#Bitty Chara
bunningchaos · 5 months
To all your frisks and charas my friend @a-forgotten-void was created for a lack of a better word in the void between universes can i have some freely given DT itll make you tired and unmotivated for a bit if your worried i just need it so i can 'sew' him a soul strong enough to leave it
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Every characters here belongs to me (BunningChaos)
Of course, original Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
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I love drawing Chara silly. They are peak goofy goober material.
Making Chara so ":)" is what brings me joy in life, you should try it sometime.
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ventipinkdrinks · 1 year
sumeru is so neurodivergent 
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thecrimsonrescue · 6 months
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"Why is Lotis screaming?! What's going on?" "I don't know! Something scared him!"
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raccishere · 4 months
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(and also mine aahaha)
Okay, so I was reviewing all these iconic undertale arts, comic dubs, animations, etc. I had an idea..
What if I just doodled like.. all the popular and (most) inspirational (to me) sanses in the undertale fandom? I also wanted to see what I loved from other people's interpretations of sans's pixelated little bonehead and see what I could add to my own style. In short, these people inspired me so much like what the hay 😭😭
There's more, I just can't fit em and haven't drawn them yet here haha
V You can find all the artists and the respective medias I discovered them on down here V
@assrtdj - SOUPER
@endermaretale - EnderTale
@absolutedream-art - Over The Void
@loverofpiggies - Christmas Party AU
GaelRice on Youtube - Just A Head
@thefluffyslipper - A Thorn In My Side
starimation on Youtube - Close To You
@v0idlessart - RE:incarnation + ECHO
@jaycee-penny-art - Monsters on the Surface
Clara Kraft on Youtube - Stronger Than You Chara Animation
alfa995 on Youtube - Stronger Than You Sans Animation
Jael Peñaloza on Youtube - UNDERVERSE
@zarla-s - HANDPLATES
@theskeletongames - Bitty Problems
Truly there's so many more, these were just the ones I could fit ! ! Yall are so inspirational and talented and I just wanted to show my appreciation for your contribution to the fandom with your amazing art!
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(Bro not to mention the VA's like SuperShadic, Starbot Dubs/Calysto, Sans Comic TV, pshattuck productions, TehRogue, etc!!!)
Okay, just gonna do a mini-brag here.. SUPERSHADIC X250 REBLOGGED MY ART?!! TWICE!?!?!!? BRO THEY WERE MY CHILDHOOD- I was just beyond words when I saw them pop up on my notifs. Still picking up the marbles I lost yo..
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theskeletongames · 5 months
Do any Frisks or Charas still visit/interact with "their" Sanses in your universe sometimes? If so, how would, say, an Edgy Bitty react to seeing Underswap Chara? (Since it's implied that he remembers them vaguely and all)
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They visit a lot. They usually hang out with Papyrus the most. Sans can be weird about them for some reason. The only Chara is US Chara, and US Sans can't quite figure out why the other Sans find them so creepy.
Horror Sans gets into a bad mood when they're around.
Frisk should be careful about leaving Flowey around unattended, he might find something small to mess with.
Bitties don't know who they are and get weird feelings around them. In general they're avoidant of humans whenever possible.
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lordichamo · 7 months
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MICROORGANISM BLASTTTTT!!!! or: did the math and its so wild realizing how itty bitty small charas are during y0. almost wish we got more cameos solely bc i wanna slap bald mine's lil head.
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eveeonaartz · 8 months
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Ask bout any of my blogs~
(@/ask-diane) - [Open]
(@/asktherandomfam) - [ Semi Open]
(@/borealis-siblings) - [Open]
(@/kevinns-quest) - [Open]
(@/ask-the-elders-four) - [Open]
(@/ask-the-angelmons) - [In the works]
(@/askfathiumguild) - [In the works]
(@/ask-the-pokemon-professor) - [Closed]
(@/evies-adventure) - [In the works]
(@/ask-the-bitty-royal) - [In the works]
(@/ask-a-wooper-n-mew) - [Open]
(@/camp-askblog) - [In the works]
(@/imaros-sidestories) - [Closed]
(@/skitten-daycare) - [Closed]
(@/ask-the-lonley-ones) - [Closed]
What the meanings mean:
[Open] - Means this blog is fully open and functional.
[Semi Open] - Means this blog is partially functional and running.
[In the works] - Means this blog is being worked on and is get to come.
[Closed] - Means this blog idea is scrapped and is just there for randoms fun whenever I just decide to throw them out. They are basically just extra ideas.
