#Biohazard: Degeneration
natesune · 7 days
Decided to rewatch the resident Evil CG Movies, and Degeneration is first. for 2008 the cg really shows it's age lol.
I did still really enjoy watching it again.
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biohazard-4ever · 5 months
Me minding Leon's bussiness part 1234340908934
He has 2 new messages and, for some reason, he keeps his Bluetooth on. My boy... Don't.
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topwright · 2 months
Capcom let Leon S Kennedy and a female character be in the same vicinity without forcing romance between them challenge [impossible]
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clairexleon · 2 years
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Leon is quick to jump in and defend Claire in this scene. Notice how Claire is quick to agree with him in the beginning too. They got each other’s backs, and that’s what I love about them.
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catlilithdraws · 2 years
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Claire Redfield my beloved
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chrisitsraining · 2 months
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~Free To Use Claire Wallpapers/Locks~
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~~Please drop a like/comment/reblog if you use them~~
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loreevil · 3 months
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The main characters of the Resi fangame I've been working on for some time now. Lot more stuff coming soon. L-R: Anna Lowell, Nick Mercer, Kayla Miller, Kate Richards, Zachary Kirk and Andrew Evans.
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jj-exe · 1 year
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jmsntv · 2 years
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2007 Posing with the best mini-laptop-style phone ever in a last ditch effort to Not have to color and cut my real hair in Capcom's first attempt at booking me as Leon for the Resident Evil Nintendo Wii port live-action promos.
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biohazard-4ever · 6 months
Resident Evil 4 - 2004
Resident Evil Degeneration - 2005
Resident Evil Infinite Darkness - 2006
Leon and Claire meet again after the events of Degeneration, the first thing Leon asks her is a very casual: "What are you doing here?". And, according to the files in Resident Evil 6, Claire is the one who introduced Leon and Chris to each other.
I dare say Leon and Claire have a lot of contact with each other. The casual approach, no big surprise about seeing each other, like they are a constant in each other's life. The playful tone between them...
Definitely, they're close to each other
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Finally watching Resident Evil: Damnation. Good film.
Now I’m watching Degeneration.
Got to watch Vendetta to.
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aihoshiino · 6 months
Do you feel like aka and mengo actually having aqua and ruby kiss is a step too far as in it ruined all meaningful discussions about this series as well as any message it was trying to say, because from an outsiders perspective, alot of people are just thinking its just another manga that could have been great but decided to go with the incest route
anon this is such a eerily prescient question because i was rolling more or less this exact issue around in my head all morning lol. is that you, god???
But yeah, while I don't think the kiss has ruined things to any meaningful degree, I think it highlights why this drawn out focus on incest has been such a problem. Not because incest is Le Problematique or whatever but because it's SUCH a loaded topic that people's kneejerk emotional reactions to its inclusion have essentially smokescreened the real issue at play. The AquRuby stuff isn't bad because Incest Is Morally Bad, it's bad because the writing supporting it absolutely sucks shit.
Like, even if we lived in a world where everything that made AquRuby Problematic™ was a nonfactor, this is still a ship whose foundation is 120 chapters of an undercooked dynamic followed by Ruby flipping on a dime and becoming obsessed with Aqua to the point of being reduced to a gag character in his presence for like 20 more chapters. 143 marks the only remotely serious talk the two of them have had in almost a year of real world time and it's STILL absolutely overloaded with gags and totally lacking in any meaningful examination of Ruby's feelings and interiority. Pretty much everything about AQRB's dynamic since 123 has been stuff you have to really dig for and infer. As @akane-kurokawa has described it, this arc in general has been plagued with 'all subtext, no text' and this is no different.
Not only that, but everything to do with AquRuby has essentially overwritten and completely superseded everything to do with Ruby and Marina Tendouji that we were being set up to deal with prior to 123. Ruby's lingering abandonment issues and the trauma she'd carried from living as Sarina was given such incredible weight in those chapters leading up to 122 and then as soon as Aqua revealed himself to her... poof! All gone. I don't even have any faith that we're going to loop back around to it at any point because it hasn't come up again even once even in places where addressing it should've been braindead obvious.
