#Bianca Nappi
chidoknowshit · 10 months
Just found out I have a very specific attraction to women that have whatever Bianca Nappi and Vanessa Scalera have going on for them
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generalevannacci · 10 months
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sushigal007 · 2 years
Over to Bianca Monty! Who has been pregnant since 2014, so let’s hurry up and get that baby out of her!
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But first, a wedding!
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Bianca: Whew, really stretching the lace on my dress here.
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Chester: Bianca, I promise to love and cherish you and refuse to take part in the family feud.
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Bianca: I promise to let you spend a not insignificant amount of money on video game merchandise so long as you give me that sweet incognito surname and at least two more babies.
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Bianca: With this ring, I am no longer a Monty.
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Chester: Sweet sweet video game merch.
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Bianca: Sweet sweet anonymity and babies.
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I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Gieke.
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Thanks for the money, Chester!
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Bianca: Open wide!
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Chester: Ack! Choking!
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Bianca: Ha ha! So funny! Chester: I’M SERIOUS.
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Back home! Bianca’s OTH is Arts and Crafts and as she also has a high interest in fashion, I brought her a sewing machine. Bianca: It’s probably too late to make my own baby clothes, but I might manage a prom dress. What if it’s a boy? Bianca: I said what I said.
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Landlord: Did you hear something? Chester: Maybe it was the weather.
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Nope, it’s BABY TIME!
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Bianca: What the fuck are you doing!? Chester: Getting ready to catch! Bianca: GET BACK UP THIS END NOW.
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Baby is birthed and caught! And it is indeed a boy! His name is Paris, which yes, I know is more of a Capp kind of name, but I figure it’s a firm statement from Bianca that she is DONE with that.
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And Chester immediately rolls this charming want. Chester: A baby! I must learn all about them so I can be the very best father ever! Aww. How about you, Bianca?
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Literally every other skill, I see. Bianca: I don’t need to study. I’m a Family sim and mommy knows best.
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Bianca: See? I’m so good at this already!
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Bianca: Gold star for this shit.
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Bianca: Aaaaaand baby goes on floor. Outside. LOL THERE IT IS-
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Oh, I see, you just put him down to react to the weather. Bianca: Ew, rain? I’m going back inside.
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Um, Bianca? Bianca?
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Paris: She’s not coming back, is she? No worries, dad to the rescue!
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Chester: Ew.
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But finally, Paris makes it back into the house. Hurrah!
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Landlord: Hey, there’s a weird stench from your apartment, can you deal with it? Chester: Oh, it’s just the baby.
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Baby goes IN BASSINET.
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I had Bianca invite her parents over so she could tell them about her shotgun wedding.
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But apparently they didn’t do anything interesting, because the next screenshot was this one of Chester teleporting out of bed. Bianca: You can just get up normally, you know. Chester: Better view of the bassinet from here.
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Chester: I wonder what Paris is thinking right now?
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Paris: I’m thinking I would like that nappy to be a little bit further away from me.
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Chester: Noooooo my spaghetti!
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Family dinner.
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And then it’s time for Paris to grow up!
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Paris: I wanna go to bed. Me too bitch, you ain’t special.
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Patrizio: I would like to know your opinions on global affairs. Isabella: I would like to install a sweet swing set like this in our backyard. I haven’t felt this young in years!
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Potty training time!
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Chester: You’re really gonna do this? Hey, everyone loves potty training pics.
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Chester: VOGUE. Amazing, stupendous, a star is born. Give me another! Chester: Can’t. Kid’s done. Done as in-?
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Huh. Kid’s done. Paris: What, like it’s hard?
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Chester: And now, the most awkward spot in the house for a story.
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I’ll consider it.
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Patrizio: Let us know if you do get knocked up again, Isabella was very disappointed she never got a chance to knit little cardigans for Paris. Bianca: That’s on her, I was pregnant for eight years.
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Bianca: Can’t you do something? Well I mean, I could, but where’s the fun in that?
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Oh never mind, Paris took care of it.
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Not creepy at all.
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Chester: Can you say ‘high chair’? Paris: I can indeed say ‘high chair’.
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You know what, why not!
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Bianca: First though, I wanna get that locked badge want out of the way.
