fanclangen · 1 year
JasperClan is founded on a stormy newleaf day...
The seven cats had escaped from the burning forest, bounding onto the sandy beach, the salt water washing the ashes from their paws. Here, they would start their new life...
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Jaspershade had been chosen to lead this new clan. They took on the name Jasperstar, and were hailed as founder of JasperClan.
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Jasperstar chose Bassneedle, a shameless, long-furred silver marbled tabby and white tom, to lead by their side.
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Slitjaw had always been a little strange, so it came to no one’s surprise when she was chosen by StarClan to become the first medicine cat of JasperClan.
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Curlypatch had always been adventurous, so this new clan thing was right up his alley. His slight crush on Bassneedle definitely hadn’t been what persuaded him.
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Daypaw had a lot of respect for Jasperstar for starting their own clan. She was incredibly excited to be their apprentice.
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Pythonkit had followed the group all the way to their new beach home, so they adopted her in.
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Gravelkit  had followed the group all the way to their new beach home, so they adopted her in.
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The group had lost one of their own, Bitterfrost, along the way. He will never fade from their memory.
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kasimova-dariia · 8 months
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Gosh it's finally done
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eparch · 2 years
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into the cold
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archesa · 2 years
have 1, 8, 24, and 27 for anwen, mayhaps? :D @kerra-and-company
Ooooooh thanks so much for these! 😁 Always super happy to talk about Anwen (especially since I'm trying to get back onto continuing the fic and I need to rekindle my obsession love for her to get back to writing !
1 / What’s the one thing they would save in a fire?
There's nothing she cares about enough that she'd risk her life going back into a fire to get...
But there are quite some things she'd be particularly sad about losing, and she'd absolutely grab on her way out, given that everyone is safe and sound, far from the fire.
The letters she and Trahearne exchanged — a lot of them dating from 1325 to 1328 unsent — over the years.
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A few original editions from her library.
And a huge soft shawl Meryw knitted for her. 💙
8 / If they were an animal, which one would they be? Which one would they think they’d be?
It took me a while pondering this : I reviewed a few, called onto my teenage-'His Dark Materials'-fan-self and wondered what Anwen's daemon would be... and suddenly it hit me! Clever, loyal to a fault, ruthlessly protective, hyperactive...
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A border collie!
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Works quite well with her (shep)herding nature! 😁
I don't know how she'd see herself, though... As a fern-hound perhaps 😁🌱
24 / Do they have any phobias?
Her investigation and battle against Kellach left an indelible imprint on her, leaving her terrified of being corrupted and risen, to be used to harm the ones she loves. As such, risen, mordrem and forged stir something very uncomfortable in her...
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(Guess a few forged and a certain god of war are gonna end on the recieving end of this infamous jump-kick... From a 12' tall Trahearne! Ouch!)
On a whole other level, @lilypixy and I joked a few times that she could absolutely not afford to develop a phobia to fire... Quite some luck then that the Judge took care to shroud a very specific memory of hers before Grenth sent her back... Not even a scar for her to remember Balthazar killing her.
27 / What’s their favorite genre of music?
From a very young age, she has loved ballads, love and adventure tales, simple celebrations of life and time passing by...
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As the years have passed and she has written her own legend and bards now sing the tale of the Commander and the Marshal, the heroics of the knight and her shieldmaiden, the saga of the Dragon full of Light and her Champion, the courage, determination and friendship uniting this strange group of friends, this found family crystalized around the last Elder Dragon, she has turned from her once favoured genre to instrumental music... She is particularly keen on harps and cords, bells and glockenspiel... Sounds that remind her her daughter 💙
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echowilds · 2 years
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Imani reached lvl 80, have some obligatory mistlock sanctuary screens
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clemmykins · 2 months
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This one spot in Bitterfrost Frontier... so pinkish yellow..
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shuang-hua · 4 months
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songxiao at baixue for new year... they'll go inside in a minute ok...
this has alt text. extended description below the cut.
(a little late because i was sleepy yesterday... but thank you everyone for the prompts/suggestions!!! i've posted them below the cut too)
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@shockingheaven @bitterfrosts combo (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
@demonicvulcan rest assured they will be staying up all night and snuggling all morning <333
@heyholmesletsgo i wish i had time to draw a dragon as well ; - ; i hope they have a nice time and that the dragon appears from the river to save a-qing one day in return * - *
Extended main image ID:
Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen stand close together, exchanging kisses under the blossoming branches of a plum tree. They are lit by the glow from the windows of the room behind them, where others are gathering at a dinner table inside. The colour is loosely painted, bright orange light dappled among the pink petals and gilding the edges of the scene.
