#Nishi Shin
nishibai · 9 months
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!! no reposts/dont use for anything w/o permission !!
MERRY CHRISTMAS 2 THOSE WHO CELEBRATE AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO THOSE WHO DONT!! im posting this a day earlier since some of u guys are in a timezone a day ahead of me!!
here is all my presents i drew! i hope u guys like them!! aaand btw the oc i drew with u guys is my sona, sunny/nishi :3!!
in order: @yourstrulymoonanon, @biological-catastrophe, @jackpotsadgirlmafuyu (i drew lynette btw..), @lenoraven, @bednbunfast @nishibai so i can rb my own post,,
one last thing, im disabling reblogs for anyone who isnt the people tagged above. soz.
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midoribai · 1 year
would you guys care if i made either takedori or takeshin a real relationship. i MIGHTTT make takeshin-ai real . they could be adorable in this au. MAYBE
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Graphic Design Is (…) Not Innocent, Edited by Ingo Offermanns, with Dokho Shin and Sam Kim, Valiz, Amsterdam, 2022, in collaboration with Hamburg University of Fine Arts
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Contributors: Karo Akpokiere, Christian Bauer, David Bennewith, Friedrich von Borries, Clémentine Deliss, Sandra Doeller, Daniel Martin Feige, Feminist Internet, Annette Geiger, Matthias Görlich, Anna Lena von Helldorff, Martin Ludwig Hofmann, Jianping He, Kay Jun, Anoushka Khandwala, Francisco Laranjo, Degeng Li, Eva Linhart, Madoka Nishi, Ingo Offermanns, Offshore, Sophia Prinz, Konrad Renner (Knoth & Renner), Conor Rigby (Feminist Internet), Isabel Seiffert (Offshore), In-ah Shin (Feminist Designer Social Club), Pierre Smolarski, Markus Weisbeck
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demonslayerscript · 5 days
How to count people in Japanese
1 person : 一人(ひとり/hitori)  ×いちにん
2 people : 二人(ふたり/futari) ×ににん
3 people : 三人(さんにん/san-nin)
4 people : 四人(よにん/yo-nin) ×よんにん、しにん(Never read as “しにん”, as it means 死人: dead person)
5 people : 五人(ごにん/go-nin)
6 people : 六人(ろくにん/roku-nin)
7 people : 七人(ななにん/nana-nin or しちにん/shichi-nin)
8 people : 八人(はちにん/hachi-nin)
9 people : 九人(きゅうにん/kyu-nin or くにん/ku-nin)
10 people : 十人(じゅうにん/ju-nin)
11 people : 十一人(じゅういちにん/ju-ichi-nin)×じゅうひとり
12 people : 十二人(じゅうににん/ju-ni-nin)×じゅうふたり
13 people : 十三人(じゅうさんにん/ju-san-nin)
14 people : 十四人(じゅうよにん/ju-yo-nin)×じゅうよんにん、じゅうしにん
15 people : 十五人(じゅうごにん/ju-go-nin)
16 people : 十六人(じゅうろくにん/ju-roku-nin)
17 people : 十七人(じゅうななにん/ju-nana-nin or じゅうしちにん/ju-shichi-nin)
18 people : 十八人(じゅうはちにん/ju-hachi-nin)
19 people : 十九人(じゅうきゅうにん/ju-kyu-nin or じゅうくにん/ju-ku-nin)
20 people : 二十人(にじゅうにん/niju-nin)
21 people : 二十一人(にじゅういちにん/niju-ichi-nin)×にじゅうひとり
22 people : 二十二人(にじゅうににん/niju-ni-nin)×にじゅうふたり
There is one more way of counting, with “名(mei)”.
For example, when you enter a restaurant for dinner, the waiter will ask, “何名様ですか?(Nan-mei-sama desuka?)” which means “How many people are there?”
The difference between “人(nin)” and “名(mei)” is that “人(nin)” is just for counting, and “名(mei)” is used for groups or organizations whose members are identifiable, such as number of attendants of the meeting, number of guests reserved at the hotel, number of guests at the wedding, and so on.
In case of “名(mei)”, reading way of counting is simply number + 名(mei).
