#Billy Graham Center
karouvas · 2 years
I think it’s so funny that djats is a world in which the women are all friends and like each other a lot and the men never want to interact unless it’s to talk about music or a girl and frequently straight up hate each other
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
My theory is that they have convinced themselves it's a good adaptation. People have been waiting for this show for so long they've grown attached to the cast, they knew it was gonna be by Reese's production company and those adaptations usually get praised so perhaps they internalized that it was always gonna be good? There also might be a element of there being some really awful adaptations in recent years so as long as they didn't butcher the book and it's close enough it gets praised.
I think this is all true. Like, it's not OFFENSIVELY BAD, so it must be good. And hey, I also though Hello Sunshine would yield a good adaptation, but honestly? They've been a-swingin' and a-missin' lately (the Marsh Girl Book Written by the Accessory to Murder Lady).
And look man, I have done similar things. Back when I was a 14 year old Twilight fanatic, I got Breaking Dawn at a MIDNIGHT RELEASE PARTY like a lUNATIC and I read that shit and broke into a cold sweat when I realized it was horrible and then pretended I loved it (even though I hated that baby plot soooo much) for like. Six months.
I think there was this idea that this show would be an EMMY AWARD WINNING MASTERPIECE SWEEP that would culturally define the TV season, and then all the critics were like "it's mid" and that was a shock. Which! It wasn't to me once I saw the set pics and got an idea of the production values, because a glossy feature does not a good show make but it did make me feel like Amazon and Hello Sunshine didn't have the top brass on this case. I was never a huge fan of the casting choices, but that. Kinda clinched it. And it's not a critical flop but it is a bit of a whimper versus a bang and I think you hype something for years and get to it and go "oh shit; now what?"
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its-vannah · 2 years
Surprise | Eddie Roundtree x Reader
A/N: This easily became one of my favorites I've ever written. Hope you all enjoy it 💕
Warnings: Please scroll down to the bottom of the fic as it contains heavy spoilers
Daisy Jones and The Six Masterlist
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Eddie paced around your apartment, waving his hands in the air while he rattled on about Billy's treatment of him during one of their latest concerts.
The two of them weren't exactly cordial to each other, with one usually down the others throat, but you understood how Eddie felt. He had finally gotten the chance to have a minute in the spotlight while Daisy sang—and Billy ripped the opportunity out of his hands.
As soon as he got back from the tour, he went straight home to vent to you about it.
"I mean, who the fuck does he think he is?" Eddie exclaimed, his slapping his sides, "If he's not the center of attention, then he's not happy!"
He rambled on, "And his whole obsession with Daisy? Don't get me started. They don't even let us write for the albums—at all. You know, Graham wrote a song. A fucking great song. And you know what Billy said?"
"What did he say?" You hummed.
"He said no, we don't want your damn song on the album because it's not your job to write the songs."
You tilted your head to the side, "Verbatim?"
"Well, no, but that's what he meant," Eddie groaned, bracing himself against one of the barstools in the kitchen, "He's got a stick permanently shoved up his ass."
You got up from your spot on the couch and walked to stand behind him. Once your fingers found his shoulders, you began moving them in circles to loosen up the tension in his upper body.
He relaxed a bit, leaning into your touch.
"Eddie, I'm sorry that happened at the concert," You said, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade, "Next time, stand your ground. Tell him if it's been decided you'll go out there, then you're going to go. To hell with what he thinks. It's not just his band, it's all of yours."
A sigh escaped his lips as he nodded, "It feels like shit being on his bad side. He always wants to be in control."
"Then let him," You said as he turned to face you, "It'll catch up with him eventually."
Eddie pressed his lips to your temple, wrapping his arms around you, "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"I was a dick when I got home," He explained, "Didn't even ask how my girl's day was."
Your hand moved to cup his cheek, rubbing his cheekbone with your thumb, "It's okay, Ed, you had a shitty day with Billy. You know I'm here if you need someone to talk to. You should, anyway, I'm your wife."
Your teasing tone caused a slight smile to appear on his face as he leaned in to kiss you—properly, as he said, this time.
He pulled away not long after, "So, how were you while I was gone?"
"About that," You said, taking a step back towards the living room to grab something from beneath the side table, "I have a surprise for you."
"For me?" He questioned, confusion washing over his face before he raised his eyebrows, "I mean, if you're in the mood, I am. How long has it been? Since the day before the tour?"
Playfully glaring back at Eddie, you picked the small box up and carried it over to him, "Put your hands out
"I feel like a kid all over again," He admitted as he stuck his hands out, "Don't tell me I have to close my eyes."
"You don't."
"Is it a pony?" He teased, causing you to laugh in response.
You shrugged, "Let's just hope I got the right kind."
He held the box in his hands, confused as to what it could be.
"Open it."
He undid the ribbon, sliding it off the box before lifting the lid. The bassist was left with more tissue paper, something he was never fond of.
Once he lifted back the layers and saw the contents, his eyes widened.
Inside was a pair of little baby boots and a small guitar pick. Unlike some of his bandmates who would've stared at it wondering what it meant until they had to be told, it clicked in his head right away.
In a small, soft voice, his eyes met yours, "You're pregnant?"
You nodded as he set the box down on the coffee table, gently taking you in his arms and weaving his hands through your hair, pressing your head to his chest.
"God, I'm gonna be a dad."
Smiling into his chest, you inhaled the lingerinf scent of his cologne, "The best."
The two of you stood there for a while, living in the world you had created on your own. In that moment, there was no Billy, no band, and no way in hell anything could ever tear you away from eachother.
Warnings: Pregnancy, marriage, Billy Dunne SLANDER
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coneyislandbabey · 1 year
(i'll never be) your beast of burden. -> e. roundtree
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WARNINGS: just some profanity, based off the rolling stones song 'beast of burden' which i think is maybe the most eddie song there is
SYNOPSIS: The push and pull between you and Eddie Roundtree was never-ending. No matter how hard you tried to push him away, you always came back together. This is the first part of a new eddie series that I think will be three parts! word count: 2,632
Pittsburgh, 1967
You shook out your hands, bouncing on the balls of your feet and trying to calm your nerves. You were standing outside Graham Dunne’s garage, the strap of your bass slung across your shoulder, trying to pretend that you didn’t actually care how this all turned out. Eddie Roundtree had approached you at your job the afternoon before, telling you about the band he was in and how they needed a bassist, rounding out the conversation by asking you to come by and play something. You didn’t even know how Eddie knew you played bass; sure, you’d gone to school together for most of your lives, but you had never been close, or even really spoken much outside of the occasional conversation in class. You didn’t dwell on it though– you had been knocking around the idea of starting a band or trying to find one to join for a while now, and now the opportunity you had been looking for had fallen right into your lap. You told him you’d stop by. 
“Just trust me on this one, okay?” you heard Eddie’s voice, muffled and distant, from inside the garage. They didn’t know you had arrived yet, and you took a minute to idle outside to hear what they were saying. 
