#Oc Cara
helihi · 1 year
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...are you ready to dive in?
You can commission me
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idanceuntilidie · 10 months
So pretty when you cry
male bestfriend yan x male reader no warnings needed for this requests are open
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You were bawling your eyes out; you and your partner broke up.   You don’t even know what happened, everything was just fine yesterday.    They called you names and looked at you with disgust.  In front of the whole school, in front of everybody.  There is probably a video circulating around the internet by now. Everyone was laughing at you, the laughter still echoed it your skull painfully. 
Recently your friends started to leave you or disappear, and them leaving know just added to the pain. It hurt so much. Your salty tears soaked the pillow underneath you. You were wailing so loudly the people next door probably heard you.  It’s not fair. Your hands grip the pillow tightly and wailed harder.   
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“Great job, I thought ya might get too scared to do this”  Cara chuckeled, giving them money.  
“You can shut the fuck up, don’t ever come near me again.”    Cara smiled, as he watched them walk off. Humming, he pulled out his phone and turned off the recording. It was so easy, too easy. These people are so stupid, all they want is money. They didn’t deserve. None of them did, so as your roommate and your best friend he decided to help you get rid of them. You will be thankful after you sorrow passes.    You don’t need those friends, or that asshole of a partner you had. The same partner that when smelled money could do anything.  If you were his boyfriend he could treat you better, he would take you on little dates, kiss you. Cara places his hand on his burning cheek. You just make him so flustered.    He needs to return to you, poor thing, you probably are crying right now.  Don’t you worry, he will be there for you soon. 
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The door creaked open; it was quieter now, your sobbing weakend.  Poor thing you must be so tired now.  You hiccupped as your head lifted up to see who came through the door. When you saw Cara, your lips quivered.  
He swears his heart jumped at that, he feels bad yes, but you look so pretty even if you are crying your eyes out. Cara walked up to your bed, he sat next to you, his hand ran through your hair.  Your eyes were puffy and red, some of your haired clinged to your sweaty forehead.  You were stunning. 
  “Oh y/n, you are such a pretty boy, you shouldn’t cry after assholes like him”  He cooed as he kissed the top of your head.  Your hands tugged on his shirt. He chuckled and laid next to you.    “They were an asshole”  you mumbled. 
“Yeah, glad they are gone hm?”    “mhm..”    You laid your head on his chest; he didn’t care if your snot or tears dirtied it.  Hell, it made his heart skip a beat, some part of you would be on his clothes.  Cara knew he would never wash this shit ever again.   
Tomorrow you might cry again, but this time he will be by your side to wipe those tears away.  Make you smile. Oh he is so happy he can get a chance to do this, with no one in the way now, you won’t even think of escaping him.  Your whole school has turned its back on you, and that means whatever happens you will run into his arms first. 
He caressed your head; he rubbed your back. He hummed you songs that you adore so much. When your breathing slowed it gave him a sign that finally you were falling asleep.  Oh his poor sweet boy, so hurt and tired.  Cara knows that, hell, he is aware, but he is doing this for you. Whatever you like it or not he will scare everyone away, or just get rid of them.   He can’t just share you; he can’t let other people see your smile, your tears or disgust. 
They are all his. 
You don’t need anyone else. Just him.  Only him.   And you only need him. 
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alligatorpie1945 · 2 months
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Hey Yall! Wanted to share this super cute commission I got to make for the wonderful @the-bad-batch-baroness for their story about Wolffe and his daughter! You can find it here if you are interested.
I decided to extend my commission openings till the end of August! So if anyone is still interested, please DM me.
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cawsceries · 1 month
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oranges 🍊
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30diamondscene · 10 months
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who‘s inappropriate now??????
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caramara3 · 10 days
Just Friends...? a Damian Priest x OC fic [1]
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Damian Priest x Reader Imani Cove
Summary: The rules are simple: no feelings, no strings, just sex. But can it ever truly be that simple when the lines begin to blur??
Warnings: Plot, Slow Burn, Angst, Language, mature sexual content 18+, OFC, fluff
Word Count: 1.8k
**Partially Edited and Proofread**
Notes: Thank y'all so much for reading!! Leave a comment, heart, share, and enjoy the ride!!!
Italic writing signifies an inside thought.