1 person : 一名(いちめい/ichi-mei)
2 people : 二名(にめい/ni-mei)
3 people : 三名(さんめい/san-mei)
4 people : 四名(よんめい/yon-mei) ×しめい
5 people : 五名(ごめい/go-mei)
6 people : 六名(ろくめい/roku-mei)
7 people : 七名(ななめい/nana-mei) 〇しちめい/shichi-mei(It’s right but confusing with いちめい/ichi-mei)
8 people : 八名(はちめい/hachi-mei��
9 people : 九名(きゅうめい/kyu-mei) ×くめい
10 people : 十名(じゅうめい/ju-mei)
(The last digit of any number beyond that is the same as above.)
If you feel it hard, you can use just “人(nin)” anytime. It’s enough if you can understand “名(mei)” when you hear it.
From the episode 20 “Pretend Family”…
Shinobu “Kawaii Ojosan, anatawa nan-nin koroshi-mashitaka?”
Shinobu “Sweet young girl, how many people have you killed?”
Ane-Gumo “……Go-nin. ……Demo meirei sarete, shikata nakatta-noyo.”
Big Sister Spider Demon “Five. But I was ordered to! I had no choice!”
Shinobu “Usowa tsuka-nakute daijobu desuyo. Wakatte-masu-kara. Sakki uchino Taiin’o mayuni shita jutsu-sabaki, migoto deshita. Hachiju-ninwa kutte imasu-yone?”
Shinobu “There’s no need to lie about it. Because I already know. That spell you cast to turn one of our men into a cocoon was most impressive! You’ve devoured at least eighty humans, haven’t you?”
Ane-Gumo “……Kutte-naiwa, sonnani. Koroshita-nowa go-nin’yo.”
Big Sister Spider Demon “No, of course I haven’t eaten that many. I only killed those five.”
Shinobu “Watashiwa nishino-hokara kima-shitayo. Ojosan, nishi desu. Yamano nishi-gawa-dewa, tairyoni mayuga bura-sagatte-iru-no’o mite-kimashita. Nakani tora-wareta hito-bitowa eki-joni tokete zen-metsu. Sono basho-dake-demo, mayu-damawa ju-yon-ko ari-mashita. Ju-yo-nin, shin-derun-desu.”
Shinobu “But I came here from the west, you know. The west, my dear. On the west side of the mountain, I saw hordes of cocoons hanging from the trees. The human captives inside had been liquefied. All massacred. In that spot alone, I counted at least fourteen cocoons. Fourteen humans. All dead.”
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episodesixnickyroth · 23 days
hi. infodump pt2.
i wanted to talk about tsurugi n nishi. erm. i feel like.. i desperately need to do more w them. Uhh ill give a quick summary of them
basically, tsurugi and nishi were classmates in dra. id say tsurugi would be aboouutt. 17 or 18. (w/o the "its actually been x years" plot twist of dangan) so hes ab 5-6 years older than nishi. tsurugi is the ultimate police officer and basically he believes that all criminals should die and dont deserve a second chance at life. he also believes that sacrificing the minority (criminals) for the majority (rest of population) is morally correct.
hes fairly protective of the dra cast, and especially so with nishi since theyre a child. in ch3 someone close to nishi (kinji) turns out to be the blackened. tsurugi, as usual, starts to hate on him and argue w him bc he hates criminals. kinji argues back and says that since technically he killed for his motive (monokuma threatened to kill like a hundred children that attended the church kinji works at) it would be him "sacrificing the minority (the rest of dra cast) for the majority (a hundred children)" then itd be morally correct by tsurugis standards. tsurugi is FUUUCKEDDD up by this and goes a little crazy insane.
ANYWAY. after this, the night after the trial, tsurugi walks nishi back to their room since theyre still pretty upset about kinjis death. tsurugi pulls a shin w kanna and starts subjecting nishi to his fucked up sillay beliefs (in his mind hes protecting them,, bc he got this ideology from his father who taught it to him)
poor little 12 yr old nishi is now FUUCKKEDD up by this. they start questioning themself and their relation to kinji and if maybe theyre a bad person too for trusting kinji and if they should start only trusting tsurugi (oh no). Uhh anyway.
that was basically just a recap of all the important stuff w them. anyway. what i WANTED to explore is how this would affect nishi post-sdra2. cuz theyre literally dating and living with Worlds Worst Man (syobai) and they still, in a deeper part of their mind, trust tsurugi
like.. they probably question themself sometimes and wonder if they should leave syobai (i mean. Some People think that they should but for other reasons) or wonder if tsurugi would be disappointed in them.