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Chester: Who’s daddy’s little genius? You are!
And now, a sex interlude. Put on your best 70′s porno music.
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Happy New Year.
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And now, party time!
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Paris: This rocks.
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Paris: And another thing, I’m not a feud kind of kid. Patrizio: Happily, I am a feud kind of grandfather.
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Bianca: This is nice. Chester: It’d be nicer without clothes.
Uberhood Index
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Bianca Nappi, 'io tra Lolita, Fenoglio e Elisa Claps'
(di Cinzia Conti) Tanto teatro che ritiene “un banco di prova immancabile” nella carriera di un attore “per superare i propri limiti”. Molti film diretti da Ferzan Ozpetek (Un giorno perfetto, Mine vaganti, Magnifica presenza) e poi tanti altri ruoli al cinema che ne hanno dimostrato la bravura e l’ecletticità. Ma Bianca Nappi è anche uno dei volti più amati della tv, specie grazie alla serie…
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
Worth It (The Prelude)
Worth It- Pt 1
Summary: The reader meets Marcel for the first time. This a prelude for the Worth It series.
Characters: Marcel x black!reader
A/N: I couldn’t get out of my head how the reader and Marcel first met, so I just had to write it. I think I love this series the most. I love writing for Marcel and I’ happy y’all are enjoying it too. I already got ideas for Part 3 so hopefully it’ll come out this week.
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“Baby girl, you bet not be doing any magic in that shop of yours. Just sell your herbs and elixirs and go on about your day.” Your dad warned you for the fifth time today.
When you returned home yesterday, you learned that Marcel had forbidden the witches from doing any magic or there would be deadly consequences. Poor Ophelia didn’t believe him, and she paid for it with her life. Ever since then, the witches have been scared.
Hence, your parents nagging you about not using your powers. Naturally, you had a rebellious spirit and they knew that you would have no problem testing Marcel.
“Daddy, I promise.” You lied through your teeth. It may not be today, tomorrow, or anytime soon, but you knew eventually you’ll give into using your powers.
Before grabbing your keys, you kissed your mom and dad goodbye. “Be careful and no magic!” You heard right before the doors closed on them.
“Oh wee, chile, I swear you’re a miracle worker,” Mrs. Jackson smiled as she wriggled her fingers around.
Laughing at the older woman, you handed her the mix of thunder god vine and eucalyptus. “No ma’am, I’m not. I just know what to mix to help that arthritis of yours.”
She hugged you and rocked you back and forth. “Either way, I don’t feel any pain and can move my fingers.” Mrs. Jackson checked her watch and quickly let go of you. “Oh, look at the time. I gotta go. Paula’s bringing my grandbaby over. Take care of yourself Y/N.”
“I will and remember apply the ointment twice a day!” You called out to her before she was out the door.
After, Mrs. Jackson you had a steady flow of customers until towards the end of the day. It was so slow you decided to close the shop early and head to Rousseau’s to have a drink with your sister. However, your new set of customers thwarted your plans.
“Took you long enough to show up,” you told Marcel and his gang.
“You were getting busy. Didn’t want the tourists to see all the commotion.”
Clasping your hands together and bashing your eyelashes, you replied with faux gratefulness, “Oh my god, how sweet.”
He smiled at your sarcasm, revealing a blinding smile. It was the type of smile that made girls swoon and weak in the knees. Too bad he was dick.
“You’re funny, but that’s not going to save you. I’m sure that the other witches told you that there is absolutely no magic to be done.”
Walking to where he was, you slapped his hand away from touching your herbs. His friends were about to attack you, but he held up his hand to stop them. “I know and I really don’t care about your stupid ass rules. If someone is in need, I’m helping them.”
Marcel looked at you curiously. Most of the witches he knows are only out for themselves and their coven. “So, who was worth your life?”
“Mrs. Jackson. She’s a seamstress and her granddaughter is deaf, so she uses ASL to communicate with her. But unfortunately, for Mrs. Jackson she’s has really bad arthritis, so I give her an ointment, but the pain relief spell helps a lot too; she doesn’t have to come here as often if I perform the spell. So, if you’re gonna kill me because I helped a sweet old lady keep her livelihood and talk to her only grandchild so be it. You’re the one that’ll have to live with that on your conscious, not me.” You knelt down before him to make the job easier for him.  The other witches may live a life with fear, but you weren’t.