Playlist for fic
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Chapter 1: The Morning
~Morning after Backlash Puerto Rico~
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“Uugh… oww.”
You groaned softly and shifted your body, immediately regretting that decision. You were used to a little soreness and tension after a match, especially one as rough as last night’s Last Woman Standing match against your current feud partner Shayna Bazler, but Lord did this hurt. Every single muscle in your body felt as if they had been individually jabbed with a tiny needle while also being set on fire. Your back felt like you’d been thrown through plexiglass over a dozen times. You made a solid mental note to have your chiropractor “thank” Shayna for keeping him in business.
“Ow… oww… argh, ow!”
You winced at each small movement while opening your eyes, only to be met with a soft but heavy material. You go to pull it from over your head and was immediately met with the morning sun shining its insanely bright ass through your hotel window.
“Ah, oh God! Absolutely not!”
You grimaced and pulled the material back over your face, sinking deeper and deeper into your fluffy fortress as you waited for the throbbing pain in your head to subside. 
Great, you thought. Sore and hungover: the perfect combo. 
You laid your head flat against the mattress as you tried to somewhat remember the events of last night, but as you did everything felt like a jumbled and confusing blur…
Tequila is an evil bitch from the depths of hell…
You remember leaving the arena and catching a ride with Zelina back to the hotel. You remember getting ready with her to go out for the night. 
You remember, even though you didn’t want to, the fight you had on the phone with your lying, cheating, bastard of an EX-fiance Marcus about him getting his things out of your house before you were back from Puerto Rico. 
You remember getting to the club late and immediately having shots pushed in your face, a thought that made you nauseous as if you could still smell the Don Julio. 
You remember getting pulled onto the dancefloor by… was it Cruz?? No it was Finn.
Or maybe it was Santos. 
You remember seeing Rhea arrive with Dominik, Finn, and JD. More shots.
You remember the DJ was on one causing he was playing banger after banger after banger. 
You didn’t see him come in with everyone but remember seeing your friend Damian Priest sitting over in a corner by himself. You had practically pulled his giant six-foot-five onto the dancefloor, laughing at his insane dance moves.
More shots.
But wait, was this before JD stepped on your foot while you were trying to teach him how to salsa??
Or after Rhea and you got felt up by some random local while waiting at the bar and having to hold back the guys from kicking the guys ass??
More dancing. Dancing on the small stage with Zelina and Bayley. 
Dancing with Damian again.
Getting cheered on in the girls room as you flushed your engagement ring down the toilet.
Even more dancing. 
Shots. Shots. Shots. 
Ugh, god why did I let Rhea keep feeding me all those damn shots? I swear I’m gonna kill her the next time I see her. But how did I get back to my room?  
You remember a touch. Or at least it felt like a touch. An electric energy tenderly brushing against your skin, traveling up your spine. You remember a warm feeling softly pressing itself against your neck, then to your shoulder, your collarbone, your breasts, down your stomach.
A voice, deep and foreboding, breathlessly whispering nothings in your ear as you…
You push the memory away and rub your temples, as for the first time you feel the after effects of your hangover. A wave of nausea washed over you. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d gotten this drunk. Yes you did, it was yours and Marcus’ one-year anniversary. He had booked this gorgeous resort in Tulum for the two of you with a private pool. One night the two of you had gotten so tipsy that you ended up back in the room, jumped in the pool with all your clothes, and then…
At that thought, your eyes went wide. You could feel your heart drop down into your stomach.
Oh. Oh god no…
You lifted up the side of the ivory comforter to glance over the edge onto the floor and saw clothes strewn across it.
No, no, no. Imani please tell me you didn’t…
The nausea was beginning to creep up again. You knew you had to look, but you didn’t want to. After a few moments and several deep breaths, you had psyched yourself up the best that you could. You released a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding and slowly lifted the comforter and gazed down at your body.
It was bad enough that you were as naked as the day you came into the world, but from the looks of things you had a great time last night. Your eyes followed the trail of small purple marks that decorated your lower half; one along the inside of your breast, one hiding just under your left nipple, one above your collarbone, two or three up the side of your hip bone just near your tattoo, and then several decorating all along your inner thighs.
What the fuck Imani? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?