tsurugi was basically one of their only support systems when they were younger. other than rantaro, their older brother (YES I PUT RANTARO INTO MY AU. crazy right. but technically hes rantaro amani and not rantaro amami soo spike chunsoft dont come for me)
okay. im done. sorru not sorry for the paragraphs again........ ur like the only person i can infodump to as of this moment (EVERYONE ELSE DIEDED😭😭)
"basically, tsurugi and nishi were classmates in dra...."
oh so tsurugi is just a normal cop okay! sdra not having the trope dangan has is honestly a shock I but a good one that trope. is straight ASSCHEAKS. sacrifising the minority for the majority where did I hear that before coughs majority vote...
"hes fairly protective of the dra cast..."
OHHHH MORALS BEING PROVEN WRONG BY MORALS OHHHH THATS SO GOOD tsurugi go fucked up insane... RIP for Nishi that kinji was the blackened though he got RIPPEd away from them. banger motive though I like that
"ANYWAY. after this, the night after the trial..."
OH IVE HEARD THISS BEFORE OOOO... protecting more like projecting. and of course it came from the father were else,, and genuinely rip for Nishi that would apsolutely fucking SUCK especially at 12
"poor little 12 yr old nishi is now FUUCKKEDD up by this...."
"that was basically just a recap of all the important stuff w them..."
can we get syobais a worlds worst man ever mug.. and that is so interesting to explore honestly, its like bro is battling themselves . they got loving worlds worst man ever and also the cop guy that says all sucky people should DIE.
nishi (oc) dear tsurugi may be more than disappointed in them I'll Be Frank Here
"tsurugi was basically one of their only support systems when they were younger...."
RANTAROO!!!! THE BROTHER EVER!!! but OUGH that is actually so devastating I would die a million times, one of the only support systems they had just would nooooot support the whole Syobai thing ouuuugh. spike chunsoft do NOT sue nishi I will come and fight you all with sticks.
eeeeeeeeee I love your guy man I DO care about them veryery much . I am oh so so rry that I didnt answer for four hours I got distracted
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haruthinks · 2 years
olá pessoal, tudo bem? escrevi essa masterlist pra quem, como eu, curte fazer uns personagens japoneses em seus 1x1 e em comunidades e sempre tem que ficar procurando uns nomes no google. aqui tem alguns dos meus nomes femininos, masculinos e neutros preferidos que coletei pela internet afora. espero que gostem!
obs: alguns nomes da lista dos nomes femininos e masculinos também podem ser considerados neutros, assim como alguns neutros são ditos como masculinos/femininos em alguns sites, então não levem tão ao pé da letra!
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nomes femininos:
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konradnews · 18 days
Hotel Route Inn Hiratsuka Station North Exit opens. A total of 172 rooms in 4-minute walking distance from the station.
Route Inn Japan opened Hotel Route Inn Hiratsuka Station North Exit (8-22 Beniya-cho, Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture) on July 3. It is located approximately 4 minutes on foot from Hiratsuka Station on the JR Tokaido Line, approximately 12 minutes by car from the Chigasaki Nishi Interchange of the Shin-Shonan Bypass, and approximately 10 minutes by car from Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka, home…
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manjuhitorie · 1 month
THE STARVERS - I'm sorry - Lyrics English Translation
On bass ygarashy! With Megatera Zero, the utaite from Mr.FanTastiC, singing their every tune, along with John Kanda from PENGUIN RESEARCH and Naka Nishi from HoneyWorks on the guitar, all held together by the drummer SHiN from GRANRODEO and Gero BAND. The Starvers have a star cast! Hitorie’s main engineer whom has been mixing their songs ever since their first release, the trusty Shinjiro Hirai of Studio Megane even mixed some songs on the album too! My curiosity is piqued, their songs are fun, I’m excited to see what’s in store in the future!