There's way more I could say about why Ruby's writing in this arc falls so flat but conveniently for me and all of you, U/Visual_Law4025 has already made an excellent post on the OnK subreddit that pretty much lays out everything I've been feeling to such a degree that I'd just be poorly paraphrasing them if I tried to re-explain it myself.
Now, take all that and once again factor in that AquRuby is built on not one but two extremely emotionally charged taboos and you see where the problem is. AquRuby shippers are seeing themselves as the victors and crowing about it, while also getting overly defensive in response to any pushback, insisting that the only reason that you would dislike AquRuby is if you're a dumb tourist who can't tell fiction from reality. But like... they're getting overly defensive on that front because of the people frothing at the mouth and insisting that Akasaka is a sicko pervert freak for writing about incest in any capacity whatsoever, regardless of the framing and context in story, and everyone who likes AquRuby is a morally abhorrent degenerate who is Dangerous And Sick In Real Life. It's absolutely fucking biohazardous and it becomes that much harder to have a remotely nuanced discussion about the good and bad parts of the arc as a result.
To be clear, I think using your own kneejerk revulsion reaction to something as the foundation for moral judgement and condemnation is an EXTREEEEEEEEEMELY dangerous pipeline to start down, even over something as seemingly low stakes as 'this wonky mystery manga where those twins kissed' and is a deeply unhelpful place to start a discussion from. On the other hand, it's both disingenuous and frankly a little callous to act as though someone wanting to avoid a fictional depiction of something they find upsetting is somehow stupid or immature or unable to tell fiction from reality as a result. Like... if someone decided they didn't want to watch [Insert Movie Here] because it contains animal death or photorealistic spiders or anything else that could really press their buttons, would you smugly tell them UM ACKSHULLY TOURIST IT'S JUST FICTION WHY SO UPSET KEK? No, because it'd made you sound completely fucking detached from reality and more importantly, like an asshole.
Ultimately I think things will be a lot easier to properly discuss once we know for sure how this whole plotline resolves, but while we're still playing around with Schroedinger's Incest and the fandom is this high on fumes about the whole thing. But I think it's a bit doomery to say things are totally Hoshinover just yet when there's still plenty of runway and imo, still enough things about the manga to enjoy even with this malformed albatross around its neck. You just have to find likeminded people to discuss it with. And just... be fucking nice to people online! It costs zero dollars to not act like a cunt!
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eerizon · 2 months
Curious about you RE Band AU would their music be more closer to something like STARSET or Get Scared? or maybe something closer to Set It Off? Solence maybe? (I just like to imagine what's the closest band I listen to that might be something like them. There is no thoughts. Head empty.)
i’m still trying to figure it out!!
they’re meant to be a sort of gritty sounding rock-esque 2000’s band.
i can’t seem to find a band that gives off the same vibes that i want?
My Demons and DEGENERATE by STARSET has sort of a similar vibe, i think. though BIOHAZARD would have less electronic elements.
some of their songs, when performed live, would also have an added electronic violin since Ada likes to pop in every now and then.
if you have any suggestions on how you think they’d sound, please let me know!!!
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chrisitsraining · 1 year
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my unasked for opinions on every resi evil character i could think of <3
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rescuefield-arch1 · 8 months
i think a lot of people fail to understand that claire's work at terrasave is not "volunteering" because that implies she does some work every now and then but the rest of her time she's doing something else / another job. claire doesn't have another job though - in degeneration she was in touch with the fda about vaccines distribution, in infinite darkness she was working in a relief camp on a war zone and later lobbying to get laws to be approved, in heavenly island she literally mentions that terrasave now has a little task force that goes to check on sites that might be at risk of biohazard and if needed they work in tandem with the bsaa ( which is what ends up happening once she confirms it is a biohazard site ), in death island we see a similar situation.
the thing is she's not a civilian in the loose term we give it, because in the meantime from code veronica she has obviously either furthered her studies or continued some sort of training she had started years earlier with chris. "claire is a civilian" or "claire always stumbles into biohazards" implies that she minds her business when we all know she doesn't and actively looks for them. but she is involved in the fight against bioterrorism in the just as much as the other three mains, it's just that her role leans more into the political side via conspiracy theories to uncover etc ( and a bit of the medical part but that's obviously more of a rebecca thing )
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