You ignore your body practically screaming at you to be still and move to a seated position in the bed, hand raised to shield you from any amount of sunlight before you. A soft hiss leaves your mouth as you feel your bare back press itself against the cold wooden headboard. On instinct you grab the sheet from the bed and pull it up to cover your body. 
Oh, now we wanna be modest. A little too late for that!!
Looking to your left you find your phone charging on the nightstand alongside your iPad and glasses. You do a quick lookover of the room, breathing a small sigh of upon realization that you were in fact in your hotel room.
Now in fairness, after several years traveling on the road there gets a point where all the hotel rooms start to blend together. But thankfully you knew this one was yours. Your gym bag and ring gear from Backlash had been laid out on the couch before you left, your laptop was sitting open on the desk just as you left it, makeup and hair products were sprawled out on the dresser, and you could see both your lavender carry-on and backpack tucked away in the corner.
What you did notice that wasn’t there when you had left was the trail of clothes on the floor starting from the door and ending towards the foot of the bed.
You also couldn’t help but notice the shiny, reflective, OPEN foil packet placed almost mockingly on the ground at the foot of the bed.  
This wasn’t like you, you’re not that kind of girl. In fact you’re a good girl. You’ve never even gotten so much as a damn speeding ticket! You don’t hook up with random strangers and you damn sure don’t hook up with them while on a goddamn work trip in another country!
Through all the emotional and mental chaos happening in your mind, you felt a sense of heaviness stretched across your pelvis. For the first time since waking up you noticed the very large, very muscular, and very tatted bicep across your stomach. Soft snores filled the quiet room, like a faint rasp blending seamlessly with the stillness of the moment. 
You gulped and turned to your right. A rather large figure laid on the opposite side of you, face completely engulfed in the warmth of hotel linen.  
Mr. Rando was still here, sleeping peacefully next to you.
Shit Imani, really? You’ve been newly single for all of three days and you decide to celebrate by hooking up with some random guy in Puerto Rico?!?!
You quickly shook your head at your manic thoughts. When you moved your hand to the blanket you heard a low grumble that stopped you dead in your tracks. The body shifted and turned over to the other side, their back facing you, before settling after a few seconds. You froze and waited for a few seconds to see if he was awake. You hadn’t the slightest idea what you would say to if he were. You weren’t exactly knowledgeable in the area of one-night stands. Do you start with a “hi” or “thanks for the sex, now get out of my room?” Like, what was the standard practice here??
Once you were absolutely sure he was still asleep you gripped the blanket and slowly pulled it away until the whole of his back was revealed to you. You gasped loudly and practically jumped up off the bed and right onto the plush carpeted floor with a heavy thud.
“Ah, son of a bitch!” you shrieked, wincing at the pain of the impact.
But you ignored it as your eyes peered over the edge of the mattress back at the body on the bed that was beginning to arouse. He groaned and moaned and stretched his body out as if he’s just been awoken by true love’s kiss. You couldn’t move, all you could was sit there on the carpet buck naked like a weirdo watching him. He sat up and stretched again, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. You watched every single muscle on his back spasm and flex from the movement.
He moved to stand, revealing not just his extensive height and size, but all of his naked glory.
Damn, he really does have a nice ass…
But your eyes were fixated on the single giant piece of art in the center of his back etched into his skin. From afar it looked like a standard skull tattoo. But if you’d ever been up close and personal to it, you could see the inside art resembling that of a dark grim reaper. 
And you had been up close to fully view that grim reaper. Many times in fact. 
And why wouldn’t you?
After all, the two of you did work together...
As if realizing he wasn’t alone, you gasped when you saw his head turn and found your eyes peeking over the bed. A wave of confusion washed over his face, followed closely by the sudden realization of what you had figured out earlier.
“Holy shit,” he whispered softly. 
You slowly rose to your feet, grabbing the sheet off the bed to cover your body.
Your eyes avoided his gaze the entire time, your voice soft and unsure as you spoke. 
“Hey Damian.” 
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If you want to be tagged please send me an ask so I can keep track!!