Looking at his friends, he wordlessly told them to leave your shop and they reluctantly obeyed. Diego and Thierry didn’t trust witches at all, and they didn’t want to leave Marcel alone with you, but they had no choice. Once his friends left, Marcel knelt down in front of you and lifted your chin, so your eyes could meet his brown ones. “You’re telling me that you cast a spell on a woman that makes her come to your shop less often. Doesn’t that make you lose money?”
“Its not about the money. Its about helping the people of New Orleans, specifically the brown ones. I can’t cure cancer, but I can lessen the pain and that’s more than our government is doing. Its more than you’re doing. You call yourself King of the Quarter, but who are you helping specifically? The vampires? Because last time I checked there’s more humans than vamps.” Self-preservation obviously wasn’t an attribute you had to be speaking to Marcel like this. Easily he could wrap his hands or sink his fangs into your neck, sucking the life out of you.
“Have dinner with me.” Marcel offered you. It’d been so long, since he’s been genuinely intrigued by a woman. Yeah, he’s slept with other women, but this was the first time in a long time he wanted to get to know a woman. If he wanted to be honest with himself, he knew he wanted to know more about you as soon as he laid his eyes on you. Even though, you greeted him with an attitude he knew there was a kind spirit in you.
Marcel was staring you down and it was beginning to be too much. His gaze was stirring things up that shouldn’t be stirred up at all. He was a vampire, you’re a witch, there should be no attraction at all, but damn it he had you interested.
To a degree you knew Marcel was good. He saved Davina Claire from being sacrificed during that Harvest Festival, which your momma called a bunch of nonsense and that’s why she don’t fool with those white witches. “They always wanna sacrifice somebody. Unless it’s the good Lord telling me to, which he ain’t done since Abraham, I ain’t killing nobody,” she would always say.
You took a good look at Marcel to assess if he had any ill-intentions towards you. He seemed that he didn’t, but you had to make sure. “Like eat dinner with you or be dinner for you?”
He laughed at you, big time. Your inflection, the look on your face, and body movements were hilarious. Marcel knew for sure he had to get to know you.
“Nigga, I’m serious! I know I look like a snack and all, but that’s not the way I prefer to be eaten.”
Marcel tongue darted out across his lips, which made you zero in on them. They were so damn kissable, that you had to stop yourself from leaning in once Marcel began talking again. “No, we’ll eat a dinner and I much rather have you for dessert anyway.” He said suggestively, licking his lips again.
Lips were moving, but no words were coming out. You must’ve looked like an idiot, but Marcel didn’t think so. He thought you were adorable being struck speechless for the first time during this encounter.
Lifting you to your feet, Marcel got within a tenth of a inch of your ear and whispered, “I‘ll pick you up at 8,” and just like that he left leaving you stunned.
Quickly, you pulled out your phone to text your sister.
YOU: Change of plans. Meet me at my house. I have a date!
Bianca stood in front you, working here magic on your face. She was the best makeup artist in the state, and you got all her services for free and you earned it too; you were always her test subject.
“And he ain’t even ask you? Just told you what time he’ll pick you up without asking where you live.” She asked, waving the powder brush. In response, you shook your head yes and she kept going. “Whew, that’s some big dick energy!”
“I know, right?! If he hadn’t zoomed off, I probably would’ve given him the panties right then and there.” It was true. Marcel had a hold on you and you were sure you’d lose all common sense around him.
“I heard sex with a vamp is top tier. I’ve been trying to get at Diego, but he ain’t having it.” Bianca’s had a crush on Diego as long as he’s been in New Orleans and at first he was interested until he found out she was a witch.
“He’s just scared that’s all. Maybe he’ll come around.”
Bianca was applying the finishing touches when she went on a rant. “That’s what I told that nappy-headed ass nigga! I told him stop being scary because the only thing that’s gonna put a spell on him is this pussy!” She stuck her tongue out like her idol, Cardi B and you joined in with her laughter.
“Oh, look at my big sis, looking all fine.” Turning you around to face the mirror, Bianca revealed her handiwork. She kept your face to a light beat, going for the natural look, highlighting your best features.
