character Bios:
Book 4
Dan Nyugen
Age: 60
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160
Hobbies: Medicine, Fishing, Documentaries
Birthday: May 6th
Dan has been a doctor in this town for decades, always willing to help anyone who comes to his office. Lately he's been seeing more and more injuries related to that creepy old house. Broken legs from falling through floorboards, bumps and bruises from "phantasms," strange marks appearing the night after a visit. He's come to the house to finally get to the bottom of all this nonsense. Dan sees Josef on a near-weekly basis for some injury or another.
Josef "Brosef" Hooper
Age: 25
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 185 Ibs
Hobbies: Poetry, Football
Birthday: February 25th
Josef often gets taken for a meathead college athlete, and he kind of is, but at the same time has a softer side when it comes to sticking up for people he cares about. He's willing to face any danger for his friends, which is about to be put to the test. Josef has seen Michelle on the pitch and is impressed by her skills.
Michelle Monroe
Age: 19
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 137 Ibs
Hobbies: Lacross, Travelling
Birthday: August 19th
Michelle is a lacrosse teen who's faced worse than whatever this house throws at her. She's used to being the underdog, but she has brought her team to victory before and she can do it again... even if the game is survival instead of lacrosse. Always a fan of a nice spot of tea, she often sees Isa in the tea shop while she is enjoying a steaming cup of Earl Grey.
Persephone Puleri
Age: 40
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 145 Ibs
Hobbies: Camping, Fragrances
Birthday: April 15th
Persephone runs a local shop called Blessed Botanicals that specializes in all manner of crystals, herbs, and paranormal supplies. The rumors of a local haunted house have certainly been good for business, and she's been eager to find an excuse to explore the place. Jaden sometimes comes into the shop asking about strange clues that he's come across.
Jaden Jones
Age: 11
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 70 Ibs
Hobbies: Mysteries, Reading
Birthday: October 4th
Jaden Jones works tirelessly to uncover the mysteries of the world, no matter how inconvenient that makes life for those around him. Armed with his "My First Detective" magnifying glass and evidence case, he's going to explore this old house in search of... clues. And he's documenting everything, for posterity. Jaden loves hanging around the old church, and often borrows detective comics from Father Leung.
Character Bios
Book 5
Preston Bramhall
Age: 45
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 139 Ibs
Hobbies: Detective Work, Fishing, Hunting
Birthday: December 2nd
Preston is a retired cop that got brought back on the scene to help a secret Agent Crack down on this...forsaken house. He's not too thrilled and he is pretty grumpy about it, but he hopes it will be quick and painless. So he can go back to his good ol fishing days.
He had to work with Agent Ashe. He is annoyed there is a news team here as well.
Jonas Ashe
Age: 32
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160 Ibs.
Hobbies: Photography, Detective Work
Birthday: August 6th
Jonas Ashe, aka Agent Ashe to most is a F.B.I Agent. He was tasked to see what exactly is going on with a house that seems to be dangerous and haunted. He is very serious and determined. He dreads his colleagues.
Ashe is aware of some Big Shot Wannabe Ghost Hunters, Bryce and Macy Hainsey. He isn't very fond of them. In fact, he hoped he could do this alone. He is working with Officer Bramhall on this case.
Bryce Hainsey
Age: 20
Height: 5"6'
Weight: 140 Ibs
Hobbies: Ghost Hunting, Editing
Birthday: September 7th
Bryce considers himself a professional Ghost Hunter. When he heard about the House on The Hill, he jumped up at the fact and is excited. He prepped all his things to get ready for the night of his life.
Bryce's Twin sister, Macy helps him with the ghost hunting stuff on occasion. Unfortunately she got wrapped up in this one.
Macy Hainsey
Age: 20
Height: 4'5"
Weight: 135 Ibs.
Hobbies: Ghost Hunting, Videotaping, Wiccan
Birthday: September 7th
Macy is a shy, timid girl who is nothing like her twin brother, Bryce. She goes on ghost adventures with him and enjoys it, but she's especially scared of the house on the hill.
She goes to protect her brother. She brings, sage and incense to protect them from the evil thay burdens the house. Lets just hope it works.
Brie Walters
Age: 25
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130
Hobbies: Journalism, Sewing
Birthday: February 22nd
Brianna, otherwise known as Bri is a reporter for Channel 6 News, eager for a good story and this house could be her big break. So she goes in with her cameraman ready for the story of her life. Though it might be her last.
She only knows her cameraman, Raoul personally. She has heard of Bryce and Macy, but only through their streaming website.
Raoul Relleno
Age: 36
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 170
Hobbies: Handiwork, Boating
Birthday: May 5th
Raoul is of Hispanic origin, he grew up in Mexico and immigrated to America at Age 20. He did well for himself. He made a career off of his own Handiwork Business. He bought a boat and was usually on the open waters. Eventually he got a job as a cameraman for Channel 6 News.
He met and became friends with Bri and they've been friends ever since amd covered a lot of stories together.
Who's ready to see some betrayal?
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marykatewiles · 1 year
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For this months Patreon game stream I'll be playing Betrayal at House on the Hill this Saturday at 1:30 pm Pacific with @hartgracesarah, @sineadpersaud, @seanpersaud, & Ryan W. Garcia! Streaming live for my $15+ patrons (and available to watch after the fact!)!
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fanbynature · 5 months
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Board AF Legacy: Betrayal
characters posters: Belinda Poppy
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