#Birthstone Name Necklace for Mom
chicingold · 2 years
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Birthstone Name Necklace for Mom, For Grandma, Family, Kids Name, Customizable, Personalized Engraved Name Necklace, Christmas Gift, Jewelry, Gift for women. Model: CG436N
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gullei · 2 years
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
Jumping off of the ask about the others having symbols for the pack—
What if John has a ring that he wears? But there’s a little line etched into it for each of the pack members?
Simon’s got his tattoos, but what if Johnny had like… doodles of each of them in his wallet? Not even good ones or ones *of* each of them. Simon’s is a shitty, goofy scribble of a skull and Johnny cherishes it. Just representations of them.
I can see Gaz with a necklace. A simple collection of charms on a chain, ones that glint and clink as he moves and they rest right over his heart when he wears it.
And reader? Well… I like to think that the boys all give her copies of their dog tags. They probably shouldn’t because it would put a name to them, might tie them to her too blatantly and make it dangerous.
But I keep thinking of any of them letting reader ride them while their own name clinks over her chest, labeling her as their omega. Watching the little metal plates move and bounce around their neck.
Omg!! I love all of these 🥹
John and his ring he so would get something super inconspicuous like that and just wear it around when he can to prove he's a taken man.
Johnny so would carry around doodles. He probably draws them often but he keeps his original doodles somewhere safe where he can view them and remind himself of them. Gets them laminated so they never fade or wear out.
Lol Gaz's necklace reminded me of the birthstone ring ones my grandma and mom had. They were small gold rings with the kids' and grandkids' birthstones around the ring. We all got our rings after my grandma died but idk what happened to my mom's after she died. Makes me sad thinking about it. Anyway, I could definitely see Gaz getting a necklace with little charms to represent each member.
The reader with the dogtags. That's so incredibly sexy. You have no idea what you've just awoken in me...
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derekgoffard · 1 month
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Colin's older sister is a very small part of his background, however Ive had some characterization down for a while now so I thought I'd make a little post about her 🤲.
Her name is Claire Midland! She has virtually no relationship with Colin and probably does not ever wish to see him again yayyay 👐. She also has those mother issues that make you a bit mean and desperate for comfort all the time but that's okay 👍.
Some extra trivia under the cut 🕊️
- she went into nursing because she wanted to give others the kind of care and attention she herself craved - however she eventually realized that was not at all the reality of nursing. She kind of hates her job 👹.
- her life revolves around this funny little cycle of her feeling this constant sense that she is unloved, which leads her to constantly be seeking comfort ( physical and emotional ). However she never feels comforted for long, hence the cycle continuessss la la la🤸.
- her favorite thing ever is being coddled, she's a hard worker but she wishes she wasn't.
- She loves flowersss, but she can never keep them alive. Despite this she continues to buy them, only to have them die in days. Her favorite flowers are sun flowers 😊.
- her necklace has her and her mother's birthstones ( emerald and topaz ).
- she's never held a steady relationship for over a year but she has alot of positive one night stands. Not necessarily sex either - usually she just wants to be cuddled and coddled over for a night, y'know how it is ☹️..... Let me tell you what tho her aftercare game is unbeatable LOLLLLLLLL.
- she was a very clingy and emotionally demanding child. ( example; Claire would absolutely NOT enter school without her mother, and so her mom had to sit next to her desk in school for most of her early education ). This was okay for a little while, but when Colin was born, their parents got a divorce, and their already mentally ill mother could not really cope with two children.
- Since Claire was the oldest ( still very very little, like 7 years old )- it fell on her to help her mother, while Colin would bounce between their father and mother. Claire has never had a relationship with Colin, but she secretly blames and resents him for their parents divorce, and their mothers declining mental health. While ofc Colin resents her for basically gatekeeping his own mom LOL.
- Her relationship with her mother is surface level and distant. No matter how hard she may want to- she just can't connect to her mother. Claire is too emotionally taxing and her mother is pretty much unwilling to deal with it at this point. Claire reminds her of the lowest times in her life, and she sees Claire's attachment to her as a failure in how she raised her. She thinks Claire needs to grow out of it by herself. I think her mother does feel guilty about how Claire's childhood turned out- and so she really does think trying to let Claire find her own way is what's best for her.
- oh and also Claire is pretty much the reason Colin received so little attention from her as a child LOL- she would get HIDEOUSLY jealous of baby Colin taking attention from her mother and throw really intense fits about it 👤 I'm thinking she even went as far as trying to hurt Colin in some way. Sorry Colin, no healthy relationship with mom for you. your sister is too emotionally demanding.
- I think she's doing okay now. She's a little unhinged but I'm thinking she has a steady job and nice girlfriend now. I kinda want her to be happy y'know. 🕊️
- unrelated but Claire has not seen Colin since they were young teenagers so she has no idea about his dyed hair or fashion sense. I don't think she'd be able to recognize him to be honest LOL.
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densi-mber · 10 months
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Rushing Home with their Treasures
“Ooh, what about this?” Deeks asked, holding up a tiny green and red elf costume.
“I don’t know,” Kensi said, rubbing the fabric between her fingers. “It’s cute, but also kind of ugly.” She rested her hand over her stomach, absentmindedly rubbing a few times. “Those dresses are really cute, though,” she added.
Deeks followed her gaze to the smallest imaginable velvet dress with a poofy skirt.
“That is adorable,” he agreed. “We could get it.”
“But then we’re going to end up with three possible sets of everything to cover all the possible girl/boy scenarios. Besides, we’re supposed to be getting gifts for family and friends, not the twins.”
They’d taken advantage of a afternoon when neither of them had any appointments or work to knock out some of their holiday shopping. The giant display of baby paraphernalia had sent them on a half hour detour.
“Ok, where do you want to head first?”
“Well, I thought since Rosa’s gift is probably going to be at least partially custom-made, we should probably get that taken care of before it gets too busy,” Kensi suggested.
“Sounds like a plan.” He saw Kensi give the baby clothes another look before finally turning in the direction of the jewelry department.
“How can I help you today?” the assistant at the jewelry counter asked as they approached. “We have some lovely pieces on sale today and all earrings in this display are 50% off.”
“Thank you, but we’re actually looking for a pendant for our daughter,” Deeks explained. “This is what we had in mind.”