Shooting out of your seat, you hugged her thanking her profusely. “Girl, ain’t no problem. You know it ain’t hard to make you look beautiful. Now turn Marcel back to the dark side.” You furrowed your eyebrows at her, you had no idea what she was talking about. She leaned into you and whispered like you weren’t in the privacy of your home. “He’s known for dating white girls. Rumor has it he dated Rebekah Mikaelson back in the day.”
The knock on the door stopped you from asking anymore questions. Damn a nigga for being on time.
On the other side of the door, stood a delicious looking Marcel Gerard with a bouquet of Swamp Azaleas. “I heard these are your favorites,” he handed you the flowers, but Bianca took them instead.
“They are. Now, don’t have her back until the sun is up. Good night!” She pushed you out the door so hard that you stumbled into Marcel’s embrace and god did he smell good and felt even better.
Feeling like you were overstaying your welcome in his arms, you tried to pull away, but he pulled you back. “No, I like how you feel in my arms.” For a while, Marcel just held you until you reminded him you would like to go on the date and for the first time you noticed a nervous smile from him. “Sorry, I just get caught up in you,” he stated, before he escorted you down to his car.
Thank god, Marcel didn’t take you to an overpriced date. He could tell that you enjoyed the simpler things in life and took you to a local restaurant. It required you to dress nicely, but not like if you were dining at a Michelin star restaurant.
The conversation never got dull and he never got insulted by the jokes you cracked about him unlike some of your previous dates. What you truly bonded over was your love for New Orleans. There was no place like NOLA and even if you visited other cities, states, and countries, New Orleans would always be your number one love. It was the same way for Marcel.
The only thing you disagreed on was how to run the city, but it wasn’t a disrespectful debate. He even challenged your thoughts by bringing up that you weren’t heavily involved with the coven, so why fight for them so hard. The man was good, but you couldn’t let him know that.
Dinner was coming to an end and you couldn’t help but think about what Bianca said about Marcel dating white women. You knew she didn’t mean it as malicious, but it was causing doubts in your head. If it was true, then you were shit out of luck because you were far from his usual dates.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” His voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“Nothing. What makes you say that?”
“Your eyes.” He pointed to your irises, holding out his forkful of dessert for you to taste. The mix of warm, gooey brownies with ice cream, whipped cream, walnuts, and chocolate syrup had you moaning and rocking back and forth in happiness. “That right there is what I’m talking about. Your eyes are so expressive you can’t hide what you’re feeling. That’s why I knew you would go on a date with me, you felt the same attraction I did. So, I’ll ask one more time, what’s going on in that head of yours.” This time you could tell by his tone that a nothing wouldn’t suffice.
“Do you typically date black girls?” The words were so jumbled together that Marcel almost didn’t catch the question.
A slow smile crept on his face once it did register and he gripped your hand and rubbed small circles into it. “Thinking back on it, my more recent partners have been white, but don’t let it get twisted, I will always love black women.”
Satisfied with his answer, you let the topic go. Easily, y’all finished dessert and then went out to walk down Bourbon street. Marcel let you pulled him into dancing when you heard the familiar sounds of Zydeco. He kept up even when they switched up to bounce music and you began twerking on him.
Unfortunately, the night had to come to the end. Marcel walked you back to your front door and you both just stood there not wanting to end the date. “Want to come inside?”
“I can’t,” he replied. Your mood immediately saddens at the rejection and you turned the doorknob to go inside, but Marcel closed it. “You and these damn eyes,” he murmured. “Its not that I don’t want to come inside. Its that you have work in the morning and we both know if I come inside, you won’t get any sleep.”
“Oh,” you deeply sighed at his explanation. Now you had to try to get him inside somehow.
“Its not happening, so get those dirty thoughts out of your mind.” He smirked at you, loving how emotive you were. “But if you let me, I can kiss you.”
Eagerly, you shook your head yes and he chuckled at you. Marcel grabbed the back of your neck, bringing you closer. His eyes flickered from your lips to your eyes repeatedly, just making the tension that much more intense. He finally descended his lips onto yours, releasing you from that torture and bringing you into bliss. His lips were softer than you imagined, his beard tickled your face, but you loved it.