-> World building - Lore - Characters
-> The blog itself - The mun - etc...
-> Doodles (my charas + yours, facts, etc..)
-> Questiosn where the charas answer them (obviously won't be connected or counted to Lore if they answer)
-> Pls just be nice when asking (and also pls do not nag me about answering your ask.. Cause that may make me just not answer it.)
-> No "hi's"- hugs are an iffy subject.. I guess just don't abuse it..
-> Lastly do not suggest anything inappropriate.. In ANY way.. That behavior will result in a block 🚫!
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lover-of-skellies · 7 months
Devious!Geno in a nutshell:
He's only half alive, technically
He was driven insane while being isolated in the save screen
Another outcode showed up, they fought, he killed them, and got the brilliant idea to start experimenting with souls
Outcodes that are more like Frisk or Chara? Not safe. They'll be massacred on sight
Eventually Geno gets free and starts an insanity fueled murder spree
He becomes such a big concern eventually that Dream tries to find and get rid of him
Dream can't find him. The bitch is hiding in the antivoid now, unaware that the longer he's there, the more it corrupts him
Geno eventually finds a Dreamtale AU and is the reason why the little itty bitty dreamtale brothers there are reduced to dust. That Dream dies because he was irritating and wouldn't cooperate, and that Nightmare died simply because Geno's "studies" backfired. Not like he actually cared about them in the first place, though
Geno is now such a big problem that OG Nightmare is also hunting him, right alongside Dream
Geno seeks refuge in the antivoid, expecting to be fine. He's used up all his safe time though and becomes warped, forcibly turning into a much worse version of Error than we're used to
Unlike OG Error, he retains his memories and wants to continue his highly concerning soul studies, with the goal of strengthening himself (via using other people's souls)
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bunningchaos · 4 months
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Happy Chinese New Year!
This was supposed to be done earlier today, but it took much longer than expected for me to finish it- jfkdignfk--
All of the characters belongs to me, lol-
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0sleepforme · 3 months
Blue = Already exists
Red = Unsure if it already exists or not
Orange ☆ = From my dreams
Green = Group
Pink ○ = I don't know the name of the Au
Purple □ = Different or new Names for the look-a-likes, from New/old/Unknown Au's
White = means nothing
( But if a Pacific Au already exists, then I'm sorry, because I haven't found it anywhere)
List of who is going to be in ' Hope '
Undertale Sans: Classic
Undertale Papyrus: Papy
UnderSwap Sans: Blue
UnderSwap Papyrus: Stretch
UnderFell Sans: Fell
UnderFell Papyrus: Edge
BaraTale Sans: Bara
FellSwap-red Sans: Razz
FellSwap-red Papyrus: Mutt
Swapfell-Purple Sans: Black
SwapFell-Purple Papyrus: Rus
ReaperTale Sans: Reap
ReaperTale Papyrus: Syth
HorrorTale Papyrus: Sugar
DustSwap Sans: Phantom
DustSwap Papyrus: Orange
DreamTale: Dream
FreshTale Papyrus: Papsi
Nightmare - Papyrus: Mid
DreamSwap: Quill
Bad Sans's: Nightmare, Dust, Ash, Killer, Error and Cross
MafiaFell sans: Ruben
MafiaFell Papyrus: Noir
StoryShift Chara: Chara
MafiaTale Sans: Colt
MafiaTale Papyrus: Sniper
UnderLust Sans: Lavender/Lave
UnderLust Papyrus: Charm
FellSwap-Gold Sans: Wine
FellSwap-Gold Papyrus: Coffee
YandereFell Sans: Red
LustFell Sans: passion
AfterTale: Geno
ScienceTale: Sci
InkTale Sans: Ink
StorySwap: Toriel
FellSwap-red: Slim (but from genocide route)
( Both are jumping spiders )
SpiderTale Sans: Flip
SpiderTale Papyrus: Nip
VampireTale Sans: Dark
VampireTale Papyrus: Fang
BirdTale sans: Crow
( Different versions of:
lavender = Orch
Sci = Flor
Classic = Onyx
Crow = Arrow
Fell = Thorn
Geno = Peir
and Reaper = crescent )
OverFell Sans (GenderSwap): Mal
????: Unfresh, (Both fell verse) pallet and Goth.