“Alright, but I mean, I’ve never heard her play. I didn’t even know she played an instrument at all,” a different voice piped up. You placed it as Billy Dunne. You didn’t know him personally, but you and Graham used to do homework together at his house in grade school since you lived just up the street, and Billy was always lurking around. 
“Well she’s coming today so you could hear her play,” Eddie responded indignantly. “She’s good. I’ve heard her down at Music Barn, testing out different basses.” 
You raised your brows. So that was how Eddie knew about your bass playing. You were at Music Barn, the music store in the neighborhood, all the time, and now that you thought about it, you remembered seeing Eddie there a few times, checking out guitars or records. Taking a deep breath, you walked forward, deciding it was time to make your presence known. 
“Hey, guys,” you smiled, coming around the mouth of the garage. Eddie, who had his back to you, turned and smiled, as did Graham and Warren. Billy, standing in the center of the floor, merely fixed you with an appraising frown. 
“Hey, (y/n)! Glad you came,” Eddie said. “So, I told you about it yesterday, but let me give you a run-down. Billy’s our frontman, Graham’s on lead guitar, I’m on rhythm guitar, and Warren back there is on drums.”
“Cool,” you nodded, looking at each of them as Eddie introduced their roles. “So, you’re looking for a bassist?” 
“Maybe,” Billy cut in, before Eddie could respond. “We just wanna hear you play today. See what you can do.”
You shrugged, getting yourself ready to play. “Not much of a band without a bassist.” 
Warren snickered from behind the drum kit, and tried to hide it by turning it into a cough. You smiled to yourself, before blanking your face to look over at Billy. His expression towards you had grown slightly more hostile. “Can I play now?” 
“Floor’s yours,” Billy said, stepping back to give you some room. You had decided on playing Sunshine of Your Love, off Cream’s new album. It was what you had been working on learning anyway before Eddie asked you to come play for them, and you spent all of the night before polishing it up. 
Despite your anxieties, you played the whole song flawlessly. The further you got into it, the more everything dropped away, until it was as if it was just you, standing alone in the garage, playing your heart out to a familiar song that you loved. You could feel it in your very bones, at the end, that you had killed it. There was no way those boys could be anything but blown away. When you opened your eyes, you saw all four of them staring at you, and you smirked, reveling in the success. 
Billy cleared his throat. “Okay, do you mind if the four of us talk alone?”
“Sure thing, I’ll be out there,” you said, backing out of the garage. You went to sit on the back stoop of the Dunne house, pulling a cigarette from the carton in your jacket pocket and lighting it. You forced your mind to focus on anything but the band huddle happening thirty feet away from you; it would do you no good to start getting anxious all over again. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Billy strolled out of the garage, followed by the rest of the band. 
“Okay,” he said, coming to a stop in front of where you were sitting. “You’re in– on a trial basis. We’ve got a few gigs coming up, so we’ll see how you do.”
You stood up and nodded, offering your hand for the taller man to shake. “Thanks, Dunne.” 
You were standing in the kitchen chopping vegetables for dinner when the phone rang. Quickly, you slid across the room to turn the radio on the counter down, before pulling the phone off the hook and nestling it between your head and shoulder, resuming your chopping. 
“Hey, (y/n), it’s Eddie,” the boy’s smooth voice filled your ear. “Billy asked me to get you familiar with our songs before the gig on Saturday. You free any time before then that we can get together?”
“Yeah, sure,” you nodded. “I’ll be home tomorrow by seven. Bring you and your guitar over my place?” 
“Alright, see you then.”
Eddie turned up at your house five minutes after seven, guitar slung over his shoulder and a smile on his face. You had been idling in the living room since you got home, practically hovering by the door so you could make sure none of your other family members could answer it before you got there. 
“Hey,” you smiled, stepping out onto the front stoop and closing the door behind you. “We’re gonna go ‘round back to the garage, a’right?” 
“Sure, sure,” Eddie nodded, following you down the driveway and toward the small garage where you always practiced your music. Nobody else used it, and you had transformed the cold, concrete room into a place of your own. Colorful Christmas lights were strung up all around, an old oriental rug that used to be in your dining room covering most of the floor, a ratty leather couch you had bought at the thrift for twenty bucks shoved off to one side. You had a minifridge stocked with iced teas and Cokes, and a tiny bookshelf full of your favorite novels in the corner. Truthfully, you spent more time out here than in your own bedroom when you were home. 
You lifted the garage door, and Eddie stood in front of the scene, taking it all in. He whistled, one long, low note. “This place is sick.”
“Thanks,” you laughed. “I’ve been fixing it up for myself ever since I got my job down at the bookstore. Most of my spare cash goes into it.” 
“We should move band practice here,” he joked. 
“You guys are always welcome, if Billy allows it,” you shrugged. “So, how many songs do I need to familiarize myself with before Saturday?”
“Oh, well we’ve got three originals that we usually play at gigs. Other than that, it’s just popular songs that you probably already know,” Eddie explained. He reached into his jacket pocket and took out a little leather notebook, handing it to you. “This is my notebook from the last few weeks. I’ve been playing bass since we lost Chuck, so I wrote out all the notations and stuff. But you can have it now.” 
You accepted the notebook from him, opening the cover and flipping through the pages. Only the first third were filled, plenty of room for you to add your own notations for these or further songs. Eddie’s handwriting was quick and spidery, cramping page after page. It looked like him, you thought. “Thanks, Ed. We’ll get started then?” 
Eddie got right to it. He had a productive process for teaching you, starting with playing a recording of the song, and then playing the isolated bass parts for you, before having you play it back to him. Any time there was a mistake, he’d stop you gently and point it out, showing you the exact positioning of his fingers on the frets or playing the same part over and over for you patiently until you nailed it. You liked that about him, the way he was so driven and focused, yet so patient with you as you learned. 
The hours flew by, but you hardly noticed. Before you knew it, it was nearing midnight, and you had gotten through two songs already. Eddie didn’t seem tired, and you weren’t either, so you started in on the last one. As usual, he played the recording for you, and then did the isolated bass part himself, before it was time for you to try. 
You started on your first attempt, and were mostly successful, until somewhere in the middle when you missed a note in a faster section. You tried again, and made the same mistake. Seeing that you were getting increasingly frustrated with yourself, Eddie stepped closer to you, placing a hand on the body of your bass to get you to stop playing. 
“Can I show you?” he asked, and you nodded. Eddie took your hand in his, manually positioning your fingers on the frets. “There’s the note before it, and then…” he started, moving your fingers slightly, “there’s the note you keep missing. The tempo’s a little tricky there, but you’ll get it.”
You nodded distractedly, staring down at the position of your fingers on the bass, trying to commit the position to memory so you could get it right the next time, but all you could think about was how warm Eddie’s hand was, closed around your own. You looked up and he was still right there, so close to you, breathing your air. His eyes bore down into your own, and all you could think was that they were the perfect shade of brown, beautiful, even, with the reflection of your colorful lights dancing in them. 