Remembering that you needed to breath, Marcel reluctantly pulled away with a small bite to your bottom lip. Your eyes fluttered opened and there was no denying the lust in them. Marcel leaned his forehead against yours and whispered into your ear, “You’re going to ruin me.”
You weren’t sure if he was talking to himself or you, but you responded either way. “I’ll be worth it,” and you went inside leaving both you and Marcel frustrated.
Tags: @twistedcharismaaa @l-auteuse @nightgirl250 @cocooned-butterfly @thickemadame @artsninspo @titty-teetee
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lunapaper · 5 years
Time to feel all soft and gooey with The 1975 on their latest track, 'Me & You Together Song,' a dreamy jangle of Britpop that sees frontman Matty Healy paint a picture of domestic bliss ('I had a dream where we had kids/You would cook, I’d do the nappies/We went to Winter Wonderland/And it was shit but we were happy').
It's the kind of track that'll have fanfics built around it, no doubt. Or make every 2000s kid wanna imagine they're living in a 90s teen film:
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The 1975′s Notes On A Conditional Form is now slated for release on April 24. Read the review for A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships here.
- Bianca B.
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lostradone · 8 years
“Tante facce nella memoria”, voci di donne dalle Fosse Ardeatine al Teatro Comunale
“Tante facce nella memoria”, voci di donne dalle Fosse Ardeatine al Teatro Comunale #AlessandroPortelli
 Siamo abituati a sentir parlare di guerra come un intruglio di sangue e fuoco, vittime e paura migliaia di tonnellate di bombe, con lo strangolamento economico, o con i kamikaze sugli aerei e sugli autobus. Siamo abituati a sentir parlare di guerra seduti comodamente davanti alla tv nelle nostre case, con il nostro caldo pranzo, ma di quelle vite, quei sogni strappati da quella triste e cruda…
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
Ma questa era la stessa cameriera dell'episodio sulla tanguera (Bianca Nappi)
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Environ un an après avoir affronté Riot, Eddie Brock « cohabite » toujours avec le symbiote Venom. Alors qu’il tente de relancer sa carrière de journaliste d'investigation, Eddie se rend en prison pour interviewer le tueur en série Cletus Kasady. Il ignore que ce dernier est lui aussi l'hôte d'un symbiote, Carnage.
Genre: Crime, Drame Sortie : 2021-11-24 Directeur: Dariusz Wolski, Ridley Scott, Ridley Scott, Janty Yates, Arthur Max Etoiles: Lady Gaga, Adam Driver, Jared Leto, Jeremy Irons, Al Pacino
SYNOPSIS Le film HOUSE OF GUCCI est basé sur l’histoire vraie de l’empire familial qui se cache derrière la célèbre marque de luxe italienne. Sur plus de trois décennies de passions, trahisons, décadence, vengeance et finalement meurtre, le film met en scène ce que signifie un nom, ce qu’il vaut et jusqu’où une famille peut aller pour reprendre le contrôle.
Environ un an après avoir affronté Riot, Eddie Brock « cohabite » toujours avec le symbiote Venom. Alors qu’il tente de relancer sa carrière de journaliste d'investigation, Eddie se rend en prison pour interviewer le tueur en série Cletus Kasady. Il ignore que ce dernier est lui aussi l'hôte d'un symbiote, Carnage.
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House of Gucci streaming film gratuit sans compte 2021 House of Gucci streaming film gratuit sans compte
Titre : House of Gucci
Genre : Science-Fiction,Action
Durée : 97m
Date de sortie : 2021-09-30
Sous-titre : français MÉDIA DE DIFFUSION
vous êtes sur le point de regarder le film House of Gucci film créer en 2021 par Scott Free Productions et Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, produit aux Canada avec une durée de 0 minute. le movie est classer dans la catégorie Thriller/Drame/Crime/. avec la engagement de Woman Gaga, Adam Motorist, Jared Leto, Jeremy Irons, Salma Hayek, Al Pacino, Jack Huston, Reeve Carney, Mădălina Diana Ghenea, Camille Cottin, Youssef Kerkour, Florence Andrews, Mia McGovern Zaini, Vincent Riotta, Eva Moore, Mehdi Nebbou, Andrea Piedimonte Bodini, Edouard Philipponnat, Bianca Nappi, Gianpiero Pumo, Livio Beshir. Ce film est disponible sous style mp4, diffusé gratuitemnt sur allostreaming.co.