Bitty MerTale Nightmare: Night
HorrorSwap Sans: snackers
HorrorSwap Papyrus: Carrot
Glamour Swap Sans: Berry
ButtonTale/Coraline Au:
( Different versions of
Edge, = Thread
Stretch = Belldam
Papyrus = Cotton
and Mutt/Slim = Stitch )
Fell snake bitty, Papyrus: Spicy
Fell snake bitty, Sans: Pepper
I need some help with new names on this Au, please 🙏
Bara - PoliceTale:
(Different versions of
Classic =
Papyrus =
Fell =
Edge =
Blue =
Stretch =
Razz =
Mutt =
Horror =
Nightmare =
and Error = )
I'll draw out new faces once they appear in the book!
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undertale-museum · 3 months
Comic - Fanfiction - Video
Honorable Mentions
[Last updated 11June24]
1. Poetax Stories
Also @/theskeletongames
a. Bitty, Basic and Bara
Red, Blue, Sans
Bitty, normal, Bara size
b. How to Greet a New Pal
Red, Sans
Sans in Underfell, Red’s his captor/babysitter
2. New Map Stories
a. Unforgettable
Gaster, Sans
b. Unwelcome Reuinion
3. His Story
Ink (creator), origin story
4. Papyrus Asks About S3x
Papyrus, Mettaton, shitpost
5. Zu Stories
a. Trapped
Error, Blueberror, Core Frisk
Mature themes
b. Fallen Guardian
Cross x Shattered Dream, Dark Cream
Mature themes
c. Post Dark Cream
Cross, Dream, Aim (ship kid)
d. Aim
Aim, Ink
e. Studio
Cross Dream
Underverse actors
6. Xxtha Stories
a. Fellswap X
Sans-Centric / Papyrus-Centric / Parts
Fs!Sans, Fs!chara, Fellswap ensemble
b. Chancetale
Original AU, Sans is a magician
7. Grinning Kitten Stories
a. The Killing Kind / Tumblr
Geno—>Error x Reaper
b. Goth, Reaper
8. Horrortale
Chapter 3: context for Undyne/Alphys
Ch4 P2: Sans Enters the Lab
Ch4 P10: Body Horror Incoming
Ch4 P21: ch5 back to Aliza
9. Underlust Creator Art
Visual smut
10. Unu Stories
a. Connected
Template, Pale
b. Somewhere Else
Template, Error
11. Passive Nm story
Passive Nightmare, Nightmare, Reaper
Reaper x Error Comic
12. Throne
Dream, Cross, Nightmare, Killer
Suggestive, smut, Dream x Nightmare
13. Depressive AU
Ink Sans, UTMV ensemble high school
Dark themes, sui*cide attempt, self*harm, parental a*buse
14. The Candy Chronicles
yandere!Blue, Swap Sans, Horror Papyrus
15. Blurry Photos
Killer, Dust, Cross
16. Perserverance
Reset!Swap Sans (Blue)
17. ( ’-’)tale
by [UT Fandom]
UTMV ensemble
18. Christmas Party AU
by loverofpiggies
UTMV ensemble
19. Bedtime Story
by utbarista
Nightmare (Dadmare), babybones (Error, Horror, Dust, Killer, Cross)
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thecrimsonrescue · 4 months
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Post tale bitties are much more aggressive and less trusting then others, most of them are better suited to experienced bitty owners, Do not adopt a Post Tale bitty if you're not prepared for a potentially difficult ride. The ride is worth it though.
Nickname: Scarberry
Au: Posttale
Bitty type: Sans
Rank: Undetermined
Best owned/adopted by intermediate owners.
Scarberry bitties are one of the harder Post-tale bitties to care for, They don't trust easily and can be rather aggressive, while not outright violent they give very few warnings on when they're going to snap. Scarberries have a fear of rejection and betrayal so it will take them a good long while to get used to you and begin to trust you. Giving him plenty of Marshmallow syrup, Warm clothing, time and reassurance is a sure-fire way to gain their favor, from there they'll be open to hear you out and get to know you, and then you're set after they begin to show signs of affection and protectiveness. Though Rather quiet, Scarberries will be happy to listen to you talk and be an open ear.
Do not yell at him, He'll grow distrustful of you if you do it too often. He pairs well with Papyrus, Toriel, (most) Gaster, and Alpys bitties. Do not get him near Geno-Frisks and especially Geno-Charas bitties, He will either be out right violent or make it hard for them to get through life. Post tale bitties tend to be more difficult but even more so Scarberries, Please adopt with caution.