An hour later, they walked away from the counter with pamphlets, paperwork, and the promise of their personally designed necklace in a week’s time. In the end, they’d settled on a design a series of interlocking hearts that incorporated each of their birthstones, with space to include the twins’ once they were born.
To some, it might sound slightly cheesy, but Rosa valued anything that linked her to her found family. From the pictures spaced throughout the house, to Deeks and Kensi’s names on her school forms. The necklace just happened to be a very purposeful and more extravagant addition.
“I think she’s going to love it,” Kensi said, examining the example pictures they’d been given. They strolled past a couple food vendors on their way out and she inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. “Mm, cinnamon rolls.”
She gave Deeks a sly look, and he chuckled, veering off towards the Cinnabon. “C’mon, we can’t let you and the Pastry Babies starve. Especially when there’s literal pastry to be had.”
Kensi looped her arm through his, leaning her head on his shoulder. “I love you.”
“So, where to next?” Deeks asked once they both had cinnamon rolls the size of his head in hand.
Peeling off a strip of glaze-covered dough, Kensi slowly at it while she considered his question. “That boutique Anna likes is across the mall, we’re getting Rountree and Fatima’s gifts at the Christmas market, so maybe your mom’s?”
“Sure. Though we are definitely not getting items 2, 3, or 7 from her wish list.”
“Oh, you mean the lingerie, dirty truth or dare game, and aphrodisiac gift basket?” Kensi said, licking icing off her finger. “Yeah, I’m thinking we need to pass those on to Arkady.”
“Ew,” Deeks commented, giving a full-body shudder. “Ok, you want to meet up in the accessories? I’m gonna grab some coffee to wash down the sugar and hopefully burn the thought of aphrodisiacs, my mom, and Arkady from my mind.”
Snorting, Kensi leaned in for a kiss. “See you in a few.”
Deeks joined the line for one of the many coffee shops sprinkled around the mall’s main floor. When Kensi was out of sight, he ducked out of line, making a beeline for the baby department. It only took a few minutes to locate the racks of Christmas outfits they’d looked at earlier.
He grabbed the tiny green dress, smiling as he headed for the register.
A/N: So much fluff this densimber! And yes, I’m still manifesting twins all day, every day.
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austinsgirl · 6 months
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Rather Die Chapter 21
Christmas Morning
Victoria woke up to the smell of breakfast being made in the kitchen. Austin & Evelyn are currently frying up ham & making eggs. Evelyn seems to really be getting along with Austin, which makes Vic happy since that is the grandmother to Violet.
"Good morning, Vic." Austin smiles. "Merry Christmas."
"Good morning, Merry Christmas." she smiles back.
Austin walks up to her & talks quietly, "I was thinking we could tell everyone the baby's name during breakfast."
"Yeah, definitely." Victoria agrees happily.
"Merry Christmas, sweetheart!" Evelyn says coming behind Vic to give her a hug.
"Merry Christmas, mom!" she smiles. "Breakfast looks amazing. I had no idea you planning to do all this."
"Austin asked me last night if I'd help him. He wanted to surprise you."
"Oh?" she raises an eyebrow at Austin. "Did you now?"
"I did." Austin smiles & blushes a bit.
"That's really sweet of you, Aus."
"You deserve it, Vic. You did so much yesterday. You deserve to just rest and chill out today."
"Thank you. I appreciate it." Vic smiles again.
Once breakfast was ready, everyone sat down at the table to eat.
Austin speaks up, "So um, I have some news. Julie & I have made it official! We are now boyfriend & girlfriend. I asked her this morning with the necklace I got for her with my birthstone."
Every one was congratulating them & seemed genuinely happy except for Victoria.
She put on a fake smile as her heart sank when she heard the news, even though she saw it coming any day now.
"Vic & I also have some news..." Austin says, getting Victoria's attention, dragging her away from her thoughts. "Vic, wanna share the news?"
"So, we have decided on a name for baby girl. Her name is Violet Lorraine."
Austin's sister Ashley immediately started tearing up at hearing her middle name.
"Austin, is Lorraine after mom?" Ashley asks.
"Yeah, it is." Austin smiles.
"That's so beautiful, Austin. I love it." she says. "Mom would love it."
"Thank you." Austin starts to get teary eyed himself.
David speaks up, "Your mom would be so proud & so honored, son."
"Thanks dad." Austin replies.
After breakfast, everyone gathered in the living room to open presents as Home Alone played in the background.
Lots of gifts being exchanged, a lot from Austin as he loves to give & tends to over buy.
Vic opens her first gift from him which is a gift certificate to a local spa.
"Oooo this is so nice, Aus. Thank you."
"You're welcome." he replies. "This place has special messages for pregnant women, and you're always complaining about being sore so it should help. There should be enough on there for a facial & to get your nails done too."
"That sounds so amazing. I will be booking an appointment ASAP."
Mila opened up a gift from Austin next which was a gift certificate to the same spa.
"Ooo Vic! Girls day!" Mila says showing Vic the gift certificate.
"Ooo yes, definitely!" Victoria replies.
As they continue opening gifts, Austin & Ashley both open a gift from Victoria. She had gotten a drawing commissioned of them & with their mom. The siblings both started tearing up.
"Wow...this is um...beautiful." Austin says speechless. "Where did you even get this picture?"
"Your dad may have helped me with that." Vic looks over to David who is looking at her.
"This is so sweet. Thank you so much, Victoria." Ashley says getting up from her seat to give Vic a hug.
"You're very welcome." Vic replies, hugging back.
"Thanks, Vic. This means a lot." Austin says.
"You're so welcome, Aus. I'm glad you love it."
They continued opening presents until everything was unwrapped.
They also went through their stockings which was full of their favorite candies, travel size items, lottery scratch offs, little random things that they'd like, for example, Austin got guitar picks since he plays guitar. There was also beauty items for the women.
After a while, Austin's family said their goodbyes & headed home. Austin said his 'see you later's' before leaving to go to Juliette's parents house.
About a couple hours after Austin had left, he had texted Mila saying he forgot one of Vic's gifts in his closet and asked for her to give it to Vic just incase he didn't see her when he got home.
Mila grabbed a little velvet box out of one Austin's drawers in his closet & went back out to the living room where everyone was now watching The Santa Claus.
"Vic, Austin asked for me to grab this from his room for you. He wanted to make sure you had it today just incase you're in bed by the time he gets home." Mila says as she hands her the box.