@beibigirl124 @bonni-98 @bossbitch-22 @queencherryberry @blueblazezz @just-another-personal-side-blog @southerngirl41 @abadbitchblogs @new-zealand-chic @miss-kuki-nz @shamaness11 @damiansgoodgirll @bigstrongblackheart @crossfitjesusinblackskinnyjeans @thedeboniardevistation @lavitabella87 @kultklassickiller @chaneajoyyy @mzv11 @yana3sworld @sisinever @gold--gucciempress @sassymox @msbigredmachine @terrortwinunicorn @cookiebelle @flawlessglamazon
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teem-boo · 2 months
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Mind Flayer Colony mass attack!!
Characters in order: Anthares ( @lu-seabun ) • Roteuthis • Vangar • Agengi ( @manticorablogs ) • Aki ( @lichfromspace ) • Logan • Qhuohuur • Pyelik • Oda • Auzzimaks ( @thoonist ) • Xenoceras ( @bbqsean ) • Vennet ( @fritterbat ) • Gloomy ( @lubia-zenite ) • Ran • Clementine • Ankilukt ( @skelizard ) • Vlassk ( @unaarista ) • Loor ( @leavingautumn13 ) • Fredrick ( @robofeather ) • Moss ( @magmethius ) • Cebrezaya ( @serenamidori ) • Mary James • DM Sona ( @foxtopusdeamond ) • Cosmo'nil ( @galacticgeckoart )
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Cover art by @pinkiemme
Series Summary:
Wolffe's life is turned upside down when his wife suddenly dies while he's home on Coruscant. As Wolffe battles through his grief, he is forced to take on the role of father and mother to his four-year-old daughter Cara, who struggles to understand why her mother is gone. When Wolffe receives orders for a new deployment, he hires Lilith Sestri from a nanny service in a desperate attempt to ensure his daughter is taken care of while he's away. However, tragedy will continue to follow them throughout the rest of the War.
Series Forward:
Where's Mommy? isn't your average love story because it's not about romance. It's about family, grief, and loss. Following Wolffe and Cara's journey is an emotional roller coaster full of uphill battles, downhill terrors, and fleeting joys. While some moments may seem happy, a thread of sadness remains woven through the center. Is there hope for them? Read their story and find out!
Series Index:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 (posting September 6th)
Series Inspired Fanworks:
Cara and Wolffe Holo Photo (Part 4) - @amalthiaph
Fighting Breakfast (Part 6) - @alligatorpie1945
Cara's Baby Blanket Refs (Part 8)
Cara's Tooka Doll (Part 8) - @frostycatblr-fandom-files
Love is Stored in the Carrot (Part 8) - @kimiheartblade
Love is Stored in the Carrot (Part 9) - @frostycatblr-fandom-files
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mrn0093 · 4 months
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I create my Cara•app account https://cara.app/mrn0093
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cora0rr3m · 3 months
Hi yall!! Finally finished my self-insert oc!!! This took me days, so likes and reblogs r appreciated!! <3
Full bio and art below (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
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Lesbian + Demigirl
Pronouns: She/They
Age: Around her 20’s (as of the first dark cacao update)
Within the walls of the Black Citadel, training day and night. A Cookie fearful, yet courageous to face the horrors that lie within the Licorice Sea. Hazelnut Toffee Cookie— one of the remarkable spear warriors of the Dark Cacao Kingdom. Kind, compassionate towards subordinates, but most especially who embraces with fiery passion the Cacaoian Martial Art of spear wielding. She holds the almighty Tough Toffee Spear— its aura shines with passion and bravery. Even during times she’s frightened and has lost all hope, she perseveres even through the coldest night. As long as she has a king to serve, she’s never backing down.
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- She has admired Caramel Arrow Cookie as more than a friend since they started training together. She has kept this a secret though because of the strict, witholding society of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, which also prohibits soldiers from dating eachother— mandated by the king himself. (still not official in my AU tho!! Still working on it)
- Cube Choco Cookie is her uncle on her mother’s side. He is where Hazelnut Toffee gets most of her love for Cacaoian Martial Arts from, since her father died due to his arm being amputated while fighting a battle in war that time. (More on this in another future post)
- Knew and became friends with Second Watcher because of Cara + the whole kingdom jokes about them being siblings because of their eyepatch lol
- Also became friends with Gatekeeper Cookie because of Carrow
- Dark Choco, Carrow, Crunchy Chip, and her were all friends since they first started training. But then Dark Choco left, and ever since Hazelnut felt resentment and confusion towards him. But overtime, she started feeling empathetic for him and misses him as a brother/friend sometimes.