You cleared your throat, taking a small step backwards and trying to refocus yourself on the task at hand. You didn’t know when Eddie had gone from a classmate, an acquaintance at best, to someone whose pretty eyes and warm hands made your chest tight, but it was distracting, and distractions were not something you could afford at the moment. You were only in the band on a trial basis, as Billy had emphasized several times since you first played for them, and you needed to work your ass off to show them that you were worthy of becoming a permanent fixture. Developing a stupid crush on the rhythm guitarist was not going to help that, and honestly, it was a little pathetic. 
Eddie blinked as if coming out of a trance, and took a small step backwards himself, putting a little more room between the two of you. You missed the warm weight of his hand on yours. “Okay, let’s hear it again.” 
You nodded, closing your eyes for a moment and recentering yourself, before starting in on the song again. This time, you hit the troublesome note perfectly, and had to suppress yourself from celebrating until you made it all the way to the end of the song. Eddie was beaming at you when you finished, pride in his eyes. 
Saturday had come faster than the speed of light, and you hated to admit it, but you were dreading your first gig with the Dunne Brothers. You had spent every waking moment in the last few days practicing what you had learned with Eddie, and you were sure you had it down, but the pressure was on. You needed to be perfect, needed to show them that you were the right fit for the band. The thought of the possibility that Billy could reject you after this was stomach-turning. 
You did your best to cover up the anxiety. You dressed in your favorite pair of jeans and a crotchet top, your hair done up nicely and a minimum amount of makeup on, trying to find a good balance between looking your best but still being taken seriously by the guys. 
The guys came by in the van and you piled into the back, cradling your guitar case to your torso and doing your best to look nonchalant and relaxed. Eddie was looking over at you, an amused look on his face. 
“What?” you asked, tilting your head at him. 
“You okay?” 
“I’m fantastic, Roundtree, absolutely perfect. Why do you ask?” At this, Eddie raised an eyebrow, even more outwardly amused with you. 
“If you say so,” he said, hands raised in surrender. After a few moments of quiet, the only noises filling the air being the radio and Warren tapping his drumsticks on the back of the seat in front of him along to the song, he spoke up again. “You’re going to be great, man. You nailed all the songs we worked on in one night, and I know you’ve only gotten better since then.” 
You sighed, feeling some of the anxiety come loose in your chest. “I hope so.”
Eddie was right, of course. You played through the whole setlist flawlessly. After the first song, you finally began to loosen up and enjoy yourself, and by the time the gig was over, you never wanted to leave the stage. This was it; this was the reason you had wanted to join a band in the first place. The rush of energy up your spine at the sheer amount of attention on you, feeling the music physically move through your bones and muscles. Now you knew for sure that there was nothing better in the world. 
When you got backstage, you shoved your bass into its case and, without thinking, threw yourself into Eddie’s arms, your own winding around his neck. He was momentarily surprised, but his arms immediately wound tightly around your waist, squeezing you to him so tightly that your feet left the ground. When he put you down, you stared up at him, beaming. 
“I was fucking great! We were fucking great!” you shouted, and Eddie’s smile broadened at that. “I just– thank you, Eddie. For teaching me the songs the way you did. For getting me here.” 
You could’ve sworn there was a light dusting of red on his cheeks at your words. “It was nothing, (y/n). You belong here, you just proved that much on stage.” 
Billy walked over to you both, and to your surprise, there was a smile on his face. You turned your attention fully to him, trying to tamp down the anxiety that was seeping through your euphoria. This was it, the make or break moment. You could tell from one look at his face that Billy had already decided whether you’d permanently be joining the Dunne Brothers. 
“You were great out there, (y/n),” he said, and your smile broadened. “We’d all be very happy if you decided to really join us.”
“You’re offering me a permanent spot as your bassist?” you clarified. 
“If you want it? Hell yeah,” Billy said. 
“Abso-fucking-lutely I do,” you grinned, once again sticking your hand out for Billy to shake. He did, and you swore you could actually see your whole future shaping up, right there in front of you. 
tag list: @eonnyx
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swiftgreatest · 2 years
That Guy | Eddie Roundtree x Reader
request by anon: "Hi, I was wondering if you could write about Eddie Roundtree with the prompt #6. "This is the guy?", please. (Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language)"
a/n: hi lovee!! thanks for request, hope u like, send more request if u want and english is not my native language too :) your english is good!!
words: 964
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That night haunted you, it's like a ghost, a film of that night replay in your mind every time you see his face. Flashbacks of that night come back every minute and you couldn't let go, the truth is you can't let it go, but you didn't know that.
You just couldn't forget, his hands around your body, you two in your bed, the kisses, the touches, the way he looked at you and made you feel safe and confident enough to do it with him.
Eddie makes you feel so good and makes you so crazy. It was like you wanted him more and more, but something inside you didn't want to let this feeling grow up. One thought says to you leave this, because it wouldn't last, Eddie is not a guy to you.
And you believe in this, you were determined to forget Eddie Roundtree, even if he was your work friend, and you were in the same band. You just want to forget and ignore the way your heart moves faster when he smiles at you.
But how long can you fight this feeling?
– – – –
Warren was given a party in his hotelroom, everybody of the band was there, unless Billy of course and you who had not yet arrived with your boyfriend. Oh yeah, your boyfriend. A few weeks ago you told your friends you were dating a guy. This is new, you always be quiet, never show up with someone in front of your friends. So everybody was excited to meet this guy.
Everyone, less Eddie. He was hating all this, he was furious. How could you ignore all you had and show up with another guy? How you could pretend that night never happened, all you did together, the way you move, different from you, he didn't want to forget it.
"Hey everybody, that's Ashton, my boyfriend. And babe this is my friends and my family" You introduced your boyfriend to your friends, they greeted him. But Eddie was different, he was holding himself from laughing at it, you've got to be kidding, this is the guy you thought could replace him?
While your boyfriend talks with Graham and Karen, you see Eddie roll his eyes, walk away and leave Warren's room. You tried not to follow him and stayed next to that man you call "babe" but you had no control of your feets, it was as if there was a magnetic force pulling you to him.
"Eddie, what's up?"
"Are you kidding, right? This is the guy? This is the guy who wants to be?"
"Ashton is a nice guy, don't talk like that"
And this is the only praise you could give to Ashton, because you knew nothing about him. You don't care with Ashton, you've trying to forget the gorgeous bassist, so one night you meet Ashton and decide that he would be the one who makes you forget Roundtree.
"He's not good for you"
"You can't tell me that you love this guy. You can't be serious."
"Since when did you know what is the best for me? Are you so self-centered?"
You two were teasing each other, as a silent war. There were only the two of you in the hotel hallway. You could hear songs of the party, people talking and having fun while you are here. Facing each other, playing all the cards on the table.
"You're the only who can could decide what's the better for you, but don't fuck with me" Eddie came close to you "But you couldn't tell me that guy is the better for you, that he is what you deserve"
You try to find answers in your mind but couldn't focus on it, having him so close to you. That feeling is coming back again and you don't know how much longer you could fight against it. But why are you still trying to fight? If you were all that each other wanted.
The bassist came closer and closer until he put you against the wall, you put your hands on his chest and he put his hands around your hips.
