#Betty I swear to god this show
lucianinsanity · 1 year
Going insane about that old man and all the gays in different realities
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golden--cherries · 1 year
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weoris · 8 months
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i. WHERE LEE HEESEUNG will go to the moon and back to show you off. you’d always promise each other to be there, wherever the other would go, even if it meant just in the heart.
GNRE fluff, angst, established relationship. PRNG clingy!lee heeseung x reader OTHR swearing, long distance. WRDS 1.5k ( 1573 words )
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“HERE’S US IN BALI!” heeseung showed the photo to his group mate, who seemingly had no interest in you or your summer trip to Bali, or that you almost lost your swim suit or what hilarious thing that happened with some waiter.. or was it the air stewardess?
Either way, Yujin smiled tiredly and sighed. “Nice.” She let out, continuing to write while the boy continued to babble. “And it cost us every dollar we had, but it was so worth it! She even was going to buy me a watch! Of course I refused to.. but listen, she actually offered to get me one! Isn’t she such a generous girlfriend.”
Yujin, with her chin on her palm, gave a fake smile and kept her eyes big, “Yeah! Crazy!” She humoured the boy. All the poor girl wanted to do was complete her partner-project, but it seemed like her partner was more focused on his own personal partner..
Just in luck, you left him a text, saying you were around the cafe they were at. His eyes instantly lit up and Yujin scooted to view the dilemma. She almost fought a chuckle at his reaction.
The boy was giddy. Giggling and tapping his feet to the beat of imaginary music as he texted you back.
heebee❣️ ok baby, come quick! ilysm 🥰
Smiling at his cute response, you type out a quick ‘I love you too’ and put your phone back in your bag, using your hand to shade yourself from the sun.
Nearing the outdoor bench, you waved and smiled at Heeseung as he gave you one back as well. At your arrival, Yujin let out a sigh of relief and started packing her stuff. “Hi, baby!” He smiled wider and held your hand as you stood next to him.
“Hey, hee!” You giggled. “Hi, Yujin!”
“Hi!” She gave an exaggerated smile. “Please take control of your person.” Yujin whispered to you with gritted teeth, grabbing her iced coffee and leaving immediately, leaving you to snicker but redden up. It wasn’t the first time someone had mentioned something similar about heeseung’s clingy affection.
He greeted you with a kiss on your cheek as you sat down, “I missed you so much, you have no idea.” You rolled your eyes and giggled, looking down at his hands wrapped around your arm.
“Me too, hee. C’mon.” You smiled and grabbed his hand, packing his stuff and leaving the bench.
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HIS FRIENDS DIDN’T HAVE IT EASY EITHER, dealing with his needy complaints ever since Heeseung started dating you.
“I miss her.. you know yesterday she made me waffles for breakfast? She even made me dinner the same night! Oh god, why don’t you ever make me dinner.” Heeseung gave Beomgyu the stink-eye.
Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows, “Hey. I make us dinner all the time!”
Heeseung rolled his eyes and threw his head back with a groan. “I don’t want to eat ‘Betty’s healthy late night easy-to-make recipes for the whole family’ every night. Her chicken is raw!”
Beomgyu gasped at his dorm mate, “You ungrateful shit, Betty is the best! You just don’t like gourmet meals or precious old ladies!” His words made heeseung roll his eyes again.
“It’s not Betty that I don’t like. And I’d love a gourmet meal, it’s your brain that gets every idea from the fake Facebook mom groups you join that I hate!” Heeseung spat out more angrily as Beomgyu gasped ever heavier, almost accidentally choking.
“You’re just bitter that you failed Highschool home economics! It’s not my fault you burnt every thing we made!” Heeseung glared at the long-haired boy. “You dipshi-”
He stopped almost choking Beomgyu when he heard the door open, seeing your confused figure outside.
He smiled immediately and practically floated to you. “Hi baby.” He grinned and wrapped his arms around your neck, pressing a kiss on your head, then ten more on your face. His gesture made you giggle as you looked away from him.
Beomgyu made a disgusted face but smiled when you waved at him. “Don’t mind him, he’s just bitter.” Heeseung smiled affectionately at you, but turned to scowl at his roommate.
The latter gasped at his words. “Yeah, and your boyfriend is an ungrateful brat!” Beomgyu yelled out as Heeseung brought you into his room, once again turning to scowl at the boy.
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BUT AT TIMES, YOU COULDN’T BE THERE. “What is it?” You smile at your boyfriend, who had came over to your dorm a few minutes ago to break whatever ‘exciting, mind-blowing, life-changing’ news he had.
He jumped on the couch and held your hand with a giddy smile on his face. “Are you sure? It’s really big news!”
Rolling your eyes, you sigh with a smile. “Yes! C’mon!”
Heeseung pursed his lips before speaking again. “Ok, ok. So you know how I’ve been like.. dreaming of that super exclusive three-year internship, study programme thing right?”
You nod, remembering the nights of sleep he’d miss to upgrade his resume and get the chance to go. “Well.. I made it! I’m going!” You jumped up at his words, gasping and hugging him immediately. “Oh my god, that’s great! You’ve worked so hard, I’m so proud of you!”
“I know, I can’t believe it.” He pulled away to look at your eyes. “Thank you.. for supporting me all the time. I..” his smile turned a bit more sad, you could see it in his eyes. “I want to spend all the time I have left here with you..”
Confused rested in your expression. Your eyebrows furrowed, you tried to smile still. “What? The time you have left? What- what are you saying, hee?”
He sighed again, but quiet enough to not worry you. “I’m.. the programme is abroad. It’s in the states..” Your eyebrows raised and you took a deep breath in. “Wow.. that’s.. uh- far.” You looked down but smiled again when you saw his worried expression.
“But it’s good! You know.. the US has a ton of.. amazing opportunities.” You smiled, masking your sadness — you still were happy for him, no matter how hard it would be.
He frowned at your pitiful expression. “Baby.. I don’t want anything to happen to our relationship, ok? I know long distance is hard but we’ve been through so much together already! 3 years apart can’t do much harm, can it?” You look up at him, and his beautiful, hopeful doe eyes make you smile and nod. “Of course not.”
A wave of relief washes over him as he hugs you tight, not wanting to let go — as if you’d vanish if he did.
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THE DAYS WITH HIM were everything you’d ever dreamed of and more. He took you to amusement parks, fancy dinners, bought you flowers and pretty rings — you felt like you had just won the prince you had always dreamt of as a little girl.
but it every fairytale, there is some sort of heartbreak, and this was that moment.
“I’m going to miss you so much..” you muttered into his shoulder, raising your head to avoid your tears coming out. Even though you wore waterproof mascara just for this occasion. He pulled away, putting the flowers he had received from his mom on top of his suit case and pulled you in for another tighter hug.
He left no words, as he embraced you as close as he could, lifting your feet off the airport floors for a second before putting you down. He couldn’t say anything to you, he was sure he’d choke up.
“Why are you crying?” You said, wiping a running tear off his cheek and chuckling, even though you felt your tears running down as well. He laughed too, at your words and hold your face in his hands. “I’ll miss you so much too.. you can’t even imagine.”
You smile in content, resting your foreheads against each other. “We’ll be alright. I’ll be there!” You put your hand against his chest, right on his heart, “Here. I’ll always be here.” He looked down at your hand and held it with his own.
Looking back at you, he pressed a kiss on your forehead. “I know you will.” He smiled and tilted his head to kiss your lips softly. When you pulled your lips away, his parents came rushing from the bathroom. “Did we miss anything?” They frantically said.
You both chuckle and shake your head. “No, I was just about to go.” He pulls away from you to hug and wish goodbye to his teary-eyed mother and proud dad. “I love you guys.”
“I love you. So much. Remember that alright?” He smiled teasingly, making you roll your glistening eyes. “Mhm, mhm, I love you too.” Pecking his lips one more time, he smiles and smoothes out your hair before going. “Bye!”
After waving, Mrs. Lee blows her nose quickly as heeseung’s father leads her down. You give one last wave to heeseung and motion a call sign with your hand, signalling him to call you on the plane. He giggles and waves back, sending a flying kiss and nodding. “Y/n, are you coming?”
You turn to heeseung’s father and immediately walk towards them. “Mhm. Let’s go.”
And when you reached home, you were pleased to find a text from him attached with a selfie of him and his hand on his chest while seated on the plane.
heebee❣️ right here with me ✈️💓
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NOTE cutie little heebee is too much. yapped a lot here but this was so adorable I almost GAVE UP. I need someone like hee or else I’ll explode, srsly. and yes plans for the rest of hyung line r up.. if i have enough ideas I’ll do for the maknae line possibly??? I HAVE TOO MANY SERIES IDEAS I CANT EVEN FINISH ONE (..most including ones of my old works)
TAGLIST @w3bqrl @boowoowho @ahnneyong @kynrki @ixomiyu @yunki4evr @flwoie @bubblytaetae @ja4hyvn @dimplewonie @xiaoderrrr @trsrina @adajoemaya @stepout-09-15 @justwannachecksmth @ineedaherosavemeenow @lcv3lies @violetinferno @woncheecks @mijuuv @enhapocketz @star4rin @bubblytaetae @dimplewonie @flwrshee @whoschr @jiaant11 @yeomha @mosssi @j-wyoung @artstaeh @spilled-coffee-cup @cowsmicwu
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shebeafancyflapjack · 9 months
Right! Here we go. Ghosts Finale Positivity Post as I rewatch.
- Robin being an excited little kid for Christmas is the cutest thing, even if it's Halloween.
- Alison's face when she's showing the ghosts Mia before she has to put the mask on. Also the fact one of her first priorities after giving birth was for Mike to call them and reassure her they're OK.
- "Since Alison come, it been my favorite time of year." I love you Robin, I love you, I love you.
- Nana Fanny is surprisingly sweet? I never imagined her being that maternal before, she never spoke of her children.
- "Robin want more." 🥺 HE IS SO BABY.
- "Think of the child, Alison!" Thomas just kills it with that line. 😂
- Julian caring about putting Robin in the Christmas mood. Chess Husbands are the Joey and Chandler of this show for me.
- Mike was fully about to reveal the truth to Betty but his wife said Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss. It's just so on point for them.