- Affogato both teased Cara and Hazel, but Hazel got teased the most because of her soft personality, but would often get defended strongly by Cara, Hazel did the same. 🥺🥺🥺
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Well, thats all for this post guys!! Please stick around to know more about Hazelnut Toffee Cookie— thanks!! <33
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abacus-jpg · 4 months
Anyone else not understand why people are moving to cara. Like I understand it’s because ai and shit,, but like. What confuses me is as long as your art is on the internet, aslong as you chose to post your art online anywhere, doesn’t matter where, it is prone to being stolen by ai. To me ai is nothing more then when people trace your art and call it their own. Ofc I don’t want people to do it, but ultimately that will not stop them. I do have a cara account, I was the first to claim abacus. When I tried posting there a few times I’ve been met with an error message, alongside that the app is really buggy and slow. I don’t see why people feel the need to come up with new apps to post art on when you could just use tumblr, but then the argument with tumblr is that there’s no engagement. But if we all flock to tumblr like people are flocking to cara then I don’t see why engagement would be such a big issue. Even then, if engagement is your main concern with your art I feel like you should reevaluate why you are pursuing art in the first place. I had this struggle ages ago where I didn’t feel my art was worth anything because I couldn’t cap 10 likes. But I realized, my art is for me. I’m the one that should be enjoying it, and my reason for posting now is for other people to enjoy it, so if they don’t,, I really don’t care all the much. I understand it is really detouring to post ocs and to have zero engagement, but that’s just the way art is. Unless you are producing fanart consistently of shit that is made into content farms, I really don’t see how you can garner a following just doing ocs. That’s why, doing art for your own sake is more important than trying to please everyone. I can guarantee there’s atleast one stranger on the internet that will fw your stuff the way you want. And the more you post, the more the number will grow. Most of the time it’s gradual, but one goes to two, two goes to three. And maybe you’ll only get one or two. But the important thing is, there’s someone. If you feel like you have no one, remember your art is for yourself. You’ll always have one, even if that is yourself. This might all seem contradictive. But trust, only you matter when it comes to your own artwork.
This “speech”, if you can call it that, isn’t to deter people from drawing and posting their ocs. This is just to say, engagement shouldn’t matter. As long as you’re happy, that’s all the matters. Post and draw what you want aslong as it’s not straight ripping from someone else. Idc.
This whole thing was supposed to be abt Cara but it turned into a uhh,, Ted talk of sorts. I’m not saying people shouldn’t use cara, if it works for them then by all means go for it. But personally I will not be making it my main form of social media. In my opinion, it’ll be like that other art app people were using for a week before they forgot abt it, I forget the name of it but I remember the interface was a light pink, similar to Instagram,, but somehow worse.
IM GONNA SPECIFY THAT I DONT CONDONE AI STEALING PEOPLES ART EITHER,, just putting that out there because some people have a way of misunderstanding or misinterpretating things. Which is okay!! Because some people genuinely get confused and that’s alright. But like please don’t use so first handedly. With that being said, I’m just a nobody on the internet so why would you listen to me,, you won’t. But i uhh,, am gonna put that there anyways
Thanks if you read allat,, idk why you would but that’s anyways I guess😭😭😭
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cara-warm-tenderness · 2 months
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I'm sorry if anyone else's done something similar, but also fuck it
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idanceuntilidie · 10 months
Don't you know who I am?
Male Best friend Yan x Male Reader
TW: yandere themes|Threats| Someone gets their ass kicked. Request are open Dear God I have never been this empty headed, i will try my best to do at least two posts tomorrow.
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Cara was quite popular, so he was invited to many parties. People say if Cara doesn’t show up that means the party sucks. Naturally being Caras bestie meant you were usually dragged along, even if you really didn’t want to. There was one time actually where you were falling asleep but the next thing you saw when you opened your eyes were flashing lights and very VERY loud music. At this point people knew that if Cara is invited, so are you. This time you actually wanted to go, surprisingly, because it was a birthday party so naturally there was a birthday cake, good free food and drinks.You didn’t really know the person, so you and Cara bought the gift together. Actually Cara bought it, he insisted that you shouldn’t waste money. You felt kinda bad, but you knew he wouldn’t let that one go.
