#Big inhuman asymmetrical hand go BRRRR
mushroom-for-art · 2 years
More mha oc characters cause I have no self control, Nishi Cara and her son Nishi Shin ft doll hawks. Monster wife go brr, info under cut
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So names, I decided on writing them like obviously how they're meant to in Japan with last name first to match the area of it. I've probably fucked up, just call them Cara and Shin.
Nishi Cara is wife and also big monster form go BRRR. She has obviously a transformation quirk that allows her to turn into her large beautiful monstrous self for power boost ect, basically increases all her stats except intelligence cause when using her quirk she goes full feral only able to follow her last sober thought. She's big she's powerful she'll fuck you up. Downside is the transformation is becoming gradually permanent every time she uses it. She's an ex member of some sort of evil group mafia thing but not LOV, being a villain because she was treated shit by people growing up for her transformation quirks appearance, left the group adopting Shin (who the evil group had kidnapped for his quirk) as her own son. She had tried to contact authorities to return him to get him put in care on account of being an orphan but when cops she knew were dirty came to get him she wasn't gonna let them just give him to another group to abuse no longer trusting authorities and taking him as her own child.
Nishi meaning west and Cara being of Irish origin meaning a friend so her name means West a friend. Or I suppose if you wrote it the English way A friend West. Implying potential redemption of her character as she could be a friend, but also West sometimes being called a little death could mean she brings death in the form of her friendship as she could snap your neck. But more likely with the symbolism of West being to mature and become a better self its symbolic of her arc going from being evil due to a grudge against society to bettering herself to do better to protect this child she's adopted.
Her son is Nishi Yamamoto Shin, though he rarely uses his middle name considering that he was born Yamamoto Shin, and he doesn't want to be recognised by people and taken to the cops as he knows corrupt cops were part of his parents murder and is scared of them so uses Caras last name, seeing her as his new mother. This was completely his own choice, she was taking care of him without intent to replace his old family. He was taken because of his Quirk which manifested quite young, much like Momo he can create things however unlike Momo he doesn't make them from his body and have the drawbacks she does he's able to make things appear if he has seen them before. His quirk is likely him rearranging atoms on a well atomic level reconstructing them into different forms as everything is made of atoms making him kind of insanely powerful if you think too hard on it but being that he is still young the ability to fully make use of this quirk isn't quite there meaning most of the things he tries to make fall through as unstructured non/semi tangible illusions almost. Think like how Piedmon on digimon had a few fake knives within the real ones, he has a few real ones in within the fakes. When he's older and trained he will likely be able to create things and make fakes easily on the fly and potentially gain the power to deconstruct things to an atomic degree as well, luckily he's likely going to be a good guy.
Despite them both being untrustworthy of authority I imagine Shin really does adore Hawks cause he sees him doing real world stuff helping not just fighting bad guys he's seen videos of hawks just, helping people little things, he finds hawks the most down to earth and trustworthy (though Cara thinks he's just a feathered prick). Despite this she managed to get him the hawks plush cause she loves her son. Of course if Shin met hawks he would likely bully him trying to get hawks with his mother saying shit like "you look like you don't own an air fryer", this is not the first time hawks has had a kid try to adopt him as dad but probably the first time he's been bullied in a way into getting with a mother.
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