- "She doesn't want to see Fanny on camera." Has someone compiled all these jokes yet?
- Alison's little thumbs up to Julian, they are just chaos buddies.
- Mike being a terrible liar is hilarious.
- Mike warning the ghosts to leave! Like he has no real connection to these guys except through Alison but doesn't want any of them in danger. 🥺
- "Betty's bought the pastor!" "Pasta? That not very Christmassy." Robin I swear to god.
- That close in shot of Julian is the funniest scene in the episode. Also Robin "I think we should go-" chess husbands stick together.
- Kitty remembering Humphrey! She's always seemed to be the one who is most concerned for him. <3
- This. Just this.
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- Thomas, normally the most self-obsessed git, being the one to jump into the line of fire to rescue Humphrey is also <3 <3
- This expression on Alison broke my heart and had me going "babygirl oh babygirl!" at my TV.
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- But then.... 😁🥰😁
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- As chaotic as the scene is, Kitty wanting to sing Mia a lullaby is cute and shows she's trying to move past her jealousy...I think.
- Fanny calling Alison her daughter. I'm not OK.
- This had me howling. 😂
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- Mike saying "thanks guys." There's as many Mike / ghosts moments as Alison ones here.
- Julian being so happy Robin feels Christmassy!
- This could be an oil painting. My girl. 😭
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- Best use of a song and lyrics timed with what's happening.
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- THE PORTRAITS! Such a tiny detail but tells you Alison had her input into how the hotel was set up. She made it for her and Mike but she left it for THEM!
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- The last we hear from Alison is her laughter. All these years. All these years and they are loving and LAUGHING together.
- Plague Ghosts always had to be the ones to bow us out. Again, while she wasn't super close to them, I like to think Alison suggested the pit as a good place for the spa, for them. 🥰
.....Okay that was a little better on second viewing ngl.
(For anyone wondering why I don't mention any of the PatCap moments, sorry I'm just not a big fan of baby scenes and babytalk etc.)
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✧. ┊     My Little Dancer // 1
⇢º. AFAB! Showgirl Reader x Mysterious Person 🤫
.❥❧ Y/N temperament is confident and rude.
TWs: Stalking and extortion. More down the road
You are responsible for the content you consume! Stop reading if you feel uncomfortable.
I never liked the bitter aftertaste Marlboro reds left on my tongue, but I’d still finish the pack by the end of the week—a few days if work was particularly stressful. My former psychoanalyst remarked that I was stuck in the oral stage. I was too drunk to recall how I responded, but I am no longer welcome in his office or most in the city. Anger, what an amusing emotion. I forget where the quote comes from, I was always too pretty to pay attention in school, but most regard it as a temporary loss of the senses. I believe it is a heightening.
I took a final drag of the cigarette before I put it out on my aching neck. I flicked the butt onto the sidewalk and stumbled to the back door. A lithe, timid woman quickly scurried past me, fumbling with her string of cream-colored pearls as she muttered a few curses and prayers. I had half a mind to shout at her for shoving into me, but I was like any other gentleman—couldn’t bring myself to do it when such a pretty little thing was in tears. Poor girl just wasn’t cut out for the life of stardom; I could hardly blame her. Come into a jazz club with those periwinkle eyes and adorable angel curls, and you’ll only last a day before you break.
“Where the fuck ‘ave you been, Y/N? I’m telling ya, I can’t do this shit anymore! I can’t,” My beloved manager shouted in between unsteady breaths, “You’re on in five fucking minutes? Did ya spend so much time whorin’ around in school ya can’t read a clock? I swear, ya woman and your—”
“And our what, Kolenkov? Tread lightly,” I hummed as I strolled past him toward my powder room. I smirked at him to send a benign threat, “If you piss me off anymore, I’ll break the pretty little ornaments on stage… again.”
“Break whatever ya want… ya bitch!” He wiped the sweat off his lightly wrinkled forehead with an embroidered handkerchief and hoarsely shouted for a cola.
“Sweetheart, I think you need water and a beer,” I shouted from inside my room as I lounged at my vanity, “Too much sugar and your poor heart is going to finally give out.”
I muttered the sultry lyrics of my performance as I touched up my makeup. I never let another girl touch my face; jealousy tended to style me when I did. I opened the intricately carved drawer and gently rummaged through it.
“Where did I put it…?”
My practiced gentleness and poise dissipated, and I pulled the drawer out and angrily dumped its contents on the tabletop. In the process, I chipped a fingernail and felt like bursting a blood vessel.
“Laura, for the love of God, where the fuck is my rouge? I’m not wearing the cheap shit on stage anymore. Find me my Djer-Kiss or—”
“I uhm, I don’t know where it’s at, but you’re on in two,” Her lip quivered as she held her clipboard in front of her face. I pushed past her trembling form to get what I needed.
“My hair needs to be sprayed again! Where’s the hairspray at, Annie?”
“Like I know what you do with all your junk! Where’s my hat? Bettie, where is my hat?”
“Keep track of the men you meet up with after shows and maybe you’d have an easier time finding it, Annie.”
“Y/N, your fuckin’ rogue is over here,” Kolenkov’s legs trembled as he puffed out smoke, “Ya fuckin’ bitch! Get out there before you miss your damn cue!”
“Oh, go cool off you fat fucking tomato,” I quickly applied a dark burgundy onto my cheeks and powdered my face again. I rushed past fellow showgirls and slammed into Laura as I tried to grab my heels, “Laura, doll, either you do something useful or you get the fuck out of the way.”
“B-but your—”
I grabbed Laura by the collar of her silk blouse and pulled her close to my face.
“Did you ever wonder what you sound like to others? Because, doll, your voice is something so grating, I can’t even begin to express it to you. So, here’s how it’s going to work, okay? You’re going to stay the fuck away from me until I am shouting for you. I don’t care about what a backstage bitch has to say about my performance,” I took a deep breath and flashed a smile sure to break her heart, “It’s all about me, doll. Maybe if you lost fifteen pounds, you’d be able to sing with the big girls. Stick to Sunday choir, and I’ll stick to fully booked shows.”
I looked down at Laura as she started to cry and scoffed. She wouldn’t last a week more if she kept on fucking crying.
“Y/N, get the fuck on stage, now. I will finally fuckin’ fire—”
“You can’t fire what everyone comes to see; this place’ll close down the second I step out or realize I’m better than this joint.”
I glared at Laura again before reaching behind her to grab my heels. I noticed she flinched, and my brows softened.
“The fuck— I don’t have time for this,” I sighed and shoved past every other girl.
I strutted up the metal stairs and could hear the audience chattering outside. A scruffy man helped me into the bedazzled birdcage, and I slouched on the perch. I emptily stared at my fingernails and swallowed the lump in my throat. Everything had to be perfect.
“The other girls are melting away. Kolenkov is melting away. Laura is melting away. My chipped fingernail is melting away,” I mindlessly maundered as I heard Kolenkov tapping on the microphone.
“Welcome, ladies and gents. It’s truly a pleasure—a blessing from the Lord above—to see so many of ya faces again. Though, can’t say some of ya have aged well!”
I grimaced as the audience roared at his quips and wit; he wasn’t very funny or charming. I knew why they were here. I chewed on my already broken fingernail as he rambled about the girls and how he loved us to death.
“Now, I know when I’m no longer welcome! Honestly, if I didn’t love ya folks so much tonight, I’d have half a mind to kick ya outta here,” He chuckled, and it queued the audience into laughing as well, “But it’s time for the star of our little show here. Ladies and gents, meet the prettiest little peacock in all of America! Introducing our beloved Cherie Flambe, the Pittsburgh Princess herself. Careful trying to get a slice of that pie, ya have one bite, then you finish the whole thing.”
Blood trickled down my pointer finger as the crimson curtains slowly unraveled. I sucked in my stomach and fluttered my long black eyelashes, and the bird cage slowly descended. This was it; it was all about me. The lead saxophonist started to snap his fingers, and the white spotlight nearly blinded my eyes, but thank the stars, I was born for the stage. The second my wine-red lips opened and started to sing that jazz, everyone was utterly enthralled with me. What I wore, oh God, if only I could see those ladies' eyes as they bitterly whispered to their pathetic lover boy, “Why can’t you ever buy me something like that?”
I rocked back and forth in a vibrant array of blues, greens, and purples that shimmered underneath the hot spotlight. My bodice gleamed with vibrantly iridescent plumage that formed some sort of intricate pattern, dipping low enough to reveal the costars of the show. As I sensuously swayed across the stage, my skirt flowed and swished around my hips, and I made sure I not only ruffled tailfeathers, but showed them. As the show progressed, I tore away the skirt, revealing all the flamboyant little feathers adorning my legs. I knew the uptight ladies in the crowd would scoff and flutter their flimsy fans to showcase their disapproval. I wish the same happened to their senile husbands. I threw the old dogs out there a bone when I tossed my garter into the audience.
I blew kisses as the music came to a glorious swell, and I began to glide offstage. I didn’t bother to stay for the raucous cheering; there was always plenty of time to schmooze with all the gentle and rough men after the show. I noticed Annie’s legs were shaking and furrowed my thin eyebrows at her.
“Hun, you’re too much of a catch to be shaking like that. Save that for the lads out there, and they’ll lose their damn minds.”
“Easy for you to say, Y/N…I mean, Cherie! You have a whole lot to show off and, I dunno, I feel—”
“Save your feelings for when the audience heads home. We’ll open up a bottle some sucker gives me after the show, if you don’t find your own.”
I squeezed her and rushed off before Kolenkov could have a heart attack over our interaction. I ambled through the dressing rooms until I came across mine. I rolled my eyes as I noticed the old door was cracked open; Annie must’ve borrowed my lipstick again. I sighed as I sat down, staring at my face in the mirror. I plucked my eyebrows with my tweezers, hoping to cool off a bit—we weren’t allowed to smoke until the ladies were gone, something about etiquette. There was a shy knock at my door, and I knew exactly who was hiding behind it.
“Laura, I’m not actually going to kill you. Look, I— Just say what you need to say,” I yawned and poured myself a glass of merlot to unwind.