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You didn’t go in anything fancy, plain white shirt with f/c loose pants. It made it easier to blend in, if you were going yourself. You knew Cara would choose something flashy and he did. God, of course he did. Cara wore a very flashy, literally, gold sequin shirt with hot pink flares. It made you slightly self conscious, and well feel underdressed, but on the other side you knew only he was able to pull something like this off.
Cara noticed that and when he saw you he shrieked, complimented you and gave you lots of kisses on your cheeks.
The food wasn’t worth it.
You sat in the corner of the club, munching on whatever you got your hands on. You lost Cara in the crowd, so you ended up alone. Though there was a guy slowly getting closer and closer to you and finally sitting, too close to your comfort.
“Hey sweets, what’s a cutie like you doing all alone huh?” You stopped eating and slowly looked at the guy. Nose scrunching in confusion and disgust you roll your eyes before mumbling. “I lost my best friend in the crowd” “Oh what a horrible friend that is! Leaving you all alone~” Your stomach dropped when he placed a hand on your thigh, but before you even got a chance to say something your eyes caught a glimpse of a familiar flashy gold shirt. Which was walking really fast in your direction.
“Hands off of my boyfriend jackass” “B-Boyfriend?” You squeaked when Cara picked you up and held you protectively.
“Boyfriend huh? Aren’t you Cara? A slut that probably fucked every single person in this room?” You heard Cara scoff, and when you looked up you saw a scowly forming on his face. His manicured nails digged into your skin.
“Y/n cover your ears” And without question you did, you also hid your face in Caras shoulder. “If you don’t fucking leave right now, I am going to skin and gut you like a pig.” Cara hissed at the man. He put you down, caressing your head and he placed a small kiss on your forehead.
Cara walked in front of the guy that was harassing you and beat the shit out of him. By the time you actually looked in that direction you saw the man trying to crawl away from your best friend, and Cara spitting at him.
It was horrible, but the problem was solved, police were called; Cara explained the situation and you both drove home. You don’t think you could sleep with that image engraved in your mind. But there was also another small thought screaming in the back of your mind.
“Boy friend, silly. I mean I could be your partner if you wanna” you heard him chuckle, it made you smile.
“Nah” You closed your eyes, hoping that you won’t dream about the guy from the party. Slowly drifting off to sleep you didn’t hear Cara mumble,
“Haha yeah, you will change your mind sooner or later.”
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louistonehill · 6 months
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Asshole ghost
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jswahaarts · 2 years
The Gathering 1/4: “Cold”
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Summary: A group of Jedi Younglings begin their journey to find their Kyber Crystals.
Word Count: 1749
Authors Note: Just a lil silly story with my ocs lol!! (also including my friends ocs :] )
-28 BBY, Ilum -
“[I’m cold…]” Yaupé grumbled quietly. Well. As quiet as a wookiee could be. Which wasn’t very quiet at all. He was loud, in fact. Very loud.
“YOU’RE cold??” Cara whispered harshly, turning to her best friend, “You? The wookiee?”
“[Wookiees can get cold!]”
“Can not! You guys have all that fur!”
“[Uh! can too! Even with all this fur!]”
The two glared at one another. Of course, Cara knew wookiees were capable of getting cold. Heck, Yaupé was right here, buuuut… she couldn’t help messing with him. It was too much fun.
“Can not!”
“[Can too!!]”
“Can not!”
“[Can t—!!!]”
“Yaupé! Cara!” Master Yoda’s voiced called onto the two youngling. The two slowly turned their heads towards the Jedi Grand Master as their eyes opened wide. “Have something to say the two of you do? Hm?” He asked. It was easy to tell from the short green aliens tone that he was definitely annoyed at the two, which suprisingly wasn’t a rare occurance for them. By this point, everyone in the room had their eyes on them awaiting their response.
Kriff. This wasn’t good. They didn’t just interrupt a speech. They interrupted a MASTER YODA speech; meaning they could either be in for a long and boring lecture after this, OR he was totally gonna quiz them right now if they tried lying by saying they were paying attention—which they were’nt, so that could go equally as bad and earn them a lecture regardless.
The two younglings shot quick worried glances at one another before their eyes landed back on Master Yoda. Fearing the lecture, Cara quickly bowed apologetically, being as ‘Jedi-like’ as possible, “Apologies, Master Yoda, It won’t happen again!!”