"Tell me the truth, tell me it wasn't just one night, look at me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me, that you don't want me" You were so close which were as one thing "Because I love you and I want you, not only for one night but for a lifetime. So tell me what you want, what you really want and I will respect that and leave if that is what you want".
It almost exploded your mind, were so many
thoughts that you don't know what to do, what the people think of you falling for the bassist of your band. But who cares? You couldn't lie to yourself anymore, you want him, you love him and couldn't lose him. He's yours and he was confirming this with his confession, you didn't have to fight anymore.
"You're all I want Eddie, already wanted you before that night, for a long time to be honest" Your eyes were in his eyes, while making your confession you just could look up at the man in front of you.
So he couldn't wait any longer and kiss you, a desperate kiss, you two need that, you guys were thirsty for these kisses and touches which were marked in your mind. While kissing Eddie makes you put your legs around his hips. He didn't stop kissing you for a minute, as you walked to his room with you in his arms. He couldn't let you go. You both couldn't and didn't want to stop.
And that was the second night of the thousands you would spend together throughout your lives.
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if u like reblog and like pls, my request still open. love you guys ❤️
daisy jones and the six masterlist
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evolvingsidekick · 9 months
BD - winners where are they now (incomplete)
I think someone requested this somewhere
Most females and recent males because there are just too many to do rn
At companies:
Miriam Gittens (s2013): Gibney Company
Alyssa Allen (s2014): Ballets Jazz Montreal
Brianne Sellars (s2014): Dallas Black Dance Theatre
Ashley Green (s2015): Alvin Ailey American dance Theater
Payton Johnson (j2012, t2015, s2017): L.A. Dance Project
Vivian Ruiz (s2019): Ballet BC
Kelis Robinson (t2018, s2020): The Batsheva Dance Company; The Juilliard School
Kiarra Waidelich (m2016, j2018, t2020): Royal Flux Company
Quinn Starner (t2017): New York City Ballet Corps de Ballet
Emma Sutherland (j2014, t2016): MashUp Contemporary Dance Co.
Sarah Pippin (t2011): Ballet BC
Timmy Blankenship (s2017): Sydney Dance Company; choreographer
Brady Farrar (m2014, j2017, t2021): ABT Junior Company
Easton Magliarditi (t2020): Royal Flux Company
Graham Feeny (t2015): Artistic associate at Gibney Company
Logan Hernandez (t2015): Göteborgs Operans Danskompani
Zenon Zubyk (t2013): Nederlands Dans Theater
Jonathan Wade (j2011, s2016): Rambert Dance Company
Wyeth Walker (s2017): Rubberband Dance Company
Lucy Vallely (t2015, s2018): Broadway Dance Center, freelance choreographer
Jayci Kalb ( j2011, t2014, s2016): The Dance Centre; Radio City Clara 2010
Taylor Sieve (s2016): Jump Dance Convention
Jenna Johnson (s2012): DWTS pro, 24 Seven Dance Convention
Jazzmin James (t2012, s2015): faculty several intensives
Jaycee Wilkins (j2015): Club Dance Studio
Sophia Lucia (j2014): Dancelab OC
Brynn Rumfallo (m2014): Strive Dance Workshop (own project)
Talia Seitel (m2012): Project 21 (part-time)
Lex Ishimoto (t2014, s2016): Jump Dance Convention
at University/college:
Ellie Wagner (s2019): Ohio State University Dance Team
Ella Horan (s2021): USC Kaufman
Kayla Mak (m2014, s2021): The Juilliard School; Radio City Clara 2014, 2015
Brianna Keingatti (s2022): The Juilliard School
Julia Lowe (s2023): USC Kaufman
Ava Wagner (j2018): University of Minnesota Dance Team
Avery Gay (m2015, j2017): University of Arizona School of Dance
Leara Stanley (m2011): Duke University
Sam Fine (s2023): USC Kaufman; Young Arts 2022
Seth Gibson: The Juilliard School
Alex Shulman (s2022): New York University Tisch Dance
Joziah German (m2014, t2018, s2020): The Juilliard School
Joey Gertin (t2018): The Juilliard School
Professional dancer/choreographer:
Simrin Player (t2014, s2017): The Voice, Missy Elliot, Justin Bieber, RBD
Jaxon Williard (s2021): Rihanna, Madonna, Lil Nas X
D'Angelo Castro (j2012, t2016, s2019): DWTS troupe
Findlay Mcconnell (t2017, s2019): Tate McRace
Christian Smith (s2018): Tate McRae, NBC's Saved by the Bell
Keanu Uchida (s2014): Dancer the Musical; also a big advocate for protecting dancers and calling out inappropriate behaviour
Eric Schloesser (s2014): Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Dua Lipa, Billie Eilish, J Balvin; choreographer, creative director, designer; Dana Foglia Dance Company
Other/a combo of things:
Bianca Melchior (s2011): actor, dancer, singer; Nick Jonas, Alessia Cara, own music; faculty at On The Floor dance competition
Tate McRae (m2013, j2015, t2018): singer/songwriter
Bostyn Brown (j2016, t2019): Professional assistant at DanceOne
Megan Goldstein (t2017); dancer, photographer
Christina Ricucci (t2013): actor, musician, dancer
Bella Klassen (j2017): The Space, vlogger
Kalani Hilliker (j2013): influencer, teaching at several places (Danceplex, MBA)
Elliana Walmsley (m2018): influencer, DWTS Junior, Radio City Clara 2019
Diana Pombo (m2016): singer/songwriter, dancer, actor; Young Arts voice 2023+2024
Morgan Higgins (t2016, s2018): dancer, aerialist
Zelig Williams (s2013):dancer/actor: MJ the Musical, Hamilton
Daniel Gaymon (s2011): dancer/actor; Broadway (Cats, The Lion King); Hamilton national tour, La La Land
Ricky Ubeda (t2011, s2012): choreographer, actor; Steven Spielberg's West Side Story
Michael Hall (s2015): Saturday Night Fever the Musical, tv dancer in Cairo, Egypt; teacher
Julian Elia (t2014): Steven Spielberg's Westside Story, working on the development of a new Broadway musical
Sage Rosen (t2016): influencer; DWTS Junior
Ryan Maw (j2015, t2017): choreographer, dancer, actor: High School Musical: The Musical - The Series
Holden Maples (j2016, t2019): dancer, teacher, choreographer
Competing/not graduated honorable mentions:
Cameron Voorhees (m2018, j2021, t2023): Evolve Dance Complex; starting career as a teacher/choreographer
Crystal Huang (m2019, j2021, t2023): The Rock Center for Dance, Bayer Ballet Academy; Prix De Lausanne 2024, Young Arts 2024, Radio City Clara 2021
Hailey Bills (m2017, t2022): Center Stage Performing Arts Studio, DWTS Junior
Brightyn Brems (m2017): DWTS Junior
Avery Hall (t2022): Danceology; Young Arts 2023
Savannah Kristich (t2021): The Rock Center For Dance; Twyla Now
Savannah Manzel (m2020): Larkin Dance Studio, Radio City Clara 2023
Kya Massimino (m2021): Radio City Clara 2023
Ian Stegeman (m2019, j2021, t2023): Woodbury Dance Center, Young Arts 2024
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creature-wizard · 1 year
The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave is reaching new heights in silly.