Hey! Oh バンドマン Oh rockers out there 尖ること正当化するための All we got are songs that exist just 歌ばかりだね In order to justify our edginess Hey バンドマン Hey rockers out there 神の代弁者になったつもり? Y’all think you’re like the spokespeople for the Gods? Oh 生憎 Oh sorry to burst your bubble 我々は We 衣食住の中にはいません Aren’t essential for survival 残念 Too bad 我々は We 三大欲求に勝てません Aren’t coming out on top of the hierarchy of needs 空気のような存在だが We’re as invisible as air in the scheme of things but like 空気のほうがなくなっちゃ困る If people don’t have air then they can’t go on
I like music very much I sing because I like it It's selfish of me Oh yay yay Yay yay yay yay I chose to be a band member I chose to be a band men Don't disturb anyone I'm sorry
Hey! I`m バンドマン I’m a rocker 酒も強くないし I can’t hold my liquor 人心掌握もできない I can’t win hearts either Hey バンドマン ナチュラルに音に酔いたいの I just want to get drunk on the music naturally Oh 生憎 Oh sorry to burst your bubble タイソレタ I way missed the mark 思想や目標はありません I have no ideologies or goals 残念 Too bad 我々は We 音に溺れているだけです Are just drowning in the music あんたにゃ 大したことなくとも Even though you may not be much in the scheme of things too 俺らには なくなっちゃ困る If we don’t have you then we can’t go on
I like music very much I sing because I like it It's selfish of me Oh yay yay Yay yay yay yay I chose to be a band member I chose to be a band men Don't disturb anyone I like music very much I like love music very much うるさい音は耳に悪いし Loud loud music is bad for your ears 身体には良いとは言えませんし And it can’t be good for your health either 貴方の為にはなりませんし We don’t bring any benefits そんなの知らんし But we don’t care 知らんし We don’t care I,I,I love music I like music very much I sing because I like it It's selfish of me Oh yay yay Yay yay yay yay I chose to be a band member I chose to be a band men Don't disturb anyone I'm sorry
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Based on the comic book by the creator of Ghost in the Shell, a young female soldier Deunan and her cyborg partner Briareos survive through the post World War 3 apocalyptic New York in search of human’s future hope, the legendary city of Olympus. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Deunan Knute (voice): Yuka Komatsu Briareos Hecatonchires (voice): Junichi Suwabe Iris (voice): Aoi Yuki Olson (voice): Hiroki Takahashi Talos (voice): Hiroki Touchi Nyx (voice): Kaori Nazuka Two Horns (voice): Tessyo Genda Mathews (voice): Katsunosuke Hori …: Hisanori Yoshida …: Mao Satonaka …: Shinichiro Kamio …: Yoshiki Nakajima …: Yuki Yonai Film Crew: Director: Shinji Aramaki Screenplay: Marianne Krawczyk Producer: Joseph Chou Executive Producer: Hidetoshi Yamamoto Original Story: Masamune Shirow Co-Producer: Max Nishi Original Music Composer: Tetsuya Takahashi Executive Producer: Takashi Oya Co-Producer: Makiko Nagano Music Producer: Shin Yasui Producer: Eiichi Kamagata CGI Director: Masaru Matsumoto Movie Reviews:
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tokyoshrine · 1 year
The Japan No One Knows: The God Tokugawa Ieyasu Brought with Him from His Hometown
Magozo Inari Shrine 3-19 Motoasakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo
The god brought by Tokugawa Ieyasu from his hometown. Until the Showa period, "Abegawa," the name of the place where the original shrine of this god was located, remained as a place name. It is said that "Abegawa" remained as the name of the place where the original shrine of this god was located. During the Edo period, people who came from various regions enshrined the god of their own birthplace in Edo from their hometowns. Lord Ieyasu is no different. I suppose that warlords and common people alike felt the same way, that they had left their hometowns, that they were lonely, and that they wanted a place to call home.