“You.. You have some gifts already. C-can I come in?”
“Just leave ‘em outside. Don’t really care unless it’s diamonds or cash.”
I waited until I heard her kitten heels scamper to the next thing before I opened the door. I noticed the basket of neatly organized letters, roses, exotic perfumes, and chocolates.
“No wine? Fuck, I’ll have to bat my eyelashes at Kolenkov, these bastards are getting cheap.”
I disregarded the rules of not being allowed to eat in costume as I opened a box of imported French dark chocolates, crumpling the note on top of it and tossing it out. I sorted through the letters and saved the prettier ones to read with Annie. I finished a bonbon and felt oddly nauseous as I stumbled across the last letter. It was damp—never a good sign—and simply had my name on it in a beautiful cursive.
“Oh, what the hell, why not.”
I ripped it open and choked on the piece of chocolate I was trying to swallow. As I spat it up, the half-chewed treat had the decency to cover my nudity. I languidly rummaged through the photos and felt tears burn my eyes. Usually, I’d never be terrified of my body, but I felt like the devil himself was dragging me to hell. I didn’t bother with reading shit the degenerate must’ve written as I tore up the photos. A fist pounded on my door, and I bit the inside of my cheek until I tasted metal.
“Get ya ass outta there. You’ll have plenty of time to brood after ya show off to everyone. Got a couple of friends who wanna greet ya, maybe give ya somethin’ nice in exchange for a kiss or two.”
“Uhm, alright.”
There was a brief silence, and Kolenkov came inside.
“Normally, I’d tell ya to get ya shit together, but I’m feeling exceptionally decent tonight,” He sat beside me for the first time in a year and stared at me, “Spit it out.”
“I don’t know, I’m fine.”
“I hate it when women say that, y’know?”
“Better get used to it. Women hate you.”
“Atta girl! Now, c’mon, I’m doing ya a favor,” He extended his bulky arm for me to grab, and he escorted us out into the bar, “These guys are richer than the Rockefellers, I swear.”
I had never felt so exposed in my life, but I guess that was the life I was hellbent to live. I flashed the group a lovely smile, knowing my performance wouldn’t be over until I was alone.
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teacasket · 1 year
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genre: angst with a happy ending au: high school au warnings: swearing word count: 0.6k   pairing: gn!reader x lee minho song: betty by taylor swift mini series: cruel summer // august // betty // cardigan // the 1 a/n: the reader in this is not the same reader as cruel summer and august. this reader is minho’s ex and is also featured in cardigan.
There’s an unfamiliar blue car parked underneath the maple tree in front of your house, and Minho sharply inhales as he drives past it. Up until three months ago, that was his spot. At every single party you hosted, his car would be parked there. It didn’t matter if he showed up late; all of your friends knew that the maple tree was reserved for Minho. Boyfriend privileges.
He misses them. He misses you, of course, but as he scans the block for any open space, he really misses being your boyfriend.
He heard about your back-to-school party secondhand from Dahyun of all people, the same person who told you what happened in the summer. You didn’t send him an invite, but why would you? It still stings though. He should have been helping you set up for the party.
Buying stupid gold balloons that spell out “SENIORS.” Dumping chips into a bowl and sneaking in his favorite songs onto the party playlist. Kissing you whenever you purse your lips in contemplation. Just like last year.
He finally finds a parking spot near the end of the block. What will he say to you? The speech he planned suddenly feels wrong, and he can’t craft another one in the time it will take for me to reach your house. What does he say? How will you take it? Lost in thought, he swings his car keys around his index finger, nearly dropping them when he realizes that he’s standing on your porch. Muscle memory, he assumes. He has stood in this place so many times before.
The porch light is on, as if you expected his arrival, and two moths flutter around the glass. Muffled music and laughter can be heard through the walls. Before he can think about it any longer, he rings the door bell.
Cursed as he is, Dahyun answers the door. She blinks twice before shouting into the house, “Minho is here!”
Almost immediately, you appear in the doorway, a crowd backing you like an army. Your cardigan hangs off of one shoulder, and you hastily pull it back up as you take in the sight of him.
“Hi,” you say, your fingers limply waving hello. “What are you doing here?”
“Can we talk?”
“What do you want to talk about?”
He doesn’t want to do this in front of an audience, but you cling to the threshold for support. Three of your close friends huddle behind you, metaphorical teeth and claws bared.
“I’m sorry,” he says quietly, meekly. His shame increases tenfold as dozens of eyes bore into him. “I fucked up, and I don’t know how to fix it or how to make it up to you, but I want to. Tell me what I need to do, and I’ll do it. I’ll spend my whole life making it up to you if I have to. Please. You’re the only one for me. It’s only ever been you.”
“I know.”
Then you step onto the porch and kiss him.
He doesn’t care that everyone is watching or that Dahyun will tell the entire school on Monday. Normally he would, but the feeling of your lips on his again is better than he dreamed it. When you draw back, a shy, soft smile forms. His hands find yours.
“Let’s go for a drive?” you suggest.
“What about your party?”
You glance back at your guests, some of whom are recording with their phones. Your smile turns mischievous and God, he’s missed you. “They can handle it. C’mon.”
The walk to his car is long, but the drive is short because, at the next streetlight, he pulls over to pull you in for a longer kiss.
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next-autopsy · 10 months
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A/N: Well, hi there! Don't hate me for this chapter, I was going to have the girls enjoy a nice night out and then I started writing and this came out so....... sorry x
Based on the actors portrayal/hbo show and written with no disrespect to the real life veterans. Also all images found on Pinterest.
TW: some swearing, drinking, very very brief mention of blood/death (nothing major), lieb is a dick for no reason … thats all i think?
Tags: @malarkgirlypop, @panzershrike-pretz
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Made of Glass
Chapter eighteen: A Night to Remember
Choosing Johnny as her sparring partner had been a blessing and a curse. 
On one hand, he was helping her learn properly. Birdie was finally able to defend and attack against someone who was fully willing to brawl her correctly. 
On the other hand, he wasn’t holding back. At all. And, by God, he had a strong swing. 
Bernadette had asked for this and she knew it would be beneficial in the long run, but each hit Johnny landed maybe her regret pushing for extra lessons. 
The instructor had given them small breaks for water during their hour-long lesson and when it was over, demanded they all stretch so their muscles wouldn’t ache too badly the next day. The seven women chatted while doing so, and the topic of weekend passes came up. 
The entire group had not yet been out drinking together, two or three maybe but not all seven, so when they figured out this weekend would be the first they all held a pass, excitement spread. 
Johnny shook his head playfully at the women as they yapped about which bar to visit on the rare occasion. He smiled hearing Bernadette mention introducing her friends, she was enlivened by the thought of the women she had come to call sisters meeting the men she thought of as brothers. The grin on her face was unlike any other and Johnny’s heart warmed thinking of the young lady who had wiggled her way into the center of Easy company and cemented bonds with a large portion of the guys. 
She was Easy’s little sister. 
The image of her splashed with scarlet red blood and lifeless eyes flashed into his mind and Martin involuntarily shivered. It was like the first time he even thought of the southern girl's death, like it wasn’t a possibility before now. If anything happened to her, Easy might just fall apart. Johnny began praying for her every night after that vision of her demise. 
“I’m not going.” 
“What? You gotta! It won’t be the same without you.” Blythe begged, quite literally on her knees. Francesca was attempting to weasel her way out of the joyfully dubbed ‘girl’s night’ as they were getting ready. Charlotte passed the red lipstick along to the next girl waiting for the prized makeup, while Birdie sat on the floor in front of her cot and held still as Connie styled her hair, she had convinced Birdie to let her curl it down and leave it flowy. 
“Tell her, Birdie!” Blythe whined to the Corporal, Lucy rolled her eyes at the redhead while fixing her tie. The women were in their dress green and most had opted for the skirt and kitten heeled option for the night out. Only Lucy and Francesca wore the trousers and boots. 
“Yeah, she actually listens to you.” Charlotte added, passing Birdie her lit smoke and the southern girl was still unable to move much. Bernadette gave the Italian woman a pleading look, the best puppy dog eyes she could muster, “Please?” And Frankie folded. Rolling her eyes she grabbed her jacket and sighed, “Fine.”
“Yay! This is going to be so fun!” The chatty redhead jumped up and down, excited to have the full team going out. 
After putting on final touches and ensuring all seven were ready and weren’t forgetting anything, the group left their barracks. 
Five out of seven ladies immediately pulled out smokes and lit them up to combat the chill of the evening air. Only sweet young Connie and the brunette Betty, who don’t partake in puffing cigarettes, were left out of exhaling smoke clouds. Instead the duo led the group, followed by Lucy and Blythe, arm in arm then Birdie and Charlotte either side of Francesca, blocking her in so she couldn't sneak off and return to the barracks.
The group of girls had to split up into two cabs, luckily a whole row of drivers were lined up, waiting to make money off of soldiers needing rides to the nearest bar. Toye had told Birdie which bar he and most of Easy company were planning on visiting that night and she had convinced the girls to spend their time there: The Black Rose, it was called. 
Before entering the drinking establishment, they could hear the rowdy men inside who had apparently started off the night with a drinking competition. Birdie suggested a few of them stay sober to look out for the ladies who would be drinking and urged the women to all leave together around midnight. All the girls agreed, Connie opted not to drink as she was still eighteen, by that logic Birdie and Blythe, who were nineteen and twenty respectively, volunteered to stay sober too. 
A smoky haze filled the bar, Birdie couldn’t hear herself think, that's how loud the men were hollering. The group of women took a moment to look around before Lucy took everyone's drink order before linking arms with Blythe and skipping off to the bar. 
Meanwhile, Birdie had spotted Toye and waved over at him. He had secured a table which had a few empty seats, so Bernadette ushered her girls over his way. 
“You look gorgeous, Birdie.” Toye told her, pulling her in for a hug. He noticed the stares her dolled up look was getting and decided he was on guard tonight. 
“Little Bird!” Guarnere slurred, his drunkenness already rearing its head, “You gonna introduce me to these… beautiful ladies?” Bill slung his arm around Bernadette's shoulders, he winked in their general direction, earning scoffs and rolled eyes. Birdie cringed, it was like watching a sibling flirt and embarrass himself, he wasn’t even good at it, but that could be the alcohol.