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ask-sibverse · 5 months
Can you tell us about any important bitties in Sibverse other than Assistant?
Sooooo the bitties actually end up in the castle because Nova and the "mini gang" end up rescuing a bunch. Then they rescue some more. Then a mysterious bitty the castle bitties revere as the "Savior" start rescuing more. All in all the castle has several hundred bitties who can be divided by who, if anyone, they want to protect.
The first group are the "Nova Loyalists," who obviously do their best to look after Nova, his friends, and Star. They are led by an Error bitty named Draco.
Then you have the "Nox Loyalists," who assist Nox however they can. Their biggest jobs are spying for him, helping other groups (mainly the kitchen bitties), and dealing with pests in the bitty-sized tunnels the bitties ended up creating to navigate the castle. They are led by Captain, a Baby Blue bitty type. Another notable member is Goop, a corrupted Nightmare type with a crush on Draco
The kitchen bitties have no actual leader, but are important for making sure everyone is fed.
Then there are the garden bitties and "raider" bitties. The garden bitties live in a garden/park Daisy and Reve set up outside the castle. This is where you find the lamia, bird, and some mer bitties, along with any other bitties who don't want to stay indoors. "Raider" bitties are those who have rejected any desires for cooperation and harass and steal from other bitties.
The final "main" group is the Sanctuary. Run by Fang (Edgy type) and Cookie (Baby Blue type) and assisted by Hood (Dust based) and Tiny (absolutely massive Horror-based). In colony or group bitty settings, bitty parents will sometimes "reject" or abandon bitty children who are too different or mutated. Sanctuary takes in these kids in hopes of them someday finding a loving home, or at least raising them to adulthood.
Important bitties without a group are Ursa (an Outer based bitty who is Assistant's friend and crush), Isha (a female Ink bitty who is a healer and an explicitly neutral party), Teacher (a human bitty who's creation is Major Spoilers) and her companion Arachne (eeeeeverything about him is Spoilers) and her adopted child, Charcoal (an Ink/Dream mix)
Others particularly important to the bitties are Jūi, a swap!Chara who is the leading bitty expert and "doctor", and Flannel, a floral!Sans (flannel is also a type of flower) who is a therapist to both bitties and humans
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hamadacare · 8 months
— character info sheet.
(repost, don’t reblog)
name: tadashi hamada
name meaning: tadashi (kind, virtuous, devoted) / hamada (seashore rice paddy)
alias/es: baymax's creator, 'dashi' by hiro + fred
ethnicity: japanese american
one picture you like best of your chara: as if i'm picking one. but if I'm held at gunpoint and have to choose one, it'd be the 💋 one; which hot animated character kisses the screen so out of breath without thought? it's such a cute detail to me like, thank you tadashi for kissing me ♡
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two h/cs you never told anyone I found myself rambling a lot in the tags so idk which hc's I didn't end up saying? but at the same time, I have a scattered brain so here you go:
Tadashi used to wear glasses and braces. This isn't to be confused with Tadashi being an 'ugly duckling' before (that's such an outdated notion). Tadashi has pictures of himself from this stage of his life, but he would not show it to anyone until he considers you a close friend.
Tadashi doesn't get angry, but when he does, you don't want to be at the receiving end. His rage was such a wild, violent tornado that he needed anger management classes because it wasn't healthy for a young Tadashi. (He has sent a classmate to the hospital before-) Nowadays as a young adult, it's difficult to get him angry, but he does have his buttons to press.
Tadashi was a former bot-fighter. Sneaked in a third one here. However, I can't elaborate on it as much as I'd like because this needs a post of its own. But the bottom line is that botfighting is different in my canon; it's more physical and personal than having robots fight for the people. It's more of street-fighting if I'm honest. I'll just leave it at that.
three things your character likes doing in their free time: 
doing anything, alone. Tadashi's thoughts are able to be formulated in his mind when he isn't around anyone else; he can hear his own voice. It's hard to believe this when he is surrounded by so many people on campus and is the face of so many things for SFIT but, he LOVES being alone. he can do things on his own accord, he can make mistakes, he can talk to himself without being seen like a weirdo. he can be, himself. some hobbies include: planting, exercising, and taking himself out on dates .. . :')
inventing. It saved him. He invented things at his worst and at his best. He understood it and felt understood by it. It's weird to say that about non-sentient things, but machinery just, trusts you to tinker around with it and it promises you it's going to be a great function in your life forever if you do it right just once.