Yaupé looked at the human girl, before following her lead, doing the same.
“[Yeah! Sorry, Master, we promise it won’t happen again!!!]”
“Hmm…” Master Yoda grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. He could hear the other younglings snickering at the human and the wookiee. At least they apologized though. That was something. “Saying, I was…” The old master sighed, starting again, “To protect others, how does a Jedi? Hmm?”. He looked around, making sure that all the younglings were really paying attention, before pulling out his lightsaber, igniting it, its green light bouncing off his olive green skin and reflecting off the ice and snow.
“The lightsaber.” He answered. “Build your own lightsabers in time, you will, but first, harvest your own crystal you must.”
The group of younglings all murmered to one another in excitement, expressing their clear enthusiasm with “No way!!”’s and “Heck yeah!”’s, along with two younglings who whispered; ‘Called it!’ and ‘No you didn’t, nerf-for brains!’. Master Yoda couldn’t help but smirk. If they were’nt listening before, they sure were now.
“The heart of a lightsaber, the Kyber Crystal is.” Master Yoda continued. “Focuses the Force from the Jedi it does…” He said, before raising his hands hand towards the sky. Master Yoda closed his eyes gently, focusing as he used the Force to open a window within the temple. When opened, a beam of light was shot from the outside into a crystalized contraption, hanging overhead, that reflected that beam into the tall icey doorway in front of the group, melting it all in seconds, and exposing the entrance to the caves where the younglings are to go for their crystals.
“If Jedi you are to become, enter the crystal cave you must.” Master Yoda started again, looking at each of the younglings. “Trust yourselves. Trust eachother, and succeed you will.”
As the water from the melted door cleared, the younglings stood by the entrance to the ice caves, listening to the instructions of Padawan Leonie as she explained the do’s and don’t’s for the ice caves. Everyone seemed to be paying much more attention to her than they did to Master Yoda during the beggining part of his speech.
“—Oh! And one last thing;” She said. “Once you find your crystals, DO NOT remain inside the caves. As soon as daylight ends, the door will freeze over once again and you WILL be trapped inside…”
As soon as she said that, everyone looked at one another, making sure they all heard the same thing. “Uhh… I have a question?” Tomar announced, raising a hand, instantly catching the padawans attention. “How long would we be trapped for?”
“One rotation.”
It took a moment for the group to process what Leonie had just said, before-
“One rotation???” Everyone called out in unison. One rotation? here?? Their hearts sank just at the thought of it… staying in some old and creepy ice temple on some snow planet for the night???
“Yes. One rotation.” Leonie confirmed. “Now… that’s everything! Wishing you all the best of luck!!” She concluded with a cheery smile and a supportive thumbs up towards the group.
“Huh? wait, but-??” Khad’ started speaking.
“No ‘but’s’! Now go! Hurry before the door starts reforming!” She rushed, her hands doing a ‘shooing’ motion towards them. The group all shot frantic glances at one another before they rushed into the ice caves, finally starting their journey to get their Kyber Crystals.
Inside the Ilum temples ice caves, all that could be heard were the footsteps of the Jedi younglings as they moved along, their boots crunching at the snow beneath them, as well as the sound of crackling ice every so often. It was cold. Dark, and almost creepy with all the old frozen-over architecture among the cave walls. It was also kinda hard to walk, the floor was super slippery. Nevertheless, the younglings persisted.
Everyone, for the most part, was quiet, their thoughts mostly caught up on the whole ‘door freezing over’ bit that Leonie talked about and silently hoping to the Force that they find their crystals in time before that happened.
“So…” Tomar started, breaking the long moment of silence and catching everyones attention. “Out of everyone here, who’s more likely to get trapped inside the caves?”. It was typical of Tomar to try and bring some humor or ‘what if’ scenario into a situation, but, it lightened the mood so everyone was welcome to it. Everyone answered with the first person that came to their mind;
“Khad’.” Said Cara.
"[Khad’.]” Said Yaupé.
“Khad’.” Said Eyre.
They all looked towards Aras, who signed ‘Khad’’.
“WHAT!! WHY ME??” Khad’ shouted, his voice bouncing across the cave walls.