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Retour sur l'assassinat de Maurizio Gucci le 27 mars 1995, petit-fils héritier de Guccio Gucci, le fondateur de la célèbre marque de luxe italienne. Sa future ex-femme, Patrizia Reggiani, a commandité boy meurtre afin de toucher la part d'héritage qui lui revenait avant que Maurizio se remarie avec Paola Franchi.
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Ce film Home of Gucci considéré comme l'un des plus ambitieux de l'histoire du cinéma est voté plus de 0 fois et 0.00/ 10 adoré par la plupart des critiques. Grâce à la manufacturing et la réalisation de réalisateur inconnu le film House of Gucci a rencontré un succès business de grande ampleur. Concernant le tournage de Residence of Gucci, il a été principalement tourné en 2021 - en United States of America - avec la participation des acteurs Girl Gaga et Adam Driver comme personnages principales. Le movie Residence of Gucci en streaming dure environ 0 minutes et a été classifié dans la catégorie Drame. Regarder le film Residence of Gucci en streaming complet gratuit en français
Vf VOSTFR illimité meilleures qualités Blu-Ray 1080p 4K.
Le movie residence OF GUCCI est basé sur l'histoire vraie de l'empire familial qui se cache derrière la célèbre marque de luxe italienne. Sur plus de trois décennies de passions, trahisons, décadence, revenge et finalement meurtre, le movie met en scène ce que signifie un nom, ce qu'il vaut et jusqu'où une famille peut aller put reprendre le contrôle.
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fashionluxuryinfo · 3 years
Esce giovedì 7 ottobre 2021 il film ‘SelfieMania‘, da un’idea di Elisabetta Pellini, quattro episodi diretti da Francesco Colangelo, Elly Senger-Weiss, Willem Zaeyen ed Elisabetta Pellini, con Caterina Murino, Milena Vukotic, Andrea Roncato e Bianca Nappi. Produce e distribuisce Stemo. https://www.fashionluxury.info/it/
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  Charter a boat in Sorrento Italy
 Welcome to Sorrento Luxury charter, get the best private boat service in Sorrento, Italy. We provide the best luxury yacht charter and private boat for transfer tours. contact us +39 393 0025 002
 Sorrento Luxury Charter your personal Concierge for luxury transfers, boat tours, land excursions and more
Many famous friends and Brands
We are proud to say that among our Guests thare are also many VIPs and influent people such as: Michael Jordan, Martin Lindstrom, Raphael Varane, John Lagerling, Kate Upton, Bianca Nappi, Chiara Nasti, Victoria Recaño, Michael Hoffman, Darshan Kantak, Riccardo Tozzi, Roberto Cenci, Oliver Stapleton fotography director, Kevin Spacey, Luli Ortiz Anchor-Reporter, the little Princess Valentina Skye and Princess Charlotte Casiraghi, Alvaro morata, Stefan Savic,
Alice Campello 
 Yacht Charter Sorrento
Mariano di vaio, Paola Di Benedetto, Belen Rodriguez, Danny Ings, Sean Dyche. We organize corporate events, conventions, incentive trips and team-building activities. We create communication plans, marketing campaigns and product launches. We offer tours to individuals, as well as small and large groups. We have organized important corporate events and incentive holidays for companies and brands such as Bulgari, Toyota, Huawei and we believe that the secret of success is to organize the guests' holiday as ours could be. Our aim is to satisfy all 5 senses with the greatness of our sea, which is our common denominator. We pay attention to every single detail in order to ensure maximum efficiency and quality.
 If you enjoy being on a boat and desire to visit as much as you can (included hidden sites), a day Charter a boat in Sorrento Italy can be a great option, and will surely be the most memorable day of your vacation.
Experience the glamorous Capri coastline or fall in love along the spectacular Amalfi Coast… Get ready for a day of fun and relax, head to wonderful places for a swim and suntan, then drop anchor and head ashore to one of many highly-recommended beach restaurants. There are so ways to customize and build an amazing itinerary!