Vic takes it from her, confused as to what it could be.
"Oh my gosh...he remembered..." Vic says shocked as she sees what's in the box.
"What is it, sweetie?" Evelyn asks.
"It was months ago. Austin & I had some time to kill before our doctors appointment. We had walked down to Starbucks to get something to drink, and on our way back we walked passed this antique store that had this Tiffany's pearl necklace and earring set in window on display & it was the exact set that-
"Your dad had gotten you for your fifteenth birthday before he passed, and you had lost it in the move..." Evelyn says cutting her off.
"Yes." Victoria says on the verge of tears. "We were running out of time to stop in there, and then completely forgot to go in afterwards because we were too distracted from seeing Violet on the ultrasound. Whenever we would be over there after that, the store was closed. But I guess he managed to go on his own to get it for me. I can't believe he remembered it, and how much I wanted it." she wipes away tears that are streaming down her cheeks.
Victoria feels herself adding on more love for Austin to the love she already has that she continues to try and suppress.
"That is the sweetest thing." Evelyn says. "He really loves you, huh?"
"What?" Vic asks getting caught off guard. "Noo. It's not like that, mom. He just loves me in a friend & the mother of his child kinda way."
"But this was months ago, right? He probably got it before he met Julie." Mila says.
"Juliette." Victoria corrects her.
"Whatever. He definitely did love you to do that."
"Emphasis on the 'did'. He's with Juliette now. It's not like that now."
"Honestly, you didn't hear this from me but, I think it's always like that with him now. I don't think this man will ever stop loving you in that romantic way." Mila says.
"You think?"
"Mhm. I just feel it."
"I hope you're wrong, Mila. I don't think it'll ever happen for us."
"Don't be so sure." Mila raises an eyebrow with a smirk. "I'm rarely wrong about these things. Also got the thought, what if Eliana stole your necklace from you? The one you lost?"
"You know what, she totally could have. I did catch her rummaging through my jewelry box once. She claimed she was looking for something I borrowed from her, which I never did. A pair of earrings were missing after that and she played it off like she hadn't seen them. That bitch." Vic says.
"Yeah, she probably did then." Mila replies.
Evelyn says, "It's sad how horrible of a person she turned out to be. But honestly not surprised. Her parents were always so snooty to us whenever they visited New Zealand."
"Her mom especially." Victoria adds.
Some time has passed. Everyone has gone to bed for the night except for Victoria. She waited up for Austin.
He finally walked through the door a little after 11pm.
"Hey, Vic. You're still up?" Austin asks, seeing her from the kitchen as he puts food away in the fridge he was sent home with from Juliette's mom.
"Yeah. I was waiting for you actually." she replies as she stuffs Sour Patch Watermelons into her mouth. AKA, her current pregnancy craving.
"Oh, you were?" he walks into the living room and sits down next to her on the couch.
"Yeah. I wanted to thank you in person for the necklace set, so thank you, Austin. You really didn't have to do that. It must have cost you a fortune."
"Oh, you're welcome. It's nothing."
"It's not nothing, Aus. It's everything. It's absolutely perfect & something I don't deserve."
"What do you mean you don't deserve it? You absolutely do." he grabs her hand in reassurance.
"I don't deserve it. Not after the way I treated you."
"I don't care about that anymore. You absolutely deserve it. After the shit I put you through, the shit Eliana put you through. The way you wanted this so bad because it was something your dad had gotten you that you lost. You need this."
"You're one of the sweetest people I have ever met, you know that?" Vic says starting to sob. "I'm sorry I ever treated you like you weren't."
"It's okay. I'm sorry for the way I treated you. That was something you didn't deserve."
"It's fine. You still piss me off and annoy me sometimes though." she chuckles.
"I can say the same about you, Vic." Austin laughs.
"How was meeting her parents?" she asked.
"It was good. They were really nice. Her dad was kinda scary & weary of me at first but he warmed up to me."
"That's good."
"Yeah. They got me a gift card to Barnes & Noble." he chuckles. "They figured I'd like it since I obviously shop there."
"Right, because you met Juliette there."
"Yeah." he laughs, stealing a piece of candy from her.
"Hey! Those are mine!" she snatches the bag out of her lap. "See, you're being annoying."
"What? You can't give up just one? It's Christmas!"
"No, I need these things to survive right now."
"You're so dramatic."
"I am an actress." she jokes.
"Oh speaking of, I don't remember if I told you. My publicist is already working with yours on getting us interviews for the movie. The trailer drops next week and then the movie is dropping in April."
"April?" she raises an eyebrow. "When in April?"
"Late April I think, but the premier is early April."
"And I'm due the 16th. Great. I hope we'll be able to make it to the premier."
"I'm sure it'll be fine. If we miss it, then oh well."
"I'd rather not, you know? It's my first movie."
"I know, I know. But whatever happens, it'll all work out."
"I know." she sighs.
"We should get to bed. It's been a long day."
"We should. Help me get up?"
"Of course."
Austin gets up and grabs onto her hands and pulls her up.
"Thank you. I'm only 5 months and it's already hard for me to get up sometimes."
"Well, the depth of the couch doesn't help."
"It really doesn't. And hey, thanks again." she smiles.
"You're very welcome." he pulls her into a big hug.
When he breaks away, he drops down to her belly and gives it a kiss. "Goodnight, Violet."
He stands back up, "Goodnight, Vic." he says, looking into her eyes with a quick glance at her lips.
"Goodnight, Aus." she notices the glance at his lips and holds herself back from kissing him.
They turn everything off and head to their bedrooms.
They shut their doors behind them & lean their backs against them, sighing.
Austin thinks, "No. You're in love with Julie, not Vic."
Victoria thinks, "Girl no. We're not doing this again. You are in love with Ash, not Aus."
They take a deep breath, tell themselves everything is fine, and head off to bed.