“Ehh… you just seem like the type to get stuck in an ice cave for a day.” Cara shrugged, a smirk plastered across her face.
Everyone seemed to nod along in agreement to Cara, leaving Khad’ dumbfounded.
“Well— she’s not wrong.” Tomar snickered.
“Shut up!! Kriff you guys!! If I get stuck here I hope you all get stuck here with me!!”
Seeing the twi’lek’s over-the-top reaction made the rest of the younglings howl in laughter, their snorts, snickers and roars echoeing across the cave walls, much to Khad’s annoyance. After walking further into the cave and getting a few more giggles out, the laughter soon vanished as the group approached what seemed to be the caves first obstacle for them. Before them lied three different openings within the cave. Peering into each one, they all seemed to look the exact same; long, dark and icey tunnels that the younglings could only assume lead right into the path to find their crystals. But… there were 6 of them and 3 tunnels. How were they going to go about this?
“Sooooo… what now?” Eyre spoke after a moment of everyone just standing there.
“[Hmm…]” Yaupé scratched his chin fur as he thought about what next step they could all take. There were three caves so, naturally, splitting up would be the best option right?Wait… no. No, they can’t split up! They could get lost- HE could get lost or hurt or WORSE!! And to add to that, none of them really knew what dangers they could even face in these caves! The more he thought about it, the more he just didn’t wanna risk it. “[Maybe… we should try sticking toge-]”
“We should split up!” Khad’ declared. Everyones eyes turned to the twi’lek. “Hear me out! See, there’s six of us and three caves, we can just split up and go into one of em with a partner!” Khad’ explained. “Then BAM! We find our crystals and make our cool and awesome sabers, easy peasy!!”
“That could work!” Cara agreed. Everyone in the group seemed to take a liking to the idea. Which was suprising cause it was a Khad’ idea. But a good one nevertheless. They almost felt bad for clowning on him earlier. Almost. “Heck yeah it will!!” Khad’ babbled eagerly, mostly just happy at the fact that his friends liked an idea of his. “Say, Aras, wanna be my partner?” He asked, nudging the Togruta by the arm. Aras smiled nodding their head ‘yes’ as Khad’ cheered, “Alright!! C’mon!” as he grabbed their hand, pulling them along into the one of the three tunnels in front of them.
“[Wait! But—!”]
“Hey, Eyre, wanna-”
“HECK YEAH!! Let’s go!!” Eyre didn’t even let Tomar finish asking them before they grabbed his arm and practically dragged him into the second cave that was in front of them. “Later losers!!!” Eyre’s voice called out, their voice echoeing through the caves walls. “Hey!! Waitwaitwaitwait!!!, slow down!!” Echoed Tomar’s voice behind them, going further and further into the tunnel, away from Cara and Yaupé.
Yaupé could only make a low grunting sound as he watched what just unfolded in front of him.
“Well…” Cara began, “Can’t blame ya for trying to keep everyone together.” She snickered. Yaupé couldn’t help but snicker along with her. Cara’s energy was just contagious like that.
“Sooo… any chance you wanna be my partner? By default?” She asked.
“[Hmm…]” Yaupé pretended to think, putting a hand to his chin. “[Ehh… I dunno if you’re cool enough to be my partner…]”
Cara fake-scoffed, playfully hitting Yaupé on the arm, “Shut up!” She chuckled, immedietly making the both of them giggle.
“We should get going—I wanna get my crystal before they do!” Cara half-joked, tapping at the wookiee.
“[Mm!]” Yaupé nodded with a newfound spark of confidence. With Cara by his side, he knew that the two of them could get through anything this cave had to throw at them! And with that, and a quick “C’mon!” from Cara, the two started into the third and last tunnel in front of them.
Leonie Luroon belongs to: @jaigeye !!
Eyre Brraven Belongs to: @circadianaa !!
(Thanks for letting me borrow your kids, besties! 💚)
The Bg’s are edited screencaps from The Clone Wars !!
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caramel-caracal · 2 years
I have so many sketches sitting around of Cowboy Submas, Dera, and just the good ol' regular twins- so why not share some of 'em!
First is a sketch page for the AU- my fav here is Emmet and Archen...a mimir...
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This next one is just a little silly- a bit of Miscommunication between Ingo and Dera-
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