“Calm down, Syphilis. They ain’t interested.” She twisted his arm off of her and let it drop down.
“Ah, so this is your diseased friend?” Charlotte smirked, turning to Connie who giggled at the Able company woman’s comment. Bill did not look impressed, he glared at Birdie and mouthed a ‘what the fuck?’ her way. She only grinned at the Italian man and began proper introductions. 
The men at this table were some of her closest friends, of course Bill and Toye were the first she announced, followed by the trio who could not be separated; Malarkey, Skip and Alex. Sitting partially behind them was Bull, Johnny and Lipton who gave polite smiles and head nods as Birdie mentioned the men by name. 
Lucy and Blythe joined them with a tray of drinks, the pair handed them to their fellow woman and Birdie briefly repeated the introductions for the two who missed it.
“Aaaand which one has Herpes?” Lucy leered, hoping to pull a reaction from the man in question. It worked, of course, Bill huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Birdie! Stop telling everyone I have diseases!” 
It truly was a night to remember. 
Even without drinking, Birdie enjoyed having her ladies out and in such a carefree environment. She dragged the women to the dancefloor early on and began teaching them how to line dance, Blythe, Betty and Connie picked it up quickly while Charlotte and Lucy struggled to keep up with the quick steps. Francecsca refused to try and watched from her table, laughing when Charlotte and Lucy returned to her in defeat. Soon the men wanted in on the merriment and took turns begging the women to dance with them and sung their praises afterwards.
Frankie sat in the corner smoking and observing for the majority of the night, Toye had joined her and the two got on surprisingly well, sitting in silence and sharing smokes. That's when George Luz found them and started throwing jokes left and right, trying to impress the moody pair. Rossi saw right through the jokesters mask, she recognised his heart shaped eyes and knew exactly where they were aimed. 
Charlotte drank a surprising amount; Skip, Alex and Don had challenged her to a drinking contest and pretty soon after losing Birdie had to cut off her supply but she had bribed someone to bring her another gin and tonic within seconds of being banned from the bar. The southern woman assigned Betty to watch the highly intoxicated lady until they were prepared to leave.
Lucy and Blythe disappeared to the bathroom together every five minutes, which raised Birdie's eyebrows. How had she missed that? And Connie was being spun around on the dancefloor from partner to partner as she hadn’t the heart to tell the men she’d had enough.
Bernadette looked around at her girls, it was getting late and probably time to saunter home. Charlotte was near passed out and Connie was starting to look tired. She made the executive decision to call it a night, making her way to Frankie to share her revelation. 
Frankie wholeheartedly agreed, feeling like a third wheel as the more Toye had drunk, the more he returned Luz’s looks. It was subtle, not many would notice the shared glances or how each man checked the other out while they thought no one was watching. 
Francesca noticed. The whole night, she saw it all. 
Birdie rounded up the women, bringing them to the table Frankie was stationed at, her job was to keep them there and not let them wander off. 
Lucy and Blythe were in giggle fits about something that probably wasn’t that funny and Betty was trying to keep Charlotte awake but she wasn’t doing great, the Able company woman slumped over on the table top ungracefully. 
Birdie had to physically tear Connie away from the line of men waiting to dance with the blonde, she told the girls she had to run to the bathroom quickly and then they were leaving. No more drinks, no more dancing. Two minutes maximum. And she scurried off to the back of the establishment where a corridor led off to the restrooms. 
“Just admit you’re interested in her, man.” Tipper shrugged casually at his friend. Joe only scoffed and shook his head, as if the man had suggested something completely absurd. 
“I mean, it’s kinda obvious…” Ed trailed off, he was winding his buddy up and he knew it. The pair had stepped aside from the noise of the crowds in attempts for a reprieve, but the second Edward had brought up the girl from Mississippi, Liebgott stiffened. 
“I think you should tell her-”
“I‘m not interested in her.” Joe cut off Tip’s words, his hands were curled up into fists even though he would never dream of hitting his friend, it was more like a stress relief. 
Joe’s back was to a corridor, while Tipper half faced it as he stood beside his friend. Out of the corner of his eye, Ed saw the shadows in the semi lit corridor move. Joe began speaking again at the same time Ed recognised the shady figure but by then it was too late to tell him to shut his mouth. 
“Bernadette Coldwell is a stuck up princess. My type ain’t arrogant, conceited bitches who don’t know when to shut up.” Liebgott’s voice was venomous, he glared at Ed for a moment before noticing his stance. Tip was uncomfortable, his face was scrunched up as he half cringed, half winced and that’s when Joe noticed his eyes flick to something behind him. Lieb’s face dropped, he didn't want to turn around, somehow he knew what he would see if he looked behind him and it gave him swirls in his chest. 
Not even two seconds later and Joe felt the unmistakable shove of his shoulder, then he was watching Bernadette stomp past him, her tawny brown hair bouncing with every step. He only saw her face for a split second but the look she carried gave him instant regret, the miserable feeling pooled in his stomach and ached in his chest. He hadn’t meant those harsh words, he didn’t actually think she was conceited or arrogant but he said them and she had heard them. 
Joe stepped out after her, following her through the crowd. He called out her name once, then twice but she kept trudging away from him. 
Birdie was relieved when she found familiar faces. She just wanted to leave, she didn’t know how long Liebgott was standing there talking shit about her but the part she had heard was enough to cut the southern girl deep. She was holding it together for now, but she knew the second someone tried to comfort her, the emotional wall would break and she might cry, hence the desperate need to depart. 
“Y’all ready to go?” Birdie plastered a smile onto her face, hoping the girls wouldn’t notice or maybe they would and help her get out of the bar, pronto. Betty and Connie positioned themselves either side of Charlotte and hoisted her up while Lucy and Blythe linked arms, preparing to leave. 
“What happened?” Frankie walked over to Bernadette, catching sight of the dejected look on her friend's face. The Italian jumped into protection mode, no one gets to give Birdie trouble and get away with it, not while she was around. 
“Nothing. Let's go.” She was obviously hiding something and Francesca wouldn’t let it go that easy. If she didn’t tell her now they would talk about it when they got back to their barracks.
“Someone upset you? Tell me the truth, I can tell when you lie.” 
“I’m fine, can we just go, please?” Bernadette’s shoulders sagged, all she needed in this moment was to get out of the suffocating crowd and envelope herself in peace and quiet so she could sulk at whim. 
“Birdie!” Liebgott caught up with her, pushing his way through the throng of people. Francesca noted the way Birdie’s face changed, eyebrows furrowing and lips turning down. The overprotective Italian looked at the man making his way toward them, she recognised him as the guy who dropped Birdie off late one night and made their entire interaction uncomfortable. Frankie had thought maybe the two were friends, but now she knew they weren’t.
“He upset you?” Rossi whispered to the forlorn woman, “You want me to stab him?” From anyone else that comment could be considered a joke, but Frankie was serious. She subtly brought out her hidden weapon, a blade she always kept on her person, she meant business and wanted Birdie to know the lengths she would go for their friendship.
“No, it’s- uh Rossi…?” Bernadette's gaze switched from her friend's face, to her now occupied hand, “What is that?”
“Knife.” Simple. 
“Wha- Why do you have a knife?” She was beginning to panic, was she going to have to break up a fight in a moment? Birdie was not in the mood for this.
“Bar fights.” She offered little explanation other than that. 
“What the- Put it away.” The southerner pleaded, earning a stern look from Rossi. But she listened and returned the knife to its original hiding spot. 
“Birdie, just let me explain-” Joe had gotten close enough to the girl that he could reach out and touch her. His hand held onto her forearm and tugged her ever so slightly closer to him, so they were now face to face, staring at each other. 
“Don’t you think you’ve said enough?” She didn’t want his explanation, not now while her emotions were running high. Bernadette looked into Joe’s eyes and she could feel tears filling her own. She tried her hardest to hold it back, put on a straight face but her bottom lip wobbled and her brows scrunched up. 
Joe watched the emotions run across her features, he couldn’t pull his focus from her eyes. They glistened with watery tears, round and wide, making him forget where they were, surrounded by people. He wanted to comfort her, wipe those tears away, kiss her and make it all better. 
Then he remembered why she was about to cry in the first place, he had done that. He had hurt her with his horrid words so much that she was boarderline sobbing. Now all he could do was leave her to retreat and lick her wound in private. His hand dropped from where he gripped onto her. 
“...yeah…” He had said enough.
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A/N: Ahhh! The angst! Joe why would you say that?!
~ next-autopsy ~
Chapter nineteen
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 year
What I Love About Fionna and Cake (Vaugish spoilers ahead)
For those who follow me, this isn't going to be an EXTENSIVE review, but it's not going to be a "Quick Thoughts" either. It's more like an in-between option because, gosh dang it, I NEED to talk about Fionna and Cake.
When it was announced there was going to be a Fionna and Cake spin-off series, my stomach immediately filled with dread, and for two reasons. First of all, I just wanted Adventure Time to be done. Not because I hated the series. Far from it, in fact. It's because with the show's finale being this big conclusion that left me feeling empty inside and with "Together Again" feeling like a better, satisfying end to the franchise AND Finn and Jake, the last thing I wanted was MORE Adventure Time. I know the show's tagline is "The fun will never end," but the fun HAS to end at some point.
Also...I wasn't really into Fionna and Cake, both as a kid and as an adult. As a kid, I found it weird that Adventure Time just had this random episode where all the characters had swapped genders for some reason and my dumb young boy brain went "Ew, girly nonsense!" I matured past that now and actually learned to appreciate how it's actually a playful jab at the fanfic community and their occasional cringiness. That being said, I still wasn't into...how weird things got with Fionna and Cake, and I was NOT ready for a whole series based on them. I mean, why would I want a series of a genderswapped Finn and Jake when I could have...Finn and Jake?
But then the show came out...and I was NOT expecting the ten-episode long emotional roller coaster that had no right being as good as it was. NOR was I expecting it to be for adults this time.