Magozo Inari Shrine Neighborhood 1 minute walk from Fushimi Inari Shrine 7 minutes on foot Higashi Honganji Temple 7 minutes on foot Umemori Inari Shrine 8 minutes on foot Shoichi Jigo Inari Shrine 8 minutes on foot Shimotani Shrine 8 minutes on foot from Goyemon Inari Shrine 8 minutes on foot Komaruyama Inari Shrine 8 minutes on foot Kotobuki-Mishima Shrine 8 minutes on foot Yatsaki Inari Shrine 9 minutes on foot Kurofune Inari Shrine 9 minutes on foot Yanagiei Inari Shrine 10 minutes on foot Hirosawa Inari Shrine 10 minutes on foot Kurazen Shrine 10 minutes on foot Torigoe Shrine 11 minutes on foot Sogenji Temple 12 minutes on foot Nishi Asakusa Hachiman Shrine 12 minutes on foot Asakusa Komagata Suwa Shrine 12 minutes on foot Shibasaki Hie Shrine 13 minutes on foot Jinnai Shrine 13 minutes on foot Akiba Shrine 14 minutes on foot Takemachi Sengen Shrine 14 minutes on foot Ibitori Inari Shrine 16 minutes on foot Suga Shrine 16 minutes on foot Yaba Inari Shrine 16 minutes on foot Sensoji Temple 17 minutes on foot Ginkooka Hachiman Shrine 18 minutes on foot Taro Inari Shrine 19 minutes on foot Tamarind Inari Taimyojin 19 minutes on foot Jukou Inari Dai-myojin 21 minutes on foot Kinzuna Inari Shrine 21 minutes on foot Shinobazunoike Benten Hall 21 minutes on foot Ureshinomori Inari Shrine 22 minutes on foot Hatsunomori Shrine 23 minutes on foot Sukan Inari Shrine 23 minutes on foot Fukusyu Inari Daimyojin and Ubamiya Shakurai Ryuoh 23 minutes on foot to Bentenin Temple (Asahi Benzaiten) 24 minutes on foot Arrowhead Inari Shrine 24 minutes on foot Hoshoji Temple 24 minutes on foot Onoterusaki Shrine 24 minutes on foot Eagle Shrine 25 minutes on foot Ueno Toshogu Shrine 25 minutes on foot Shin-Yoshihara Hanazono Pond (Benten Pond) Site 26 minutes on foot Yoshihara Shrine 27 minutes on foot Hanabusa Inari Shrine 27 minutes on foot Mishima Shrine (Shimotani, Taito Ward) 28 min. on foot Hitanzan Seiten (Mt. Hitanzan Holy Temple) 28 minutes on foot Tobifudo 29 minutes on foot Ushijima Shrine
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nishibai · 11 months
god shin was probably like fucking 20 something when all this happened. he shouldve been at the club
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midoribai · 1 year
☆ pinned ! ☆
☆ hello! this is a rp blog for midori! this is run by @nishibai!! i follow back from there ^_^
☆ green is midori ! blue is shin ai ! purple is takeshi ! default is angel ! (hint! click on each one to see their info posts!)
☆ i use he/she. but any is fine! :p
☆ DNI: general dni critera (homophobic, racist, bigoted etc), proship, soushin shipper (GET OUT!!!!!)
☆ also. um. a lot of suggestive stuff/jokes but. please for the love of god no actual explicit nsfw in asks. ill block you.
☆ list of beloved anons who have made blogs!: @barkanon @rose--anon @/yourstrulymoonanon (rest in peace slash nsrs) @wimdchine @kanade-anon @ocean-pearls-anon
☆ lore masterpost: (work in progress!) ☆ taken anon/emoji list: here!
have fun!!
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
More mha oc characters cause I have no self control, Nishi Cara and her son Nishi Shin ft doll hawks. Monster wife go brr, info under cut
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So names, I decided on writing them like obviously how they're meant to in Japan with last name first to match the area of it. I've probably fucked up, just call them Cara and Shin.
Nishi Cara is wife and also big monster form go BRRR. She has obviously a transformation quirk that allows her to turn into her large beautiful monstrous self for power boost ect, basically increases all her stats except intelligence cause when using her quirk she goes full feral only able to follow her last sober thought. She's big she's powerful she'll fuck you up. Downside is the transformation is becoming gradually permanent every time she uses it. She's an ex member of some sort of evil group mafia thing but not LOV, being a villain because she was treated shit by people growing up for her transformation quirks appearance, left the group adopting Shin (who the evil group had kidnapped for his quirk) as her own son. She had tried to contact authorities to return him to get him put in care on account of being an orphan but when cops she knew were dirty came to get him she wasn't gonna let them just give him to another group to abuse no longer trusting authorities and taking him as her own child.