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mamaestapa · 7 months
Hey! I just wanted to tell you I don’t blame you for not wanting to write for Joe anymore, the vibes have been so bad and for literally what? Maybe one day you can come back if it feels right:) I also wanted to tell you how much I love your adore, wttj and daddy issues are iconic and two of my favorite fics ever! It’s it’s not to much for you do you kind sharing how the rest of daddy issues was going to play out? I’ve been dying to see how they bounce back from this fight and what else was supposed to happen?!
thank you love! i appreciate this and you so much😚🤍
like i’ve said, i know how frustrating unfinished fics can be. as someone who has been reading fanfic since the age of 12😭😭 i’ve come across so many good unfinished works lol.
you guys have been so supportive since the first joe fic posted, so i owe it to all of you to tell you what happens if im not going to continue writing it🤍
summary of what would’ve happened:
y/n and joe go to athens, they make up there in joes childhood bedroom (after joe talks to his mom, and y/n and joe have a heart to heart). after athens they go to california, one last trip before the baby. in california they take maternity photos, super sweet. when they get back to cincy, joe surprises y/n with a nursery.
they have a baby shower, no more drama and all is well and forgiven with everyone. they all go back to work/football and a couple weeks before the baby is born, joe surprises y/n with a necklace with hers, his, and their baby’s birthstone (just a cute little detail i thought you’d like to know)
y/n goes into labor during monday night football, they have the baby and he’s named jace samuel, samuel after sam, jace for the j in joe, and his last name is burrow. so he’s named after both sam and joe lol
the series ends with them being a sweet family of three and y/n surprise joe with a chain that’s the same if her birthstone necklace (it’s not a major thing, i just think it’s super cute)
but it has a very happy ending🤍
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imaginefan · 6 months
Can you do a part 6 of I'll try where lily Salvatore and Damon head back to the boarding house and Damon goes to Bourbon Cart and he screams in anger and Lily asks him if he is okay and he looks at her and says no I am not okay because is 1861 my girlfriend got pregnant and good ol dad wouldn't let me marry her do the right thing no Stefan and I were forced to pretend it wasn't going on and she had my son the day after his birth Stefan helped me sneak out and I went to her room and she was holding our son and she told me her parents are throwing them out and I swore I would help her but she looked at me and said you couldn't fight for me when I was pregnant you can't for me or him now and I left so no mother I am far from okay and Y/N hates me and no matter I still care for him and his mother came to me and made me promise to protect him. Lily looked at him and says Damon M/N Salvatore you and Stefan M/N Salvatore and I are going to where he lives with Klaus because like it or not he is now our family and you can't get your ego hurt with it if you want a relationship with Y/N he is what matters not Elena or your male pride because what Y/N mother did was to protect her newborn and to protect you from your father.
2 weeks later
Y/N is in New Orleans talking with Davina and Freya and Rebekah when he gets a hot flash and he looks at them but they turn fuzzy and he passes out and Rebekah catches him and Davina calls Marcel so he can get Klaus and Kol. Damon and Stefan and Lily find the French Quarter and Damon sees Elijah with a panicked look on his face and Stefan asks him what is wrong and Elijah says " Hello Gentleman and Mam but Klaus is occupied it looks like someone is threatening our dear loved one again." Damon looks at Elijah and says " It is Y/N again god he needs bubble wrap now I want to help you guys. " He comes in and sees Hayley singing and rubbing Y/N forehead as he is sleeping but unstoppable shaking and he is sweating and moaning and Klaus is with Freya and Davina and he looks up as Lily gasps and says " I know what is wrong with him it is Julian he must've took some of his blood and he is trying to kill him and make him sick before he goes I know a cure but you might not like it. Hayley gets up and says " He is like my own son if it is to save him I will do it." Lily looks at Klaus and he gets up and looks at Y/N and says " Name the price to protect my little Fighter." Lily says " We need Katherine Pierce because they have a shared history also because she turned him and I need something that means a lot to him and we need me and Damon and Stefan's blood and Elijah and Kol and Rebekahs and Hayleys and your blood and we need Freya and Davinas magic and we are gonna combine that and send the curse back to the ground. Klaus nods and goes to Y/N and shakes him a little bit and we here him he says " Mom I am so cold." Klaus looks at him and says " Y/N we have a way to get you better okay but I need to take the necklace from you for a little bit." Y/N says " Klaus you got to save them." He is delirious right now and Klaus gets up and looks at Kol for help but he lifts him up to undo the necklace that makes Damon gasp and Elijah looks at him with a questioning look and Damon says " Stefan and I saved up to get that necklace that I then left in Y/M/N room when Y/N was two has has his birthstone in it and it has his name ingraved in it. It was worth the hiding I got after words." Stefan walks to Y/N and reads to him and Rebekah comes in with Hope and nods at the salvatores and she says " Cami just dropped off Hope and she's says she hopes Y/N gets better and Josh is coming in 1 hour to pick up Hope to watch her so we can focus on Y/N and hello Stefan and Damon did Elena get to boring. " She sees Y/N smirk a little bit at that but then he got worse and Rebekah goes to Hayley and they nurse him.
2 hours later
Freya and Davina finsh the spell and Y/N fever and the shaking stopped but he is still very pale and still sleeping and Lily looks at Klaus and says " You and Damon feed him your blood to help heal him faster and you and Damon stop feuding because you are both his father Damon was forced not to be his father and you stepped up for him." Lily then looks at Damon and Stefan and asks " Do you love Y/N?" Damon replies quickly " More than anything." Stefan replies with " Yes I do alot he is my nephew. " Damon and Klaus feed him their blood and make a truce when a constant ringing sound comes from both Stefan and Damon's phones and Y/N shoots up and says " can't a guy heal in peace and answer the phones." Stefan answers his phone and says " Hey Car look Damon and I and mom are on a road trip and Y/N almost died but we saved him okay I will tell them. " He hangs up and says " Caroline told me to tell you that she is glad your okay. " Damon answers and puts it on speaker and we hear Elena " Where the heck are you Damon I have been texting your for 5 hours we have a concert in 2 hours." Damon rolls his eyes and says " Elena I with Stefan in New Orleans and we will be til I make up with Y/N because he is my son and Fleash and Blood and I should've been his whole life and Stefan and Klaus are gonna come by in twenty minutes for you to leave the Salvatore boarding house because we are broken up now I am putting Y/N first." Y/N looks at Damon in shook and he says " Why did you do that your in love with Elena Gilbert." Damon looks at Y/N and says " Simple your more important than a woman your my son."
Hope you like it!
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woolfpuppy · 7 months
Today I was creating a contact in my phone for my cousin* Jacob. To make sure it saved I looked up ‘Jake’.
Jake Skar
popped up. Friend from high school, my prom date. Playful, relentlessly sarcastic. drug dealer.