They're claiming that the Illuminati creates alters with Illuminati sensibilities in Good Christian Citizens, so that said alters can effectively serve as "super spies" to spy on the Christians and tell the Illuminati what the Christians are up to:
The proper training of a person for this role would be long and tedious, but once he was trained, you would have a super spy compared to which any creation in a mystery story is just plain weak. This is what the Illuminati have done. They create good Christian fronts, with Illuminati dark alters who can see what the Christians are doing.
Hmmm... a long and tedious process, you say? Hmm, imagine if there were easier ways to get this information... like reading Christian publications, listening to Christian radio, watching Christian television, visiting Christian websites, or just attending church services... it's not like these people just blast their agendas to anyone who'll listen 24/7 or anything...
The fact that there are people vain enough to think that there are secret conspiratorial cults going to all this work to do all of this unnecessary spying is kinda funny, IMO. Christofascists are some of the most self-absorbed fuckers on the planet.
Later, Cisco Wheeler cites the lyrics from "Music of the Night" from Phantom of the Opera as an example of a "hypnotic script." Yeah, it wasn't like, a song written for a character who was canonically supposed to be creepy or weird or anything.
Seriously though, this is a great example of how conspiracy theorists ruin art. Anything that's a little weird or uncomfortable to them must be some sort of evil programming. God forbid they have to understand things like context and artistic intent and shit like that.
Next is a list of things that supposedly keep a child's mind dissociative. One item on the list is spending fifteen minutes a day writing backwards, an obvious mutation of the old "witches recite the Lord's Prayer" canard. Because writing backwards doesn't cause dissociation. You just learn to write backwards.
And the rest is pretty typical torture stuff; many of which genuinely happen in actual child abuse cases, but in the context of the conspiracy theory are given special significance, because... shitty parents don't just abuse their kids for no reason, I guess.
And the book claims that Billy Graham was a Monarch handler. I really have no idea why conspiracists have singled him out among all the other celebrity preachers of the time, lemme go look at his Wikipedia page...
...Oh well he wasn't a total dick; he refused to glue himself to the Moral Majority or the GOP, pushed for military disarmament and AIDS support; yeah, that might have something to do with it.
Oh hey it's that Saturn worship thing (links to antisemitic conspiracy theories) with extra antisemitism by linking the Anti-Christ to Kabbalah:
The AntiChrist is also known as Black Saturn, and other names. Satan himself is known within a Monarch system often by the name Bilair, Bilar, or Bilid which are his cabalistic names.
Conflation of "the occult" with Wicca:
In the occult world, goddesses are triune: maiden, mother and crone. The one to the left of center is Midnight (the Mother figure), and the other is Morning Star (the maiden). Morning Star (Stella Matutina) may be a very young alter, rather than a teenager.
If you think this is bad, shit's about to get much, much worse.
So first of all, the book claims that The Wizard of Oz is an Illuminati thing, and has something to do with ancient Isis mystery religion:
One of the secrets of the Mystery Religions, especially the Egyptian Isis mystery religion was the ability to use drugs and torture to create multiple personalities. The word Oz is known to have been used by its author as an abbreviation for Osirus.
And then.
And then.
There's THIS fucking whopper:
The Grimm brothers, who were cabalistic jews, gathered the folk occult stories together. Their stories are full of spells, trances, and drugs. Sleeping Beauty is put to sleep, and the trigger to wake her is a kiss on the lips. These are serious hints that the occult world didn't stop programming people with dissociative states and triggers when the ancient Egyptian empires fell. Instead of using modern lingo such as "hypnotize", they would say "cast a spell."
The Grimm Brothers? Jews? Of ANY kind? Holy shit, you'll just pull anything out of your asses, won't you?
By the way, pinning the conspiratorial blame on Kabbalistic Jews specifically is how a lot of the conspiracy theories Nazi Germany believed in were made palatable for American gentiles post-WWII. Most Christians would agree that full-out mass slaughter was a little unfair. Many Christians could agree, though, that everyday Jews were perfectly fine people; they just needed to accept Jesus. And believing that it's just those Kabbalistic Jews who are the problem doesn't feel as hateful as all that Nazi shit. Must be totally different, right?
Rehabbed conspiracy crap is still crap.
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whiteshipnightjar · 1 year
Does art make a difference?
Aw, sure. Of course there are degrees of extremity to the potential change that art can effect, depending on how many people are able to engage with it. The Beatles made a huge difference in the world. But Henry Darger, Jeff McKissack, Karen Dalton, Pauline Oliveros, Kenneth Patchen – there are so many folks who have made great art and not gotten massively famous for it, yet I think there are all sorts of ways their work informs and shapes other people’s work, and brains, and decisions.
Should politics and art mix?
Well, everything mixes, the New Statesman! That’s like asking if a knee-reflex hammer and a quadriceps tendon should “mix”.
Is your work for the many or for the few?
That’s for the many/few to say. I just crank out the hot jams.
If you were world leader, what would be your first law?
Gravity. I feel like we need to tighten up the constitutional protections that particular law enjoys. It’s a ticking time bomb, if you ask me.
Who would be your top advisers?
Cute angel on one shoulder, cute devil on the other.
What, if anything, would you censor?
Maybe we could all agree to not bust each other’s chops all cut-dang day.
If you had to banish one public figure, who would it be?
Don’t know, banishment might be a little extreme, but I’d sure like to take that Stephen Hawking dude down a notch or two. Right? Are you with me?
What are the rules that you live by?
Basically, “bros before hos”. I feel like if you stay true to that, everything else just kind of falls into place.
Do you love your country?