 Let yourself be carried by our luxurious and comfortable boats to the best European destinations. You will spend a dream experience in the fantastic Mediterranean islands or in mythological Greece with its enchanting landscapes. Choose one of the following tours and contact us. We would be happy to help you customize the chosen tour according to your preferences to let you experience unique sensations on board our Yachts! 
Yacht Charter Sorrento
We will take you where you need to be! Our private transfer service runs to and from major airports, railway stations, ports, private residences, and hotels across many cities and towns in Italy.
You can count on us for everything from simple transportation to extended tours with fully licensed and insured drivers who offer attentive, flexible, and friendly professional services. Our vehicles are carefully checked, periodically reviewed, insured and licensed by law, are of high quality and equipped with all the comforts.
Is located in via dell’Accademia - one of the most characteristic alley in Sorrento at a third floor of a 18th-century building (with no elevator) in the historic centre of Sorrento.
 The property has a strategic position: 100 mt from Corso Italia, 600 mt from Museo Correale and 80 mt away from Piazza Sant Antonino. The apartment is also 100 mt from Teatro Tasso, and within 100 mt of the city centre. Sorrento Harbour and Sorrento Station are both a 10-minute walk from Sorrento Luxury apartment.
 Visit for click:  https://www.sorrentoluxurycharter.it/
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rankertopgoogle · 4 years
Yacht Charter Sorrento
Many famous friends and Brands
We are proud to say that among our Guests thare are also many VIPs and influent people such as: Michael Jordan, Martin Lindstrom, Raphael Varane, John Lagerling, Kate Upton, Bianca Nappi, Chiara Nasti, Victoria Recaño, Michael Hoffman, Darshan Kantak, Riccardo Tozzi, Roberto Cenci, Oliver Stapleton fotography director, Kevin Spacey, Luli Ortiz Anchor-Reporter, the little Princess Valentina Skye and Princess Charlotte Casiraghi, Alvaro morata, Stefan Savic, Alice Campello
Mariano di vaio, Paola Di Benedetto, Belen Rodriguez, Danny Ings, Sean Dyche. We organize corporate events, conventions, incentive trips and team-building activities. We create communication plans, marketing campaigns and product launches. We offer tours to individuals, as well as small and large groups. We have organized important corporate events and incentive holidays for companies and brands such as Bulgari, Toyota, Huawei and we believe that the secret of success is to organize the guests' holiday as ours could be. Our aim is to satisfy all 5 senses with the greatness of our sea, which is our common denominator. We pay attention to every single detail in order to ensure maximum efficiency and quality.
 If you enjoy being on a boat and desire to visit as much as you can (included hidden sites), a day charter can be a great option, and will surely be the most memorable day of your vacation.
Experience the glamorous Capri coastline or fall in love along the spectacular Amalfi Coast… Get ready for a day of fun and relax, head to wonderful places for a swim and suntan, then drop anchor and head ashore to one of many highly-recommended beach restaurants. There are so ways to customize and build an amazing itinerary!
 Let yourself be carried by our luxurious and comfortable boats to the best European destinations. You will spend a dream experience in the fantastic Mediterranean islands or in mythological Greece with its enchanting landscapes. Choose one of the following tours and contact us. We would be happy to help you customize the chosen tour according to your preferences to let you experience unique sensations on board our Yachts!
We will take you where you need to be! Our private transfer service runs to and from major airports, railway stations, ports, private residences, and hotels across many cities and towns in Italy.
You can count on us for everything from simple transportation to extended tours with fully licensed and insured drivers who offer attentive, flexible, and friendly professional services. Our vehicles are carefully checked, periodically reviewed, insured and licensed by law, are of high quality and equipped with all the comforts.
  Is located in via dell’Accademia - one of the most characteristic alley in Sorrento at a third floor of a 18th-century building (with no elevator) in the historic centre of Sorrento.
The property has a strategic position: 100 mt from Corso Italia, 600 mt from Museo Correale and 80 mt away from Piazza Sant Antonino. The apartment is also 100 mt from Teatro Tasso, and within 100 mt of the city centre. Sorrento Harbour and Sorrento Station are both a 10-minute walk from Sorrento Luxury apartment.