Ink and watercolour on paper.
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lanwangjihouse · 3 months
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tag of the week:
#xxc is in there going 😵‍💫 ✳ @amaranthinelover #gonna reincarnate w vertigo at birth </3 poor xingchen#stop shaking the baby! ✳ @chenqingssuibian #be more careful your uncle is in there! ✳ @bitterfrosts
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bluebudgie · 7 months
I heard it's GW2 map hours
And just because I feel like it. An appreciation post for LS3. The story throughout that season may have been a little choppy, but man if it didn't deliver in the map department.
Bloodstone Fen. Absolutely tiny and gimmicky. And so much fun. A new map aesthetic we've never seen before. Introduced new gliding masteries that felt somewhat relevant on release. Evading obstacles while flying? Getting adventurous now! Map completion in <15 minutes? Say no more, your ultimate keyfarm friend is here. Best experienced without mounts.
Ember Bay. A giant SKULL SHAPED volcano. Probably the most brutal jumping puzzle in the game. Doesn't get more metal than that. Introduced a new way to travel around the map. Which wasn't optional. You had to use it to get to places. Mounts made that obsolete though.
Bitterfrost Frontier. Another tiny one. Had that one mechanic where you had to craft a tonic to be able to enter a part of the map bc otherwise you'd freeze to death. Literally noone liked that mechanic but if you get into the freezing place and move to the right part of the mountain you get an absolutely gorgeous view. Also great forest section. And that one cheesy cherry tree lookout that used to be restricted but can now be flown into with mounts.
Lake Doric
Draconis Mons. Do I even need to say anything about that one. Oakheart Essence. Explore the map by becoming spider man. Absolutely gorgeous map with a fun layout and tight meta bosses. An amazing jumping puzzle that seems confusing at first, but once you figure out the clever hints that point you in the right direction becomes an absolute feast to complete. They truly didn't do anything quite like this map since 😔Best experienced without mounts.
Siren's Landing. Hey it's Orr! But it's less deadly and more varied. (ilu OG Orr no hatred here). First time we got a weird waypoints-that-aren't-waypoints mechanic. Trying to get up to the stupid spider boss with updrafts only was.... interesting. (Or was it a mastery point? Was it both?). Another amazing jumping puzzle! A perfect breather after the two complex puzzles in the maps before, but still posing a decent enough challenge.
LS3 had sooo much variety. Hell pit swamp! Fire! Ice! Jungle! Each map had such unique features. Absolute top tier season for map design.
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 months
gw2 screenshot ask game
Do we have gpose/photo capture mode? No, unfortunately, but it doesn't stop us from taking beautiful screenshots and gifs and making beautiful kiddos and dressing them up! In honor of that, I'm borrowing an ask game I once saw on the ff14 side of things - send someone a character you'd like to see and one of these prompts below! Screenshots and gifs are all welcome! I'll try to cover most of the game, too! Let's show how gorgeous Tyria and gw2 can be <3
Screenshot associated with base game (Central Tyria maps)
Screenshot associated with LWS1 (Southsun Cove)
Screenshot associated with LWS2 (Dry Top and Silverwastes)
Screenshot associated with Heart of Thorns (Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, Dragon's Stand)
Screenshot associated with LWS3 (Bloodstone Fen, Ember Bay, Bitterfrost Frontier, Lake Doric, Draconis Mons, Siren's Landing)
Screenshot associated with Path of Fire (Crystal Oasis, Elon Riverlands, Desolation, Domain of Vabbi, Desert Highlands)
Screenshot associated with LWS4 (Domain of Istan, Sandswept Isles, Domain of Kourna, Jahai Bluffs, Thunderhead Peak, Dragonfall)
Screenshot associated with Icebrood Saga (Grothmar Valley, Bjora Marches, Drizzlewood Coast)
Screenshot associated with End of Dragons (Seitung Province, New Kaineng City, Echovald Wilds, Dragon's End, Gyala Delve)
Screenshot associated with Secrets of the Obscure (Skywatch Archipelago, Wizard's Tower, Amnytas, Inner Nayos)
Screenshot associated with racial cities (Hoelbrak, Divinity's Reach, Rata Sum, Black Citadel, Grove + Lion's Arch)
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tricos-here · 1 year
🖋 × faryen 😳?