I love William Faulkner, Dolly Parton, fried chicken, Van Dyke Parks, the Grand Canyon, Topanga Canyon, bacon cheeseburgers with horseradish, Georgia O’Keeffe, Grand Ole Opry, Gary Snyder, Gilda Radner, Radio City Music Hall, Big Sur, Ponderosa pines, Southern BBQ, Highway One, Kris Kristofferson, National Arts Club in New York, Ruth Crawford Seeger, Joni Mitchell, Ernest Hemingway, Harriet Tubman, Hearst Castle, Ansel Adams, Kenneth Jay Lane, Yuba River, South Yuba River Citizens League, “Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore”, “Hired Hand”, “The Jerk”, “The Sting”, “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”, clambakes, lobster rolls, s’mores, camping in the Sierra Nevadas, land sailing in the Nevada desert, riding horseback in Canyon de Chelly; Walker Percy, Billie Holiday, Drag City, Chez Panisse/Alice Waters/slow food movement, David Crosby, Ralph Lauren,San Francisco Tape Music Center, Albert Brooks, Utah Phillips, Carol Moseley Braun, Bolinas CA, Ashland OR, Lawrence KS, Austin TX, Bainbridge Island WA, Marilyn Monroe, Mills College, Elizabeth Cotton, Carl Sandburg, the Orange Show in Houston, Toni Morrison, Texas Gladden, California College of Ayurvedic Medicine, Louis Comfort Tiffany, Saturday Night Live, Aaron Copland, Barack Obama, Oscar de la Renta, Alan Lomax, Joyce Carol Oates, Fred Neil, Henry Cowell, Barneys New York, Golden Gate Park, Musee Mechanique, Woody Guthrie, Maxfield Parrish, Malibu, Maui, Napa Valley, Terry Riley, drive-in movies, homemade blackberry ice cream from blackberries picked on my property, Lil Wayne, Walt Whitman, Halston, Lavender Ridge Grenache from Lodi CA, Tony Duquette, Julia Morgan, Lotta Crabtree, Empire Mine, North Columbia Schoolhouse, Disneyland, Nevada County Grandmothers for Peace; Roberta Flack, Randy Newman, Mark Helprin, Larry David, Prince; cooking on Thanksgiving; Shel Siverstein, Lee Hazlewood, Lee Radziwill, Jackie Onassis, E.B. White, William Carlos Williams, Jay Z, Ralph Stanley, Allen Ginsberg, Cesar Chavez, Harvey Milk, RFK, Rosa Parks, Arthur Miller, “The Simpsons”, Julia Child, Henry Miller, Arthur Ashe, Anne Bancroft, The Farm Midwifery Center in TN, Martha Graham, Alvin Ailey, Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt, Clark Gable, Harry Nilsson, Woodstock, and some other stuff. Buuuut, the ol’ U S of A can pull some pretty dick moves. I’m hoping it’ll all come out in the wash...
Are we all doomed?
If we keep our expectations pretty low I think we might be fine. I mean, we’re definitely all dying at some point. There’s no getting around that. But between now and then, things might start looking up!
— Joanna Newsom for The New Statesman, 2008
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Franklin Graham, son of the renowned evangelist Billy Graham, has strongly criticized the “Evangelicals for Harris” group, formerly “Evangelicals for Biden,” for their recent political ad.
This ad, which features footage of the late Billy Graham, has sparked a heated debate about the intersection of faith and politics.
The controversy centers on an attack ad against former President Donald Trump. In it, the group juxtaposes clips of Billy Graham discussing the importance of confessing sins with an old interview where Trump expresses uncertainty about whether he had ever asked God for forgiveness.
Franklin Graham took to social media to voice his disapproval.
He argued that the ad misrepresents his father’s views, stating, “They are trying to mislead people.”
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ac1nums-moved · 7 months
mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
aren't you by any chance miss daisy jones? i need an autograph, okay? like, seriously evie. evie, you are the queen, okay? your writing and perception and love for miss daisy jones? it is on top of the world, okay? we love to see you on the dash and we can't wait ( yes, misses karen and camila and simone, misters graham, warren, eddie and billy ) but have more thread centered about them all in tour and insight on the dahs real soon. your aesthetic, perfection as well. we love to see a beautiful rockstar that has a name on her own on the dashboard. xoxo.
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stardrip-iv · 1 year
Finished Daisy Jones & the Six today. Thoughts:
Spoiler alert!!
I LOVED Riley Keough as Daisy. Best acting in the show. The chaos, the boldness, her energy on the stage!!! I want her to get a thousand awards for this.
the only actor whose performance felt flat and out of place was Suki Waterhouse. The entire show she was just 😶 no expressions
I saw some people say they hated Billy. Can't relate.
I sympathize so much with Eddie. I want to believe he was really happy in the end, even if he didn't succeed with his own band. I would watch a spin-off centered around him trying to make it. Could be drama or comedy, I think either would work.
Why would Graham quit making music entirely? Doesn't make any sense to me.
I agree that the cast has "smartphone faces" going on. That kinda broke the magic sometimes. But sometimes it was obvious that hair and make up could have helped a lot.
The show has an artificial, polished look to it. I noticed that with Rings of Power as well, so maybe it's a Prime Video thing (I have not watched many Prime Video shows, so i'm not sure)
Camila I love you
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l1teas · 1 year
literature muses.
daisy jones and the six.
billy dunne, lead singer of the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sam claflin, bisexual. camila alvarez/dunne, photographer, twenty-thirties/forties, camila morrone, bisexual. margaret/daisy jones, lead singer for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, riley keough, bisexual. eddie roundtree, guitarist/bassist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, josh whitehouse, bisexual. graham dunne, guitarist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, will harrison, bisexual. karen sirko, keyboardist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, suki waterhouse, bisexual. simone jackson, disco queen, twenty-thirties/forties, nabiyah be, lesbian. warren rojas, drummer and stoner for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sebastian chacon, bisexual.
malibu rising.
nina riva, nepo baby ( unfortunally ) eldest daughter of singer mick riva and mother june riva. love surfing and doesn’t like to be the center of attentions. loves her sliblings so much, she would do anything for them. twenty/thrity, victoria bronova, bisexual.
off campus / briar u.
allie hayes, drama queen of briar and college student, twenty, scarlet leithold, bisexual. brian crowes, hockey player of briar and college student, twenty, jacob elordi, bisexual. daisy abrahams, hockey player for the girl of briar and college student, twenty, benedetta porcaroli, bisexual. garrett graham, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins, twenty, froy gutierrez, bisexual. hannah wells, singer of briar and college student, twenty, diana silver, bisexual. ivana loveslange, influencer if briar and college student, twenty, sahar luna, straight, ship exclusive with. jake connelly, stars of the hockey team of harvard and the bruins, twenty, xavier serrano, bisexual. john logan, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins + garagist, twenty, drew starkey, bisexual. sabrina james, baby mama of jamie and law student at harvard and briar, twenty, cindy kimberly, bisexual.
the vampire diaries.
damon salvatore, brooding brother who’s obessessed with a evil vampire, +500 years, louis garell, bisexual.
alice cullen, vampire who’s a little bit lunatic at times and psychic, nineteen in apparence but 186+, ashley moore, bisexual. rosalie hale, beauty queen who’s a little bit cold but is a cinamon, twenty in apparence but 73+, samantha logan, bisexual.
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo.
evelyn hugo, porto-rican godess who hated everything about herself so she build an image of perfections, actress, twenty/thirty/forty, ana de armas, lesbian ( closeted at the begining )
the secret circle.
diana meade, witchy woo and student, twenty, lea seydoux, bisexual.
theresa lynn young, student and writer, eighteen years old girl who tries not to attact attentions but doesn't suceed, bisexual, olivia dejonge.
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amprosite · 14 days
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charamult1aes · 17 days
litterature muses.
BILLY DUNNE, lead singer of the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sam claflin, bisexual. CAMILA ALVAREZ/DUNNE, photographer, twenty-thirties/forties, camila morrone, bisexual. MARGARET/DAISY JONES, lead singer for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, riley keough, bisexual. EDDIE ROUNDTREE, guitarist/bassist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, josh whitehouse, bisexual. GRAHAM DUNNE, guitarist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, will harrison, bisexual. KAREN SIRKO, keyboardist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, suki waterhouse, bisexual. SIMONE JACKSON, disco queen, twenty-thirties/forties, nabiyah be, lesbian. WARREN ROJAS, drummer and stoner for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sebastian chacon, bisexual.