During senior year I invited him to family Christmas, because we always had 40 relatives over, and misfits, and lots of everything. He got me a ruby and diamond necklace. Because ruby is my birthstone, and he had a crush on me. I didn’t know how to respond (not gracefully). I still wear this necklace and think of him.
We kept in touch while he stayed in our hometown and I went to college (and later moved to Chicago.) When I’d be home we’d go for a gin and tonic in awful bars that reeked of smoke, 20 years after the indoor ban.
And then one day- I heard he’d died. I heard he went on a binge and was in the hospital. At 26, he was told he needed to stop drinking. his liver was so abused that if he went on another binge he would die. Five days later he went on a binge and died. My townie friends said it was intentional. He wanted to go.
So I click his name in my contacts, and our text chain from a decade ago pops up.
it’s so cringey. I’m so cringey. and, it brings him back, a little. reading those texts to me he’s dead and alive.
He’s 23, and wishing me a happy birthday and calling me ‘dearest’. we’re figuring out the logistics of meeting for a drink. I’m tired after work and flake, and then later redeem myself and ask him out.
In high school, I was in his phone as ‘Mom’. I don’t know how his actual mom was in his phone, although I remember the guys making fun of it sometime. I don’t know why I was in his phone that way. I would ask how he was, and tell him to drink less, and stop selling coke. He said selling coke was fine because it was better than meth, which his dad was in prison for. I told him it was scary that he had a handgun in his glove compartment- and maybe criminal. He would come over after school and I’d take leftovers out of the fridge- that my mom had made- and put them in the microwave. My life was so normal and pedestrian, and he hung out with me anyway. I wasn’t cool, I didn’t throw or go to parties.
I’m sure I invited him to church, and I don’t think he ever came.
How do I feel about him? I don’t know. I’m not sad he’s dead. I’m ambivalent about it I guess. As a 35 year old I get why he hung out with me. I get why he had a crush on me. But I never could have helped him how he needed. He needed so much care and love (we all do). He needed attention and to be told
“Don’t sell drugs, there are other options! Here are the other options and I’ll help you look at them. Here’s stability. Here’s boundaries. Here’s self worth and assurance. Here’s family to help you and hang out with.”
*not at all related to this small meditation on death and aging and technology but let the reader know I am the type of person who has a lot of ‘real cousins’, and I also call everyone who married in a cousin or their kids and siblings or my cousin’s cousins and feel strongly that this is a good step toward peace and love on planet earth.
This meditation is about cousins I guess.
Last night I was at dinner with my cousins- I think there were twelve of us. Cousins and their partners, siblings, and kids. And after we had dinner, everyone got a notecard and pen. It was a little game. Answer these six questions and we’ll mix them up and guess who wrote what. Here are the questions: When you’re having a bad day what do you most want in a care package?
Sweet Treat
Salty Treat
Fast Food Fav
Gift Card Preference
Desired Amount of Social Interaction (when the package is delivered)
Act of Service
And now we all know, for each other, what is the best stuff to give for each other when having a bad day. Can you imagine having that type of support? That type of community? To know that your family wants to actively take care of you?
I imagine if Jake had that support. If he had that community.
The next morning the group chat was what you’d think- thanking the hosts for dinner and merriment. We all had a great time; we’re planning dates for the next dinner. The cousin who hosted has a two year old, and during the dinner she was in the mix- getting thrown in the air and buried in pillows, and reading books. When she woke up this morning she asked ‘Wo ist meine Familie?’ (Where is my family?) Because when she went to bed we were all still there. Which, really struck me. It’s so beautiful she wants to know where we are. That we’re part of her family. Her two year old network.
So this morning when I’m adding another cousin to my phone, my dead friend comes back to me. Jake. And, I don’t know. This sorrow is on me.
The circumstances. The arbitrary nature of this. My friend longed for family- for someone to care. I have that- not through much work of my own. Why didn’t he?
Why didn’t he have that?
Why didn’t he have that?
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ladylooch · 8 months
We just went over the Timo jr blurb but where is that in the timeline? Would Timo buy Emma something personalized for Lio? Like sometimes mom wear their kids’ initials or birthstones — I’m asking but maybe Valentines Day is too early for them to have chosen the name yet
Ooooo good thought! She is 16 weeks pregnant this week, so they may know he is a boy at this point, but I would imagine that blurb is more in the end of the month early March timeframe rather than this week. I know she has Lio's name on a necklace after he is born, but I imagine that being one of her push gifts.
Maybe! He frames the ultrasound pictures they have so far and puts it in the spare bedroom for Emma to find with a little note that says "I can't wait until this is baby M's room." 🥹
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chicingold · 2 years
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Birthstone Necklace for Mom, For Grandma, Family, Kids Name, Customizable, Personalized Engraved Name Necklace, Christmas Gift, Jewelry. Model: CG436N
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pearwaldorf · 2 years
A ficlet for day 1 of @ofmdjanuaury! Prompt is "library". Disgustingly saccharine modern AU.
Stede opens the door for Alma and Louis as they step into the library. Normally Mary or Doug would take care of this, but they're on a well deserved vacation. And it's nice to be able to spend time with just them. Ironic that he's a better father after the divorce, but he supposes not being consumed with misery at his daily existence helps a great deal.
The kids return their books in the drop and go over to the children's section. It's well appointed, with squashy cushions and READ posters everywhere. There's a man in a purple t-shirt shelving books. He looks up when he hears them coming.
God, he's fucking gorgeous. His silver hair is twisted in a bun, the same shade as his short-cropped beard. He's smiling, his eyes warm as he sees the children.
"Ed!" Alma squeals, louder than Stede thinks is appropriate for a library, and throws her arms around him.
"Alma!” He hugs her back enthusiastically. “How's my favorite little lady?" 
"Good. Our dad's here today 'cause Mom and Doug are on vacation." She gestures imperiously for Stede to come over.
"Hello," Stede manages.
"You haven't been introduced yet!" Alma looks at him like he should know better (and maybe she's right). "Dad, this is Edward the librarian. He says to call him Ed but that's his full name. Ed, this is my dad. His name is Stede." 
"Pleased to meet you," Ed says, extending his hand. Stede grasps it. It’s a good handshake: firm but not crushing. He absolutely does not think about those hands other places. 
“Sweetheart, why don’t you go help Louis find some new books to borrow?” 
“Okay! Come find us later.” She looks up at him, all too knowing, before she joins her brother by the picture books.