I heard about...two weeks? Yeah, two weeks before hand, I heard that Fionna and Cake would have a TV-14 rating, and that's primarily the reason why I got more interested in the show. And a part of me kind of wish I didn't know that beforehand because I kind of wanted the surprise of characters going "God dammit" and Finn stabbing a monster in it's snout, leaving a gaping bloody hole in it. Like...could you IMAGINE?
But before you say anything, Fionna and Cake, thankfully, isn't rated TV-14 JUST BECAUSE it has swears, violence, and its main character topless for...more than half the series, to be honest. In actuality, the show's rated TV-14 more or less for the themes and messages that appeal more towards adults than it would have for kids. This show is more or less for the fans who grew up with Adventure Time, whether they're the kids now in their early twenties like Fionna, or the adults that watched the show for some reason and feel the same existential dread as Simon. The show is about the two of them and their growth to learn the lesson every body and their grandma needs to learn: Just cope.
Some of us yearn for a magical world with adventures that saves us from our boring, mundane lives. Others, even as adults, feel like they don't belong in certain spaces and wish to have back their loved ones who made them feel like they DO belong. So Fionna and Cake is there to just give the harsh truth, but instead of making the show feel like a downer, it gives a beautiful yet tragic experience that says you shouldn't yearn for what you WANT and appreciate what you NEED. Fionna wanted a magical world, but she didn't NEED it. Simon wanted Betty back or to return to his madness, but he didn't NEED to. The journey these characters go on leads to Fionna needing to learn that her life is fine just the way it is and that Simon needing to learn that his life HAS purpose even if it's without his true love. As for how they go through it and what conclusions they come to...I'm not going to spoil it because it's all brilliantly done and best left for you to see for yourself. Trust me when I say there is so much about their journeys that's best left to see for yourself if you haven't. But the bottomline is that it teaches audiences that your life is just fine the way it is. You just need to see the beauty through the dread and/or tragedy.
And despite this overlaying maturity, the show is still very much Adventure Time. It's filled with characters saying goofy things and acting silly, it's just now the show can go FARTHER with its mature messages, no longer having the kiddie gloves on for the sake of the children. They can go ALL IN on the existential dread much more than they did in the past, is unafraid to explicitly kill characters, and can make the gay characters kiss and date...Okay, they probably COULD have made that last part for kids with Steven Universe and The Owl House popularizing LGBTQA+ representation in children's media, but they definitely couldn't with those first two options! And I'm so glad that despite being mature, Fionna and Cake stuck with Adventure Time's brand of charm, heart, and fun times. It's just that those fun times can be interrupted by your favorite characters dying...But don't worry. They're not the REAL characters you grow up with.
Fionna and Cake is a multiverse story, meaning the show jumps between world after world. Not only does it provide peeks into new, interesting worlds based on these "what ifs" I didn't know I wanted to see, but it also allows the writers to basically kill off every character you loved as a kid. Sometimes it's explicit by showing viewers unmoving, withered, and sometimes even BURNT corpses, and other times it's implicit with nothing viewer interpretation guiding what MIGHT be true. Adventure Time HAS gotten dark like that in the past, but this is a time when the writers really go all out without holding back an inch, and I respect that.
And as for this being a multiverse story, I know we're all starting to get sick of those, but Fionna and Cake does it in a way that takes advantage of its premise. Each universe provides a dark and twisted version of Ooo, to the benefit of teaching Simon and Fionna to find what they NEED, not give them what they WANT. Again, I won't give away HOW, but it all works really well and it's why multiverse stories like Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness and The Flash tend to fail. I talked about this last night with a buddy of mine, but a multiverse story works better when it's used to help the characters grow and provide interesting views of things that COULD HAVE happened if things went differently. Not to spit out cameos for specific fans or make jokes about how pizza is in balls or how Aquaman's dad didn't marry the queen of Atlantis. Fionna and Cake has cameos, but they're again to show how different each universe is, teach Fionna and Simon, and even reveal the tragedy that they present at times. It just happens to be done in a way that's a fun cameo for fans.
Speaking of which, it's hard to recommend Fionna and Cake because this is a spin-off that's clearly for the fans of Adventure Time. The ones who watched the show from the beginning and get all the little in-jokes, references, and call-backs that were frequent of the series. If you HAVEN'T seen the show...I'm willing to say you'd enjoy it ENOUGH, but you'd still be left confused. You COULD watch the show beforehand, and I definitely recommend you do that, but that means watching ten seasons and four specials of television just to watch ONE spin-off. Not everyone is going to have the patience to do that, and I can understand why. Just know that if you're fan, you'll definitely enjoy this.
If there's anything to complain about, the only real nitpick I have is Cake. Despite being the OTHER titular character, she...doesn't really do much or have a journey to go on. Her character is just being there for Fionna and wanting to be the magical cat she wanted to be. Only instead of coping with what she has, Cake...doesn't do that. She gets what she wants and she's fine with it, which is kind of disappointing. And as a character, she's kind of selfish, not really caring what happens to Simon just as long as SHE gets exactly what she wants. Now, she still has some great one-liners and still has an engaging purpose as a counter-argument to what Fionna needs to learn, but that doesn't change how she's pretty much the weakest part of the show, at least to me.
Fionna and Cake is definitely a show that has more strengths and weaknesses, completely shattering expectations and making a show I didn't know I needed. Would I want another season? Eh, not really. I'm fine with how things end here. But I'm glad I watched it and I'll likely rewatch it over and over again.
If you're not a fan of Adventure Time, this probably won't be your cup of tea. But if you are, then this is a solid A series for you. Check it out and see that just because the fun will never end, that doesn't make it a bad thing.
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twistedhoneycomb · 1 year
AS PROMISED: MY THOUGHTS ON F&C SO FAR!! just a big ramble basically. I'll do 1 & 2 for this post and then 3 & 4 in another (ofc, spoilers ahead if u haven't seen it yet!!!)
Ep 1. (Fionna Campbell)
I LOVED this episode. it feels like a perfect introduction to fionna's world and the characters in it!! all the nerdy little references to the original show made me SO happy I absolutely loved those …
of course seeing marshall lee again made me absolutely jump for joy MY HUSBAND IS BACK!!! AND BETTER THAN EVER!!! his human design is perfect idc what anyone says he looks stunning. I also love that LSP's human name is ELLIS P. it's so creative and so not at the same time LMAO
it also took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that one character is supposed to be a genderbend huntress wizard. uh.
I also love how they're already sorta setting up gumlee by having marshall really like gary's cookies. that is the cutest thing ever I CAN NOT wait to see them develop more UUGHHH. I also just love gary with all my heart even if I kinda wish he had a better name
not to mention the opening song was so cute. it's so upbeat but so … depressing. 
I don't have a whole ton to say abt this episode but honestly?? I give it a 10/10 I adored it
Ep 2. (Simon Petrikov)
my poor babygirl. god I love simon… I feel so bad for my little guy… my man is basically an alcoholic (see ep 4)... he just misses Betty so much and I WANT TO GIVE HIM A HUG AAAUUGH!!!! 
I love him & finn's dynamic!! sensing a little repressed grief/trauma from finn though. like… just go on adventures all the time so you don't think about bad stuff? ouch my guy… ouch… EVERYONE IS SO DEPRESSED IN THIS EPISODE 
tbh… I was genuinely more surprised to see blood than I was to hear the characters swear. but let's be honest it's about time adventure time showed some serious gore & guts like THIS IS A SHOW PARTLY ABT FIGHTING MONSTERS. I think it suits the show, same with the mild swearing tbh, I was REALLY worried it would ruin it but it flows really naturally 
I can already see why Tom Kenny said this show was the most emotional thing he'd ever acted for… I can't imagine how the rest is gonna be (i can't wait)
I give the ep an 8.5/10 i think!! the first is my fav but this one is really really awesome too
I'll write about 3 & 4 later but YEAH!! thanks if u read all this
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rookthorne · 2 years
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1/1 ⋮ HAND IN HAND (yhhmsgm FINALE) | @thenhewaswrongaboutme
Bucky Barnes x Reader (x Steve Rogers)
Not Canon Compliant 》 tiny Angst, Fluff
The culmination of arguably the best ever series within the Marvel fanfiction community, and my heart could barely handle it. Many tears of both sadness and joy were shed, I love these two (three) with all my heart. (X)
2/1 ⋮ I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE, I WANNA BE YOUR MASTER | @buckyismybicycle
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Rockstar!AU 》 Fluff, implied Smut
I have never felt so pumped reading anything! I was there in the crowd; I could feel everything and everyone around me. The tension was the best part, what a fucking menace Bucky is! 😈 (X)
6/1 ⋮ RAVENOUS | @navybrat817
Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Bucky is such a little shit, and that surprise cameo made me fucking laugh so hard I snorted! (X)
8/1 ⋮ DARK SIDE OF THE MOON | @sgt-seabass
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Werewolf!AU 》 Dark, Smut
I don’t think I survived reading this, a ghost is writing this. This hit almost all of my weaknesses for this trope and I am dying. 🥵 (X)
9/1 - 24/1 ⋮ YOUR EYES OUTSHINE THE TOWN | @duckybarnes1917