ahem. info dumps you about her family
-her mother, Jodis, used to be a pirate that primarily operated in the Far Shiverpeaks and the Janthir Bay, taking after her father. She’d already been trained as a Shaman of Wolf like her own mother, which she used to empower her crew - she returned to Hoelbrak when her mother fell ill and took over her responsibilities as a Wolf Havroun. She’s taught the kids (Faryen, Aelfsi, Rafe, Revna) about everything and anything, from sailing to stalking prey on land, how to use a bow and arrow as well and make them, how to make improvised weapons from the land and survive in the harsh climate of the Shivepeaks and so on
-her father, Einar, is a fisherman and a hunter, comes and goes from Hoelbrak, venturing out as far as the Bitterfrost Frontier, often accompanied by his own mother who’s a seasoned hunter. Though he’s bought into the ideology of Wolf after meeting Jodis, he’s mainly a follower of Bear. He’s likewise taught the kids a lot, like fishing and hunting, but with his profession and taking care of his mother who’s stubbornly continuing to live out in Frostgorge, he’s absent a lot
-Faryen and Aelfsi were born on 1308AE only minutes apart, despite their differences in personality they were inseparable growing up, until Fary left Hoelbrak with Eir in 1325AE, something Aelf is still salty about because she stayed behind to become Wolfborn alongside Rafe
Aelfsi is a ranger, she has a pet wolf and raven, named Hallie and Arne respectively, Hallie she adopted and raised as a cub from one of the many Wolf shrines they’d visit with their mother, and y she found injured in Borealis Forest once, which she mended back to health and have been inseparable since
-Rafe was found at the age of 10 (in 1313 AE) by their father, wandering around the Shiverpeaks by himself after his home was ransacked and his parents killed by the Svanir. With no other known family he was taken in and he readily picked up the role of the older brother to the girls. At some point he fell in with Skarti and Sigfast, joining the Wolfborn and would later vouch for his Aelf and Revna to join as well.
Before Fary left around 1325AE after gaining the title of Slayer of Issomir, he argued with her about staying in Hoelbrak and to not split up the pack, gifting her an arctic fox kit and alpine wolf cub in an attempt to convince her, but she flipped the argument on him and how they should join her instead, rather than sit around waiting for some prophesized hero to crack the Tooth of Jormag. Neither Rafe nor Aelfsi joined her though
- Revna was born in 1315AE, she was a timid girl growing up, preferring to stick close to their mother and observing the various rituals she’d perform as a Havroun. All three, Fary, Aelf and Rafe did pick up the mantle of the older siblings and would teach her anything they could, taking her out to hunting parties and moots etc. She’d join the Wolfborn too, fighting as a ranger though instead of utilizing any pets in combat she’d instead channel animal spirits
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eohachu · 9 months
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So. Some time ago I reached 1000 followers on this blog, and I'm in the mood to celebrate, chat, and most importantly, take requests!! This is how it works:
Send me...
🦋 + make me choose (between dramas/films/characters/dynamics) 🌵 + ask me my favourite (drama/film/character/dynamic) ❓ for a surprise bag gifset 👀
Much love to everyone who supports my gifmaking, it really means a lot to see people enjoy my art <3
Took prompt inspo from @khaotunqs 🌈
Tagging a few people who I want to especially thank:
@bienmoreau @bitterfrosts @dengswei @evakant @flamingwell @gege @hedvig-ulrika @highwarlockkareena @huaschengs @jiaoliqiao @lan-xichens @lesbianmangoes @sandushengshou @shuangdaozhang @suibianjie @treemaidengeek @weiwuxian @yibo-wang @yohankang
i hope i forgot noone, if so, i'm so sorry and i love you 🥺💙
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aoxue · 9 months
Music sharing game as tagged by @heyholmesletsgo (thank you!)
Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
Vienna Teng - Green Island Serenade
Worthikids - Friends in Low Places
Cats 1983 Broadway Cast - The Ad-Dressing Of Cats
Javier Solís - El Pecador
White Lies - Unfinished Business
Mitski - Strawberry Blond
Cornershop - 6 A.M. Jullandar Shere
Mother Mother - The Stand
The Mountain Goats - Sax Rohmer #1
Very very casually tagging @bitterfrosts @killajust @shuangdaozhang @treemaidengeek @flamingwell @sugarapplebaby if you feel like it and anyone else interested...
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thepinkywarband · 1 year
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Raziell and Nerosi catching the sunset high up in the Bitterfrost mountains, keeping each other warm as the temperature drops. Commission for JamesyBeanZ and Cali! ♥
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wifiwuxians · 1 year
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an adorable commission for @bitterfrosts !!!! what a great concept, thank you so much for letting me draw it ;o; he is her dad, as you always say 🖤💚
[id: a soft-colored chibi illustration of song lan and a baby version of a-qing. song lan is sitting on an orange-yellow crescent moon, with a backdrop of a dark blue sky, white clouds, and stars. he is cradling a-qing and smiling down at her, as well as giving her face a little poke. she is swaddled in a green blanket and is smiling at the finger poking her, amused. her hair is collected in two small pigtails that pop out of her head like little sprouts. /end id]
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melodious-tear · 4 months
fic writer interview
Thank you @bitterflames for tagging me! this was fun <3
How many works do you have on AO3? currently 24
What’s your total AO3 word count? 189 321 words (more than I expected 👀)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. Amour phew: 112 2. Mail from Ye Baiyi and other inconveniences: 107 3. Bed hair: 88 4. Lava Cake: 77 5. Rhythm of the night: 59 Lava cake is actually a surprise lol. I do not like this one very much.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always! Even if it's just a comment with some hearts. I appreciate every interaction and I also know how it feels to create something for the void, that goes for commints too.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I'd say that's "Evening with an old friend". Or "keep me cold?" oh I forgot about "Puppet play". hmmm 🤔 XD you see, I wrote lots of angsty stuff ("point of no return" is surely the worst (tm), but it's a collage so I won't count it in)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? That's "A ghost in the neon light", I think, at least out of the dark fics.
Do you write crossovers? no, not a fan of it at all
Have you ever received hate on a fic? not really, I got one passive-agressive comment from the XiYao troll back then, but apart from that I only get nice comments. one benefit of writing niche things, I guess :P
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? me, an ace, writes smut surprisingly often XDDDD, but only non-explicit
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated? yes, that silly little fic "Bed hair" got translated to Spanish
Have you ever co-written a fic before? no, and I'm not sure if I could do that
What’s your all-time favorite ship? oh, I can't really answer that, I love them all <333 And I'm sure there will be new ones. But XueYao was always the easiest to write for me!
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? hhhhhhhh ... I'll consider only the published WIPs, otherwise I'd have to cry XDDD "synchronize me with the night" is one of my faves and I really like to finish it someday :(((((
What are your writing strengths? that's a bit hard to say as an insider XDD I think I'm good at dialogues and I really like writing them, and my muse is a crack addict, so I thrive at funny things. otherwise ... I think I'm also good at being true to the original character traits even in a modern setting, but that's something others can judge better, I'd say
What are your writing weaknesses? to actually write of course, and also finishing things :)))) I mourn the times when I only wrote one-shots, but now I almost always get myself into multi chaps (multi as in no end in sight) - so I fall out of fandom until I can finish, or the lack of interaction gets to me, or something doesn't work out as I thought it would ... I deleted some unfinished fics that kept haunting me. it's sad, but I felt bad whenever I opened AO3
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? untranslatable things like suffixes are okay imo, and sometimes when two characters speak in a language that's foreign to the one from whose POV it's written for example, then it makes sense - otherwise I think it's not good for the reader's flow.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? SS-GB! that was before I fell into the cdrama trash bin
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? there are quite a few, I want to write something about the snow boys (as I call them XD) from My journey to you, Luo Mingxi/Linlang (Legend of Anle), mmmmmaybe Ning Yuanzhou/Yu Shisan (A journey to love), and I still haven't written Yuan Lang/Lize Palace Leader (Love and Redemption) even though they are very dear to me!!! they are so complicated and one of them doesn't have a name ffs :(
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? please don't make me choose between my children :))))))
tagging @moonstone-vibe @bitterfrosts @qinghe-s no pressure ofc and everyone else feel free to do it!
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