“So, you’re Dad. I’ve heard all about you.” Stede catches the briefest of once-overs, so quick he might have imagined it, except for the way Ed leans closer, resting against the shelves. 
“I’m sure it’s all terrible.” He tries to keep his voice light. The only people who would have anything to say about him would be the kids and Mary, maybe Doug. They certainly have quite a bit to be resentful about, although he doesn’t know how much detail they might have gone into. 
“Less than you think, mate.” Ed’s voice is low, serious. “And pardon me if this is way too personal, but you’re not the only guy in the world who’s woken up and realized they’ve felt like they’ve been drowning on dry land for way too long.” 
“I see.” Stede’s voice is barely above a whisper. It should feel intrusive, at the very least weird, to be clocked this way by a virtual stranger, but a sense of relief, no, recognition almost overwhelms him.
“Mary’s talked a little about it, but Alma?” Ed glances over at her, still engrossed in whatever she’s doing with Louis. “You’re her dad. She loves you, she’s seen how you’ve changed.” 
“I’ve tried to make up for… before. I think I still have a ways to go.” His hand goes to the chain under his shirt, almost without thinking.
“May I?” 
Stede nods and Ed pulls at the chain, fishing it out. His hand is warm. The orange heart necklace he shares with Alma swings gently, along with the birthstone charm for both children.
“You could have faffed off, gone your own way and never talked to the rest of your family again. But you didn’t. And that’s something.” 
“I suppose it is.” 
“Daddy?” Louis pipes up, and Stede and Ed jump apart. Alma, still in the picture book section, smirks. 
“Yes darling?” 
“I’m ready to check out.” The pile of books in his arms is tall enough he can barely see over them. 
“All right then. Do you need help?” Louis shakes his head and very carefully makes his way over to the circulation desk. 
Stede glances at Ed, who’s keeping an eye on Louis’s journey with a fond expression. He likes this man, even if they’ve just met. He’s spent so much time not doing what he wants that he feels the need to make up for it now. 
“We’re going out for hot chocolate, if you’d like to join us? Of course I don’t know your schedule, but we can do it another time—” 
“I’m off shift in ten minutes. But I don’t think anybody will mind if I slip out a little bit early.” Ed winks. “See you in the parking lot?” 
“Daddy! I need my library card!” Louis calls. 
Stede grins. “I’ll meet you there.” 
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toptshirt · 1 year
Moms Mother Day Gifts
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Mother’s Day is a special occasion to celebrate and honor our moms for their unconditional love and countless sacrifices. Finding the best Mother’s Day gifts can sometimes be a challenge, but with a little thought and effort, you can make this day truly memorable for your mom. Here are some gift ideas to consider:
A. Personalized Jewelry – Best Mother’s Day Gifts Personalized jewelry is one of the best Mother’s Day gifts that you can give to your mom. Not only is it a beautiful accessory, but it also carries a sentimental value that she will cherish for years to come.
Name necklaces: A necklace featuring your mom’s name or the names of her children can be a constant reminder of the love that surrounds her. Choose a design and material that best suits her style, such as gold, silver, or rose gold.
Birthstone bracelets: A bracelet adorned with the birthstones of her children can be both meaningful and fashionable. Consider a customized design that includes her favorite type of bracelet, such as a charm or bangle, to make it even more special.
B. Custom Photo Gifts – Personalized Mother’s Day Gifts Custom photo gifts are another way to create personalized Mother’s Day gifts that your mom will treasure. These unique presents can bring back memories and remind her of the special moments shared with her loved ones.
Photo books: Create a beautiful photo book that captures your family’s most precious memories. This can be a thoughtful keepsake that she can look back on and enjoy for years to come.
Photo mugs: Personalize a coffee or tea mug with a heartwarming photo of your mom and her family. Every time she enjoys her favorite beverage, she’ll be reminded of the love that surrounds her.
C. Experience Gifts
Spa day: Treat your mom to a relaxing spa day where she can unwind and pamper herself. This gift will show her how much you appreciate her hard work and dedication.
Cooking class: If your mom loves to cook, sign her up for a cooking class where she can learn new techniques and recipes. This fun and educational experience can be something you both enjoy together, creating new memories.
D. Tips for Selecting a Thoughtful Mother’s Day Gift Keep in mind your mom’s interests, hobbies, and preferences when choosing a gift. Consider her needs and how the gift can add value to her life. Most importantly, always remember that the thought and love behind the gift matter more than the material aspect.
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yemaomeow · 25 days
abelia and aloe vera?
Abelia: do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
YES! I really love this necklace with my name carved into it and my birthstone on the right side. It has my deadname on it, but it’s a very dear piece of jewelry to be because it was custom made just for me and there isn’t another one like it- and i also love rings, i am very fond of this silver chunky 90’s ring i have from my mom and a buddhist bead bracelet from taiwan that my dad gave to me for good luck :)
Aloe Vera: what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
I really want to ride a train! I’ve never ridden one before :3
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bling4ambition · 6 months
A Shopper's Guide to Paparazzi Jewelry Stores in Clarksville TN
As a dedicated jewelry lover living in Clarksville for over a decade, I've uncovered glittering boutiques all over town that offer gorgeous paparazzi jewelry. Known for their wide range of of-the-moment costume jewelry at just $5 a piece, Paparazzi designs make staying on top trends easy and wallet-friendly!
Luckily, Clarksville offers several delightful Paparazzi retailers for building your fabulous jewelry collection on any budget. From cute downtown outposts to charming mom-and-pop shops, these stores showcase diverse styles catering to all tastes. Read on for an insider's guide to Paparazzi jewelry shopping in Clarksville for every style and budget!
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Vintage Inspired Paparazzi at Downtown Clarksville Boutiques
Craving accessories with old-world allure or retro vibes? Historic downtown Clarksville hosts some fabulous small Paparazzi boutiques brimming with artisan-crafted jewelry. 
The Ladybug Shoppe—This quaint and cozy shop charms with its feminine country flair. Their Paparazzi selection includes floral motifs, fabric tassel earrings, birthstone midi rings, and initial necklaces channeling small-town warmth. Don't miss their antique-inspired charm bracelets with little ladybug dangles!
Tres Chic Boutique—Nestled on bustling Franklin Street, this contemporary space blends motifs like astronauts, unicorns, and Yin-Yang into its Paparazzi costume jewelry for a youthful personality. Browse its earrings, necklaces, and mixed metal ring selections, perfect as gifts.