Bucky Barnes x Black!F!Reader
Canon Divergent 》 Angst, Fluff, Smut
↳ Chapter 1 ✦ Fluff, Smut
Literally still reeling from the damn sweater paragraph, and I need a cold shower. 🥵 (X)
↳ Chapter 2 ✦ Angst, Fluff
Things are heating up, and not in a spicey way, beginning to get a bit nervous. 👀 (X)
↳ Chapter 3 ✦ Fluff, Smut
I AM WITHERING AWAY - I want to make snow angels and throw snowballs at Bucky but I also wanna do… the other things. 👀 (X)
↳ Chapter 4 ✦ Angst, Fluff
We’re digging into the sads now, but it is perfectly peppered with comfort. 👌🏻(X)
↳ Chapter 5 ✦ Angst, Fluff
THIS ONE WAS A ROLLERCOASTER! I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at most of it and I was on the edge of my seat! (X)
↳ Chapter 6 ✦ Fluff, Smut
You come up with the best punishments, I swear. That was deliciously cruel. 😏 (X)
↳ Chapter 7 ✦ Smut
The fact that you write sub!Bucky so perfectly is hazardous to my health. Seriously. (X)
↳ Chapter 8 ✦ Angst, Fluff
I would say this is the fluffiest chapter yet, they’re so fucking soft and adorable and I love them. 😭 (X)
↳ Chapter 9 ✦ light Angst, Fluff, Smut
I must ask you to leave my brain, this is getting beyond the joke. 🥵 (X)
↳ Chapter 10 ✦ Angst, Fluff
LOOK THAT WAS NOT OKAY! I NEED MY SHOVEL! I swear to god the tension and suspense is not okay, and I’m really fucking glad that I’m reading this when it is finished. (X)
↳ Chapter 11 ✦ Angst
Okay, you have now ripped my heart out, and stomped it into lemon juice with a dash of salt. You absolutely heartless monster. 😭 (X)
↳ Chapter 12 ✦ Angst, Fluff, Smut
You are forgiven. I can’t get over how fucking good you are at writing the conflict, and then the resolution. 💯 (X)
↳ Chapter 13 ✦ Angst, Fluff
Short, sweet, and perfect - just what the two of these idiots needed. (X)
↳ Chapter 14 ✦ Fluff, Smut
OI VEY! okay, okay, okay, I can breathe! *internally screaming* (X)
↳ Chapter 15 ✦ Fluff, Smut
Drunk Bucky is the epitome of chaos, and I love him. A really fun chapter. 🥰 (X)
↳ Chapter 16 ✦ Fluff
The final arc, and my heart is in my throat. I feel like the feels are gonna get a lot more intense! (X)
↳ Chapter 17 ✦ Angst, Fluff
I’m now waiting for the other show to drop and I dunno if I like that… (X)
↳ Chapter 18 ✦ Angst, Fluff
Look, my heart can only take so much. I love Betty! 😭 (X)
↳ Chapter 19 ✦ Angst, Fluff, implied Smut
A perfect ending for these two babies that I have grown to love with all my heart. 😭 (X)
18/1 ⋮ SHATTER | @navybrat817
Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Fluff, Smut
Look up the word ‘menace’ in the dictionary, and you will find ‘NavyBrat817’ in BOLD LETTERS. (X)
19/1 ⋮ RED SUN | @sgt-seabass
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hybrid!AU 》 Dark, Smut
Beyond beautifully poetic and scorching hot, literally one of the best smuts I have ever read - ever. (X)
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26/1 ⋮ CLOCKWORK AU | @sgt-seabass
Nick Fowler x Reader
Dark, Angst, Smut
↳ Chapter 1 ✦ Dark, Angst, Smut
My mind is blown right now, I cannot believe what I have just read, and I am addicted. I can’t get enough. (X)
↳ Chapter 2 ✦ Dark, Angst, Smut
It just gets even more intense, and it was fascinating to see the dynamics amongst them all. Though, you know my favourites. (X)
This went from super fucked up to being sort of sweet, and I can’t get enough of it. (X)
The cracks are beginning to show… and he is not ready for them at all. I’d say poor baby, but it’s about damn time. (X)
This is my favourite by far, the dynamics and the tension here is beautiful. It definitely makes what could be coming next very interesting. (X)
PEACE ✦ Dark
Look at him being soft, I love it. 🥹 (X)
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18/1 ⋮ DRESS UP | @sgt-seabass
Lee Bodecker x Reader
Dark, Smut
I literally cannot get over how vivid this was in my mind as I read, and that equaled a lot of trouble for me to keep a straight face. (X)
18/1 ⋮ DBF!LEE DRABBLE PT. 1 | @sgt-seabass
Lee Bodecker x Reader
Please, every one of the points got me, and got me good. 😩 (X)
18/1 ⋮ DBF!LEE DRABBLE PT. 2 | @sgt-seabass
Lee Bodecker x Reader
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18/1 ⋮ DARK!JEFFERSON | @sgt-seabass
Jefferson x Reader
Why do I gotta love the psychos… I’m gonna blame it on how well you write them. (X)
18/1 ⋮ DARK!JEFFERSON | @sgt-seabass
Jefferson x Reader
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18/1 ⋮ HEADS WILL ROLL | @sgt-seabass
Steve Kemp x Reader
Dark, Smut
I have nothing more to say than this was a masterpiece. It would have been so easy to delve into some pretty fucked up territory with this one, and you kept it perfectly balanced. 👌🏻 (X)
18/1 ⋮ SLAVE TO PAIN | @sgt-seabass
Steve Kemp x Reader
If I have said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times. Escape and Steve Kemp do not go together, and you captured the desperation perfectly. (X)
18/1 ⋮ SHATTERED (Sequel to Slave To Pain) | @sgt-seabass
Steve Kemp x Reader
He is such a sick, twisted sonofabitch but you write him so fucking good he’s addicting. 😩 (X)
18/1 ⋮ THE POSSESSION | @sgt-seabass
Steve Kemp x Reader
Dark, Smut
I am in shock I think - I didn’t expect to like this trope but… damn. 😵‍💫 (X)
18/1 ⋮ MIND GAMES (Sequel to The Possession) | @sgt-seabass
Steve Kemp x Reader
He is so twisted and I am addicted. (X)
19/1 ⋮ DINNER PLANS | @sgt-seabass
Steve Kemp x Reader
19/1 ⋮ STEVE KEMP X READER | @sgt-seabass
Steve Kemp x Reader
SHORT AND SINISTER - just how I like them. 😌 (X)
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1/1 ⋮ STEVE COMFORTING YOU HEADCANONS | @writing-for-marvel
Steve Rogers x GN!Reader
Modern!AU / Not Canon Compliant 》 Angst, Fluff
Literally made me all emotional, I didn’t know I needed this until I read it. Beautiful. 🥹 (X)
6/1 ⋮ AT YOUR SERVICE | @writing-for-marvel
Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Bodyguard!AU / Diplomats Daughter!AU 》 Fluff, Smut
Steve… Steve, Steve, Steve. Mate, you’ve got some grovelling to do. The tension is fucking unreal! (X)
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6/1 ⋮ CAUSE THAT’S WHEN I’LL SEE YOU AGAIN | @writing-for-marvel
Ari Levinson x F!Reader
DBF!AU 》 little Angst, Fluff, Smut
I’m in fucking tears over here after this one, I felt it all and it was so melodic and happy and just down right FLUFFY! 😭 (X)
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1/1 ⋮ I WILL | @kafkazmlekiem
Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers (post!TWS)
Canon Divergent 》 Angst, Fluff
my first fic of 2023 and I picked a really good one, the flow, the dynamic, the emotion.
4/1 ⋮ HOME | @buckyismybicycle
Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers (post!TWS)
A/B/O 》 light Angst, Fluff, Smut
Just the right amount of emotional porn, AND BUCKY COMES HOME?! 😭👌🏻 (X)
5/1 ⋮ SUGAR, SPICE AND EVERYTHING NICE | @buckyismybicycle
Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers (hinted Clint x Natasha x Steve x Bucky)
Modern!AU 》 Fluff
Extremely fluffy, and now I wanna go to a cat cafe 🥹 (X)
5/1 ⋮ ALWAYS & FOREVER | @buckyismybicycle
Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
A/B/O 》 Smut
I literally think I passed out reading this, and it is so cruel how I discover new shit through your works. I swear to fuck. 🤣 (X)
5/1 ⋮ CLEAR AS DAY, THERE WAS NEVER ANY OTHER WAY | @buckyismybicycle
Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers (all eras)
Canon Divergent / Adjacent 》 Angst, Fluff
The flow and storytelling in this one really stands out for me, feeling Steve’s emotions and then Bucky’s was gut wrenching and I enjoyed being hurt, this time. 😝 (X)
6/1 ⋮ DRAWN TO YOUR BLOOD | @controlofwhatido
Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Vampire!AU 》 Fluff, Smut
Literally one of the best vampire fics I have ever read, and the way you write? Just… absolutely fucking captivating. Beautiful. 💗 (X)
7/1 ⋮ HOLDING ONTO YOU | @winteratdusk
Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers (WWII)
Canon Divergence 》 Angst, Whump, Fluff
This made me cry so hard, it’s been a little while since I’ve read whump so I lost my immunity to it and goddamn 😭 definitely encouraged me to rebuild my immunity again. (X)
7/1 ⋮ FOUR DREAMS IN A ROW (YOU WERE BURNED) | @winteratdusk
Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers (post!TWS)
Canon Divergence 》 Angst, Whump, Fluff
↳ Chapter 1 ✦ Angst, Whump
I knew what to expect coming into this fic, but wow. I need to find a factory of tissues and move in, I reckon. The emotional rawness and Steve’s desperation were captured perfectly. (X)
↳ Chapter 2 ✦ Angst, Whump
Considering my fear of what goes on in this chapter, it made it all the more impactful. My heart was in my throat the whole time and god, my heart is just breaking for the two of them; Steve’s helplessness and guilt, Bucky’s suffering and confliction. (X)
↳ Chapter 3 ✦ Angst, Whump
Arguably, I feel like this is the most poetic chapter (that I have read so far, anyway, no telling what’s coming but more pain 🤣). Having Bucky still be in there fighting to keep the Soldier alive, even when he didn’t want to be… it’s like he knew. He knew one day something would give. (X)
↳ Chapter 4 ✦ Angst, Whump
Like I said in my comment, you are literally leaving the most emotional stuff for the 4th instalment. I am in literal shock at what I just read and I am in tears, but this time, the end is happy tears. (X)
↳ Chapter 5 ✦ Angst, Whump
I FEEL LIKE I COULDN’T BREATHE READING THIS MY HEART JUST COULDN’T TAKE IT! oh my GOD! I am so glad I’m binging this now when it is complete, I could not handle the cliffhangers! (X)
↳ Chapter 6 ✦ Angst, Whump, Fluff
A perfect end, for a perfect fic. 💗 (X)
24/1 ⋮ LATE NIGHT GOOGLING | @jro616 (roe87)
Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Canon Divergence 》 Fluff
Your writing always makes me smile, and this was no exception. I will forever picture this fic in my mind whenever I’m down. 🥰
30/1 ⋮ THE HOUSE ON WINTER LANE | @ClandestineMira / @Duchess_On_Fire
Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Modern!AU 》 Angst, Fluff, Smut
↳ Chapter 1 ✦ Smut
Perfect world building and hella captivating, there were bits I had to stop and collect myself after laughing so hard! 🤣 (X)
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4/1 ⋮ RIDE | @buckyismybicycle
Bucky Barnes x Sam Wilson
Not Canon Compliant 》 Smut
Sam is such a lil’ shit it was a wonder Bucky hadn’t fallen victim sooner - tbqh. (X)
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16/1 ⋮ VITA ÆTHELSTANI | @oneiriad
Ragnar Lothbrok x Lagertha x Athelstan
Canon Divergent 》 Angst, Fluff, implied Smut
I loved every single bit of this from start to finish, and it made me really miss all 3 of them so much. 😭
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Banners & Graphics made by yours truly.