Nishi meaning west and Cara being of Irish origin meaning a friend so her name means West a friend. Or I suppose if you wrote it the English way A friend West. Implying potential redemption of her character as she could be a friend, but also West sometimes being called a little death could mean she brings death in the form of her friendship as she could snap your neck. But more likely with the symbolism of West being to mature and become a better self its symbolic of her arc going from being evil due to a grudge against society to bettering herself to do better to protect this child she's adopted.
Her son is Nishi Yamamoto Shin, though he rarely uses his middle name considering that he was born Yamamoto Shin, and he doesn't want to be recognised by people and taken to the cops as he knows corrupt cops were part of his parents murder and is scared of them so uses Caras last name, seeing her as his new mother. This was completely his own choice, she was taking care of him without intent to replace his old family. He was taken because of his Quirk which manifested quite young, much like Momo he can create things however unlike Momo he doesn't make them from his body and have the drawbacks she does he's able to make things appear if he has seen them before. His quirk is likely him rearranging atoms on a well atomic level reconstructing them into different forms as everything is made of atoms making him kind of insanely powerful if you think too hard on it but being that he is still young the ability to fully make use of this quirk isn't quite there meaning most of the things he tries to make fall through as unstructured non/semi tangible illusions almost. Think like how Piedmon on digimon had a few fake knives within the real ones, he has a few real ones in within the fakes. When he's older and trained he will likely be able to create things and make fakes easily on the fly and potentially gain the power to deconstruct things to an atomic degree as well, luckily he's likely going to be a good guy.
Despite them both being untrustworthy of authority I imagine Shin really does adore Hawks cause he sees him doing real world stuff helping not just fighting bad guys he's seen videos of hawks just, helping people little things, he finds hawks the most down to earth and trustworthy (though Cara thinks he's just a feathered prick). Despite this she managed to get him the hawks plush cause she loves her son. Of course if Shin met hawks he would likely bully him trying to get hawks with his mother saying shit like "you look like you don't own an air fryer", this is not the first time hawks has had a kid try to adopt him as dad but probably the first time he's been bullied in a way into getting with a mother.
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thecancle · 3 years
Another redraw
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So small 😔👊
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malakaita · 5 years
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Nishi Supreme Kaioshin of west Fujoshi reading a Doujinshi yaoi (Bills) Beerus x Shin XD Shin: ./////_/////. U XDDD Dragon Ball.
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our-springdays · 6 years
april 9: 新大久保
April 9 marks the first day of classes! Although course registration isn’t 100% finalized by the first day of class, you can attend classes that you have not been officially registered in yet to see if it matches your needs or level. Corporate Finance easily became one of my favorite courses because of my professor’s sarcasm. I will be writing an in-depth explanation on course registration in another post, so be on the lookout for that one~ 
Since classes have officially started 21 days after I arrived in Japan, a majority of my future posts will mainly consist of food since there is less time to go traveling now. But don’t worry~ there are still a bunch of travel photos I have stored on my phone!!
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For dinner, we walked to 新大久保 (Shin Okubo) from our dorms to grab some Korean food! It is only around a 15-20 minute walk so it isn’t a bad walk at all!! This is 순두부 (Soon Dubu) or tofu stew from とんちゃん (Ton Chang). I don’t know if you can tell, but it is kind of goopy in texture!! It’s as if they added too much 고추장 (Red chili paste) and didn’t mix it well enough? Also, this is definitely on the spicier side!! Although I’ve had people tell me BCD Tofuhouse in NY makes their food saltier to suit American people’s tastes, this made me miss BCD a lot. This was 1,050 yen. The price is definitely cheaper than the ones in New York, but it’s more expensive than a lot of the good Japanese food you can get elsewhere. Perhaps the Korean barbeque here would taste better. I would probably rate this a 5/10 because at least the tofu was good~
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We walked back to the Waseda area and I finally tried the taiyaki shop on the corner!! It’s called 天然たいやき (TenNen Taiyaki). I got the さつまいも (Sweet potato) for 216 yen~ It was reallllly good!!! If you love sweet potato, it is a MUST. It is perfect for when you want a hot street food on a chilly night. I highly recommend this!
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On the way back to the dorms, I saw this little kitty!! IT’S SO CUTE.. Usually, cats in NY would stare at you and run away, but the cats here are sooo different!! This kitty kept meowing at me and actually let me pet him!! I wish I had food for him at that time!! Maybe next time.. I will buy some cat food and leave it in the dorms so I can feed them later.
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