Minimalist Paparazzi Jewelry Stores  
Prefer accessory staples with delicate shapes, slim silhouettes or office-friendly simplicity? Many jewelry stores in Clarksville TN, stock neutral Paparazzi pieces suiting minimalist souls.
The Looks Boutique – Popular for trendy clothing and accessories, The Looks offers a edited Paparazzi lineup including slim hoops, dainty studs, initial necklaces and tennis bracelets fitting workwear wardrobes. With three locations, exchanges and curbside pickup are breezy.  
Claire's – This beloved tween accessories stores in Governor's Square mall houses all of Paparazzi's wardrobe basics - Huggies, slim bands, chain necklaces, crystal studs and tennis bracelets in gold and silver tones. Young people love browsing Claire's vibrant displays and trying on pieces from their ring bars!
Glitzy Paparazzi Statement Collections
When only dramatic chandelier earrings, vibrant gemstone cocktail rings or a jewelry box filled with bling will do, these Paparazzi boutiques shine bright with bold statement pieces. Choose eye-catching baubles guaranteed to turn heads for your next night out!
Sparkle Studio – This aptly named bling destination dazzles with glittering light fixtures and brightly lit jewelry displays. Find gorgeously OTT shoulder-grazing tassel earrings, chunky crystal statement rings, layered pendants and charm bracelets from Paparazzi fit for a modern goddess! 
Bella Monet Jewelry Bar - Part jewelry lounge and part glam bar, Bella Monet offers a luxe backdrop for trying on their sparkling Paparazzi statement selections. Beyond the glittery earrings and cuffs, customers love sipping cocktails while they shop! Hope this definitive guide provides insight into the wonderful Paparazzi jewelry stores in Clarksville TN, for accessory lovers of all kinds! With the right boutique, building your dream jewelry box filled with of-the-moment pieces is truly easy on the budget. Stay tuned for more Clarksville shopping inspiration!
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austinsgirl · 8 months
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Rather Die | Chapter 20
rating: Pg-13
warnings: pregnancy talk
It is currently Christmas Eve.
Victoria's mom, Evelyn & her stepdad, Peter, both came into Los Angeles to visit and to meet Austin's family as well. Victoria's parents are staying with her & Austin while they are in town.
Currently, both families are together at their place, including Ashton, Mila, & Juliet.
"Wait, how far along are you?" Evelyn asks Victoria as she glazes the ham in the kitchen. Victoria is currently mixing together the potato salad.
"About 5 months. I'm due around Easter." she looks to her mom with a smile.
"Ok, that's what I thought. Just a few more months to go."
"Yeah, I'm excited. About halfway there or so."
"When did you move in with Austin? Not long ago, right?"
"Yeah, I moved in last month like a week before Thanksgiving. I ended up moving in sooner than we planned."
"Why is that?"
"It was just easier, since I was going to be starting the good pregnancy milestones & more doctors visits. Austin doesn't want to miss anything, and I don't want him to either. Also, wanted to get moved in before I was too pregnant and couldn't do anything."
"That makes sense. I'm glad you two have figured things out. I know how rough it was between the two of you at the start."
"I'm glad too."
"And I see he's moved on?"
"Mhm. I think any day now he'll ask her to be his girlfriend."
"I still can't believe what you said to her." Evelyn chuckles.
"Mooomm, please. I know. But it's fine. I apologized, we're good with each other."
"Good. The last thing you need is to be stressing over a new girl he's with."
"Don't worry, I'm not."
Victoria looks over to the living room and sees Austin & Juliet cuddling on the couch, being all cute. She feels lowkey disgusted on the inside, but Ashton comes up behind her & takes her away from those thoughts.
"Hey, baby." Ashton says, wrapping his arms around Vic, placing a kiss on her cheek.
"Hi, honey." she smiles. "I wish you didn't have to leave after dinner."
"I know, me too babe. It's just a lot easier on my family if I go to them rather than them coming here. But my parents want to come out soon to meet you."
"They do?"
"Mhm. We're thinking next month sometime."
"That would be great, Ash." she smiles.
"Is dinner almost ready?"
"Yeah, actually. Hey, Aus?" Vic gets Austin's attention, looking over to him.
"Yeah?" Austin replies.
"Can you get the table set, please?"
"Yeah. Wanna help me set the table?" he asks Juliet.
"Sure." Juliet smiles.
Mila walks into the kitchen, "Hey, is there anything you need help with?"
"Uh, yeah. You can start putting the sides on the table. Mom is finishing up the glaze before she cuts the ham, & Ashley is finishing up the desserts."
"Alright, sounds good." Mila smiles. "Is that a new necklace?" she asks Vic, noticing a sparkly diamond around her neck.
"Yeah, it is." Vic smiles. "Ashton got it for me. We already exchanged gifts."
"It's so pretty, I love it."
"Thank you. I love it too."
Austin overhears their conversation & rolls his eyes. "A diamond necklace?" he thinks to himself. "It's nice, but c'mon. Don't be so basic. At least I got Julie my birthstone so it's more meaningful."
By the time the table was set, dinner was ready. Ham, kielbasa, potato salad, green bean casserole, pierogis, veggies. A whole feast to say the least.
Ashley asks Victoria as they eat, "Any plans for a baby shower? I'd love to help!"
"Oh my gosh um, I haven't even thought about it. I guess we'll have to start planning it." she responds.
"Do you have a theme picked out yet for the nursery?" Victoria's mom asks.
"We're just doing a pretty floral theme with shades of pinks."
"Oh, that'll be so nice! Maybe you can do the shower the same theme."
"That's a good idea." Mila chimes in. "My mom's friend is a florist that could probably help us out."
"Perfect. One step of planning done." Vic says.
"We still have to pick out a name." Austin says.
"You haven't picked out a name yet?" Ashley asks.
"Nope. Have we even talked about it?" Austin asks Victoria.
"To be honest, I don't know. We might have early on."
"We'll have to discuss it later." Austin smiles.
After dinner
"Hey, don't worry about cleaning up. I got it." Juliet says to Vic smiling, as she was gathering up plates.
"Are you sure? You're a guest, I don't want you to feel the need." Victoria responds.
"Yeah, it's fine! Austin & I can handle it, right Aus?"
"Yeah, we got it. You did a lot today, Vic. Go rest." Austin says.