108 notes · View notes
horsetailcurlers2 · 7 months
YET ANOTHER long and obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching grey’s anatomy for the first time (season FIFTEEN, bc i’m actually not sick of these yet)
-i don’t like this whole “she’s not really your sister” thing. like, it’s played for comedic effect and teddy is clearly just hormonal and panicking so whatever but i don’t like that.
-i don’t want to rehash owen x amelia. yawn. nor do i want to rehash owen x teddy. yawner.
-i like that we’re getting a *little* deeper into helms crush on meredith and that it’s not just comic relief
-why are there no doctors above the age of 45 in this entire hospital besides richard? they’re all so pretty, but at what cost?
-something is going to happen to this pregnant nurse… there’s a lot of focus on her out of the blue
-i love that almost this entire intern class is at least mildly gay
-bailey is pissing me off
-ted mosby!!! he looks a little slovenly for a date tbh. not to sound judgmental but like, she’s all dressed up and he isn’t.
-this guy is way chiller than ted mosby. i like this for her. i hope it doesn’t turn out really bad but i know it probably will
-is it worth it to watch station 19?? i kind of don’t want to tbh
-i forgot teddy was in new york until her friend passed in 9/11. i’m imagining an au in which teddy and addison knew each other in NYC in the 90s bc i think they should’ve interacted more
-the undiagnosable stomach issue is so clearly this patient’s suspicious heirloom lunch pail. like, duh.
-okay well i was wrong about that and now i’m embarrassed that i predicted that with such smug sureness and authority.
-playing “chasing cars” in spanish for the día de los muertos episode is an interesting choice. i think i like it??
-nurse debbie!!!! it’s been a while
-okay nvm that is NOT nurse debbie. they just have the same bangs
-everyone gets to have a tumor on this show. YOU get a tumor! YOU get a tumor!! and YOU get a tumor!!!
-richard no :(
-as much as i hate the owen/amelia dynamic, i really LOVE this whole amelia and betty thing
-i DO NOT like meredith/deluca
-the only relationship that doesn’t completely bore or frustrate me right now is alex/jo but even then, they’re just kind of there, yk?
-i love that meredith has one format of outfit that she likes and that works for her and she sticks to it. relatable AF.
-why didn’t miranda just have a conversation with ben before she sprung the separation on him? he would have been more than understanding i think
-i really like teddy and koracick actually
-i’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop with betty :(
-did they change out writers and/or show runners?? the writing feels… cheesier almost? or maybe just like the emotional beats are less earned? i mean it’s always been delightfully soapy but it’s just different these past couple of seasons and i can’t put my finger on it
-betty/britney’s mom is baby from dirty dancing?????!!!!!
-alex just straight up not being able to understand the scottish accents is so fucking funny.
-i love it when bokhee has lines
-“it’s a real fire!!” alex, gleefully and wrapped in a homemade knit scarf while indoors
-richards reaction to they/them pronouns is very interesting and i think it’s definitely an accurate portrayal of how even the generally accepting and well meaning older people can sometimes struggle with that kind of stuff. like, he’s not trying to be ignorant or rude he’s just genuinely perplexed. “the world moves fast and i’m just trying to keep up”
-i SWEAR TO GOD if teddy gets back with owen instead of staying with tom i will start hitting things
-“you suffered for years bc of my brother so you should totally get together and move in with him”- megan hunt in a wig that’s almost as terrible as her advice
-the shepherd family dynamic is so interesting to me because we’ve heard about it from two different perspectives over the years (derek’s and things amelia has said mostly in PP) and what we’ve seen of them is mostly from derek and meredith’s perspective in which they seem nice if a bit overbearing.
-okay jeez kathleen is a piece of work. i’ve always liked nancy even though she is “mcbitchy”. i also can’t help but to think about how addison fit into all of this when she and derek were married lol.
-has amelia ever told her family about christopher?
-stop trying to push owen and teddy on me!!!! i hate it!!
-that is insurance fraud babe. is there not a way for them to do it pro bono or something??
-okay i can sense that teddy and owen is going to happen so i will not make any more notes about it bc all i have to say about it is some variation of “no! i hate it!”
-okay i lied because the way teddy is going about it makes me deeply upset. poor tom. also “he makes me laugh and feel safe but i don’t feel rage or passion or ecstasy” ????? i should hope you don’t feel rage??? owen hunt makes me enraged too but that doesn’t mean i want to kiss him on the mouth!!! jesus christ. just fuck tom i guess, right?
-WOAH. i was not vibing with merluca but he’s willing to go to prison for her??!!!
-there’s no way they’re really fired . meredith owns a good chunk of the hospital still, right??? not to mention there’s maybe three characters on this show that *haven’t* committed crimes/major ethical violations.
-i’ve been beefing with jackson for a few seasons now tbh
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My favorite WLW ships as taylor swift songs <3
Wenclair: midnight rain
“She was sunshine / I was midnight rain / she wanted it comfortable / I wanted that pain”
Rhaenicent: my tears ricochet
“and I can go anywhere I want / anywhere I want / just not home / and you can aim for my heart / go for blood / but you would still miss me in your bones”
Macevans: labyrinth
“you know how much I hate that everybody just expects / me to bounce back / just like that / uh oh, I’m falling in love / oh no, I’m falling in love again / oh, I’m falling in love / I thought the plane was going down / how’d you turn it right around”
Sameena: don’t blame me
“don’t blame me / love made me crazy / if it doesn’t you ain’t doing it right / lord save me / my drug is my baby / I’ll be using for the rest of my life”
Ronance: lavender haze
“I’ve been under scrutiny / you handle it beautifully / all this shit is new to me / I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me”
Shoni: renegade
“are you really gonna talk about timing in times like these / and let all your damage damage me / and carry your baggage up my street?”
Choni: false god
“daring you to leave me just so I can try and scare you / you’re the west village / you still do it for me babe”
Beronica: betty
“will you have me / will you love me / will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends / if you kiss me would it be just like I dreamed it / will it patch your broken wings?”
Dreleanor: mastermind
“No one wanted to play with me as a little kid / so I’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since / to make them love me / and make it seem effortless / this is the first time / I’ve felt the need to confess / and I swear / I’m only cryptic and machiavellian because I care”
Dorlene: cowboy like me
“oh, I thought / this is gonna be one of those things / now I know / I’m never gonna love again”
Bioquake: dorothea
“but it’s never too late to come back to my side / the stars in your eyes shined brighter in Tupelo / and if you’re ever tired / of being known for who you know / you know you’ll always know me”
AbbyMax: the great war
“it turned into something bigger / somewhere in the haze / got a sense I’d been betrayed / your finger on my hairpin triggers / soldier down on that icy ground / looked up at me with honor and truth / broken and blue / so I called off the troops”
Nobleflower: hoax
“don’t want know other shade of blue / but you / no other sadness in the world would do”
Simmorse: snow on the beach
“you wanting me tonight feels impossible / but it’s coming down / no sound, it’s all around / like snow on the beach”
Maeve & Aimee: sweet nothing
“all these people think love’s for show / but I would die for you in secret”
Lunet: delicate
“my reputation’s never been worse so / you must like me for me / we can’t make / any promises now can we babe / but you can make me a drink”
Kiarah: seven
“your braids like a pattern / love you to the moon and to Saturn / passed down like folk songs / the love lasts so long”
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fluffshisuga · 2 years
Wednesday Characters as things my best friend and i have said in texts
I'm going to start writing for Wednesday so you can start requesting them! I have an idea for Xavier but because of exams and college it might be a bit, but it's coming!
Ft @troidvoid
Enid: my spells in Wizard101 keep fizzling this is fucking homophobic in fact it just happened twice in a row i will not stand for this
Tyler: maybe my dreams are homophobic
Wednesday: probably ~~~~~
Enid: should we take this in here ?
Wednesday: what are we taking, because this skeleton is trying to take my life. Hes not winning.
Enid: I- I mean a call- ~~~~~
Wednesday: suddenly the doodlebops arrive ~~~~
Wednesday: they showed me a titty
Enid: did i hear titty. What titty. Where titty.
Wednesday: it was an autopsy- dead titty
Enid: oh damn. Why can't it be a live titty ~~~~~~
Xavier: I'm not on this violent path for my love of a war criminal i swear ~~~~~~
Enid: my hands are shaky. Does this mean my skeleton is about to hatch??
Wednesday: no
Enid: damn. When will my skeleton hatch tho?
Wednesday: never???
Enid: 😔 why not ~~~~~
Xavier: ... did you have a stroke 911, yeah
Rowan: no I'm in 907, * and * are 911
Xavier: ....... dumbass i was calling 911
Rowan: you mean 991?
Xavier: did you smoke no???? 9 1 1 THE POLICE? EMERGENCY SERVICES? ARE YOU HIGH ~~~~~
Ajax: he's just a lizard boy. Leave my son alone
Xavier: dumbass looking thing
Ajax: idk why but my comeback to that was about to be "I'm gonna bang your mom" ~~~~~~
Eugene: turns out there are bones in the body ~~~~~~
Xavier: I'm not a flying fairy thing are you crazy
Ajax: denial is a river in Egypt my guy
Xavier: and delusion is the state of your mind
Ajax: I'm from Virginia ~~~~~~
Enid: Betty White you mean god?