EMORY SCOTT, eighteen/twenty-five depending of the verse, college student/architect who owns a company with damon torrance, have lot of issues and loves to reject boys/girls, bisexual, Reiña Jacinta Silva. ERIKA FANE, eighteen/twenty-five years, future mayor of thunder's bay, survived the horsemen ( send them in prison, but who cares? them. ) independant and isn't afraid of dying. bisexual. jessica alexander.
NINA RIVA, nepo baby ( unfortunally ) eldest daughter of singer mick riva and mother june riva. love surfing and doesn’t like to be the center of attentions. loves her sliblings so much, she would do anything for them. twenty/thrity, victoria bronova, bisexual.
ALLIE HAYES, drama queen of briar and college student, twenty, chloe rose robertson, bisexual. BRIAN CROWES, hockey player of briar and college student, twenty, jacob elordi, bisexual. DAISY ABRAHAMS, hockey player for the girl of briar and college student, twenty, benedetta porcaroli, bisexual. GARRETT GRAHAM, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins, twenty, froy gutierrez, bisexual. HANNAH WELLS, singer of briar and college student, twenty, diana silver, bisexual. IVANA LOVESLANGE, influencer of briar and college student, twenty, sahar luna, straight, ship exclusive with. JAKE CONNELLY, stars of the hockey team of harvard and the bruins, twenty, joshua orpin, bisexual. JOHN LOGAN, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins + garagist, twenty, corrado martini, bisexual. SABRINA JAMES, baby mama of jamie and law student at harvard and briar, twenty, cindy kimberly, bisexual. DEMI DAVIS, twenty-one years old girl who loves to show confidence, nailea devora, bisexual. TAYLOR MARSH, twenty-one years old, loves educating children from hasting’s elementary school, olivia scott welch, pansexual. CONOR EDWARDS, surfer and hockey player from briar , twenty-two, neels visser, pansexual. SUMMER HEYWARD-DI LAURENTIS, sunshine who’s living her best life at briar, twenty-one, valentina zenere, bisexual. GRACE IVERS, twenty-one years old girl who likes to talk on radio and make list for people when they deserve to be forgiven, loves Paris as well and would like to have her own radio station some day. bisexual, marissa long. DEAN HEYWARD DI LAURENTIS, hockey players who likes to party like an animal and tries to get better. loves to seduce and annoys people, he doesn’t have his tongue in his pocket and likes to says thing that he isn’t afraid of twenty-three years old, bisexual, matthew noszka.
ALICE CULLEN, vampire who’s a little bit lunatic at times and psychic, nineteen in apparence but 186+, ashley moore, bisexual. ROSALIE HALE, beauty queen who’s a little bit cold but is a cinamon, twenty in apparence but 73+, samantha logan, bisexual.
EVELYN HUGO, porto-rican godess who hated everything about herself so she build an image of perfections, actress, twenty/thirty/forty, ana de armas, lesbian ( closeted at the begining )
DIANA MEADE, witchy woo and student, twenty, shelley hennig, bisexual. FAYE CHAMBERLAIN, witchy woo student who loves magic too much for her liking, like making deals with devils, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, phoebe tonkin.
DAMON SALVATORE, brooding brother who’s obessessed with a evil vampire, +500 years, kaden hammond, bisexual. KATHERINE VON SWARTZSCHILD, she is german who is born during the renaissance era to baron von swartzschild and was turned against her will due to a sickness and is now trying to survive among others. still is manipulative and like to seduce and lure men or women ( she likes both, ) so that she can get what she wants, money, power and glory. +1000 years, bisexual, hannah dodd.
THERESA LYNN YOUNG, student and writer, eighteen years old girl who tries not to attact attentions but doesn’t suceed, bisexual, olivia dejonge.
CHASE CARTER, twenty-two years, likes to pushes men against ice rinks when they says outrageous and bad things about women, bisexual, elmo o'dwyer. BAILEY JAMES, twenty-one who got dumped on her birthday and hates her own college, so, likes to hang with the enemy, bisexual, marissa grace long.
THOMAS, subject a2, the leader, greenie, chuck’s older brother, runner from the glade, group a, impulsive at times, will do anything for his friends and people in general. seventeen-nineteen. bisexual. dylan o'brien. MINHO, subject a7, keeper of the runners, is thomas’s and newt’s sidekick, will do anything for his friends, people in general. bisexual, seventeen-nineteen, ki hong lee, BRENDA, the only girl that jorge let lead, seventeen/twenty years old, can beat cranks like a champ, is a skilled badass who knows how to fight and find secured area, will do anything to protect people from wicked, is not a teresa lover and would avenge newt's death until her last breathe. bisexual, martyna balsam.
RHYS LARSEN, thirty-one years, former military now a bodyguard, stoic broody and arrogant, is pretty good at his joband tries not to let it get too personal, bisexual, hakan adalı.
PIPER MCLEAN, piper is a demigod, meaning she is the offspring of a mortal and a god. her parentage is revealed later in the series: she is the daughter of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. piper’s father is Tristan McLean, a famous actor. seventeen-nineteen, bisexual, madison bailey. JASON GRACE, jason is a demigod, born to the Roman god Jupiter ( the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus ) and a mortal woman named Beryl Grace. he was raised at Camp Jupiter, the Roman counterpart to Camp Half-Blood, where Greek demigods are trained. like his Greek counterpart Percy Jackson, Jason plays a crucial role in the events that unfold in the series., seventeen-nineteen, bisexual, rudy pankow.
CATRIONA CORDELLA, gryphon flier, niece of viscount tearus, syrena cordella’s Sister. she goes to cliffsbane academy and is third in line for the throne of poromiel. know for her elegant figure and flawless features, she is also strong and determined. skills are noteworthy, especially in runes and mind work, where she demonstractes exceptional proficiency. twenty-two years, bisexual, bruna marquezine. VIOLET SORRENGAIL, dragon rider, bonded to both tairn and andarna. is in the riders quadrant at basgiath war college and is in second squad, flame section, fourth wing. she is smart but also pretty reckless. twenty-one, bisexual, chase sui wonders .
KENDALL HOLIDAY, eighteen year old college girl who parties only on thursday and monday but read books on nights at her shifts to the college library, bisexual, sabrina carpenter.
HAYES CAMPBELL, twenty-five years, lead singer of the biggest boyband of the planet, august moon. charismatic, magnetic, is an activist who loves nature and is a hopeless romantic, bisexual, nicholas galitzine.
FEYRE ARCHERON, twenty something huntress who’s ready to do anythng in her power to save and provide for her family, half fearie as well, she’s not afraid of showing other how witty she can get. bisexual, kornelia ski.
ARES HIDALGO, nineteen/twenty-five years old boy who likes his name and hack onto people’s wifi. even though he is rich but it’s only to interact with others he is obessessed with. bisexual. julio pena.