hanging out with hiro :-) He's the only other person who truly understands him. both have seen each other at their ugliest, and both are nasty asf with each other as far as siblings go. the pranks, the bullying, the sabotaging one another in order to avoid chores, all those good things. but also the memories of sharing their baths in their younger days, the secret language only your sibling can ever understand, and the unconditional support no one else is going to give ... hiro keeps him alive. that is his brother and best friend for life
seven people your character likes / loves: more like, his immediate circle who has seen tadashi at his nastiest-
his wittle little itty bitty brother hiro ♡
aunt cass (his aunt, guardian figure who shoved him on the right path when he was troubled, he owes so much to her ♡)
mochi (hairy baby)
baymax (his creation, his child if you will-)
callaghan (mentor and inspiration. in my canon, he helps tadashi navigate through his anger issues)
tameo hamada (father, he misses being daddy's baby and sitting on his laps :c he was the one that gave dashi the cap)
maemi hamada (mother, she was So ready to be a mother and aunt cass does not shut up about that :'c aunt cass and dashi bond over the strife she went through to get this far in her life and it breaks tadashi's heart)
two things your character regrets:
hurting hiro in one of his bouts of rage. he has physically hurt him once, one punch to his face out of worry (think about that scene in Arcane where vi punches powder), and can never forget about it ever since. right there and then, Tadashi knew he needed help.
as far as everything else goes, if tadashi were to die today, he wouldn't change a thing. "Maybe I have made mistakes and been through my fair share of pain. But all in all, it's been okay, I've lived well :-) "
two one phobia your character has:
fire. though, i wouldn't necessarily call this one a phobia but rather, an element that gets him alert. it does not intervene in his life and he can coexist with it like cooking and enjoying a bonfire, but if he is not in control of it, like smelling it somewhere and not seeing it, he will ask about it and not shut up until it has been handled or he can see that the fire is in someone's control.
tagged by: @spiderbyhalf This one got me to fall in love with Tadashi all over again thank you 💕
tagging: @pupmemoirs , @rcbcllixvs, @randomeeveelutions, @labdweller, @flossinspector, @deprcvities (Darcy!)
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vellichorom · 1 year
@degenerate-gremlin-blog​ replied to your post. 
What's a bitty?
oh boy. SO- allow me to indulge you in a small fragment of fandom history ( i guess )
WELCOME TO THE UNDERTALE FANDOM OF 2015-16; if you were at all involved with the popular fandom AU blogs / circles of the time & you had a favorite character IN these fandom spaces ( lots of sans & papyruses as the top figureheads from what all i could see ), you could technically “ adopt “ them through the form of a “ bitty! “
“ a BITTY! “ you eagerly declare, albeit very confused, “ now, what is a ‘ bitty? ‘ “
from what i can remember based on experience -- don’t quote me on this as it’s OFFICIAL definition, but a bitty was like... a smaller, tinier, slightly dumber “ pet “ version of whatever character you liked & wanted to “ adopt “ from; just a little Thing you could take care of & interact with, & have interact with your home, life, work, other pets, or even other bitties you could adopt of other characters--  THIS all in a fictional, roleplay fashion, of course. it was one mass roleplay. but, a dedicated fictional, roleplaying fashion nonetheless! a lot of times, bitties included little references & lists from the sources of the original character or the bitty adjacent creator ( often times the same person ), instructing their potential “ owners “ how best to take care of them, what requirements are needed, a bitty character’s likes & dislikes, etc.
& you’d see people drawing their little adopted blorbos ( not yet named blorbos at the time ) roaming around their houses, playing or getting the shit beat out of them by other bitties, & everyone & their mom played around with the idea of these little character pets, describing how they lived their lives alongside their bitties & such. i remember creators getting bomBARDED with “ updates “ of the life & times of these little bitties, or requests to adopt one EVERY SINGLE DAY if you were popular enough for everyone to want a fractal of your character to play around with themselves,
IT WAS... interesting. an interesting concept during an interesting time. & still, i have no idea if this leaked out into other fandoms or- hell, even other CHARACTERS in the mass undertale au universe. probably & i just wasn’t paying attention. i missed out on a nice little chara bitty :( /silly
TDLR ;; “ bitties “ were/are like a pet version of your favorite character that you cared for in a pretend / roleplay fashion; a concept that originated(?) / is primarily prominent in the undertale fandom
& any & all that i adopted back in my time would be LONG dead by now. as well they should be.
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