Eugene: yes
*literally a day later*
Enid: GOD IS DEAD *replying to a message that says "first a woman that looked like Betty White and now colbert"* WAS THAT WOMAN AN OMEN
Eugene: what- WTF ~~~~~~
Eugene: i broke my shoe in half ~~~~~
Thank you I'll be here all night
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alaffy · 1 year
Riverdale, Ep. 7x14 - Archie:  The Musical (spoilers)
Okay, first off, everyone needs to check this out. This is the epitome of it's so bad it's good. And, to be honest, I won't be doing much of a recap, because I don't think I can. And, I'm not going to lie, that last song did choke me up a bit. Even though my joy at watching this show has lessened over the season, I still loved it at one point. And it is kind of sad that these characters are about to go away.
So, this is just going to be really brief. Kevin has been told that he can write a original musical for the school performance. Jughead, Reggie, and Fangs check out almost immediately. But it's this thing were, as the songs are sung, characters realize more about themselves.
Toni and Cheryl sing this love song, but when they find out that it won't be in the musical, they decide not to take part because they don't want to hide anymore.
Archie (and my God is KJ great in this episode) realizes that he doesn't know what he wants in life. And, no, it's not a choice between Betty and Veronica. He wants to decide between basketball and poetry. He leaves the musical and swears off kissing anyone for awhile. Then, he tells Frank he's not going to play basketball anymore as he wants to work on his poetry. Frank says Archie will regret this (no, I'm sure that will be us).
Betty and Veronica hate the fact that their role is reduced to wanting Archie. Veronica has Cole Porter write a song about them (seriously, won't use Castro's name; but will drag Porter through the mud). Veronica admits that she kissed Archie to Betty, which leads to them realizing that what they have right now is more important than Archie. Then they sing the song and have a moment. They wonder what this means...at which point Archie literally bursts in to tell them he won't be kissing anyone for awhile; basically, clearing their way to pound town. Look I really don't think it will happen, but honestly if the show ended with them together I could live with this.
Meanwhile, Kevin parents are apparently fighting (oh, yeah, Kevin's mom finally makes an appearance) and then he learns they're getting a divorce just as he finds out his musical won't be used. Kevin takes it out on the cast, snapping about their criticisms. I kind of feel like this was addressed to the audience. And let me take a moment to be honest here. Are there times that some fans have taking their criticisms too far? Absolutely. And normally I support the writers, because I do believe that there are people that don't understand the difference between criticism and being an asshole. But some of the comments or behaviors I've seen from some of the writers, like I don't think they really thought about the fact that they are adults who may be addressing a younger audience. Look, all I'm saying is that maybe some people need to consider their behavior on both sides. But I digress.
Anyway, that's really it for this episode.
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scjacka · 10 months
Last episode. Let's all make our Christmas wish this year that it doesn’t come back
I don't even really remember how the stupid thing started (I may have been drinking to get through it XD). This is going to be disjointed because I rage paused a lot and I WILL NOT be rewatching any of this to get it correct. This show doesn't care about my time so I'm not wasting any more of it by rewatching, lol.
Kris is completely useless. Like there was zero point to him being in this season at all. I was also of the mindset that he was going to be a bigger role and maybe take over for Scott but he was completely pointless. I JUST REMEMBERED HE WAS THE KID THAT SAW SKINNY SCOTT WITH THE CANOE AND THAT WAS HIS SANTA ORIGIN STORY OR WHATEVER AND I STARTED YELLING AT THE REVISIONIST HISTORY AND MY HUSBAND WAS LIKE, ARE YOU OK?! AND I WAS LIKE DO I LOOK OK?!!?!
I may be wrong, but is this the first time we've actually seen the factory floor in this whole damn show? Like we're always in Scott's office, the stables, the real world, or the monitoring room. Have they even made any toys in these TWO SEASONS?! Maybe they have and
I liked the Betty/Olga fight (but like why a fake sword?) but the way it was cut back and forth with the Mad Santa/Scott discussion was annoying
The gnomes are just pissed cause they can't make toys... that's like all it took? Feel like we shoulda figured that out sooner. Same goes for Noel just being like, hey gnomes, just come help us.
The mug is the "amulet". Ok, sure. I didn't pause the show in anger about it. Like, not only did we rewrite and destroy the magic-powered watch from 2 earlier this season now we re-wrote the mug. None of this is helped by them bringing up the damn thing 2 episodes before the end like we knew anything about it and it wasn't just shoved in at the last minute. Does each Santa have a different "amulet" (for god sake just call it a talisman or something not associated with a necklace) or do they all get their power from the same ones? Did Judy technically drug him into being Santa then. Like got him drunk on Christmas power? If it's tied just to Mad Santa then why on earth would Judy still have it if there was a coup and all that shit to get rid of the man? Wouldn't it also be locked away somewhere?
Didn't Scott say he made Cal's vest out of the coat? Maybe I misinterpreted that in the early episodes but now he's just wearing it like no big.
Laughing really hard at Scott not realizing he's been a douche until the "villain" says he is with regards to Cal. MS should just be Santa and Scott can go live at the fake Santa village with Fluffy.
Laughing really hard at suddenly remembering Charlie exists and pretending like you get some kind of Christmas powers from him.
Sandra is all-powerful. Good for her I guess.
I still love Befana. Like she's the only character I consistently enjoy watching
Elizabeth Mitchel is too good for this show and is acting much harder than she should with this garbage.
"We fixed EB he's good now but we didn't have the budget to bring back Tracy Morgan or he didn't want to be in the makeup again or something so we're just not gonna show him, but take our word he's fine!"
Why are they singing again and especially that song? Something about a child elf and the lyrics "I touch you once, I touch you twice" is unsettling to me.
Cal's gonna go to college... wouldn't he have to like, go to real school first and have transcripts and whatnot (I'm sure they'd magic it away or whatever). Also, he's not that bright so like, how's he gonna fair in higher education?
Everyone that goes on Kribble Krabble doesn't come back. I swear to god that's the plot of one of the few Hallmark xmas movies I've ever watched. But I guess that means Curtis isn't exploded. With the logic that they all Kribble and don't come back, I'm convinced that was actually Judy working in the bad xmas village which is just a sad development for her and really a downgrade from being at the Pole
So we basically end this season right where we started at the beginning of season 1. Like, Cal's not gonna be Santa and Scott's just gonna be Santa forever and never retire. Mad Santa is there now too I guess (also, there are werewolves in TSC canon... ok, sure). He's with Fluffy in the fake Santaville I guess, but whatevs
I forgot until I realized I took a picture of it, the line from Carol about leaving her job and her life behind and not complaining about it. Like on the one hand yes, please go off queen cause you deserve so much better. But also, you've kinda been complaining about it since the 3rd movie.
Oh right, Tim Allen got to mention Jesus one last time just to make sure it got in there. I literally had to turn on the closed caption cause I was like, did he just say "The King" and sure enough he did, capital K and everything. YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS ALLEN!! Like pick silly fantasy Santa show or pick something religious. IDK it irks me so much
I feel like I had more to ramble about but I'm tired just from having to remember all of this from last night, lol. Just needed to get this junk outta my head. Honestly, very glad Jack wasn't in here to be slandered by this show. Same for the Millers. Same for Bernard again (besides in name and that dumb picture that still makes me mad) and Charlie again.
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Ok if you've never actually watched Riverdale, I guarantee you it is more absurd than you think:
At one point Betty sings "Mad World" by Gary Jules while strip teasing in front of her boyfriend, her boyfriend's dad, her OWN MOTHER and a bunch of gangsters (and is roughly 16 at the time)
There's like. An evil version of D&D that also turns out to be a human sacrifice cult
Veronica opens a speakeasy in town with her dad's money (again, as a high school student) and then makes it kind of also a casino (legally? illegally? I have no fucking clue)
Jughead's absentee gangster mom shows up and tries to give a singing performance at said speakeasy but gets heckled and pulls a knife on the heckler so they both get banned, but she keeps trying to come back so Veronica hires a team of teenage gangsters (who ALL dress like '50s biker girls) to keep her out
Keep in mind this is all supposedly based on the very innocent and lowkey Archie/Betty +Veronica comics
There's a fuckton of OCs including Cheryl Blossom, who is one of the most fucking insane characters I've ever come across and I've watched a lot of tv
Example A: at one point she not-so-subtly threatens her MOM with bdsm punishment
Archie hallucinates going back in time and beating himself to death with a baseball bat (I honestly cannot believe I'm typing this shit)
Oh yeah, and Betty's dad is a serial killer
And Cheryl's homophobic mom (who runs a brothel!) pretends to be Betty's mom so she can visit him in prison
And admits to having written letters to Jeffrey Dahmer (I swear to you this is an actual line of dialogue)
Archie gets framed for a murder he didn't commit and sent to juvie, where he's BRANDED AND FORCED INTO AN UNDERGROUND FIGHT CLUB FOR TEENAGERS, and somehow this is just. allowed.
The entire town's main source of income is...maple syrup
Also sidenote: where the fuck is it supposed to be set?? They mention "crossing the border to Quebec" several times so I guess it's in New England somewhere? But I'm pretty sure it was shot in Vancouver so?????
Related: Archie goes on the run for a while after escaping juvie and is apparently in Canada somewhere (this is where the bear comes in of course) and I shit you not as soon as he sets foot on this side of the border EVERYTHING he wears is plaid
Cheryl burns her house down and gives her mother third degree burns - that leave no physical evidence after
Also Archie gets shanked in juvie and that doesn't leave a scar either
Betty also burns her house down
Betty's mom and sister join a cult that seems like a regular cult (except for the fact that it's based around evil dungeons and dragons of course) but then they levitate two babies over a fire and this still hasn't been explained???
Apparently the leader of the cult is harvesting organs and builds his own rocket to escape in once they catch him??? Haven't seen that bit yet but oh god do I want to
Barb from Stranger Things is in it! (she also joins the cult)
Jughead's gangster dad becomes the sheriff
The entire show kicks off with Archie (still in high school!) having a secret affair with his music teacher
Don't even fucking get me started on "Dark Betty"
There's a whole episode about how important SATs were but it's been a while and they STILL haven't graduated
Also, we never see them studying like, once, so it's a miracle they all passed in the first place
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