"Alright, alright. Ash? You got time?" Vic smirks a little.
"Yeah, a little bit." Ashton responds.
Victoria & Ashton head off to her bedroom to have a little alone time before he heads off.
As Austin & Juliet clean up, they talk amongst themselves.
"You're still coming over to my parents' house tomorrow, right?" Juliet asks.
"Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Just checking. I know you get shy, and I didn't want you to back out because you're too nervous to meet them."
"I mean, I am nervous, but I'll be fine. They want us there at 4, right?"
"Yeah, 4 or earlier."
"Alright, maybe we can head over there early. Get more settled in before dinner."
"Sounds good, Aus." Juliet smiles.
Not too long after....
"I can't believe you're leaving me." Vic pouts as she's saying goodbye to Ashton.
"I know, baby. I'll be back before you know it. I'll call you when I land, okay?"
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you too."
Ashton and Vic share one last kiss before he heads off to the airport.
"I'll see you soon, love." Ashton says
"See you soon." Vic shyly smiles.
Around 1AM, Victoria finds herself watching the 24hr marathon of "A Christmas Story" while shoving Christmas cookies in her mouth, being hungry and not able to sleep.
She hears footsteps coming down the hall, "Austin?" she calls out, but not too loudly.
"It's Santa Claus." Austin says sarcastically, walking into the kitchen. "What are you doing up?" he asks, looking over at her in the living room.
"Baby girl was hangry for cookies & wasn't letting me sleep. Why are you up?"
"I don't know, honestly. Just not tired enough to sleep. Came out here for a snack, sometimes that helps." Austin responds grabbing some milk & cookies for himself. "What are you watching?"
"The 24hr marathon of "A Christmas Story". Peter left the cable on from the football game earlier, so I just put this on."
"It is a classic. I didn't know TBS still did the 24hr marathon." Austin sits on the couch next to her.
"I guess so. Did you grow up watching it?"
"When we had cable, yeah. Or if I was at my grandparents for Christmas. We weren't always able to afford cable."
"Makes sense. New Zealand didn't have TBS, but I think one channel did show "Home Alone" all day or showed all 3, all day long. My brother would keep it on until my mom got tired of it." Vic chuckles.
"That's cool. We mainly watched VHS or DVDs for movies. I think my sister kept them all after my mom passed, or she donated them."
"Is that one of your favorite memories with your mom around the holidays?"
"Yeah, yeah it is. Also making these cookies with her." He holds up a cookie that looks like a candy cane. "She had taught Ashley & I how to make them. Well, not so much the dough, but how to dye the dough and roll it out to make different shapes."
"Did Ashley make these ones? I don't remember seeing you make them."
"Yeah, she did. They're my favorite because they remind me of my mom."
"That's really sweet, Aus." Vic smiles. "They are really good. I'm gonna need this recipe. I'd like to pass down things like that to baby girl."
"Me too. And speaking of baby girl..."
"We should probably think of a name."
"We should. Any ideas?"
"Me neither. Let me pull up a baby name list."
"Well actually..."
"If it's okay with you, I'd love for her to have my mom's name as her middle name. Whether it's Lori or Lorraine, whichever sounds better."
"Of course we can do that, Aus. As long as our next born has David for his middle name after my dad. IF it were to happen." Vic jokes.
"Deal." Austin chuckles.
"Okay, names that will go with Lori or Lorraine. The number one name on this list is Olivia, which is so pretty but doesn't really sound right."
"Also, people would probably think we named her after my Elvis co-star."
"True. Emma?"
"Eh. Too popular I think."
"Charlotte? Amelia? I like Amelia."
"I do too. Let me start a list. Charlotte is okay."
"Ava wouldn't sound right, Sophia is too close to Sophia Loren, that actress."
"What's next?"
"Isabella. Reminds me of Twilight."
"Her name was Bella though."
"Close enough, Aus."
"What else is there?"
"There's Mia, which we'd probably call her for short of we named her Amelia."
"Mia is short for Amelia?"
"Yeah. Mia's name in "The Princess Diaries" was Amelia, but went by Mia."
"Okay, well I'll put Amelia/Mia on the list. What else?"
"Evelyn, Harper, Luna, Camila, Gianna, Elizabeth. None of these are sticking out to me."
"Let me see." Austin puts her hand out for his phone and starts looking at the list.
"Ella? Scarlett? Aria?" Austin asks.
"Maybe Aria."
"No, too "Fault In Our Stars". Maybe when I was fifteen."
"I have a cousin named Madison."
"That's kinda cute."
"Violet? That's pretty. Violet Lori? No. Violet Lorraine? Hmm.."
"Violet Lorraine. I like that. It flows nice."
"Yeah, it does."
Austin keeps scrolling to see if there's anything else on the list of names.
"Ew. Hell no." he says.
"Eliana is on the list."
"Ew. Fuck that bitch."
"I'm really liking Violet."
"Me too. It just seems right."
"Did we just choose name?"
"I think we did." Victoria smiles big.
Austin repositions himself to be near Victoria's belly.
"Hi Violet, Merry Christmas from your daddy." he says, getting teary eyed. "I love you so much, my beautiful girl." Austin places a kiss on her belly.
Victoria tears up as well.
"Hey, Merry Christmas to you too, Vic." Austin smiles at her as he sits back up.
"Merry Christmas to you, Aus."
"Don't tell Juliet this, but I like it better when you call me Aus."
"You do?"
"Yeah. I mean, you started it. It was your thing first, you know?"
"Yeah, I get that. But don't worry, I won't tell her."
"And you do know I'll always love you, right?"
"You will?"
"Mhm. You're the mother of my child, of course I'll always love you in some way. I'll always care about you. I hope you know that."
"I feel the same way about you, Aus."
Vic looks into Austin's blue eyes. She notices his eyes leave hers to look at her lips as they sit close.
Austin leans in for a kiss, Vic doesn't stop him right away, letting him deepen the kiss as he puts his hand on her face. She eventually realizes what's happening & pulls away.
"What are we doing?" she asks him.
"I-I don't know. I got caught up in the moment." Austin responds, blushing, looking down.
"We won't speak of this. This never happened. Got it?"
"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry."
"It's fine. We should go to bed. Big day tomorrow." Vic says getting up & turning off the TV.
"Agreed. Goodnight." Austin says.
"Goodnight, Austin."
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