 Contact us
 Country: - Italy
Capital: Rome
Postal Code: - RM
+39 334 31 26 664
Youtube:  - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdiBTXJiG120_Ir4zg_DB1A
 More Information: - www.sorrentoluxurycharter.it
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lunapaper · 4 years
Album Review: ‘WHAT WE DREW 우리가 그려왔던’ - Yaeji
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In a blaze of technicolour beats and heartfelt poetry, Korean/American DJ/producer Yaeji invites us into her world on her latest mixtape, WHAT WE DREW 우리가 그려왔던 , celebrating ‘friendship, family, gratitude and support.’
First single ‘WAKING UP DOWN’ confronts the realities of adulthood against a pulsing club beat akin to the classic ‘raingurl.’ Though beneath its glowing synths and shimmering 808s is a certain anxiety, with Kathy Yaeji Lee admitting: ‘It’s not easy/There’s no such thing as easy/If I’m lazy/They all say it’s my fault.’
The title track celebrates the closeness of family in troubling times, pairing hi-hats stutters with whirling carousel beats with a sample of Lee’s dad scatting (‘He said, ‘I have a song idea for you. Use it if it helps you in any way.’ When I finished up the mixtape, I realized it would be so perfect and meaningful for the track, so I added it in.’). ‘IN PLACE’ tries to escape the tyranny of change with dreamy fervour, its gorgeous analogue feel as warm and velvety as nostalgia should, while its layered harmonies add something rather ominous into the mix. ‘THESE DAYS요즘’ later sees her adrift in a haze, Lee describing the ‘slice of life’ track as ‘feeling like sitting on a stoop with your friends on a nice fall afternoon sharing stories with each other about how you’re doing.’
‘MONEY CAN’T BUY’ indulges in simple pleasures, an ode to friendship that later gave birth to a real-life friendship between Lee and rapper Nappy Nina, creating a rather playful cut of bass-fuelled cyber hip hop that could easily be mistaken for a Missy Elliot track, circa 2001. ‘IN THE MIRROR 거울,’ meanwhile, provides pure melodrama in the form of a crawling bass throb and bristling reverb, strangely meditative until Lee unleashes with a mechanical drum n’ bass shudder, wondering: ‘Why doesn't it feel the same when I'm in the air when I look in the mirror?’ 
On WHAT WE DREW 우리가 그려왔던, the chaos of life wonderfully co-exists with the sprawling calm of Yaeji’s classy beatwork. While 2017’s EP2 was all in its feelings, her latest mixtape wears its heart on its sleeve; at times childlike, other times brooding. Overall, it’s a bittersweet journey bursting with cultural pride.
WHAT WE DREW 우리가 그려왔던 is truly a work of art.
- Bianca B.
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ultimenotiziepuglia · 4 years
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I've finally come up with names for these pretty ladies😍 Bianca and Anastasia the Fox (upper left), Mia and her Oinkkings: Rebel, Skunk, Nappy, Seeker and Mooch (upper right), Sabrina and her downy seal Moko (lower left) and finally Micah and her not picture space octopus Remmy (lower right)💓💓 love how colorful and fun they are to draw💫⭐
Art done on 11x14″ sketch paper with white gel ink pen, faber-castell ink pen in size .02 and copic markers by Me- Ren of Topaz Tiger Creations. Check out my other social media at:
Facebook: here
Deviantart: here
Instagram: here
Website/ Online portfolio: here
PLEASE ONLY REBLOG AND KEEP ALL CREDITS! DO NOT RE-POST OR STEAL MY ARTWORK. Character credit to Me :) Keep watching for more! thanks and love you all :D -Ren
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sinapsinews · 6 years
Nuzzo racconta Napoli, ciak per “Fame” su Lungomare e Centro Storico
Nuzzo racconta Napoli, ciak per “Fame”
Una poesia in immagini per il film breve con Rai Cinema e MiBact, una dedica alla città ricca di cultura e aperta all’accoglienza: un uomo di fronte ad un importante scelta, tra vita onesta e delinquenza. Nel cast Massimiliano Rossi, Ludovica Nasti, Bianca Nappi, Ester Gatta e la partecipazione di Gigi Savoia [themoneytizer id=”14943-1″]
Napoli, crocevia di culture e colori. Sul Lungomare e nel…
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