CARRIE SOTO, tennis woman who is her father’s blessing, who think love is so overrated and think works is more important than letting her feelings get in the way, twenty-thirty, bisexual, priscilla quintana.
JAMES BEAUFORT, heir of the beaufort empire, would do anything to save his family names, even falling in love with someone who isn’t from his wealth. loyal, not patient and actually would wait for the love of his life to let it all in, eighteen, bisexual, damian hardung.
ANASTASIA ALLEN, ice skater girl who likes shiny things and would marry you in paper rings. is against people who likes to hurt people for their own needs and wish to be the next champion of america. twenty years, bisexual, candela gallo.
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sjerzgirl · 1 month
Christianity Today has gone to the left? They've ALWAYS been left, having been established by Billy Graham who was always left of center. (His son, on the other hand, is an embarrassment to his father's legacy.) His Christianity wouldn't be accepted today by evangelicals. He'd be considered too soft and radical for literally practicing the teachings of Jesus.
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andreabaideas · 2 months
Djats review of non fans aka my Dad part II
Dad reviewing things: Daisy Jones and the Six part II 
Warning : my father lacks of filter and takes no bullshit, so brace yourselves for hard truths said by an older man almost at his sixties , sorry 59 XD 
Context : My mom and me forced my dad into reading and watching Djats....
AN = Authors note. // ?! = What?!! i dont agree.
Let's continue with the series rating : 7/10. 
*AN : I was surprised he liked It way better than the book tbh. 
He liked : 
- Faster pace than the book, It doesn't get boring.
- The interviews are far less used, "thank God for that."
- This story works better as a show cause IS very visual and sound centered. 
- The music , "Songs are total bangers not like that shitty urban music heard everywhere". 
- The songs are great, unlike their book counterparts, they felt like "Fleetwood Mac songs right?" XD. 
- The photography, the clothes and the vibe felt aunthentic (He remembers most of It, he was a kid). 
- Daisy's Cast. He said that she looked just how he imagined Daisy in the book. Very pretty and very talented as actress. Also her voice IS angelical. 
- He found Daisy to be very cheeky funny and likeable, even more than in the book, even if he liked her a lot in the book too, he said she was a "show not tell" type of character and she is imposible to stop watching in the show. 
- Billy's Cast. He said Finnick's (as my father knows Sam Claflin XD) singing is wonderfull and he looked like the 70's rock stars. Like a mix between Jim Morrison and Lindsey Buckingham!! XD. 
- Billy IS worse than the book (affectionately), he said that he seems to be portrayed the way he probably truly IS when unseen by her daughter. 
"Only reedeming qualities are that he IS played by Finnick , his singing voice and that awesome chemistry with Daisy" *AN: Dad his name is Sam Claflin " That surname Its too difficult he keeps the Finnick name" *AN : I tried. Daniel Radcliffe keeps being Harry Potter and Robert Pattinson Edward (Cullen) so XD. 
- Daisy's and Billy's chemistry. "They seemed to either want to fuck or strangle each other all the time" and were "entertaining to watch". 
- Daisy and Billy's relationship IS "physical which IS more realistic, I like It". 
- Simone Cast and her story changes , that "she IS more than just Daisy's friend" , "she is very pretty" , that "she IS lesbian and her story with Bernie Its just the cutest". Also her singing was very good and the disco music story and New York Gay context was cool to watch. 
- Bernie , he liked her a lot.
- Camila , he liked her better here (?!) because she IS "less saintly and IS far more realistic". Seemed "less fake and more angry ,and rightfully so!!" Though she kept having a "Golddigger vibe like Bianca Jagger" (*An : I dont know what he has against her But anyways...) But "at least she was likeable,  unlike the book" (?!)
- Camila Cast. "She is also way prettier and taller than I imagined her" , she is very pretty and reminds him to a "mix between Dua Lipa and that pretty Instagram girl thats always naked =*AN: "After asking him Who He talked about I discovered He meant Emily Ratajkowski XD". She IS a good actress... Wasn't she DiCaprios girlfriend or something? Yeah, they broke Up "Good for her, she deserves someone younger and better that DiCaprio, he IS too old for the girls he dates, looks like her dad, Its creepy" XD. 
- Graham Its likeable here, which IS better, cause in the book he was a "cunt". 
- Warren keps being Warren and IS latino, I like It. 
- Teddy being Alive more time. 
- Billy punching Nicky , he cheered at him, and said "Finnick punch him harder!!!" XD
- Daisy's overdose scene was very well done and very emotional, "they both should win something for It"... I told him they were Golden Globes nominated but didn't win. He said It was unfair.  
- Daisy's story changes, that she keeps singing and that she gets a daughter of her own. 
-Series ending, he loved It. Daisy and Billy got the Happy ending they deserved. 
- Eddie IS a loser at the end as he deserved. 
- That Billy relapses. 
- Karen Cast , "she is just way too pretty for what I imagined, but I like her vibes, prettier is better right?" "she looks 70's cool rock girl and i like her acting...Wait, Isn't she Edward's girlfriend? The one he got a baby with??" Yes, she is... "Lucky bastard got finally a good one? Good for him." 
What he didn't like : 
- That they didn't show Rods sexuality. 
- Daisy's parents are the worst.
- Eddie IS even more of a cunt. He IS annoying. 
- Camila and Eddie's affair 
- Camila IS less saintly and IS far more realistic but keeps being slightly boring to him. (?!)
- That the drugs use was slightly glosed over and glamorized. 
- Nicky Fitzpatrick IS the worst. 
- The age change and makeup aging that "fool no one" Graham keeps looking (as a 40) more like he just ended highschool XD
- Billy's straight hair, "It looks like a wig" (?!) He looks better and more rock with curly hair.
- That Billy was body shaved in the 70's? No sir, everyone was hairy Chebwacca style XD 
- Daisy's haircut missing in action. 
- He felt that Camila babytrapped Billy with the shotgun wedding and the guilttripped him into staying in their failed marriage. *AN: (??!!) A harsh one Dad!!!
- "She was the love of my Life"... He said It was bullshit, (?!) that then "why he talks about Daisy all the time" and "then runs back inmediately to Daisy the moment his wife died??" Then : "A man totally in love wouldn't do that, he stayed with Camila due to moral obligation after getting her pregnant with a baby (?!) not for LOVE (?!) which happened a lot in the 70's-80's , too puritans they were,sigh" ..."Hadn't she gotten pregnant , they wouldn't have been together (?!) he would have left her for Daisy, I got that in the book already, but here in the show Its 1000 times worse". *AN : I don't agree with him on everything. I agree on the puritanism thing, but the rest...Some yes some Noooo. Life's like that🤷‍♀️.
*AN: He said that Daisy and Karen shoulve just ran away together to the sunset and create a girlband with Simone and Bernie. (I kinda agree) The men didn't deserve any of them. (Agree)
He hoped that older!Billy would treat Daisy right though. 
Thats It!! Review ended!!!
I can't wait to do the Twilight and the hunger games ones!!! XD
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